the implementatio tarakan east kalim demonstration sit scs
the implementatio tarakan east kalim demonstration sit scs
Research Center for Fiheries Management and Conservation THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TARAKAN EAST KALIMANTAN DEMONSTRATION MONSTRATION SITE OF THE SCS-SFMP SFMP First documentat documentation ion including report of results and progress report Research Team [2012] INDONESIA THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TARAKAN EAST KALIMANTAN DEMONSTRATION SITE OF THE SCS SCS-SFMP SFMP SECOND DOCUMENTATION This report is an output as responsibility to UNOPS, The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP.. This project was coordinated by National Coordinator of Indonesia to address Component 44. The demonstration of best practices in fisheries management within the context of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries management (EAF) (EAF). Suggested citation: Research Center for Fisher Fisheries Management and Conservation - INDONESIA. INDONESIA 2012. The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP. SCS First Documentation for UNOPS Project Sulu-Celebes Celebes Sea Sustainable Fisheries Management Project. Research Center for Fisheries Management and Conservation (RCFMC), INDONESIA. 50 p The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP SCS |2 ABSTRACT – ENGLISH VERSION The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP. Sulu-Celebes Sea surrounded by the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia, its existence (coastal ecosystems and terestrial) to support the lives of 33 million people; SCS categorized as the Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) Class II. These conditions require the importance of management to ensure sustainability. One of management approach is EAFM (Ecosystem Approaches to Fisheries Management); EAFM is a term about a holistic approach to resource management (Fletcher, 2018), wherein the management should consider the impact of fishing activities on the ecology as well as an understanding of the social and economic implications of these events. Tarakan as one of the centers that utilize fisheries resources in the waters of the Sulu-Sulawesi, particularly demersal fisheries. Good managemnet practices of demersal fisheries will maintain the stability of other resource utilization. Purpose of the agreement is to initiate small pelagic fisheries management model based on EAFM in the Sulu-Sulawesi. These activities include the development of demonstration site locations (demosite) as well as some internal coordination meetings such as meetings, meetings with experts and stakeholders. Achieving the objectives set, the method used in this study were swept area method (Sparre and Venema, 1999). This year, 1onboar survey was conducted which focused on base-line data collection within the framework of the preparation of the management framework. The results of data analysis showed that the distribution of shrimp and tiger shrimp in the waters of the Tarakan relatively more in coastal waters (60% of the total catch). The highest catch rate for the first cruise was 6.89 kg/h (station 5) and the lowest was 1.22 kg/h (station 2). While, the highest catch rate of second cruise was 6:39 kg/hr and the lowest was 1.56 kg/hour. Relating to stock density, the highest stock density on the first cruise was 4,751.42 kg/km2 (station 6) and the lowest was 901.05 kg/km2 (station 2). While, the second cruise, the highest stock density was 1,739.13 kg/km2 (station 8) and the lowest was 962.83 kg/km2 (station 2). Further analysis of biomass estimation method using swept area method (Sparre & Venema, 1999) based on the parameter estimation of each cruise showed catch per area (Cw/a), average biomass per unit area (bbar) and total biomass (B), 2,029.21 kg/km2; 4,058.43 kg/km2, and 9.98 kg/km2, respectively. Keywords: Implementation, Tarakan, Demonstration Site, SCS-SFMP The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 3 ABSTRACT – INDONESIA VERSION The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP: Implementasi Demosite Tarakan dalam kerangka Sulu-Celebes Sea Sustainable Fisheries Management Project. Laut SuluSulawesi dikelilingi oleh Filipina, Indonesia dan Malaysia, keberadaanya (ekosistem pantai dan lahan) mendukung kehidupan 33 juta orang serta termasuk Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) masuk kedalam Class II. Kondisi tersebut menuntut pentingnya pengelolaan untuk menjamin keberlanjutan. Salah satu pendekatan pengelolaan ialah EAFM (Ecosystem Approaches to Fisheries Management) merupakan sebuah istilah mengenai pendekatan holistik dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya (Fletcher, 2018); dimana pengelolaan harus mempertimbangkan dampak aktivitas perikanan terhadap ekologi serta pemahaman mengenai implikasi sosial dan ekonomi atas aktivitas tersebut. Tarakan sebagai salah satu sentra perikanan yang memanfaatkan sumberdaya di perairan Sulu-Sulawesi, khususnya perikanan demersal. Pengelolaan perikanan demersal akan menjaga stabilitas pemanfaatan sumberdaya lainnya. Tujuan kerjasama adalah untuk inisiasi model pengelolaan perikanan pelagis kecil berdasarkan EAFM di kawasan Sulu-Sulawesi. Kegiatan ini meliputi pengembangan lokasi demonstration site (demosite) serta beberapa pertemuan seperti pertemuan koordinasi internal, pertemuan dengan pakar serta stakeholders. Mencapai tujuan yang ditentukan tersebut, metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode swept area (Sparre & Venema, 1999). Pada tahun ini baru 1 kali survei laut yang dilakukan, tahun ini kegiatan difokuskan pada pengumpulan data dasar (base-line data) dalam kerangkan penyusunan kerangka pengelolaan. