Official roster of the soldiers of the state of Ohio in
Official roster of the soldiers of the state of Ohio in
ROLL OF HONOR OF OHIO SOLDIFRS. Regiments Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. and Sth Independent Battalions of Cavalry. 3rd and -4t]n .Independent Companies of Cavalry. JVIcLatAgtilin's Squadron of Cavalry. Nlerrill's Horse, or Second Ivlissouri Cavalry. Union Light Guard, and Eleventh Harlan's Light Cavalry, or Connpany Pennsylvania Cavalry. Ist-lSthi -4tl"i IS/t, (751) . . Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldiers. Compiled from Publications of and Other Offic 1st REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER CAVALRY. Acton. Sidney Tenn. Nashville. Died in hospital at Nashville, Tenn.; interred in sec. I. grave 9. P Allen, Franklin Died Cairo, Ills 1. of wounds received April 1865. in battle of Ebenezer Church, Ala. Alward, George Anderson, Bartholmew. Died of wounds received July 3, Anderson David Angle, James Armstrong, Thomas W. , PrivatI Private May 29, 1862 April 24, 18M Sept. 17, 1864 Died near Corinth, Miss. Nashvilie.'Te'nn!! Nashville. Tenn.. Ashby, Samuel Ball, William Died of wounds received iu action near Atlanta, Ga. Drowned at Atlanta. Ga. Killed in action at Elk Kiver, Tennessee. Probably interred as "B. Berien" in City Cemetery, Barrere, Beebe Barrere, Hazard Barlow, George 1862. W Private Barton, Stephen Danville, Ky., in sec. 2, grave 11. Killed in action at Cleveland, Nov. 27, 1863 Mch. 31, 1862 Nashville, Tenn.. Aug. 26. 1864 Marietta. Ga Interred in National Cemetery, sec. A, grave 3. Died of wounds received Aug. 20. 1S64, in action at Lovejoy Marietta and Atlanta NaCemetery, sec. I, tional grave 430. Bell. Moses A Bogs, Leroy Boyer, William Bracken, Craig Prii Private Mch. June June 9, 5, 1863 1864 25, 1865 Marietta. Ga Died Ga. at Atlanta, in hospital interred ; in Marietta and Atlanta National CemBrant, Martin Deo. 19. 1861 Louisville. Ky ... etery, sec. G, grave 1170. Died at Louisville, Ky. ; interred in Cave Hill Cemetery, sec. A, range 5, grave 4. Bryan, Robert Bumg irdner, Henry E. Corporal Campbell, James S Prii Nashville. Tenn . Drowned. Died in hospital a,t EdgeTenn.; interred in Na^ tioDal Cemetery, sec. H, grave 215. Interred in National Cemetery as "J. S. Campbell," sec. J field. Campbell, Isaac E Cassel, William Chaffin, James Nashville, Tenn... Dfed in hospital at Columbus, Private Aug. Private Sept. 28, 1862 Nashville. Tenn.. Ohio. Interred Sept. 13. 1864 Chattanooga, Ton; Died of wounds received Aug. Chambers, Hezekiah 15. 1864 National Cemein tery, sec. B. grave 1391. 20. 1864. in action at Love.ioy Station, 6a.; interred in lal Cemetery, sec. NaF, e677. Clayton, Starkey Click, John Cockrell, Abraham Private Private Private Moulton, Killed Cincinnati, (753) Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldiers. Names. . .. . . FifiST Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. 755 Killed in action at Noonday Creek, Ga.; interred in Ma- and Atlanta National Cemetery, sec. K, grave 308. rietta Hickman, Jnckson. Hill, Private Private Private Corporal Edward A W .. Holloway, G. Hoover, Thomas J Joseph U July May , 1S63 , 181)3 2fi, 1864 June Mch. 19, 1864 Jewell, Zacliariiih, Oct. 24. 1864 Johnson, John July Jeffries, . . \V... 9, 7, Killed at Paint Rock, Ala. 18fi2 Died at Oakley Station, S. C, of wounds recoivid in line of 1865 duty. Died of wounds received Nov. 27, 1803, in action at Cleve- land, Tenn.; interred in National Cemetery, sec. D, grave 738. Drowned in Cotton Indian River, Ga. Judy, Marion Kendall, Jacob N. Died at V Kimble., .Jfl.mes Kizer, Nicholas. his home, Etna, 0. . Kohler, Lewis Konkle, Jaoob Lapopt, David Beaufort, S. C. Killed in action nt Courtland, Alabama. Died at Nashville. Tenn.; interred in National Cemetery, sec. A, grave 660. Drowned. Killed in action in Virginia, while carrying dispatches. Mcttowen, James McQ-uowan, Allen McKinzic, MarcusA.D.L, McMullin, Ale.xander.. Died at Columbia, Tenn. Died at Columbia. Tenn. in action Died at Russell- hospital at Atlanta, interred in Marietta in Ga.; and Atlanta National Cemetery, sec. A, grave 315. Maynard. Benjan July 28, 1863 Medzger, Uavid. Jan. 31, 1862 16. 1863 IMiles, David Oct. May 16, Colonel Deo. 31, 1862 Killed in battle of Stone River, Tennessee. Private Dec. 10, 1861 Drowned. Major Dee. 31, 1862 Miller, Elias Milliken, 1862 Min Private April Private June 3, 1864 Nashville, Tenn. 15. 1864 Killed in battle of Stone River, Tennessee. Died in hospital at Nnshville. Tenn.; interred in National Cemetery, sec. E, grave 1473. Killed in action at Noonday Creek, Ga. Drowned in Ohio River. Drowned in Cumberland River,, Nashville, Nihizer, Joseph.. Mch, 2, Mch. 28, O'Harra, Thomas 0'Mara,.Jnhn May O'Neal, Thomas. Mch. 15, Nov. 9, Tenn Chattanoofra, Tenn. near Clarksville, Tenn. Died at Booneville, Miss. Died in hospital at Nashville, Tenn.; interred in National Cemetery, sec. A, grave 741. Interred in National Cemetery, sec. C, grave 426. Died at Pleasant Hill, 0. 6, Jeffersonville, Ind. sec. 3, grave 478. Died of wounds received Sept. 20, 1863, in battle Overman, Elijah H o{ Chicka- mauga. Ga. Pri Murfreesboro, Tenn. Interred in Stone River Cem- .. ! Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldiers. 756 Pearl, George Pendlum, Charles Peters, Edwin Place, Benjamin Private Private Private Poland, Wesley Randolph, Edward L. Reed, Stephen VV Henick. John Rimley. John Roberlfon, Albert Robertson, John M Private Private 2d Lieut 18, 1862 12, 1S64 Aug. 21, 1864 Dec. 31, 1862 Aug. Jan. May Oct. Jan. H Robinson, John May Sept. 3, 3, 1, 1863 1862 Scott, J H William Died at Corinth, Miss. 1862 April 23, 1863 11, 1862 Oct. 31, 1862 Rodg.^rs, John Kumbold, Joseph Scott, Charles Killed in action near Lovejoy Station, Ga. Killed in battle of Stone River, Tennessee. 2S, 1862 Eobinson, William T.. Sands, Thomas Schwab, Peter Schmidt, John A Schmittker. William.. Schnebly, Warren B... Nashville, Tenn.... Nashv'iiie,'"Tenn ..'. Nashville, Tenn... Interred in National Cemcterv, sec. A, grave 5S3. Nashville, Tenn... Interred in National Cemetery, sec. C, grave 199. Died at his home, Washington CampDennison. 0. pfivati Private Ga Corporal May 1862 Nashville, Tenn... Died at Atlanta, Ga.; interred in Marietta and Atlanta National Cemetery, sec. A, grave .350. In National Ceme- Capti Sept. 22, 1864 Chattanooga, Tenn Died of wo Marietta, 8, tery, sec. 20. 1864, 5 812. i Station. grave E. Shipman, George M... Shoemaker, Abram LoigisIandVN.'Y;! Shuback, George C April Died in hospital at New York City; interred in Cypress Hill Cemetery. Killed in action near Selma, 1865 Alabama. Shubert, John Shugart, Reuben Slagle.John W Smith,John H Smith, Jonas Sponsler, Oliver Sprinkle, .Joshua Stafford. Da™i Steele, .lames A, John Sterrett, Stevens, Ira Stewart, Ira Stewiirt, R A William Jan. Private Private Corporal 4, 1863 Aug. 17, 1864 May 6, Ise.'i AndersoiJville, Ga! 1862 Aug. 9, 1862 June 15, 1863 April 26, 1864 Oet. 4, Private Sergeant Feb. Private Nov. Private Dec. 14. 1863 14, 1864 18, 1863 2d Lieut. Oct. 31, 1862 Private Private Feb. Julj 23, 1862 14, 1862 Killed in action. Died at ,Sidney, 0. Died at Cincinnati, 0. Died at Danville, Ky. NashViiie.Tenn!:.'; Stone, Daniel L Sutphin. James W Taylor, Emery Taylor, Genr^e. Terrell, Jan. David F June May Thompson. Edward.... Thornley, Thomas R... Tootle, 1, 3, 1862 1864 Aug. 28, 1862 23, 1864 May 12, banviiic'VaV.! Nashville. !!!.'! Tenn Jerome B Tweedale, Robert Andersonville, Ga.. James M Vanay, Henry A Private Mch. Vandyke, Arthur Private Aug. tipp, 1, Died in prison at Danville, Vi Died in hospital at Nashvilh Tenn.; interred in Nation! Cemetery, sec. J. era\e 45! Died at Nashville, Tenn. Died at Andersonville, Ga while a prisoner of war; ii terred in grave 730. 1862 1862 ned Ohio Ri falling 25, 1864 Marietta, Ga South." Died at Vinine Station, Ga.; interred in ^larietta and Atlanta National Cemetery, sec A'^ermillioD, Richard R. Marietta, Ga Died 1, grave 429. at Atlanta, Sa.; interred Marietta and Atlanta National Cemetery, sec. A, in Walter. Frederick Warner, Henrv D Wedo. Frederick Corporal Private Private Feb. April 2, Aug. 7, 3, 1863 1864 1864 Nashville, Tenn Na.shville, Tenn.... Died at, Tenn. Died at Andersonville, Ga.. while a prisoner of war. . Second Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. C.:>. Webster, Hershel.. Welch, William Wells, (jreorge... Wilkins, John — W . Wilkin?, Philip .^. Williams, George A Wilson, William H Williams, LeroyS. Yarhouse, Jacob..., Young, Francis Zinck, Clark M 757 ... Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldiers. Co. Caldwell, John Camp, James Chiillaoombe, William Chalker, Orin J Chapman, Anson Chapman, Charles C... Church, Eugene M. . . Clapp, .lohn Close, -Coates, Cook, H Reuben fl RufusE Adam Coolman. John J Cowan, William P Cowles, Leonard A . . €raig, Delano Crapo, Henry C Crozier, George H <)umminss, Joseph. ... Cnshman, William. ... Davenport, Leonard... Davidson, Milton Davis, Alexander Davis, Edgar Samuel M DeLong, James Deming, DeWittC... Devlin, John Davis, W Dewey, Franklin L John Dickinson, David L... Dienst, Jacob Dorwin, Joseph . . Dickehoffi, Dowdell, Josiah Downey, James Drake, Henry H Drake, Sumner L Dumberger, Leonard. Eadie, Henry F Earl, James W Eaton, Philip M Edmon. Edward Edson Homer A , EgglestoD, Randall Eglev. .Jacob Elliott, Irah T^llsworth, John E L — Ernst, Abraham Extell, John Ferris, Joseph Finch, FrankA Flora, Joshua Floyd, John Foote, James Fortress. Harmon G. Fowler, Adalbert H.. Fox, Cyrus Francis, Hiram A Frasier. William H.. . . — ... Second Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Fray, John Garnett, William. Private Private Private Poplar GroveCem., Vt Gingery, Emanuel. Golden. Marion Private Ft. Scott, Bmil C Graham, Thomas... Granger, Horace P. Private Private Corporal Gregory, Eugene... Gulridj?e. Richard. Haley, Thomas Private Q. M. S. Private Dee. Private Aug. July Geophard, Peter.. Graff, Hali, Erastus Hamilton, George ] Hansoomb. George Harrison, John June June Sergeanl Haepord, Orville Feb. 9. 