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2016 ADVERTISING RATES IN THIS ISSUE: Finding a Jacobsen Chief 800 | Honoring Michael Ariens Lawn&Garden Lawn&Garden TRACTOR TRACTOR Volume 9 Issue 4 | July/August 2015 $5.99 DISPLAY ADS magazine SIZE Lawn & Garden Tractor magazine highlights all brands of vintage lawn and garden tractors and equipment. Rev up your revenue today! OUR READERS WANT: • Tractors • Parts/Accessories • Restoration Supplies • Videos & DVDs • Restoration Services REVISITING THE Spirit of ’76 • Auctions • Models & Toys • Shirts & Caps • Tractor Shows • And Much More! ERIN KOSTRZEWA, Display Advertising [email protected] 800.767.5828 ext. 22 • 937.689.3908 CELL 937.767.2726 FAX P.O. Box 838 | Yellow Springs, OH 45387 COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS 50¢ per word 50¢ per word • state & event date are bold • $5.00 per ad minimum Kate Goelzhauser, Classifieds [email protected] 812.455.5870 8977 Framewood Drive Newburgh, IN 47650 BASE RATE ONE DISCOUNT BOTH DISCOUNTS pre-payment OR multiple insertion pre-payment AND multiple insertion Black & White • How-To-Books • Subscriptions • Manuals • Decals • Tractor Collectibles COMING EVENTS GROW your event or business with your ad in L>! magazine • bold heading up to 4 words • minimum 3x insertions • $5.00 per ad minimum Full page $266 $252 $240 1/2 page $140 $133 $126 1/4 page $85 $80 $76 1/8 page $60 $57 $54 Full page $365 $346 $328 1/2 page $185 $175 $166 1/4 page $125 $118 $112 1/8 page $80 $76 $72 Inside Cover $900 $855 $810 Premium Select $640 $608 $576 Color Premium Placement (Front or Back) (pages 3-16) Bold text—60¢ per word add a photo or logo to your ad: (one image only) 1" photo—$30 1½" photo—$40 Pre-payment required • No Discounts 1/8 page H 1/8 page V 1/4 page V 1/4 page H 1/2 page H 1/2 page V Full page 3.637"x2.362" 2.342"x3.625" 3.637"x4.825" 7.375"x2.362" 7.375"x4.825" 3.637"x9.75" 7.375"x9.75" AD DEADLINES ISSUE: May 12 Sugar Creek, OH Show & Swap Vintage Garden Tractor exhibitors, parts Meet, food vendors, kids pedal tracvendors, dead sled pull, hourly prize tor pull, carving demo, garden tracgiveaway, food stands, -3106 or tor parade. Info: 330-852 drwerker@roadrunne May 19 Oregon, IL Jamboree, door aJ’s Garden Tractor swap meet, prizes, rope making, food, , gar- June 21–23 Springfield, OH VII eastern national expo www.ohiotwocylindercl or 567-674-5592. June 23, 24 Martinsville, In e assn Show Morgan County antiqu 765-318-1521 JuLy 6–8 Brandenburgh, Ky e Power of the Lincoln Trail antiqu e Machinery Past 20th annual antiqu JuLy 19–22 Winamac, In From the Past, northern Indiana Power event, featuring a family entertainment , scale model tracFord-Fordson tractors sale, daily events, yard wide Town tors. entertainment, concessions, flea market, -0381 for info. camping. Contact 574-225 www.winamacpowersh JuLy 27–29 Boonville, In engine Club antique Steam & Gas Summer Show http://threshermanpa JUL/AUG SEP/OCT NOV/DEC MATERIALS DUE: JAN/FEB Nov 20 MAR/APR MAY/JUN Jan 20 Mar 21 May 20 Jul 20 Sep 20 ISSUE MAILED BY: Dec 23 Feb 19 Apr 22 Jul 1 Aug 22 Oct 24 2016 ADVERTISING INFORMATION Lawn&Garden TRACTOR 1/8 Page magazine 1/4 Page IN THIS ISSUE: Rare Scotty Tractors | The Mayrath Garden Tractor | Honoring Michael Arien s Lawn&Garden IN THIS ISSU E: Ford LGT 100 Lawn&Gard en TRACTOR TRA CTOR TRACTOR Jacob E: Finding a magazi Issue 4 | Volume 9 July/August Volume 9 Issue 5 | September/October 2015 $5.99 magazine ne Volume 9 Issue 1 | Januar $5.99 y/Febru 2015 | Tale of 3 Speedex Tracto ary 2015 ne Hiller THE TABLE SA ATTACHMEWNT COLLECTING REVISITING THE 2.342"w x 3.625"h 3.637"w x 4.825"h 7.375"w x 2.362"h rs magazi $5.99 3.637"w x 2.362"h c sen Chief 800 en Lawn&Gard IN THIS ISSU AD SIZES JOHN DEERE 110s 1/2 Page 3.637"w x 9.75"h 7.375"w x 4.825"h Full Page 7.375"w x 9.75"h 2-Page Spread 15.75"w x 9.75"h Spirit of ’76 68 PAGES OF: • Informative Features • Entertaining Departments • Colorful Photographs • Latest Lawn and Garden Tractor News! MORE