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa distribusi udang windu dan udang tiger di perairan Tarakan relatif lebih banyak di perairan pantai (60% dari total tangkapan). Nilai laju tangkap (catch rate)tertinggi untuk cruise pertama sebesar 6.89 kg/jam (stasiun 5) dan terendah sebesar 1.22 kg/jam (stasiun 2). Sedangkan untuk cruise kedua, laju tangkap tertinggi sebesar 6.39 kg/jam dan terendah sebesar 1.56 kg/jam. Berkaitan dengan kepadatan stok, pada cruise pertama kepadatan stok tertinggi sebesar 4,751.42 kg/km2 (stasiun 6) dan terendah sebesar 901.05 kg/km2 (stasiun 2). Adapun pada cruise kedua, kepadatan stok tertinggi sebesar 1,739.13 kg/km2 (stasiun 8) dan terendah sebesar 962.83 kg/km2 (stasiun 2). Selanjutnya analisis pendugaan biomassa dengan metode swept area (Sparre & Venema, 1999) berdasarkan parameter pendugaan masingmasing cruise menunjukkan tangkapan per luasan (Cw/a); rataan biomassa per satuan luas (bbar); dan dugaan total biomassa (B) berturutturut sebesar 2,029.21 kg/km2; 4,058.43 kg/km2; dan 9.98 kg/km2. Kata kunci: Implementation, Tarakan, Demonstration Site, SCS-SFMP The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 4 LIST OF CONTENT ABSTRACT – English version .......................................................................... 3 ABSTRACT – Indonesia version ..................................................................... 4 LIST OF CONTENT ........................................................................................... 5 LIST OF PICTURE .............................................................................................. 6 LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................... 6 LIST OF APPENDIX ........................................................................................... 6 CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................. 8 1.1. Background............................................................................................................. 8 1.2. Objective.................................................................................................................. 9 CHAPTER II. METHODOLOGY ................................................................. 9 2.1. Time and location .................................................................................................. 9 2.2. Pengumpulan data ................................................................................................ 9 2.3. Data analysis........................................................................................................... 9 CHAPTER III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION ........................................... 11 3. 1. General Conditions .............................................................................................. 11 3. 2. Fisheries Management ........................................................................................ 12 3. 3. Fisheries Performance ......................................................................................... 13 3. 4. Trawl Fisheries ..................................................................................................... 16 Shrimp Trawl........................................................................................................ 17 3. 5. Observation on Shrimp Trawl Operation ........................................................ 19 Fishing Ground .................................................................................................... 19 Catches .................................................................................................................. 20 Biomass.................................................................................................................. 22 Effect of tide to shrimp trawl fishing ................................................................ 24 CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION ..................................................................... 28 CHAPTER V. ACKNOWLEGMENT ......................................................... 29 REFERENCE ................................................................................................. 29 DOCUMENTATION........................................................................................ 