2015 March NEWSletter.pub - St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church
2015 March NEWSletter.pub - St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church
St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church Newsletter March 2015 This month, we will journey through the five Sundays of Great Lent. Below, we are • Rev. Fr. George Gartelos happy to provide a brief summary of each of these Sundays. It is important that we • Rev. Fr. Dan Suciu, Pastor Emeritus remember the purpose of this journey. This • Rev. Fr. John A. Mangos is the time when Christians travel through the whole period of Lent in prayer and • Rev. Fr. John Kondratick • Fr. John Stehling, Deacon, Ret. fasting to approach the Feast of Feasts to celebrate the Passions of Christ and His Resurrection. During the entire Lent the •STAFF faithful try to practice and live the ideals and • Holly Brkich, Office Manager standards of this period in the light of Easter. Each day of Holy Week is dedicated •PARISH COUNCIL to the Events and teachings of Christ during • Dean Danos - President His last week on earth. The faithful who • Belinda Gavallos - V. President participate in the services of this week are more conscious of their duties to themselves • Beth Tsounakas- Secretary and to their neighbors through fasting, • Brent Smith - Treasurer praying, giving alms, forgiving the • Pam Layden trespasses of others; in other words, participating, day by day, in the spirit of the • Karen McQueen Gospel of Christ. CLERGY • Harris Papahronis • Christina Welzbacher St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church 2504 N. St. Mary’s Street San Antonio, TX 78212-3799 OFFICE . . . . . . . . . (210) 735-5051 HALL . . . . . . . . . . . .(210) 735-5043 FAX . . . . . . . . . . . . .(210) 735-7475 E-MAIL [email protected] WEB SITE www.stsophiagoc.org Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday First Sunday Of Lent-The Sunday Of Orthodoxy (John 1:43-52) This Sunday commemorates the return of the Icons into the churches, according to the decision of the Seventh Ecumenical Synod (787). The Church determined that this celebration would take place each year on the first Sunday of Lent, as the Sunday of Orthodoxy, starting March 11, 843. On this Sunday every year the triumph of the faith of Orthodoxy is celebrated with ceremony. The Icon of Christ, according to St. John of Damascus, is a distinct affirmation and a reminder of the fact of His Incarnation, which has a vital significance for the salvation of the faithful, an affirmation which prevails to this day in the Orthodox Church. The celebration of the day includes the procession with the Icon of Christ around the inside of the church with pomp and reverence. The Sunday of Orthodoxy calls upon the people to rededicate themselves to the deep meaning of their faith and to declare in unison, "One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all". Second Sunday Of Lent-St. Gregory Palamas (Mark 2:1-12) This Sunday commemorates the life of St. Gregory Palamas (14th century). The Church dedicates this Sunday to St. Gregory for his orthodox faith, theological knowledge, virtuous life, miracles and his efforts to clarify the orthodox teaching on the subject of Hesychasm (from the Greek, meaning quiet.) Hesychasm was a system of mysticism propagated on Mt. Athos by 14th century monks who believed that man was able, through an elaborate system of ascetic practices based upon perfect quiet of body and mind, to arrive at the vision of the divine light, with the real distinction between the essence and the operations of God. Gregory became noted for his efforts to explain the difference between the correct teaching and this theory. Gregory was dedicated to an ascetic life of prayer and fasting, which are practices of Lent. Third Sunday Of Lent-Adoration Of The Cross (Mark 8:34-38; 9:1) This Sunday commemorates the venerable Cross and the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The Cross as such takes on meaning (Continued on page 2) PAGE 2 ST. SOPHIA GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH and adoration because of the Crucifixion of Christ upon it. Therefore, whether it be in