November 2015 Newsletter - First United Church of Christ
November 2015 Newsletter - First United Church of Christ
November 2015 The Anchor F i r s t U n i t e d C h u r c h o f B e l l e v i l l e , W i s c o n s i n C h r i s t W ORSHIP NOTES INSIDE THIS ISSUE: WELCOMING Worship Teams Women’s Guild 2 CONNECTING Prayer Requests - Wedding Thank You - In Sympathy 3 November Celebrations Fundraising 4 Stewardship Worship, Arts & Music 5 Youth Ministry 6 Area Events 7 REACHING OUT Mission & Outreach 8 Council Minutes 9 Financial Report Summary 10 Activity/Puzzle/Bible Quiz 11 Dates to Remember 12 FIRST UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 130 East Church Street PO Box 380 Belleville, WI 53508 Phone: Church Office: 608-424-3572 Pastor Heide: 608-354-4947 or 608-424-6283 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Come Join Us Set-Up for the Church Dinner Wednesday, November 11th 5:30 - 7:00 pm (earlier time because of Veterans Day Program) ~ A Chili Dinner will be Provided ~ November 2015 Page 2 WELCOMING November 1 Communion November 8 November 15 November 22 Thanksgiving November 29 1st Sunday of Ushers/Greeters: Church Council Ushers/Greeters: Sheldon & Laurie Grossen Rodger & Kim Goke Ushers/Greeters: Dan, Matt and Kathy Stenseth Ushers/Greeters: Betty Goke and Joan Root Karen Meier and Kathy Stenseth Ushers/Greeters: Larry, Jan, Nicholas and Bryan Pauli Acolytes: Acolytes: Acolytes: Acolytes: Acolytes: COME EARLY AND VOLUNTEER -- GRADES 4 AND UP Liturgist: Tyler Rufenacht Liturgist: Mary Austin Liturgist: Need Volunteer Liturgist: Chris Copeland Liturgist: Ryley Helwig Organist: Organist: Organist: Organist: Organist: Fellowship Time: Women’s Guild Fellowship Time: Mary Boley Fellowship Time: Juanita Harbort and Pam Sharon Fellowship Time: Connie Erb Fellowship Time: Corey & Karisa Hurst HEAD USHER: Kim Goke WELCOME TEAM LEADERS: Rodger & Kim Goke DECEMBER COMMITTEE The Women’s Guild hosts the Fellowship Time the first Sunday of the month. NOVEMBER COMMITTEE The co-chairmen for November are Mary Austin and Jean Heinzman. Their committee is: Jacqueline Deery, Eli Durst, Connie Erb, Janice Hageman, Tanya Helwig, Anna Lazarescu-Helwig, Denise Rolli, Sandy Van Kleeck, Crystal Viney, Tiffany Walker and Sue Yaeger. The Guild has dish cloths for sale at $1.25 each. The December co-chairmen are Mary Boley and Amy Copeland. Their committee members are: Barbara Baumgartner, Kellie Beckman, Barb Eichelkraut, Brenda Gehin, Michelle Gratz, Lois Heittola, Jan Pauli and Angie Rufenacht. The December committee will host the Fellowship Time for the Sunday School Christmas Program. The Guild will furnish Jesus birthday cake. The Nov.-Dec. issue of “THE UPPER ROOM” is available in the Narthex. There are big print copies and also small print copies. These are made available through the Women’s Guild. Take a copy home with you for your devotional reading. Page 3 The Anchor CONNECTING P R AYER R EQU ES TS Healing & Wholeness… Ann Austin (daughter-in-law of Mary Austin) Jerri Bergdoll (MS, sister of Lucy Leuenberger) Larry Caldwell (son of Cleota Caldwell) Gerald Donovan Peggy Eichelkraut Savannah Grindle Jennifer Hein (friend of Pam Kelly) Esther Huntoon Paul Jacobs (brother of Ralph Jacobs) Cheryl Melcher (surgery) Garnett Richardson (cancer treatment) Annette Seihorn (sister-in-law of Jim Huntoon) Roland Sies Sophia Sies (gr. granddaughter of Roland & Janice Sies) Carol Storm (daughter of Mary Lou Ryan) Pray for those Close to Home… John J. Baumgartner Della Beil Kathleen Campbell (New Glarus Home) Sharon Dallman Anna Klassy Ann Markwardt Marilyn Mellenberger (New Glarus Home) June Salisbury (Four Winds) Ethel Sandridge Frieda Schindler (Columbus) Bob Stillman (New Glarus Home) Mardelle Wild Ashley Legler and Eric Ellis were married at First Church on October 10th with Pastor Heide officiating. Congratulations and best wishes to them! Ashley is the granddaughter of Bill and Rose Legler. T H A N K Y O U THANK YOU to the volunteers who helped with the “Fall Cleaning” here on Sat. Oct. 3rd. Windows were washed, floors cleaned, walls wiped down, cobwebs banished, cupboards gone through… and the list continues. Your time and cleaning skills were very appreciated! Our sympathy to Lori Krug In the passing of her former husband, Don Krug. The memorial service was held on Thursday, October 15th. ----------------------Thank you for your thoughts, Charlie Johnson Family November 2015 Page 4 N OV E MB E R C E L EB RAT I ON S November 2: Peter Bigler Luane Blaser November 5: Joel Jacobs Kristi Wallin November 6: Mike Cann November 9: Wally Boley Deb Cann Isaac Erb