Tradestone Software Direct Relationship


Tradestone Software Direct Relationship
US Tradestone Training Manual
Tradestone Software
Direct Relationship Vendors
Urban Outfitters, Inc.
Author/Changed By
Katie Hayden
Created from Domestic Vendors 2.0 file.
*includes June 2010 functionality additions
*update to Ticket Events
US Tradestone Training Manual
Intro ...............................................................................................................................................................................3
PO Notification Changes ................................................................................................................................................3
Sign On ...........................................................................................................................................................................4
Dashboard .....................................................................................................................................................................5
Vendor Tasklists ........................................................................................................................................................6
Business Process........................................................................................................................................................7
Search Option ............................................................................................................................................................7
Returning to the previous screen or dashboard from a query..................................................................................7
Tasklists – PO Management ..........................................................................................................................................8
My Action Required...................................................................................................................................................8
Vendor Accept PO- Adding Country of Origin .........................................................................................................10
Vendor Request Change ..........................................................................................................................................13
Po Revisions- URBN Revises PO ...............................................................................................................................17
Search for PO’s ........................................................................................................................................................19
Updating Customs Description of Goods.....................................................................................................................21
Packing List ..................................................................................................................................................................24
Select PO to Pack .....................................................................................................................................................24
Creating Carton Dimensions(optional) ....................................................................................................................26
Creating Carton Dimensions – More than 5 Sizes(optional) ...................................................................................28
Enter the Packing Details ........................................................................................................................................30
Packing Process – Copy a Line .................................................................................................................................32
Packing Process – Create Loose Lines from a PPK ...................................................................................................33
Packing Process – Create a Mixed SKU Carton ........................................................................................................35
Packing Process – Deleting a Line from a packign list .............................................................................................36
Packing Process – Re-Open PO for Packing /Partial Packing ...................................................................................36
Adding deleted line back to a packing list ...............................................................................................................38
How to search for an already created packing list ..................................................................................................39
Packing Process -Adding Acutual Manufacturer .....................................................................................................41
Packing Process -Entering Cargo Ready Date ..........................................................................................................41
Packing Process – Submit Packing List for Approval ...............................................................................................42
Packing Process – Out of Tolerance PL ....................................................................................................................43
Packing Process – Modifying a Submitted Packing List ...........................................................................................43
How to Print a Packing list.......................................................................................................................................45
Printing UCC-128 Carton Labels ...................................................................................................................................46
Printing the Labels in Batch – Direct from Tradestone(thermal printers only) .......................................................47
Printing Single Labels – Direct from Tradestone(thermal printers only) ................................................................48
Printing Labels – from PDF ......................................................................................................................................49
Printing Single Labels – from PDF ............................................................................................................................50
Delete a Label ..........................................................................................................................................................51
Carton Label Placement .........................................................................................................................................52
Commercial Invoice .....................................................................................................................................................53
Invoice Process – Entering Adjustments .................................................................................................................55
Invoice Process – Multiple PL’s on a CI ...................................................................................................................56
Invoice Process – Updates to Units After Invoice is Created ..................................................................................58
CI Printout ...............................................................................................................................................................59
Shipping Details-Tracking your shipments ..................................................................................................................60
Appendix ......................................................................................................................................................................61
Searching Tips .........................................................................................................................................................62
Exporting Data .........................................................................................................................................................63
Setting up For Label Print-Thermal Printers Only ...................................................................................................65
FAQ ..........................................................................................................................................................................67
US Tradestone Training Manual
All merchandise PO’s for URBN brands (Urban Outfitters, Anthropologie, Free People, BHLD, and
Terrain) flow through the Tradestone system.