hymns or prayers, it is understood that the Cross without Christ has no meaning or place in Christianity. The adoration of the Cross in the middle of Great Lent is to remind the faithful in advance of the Crucifixion of Christ. Therefore, the Passages from the Bible and the hymnology refer to the Passions, the sufferings, of Jesus Christ: The passages read this day repeat the calling of the Christian by Christ to dedicate his life, for "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me (Christ)" (v. 34-35). This verse clearly indicates the kind of dedication which is needed by the Christian in three steps: 1) To renounce his arrogance and disobedience to God's Plan, 2) To lift up his personal cross (the difficulties of life) with patience, faith and the full acceptance of the Will of God without complaint that the burden is too heavy; having denied himself and lifted up his cross leads him to the, 3) Decision to follow Christ. These three voluntary steps are three links which cannot be separated from each other, because the main power to accomplish them is the Grace of God, which man always invokes. The Adoration of the Cross is expressed by the faithful through prayer, fasting, almsgiving and the forgiveness of the trespasses of others. On this Sunday the Adoration of the Cross is commemorated with a special service following the Divine Liturgy in which the significance of the Cross is that it leads to the Resurrection of Christ. Fourth Sunday Of Lent-St. John Of The Climax (Mark 9:17-31) This Sunday commemorates St. John of the Climax (6th century) who is the writer of the book called The Ladder (climax) of Paradise. This book contains 30 chapters, with each chapter as a step leading up to a faithful and pious life as the climax of a Christian life. The spirit of repentance and devotion to Christ dominates the essence of this book, along with the monastic virtues and vices. He was an ascetic and writer on the spiritual life as a monk-abbot of Sinai Monastery. These steps of the ladder as set forth by St. John are to be practiced by the Christian especially during this period of the Great Lent. Each step leading to the top step of the ladder, is the climactic essence of the true meaning of a Christian life. Fifth Sunday Of Lent-St. Mary Of Egypt (Mark 10:32-45) This Sunday commemorates the life of St. Mary of Egypt, who is a shining example of repentance from sin through prayer and fasting. She lived a sinful life for many years, but was converted to a Christian life. She went into the wilderness to live an ascetic life for many years, praying and fasting in repentance of her previous sinful life, and dying there. St. Mary's life exemplifies her conviction about Christ, which motivated the changing of her life from sin to holiness through repentance. Her understanding of repentance involved not a mere change from small things in her life, but an extreme change of her entire attitude and thoughts. The Church commemorates St. Mary for her recognition of her own sins as an example of how one can free oneself from the slavery and burden of wrongdoings. This recognition of sin is imperative during Lent for the faithful as a means of self-examination and preparation for a more virtuous life in anticipation of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection of Christ. Palm Sunday (John 12:12-18) This Sunday commemorates the triumphant entrance of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. The people of Jerusalem received Christ as a king, and, therefore, took branches of palms and went out to meet Him, laying down the palms in His path. The people cried out the prophecy of Zechariah: "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel" (v. 13; of Zechariah 9:9). The celebration of the Jewish Passover brought crowds of Jews and converted Jews to Jerusalem. They had heard of the works and words of Christ, especially about the resurrection of Lazarus. All the events related to Christ had a Messianic meaning for the Jews at the time. This vexed the high priests and pharisees. As usual, Christ went to the Temple to pray and teach. That evening Christ departed for Bethany. The tradition of the Church of distributing palms on this Sunday comes from the act of the people in placing the branches of palms in front of Christ, and henceforth symbolizes for the Christian the victory of Christ over evil forces and death ST. SOPHIA GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OFFICIAL NOTICE: SPRING PARISH ASSEMBLY after Divine Liturgy April 26, 2015 IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE AND VOTE AT THIS MEETING YOU SHALL HAVE FULFILLED YOUR STEWARDSHIP COMMITMENT FOR 2014 AND HAVE TURNED IN YOUR STEWARDSHIP PLEDGE CARD FOR 2015. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR STATUS, CONTACT THE CHURCH OFFICE. Dear Fellow Parishioners We had our first Strategic Planning meeting and will continue to work on developing our mission, vision and goals. We will present a new financial format at the general assembly in April and encourage everyone to attend. I would like to thank Brent Smith who has spearheaded this major tasking. In addition, Harris Papahronis is in the process of reviewing all of our contracts to ensure that we are receiving the service required at a fair price. We have begun discussing the 2016 St. Sophia 90th Anniversary celebration. Our stewardship committee has been working very hard to increase the number of stewards. I would like to encourage everyone to fill out a pledge card and become a steward of YOUR church. We must face the reality that it does take dollars to keep our community viable. We have begun our 2015 Lenten journey. As we travel toward Pascha, let us all come together in work and prayer to share the enormous gift of love that God has bestowed upon us. The gift is the basis of our faith. There are many beautiful services during this time. Check your church calendar. I hope and pray that each and every one of you has a meaningful journey and that we see you in church often. We have as opening on the parish council for a steward who would be willing to volunteer. If you are interested, please contact a parish council member or Father George. Don't forget to set your clock ahead one hour on Sunday, March 8th as daylight savings time begins. Of course, we must not forget those of us with an Irish background -- Happy St. Patty's Day!!! In His service, Dean PAGE 3 2015 Church Organizations Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. George Gartelos....…210-735-5051 Parish Council, Dean Danos, President…...210-658-0098 GOYA Panos Papanikolaou, President……….…...210-877-5270 Danny Organ, Advisor…………….…….....210-545-7597 YAL Juleen Sanftner, President ………….….…...210-872-0844 Stewardship Committee John Lyons……………………………......…682-556-2372 Steve Brown…………………………...….....…210-497-6915 Vanna Organ…………………...……..………..210-545-7597 Philoptochos Laurene Dunn, President ……………...…….210-320-6343 Sunday School Stephanie Moran……………………..……….330-458-9111 Outreach Committee Chair Nena Bratianu……………………..….……...210-651-6566 Librarian/Archivist/WEB Master Marlene Graham…………[email protected] Hellenic Organizations AHEPA Costa Sgagias, President ……….....…………210-659-2677 Daughters of Penelope Kathy Kaberides, President ……………...….....210-381-8135 Sunday School News A blessed and joyous Great Lent to all of our families! Sunday Church School students will be given "Pascha Passports' in their classes to complete during Great Lent. Students will return upstairs following attendance in their SCS classrooms for various services over the next few weeks including the Sunday of Orthodoxy (3/1), service of the Holy Cross (3/15), and Palm Sunday (4/5). Also, we encourage everyone to participate in our folding of palms and church clean-up projects for Lazarus Saturday (4/4). PAGE 4 ST. SOPHIA GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH GOYA Daughters of Penelope Camp Emmanuel registration is right around the corner. We would like to encourage all the GOYAns to participate in summer camp. By the time you read this column, we will be looking forward to a very busy Spring. Our March meeting will take place in the double classrooms on March 9th at 7:00pm. The meeting will be followed by dinner with our AHEPANS in Mangos Hall. We will be holding nominations for next year’s officers. We will also be discussing important upcoming