1864 12, 1863 28, 1864 19, 1862 13, 1862 17, 1864 2, 1865 Andersonville, Ga Private H Howk, Franklin Oct. Kans . . Hawkins, Gaylord B. W— Hayes, Addison Heartrough, Elisha... Heathman, Deidriok., Helmick, Uriah Hiokin, Richard Hiokox, William R..., Hine, Frank E Chaplair Private Private Private Farrier •Private Private Sept. 15, 1862 May 24, 1865 Ma'y 24, 1865 Mch. 1, 1862 Dec. 6, 1862 Feb. 22, 1862 April 12, 1864 Aug. 20, 1864 Houghland, Samuel. House, Alonzo J Huntington, Lester. . Intermell, Frederick.. James, Courtney H... Jeffreys, AVilson Johnson, Charles H... Johnston, Benjamin. Johnston, John R Jones, Taj-lor Christian.. — Kellogg, Charles E..., Kelso, Emanuel H Kincaid. .lohn Kinsey, Albert Private Saddler July April Dec. Private Feb. Private Oct. Private Nov. Private .Jan. Sergeant July Aug. Private Private Private April June June Mch. 26, 1865 14, 1864 12, 1861 W July Moses R. ], 1865 4, 1864 1864 1864 1865 1864 15, 28, Jan. 28, 1862 June John C Lockwood, Darius. Private April 27 Mansfield, Willii Corporal Mason, John H. Private Dec. Md. Winchester, Va. 1, 27, 1864 June July Annapolis, 17, 1864 Private W.. 3, 1865 13, 1864 8, Lilley, Mellinger, Willii Ga Phi'l'adel'phia,' 'Pa' Private Corporal Lewis, Abel A Lewis, Daniel Ga Andersonville, 1864 Knowles, Thomas. Leister, Philip Andersonville, 10, 1864 9, 1864 25, 1863 16, 1864 Sept. 16, Kitt, Clementine Bn, Va i?t.'Scottr Kan's'.'. GlendaleCemetery.Va. Ingersoll, Charles F... Kaufman, Arlington, 1S61 Arlington, Va.. Arlington, Va JeffersonBarrack9,Mo, 759 Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldiers. 760 Miller, EmeliQS Miller, Simon K Winchester, Va. Died at Remount Camp, Va, Died at Washington, D. C; interred in lot ly. N Monroe, William April Feb. Montgomery, Charles J. Montgomery, Henry H. Montgomery, Lucian B. Morrow, Jerrie T May April 17, 7, 9, 1, 1862 1862 1862 1862 Weston, Platte Co., Mo Died at Ft. .Scott, Kans. Died at Camp Dennison, 0. DiedatC;irthage, Mo. Died at Weston, Mo. Died in prison. Feb.'"6.'l862 Mott, Oliver Mch. Aug. MowersoQ. Henry Munson, Charles Newton, Warner April Died at Ch.T pel Point, Md. Died near Spring River, I. Ter. Died at City Poiut, Va., of 28, 1865 3, 8, 1862 1864 WMUuds received jMarch 31, J865, in battle of Dinwiddie Died at'Plat'tc City, Mo. Died at Petersburg. Va., of Nixon, John Mark Nuble, wounds received June 28, 1864, in action. June Noah, Marion Northard, fieorgeW.... O'Brien, John Sergean April 1S64 niled in action at Ashland, 22, 1865 )iedat Washington. D. C, of wounds received April 1, 1865. in action at Five Forks, Virginia. Died in Andersonville Prison, Ga. interred in gnu-e 11349. Killed at Stony Creek, Va. Di^din Andersonville Prison, Ga.; interred in grave 7399. Died in Andi^rsonville Prison, Georgia. 1, Audersonville, Ga. Privat' ; Paey, Thomas Palmer, Frank Corporal G Andersonville, Ga. L Palmer, Sumner Park, Edwin Park, Jerome Private Priv Priv A 3ied at Ft. Scott, Kans. Died at Knoxville. Tenn.; in- terred in sec. 5, grave 145. Pelton, Hiram B Pettvs, Zenas B Pierce, Isaac L Priv Priv Q. M. Died at Ft. Scott, Kans. Deo. S. 31, :_ _ Nov. 12, 1862 Sept. 14, 1864 Diedat Ft. Scott, K»ns. Died of wounds received in action Sept 13j 1864, at Winchester, Va. Asa Priv Feb. Corporal April Private Private Private June Feb. Deo. 13, 1864 Raymond, Francis Private Jan. 10, 1865 Private April Redkey, John H H Private June Reed, William B Corpora: April Pitzenbsrger, Died at 23, 1864 p, Porter, Charles W Powers, John Prindle, Heorge Proctor. Frank L A Reaker, Samuel 1, Died 1865 U, 1862 1864 20, 1863 6, Richmond, Rh-des Elijah Richards, George Camp Died Ga Nelson, Ky. W Ritchey, Jackson Robinson, Virgil Washiiigtoii,'D.c!' Knoxville, Tenn.. Died in prison at Florence, South Carolina. Died at Camp Quaw Paw. I. T. Killed at Blue Spriniis. Tenn.; Andersonville, I June Roe. L,^^TlderC Kninll.llrnry Ro~e, Alvin J ; Farm, Va. Died at Platte City, Mo. Died at Washington, D. C. A Rober, Hiram Richmond. Di^d in Andersonville Prison, Ga,: interred in grave 344. Died at Camp Nelson, Ky. interred in sec. B, grave 54. Killed in action at Harper's 1865 Edward E Rinear, ; Parole, Md. in prison at Virginia. Va Andersonville, B Rfiorle=, rianiel Cimp Chase, Columinterred in grave 1 19. Andersonville Prison, Died at Baxter Springs, Kans. Died at Platte City, Mo. Died while enroute to Camp 23, 1862 2, 0. in Ga Di-d'in Andersonville Prison. ,; interred in grive 11672 -C. J. Robinson." DiedatWashinsrton.D C. Died at Plitie City. Mo. 15, 18S4 Kiljed in action at Five Forks, Sammis, George E Killed iri 'action at Hanover H Vn. Died at Wn.shington, D. C. Died at Frederick City, Md. interred in SCO. l.lot C. grave 99. , Scarberry. Joseph Scarbtrry, Zachariah f^(!Otf, George ; W Scovil, Joseph . H Sejnijur, George Shaw, Augustus Sliinglp, David Shipley, Lewis Dii-d in Andersonville Prison, Georuia. )ifdnt Washington, D. C. KilK'd in action, at Harper's L V M Andersonville, Ga. Private Private May 16. 1865 Farm, Va. Died at Winchester. Va. Died in Andersonville Prison, Ga.; interred in grave 10434. Camp Dennison, 0. Died at Second Regiment Ohio Volunteee Cavalry. Names. 761 Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldiers. Names. . Third Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Co. Eundiger, Jacob Bunough, Gabriel.... Burkhallor, William Burwell, Henry S.... Burgess, George W.. Butler, George W.... Caldwell, Andrew J. Campbell, HoseaP., Campbi-ll, William.. Morgan Edwin Carpenter, Carr, J Chandler, Smith Chapin, Luther C... Clagett, James W.... Clapp, Augustus M.. Clock, James 8 Cobban, Frank Coltrin, Charles H... Coon, George L. M.. Conn, ,Samuel Cowels, John J Coykendal), Wesley.. Cramer. .Joseph Cranwall, Thomas S.. Creglow, Francis M.. Crcssy. Osgood D Cross, Ilpnry, Oliver Culp, Jefferson Cummings, Geprge. Deipert, . Abram Devereaux, Ralph... Drake, Benjamin P.. Dumersy, Alfred P.. Durbin, James L Drurior, Joseph Kcphard, William V. Eoff James , Fagar. Nicholas Falkner, John Farmer, Michael Fay, James W Ferguson, Charles.... Ferguson, Wheeler.. Fields, David C Fisher, Henry 'FoUin, David F Fountain, Oliver Frost, Robert B Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldiers. 764 Fry, Samuel C Gardner, William Mch. -, 1865 W. Died on march to Selma, Ala. Died at Savannah, Tenn. Died in hospital at Louisville, Ky.; interred in sec. B, range April 28, 1862 Mch. Goodmaa. John 7, 1864 16, grave 48. Goodnow, William.. Gotshall. Daniel.... Gould. Silas Griffith, John Captain Sergeant Private Morrow county, Died in Fourth Street Hospital at Cincinnati,©. 0, Knoxville, Tenn.. . Died in hospital at Knoxville, Tenn.; interred in sec. 8, grave Private April Private April 27, 1865 19, Died 1862 205. in hospital at Cincinnati, Ohio. Gustin, William. Perished by explosion of steamer "Sultana" on Mississippi River near Memphis, Tennessee. Died at home in Benton township, Ottawa county, 0. Hamilton, Charles. Nashville, Tenn. Nashvi'lie,'Tenii'. Died at Nashville, Tenn.1 Tenn Died at Nashville. Tenn.; i terred in sec. A, grave 268. AprU Hawkins. Albert 17, 1862 Nashville, i terred In sec. A, grave 466. Hawkins. Joseph, Hay. Joshua Sr. Aug. 4. Ma> 8, 1862 1862 Private Private Private Corporal Hayne, Charles.. Heeps, Thomas.. Henry, viendile. Henry, Jacob.- .. battle of Stone Riv Heslet, William. Hettinger, George. . HofEmire, Thomas E. Holmes, Jesse.. red in sec. A, Hooper, Sidney Howard. Veloise J. Ingles, L'irenzo Shiloh, Tenn.... James, Milo Private Jewell, John G.... JonPS. Cornelius'... Kedwell, George... Keefer, Charles H. Private Tenn Nashville, 8, ISG.? July Mch. 1862 24, 1862 3, 1865 3, Keen, John 1 Gr.ivelly Springs. All hnspital at Atlnnlf Qterredm sec. ."V.grav Spring Grove, Cave Hill, Ky. Kerstetter, Benja Mch. 22, 1S64 N.ashville, Tenn. Died 111 Tenii La Jan. Poi] Lanoir Priv Julii Lewis, Daniel Aug. 3, 1863 24, 1864 Nashville, Tenn., Marietta, Ga : ; .-in :i; \:.-l,ville. m E, -t'c of at Marietta, Gn.. in action at Flat Roek. Gi.; inttrred in sec G. griive 766. explosion of Perished bv stean>er "Sultnno" on Mis- Died wounds received C. 1st Lieut River near Memphis, Tennessee. in battle of Moulton, sissippi Lindsey, John.... Pri Killed Alabama. ' -il mtLTreu grave ILSS. Interred in see. B, gruve ?42. Unassignfid. ,. .. Third Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Buried. Long, Alfred H Lowery, Ebenezer. Marietta, Ga Killed in battle of LoVejoy Station, Ga.; interred in ate. E, grave 898. Marietta, Ga Died of wounds received at CartersviUe, Ga.; interred in sec. C, grave 483. in battle of Lovejoy Killed MoDannel, Albert... Moh. — May H, 18B.5 Interred in sec. E, grave 1577. Died at Macon, Ga. Feb. 7, May 3, 18B3 1662 Died at Lebanon, Tenn. Died in camp near Corinth, McFarlin. Kit McGinnis, James McGloon, Charles M. McOIelland. John T.. 23, 1864 Nashville, Tenn.... Sergeant battleof Selma, Ala. Mann, James A.... Not. 16, 1863 Martin, David F... Aug. 5, 1864 Stone River, Tenn Killed in battleof Ston Andersonville, Ga. Died in Andersonville Prison, Nashville, Tenn.... Died at Nashville, Tenn.; Died of wounds received in Ga.; interred iu grave 4789. Meeker, Benjamin 1 Meier, Xavier Marietta, Died grave Miller, Able.. Miller, John. Miller, LeTi.. June Milliman, George... Morris, Amos A Morrison, William. Morse, Lewis April April May 8, 1862 20. 1862 29, 1862 in- terred in sec. B. grave 649. of wounds received in action; intfrred in sec. F. Ga 1000. .Shiioh.'fe'nn.';.'!!! Nashville, Tenn.... Interred in sec. E Died of wounds action. ; July Oct. April 13. 1862 10, 1862 19, 1862 15, 1863 New Albany, Ind. Stone River, Tenn, Franklin g Shanty, Ga., of Died Moss, Sanford C. June wounas received 1864. in battle of 20, Noon Day Creek, Ga. Chattanooga, Tenc Died at Corinth, Miss. Died at Chattanooga, Tenn., of wounds received in action; interred in sec. F, grave 726. Moyer, Abraham.. Nashville, Tenn.... Private Died at Nashville, Tenn.; in- terred in sec. A, grave 1038. Moyer, Frank Died of wounds received Oct. F... 1863, in battle of Pike, Tenn. Interred in sec. M, grave Tenn Nefl, Shiloh, Nevir Andersonville, Ga Died in 7. Shelby ville 74. Andersi Pris rred in grave 2183. wounds received Aug. 20, in battle of Lovejoy Station, Ga. of 1864. Chancey... Orton, James C. Old.s, Died at Louisville, Ky. Ott, Joseph Nashviiie.'Teiiii'.!!! Partlon, Israel P.1 trick, William M. Peacock, .John Pennington, Joel... Mch. toergeant Aug. Private Private 27, 1864 Nashville, Tenn..., 1862 May 30, 1862 April H, 1864 Stone River, Tenn! 3, Frozen to death. Died at Nashville, Tc-nn.; in- terred in sec. E, grave 1517. Interred iu sec. E, grave 155 Killed by guerrillas. Died at Columbia, Tenn.: in- Died in Andersonville Prison. Georgia. Peter.