Port lotniczy Kraków
Port lotniczy Kraków
411000 19°45'30"E 411500 412000 19°46'0"E 19°46'30"E 412500 413000 413500 19°47'0"E 414000 19°47'30"E 19°48'0"E 414500 415000 19°48'30"E 19°49'0"E 415500 GLIDE number: N/A o ws ka EURO 2012 football championship Reference Map - 01Detail dziwillow Production date: 28/05/2012 St a Ra Activation ID: EMSR-002 Product N.: 12Krakow, v1 Krakow, POLAND a 5549500 5549500 B ur D lug 50°5'30"N 50°5'30"N D l ug a sl ni aw a Km y it Blonie a Sz n kol Krakowska 3 1 5549000 5549000 Balice Cartographic Information 50°5'0"N 1:7.000 50°5'0"N 5548500 5548500 Powaba Aleksandrowice 0 125 Full color ISO A1, medium resolution (200 dpi) 250 Map Coordinate System: WGS 1984 UTM Zone 34N Graticule: WGS 84 geographical coordinates Area of Interest Buildings Residential National Motorway Transportation Secondary Road Other 5548000 5548000 ko Na L otnis 50°4'30"N 50°4'30"N Hydrology Potentially affected population Potentially affected assets Exposure within the AOI 3816 Inhabitants 685 buildings Residential Industrial Commercial Institutional Multi-functional 5547500 5547500 Military 1 0 0 0 36 0 Map Information 5547000 A4 5547000 50°4'0"N 50°4'0"N 5546500 5546500 Bory Cholerzynskie Olsz a n i ck Kryspinòw 412500 19°47'0"E 413000 Dissemination/Publication No restrictions on the publication of the mapping after July 9th 2012. Delivery formats are GeoTIFF, GeoPDF, GeoJPEG and vectors (shapefile and KML formats). 19°47'30"E 413500 414000 19°48'0"E 414500 The products elaborated for this rapid mapping have been realized to the best of our ability, with a reasonable short time frame, optimizing the material available. All geographic information has limitations due to scale, resolution, date and interpretation of the original source materials. The products are compliant with GIO-EMS RUSH Product Portfolio specifications. Map production This map includes information on basic topographic features, such as transportation, settlements, hydrology, toponyms and land cover, displayed on Very High Resolution imagery (WorldView-2, acquired February 29th 2012, 0.5 m spatial resolution). This satellite image has been geometrically corrected using the sensor model / RPC and EUDEM (25 m posting) and georeferenced to Polish GeoPortal as requested using GCPs extracted from that source. Vector data have been adjusted and completed afterwards according to the satellite imagery. The estimated geometric accuracy of this product is 5 m CE90 or better, from native positional accuracy of the background satellite image. The estimated thematic accuracy is 85% or better, as the product has been crossed checked with various ancillary sources (i.e. PL GeoPortal). Map produced on May 28th 2012 by eGEOS under contract 257219 with the European Commission. All products are © of the European Commission. Name of the release inspector (quality control): GAF AG (ODO), E-mail: [email protected] Civil Protection Preparedness a Reference Map - Detail Planning Other 5546000 Kmiecie 19°46'30"E WorldView-2 (acquired February 29th 2012, 0,8% cloud cover, 0.5 m resolution) ©DigitalGlobe 2012, provided under ESA GSC-DA DWH License OSM ©OpenStreetMap 2012, refined by eGEOS UrbanAtlas, ©EEA 2011 PL Geoportal, ©Surveyor General of Poland EURODEM © EC (25 m posting) For detailed maps only: LandScan ©UT BATTELLE, LLC. 2010 Framework Cholerzyn 5546000 0 Educational Medical Recreational Religious Transportation Data Sources Wyrwichòw 50°3'30"N 647 0 0 1 0 Interpretation: The 2012 UEFA European Football Championship, commonly referred to as Euro 2012, will be hosted by Poland and Ukraine between June 8th and July 1st 2012. This map product covering the area of Kracow Balice Airport is delivered to cope with the operational requirements for the emergency planning, evacuation planning during the football matches as well as for the whole period of the championship. The core users of the map are civil protection authorities. The potential additional users of the map are the public / private entities dealing with planning / emergency purposes. The aim of the map production is a support to planning for the response activities. Bory Morawickie 412000 Aerodrome Bridge Runway Other 19°46'0"E ! Educational Reservoir Morawica 411500 Institutional Railway Aerodrome Port lotniczy Kraków-Balice 9 4 r Local Road Educational 1 Points of Interest Transportation Institutional 19°45'30"E ± 500 Meters Legend A4 411000 4 2 19°48'30"E 415000 19°49'0"E 415500 Satellite images (WorldView-2) 08-06-2012
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