events. If you’re interested in joining our organization, please contact one of our officers or any member. Save the dates! Junior Session: June 8-15, 2015 Senior Session: June 15-21, 2015 at Manzano Mountain Retreat Torreon, New Mexico (outside Albuquerque) Early registration fees, processed by 11:59 p.m. MDT, on April 5, 2015 will receive a 10% discount. The Regular Registration Fee is $340 ($320 for additional children in the same immediate family). Annunciation March 25 The new Mary Vamvoras Scholarship instructions and application will be released this month. If you have any questions, please let us know. In the month of March, we will be baking the goods for our upcoming Pascha Bake Sale. The order forms were sent to the community by email and were also available each Sunday in the weekly handout. Final date for ordering and prepaying is March 8th. Baking dates will be on March 19, 20, 26, and 27. Toni Grauke is heading up the baking and will begin at 9:00 am each of these days. Please let Toni know if you can help. Her contact is [email protected]. Pre-ordered goods will be available for pick up on Saturday, April 4th and Sunday, April 5th after Litur gy. On March 23rd, we will be hosting our Grand President Anna-Helene Grossomanides, Grand Vice-President Connie Pilallis and the Grand Governor Anne-Marie Cariotis’ visit to San Antonio. Sisters, watch your email for more information on this exciting event. As Pascha is early this year, we will not have a meeting in April. Our May meeting will be held on May 11th at 7:00pm in the double classrooms. We will be having our elections at this meeting. Our District convention this year will be held in Shreaveport on June 18, 19 and 20th. Please see the flyer on our bulletin board. “To yield and give in to our sinful desires is the lowest form of slavery. To rule over such base desires is the only true freedom.” St. Justin Martyr the Philosopher As a final note, our Annual Rummage Sale will be held on July 17th and 18th. We will begin collecting donations in the double classrooms after Sunday School has ended. All donations are welcome and we will again be providing tax donation receipts as we are a non-profit organization. Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to working with you on our upcoming events! Kathy Kaberides, President Hecabe Chapter #185 ST. SOPHIA GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH PAGE 5 Stewardship update • As we continue our Lenten spiritual journey with fasting, prayer, and preparation, we would like to reach out to our brothers and sisters in Christ who have drifted away from the fellowship of St. Sophia, and extend an invitation to come home. • If you’re reading this newsletter and miss the bonds of Orthodox Christian fellowship at St. Sophia, please join us in His name. Together we can claim the blessings of His promise that “where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them (Matthew 18:20).” • During Great Lent, we are also reminded of our continual commitment to Jesus Christ and His Holy Church, and that by willfully, lovingly, and prayerfully committing our time, talent, and treasures we return thanks to our Lord who blesses us daily with His Divine gifts. If you have not yet done so, and would like to become a committed steward of St. Sophia, please see any member of the Stewardship Committee after Divine Liturgy, call or stop by the church office, or go online at www.stsophiagoc.org and click on the donations tab at the top of the page. • Stewardship is a visible expression of our commitment, faith and love for Jesus. Once given to God, our gifts are consecrated by the Holy Spirit, who translates them into works of mercy that bring Him glory. PAGE 6 ST. SOPHIA GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH Agape Vesper Service Sunday, April 12, 2015 12:00 Noon As many of you know, we have been able to have a number of our faithful read the Gospel passage of the Agape Vespers in many different languages. Last year we had thirteen readers. It was wonderful to hear the different melodic sounds of so many different languages. This year we would like to expand our program for more languages but also to have