PJA cover 16 - Swan Lake Horse Shows
PJA cover 16 - Swan Lake Horse Shows
PJA Jumper Classics June 17 - 19, 2016 2015 Grand Prix Winner of PJA Fall Jumper Classics Andy Kocher and Uppie de Lis $24,975 1.35m PJA Grand Prix Sponsored by Dover Saddlery NEW! NO ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS TO SHOW IN CLASSICS NEW! NO NOMINATING FEE FOR LOW CHILD/ADULT JUMPERS (NEW DIVISION) AND LOW SCHOOLING JUMPERS NEW! 3 CLASSES IN MOST DIVISIONS $5,000 Open Welcome Stake • $10,000 Jr/AO NAL Jumper Classic $2,500 1.25m Jumper Classic • $2,000 1.20m Jumper Classic $5,000 M&S/NAL/WIHS Child/Adult Amateur Jumper Classic $1,500 Schooling Jumper Classic CASH BONUS AWARDS for Grand Prix, Jr/AO, and Child/Adult Classic winners in conjunction with Swan Lake Kick-Off Classic Show, June 22-26, 2016 All Classic winners receive a cooler from Dover Saddlery! ALL HORSES MUST HAVE HEALTH DOCUMENTS Held at Swan Lake Stables, Littlestown, PA Member USEF • PJA • WIHS • NAL • M&S • USEF Jumper Rating 4* PJA Jumper Classics June 17 - 19, 2016 OFFICIALS Jumper Judge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jerre Frankhouser - Lititz, PA Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cathy Latsha - Harrisburg, PA Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lyn Nelson (717) 359-5357 Course Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jose Pepe Gamarra - Ellenton, FL Steward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Donald Schuster - Bel Air, MD Schooling Supervisor . . . . . . . . Donald Latsha - Harrisburg, PA Announcer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ralph Marsh - West Chester, PA EMT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Community Fire and Health Services Veterinarian . . . . . . . . . . . Hope Batchelor, DVM (315)368-8532 Farrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michelle Eberly (717)254-0080 Social Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cathy Latsha - Harrisburg, PA Jumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nathan’s Jumps Photographer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jenna Elliott Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equestrian Game Tape (410)812-1020 Timing and Scoreboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ryegate Show Services Tack Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Bit More Tack PJA OFFICERS Cathy Latsha • President Mike Kennedy • Vice President Kathy Merchlinski • Secretary Cathy Latsha & Kathy Merchlinski • Treasurers PJA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Richard McGrath • Kris Kennedy • Donald Latsha Cindy McGrath • Taylor Doebler Horse Show Office (June 16-19) (717)359-5357 Cathy Latsha • (717)319-6606 showgroundslive.com • swanlakehorseshows.com 1 YOUR SOURCE FOR SUCCESS! www.DoverSaddlery.com THE VILLAGE FARM boarding lessons showing training Bucks County, PA www.TheVillageFarm.com 2 SPONSORS Thank you to all of our sponsors! Thanks to all of our exhibitors and sponsors please support our sponsors! Our plants and flowers are generously donated by Moon Landscaping. Yardley, PA • 215.968.5071 • www.moonlandscaping.com Moon Landscaping Yardley, PA Dover Saddlery www.DoverSaddlery.com Bucks County Saddlery www.bcsaddlery.com • 215.794.5411 T.A. Seeds www.taseeds.com • 866.813.SEED David Fowler Custom Tack Trunks www.davidfowlertacktrunks.com horseflight horseflight.com • 908.832.5848 Do Trot In Tack Shop www.dotrotin.com • 215.343.2822 The Equine Marketer 610.431.6800 Kinder Farm, Inc. Forever Fork • foreverfork.com Johnson Horse Transportation, Inc. 610.488.7220 Rolling Acres Show Stable Pam Saul • 301.774.3333 The Village Farm Rebecca Belmont • 215.860.6777 www.teampineway.com Newsprint Farm [email protected] Joe Alfano, farrier 717.979.7464 Heathman Farm, LLC Thea & Chris Stinnett • New Hope, PA [email protected] WinRose Farms, LLC Jay Metzler • 215.630.5665 Emergency Transportation PennAg Horse Council 717.651.5920 Wynnwood Farm Richard McGrath • 717.773.8648 Virginia Reiss Insurance 215.536.5600 Cross Road Tack Shop Lebanon, PA Kocher Tack • [email protected] A Bit More Tack