^on, Claus. Get. Pew, Joseph A. Feb. Pickett, John., June 30, 1862 13, 1864 19, 1862 'Columbus', 0.".;.'!!! Died at Columbia, Ky. Interred in grave 112. Tuscumbia, Ala.; interred in sec. B, grave 104. Corinth, Miss Died .at Ga Died at Marietta, Ga. June 17, 1.862 ; Bartow Iron Works. in sec. H. interred Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldieke Co. Powers, Henry W.. Quirk. William.... Roam, Fraulslin... Reed, Amos K Reed, Jonathan K. Rex, Jacob Reynolds, Horace.. Rice, Myron Rings, William C Rogers, Frank Ronk, James C... Rottler, Mathias Kowse, Jatnes John, Philo... St. John Scott, Scott, William Segar, William A. Sekinger, Joseph. Shann, Henry Shephard, John B.. Sherwood, Charles. Shreck, August... Silence, David T.. Simmons, Otho Simons, Samuel Sisson, Marvin R Slaven, Christopher C. Smith, John H. Smith, JohnY Snavely, Jacob R Staokhouse, Joseph Q. Stanton. Louis Starr, Franklin Staunton, Byron Steckel, Louis P Stevens. Joseph Strang, Jasper Thomas. Stutesi in, SuUivf ,John Sweetliind, Albert. Sykes, Royal Taylor, Charles M FoDETH Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Co. Towers, LeoP G Trask, Mitchell Trembly, Joseph E... Tyler. Joseph Wadkins, James Wait. Charles A Walker, Joseph W Ward, John Ward, William Wardler, John Watson, James G Welch, Robert Weldou. James Wertemburger, Isaac. Whistler, George W.. White, Byrnn L White. Henry K, White, Horaces Wilcox, William Willard. Judson William.-. William.... Wilson, George Wilson, George P Wilson, Welles Wines, Robert M Winnegar, William Winslow, Holden H Wise, I/ifayette Wise, Nicholas M Wisncr. George Wood. Richard B Yager. Jonas Young, John B Zimmerman, Lafayett( 767 Roll of Honor op Ohio Soldiers. 768 Names. . , Fourth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Names. Co. Furat, Frederick Franks. William Foster, John Fl inn, Charles B Qoodbarn, John <»reen, Albert Soff, Thomas Gould, George W... , Gatehouse, Jeremiah. gilbert, William H... Srubb, John Hall, John B Hatfield, John W Hayden, R. B Hutcherson, Edward '. Harper, John Hornbeck, .rohn Q.... Herapfner, Michael.. Harper, Stephen. Herberger, Antoine . . Hartman, Philip Hand, 0. S Hammond, Robert W Heffaor, William Harbert, John K Hess, Christopher Herbert, William Hesch, John Hopkins, David B... Kirby, Oscar Kopp, William Kuaul, .Jacob Kammerer, Nicholas. Karnes, Lewis B Kitt, ,John Knecht, Michael Kelly, Elias Eampe, Charles Ludington, James S.. . Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldiers. 770 Co Names. Loomis, Joseph Lauderman, William Loomis, Samuel Loper, Alfred Looman, John Louderback, .Jacob.. Lintner, miliam.... Lantmeyer, John B.. Mallsbury, Asa Miller, Franklin P Miller. Charles Malcom, William Martin, John — McHenry, Adam Ma?sie, Jacob McConnell, George.. McCombs, Alfred J.. Martin, Michiel.... Minor, William McCoy, WiUinmJ.... McGrew, Alben Murphy, Jeremiah. . Nehrposs, Philip Newland, Benjamin Nishwitz, Henry Nolan, Henry — Ne£E, Richard I W Owen, Obediah Oldrievc, Charles E,. Porter, Drury M Pa.ey, James Phillips, Jabez Page, James Phloggy, Julius Polton. Charles Roxter, George Rahskopf, Frank Robie, Frank Reiohert, George Ratze, John Richey, Thomas....'.. Short, James Sutton, David ; Fifth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Smith, Jonas Sohram, Charles Died at Murfreesboro, Tenn. interred in National Cemetery, sec. I, grave 72. W Sohies7„ Lewis StrioklanJ, Alexander Schrel, Christopher Killed in action. Dec. J Dec. Dec. Dec. W Schmidt. Edward Saum, George 8, 1861 Drowned River. Drowned Drowned in Ohio River. Died at Bacon Creek, Ky. Drowned in Ohio River. > Sherer, Christopher Scott, .James Stibbens, .James 5, 18(51 3(1. 18lil 7, Ism N Sharp, John Nashville, Tenn Killed in battle at Bradyville Tennessee. Died at Nashville, Tenn. interred iu National Cemetery ; sec. Slmwen,EIi Shell, Simon Nashville, Tenn.. Stewart. John C Spieoe, John A, grave 1164. Died at Edgefield, Tenn. in terred in National Cemetery, see. L, grave 476. Died at Cincinnati, 0. Died at Selma, Ala., of woundi ; received Scott, Thomas Sanders, John Nashville, Schmal, Peter Private Twilling, John Private New Tenn Albany, Ind. 2, 1865, ir ; ; sec. Feb. April action at Selma, Ala. Died at Cartersville, Ga. Died at ^fashville, Tenn. in terred in National Cemetery sec. H. grave 44. Died at New Albany, Ind. in terred in National Cemetery B, grave 1207, Ivilled in action at Ringgold, 25, 1864 Georgia. Tozer, Edgiir Tudor, Kich.vrd Jan. Underwood, Benjamin.. Vanmeter, James R Wulson, Eugene Feb. Feb. 9, 18(i3 3, 1863 Died at Murfreesboro, Tenn. Died at Selma, Ala., of wounds received April 2, 1865, action at Selma, Ala. Wyooff, Verner Wilkinson, William Wilson, Jesse P Whetstone, John Aug. 17, 1864 21, 18(54 Andersonville, 6a. Private Private Killed in battle of Nashville. Captain Tennessee. W Drowned while Nashville, Tenn Webh, William Louisville, Ky. Died at Nashville, Tenn.; interred in National Cemetery, sec. Wood, Nathan L crossing Ohio River to Louisville, Ky. Wilken, William Wagger, David Walter, Matthew A, grave 1240. Died at Louisville, Ky.; W 5th Names. in- terred in National Cemetery, sec. B, range 18, grave 36. Drowned in Ohio River. Died in prison at Andersonville, Ga. interred in Nation; Tazel, George in al Cemetery, grave 5211. REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER CAVALRY. . Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldiers. Bain, Edward H. F Burgett, Matthew Died at Richmond. Va. Interred in Mississippi Riv National Cemetery, see. Memphis, Tenn. M Brawley. Silas May 21, Corinth. ) May 4, 1862 Corporal Oct. 6, 1862 Brim, John Privat< June Brewer. Jacob Corporal April Barnes, Bradbury Private Private Aug. Private April 5 April 25, 1865 Braddock, Franlt Brocli, Tliomas SI Died on hospital boat on Tennessee River. Killed accidentally near Metamora. Miss. Died at Raleigh, N. C; interred in National Cemetery, 25, 1865 grave sec. 4, 7, Died 1862 68. Crump's at Landing. Tennessee. 1863 Corinth, Miss c. Best, Jacob New Berne, N. C. B. grave 319. New Berne. N. Died at C; in- terred in National Cemetery, sec, 17. Cappar, Cornelius Chambers, Daniel Collins, May 1862 Aug. U, 1S64 May 15. 1863 James Catey, Milton J 1, Memphis, Ten grave sec. 2, R Crawford, James grave 5. Died at Raleigh. N. C. Died at Camp Dennison, 0. Died at Cartersville. Ga. Died at Memphis, Tenn.; interred in National Cemetery, Columbus, 0.. Killed 139. accidentally home on veteran interred Conoway, James Cullins, Thomas in while at furlough; Green Lawn Cemetery, grave M H Died Died Priv at De 147. Lisle. 0. on hospital boat near Mo. St. Louis, Christman, John D Sept. 12, 1863 Jan. 12, 1S64 Mch. 21, 1862 Died of wounds received in battle of Metamora, Miss. Died in Preble county. 0. Died at Memphis, Tenn. Died at Crump's Landins, Clem, Ellas Courade, John N Crawley, Charles H June Died Feb. Jan. 10, 1861 Da\is. Oliver Sept. 18, 1863 Dickmaa, Joseph April 2, 1862 Dennison, James July 7. Jan. 5, 1862 1862 Christman, John W., Jr. John G Campbell, Asa H Curtis, Captain Private Tennessee. Died at Rome, Ga., of wounds John Colly, Davis, Charles Dill,E. H F June 10, Camp Dennison, 0.. Died at Camp Dennison, 0.; interred in National Cemetery, grave 232. Killed in ambush at Camp Davis, Miss. Died at Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee. Died at Springfield, 0. Spring Grove in ' metery, sec. A. grave 63. Died at St. Louis, Mo. Interred : Dean, Josiah B Dorle, received in action Oct. 5, 1864. at Allatoonn, Ga. at Bolivar, Tenn. 10, 1863 16, 1864 Chattanooga, Tenn Thomas Interred in National Cemetery, e. P. grave 446. Killed at his home near Milford, 0. Eppert, Frederick Enochs, Lewis E. D spital boat Emerson. William Priv Priv Private Fields, John Fisher, .Simon Aug. 19, 1862 27, 1S62 May U, l~- Oct. Fleming, David E Franklin, Benjamin K. Cincinnati, 0. Died Died al a Miss. Griffin, John Golden, Eugene Goldthwaite, Thomas. July July . April 7, 1862 1862 4, ; 18, on Ten- Shiloh, Tenn. Gamp Bridge Creek, interred in National Drowned at Memphis, Tenn. Died at La Grange, Tenn. Killed in skirmish near Shiloh. Tennessee. Guard, Aaron B Gschiad, Charles Died in hospital at Camp Den- nison. 0.; intern d in Spring Griiy, Benjamin Grove Cem.. sec. B.srave 40. Died at Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee. Fifth Regiment Ohio Volunteeb Cavalry. Co Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldiers. Names. Sixth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Names. Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldief 776 Sixth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Names. 777 ... . , Roll of Honob of Ohio Soldiers. Died at Washington, D. C. Died at Haymarket, Va., of wounds received Oct. 26. 1862, at Thoroughfare Gap, Va. Died at Washington, D. C. Died in prison at Salisbury, Andersonville, Ga North Carolina. Died at Cleveland, 0. Divd in Andersonville Prison, (ia, interred in grave 1615. Died in Libby Pri-^^on, Va. Died at Potomac Creek, Va. Died in prison at Richmond, ; Lowry, Robert W.... McCollister, Monroe, MoCIain, Robert T... Private Saddler Saddler April April April 17, 1865 15, 1864 McCormick, Wash'ton A Saddler Dec. 25. 1864 McMannis. Private April 27, I, 18fi4 Virginia. Miles..., Mcfiee, Putriek Merwin, Erastus F.. MUler, Allen Salisbury, N. C. Died in prison at Salisbury, North Carolina. Perished by explosion of steamer "Sultana" on Mississippi River near Memphis, Tennessee. 18i;5 Private Aug. 18, 1864 M. S. Nov. 20, 1864 Private Feb. 2d Lieut, Feb. 28, 1864 Cleveland, 0... Died at Cleveland, 0. interred June 13, 1864 Arlington, Va. Died Q. 5, North Carolin Died in prison at Richmond, 1864 Virginia. Milliken, George W., Milner, Columbus.,.. ate Jan. Moor, PeterMorrell, Benjamin F. Staunton, Va. Deo. 12, 1864 Dec. 7, 1863 Sept. 3U, 1864 D. C, of wounds May received 1864, at Hawe's Shop, Died at Richmond, Va. 14, 1864 Morris. Jesse ; in grave 24. at Washington, Salisbury, N. C 28, Va. Died at Strasburg, Va. Died at Luray, Va.; interred in National Cemetery, sec. Died iu prison at Salisbury, North Carolina, Died at Bryan, 0. Poplar GroveCem.,Va. Killed at Davis' Farm. Va. interred in div. C, sec C. grave ; 22. Murray, ChnrlesL.. Corporal Private Nelligan, Mifhael... April 25, 1863 Sept. 3, 1864 Aug. Nelson, Tliomas Died at Cleveland, 0. Died in Andersonville Piison, 25, 1864 Ga ; interred in grave7103. DiedatHopkinton, N.y. Killed in action .