children or grandchildren of last years readers join us to read. If you read last year and have a child or grandchild who can read in your respective language please call me at 828-5712 before the end of March so we can set the schedule and also meet on Palm Sunday for 10 minutes. Also, if you would like to swap places with one of our readers or would like to join with a new language, please call me. Respectfully, Belinda Gavallos ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM ORATORICAL FESTIVAL The Metropolis of Denver Oratorical Festival will be hosted by Holy Trinity Church in Dallas, TX on the weekend of March 20 through 22, 2015. Good luck to Rini Tsounakas. The purpose of the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival is to provide teenagers with the opportunity to learn, write, and speak about the Orthodox Faith, Church and Heritage. This strengthens their understanding and appreciation of their identity as Greek Orthodox Christians and cultivates spiritual growth and maturity. The overall Oratorical program is called an Oratorical Festival rather than a contest to minimize the competitive spirit and emphasize a joyful learning experience. Since 1983 the Oratorical Festival has provided thousands of teenagers the opportunity to discover the fullness of the Orthodox Faith! LENTEN SERVICES: PRE-SANCTIFIED LITURGY, SALUTAIONS/AKATHIST As Great Lent begins, let us ask ourselves how will this time be different for each of us. Will we pray mor e along with our fasting? Will we read the Bible more with our fasting? Will we make time to help others along with our fasting? And, yes, will our worshipping be different?! with your family. This year we will once again encourage everyone to participate in the services by reading and singing. If we go to church only on Sunday, how will it be different during Lent? Ever y Wednesday and Friday we have services at the church. Will you make a commitment to attend a least one of them? Holy Communion can be received during the service. With the blessing of our Metropolitan, we can receive if we abstained from food and drink after a small lunch. The Pre-Sanctified Liturgy on Wednesdays is a beautiful opportunity to worship along On Fridays, we will have Salutation Services, a beautiful The services will begin at 6 pm on Wednesdays starting February 25th. At the end of the service, we will have a Lenten meal together for those that can stay. service to assist our spiritual development. Will this be the year when you will join us every week? Please come and make an effort to convince others to join us. Your experience with this service in the past can be convincing for those who have never attended. Talk to your friends about it. Participation in these services help make each week in Lent different, special. Let’s put together such memories for our children. See you there! Fr. George ST. SOPHIA GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH PAGE 7 AHEPA We want to thank everyone that stayed, supported and helped to make the Oratorical Festival and the Jonathan Dolan Memorial Fund Luncheon another successful event for our community. Also a BIG thank you to the Goyans for helping with serving the food and to everyone that stayed to help clean up after the luncheon - another great team effort! PAGE 8 ST. SOPHIA GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH Thank you to all the brothers that supported the Memorial Service on Sunday, February 15th, to honor the Founders and the Departed Brothers from AHEPA Chapter 311. “May their memory be eternal” Make plans now to attend the Greek Independence Day Luncheon on Sunday, March 22nd. We are planning a program that you do not want to miss! Next AHEPA Blood Drive will be on May 3rd Next AHEPA Meeting - - Monday, March 9, 7PM, Mangos Hall. God Bless, Constantine Come join us Saturday, March 28th For the First Meeting of our J.O.Y. (Junior Orthodox Youth) Ministry Group This Ministry Group will provide a vehicle in which children, ages 4-10, can further develop their faith in God and friendships with each other. Parental support and involvement are a vital part of this ministry as the JOY child is still open to having parents come