Spring 2016 - Dunmore High School


Spring 2016 - Dunmore High School
Crimson Courier Spring 2015
Editor’s Note
By: Maeve King
It is difficult to believe that this is my final
issue as Editor-in-Chief of the Crimson Courier. It has
been an honor to be associated with such a fantastic
organization within Dunmore High School, but it
would not have been the success it is without the help
of many people. I would first like to thank Mrs.
Summers for her support,
her guidance, and for
always letting me escape
to study in her classroom.
To my Assistant Editorin-Chief Riley McNally,
thank you for being there
whenever I needed you.
It’s been a crazy ride, and
I never could have done it
without you. I would also
like to thank my fellow seniors: Maddie Loftus, Emily
Russavage, Lexi Asman, Nastashia DeNunzio,
Margaux Bonin, Maren Lindemuth, Caitlin
McCafferty, and Casey Genett for their hard work and
dedication. To the future editors, I wish you the best
of luck not only as editors, but also during your senior
year and beyond. It has been an honor to work with all
of you! Finally, thank you to all of our readers. This
wouldn’t have been possible without you.
Riley & I decided to finish our Crimson
Courier experience in a different way. As close-knit as
DHS is, there are many things we do not know about
our teachers. We asked some questions to various
faculty members and are sharing some of our favorite
responses with all of you. Enjoy!
If you could star in any movie or television show,
what would it be, and who would you play?
Mrs. Summers: Jaws- Jaws
Mrs. Irving: Any “Real Housewife” in any city
(preferably New York)
Coach Lac: High Plains Drifter
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your
life, what would it be?
Mrs. Massaro: Chocolate from the Dunmore Candy
Mrs. Muracco: Minooka Bakery’s icing
Miss Reynolds: Any form of potato (mashed,
French fries, baked, etc.)
How did your husband propose to you?
Mrs. DeSantis: In New York City in front of the
Christmas tree
Mrs. Mataloni: My husband recreated our first
date! Then he pulled out the ring, I cried. I thought we
were just going to date forever.
Mrs. Summers: My husband, while playing
Scrabble, tried to spell out “Will you marry me” on
the Scrabble board. He kept stealing the tiles out of
the bag by sneaking it under the table. He didn’t
realize that he kept dropping the tiles. Our new puppy,
Winston, kept stealing the M’s! After her husband
realized the letters were scattered all over the kitchen,
he went down on the floor to “pick them up” and
landed on one knee!
Mrs. Casebolt: This is actually a joke in my house.
One wedding, two children, and nearly ten years of
marriage, and I am still waiting for that proposal!
How did you propose to your wife?
Coach Mills: In front of the castle at the Magic
Kingdom in Disney World during the fireworks
Mr. O’Brien: While on a family vacation
Doc Bennett: On Valentine’s Day at the Nittany
Lion shrine at Penn State
If you could switch places with anyone in DHS for
a day, who would it be?
Mrs. Mataloni: Mrs. Michelle Summers: she is a
goddess in my eyes!
Doc Bennett: I like my place in DHS.
Mrs. Irving: Mr. Mills- I would like to see what it
feels like to be tall.
Coach Lac: My students
Coach Hop: Bob Stout
Mrs. Casebolt: Coach D. I wonder what it feels like
not to smile all day long and to be feared as if I were
the Grim Reaper himself!
What is your biggest regret from high school or
Coach Mills: Forgetting the sides for a 30°, 60°,
90° right triangle on my grad school entrance exam
Mrs. Summers: The time I dyed my hair red. That
was not a good look for me!
Mrs. Muracco: That I did not go away to college
Mrs. Casebolt: I only regret that I worried too
much about who I wasn’t instead of who I was. I spent
so much time trying to be like everyone else that I was
an adult before I knew that I was kind of fun to be
around, and I embraced the person I truly am.
What is the best advice you have ever received?
Doc Bennett: I’m not a Yankees fan, but I
remember reading a quote
by Joe DiMaggio. A
reporter asked him why he
played so hard on plays
that had little effect on the
game. He replied, “because
there might be some kid
who may be seeing me for
the first time. I owe him
my best.” That, or never
play leap frog with a
Mrs. Muracco: When I had my first child, a good
friend (Mrs. Morahan) told me it is okay if there are
days you don’t get out of your pajamas.
Coach Hop: Look out for #1 and watch out that
you don’t step in #2!
