2012 Annual Report - Jersey Battered Women`s Service


2012 Annual Report - Jersey Battered Women`s Service
­­P.O. Box 1437, Morristown, NJ 07962
2012 Annual Report
Jersey Battered Women’s Service, Inc.
“survivor” original artwork by Krissi Sandvik
Message from the President and Executive Director
(as of December 31, 2012)
James Gerace
Vice President
Patricia Lee
Mark McBride
Tri-County Orthopedics
Sandi McNeil-Rogers
HisVision, Inc.
Wyndham Worldwide
Nancy Miller-Rich
Judy O’Hagan
Vlasta Moravkova
James Sonneborn
Regent Atlantic Capital, LLC
Lara Abrash
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Maureen A. Brundage
The Chubb Corporation
Raymond DeRiggi
PNC Bank
John Gerity
Access2Care, LLC
Merck & Co., Inc.
Ernst & Young
Elaine Noonan
Randi C. Roberts
Mary Stine
The Provident Bank
Cindy Weiss
AAA of New Jersey
Amy Komoroski Wiwi
Lowenstein Sandler PC
Merrill Lynch
Deb Hughes
Executive Director
Goldcon, Inc.
Vincent Grenier
Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Patricia Sly
Joseph Longo
Longo Electrical-Mechanical
Our Mission
is the prevention of domestic violence through the protection
and empowerment of the victim, the rehabilitation of family
members, the advocacy of social reform to prevent partner
violence, and the education of the public about domestic
violence and its consequences.
Novartis Pharmaceuticals
Jorge Caballero
Mirian Graddick-Weir
Laurie Peter
Christopher Reidy
Gretchen Wilcox
Terence Golden
Superstorm Sandy, Post Recession, and a Lesson in Resiliency
Our Vision
is to create a community-wide culture that does not tolerate the
presence of any form of family or partner violence…a culture that
holds abusers accountable for their actions and victims blameless
for their victimization…and a culture that works purposefully to
foster healthy relationships, teaching all children the importance
of mutual respect between partners.
When we have a clear sense of purpose and we are more resilient, we can hold fast to our vision of a better future.
For most in New Jersey, 2012 will be
remembered as the year of Superstorm
Sandy. JBWS, like so many others, lost
power on Monday, October 29. With no
electricity, heat or sewer pumps, we had
to evacuate 24 women and 19 children
from our safe and transitional houses
and move them to a confidential, safe
location until we could return everyone to
one building, Arbour House, a week later.
Thankfully, we were able to keep everyone
safe and the helpline operational during
the storm. We lost all of our perishable
food and incurred unexpected expenses
for tree removal, electrician services,
sewer pump and heating repairs, and
staff coverage and overtime. Despite
the temporary setbacks from the storm,
there were important lessons learned.
Going forward, we are better prepared
with a more comprehensive evacuation
and disaster plan and will purchase a
generator with funding received through
the United Way of Northern New Jersey.
Through this experience, we gained a
deeper appreciation for the resiliency of
our clients and for our donors’ compassion
and willingness to go above and beyond.
Their tenacity of spirit inspires us to hold
fast to our vision of a better future despite
the challenges we face in the new postrecession reality.
The JBWS Board of Directors agreed
going into the recession that it was
critically important to meet the
increasing demand for services, in spite
of a drop in funding. Fortunately, over
the years, the organization had set
aside reserves for that rainy day. We are
using those reserves while remaking
our fund raising strategies to maintain
services and balance the budget. We
believe this investment is necessary
to build JBWS’s capacity and to ensure
the long-term viability of services that
victims depend on.
Sheri, a former client of JBWS says, “My
survival could not have happened, had
it not been for the resources available
through JBWS. My journey has established
a path of hope, promise and resilience.
Today, I am stronger than ever and
confident in the choices I made. I am
determined to meet set goals and
dedicated to future success.”
For Sheri and the thousands of people
who depend on our services each year,
JBWS remains focused on its set goals.
In 2012, we identified ways to increase
access to our services for our vulnerable populations affected by domestic
violence in Morris County. Community
partnerships were developed and staff
and volunteer training was added to
ensure improved services for LGBTQ victims, the disabled, and the South Asian
community. These critical new initiatives
would not be possible without the
generosity of our donors.
On behalf of the clients we serve, we
thank you for your ongoing support and
commitment to preventing domestic
Jim Gerace
Patty Sly
Executive Director
Your Donations at Work
Thanks to you, more than 2,500 individuals had a place to turn when faced with violence in their relationships.
At JBWS, programs and services are strategically implemented to achieve immediate victim safety, long-term
self-sufficiency for families, a break in the intergenerational cycle of violence, and a shift in the cultural norms
that support domestic violence. Together, here is what we accomplished in 2012.
JBWS serves as a lifeline
to difficult
to difficult
or questions,
to just talk to someone
or to just talk to someone who understands.
Trained staff
and volunteers
staff and volunteers
to calls respond to
24 hours a day. Your support allowed us us
to to answer:
• 5,077 helpline calls
5,077 helpline calls
Safe House
Thanks to you, women and children threatened or harmed
by domestic violence found safety in JBWS’s safe home.
Arbour House is a beautiful, large, warm, and comfortable
home. But most of all it is secure.
• 78 families found protection in the safe house for a
total of 7,482 nights of stay
• 3,303 hours of individual supportive counseling and
1,719 hours of group counseling focused on domestic
violence safety planning as well as the complex added
problems experienced by some, including: a history of
childhood sexual abuse; poverty; language barriers;
current involvement with child protective services;
and substance abuse
Children’s Services
You are helping JBWS break the intergenerational cycle
of domestic violence by teaching alternatives. Children
participated in individual and group counseling, recreation
programs, structured play, and before and after school
programs that were all aimed at the prevention of abuse.
• 145 children participated in specialized services
Transitional Living
Following a two-month stay in the Safe House, some families
move on to transitional living that allows them to build a
stronger foundation toward self-sufficiency.
