College/Employment Waiver Form - Michigan Opposing Mandatory
College/Employment Waiver Form - Michigan Opposing Mandatory
OR COLLEGE VACCINATIONEXEMPTIONFOREMPLOYMENT VACCIIIEEXEttlPfIOlt FORII do the risksandbenefitsof the vaccine(s) afterconsidering (insertyourname) vaccines: thefollowing frereby decidenotto rcceive - Diphtheria - Tetanus - Perfussis - Polio -HepatiUsB - Measls _ Meningitis * Mumps _ Influenza - Rubella - Otlrer: q/peb - Haemophilus influenzae *Varicella (please reasn below): choose Reason Religious Offier "other ot Pursuantto my right to refuse vaccinationon the sfiafutorygrounds of immunization." meansBtatyou as an indMdualright TO IMMUNIZATION OBIECEON Theterm OROTt-lER wheilreror not to be vaccinated.As wim any medicaldecision,the decisionb vaccinate your docbr and publichealthemployesca rightof flre indMdual,The Shte of Michigan, you to be vaccinated,Youcannotbe excludedftom a publicschoolor publicptogrambe yourrightnotto vaccinate. haveexercised collegeor univensity. b myemployer, I am providing a copyof the statement Date: YourSignaturc Page1 of 2 Ra4iN uft4 Marf,aturyvrcirw: P.o.tux rtur, 77onMI M*1121 tutrw: MidttganWilg Vde Matl(ffi) tH7-2418.|HISrctut IAY tr REW@LEED www.momtMng.otg Making Infomed Decisions cancal or not shouldbe an informeddecision.Vaccines Yourdecisionto vaccinate m which redions, minor braindamageor injuriesincludingseizures,death,anaphylaxis, fever. Thetypeandseverityof reactionsmayvaryformwccineto vaccine,Theeffectsof t injurymaybetemponryor permanent.If younoticeanydrangesin youor yourchild'scon{ or go to a hospital.Novaccineis on ffre shot,you shouldcontactyourdoctorimmediately percenteffectiveand you or your child may conhct the diseaseeven if you are vacini reactionratesand effiectivenssof vaccinesvaryftom vaccineto vaccine.Youmayevenc( diseasefrom the vaccineif the vaccinecontainsa live viruslike polio. The immunitypro' periodically t0 continue with timeandyou mayneedb be re-vaccinated vaccinedecreases yourself your vaccines, somevacc with all awilable child or vaccinate may You chooseto you shouldresearch vary the risksandbenefitsof eachvaccination at all. Because vaccines are. risks benefits the and vaccinewhat Youshouldprovidea detailedhistoryto the healthproviderof any healthabnormalil if you or yourchildhashadrcactionsto '' yourchildmayhavepriorto vaccinating especially neurological conditionor is immunedeficient.Underrertaincon the past,hasa pre-o<isting that yourchildnot receivethe vaccir manufactr.lrer or healthcareprovidermayrecommend to beadmini: Youshouldalsofindout at whatagesthevaccineis recomrnended vaccination, Risksof llon-Vacination If you do not wccinateyourcelfor your child,you or your child may be at a higl person.Thediseasemayresultin minorsymptomt frrana vaccinated the disease contracting will vary depend irrcluding death. The natureand severityof complications complications paniculardisease.Tharisksof contracting disearesmay\ary overUmeor by lmality. Thed from the diseasemay be treatableby altemativemt bme or all of the complicaUons Becausethe risK from eachdiseasevary I wittrout Feafitent. resoMe or may antibioUcs the diseaseand with the disease,fte likelihoodof conUacting researchthe risksassociated disease, the meffiodsof ffeating For Morc Information on the To makean informeddecisionthere are numercussourcs of infurmaUon to d infurmation of from Sourcs risK involved ilre disease. ffie vaccine and the benefitsof package insert,ph)4 wi$ the vaccineoutweighthe benefitsincludethe the risksassociated publicandmedicallibraries,st8t ConbolandPrevention, reference, U.S.Centersfor Disease your healthagencietthe Foodand DrugAdminisffiation, healthcare providers,Michigan VaccineI andil,teNational or www.momvaccines.otg Vaccines at (586)447-2418 Mandatory or (703)938-0342or wwnt/ Centerat (800)909-SHOT Repofting Reactions Youshouldrepoftvaccinereactionsto the VaccineAdverseEventRepottingSystem( (800) 822-7967.If you do chooseto vaccinate,makesure you receivethe nameof tl manufacturer andSrelot number.If you or yotlr childhasa rnccineinjury,you or yourch Vaccine Injury&mpensationAct. underthe National eligiblefor compensation Page2 of 2 ReuWl Oy14 tutre: Mid?igan WadrE lrlatffitory VMna: P,0.tux 7721,TronMI 48W-1121 Voieriail (W) 4fl-2418. THISF0nn rUY re RERODLIGD tuww.ntwnuffiitw.trgl