and take part in activities. This fact presents us with a great opportunity to take a family approach to this ministry. Parents are invited and highly encouraged to attend all of the JOY activities throughout the year. This will help lay the foundation for your partnership in the spiritual growth of your children, and your entire family. If you have any questions, send an email to [email protected] 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Games, Crafts, Snacks, Singing and Fun for all!! Easter Candles $ 10.00 each As part of Greek-Orthodox tradition, every Easter godparents give their godchildren a “lambatha”, a playfully decorated candle. On Holy Saturday the child carries the lambatha to church, where at the end of midnight mass its candle is lit by the “Holy Light”, the Holy fire brought from Jerusalem to Orthodox churches around world, signaling, thus, the end of fasting and Christ’s resurrection. ST. SOPHIA GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH PAGE 9 Ladies Philoptochos Society St Nicholas Shrine Fund Campaign: Information was given at the January and February General Members meetings on the St Nicholas WTC Shrine at Ground Zero - Philoptochos Fund Campaign that will be in progress through December 2015. We watched an inspiring 5 minute “Be the Bee” video, “Rebuild St Nicholas” with Steve Christoforou. If you missed this meeting, you can watch this video at: ancientfaith.com/video/bethebee/rebuildstnicholas. Each Philoptochos chapter is being challenged to raise $100 per steward. Donation checks should be made payable to “Philoptochos” with “St Nicholas Shrine” on the memo line. Additional Information will be forthcoming and shared in the coming weeks and months . February Senior Valentine Luncheon and Bingo: co-chaired by Georgia Carson and Pamela Layden. A good time visiting and indulging in chocolates and a delicious lunch, was enjoyed by all. The talents of Toni Grauke and Sandy Salas as Bingo number callers added to the festivities. Thank you to all who worked so hard to make this annual event so much fun. Lenten Suppers: Our Lenten suppers after the Pre-Sanctified Liturgies during Lent will be “pot luck” meals again this year, so pull out your Lenten cookbooks and make your plans! Philoptochos will provide plates, bowls, napkins, etc. Volunteers are needed to help with set-up and clean-up on one of more of those evenings. Please contact Kathy Nelson or Annette Cash. The Pre-Sanctified Liturgies are scheduled on Wednesdays, February 25th, March 4th, 11th, 18th . The Feast of the Annunciation will be on March 25th with a morning Liturgy at 9:30 am. Donations from these evenings will go to Holy Cross Seminary. Calendar of Events March 2nd, Monday, 6:30 pm Philoptochos Board Meeting March 16th, Third Monday Mobile Loaves and Fishes lunch prep team to feed homeless and the hungry in need. We meet at the MLF kitchen on St Mark’s Catholic Church at 9:30am. If you are interested in volunteering and need directions, contact Lauri Dunn 320-6343 or [email protected] April 2nd, Thursday 6:00pm Philoptochos Board Meeting date & time is moved due to Holy Week Services. Elections for Philoptochos Executive Board is set for May 2015. Nominating and Search Committee will be chaired by Cindy Hughes and Ellen Pepps. Please consider serving in this important and rewarding capacity with a group of loving, supportive and strong women. We want your talents and ideas. Contact Cindy or Ellen for information. Festival of Tables: will be Saturday, May 9th in Mangos Hall. Mark your calendars for this fundraising event to benefit the San Antonio Food Bank and local charities. More information will be coming from Co-Chairs, Eleanor Watkins and Amy Smith. May God grant each of you a blessed Lenten journey toward Pascha PAGE 10 ST. SOPHIA GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 2015 Stewardship Pledges As of February 24h Mr. & Mrs. Barclay Anthony Mrs. Chrissy Anthony Mr. & Mrs. Greg Asvestas Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bellos Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bishop Mr. James Borum Mr. & Mrs. Nasr Botros Mr. & Mrs. John Bouloubasis Jr. Mrs. Estelle Bournias Mrs. Nena