November 11: Cody Bigler November 12: Ryley Helwig November 14: Nick Sies November 15: Richard Kittleson November 16: Amanda Lettman November 17: Karen Meier Carl Molter November 18: Sheldon Grossen Bob Sies November 19: Rodger Goke Angie Rufenacht November 21: BJ Eichelkraut Jessica Kelley November 23: Max Gerner November 25: Matt Stenseth November 26: Don Boley November 27: Brad Gile Jeff Hendrickson November 28: Jim Schneider November 29: Danny Sies November 30: Barb Babler November 6: Roland & Janice Sies Let us know if we missed your name or need to make any changes to these lists. F U N D RA I S I N G GIFT BASKET RAFFLE AT CHURCH DINNER NOVEMBER 14TH We’re also looking for donations of baked goods to be sold at the Bake Sale during the Church Dinner. If you’d like to help out by doing some baking, please have your items (priced) here by 2:30 pm on November 14th. ITEMS FOR SALE The Fundraising Committee has 26 Raffle Baskets on display. The tickets are $1.00 each. You can purchase tickets now through Sun. Nov. 15th. The winners will be drawn after church on the 15th. Thank you to everyone who donated baskets or money. We have such a wonderful variety of baskets--check them out! Thanks, also, to everyone who has purchased tickets. Good luck! Ornaments celebrating our 100th Year Anniversary -- With the holidays coming, they would make nice Christmas gifts. They sell for $10.00 each. They are on display at the Welcome Table in the Gathering Area. An assortment of Greeting Cards for 75 cents each Kwik-Trip Car Wash cards for $30.00 -- good for 5 washes Baby booties made by a church member -- They sell for $5.00 a pair. Page 5 The Anchor -- STEWARDSHIP -Trust in the Promise God promises us a future with hope. In the past few weeks, many of you have shown trust in the promise by completing a card indicating your intention of giving to First Church for 2016. If you have not yet done so, please consider an amount you could be comfortable gifting next year. You may complete an Intention of Giving Card found in the pews, or contact Pastor Heide or the church office. Electronic options are available. W O R S HI P , A RT S & M U S I C Come help us decorate the church for Christmas! Sunday, November 29th We’ll do some decorating during worship, and you’re invited to stay after the service to help finish. Page 6 The Anchor Introduction of 2016 Confirmation Class and Third Graders receiving Bibles UFO Float Preparation November 2015 Page 7 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6th Zwingli UCC - Paoli Auction/Bazaar & Raffle Montrose Town Hall, Paoli 4:30 pm -- Lunch 7:00 pm -- Auction Many Great Raffle Prizes & Auction Items Lunch: BBQ, Ham Sandwiches, Hotdogs, Chips, Pies, Bars, Milk, Water & Soda Everyone Welcomed! SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7th Handling the Holidays Program Monroe Clinic Hospice • Common Holiday Concerns • Grief & Mourning • Practical Strategies to Handle the Holidays • Spiritual Care in Grief and Loss • Ways to Remember a Loved One 1:30 - 3:30 pm St. Camillus Center, 2101 Sixth St., Monroe Register/Info: 608-324-1230 or 800-367-8406 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3rd Celebration of Lights Service Sponsored by Monroe Clinic Hospice 4th Annual TURKEY DROP Fri. Nov. 13th 4:30-7:00 pm Please join the high school and middle school students in helping provide turkeys to those in need so they too can have a ‘Happy Turkey Day’! Please donate turkeys to Burreson’s or come to the Belleville Middle School parking lot to drop off your turkey on Fri. Nov. 13th. Monetary donations are also accepted - checks payable to: Belleville High School (send to 635 W. Church St., Belleville, WI 53508) with “Turkey Drop” in the memo line. Dinner Fixings can also be donated: potatoes in a box, gravy, dressing/stuffing, green beans, cream of mushroom soup, orange Jell-o, frozen pumpkin pies, and Cool Whip. Items can be dropped off at the H.S. office anytime. Honor a loved one - living or in memory during the Christmas season with a personalized ornament for a minimum donation of $8.00. 6:30 pm Service at United Methodist Church 2227 Fourth St., Monroe More info: 608-324-1230 or 800-367-8406 DRAWING HELD DECEMBER 13th St. John’s Raffle Prizes St. John’s UCC, Monroe Over $5000.00 in Prizes List of prizes posted on bulletin board by Sanctuary Entrance Ticket Prices: $5.00 each or 6 for $25.00 See Pastor Heide if you’d like to purchase a ticket(s). Page 8 The Anchor R E AC H I N G O U T Relieving Hunger One Step At A Time The 30 walkers in the 2015 CROP Walk helped to raise $2,628 so far ($1,315 by First UCC members). Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty Participants were from First UCC, Grace United Methodist, St. Francis, and Primrose Lutheran. The walkers from First Church were: Ralph & Betsy Jacobs, Shawn & Ken Kippley, Jeff & Donna Christen, Paul Hodel & Diane Alsmox, Juanita Harbort, Pam, Jason, & Mark Sharon, Karen Meier, Pastor Heide Hackman, and Allen & Kathy Marty. We were accompanied by these furry friends: Gidget, Clyde, Jake, Dexter, Luna, and Marti. Many thanks go to all the walkers and their sponsors, Juanita Harbort for taking care of the treasurer’s duties, and Karen Meier and Ralph Jacobs for helping at the registration table. All working together to end world hunger. SANDWICH/MEAL ASSEMBLY to feed 100 people SAT. NOVEMBER 21st 8:30 AM Donations needed: for sandwich/meal assembly: 6 lbs. each of sliced turkey and ham (Burreson’s deli slices) 10 loaves of bread 100 slices of cheese Fruit (bananas, oranges, tangerines, apples) Dessert (cookies, brownies, etc.) To-go snacks (individual size) To-go drinks (water bottles or juice boxes) A sign-up sheet will be available at the Welcome Table on Sun. Nov. 15th. Contact Kim Goke or the church office with any questions. NIN OFFERING -- With your generous contributions, we raised $290.00. The UCC Ministry of Justice and Compassion will be giving one-third of this offering to the Council for American Indian Ministries. The November and December Food Pantry theme is “Home for the Holidays”. While picking up ingredients for your favorite holiday dishes, don’t forget to pick up a few extra for the Food Pantry, too. You can leave items in the blue bin in the Gathering Area. The Giving Tree Project helps to provide Christmas gifts for children in need in the Belleville community. The gift suggestion tags will be available starting Sunday, Nov. 22nd. To participate, choose a tag from the tree, shop for items suggested, wrap the gift, and place under the tree in the Gathering Area. There are also envelopes on the tree to accept money donations. Please have gifts at the church by Sunday, December 6th. Your help is greatly appreciated. Page 9 The Anchor C H U RC H C OU NC I L N O TES FIRST UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Council Meeting -- September 21, 2015 Members present: Pastor Heide, Paul Hodel, Shawn Kippley, Kim Goke, Greg Wolff, Chris Copeland, Jean Heinzman and Jeff Christen. Esther and James excused. Paul Hodel called the meeting to order and we opened with devotion. Treasurer’s Report: Shawn made a motion to accept and pay all bills as funds are available, Jeff seconded, carried. Secretary’s Report: No Changes. Consent Agenda (committee reports) Annual Dinner removed for discussion. All other reports were accepted. Committee Reports: Christian Education – James - Sunday, Sept. 13 was registration for the carnival. Organizing the introduction of new tools for equipping all members to grow in faith formation using the ideas from "Shaped by the Story". Organized the initial meeting for middle school youth and confirmation class. Fundraising – Shawn - We have (4) baskets so far for the raffle. More people have signed up. Need the baskets to the church by October 10 and we will start selling tickets on Oct. 11. We are going to have just a bake sale and the raffle at the dinner---no crafts this year. The raffle tickets will be $1.00. We have (3) car wash cards left. $30.00 for (5) washes. Stewardship/Membership – Chris – Reviewed letter to be sent to the congregation for the week of Sept. 21. Inserts will include "Trust in Promise" bulletin insert with giving table and intention of giving cards. A follow up letter will be mailed the week of November 16. Topics for faith sharing during worship started on Sept. 20 - Promise, Sept. 27 - Faith and Struggle, Oct. 4 - Encounters with God/Growth, Oct. 11 - Commitment Sunday - Obedience / Covenant - Youth speaker. Fall Fest - will hand out Crop Walk info and church brochure. Ideas for upcoming months: Wednesday night Family Faith Night, Trick or Treat - hand out treats and coffee, UFO Parade - float?, Christmas caroling at Heartsong and or New Glarus Home. Coordinate household chores / yard raking with Senior Citizen's Office Building & Grounds – Jeff - Rear door repairs will be completed when parts arrive. Looking to contact a contractor to assess the windowsill condition of the stain glass windows on the north face of the original church building. If the sills are ok, a painter will be contacted to seal and repaint this year. Various proposals for window replacement will be submitted after a Building and Grounds meeting and will hopefully