\enon at Church, Va, Died at Annapolis, Md. Oppenlander, Jacob. Asst.Sur Private O'Rafferty, John.... friv.ite Oct. 1, 1864 Parker, Wellington Private Oct. 2, 1862 Bugler Aug. 2. 1862 Andersonville, Ga. Church, Vi Died in Andersonville Prison, Ga. interred in grave 10184. Killed by accidental discharge of gun. Died at Baltimore, Md., of ; . Potter, David Phillips, H Jeremiah Pierce, John Prentice, Samuel T. Prior. George W Prior, Horace A Pritehaid. Francis 2d Lieut Private Corporal St Sergt. Sept. 19, 1864 Feb. 19, 1864 Sept. 17, 1862 May 9, 1864 Nov. 9, wounds. Died at City Point, Va. Died at Fredericksburg, Va. 1862 New York City. Killed near Childsbury, Va.; interred in div. B, sec. 8, grave 81 Died at Alexandria. Va. M. Pummell. William H. John j'an."20,'i864 Alexandria, Va.. Pyle, Died at Cleveland,©. Died at Alexandria. Va.; in- terred in grave 148. Died at Newton Died Falls, 0. in prison at Winchester, Virginia. Killed 1 Killed at St. Reeyes, Charles Rupart, Adam S.. Rinear, Demming.. Roark, James Private Private Private Private Oct. July Aug. Mch. Roberts, Lucas 0,. Robertson, John... Feb. Sergeant May 17, 1863 19, 1862 6, 1862 1864 9, 1865 12, 28, 1864 Ma Church, Died at M'nshington, D. C. Mil.AsylumCem.,D.C, Died at Washington, D. C. Died at New Creek. Va. Died in Andersonville Prison, Georgia. Died in pri.'-on at Salisbury, North Carolina. Killed at Hawe's Shop, Va. ; . Sixth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. W Sager, Martin Sailors, Scott, Hill.Va Salisbury, N.C.. Private B Absalom SaVisbury.'Nrc'.!! L Shafer, Frank )ied prison in . received Sept. Benjamin F M Smith, George Sergeant Smith, Simon E Smith, Simon E 1, Bar- 18C3, at Salisbury, N.C.. ..'..., Priv Priv Smith, Henry at Salisbury, North Carolina. Died at Camp Chase. 0. Died in prison at Salisbury. North Carolina. Died at Orleans, Va., of wounds ber's Cross Roads. Va. Died at his home in Ohio. Died in prison at Salisbury, North Carolina. Mil. Asylum Cem.,D.C. Died of wounds received June 19, 1863, at Middleburg. Va. Died in prison at Salisbury, Sharp, Daniel J Shirer, near Malvern Cilled in action Private David Saunders, Ivory 779 in Private prison North Caroliu_. Killed Private Smith, Stephen A Smith, WiiliamH 1st Sergt. Sperry, James Sprague, Warren L action in at Hav Shop, Va Died at Cleveland, 0. Died at Washington, D, C. Died at City Point, Va. Clcvebind. Private Andersonville, Ga. Stanhope, Benjamin C Stannard, John Starkweather, Jerome.. C Starr, Cassius AIil.,-\sylumCem..D.C. Privrite Private Sergi'ant Muh. 2ii, ISW \Tiril22. LSeri 25, 1865 .Meh Steller, Isaac Hied at Washington, D. C. Died at Cleveland, 0. Died at Arlington. Va. Killed by shell near Fort Davis, Stevens, Va Loudon Park tery. Stewart, James Md interred in div. Cold Harbor. Ceme Va 28, 1864, Stewart, Ruf us C Stewart, William Stone, BliasP Stroup, John Struble, John Tanner. Warren April 5, 1865 Oct. 14. 1863 April 9, 1864 Sept. 20, 1864 .Vla.v 28. 1864 Taylor. Allen Oct. Stutler, ; D. sec. D, grave 258. Died at Columbus, 0. Ray Stetler, Daniel Private Corpora] Corporal M David L " " ; Died at Point Lookout, Md. Killed in action at Hawe's Killed 'in 14, 1863 action at Auburn Mills, Va. Died at Columbus, 0. Died at Potomac Creek Station. Va. Died at City Point. Va. Died at City Point. Va. Died in prison at Richmond, Thoma.s. Tames Thomas. John Thomas, John 'Thompson. Cassius 0... Thorp, George S a t Havve's Shop, Va. Died in Lawrence county, 0. Killed in action at Sailors' Creek, Va. Killed at Jettersvillo.Va. " Auburn Mills, Va. Died at Brandy Station, Va. Private Private Private . Virginia. Tousley, William F H Tracy, Leroy Tucker, Charles Votaw, Isaac Alexandria, Va. 1st Sergt. Private Private Farrier M Andersonville, Ga. Died at Alexandria, Va : in- terred in grave 29.55. Cilled at Hatcher's Run, Va. Died at Richmond. Va. Died in prison at Andersonville, Ga. interred in grave ; Wade, James 5263. N Died at Erie, Pa. Died near Harrison's Landing, Waldron, Charles E.... Ward, .John E Wheeler, Allen B Williams, (ieorge Wilson, William G Woodworth, Orrin Wolcott. Orrin Young, Lorenzo Zimmerman, John 1864 1865 1863 1864 Sept. 1, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Oct. May Dec. N June 26, 22, 27. 18, Annapolis, Md.... Died at Point Lookout, Md. Died at home in Ohio. Diedat Annnpolis.Md. Died at Washington, D. C. Interred in sec. A, grave 115. Died in prison at Salisbury, North Carolina. Died at Washington, D. C. Died at Annapolis. Md. . Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldiers. 7th REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER CAVALRY. Abbott, SimeOD.. Private Ambrose, James. Mch. 26, 1863 Sept. 25, 18fit Killed in action near Stone Mountain, Ga.; interred in .-^ec. F, grave 739. Died at Stanford, Ky. Killed in action at Carter's Station, Tenn. Arthur, George., Mch. Aubry, Francis. April -, 1865 30, 1864 Died at Memphis, Tenn.; terredin grave July Corporal Private 8. April 27, 191. Died at Somerset, Ky. 26, 1863 Mch. 1864 Died at Loudon, Tenn.; terred in sec. H, grave IS Perished by explosion 1865 Me sissippi Rii Tennessee. Perished by explosion of steamer "Sultana" on Mississippi River near Memphis. Tennessee. Killed in battle near Blountsville, Tenn.; interred in cir- Knoxville, Tenn. A, grave cle 23. Bearidge, Claudius. Died at Baltimore, .Md. Died at Belle Island. Va. Died at Belle Island, Va.; interred in div. 1, sec. B, grave Bickel, Salmon R... Bitcher, Leros" 80. Blaney, Samuel Private Sept. 6, Bodliin, Charles.... Private April 7, Thomas Private April Died in Andersonville Prison, Georgia. Died in prison at Richmond, 1864 Virginia. Botts, Boyd, Henry J K Brammer, James riilge. :ick. 27, 1865 Private May 30, 1864 Private Feb. 26, 1864 Richmond, Va... . Wi Perished by explo.^ion of steamer "SuUaua" on Mississippi River near Memphis, Tennessee. Died in Andersonville Prison, Georgia. Died in prison at Richmond, Ky. Died at Andersonville, Ga.; Died'^f t"Mt. Sterling, Hen Andersonville, Ga. Died Bukey, Frederick... Fob. Burbrink, August... April April May Byers, in- terred in grave 36j8. explosion Perished by of steamer "Sultana" on Mississippi River near Memphis, Tennessee. Brickett, James. Thomas Private Died Died 5, 1864 : in Perished 27, 1865 1, : prison at Ri "by , explo 1S63 April 10, 1863 6, 1864 Calloway, William.. Private April 2.5, 1864 Andersonville, Ga. Died at Nashville, Tenn.; interred in sec. H, grave Sll. Died in Andersonville Prison. M. Private April 13, 1864 Andersonville, Ga. Died Private June 12, 1864 ()a. interred in grave 723. in Andersonville Prison, Ga. interred in grave 563. Killed in actional Cynthiana, ; Campbell, James ; Campbell, John April"l'6','i864' Andersonville, Ga. Kentucky. Died in prison. Died in Andersonville Prison. (Ja. interred in grave 561. ; Grason M. L 1st Sergt. Cole, Robert.... A Private Cole, April 1, 1865 Killed in battle of Ebenezer Church. Ala. Dec. 18, 1864 Died at Nashville, Tenn. .. Seventh Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalhy. 781 Warren Knoxville, Tenn.. in- Colthar, Marcellus M.. Compston. Isaac Annapolis, Md.... Andersonvllle, Ga Died at Annapolis, Md. Died in Andersonvllle Prison, — Died in Libby Prison, Va. Died at Lexington, Ky.; interred in circle 12. grave 511. Died at Gallipolis, 0. Died near Higginsport, 0. Died at Knoxville, Tenn.; in- Colter. . _ Coonan, Michael Craig.James Lexington, Cripps, William Cropper, MoKim Private Crow, John Private Sept. 24. 1863 April 5, 1SH3 Oct. 27, 1863 Ky Kncxville, Tenn.. _ ; . interred in grave 2578. terred in sec. Cunningham, EdwardDavis, Hanley Mch. Davis, Jacob Davis, Jenkins Feb. May Q. M. S June 1863 12, 186.5 9, 1, grave 40. Died at Manchester, 0. DiedatSanford, Ky. Died in prison at Florence. Ga. Died in Andersonville Prison, 15, 1864 1, 7. 1864 Georgia. May 21, 1863 Died April 27, 1865 Perished Nov. 15, 1863 May 27, 1864 Died in prison at Florence, South Carolina. Killed in action at Burnt July 21, Andersonvllle, Ga. Dowals, John Mch. 19, 1863 Lexington, Drainer, Jacob April 27, 1865 Private Dinsmore, Charles Dixon, Archie C ^Dixon, Robert inat Le.xington, Ky. terred in circle 9. grave 385. ; of by explosion steamer "Sultana" on Mississippi River near Memphis, Tennessee. W Donaldson. Christian. Hickory. Ga. Donnallj-, James L.... Died in prison. Prii Dotson, Emanuel Died in Andersonville Prison, ' aterred in grave 3703. Died at Lexington, Ky.; interred in circle 7. grave 304. Perished by explosion of steamer "Sultana" on Mississippi River near Memphis, _ Ky . Tennessee. Drestine. John F Aug. 5, 1864 Andersonvllle, Ga. Died in Andersonville Prison, nterred iu grave 4772. by Perished explosion of "Sultana" on MisRiver near Memphis, _ Drumm, Charles April 27, 1865 R Duzan, William Hiram , explosion Perished by of steamer "Sultana" on Mississippi River near Memphis, Tennessee. H Diedat Ripley. Etter. Eubanks, Elliott Rudolph 1862 Feb. 12, 1863 ,23, 1865 Died Fanning, Albert April Perished Ellis. . 5, ,iver Forbes. Leander K . 0. Killed at Harrodsburg, Ky. at Louisville, K, by explosion oi "Sultana" on Mis. "'" 27', near Memphis Died at Belpre, 0. . Fiter, David Foltz, Peter Perished by explosion of near Memphis, Tennessee, Fortncr. Hiram Knoxville, Tenn. villed in action at Blain's Cross Roads, Tenn. interred in sec. 10, grave 248. Died at Stanford, Ky. Died at Stanford. Ky. Perished explosion bv of :r "Sultana" on Misi River near Memphis, ; Fugate. Marion Fulton, David •Gilb, Frederick Gill, William ivate Private Corporal June 1863 May 16, 1863 April 27, 1865 6, Ten A Knoxville, Tenn. Died at Kno.xville. Tenn., of wounds received Dec. R, 1863, action at Morristown, Tenn.; interred in sec. 6, grave 118. )ifd in Andersonville Prison, iu <Jillingham,B D Private Gordon, Alexander Gormoii, William Gordon, Erasrus Private Died at Harrodsburg. Ky. Guy, John.. Private Killed in action at Cynthiana, Hall, Elijah Farrier Kentucky. Died at Annapolis, Md. Georgia. Gravitts. .Smith Haining. Mark A Died at .Andersonville, Ga.; interred in grave 738. . Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldiers. Co. Hammond, George Hank, George B Hannah, Daniel S Harper. Duston Harrison, Longshore D. Harbit. James Henning, Nathan Henry, Francis Henry, Joseph Higley.JoelP Hiles, George Hill, W George Hill, John Holcomb, Lewis Hook, Charles Hoyt, Ros'all Hutsinpiller, Keuben. Idlet, . . Andrew J Jackson, Joseph N Jackson, Thomas Jarvis, Albert. Knine, .James H , Kennedy, Jonathan Ketterman, William Knott, James M Kounts, Frederick Knight, Martin Leisure, Samuel Lewis, David Lind, David. Little, Levi McAllister. John McCall. Argus McClurg, Benjamin McColgin, John MoGill. Gilbert B MoGlenchey, William McKinstry, Matthew.... MeKnight, McNeal. Hubert B McNue, William , Seventh Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. 783 McPherson, Jesse July 29, 1863 Maloon Samuel B July 10, 1864 24, 1864 1, 1865 Killed in battle of Ebenezer Jhuroh, Ala. SO, 1863 12, 1862 Died at Stanford, Ky. Died at Ripley, 0. Died at Gallipolis, 0.; interred Died , Mauley, Jonas Private Feb. Martin, Reuben Sergeant April Meaner, Isaac Private May Mecum. James Menouffh, John Nov. Aug. Metz, Samuel Feb. 11, 1865 Oct. in, 3, 1863 Died I. , L James A Miller, William Mitchell, Moor, [Samuel Private Corporal Private Ky.; in- at Lexington, terred in sec. B, grave 49. in Andersonville Prison, jeorgia. Died in Andersonville Prison, Died in hospital at Chattanoo- Tenn,; interred in see. grave 446. Died at Knoxville, Tenn. Died at his home in Ohio. Perished by explosion of steamer "Sultana" on Mississippi River near Memphis, 1,'<63 iVforganthaler, Jacob. Tennessee. Died at Annapolis, Md. Died near Somerset, Ky. * Killed in battle of Rjcky Gap, Morr son, William Mossberger, William., .Mount, Wesley \V Kentucky. by explosion of steamer "Sultana" on Mississippi River near Memphis, Moyer, Philip Perished Murphy, John Tennessee. Died in Andersonville Prison, Georgia. Murphy, Samuel Myers, Jonathan Neill, Richmond, Va. Died in prison at Richmond, Virginia, at Kno.tville, Tenn. in prison at Kichmond, Virginia. Died Died David Nelson, Isaac Nelson, Silas Nov. 20, Newport, James R... Deo. 10, Died at Belle . Isliind. Va. Died at Bean's Station. Tenn., : wounds received Dec. 53, Noble, George Dec. in action at 8, Morris- 16, 1864 Died in hospital at Nashville, Tenn.; interred in sec. G, grave 125. Noland, Justice Nov. Palmer, James April 8, 1864 Died at Camp Nelson. Kv.; in- terred in sec. B, grave 24. Parker, Edward Parry, John D.... W Died at Lexington, Ky. 25, April 6, Jan. 6, 1866 Penney, Leander Mch. 18, PfafE, Charles Mch. Mch. 10, 1865 2U. 1863 Pope, William Rader, Clan Jan. Rake, Abram Rake,Elias Rake, John Nov. 7, June 8, May Rathburn, Marion.... Rea, Samuel K April Redinger, Ferdinand. Aug. Reed. Amos Oct. Reibel. William April 4, Died at Nashville, Tenn.; interred in sec. G, grave 485. Died in Cahawba Prison, Ala. Died at Lexingtop, Ky. 1865 13, 1863 1862 1863 Died at Nashville, Tenn. Died at Stanford, Ky. Died at Marietta, 0. Killed in action at Montioello, entucky. Died at Lexington Ky. Died in Washington county, 12, Nov. -, Ohio. 26, 1864 Killed near Atlanta, Ga. interred in sec, E, grave 743. Killed in railroad accident at ; Rice, Nathaniel Rice, Robert E 3, : 27, 1865 Portsmouth, 0, Perished by explosion of steamer "Sultana" on Mississippi River near Memphis, Tennessee. Died at Wheelersburg, 0, Died in prison at Virginia. Richmond, — . . Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldiers. D Robb, Robert Robbins, Jefferson... Sept. 17, Roller. .Jacob Jan. A Rose, John Mch. Perished by explosion pf steamer "'Sultana" on Mississippi River near Memphis, Tennessee. Died at Atlanta. Ga. Died in Florence Prison, S. C. Died in prison at Richmond, ISM 26. IWiS 15, 1864 Virginia. Sanders, Peter Sauters, Ezekiel D... Scott, Albert Schminke, Justus .Ian. May Sears. John P Searse, Samuel Sheppard, Samuel Sherrick, Samuel A 4, Died at Annapolis, Md. Died at Camp Douglas, 111. Died at Kingston, Tenn. 1865 July 24, 1865 21. 1864 Nov. Aug. Mch. 29, 1SH3 1863 fS64 Mch. 2, 1864 Richmond, Va.. iMch. 3, 1864 Anderson ville, Ga. 6, 19, Killed near Rogersville, Tenn Died at Lexington, Ky. Died in Andersonville Prison Georgia. Died in prison at Richmond Virginia. Perished by explosion ol . steamer "Sultana" on Mis River near Memphis Tennessee. in Andersonville Prison Ga. interred in grave 263. aissippi Shields, George Died ,• Shiner, Henry 23, 1864 Richmond, Va Died in prison at Richmond April 15, J863 Lexington, Ky Died in hospital at Lexington Feb. Virginia. Shurtleff, Harland F Ky.; Siders, Davis Private Oct. Private Private W Private May Private Oct. Smith, James 20, interred in circle 8 grave 360. Died in Andersonville Prison 1864 Georgia. W John Smith, James E Sisson, Smith, John Died Died 1, at Harrodsburg, Ky. in Andersonville Prison Killed in action at Monticello 1863 14, 1864 Died at Atlanta, 6a. interred insec.G, grave 1342. Died in Andersonville Prison, ; Smith, John B Andersonville, Ga. Private Ga. interred in grave 962. Died at Crab Orchard, Ky. Killed in action at Duck River Tennessee. Died in Andersonville Prison Georgia. Perished by explosion ol steamer "Sultana" on Mis sissippi River near Jlemphis Tennessee. Died at Lexington, Ky.; in terred in circle 9, grave 408. Died in Andersonville Prison Georgia. Died at Nicholasville, Kv. Died in Andersonville Prison Ga. interred in grave 726. Died at Somerset, Ky. Died in Florence Prison, S. C ; Smith, Samuel S Smith, Robert Srofe, AdamG John H Starritt, Prii Sept. Corporal April 27, 1865 6, Stevens, Scott Aug. 23, Stewart, Charles F. Jan. 28, 1864 Stump. John Swainey, Samuel W. Andersonville, Ga. ; Swanson,.Jobn W... Thievenin, Nicholas Thompson, James. . Sergeant Private Private Perryville Nat. Kentucky Trees, Joseph Danville, Ky Cem. Died at Harrodsburg, Ky. Died at Danville, Ky. iuterred ; in sec. 4, grave 62. in prison at Millcn. Ga.; interred in sec. 9. grave 136. Tribbey, Alfred... Died Tuloss, Richard H.. Died at Marietta Ulray, Samuel ; Uncepher, John Private June W Private Oct. James Private Vorhese, Max G. .... Wallace, Hamilton. Sergearii Dec. Feb. Private Aug. Vail, George Viars. 93. 12, 1864 Killed in action at Cynthiana, 1864 Kentucky. Died in Andersonville Prison, 5, Killed at baoridge, Tenn. 24, 1863 14, 1863 31, 1863 lied i ille, Ky Died at Stanford, Ky.: iuterred Walters, Alfred Warry, George H. Walton. Isaac .. Mch. 28, 1863 Lexington, Ky. May 27, 1864 Marietta, Ga... Accidentally killed at Knoxville, Tenn.; interred in sec. 1. grave 16. Died at Lexington, Ky.; interred in circle 7, grave 329. Killed at Dallas, Ga interred in sec. G, grave 529. ; Eighth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Co. "Wellsr, Christopher.. Weller, John Whitney, Simon WUliam.';, Orrelence. Wiseman, Zaehariah. Woodward, Theodore Yeager, John Young, John 785 Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldiers. 7^6 C(.. . . Eighth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. R Martin, John Killed in action near Liberty, Virginia. Parkersburg, Metcalf, William Miller, Willis H Mitchner, Henry C Moore, Randolph B Jan. 14, 1865 Sept. 19, 1864 W. Va. Died at Parkersburg, W. Va. Killed in battle of Beverly, West Virginia. while Died at Salisbury, N. a prisoner of war, Killed in battle of Winchester. Virginia. Died in hospital at Knoxville,. Tenn.; interred in National C Morris, Charles C Cemetery, Morris, Died Samuel sec. 4, 25, 1864, in Nill, grave 142. at Beverly» hospital Virginia. in West Died as of Co. D, 44th 0. V. I. Died of wounds received Dec. Musselman, Henry Nave,Jacol5 H Jacob Camp Nolan, Michael Patterson, Flavins Dennison, 0.. 15. Peck, Joshua i.)ct. 29, 1864 Penny, Oliver Sept. 18, !.Sii4 tion at Liberty, Va. at Kno.xville, Tenn., as of Co. D, 44th 0. V. I. Killed in battle of Beverly, West Virginia. Killed in battle of Martlnsburg. W. Va. interred in National Died \mi Feb. nds re- Ga., ille, Pearson, Xathan discharge of duty. Died at Piqua, 0., as of Co. B, 44th 0. V. I. Died at Camp Dennison, 0. Died in prison at Anderson- Winchester, Va. ; M Potter, William Jan. 30, 1665 Staunton, Va... Ralston, John Cemetery, lot 27. Died at Staunton, Va., whilea prisoner of war; interred in National Cemetery, sec. A, grave 6. Killed in battle of Martinsburg. W. Va. interred in National Cemetery, lot 28. ; Reedy, Christian Rhoadehand, Simeoti Died of wounds received June P. Ritter, Daniel Runyon, Benjamin Aug 23, 1864 Dec. 12. 1864 Winchester, Va. 19, 1864, in action at Liberty,. Virginia. Killed in action at Martins burg, W.Va.; interred in Na- tional Cemetery, lot 28 or 77. Died of wounds received Got. F... of Beverly, Virginia. in prison at AndersonGa.; interred in grave 29, 1864. in battle Rutan.Elias B Died Sept. 2, 1SH4 Andersonville, Ga. ville, 7639. Sackman, Asa Killed West Oct. Sanderson, William.. Schram, John. . .- . .. In battle of Beverly, Virginia. Died in Fayctle county. 0. Died at Beverly, W. Va., of . . wounds received Oct. 29, of Beverly, battle Virginia. 1864, in West Schrock, Windfleld S... Seifert, Jacob.. Died Shellenbarger, John Died of wounds received Jan. of wounds received West Virginia. 11. 1865. in battle of West Shermer, John Moh. Shields, Jacob Shoemaker, Edmond. Silber, Slack, April ., John Dnvid B 7. 1865 IS, 186,5 Virginia. Oct. 11. 1.864 Annapolis, Md.. Baltimore, Md.. Died at Annapolis, Md. Died at Dayton, 0. Killed in action at Liberty, Va. Died in Patterson Park Hos. Baltimore, pital, terred in W Sutherland, Barnelt Private 1864 V. 22, 1. 17, 1864 Mch. 2(1. 1865 ill action in- at Liberty. irgmn ;illed in Died Taylor, Henry Taylor, Joshua Md.; Loudon Park Na- tional Cemetery. Killed Private V Stewart. Henry C Beverly, 31. 1S64 J.,n. Smith, James Smith, John Smith, Jonathan Steen, John Oct. Beverly, 29. 1864. in bottle of atMt. Jack- in hospital at Knoxville. Tenn.; interred in National Cemetery, sec. 6, grave 147. Died at Versailles, 0. Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldiers. Names. Ninth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. July Campbell, Daniel.. Carpenter, Isaac... Private Sergeant Private Chapman, Buell D., Christm<an, John J Died at Camp Dennison, 0. 