Bratianu Mr. & Mrs. Steven Broadaway Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Brown Mr. & Mrs. Peter Callins Mrs. Catherine Carson Mr. & Mrs. George Carson Mrs. Annette Cash Ms. Niki Cascio Mrs. Katherine Catsifas Mr. Paris Constanzos Mrs. Katherine Copas Mr. & Mrs. Nick Costas Mr. & Mrs. Dean Danos Mr. John Danos Mrs. Beatrice Demitre Mr. Phillip G. Demitre Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Dimas Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Dimotsis Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Dolan Mr. & Mrs. Doyle Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Mike Eldred Ms. Kalliopi Evans Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Fadrowski Mrs. Maggie Flannery Mr. & Mrs. Sostenes Flores Mr. & Mrs. John Fotopoulos Mr. Joe Fugate Fr. & Prsv. George Gartelos Mr. & Mrs. George Gavallos Ms. Mary Ellen Georgoulakis Mr. & Mrs. Victor Gerleman Mr. & Mrs. William Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. John Graham Ms. Antoinette Grauke Mr. George Hathaway Ms. Jean Homitsky Mrs. Athena Houghtaling Ms. Lauren Houpt Mr. & Mrs. Marq Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kaberides Mr. & Mrs. Bill Karras Mr. & Mrs. Kostantinos Kastis Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kastis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kastis Fr. & Mrs. John Kondratick Mr. & Mrs. Iraklis Kouroumousis Mr. Jerry Kouroumousis Mrs. Eunice Kritsidimas Mrs. June Laurel Mr. & Mrs. William Layden Mr. Albert Lymberry Mrs. Fran MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Malouf Mr. William Mastoris Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mayo Mrs. Karen McQueen Mr. & Mrs. Symeon Michaelidis Mr. & Mrs. Chris Morrell Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Munoz Mrs. Helen Nelson Mr. & Mrs. John Nikolaou Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Organ Mr. & Mrs. Harris Papahronis Mr. & Mrs. Nikos Papanikolaou Mr. Chris Paris Mr. & Mrs. Tony Pena Ms. Ellen Pepps Mr. & Mrs. Robert Poenitzsch Mrs. Catherine Postolos Ms. Danielle Rappaport Mr. & Mrs. John Reeves Mr. & Mrs. Peter Romell Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rosenkranz Mr. & Mrs. Earl Ryburn Mrs. Mary Saflekos Mr. & Mrs. Luis Salas Mr. & Mrs. Roger Sanftner Mrs. Dorothy Sawyer Mr. & Mrs. Costas Sgagias Mr. & Mrs. Brent Smith Mrs. Helen Stanley Mr. & Mrs. James Stutzman Mr. & Mrs. Tim Swainhart Mr. & Mrs. Yeshewadar Teferra Mr. & Mrs. Aynalem Tegene Mr. & Mrs. Spyros Ticoras Mr. & Mrs. Dan Titerle Mr. & Mrs. Tom Tsirigotis Ms. Beth Tsounakas Mr. James Vamvakias Mr. & Mrs. James Varelas Mr. & Mrs. John Velentzas Mr. & Mrs. Panagiotis Velentzas Mr. & Mrs. James Verreos Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Vlattas Mr. & Mrs. Flyod Walker Mr. & Mrs. John Watkins Ms. Christy Welzbacher Ms. Stephanie Wilkinson Dr. & Mrs. Jerome Wolf Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Wolf Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Yiannos Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Zgonis Thank you to the following stewards who have returned their 2015 Stewardship Pledge Forms. The actual numbers to date are 113 stewards and $149,825 pledged. At this rate we'll need a lot of lost sheep to reach 300 stewards, but may reach the monetary goal of $325,000 (we're almost halfway!) if enough stewards increase their pledge amounts. Some Suggestions for Action During this Great Lent ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Prayer Attend Lenten Services: Pre-Sanctified Liturgy on Wednesdays Salutations on Fridays Prayers for Loved Ones Living and Dead Jesus Prayer/Lord’s Prayer Read the Bible OT-Psalms NT-Gospel Trisagion Prayers Lenten Prayer of Saint Ephraim Offer/Ask for Forgiveness Holy Confession Fasting From Foods (See Fasting Guidelines ♦ Arguing ♦ Gossip/’Idle Talk’ ♦ Profanity ♦ Road Rage ♦ TV/Music/Video Games Watch/listen less Play Less Substitute Orthodox books/music instead ♦ Teasing/Picking On others ♦ Telling/Listening to Crude Jokes (These are good ideas all year…) ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Alms/Helping Others Bring Someone to Divine Liturgy Feed Hungry Give Blood Offer/Ask for Forgiveness Financial Support for IOCC Support OCMC Phone/visit those who are unable to leave their home Volunteer Visit Hospitals/Sick Support Philoptochos Make a donation to CAM Renew an old friendship Forgive someone Ask for forgiveness PAGE 11 ST. SOPHIA GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH Our Church Family Happy Birthday! 