move forward as weather permits next year. Next meeting is Sept. 29, 2015. Memorial – Kim – No updates. Will have future discussion on getting additional Nescos and another 6 ft. table with memorial fund money from Axel Dahlberg, Shawn's father. Pastoral Relations – Jean – No updates. Finance - Esther - No updates. Endowment – Jean - Committee met on September 13 to discuss and review the bylaws. Next step is to meet with Finance, Council and then the congregation for any recommended changes. Mission / Outreach - Shawn - Made sandwiches for the Friends of the State Street Family on Sat. , Sept. 19. CROP Walk sponsor sheets will be available Sunday, September 27. Family Promise is coming up October 9. If anyone would like to contribute for the meal, Betsy Jacobs and Shawn Kippley will be hosting the Friday night meal. Worship, Music, Arts – Kim – No updates. Women’s Guild - Jean - The Hannah Circle hosted the Birthday Bingo Party at the New Glarus Home on Wed., Sept. 16. 40 people attended. The Guild will hold fall meeting in October. Annual Dinner - Had a meeting on Sept. 13 to touch base with the teams. Greg Wolff looking into the specifics on the turkeys due to shortage and price. Pastor’s Report: Prayer notes from bulletin and daily devotional to start the day. Meetings with council, Stewardship/ membership, Christian Education. Pastoral care for those at home. Sept. 22 - Wisconsin conference meeting about Division of Church and Ministry. Oct. 12 and 13 - Retreat for Church Growth and Process at Pilgrim Center and Oct. 23 Co -leading all day workshop on clergy Boundary. Page 10 The Anchor Other Business: Church Fall Clean Up - October 3, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. Fall Fest - October 14, 2015 - Looking into selling the basket raffle tickets UFO Day & Halloween - October 31 - Maybe get a float together New Business: Request from Michael Beil and his finance Shaina (Michael is the grandson of Mary Austin and Della Beil), to have their wedding at First Church on January 2, 2016 with their pastor presiding. Greg made a motion to accept the request, Jean seconded, motion carried. Old Business: Discussion for Council goals. Head Usher for October is: Jeff Communion Servers for October 4, 2015 are: Jeff, Shawn, Kim, James and Chris. Next Meeting: October 19 @ 7 p.m. Shawn made the motion to adjourn, Chris seconded and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer Respectfully Submitted, Shawn Kippley, Council Secretary First United Church of Christ Financial Report Summary -- September 2015 General Fund: September 1, 2015 Beginning BalanceSeptember ReceiptsSeptember Disbursements- $15,77420 $ 7,370.24 $ 8,397.06 September 30, 2015 Ending Balance $14,747.38 Improvement: Capitol FundBeginning BalanceReceipts-Interest Disbursements $ 3,645.75 $ .18 0 September 30, 2015 Ending Balance $ 3,645.93 Maintenance Fund: Beginning BalanceReceipts-Interest Disbursements- $ 3,849.29 $ 110.18 0 September 30, 2015 Ending Balance $ 3,959.47 United Church Foundation Investment: Endowment Fund PrincipalInterest Earned 2015- $54,217.00 $ 1,367.32 Parsonage Fund: Book Balance General Fund Loan Loan To Pastor Heide $20,863.41 $ 4,500.00 $33,901.15 OCWM: Pledged Remaining to be paid $6,000.00 $3,000.00 Full Financial Report available upon request . Copies are available at the Welcome Table, or you may contact the church office. Page 11 The Anchor Bible Quiz Of what ethnicity was the one leper out of 10 healed who returned to thank Jesus? Answer: B (See Luke 17:16. A. Syrophoenician B. Samaritan C. Syrian D. Judean F i r s t U n i t e d C h u r c h o f C h r i s t B e l l e v i l l e , W i s c o n s i n 130 East Church Street PO Box 380 Belleville, WI 53508 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Check us out! Mark your calendar... ANNUAL CHURCH DINNER -- Sat. Nov. 14th -4:00 - 8:00 pm Bring your friends and neighbors and join us for dinner! Gift Basket Raffle -Tickets @ $1.00 Bake Sale Join us Sundays at 9:30 am Veterans Day Program Wed. Nov. 11th 7:00 pm High School Gym American Legion Post 460 2 W. Pearl St. Belleville ANNUAL BINGO & FEATHER PARTY Sat. November 14th 6:00 pm Bingo Raffles & Door Prizes SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH Blood Drive Messy Church -An Inspiring Model of Ministry St. Mary of Lourdes Workshop at McFarland UCC 4:00 - 8:00 pm $25.00 (includes dinner) Talk to Pastor Heide if you’re interested in going! 221 Frederick St., Belleville Tues. Nov. 10th -- 1:00 - 6:00 pm For an appointment call 1-800-RED CROSS or visit Use sponsor code Belleville
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