31 APPENDIX ................................................................................................. 33 The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 5 LIST OF PICTURE Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8. Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13. Figure 14. Coordinate and bathymetry of Tarakan (Firdaus, 2005). ........ 12 Illustration of trawl (AFMA, 2012). ............................................ 16 Trawler in Tarakan waters........................................................... 17 Engine of shrimp trawl. ............................................................... 17 Process of towing (a) and hauling (b). ....................................... 18 Result of trawl towing. ................................................................. 18 Fishing ground of shrimp trawl.................................................. 20 Catch ratio by species group. ...................................................... 22 Trawl net specification for cruise 1 (Sparre & Venema, 1999 modified). ........................................... 22 Trawl net specification for cruise 2 (Sparre & Venema, 1999 modified). ........................................... 23 Tide patterm in Tarakan waters (Lingkas Station) on 29 November 2012 (www., 2012). .......... 25 Tide patterm in Tarakan waters (Lingkas Station) on 30 November 2012 (www., 2012). .......... 26 Hubungan pasang-surut terhadap tangkapan pukat udang cruise 1. ................................................................... 26 Hubungan pasang-surut terhadap tangkapan pukat udang cruise 2. ................................................................... 27 LIST OF TABLE Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Table 5. Table 6. Table 7. Table 8. Table 9. Table 10. Table 11. Table 12. Table 14. Table 15. Pembagian dan luas wilayah administratif Kota Tarakan ..... 11 Number of fishing gears in Tarakan waters in 2009 ................ 14 Numver of vessel by type in Tarakan waters in 2009.............. 15 Production by species per fishing gear in Tarakan inj 2009 ... 15 Infomasi mengenai waktu dan lokasi penangkapan ............... 19 Catches of shrimp trawl ............................................................... 21 Catch ratio (weight and number of individual) by group ...... 21 Analyzing on relative abundance of cruise 1 ............................ 23 Analyzing on relative abundance of cruise 2 ............................ 23 Parameter to estimated biomass on cruise 1 ............................. 24 Parameter to estimated biomass on cruise 2 ............................. 24 Estiamted biomass in Tarakan Waters....................................... 24 Tide conditions on Thursday, 29 November 2012 ................... 25 Tide conditions on Friday, 30 November 2012 ......................... 25 LIST OF APPENDIX Appendix 1. Appendix 2. Appendix 3. Land use of Tarakan .............................................................. 33 Detail chart of fishing activities during observation ........ 34 Observation station of tide in Lingkas, Tarakan (www., 2012). ....................................................... 35 The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 6 Appendix 4. Appendix 5. Appendix 6. Appendix 7. Appendix 8. Appendix 9. List of tide in Tarakan waters during November 2012 (Lingkas Station ) (www., 2012). .......... 36 Captain bridge sheet.............................................................. 37 Fishing-log .............................................................................. 38 Local, international and latin name of shrimp trawl catch ............................................................................... 39 Tangkapan pukat udang ....................................................... 40 Data cruise .............................................................................. 47 The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 7 CHAPTER I. 1.1. INTRODUCTION Background Sulu-Celebes Sea surrounded by 3 countries Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia, where is supported 33 million people ( (75% Philippines, 21% Indonesi – East Kalimantan and North Sulawesi and 4% Malaysia Sabah) (PATH Foundation Philippines, Inc./PFPI, 2009). Heilemen (2009) mentioned that Sulu-Celebes Sea Large Marine Ecosystem listed as Class II ecosystem, that is ecosystem with medium productivity (150-300 gCm2th-1). The SCS is also a very rich fishing ground for large and small pelagic as well as bay and coral reef fishes, providing livelihoods to the coastal inhabitants and food for the entire region and beyond. The fishery resources, however, have declined due to various threats, including overexploitation, habitat and community modification and global climate change. The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP is one part of main activities on Sulu-Celebes Sea Sustainable Fisheries Management Project. The goal of the Project is to have an economically and ecologically sustainable marine fisheries in