As an UOI vendor, you will be required to do the following in TradeStone:
Accept New and Revised Purchase Orders
Request Changes to Purchase Orders
Update Customs Descriptions
Create Packing Lists
Create UCC-128 Carton Labels
Create Commercial Invoices
PO Notification Changes
When you have a new or revised PO, you will receive an email alerting you to come into TradeStone and
retrieve your PO:
US Tradestone Training Manual
Sign On
To access the Tradestone website, please go to:
Once in this screen, you will enter in your user- id and password provided by the vendor relations team:
Log-in: ven-xxxxx-01
Password: xx@xxxxx
(Please make sure you are typing in exactly what is provided to you by the vendor relations team,
including ven and all dashes. Note your username and password are case sensitive)
You will be taken directly to the TradeStone dashboard:
US Tradestone Training Manual
The home page of TradeStone is referred to as a “Dashboard”. Please see below layout of vendor
US Tradestone Training Manual
Vendor Task lists
In the center of the Dashboard, you will see “Task lists”. These are meant to serve as locations where
you can monitor your workload.
“My action req’d
query” is where you
will accept all “new
and “revised” orders
Click here EVERY time
you return to the
dashboard, in order to
update numbers next
to each query
The number in ( )
indicates the
number of items
that will appear in
the tasklist.
Query where you
search for already
“accepted” orders.
US Tradestone Training Manual
Business Process
This is where you will
begin creating the
packing list.
The search option allows you to search for packing list and invoices that have already been created.
Returning to previous screen or dashboard from a query
If you are in a query and need to return to the previous screen select search >search list. If you need to
return the dashboard select Dashboard. *Never select the back arrow or you will be kicked out of the
US Tradestone Training Manual
Task lists – PO Management
My Action Required
When you log into the system, you will access all new or revised PO’s in the “My Action required”
query. Below screen indicates that there are 3 POs requiring your attention.
Clicking on that query will open list of PO’s that require your attention. Click on the blue PO# and you
will enter into the PO. (You may see a PO# repeated, this just means there are multiple lines on the PO
you a can select anyone to enter into the PO)
Notice the
Status of
NEW. This
means that
the PO has
not yet been
accepted by
the vendor
US Tradestone Training Manual
You can see that from the URBN perspective, the Status is APPROVED.
The Vendor does have the option of printing the order before their formal Acceptance, as it may be
easier to review the PO in its printed format.
This is showing as
new because the
vendor has not
accepted the PO
US Tradestone Training Manual
Vendor PO Acceptance & Entering Country of Origin:
The first thing a vendor must do before they accept the PO is enter the country of origin:
To select the country of origin, while in the PO click on the
next to CO:
A pop-up window will appear, where you can type in the description (I used China for this example) and
select search:
US Tradestone Training Manual
Once your description appears, click on blue code next to it:
The code will appear in the PO and you can save:
US Tradestone Training Manual
After the CO is entered, if you would like to accept the PO, then click the “Vendor Accept” button.
Two things will happen here.
You will see that the Vendor status has moved to Accepted.
2. If you look on the “My Action Required” on the dashboard, you will not see the PO there
What was a
list of 3 is now
a list of 2.
This will also remove it from the Urban task of “Vendor Action Required” – so
they will not be bothering you to Accept the order!!!
US Tradestone Training Manual
The “accepted” PO can now be found in the “Search All PO’s” query. If you need to retrieve your order
it will be under in the “PO-Vdr- Search All PO’s” query under “Vendor task list 2 .”
Vendor Request Change
If the vendors needs to request a change on a PO (new or previously accepted). The Vendor can open
the order and request a change. From the PO screen, follow these steps.
1. Select View > Order Comments
2. Click new comment
US Tradestone Training Manual
3. Enter in your requested change then select post.
4. After the comment has been entered and the comment window is closed, select the “Vendor Request
Change” button in the PO. The buyer will now get an alert of their dashboard and can go into the PO and
see what change is being requested.