5, lSri4 Jan. 10. June Aug. 30, 1864 2, Died at Philadelphia. Pa. Died at Nashville. Tenn. 18B5 1864 Church. Eli April 28, 1864 Conaway, John W.. Conner, Joseph R... Aug. 7, 1863 Sept. 27, 1864 Killed in action Point, Ga. near East Died at Athens, Ala. Andersonville, Ga.. Died at Camp Nelson, Ky. Died at Andersonville, C while a prisoner of war; terred in grave 9895. Murfreesboro, Tenn Died in hospital at Pulaski, Tenn.; interred in Stone River National Cemetery,, sec L, grave 241. Craymor, David., Na.shviJle, Tenn.... Died at Nashville, Tenn.; Creel, Lavoiaer. Chattanooga, Tenn.. Died .. i terred in sec. J, grave 29. in hospital at Chattano Tenn. interred in sec. ga, ; grave 679. Died at Columbia, S. C. Died at Memphis, Tenn., from injuries received by explosion of steamer "Sultana"" on Mississippi River near Memphis, Tenn., April 27. Memphis, Tenn. 1865. Daw, William July Delong, Lewis Dicken, Henry C... April 5, Sept. 1, 13, 1864 1864 1864 Died at Decatur, Ala. Died at Athens, Ala. Died in hospital at Nashville, Nashville, Tenn. Tennessee. Donoho, Preston... Downey. Francis I Drake, Newton L.. Dull, Died at Athens, Ala. Died at Annapolis, Md. Diedat Jefferson, 0., while James ort furlough. Died at Camp Dennison, 0. Died in hospital at Camp Denson, 0. Eakin, Benjamin F.. Elefrits, George Fii^an, Marcus D Private Private Private — Felton, Franklin.... April 28, 1864 .Jan. Nov. 10, 1864 1, 1863 Camp Dennison, Camp Dennison, 0. 0. Chattanooga, Tenn Sept. 23, 'nterredin sec. F. grave 697. Died at Home, Ga.; interred iii Marrietta and Atlanta National Cemetery, sec. C, grave 67. )ied in hospital at Athens, .. May 18, 1864 Fisher, Philip.. Dec. 15, 1864 Nashville, Tenn.... Mch. 20, 1863 Camp Finley, Isaac Died at Athens, Ala. Died at Camp Dennison, 0. Died at Camp Dennison. 0. Died at Chattanooga, Tenn.; Alabama. Died at Nashville, Tenn; in- terred in sec. F, grave 185. Dennison, 0. Died at Camp Dennison, 0. Died at Florence, Ala., while a prisoner of war. Killed in action at Lancaster, Private . . [ith Died at Mooresville, Ala. Died in Chase General Hospi- Prirate tal. Geskell, Abraham.. Carolina. Died at Athens, Ala. Died at Camp Nelson, Ky. Farrier Mch. 31, 1864 Nashville Tenn. Camp Chase, 0. Died at Nashville, Tenn.; in- terred in sec. B, grave 1661. Died at Athens, Ala. Died at Louisville, Ky. interred in Cave Hill Cemetery, sec. B. range 11, grave 56. Killed by guerrillas on railroad ; Griffin, Martin W. Au?. Grim, William il 26, 1864 27, 1865 Hadley, Uriah... Hamilton, Arthu Adjutant Mch. 6, 1865 train near Marietta, Ga. Perished by explosion of steamer "Sultana" on Mississippi River near Memphis, Tennessee. Died at Beaufort, S. C, of wounds received in action; interred in sec. 9, grave 62. Died at Cheraw, S. C, wounds received Feb. 11, Hanes, John Hardes Hardesty, Richard. Hardes Hardesty. Virgil C. " ' Linneaus.. Hardy, Private May April July ' Mch. 22, 1864 4, 1864 18, 1864 20, 1865 of 1865, in battle of Aiken, S. C. Died in hospital at Louisville,. Kentucky. Diedat Athens, Ala. Died at Annapolis, Md. Died at Savannah, Ga. .. . Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldiers. 790 Co. Harkins, William Harris. W DaWd Harvey, William Hawkins, RoUaS Hodge, Ueary L Homan. Sandford ... Honnell, Francis R. . W Hughes, John Humphrey, John Jeilries, John Jones, Ansel Jones, James Joy, Albert S Kirk, Samuel V Kreider, Edward Leek, John W...Liggett, John Lightfoot, William Lingo. John N Logan. Samuel Lowery. William G. Lusby, Isaiah . McClusky, James McClusky, Michael. McCoy. William McDonald. Mack McGuire, Francis . — McKeever, William F McRoss, Samuel Malone, Robert Mankin, Silas Manson, William M.. Mason, Richard D... Mathias, William C... Maxwell, James Mellen, William Miller, Emanuel Miller, Mordecai Mills. Andy Moneyhaefer. John. Moore, George L . Mosier, Georite Moulton, William P.. Murdock, Franklin... Niras, Charles Nyhart, Jacob Owen, Winchester D.. Ninth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Petcr3, James M. Pickering, Isaac. PoweU, Amos Prouty, William A. Ralston, David M.. Randall, David Dec. 19, 1864 1865 Private Feb. Private Feb. Corporal Mch. 16, 1865 Private Mch. 27, Reed, Hinas Private April 15, 1865 Reeves, Joseph. Private April .... Rannalls, John Reason, .Tames Redman. David T.. Rogers, Thomas.. Shidler, Bellamy. Shriver. Otho Shute, William H. Shutt, .lames N... Sifert, Theodore.. Silvers, Abel Smith, William.... Smith, William L.. Snyder, Thomas.. Springer, Benjamin F.. Spurr, Abraham. Trumble, James Trumble, Olivei Turner, Benjan F A 2, 22, 1865 1864 1864 791 . . Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldiers. Vancise. James Vanhorn, John S Andersonville, Ga. Died at Athens, Ala. Died in hospital nt Andersonville, Ga.i interred in grave 12555. Vannetter, George Killed in action near Florence,. S.. Viekers. Patrick Walters, George J Webrink, John Marietta, H Wellor, Zachariah Wells. Albert Westfall. Tillman Westinan. Ga Andersonville, Ga. Corporal Private Private Nathan.... White. Aaron Alabama. Died at Nashville, Tenn. Died at East Point, Ga. in- Camp Dennison, 0. Died_ at Andersonville. Ga., while a prisoner of war; interred in grave 6.362. Died at Feb. 26, 1864 New Albany, Ind. Died in hospital ville, White, John Private Feb. 22. 1865 Whitehouse, William C Private July 7. 1S65 Mch. 4, 1864 Wilson, Ezra J : terred in sec. E, grave 851. Died_ at Andersonville, tJa.^ while a prisoner of war; interred in grave 4833. Died at Jeffersonville, Ind. Ind.; at Jeffersoninterred in sec^ B, grave 640. Killed in action near Winnsborough, S. C. Died in hospital at Jefferson Barracks, Mo.; interred in Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery, sec. 45, grave 333. Died at Louisville. Ky.; interred in Cave Hill Cemetery^ Wings, Amos Wolf. George Sergeant W Private Wood, Richard Wright. Austin E Wright. Benjimin F.,. Wright, Willis Got. April 13, July 20, 1864 1865 Corporal Feb. Private April 27, 1865 2, 1865 L Young, Conrad Mch. Young. James 10th Anderson, John . Alger, Horace B. . . . . Barker. John Bush, John Brewer, Peter Barnhart, Martin BIythe. Cyrus Burk, Charles H B Brooklehurst, John. 22, 1865 Nashville, Tenn.. North Carolina. Died at Nashville, Tenn.; in- terred in sec. H, grave 535. Killed in action near Savannah, Ga. Perished by explosion of steamer "Sultana" on Mississippi River near Memphis, Tennessee. Died at Pulaski, Tenn. Died at Andersonville, Ga.» while a prisoner of war. Died in Clermont county. 0. REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER CAVALRY. Co. Allen, William sec. B, range 83, srave 4. S. C, while a prisoner of war. Killed in action near Raleigh, Died at Florence, 15, 1864 Tenth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Names. 793 ; Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldiers. Names. Buried. Cortelow, Daniel W... Private 12, 1864 Nashville, Tenn... David D Private 11, 1864 Nashville, Tenn... Dodds, Clinton Private 18, 1863 Drake, George Private Ditto, Died at Nashville, Tenn.: interred in National Cemetery, sec. D, grave 442. Died at Na.shville, Tenu.; interred in National Cemetery, Died at Nashville, Tenn. Nashville, Tenn... Died at Nashville, Tenn.; interred in National Cemetery, sec. E, Davis, William S Donivan. Daniel. Davis, William Marietta, H Edwards, Thomas B.. Ewing, John grave 1086. Ga Private 16. 1864 Nashville, Tenn,... Died, while enroute to regiment, near Nashville, Tean. Private 4. 1865 Murfreesboro, Ten Died near Murfreesboro.Tenn. interred in Stone River National Cemetery, sec. I, grave 234. Killed in battle of Bear Creek Station, Ga. M Elwood, John Evatt. Evalin J I Fraker, Robert 28, 1864 25, 1865 Raleigh, N.C Died in prison at Andersonville, Ga. Died at Goldsboro, N. C of gunshot wound; intetred in Nati jnal Cemetery, sec. 4, , grave Filley, Fry, Jeremiah Thomas C Frymeyer, William... Private Mch. Corporal May Frazee, Jacob. 30, 1865 1, 1865 Sept. 24, 1864 Freely. Peter Private Frohbart, Ferdinand. Private Oct. 13, 1864 Long Flfield.IIlravnM Gish, HughA Green, Richurd Gleason, Daniel Golden. William G;.rdner, George 13. Died of wounds received in action at Campbellton, Ga., Private Private Private May Oct. Feb. 16, 1863 22, 1861 19. 1864 W... Island, N. Y. Sept. 10, 1864; interred in National Cemetery, sec. E, grave 842. Killed in action near Goldsboro, N. C. Killed in action at Chapel Hill. North Carolina. Died at Atlanta, Ga.; interred in National Cemetery, sec. A, grave 302. Died in prison at Andersonville.Ga. Died at Willet's Point, N. Y.; interred in Cypress Hill Cem- Nashville, Tenn. Died at Nashville, Tenn. interred in National Cemetery, s^c. D grave 127. Died at Louisville, Ky. Louisville, Ivy Interred in Cave Hill Cem.. sec. B, range 14, grave 46. Died at Murfreesboro, Tenn.: interred in Stone River Na- Murfreesboro, Tenn, : tional Cemetery. Golden, .Samuel Died at Atlanta. Ga. ; interred in National Cemetery, sec. Green, Abraham Feb. Hardesty, Nelson ; Chattanooga, Tenn.. Murfreesboro, Tenn. April ! Holder, Daniel Private Oct. 26. 1863 Houser, Addison Private Mch. 19. 1864 Died! ; La Vergne, Tenn. Nashville, Tenn. Died at Nashville, Tenn. interred in Nati'mal Cemetery, Nashville, Tenn. Died at Nashville, Tenn.; interred in National Cemetery, sec. H, grave 847. Diedai Beaufort, S. C. Died at Nashville, Tenn.; in- ; sec. E, Hiiynes, .John Hanby, .Tohn Hug, Gottlieb Bugler HauUhouse, Henry... Private grave Hesser, Elisha 1 1650. terred in National Cemetery, sec. J, grave 565. Killed in battle of Waynesboro, Ga. interred in sec. E, grave 33. Died at Annapolis, Md. Died at Murfreesboro. Tenn.; interred in Stone River National Cemetery, sec. N, grave : Hendershot. Sutton .'\, grave 424. Interred in National Cemetery, sec C. grave 414. Died at Murfreesboro, Tenn.: interred in Stone River National Cemetery, sec. N, . Tenth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. 