the SCS, for the benefit of communities who are dependent on these resources for livelihood and for the global community who benefit in the conservation of highly diverse marine ecosystems and its ecosystems services The objective of the Project is to improve the condition of fisheries and their habitats in the SCS through an integrated, collaborative and participatory management at the local, national and tri-national levels. Demosite activities builded for addresing issues about decreasing fish population especially small-pelagic fish in SCS by develop initiation good fisheries management using concept of Ecosystem Approaches to Fisheries Management (EAFM; FAO, 2003). EAFM holistic approach on fisheries management (Fletcher, 2008); it deals with all the ecological consequences of fishing plus it recognises the social and economic implications of fishing and its management arrangements. It also assists in understanding how these activities interact and can affect the other. As metioned on SCS SFM Project Document, on addressing Component 4. Demonstration of Best Management Practices in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Tarakan has been declared as location for demonstration site. Tarakan is one of fisheries central that utilized fish resources in SCS, especially demersal fisheries. Good Fisheries Managment was targeted demersal fisheries, in turn, will be stabilized small-pelagic fisheries by minimizing shifting demersal fisheries to smallpelagic fisheries. Demonstration Sites was selected by several criteria, namely: (1) accessibility; safety, and security; (2) has supportive administration; (3) has fishing ground for small pelagic fisheries; (4) has significant contribution to marine fisheries production and income; and (5) has transboundary importance and linkages (ecological, socio-economic). The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 8 1.2. Objective The main goal of this activities is to demonstrated the best management practices on small-pelagic fisheries in Tarakan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia by conditioned good management on demersal fisheries within the context of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries management (EAF). CHAPTER II. 2.1. METHODOLOGY Time and location This activities will be conducted for 3 years (2012 – 2014) in Tarakan, North Kalimantan (formerly East Kalimantan). 2.2. Pengumpulan data Data was collected by interview to stakeholders (fishers, captain, boat owner, surveillance officer, fisheries service of regency, fisheries service of municipality, fish auction officer, port authority, Cooperation Unit); on-board observation; measuring on biological data; and literate study (Appendix 5 and 6). 2.3. Data analysis Metode swept area “Swept area” of trawl (km2) is the length of the path times the width of trawl (width of trawl times the fraction of the head-rope length). The swept area can be estimated from (Spare & Venema, 1999): a = D x hr x X2 ……… (1) D =vxt ……… (2) comments: a = swept area (km2); hr = head-rope length (km); X2 = fraction of the head-rope length (=0,5) (Pauly, 1980); D = swept distance (km); V = velocity of vessel (km/hour). Catch rate (kg/hour) was calculated by divided catch weight (Cw) to time of hauling (t). Catch rate per unit area (kg/km2), could be estimated from: Cw/t a/t = Cw a 2 kg/km ……… (3) comments: Cw = catch (kg); t = time of hauling (hour). The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 9 The mean of catch rate divides the fraction of the biomass in the effective path swept by the trawl (X1) was calculated to get the average biomass per unit area (bbar): തതതതതതത Cw ( ) 2 bത = a ൘X kg/km 1 ……… (4) comments: B bar = biomass per unit area / stock density (kg/km2); X1 = escapement factor (= 0,5). While biomass per unit area times the total area under investigation. The an estimate of the total biomass (B), is obtained from: തതതതതത Cw ( )×A a B= X1 ……… (5) comments: B = total biomass (ton); A = total area under investigation (km2). The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 10 CHAPTER III. 3. 1. RESULT AND DISCUSSION General Conditions Tarakan was located 3°19' - 3°20' LU dan 117°34' - 117°38' BT (Figure 1) and have administration border namely (Error! Reference source not found.): North : coatal of Bunyu Island District East : Bunyu Island District and Sulawesi Sea South : coatal of Tanjung Palas District West : coatal of Sesayap District Tarakan is island that situated on north area of East Kalimantan Province, since 2012 has been declare as part of new province, North Kalimantan Province. Tarakan administration area was 657.33 km2, where consiste of 250.80 km2 for land and 406.53 km2 for waters area, berpotensi dalam bidang perikanan dengan ketersedia sumberdaya ikan, baik perikanan laut maupun budidaya tambak. Perkembangan dan pemekaran wilayah sesuai dengan UU No. 12 Tahun 1999 dan Peraturan Daerah Kota Tarakan No.23 Tahun 1999, maka Kota Tarakan memiliki 4 kecamatan dan 18 kelurahan serta penyebutan Kotamadya menjadi Kota (Table 1). Table 1. Pembagian dan luas wilayah administratif Kota Tarakan Sub-district East Tarakan 58.01 km2 Central Tarakan 55.54 km2 West Tarakan 27.89 km2 North Tarakan 109.36 km2 Village Lingkas Ujung Gunung Lingkas Mamburungan Kampung Empat Kampung Enam Mamburungan Timur Pantai Amal Selumit Pantai Selumit Sebengkok Pamusian Kampung Satu Skip Karang Balik Karang Rejo Karang Anyar Karang Anyar Pantai Karang Harapan Juata Permai Juata Kerikil Juata laut Area(km2) 1.16 3.19 18.9 11.39 23.37 0.48 0.43 1.48 2.54 50.61 0.76 0.8 5.61 8.51 12.21 10.59 14.23 84.54 Source: Tarakan in Figure, 2006 The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 11 Figure 1. Coordinate and bathymetry of Tarakan (Firdaus, 2005). 