Thanks to your support,
• 19 families found a temporary home at the 11-apartment
unit Carol G. Simon House for a total of 8,370 nights of stay
• 9 families were able to further their education, increase
their earnings, and move from the Simon House to
affordable housing in the community
Vocational Development
• 54 women participated in classes on financial literacy,
computer applications, parenting, life skills, and more
• 60 women attended individual vocational counseling
• Several women secured educational scholarships and
a handful completed certificate programs such as
phlebotomy, sign language, and cosmetology
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Counseling and Legal Assistance
Speaking with a professionally trained counselor can help
to sort out the problems caused by emotional and physical
abuse. At JBWS, a person does not need to stay in the safe
house or transitional living facility to receive supportive
counseling services. In addition, JBWS legal advocates
are available to accompany victims to court and provide
support and information on their legal rights and options.
Thanks to you,
• 428 victims benefited from specialized counseling
• 1,190 victims were accompanied to Family or
Municipal Court
Your Donations at Work
Client Assistance
Thanks to the generosity of the community, several
assistance projects helped families get back on their
feet and stay connected with JBWS for years beyond
the initial crisis.
• 90 families gathered for a private Day of Unity luncheon
program to share their stories of survival and celebrate
their successes
• 190 families received donated turkeys and food for
the Thanksgiving holiday
• 600 women and children received donated holiday
toys and gifts
Batterers’ Intervention
Jersey Center for Non-Violence is a JBWS program
assisting those who are using force or abuse in their
relationships and includes: ACT, a program for men;
Choices, a program for adolescent males; and Vista,
a program for women.
• 143 males attended the ACT and Choices programs
in 2012. Of those, 74 were fathers of children under
the age of 18 and 3/4 of those had involvement with
child protective services. Looking ahead, a new priority
for the ACT program will focus on fatherhood.
• 23 women participated in the Vista program
Ted called the JBWS helpline and requested to return to ACT.
He had completed the program in the 90s and separated
from his ex-partner. In his new relationship, he began to
recognize that he was falling back into old habits of using
verbal abuse to get what he wanted. He knew he needed
more support to keep his relationship on a healthy course.
“Resilience is rooted in the tenacity of spirit– a determination
to embrace all that makes life worth living even in the face
of overwhelming odds.”
— wisdomcommons.org
Teen Dating Abuse
Thanks to our donors, we are able to teach youth about
dating abuse. The Dating Abuse Prevention Program provides
education and counseling to adolescents and young
adults involved in dating abuse, counseling for parents
and consultation to school personnel and professionals.
•283 programs were presented; 7,295 teens attended
•77 hours of counseling were provided for teens and
their parents
Community Education/
Professional Training
From driving a new client from the emergency room to
the safe house, to reading a story to a child, to helping
with a fundraising event, volunteers are crucial members
of the agency.
•More than 100 volunteers provided JBWS with 10,024
hours of core services
•Volunteer Crisis Response Team members were called
out by their local police departments in 294 cases of
domestic violence
Various professional, civic, business and faith-based
groups throughout the county were engaged in discussions
about the prevention of domestic violence by JBWS
experienced public speakers and trainers.
•179 speaking engagements and trainings for professionals
were presented; 5,812 persons attended
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My Happy Ending
A Story of Resiliency
Being in love with someone was always what I wanted.
I dreamed of having a happily ever after family, plenty of
children, and my husband and I growing old together.
When I was 18 years of age, I thought my happily-everafter was finally going to happen. I had met the man of
my dreams. He was a very likeable and outgoing person.
He could be “the life of the party” but still make me feel
as though his world revolved around me. We eventually
had a child together. Then, things began to change in
our relationship —for the worse.
Once while driving through Brooklyn, New York, with my
daughter in the back seat, he and I got into a disagreement
over something very minor. He stopped in a parking lot
and started by holding me down and choking me while
yelling, “Didn’t I tell you to shut up!” As he became angrier, he clenched his hands tighter around my neck as
my 11 month-old-daughter watched.
Then he got out of the driver’s side of the car and
opened the passenger’s door where I was sitting and
attempted to drag me out of the car. I remember crying
and saying, “You said you would never put your hands
on me again. Please stop. Just let me take my baby with
me.” However, he continued to yank and pull on me, but
I held on tight for my daughter’s sake.
Finally, he gave up and told me to take our daughter
and get out the car. I grabbed my daughter and got out
of the car into the pouring rain. I saw a man sitting in a
parked car and asked him if my baby and me could sit
in his car until my family members came to pick us up.
Imagine feeling safer getting into a car with a strange
man, than with the father of your child.
I will never forget coming home drenched from the rain,
and looking in the bathroom mirror at the marks around
my neck. I knew I couldn’t stay.
On my daughter’s 1st birthday, I moved into Jersey Battered
Women’s Service’s safe house. During my stay there I
learned so much about my right to be safe and free from
abuse. After 3-months there, I felt as though I was ready
to leave. I had an apartment but no job or driver’s license.
Within 7 months, like a fool, I returned to my abuser. I had
forgotten how deceiving he could be. He had me believing
that he had changed for the better. He said he now knew
how to handle his emotions, he knew how to treat me
right, he would never hit me again, and he even went so
far to say he had found Jesus. For almost a year, his behavior had improved or so I
thought. He hadn’t hit me, pushed me, or gone into one
of his fits of rage. We got married. I was ready to spend
the rest of my life with the father of my child.
The first year of our marriage had to be, by far, the worst
abuse I have ever experienced in my life. I felt as if he
knew that I would leave if he continued to hit me or beat
me up. But, it would be harder for me to escape if he beat
me up emotionally by stripping away everything that
made me who I am. I found myself loving me less and
losing focus on my dreams and aspirations. And then, the
moment came.
One year ago, my husband and I had a disagreement over
how he disciplined our daughter. He hit her and I defended
her. He was not too happy about my telling him how to
discipline our child. He picked up a hammer and bashed in
all the walls surrounding my daughter and me, and then
he started to come towards us. It was then that I made a
promise to myself that if I made it out alive, I would do
whatever I had to do to leave him and be free of abuse.
I shielded our daughter and managed to escape with her
to JBWS.
From that day forward, I was determined and motivated to
do whatever I could to live my life abuse free. I am currently
living in an apartment in the JBWS Carol G. Simon Transitional
Living Program. There, I am receiving counseling and legal
support to get a divorce. I attend budgeting classes so that
I can learn to live on my own eventually. I am a full-time
employee at local food establishment; and I am a full-time
college student working towards an Associate Degree in
Nursing. I wouldn’t be able to do this without the help
of JBWS. They helped me to get a college scholarship and
to get into a special certification program for low-income
women entering the health care profession.
