lavender 1800
lavender 1800
lavender 1800 facade options condor 3 great features 1 L-shaped kitchen The clever kitchen design maximises space and creates a vibrant central area 2 Kid’s floor Kids will love their own floor complete with study and living matisse areas plus bedrooms 3 Storage under the stairs Rather than finding Harry Potter under your stairs, you’ll find plenty of storage room The Lavender’s sensible double storey floor plan will help calm hectic everyday monet schedules. A free-flowing kitchen, meals and family zone on the ground floor makes family dinners and get-togethers a breeze while the adjoining laundry makes the weekly washing less of a chore. Parents can enjoy the downstairs with a master bedroom complete with ensuite and walk-in robe while kids can take the run of the first floor with two bedrooms plus living and study areas. Handy touches such as storage under the streeton stairs and bathrooms on both floors add that extra drop of convenience. Facade images are artist impressions only. These images may contain internal or external upgrade items above standard specification such as feature render and timber look garage door. See your Sales Consultant for full specifications. Images contain items not supplied by Burbank which include furniture, landscaping, fencing and external lighting. L'DRY lavender FAMILY 4080x3710 BED 3 BED 2 1800 3480x2900 GARAGE 3000x3000 6000x3510 KITCHEN/MEALS BED 2 3000x3000 STORE KITCHEN/MEALS WC 3480x2860 WC WC 3480x2860 BED 3 3480x2900 BATH ENS WC BATH BED 1 ENS 3300x3600 ENTRY STUDY 2460x1800 BED 1 LIVING 3300x4070 WIR 3300x3600 PORCH STUDY 2460x1800 LIVING 3300x4070 WIR first floor L'DRY FAMILY Lavender 1800 4080x3710 BED 3 Designed to suit minimum 12.5m lot width x 16m lot length GARAGE Gen Inclusions BED 2 3480x2900 3000x3000 6000x3510 KITCHEN/MEALS WC 3480x2860 STORE WC BATH ENS BED 1 3300x3600 ENTRY STUDY 2460x1800 LIVING 3300x4070 WIR PORCH ground floor Minimum lot width 12.5m Home width 11.27m Minimum lot depth 16m Home length 10.43m Areas Available sizes Ground Floor 77.90sqm 8.39sq Lavender 1800 First Floor 64.25sqm 6.92sq Design options 2.88sqm0.31sq Laundry, Kitchen, Living 23.65sqm2.55sq Available facades Porch Garage Total 168.68sqm18.16sq Designed to suit minimum 12.5m lot width x 16m lot length 2 Gen Inclusions Streeton, Condor, Monet, Matisse All details based on Streeton facade floor plan (illustrated) *Copyright conditions. All photos and illustrations are representative only. Floor plans and specifications may be varied by Burbank without notice, the dimensions are diagrammatic only and a Building Contract with final drawings will display correct dimensions and detail. All designs are the property of Burbank and must not be used, reproduced, copied or varied, wholly or in part without written permission from an authorised Burbank representative. Copyright Burbank Australia Pty Ltd. ABN 91 007 099 872. Builders Registration Number DB-U 3333. call 13 BURBANK (13 2872) visit 3 Lavender 1800 2 lavender 1800 floor plan options Option LD1 Provide Linen cupboard to Laundry with cavity sliding door from Garage in lieu of hinged door off Family. Option LD1 LD1 Option Provide Linen Linen cupboard cupboard to to Laundry Laundry Provide Option LD1 with cavity cavity sliding sliding door door from from Garage Garage in in with Provide Linen cupboard to Laundry lieu of of hinged hinged door door off off Family Family lieu with cavity sliding door from Garage in lieu of hinged door off Family L'dry L'dry L'dry Garage Garage 6000x3510 6000x3510 Garage Option IP1 Family/M Family/M 4080x44 