floor plan options the Tierra 2300
floor plan options the Tierra 2300
Option D Provide Kitchen upgrade including Option D appliance tower with built in laminated f t h e Ti e r r a 2300 floor plan options Alfresco FUTURE COLLECTION nder dwelling roof ctural concrete floor to rear ing roof of Family. 10.08m². crete floor with Option I stretch Family. 720mm with alI concrete stretch floor and h additional floor and 2.41m². and reduce 2no. overhead cupboards to 450mm in lieu of 600mm. 3360x3000 Alfresco 3360x3000 Option A Option A Family Provide Alfresco under dwelling roof Provide Alfresco under dwelling roof Option A line, additional structural concrete floor Family line, additional structural concrete floor Option A Provide Alfresco under dwelling roof and 1no. brick pier rear of and 1no. brick pier toto rear ofFamily. Family. Provide Alfresco under dwelling roof 2.41m². microwave provision and 3no. pot Provide Kitchen upgrade including Meals area laminated drawers. applianceReduce tower with built in by 160mm provideand bulkhead over refrigerator microwaveand provision 3no. pot space. Delete microwave provision and drawers. Reduce Meals area by 160mm provide 1no.over pot drawer. Provide and provide bulkhead refrigerator 900mm carcassprovision to island and bench in lieu space. Delete microwave of 800mm carcass. Reduce 2no. base provide 1no. pot drawer. Provide cupboards to 600mm 900mm carcass to island bench in in lieu lieu of 800mm and reduce 2no. overhead of 800mm carcass. Reduce 2no. basecupboards to in lieu of 600mm. cupboards450mm to 600mm in lieu of 800mm line, additional concrete floor Increases area structural by 10.08m². line, additional structural concrete floor 2 and 1no. brick to rear of. Family. Note: To Comply with Option I stretch Increases area bypier 10.08m and 1no. width brick pier to rear with of Family. Increases areaby by720mm 10.08m². Alfresco area by 10.08m². Note:Increases To Comply with Option I stretch Note: To Comply with Option I stretch additional structural concrete floor and Note: To roof Comply with Option I stretch Alfresco width by 720mm with dwelling line. Alfresco width by 720mm with additional Alfresco width with additional structural concrete floor and Increases areaby by720mm additional 2.41m². structural concrete and floor dwelling additional structural concrete and roof dwelling roof line. floor dwelling roof line. Increases area by additional 2.41m². 2 Increases area bybyadditional 2.41m . Increases area additional 2.41m². pgrade including tiled shower mm x 900mm uding r base and wer basin in lieu of mm Alfresco 3360x3000 Alfresco Alfresco 3360x3000 3360x3000 Family Family Family line. Ens Option E 2 Increases area byby 4.58m². ProvideIncreases extension towidth Garage to850mm. Increases widtharea. by 850mm. create additional Storage Increases area by 4.58m². Increases width by 850mm. pgrade including nated base and ds with insert luding eiled andsplashback ch ert space with ds. hback L'dry WIR WIR WIR Option F Option F 8-STAR ENERGY RATING Option F Provide extension to Garage to Option F create Workshop Option F area including L'dry L'dry L'dry Wo 51 Wo Wo Provide extension Garage to additional window to suit. Provide extension to Garage to create Workshop including Increases area byarea 13.51m². create Workshop area including additional width window suit. Increases byto 2400mm. additional area window to suit. Increases by 13.51m². Increases Increases area widthby by13.51m². 2400mm. Increases width by 2400mm. 51 51 Option G Provide triple car Garage including Option G roller door to front. additional Provide Kitchen upgrade including Kitchen Provide triple car Garage including Increases Increases width by 3600mm. additional roller door to front. Increases area This by 23.61m². Note: Option not available with Increases width by 3600mm. Option Note: This OptionI.not available with Option I. Garage 6000x3510 Option H Option E Provide extension to Garage to