I have finally come to the realization that true love is loving
myself first and that maybe a happy ending doesn’t
include a relationship. Maybe it’s me on my own, picking up
the pieces and starting over, freeing myself up for something
better in the future. My happy ending is now, moving on
and moving forward, domestic violence-free.
I was embarrassed and so hurt that I had to go through
this again. I thought that the counselors and staff who
knew me would look at me as a failure—even more a
fool for going back to my abuser and marrying him. But
thankfully, I was extremely wrong.
Each and every one of the staff members and volunteers
showed me unconditional love and care, as if I were their
child, returning home, welcoming me with open arms and
helping me in every aspect of my life. I will never forget
walking past the shelter coordinator’s office; on my second
day there, and she smiled at me and said, “Hi, Jessica. I’m
happy to see you here.” I felt as if somehow she knew that
if I were here again, my life depended on it.
Our Donors at Work
JBWS’ resilience lies in the hands of those who give of themselves and those whose lives are better because of it.
Confidentiality and safety issues prevent us from showing you many of those who benefited most from our
services. However, we are proud to show you some of those responsible for their success stories.
Laurie Peter: Making a Difference
In domestic violence, people’s human rights are being trampled. Without
agencies like JBWS, the most vulnerable victims —women and children —
would have nowhere to turn.
“When I was first invited to lunch with the executive director of JBWS to
discuss becoming involved with the organization, I wasn’t sure what I could
offer,” remembers Laurie Peter. However, Laurie’s passion for the importance
of preventative education and her commitment to serve others quickly drew
her into the cause.
“In domestic violence, people’s human rights are being trampled,” emphasizes
Laurie. “Without agencies like JBWS, the most vulnerable victims—women and
children—would have nowhere to turn. At JBWS, the door is always open.” Laurie
soon learned that she had much to offer. Her background in clinical social
work coupled with her years of experience in leadership positions made her an
obvious choice for the board of directors. “Too often, human service boards
have to spend the majority of their time fixing the organization rather than
focusing on their clients’ needs and the mission,” says Laurie. “Not so at JBWS.”
Laurie Peter (R) is congratulated by her niece Cheyenne Peter following her recognition at the
2012 Grand Tastings event.
“A rich life consists fundamentally of servicing others, trying
to leave the world a little better than you found it.”
— Cornel West, philosopher and theologian
“Together, our focus was on augmenting a fiscally sound
and solid organization that is always rising to the occasion
to provide the most responsive and innovative programs for
the community.” Laurie was particularly impressed with
JBWS’s new initiatives to reach victims who may be hesitant
to seek services, such as the South Asian population, the
LGBTQ community and affluent women.
Laurie’s six-year term on the board has expired, but not her
enthusiasm for furthering JBWS’s mission. She looks forward
to serving on the new Advisory Board for JBWS where she will
focus her energy on finding new fundraising opportunities.
“I think it is important to cultivate the next generation of
donors and introduce them to JBWS,” declares Laurie.
“I will never forget a fundraising dinner when a client told
the audience her story of being trapped in an abusive
relationship at the hands of her husband. When she
revealed that he worked on Wall Street and they had
lived in one of our affluent communities, you could look
around the room and see people’s jaws drop. She was
living proof that domestic violence could happen to
anyone and in any community. As I watched my friends,
neighbors and colleagues embrace the woman afterward,
I was so moved. It was then that I realized that I had
something else to offer JBWS—my network. Like me,
their eyes had been opened to the rewards of contributing to this life-saving cause.”
“I want people to know that the impact of this work is so
high,” says Laurie. “JBWS’s interventions really do make a
difference in the lives of victims and, in turn, have a positive,
lasting impact on their children and the life of the community.”
Laurie Peter has dedicated her personal and professional
life to serving the public good. For more than two decades,
she has worked, served and devoted herself to the nonprofit
world. She lives in Harding Township, New Jersey, with her
partner Betsy Bernard. Both are extremely generous with
their time, talent and treasure to aid JBWS in its efforts to
heal families fractured by domestic violence.
Our Donors At Work
Giving through Leadership
During 2012, six dedicated board members each completed their term
of service. Pictured from (l-r) are Christopher Reidy of ADP, Sunita Holzer
of Chubb & Son, Executive Director Patty Sly, Mirian Graddick-Weir of
Merck & Co., Inc.; Aru Kulkarni of The Jones Group; Deborah Dick-Rath of
Symphony Advanced Media; and Brian Giovinazzi of The Provident Bank.
Giving through Corporate Citizenship
Judy O’Hagan proudly accepts the award for Sanofi, JBWS’s
2012 Corporate Honoree at its Grand Tastings event. For more
than 10 years, Sanofi has been a strong supporter of JBWS’s
programs and services by providing donations, grants, and
leadership to the agency, including multi-year sponsorships
of Grand Tastings and Hope Classic events and providing a
mentorship program to JBWS employees. O’Hagan is the
Vice President, Human Resources for Sanofi and serves as
secretary on the JBWS Board of Directors.
Giving Time and Talents
Helping to make the 2012 Grand Tastings event a success are (l-r) Gary Fisch, owner
of Gary’s Wine and Marketplace and Stephen and Elaine Noonan. Gary has served
as the wine and beverage consultant for Grand Tastings since 2006 and as the live
auctioneer since 2010. Elaine is a member of the Board of Directors and serves as
the Grand Tastings Event Co-Chair.
Giving Commitment
Barbara Ridder Irwin has been a loyal supporter of JBWS for more than 20 years. Through the years, she has
funded numerous programs including capital campaigns, annual appeals and special events. In 2008, we
learned that JBWS, was recipient of a charitable remainder unitrust. Barbara’s generosity and long-term
commitment to helping families heal from domestic violence are remarkable.
Giving Back
Jaraun Wright is a fine example of resiliency. So that he may help others, he shares his personal
story of growing up in a home with abuse and what it was like to come to the JBWS safe
house as a young boy. “For me, it was a relief to leave my home and go to a shelter,” explains
Jaraun. “There, I got to be an eight-year-old kid again.” Today, Jaraun gives back to JBWS by
volunteering his time in the children’s program.
In Memory
Diane Schussler Gaffney, a longtime supporter of JBWS, passed away peacefully on Sunday, December 30, 2012.
