2012 Rehab with a Heart
2012 Rehab with a Heart
ANNUAL REPORT July 1, 2011 - June 31, 2012 Rehab with a Heart On With Life at Ankeny On With Life at Glenwood Comprehensive Inpatient Rehabilitation Therapy Extended Skilled Care for Youth and Young Adults Outpatient Specialty NeuroRehab Center Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy Neuropsychological Evaluation and Consultation FISCAL 2012 On With Life Community Services Supported Community Living On With Life Foundation OWL Creek Apartments Securing Resources for Persons Living with Brain Injury Independent Living Executive Director’s Report Julie Fidler Dixon At On With Life (OWL), we talk a lot about “Rehab with Heart.” While this may be an easy thing to say, it is what our staff members gave day in and day out in FY12. Here are a few highlights: Dramatic recoveries of Eugene and others who came to us in a coma or minimally responsive state and later walked out the front door Thirty-one persons served at On With Life at Glenwood (OWL/G) attended the Summer Arts Festival and were able to hear live music and enjoy nature activities Celebration of twenty years of service by On With Life at Ankeny’s (OWL/A) inpatient program Annual Sweetheart Dinner at OWL/A on Valentine's Day when persons served and their families received flowers, had their pictures taken, and were served an amazing steak and lobster meal in a romantic environment Danny's amazing graduation from OWL/G when he transitioned into a residential home Our giant omnitronic OWL “Hootie” parade entry which won first place in both the Iowa State Fair and the Glenwood Homecoming parades Former person served, Heather, golfing 18 holes in 100+ degree heat and giving an amazing keynote address at our annual golf fundraiser Messy pie eating contests with persons served and therapists Water balloon fights with Tyler and Teagan taking on their therapists, Jackie and Angie OWL/G’s staff celebration week with events like water balloon fights, pie eating contest, and an ice cream social every day OWL’s Olympics when therapeutic exercises were paired with Olympic events and medals were awarded for performance OWL/G received several grants to create a large outdoor sensory garden, which will provide a multimodality enriching experience Steve O’s popular cheese nachos that had all of OWL/A begging for his recipe Eileen's visit from Owl Creek on her birthday when Corporate staff members surprised her with gifts Justine’s remarkable poems that made everyone laugh and cry Laughter yoga at OWL/A introduced as a new weekly therapy which makes everyone laugh Officer Tran’s unique graduation party that included 50+ law enforcement officers and a 41 police car escort home, along with his OWL/A therapists Record breaking attendance at the OWL/G spring family party The journey of dozens of On With Lifers, staff and persons served, from each of our programs, to the State Capitol for “Hill Day” to advocate for the special needs of persons with brain injury Trial run of “Turkey Day” when everyone practiced stuffing themselves with holiday food The “All About Me” Wellness Group fair at OWL/A when persons served had the opportunity to create a visual and interactive iPad display of themselves and their talents These are just a few of the highlights that come to mind when thinking about what our rehabilitation programs were like in 2012 --- we celebrated a miracle every day! We invite each of you to join us to share in the joy, the passion, and the hope that “rehab with a heart” brings. It’s catching! Sincerely, Julie Fidler Dixon