Mr. O’Malley: “Don’t wish your life away.”
Advice given to me by my dad
Mr. O’Brien: Never answer the question that is
asked of you. Always answer the question you wish
had been asked of you.
Mrs. Sload: Never do anything that you would be
ashamed to put your name to.
If you could have dinner with any three people,
who would they be?
Mr. McGurl: Playing celebrity birthdays with my
lunch-mates - Mr. William O’Malley, Mrs. Diane
Pegula, and Mr. John Bennett
Coach Mills: Coach D, Coach D, Coach D
Doc Bennett: Confucius, Van
Gogh, Hemingway
Mrs. Baker: My mother, Pope
Francis, John Lennon
Mrs. Sload: Blaise Pascal,
Pythagoras, Jerry Seinfeld
Miss Reynolds: I’d prefer a tea
party with Julie Andrews, Princess Diana, and Grace
If you could coach or play on any professional
sports team, what team would it be, and what
would you do on the team?
Mr. McGurl: I’d coach the County Mayo Hurling
Team and take them all the way to the All-Ireland
Mrs. Summers: This could be dangerous. I would
just want to redesign their uniforms to add more pink
and purple.
Doc Bennett: Quarterback for the Philadelphia
Eagles. It couldn’t be any worse than it is now.
Editor’s Note
By: Riley McNally
Graduation day is approaching, club trips are
in the works, free Rita's day has passed, and the new
newspaper editors have been named. This year has
been filled with a lot of fun, and I have to thank a few
special people for making this last year in newspaper
the best one yet. First, a huge thank you Mrs.
Summers. Thank you for always giving so much to us,
and always making sure we give our all. Thank you to
the other senior members of the newspaper. Thank
you for working so hard, and making this year so
enjoyable. Also, thank you to Editor-in-Chief, Maeve.
Thank you for giving all of yourself to this newspaper,
and thank you for knowing that you're not in it alone.
Also, thank you for everything you do for me outside
of newspaper. I couldn't do it without you. Lastly,
thank you to you, the readers. This club would not be
possible without all of your constant support. So as
our year comes to a close and the new newspaper staff
takes over, I thank everyone for making these past
four years in this club years to remember.
Editor: Maddie Loftus
Staff: Kaitlin Ahern, Lexi Asman, & Emily Russavage
DHS Class Trips
By: Lexi Asman
Once fourth quarter rolls around, every
Dunmore student knows what to expect: class trips. It
always feels as though once May hits; there is not a full
school week to be had. This year, the Crimson Courier
and Health Careers Club experienced Christmas in New
York during their December trip, but there are still more
trips this spring. For example, Mr. Lucas and his French
Club officers have organized a trip to New York City to
see the Broadway musical The Phantom of the Opera,
pay a visit to Madame Tussaud's wax museum, and go to
a New York Yankees game. The senior class also has
their annual class trip to Six Flags to look forward to!
What a year we've had, but alas, it is not over quite yet.
Be sure to secure your seat on these trips before it’s too
STEM Success
By: Maddie Loftus
This year, our high school’s very own STEM
team took first place in the NEIU 19 Regional 2016 PA
STEM competition. Way back in September, the team
began working on their prototype for a device that would
“better the lives of Pennsylvania citizens.” Barrington
Kyle Cruser,
Mia Lowe,
Pat Reese,
and Mara
closely with
Wentzell as
well as local
businesses for nearly six months before claiming first
place. The win has granted the team additional funds to
further improve their prototype, which will be
showcased in the state competition on May 27th.
Congratulations to Mrs. Wentzell and the entire team on
your impressive win, and good luck in the next level of
your competition!
The Forgotten Holiday
By: Emily Russavage
On Friday, April 29th, 2016, the world will
observe a holiday that is often unremembered and
underappreciated. This holiday has been forgotten
among the slew of other celebrations such as Groundhog
Day and April Fool’s Day. Yes, of course, this holiday
that has gone missing on most calendars is Arbor Day.
Arbor Day is a holiday that is known worldwide to be
the day people give back to nature by caring for and
planting trees, and although underappreciated, Arbor
Day is the tree’s knees.
Most students can recall that tiny trees were
distributed every year at the DEC, and most kids would
pine after the best saplings. Most saplings were planted
and are
likely in all
of our
today. What
better way
to spruce up
than with
some overelming love
for trees? Each year, hundreds of thousands of trees are
planted just on Arbor Day, and the small town of
Dunmore has been a part of celebrating a holiday
dedicated to making the Earth a little greener. As
Thomas Fuller once said, “He that plants trees loves
others besides himself.”
