English - Banco de Chile


English - Banco de Chile
Social Commitment
Banco de Chile has not only wanted to be the leader in Chilean banking but, over its 114 years
of life, it has assumed its commitment to society as a fundamental axis to its management.
Since its foundation in 1893, resulting from the merger of three of the country’s principal banks,
Banco de Chile has set as one of its principal objectives the commitment to contribute to the
country’s development, supporting the economic and social reconstruction of Chile following the
economic crisis after 1891.
Under the premise of building an institution that contributes to the society, Banco de Chile
consolidates itself as an active agent in achieving better welfare for the community in different
areas, like the strengthening of community values, the creation of opportunities, integration, the
development of sports and the promotion of education of excellence.
The contents of this chapter seek to represent the social commitment that Banco de Chile has
acquired during 2007, basically based on three of its public principles: its staff who are the
engine of the institution, the community in which it operates, and its customers who value,
recognize and praise the service of excellence.
Our Staff
We go for a Chile that Grows
Our staff represent the engine that drives
the successful working of Banco de Chile on
a daily basis. Strengthening, promoting and
This is Who We Are
Banco de Chile has a total of 8,641 staff which, after including
its subsidiaries, rises to 11,815 people as of December 2007,
representing an increase of 6% compared to the year before.
An important part of this growth is due to the organization’s
commitment to incorporate 911 people in order to fully comply
with the new labor regulation effective since January 2007.
developing the skills of each one of them is
finally the recognition of the intellectual and
social capital that the staff of
Of the total staff, 52% are men and 48% women. 71% of the team
work in the Metropolitan Region, while 29% are distributed over the
rest of the country.
Banco de Chile represent for the institution,
The average age is 36 and the average length of service is 7 years.
respecting the variety of ideas, cultures and
Staff union membership represents 38%.
skills and enthusiastically motivating them in
the great challenge of being able to provide
a first-class service to every one of our
An Integral Contribution:
Reconciling Professional and Personal Life
The Bank’s human resources management
strategy has been constantly focused on
contributing to the quality of life of the staff,
not only through aspects related to their jobs
but to their personal and family environment
like health, recreation and education.
The consistency of this strategy has been fundamental in the
design of initiatives that strengthen the corporation’s commitment
with its staff.
This effort received an important recognition in 2007 by being
distinguished as one of the ten Best Companies for Parents who
Work, providing a fresh stimulus for the corporation’s work for
its staff.
This award is the result of a survey made by Fundación Chile and El
Mercurio newspaper, in which 450 companies took part.
Social Commitment
Many more Benefits
Life Insurance
The Bank provides all its staff with free and indefinite life
insurance cover whose sum insured is 24 times the employee’s
income, with a minimum of UF 1,250, and with additional cover
for disability (2/3) and accidental death (48 monthly salaries).
Health Insurance
The complementary health insurance cover is a cost-free benefit
for the employee, which the Bank grants to its entire staff and
covers an average of 80% of differences not covered by the
respective regulatory health plan. This insurance provides an
annual cover of UF 500 for each employee, their children and
legal spouse.
As of December 2007, the total staff insured was 8,612 but,
with the addition of family members with rights to the benefit,
this increases to 18,577 beneficiaries. If we include the Bank’s
subsidiaries, the total staff insured reaches 8,856 and, with their
families, 19,031 beneficiaries.
The number of requests from those covered produced a
reimbursement in complementary insurance of 77,533 claims or
79,668 if the subsidiaries are included.
Dental Insurance
With an annual cover of UF 44 per family group, the dental
insurance cover provided by the Bank covers 80% of the
reference tariff, which corresponds to 50% of the tariff unit of
the Institute of Odontologists (UCO).
During 2007, the Bank’s insurers handled 12,156 claims or
12,397 if the subsidiaries are included.
Major Cost Insurance
This cost-free insurance for staff has a cover of UF 2,000 per
employee, their children and legal spouse, and is available
immediately after the complementary health insurance is
consumed, to support staff in major health expenses.