Executive Director -2- Our Boards of Directors On With Life, Ltd. On With Life, Inc. Eli J. Wirtz, JD, President William Campbell, Ph.D., Vice President Julie Fidler Dixon, M.S., CRC, CCM, Secretary Larry Kruse, Treasurer Sybil Finken, B.A. Diana Hoogestraat, M.S.W., LISW John Snyder, AIA Vilia M. Tarvydas, Ph.D., LMHC, CRC, President Carl Harris, FSA, MAAA, FCA, Vice President Kate Benson Larson, MA, CRC, CDMS, CLCP, Secretary Donna M. Walter, MBA, CPA, Treasurer Gail Boliver, JD, MBA, MS Kim A. Butler Thomas Carlstrom, MD Troy DeJoode, JD, SPHR Arthur Filean, MBA Thomas J. Friedman Marc Harding, JD, DO Kay Hines, MA Jeffrey Lamberti, JD Eli J. Wirtz, JD David Zielke On With Life Supportive Housing, Corp. Arthur Filean, MBA, President Julie Fidler Dixon, M.S., CRC, CCM, Vice President Gerry Fehn, Secretary/Treasurer Vilia M. Tarvydas, Ph.D., LMHC, CRC Donna Walter, MBA, CPA On With Life Foundation Our Vision: We will passionately serve and relentlessly advocate to create life-enriching opportunities for persons impacted by brain injury. Kate A. Benson Larson Gail Boliver Thomas Friedman Arthur S. Filean, MBA President On With Life Supportive Housing Corp. Eli Wirtz President On With Life, Ltd. Vilia M. Tarvydas President On With Life, Inc. Kim A. Butler Marc Harding William Campbell Thomas Carlstrom Carl Harris Kay Hines Jeffrey Lamberti, JD, President Gail Boliver, JD, MBA, MS, Vice President Thomas Carlstrom, MD, Secretary Thomas J. Friedman, Treasurer Kim A. Butler William Campbell, Ph.D. Troy DeJoode, JD, SPHR Julie Fidler Dixon, M.S., CRC, CCM Arthur Filean, MBA Troy DeJoode Diana Hoogestraat Charles Denhart Larry Kruse Jeffrey Lamberti President On With Life Foundation Julie Fidler Dixon John Snyder Gerry Fehn Donna Walter Sybil Finken David Zielke -3- On With Life at Ankeny Outcomes Type of Brain Injury by Age 86 Person Served in FY 2011 In FY12 On With Life at Ankeny served 73 people Type of Injury of Persons Served Gender 33 Male 46 18-79 Average Age 5 4 Non-Traumatic Brain Injury Brain Injury Due to Loss of Oxygen Female 27 Traumatic Brain Injury Age Range 31 Stroke 49 Where did they come from? 37 Different Counties in Iowa 2 Different States 3 Different Countries Discharge Location by Type of Brain Injury Type of Injury Home Skilled Nursing Acute Rehab* Assisted Living Indep. Living Other** Traumatic Brain Injury 16 7 2 3 0 4 Non-Traumatic Brain Injury 4 1 0 0 0 0 Stroke 19 6 0 1 0 1 Anoxic Brain Injury (Loss of Oxygen) 2 1 1 0 0 0 *Some persons served choose to transfer to an acute rehab facility closer to their family or home loca on. **Other discharge loca ons could include acute hospital, hospice, or facility for behavior management. 62% of persons served discharged to home. -4- On With Life at Ankeny Outcomes Average % Change in Functional Outcome Measure by Age and Type of Brain Injury 19 and under 20-29 30-39 240% 129% 67% 165% Non -Traumatic Brain Injury 27% 0% 34% Stroke 24% 17% 41% 48% Anoxic Brain Injury (Loss of Oxygen) 175% 0% 107% Type of Injury Traumatic Brain Injury 40-49 50-59 60-69 101% 80% 70 and over 332% 158% 46% 39% 22% Average % Goals Achieved by Age Group 76% 75% 19 and under 20-29 75% 30-39 74% 40-49 77% 71% 50-59 69% 60-69 70 and over Satisfaction Survey Results Goal > 90% 95% 100% 94% Person Served Satisfaction Payor Satisfaction Referral Satisfaction -5- On With Life at Glenwood Outcomes Maintain/Improve Level of Consciousness Goal > 80% 100% 89% 84% Q1 Q2 100% 91% Q3 Q4 Overall Maintain/Improve Range of Motion Lower Extremities Goal > 70% Maintain/Improve Range of Motion Upper Extremities