Circus McGurkus
By: Kaitlin Ahern
On March 5th, the DHS Crimson Company held a
carnival in order to raise money and excitement for the
upcoming spring musical, "Seussical the Musical.” Cast
and crew members alike worked together to create
various fun activities and games for the people attending
Circus McGurkus, but don’t stress if you missed the
festivities. The Crimson Company’s production of
“Seussical” is sure to be just as entertaining. Be sure to
head out to see the musical before it closes on April 9th!
Editor: Kathleen Klatt
Staff Writers: Julia Lowe, Elizabeth Nolen, Grace Nolen, & Gina Tallo
By: Gina Tallo
With spring approaching, so is
the softball season. This year
seems to have a positive
outlook for the team. The girls
softball team is led by head
coach Ryan Ferguson and
assistant coach Michael
O’Malley. The seniors leading
the team are Ally Borgia,
Marina Pegula, and Abby Ptasinski, who are also the acting
captains. Losing four starting seniors from the previous year,
the team is looking for some major positions to fill. Wish them
luck as they strive for a great season!
School Spirit
By: Elizabeth Nolen
Ask yourself these questions.
Have you ever gone to a Dunmore
Bucks football game? Have you
ever gone to a Dunmore Bucks
basketball game? After several
surveys, I can safely assume that
about 99% of the student body has
gone to one of those games. Now
ask yourself these questions. Have
you ever gone to a girls’ soccer
game? Have you ever gone to a
girls or boys tennis match? Swim meet? Cross country or track
meet? How many of these questions can you answer yes to? I
bet it’s not many. It shouldn’t matter
what the team’s rank or results are.
If we are such a family, then why
are there only ten students at tennis
matches or fifteen at soccer games?
We are very proud of our football
team and basketball team, but what
about all the other ones? We have to
get that ambition back. We have to
go out and support all the sports
teams. To the football players, try to
make a swim meet, and basketball
players, try to catch a softball game.
If we work together, we can get that
school spirit back. It’s spring sport
time, so there are always at least two
events going on at DHS. If you have
a free hour or so, go check out a
baseball game then walk over to the
track for the meet. Stop by the tennis
courts and watch the softball game at
the same time. Make a goal for
yourself. Maybe go to a soccer game next year, or watch a
volleyball game. It’s the little things you can do to make
Dunmore a better family. Support your fellow student athletes!
Go Bucks!
By: Kathleen
Led by Coach
Finan, Coach
Ruggerio, and
Griffiths, the
baseball team has already started conditioning at the Sandlot
and a few other places, and they started their official season on
March 7th. Senior players this year are Tim Cadden and Tom
Sinkevich. Returning starters are Mark DeLuccie, Rich Grippi,
Nick Lawler, John Mandarano, Zach Pigga, Joe Pinto, and
Andy Salzmann. The team’s first scheduled scrimmage was on
March 14th against Scranton High, but you will have plenty of
opportunities to see them this spring! Good luck and go bucks!
Warming Up for Track Season
By: Elizabeth Nolen
As the weather begins to warm up, so are our girls and boys
teams. Throughout the
winter, many of them
have been working hard
to get in shape for this
upcoming season. Now
it's time to see what
they've got! Athletes
from our halls at DHS
will be filling the track,
training to compete in events like the 100 meter dash, high
jump, and even javelin. Good luck to the girls and boys track
team on your upcoming season. Make sure to get out there and
support your fellow Dunmoreans!
Boys Tennis
By: Grace Nolen
Even though the season has yet to get started for the boys,
many of the players are excited about this season. Led by head
Coach Christopher Phillips and assistant coach Jennifer
Ondek, this season is looking to be a good hit for the boys!
Because Dunmore has a small tennis team, sophomore Billy
McDonough suggests that
more people should give it a
try. He says that you need to
be in some kind of shape, learn
the rules of the game, and
anyone could do it. We wish
the boys good luck in this
Editor: Ryan Carey
Staff Writers: Gina Bernotsky, Nastashia DeNunzio, and Matt Kosack
By: Gina Bernotsky
Are we really alone?