40 people made use of this benefit in 2007 and 389 claims were
‘Orienta’ Program
This program extended its cover in 2007 by adding the service to
Chile’s 9th and 4th Regions, strengthening psychological, legal
and financial orientation for the staff. It also increased personal
and family development workshops by 14.5 % compared to
2006 and a 26.5% increase in demand for individual orientation
was met at the national level, compared to the year before.
Personalized financial advisory services were also given to help
people in the handling of their resources and workshops were
organized on the management of personal finances. During the
year, 1,672 people took part in the different activities of this
Our Staff
Health Promotion
Health care is one of the values that the Bank tries to strengthen
among its staff and their families. It therefore has a health
program which offers different alternatives for promoting
health through programs such as those on eating habits, help in
tobacco-smoking control and controlled physical exercise.
Seated massage was extensively offered this year (which helps
relieve stress and relax muscular tension, among other things)
in the Metropolitan Region, covering 87% of the offices. A total
of 3,273 people took part in this program.
Health Preventive Program
Every two years, Banco de Chile provides its entire staff in Chile
of over 30 years of age with cost-free preventive medical checkups consisting of a series of examinations differentiated by
gender. 91.8% of all staff were so covered during 2007.
“Chile Mujer” Program
Consists of activities directed especially to women on
professional, personal and family matters. The program in 2007
was focused on aspects related to preventive health and medical
examinations according to age bands, plus support for women’s
personal development during the vital cycle. The women’s health
check saw a 42.3% rise in participation compared to 2006.
There were also activities focused on the Bank’s leading women,
providing them with tools for strengthening their position within
their teams.
Nurseries and Kindergartens
This benefit consists of a monthly cash contribution to staff with
children of up to 2 years or between 2 and 4 years of age. The
nursery benefit also includes transportation and a home-service
option. An average of 220 employees made use of the nursery
benefit during 2007, and 222 made use of the kindergarten
Housing Program
During 2007, this initiative consolidated itself as a key advisory
service in obtaining subsidies and all the legal processes linked to
the acquisition of housing. This program was developed together
with the Bank’s unions, motivating a savings culture in the staff.
This produced a concrete result in the purchase of their own
homes by a group of staff who received special benefits.
Close to 200 people are actively participating in the program, of
which 31 families have already acquired their own home.
Social Commitment
Adolfo Rojas Gandulfo’ Scholarship: a Prize for Excellence
In addition to granting educational help to staff children who
show outstanding results, the Bank also grants the Adolfo Rojas
Gandulfo Scholarship to the child of an employee obtaining
the highest average marks in the national university entrance
examinations. All children of employees of Banco de Chile may
apply for this, which finances the costs and fees throughout the
whole university course chosen by the winner, plus transport
and meal costs, while maintaining the requirement of academic
excellence. The scholarship in 2007 was won by Sebastián
Tamblay Moenne, the son of Jorge Tamblay Potestad, head of
the Senior Agreements Department of the Credit Risk Division,
who, with his 798.5 points, will enter the Universidad Católica
to study civil engineering.
The Adolfo Rojas Gandulfo Scholarship has been awarded
to 9 children of employees who have studied careers in civil
engineering, medicine and mathematics in prestigious Chilean
universities like the Universidad Católica, Universidad de Chile
and Federico Santa María.
This program provided cultural, recreational and sports activities
for all members of the institution and their families. Chileactivo
in 2007 offered 14 different sports for adults, 7 formative schools
for children, 9 cultural workshops and 49 regional groups.
The initiative has 3,840 active members plus their families.
General Program Results
Health Promotion
Orienta Program
1,672 1,379
2,242 1,954
8,109 6,389
“Chile Mujer”
Housing Program
General Preventive
Total Programs
Our Staff
We Go for Ongoing Development and Perfectioning
Strengthening Internal Human Capital
One of the focuses of 2007 was growth. For this, the Bank
developed an intense process of internal and external selection
to respond to this requirement. One way to do this was to
strengthen the policy that rewards merit, performance and
excellence among the Bank’s staff. This is why internal mobility
was again promoted this year, with transparent procedures and
clear definitions that enable staff to rise to new positions and
greater responsibilities within the organization according to
their skill, potential and performance.