Goal > 70% 91% 90% 87% 94% 94% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Overall 94% Q1 Satisfaction Survey Results Goal > 90% -6- 93% 92% Person Served Satisfaction Referral Source Satisfaction 93% 93% 97% Q2 Q3 Q4 94% Overall On With Life Supported Community Living Services Outcomes In FY12 On With Life Supported Community Living Services served 43 people Type of Injury of Persons Served Gender County % of PS Polk 76% 28 15 Persons Served Persons Served Jasper 12% Story 6% Average Age 44 Madison 2% Warren 2% Marion 2% Henry 2% Traumatic Brain Injury Male 34 Female 9 Where do they live? Acquired Brain Injury % Hours Allocated vs. Scheduled Hours Goal > 75% 81% Q1 79% Q2 80% Q3 78% Q4 80% Overall % Hours Scheduled vs. Provided Hours Goal > 95% 97% 99% 98% 99% Goals completed by Persons Served Goal > 70% Traumatic Brain Injury Completed 61% 98% Goals in Progress 224 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Acquired Brain Injury Completed 66% Goals Completed 351 Goals in Progress 105 Goals Completed 202 Overall Satisfaction Survey Results Goal > 90% 92% 93% Person Served Satisfaction Family Satisfaction 92% External Case Manager Satisfaction -7- On With Life Outpatient Specialty NeuroRehab Center Outcomes In FY12 Neuropsychological Evaluation and Consultation evaluated 21 people Male 15 Female 6 Developmental Delays/ Learning Disabilities Cognitive Skills/ Behavior Issues Other 17 Evaluations 1 Evaluation 3 Evaluations Average Days from Referral to Appoint Scheduled 1/2 day Average Days from Appointment to Finalization of Report 6 days In FY12 On With Life Outpatient Services served 58 people % Complete Outpatient Program Goal > 70% -8- 100% 75% 92% 82% 87% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Overall Satisfaction Survey Results Goal > 90% 99% Person Served Satisfaction Our Volunteers On With Life’s extraordinary volunteers give the precious gift of time wrapped in kindness and compassion. On With Life at Glenwood On With Life at Ankeny These amazing people gave 2,800 volunteer hours: Morgan Beck Hannah DeCleene Blake Bender Heather DeJoode Doreen Bender Stefani Dennis Doug Bender Johnathan Bethards Dennis Bradley LeAnne Bradley Marsha , Ben, Lillie Burright Barb Cassler Lizz Cassler Katelyn Chumbley Kevin Erickson Don Fitzpatrick Sherri Fitzpatrick Nancy Fleming Kyle Graven Deb & Storm Hemphill Haley Hesse Hannah Hesse Pastor Larry Hintz Karen Podjahsky Janet Maldonado Ruth Politsch Rachael Martin Brad Redmon Highland Park Christian Church Linda Barbour Sarah Martin Joan Reich Piano Students Lake Country Bible Chapel Jackie Mulholland Tracy Reynolds Chris Sauer Presbyterian Church of Ankeny Nicole Schmidt Hope Nazarene Institute for Priestly Formation: Jesse Davis Michael Kuper Michelle Miller Jeff Stille & Winston Simpson Students Heather Murphy Stuart Merrill Mikaela Nabity Philip Syverson Polk City Your Group Jerry Nail Nick Thompson Ankeny Christian Church Pastor Kiser – Trinity Lutheran Church Ankeny Methodist Trinity Lutheran Church Youth Group Brianna McCoy Ashley Meeker Lisa Mehl &Chopper Pastor Stewart Merrill Jim Courter Marna Davenport Cherri Looney Kathy Cole Janelle Conley Resident Advocacy Council: Beth Magnuson Julie Neve Darrel Webb Rosina Hoffman Elizabeth Johnson & Becky Parrish & Lexie Amber Wichhart Morgan Patkin Bear Joe Wiltgen Sara Patkin Kevin King Walt Witchie Al Cole OLIH Church These amazing people gave 500 volunteer hours Cornerstone Church Ankeny Parks and Rec Jenni Carr Wanda Wynn Mark Thomas Andrew Windschit Brendan Oman Paul Clark Holy Cross Rosary Church