
Moldex3D + OptiStruct
This tutorial shows the general procedures of injection molding simulation and fiber
orientation mapping using the software Moldex3D and how to prepare the model to use in
To build this tutorial these three sections will be followed:
 Moldex3D designer;
 Moldex3D (analysis);
 HyperMesh / OptiStruct.
Session 1 – Moldex3D Designer
In Moldex3D R12.0 Designer software, the procedure is divided into 5 steps:
Import model;
Build runner system;
Specify cooling system;
Generate solid mesh;
Save model.
Session 2 – Moldex3D Analysis
In Moldex3D R12.0 software, the procedure is divided into 9 steps:
Create a new project;
Create a new analysis;
Import model;
Set the material;
Define the process conditions;
Set the computational parameters;
Check performance data;
Select the sequence analysis and start the simulation;
Export files by FEA interface.
Session 3 - OptiStruct
In OptiStruct, the procedure is divided into 4 steps:
Import results on HyperMesh:
Set the analysis;
Run the analysis:
Section 1
Moldex3D (Designer):
(File: Modelo_L01.stl)
Step 1 - Import model
Click Import > Part/Insert Geometry to select the geometry.
Click Open
• After opening the geometry, click on Check Surface Mesh to verify the quality of the surface
mesh. If there is any problem, click on Repair, this will help you to repair the mesh errors.
• After it, be ready for use, click on the green button to confirm.
NOTE: If it is necessary, you can also check and change the thickness of the model through the
buttons Display Model Thickness and Modify Thickness.
Step 2 – Build Runner System
Click on the tab 2 (Build Runner System)
Click Wizard (Gate field), to add the Pin Gate and select the location where it should be.
Click the green button to confirm and exit the command.
NOTE: The specifications can be changed as required
Click on Wizard (runner field) to define the runner system.
The system will automatically generate the Runner and the melt entrance.
Click the green button to confirm and exit the command
NOTE: If the melt entrance has not been created automatically, click Wizard (melt Entrance) to
create. As in this example we have already created it in the unique existing runner, a message
will appear warning that have no more places to make them.
Step 3 - Specify Cooling System
Click on the tab 3 (Specify Cooling System)
Click Wizard (Moldbase field), to create the bases of the mold.
Click on green button to confirm.
Click Wizard (Cooling Channel field) to create Cooling channels.
Make changes in size, quantity and spacing if necessary.
Click on the green button to confirm.
Click Wizard (Inlet/Outlet field) to configure channel input/output cooling.
Click Check Cooling Channel (Check field) to verify and ensure that the arrangement of the
cooling channels is set properly. (If there are any problems, click on auto fix or correct
Step 4 – Generate Solid Mesh.
Click on Tab 4 (Generate Solid mesh field)
Click on Generate, Create the solid mesh
NOTE: Clicking Set Level, we can determine the level of mesh refinement (1-5).
Step 5 – Save Model
Click Save Mesh File and select the location and specify the name
Save the file.
The Step 1 (Moldex3D Designer) is completed. The exported file (.mde) will be used in the next
step at Moldex3D (Analysis).
(file: Part_Map_Modelo_L01.mde)
Section 2
Moldex 3D (Analysis):
Step 1 – Create a New Project:
Start Moldex3D with the options below to enable the FEA interface module.
NOTE: Only Performance Add-on or Advanced Add-on modules support FEA Interface and
Fiber module.
 Moldex3D Fiber module helps predicting the fiber orientation, part warpage and the
resultant anisotropic mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced materials.
 Moldex3D FEA Interface module provides a useful interface for users to forward
simulation data into structure software, as OptiStruct, to run further comprehensive
structure analysis for product development.
Double click on Double click here to create a new Project, to start creating a new project.
Select the project mode option and click OK.
In the window that opens, enter the project data and select options Solver Type and
application as in the image below.
Click OK.
Step 2 – Create a New Analysis
In the tab Option, select New run;
Click next to continue.
Step 3 – Import Model
On the Mesh tab, select new;
In the window that opens select the project done earlier in Section 1 (Moldex3D Designer)
Click Next.
(file: Part_Map_Modelo_L01.mde)
Step 4 – Set the Material
In the Material tab select New to open the material database.
In the window that opens select the tab Moldex3D bank.
Right click on desired material and click Add Project, to be associated with the model.
Close the window and click next.
Note: The materials having fiber can be identified by a different icon from the others, like this
Step 5 – Define the Process Conditions;
Click New to create a new process definition;
Click next, make desired changes until you get the finish button, where the process ends;
Click Next.
NOTE: If you don’t want to make changes you can just choose the default option.
Step 6 – Set the Computational Parameters;
On the Computation tab, click View/edit to open the options screen.
In the window that opens, make sure the Run fiber orientation analysis option is selected.
This allows the orientation fiber analysis to be performed.
Click ok to confirm and then click next.
NOTE: In the advanced button and Warp tab, other options related to the fiber can be defined.
Step 7 – Check Performance Data;
The check must be finished with Ok to make sure that everything is correct.
Click finish.
Step 8 – Select the Sequence Analysis and Start the Simulation.
Double click on Analysis to define the sequence analysis.
Select Full analysis - CFPCW to perform all analyses or select just the desired analysis.
Click Run Now to start the simulation.
• Wait until all analyses be performed.
To view the results, click on the Results options in the left panel
Step 9 – Export Files by FEA Interface.
• Click FEA Interface to open the results window.
• In Stress solver select the option RADIOSS (OptiStruct).
• In Output mesh as select mapped.
It will map the fiber orientation directly from Moldex3D to OptiStruct (RADIOSS Bulk Data)
• In mesh file, select the file .MFE (You can generate this file .MFE in HM)
• In Output, to select the destination folder.
• If necessary select the desired function and then click Export to get the files (.FEM) with
the required results (as shown in the picture below).
(File imported: Modelo_L01.mfe – file exported: Part_Map_Modelo_L01.fem)
NOTE: Initial strain output from FEA interface has considered fiber-induced anisotropic
mechanical properties.
Section 3
Step 1 - Import Results on HyperMesh
(File: Part_Map_Modelo_L01.fem)
In OptiStruct profile, click import solver deck;
Chose the Assign props option as On Element;
Click import.
Step 2 – Set the Analysis
Create a load collector named it as SPC
(Right bottom > create > Load Collector)
Make sure this load collector is the current one.
Click Analysis > Constraints and set load type as SPC and check dofs 1,2 and 3.
Select the right end nodes like on the picture below.
Click create.
Create a load collector named Force;
(Right bottom > create > Load Collector)
Make sure this load collector is the current one.
Click Analysis > Forces and apply a force y = -400 on the nodes shown in the image below
with a red arrow.
Create a Load Step named LoadStep
(Setup > Create > LoadStep)
Analysis type: Linear Static - Select SPC as SPC and Load as Force.
(file: Part_Map_Modelo_L01_OS.fem)
Step 3 – Run the Analysis:
Click Analysis > OptiStruct
(export options: all – run options: Analysis – Memory options: Default)
Click OptiStruct
Step 4 – Results:
Plot the results in HyperView
(File Part_Map_Modelo_L01_OS.h3d)
 Displacement
 Element Stresses