699 people were promoted during 2007 and internal competition
was reinforced to meet the need to fill vacancies in different
positions. 55 competitions of this kind were arranged during
the year.
The Bank also promoted staff development through exclusive
specialization diplomas given by prestigious Chilean universities
and specifically designed to meet the needs of the teams of
Banco de Chile, like:
Diploma in Business Management in the Universidad Católica
de Chile for 39 participants from the Retail and Companies
Banking and Credit Risk divisions.
Diploma in Commercial Effectiveness in the Universidad
Adolfo Ibáñez for executives of the Large Companies, Credit
Risk and Marketing divisions, involving 45 people.
Diploma in Marketing in the Universidad Católica de Chile.
This will finish in 2008 and is attended by 44 people from
the Marketing Division.
More Skills, Professional Growth
‘Top Flight’ Leadership Program
To contribute permanently to the integral development of
our human team is one of the Bank’s constant concerns. This
is why there is a constant concern to provide its staff with
the tools necessary for performing their work with excellence
and developing themselves professionally according to the
commercial environment and business challenges. Corporate
plans and others specific to each division were developed for
providing timely and efficient training.
Strengthening the roles of Banco de Chile’s departmental heads
was an important task carried out by the Human Resources
Division. For this, the leadership program ‘Top Flight’ Excellence
was held during 2007. A series of integrated initiatives that seek
to reinforce leadership of excellence among the institution’s
heads, transforming them into professionals who motivate their
teams, are committed to their professional development and act
according to the needs of their staff and customers.
The program contained a wide variety of courses and workshops
focused on providing each person with the knowledge needed
as a function of their role within the organization, years of
experience and their results in performance evaluations.
The Top Flight Leadership program therefore included workshops
for both new and experienced heads and for heads that need to
strengthen certain critical aspects of their work. In total, 939
people took part in Santiago and the regions, reinforcing their
knowledge about the policies and practices of human resources
with an e-learning course provided through the Bank’s
technological platform.
Social Commitment
The following were also successfully organized:
Leaders’ Thursdays: A cycle of 8 talks by leading academics,
businessmen and executives, with the participation of 633
Bank employees.
Top Flight Magazine: Monthly publication addressed to the
heads and prepared by the heads. Spread a combination
of good practices learned from the experience of Banco de
Chile’s successful leaders. The initiative was praised by the
consultant Meta4 for its important contribution to the spread
of knowledge within the organization and the value of the
content aligned with the program. This distinction seeks to
stimulate the development of best practices in the field of
human resources.
Top Flight in Action: Newsletter addressed to heads to inform
them about the activities carried out within the framework of
the Leadership for Excellence program.
New Induction Program
It is fundamental for all staff to be aligned with the culture of
the institution, its commercial strategies and the values that are
promoted internally. A new Induction Program was introduced
in 2007 to inform new staff about the organization’s policies,
facilitating their insertion and adaptation, and strengthening
their motivation and commitment with the institution.
The induction process includes talks by the chief executive and
other Bank heads, the provision of an induction kit, courses via
the e-learning platform and an introduction to the job by their
Our Staff
We Go for a Great Place to Work
Banco de Chile has carried out important work in developing and applying policies for generating
and maintaining a culture of commitment and excellence among its staff. Thanks to this, The
Great Place to Work Institute again mentioned the subsidiary of Banco de Chile, Banchile
Inversiones, as one of the best companies to work for in Chile in 2007. The subsidiary rose from
18th to 14th position in the ranking. The institute also awarded a special distinction to Banchile
Corredores de Seguros as one of the 100 best companies to work for in Latin America due to the
confidence, commitment and quality of its internal relations.