4080x441 Family/M Relocate Bed 1/Ensuite to first floor and Living to ground floor including WIP and galley Kitchen. Provide 2018 sliding window to Kitchen i.l.o. 1218 sliding window. Provide 2009 awning window to Lounge i.l.o. 1006 sliding windowIP1 to Ensuite. Option IP1 Option Provide additional sewer stack adjacent Entry for RelocateBed Bed1/Ensuite 1/Ensuiteto tofirst firstfloor floorand andLiving Livingto to Relocate Option IP1 WIP relocated Ensuite. ground groundfloor floorincluding includingWIP andgalley galleyKitchen. Kitchen. and 6000x3510 Family/Meals 4080x4410 Kitchen L'dry Relocate Bed 1/Ensuite to first floor and Living to Provide2018 2018sliding slidingwindow windowto toKitchen Kitcheni.l.o. i.l.o.1218 1218 Provide ground floor including WIP and galley Kitchen. slidingwindow. window.Provide Provide2009 2009awning awningwindow windowto to sliding Provide 2018 sliding window to Kitchen i.l.o. 1218 Loungei.l.o. i.l.o.1006 1006sliding slidingwindow windowto toEnsuite. Ensuite. Lounge sliding window. Provide 2009 awning window to Provideadditional additionalsewer sewerstack stackadjacent adjacentEntry Entryfor for Provide Lounge i.l.o. 1006 sliding window to Ensuite. relocatedEnsuite. Ensuite. relocated Provide additional sewer stack adjacent Entry for relocated Ensuite. 4080x44 Option IP1 Garage 6000x3510 Option K1 Provide 1No. 700mm with end panel Option K1 800mm laminated overhead Option and K1 1No. Provide 1No. 1No. 700mmabove with end end panel bench either Provide 700mm with panel cupboard kitchen Option K1 and 1No. 1No.side 800mm laminatedrangehood. overhead and 800mm laminated overhead of canopy Provide 1No. 700mm with end panel cupboard above above kitchen kitchen bench bench either either cupboard and 1No. 800mm laminated overhead side of of canopy canopy rangehood rangehood side cupboard above kitchen bench either side of canopy rangehood Relocate Bed 1/Ensuite to first floor and Living to ground floor including WIP and galley Kitchen. Provide 2018 sliding window to Kitchen i.l.o. 1218 sliding window. Provide 2009 awning window to Lounge i.l.o. 1006 sliding window to Ensuite. Provide additional sewer stack adjacent Entry for relocated Ensuite. Kit./Meals Kit./Meals 3480x2860 3480x2860 Kit./Meals 3480x2860 WC Entry 3480x2860 Provide 632mm wide base cupboard under to to Kitchen Kitchen in in lieu lieu of of 600mm 600mm under with Microwave space and drawer base cupboard cupboard base under to Kitchen in lieu of 600mm base cupboard Living Ens' Ens' Ens' Bath Provide 632mm wide base cupboard with K2 Microwave space and drawer Option K2 Option underwide to Kitchen in lieu of 600mm Kit./Meals Provide 632mm wide base cupboard cupboard Provide 632mm base Option base K2 cupboard. with Microwave Microwave space and and drawer drawer with space Kit./Meals Kit./Meals 3480x2860 3480x2860 Kit./Meals 3480x2860 Ens' Kit./Meals 3480x2860 *Copyright conditions. All photos and illustrations are representative only. Floor plans and specifications may be varied by Burbank without notice, the dimensions are diagrammatic only and a Building Contract with final drawings will display correct dimensions and detail. All designs are the property of Burbank and must not be used, reproduced, copied or varied, wholly or in part without written permission from an authorised Burbank representative. Copyright Burbank Australia Pty Ltd. ABN 91 007 099 872. Builders Registration Number DB-U 3333. call 13 BURBANK (13 2872) visit Porch Porch Porch 4200x4950 Porch Option K2 WIP Entry Entry Entry Bed 1 3300x3370
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