US Tradestone Training Manual
Notice that
your status
After this, the PO will now appear on the Urban’s dashboard under their “my action required” Then
Urban will then respond to you:
US Tradestone Training Manual
If Urban responds (and doesn’t update the purchase order), back on your dashboard, under “My Action
Required”. The PO will appear with a status of “URBN Response”
When the buyer responds but doesn’t update the PO, it will be listed in your “My Action Required”
query with a status of “Urban Response” , no email alert will be sent. This is only so that you open the
PO and view the Comments. Urban may also revise the order. If this is the case you will receive an
email alert and the vendor status will state “ Urbn Revison”
The purpose of requesting revisions in Tradestone is that the messages stay with
the PO for its entire lifecycle. URBN understands that phone calls and e-mails
about PO’s happen all the time. We can’t prevent that, but we do request that
using this messaging occur when possible.
US Tradestone Training Manual
PO Revisions (by URBN)
In the case that Urban chooses to revise the PO, the PO will be sent back into Tradestone and the
vendor will need to re-accept.
A Revised PO will trigger an e-mail to the vendor alerting them to go into Tradestone. Once in the
system, the “My Action Required” task will show the PO with a “URBN Revision” status.
After accessing this PO, the Vendor can look up the specific differences – by field – that have changed
since the previous version. To do this, select View > Change Tracking
Notice the
Price changed
from $6.75 to
US Tradestone Training Manual
Or, if the buyer makes a comment on the change you can go to view “order comments”
Click the
to return to the PO.
From here, the Vendor can either Accept the PO, or Request a Change.
US Tradestone Training Manual
Search for PO’s
“Search All PO’s” serves as a way to search for PO’s that have already been accepted.
1. Select the query from the dashboard
2. The following window will pop-up when the query screen opens. Click OK.
3. You must enter something in the PO# field before clicking Search (i.e. the PO #) If you want to
search for all PO’s enter a 0 in the PO field.
4. If you do not know the PO # and instead want to search by Vendor Style # or any other field.
Enter a zero in the PO# field as well as the style # in the style # field.
US Tradestone Training Manual
Placing a zero in the PO field will also help you to search for all PO’s.
6. You can sort by any of the fields by placing clicking the arrow on the top:
US Tradestone Training Manual
ALL VENDORS – Customs Description of Goods
URBN is moving towards ensuring that all of our items – whether purchased directly from the source or
through a market vendor – have the following:
Customs Description – a description of the goods that clearly defines the item for US Customs
HTS # - the “Harmonized Tariff” number that codes the item for US Customs
URBN will be responsible for the HTS#.
Vendor is responsible for the customs description.
On your Dashboard, you will see a query under your “vendor task list 2” for “Update Customs Desc”, this
is where you will enter the description.
US Tradestone Training Manual
1. Click on the “Update Customs Desc” query.
2. A list of items that need Customs Description will appear. Enter the description in the “customs
description” field.
3) In the “Customs Description” column, enter a description of the goods that satisfies US
Customs requirements ( to update multiple lines check all rows that need to be updated and
select fill selected)
3. Click the Save button at top of page.
US Tradestone Training Manual
After you save, you may receive below alert:
Saved Successfully.
Incomplete information to cost - Price must have a value.
Please ignore as this is an internal error.
Our Commercial Invoice printout is built to include these values:
Added by
Added by
US Tradestone Training Manual
Packing List
Select PO to Pack
*There is 2 reasons why a PO would not show up in packing list builder :
1) The PO is not approved status of Urban or vendor side. Check PO to make sure it is an
“approved /accepted” status.
2) A packing list has already been created or created and deleted- In this case double check to see
if there a packing list created. IF there is no packing list, you must switch the status of the PO from
packed to new ( *see open PO line for packing) and create a new packing list.
When ready to pack a PO, the vendor accesses the “Packing List Builder” within Tradestone. From here,
they can select a PO(s) to pack.
1)From the Dashboard, click on the Packing List Builder
US Tradestone Training Manual
On the screen, enter the PO# that you want to pack and click search.
Select those rows that you want on the packing list and move them to the right by clicking the arrows.
To move all rows select
After this is done, click the Build button.