3. 2. Fisheries Management Fisheries Management in Indonesia based on Article 33 point 3 The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 45 which metioned that “The land and the waters as well as the natural riches therein are to be controlled by the state to be exploited to the greatest benefit of the people”. While, arranged on article 3 and 6 on Fishery Law No. 31 in 2004 jo No. 45 in 2009, fishery management shall be carried out with the following goals: a. to improve the living conditions of small-scale fishermen and fish farmers; b. to increase the government’s revenues and foreign exchange; c. to spur the expansion of job opportunities; d. to increase the supply and consumption of fish which is rich in protein sources; e. to optimize the management of fishery resources; f. to increase the productivity, quality, added value, and competitiveness; g. to increase the supply of raw materials for fish processing Industry; h. to achieve the optimum utilization of fishery resources, area for fish culture resources environment; and The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 12 i. to ensure the conversation of fishery resources, areas for fish culture, and spatial management. Furthermore Government of Tarakan City has established the Regional Regulation concerning Fisheries Business License no. 14 in 2010. This regulation is needed as a legal basis for fisheries management. Attendance is expected to anticipate as well as a solution to problem that faced by fisheries sector, including utilization issues, resources availability, and environmental sustainability. Under local regulation no. 14 in 2010, Tarakan, in this case the Marine and Fisheries District Service issued a business license 149 trawler from 340 potentially units as quoted by the media Radar Tarakan on January 19, 2012 (www. index.php/ kategori/ detail/ Utama/20740). In the ministerial regulations, trawl is all kinds of fishing gear-shaped net pocket, body and wings are fitted opener nets operated by dredge or whipped by moving vessels (SNI 01-7232-2006 and ISO 7277.5: 2008). In its provisions metioned that trawler only could operating in adjacent waters of Tarakan, coordinates 3° 10 'N and beyond to waters of Sebatik Island, covering Nunukan, Bulungan, Tana Tidung and Tarakan. The area operations consists of two zones, Zone I (between 1 to 4 nm) for vessel sizes up to 5 GT under the authority of the district/city. Being on Zone II is more than 4 to 12 nautical miles for vessels of sizes up to 30 GT into provincial jurisdiction. The catch shall be landed in PPI (Landing Place) Sebatik, PPI Bunyu Island, PPI Tarakan, or at Fishing Port of Mansapa-Nunukan. This action take place in order to have a positive impact on the development of regional economy. It also will facilitate the monitoring or data collection that can be used as a reference to determine the next management policy. In 2011 the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries issued Ministerial Decree no. PER.06/MEN/2008 concerning the trawl fishing in the waters of the North East Kalimantan, as amended by regulation no. PER.14/MEN/2008 been revoked and not apply. 3. 3. Fisheries Performance There are several type of fishing gears that operated in Tarakan waters, namely yaitu trawl, gill-net, trammel net, longline, tide trao (sero/kelong and jermal) and hand line (Anonymous, 2008). The dominant fisheries in Tarakan waters is shrimp fisheries and demersal fisheries which used trawl (Table 2). Trawl (otter trawl) in Fisheries Statistics called danish-net (payang and dogol) (DKP Tarakan, 2010). They used small boat, P x L x D (10-12 m x 1-1.5m x 70-85 cm) and main power using Jiang Dong 26 PK, line hauler with capacity 26 PK dongfeng (Table 3). Number of fishers that operated trawl was 1-2 fishers. Trawl in Tarakan The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 13 operated one-day fishing, but sometimes 4-5 days/trip. Fishing ground of trawl located in Tanjung Juata – Tanjung Selayang and Bulungan waters. Table 2. Number of fishing gears in Tarakan waters in 2009 District Total Seine nets Pelagic danish net Demersal danish net Beach seine Gillnets Drift gillnet Set gillnet Trammel net Liftnet Set liftnet Scoop net Others liftnet Lines Tuna longline Drift longline Others