www.abitmoretack.com Gateshead Farm • New Hope, PA Ron Kass Fine Equine Jewelry • 215.795.2600 Kris Hoffman Kennedy Design 215.858.9169 Connie Rose Handcrafted Jewelry [email protected] Josey’s Laundry [email protected] 3 RULES AND REGULATIONS EVERY CLASS OFFERED HEREIN WHICH IS COVERED BY THE RULES AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CURRENT USEF RULE BOOK WILL BE CONDUCTED AND JUDGED IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH. Life, senior active and junior active members shall be eligible to participate in all classes at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions at the Preliminary Level or above and Combined Driving Competitions at the Advanced Level, Dressage, Reining and Vaulting Competitions and Endurance Rides. A nonmember may participate as a handler, rider, driver, owner, lessee, agent, coach or trainer at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions, Dressage Competitions, Reining Competitions and Combined Driving Competitions upon payment of a $30 Show Pass fee. Participants in the following classes are exempted from the Requirements of this rule: 1) leadline; 2) exhibitions; 3) games and races; 4) classes for 4-H members; 5) walk trot and academy classes (academy classes are classes limited to horses used regularly in a lesson program); 6) USDF introductory level tests, pas de deux and quadrille classes; 7) NRHA Endorsed Reining Competitions. 8) Opportunity classes, 9) citizens of other nations who have proof, in English, of current membership in good standing of their own National Federation, 10) USEA beginner novice division; and 11) assistant handlers in Dressage Sport Horse Breeding classes. 1. Pennsylvania Jumper Assoc. Inc. (PJA), Swan Lake Stables and their principals, officers or agents will not be responsible for any accident, loss or damage occurring to any exhibitor, owner, attendant, horse or equipment at this show. 2. USEF rules will be applied. Should any question or dispute arise that is not provided for in the rules, the same shall be referred to management, whose decision shall be final. All protests will be resolved by the Horse Show Committee. 3. All pets must be on a leash or owner is subject to a fine of $50.00. 4. Minors who do not have a valid driver’s license which allows them to operate a motorized vehicle in the state in which they reside will not be permitted to operate a motorized vehicle of any kind including, but not limited to, golf carts, motorcycles, scooters or farm utility vehicles, on the competition grounds of recognized competitions. Minors who have a valid temporary license may operate the above described motorized vehicles as long as they are accompanied by an adult with a valid drivers license. The parent(s), legal guardians(s), or individual who signs the entry blank as a parent or guardian of a minor operating a motorized vehicle in violation of this rule are solely responsible for any damages, claims, losses or actions resulting from that operation. Violations of this rule will be cause for sanctions against the parent(s), guardian(s) and/or trainer(s) who are responsible for the child committing the offense. Penalties may include exclusion of the child, parent(s), guardian(s) and/or trainer(s) from the competition grounds for the remainder of the competition and charges being filed against any of the above individual in accordance with Chap. 6. Wheelchairs and other mobility assistance devices for individuals with disabilities are exempt from this rule. 5. ENTRIES: Entries may be limited in some sections and will be accepted on a first paid, first served basis! No entries will be confirmed unless accompanied by payment in full of nom. and stall fees. Entries postmarked after June 6 will be accepted at an additional charge of $50 per horse unless otherwise stated. No phone entries will be accepted. No stall or nominating fees will be refunded under any circumstances. No numbers will be issued until entries are paid or a signed, blank check is left with the show office. 