795 Names. Murfreesboro, Tenn. Died at Murfreesboro, Tenn.; interred in Stone River National Cemetery, sec. N, grave 363. Matthew Columbus, Died at Columbus, 0.: interred in Green Lawn Cemetery, ILirtj.JohnJ Hays, James Annapolis, Harman, John Hill, grave 371. Md Died Nashville, Tenn Htaden, Thomas Louisville, Ky Healy, Samuel Murfreesboro, Tenn. Hill, William Hart, Edwin at Anna.polis, ; of accidental March Higgins, Joseph Hampton, Eli- Hunter, Albert E Holmes, Theodore Jones, John Pri\ate Kaiser, Frederick Private Md. Died in prison at Andersonville, Ga. Died at Nashville, Tenn.; interred in National Ceu sec. J, grave 372. Died at Anrfersonville, Ga. Died at Louisville, Ky. interred in Cave Hill Cemetery, sec. B, range 8, grave 46. Died at Murfreesboro, Tenn., 'Nashvilie.'Tenn!!.'.'.', shot received 31, 1863; interred in Stone River National Cemetery, sec. I, grave 68. Died at Murfreesboro, Tenn. Died at Lexington, N. C. Perished by explosion of steamer "Sultana" on Missisippi River near Memphis, Tennessee. Died at La Vergne, Tenn. Died at Nashville, Tenn.; interred in National Ceme76. Ga Marietta, Kennedy. Joseph Kemper, James Marietta, Kerns, David Chattanooga, Tenn Keen, Ezeltiel Kimball. Charles Kendall. Joseph H Private Private Lynn. Winfield S Dec. Feb. Oct. July 5, 1864 Camp 6a . .. Dennison.O..., 20, 18fi4 3, 1864 12, 186.3 Ga Marietta, Louisville, Ky ; ; ; terred in Cave D Lane. Benjamin Deo. 4, 1861 Beaufort. S. C Looker, Hector Aug. 21, 1S64 Loah, William C Feb. 12, 1864 Louisville, Private Aug. 20, 1864 M.arietta. Private June Private Oct. 16, 1864 Anderson\ille, Ga... Murfreesboro, Tenn. Ky tery, see. Linder, Charles M.artin, Thomas H Martin, David 6, 1864 Ceme- Hill tery, ."ec. B. range 4, grave 75. Died at Beaufort. S. C; interred in National Cemetery, sec. 10, grave 105. Killed in action near Lovejoy Station, Ga. Died at Louisville, Ky.; in- terred in W Larabee. John Ga.; in- . terred in National Cemetery sec. E, grave 807. Died at Louisville. Ky. Died at Cartersville. Ga.; interred in National Cemetery, sec. C. grave 492. Died at KinESton, Ga. interred in National Cemetery, see. H, grave 540. Died at CampDennison, 0. Died at La Vergne, Tenn. Died at Sweetwater, Ga. interred in National Cemetery, sec. F, grave 783. Died at Louisville, Ky. in- Cave Hill CemeB, range 14, grave Ga Nashville, Tenn Died at Nashville, Tenn.; interred in National Cemetery J. grav Died at Andersoninterred in National Cemetery, grave 1U938. Died at La Vergne. Tenn.; interred in Stone River National Cemetery, sec. B, grave Private Sept. 20, 1863 Private Feb. 12. 1865 Private April 12, 1864 Nashville, Tenn Died at Nashville, Tenn.; interred in Narional Cemetery, Private June 12, 1864 Nashville, Tenn Died at Nashville, Tenn.; interred in National Cemetery Private July 7, 1863 Murfreesboro, Tenn. Private June 212. MoCloud, John H Died near Aiken, wounds received Feb. Miller, John B see. J. MunncU, John I. .sec. MoVay, Marquis D. MiUer, Henry W L.. 28, 1863 Nashville, Tenn S. in C, of action 11. 1865. I, grave 386. grave 18. Died at Murfreesboro, Tenn.; interred in Stone River National Cemetery. Died at Nashville, Tenn.; interred in National Cemetery, sec. E, grave 573. Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldiers. Names. Co Tenth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Names. 797 . Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldiers. 798 Co. Thomas, Wi] liam Vance. William Voris.JohnH Voght, Jacob Van Coney, Leruy Vandeventer, George W Wilkinson, Stephen B. Winter, Jacob M Wells, Albert Williams. John J Warner, Erwell G '. Watson, Elijah Whiteman, David Whiteman, Samuel Woolford, Henry A Woodcock, George S Weaver. Samuel Wilcox, George A Wyekoff. William W... Williams, John J Wisner, Richard Wayland. Jacob Williams, George Wild, Charles AValls. Thomas Wilkin S.John AVinslow, Reuben Young, David E . Eleventh Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Co. Bodine, Geort?e Brannan, James F... Brown, John Burt. GeorseN Chryst. Danii 1 Coan, Patrick Coleman, Juhn Collins, Caspar W.... Courtright, Franlslin Curless, Alfred Davis, WinfleldS.... Day, Nicholas K Dick, Davids Donovan George J. , . Dunekle, John Featherstone, James Ferrier, Fiscus, Thomas Jerome Gay, Patrick Gibson, Henry M. ... William Good, Joseph Gillett, Grossman, Ira Graves, Joseph D Greaney, John J Green, David T John Guynn, Edgar Griffith, M Hall, Riley Hamilton, Rice B Hannaford, John Hartshorn, William Henry, Jacob ^V Hewitt, John F I- . Hiothel, .Tohn Holmes, Patrick Hull. William Idlet, Kelly, F William H.... Nathan Lee,.Jnhn LecThomns G Lindsey, William.... Little, William Lock, William Long, William B Long, William M.... Lorance, William H.. Lupton. Ellis Lyman, Samuel E McDonald, John McHenry. Monroe Maddox, Samuel M Manker, Gary A Matheny, William... . . . Roll of Ho^fOR of Ohio Soldiers. 800 Died Moore, Michael Phillips, Jan. Dec. July .^aum Rhodes. Philip ' Mch. Rinehart, L'jvi ? Feb. 7. 2, 22, IStJn S, Died at 1862 1S64 Ft. Laramie, D. T Ft. Caspar, D.T.... 1865 13, 1865 Ft.Caspar, D.T. St. Clair, Chavil., Stewart, Perry Camp Det in hospital at i.ison. 0. 1 Moss. George... Phelan. William Private . Private Moh. 24, 1866 Camp Crittenden, 0. Di.^dat Ft. Laramie, D. T. Died at Pole CreeTi, D. T. Died at Ft". ic Laramie, D. _T.. of in acrion. wounds received Died Died 12th ; Poison Creek, D. T. Killtd by Indians near Laparelle Creek, D. T. Died at Ft. Kearney. N. T.. Killed in action with Indians near Deer Creek, D.T. DiedatLabonte, D. T. Killed in action with Indians at Sage Creek, D. T. Diediu ho'pital at Ft. Laramie. D. T.; interred in Old at at South Pass, D.T. Three Crossings, sweet REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER CAVALRY. Rank. Allen, Sergeant July EthanP Private June Anderson, James C... Andrews, Frank.. Arbough, Leonard Private Oct. Private April Armstrong, Thomas Sergeant Ji Alton, William M J.. June Private Barrett, Henry C. Com. Ser. 8, at Lexington, Killed in action at Mount Ster- Died in hospital Kentucky. 21, 1864 1864 Kv. Died at McArthur. 0. Died at Georgetown. Ky. ling. 14, 1864 12, 1864 3, 1864 Camp Chase. 0.; interred in grave 157. Ky., of wounds received in battle ot Mount Sterling. Ky. Died in hospital at Johnson's Island, 0. of Died at Lexington, Ky wounds received June 9. 1864. in battle of Mount Sterling, Died at Died at Lexington. Mch. 27, 1864 Nov. 28, 1S64 . Kentucky. 2, 1864 in Clinch River, Tennei5see. Killed in battle of Saltville, Virginia. Died in Libby Prison. ^ a. Died in hospital at Mount ater- Mch. 14, 1864 Died in hospital at Jan. 15, 1865 Baughman, Jerome Private Dec. Beans, Wesley Private Oct. Private Private Bird, Levi J Black, Peter Bloser, Drowned 28. 1864 M John Bourn, James June Burns, Matthew Burt, Eugene L Camp Den- _ nison, 0. 8, Died at Lexington, Kj terrcd in circle June 2, 1865 Private Nov. 6, 1865 Nashville, Tenn.. Private June 9, 1864 Private June Caves, William Private June 30, 1864 Channel!, Williams. Corporal Aug. 10, 1, 1864 Died Killed in battle of 1864 Dennison, 0. Columbus, 676. Ster; in- terred in sec. 9. grave 214. in hospital at Nashville, Tenn.;_interred Camp grav Mount Died at Knoxville, Tenn. ling, CashdoUar, Levi 15, Killed in action at 1864 Knoxville, Tenn. Buckmaster, Thomas. .„. 'in sec. Mount J, Ster- Ky. Died at Camp Dennison, U.; interred in grave 266. Died at Camp Chase, 0.; in- terred in grave 100. Died in hospital at Lexington, Kentucky. . 801 Twelfth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Chussey, Joseph. Tibcii Clu Ky. ; grave Collins. David H... Wagoner Aug. interred in circk- 1.5, H5.5. in Cumberland River near Point Burnside, Ky. Killed in battle of Mount Sterling, Ky. Died at Lexington, Ky,; interred ill circle 13, grave 5^5. Killed in battle of Saltville, Drowned 20, 1864 Conner, Jacob Corporal June 9, 1864 Cox, George Corporal Aug. 7, 1864 Private Oct. 2, 1864 Private Sept. 17, 1864 M Private Jan. 18, 1864 Columbus, 0.... Died at April 16, 1864 Le.\ington,Ky... Killed at Lexington, Ky., by accidental discharge of a carbine: interied in circle 11, grave 5()I. Died lit Johnson's Island, 0. Killed in battle of Mt. Ster- Crawford, Adam C. Cremeun. Je?se J. Crew, Thomas B Cross, Isaiah Le.tington, Ky... Virginia. — ill Springs, Ky. Died at Point Burnside, Kv.; interred in sec. D, grave 64. ling, W. Camp Chase, 0.; in- terred in grave 106. Mch. », Ky. Drowneil near Louisville, Ky. Killed in battle of Mt. Ster- 1864 1864 ling, Ky, Died in hospital at Lexington, Davies, James F... Oct. 6, 1864 Davis, William H. Fob. 4, 1864 Columbus, DeJean, Parker.... Dec. 27, 1864 Knoxville, Tenn. at Camp in hospital Chase. 0. Died in hospital at Knoxville, Knoxville, Tenn. battle 'of Saltville. Died erred in Knoxville, Tenn circle 11, Died Te grave 142. Ellis, .TohnQ Farber, Benjamin L.. Private June Private July 3, 1864 Camp Dennison, 0. Died at Lexington, Ky.; Lexington, Ky Died in hospital at Lexington, Ky.; interred in circle 13, grave Stone River, Tenn Lexington, — Died at Pulaski, Tenn.; Kentucky Died in hospital at Lynchburg. Va., of wounds received in battle of Saltville, Va. in Big Sandy River, at Louisa, Ky. Drowned Drowned Mch. Fuller. Joseph A... Private June Furrow, .\bsalom.. Private July George, Lewis Private Oct. 2, 1864 Aug. 5, 1864 Lexington, Deo. 21, 1S64 Camp 2, 1864 1, in- terred in sec. L, grave 238. Died at McArthur, 0. in hospital at Lexington, Died 1864 June Farrier aacN.... 578. 29, 1864 Private Fries, Peter Prazier, I Ky Sept. 18, 1865 Frazell, Oscar.. in- terred in grave 273. 30, 1864 in Ohio River steamer 'Prima Donoa." off ' 9, iMt. Sterling, Ky. Died in hospital at Jefferson- Killed in battle of 1864 27, 1864 viUe, Ind. Killed in battle of Saltville. Virginia. Gooding, William.. Private Graham, Isaac Green, Isaac A — Sergeant Oct. Ky Nelson, Ky.. in hospital at Lexington, Ky.; interred in circle 13, grave -582. Died in hospitil at Camp Nel- Died Killed in 'battle of Saltville, Virginia. ,. Died at Lexington. Ky.; interred in circle 13, grave 573. . Private July 13, 1864 Corporal Aug. 20, 1864 Griggs, Benjamin A Private June Griffga, Ransom C. Griffith, F.Cass.... Griffith, Levi A.... Private Mch. Sergeant Aug. Sergeant Aug. Green, John Gregg, Andrew C. 9, 1864 26, 1864 12, 1864 11, 1864 in Cumberland River near Point Burnside. Ky. Killed in battle of Mt. Sterling. Ky. Died at ('amp Denntson, 0. Died at Richmond. Ky. Died in hospital at Lexington, Kentucky. Drowned Camp Dennison, 0. . Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldiers. Co. Gross, James W.. Hall, Charles M Hammon, Curtis G Hammon, William F... Harry, William Hartman, John Heath, Daniel Heidy, Jacob Hicks, William Hicldleson, Frank L Hiffgenbotham, James Hill, David Hill, Benjamin I Hinshellwood, George C Hively, John B Hood, John Howard, Michael M Hughes, James Huston, Alexandria Hutchinson, Albert B... Jackson Obediah J Johnson, Daniel , Johnson. Hiram Johnson. Thomas Johnston, Joshua R Jones, Thomas Keller, Frederick T Kiger, Alonzo Kitsmiller, George Knowles, John Landy, David Lantz, Asaph W. . W E Latson, Edward J F McClintock, .John W McCool, Charles McCullough, Benjamin McDonald, Hector McGee, John Mark, James B Martin. Samuel W Martin. William H Mathews. Patrick I . .. . Twelfth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Miles, James M Kn Died at Private terred in Miller, Samuel Tenn. in- ; „ rave 269. i in B Hospital at Louisville, Ky. in hospital at Camp Nelson, Ky.; interred in sec. B, Died Private Miller, Philip Camp Private Nelson, Ky. Lexington, Miller, Washington... Ky Died Died in liospital at Lexington, Ky. interred in circle 13, ; grave 575. Minitor,John Moore, John Private Montgomery, Taylor. Private Morrison, David H... Private Killed in action at Marion, Va. Died at Lexington, Ky. interred in circle 14, grave 613. Killed in battle of Mt. Ster; Jing. Ky. Gilts May Killed near Greenville, S. C. Died at Cumberland Gap, Ky. Died at Knoxville, Tenn. interred in sec. 9, grave 297. Died in hospital at Knoxville, Tenn.; interred in sec. 9, 18, 1865 Nov, Williams 16, 1864 Sept. 28, 1865 Olmsted, James M.... Knoxville, Tenn i Knoxville, Tenn Papineon, Joseph Feb. Patterson, Robert Patterson, Vincent . . Sergeant June grave 201. Died while at 15, 1864 9, Pence, Jacob C Raymond, William... Died of wounds received June 9, 1864, L Died Chattanooga, Te] in battle of .Wt. Ster- Ky. ling, hospital at ChattaTenn.; interred in in nooga, Reid. James Rettie, Louis Biley, John W Lexington, Rising. George C Ritohey, William C. Rudolph, Thomas Shaeffer, James Corporal Private Private E.... Meh. Mch. July Aug. 20, 1864 15, 1864 17, 1864 18, 1864 June U, Sharer, Peter Z Ky Camp Dennison, 0. 1864 Died at Bucyrus, 0, Drowned in Tennessee River at Pen Hook Ferry, Tenn. Died in hospital at Lexington, Kentucky. Died at Camp Dennison, 0. Died at Camp Dennison, 0. Died at Cincinnati. 0. Died in hospital n Lexingto: Kentucky. Accidentally killed Lexin ton, Ky. interrea circle i ; Shea, Dennis.... Sherburne. Charles fur- Ky. ling, Reed. Jacob home on Killed in battle of Mt. Ster- 1864 m 12, grave 552. Died at Salem, N. C. Died of wounds received Dee. 13, 1864, in action at Abing- 11 W Shumaker, Henry Chase, 0. Simpson Thomas Simpson, William H. Slocum, James , W Sergeant July Corporal Oct. July Private 16, 1865 Died at Mount Sterling, Ky. Died in hospital at Louisville, Ky. interred in sec. D, range Jan. 15, 1864 5, grave 2. Died at Camp Chase, 0. Died at hiime. 15, 1864 5, 1864 ; Smith, FrankM Smith, William H Spellman, John A Private Mch. June 9, 1865 1864 2. 1864 8, L Sergeant H Stewart, Joseph A.. Oct. Private April Corporal June 23, 1865 9, Mount Killed in battle of ling, Spohn, David Springer, Leonard Ster- Ky. Killed in battle Virginia. Knoxville, Tenn. of Saltville, Died at Knoxville, Tenn.; in- terred in sec. 9, grave 165. Killed in battle of Mount Ster- 1864 Ky. Died afSweetwater, Tenn.; ling, Stewart. Robert J . . 1st Lieut. July 31, 1865 Private Private Oct. 14, Aug. in- terred in sec. H, grave 6. Stookwell, Enoch Struble, John D W. Died at Mount Sterling. Ky. Died in hospital at Lexington, 1864 1864 Ky., of June Sweiheard, John Thacker, David J... Thompson, Isaac C. Todd, Isaac M Tomer, Albert 9, wounds received 1864, in battle of Mount Sterling, Ky. Died at Annapolis. Md. Killed in battle of Annapolis, Md.. Lexington, Ky., Mount Ster- ling. Ky. Died in hospital at Annapolis, Maryland. Died in Ross county. 0. Died in hospital at Lexington, Ky. interred in circle 14, ; grave 616. Killed in battle of Townsend, Mark Mount ling. Ky. Died in hospital at Ohio. Ster- Sandusky, Roll op Honoe of Ohio Soldiers. 804 Co. Turner, Gabriel Van Duyne, ilalun Webb, David White, Robert. . L Walcutt, James - Whittereilge, Alfred.. Wiekershara, Reubeo. Wickley, George. Williams, Ueorge Wilson, Thomas X.... Wolf, James Worcester, M'illiam W Wright, William R... WycufE, Jonah Yates, William ... Thirteenth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Co. Donaldson, Thomas. Ehrman, Samuel F. . . Enlow, James Fate.SamuelB Fisher, John J Fravel, Samuel S Frazier, Joseph Geekley Jacob , Grant, Asa Green, Isaiah M Hebron, Charles R.... Hines, Joseph Hinkley, Charles Hoff, James L Hotz, Henry Jaokson, Daniel James, Alva G Jewell, Clayton Jones, Oliver Kester, Daniel Kilfoil, Thomas Klinefelter, Ellas Kretzer, James Linelen, Joseph T Long, Joseph Loudenslager, Philip. MoLain, JohnR McNeal, Erastus M Mercer, James Metc&lf, Benjamin F. Montgomery, Robert. Mowry, Tony Munson, Benjamin H Newhouse, William Nichols, Charles O'Conner, Michael. Parka, James W . . Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldiers. Co. Fifth Independent Battalion Name,. — Third Independent Company. 807 Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldiers. INDEPENDENT COMPANY OHIO VOLUNTEER CAVALRY. 4th Buried. Brady, James N Mch. 7. Died in hospital at Benton 1862 Barracks. Mo. Burk. Samuel J Chatterton. June Amos J., 2, 1862 July 10. 1864 Diei in hospital at Vioksburg, Mississippi. Marietta. Ga Died near Chattahoochee Kiver, Ga. interred in sec. G, grave "62. Died in Lovell General Hospital.Portsmouth Grove. R.I. Died in hospital at Pittsburg Landing .Tenn. Died on steamer board "Tycoon" Tennessee on : Evans, William G.... Private April 25, 1865 Evans, Thomas H..., Private June 14, Golden, Elijah C Private April 28. 1862 1862 River. June Gould, William Harmon, Kellej B.. Private Kelley, James W... Private Mch. 8, 1862 in hospital at camp near Corinth, .Mis?.: interred in sec. A, grave 332. in battle of Benton- Died Corinth, Miss Killed 19, 1865 ville. Kinzer. Leander McLain, Jonathan,. Martin, Samuel Moyer, Mortimer J. Smiley, John T Feb. 9, 1865 Jan. 14, 1862 N. Corporal Sept. 28, 1863 Drowned Private April 10, 1864 Drowned Private Mch. 20, 1865 Private Jan. 23, 1862 Sergeant Sept. 3, 18B2 Loudon Park, Corinth, Miss Md off steamer "Robert Campbell. Jr ." near Milliken's Bend. La. ofif steamer "Pauline Carrolr" nearMiUiken's Bend, La. Died at Jarvia General Hospital. Baltimore. Md. Died in hospital at La Grange, Tennessee. Died at Briton's Lane, Tenn., of wounds received Sept.], 1862. Corporal Oct. Stephenson, Titus F. Private June. Thompson, William J Private Mch. 16, 1864 Died Private Dec. 11, 1K61 Died Private Jan. 25. 1863 2, in battle of Briton's Lane, Tenn.; interred in sec. A, grave 411. Died in hospital at Jackson, Smiley, Morrison B.. 23, 1862 C. Killed in battle of Binnakcr Bridge, S. C. Died at Rennick. Mo., of wounds received Jan. 8, 1862, battle of Silver Creek, in Missouri. 1863 Tennessee. Tucker, John A Williams, James S... in Brown county, 0.. while on furlough. in hospital at Syracuse, MCLAUGHLIN'S SQUADRON OHIO VOLUNTEER CAVALRY. Names. McLaughlin's Squadron Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. May 2, Cromer, Henry A.... Private April 8, ISeft Cromer, Solomon D.. Private April Crawford, John L... 1865 Dii-d Mo Donald, Rosea Fair, Aaron Fickes, Lot M Fought. Jonas 8, Jefferson Ilamicks. interred in Jefferson at ! Barracks Cemetery, .see. 45, grave 1S2. Supposed to have been killed foraging near Mt. 1865 April 27, 1865 Feb. Deo. Jan. 26, 1863 17, 1863 22, 1865 July 28, 1863 while foraging near Mt. Olive, N. C. Perished by explosion of steamer "Sultana" on Missippi River near Memphis, Died at Louisville, Ky. Died at Lexington. Ky. Died on board transport "Ben Deford" while enrouto from Savannah. Ga to Beaufort, South Carolira. Died at New Berne, N.C. , William F Private Horner, Benjamin,.. Private Hill, Dec. Hutchinson, Andrew June Iriek, JohnF Irvine, James Deo. H 5, 1864 Jeffer.^on Barracks, Died at Cleveland, Tenn. Dii d at Knoxville, Tenn. Perished by explosion of steamer "Sultana- on Mississippi River near Memphis, 21, 1864 31, 1863 April 27, 1865 Tennessee. Jacobs, George Jesson, .Jesse Oct. Died at Knoxville, Tenn. Died in prison at Florence, South Carolina. Perished by expl 14, 1864 Jesson, Robert sissippi Johns, John "Suit; MisRiver near Memphis, Tennessee. B Kooken, William — Private Private Private McKnabb, Joseph McLaughlin, Williaa Private Mark, John Marks, Peter Private Mays, Patrick Messenger, Elijih.... Private Oberlin, John Oberlin, William Patterson, John P... Private Private Died at Ashland, Ky. Died at Ashland, Ky. Died at Cleveland, Tenn.; date Major Died at Cross Creek Shoals on Big Sandy River, Kv. Died at Wilmington, N.C. Died at Baltimore. Md. Died at Ashland, Ky Died near Concord, N. C. Died at Kingston. Tenn. Died at Camp Nelson. Ky. 1865 1865 15, 1864 6, 29. Peterfeon, Isaac Plumb, Francis Provines, Eli Died at Memphis, Tenn. Died in prison at Florence, South Carolina. F Ralston, William.... Private May 2-5, Rhone, George M.... Sergeant June 18, 1853 Private Mch. Sackman, William H 1, Perished by explosion of steamer "Sultana" on Mississippi River near Memphis, Tennessee. Died at Camp Nekon, Kv.; interred in sec, B, grave 58. Died at Ashland, Ky. 1864 1865 Schrack, John Sheehy. William Killed in action at Lancaster, Knoxville, Tenn. South Carolina. Died at Knoxville, Tenn. Died at Knoxville, Tenn.; in- terred in sec. 4, grave 56, Spyker, Levi Steinaur,John W.... Died at Millen, Ga. Mch. 7, 1864 Perished by explosion of steamer "Sultana" on Mississippi River near Memphis, Tennessee. Died in prison at Florence, Private Mch. 4. 1864 South Carolina. DiedatMillen, Ga.; interred Thompson, James H. Sergeant Sept. 4. 1864 Tidball. Charles B... Private April Stewart, Matthew... Stout. William H ... Tucker, Greenbury.. m see. ju, grav Killed in action 27, 1865 Atlanta, Perished by explosion of steamer "Sultana" on Mis sissippi River near Memphis. Tennessee. Knoxville, Tenn. Died at Kno.xTiIle, Tenn. terred in sec. 4, grave 20. ; in- Roll of Honor of Ohio Soldiers. Names. Union Light Names. Guard— Harlan's Light Cavalry.