line Traps Guiding barrier Stow net Portable traps Other traps Shell fish collection Other gears West Tarakan 2467 246 East Tarakan 4662 464 Centre Tarakan 3839 382 North Tarakan 2742 273 483 913 752 537 36 68 56 40 644 1217 1002 716 413 781 643 459 466 880 725 518 179 288 261 339 544 492 279 448 405 199 320 209 160 303 249 178 143 270 222 159 240 454 374 267 281 530 437 312 467 100 881 189 726 156 518 111 121 228 188 134 92 25 174 48 143 39 102 28 Source: Tarakan Marine and Fisheries Service (2010) The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 14 Table 3. Numver of vessel by type in Tarakan waters in 2009 District West Tarakan East Tarakan Centre Tarakan North Tarakan Total Dugout boat Inboard Outboard machine boat machine 5-10 boat 0-5 GT GT 269 63 22 Plank built boat Small Medium Large 367 7 6 698 27 5 257 333 76 377 12 13 227 65 60 236 9 1 95 86 45 Source: Tarakan Marine and Fisheries Service (2010) Table 4. Production by species per fishing gear in Tarakan inj 2009 Crustacea Pelagic Value s (IDR x 106) 24.9 91.8 91.2 90.3 80.6 78.6 201.4 1,836 2,280 1,355 322 236 1,339 Others Total (tones) Traps Red snappers Groupers Snapper Bombay duck Sweet-lips Other demersal fishes Metapenaeus prawn Other prawn Banana prawn Other crustacea Indian mackerels Silver pomfret Threadfin Trevallies Mullet Black pomfret Narrow barred king mackerel Roackers Indo-Pasific king mackerel Lines Demersal Lift-net Species Gill-net Group Seine net Catch by Group of Fishing Gear (tones) 34.2 28.3 68.3 45.3 50.9 29.5 21.2 26 71.1 157.8 80.6 27.4 100.4 366.2 5,493 165.2 80.4 97.4 69.3 73.2 57.4 17.9 20.7 29.6 112.7 152.2 186.9 365.1 326.5 382.9 3,651 9,795 12,778 41.5 39.3 98.8 494 28 64.5 58.5 37.5 44.8 56.3 50.9 13.1 92.5 92.4 90.7 89.0 85.9 85.6 370 693 363 623 1,718 856 13 84.2 35.6 337 463 22.3 25.7 18.9 17.1 29.6 21.6 22.5 22.6 42.5 42.6 24.2 14.6 18.2 25.2 24.3 25.7 11.4 0 18 13.4 15.5 19.2 33.9 20.9 11.6 11.6 The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 15 Queen fish Other pelagic fishes Tuna and Bullet tuna tuna like species Other fishes 16.5 86.3 54.2 106.8 13.8 71 15.7 0 91.9 7.3 58.4 0 150.9 70.7 494.3 495 2,499 13.3 98.1 981 38.8 61.8 309 Source: Tarakan Marine and Fisheries Service (2010) 3. 4. Trawl Fisheries Sumino (2012) explained that trawl is fishing gear that have coneshaped which one side opened as mouth and being small to another side as bunt. Operated by dredge the gear by a vessel in speed and certain time (von Brandt, 1984). Trawl using otter-board to ensure the opening of net and was set in both side of net. Head rope was set with float and ground rope set with sinker bobbin and tickler-chain (Figure 2). Figure 2. Illustration of trawl (AFMA, 2012). Dengan mulut yang terbuka lebar selama towing, maka jaring akan menyaring semua benda yang dilewatinya, sehingga alat tangkap ini digolongkan sebagai alat tangkap yang tidak selektif (Sparre & Venema, 1999). Efektivitas trawl tercapai saat towing dilakukan pada kecepatan yang tepat sehingga jaring dapat membentuk konfigurasi yang benar di dasar perairan. Kecepatan towing (towing speed) biasanya berkisar antara nilai 3 5 knots (SEAFDEC, 2004). Kecepatan penghelaan ini sangat berpengaruh The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 16 terhadap bukaan mulut trawl. Pada kecepatan tinggi, maka area antar sewakan menyempit dan mengakibatkan mengecilnya luasan area yang disapu (Friedman, 1986). Pukat tank yang dioperasikan oleh nelayan di Kota Tarakan termasuk sebagai alat tangkap jenis pukat kantong (Danish Seine) yang dimodifikasi menjadi pukat udang dalam ukuran kecil yang memiliki spesifikasi pukat hela. Alat tangkap tersebut merupakan jenis dari bottom otter trawl, karena menggunakan papan pembuka (otter-board) guna membantu dalam pembukaan mulut trawl pada saat dioperasikan (Subani & Barus 1989). Dalam statistik perikanan Kota Tarakan, perikanan pukat hela dimasukkan sebagai perikanan payang dan dogol. Shrimp Trawl Fishing Vessel Trawlers in Tarakan waters relatively have similar shape, size and specification with trawlers in north Java waters. Trawler in tarakan was categorized as small trawler, the vessel has been build by wood, LOA (Length Over All) 9-13 m and width 1.2-2 m and draft 1.5 - 2 m, approximately size was 4 GT (Figure 3). Figure 3. Trawler in Tarakan waters. Engine was designed for maximum output 26 HP / 2200 RPM, Jiang Dong Engine with diesel fuel could reached speed 15-27 km/jam (Figure 4). Figure 4. Engine of shrimp trawl. The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 17 Trawl was operated near the estuary and mostly consist of sand and mud substrate (Figure 5 and Figure 6). Figure 5. Process of towing (a) and hauling (b). Figure 6. Result of trawl towing. In operated, seeting of net could be conduct for 7 – 9 times depend on tide and sea condition of fishing ground. Tide in Tarakan waters happen twice a day, high tide period was 06.00 – 07.00 (Central Indonesia Time/CIT) and 15.00 – 17.00; low tide was at 10.00 – 13.00 CIT and 19.00 – 21.00 CIT. Fisher will conduct fishing at low tide period. The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 18 3. 