6. COGGINS / Health Requirements: Every entry must be accompanied by a negative Coggins test dated within one year of the show date and proof of immunization for EHV-1, EHV-4, EIV, given within six months of the show date as per USEF General Rule 845. We also recommend you have a current health certificate. You may submit copies with your entries or provide the show office with copies. 7. STALLS: Stalls will be available from noon Thursday. Arrival before that time must have prior arrangements with Show Secretary. Stall charges are as follows: $150.00 per stall for the duration of the show. Stall doors are provided. Permanent stalls available at no extra cost. There will be no initial bedding. Feed is available on the grounds with an open check; see separate form in prize list for feed and bedding order. WE ARE ON showgroundslive.com 4 8. NON-NEGOTIABLE CHECKS: Checks returned by the financial institution for any reason will be assessed a penalty of $50.00. Upon written notification of a returned check, exhibitor will be given three business days to make full payment, including penalty, payable by cash, certified funds, cashier's check, or money order. Overnight mail service is advised in order to avoid further disciplinary action. Any amount not paid within 30 days of notification will accrue a monthly service fee of 18% per annum. In addition, exhibitor will be subject to assessment of reasonable collection fees, including court costs and attorney's fees. 9. In the case of a horse being entered, but not exhibited, a veterinarian's certificate must be presented to show management before the start of the division. Refunds are not made for scratches due to inclement weather. No exceptions. A $25.00 processing charge per horse, will be deducted from all refunded entries. Stall fees and nominating fees are non-refundable. Refunds will be mailed within 30 days after the show. 10. Management reserves the right to change the location of any classes if necessary and to cancel or combine any classes if entries warrant. Management reserves the right to decline any entry, and to return any entry fee before or during the show, without being liable for compensation. 11. Declarations to show horses which have been nominated for the Jumper Division must be made during Horse Show Office hours and received by the Show Secretary no later than the close of the Show Office THE DAY BEFORE the class is to be held. Unless otherwise stated, declarations made after the above stated time will be accepted up to thirty (30) minutes before the start of the class being declared and a late fee of $5 per class will be assessed. 12. Horses entered that have not purchased a stall will be charged $25.00. 13. All prize money will be paid through the show office. Please allow one-half hour after each section ends for processing. 14. It is compulsory for all persons at Federation licensed hunter, jumper or hunter/ jumper competitions when mounted anywhere on the competition grounds, to wear properly fastened and fitted protective headgear and harness which meets or exceeds ASTM/SEI standards for equestrian use and carries the SEI tag. GR801.2.7 15. Proper attire is required in all classes. 16. Manual poling and offsets are prohibited; schooling jumps will be in compliance with USEF rule. An exhibitor in violation of schooling rules may be warned, prohibited from showing, and/or fined $100.00 at Management's discretion. 17. Martingales. a. Classes offered at 1.30m or below - No martingale restrictions when used in a conventional manner (see also JP111.3). b. Classes offered above 1.30m (and all classes restricted to young horses) - The only martingales permitted are running martingales used in the conventional manner. Draw reins and German martingales may only be used when schooling or in classes with no prize money that are offered at 1.20m or below. Ponies may not be ridden by a Junior in draw reins or German martingales at any time. No other head set devices (chambon, etc.) are permitted in any class. BOD 11/24/14 Effective 12/1/14. 18. All footing is stone dust, Eurofelt and sand. Main Ring - 235' x 250'. Warm-up area is in hunter ring adjacent to performance ring - 160' x 275'. 