1 Wya John Anthony 1 Bre Shannon 1 Jennie Villa 1 Robert Welzbacher 2 Jeanne Mary Coutros 2 Kaitlin Petrutsas 5 Faris Araj 5 Constan"ne Macris 5 Nicholas Oserov 5 Alexandria Villarreal 6 Julia Ellis 7 Annee Cash 7 Wilson Evans 7 Nikolas Papanikolaou 7 Constan"ne Sgagias 9 Nathanael Hathaway 10 Rowalda Khory 10 Amanda Morris 10 Alex Sayfi 12 Mahew Brown 12 Alemeshet Buta 13 Peter Sarantopoulos 13 Lindsey Walker 13 Sylvia Wolf 14 Nikos Kypreos 14 Jacob Woods 15 Peter Chilla 15 Wharton Colby 15 Victoria Gartelos 15 Elizabeth Heacox 15 Kathleen Kaberides 16 Daniel Cavanaugh 16 Kassandra Frey 16 Ally Shannon 16 Kristen Zgonis 17 Jacob Tegene 18 Danny Organ 19 Michael Albrecht 19 Ka"e Copas 20 Samuel Crandall 20 Arron Geer 20 Sofia Marcantoni 20 James Verreos 20 Francine Zannidachis 20 Ariyanna Zogbi 21 Jennifer Colby 21 Chris"na Walker 22 Howard Quinton 22 Alexandra Ticoras 23 Kenneth Bergquist 23 Frances Flores 24 Estelle Bournias 24 Athena Houghtaling 25 Kayliegh Hood 25 Tessa Maropis 25 Alexia Velentzas 25 Diana Wolf 27 Matei Manta 28 Peter Kaberides 28 Jerry Kouroumousis 28 Stephanea Sotcheff 29 Ruth Maropis 29 Jus"n Petrutsas 29 Spyros Ticoras 30 Andrew Fafoutakis 30 Presbytera Ka"na Gartelos 30 Kaliana Gartelos 30 Katherine Green 30 Alembergan Taye 31 Christopher Erck 31 Aspasia Erian 31 Paula Kas"s Happy Anniversary! 1 1 1 3 4 7 11 14 21 28 30 Kenneth & Diane Bergquist George & Cynthia Callins Dionysios & Monica Nikolaou Harris & Alita Papahronis Anil & Helen Dua George & Carolyn Presses Stan & Kim Masters Richard & Elianna Vasquez Jr David & Elena Umbel Nicki & Paul Weston James & Melissa Georgaoulakis Remember in your Prayers Chrissy Anthony Argie Bonduris Tim Caris Katie Copas Dora Costa Megan Crandall Phillip Demitre John Dracopoulos Lili Dracopoulos Doyle Dunn Kristina Frey Michelle Frey Gutt Don Hucthinson Fr. John Kondratick Olga Kouchoukos Fr. John Mangos Fred Marsh Mimi Moultrup Katie Nelson Helen Noumas Tomi Papanikolaou Elaine Pena Tom Poulos Harry Rokas Walt & Mina Sidler Sophia Sotiriou J. Tyler Stanley Helen Stanley Fr. Dan Suciu Beth Tsounakas Georgia Varelas Ismene Valescu Nikki Walker Sylvia Wolf Anthony Zannaras Please pray for the brothers and sisters listed on the this page who are sick. If you are sick, please let us know so we can pray for you as God’s family. Please let us know when you are having surgical procedures and Fr. George will perform the PARAKLESIS Service during your procedure. In the event of any hospitalization, please let us know so we can bring the Lord’s comfort in prayer or sacrament. Editor’s Note Remember that the Newsletter deadline is March 15 for the April 2014 issue. You may either mail, fax or e-mail your articles or items before the deadline to the Church Office. (Addresses are on the front page). If your name does not appear in the birthday or anniversary lists, please call the church office. If you know anyone who is ill and not on the Prayer List and would like their name listed, call the Church Office at 7355051. The First Sunday of Lent: The Sunday of Orthodoxy Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID San Antonio, TX Permit No. 1212 Change Service Requested SERVICES AND SCRIPTURE READINGS MARCH SUNDAY SERVICES MARCH WEEKDAY SERVICES DIVINE LITURGY 9:30 AM Sunday March 1 Epistle Reading: Galatians 5:22-26; 6:1-2 Gospel Reading: Matthew 6:1-13 Sunday March 8 Epistle Reading: II Timothy 2:1-10 Gospel Reading: Mark 2:23-28; 3:1-5 Sunday March 15 Epistle Reading: Hebrews 3:12-16 Gospel Reading: Mark 1:35-44 Sunday March 22 Epistle Reading: Hebrews 10:32-38 Gospel Reading: Mark 2:14-17 Sunday March 29 Epistle Reading: Hebrews 6:13--20 Gospel Reading: Mark 9:17-31 March 25 Wednesday Annunciation Epistle Reading: Hebrews 2:11-18 Gospel Reading: Luke 1:24-38 \ LENTEN SERVICES Pre-Sancitified at 6 pm on Wednesdays Salutations at 6 pm on Fridays.