MSQA - National Meat Inspection
MSQA - National Meat Inspection
DRAFT DRAFT FRONTLINE SERVICES MEAT SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE Provides services on the certification of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Good Operating Practices (GOP) and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) to all NMIS accredited meat establishments. ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE ON GOOD MANUFACTURING ffC;:pC~Tirr)' OPERATING PRACTICES (GOP) AND HAZARD ANAL"?/S CR I C J'I (HACCr) TO NMIS ACCREPITED MEAT ESTAB!.lSHMENT 0 = PIS Republic Act 9296 otherwise known as the Meat Inspection Code of the Philippines as amended by Republic Act 10536 series of 201 provided for the re~ulation and certification of NMIS accredited meat establishments in the country to ensure compliance on sanitation, product quality and safety. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP) are the primary programs that have to be practices in all accredited meat establishments and are pre-requisites of the full accreditation of the meat establishment and also in the IIazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) Program. The GMP certificate is a written evidence of meat establishments' compliance to the program in relation to the whole process of food production as prescribed by DA Administrative Order No. 21 series of 2004. The establishment will be subjected to an on-site audit based on the Eight (8) key areas of SSOP. Who may avail of the Service: NMIS Accredited Meat Establishments Requirements: Accomplished application form (two copies) Documentation packet: GMP/GOP/SSOP/HACCP Accreditation Certificate Company Manual/Updated NMIS Schedule of Availability of Service: Mondays to Fridays, except holidays: 8:00am to . 5:00pm without noon breaks. Fees: Audit certification fee: Php 2. 000.00 (Two Thousand Pesos) for GMP Certification Php 5, 000.00 (Five Thousand Pesos) per product certification Mailing fee is subject to change upon notice of courier Mailing duration of process: 10 (ten) days on HACCr DRAFT NMIS MSQA Auditor - a person who has the training. perform an auditing tasks and has given a special order 4.1Procedural knowledge. skills and ability to by the NMIS Executive Director. Details ACTIVITY PERSON RESPONSIBLE ARS 'l<lITassigned at P.TOC to received DETAILS Application conl<lins the fOllowing: 1. Full name and address of applicant/client; 2. Full name and address of location of meat establishment 3. R~f~ •••.chtck of check the Plan tile .pp"r~uO"& ARS rtqulrelTlf'fl'IUbmlttifd o-..ol""'t_""'_) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• NotIfy deflclency # Yes Review of requirements completeness: a. HACCPIGMP/SSOP b. Payment lOR i- ME of the dOCl.tlllel'lt ••• _ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• RTOCARS to scrutinize the completeness of documents 1 1 !, J No Endorse to MSOA Central Office Preparation for the audit ARD.MSQA CO (Notify ME of the audit SChedule) To final check the requirements Submitted I Actual on-site audit (prOVide the NMIS MSQAAuditors ME with a duly accornplishPd copy of the Corrective action Audit process is comprised of the following activities: request (CAR) form and the GMP summary audIt report ..•.........._ ~ CLOSE - OUT AUDIT ~ ! EndofS~mellt tor Certifiulion Simultaneous accredil<ltion & audit for renewal Letter Intent for a c1ose.out audit fr ME Page 2 or 6 Opening meeting with company representatives Information gathering. which includes: Interview With personnf"1. paper audit or documents review & "walk-the-talk" observation of the actual operations, activities and conditions, verification of the process flow and Closing mf"eting discussion of the audit findings & observations with rJle company representatives Final review of requirement & preparation of Certification of GMP I GOP SSOP & HACCP - . - - . Attachment A DRAFT ISOFormat [-~ OPERATIONALPROCEDURE ~ ttP.~~.r:,~Division:Accreditation Registration '~:i\;:"~#": Division .-"'~,'f Section: Meat Safety & Quality ~~~ - ~ Assurance Unit Document No. DP.ARD/MSQA Page No. a Revision No. 00 Effectivity 27 March 2015 1.0 Objective To provide services on the certification of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Good Operating Practices (GOP)/ Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP) to the NMISaccredited meat establishments and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) system of meat and meat.products as prescribed by DAAdministrative Orders Nos. 9 and 21 series of 2003 and 2004 respectively. 2.0 Scope The certification procedure covers from the receipt of complete & updated documentation packet/requirements from the NMIS accredited meat establishments to the on-site verification of process /low up to the. mailing of the certificate on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Good Operating Practices (GOP)/ Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP) and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) to qualified Meat establishments. 3.0 Responsibilities The unit is responsible on the GMP/GOP / SSOP and HACCP certifications Systems to NMISaccredited meat establishments. 4.0 Terms and Definitions GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) . are minimum common sense sanitary and processing requirements which should apply to all food processing establishment GMP generally relates to good house keeping practices concerning food safety and quality. GOP - Good Operating Practices SSOP (Sanitation Standard Operation Procedure) - Specific sanitation procedures developed by processing establishment to ascertain that the conditions prescribed by cGMPs are met by the plant facilities and operations HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) - A system a system which identifies, evaluates, and controls hazards which are significant for food safety. NMISAccredited Meat Establishment Audit - on site verification of the process /low; a systematic and independent examination to determine whether quality activities and related results comply with planned arrangements are implemented effectively and are suitable to achieve objectives. (ISO 19011:2002) Page 1 of ti DRAFT Endorse to MSQA Central Office PreplN"ation for thl' close out audit (Notify ME of the audit u:hedule) \Jf Close out on-site audit (provid!' Ihe ME with a duly OIIccomplished copy of the cOrrective action request (CAR) form and the GMP summary iJudit report ..v Endorsernt'nt - I l Approval for CertIfication Executive Director of the 1 M.i1ingof 8 To officially approve the Certification .nd .ffixing of sign.ture by He.d of the Agency certifiCiJtion I Records Officer Me.t Establishments V. References - Issuances DAAdministr.tive Order NO.9 series of 2003 Mand.tory application of HACCPProgram in all NMICAccredited "AM" Meat Establishments Memo Circular NO.8 - 2003-03 Implementing Guidelines for the Mand.tory Application of HACCPSystem in tllp whole production process in all NMfC"AM" Accredited Meat Establishments DAAdministrative Order No. 21 series of 2004 Mandatory application ofGMP ISSOP Program in all NMICAccredited "M" Meat bl~biishments Memo Circular No. 2-2005-02 Implementing Guidelines for the M.ndatory Application ofGMP & SSOP Programs in the whole production. processes. storage and distribution in all NMIC "AA" Accredited Meat Establishments Page30f6 DRAFT Republic Act No. 9296 Meat Inspection No. 10536 Code of the Philippines DA Administrative Circular NO.1 series of2014 9296 as amended by RA 10536. VI. Forms VII. Fees & as amended Revised Implementing in the Republic Act Rules & Regulations of RA charges- Php 2, 000.00 / meat establishment DAAdministrative Order No. 21 series of2004 Mandatory application ofGMP/SSOP Program in all NMIC Accredited "AA" Meat Establishments Php S, 000.00 / product certificatJon on IIACCP DA Administrative Order NO.9 series of 2003 Mandatory application ofHACCP Program in all NMIC Accredited "AM" Meat Establishments Page 4 of 6