There have been millions of “sightings.” We
cannot avoid the truth for much longer; sooner or later
we might have to accept that there may be life outside of
Earth. What makes us think all of the stories about crop
circles and UFO’s are made up? Studies show that out of
all of the planets in our solar system, Earth is the only
one with an atmosphere that we could live in, and Mars
is the only other known planet that could have possibly
held life forms. But what if that’s not true?
If we can make it on Earth, maybe there are
beings that can live in the conditions on Saturn, Uranus,
or even the Sun, which is basically a huge, heated mass
of energy. I mean, haven’t you ever met someone and
just thought, “Where’d this guy come from?” Granted,
you probably weren’t thinking that he teleported himself
to Earth from his real house on Neptune, but who is to
say that it’s not possible? With our technology, it is not,
but maybe there are life forms out there that are more
advanced than we are, making them able to survive
conditions that human beings would never be able to live
I mean, come on. If there are people out there
that believe the moon landing was a hoax, then the idea
of aliens really isn’t as outlandish as it seems, is it?
By: Nastashia DeNunzio
In this day and age, it is easy to let go of
yourself and slip through the cracks. Fast food is a
convenient way to eat dinner for a family on the run, and
kids could think of a million other things to do besides
going to the gym. Did you know that exercise does more
than just get your body into shape? It boosts self
confidence and reduces stress. Also, it is a
great way to meet new people who are
looking to improve their lifestyle
as well. Another aspect to a
healthy lifestyle is eating healthy. There are
plenty of easy meals you can cook at home
for a fraction of the cost of
dining out, and the best
part is you know exactly
what is in it! Eating fruits
vegetables will reduce wrinkles and help to keep your
skin looking great. Now, I am not saying to give up all
junk food and exercise seven days a week. You are
entitled to cheat days and skipping the gym once and a
while. Start slowly and gradually you will see a change
and become a happier individual!
Barbershop Quartets
By: Matt Kosack
Over this past weekend, I had the pleasure of
seeing the Vocal Accord Barbershop Quartet. They were
amazing. So, I started thinking about barbershop
quartets. You do not really hear much about their
existence anymore. Truly they are an underappreciated
musical act.
The group I saw really wowed me. They had
great harmonies and sang beautifully. I am sure you are
thinking, “Don't they just sing old 50s music?” Well,
you are somewhat correct. They do sing mostly older
songs, but these songs are often very comical. My
favorite song was “I Used to Call Her Baby.” It is a
really clever and catchy, fun song. My favorite “serious”
song was “Sixteen Tons.” The melody was really catchy
and I think Vocal Accord really nailed it when singing.
I really think the barbershop quartet needs to
make a return. It is a classic act that can intrigue anyone.
There are so many songs that I am sure you can find at
least one you would love. I recommend you look up the
songs I stated before. Maybe then you will truly
understand the awesomeness that is the barbershop
quartet. So, let's support all of these groups, and maybe
they can get the respect and praise that they deserve.
Editor: Timothy Hopkins
Staff Writers: Olivia Miller, Jazmine Lim, Barrington Bucknor, Nicole Marzzacco
The Oscars
By: Timothy Hopkins
Well, another year means another Oscars
ceremony. This year had its ups and its downs.
From the questionable winners to the host, this year
had everything.
For starters, let me talk about what was
good, because there’s a lot of it. Spotlight took
home Best Picture in a very surprising upset against
Although I
haven’t seen
this film yet,
most people
say it was
deserving of
this award.
won three,
Best Actor
DiCaprio), Best Director (Alejandro G. Inarritu),
and Best Cinematography. To me, the film was
deserving of all three. The Revenant is one of the
best acted and best looking films of the year. It was
a joy to see Leo finally win for once, as he was
becoming the source of many jokes for not winning.
He is one of my favorite actors, and he really did a
great job.
Brie Larson won for Room, with no
competition I might add, and Alicia Vikander took
home Best Supporting Actress for The Danish Girl.
However, the most impressive feat of the night was
the fact that Mad Max: Fury Road won a total of six
Oscars, the most out of any movie that night. It was
my favorite movie of last year, and I was happy to
see it be recognized.
However, there were some downsides. To
me, Sylvester Stallone should have won for Creed
instead of Mark Rylance for Bridge of Spies.
Although I thought he was good in the movie, the
performance felt standard. I was much more
involved in Stallone’s heartfelt and honest dive into
his famous character. Also, I felt that Sam Smith’s
song for the 007 film Spectre was inferior to Lady
Gaga’s song for The Hunting Ground. Gaga’s was
more powerful and expertly performed, while
Smith’s was a slow, dull, and generic Bond song.