Youth Group US Army Corps of Engineers Abby Witt From Our Foundation We want to thank all our donors for their support in 2012. Donors chose to give in a variety of ways and we appreciate them all. Some give to honor someone or to remember a loved one who has died, some give annually at year end, while some give after they have visited On With Life and see the miracles that occur here. This year we had more than 40 sponsors for our 5th Annual Silent Auction and Golf Outing. This group included 12 all-time sponsors. Albaugh Inc., American Prosthetics & Orthotics, Bankers Trust, Casey’s General Stores, Inc., EMC Insurance Companies, First National Bank, Glenwood State Bank, Kidder Benefits Consultants, Inc., Molyneaux Insurance, the Lindsey Ose Weber Family, Reynolds & Reynolds, Inc., Ryun, Givens & Co., P.L.C., and our hole-in-one sponsor Karl Chevrolet. We continue to receive grants to address specific projects at one or more of our locations. This year the Mills County Foundation, the Iowa Farm Bureau Foundation, and the Home Depot Foundation all joined together to fund the creation of an outdoor therapeutic garden on our Glenwood campus. Some of our donors worked with their tax advisors to determine what was the best way to give. Such meetings often result in gifts of appreciated stock. This allows the donor to receive tax credit for the current value of the gift but they do not get taxed on the amount the gift appreciated over time since they transferred it to the On With Life Foundation as stock – a great win-win gift. We had many donors in 2012 who chose to make their gift in-kind. More than 120 individuals and companies provide items for our annual auction. Some donors provided items for our persons served, such as fleece blankets and craft supplies, while others donated lightly used equipment such as wheelchairs and exercise equipment. We work with donors before accepting equipment gifts to ensure that the equipment can be used by the persons we serve. The On With Life staff showed their support as well. More than 80 employees opted to give through our payroll deduction program while others helped collect items for our auction or attended our event. We also have some donors who give to On With Life for unknown reasons, but what we know each and every one of these donors make a difference in the lives of those we serve. We thank them all for their generosity and hope they will continue to be a part of the On With Life family. -9- The On With Life Foundation salutes the many individuals, corporations and foundations named and anonymous, who supported our work through charitable donations and grants that were received between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012: Our Donors Individuals, Organizations and Corporations Mark Abendroth Dick Achenbach Kathryn Adams Advance Rehab Technologies, Inc. AgVision Jerry and Jo Akers Albaugh, Inc. Dennis and Marcia Albertson Angela Allen Jack Allen American Equity Investment Life Insurance Company American Prosthetics & Orthotics Cathy and Bob Amfahr Dave Anders Caleb Anliker Heidi Appenzeller Patricia Baccam Janis and Chuck Bach Mary Baker Mary Louise Baker Bankers Trust Company Gail Barnett Steven Beaty Gina Beecher Katie Beer Beta Sigma Phi Alpha Rho Chapter Cara Bianchi Connie and Larry Birdsall Amy Bishop Dixie and Neil Bjurstrom Block, Lamberti & Gocke, P.C. Melaney Blomker David and Lisa Bluder Dawn Bohrer Bruce Boland Gail and Janeen Boliver Ryan Boverhuis LeAnne Bradley Nancy Brightwell Christina Bruce George Bruce Patty Buckingham Betty Buitenwerf Carla