19. Sharps containers are provided at each tent. A $100 fine will be given to anyone that does not use them. USEF GR 1210.4 20. Nightwatch is mandatory at $10.00. MAIL ENTRIES TO: PJA Horse Show • 381 Flatbush Rd. • Littlestown, PA 17340 ENTRIES CLOSE JUNE 6 5 DIRECTIONS TO PJA HORSE SHOW AT SWAN LAKE STABLES From Frederick traveling on Rt. 15 North - Take the Rt. 116 Exit (Hanover St.). Go right off exit. Go 4 miles to Bonneauville, after curve take immediate right onto Maple St. Stay left at fork (Maple becomes White Hall). Go 2.5 miles (sign on left - Junque Shop) and take left onto Honda Rd. Immediate right onto Schoolhouse Road. Swan Lake Stables is 3/4 mile on left. From Harrisburg traveling on Rt. 15 South - Take the Rt. 116 Exit (Hanover St.). Go left off exit. Go 4 miles to Bonneauville, after curve take immediate right onto Maple St. Stay left at fork (Maple becomes White Hall). Go 2.5 miles (sign on left - Junque Shop) and take left onto Honda Rd. Immediate right onto Schoolhouse Road. Swan Lake Stables is 3/4 mile on left. From Westminster traveling on Rt. 97 North - Pass McDonald’s in Littlestown. Go right onto White Hall Rd. Go 1 mile and turn right onto Littlestown Road. Go past Kosmos Farm and turn left onto Flatbush Rd. Swan Lake Stables is 1 mile on right - 381 Flatbush Rd., Littlestown, PA 17349. LODGING Wyndham Gettysburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717-339-0020 Ask for Swan Lake rate - Pet friendly Marriott Courtyard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717-334-5600 Ask for Swan Lake rate Country Inn and Suites - Pet friendly . . . . . . . . . . 717-337-9518 Hampton Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717-338-9121 1863 Inn of Gettysburg - Pet friendly . . . . . . . . . . 717-334-6211 Quality Inn and Suites - Pet friendly . . . . . . . . . . . 717-337-2400 Super 8 Hanover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717-630-8888 Holiday Inn Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717-637-1228 Shepard Mansion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717-633-8075 Hampton Inn Hanover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717-633-1117 JUMPER LEVELS 0.70m = 2'3" height 0.75m = 2'5" height 0.80m = 2'7" height 0.85m = 2'9" height 0.90m = 2'11" height 0.95m = 3'1" height 1.00m = 3'3" height 1.05m = 3'5" height 1.10m = 3'7" height 1.15m = 3'9" height 6 1.20m = 3'11" height 1.25m = 4'1" height 1.30m = 4'3" height 1.35m = 4'5" height 1.40m = 4'7" height 1.45m = 4'9" height 1.50m = 4'11" height 1.55m = 5'1" height 1.60m = 5'3" height 1.65m = 5'5" height PJA JUMPER CLASSICS SCHEDULE FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016 - 8:00 A.M. Hacking in ring available 6:00 - 7:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday 7. 1. 2. 3. 16. 19. 24. 22. 13. 4. 10. $500 Schooling Jumper (II, 2b) FRID PIZZA AY Five Year Old Young Jumper Qualifier (II) LUNCH ! $500 Six Year Old Young Jumper Qualifier (II, 2b) $500 Seven Year Old Young Jumper Qualifier (II, 2b) $1000 1.20m Jumper (II, 2b) $1500 1.25m Jumper (II, 2b) $5000 1.30m Open Jumper Welcome Stake (II, 2b) $2500 1.30m Jr/AO Jumper Welcome Stake (II, 2b) $1500 Child/Adult Amateur Jumper Welcome Stake (II, 2b) Low Schooling Jumper (II, 2b) Low Child/Adult Amateur Jumper (II, 2b) 8. 17. 20. 23. $1000 Schooling Jumper (II, 2.1) $1500 1.20m Jumper (II, 2.1) $2000 1.25m Jumper (II, 2.1) $10,000 1.30m NAL Jr/AO Jumper Classic (II, 2a) SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 2016 - 8:00 A.M. FORMAL ATTIRE REQUIRED 14. $1000 Child/Adult Amateur Jumper (II, 2.1) 5. Low Schooling Jumper (II, 2.1) 11. Low Child/Adult Amateur Jumper (II, 2.1) EXHIBITOR'S PARTIES SAT. AFTERNOON 5 p.m. - BARBEQUE Sponsored by T.A. Seeds SUN. MORNING - Donuts • Coffee • Juice SUN. AFTERNOON - LUNCH BUFFET SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 2016 - 8:00 A.M. FORMAL ATTIRE REQUIRED 9. 18. 21. 25. 15. 6. 12. $1500 Schooling Jumper Classic (II, 2b) $2000 1.20m Jumper Classic (II, 2b) $2500 1.25m Jumper Classic (II, 2b) $24,975 1.35m PJA Grand Prix (II, 2a) Sponsored by Dover Saddlery $5,000 M&S/NAL/WIHS Child/Adult Jumper Classic (II, 2b) Low Schooling Jumper (II, 2b) Low Child/Adult Amateur Jumper (II, 2b) The Low Schooling and Low Children/Adult classes will have a combined course walk and be run together, but pinned separately. Horses and Children/Adult riders may do both classes. 