5. Observation on Shrimp Trawl Operation Observation on fishing operation was conducted for two days 29-30th November 2012) using 2 different vessels kapal got information relating to catch composition (ratio of shrimp and fish; catch composition per fishing ground), fishing ground and relative abundance. During observation, we conduct 15 times for hauling (Table 5). Table 5. Infomasi mengenai waktu dan lokasi penangkapan No Cruise; Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Time Start 8:37 9:36 10:30 11:46 12:33 13:22 8:15 9:12 9:52 10:25 10:56 12:19 13:22 15:04 15:39 Lintang Bujur End Start End N/S Start End 9:07 10:01 10:53 12:11 13:00 14:19 8:53 9:34 10:12 10:41 11:55 13:05 14:44 15:27 16:02 3.5314 3.5316 3.5313 3.5036 3.5038 3.495 3.4186 3.4185 3.4185 3.4178 3.4019 3.3725 3.375 3.39 3.4106 3.523 3.525 3.526 3.494 3.494 3.501 3.412 3.412 3.413 3.412 3.369 3.367 3.388 3.403 3.419 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 117.512 117.512 117.5143 117.5369 117.5374 117.5374 117.6601 117.6602 117.6617 117.6643 117.6705 117.6695 117.6695 117.6706 117.6685 117.5064 117.5066 117.5164 117.5374 117.5374 117.5455 117.6676 117.6678 117.668 117.6678 117.671 117.6709 117.6713 117.6707 117.6622 E/ W E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Comment: - Cruise; Station (1.1-6.): Conducted on 29 Nov 2012; captain Rahman; fishing ground on estuary of Mangkulis River - Cruise; Station (2.1-9.): Conducted on 30 Nov 2012; captain Badrisyah; fishing ground on coastal waters of Keterangan Bay and dan Binalatung Bay Fishing Ground Two that we jointned have twod different fishing ground namely, estuary of Mangkulis River and coastal waters of Keterangan Bay and dan Binalatung Bay (Figure 8). Criteria of fishing ground for shrimp trawl mostly on shallow waters, current encounter site, area of mangrove forest (nipa palm and rhizophora). In estuary of Mangkulis River we found pond and tide trap (sero), while in coastal waters of Keterangan Bay and dan Binalatung Bay we found another tide trap (tugu/jermal) (Error! Reference source not found.). The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 19 N % U U % W 4 4 % U U% % U U % U % U % U % U % 9 1 1 8 1 1 7 1 1 6 1 1 5 1 1 4 1 1 5 ## S 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - ' 0 2 ° 3 ' 0 2 ° 3 # # # # # # #### ### ### # ### # # # ## # # # ######## ### # # # #### # ## # #### ## # # ### # # #### # # ### # ## ## # ## #### # ### # # # # # # # # ## # ######## # # # # # # # # # ## ## # ## ### ## # # ## # # ##### # # # # # # ## # ## ### # ## # # # # # # ## # ## ## # # #### # # #### ## # # # # # # ## ### # # #### ## # # # # ## # # # # # # ##### # # ## ### # # # ### ## # ## # ### # # # # #### # # # ## ## # # ### ### # E 5 Daratan 3 1 1 Litang Utara # Cruise 1 Cruise 2 Sungai Pantai Kota Jalan ' 0 3 ° 3 ' 0 3 ° 3 % U U % ' 0 4 ° 7 1 1 ' 0 3 ° 7 1 1 ' 0 2 ° 7 1 1 U % U % LEGENDA # 9 1 1 8 1 1 7 1 1 6 1 1 5 1 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 5 0 5 Kilometers ' 0 4 ° 7 1 1 ' 0 3 ° 7 1 1 ' 0 2 ° 7 1 1 Bujur Timur Andhika P. Prasetyo P4KSI - Balitbang KP - KKP 2012 Figure 7. Fishing ground of shrimp trawl. Comment - observation on 29 November 2012 - observation on 30 November 2012 Catches Catch of shrimp trawl could be grouped to 3 group namely, pelagic, demersal and shrimp. There is also other crustacean, mollusca, seaweed and garbage (Table 6). Pelagic fish that was caught including Stolephorus commersonnii, Sardinella gibbosa, Setipinna tenuifilis, and Atule mate. While dominant demersal fish caught by shrimp trawl was Johnius sp and Arius thalassinus. The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 20 Table 6. Catches of shrimp trawl Pelagic Demersal Stolephorus commersonnii Sardinella gibbosa Plotosus lineatus Setipinna tenuifilis Chelon planiceps Johnius sp Atule mate Arius thalassinus Atelomyctreus macleayi Sorsogona tuberculata Tetraodon sp Upeneus cf. sulphureus Lactarius lactarius Boleophthalmus boddarti Cynoglossus sp Orheochromis niloticus Trichiurus lepturus Lutjanus russelli Psettodes erumei Scatophagus argus Harpodon nehereus Leiognatus sp Sillago sihama Mugil cephalus Shirmp Crustacean Mollusca Penaeus merguiensis Penaeus monodon Harpiosquilla raphidea Portunus pelagicus Scylla serrata Loligo edulis Sepia sp Octopus sp Drepane punctata Eleutheronema tetradactylum Pisodonophis sp Analysis showed that shrimp was the dominant catches of shrimp trawl. On the first cruise ratio of fish was higher than shrimp, while for second cruise ratio of fish was lower than shrimp. It was estimated as effect of fishing ground condition. List of catches was presented on Error! Reference source not found.and Error! Reference source not found.. Table 7. Catch ratio (weight and number of individual) by group TOTAL CATCH Catch per hour % Group * w (gr) n w (gr/h) N (ind/h) w (gr/h) N (ind/h) Kamis 29 Nov 2012 | 3.12 Jam towing Pelagis 2070.60 130 664.4 42 15.0 13.1 