Internal Labor Climate Survey 2007
Social Recognition Program 2007
In order to analyze the internal environment, a formal survey
was made of the organizational environment, whose results
permit the development of actions for the strengthening of a
good working atmosphere.
For the fourth consecutive year, Banco de Chile organized the
Social Recognition Program which seeks to reward excellent
conduct among its entire staff. The objective is to recognize the
attitudes and values that show daily the commitment of the
teams and employees, providing an exceptional contribution to
the institution.
The labor climate 2007 survey was made with 90% participation.
The survey was that used the previous year, modified to compare
its results with world-class practices. The result in 2007 rose by
two net points, to 80.77%.
This confirms the improving trend of the results in recent years,
achieving a superior level in aspects related to the commitment of
the people toward the Bank and to their working environments.
The compensation and reward variables showed the greatest
Global Climate Survey at Bank level (net)
(Maximum points:100%)
The program seeks to be a management tool focused on
improving performance and reinforcing relations between the
institution and its staff. During 2007, the initiative stressed
month by month different aspects like commitment with the
Bank, capacity for innovation, years of experience, team spirit
and personnel management plans.
This is reflected in the results for 2007 as 76% of the staff
perceived that their heads congratulated them for outstanding
conduct which they considered as a positive impact on the labor
Social Commitment
The organization developed two new recognition programs in
“ReconoBanc”: With the objective of strengthening the
discretion of heads in rewarding their teams, this pilot scheme
provide heads with a kit with optional prize cards to stress the
outstanding behavior of members of each team.
“100 points for excellence”: Initiative that seeks to reward
high-potential employees and executives with outstanding
performance in meeting targets. This pilot program was
carried out during September, October and November, and
enabled the professionals selected to access 100 points to
exchange for different prize options.
Outstanding Talents
The second generation of the Talents Program had the same
characteristics and objectives as the first: to retain and gain the
loyalty of high-potential employees. This corporate initiative is
designed to strengthen the commercial abilities and directives
of its members, focusing on the new executives and those with
possibilities of assuming critical positions.
The group, formed during 2007, consists of 43 people who have
developed internal networks, been trained and received special
benefits as employees of excellence. To this group is added the
program of the Operations and Technology Division formed by
20 people who receive the same benefits and carry on activities
focused on their professional area.
The group of 47 people comprising the first generation keeps
the same benefits but have less frequent activities and remote
2004 – 06
2007 – 09
= 47 people
= 63 people
= 110 people
For Banco de Chile, it is fundamental to compensate its staff
for the work done while preserving internal equity and external
Monetary income, together with the benefits, are one way of
compensating the efforts made and, during 2007, apart from the
CPI adjustment for all staff, 25% of corporation staff received
increases for merit and promotion. In addition, a performance
bonus was given to employees showing excellent performance.
The compensations variable has been a dimension in the climate
survey that has shown a sustained increase in its positive
perception, and is also the aspect that has grown most in
favorable evaluation.
Our Commitment with the Community
We Go for the Integration and Rehabilitation of
the Disabled In Chile
In the area of our commitment with the
community, the main objective of Banco
de Chile is to provide opportunities for
contributing to the country’s development,
through contributions and concrete activities
in the areas of rehabilitation and integration
of the disabled, education of excellence, social
enterprise and the development of national
sports, in order to constitute a valuable legacy
and which transcends the business of the
Bank as such.
In order to make our contribution more
concrete, we are committed to Fundación
Teletón, Fundación Astoreca, Fondo Esperanza
del Hogar de Cristo and ADO-Chile.
“Fundación Teletón” 2007
For 29 years now, Banco de Chile has
been committed to the rehabilitation
and integration of the disabled in
our country through the permanent
support for Fundación Teletón and all those activities that promote the
development of disabled people. Together, we have forged a common
history that has contributed to the construction of ten rehabilitation
centers throughout the country, i.e. the institutes in Arica, Iquique,
Antofagasta, Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Santiago, Talca, Concepción,
Temuco and Puerto Montt, where more than 24,500 patients are
attended to today. More than 50,000 disabled children and young
people have been rehabilitated since 1978, serving as an example of
surmounting problems and perseverance. This commitment is reaffirmed
every year when Banco de Chile makes available its infrastructure and
technology to all Chileans for the fund-raising campaign, coordinating
the collection system on line throughout the country, in order to
provide information on receipts and to collect safely and efficiently the
donations made by the public.
