ISCP Monthly Report ( March 2016)
ISCP Monthly Report ( March 2016)
ISCP Monthly Report ( March 2016) Main Objective ISCP: Conservation,Research & Education ISCP ’s Board of Executive Director and staff, I am pleased to present a brief summary of the organization’status /activity for the March 2016. As explained in recent monthly Reports March 2016 will show in table at the end of this report . The Monthly Report presents some highlights of the many Projects or activities across the Medan-Sibolangit or commontly in North Sumatra province. in which we are involved. I will mention just a few and detail with Photo Documentation. We have begun a research and monitoring project focusing on Poksai Project plus other Project .And during year to year we add some project like Nias Hill Myna and next plan project for slow lories. This is a project sponsored by Zoo Liberec ,Zoo Heidelberg ,Kolner Zoo ,Ostrava Zoo ,ST Laurant company,Voegelparkviernheim at Heidelberg Germany and be supported by BKSDA, Czech students,Local students and local individual such us forest guide and bird trappers. This project is noteworthy because it is our first major study on this particular group of upland birds.Main project and Other project still try continues in trying developed by all ISCP Team in local and in abroad specially from Czech supporter and others country which interesting involved. A copy of the ISCP Monthly report was mailed to all of our members, in recognition of your efforts and to thank you for your continued support. RUDIANTO SEMBIRING EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ISCP In bellow we will put some activities and documentation photo that still do and have done for ISCP Activities on March 2016 - English free class base on nature and wildlife still continue at ISCP center..And because ISCP still not building education pondok shelter for kids so for a while ISCP decide rent one house near the center so if rain coming the children can study at the house that ISCP rent (start pay/rent on march) - . - On 8 March 2016 at last MoU for Kukang and Beo Nias was signed by BKSDA and together also with other Ngo like Scorpion foundation (Wildlife trade monitoring),SRI (Sumatran Rainforest Institute),OIC(Orangutan Information Center) and TIME (Tindakan Investigasi Memantau Ekosistem) - On 10 March 2016 Rudi and other NgO (OIC,SRI and Scorpion Foundation) invited by Head BKSDA going to head quarter of North Sumatra Police to follow up case of dead sumatra tiger that was killed in Pangaribuan village of North Tapanuli.. - On 12 March Tomas Busina joint with Andrew Owen from Chester Zoo make monitoring Poksai (Garullax bicolor) in gunung macik karonese district and continue in Ketambe/Aceh. - On 14 March 2016 Tomas Busina make 2 times poksai exchange ,one in Medan and one in Brastagi and poksai now in quarantine prepare for release according plan of Tomas Busina as Poksai Coordinator .Tomas Busina also make Lovebird cages for breeding . - On 17 March Rudi make Crowdfunding for beo Nias and Education social for children in Bandarbaru: 1. 2. - On 18 March The Kukang Rescue Program transfer the 2 slowlorises to the quarantine 1 from voluntary gave by local people in Brastagi and 1 from BKSDA confiscation.Follow up also by socialization and awareness to the village in kaonese distriact area by Frantisek,Lucie,Novitha Sari bangun and others tim,plus put signboard. - On 23-25 March 2016 ISCP with The Kukang Rescue Program joint Confiscation Slowlorises by BKSDA/SPORC in Balige and before it also help bring gibbons that already confiscation by BKSDA/SPORC to SRI (Sumatra Rainforest Institute) gibbon Rehabilitation center in Penyabungan ,south tapanuli.This operation also follow by tim Scorpion foundation and SRI. On the way to ISCP center from Balige the cub of slowlorises died because of not good diet and also in horrible small cage(bird cage) the owner put it.The Mother survived and handdle now by Lucie Cizmarova and Frantisek at ISCP Center. - . - On 26 March 2016 Rudi Bring Albert Ivan Santoso the wildlife local potographer from Barcroft Media visit ISCP center to see progress of Kukang Rescue Team and some Media from Italia already posting the photo from Mr Albert Ivan Santoso Damanik Photographer Medan the man who won the competition arena Smithsonianmag photo American, the most prestigious event photos. Photo by title Remaining on the Slopes of Mount Sinabung (Remaining on the slopes of Mount Sinabung) successfully beat 46 thousand photos submitted from 168 countries in the world.Here is link publish about slowlorises ISCP in Italia Media : - Beo Nias Progress will wait for coming the coordinator project to run the progress and for now on quarantine for beo nias/nias hill myna already finish making by pak komar and still put in ISCP center. - Billing Documentation photo during expenses money for February 2016 : FINANCIAL MONTHLY BOOK REPORT (March 2016) Date Receipt of Money (+) Give of Money (-) 29 /2/2016 7/3/2016 9,000,000.0 0 IDR Description of Transaction Balance Notes 10,052,546.81 IDR ISCP bank account plus left money at Office 910,510.00 IDR 9,910,510.00 IDR (9,000,000 + 910.510) Bank account and left money in ISCP office 8/3/2016 2,651,000.0 0 IDR 10/3/2016 175,000.00 IDR 12/3/2016 1,100,000.0 0 IDR 21/3/2016 200,000.00 IDR Money for manage MoU Kukang and Beo nias to BKSDA ,Map area work print and plus 100.000 IDR reload rudi car petrol. In this case the money devide to iscp pay 1,275,500 and Kukang project same pay also 1,275,500 Fill rudi car petrol go to BKSDA office and headquarter of north sumatra police to follow up case of sumatra tiger died/killed in pangaribuan village,north tapanuli plus scan MoU Give to tomas busina 1,000,000 for he use his money buy some equipment for insect,lovebird and food for birds/insect in center plus 100,000 for relos 2 times electric in center Print proposal ISCP to TFCA 9,910,510-1,375,500 (1,275,500+100,000) =8,535,010.00 IDR Iscp left money in ISCP Office 8,360,010.00 IDR Iscp left money in ISCP Office 7,260,010.00 IDR Iscp left money in ISCP Office 7,060,010.00 IDR Iscp left money in ISCP Office 22/3/2016 250,000.00 IDR 26/3/2016 1,435,000.0 0 IDR 26/3/2016 30.000 after TFCA received the proposal replied by email and it will use by rudi to learn the proposal if later the proposal approved Rudi reload internet iscp modem wifi 2 times (25 march and 22 March) plus 50,000 idr fill rudi car to make survey poksai for exchange in medan and drop in jalan bintang animal market. Repair rudi car after arrived 25 march in medan that during trip confiscate slowlorises in balige and trip to penyabungan rudi car was broken and Pak gunung donate 300.000 and frantisek/kukan g project donated 300,000 so the rest is using iscp money. Fill rudi bike petrol bring Albert santoso 6,810,010.00 IDR 6,810,010835,000(1435,000600,000) =5,975,010.00 IDR 5,945,010.00 IDR ISCP left money at office Left money at ISCP office Left money at ISCP office 1/4/2016 5/3/2016 6,500,000.0 0 IDR the local wildlife potographer to iscp center Salary for Rudi 4.000.000,Novi 1,000.000 and agus 1,500.000 Bank account Balance Minus 554,990.00 IDR ISCP left money at Office plus Rudi use His personal money To pay salary Agus 1,045,949.81 IDR ISCP Bank account Plus minus money 554,990.00 IDR Have to pay to Rudi FINANCIAL MONTHLY NOTES REPORT ( March 2016) Bill for manage aviary in nias island still keep by Tomas Ouhel and Pak Nazara.. ISCP Balance money now in Bank account is 1,045,949.81 IDR See table above and Bank account book bellow :