IOLMaster 500 Defining biometry
IOLMaster 500 Defining biometry
IOLMaster 500 Defining biometry The moment IOL power calculation becomes second nature. This is the moment we work for. // IOLMaster 500 Made By Carl Zeiss 2 3 Efficiency Working with you In a busy practice, throughput is key. For over a decade, we have partnered with surgeons, like you, to continue improving the gold standard in biometry. The IOLMaster® 500 is the clear choice for effortless biometry that facilitates high-confidence IOL selection.1 // Efficiency Made By Carl Zeiss Mastery is achieved through High-speed biometry Challenging patients Best cataract penetration constant refinement Minimize acquisition and chair time Axial length and keratometry measure- The IOLMaster 500 achieves a measure- The IOLMaster 500 is dedicated to low- by performing accurate measurements ments with the IOLMaster 500 are fast ment success ratio that is up to 20 hassle biometry and high-confidence quickly. In the Dual Mode, axial length and distance independent – a great help percent higher than that of other optical IOL selection. Designed for robustness, and keratometry are captured in one in restless or poorly fixating patients. biometry devices. The underlying Com- reliability and exceptional system integrity, measurement. Changeover between The IOLMaster 500 enables you to posite Signal evaluation not only signifi- the IOLMaster 500 offers a wide range modes is completely automated and measure and calculate even pseudo- cantly increases the fraction of cataracts of built-in IOL power calculation options, does not require any user interaction. phakic, silicon-filled eyes or eyes with a measurable with optical technology, it including the latest Haigis and Holladay 2 The average time needed to take a phakic implant. The one-click selection also greatly increases signal-to-noise formulas. reading on the IOLMaster 500 is up to of the correct eye status can be easily values – a measure of the outstanding 4 times faster compared to other optical adapted even after data acquisition. reliability of the data the IOLMaster 500 devices.2 A difference you and your provides.3,4,5 patients will notice every day. 1) Leaming DV, 2010 Practice Styles and Preferences of U.S. ASCRS Members Survey 2) Chen YA, Hirnschall N, Findl O, Evaluation of 2 new optical biometry devices and comparison with the current gold standard biometer, J Cataract Refract Surg. 2011 Mar;37(3):513-517 3) Hill W, Angeles R, Otani T, Evaluation of a new IOLMaster algorithm to measure axial length. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2008 Jun;34(6):920-4. 4) Haigis W, Clinical Experience with the IOLMaster Advanced Technology software, presented at the ESCRS meeting in Stockholm, 2007 5) Olsen T, Improved clinical results with the IOLMaster Advanced Technology, presented at the ESCRS meeting in Stockholm, 2007 4 Changeover between modes is completely automated Easier alignment through distance independent Composite signal evaluation for best cataract and does not require any user interaction measurements of axial length and keratometry penetration in the industry 5 Simplicity Thinking with you Based on years of experience working with you, the IOLMaster® 500 has been designed to make your life simpler. The new platform provides efficient workflow, easy delegation and peace of mind. // Simplicity Made By Carl Zeiss Intuitive and user-independent Confidence in meeting patient Most comprehensive set Post-LVC patients The IOLMaster 500 redefines simplicity. expectations of formulas The number of cataract patients with Its redesigned graphical user interface Common sources of error are eliminated The IOLMaster 500 provides a com- prior laser vision correction (LVC) is incorporates more than a decade of through an easy-to-understand traf- prehensive set of onboard IOL power growing rapidly. But often, clinical history experience in optical biometry. It yields fic light indicator: a green light signals calculation formulas. Included are fourth data is not available. With its on-board more data with fewer clicks. A great best alignment. With the integrated generation Haigis and Holladay 2. Haigis-L formula, the IOLMaster 500 example of this superior usability is the automatic mode, it is easy to delegate Seamlessly integrated IOL power calcula- simplifies IOL power calculation in these Dual Mode, which facilitates measure- and trust the measurements. Right-eye tions offer the shortest path to the result cases – no matter whether the refractive ments of axial length and keratometry and left-eye values for axial length and that really matters – high confidence IOL procedure was myopic or hyperopic.7 without the need for manual interaction. corneal radii are compared and checked power selection. A detailed evaluation and processing of for plausibility – providing confidence the measurement results is possible at especially for challenging eyes. 6 any time – offering full transparency. 6) Holladay IOL Consultant software. 7) Haigis W, Intraocular lens calculation after refractive surgery for myopia: Haigis-L formula. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2008 Oct;34(10):1658-63. Dual Mode enables one-click axial length and keratometry measurements IOLMaster 500 yields more data with fewer clicks Certainty at your fingertips: with the most com- The IOLMaster 500 simplifies IOL power calculation prehensive set of onboard IOL power calculation for patients with prior laser vision correction formulas 6 7 % of US Cataract Surgeons Outcomes Calculating with you 90 % 80 % 70 % 60 % 50 % 40 % 30 % 20 % 10 % 0% 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 You might have noticed the rising patient expectations in your Applanation Immersion practice: IOLMaster Other optical biometry devices Premium IOL patients and post-LVC patients are demanding cases. What could be more important in biometry than measurements you can rely on? 2002 % of US Cataract Surgeons 2004 2003 Applanation 80 % 70 % 60 % 50 % 40 % 30 % 20 % 10 % 0% Preferred method of keratometry for routine IOL calculation % of US Cataract Surgeons % of US Cataract Surgeons Preferred method of biometry 90 % 80 % 70 % 60 % 50 % 40 % 30 % 20 % 10 % 0% 2005 Immersion 2006 IOLMaster 2007 2008 2009 2010 80 % 70 % 60 % 50 % 40 % 30 % 20 % 10 % 0% The vast majority 67.8 70.6 of cataract 59.2 24.9 17.9 16.4 Manual 2008 Other optical biometry devices 2009 10.7 the IOLMaster 500 // OUTCOMES for its accuracy Made By Carl Zeiss surgeons prefer and reliability8 8.8 6.7 Auto K 2.2 IOLMaster 2010 5.2 10.5 4.0 Other optical Topography/ biometry devices Corneal Analyzer Precision counts Optimizing outcomes Challenging eyes Post-LVC cases Continously optimizing lens In terms of accuracy and precision, the with integrated Holladay 2* The true test of a biometer is its per- Eye care professionals are facing an constants with ULIB IOLMaster® 500 satisfies the demands of You can continuously minimize your pre formance with challenging eyes. The increasing number of patients with prior Any intraocular lens calculation is only clinicians looking for optimal refractive diction error for IOL power calculation IOLMaster 500 measures along the laser vision correction (LVC). These as reliable as the lens constants it is 70.6 Signals of the outcomes. The Composite 67.8 on an individual basis. With the Holladay 2, visual axis, yielding the relevant axial patients can be a challenge when it based on. The extensive clinical history IOLMaster 500 facilitate the interpre- now running on the IOLMaster 500, distance, even with staphyloma, comes to cataract diagnosis and treat- of the IOLMaster 500 is reflected by the tation of axial length scans. With its you just need to enter the postoperative pseudophakic and silicone-filled eyes. ment. The IOLMaster 500 includes the Users’ Group for Interference Biometry refraction of your patients. All other data Calculation of phakic intraocular lenses Haigis-L formula, which is dedicated to (ULIB) website. For virtually all common is automatically fed into the Holladay 2 is another growing need. A database of myopic and hyperopic post-LVC cases. IOL types, the ULIB database contains 6 software calculation. There is no longer anterior and posterior phakic IOL types As all formulas on the IOLMaster 500 more than 160 lens constants optimized 59.2 solid 17.9 signal-to-noise ratio values of the 24.9 16.4 10.7 8.8 6.7 2.2 5.2 Composite Signal algorithm, dependable Manual Auto K IOLMaster data can be achieved for a 2008 2009 2010 10.5 4.0 Other optical Topography/ great number biometry devices Corneal Analyzer a need to export data to the Holladay IOL makes the selection of the appropriate the Haigis-L formula is scientifically with over 30,000 sets of patient data and high reproducibility of IOLMaster 500 Consultant software. Holladay 2 is now dioptric power straightforward and proven.3 Haigis-L is especially convenient created with the IOLMaster 500.11 These measurement results have been docu- integrated into your IOLMaster 500. The reliable. as it requires no clinical history data. lens constants are continuously opti- mented in the scientific literature.9 IOLMaster 500 combines it all. mized and can easily be downloaded * Holladay 2 formula availabe for shipment in 2012. from the ULIB website onto your of patients. 3,4,5 The user independence IOLMaster 500. Optical biometry (PCI) A-scan (immersion) myopia hyperopia myopia hyperopia 90% 80% 70% 3) Hill W, Angeles R, Otani T, Evaluation of a new IOLMaster algorithm to measure axial length. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2008 Jun;34(6):920-4. 60% 4) Haigis W, Clinical Experience with the IOLMaster Advanced Technology software, presented at the ESCRS meeting in Stockholm, 2007 40% 50% 30% 5) Olsen T, Improved clinical results with the IOLMaster Advanced Technology, presented at the ESCRS meeting in Stockholm, 2007 20% 10% 6) Holladay IOL Consultant software. 8) Leaming DV, 2010 Practice Styles and Preferences of U.S. ASCRS Members Survey -1.0 0.0 1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 0% Spherical equivalent prediction error (D) 9) Vogel A, Dick HB, Krummenauer F., Reproducibility of optical biometry using partial coherence interferometry: intraobserver and interobserver reliability. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2001 Dec;27(12):1961-8. 11) User Group for Laser Interference Biometry. 