Diane became a founding board member of the Friends of Jersey Battered Women’s Service in 1994. She served
as the group’s treasurer and actively participated in their activities, including the holiday party for children, setting up the Simon House transitional living apartments with linens and kitchen supplies for each new family,
and fundraising events. In her honor, JBWS will plant a butterfly garden at the Simon House. Diane loved butterflies, which is fitting when thinking of the transformation our clients make as they move to safety and selfsufficiency. Diane will be missed.
Among Friends – Diane Gaffney (center) enjoys a night at JBWS’ s Grand Tastings event in May 2000 with Joanne Painter (left) and Mary Kay Mann.
Financial Report for 2012
Contributors in 2012
Benefactors — ($50,000.00 + )
F. M. Kirby Foundation, Inc.
United Way of Northern NJ
William E. Simon Foundation
United Way
Other Income
Operating Income
Investment Net Gain
Total Income
Patrons - ($25,000.00 + )
Chubb Corporation
Harris Coy Foundation Trust
Merck & Company
2,938,874 100%
1. Personnel
2. Operating 3. Depreciation
$3,399,633 100%
Expenses by Program:
$3,399,633 100%
1. Safe House and Children’s Services
2. Transitional and Vocational Services
3. Prof. Training and Community Relations 420,470
4. Counseling & Legal Advocacy
5. Jersey Center for Non-Violence
6. Administration
7. Fundraising
6 5
Sponsors — ($10,000.00 + )
AAA New Jersey Automobile Club
ADP Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David Altman
BJ’s Charitable Foundation
Burgdorff Foundation
Deluxe Corporation Foundation
Edith P.C. Taylor Charitable Trust
Fannie E. Rippel Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James Gerace
Dr. Mirian Graddick-Weir and
Mr. Michael Weir
The Iolta Fund of the Bar of NJ
Ms. Patricia Lee
NJ-Sim Foundation Inc.
Ms. Elaine Noonan and
Mr. Stephen Noonan
Mrs. Julia Averett Peet
Dr. Billur Samli
Turrell Fund
Donors — ($5,000.00 + )
Acorn Hill Foundation, Inc.
Acrow Corporation of America
Avon Products Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Blair A. Boyer
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Caballero
Ernst & Young
Estate of June E. Briant
Mr. John Gerity
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Gates Helms Hawn
Dr. Nancy Henseler
Johnson & Johnson Family of
Consumer Companies
Contributions of the Community
Foundation of New Jersey
Dr. and Mrs. Mark McBride
Merck Employee Giving Campaign
N2O2 Branding Inc.
Novartis Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Reidy
Robert & Joan Dircks Foundation
Grant Account
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Mr. and Ms. John F. Ruffle
Ms. Margaret Stone and
Mr. Jonathan Dee
The Boston Consulting Group, Inc.
The Fred C. Rummel Foundation
The MCJ Amelior Foundation
The Stephen Colbert Americone
Dream Fund
The Swanton Family Foundation
TJX Foundation, Inc.
Wyndham Worldwide
Supporters — ($1,000.00 + )
Ms. Phyllis M. Adams
ASIS International
Baker Street Trust
Mr. Dennis Baldassari
BASF Corporation
Beacon Trust Company
Mr. Jeffrey Beer and Ms. Stacey Beer
John Bickford Foundation
Ms. Marion B. Butler
Ms. Mary Capella
Mr. and Ms. William Carapezzi
Catholic Human Services Foundation
CB Richard Ellis
Ce De Candy, Inc.
Charles & Lucille King Family Foundation
Charles Emil/Thenen Foundation
Daniel J. Wilcox Memorial Fund of
the Community Foundation of
New Jersey
Day Pitney LLP
Deloitte & Touche
Diane Dixon Fund of the Community
Foundation of New Jersey
Ms. Amalia M. Duarte
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Duffy
Empire Lumber & Millwork Co.
ExxonMobil Foundation
Facility Interiors, Inc.
Mr. and Ms. Clint Factor
First Presbyterian Church of Boonton
Mr. Richard Fonte and Ms. Robin Spath
The Frelinghuysen Foundation
Anthony Fusco, D.M.D.
Dr. Dawn L. Gabriel
Gardner Family Fund of the Community
Foundation of New Jersey
Gibson Family Foundation
Ms. Faith Ginsberg
Mr. Stephen Gray and Ms. Kathleen
Gross Family Foundation of the
Community Foundation of
New Jersey
Mr. Frederick Gruel
Mr. Roger Hackbush
Mr. Thomas Hall
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Hardy III
Ms. Gisela Harpell
Dr. Darlene Hart
Mr. Terrance Hendricks
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie A. Hill
Hilltop Community Bank
Imperial Painting & Coating Corp.
Ingersoll Rand
Iron Horse Cavalry Motorcycle Club
JBK Associates, Inc.
John Snow, Inc.
Johnson & Johnson
Mr. James Johnston
Mr. and Ms. Steven J. Katz
Ms. Elizabeth Anne Keat
KJ Fund of the Community Foundation
of New Jersey
Mrs. Aru Kulkarni and Mr. Amol
L.P. Schenck Fund
Mr. and Ms. John Larsen
Lee Hecht Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Leroux
Ms. Laura Baskes Litwin
Mr. John H. Livingstone
Longo Electrical-Mechanical, Inc.
Lowenstein Sandler, PC
Ms. Beverly Luehs
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Maher
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Manning
Ms. Cathy Martine-Dolecki
Mr. and Ms. Bruce Robert Mc Ewan
Mr. Garry McGuire
Mr. John McIntyre
Ms. Nancy Miller-Rich and Mr. Jeffrey
Mr. Todd Mills
Mr. Hector Mislavsky and Ms. Judy
Montville Township Women’s Club
Mr. and Ms. Harold F. Moore
Ms. Vlasta Moravkova
Mr. Brian Murphy
Nisivoccia & Company LLP
Ms. Colleen O’Callaghan and
Mr. Stephen Hawkey
Ms. Judy O’Hagan and
Mr. Pete O’Hagan
Mr. and Ms. Mortimer O’Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Painter
Palriwala Foundation of America
Ms. Laurie Peter and Ms. Betsy Bernard
Peter R. & Cynthia K. Kellogg Foundation
PNC Wealth Management
Mr. Leonard Posey
Mr. and Ms. Jan Price
Price Waterhouse Coopers LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Probert
Mr. Timothy Reick
Mr. and Ms. Donald Richards
Mr. and Ms. Kenneth Robin
Sandy Hill Foundation of the Community
Foundation of New Jersey
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Sanzone
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schnog
Securitas Security Services USA, Inc.