create additional Storage area. Increases area by 4.58m². Increases width by 850mm. call 13 BURBANK (13 2872) 4910 4910 5150x2400 additional Increases window towidth suit. by 2400mm. 2 Increases area by 13.51m . Increases area by 13.51m². Increases width by 2400mm Increases width by 2400mm. Option Option D D Provide Kitchen upgrade including laminated appliance tower with built in microwaveappliance provision and 3no. pot laminated tower with built in drawers. Reduce Meals area by 160mm microwave provision and 3no. pot and provide bulkhead over refrigerator drawers. Reduce Mealsprovision area by 160mm space. Delete microwave and provide 1no. pot drawer. Provide and provide bulkhead over refrigerator 900mm carcass to island bench in lieu space. Delete microwave provision and of 800mm carcass. Reduce 2no. base cupboards to pot 600mm in lieu of 800mm provide 1no. drawer. Provide and reduce 2no. overhead cupboards 900mm carcass to island bench to in lieu 450mm in lieu of 600mm. of 800mm carcass. Reduce 2no. base cupboards to 600mm in lieu of 800mm and reduce 2no. overhead cupboards to 450mm in lieu of 600mm. Stor 4910 Stor Stor Workshop 5150x2400 Workshop Provideextension extension totoGarage to to Provide Garage create Workshop area including Option FWorkshop create area including additional window to suit. Provide extension to Garage to window to suit. Increases area by 13.51m². create additional Workshop area including C Provide Laundry upgrade including 7-STAR Ens Ens Ens with Option C Provide Laundrylaminated upgradebase including prefabricated and Option C Provide Laundry upgrade including overhead cupboards with insert prefabricated laminated base and Provide Laundry upgrade including prefabricated laminated base and trough, additional tiled splashback overhead cupboards with insert prefabricated laminated base and overhead cupboards insert and additional bench with space with overhead cupboards insert trough, additional tiled splashback trough, additional tiledwith splashback overhead cupboards. trough, additional tiledspace splashback and additional bench with and additional bench space with and additional bench space with overhead cupboards. overhead cupboards. overhead cupboards. K K K ENERGY RATING Provide extension to Garage to Increases area by 4.58m². Provide extension to Garage to create additional Storage area. Increases width by 850mm. create additional Increases area byStorage 4.58m².area. Increases width area by Increases by4.58m². 850mm. Increases width by 850mm. L'dry Option Option C 4910x850 Option E Provide extension to Garage to Option E create additional Option EStorage area. Option B 7-STAR ENERGY RATING Storage 4910x850 Storage Provide extension to Garage to Option B base lieu shower of 900mm x 900mm polymarble base and singleinbasin. polymarble showerbasin baseinand provide additional lieu of provide additional basin in lieu of single basin. single basin. 8-STAR Increases area byStorage 4.58m . Option Eadditional create area. WIR Provide Ensuite upgrade Provide Ensuite upgrade including including Option B 1200mm x 900mm tiled shower 1200mm x 900mm tiled shower base Option Bupgrade Provide Ensuite including base in lieu of 900mm x 900mm in lieu1200mm of 900mm xupgrade 900mm polymarble Provide Ensuite including x 900mm tiled polymarble shower baseshower and 1200mm x 900mm tiledx shower shower base. base in lieu of 900mm 900mm provide additional basin in lieu of Provide Kitchen upgrade microwave provision and including 3no. pot Provide upgrade including laminated appliance tower with in drawers.Kitchen Reduce Meals area bybuilt 160mm laminated appliance with built in microwave provision and 3no. pot and provide bulkheadtower over refrigerator microwave provision and 3no. pot drawers. Reduce Meals by 160mm space. Delete microwave provision and ENERGY area RATING drawers. Reduce Meals area by 160mm and provide bulkhead over refrigerator provide 1no. pot drawer. Provide and provide