If you are not shipping the entire PO and need to making a packing list for a few styles, select the style/s
you need to ship and click the
add selected arrow
, click the Build button.
US Tradestone Training Manual
The Packing List screen will appear with the rows from the PO populated. From here you will have to
create your packing list by entering the quantity per carton, start carton, # of cartons, end carton, and
cargo ready date. (Carton dimensions and weight if you are an import vendor)
Creating Carton Dimensions – (This is optional for domestic vendors not required by Urban)
If you choose to enter you dimension this is the first thing the vendor should. Doing so will allow you to
quickly add dimensions to the details later in the process (see the Enter Packing Details section below)
1. Place you cursor in the first empty Carton Code field
2. Click the blue Carton Code
US Tradestone Training Manual
3. A pop-up window will appear. Select either a Metric or Imperial carton by clicking on the
appropriate blue Carton Code. If you are using more than one size carton, the codes must be
unique (i.e. you should only select MET1 on time on each PL)
4. Click Save – this will populate the UM fields
5. Enter the Length, Width and Height of the carton. Also, you can enter the Carton GW if all
cartons on this PL will have the same weight.
6. Click Save
Below is an example of a PL with 2 different dimension cartons properly identified.
US Tradestone Training Manual
Creating Carton Dimensions – More than 5 Sizes
Currently, we only show 6 in the “Carton Sizing” Box.
5 have been
…But you need 7
different sizes for
Select More Details > Carton Code from the menu.
Then select the new
US Tradestone Training Manual
You now have a 7th Record. Select the Carton Code you want….and build the size. Click Save
Return to the Packing List using this button:
You can now add this new Code to the Packing List line.
US Tradestone Training Manual
Enter the Packing Details
With the Cartons built, begin to enter the Packing Data.
1. Enter the Qty/Carton (this is the # of units per carton – if the order is for PPK(pre-pack), you are
identifying the # of PPK in each carton not the number of units)
2. Enter the Start Carton number – This is the starting carton# for the specific line you are
entering. Do NOT use “01” for the first. Always use “1”.
3. Enter the # of Cartons. This is the number of cartons for the specific line you are entering not
for the total order.
4. End Carton will automatically be populated, if it doesn’t populate please enter. This is the last
carton# for the line that you are entering.
5. Enter the Cargo ready date.
Below tasks are optional:
6. Enter the Carton Code used to pack this style (i.e. MET1)( optional)
7. Enter Carton GW (if not entered in Carton Sizing section) ( optional)
Please see below “approved” sample packing list properly built:
US Tradestone Training Manual
8. Enter Cargo Ready Date:
For domestic vendors, the cargo ready date is the day you ship the product. For our import vendors,
the cargo ready date will be the day that you hand the goods over to the forwarder
9. Click Save
After saving the Packing List, the will calculate totals on the line and header levels of the PL. Below
is a view of the PL after Save. Note the calculated total highlighted in red.
10. Submit packing list by selecting the vendor submit PL Button:
US Tradestone Training Manual
Packing Process – Copy a Line
In some cases, there may be overruns for a size that cannot fit into the standard configuration.
For example, 300 units were ordered and you have packed 125 Loose Units in 2 Cartons. But you have
50 Units remaining. Since that will not fit in the standard 125units/Carton breakout, you need to add a
loose line for that SKU.
50 extra
You need to follow these steps:
Click the row that you need to add an additional carton for:
2. Click on the “Copy Line” button. You can see the new line added.
3. You must make the “Start No” the next in the sequence for the total Packing List.
Since 2 was the latest
Carton, 3 needs to be
the start on the new
4. After saving, the totals will update.
US Tradestone Training Manual
Packing Process – Create Loose Lines from a PPK-(Pre-packed orders only)
In some cases, you need to break up a pre-packed line and ship loose units.
For example, say that the PPK lines are packed.