Mr. and Ms. Steven H. Singer
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Singleton
Ms. Carolyn Slaski
Ms. Patricia Sly and Mr. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Smith
St. Andrews Nursery School and
St. Clare’s Hospital
Ms. Kathleen C. Stewart
Mr. and Ms. John Stratton
Mr. Gary Stura
The Chatham United Methodist
The Glenmede Trust Company
The Grace Roberti Foundation
The Gregory H. & Charlene L. Schofield
Family Foundation
The Jones Group
Contributors in 2012 continued
The Paul B. Greetin and Beryl S. Greetin
The Provident Bank
The Provident Bank Foundation
The Prudential Foundation
The Tiger Baron Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Kate Tomlinson and Mr. Roger
Mr. and Ms. Timothy Tracy
Twig 21 Plus
United Methodist Women of Chatham
United Way of New York City
Vicendese Family LP
Ms. Missey Vitagliano
Wakefern Food Corporation
Ms. Linda M. Weakland
Wells Fargo Foundation
Ms. Amy Komoroski Wiwi and Mr.
Christopher Wiwi
The Woman’s Club of Chatham
Mr. and Ms. Kevin R. Wood
Ms. Doreen Csutoros
Mr. and Ms. Vincent Cubelli
Dean’s Greens and Garden Center
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Dellanno
Ms. Nancy Doyle and Mr. Mark Doyle
Ms. Catherine Ellman
Mr. Peter Falzarano
Mr. Christopher Ferrara
Ms. Carole Foley
Ms. Jeri Frankel
The Honorable Rodney P. Frelinghuysen
Ms. Mary R. Gangemi
Ms. Karen Gerhold
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Gernert
Give With Liberty Employee Donations
Mr. Thomas S. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Baxter W. Graham
Ms. Susanna J. Gray
Ms. Elaine Grillo and Mr. Anthony Grillo
Mr. and Ms. Richard G. Gross
H.A.F., Inc.
Hajjar Property Development
Contributors — ($500.00 + )
Ms. Darlene Hart
Dr. Marilyn Althoff
Ms. Pat Haverland
Ms. Marie Anderson
Ms. Virginia Hawkins and Mr. Russell
Mr. Michael Anderson
Ms. DiAnne Arbour and Mr. James
Mr. and Ms. Stephen Heil
Highland Financial Advisors, LLC
Mr. and Ms. Ronald E. Baughman
Ms. Sunita Holzer
Mr. and Mrs Michael R. Bernal Silva
Mr. James Hopgood and Ms. Mimi
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bitar
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Boni
Mr. Andrew Hume
Ms. Cyra Borsy
Mr. James Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Bowman II
Inez Branca Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas V. Brown
Mrs. Barbara Ridder Irwin
Mr. and Ms. Anthony Bruno
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jacobs
Build-A-Bear Workshop Foundation, Inc.
Mr. George P. Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Byrd
Jersey Girl Electric, LLC
Mr. and Ms. Patrick R. Caulfield
Ms. Michelle Johnson-Lewis
Mr. and Ms. Raymond G. Chambers
Jotech Electrical Contractors, Inc.
Community Church of Smoke Rise
Ms. Dinesh M. Kakwani
Ms. Gail Patricia Crofoot
Mr. and Mrs. David Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Willliam L. Keefauver
Knights of Columbus
Leonard Financial Group
Mr. and Mrs. Paige B. L’Hommedieu
Madison Presbyterian Women’s
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Marcotte
Ms. Adele M. Maria-Cui
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCormack
Mr. John McFadyen
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher McReynolds
Mechanical Technologies, LLC
Dr. Robert Mohr
Morris County Bar Foundation
MSD Consumer Care Inc.
Ms. Margaret D. Murphy
NJ Assoc. of Women Therapists
Ms. Donna Odle
Mr. and Mrs. Dean O’Hare
Mr. and Mrs. Denis O’Sullivan
Mr. and Ms. David W. Panhorst
Parker Foundation
Pfizer Matching Gifts Program
Presbyterian Church of Morris Plains
Mr. Michael B. Preston
Private Label Manufacturers Assn.
Rainmakers BNI
Mr. William Reichel
Ms. Judith Reid
Mr. and Ms. Shawn Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Schaenen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sherman
Mr. and Ms. James A. Silverstein
Mr. James Sonneborn
Mr. and Ms. Robert B. Tafaro
The H.A. Heller Foundation, Inc.
The Lookout Foundation
Mr. and Ms. A. William Thomas
Chris W. Tiber
Mr. and Ms. Joseph S. Wargo
Washington Twp. Education Assoc.
Mr. and Mrs. James Weichert
Ms. Cindy Weiss and Mr. Michael Weiss
Ms. Dorothy Young
Mr. Charles Zheng
Ms. Diane Carr
Ms. Robin Carroll-Mann
Carver - Delaney Families Foundation, Inc.
Casa Blanca
Mrs. Joyce Casillo
Ms. Catherine M. Cavanaugh
Friend — ($250.00 + )
A Speedy Sewer and Drain Service, Inc. Central Morris Chapter #5397 of
AARP, Inc.
A&M Roofing, Inc.
Ceva Freight, LLC
Ms. Lara Abrash
Chancellor Academy
Aetna Foundations, Inc.
Circle Eleven, Presbyterian Church
Ms Amy Allegretti
Colonial Contracting LLC
Alto Enterprise
Ms. Lisa Davis
American Gold And Diamond Buyers,
Mr. and Ms. Raymond J. DeRiggi
D’fusco Construction & Development
Ms. Hanne Ankersen
Co., Inc.
