Student Services at Hanken


Student Services at Hanken
Student Services at Hanken
Office of Study Affairs, August 2015
Student Services at Hanken
» Facilities
» Information
» Help
» Individual guidance
The Learning Lab
In the Learning
Lab you can study
individually or in
a group.
The Main
Building, 1st
Hanken School of Economics,
The ServicePoint
Short study related matters:
- Transript of records
- certificate of enrolment
- study related forms
- late registration for exams
In the Learning Lab, 1st floor
Monday 10-15
Tuesday-Friday 10-13
[email protected]
Hanken School of Economics,
InfoBITen – IT Services
Helps with IT problems.
Renews your password
if you have forgotten
your old one.
In the Learning Lab,
1st floor.
Monday 10-15
Tuesday-Friday 10-13
[email protected]
Study Counselling
Jennie Bertula and Eva Molander offer individual study counselling.
Office of Study Affairs, 2nd floor:
Monday 13-16, Wednesday 9-12 and Thursday 13-16
[email protected]
Student Financial Aid
Sara Schultz offers counselling about the student financial aid
Office of Study Affairs, 2nd floor
Monday 13-16
Wednesday 9-12
Thursday 13-16
[email protected]
Hanken School of Economics,
Study Psychologist
Offers both individual counselling and group workshops about for instance,
study techniques and stress management
Susanne Tiihonen
Office of Study Affairs,
2nd floor
Counselling mainly on
Thursdays by appointment:
Exchange studies
Counselling about studies abroad is offered by Jonna Mäenpää
The Centre for Research and
International Affairs,
Floor 1.5
Monday 13-15
Wednesday 10-12
Thursday 13-15
Friday 10-12
[email protected]
Hanken School of Economics,
Books, information retrieval services, eletronic material
Monday-Thursday 9-18
(Reading areas 8-20)
Friday 9-16
(Reading areas 8-20)
[email protected]
Hanken School of Economics,
The Teachers’ Office Hours
» When you have questions about specific courses and their content,
please visit the course instructor during his/her office hours
You can also email the teacher on [email protected]
Hanken School of Economics,
Information Screens
» In the Main Building you can find infotv-screens showing
happenings, where your exam will take place as well as the
amount of available computers
Hanken School of Economics,
Membership in the Student
Union – discounts
Every student registered as present at Hanken is automatically a member
of the Student Union.
Entitles you to discounts for example on
» train and bus tickets
» the lunch fee on
student restaurants
Hanken School of Economics,
Certificate of enrolment
» Proves that you are a
student before you get your
student card
» You get your certificate this
Hanken School of Economics,
The Student Card
Show your student card when
- eating lunch at Hanken
- taking part in an exam
- visiting the ServicePoint
Collect your student card (when ready) at the Student Union’s Office
in the Casa building (Hietaniemenkatu 7 A, 5th floor).
Opening hours:
Hanken School of Economics,
IB Bookstore
The Student Union’s bookstore, IB. Sells study material,
printer credits etc.
Monday-Thursday 10–16.30
Friday 10–13
[email protected]
Hanken School of Economics,
Finnish Student Health Services
The Finnish Student Health Services (Finnish abbreviation YTHS)
offers students general health care, mental health care and oral
health care for affordable prices.
Health centre on Töölönkatu 37 A, Helsinki

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