7 JUMPER DIVISION Nomination: The nominating fee is $150.00 and is not refundable. There is no nomination fee for Low Schooling or Low Children/Adult Jumpers. Ties: Ties involving first place in jumper classes must be jumped off. Ties for other than first place shall be decided by time taken in the first round. Declarations: Horses must be declared prior to the close of the show office the day before classes are held. Any horses declared after this time will be put in the top of the jumping order and charged a $5.00 fee per class. Jumping orders: Rotating jumping orders will be established by the show office pursuant to Jumper Rule 111. Any horse declared after the jumping order has been established will automatically go to the top of the order. YOUNG JUMPER CHAMPIONSHIP No nominating fee if only doing YJC classes. 1. Five Year Old Young Jumper Qualifier Class Fee: $40.00 1.20m Table II, clear round Class sponsored by Heathman Farm, LLC 2. $500 Six Year Old Young Jumper Qualifier Class Fee: $40.00 1.25m Table II, Sec. 2(b) Prize Money: $125, $75, $65, $60, $50, $45, $40, $40 Class sponsored by T.A. Seeds 3. $500 Seven Year Old Young Jumper Qualifier Class Fee: $40.00 1.30m Table II, Sec. 2(b) Prize Money: $125, $75, $65, $60, $50, $45, $40, $40 Class sponsored by Heathman Farm, LLC Gift Certificates donated by Bucks County Saddlery for all 3 YJC Qualifiers. LOW SCHOOLING JUMPER NO NOMINATING FEE 0.85m - Open to any horse or pony without restriction. 4. Low Schooling Jumper Class Fee: $50.00 Table II, Sec. 2(b) 5. Low Schooling Jumper Class Fee: $50.00 Table II, Sec. 2.1 6. Low Schooling Jumper Class Fee: $50.00 Table II, Sec. 2(b) Rockin’ Horse Stable Perpetual Trophy Division sponsored by T.A. Seeds Gift Certificates donated by Bucks County Saddlery for all 3 classes. 8 SCHOOLING JUMPER 1.00m - Open to any horse or pony without restriction. 7. $500 Schooling Jumper Class Fee: $45.00 Table II, Sec. 2(b) Prize Money: $125, $75, $65, $60, $50, $45, $40, $40 Saddle pad donated by PJA Class sponsored by Gateshead Farm 8. $1000 Schooling Jumper Class Fee: $75.00 Table II, Sec. 2.1 Prize Money: $200, $125, $110, $95, $85, $85, $75, $75, $75, $75 Scrim Sheet donated by Do Trot In Tack Shop Class sponsored by Joe Alfano 9. $1500 Schooling Jumper Classic Class Fee: $90.00 Table II, Sec. 2(b) Prize Money: $365, $260, $170, $140, $110, $95, $90, $90, $90, $90 Cooler donated by Dover Saddlery Forever Fork donated by Kinder Farm, Inc. The “Wayne Laux Sr.” Memorial Perpetual Trophy Class sponsored by The Equine Marketer Gift Certificates donated by Bucks County Saddlery for all 3 classes. LOW CHILDREN/ADULT AMATEUR JUMPER NO NOMINATING FEE 0.85m - To be ridden by a Junior or Adult Amateur rider. Open to any horse or pony. Same horse/rider combination not eligible for any other jumper class above 1.15m. 10. Low Children/Adult Amateur Jumper Class Fee: $50.00 Table II, Sec. 2(b) 11. Low Children/Adult Amateur Jumper Class Fee: $50.00 Table II, Sec. 2.1 12. Low Children/Adult Amateur Jumper Class Fee: $50.00 Table II, Sec. 2(b) Division sponsored by T.A. Seeds Gift Certificates donated by Bucks County Saddlery for all 3 classes. The Low Schooling and Low Children/Adult classes will have a combined course walk and be run together, but pinned separately. Horses and Children/Adult riders may do both classes. ENTRIES CLOSE JUNE 6 9 CHILDREN/ADULT AMATEUR JUMPER Children’s Jumpers: To be ridden by exhibitors who have not reached their 18th birthday by Dec. 1 of the current competition year. Fence heights to be set between 1.0m (3’3”) and 1.15m (3’9”). Riders may not compete in any other class at the same competition where fences exceed 1.15m (3’9”). Horses may show at 1.40m (4’7”) or below with another rider. Sections and/or prize money, if offered, may be divided and/or combined with the Adult Amateur Jumpers at the discretion of management. Run in accordance