bulkhead overbench refrigerator space. Delete microwave provision and 900mm carcass to island in lieu space. Delete microwave provision and provide 1no. pot drawer. Provide of 800mm carcass. Reduce 2no. base provide drawer. Provide 900mm 1no. carcass to island bench in lieu cupboards topot 600mm in lieu of 800mm 900mm carcass island bench lieuto of 800mm carcass. Reduce 2no.inbase and reduce 2no. to overhead cupboards of 800mm carcass. Reduce base cupboards to 600mm in lieu 2no. of 800mm 450mm in lieu of 600mm. cupboards 600mm in lieucupboards of 800mmto and reduceto 2no. overhead and reduce 2no. overhead cupboards to 450mm in lieu of 600mm. 450mm in lieu of 600mm. Provide extension to Garage to Option E Storage area. create additional Ens WIR eu of Kitchen Option D Kitchen Provide Kitchen upgrade including Option D laminated appliance Option D tower with built in Storage 4910x850 Provide Kitchen upgrade by extending Meals width by 90mm. Provide additional laminated open shelf to Refrigerator space, 1no. 300mm base cupboard and 1no. 900mm base cupboard in lieu of standard 1no. 800mm base cupboard. Relocate 1no. 450mm drawers and microwave provision with 1no. pot drawer. Provide 1no. 500mm laminated overhead open shelves and 1no. 800mm overhead cupboard in lieu of standard 2no. 600mm overhead cupboards. Provide 1no. 900mm base cupboard in lieu of 2no. standard 800mm base cupboards. Relocate bench top and tiled splash back by 90mm to suit. visit burbank.com.au Meals 3350x2820 Kitchen Option G Provide triple car Garage including additional roller door to front. Increases area by 23.61m². Increases width by 3600mm. Note: This Option not available with Option I. f FUTURE COLLECTION Option I Garage 6000x3510 t h e Ti e r r a 2300 floor plan options Meals Provide Family and Living extension under dwelling roof line and additional structural concrete floor by increase width of 720mm. Relocate Living window towards Garage by 60mm. Note: Increases Residence area by 5.62m². 8-STAR ENERGY RATING 3540x2730 7-STAR ENERGY RATING L 37 Option HH Option Provide Kitchen upgrade by Provide Kitchen upgrade by extending Meals width by 90mm. extending Meals width by 90mm. Provide additional laminated open Provide additional laminated open shelf to Refrigerator space, 1no. 300mm cupboard andspace, 1no. shelf base to Refrigerator 1no. 900mm base cupboard in lieu of 300mm cupboard and 1no. standard 1no.base 800mm base 900mmRelocate base cupboard cupboard. 1no. 450mmin lieu of drawers and microwave provision standard 1no. 800mm base with 1no. pot drawer. Provide 1no. cupboard. Relocate 500mm laminated overhead1no. open 450mm shelves and 1no. overhead drawers and800mm microwave provision cupboard in lieu of standard 2no. with 1no. pot drawer. Provide 1no. 600mm overhead cupboards. 500mm Provide 1no. laminated 900mm baseoverhead open cupboard lieu of1no. 2no. standard shelvesin and 800mm overhead 800mm base cupboards. Relocate cupboard in lieu of standard 2no. bench top and tiled splash back by 600mm 90mm to suit.overhead cupboards. Meals 3350x2820 Kitchen Provide additional laminated open shelf to Refrigerator space. Relocate microwave provision with 1no. pot drawer and reduce return bench to suit (add space to Family). Provide 1no. 500mm laminated overhead open shelves and 1no. 800mm overhead cupboard in lieu of standard 2no. 600mm overhead cupboards. Provide 1no. 900mm base cupboard in lieu of 2no. standard 800mm base cupboards. Adjust bench top and tiled splash back to suit. Provide 1no. 900mm base cupboard in lieu of 2no. standard 800mm base cupboards. Relocate bench top and tiled splash back by 90mm to suit. Family Family 4120x6260 4120x6260 Option I Provide Family and Living Option I I dwelling roof line Option extension under Provide Family and Living Provide Familystructural and Living and additional extension under dwelling roofconcrete line extension under dwelling roof line and additional structural concrete floor by