200 DPI
200 DPI
390000 5175000 19°33'0"E 19°34'30"E 392500 395000 19°36'0"E Szekerces-szek 19°37'30"E Kisbugac 397500 19°39'0"E 400000 19°40'30"E 19°42'0"E 402500 19°43'30"E 5175000 387500 19°31'30"E Rodli Szekto Gorbe To GLIDE number: N/A Activation ID: EMSR003 Product N.: 00Bugac, v2 Bács-Kiskun - Forest fire Fire Delineation Map - Overview Production date: 07/05/2012 Kecskemét County 5172500 46°42'0"N Hatarto Bugacpuztahaza 5172500 46°42'0"N Nagyszek Bugac Cartographic Information 1:25000 0 0.5 1 ± 2 km Map Coordinate System: WGS 1984 UTM Zone 34N Graticule: WGS 84 geographical coordinates Legend a utc Area of Interest 46°40'30"N 5170000 4 ke Be Ro ute 5 5170000 46°40'30"N Bugac Vasutallomas Full color ISO A1, medium resolution (200 dpi) Built-up areas / Buildings " Named Location # OSOCC Burnt area as seen in the 4-5/5/2012 Transportation Primary Road Local Road Other Industrial Bugac Felso Vasutallomas Area not analysed Mixed - Residential Administrative boundaries Asset Affected population Affected structures OSOCC Buildings Critical Infrastructures Consequences within the AOI 0 Persons 0 Buildings (estimated) 0 Affected land cover (Corine Land Cover) Kiskunfélegyház County Urban fabric 0 ha Pastures 0 ha 5167500 46°39'0"N 5167500 Arable Land Er ep ut 46°39'0"N sz do k la Heterogeneous agricoltural areas Forests Scrub and/or herbaceous vegetation associations Inland wetlands 0 ha 0 ha 1069 ha 875 ha 0 ha Map Information Since the end of April 2012 the forest within Kiskunsági National Park got on fire several times. The National Park was established in 1975 and declared a biosphere reserve by the UNESCO. The forest and the ancient juniper vegetation were burnt down. The unique fauna were damaged as well. After extinguishing, the undergrowth (dry pine needles) got on fire again on the last days. Because of the dry, windy weather conditions the crowns of the trees got on fire too. The core users of the map are Civil Protection authorities The potential additional users of the map are other public / private entities dealing with the affected National Park The scope of the map production is support to planning for the response teams. Data Sources 5165000 Morigcat Felsomoricgat 5165000 Bagibocsa Quickbird © Digitalglobe (Acquired 04/05/2012, 57% cloudy, 0.6m resolution) WorldView-2 © Digitalglobe (Acquired 05/05/2012, 30% cloudy 0.5m resolution) all provided under ESA GSC-DA DWH License Base vector layers © Openstreetmap, reworked by e-GEOS Administrative boundaries © GADM Toponyms © Geonames EURODEM © EC (25m posting) Dissemination/Publication Bezsenyidulo No restrictions on the publication of the mapping. Delivery formats are GeoTIFF, GeoPDF, GeoJPEG and vectors (shapefile). 46°37'30"N 46°37'30"N Framework Kiskorös Fisherbocsa County Alsomorigcat Bocsa-Bugaci-csatorna Map production Nagybugac QuickBird imagery (29-08-2011) WorldView-2 imagery (12-02-2012) 5162500 5162500 Kiskunmajsa County The products elaborated for this Rapid Mapping Activity are realised to the best quality of our ability, with a very short time frame, during a crisis, optimising the material available. All geographic information has limitations due to scale, resolution, date and interpretation of the original source materials. Product compliant with GIO-EMS RUSH Product Portfolio specifications. This map includes information on basic topographic features such as transportation networks, natural features, toponyms and administrative boundaries displayed over a Very High Resolution archive imagery (QuickBird, acquired on 29/08/2011, 0.6m spatial resolution and WorldView-2, acquired on 12/02/2012, 0.5m spatial resolution). The background image is a false colour composite made up using the near infrared in the red channel, red in the green channel and green in the blu channel. The thematic layers of affected areas and cloud coverage have been derived from Very High Resolution post-event images (QuickBird, acquired on 04/05/2012, 0.6 spatial resolution and WorldView-2, acquired on 05/05/2012, 0.5 spatial resolution). The satellite images have been geometrically corrected using the EURODEM (25m posting) and the sensor model and then mosaicked; vector data have been adjusted afterwards according to this geometric reference. The estimated geometric accuracy of this product is 5m CE90 or better, from native positional accuracy of the background satellite image (Worldview-2 off nadir angle: min 2° max 3.5°). The estimated thematic accuracy of this product is 85% or better, as in the area of interest no ambiguous features were detected. Map produced on 07/05/2012 by e-GEOS © EC Name of the release inspector (quality control): Claudio Mammone (ODO), e-mail: [email protected] Civil Protection Response Delineation Planning 19°31'30"E 387500 19°33'0"E 390000 Messzelatodulo 19°34'30"E 392500 19°36'0"E 19°37'30"E 395000 19°39'0"E 397500 19°40'30"E 400000 Fire 46°36'0"N 46°36'0"N Szentimrebocsa 19°42'0"E 19°43'30"E 402500 Satellite Images (QuickBird/WorldView-2) 06-05-2012
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Delivery formats are GeoTIFF, GeoPDF, GeoJPEG and vectors (shapefile and KML formats).