The Art of Prairie Cooking Linda and Doreen`s Meals to the Field


The Art of Prairie Cooking Linda and Doreen`s Meals to the Field
L inda &
D oreen
F illmore
farmers who have dedicated
their semi-retirement years to
sharing the tales and journeys of
prairie folk.
Born in Saskatchewan in 1933 and 1935 respectively, Linda and Doreen learned at
a young age that the key to survival was not only fresh prairie air and good hard
work, but also that a “forty” of Golden Wedding goes a long way in stiffening the
bones for a long hard winter, and sure makes the boys at the Legion hall look a
might bit prettier on a cold prairie night.
The Art of
Prairie Cooking
L in d a and D or e e n’s
Meal s t o the Fie l d
Linda Fillmore
Doreen Fillmore
As the founders of the Fillmore Family Foundation, the Fillmore Sisters were
amongst the organizers of the first Prairie Fairies Fowl Supper at Vancouver’s historic
Christ Church Cathedral in 1997. Since that time the sisters have been involved in
bringing the prairies to Vancouver, not only through the spirit of Fowl Suppers, but
also in their musical tribute show “Linda and Doreen’s Saturday Night Hay Fever”.
When the Fillmore Sisters are not busy with prairie endeavours, they turn their
attention to fighting the “Axis of Evil” from their winter home in Yuma, Arizona. Their
involvement in international peace-keeping has turned many heads, not to mention
their outstanding role as advisors in several U.S. presidential scandals. Linda and
Doreen are envied for their ability to “drill-down” to the root of an issue, and provide
“down-home” prairie solutions to the problems that plague our world today.
ISBN 0-451-21651-2 CDN $20.00
published 2009
Many of the recipes in this book will disgust, some will titillate, and some you will
just want to rub all over yourself and have your friends over for a buffet. However
you choose to use these treasures, never tell a soul where you got them from just
in case your guests end up hospitalized. We already have several pending law suits
and quite frankly the farm is already mortgaged to the hilt. The price of wheat
doesn’t go far these days.
We sampled all the recipes from our test kitchen in Yuma, Arizona and on rainy
days in Saskatchewan when we weren’t in the field. We did have to replace the
counter tops in our house a couple of times, as many of the ingredients were
simply toxic. These are not low fat, fat free, or low-carb recipes. Get over yourself.
This may be the last written word of Linda and Doreen.
Doreen can’t read or write any longer, and I am too busy
keeping things going organizing our international
peace-keeping travel schedule. We hope you enjoy
this book as much as our first best-seller,
“Working Girls –The unsung, unpaid
role of the Prairie Housewife.”
A big thanks to all who thought they should
contribute to this book. Some of you made
the cut, some didn’t. Thanks to our editor
who spent many long hours reading the drafts
to Doreen (who is blind). His dedication and
lack of a life has kept us going. Thank you
Doug P for making sure that the book
design and pictures of us old girls, are
as beautiful as ever. Our literary
and visual masterpiece has
been created!
Eat, enjoy, barf.
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Although Doreen has been of ill-health and not
been able to attend the Fowl Supper in recent
years, she is alive (not necessarily well) and
looking forward to a triumphant return to her
followers. Once her team of veterinarians,
personal trainers, fat coaches, and Costco
consultants figure out her medication and diet
she will be back. (And we thought the toxicology
report on Michael Jackson was scandalous.
Heaven forbid Doreen has an
autopsy). Until Doreen returns, the
ever-gorgeous (and older) Linda
Fillmore will continue to enchant
their fans.
This damn book has taken five years to write. What started out as simply a book
to share our journeys to the field with meals at lunch and supper for the hungry
thrashers became a collection of many prairie quips and traditions. You will never
again have to wonder what to take to the field or for that special funeral luncheon.
It is all here.
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