Between November 30 and December 1, Banco de Chile opened
more than 550 collection points, from Arica to Puerto Williams, and
for the first time in Villa O’Higgins. Added to the network this time
were busy places throughout the country like supermarkets, cinemas,
municipalities, hotels, sports centers, universities, shopping centers,
bus terminals and airports. In order to make collections more efficient
and bring the Bank even closer to all Chileans, remote channels were
also prepared like the more than 1,400 automated teller machines in
Chile, internet through www.bancochile.cl and www.bancoedwards.cl,
charging contributions to credit cards or making electronic transfers
from checking accounts, and telephone lines for making contributions
from checking accounts, credit cards and also from abroad.
A special mention should also be made of the concrete contribution
of more than 8,000 staff of Banco de Chile who, through voluntary
and unselfish work, were at the service of all Chileans for more than
27 uninterrupted hours in order to cover the more than 11,000 shifts
and thus contribute to reaching the target of Ch$11,804,425,008
million. This was comfortably exceeded as the final collection was
Ch$16,929,371,138, which will permit the rehabilitation and integration
of the people who receive the daily support of the Fundación Teletón,
as well as expanding the capacity of the different institutes.
It is this human and technical effort that confirms Banco de Chile
today, tomorrow and always as the bank of the Teletón.
Social Commitment
Integration Promotion Program
Within the framework of the support that Banco de Chile
provides to Fundación Teletón, the institution has prepared a
program that supports all those activities that promote the
development and integration of disabled people.
For the second year, Banco de Chile took part in SuperArte,
a project developed by Fundación Teletón in which
children and young people who take part in the artistic
workshops of the institution’s High Motivation program
throughout the whole of Chile, have the opportunity to
show their creative talents and skills through exhibitions
of art, weaving, “batucadas”, theatre and music. These
were presented in the cities of Temuco, Iquique, Talca,
Concepción, Valparaíso, Coquimbo, Antofagasta, Puerto
Montt, Arica and Santiago, attracting more than 200.000
people who could enjoy directly the artistic works
throughout the country.
The tournament is part of the 136 wheelchair tennis tournaments
that are played during the year in different countries of the
world and which accumulate points for the global ranking.
As is the tradition, the institution presented the Banco de
Chile Cup to the sportsperson standing out for their effort and
performance in the tournament, which this year was awarded to
the tennis-player Francisco Cayulef.
Robinson Méndez
For the third consecutive year, Banco de Chile gave its support to
the wheelchair tennis player Robinson Méndez who, in his career
and within the sports program that Banco de Chile promotes,
has stood out for advancing from position No.156 in the world
ranking to No.20, and No.1 in Chile and Ibero America.
Thanks to this contribution, Mr Méndez took part in ten
tournaments in 2007, including the Florida Open, Japan Open,
London Open, US Open San Diego, Panamerican and Chilean
Nec Wheelchair Tennis Tour
- Banco de Chile Cup Another important support for the integration of the disabled
is the Nec Wheelchair Tennis Tour Chilean Open 2007 - Banco
de Chile Cup which, in 2007, was organized for the tenth time
on the courts of the institution’s stadium, with 49 participants
coming from Argentina, Brazil, Italy, France, Peru, Great Britain,
Sweden, Colombia, Austria, Spain, Uruguay, Ecuador and Chile.
Our Commitment with the Community
We Go for Education of Excellence
Fundación Astoreca
In order to provide education of
excellence to poor children and
young people, Banco de Chile
has been committed since 2004 with the Fundación Astoreca.
This institution works in extremely-poor districts developing
a replicable and durable model of education of excellence. To
date, the establishments administered by the organization
have obtained excellent results, as is the case of Colegio San
Joaquín which obtained an average of 300 points in the SIMCE
test, being placed among the best educational centers in the
SIMCE Test Results 1999-2006
Banco de Chile collaborates with the foundation in carrying
out this educational project, through the following different
Educandojuntos.cl: an internet portal whose purpose is
to make available to the educational community practical
elements of proven experiences. The site has equipment
especially dedicated to research, systemization and content
development work, plus advice from a consultancy council
formed by members of each member institution. The portal
receives more than 50,000 visits a month.
San José de Lampa School: The commitment of Banco de Chile
since 2004 consists of the financing of the construction and
administration of the San José School, focused on providing
an education of excellence in a sector of Lampa.
Training program, based on the experience acquired in the
schools that the foundation supports, which has provided
formation to more than 1,000 teachers over the last four
básico básico medio básico medio básico básico básico medio
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2006
Subventioned Private School
National Average
San Joaquín School
Similarly, it also supports all those cultural, recreational and
sports activities that encourage the development of the children.
During 2007, the Bank supported and participated in the pupils’
outing to the MIM Museum and in traditional activities like
Tecno Fast Atco Golf Torunament, the school’s cultural week and
the celebration of a Christmas with Feeling with the attendance
of all the pupils of the school.
PSU Scholarship
For 15 years now, Banco de Chile has awarded the PSU
Scholarship for the best weighted marks nationally in the
university entrance examination (PSU). This scholarship seeks
to recognize and support young people who with effort and
perseverance obtain excellent results.
The scholarship covers the tuition and matriculation fees for the
complete course chosen by the student, at the university that
they decide. It also provides UF 3.5 a month through a Banjoven
card to cover their personal expenses.
Social Commitment
We Go for Social Enterprise in the Country
Fondo Esperanza of the Hogar de Cristo
This year, the prize fell to Katalina Díaz Zamorano, who obtained
an average of 6.7 in secondary education at the American British
School in the district of La Florida and then a weighted average
of 850 points in the PSU. She will be studying civil engineering
at the Universidad de Chile.
The select group of scholarship-holders of Banco de Chile
currently numbers 6 students who are following courses in
medicine, psychology and civil engineering at Universidad de
Chile and Universidad Católica.
Banco de Chile - Andrónico Luksic Scholarship
Within the program promoted by the Bank, “Doing Business
in Chile, Doing business in China”, the institution in April 2007
received a group of 12 Chinese students from the Business School
of the Tsinghua University of Beijing and 4 of its professors, who
took part in a presentation on the businesses of the financial
entity. Likewise, a group of 17 students of the Universidad Católica,
accompanied by 3 professors, visited the city of Beijing.
The Banco de Chile - Andrónico Luksic exchange program is the
result of an agreement signed in 2006 by the Business School of the
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and the Tsinghua University
School of Economics and Management, which contemplates an
exchange of students studying for their MBAs. The objective is to
deepen knowledge between Chile and China, bringing them closer
together especially in cultural and economic areas.
Banco de Chile’s commitment with
the country’s development has led it
to participate actively in the process
of incorporating the segments of the
population that are barely served, by
offering a range of financial products and services to support
their personal projects and enterprises, according to their abilities,
habits and restrictions, while guarding against the risks. Within
these principles Banco de Chile, through its Banco CrediChile
Division, has been carrying out social enterprise work for two
years now, jointly with the Fondo Esperanza of the Hogar de
Cristo, through campaigns that include the contribution of the
organization’s staff and also of the customers, to grant microloans and education focused on the management of small
enterprises in the country’s poor districts. During 2007, collection
campaigns were launched with the participation of customers
and staff and multiple activities between the community banks of
Fondo Esperanza and the staff of Banco CrediChile.
The Banco CrediChile Division also contributed with a special
loan to increase help to micro-businesses and support them in
expanding their businesses. These funds permitted giving new
opportunities to the members with most development and help
them consolidate their businesses.
Banco CrediChile also supported the investigation “Esperanza
Savings Project: exploring micro savings in Chile” that seeks to
determine the impact of micro saving on the welfare of people
who are poor and analyze what is the most suitable savings
mechanism that, responding to the needs of the people, is
sustainable over time. This project is related to the Center for
International Development of Harvard University, and will have a
coverage of 5,000 micro-businesses in the Metropolitan, 4th, 6th,
7th and 8th Regions.
Banco CrediChile – Fondo Esperanza Prize
Banco CrediChile rewarded the performance and development
abilities of the micro-business beneficiaries of Fondo Esperanza.
The winner in 2007 was the group “Teteranos VIP” in the
district of Quillota, comprising 32 entrepreneurs dedicated
mainly to agricultural production, notable for its high degree of
organization, as well as respect and coherence with the values
of mutual respect of the Fund.
Our Commitment with the Community
We Build Triumphs for National Sport
supports since 2006 the
Association of Olympic
Sports people in order
to contribute concretely
in the development of
national sports. Through
ADO, Banco de Chile supports children and
young people who are working hard to win
great achievements for Chile and to be able to
dedicate themselves to sport in the certainty
that they are not alone in this career.
With the support of Banco de Chile, ADOChile seeks to complement the constancy,
effort and sacrifice required for sports training
with the necessary economic and technical
help, enabling sportspeople to develop their
capacities to the maximum in order to compete
at the highest international level and achieve
the motivation that helps them stand out in
their respective disciplines.
One of the first achievements of ADO-Chile was
the result obtained by Chilean sportspeople
who took part in the Panamerican Games in
Río de Janeiro 2007, who gave Chile its second
best performance in the history of these games.
They obtained tenth position in the games with
6 gold medals, 5 silver and 9 bronze.
Social Commitment
We Go for Chilean Solidarity
In line with its commitment, Banco de Chile was once again
present in the events that affected different parts of the country
due to natural catastrophes, making an important contribution
as well as benefits.
Aysén Earthquake
This is the case of the donation given to the Chacabuco and Aysén
sector that was struck by an earthquake in April 2007. Through
the municipality of Puerto Aysén, Banco de Chile contributed
to resolve the principal need of the zone by donating seven
electricity generators, thus benefiting schools in Aysén and also
the fire brigades of Puerto Chacabuco and Puerto Aysén.
Inclement weather
There was also the Bank’s campaign to alleviate its individual, agricultural
business and agribusinesses that were affected by the bad weather in
August. The benefit consisted of the customers of Banco de Chile, Banco
Edwards and Banco CrediChile having the possibility of not paying
their loan installments falling due in the two following months and
rescheduling them at their convenience.
Antofagasta Earthquake
During November, the northern part of Chile was also affected
by an earthquake. To help the people in the region, Banco de
Chile opened a special account to collect funds to assist the
most severely affected. With an initial deposit of Ch$50 million
made by the Bank, the account was available for everyone to
help collaborate with the affected families. The institution
also offered “Consumer Loans at Preferential Rates”, both to
customers and non-customers resident in the 2nd Region, with
special conditions and benefits
Our Customers
We Go for a Close and Efficient Service
The focus of Banco de Chile has always been
on its customers. The organization is therefore
constantly in contact with each one of them in
order to provide them with a service that fully
satisfies all their requirements, thus consolidating
a bank with even more emphasis on the customer,
with great leadership, excellence and efficiency.
In order to generate long-term relations, the
institution seeks continual improvement.
Supported by agile processes developed on a
modern technological platform, the quality of
service is a structural element in the work culture
of Banco de Chile and to which all the staff is
oriented in order to be more efficient in their
responses and to satisfy as best as possible the
financial needs of their customers.
The excellence in the service responds to the need
to meet the highest standards of a competitive
banking system for which it is constantly
mobilizing all the necessary experience, talent and
resources of Banco de Chile, also strengthening
a brand that enjoys credibility and an excellent
reputation and that has been worthy of important
recognitions in this area.