Demersal 5101.40 446 1636.8 143 36.9 44.8 Udang 6640.00 420 2130.5 135 48.1 42.2 Jumat, 30 Nov 2012 | 5.48 Jam towing Pelagis 1476.20 45 269.2 8 6.4 4.2 Demersal 7766.86 291 1416.4 53 33.6 27.5 Udang 13874.00 723 2530.2 132 60.0 68.3 TOTAL 36929.06 2055 8647.53 513 * : sum of all towing for each cruise. The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 21 Udang Pelagis 60 Pelagis 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 Demersal Figure 8. Udang Demersal Catch ratio by species group. Biomass Catch rate, stock density and estimated biomass The highest catch rate for first was 6.89 kg/h (station 5) and the lowest was 1.22 kg/h (station 2). While, the highest catch rate for second cruise was 6.39 kg/h and the lowest was 1.56 kg/h. Realting to stock density, the highest stock density for first cruise was 4,751.42 kg/km2 (statio 6) and the lowest was 901.05 kg/km2 (station 2). While, the highest stock density for second cruise was 1,739.13 kg/km2 (station 8) and the lowest was 962.83 kg/km2 (station 2). Trawl net specification was showed on Figure 9 and Figure 10. Based on analyzing data on swept area method showed that relative abundance for first cruise was 2,898.45 kg/km2 with swept area 0.0048 km2. While, second cruise found that relative abundance was 1,205.43 kg/km2 with swept area 0.0192 km2 (Table 8 dan Table 9). Figure 9. Comment: (a) (b) (b1) (c) (d) (e) Trawl net specification for cruise 1 (Sparre & Venema, 1999 modified). : 105 cm : (a) + (b1) = 105 + 10 = 115 cm : 10 cm : 4,500 cm : 117.61 cm = (d) The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 22 Table 8. Analyzing on relative abundance of cruise 1 Mean V cruise 1 Total t cruise 1 Horizontal opening D Swept area Catch Relative abundance Figure 10. CRUISE 1 2.60 km/h 3.12 jam 117.61 cm 8.10 km 0.0048 km2 13,812.00 g 2,898.45 kg/km2 0.0012 km 13.81 kg Trawl net specification for cruise 2 (Sparre & Venema, 1999 modified). Comment: (a) (b) (b1) (c) (d) (e) : 115 cm : (a) + (b1) = 105 + 59 = 164 cm : 59 cm : 2,250 cm = (b) 164 cm = (d) = 117.61 cm Table 9. Analyzing on relative abundance of cruise 2 Mean V cruise 2 Total t cruise 2 Horizontal opening D Swept area Catch Relative abundance CRUISE 2 4.02 km/h 5.48 jam 174.00 cm 22.04 km 0.0192 km2 23117.06 g 1,205.43 kg/km2 0.0017 km 23.12 kg Estimated Biomass Analyzing on estimation biomass (Sparre & Venema, 1999) based on each estimation parameters for each cruise (Table 10 and Table 11) showed value of catch per area (Cw/a); average biomass per swept area (bbar); and total estimated biomass (B) was 2,029.21 kg/km2; 4,058.43 kg/km2; and 9.98 kg/km2 respectively (Table 12). The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 23 Table 10. Parameter to estimated biomass on cruise 1 Hauling Parameter 1 Total catch (kg) Catch per hour (Cw) (kg/h) Swept area (a) (km2) Swept area per hour (a/t) (km2/h) Cw/a (kg/km2) 2 3 4 5 6 1.76 3.51 0.51 1.22 0.87 2.27 2.27 5.44 3.10 6.89 5.31 5.59 0.0007 0.0014 0.0006 0.0014 0.0007 0.0018 0.0008 0.0018 0.0007 0.0016 0.0011 0.0012 2489.45 901.05 1284.09 2986.62 4185.81 4751.42 Table 11. Parameter to estimated biomass on cruise 2 Parameter Total catch (kg) Catch per hour (Cw) (kg/h) Swept area (a) (km2) Swept area per hour (a/t) (km2/h) Cw/a (kg/km2) 1 0.99 1.56 2 1.29 3.52 3 1.72 5.17 4 1.70 6.39 0.0026 0.0041 0.0013 0.0037 0.0012 0.0036 0.0010 0.0038 380.74 962.83 1449.96 1670.12 Hauling 5 3.41 3.46 6 3.82 4.98 7 6.21 4.54 8 2.20 5.75 9 1.77 4.63 0.0032 0.0032 0.0024 0.0031 0.0042 0.0030 0.0013 0.0033 0.0014 0.0037 1076.25 1591.41 1491.39 1739.13 1266.37 Table 12. Estiamted biomass in Tarakan Waters Estiamted parameters (Cruise 1 & 2) Value Average Cw/a (kg/km2) 2,029.21 Biomass per swept area (bbar) (kg/km2) 4,058.43 Estimated biomass (B) (kg/km2) 9.98 Effect of tide to shrimp trawl fishing Thursday, 29 November 2012 Thursday, 29 November 2012, the first low tide was at 0:00 and the second low tide was at 11:20. The first high tide was at 5:40 the second low tide was at 17:55 (Table 13). The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 24 Table 13. Tide conditions on Thursday, 29 November 2012 Time Tide Water Level 0:00 low tide ( 0,5 m ) 5:40 high tide ( 2,5 m ) 11:20 low tide ( 0,5 m ) 17:55 high tide ( 3,3 m ) Tide koefisies was 77, so deviation of tide will showed clearly. The water level was 0.5, 2.5, 05 and 3.3 deviation (Figure 11). Figure 11. Tide patterm in Tarakan waters (Lingkas Station) on 29 November 2012 (www., 2012). Friday, 30 November 2012 Friday, 30 November 2012, the first low tide was at 0:25 and the second low tide was at 11:50. The first high tide was at 6:05 the second low tide was at 18:20 (Table 14). Table 14. Tide conditions on Friday, 30 November 2012 Time Tide Water Level 0:25 low tide ( 0,5 m ) 6:05 high tide ( 2,5 m ) 11:50 low tide ( 0,5 m ) 18:20 high tide ( 3,3 m ) Tide koefisies was 77, so deviation of tide will showed clearly. The water level was 0.5, 2.5, 0.5 and 3.3 m (Figure 12). The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 25 Figure 12. