ohmage - GitHub Pages


ohmage - GitHub Pages
ohmage A par+cipatory sensing pla3orm
John Jenkins Center for Embedded Networked Sensing Open mHealth What is Par+cipatory Sensing? An approach to data collec.on and interpreta.on in which individuals, ac.ng alone or in groups, use their personal mobile devices and web services to systema.cally explore interes.ng aspects of their worlds ranging from health to culture. Real Time (always on) Real Place (always carried) Real Context (historical, spa.al, environmental, social) Real Applica2ons (civic and environmental data, transporta.on, health, educa.on) Data collec+on Automated capture Self-­‐Report Mobility GPS ACCELEROMETER Classifica+on Mobility State (i.e., s+ll, walking, running, biking, driving) SystemSens Collect phone usage, context (e.g. +me/space) and resource consump+on Informa+on recorded directly by the user Smart Reminders
Data Visualiza+on •  Campaign-­‐level visualiza+on Loca+on of Responses Privacy States •  Prompt-­‐level visualiza+on Aggregate (+me-­‐series) Aggregate (distribu+on) Data Visualiza+on •  Others: Mobility •  SystemSens Remaining baXery on phone Over Space User interac+on with phone Memory usage on phone Over Time ohmage Architecture Java + GWT + JavaScript + CSS + HTML Browser-­‐based clients: Firefox, Chrome, Safari JSON/HTTPS JSON/HTTPS Java + SQLite API Endpoints Android Device Java + Tomcat + MySQL JSON/HTTPS Rapache Linux Server Android à Cross-­‐pla3orm app Self-­‐Reported Surveys Feedback Triggers Automated Capture Data presenta+on •  Form •  Plots •  Maps Access to na+ve device •  Camera •  GPS •  Accelerometer Access to na+ve applica+ons •  Mobility classifier •  Background process HTML5, MWF PhoneGap (or tools that support plugins to na+ve devices and apps)