Looking at the PO, you can see that there is 6-7-8-9-10 within the Pack for the black color and you have
an extra 20 units for each 9 and 10
1. Check the PPK row that you need to break out
2. Click the Create Loose Lines button.
US Tradestone Training Manual
3. The Loose lines for each SKU in that PPK will appear. Check the SKU’s (sizes) that you do not
need. (If you need them all, then ignore this step). And then click the
4. With those lines deleted, you can add the cartons for the loose SKU’s.
Remember that if you add lines to a Packing List where lines already exist, you
need to make sure that the “Start Carton #” is the next one in the sequence.
US Tradestone Training Manual
Packing Process – Create a Mixed SKU Carton
A mixed carton is when you are mixing skus( sizes and colors) in the same carton. If you need to mix skus
in a carton, please follow below instructions:
1. Select the SKU’s you wish to mix (note these lines may or may not have details already entered)
2. Click the “Mixed Carton” Button
3. The lines you selected will be copied down into a Mixed Carton. Note: it will be created with
the next Carton Sequence #. For example if your mixed carton is carton 3, create your first 2
then create you mixed carton.
4) Your start carton, end carton, and number of cartons will automatically be populated. All you need to
enter is the qty per carton and save.
5) If you don’t need the lines that you copied from,you must go back and delete them. (See below
instructions on how to delete a line)
US Tradestone Training Manual
Packing Process – Deleting a Line
1. Check the Lines that you do not need.
2. Click the delete button
Packing Process – Re-Open Lines for Packing/Partial Packing
This query is used for when a packing list is deleted and a new one needs to be created, or when a
line from a packing list is deleted and needs to be added back on.
If you delete a packing list or a line from a packing list, you must switch the PO status from “packed” to
“new” in order to build another packing list..
1. Go to the “Open PO line for packing” query, under vendor task list 2.
US Tradestone Training Manual
2. You must enter PO #. Then click Search
3. Change the Status to “New”. Then click the Save button
4) To update multiple lines check all rows that need to be updated and select fill selected)
5) Save
US Tradestone Training Manual
Adding Deleted Line Back to Packing List:
1) After the status of the line is switched back to new, while in Packing List (please see pg 40 for how to
search for an already made packing list)
Select process > add Items
2) A pop-up window will appear, enter the purchase order order # and click search( very similar to the
packing list builder)
US Tradestone Training Manual
3) Click on the add button. Style will then be added to the packing list
How to search for an already created Packing List:
To search for a packing list you already created go to search> packing list from your dashboard
US Tradestone Training Manual
You will then be taken into this screen when you can search by PO or packing list number:
Select the blue packing list number to enter into the packing list:
US Tradestone Training Manual
Packing Process –Adding Actual Manufacturer
If URBN is the importer
of record, we require
the Actual
Manufacturer address
Adding Cargo Ready Date- All Vendors
All vendors are required to enter the cargo ready date on the packing list. For domestic vendors, the
cargo ready date is the day you ship the product. For our import vendors, the cargo ready date will be
the day that you hand the goods over to the forwarder.
You will enter the “cargo ready date” under the “vendor Input” section of the packing list
US Tradestone Training Manual
Packing Process – Submit Packing List for Approval
Prior to shipment, all packing list need to be submitted for Approval. Submitting the packing list checks
the PL to ensure that you are shipping the PO within acceptable tolerances. For information on
tolerances and packing requirements please visit
Once you have entered the all the finalized details of the PL, click the ‘Vendor Submit PL’ button.
If all tolerance checks are met (+/- 5% for each SKU), then the PL will be approved.
US Tradestone Training Manual
Packing Process – Out of Tolerance PL
We allow vendors to ship a variance of + or -5% at the SKU level. If you exceed this, the packing list will
indicate that it is “out of tolerance.” You will receive this message “Entered shipment quantities are not
within acceptable tolerance. Packing list is being routed to URBN for approval”
Note the packing list is not being sent to URBN this alert means you must contact URBN for
approval of short shipment. If there are major variances, the buyer may need to revise the order in
our system
If all tolerance checks are met (+/- 5% for each SKU), then the PL will be approved.