Burgin Jennifer Burke Darla Burt Kim Butler Linda Butler Dr. and Mrs. William Campbell Richard & Ruth Carey Tom and Barbara Carlstrom Jerry and Janet Carspecken Casey's General Stores, Inc. Dawn Cavalier Rod and Kerry Chase Brent Cheney Ronald and Rikki Cheney Kathleen Coady Tomi Cole Bob Colin Ben A. Collins Community State Bank Robin Conley Deb Constien Jane Coppernoll Leesa Craig Leo and Carol Crall Amber Crawford-Osler Deb and Kurt Creegan Tiffany Cubbage Jessica Curler Jessica and Jason Dagel Tammy Dagger Connie and Tom Daufeldt -10- Davis Brown Law Firm Judy McCoy Davis Phil Davis Patricia and George Davison Ms. T. Maxine Deason Amy deBuhr David Decklever Heather and Troy DeJoode Liz and Adam DeJoode Pat and Arnie DeJoode Dave Demarest Charles F. Denhart Sophia DePoorter Ronald Derscheid Candi and Jeff Diercks Angela Dilts Peterson Laura and Daniel DiMeo Carla Dippold Julie Fidler Dixon LaRae Dixon Kevin Doherty Senajda Dolic Michelle Doubleday Sharon and Jim Douglas Katie Douglas Jennifer Durfey Karen Dyer Steve Eckardt Ramona Eckermann Todd Ellgren Terri Ellison Ted Elting EMC Insurance Companies Enterprise Holdings Roland Eppert Andrea Erickson Steven Evans Cynthia and Steven Ewald Betty Farrington Iowa Farm Bureau Foundation Gerry Fehn Gloria and Art Filean Sybil and Russ Finken First National Bank Pamela Otto and Mike Ford Barb and Craig Foss Robert Fouraker Kara and David Freeman Joanne and Tom Friedman Cindy and Tom Friedrichsen Barbro W. Garland Patrick Garvey Catherine Gillet Mary Jo and Tom Glanville Glenwood State Bank Evelyn Green Marc Harding Jamie Hardman Bonnie and Bruce Harmon Sally and Carl Harris Laura Hatcher Emma Hayden Barb and Mike Heenan Connie Helton Jan and Jim Herzberg Dave and Judy Hilt Kay Hines Terry Hirst Andrea Hitzel Barbara Hoffman Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Diana and Tom Hoogestraat Kelsee Hove Scott Howard Courtney Huber Charlene Hulsebus Doris and Mick Hunter Janet Hustak Kim Igou Dan Ihrke Iowa Clinic, P.C. Jacobson Companies Sydney Jacobson Lois James Michelle and Kenneth Jans Duane and Cynthia Johnson Mary M. Johnson Jennifer Johnston Clair Jones Megan Jones Susan Judkins Josten Judy and Jerry Richards Kabel Business Services Helen Keefe Sharon and Jack Keller Marilyn Kelley Kidder Benefits Consultants, Inc. Kleywegt Family Knights of Columbus OLIH Kreg Tool Company Helen Krogmeier Peggy and Larry Kruse Christina and Christopher Kuecker Dan Kuecker Cassa and Dean Kuhn Marj and Sam Kuperman Charlene and Don Lamberti Shannon and Jeff Lamberti Ann Lenaghan Janet and Earl Leonard Jana Lewis Jennifer Lewis Michael Lewis Debra Lincoln Becky Long Gene Long Jennifer Lucas Gary and Denise Lynk Curtis and Kathryn MacVey Mr. Lloyd Major Susan Marshall Sharron Martin Gary and Ruth McConeghey Mike and Betty McDaniel Kyle and Dave McGowan Ashley McGuire McKesson Medical-Surgical Medix Occupational Health Mercy Medical Center - Des Moines Merwin LTC Pharmacy Debra Miller Tammy Miller Craig Millhollin Mills County Endowment Fund Carma and David Mitchell Kathleen Mitchell Jane Moles Molyneaux Insurance, Inc Brian Montgomery Jane Moore Dee Moss Benny Mott Sue and Greg Mulhall Lisa Mullan Jean and Mark Murphy Martha James and Mike Myszewski Jim and Helen Nelson Scott and Barb Nessa Newman's Thriftway Nikkel & Associates Inc Kristine Nissen Ben and Jean Norman Charles Notis Sejla Numic Evelyn Sue Olmstead Gene and Sue Olson Jamie Olson Trina Olson Carroll and Judy Ose Jack and Verna Ouverson Robert and Carol Patterson Sandra Patterson Tiffany Paulsen Marianne and Dean Phelps