Banco de Chile was again distinguished this year by Capital
magazine and ProCalidad within the framework of the National
Prize for Consumer Satisfaction. On this occasion, the Bank
was recognized as the best in quality of service, obtaining third
prize according the score obtained in the National Consumer
Satisfaction Index. This is a relevant source of information that
permits knowing customers’ general level of satisfaction, the
price-value perception and the levels of loyalty that they feel
toward the companies providing them with goods and services.
It is a rigorous measure that this year was made up of more than
16,000 interviews of residents of the cities of Santiago, Viña
del Mar, Valparaíso, Concepción and Talcahuano. It also implied
exhaustive field work carried out in April and June.
The National Consumer Satisfaction Prize seeks to motivate the
focus on the customer as a key criterion for successful business
A Relevant Player in the Financial Sector
For the second successive year, Banco de Chile was distinguished
by Capital magazine as the company in the financial sector that
creates the highest value for its shareholders. According to the
study carried out for this award, the corporation has won this
recognition thanks to its positioning in the most profitable
segments and the implementation of important advances in
technologies and support for the commercial management,
transforming completely the operating and business intelligence
platforms. It was also praised for the solid results of the entity
with growth in checking accounts, stock of cards and loans net of
interbank lending.
In addition, there was the prize as the Best Foreign Exchange Bank
in Chile awarded by Global Finance magazine. Banco de Chile has
won this award since 2004, distinguishing the corporation for its
trading volumes, market share, global coverage, customer service,
competitive prices and technological innovation.
Social Commitment
2007 AWARDs
Banco de Chile, financial
institution with Gratest
creation of value
Top 100 of Capital magazine
Neos Plan: A World Class Platform
Banco de Chile has been working on the Neos Plan since 2003, an initiative
that involves all the teams and that consists of an integral technological
change in the attention platforms. This large advance implies a new
concept in customer service, with a better technical quality and a strong
impact on the development of the Bank’s businesses.
During 2007, the Neos Plan was completed with the implementation of
the new cash system in the whole branch network of Banco de Chile, and
work has begun on the process in the offices of Banco CrediChile. The
Neos team launched a new version of Siebel with various advances to
help the work of Contact Center and Customer Service executives, both
in the quality of service and attention times. The improvements made
to Banco de Chile’s attention platform were focused on reducing the
number of steps in navigation so that executives can have fast access to
the necessary information, facilitating the sales function and customer
Finally, the portfolios of Checking Accounts, Lines of Credit, Banjoven
and Sight Accounts, plus the loans of Banco CrediChile, were migrated
to the new Core Bank System (Flexcube) in 2007. These steps permit the
unification of systems and the execution of processes more efficiently
with the better technological platform.
Efficiency Plan
BANCO DE CHILE, 3th place in the
category Membership in the
National Consumer Satisfaction
Prize 2007
Capital magazine, universidad
adolfo ibáñez, adimark and praxis
The Best Foreign
Exchange Bank 2007
Global Finance Magazine
Banco de Chile, for being one
of the 10 Best Companies for
Working Parents.
Fundación Chile Unido
and El Mercurio
Banchile Inversiones, 14th place in
the ranking of “The Best Place to
Work in Chile”.
One of the Bank’s central objectives for this year was focused on
excellence in all aspects. Banco de Chile therefore created a specific area
reporting to the Operations and Technology Division whose mission is
to develop initiatives focused on improving the efficiency of internal
processes in the search for a better quality of service to internal and
external customers.
great place to work institute
During 2007, the team worked on various tasks jointly with the Retail and
Companies Banking, Large Companies, Marketing, Legal, Credit Risk and
Operations divisions and the members of Neos. Together they managed
to speed up the sale processes, thus providing a better attention at the
different points of contact.
great place to work institute
as one of the 100 best companies
to work for in latin america
banCO DE CHILE, 4th best bank in
the ranking of the 25 best banks
in latin america
1000 World Banks 2007
The Banker magazine