Packing Process – Modifying a Submitted Packing List
A submitted Packing List can be modified. If you need to update an already created packing list, search
for the packing list ( see page 40) ,place you curser in the field you want to change,delete current
information, update new information, save, and resubmit packing list:
US Tradestone Training Manual
When you edit a Packing List that is not in DRAFT status, you will be prompted to resubmit for approval
Approved PL
Back in
Click the vendor “Vendor submit PL” for approval:
US Tradestone Training Manual
How to Print Packing List
To Print the Packing List, select Reports > Print Packing List, a PDF of the PO will pop-up. Please print
Please make sure to let URBN know if there are individuals in your organization
who specifically do the Packing task. I think in most cases, we assume it is not
the person in day-to-day contact with the URBN Buyer.
US Tradestone Training Manual
Printing UCC-128 Carton Labels
The key element to our increased visibility at the Distribution Center is to prove a carton label on each
box. These labels will be generated from the Packing List document. If filled out correctly, the Packing
List will provide the detail for each carton number.
The actual ASN#
that this Carton
is a part of
The Carton # and
its position in the
range of total
There are two types of Labels:
1. Printed from Tradestone directly to your printer (you may be required to install Active X) and a
certified printer type.
2. Generation of a PDF Label that you can send to your printer.
The PDF option gives us very good flexibility to work with various printers.
US Tradestone Training Manual
Printing the Labels in Batch – Direct from Tradestone( Thermal Printers Only)
From the Packing List screen, you can select one or more rows of the labels you want to print.
Select Reports > Print UCC-128 Labels in Batch
As with other documents (Word, Excel, PDF), you will prompted to select your organization’s printer.
US Tradestone Training Manual
Printing Single Labels – Direct from Tradestone( Thermal Printers Only)
In some cases, you may need to print a single carton label. Common reasons for this are:
Toner runs out
Label rips when pulled of backing
Label rips when removing from printer
Miss-aligned labels
Need to
reprint for
Click on the row that includes the label you need:
carton 115
Select Reports > Print Single UCC-128 Labels
You will be prompted to enter the Carton number and you will be prompted to select your
organization’s printer and click ok.
US Tradestone Training Manual
Printing Labels in Batch– from PDF
We have enabled the PDF print option for vendors. We feel that this will help us print to any type of
If you have trouble
with this option….
…Try to use PDF
The PDF will generate like other PDF reports. You will notice that the “Actual Size” of the label is 6*4 .
4 x 6 inches
actual size
US Tradestone Training Manual
Printing Single Labels – PDF
In some cases, you may need to print a single carton label. Common reasons for this are:
Toner runs out
Label rips when pulled of backing
Label rips when removing from printer
Miss-aligned labels
Need to
reprint for
Click on the row that includes the label you need:
carton 115
Select Reports > Print Single PDF Labels in batch
The PDF will generate like other PDF reports> now you have the option of saving or printing.
US Tradestone Training Manual
Deleting a Label
In some cases, you may have generated more carton labels that needed. If you do this, you must delete
SSCC-18 reference from Tradestone.
Was done
with 10
For example, this line originally had 10 cartons.
cartons first
The PDF labels for these 4 were generated. I know this because if you select Associations > Reflist, you
will see the 4th label.
This label will generate unless you delete it. Check the label and click the
Click the
button to return to the Packing List
You will probably need to look at other lines as well.
US Tradestone Training Manual
Carton Label Placement
All carton labels must be places on the lower right hand corner of the short side or end of the carton.
US Tradestone Training Manual
Commercial Invoice
When the Packing List is complete status, you can generate a Commercial Invoice and print it from
1. With the Packing List open, click the “Generate Invoice” button.
2. The Commercial Invoice screen will appear. Your Pay Terms will default from the terms on theAny additional
information or
comments can
be added here.
The Invoice is formatted at the detail level to roll up by Style-Color-Size from the PL. By generating from
the PL, we basically do the match on-line. We pull the FOB cost by referencing back to the PO.’