increase width of 720mm. and additional structural concrete floor by increase width of 720mm. floor by increase width of 720mm. Relocate Living window towards Relocate Living window towards Relocate Living window towards Garage by60mm. 60mm. Garage by Meals Meals 3540x2730 3540x2730 Kitchen Kitchen Garage by 60mm. Note: Increases Residence area Note: Increases Residence area Note: Increases Residence area by 5.62m2. by 5.62m². by 5.62m². Living Living 3790x5310 3790x5310 Option J Provide additional laminated open shelf to Refrigerator Option JJ space. Option Relocate microwave provision Provide additional laminated open with Provide additional laminated open 1no. drawer and reduce return shelf pot to Refrigerator space. shelf to Refrigerator space. Relocate with bench tomicrowave suit (addprovision space towith Family). Relocate microwave provision 1no. pot drawer and reduce return 1no. pot drawer and reduce return Provide 500mm bench to 1no. suit (add space tolaminated Family). bench to suit (add space to Family). Provide 1no. 500mm laminated overhead open shelves and 1no. Provide 1no. 500mm laminated overheadoverhead open shelves and 1no. in lieu 800mm cupboard overhead open shelves and 1no. 800mm overhead cupboard in lieu 800mm overhead cupboard in lieu ofofstandard 2no. 600mm overhead standard 2no. 600mm overhead of standard 2no. 600mm overhead cupboards. Provide 1no.1no. 900mm cupboards. 900mm cupboards. Provide Provide 1no. 900mm base cupboard in lieu of 2no. base cupboard ininlieu of of 2no. base cupboard lieu 2no. standard 800mm base cupboards. standard800mm 800mm base cupboards. standard cupboards. Adjust bench top andbase tiled splash Adjust bench top and tiled splash back to suit. Adjust back bench to suit. top and tiled splash back to suit. call 13 BURBANK (13 2872) Option J Meals Meals 3350x2730 3350x2730 Kitchen Kitchen visit burbank.com.au 7-STAR ENERGY RATING 8-STAR ENERGY RATING Meals 3350x273 f t h e Ti e r r a 2300 floor plan options FUTURE COLLECTION 8-STAR 7-STAR ENERGY RATING ENERGY RATING Option K Mirror rear of dwelling floor plan in lieu of standard and adjust room sizes to suit. Note: Other Options if selected with Option K must be adjusted to suit. Bath Bed 4 3030x2990 Option K Mirror rear of dwelling floor plan in lieu of standard and adjust room sizes to suit. Note: Other Options if selected with Option K must be adjusted to suit. 7-STAR WC ENERGY RATING Family 4120x5540 8-STAR Bed 3 ENERGY RATING 3300x3000 Meals 3350x2850 Kitchen L'dry WIP Living Bed 2 4390x4590 3000x3950 s 50 WIL Ens WIR Garage 6000x5510 Entry Option L Bed 1 4140x3470 Porch Provide Alfresco under dwelling roof line, additional structural concrete floor, 1no. 470mm x 470mm brick pier to rear of Family and 1no. 470mm x 720mm Engaged pier to side of Family. Increases area by 12.83m². s Option L Provide Alfresco under dwelling roof line,Option additional structural concrete floor, L 1no.Provide 470mm x 470mm brick pier Alfresco under dwelling roof to rear line, additional structural concrete floor, of Family and 1no. 470mm x 720mm 1no. 470mm x 470mm brick pier Engaged pier to side of Family.to rear Alfresco 3360x3720 of Family and 1no. 470mm x 720mm 2 Engaged pier to of Family. . Increases area byside 12.83m Increases area by 12.83m². Family call 13 BURBANK (13 2872) visit burbank.com.au *Copyright conditions. All photos and illustrations are representative only. Floor plans and specifications may be varied by Burbank without notice, the dimensions are diagrammatic only and a Building Contract with final drawings will display correct dimensions and detail. All designs are the property of Burbank and must not be used, reproduced, copied or varied, wholly or in part without written permission from an authorised Burbank representative. Copyright Burbank Australia Pty Ltd. ABN 91 007 099 872. Builders Registration Number DB-U 3333. MP 05.02.13 - 15.04.13 Al 33
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