Mr. William Austin and Ms. Sally
Diegnan & Brophy, LLC
O’Donnell Austin
Mr. and Ms. David Difusco
Avis Budget
Dr. and Mrs. Craig Dise
Ms. Elizabeth Bacot-Aigner
Ms. Mary Virginia Dotzauer
Ms. Patricia M. Barbarito
Mr. John F. Doyle
Ms. Barbara Barra
Drew University
Ms. Melissa Baumgartner
Ms. Risa L. Erbes
Ms. Judith Bayard
Ms. Susan Estes
Ms. Susan Beaton
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Ms. Claire M. Bianco
Ms. Diane Farrell
Mr. Daniel Bloomfield
Mr. and Ms. Steve Feld
Ms. Helen Boudreau
Mr. David Felton
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
First Presbyterian Church of Rockaway
Ms. Ellen Brody
Ms. Lisa M. Fosmire
Ms. Sharon Brookes
Mr. Kaywan Ghazi
Mr. and Ms. Lawrence B. Brooks
Ms. Bonnie Glynn
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Brouillard
Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. and
Mrs. W. Donald Brown
Mr. and Ms. William E. Gourgey
Ms. Maureen Brundage and
GRC Wireless, Inc.
Mr. Terrance Brundage
Green Pond Women’s Club
Mr. Daniel Buckley
Mr. Vincent J. Grenier
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Buteux
Ms. Gail Grossman
C&G Consulting
Mr. and Ms. Robert A. Groves
Professor Kathleen Calderone
Ms. Catherine Hagen
Ms. Linda L. Campbell-Smith
The Legacy Society
Ms. Donna Hansbury
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Harrington
Ms. Sheri Hassell
Mr. Thomas Haverty
Ms. Beverly Hays, ACSW
Helfand & Associates
Ms. Crystal Henry
Hidden Pond Foundation
Honeywell International
Ms. Beverly J. Horstmann
Ms. Deborah Hughes and
Mr. Allen Hughes
Independent Thrift Shop
Dr. Unjeria C. Jackson
Johanna Foods
Ms. Dianne Jones
Ms. Helen Kaplus
Mr. John Klug and Ms. Carol Klug
Ms. Kathryn S. Koles
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Krump
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lacey
Mr. Vincent Laurentino
Ms. Jeralyn Lawrence
Ms. Bettie Lefebvre
Mrs. Helen Le Frois and Mr. Gregory
Le Frois
Long Valley Junior Women’s Club, Inc
Mr. Gregory C. Lowack
Ms. Susan Lu
Dr. Jory Magidson and Ms. Caren
Ms. Irene Marinich
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mauriello
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas McDonnell
Mr. Kevin McMahon and Ms. Sara
Medco Health Solutions Charitable
Match Fund
Meyersville Presbyterian Church
Moms Club of Berkeley HeightsSummit Area
Moms Club of Long Valley
Morris Area Girl Scout Council Daisy
Troop #126
Morristown Medical Group
Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
Mountain Lakes Women’s Club
Mr. and Ms. Stephen J. Muretta
Mr. Joseph Nosofsky and
Ms. Laurie Siegel
Ms. Sharon O’Connor
Ogden Memorial Presbyterian
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew O’Keefe
Ms. Barbara P. Peda
Ms Lisa Plevy
Mr. and Mrs. Al Poe
Mr. Michael Portegello
Ms. Denise Rabadan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ranger
Rix Pool & Spa Supply
Ms. Carol Sapikowski
Ms. Jean R. Schiavone
Mr. Robert Seaman
Ms. Deborah Seminerio
Ms. Jane Shivas and Mr. Bruce Shivas
Simonian Rosenbaum Architects, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Skorewicz
Ms. Kathy Sobdewski
Soul Mastery Foundation of NY Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Spatz
St. Mary’s Parish
Mr. Robert Steele and Ms. Carole
Mr. Robert Steidlitz
Ms. Cathy and Mr. Doug Stephens
Ms. Sandy Stephens
Mr. James W. Stevens
Ms. Mary Stine and Mr. Richard
Stirling Hotel
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Swayne
Mr. and Mrs. Thayer Talcott Jr.
Mr. Thomas Tapen
Taylor’s Corp.
The Alternative
The Bank of New York Mellon
Community Partnership
The Chester Psychotherapy Group, LLC
The Smoke Rise Players
Mr. and Ms. Frederick W. Thoeni
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Timmes
Tyco Matching Gifts Program
U2 Rigging & Hoisting, Inc.
United Way of Camden County
United Way of Southeastern PA
Mr. and Ms. Richard Vanduyne
Mr. David Wahl
Warrenville Hardware
Ms. Ann Marie Weeks
Mr. David A. Weippert
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Welsh
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Willemsen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Woodward
Mr. Rahai Wusallam
Individual — ($100.00 + )
A. J. R. Cobblers Workshop, Inc.
Ms. Lori Adams and Mr. Jeffrey
Ms. Virginia Agresti
Ms. Kathleen Alicks
Alpha Kappa Lambda Fraternity
Ms. Mary Ann Ancona
Ms. Elizabeth Anger
Ms. Elizabeth Anroman
Association for Higher Awareness
Ms. Marcia Avedon
Mr. Robert Bailey
Mr. Edward Balazs
Ms. Robin Ballard
Ms. Lynne Barberi and Mr. John
Ms. Sharon Barbour
JBWS has been providing vital services to victims
of domestic violence and their children for more
than 37 years. Just as important as the work that
has been accomplished, is the planning for the
enormity of the work that still needs to be done.
Thank you to the following partners who have
made Legacy gifts to JBWS or have included
JBWS in their plans. Your help and support is critical
to the future of JBWS. Together we can ensure
another 37 years of services to our clients.
Ms. Linda Grandis Blatt
Ms. June E. Briant
Mr. James M. Brown
Mr. Robert B. Callahan
Mr. John P. Duffy
Ms. Anita Fitelson
Mr. Mark Foster
Mrs. Marian Frank
Ms. Clementina Gardner
Mr. Baxter W. Graham
Ms. Maria M. Hale
Mr. John P. Hellstrom
Ms. Barbara Ridder Irwin
Ms. Mary Kufta
Ms. Patricia Lee
Ms. Paige B.