with Zone 2 specifications. Adult Amateur Jumpers: To be ridden by exhibitors who are no longer eligible to compete as junior exhibitors. All exhibitors must be amateurs in accordance with GR 1306 and must show USEF Amateur Certification. Fence heights to be set between 1.0m (3’3”) and 1.15m (3’9”). Riders may not compete in any other class at the same competition where fences exceed 1.15m (3’9”). Horses may show at 1.40m (4’7”) or below with another rider. Sections and/or prize money, if offered, may be divided and/or combined with the Children’s Jumpers at the discretion of management. Run in accordance with Zone 2 specifications. 13. $1500 Children/Adult Amateur Jumper Welcome Stake Class Fee: $90.00 Table II, Sec. 2(b) Prize Money: $365, $260, $170, $140, $110, $95, $90, $90, $90, $90 Halter donated by Cross Road Tack Shop Class sponsored by Kinder Farm, Inc. 14. $1000 Children/Adult Amateur Jumper Class Fee: $75.00 Table II, Sec. 2.1 Prize Money: $200, $125, $110, $95, $85, $85, $75, $75, $75, $75 Saddle pad donated by PJA Class sponsored by Kris Hoffman Kennedy 15. $5000 M&S/NAL/WIHS Children/Adult Amateur Jumper Classic Class Fee: $200.00 Table II, Sec. 2(b) Prize Money: $1250, $900, $600, $500, $400, $350, $250, $250, $250, $250 Cooler donated by Dover Saddlery Halter donated by Cross Road Tack Shop $200 ROMFH gift certificate donated by English Riding Supply The “Simon Says” Memorial Perpetual Trophy Class sponsored by English Riding Supply There will be a $500 BONUS to any same horse/same rider combination that wins the Children/Adult Jumper Classic at the PJA Jumper Classics show and at the Swan Lake horse show being held June 22 to June 26, 2016. ENTRIES CLOSE JUNE 6 10 METER 1.20 JUMPER 1.20m - Open to horses or ponies without restriction. 16. $1000 1.20m Jumper Class Fee: $75.00 Table II, Sec. 2(b) Prize Money: $200, $125, $110, $95, $85, $85, $75, $75, $75, $75 Saddle pad donated by PJA Class sponsored by WinRose Farms, LLC 17. $1500 1.20m Jumper Class Fee: $90.00 Table II, Sec. 2.1 Prize Money: $365, $260, $170, $140, $110, $95, $90, $90, $90, $90 Scrim sheet donated by Do Trot In Tack Shop 18. $2000 1.20m Jumper Classic Class Fee: $110.00 Table II, Sec. 2(b) Prize Money: $500, $360, $230, $190, $150, $130, $110, $110, $110, $110 Cooler donated by Dover Saddlery Forever Fork donated by Kinder Farm, Inc. Class sponsored by Virginia Reiss Insurance Gift Certificates donated by Bucks County Saddlery for all 3 classes. METER 1.25 JUMPER 1.25m - Open to horses or ponies without restriction. 19. $1500 1.25m Jumper Class Fee: $90.00 Table II, Sec. 2(b) Prize Money: $365, $260, $170, $140, $110, $95, $90, $90, $90, $90 Saddle pad donated by PJA Class sponsored by horseflight 20. $2000 1.25m Jumper Class Fee: $110.00 Table II, Sec. 2.1 Prize Money: $500, $360, $230, $190, $150, $130, $110, $110, $110, $110 Scrim sheet donated by Do Trot In Tack Shop Class sponsored by Rolling Acres Show Stable 21. $2500 1.25m Jumper Classic Class Fee: $125.00 Table II, Sec. 2(b) Prize Money: $625, $450, $300, $250, $200, $175, $125, $125, $125, $125 Cooler donated by Dover Saddlery Halter donated by Cross Road Tack Shop The Woodedge Stables Perpetual Trophy Class sponsored by Newsprint Farm Gift Certificates donated by Bucks County Saddlery for all 3 classes. ENTRIES CLOSE JUNE 6 15 1.30M JUNIOR/AMATEUR-OWNER JUMPER Open to horses or ponies ridden by a junior rider or an amateur-owner or an amateur member of the owner's family. For an amateur rider who is no longer eligible to compete as a junior rider, leased horses are ineligible and multiple ownership is not permitted unless all owners are members of the same family. Rider may not cross-enter into the Children's or Adult Jumper Sections. 22. $2500 1.30m Junior/Amateur-Owner Jumper Welcome Stake Class Fee: $125.00 Table II, Sec. 2(b) Prize Money: $625, $450, $300, $250, $200, $175, $125, $125, $125, $125 Halter donated by A Bit More Tack Class sponsored by A Bit More Tack 23. $10,000 1.30m Junior/Amateur-Owner NAL Jumper Classic A qualifying event for the NAL Junior/Amateur Owner Jumper Series Finals, to be held at PA National Horse Show. Class Fee: $375.00 Table II, Sec. 2(a) Prize Money: $2,500, $1800, $1200, $1000, $800, $700, $500, $500, $500, $500 Cooler donated by Dover Saddlery - Halter donated by A Bit More Tack $200 ROMFH gift certificate donated by English Riding Supply Forever Fork donated by Kinder Farm, Inc. The “Maliq” Memorial Perpetual Trophy Class sponsored by English Riding Supply There will be a $1000 BONUS to any same horse/same rider combination that wins the JR/AO Jumper Classic at the PJA Jumper Classics show and at the Swan Lake show in the 1.40m JR/AO Jumper Classic on June 22 to 26, 2016. Summer “Kick Off Classic” June 22 - 26, 2016 USEF “AA” Rated $25,000 Grand Prix $5,000 USHJA National Hunter Derby Starting Wed. the week after the PJA Jumper Classics Horse Show at Swan Lake Stables Swan Lake Stables 381 Flatbush Rd. • Littlestown, PA 17349 • (717)359-5357 www.swanlakehorseshows.com 16 OPEN JUMPER 24. $5,000 Open Jumper Welcome Stake Sponsored by English Riding Supply Class Fee: $225.00 1.30m Table II, Sec. 2(b) Prize Money: $1250, $900, $600, $500, $400, $350, $250, $250, $250, $250 $200 ROMFH gift certificate donated by English Riding Supply Halter donated by Kocher Tack 25. $24,975 PJA Grand Prix Sponsored by Dover Saddlery Class Fee: $500.00 1.35m Table II, Sec. 2(a) Prize Money: $7,500, $5,500, $3,250, $2,000, $1,500, $1,250, $975, $750, $750, $500, $500, $500 Cooler and $150 gift certificate donated by Dover Saddlery Halter donated by A Bit More Tack • Forever Fork donated by Kinder Farm, Inc. Groom’s Award - Groom’s Tote Box donated by David Fowler Custom Tack Trunks The Mary Krasnick Memorial Perpetual Trophy There will be a $5,000 BONUS to any same horse/same rider combination that wins the Grand Prix at the PJA Jumper Classics show and the Swan Lake horse show being held June 22 to June 26, 2016. The Good Tines are Here! • HIGHEST QUALITY PLASTIC IN THE WORLD • GUARANTEED FOR 2 YEARS • LIGHTER AND WOBBLE FREE • EUROPE’S BEST SELLING FORK • PROFESSIONAL GRADE TOOL Available at these local retailers: Agway • Ephrata, PA Available at your Cross Road Tack Shop • favorite Lebanon, PA Tack or Feed Store! PA Dover Saddlery • Warrington, Jr’s Harness Shop • Lititz, PA Malvern Saddlery •Malvern, PA Kinder Farm, Inc. 15 Pin Oak Drive Kinderhook, NY 12106 17 18 PJA HORSE SHOW FEED & BEDDING PRE-ORDERS Trainer’s Name _______________________________________________ Stable/Farm Name ____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Stable with __________________________________________________ Date of Arrival _______________________________________________ Approximate Time of Arrival ___________________________________ Shavings - # of bags ___________ Timothy Hay - # bales ___________ Sweet feed - # of bags __________ Alfalfa Hay - # bales _____________ Pellets - # of bags _____________ Mixed Grass Hay - # bales ________ Billing information - Please read carefully. You may split your charges for hay and bedding among your customers after arrival. This must be done in the show office as early in the day as possible. This will facilitate your checking out. You should advise your customers that these charges will be on their horse show bill and that they should not check out until after you have split your charges. Bill to (trainer name) __________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ IF billed to individual - list horse, owner and trainer. Horse name__________________________________________________ Owner name _________________________________________________ Trainer name_________________________________________________ Ordered by __________________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________________ Date _____________________ Telephone ________________________ 19 This show offers one or more classes that are recognized by the North American League In order for riders to receive credit, they must be a current member. Membership is valid for the qualifying year and entitles the rider to earn points on one or more horses shown in accredited classes. National Finals are held at the Pennsylvania National Horse Show. West Coast Finals are held at the Las