BANG FOR YOUR BUCK! ANTIQUE TRUCK & TRACTOR SHOW GUIDE AD SUBMISSION PREFERRED FORMAT: Adobe PDF, 300dpi at 100% 2016 A Supplement to ANTIQUE POWER ®, Vintage Truck®, Vintage Fire Truck & Equipment, and Lawn & Garden Tractor Magazine Show Guide, our annual March supplement, is an extensive listing of truck and tractor shows in the U.S. and Canada throughout the year. Placing a display ad in the Resource Section gives you one more opportunity to advertise your product or service to tractor restorers & enthusiasts. Show Guide is published and mailed to all of our subscribers with the March/April issue annually and they are also sold separately. To get more information on our Show Guide, or to get display advertising rates, please call 800.767.5828 or email [email protected] AD DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 4, 2016 For more information: [email protected] | 800.767.5828 1. DISPLAY AD CREATION: Price includes 15 minutes of production time for ads up to 1/4 page, 1/2 hour of production time for anything over 1/4 page. Ads requiring additional production time will be billed to advertiser at the rate of $50.00 per hour. Every effort will be made to notify the advertiser of these additional costs. 2. DISPLAY AD UPDATES: When a change of copy for an advertisement covered in a contract is not received by the closing date, copy from a previous advertisement will be inserted. Prices include 1/4 hour layout time for updates. Black and White or Color ads requiring more than 1/4 hour layout will be charged an hourly rate of $50.00. 3. Advertising contracts must be completed within one year of first insertion to earn frequency discounts. 4. Positioning of advertisements is at the discretion of the publisher, except where an advertiser has submitted an insertion requesting “premium select” positioning. 5. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertisement. 6. The publisher’s liability for error will not exceed the value of the advertisement in question. Cash refunds require Manager approval. ACCEPTED FORMATS: InDesign, Photoshop & Illustrator Include ALL font & image files (.tiff, .eps, or .pdf ) 7. All advertisements are accepted and published by the publisher upon the representations that the agency and/or advertiser will indemnify and save the publisher harmless from any loss or expense including legal fees and expenses, resulting from claims or suits based upon contents of any advertisement. SUBMIT: By Email: [email protected] By U.S. Mail: on a CD or DVD 8. Cancellations or changes in orders may not be made by the advertiser or its agency after the closing date of space reservation. Publisher has the right to charge a $50.00 cancellation fee. Our readers depend on this comprehensive directory ALL YEAR! SHOW GUIDE CONTRACT AND COPY REGULATIONS CONTACT Lawn&Garden TRACTOR magazine ERIN KOSTRZEWA, Display Advertising [email protected] 937.689.3908 CELL 800.767.5828 ext. 22 OFFICE 937.767.2726 FAX P.O. Box 838 | Yellow Springs, OH 45387 9. The publisher shall have the right to hold the advertiser and/or its advertising agency jointly and severally liable for such monies as are due and payable to the publisher for advertising that the advertiser or its agent ordered and was published. RATES & BILLING PAST DUE ACCOUNTS: A 1.5% late charge will be assessed monthly, beginning on the 31st day of the unpaid balance on an account. The publisher reserves the right to pull future ads if payment has not been received within 60 days of invoiced date. Credit terms are issued at the discretion of the publisher. Billing terms can be revoked immediately by the publisher, placing the account on a “prepay only” basis. DISCOUNTS FREQUENCY DISCOUNTS (for standard display ads only) are based on the number of insertions run within a 12-month period. Advertisers will be short-rated if, within a 12-month period from date of first insertion, they do not fulfill the contract agreement. Rev. 10/15
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