Ms. Beverly Luehs
Mr. John K. Lundberg
Mr. Joseph F. Maher
Mr. Kevin J. Maher
Mr. Morgan J. Murray
Ms. Virginia H. Pace
Mr. Philip Pagano
Mr. Thomas S. Paluck
Ms. Dorothy J. Parker
Mr. Steven M. Parker
Ms. Julia Averett Peet
Mr. James M. Porter
Ms. Ann L. Probert
Mr. Frederic C. Reynolds
Mr. C. Graydon Rogers
Ms. Susan Ruf
Mr. John F. Ruffle
The Children of
Carol G. Simon
The William E. Simon
Ms. Kathleen Smith
Ms. Ann B. Sobine
Ms. Margaret Stone
Ms. Maureen Thomson
Ms. Barbara D. Tomlinson
Mr. G. G. Wells
Mr. Alan M. Willemsen
Ms. Lucia G. Worley
Ms. Nancy J. Wynant
Mr. David O. Zenker
Contributors in 2012 continued
Ms. Carolyn Bardach
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Barilla
Ms. Cheryl Barkley
Ms. Katy J. Barton
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson B. Bell
Ms. Margaret Bergh
Ms. Margaret Berlin and
Mr. Roger Berlin
Mr. and Ms. Stephen Bodnar
Ms. Joan Bogusat
Ms. Julie Bond
Mr. Christopher Bondi
Ms. Linda Boney and Mr. Paul Boney
Mr. Paul Boudreau
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Boyer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bradley
Ms. Sarah Brelvi
Dr. and Ms. John A. Brennan
Mr. Frank Bresz
Mrs. Helen Britton
Ms. Tracey Brochu
Mr. Martin Brodeur
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Brooks
Ms. Mary K. Brooks
Brown Brothers Harriman
Ms. Elizabeth Brown
Mr. and Ms. Christopher M. Bury
C and G Consulting Services Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cahill
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon P. Cameron
Ms. Linda Canny and
Mr. Joseph Canny
Ms. Lia Caravella
Mr. and Ms. Brian Carey
Mr. and Ms. Todd Carnevale
Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Carro
Ms. Jane Carswell-Smith
Ms. Kathryn M. Carter
Mr. and Ms. Dominic Cascio
Ms. Kim M. Catullo
Dr. Ronald Cauchard
Ms. Margaret Mary Cerbo
Certified Carpet Management
Water Emergency Technologies
Charlie Brown’s Steak House
Mrs. Shirley Chernow
Ms. Edwina Chesky
Ms. Patricia A. Chirico
Mr. Richard Ciullo
Ms. Eileen Claffey
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Cole
Ms. Cynthia D. Conklin
Mr. William Conroy
Ms. Jane E. Cook
Ms. Laura Copeland
Mr. Matthew Corrao and
Ms. Stacie Corrao
Ms. Barbara Costa
Mr. and Ms. James G. Costello
Mr. and Ms. Kevin M. Cullen
Ms. Lisa Cupelli
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Dana
Mr. and Ms. Victor Davila
Ms. Linda P. Davis
Ms. Lauren De Simon
Mr. Michael Dee and Ms. Marilyn Dee
Ms. Virginia Delalla
Mr. Felix DeMicco
Ms. Carolyn Deodene
Dr. and Dr. William DeVizio
Dr. and Mrs. William L. Diehl
Ms. Patricia Dilavore
Mr. Daniel DiNubila
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Dircks
Dolan & Traynor, Inc.
Ms. Maureen Donovan
Ms. Nancy Dotti
Mr. James Drake
Ms. Kristen Dugan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dugan
Mr. Douglas Duncan
Mr. John Earl and Ms. Teresa Preskar
Mr. and Mrs. William Easton
Mr. and Ms. Thomas W. Eckert
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Ellis
Mrs. Janet M. Engelmann
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Ewig
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Failla
Ferguson A/C, Inc.
First Presbyterian Church of
Ms. Maria Flatley and
Mr. Carl Flatley
Mrs. Alfred M. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Fritz
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Frost
Mr. and Ms. Henry A. Gabelmann
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Gaertner, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Gakos
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Gerace
Mr. Brian Giovinazzi
Girl Scout Troop 2264
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glade
Mr. James M. Golubieski
Mr. Alexander Gourley
Ms. Susan Gray
Mr. and Mrs. H. John Greeniaus
Ms. Sheira Greenwald and
Mr. Elihu Davison
Ms. Eileen Grimmer
Ms. Lori Groves
Mr. Elliot L. Gruenberg
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Guss
Ms. Connie Hagelin
Ms. Karen Hagemann
Halls Garden Center & Florist
Mr. James Halston
Ms. Rachele L. Hanley
Hannon Family Foundation, Inc.
Happy Rock Enterprises
Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Hartelius III
Ms. Heidi Hartstein
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hasker
Ms. Annette M. Hastie
Ms. Shirley Henderson
Ms. Joyce C. Henry
Ms. Joan B. Herrmann
Hildale Park Presbyterian Church
Ms. Joan D. Hill
Mr. and Ms. Charles E. Hoagland
Mr. and Ms. John A. Hoff
Ms. Cathy Holden-Pope
Mr. and Ms. Peter M. Holloway
Dr. Howard Holtz and
Ms. Laura Prato
Mr. and Ms. Thaddeus J. Hubert
Mr. Martin G. Isserlis
Dr. and Mrs. Dale M. Jacobs
Mr. David Jareckas
Mrs. Leokadia Sardi Jensen
Ms. Kim Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. David Jones
Mr. and Mrs. R. Sidney Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones
Mr. and Ms. Edward Joyce
Mr. and Ms. Benjamin H. Kaestner
Mr. and Ms. Michael Karp
Ms. Mary Kastner
Ms. Mary Kaywork
Ms. Dolores M. Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Keenan
Ms. Andrea Kelly and Mr. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. David Kelso
Kerzner Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kestner
Mr. Stephen King
Ms. Lenore Kiss
Ms. Carolyn Kleinman
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Klingener, Sr.