8 Proven accuracy and precision to meet rising patient Reliable and accurate IOL power calculation for The ULIB “for ZEISS IOLMaster”: the latest set expectations (data courtesy of Warren E. Hill, MD, post-LVC patients with the Haigis-L formula of continuously optimized IOLMaster 500 lens FACS) constants 9 IOLMaster 500 technical data Measurement range Workflow Connecting with you Display scaling Product innovation at Carl Zeiss is guided by one overriding principle: We work to improve on what works best for your practice. Providing you with optimal connectivity solutions, you can concentrate on what matters most, your patients. Axial length 14 – 38 mm Interfaces Corneal radii 5 – 10 mm ZEISS data archive and review solution FORUM Anterior chamber depth 1.5 – 6.5 mm ZEISS OR management system CALLISTO eye White-to-white 8 –16 mm Data interface for electronic medical record (EMR) / patient management systems (PMS) Axial length 0.01 mm Data export to USB storage media Corneal radii 0.01 mm Export database for Holladay IOL Consultant and HIC.SOAP Pro Ethernet port for network connection and network printer Anterior chamber depth 0.01 mm White-to-white 0.1 mm IOL calculation formulas Ultrasound data link (to Accutome A-Scan synergy) SRK® II, SRK® / T, Holladay 1 and 2, Hoffer Q, Haigis Clinical history and contact lens fitting method for calculation of corneal refractive power following refractive corneal surgery Haigis-L IOL calculation for eyes following myopic / hyperopic LASIK / PRK / LASEK surgery Calculation of phakic anterior and posterior chamber implants Line voltage 100 – 240 V ± 10 % (self sensing) Line frequency 50 – 60 Hz Performance consumption Laser class max. 75 VA 1 Optimization of IOL constants Workflow efficiency with IOLMaster 500 Biometry workflow Exporting IOLMaster 500 data to Well-designed user interfaces can help CALLISTO eye not only allows you to avoid user error and simplify operator display IOLMaster 500 results on the training. The highly intuitive IOLMaster® OR Cockpit display, but also enables design has set standards for easy- on-the-fly changes of the selected IOL. to-learn, easy-to-delegate biometry. For connectivity with electronic medical The redesigned graphical user interface records (EMR) and practice management continues this success story. It elimi- systems, the IOLMaster 500 provides an nates even more clicks and guides the interface based on the DICOM standard. user through an optimized workflow sequence. Connecting ultrasound FORUM eye care data management surable meant a break in the workflow. The days of stand-alone instruments With the Sonolink, the IOLMaster 500 are over. The IOLMaster® 500 fits easily connects to the Accutome A-Scan perfectly into today’s networked synergy ultrasound device. Ultrasound practice environments. It is part of the measurements with the A-Scan are overall ZEISS data management solution quickly and easily imported into the FORUM®, providing all relevant diagnos- IOLMaster 500 for IOL calculation. tic data when it is needed and where Patient data, measurements and calcula- it is needed. The IOLMaster 500 tion results are kept together in one also seamlessly integrates with database, and the risk of data entry CALLISTO eye®, the new ZEISS data errors is greatly reduced.12 management system for the operating Easy connection to ultrasound • All-in-one biometer: axial length and keratometry measurements as well as IOL power calculation in one device Previously, a patient not optically mea- High-speed biometry workflow at any place IOLMaster 500 at a glance room. • Dual Mode: axial length and keratometry measurements without unnecessary manual interaction • Easy patient adjustments: distance independence of axial length and keratometry • Composite Signal: for best-in-class cataract penetration • Flexible platform: automatic or manual mode for customized treatments • Robust platform: fully integrated system components, including formulas • One consistent graphical user interface: for all formulas, including Holladay 2 • Most comprehensive set of formulas: includes fourth generation Haigis and Holladay 2 • Holladay 2 onboard: incorporated into the IOLMaster 500 formula selection; no need to export data, reducing transcription errors • Haigis-L formula: for post-LVC patients • Measurements along visual axis: for relevant axial distance, even in eyes with staphyloma • Measures challenging eyes: pseudophakic and siliconefilled eyes as well as eyes with phakic IOL • More comprehensive IOL calculation: for virtually all common IOL types • Phakic IOL calculation: both anterior and posterior • ULIB database: contains continuously optimized IOL lens constants to improve refractive outcomes • Convenience: Sonolink for integrating Accutome A-Scan synergy ultrasound device • Data integration: into FORUM data management system 12) Haigis W, Mlynski J, Comparative axial length measurements using optical and acoustic biometry in normal persons and in patients with retinal lesions, White Paper, Carl Zeiss Meditec, 2009 10 • DICOM interface: for integration into EMR systems Argentina Carl Zeiss Argentina S.A. 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