Visual Report


Visual Report
We are Brian, Kristi & Piper
About Our Family
Brian & I met 9 years ago and were married 2 1/2 years later in October 20th, 2007. From the very beginning we have been a team.
Respect for each other and for our
daughter is what our marriage is
based on. No ones life is perfect,
but we feel blessed beyond measure for the life we have been given. Each day is a blessing. Especially if we are all together.
Brian is the the provider for our family, he works hard all day at his
job, as an accountant/engineer, then comes home and still makes time
for family. Most evenings he can be found in the backyard playing tag
with Piper, or in the winter we we can't go outside, he occupies Piper
with candy land, or another board game, or simply snuggles on the
couch with her and watches a movie he's already seen at least a hundred times, while I'm in the kitchen making dinner. There is no doubt
he loves us & we love him right back!
I grew up on a farm in Eastern KY. Some of my favorite memories are
fishing in ponds, picking blueberries and riding four wheelers and
dune buggies. I'm a stay at home mom, and I love every minute of it!
From early morning snuggles, to baking cakes in the play kitchen, to
being taxi driver to piano, swim, or dance. My days are busy and always full of momma- happiness! I love to laugh! I love to cook! And I
love my family! I'm so excited to grow our little family through adoption. Piper and I can't wait to have a little brother or sister to join in
on our snuggle sessions, after Daddy goes to work.
Big Sister Piper
Piper is five, she loves to read, dance, swim and jump on the trampoline. Her favorite foods are blueberries, strawberries, and pizza. She's smart, adorable and
loves everyone! Her favorite place is our backyard, she can be found there most
days (unless there is snow on the ground), swinging, jumping or going on mini
adventures, with the neighborhood kids. She can't
wait to be a big sister!
Our Lives& Family
Our home is on a quite street in a suburb of Milwaukee. We are fortunate to
have much of Brian's family living nearby. We are no more than 20 minutes from
Brian's Mom, Grandma, Sister & Gran. We see
them at least a few times each week, we love
spending time with all of them!
Each March, we all head to Nonnie's (Brian's
Mom), house in FL for two weeks of fun in the
sun. Piper loves it there! She loves having a pool
in the backyard, & we enjoy the warm weather,
the sun & especial the beaches!
Brian's Family
Kristi's Family
Most of my family still live in KY. We try and visit as often as we can, wether it's
us flying down to visit, or them coming up to WI. I'm very close to my family,
even though we are apart much of the time. I talk to Mom at least once everyday, on the phone or FaceTime. Piper loves visiting Granny & Pap in KY!
When we're there, she plays with my brother's daughter (age 12), & two boys
Education is one of the things we we feel most strongly about in our family.
Piper attends private school.We want our children to be prepared for their future, but to also have fun doing it. Our school has a difficult curriculum, but at
the same time, the staff does an excellent job of making learning fun. If you
chose our family for your child, you can be assured they will be provided every
opportunity, included the very best education available.
Our Promise To You
We aren't perfect, but we can promise you will will love your child with all our
hearts and that they will always feel loved, cared for and respected. We always
knew we wanted more than the one child, even though we feel blessed to have
Piper, Brian & I just feel as though our family is not complete.
Having additional children was easier said than done, but we know there is a
bigger plan we are unaware of. We have faith, and the backing of our large family and close wonderful friends that adoption is the way to grow our family.
We are so excited to sit down and chat with you about the future! Yours, ours &
most importantly your child's! We will never be able to understand fully this
most important decision you have to make, but we trust you will make the right
one for you. We wish you many blessings in the days to come!
Brian, Kristi & Piper