Mr. Steven Kohutic
Mr. and Ms. Robert F. Kristen
Mr. Fred Kuntzman
Ms. Donna Lacosta
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Larner
Mr. Stuart Lasser
Mr. and Ms. Elliott S. Lawrie
Mr. John Lee
Ms. Sheryl A. Lee
Mr. Ken Lehat
Mr. Ronald Lehman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leiwant
Mr. Tim Lenihan
Dr. and Ms. Stuart Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lief
Ms. Sandra Beach Lin and
Mr. Patrick Lin
Liquid Church
Mr. and Ms. Ronald Litchkowski
Mr. George Livanos
Ms. Mary Livingston
Mr. and Ms. James P. Logan
Ms. Janit London
Long Valley Woman’s Club
Dr. and Mrs. Barry H. Lowell
Ms. Linda H. Lower
Dr. William Lupatkin and
Dr. Julie Lupatkin
Mr. and Ms. Richard Lynch
Ms. Jeri Lyness
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lyon
Mr. and Mrs. William Lyons
Ms. Virginia M. Lyttle
Ms. Karen Maloney
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Mangum
Ms. Karen Mapp
Ms. Cheryl R. Marier
Ms. Elaine Martorelli
Ms. Luciana Masherelli
Ms. Eileen G. Mathews
Mr. and Ms. Mark Mayer
Mazcollc LLC
Mr. and Ms. Michael McBurney
Ms. Denise M. McCarthy
Ms. Ann Mcclain
Ms. Katherine McGuinness
Mr. Morgan McKeone
Mr. James McManus
Ms. Ellen McSherry
Medco Employee Giving Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Meehan
Mr. George R. Melillo
Mendham Township Middle School
Ms. Marie Messina
Ms. Paula Miller
Ms. Josephine Minerva
Ms. Catherine E. Mitchell
Montville Reformed Church
Mr. and Mrs. Barry M. Moore
Mr. Mark Moran
Mrs. Virginia H. Moriarty
Morris County Aktion Club
Mr. Dennis Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Moss
Ms. Colette Mott-Feldmeir
Ms. Mary Ann Mueller
Ms. Alyce Ann Myers
Ms. Lynn E. Nelson
Mr. and Ms. Tom and Kim Nicastri
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Nicastro
Ms. Elizabeth Nicholas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Noelke
Notre Dame of Mt. Carmel Church
Ms. Janine Nowatzky
Ms Deborah Nungester
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan O’Brien
Mr. Daniel O’Donnell
Ms. Sandra B. O’Gorman
Mr. Arnold M. Olshan
Ms. Mary O’Mealia
Mr. and Mrs. John J. O’Reilly
Ms. Lila Orr
Mr. and Mrs. John O’Shea
Mr. Michael Padula
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Palla
PAR Corporation, Inc.
Parsippany Resue & Recovery Unit Association
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Passerini
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pastore
Ms. Jill Paul and Mr. A. Russell Hoge
Ms. Lisa Perez
Mr. Alexander Perriello and Ms. Jerri Lynn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Phillips
Ms. Tatiana Phillips
Ms. Marcy Porman
Ms. Joan V. N. Powell
Presbyterian Women’s Assoc. of Chatam
Mr. and Michael Priore
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Pshick
Mr. Dennis Quigley
Mr. Mark Quigley
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Quinn
Mr. and Ms. Jonathan I. Rabinowitz
Ms. Barbara Raia
Mr. and Mrs. P. Drew Rankin
Mr. John Ransom
Mr. Kirk Raslowsky
Ms. Eileen Rath
Real World Martial Arts
Redeemer Lutheran Church of Sucasunna
Ms. Kimberly Reinert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Reiss
Mr. and Ms. Marc Reiter
Ms. Cherry K. Rizzo
Ms. Carolyn Robertson
Mr. and Ms. Murray S. Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn L. Rodgers
Ms. Mary B. Rogers
Ms. Sonia Roman
Ms. Michelle Romanenko
Dr. and Mrs. Walter D. Rosenfeld
Mr. and Ms. Denis A. Rossi
Mr. and Ms. John Rowland
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Rufener
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Sadowski
Mr. Tony Salameh
Ms. Crystal Sampson
Ms. Barbara A. Santoro
Mrs. Deirdre Sarafin
Ms. Virginia Savell
Sax Macy Fromm & Co., PC
Mr. J. Andrew Sayre and Ms. Wendy Wilmot
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Schautz
Dr. and Mrs. Leslie D. Schlessinger
Mr. and Ms. Peter E. Schmiedhauser
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Schuster
Mr. and Mrs. Cary M. Schwartz
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Schwartz
Mr. Richard Schwarz and Ms. Joanne Collins
Mr. and Ms. Anthony Sciuto
Dr. Gregory Scott
Ms. Tami Scribner-Jones
Ms. Patrice Scully
Mr. Stephen Seeland
Mr. Paul Selver and Ms. Ellen Roller
Mr. Mark Shearman and Ms. Linda Bohrer
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sheppard
Mr. Patrick Shrout and Ms. Jane Hanson
Ms. Lucy Shurtleff
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Simmons, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Sly
Ms. Eleanor C. Smith
Ms. Margaret C. Smith
Mr. Marquett Smith
Mr. and Ms. Simon Smith Solix
Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Spatz
Ms. Eileen Specchio
St. Rose of Lima of East Hanover
Mr. Alan Steinberg
Suburban Woman’s Club of Pompton Plains
Suburbanites of Morris Area
Mr. Matthew Taibbi
Ms. Barbara Tarchak
Mr. and Ms. Gary T. Taylor
Ms. Sharon Taylor
Temple Sinai
Ms. Marilyn Terhune
Mr. Steven Ternosky
The Buzak Law Group
The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey
The Stanley Congregational Church
Mr. Robert Tintle
Mr. Michael P. Tippner
Ms. Janet L. Toler
Ms. Gail Totten
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Tweed
Mr. and Ms. John Ubhaus
United Methodist Church of Green Village
Ms. Grace Van Etten
Mr. and Ms. Richard E. Van Ness
Ms. Carol Vitale
Mr. and Mrs. Gert Von Der Linde
Watson Pharmacuticals
Weetabix Company of North America
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Weinberg
Ms. Galit Weiner
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Weissner
Welsh, Chester, Galiney & Matone, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Werner
Ms. Diane R. West
The Westerhoff Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James Whelan
Ms. Lisa J. Whipkey
Ms. Jeanine Williamson
Mr. and Ms. Fritz Winans
Mr. and Mrs. David Wishnow
Ms. Margaret Witt
Ms. Laverne R. Wolfanger
Woman’s Club Parsippany/Troy Hills
Women of AT&T, Inc.
Women of Irish Heritage
Ms. Ruth E. Yanoff
Mr. and Ms. Fred Yeomans
Mr. Kenneth Zemsky
Editor/Director of
Community Relations
Regina Braham
Pro bono advertising and marketing
services to increase access to JBWS
Brushfire, Inc.