Laura Pimlott Erin Plager Dwight and Erin Porter Alaina Powell Gary Presnall Pat and Larry Rasmussen Rasmussen Foundation Stephen and Georgene Raver Geri Reed David Reedy Reynolds & Reynolds, Inc Judy Richards Jayne Ricken Dustin Rider Tara Rogers Ann Rohlfsen Brenda Romig Phyllis Ross Ryun, Givens & Co., P.L.C. Sheila Sadler Nicole Sainsbury Traci and Kevin Schermerhorn Ralph Scott Todd Scott Walter Seibert Sheldahl United Methodist Church Women Betsy Showers Dale and Michelle Shriver Janaye Sills Nathaniel Simpson Jane Slaybaugh Jerry Smalley Janey Smith Kim and Brad Smith Volney Smith John Snyder Rebeka Snyder Cindy Spellerberg Charles Stanton Gloria Stearns Julie Stearns Kay Sterbick Richard Stevenson Crystal Stewart Nathan and Roxanne Stilwill Patrick and Laurie Stilwill Storey Kenworthy Stroh Corporation Cal Swanson Vilia Tarvydas Kevin Thanvonekham Jacque Thole Angie Thompson Dan and Deb Timmons Sylvia Tincher Phoukham and Chalouaiphone Tran Maree Ulrich Kara Vande Kamp Mary and Eben VanDusseldorp Roger Vasey Lesley Vespa Charlie Vry Corey Walker Donna and Terry Walter Margi Weiss Linda and Larry Wellendorf Wellmark Foundation Wells Fargo Social Responsibility Group Julie Schmidt Wells Anna Wicks Joan and Edgar Wilkinson J. Heather Will Anna Williams Carol Williams Julie Wingert Eli Wirtz Tom and Deb Witt Shirley A. Wittenstein Josh Wolfe Paul and Beverly Wolfe David Zahradnek Karen Zajcew David and Cynthea Zielke To those who gave through State of Iowa United Way of Central Iowa Honors in honor of R. Jerry Carspecken Tom Raulerson in honor of Arlo M. Hall Todd Hall in honor of Sarah Porsche James and Ruth Reed in honor of Betty Reames Renee Bailey in honor of Marilyn Sievers Heartland AEA in honor of Alan Spohnheimer Harlan and Sheila Schaefer in honor of Mary Van Dusseldorp Eben Van Dusseldorp in honor of Ralph and Norma Webber Mike and Shirley Vore in honor of Shari Wilson Benevolent Patriotic Order of Does No.25 Memorials in memory of Sylvia Benson Julie Fidler Dixon in memory of Pat Burton Harry and Sandy Vaughn in memory of Dan Butler Judy McCoy Davis in memory of Andy Christiansen Angela Althoff Sharon and John Born Shelly Bosovich Kathleen Cox Maureen Dempsey Lois Dickerson Julie Fidler Dixon Carolyn Eckardt Sally L Ehlertt Deidre Fudge Faye Grandfield Marilyn Hansen Linda Holz Joy Huey Katherine Hunzelman Joann Jensen Arvalla Kellar Ruth Kramme Marilyn & Lowell Kramme Roberta Loverink Judith Meehan Karen Miksich Julia Mitchell Steve Mullin Connie Niklawski Richard Pfiffner Janelle Press Julie Probst Professional Turf Products, LP LaVerne Quass Deanna Questad Jim & Barb Rinell Sacred Heart Church Mary Scarpino Anita Shawhan Janey Smith B. Joan Sorensen Tom Swain Jill Thompson Hansen Nancy Thompson Deborah Utoft Janice Utoft Memorials, continued in memory of Wilma Dezwarte David and Mary Jo Hudson in memory of Dee M Dixon Judy McCoy Davis in memory of Mildred Duffy Sheila Aukes in memory of Bobbie Sue Ginsberg Joel Rosenthal in memory of Paul Green Evelyn Greem in memory of Matt Hanke Sally Schroeder in memory of Kent Hines Terry and Judy Aikin Judy Allen Linda Anderson Steven Carter Judy McCoy Davis Jacqueline Delk Carla Dippold Marilyn Duffy Ann Eades Gloria and Art Filean Diana Forbes Mary Kay France Sally and Carl Harris Colleen Hines Patricia A. Jansen June and Tim Johnson Christopher Jones Stephanie Kice Evelyn Libby George and Phyllis Madden Judith Mertens Corinne Mitchell Marilyn Mullin Sandra Roan Dale Roshek Patricia and Marty Schroeder Eleanor Swale Arlene Sweeney Vilia Tarvydas M. A. Vickers Bradley