MuCell Center for large parts
MuCell Center for large parts
Advantages due to joint know-how MuCell Center for large parts Compact and foam injection molding of large parts Engineering Passion 2 MuCell Center for large parts Your advantages In cooperation with Mürdter and Trexel KraussMaffei produced the world‘s largest injection molding machine for compact and foam injection molding of large parts for tests and small-series production. 3 Your advantages at a glance – Lower viscosity and better flow properties – Elimination of the holding pressure phase – Elimination of sink spots – Shorter cycle times – Low warpage – Much lower clamping forces 4 MuCell Center for large parts Largest injection molding machine The world‘s largest injection molding machine KraussMaffei supplies practice In order to cope with the trend towards large components in MuCell technology KraussMaffei equipped the world‘s largest injection molding machine with 5,400 tonnes for physical foaming together with Mürdter and Trexel. This machine is the only way to initially carry out compact injection molding of large parts and then make a direct comparison with the MuCell process. Large machines for tests and small-series production are available in the TechCenter. In the nearby mold making department the results are incorporated directly in the molds. This saves time and money. 5 Plasticizing for MuCell process to manufacture foamed thermoplastic parts Technical data of the largest MuCell machine Clamping force 54,000 kN Injection unit 24,500/17,200 (120 mm) Clearance between tie bars 2,500 x 2,200 mm Mold fixing platens 3,760 x 3,220 mm Mold height 950 – 2,300 mm Max. opening side 4,800 mm Max. shot weight 6.5 kg (PS) Max. injection volume 8,482 cm³ 6 MuCell Center for large parts Our partners System supplier thanks to strong partners MuCell directly from the system supplier KraussMaffei has been successfully using MuCell technology for many years and is an important individual customer of Trexel. The technology competence is also underscored by worldwide authorization for direct MuCell sales. This means that you can order your MuCell system directly as a complete system at KraussMaffei from a single source - without any additional agreements with third parties, without any teething problems during the course of the project and including all utilization rights. 7 Partnership with great competence The entire application know-how for MuCell is available with the partners: – Mürdter: Experience in mold making for MuCell and foam applications, also synchronized with compression processes, and many years of experience in injection molding processing of MuCell and foam parts – Trexel: Developer and technology partner for MuCell applications, as well as a consultant for optimized product design – KraussMaffei: Machine and system supplier of process know-how and production systems. Machines across the entire clamping range are now available for tests: With a clamping force of 160, 250, 650 as well as 1,000 and 5,400 tonnes. In cooperation with 0.5 W E . 1s t e dition 0 1 / 12 ··· IMM 0 01 FL 0 1/ 2 0 1 2 EN ·· · K r au s sMaff ei re s er ve s the r ig ht to m ake te chnic a l chan ge s ··· Pr inte d in Fe der al Re p u b lic of G er man y.
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