US Tradestone Training Manual
3.To print or save as a PDF go to Reports > Commercial Invoice Report. A PDF of the invoice will pop-up,
you then have the option to print or save invoice.
 *For our Domestic vendors with Net 30 payment terms, please send invoices to the AP department
via mail or email at [email protected]. All vendors being paid by wire, please submit to your
buyer. All import vendors please include with shipping documents. Invoices are not automatically
transmitted through Tradestone. Do not submit non-Tradestone invoices to your carrier or freight
US Tradestone Training Manual
Invoice Process – Entering Adjustments
The Commercial Invoice does have places for you to enter Adjustments if needed. This would be where
any non-merchandise related charges can be entered.
You do this by going to the next open line on the CI screen and entering your values. A Description
should be included:
Do not enter
adjustment on
this line
The totals will reflect the Adjustment when the CI is saved.
adjustment on
this line
The Commercial invoice printout will show your Adjustments if any were added.
If there is any reason to enter a credit back to URBN, a negative value can be
entered in the Adjustment field.
US Tradestone Training Manual
Invoice Process – Multiple PL’s on a CI
Vendors have the ability to put more than one packing list onto a commercial invoice. Please see steps
You must create a CI off of the first PL of the group:
Invoice 000535 was
created from PL
2. Open the next Packing List.
3. In the “TS Invoice No.” field, enter the Tradestone Invoice Number that you want this Packing
List added to.
US Tradestone Training Manual
Enter Invoice #
4. Click Generate Invoice
5. You can see the additional Packing List added to the Invoice:
Two PL’s on the CI
US Tradestone Training Manual
6. The CI Printout will also show both PO’s:
Invoice Process – Updates to Units after an Invoice is Created
If you have created the Commercial Invoice from the Packing List - and you need to adjust the Units
being shipped – a new CI needs to be created.
1. Open the Commercial Invoice
2. Make note of the Supplier Invoice #, Comments and any First Sale information
3. Delete the Commercial Invoice
4. Open the Packing List (make changes if you haven’t done so) and Click Generate Invoice
5. On the new CI, make sure to re-add the Supplier Invoice #, Comments, and First Sale information
if needed.
US Tradestone Training Manual
CI Printout
To print ( or save as a PDF) the CI, select Reports > Commercial Invoice Report
A pop-up window will appear, you now have the option to print of save invoice as a PDF.
US Tradestone Training Manual
Shipping Details- Tracking your order
If you would like to check the status of your shipment, whether it was docked and/or received. You can do so by
using below queries:
Query Name
Where’s My PO-Imports
For PO’s where URBN is the importer of goods into the US. This query will
show PO, Style, Cargo Receipt, Dock and Receiving Dates. Users can drill into
the BOL/Airway Bill for details. NOTE: Federal Express shipments will be
visible on 4/1/2012.
Ship Status-PO-Last 14 DayAtDC
This will show all PO’s that have either docked or been received at the URBN
DC in the last two weeks. This will include import and domestic orders.
Ship Status-PO-User Defined
This will return the same fields as the 14 day query, but allows the user to
decide what to select. Includes import and domestic orders.
From the “Where’s my PO – Imports”
The following values will be on all Retail, Direct and Wholesale PO’s:
Dock Date = True “in DC” date
Received Date = Date order is received in our host system. **Payment will be based off of this date**
In the event that there is a split shipment, Tradestone will only show the most recent values.
US Tradestone Training Manual
Search Commands
When you search in Tradestone, you will see a number of ways to look for values:
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Searching Tips
On any search in Tradestone, the fields on the header can be used to narrow down your results. For
example, on a “PO – My Action Required” task list you can choose to search by any number of fields.