Voorhees Kristine Voorhees Donna and Terry Walter Chris Wyant in memory of Beverly Hunter Deb and Mike Chenchar in memory of Aaron Ivy Paula Ivy in memory of Jeannette G. Jansen Jansen family in memory of Steve King Amy Boettcher in memory of Bonnie Oswalt-Hunnell Sarah Cole Ruth Lowe Tim Lowe Susan Verhulst in memory of Chris Otto Pamela Otto and Mike Ford Patricia and Leo Ford Debra Friederichs and Ray Lohse Joyce and Michael Nunley Ann Randazzo in memory of Lisa Patterson Ashland Ridge Elementary Social Committee Michael Boothby Melissa Brewer Bryan Burkhardt Ellen Cherry Ed Christopherson Lowell and Ruth Ann Coburn Deb and Kevin Davis John Dukes Rachael Erkkila Keely and Phillip Gunderson Allison Hall In memory of Lisa Patterson, continued Hamilton's Funeral Home Karen Heuer Connie Hiatt Dawn Hockemeyer Kevin Houston Iles Funeral Home Linda and Jerry Koch Kendall Kruger Linda Longnecker Jennifer Lucas McCalley Funeral Home Merle Hay Funeral Home Murdoch Funeral Homes Scott Nelson Ochiltree Funeral Home Ruth Ohde John Pierschbacher Jeffrey Rea Jamie Rolland Susan Roy-Sabourn Rod and Kerey Sharar Julie Shay Kimberly Spitzig Barbara Teahen Billy Thomas Ramona Thompson Georgene Troseth Lyndal Watts Nancy Yeoman in memory of Cdr. W. D (Doug) Ray Shirley Ray in memory of Brenda Ann Scheid Gladys and Gerald Sawyer in memory of Steve Schreitmueller Karen Combs Darleen Ganfield Julie Schreitmueller Rose Marie Seegmiller in memory of Arne Sorensen Mike and Karen Brodie in memory of Charles E. Stanton Bernard Baker Brain Injury Association of Iowa Central Support Group Carol Christiansen Darlene Manon Plumbers & Steamfitter Local Union 33 Jake and Judy Roberts David Stanton Jill and Robert Stanton Douglas Sturdivant Katie and Chris Wulkow in memory of Ronald Syverson Marie and David Sigmon in memory of Verneal "Bunny" Traver Carrie Huff in memory of Karen Underhill Barbara Crowder Ione Curtis Charlene Mayer T. Eugene Merrell Cathy Underhill in memory of Howard Van Zee Mildred Brooks Linda and Don Clark Golfview Assoc. Sherri Heaberlin Hollice Ellis Conservatorship James and Judith Johnston Arlene and Paul Kockler Dixie Kraftschik Becky Michael Jim and Chris Mills Benny Mott Nancy Naaktgeboren Pleasantville State Bank Colleen Proffitt Boyd and Vicki Refshaw Judy and Jerry Richards Kay Sheehey Jeanne Smith Kay Terpstra Charles Van Zee John Van Zee Teresa VanZee In-Kind Donations A & M Green Power Suzanne and Kent Allison Americana Restaurant & Lounge Ames Golf & Country Club Ames Silversmithing Dave Anders Ankeny Golf & Country Club Applebee's Axis Salon & Day Spa B & S Concessions - Hardenbrooks Cafeteria Patricia Baccam Baker Group Beattie's Fruit Stand Belle City Amusements Diane Bemis Blank Park Zoo Brenda Smith Concessions Karen Brockelsby Libby Broekemeier Brooks National Golf Club Brookview Golf Course Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar Buni's Bakery Kim Butler Carmen's Flowers Jenny Carr Casey's General Stores Cheesecake Factory - West Des Moines Chili's Kathy Cole Janelle Conley Cooks' Emporium Courtyard by Marriott – Ankeny Laura and Trent Cressy Dave's Jewelry Judy McCoy Davis Heather and Troy DeJoode Des Moines Playhouse Des Moines Social Club Dewey Dodge Chrylser Jeep Jessica and Andy Disch Julie Fidler Dixon Dos Rios Cantina & Tequila Lounge Drake University Athletics Embassy Suites – Des Moines Fareway Meat Dept. - North Ankeny Fareway Meat Dept. - Oralabor Rd. Sybil and Russ Finken Fiscus Diamond Jewelers Pamela Otto and Mike Ford Cindy and Tom Friedrichsen Fuddruckers Restaurant Funky Zebra Giant