The last thing I want to talk about is Chris
Rock’s job as host this year. To me, he is the best
host the event has had in a while. This year, a huge
backlash towards the Oscars occurred, as there were
only white actors and actresses nominated, leaving
little diversity. Rock expertly handled the situation,
mocking the Hollywood system and also bringing
up some important points about equality in
Hollywood in an effort to have more diversity
within the studio system.
Overall, this was the best ceremony in a
while. I hope the Academy continues to choose
great hosts and makes more diverse choices soon.
Pop of Spring Fashion
By: Jazmine Lim
Winter has passed and spring has finally
arrived. It is time to tuck away the winter wardrobe
and get ready for spring! Let’s face it though, the
fashion transition from winter to spring can be
challenging! Not to fear, bright colors and
accessories are here to save the season. Pops of
color like lilac purple and ocean blue can bring a
dreary outfit to life. Adding bright colors to your
clothes can make very easy fashionable transition
outfits. Accessories that have accents of blues,
purples, and yellows add detail to any outfit.
Whether it's simply a statement necklace, pair of
shoes, or flower crown—the outfit will be new and
fresh for spring. In no time, you'll be walking out
the door in style!
Orphan Train: A Bookworm’s Glossary
By: Olivia Miller
In an extraordinary novel written by
Christina Baker Kline, two orphans use their past to
connect them in the future. Vivian Daly and Molly
Ayer, being almost 80 years apart, help each other
through the novel in many ways. In the novel, Kline
moves between Vivian’s story and the present day.
Molly, a juvenile criminal, needs to complete hours
of community service in order to avoid attending a
juvenile detention center. Vivian needs someone to
help her go through her attic. Kline puts these two
desperate characters together and makes a beautiful
team of orphan
history. Vivian
not only opens
up to Molly
about her
past, but
someone that
Molly can rely
on at desperate
times. Orphan
Train not only
shows the
struggle of being
an orphaned child during the late 1800s, but it
shows how two very different people are not as
different as they seem.
Orphan: A child whose parents are dead.
Dead Poets on Broadway
By: Nicole Marzzacco
“Carpe diem. Seize the day boys. Make your
lives extraordinary.” That’s exactly what Off
Broadway’s Classic Stage Company, director John
Doyle decided to do. In October 2016, a theatrical
stage production of Dead Poets Society will be
hitting Broadway stages!
Dead Poets Society is a famous movie
starring the late Robin Williams. The new off
Broadway production is based off the 1989 Oscar
winning screenplay. The show is not a musical. No
cast has been released for this anticipated screen
production yet, but I think it’s safe to say that
anyone considered to play English teacher, John
Keating, has to fill very big shoes. Hopefully, the
show will be a major success, and one day make it
to the stages of Broadway!
The Journey
By: Barrington Bucknor
Moving from Jamaica to the United States was a big
move. Initially as I walked out of JFK Airport, it
was pretty scary. There was a massive number of
cars creating a clutter in front of the airport, and a
large array of car horns creating a thick fog of
sound that consumed the airport. That was how
busy JFK was on that day. Why was this so? Don’t
ask me, I just wanted to see someone I knew. I
stood in one spot looking completely lost searching
for my Aunty with no phone. I guess they forgot to
tell me that our network provider Digicel couldn’t
cover you from that far, “and they say they’re the
BEST in the country!” Trying to play it cool like I
actually knew what I was doing, I started to walk
around praying to God that I would see her. Then
out of nowhere I saw this lady sticking her head
through the passenger seat talking to one of the
traffic directors. It was like “mi glad bag buss.” I
have never been happier to see a family member.
Driving through New York was like being
transported to a whole different world. The
buildings were like sky scrapers, and everything
looked like something out of a movie. The
atmosphere had changed, and that was when I
realized that I wasn’t in Jamaica anymore. Instead, I
was in America. Still, when I think about it
sometimes, I just want to jump around and lose it,
but if I do that people would probably think I’m
crazy. Every day in America is a mystery, and I am
enjoying every moment of it.