Below are some examples:
PO #
Agent Name
Style Number
US Tradestone Training Manual
Exporting Data
You can export a results list into an Excel Document. For example, I want to search for All PO’s that are
in “Urban Revision” status that has not been accepted. (Remember to place a 0 in PO the PO field)
Search criteria
Click the Export button:
Choose what you want to do with the file:
You may get prompted with the message below….Click Yes:
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The Excel Doc will appear:
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Setting up For Label Print- (Thermal Printers Only)
If you are having issues printing to your thermal printer, please follow below instructions.
1. From your Internet Explorer browser, select Tools – Internet Options
2. On the Security Tab, select the Internet Zone and click Custom level…
3. Set the Active X controls and plug-in settings to either Enable or Prompt
US Tradestone Training Manual
4. Click OK on this Tab and the Internet Options Tab.
5. Try to print a Label from TradeStone. You will be prompted to install the Active X control.
6. After installing the control. Logout of TradeStone and log back in. You should now be able to print
US Tradestone Training Manual
Q) My PO is not in the packing list builder. Why?
There are 2 reasons why a PO will not be in the packing list builder:
1. It is not in an “approved/accepted” status. If your PO is in a “new” “revision” or “request
change” status and needs to be approved by you before you can create a packing list.
2. The PO is in a packed status. Once you select build in the packing list builder, the PO goes into a
packed status which prevents you from creating another packing list.
US Tradestone Training Manual
The packing list still may be in the system. First step you should take is to search for it.
To search for a packing list you already created go to search> packing list from your dashboard
You will then be taken into this screen when you can search by PO or packing list number:
US Tradestone Training Manual
Select the blue packing list number to enter into the packing list:
If you can’t find the packing list under the search menu this mean it was deleted. If it is deleted you will
have to switch the PO status back to “new” in order to build a new packing list. You can do this by going
to the “open PO line for packing” query and switch the status back from “packed” to “new”
1. Go to the “Open PO line for packing” query, under vendor task list 2.
US Tradestone Training Manual
2. You must enter PO #. Then click Search
3. Change the Status to “New”. Then click the Save button
4) To update multiple lines check all rows that need to be updated and select fill selected.
5) Save
US Tradestone Training Manual
Q) How can I search for and/or update my already created packing list:
1) How to update a current PL
To search for a packing list you already created go to search> packing list from your dashboard
2) You will then be taken into this screen when you can search by PO or packing list number:
3) Select the blue packing list number to enter into the packing list:
US Tradestone Training Manual
4) To update, place your curser in the field you want to change. Delete current information, update new
information, save, and resubmit packing list:
Q) How can I delete my current packing list:
While in the packing list, select the delete record button
in the upper left hand corner:
Q) Why is my packing list stating “out of tolerance?”
We allow vendors to ship a variance of + or -5% at the SKU level(size and color level). If you exceed this,
the packing list will indicate that it is “out of tolerance.” You must notify the buyer that the order is
shipping out of tolerance in order to get their approval so vendor relations can accept the packing list.If
there are major variances, the buyer may need to revise the order in our system.
Please see below examples of why a packing list may be “out of tolerance:
Color : Green/ Size: Small /Ordered Units:20 /Shipped:24 17% out of tolerance
Color : Green /Size: Medium/ Ordered Units:30 /Shipped:36 17% out of tolerance
Color : Green /Size: Small Ordered Units:20/ Shipped:24 17% out of tolerance
US Tradestone Training Manual
Q) How can create a packing list to combine multiple styles, sizes, and/or colors in one box.
You would need to create a mixed carton
1) Select the SKU’s you wish to mix (note these lines may or may not have details already entered)
2) Click the “Mixed Carton” Button
3) The lines you selected will be copied down into a Mixed Carton. Note: it will be created with
the next Carton Sequence #. For example if your mixed carton is carton 3, create your first 2
then create you mixed carton.
4) Your start carton, end carton, and number of cartons will automatically be populated. All you
need to enter is the qty per carton and save.
US Tradestone Training Manual
5) If you don’t need the lines that you copied from, you must go back and delete them. (See page 37
instructions on how to delete a line)