Slide Hardenbrooks Cafeteria Hilton Garden Inn-Des Moines Urbandale Connie Hirst Homewood Suites Minneapolis Tom and Diana Hoogestraat HuHot Mongolian Grill HyVee - Ames HyVee Drugstore I-35 Spirits Nancy Ihrke Iowa Barnstormers Arena Football Club Iowa Cubs Iowa Energy Iowa State University Athletics It's All About Me! Jethro’s BBQ Joseph's Kaas Electric Keg Creek Brewing Co. Kate Benson Larson & Ross Larson Lilian Kunkle La Mie Loki Gardens The Machine Shed Martinwoods McCormick Station Kyle and David McGowan Beverly Kaye McKnight Suresh Mummalanemi Jerry Nail Noodle Zoo Norwoodville Community Center Okoboji Grill Old Chicago Olive Garden Pam Otto & Mike Ford Outback Steakhouse Professional Cosmetology Institute Perhaps…we can help Catering Perkins Restaurant & Bakery Phillips' Floors Karen Podhajsky Jamie Pollard Prairie Meadows Premium Solutions Red Lobster Resurrection Lutheran Church Quilters Jayne Ricken Riverside Casino & Golf Resort Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery Romano's Macaroni Grill Gerald and Gladys Sawyer Dwaine Schneider Science Center of Iowa Select Networks Silver Fox Sky Glider Gary Slater Splash Stagewest Theatre Company Staples – Ankeny Storey Kenworthy Strawberry Patch Elaine Stubbs Sugar Clay Winery & Vineyards Templeton Rye Texas Roadhouse Tone’s True Value Hardware - Glenwood Turkey Time Concessions United Heartland Veenker Memorial Golf Course Vesta Salon and Day Spa Vine Street Cellars Walmart - Ankeny Walt Disney World Co. Donna Walter Waterfront Seafood Market Restaraunt Margi Weiss West End Architectural Salvage Wig & Pen Pizza Pub Willis Auto Campus Dorothy Wyant Estate Zion Lutheran Church Quilters On With Life’s 6th Annual Golf Outing & Silent Auction was held on June 28, 2012 at Otter Creek Golf Course in Ankeny. Thanks to all those involved, this event raised more than $50,000 for our programs serving persons with brain injury and their families. We hope even more supporters can participate in next year’s event scheduled for Thursday, June 27, 2013. For more information contact the Foundation at [email protected]. Every effort has been made for accuracy in the spelling and inclusion of all contributors. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Foundation office at 1-800-728-0645, ext. 111 or by email at [email protected] -11- Contact Us www.onwithlife.org On With Life, Inc. On With Life, Ltd. On With Life at Ankeny On With Life at Glenwood Comprehensive Inpatient Brain Injury Rehabilitation Skilled Care for Youth and Younger Adults with Brain Injury 715 SW Ankeny Road Ankeny, IA 50023-9798 (515) 289-9600 Fax: (515) 964-0567 714 Lacey Street, Suite 100 Glenwood, IA 51534-1946 (712) 525-1294 Fax: (712) 525-1509 On With Life Community Services On With Life Supportive Housing Corp. Supported Community Living 715 SW Ankeny Road Ankeny, IA 50023-9798 (515) 289-9677 Fax: (515) 963-4001 On With Life Outpatient Specialty NeuroRehab Center Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy Neuropsychological Evaluation and Consultation 675 SW Ankeny Road Ankeny, IA 50023-9798 (515) 289-9600 Fax: (515) 289-9649 The Apartments at OWL Creek Independent Living for Persons with Brain Injury 725 SW Ankeny Road Ankeny, IA 50023-9798 (515) 289-9678 On With Life Foundation Securing Resources for Persons with Brain Injury 715 SW Ankeny Road Ankeny, IA 50023-9798 (515) 289-9611 Fax: (515) 965-1186 www.facebook.com/iowabraininjury www.youtube.com/owladmin www.twitter.com/iowabraininjury www.linkedin.com/company/on-with-life
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