Editor: Justine Lim
Staff Writers: Lauren Brown & Nico Summa
Seussical the Musical
By: Lauren Brown
Once again it's time for The DHS Crimson
Company’s spring show! This year, upon hearing
Seussical, you may be
wondering whether
Horton the Elephant
and The Cat in the Hat
are in it. The answer is
yes, and you may even
meet some new
characters you may
like more. Mr. and
Mrs. McGurl, Miss
Reynolds, Mrs.
Zywicki and the whole
Crimson Company are working hard to make
Seussical one of the best musicals DHS has ever
seen. The show will be performed March 31, April
1, 2, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Curtain is at 7:00 p.m. every
night. Tickets are $8 for students and $10 for adults.
(Children under the age of 5 are $5). We hope to see
you there!
Drum Major Auditions
By: Nico Summa
It's that time of the year again: the time
where many of our talented musicians at DHS
compete to acquire the most prestigious position in
the marching band - drum major.
Being drum major is an incredible
accomplishment and honor. For one to be in this
position, he or she must possess a great talent of
For those who do not know, the drum major
of a marching band is the person who conducts the
ensemble during stand songs, parades, and field
shows. Not only does one get sparkly ornaments for
his or her band uniform, but the drum major of the
marching band gets to say that they are the proud
leader of the band.
This year, many of our talented musicians in
the band will compete to
be the drum major. The
students are: Sarah
Cantarella, Nina
MacClean, Matt Kosack,
Kathleen Coar, Ryan
Choa, Matt Taylor, Nico
Summa, Gina Bernotsky,
Lauren Brown, and Joe
Auditions for this honorable position will be
held on April 25, and the Crimson Courier wishes
the best of luck to all who are trying out!
By: Justine Lim
As the New Year unfolds before us, new art
fills the halls. Mrs. Hogan does a wonderful job
teaching her talented art students how to create
beautiful masterpieces for our eyes to feast on.
When you walk through the art gallery, you'll see
brand new artwork hanging on the walls and
adorable pottery creations in the glass cases. The art
on the walls was made on thick paper with
variations of colored pencils, markers, and paints.
With these few tools, you can see the hard work and
dedication the students put forth to create these
magnificent pieces. If you haven't already checked
out the gallery, here are some of my favorite pieces!
Middle School
Editor: Margaux Bonin
Staff Writers: Maren Lindemuth, Caitlin McCafferty, Sierra McGinnity, Logan McCoy, & Tabitha Getz
Physical Fitness
By: Tabitha Getz
When you think of Dunmore High School,
the first thing that pops into your head is probably
athletics. While it well-known that we have
fantastic sports teams, something that does not get
as much recognition is the Dunmore Middle School
Physical Fitness Team. It is a group of seventh and
eighth girls and boys who are led by Mr. Gatto,
Mrs. Pegula, and Coach Henzes. Tryouts for boys
were at 7:00 in the morning, and tryouts for girls
were held directly after school. Each year, the
Physical Fitness competition is held at West
Scranton High School. This year, West won, and
Dunmore came in second place. GO BUCKS!
Puzzle of the Season
By: Caitlin McCafferty
Riddle of the Season
By: Maren Lindemuth
Q: The man who made it doesn't want it.
The man who bought it doesn't need it. The man
who needs it doesn't know it. What am I talking
A: A coffin
Soap Drive
By: Sierra McGinnity
The students at Dunmore Middle School
participated in a Martin Luther King Jr. Service
Project. The students raised 800 bars of soap for this
fundraiser. Covenant Presbyterian Church, First
Presbyterian Church of Clarks Summit, NEPACIL,
Junior League of Scranton, Leadership Lackawanna
and more than ten other areas also donated and
made care packages for this event. In honor of
Martin Luther King Jr. and his leadership, the care
bags were donated to places such as the Bethel
Shelter, Community Intervention Center, St.
Anthony’s Haven, Catherine McAuley Center,
Women’s Resource Center, SLHDA Vets Program
and the Wright Center. Dunmore has made a great
impact on the Service Project and everything they
do to help out the communities in several ways.
Hopefully, this particular Service Day will keep
honoring Martin Luther King Jr., and everyone will
start to participate in this event. Dunmore is
planning on doing this event next year and for many
more years to come. The Voluntary Action Center
is in charge of this project and is hoping to see more
and more participants as everyone will help make a
difference in the world.
Rose are red…
By: Logan McCoy
Roses are red, violets are blue, and tonight I
chose you. I will love you day and night. We will be
together until the end of time, because you are the
light of my life. If today is not enough time, then
believe me, by tomorrow we will be in love!