Vegas National Horse Show. Please complete and mail the application with payment to: North American League 1298 Royal Rd Annville, PA 17003 717-867-5643; 717-867-2174 fax www.ryegate.com [email protected] Please enroll me as member of the North American League: Membership is effective the date received in the league office with payment. Date Amateur Junior Qualifying Year: (Sept 1 - Aug 31) Name Address City State Phone Fax DOB Email USEF #: Payment of $40.00 enclosed Please bill my Zip Code MasterCard Visa Discover AmEx Exp Account # Cardholder Address City State Zip Code I authorize Ryegate Show Services on the behalf of the NAL to debit my account . Signature Received 20 Check # CSV PENNSYLVANIA JUMPER ASSOCIATION •••••••••• 2016 PJA MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION I hereby apply for membership for the 2016 season which runs 12/01/15 through 11/30/16. _____ Sr. $20.00 annually _____ Jr. $20.00 annually _____ Family $30.00 annually A member family consists of the father, mother and junior age child/children. Juniors are defined as those who have not reached their 18th birthday as of January 1 of the current year. For each rider in family please list name and whether they are a senior or a junior rider. Name________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Phone _______________________________________________________ Please mail to: PJA, c/o Kathy Merchlinski, 5870 Wertztown Road, Narvon, PA 17555 21 The Marshall & Sterling Insurance League National Finals, and the Midwest Regional Marshall & Sterling Insurance League Finals! WHAT HORSE SHOWS COUNT? WHAT DIVISIONS COUNT? Finals competition will be offered in the following divisions: HUNTERS Children's Hunter Horse Children's Hunter Pony Adult Hunter Adequan Hunter* Bit O' Straw Hunter Classic HITS 2'6" Hunter HITS 2' Hunter Over 1,300 horse shows across the country are member events of the Marshall & Sterling Insurance League. A complete list of shows is available on our website - HitsShows.com WHAT IS THE QUALIFYING PERIOD? The qualifying period for 2016 is Aug. 24, 2015 to Aug. 28, 2016. WHERE ARE THE FINALS IN 2016? THE NATIONAL FINALS HITS-on-the-Hudson, Saugerties, NY, Sept. 14-18, 2016 *New Date for Adequan Finals, HITS-on-the-Hudson VIII, Saugerties, NY, Sept. 7-11, 2016 JUMPERS Children's Jumper Adult Jumper REGIONAL FINALS (no Adequan Hunter) Midwest - Showplace Fall Classic, Wayne, IL, Sept. 13-18, 2016 EQUITATION M&S Junior Medal Dover Saddlery Adult Medal Sore No-More Children's Horse Medal M&S Children's Pony Medal M&S 2'6" Adult Medal M&S 2'6" Children's Medal M&S Junior/Amateur Horsemanship Medal DO I NEED TO BE A MEMBER? Riders must be members of the Marshall & Sterling Insurance League in order for points to count. Only the Rider need join. There is just one membership no matter how many horses you show! For more information, please call League Representative, Patti Guerriero at 845.246.8833 or visit our website - HitsShows.com 2016 Membership Application Note: Riders must be members for points to count toward the Finals. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND BE SURE TO INCLUDE ALL THE INFORMATION REQUESTED. Name Birth date Address Home Phone Address Cell Phone City/State/Zip E-mail ______ / ______ / ______ (Required for Junior & Amateur Applicants) Month Status (please check one): Signature X Junior X Amateur X Professional Date Day Year Trainer Name Trainer E-mail Membership Fee: $40 Checks payable and mailed to: Marshall & Sterling Insurance League, 319 Main Street, Saugerties, NY 12477-1330 22 Looking for that Special Horse? Richard McGrath has over 20 years experience importing horses and matching horse and rider. We have new horses arriving monthly. Pre Green to Grand Prix. Call for details. Good Luck to all competitors at the PJA Horse Show! 23 horseflight supports PJA Jumper Classics Horse Show ! Excellence in International Horse Shipping 237 Old Turnpike Road • Califon, NJ 07830 (908) 832-5848 • www.horseflight.com 24 Pennsylvania Jumper Association C ⁄O Kennedy 117 Leedom Way Newtown, PA 18940
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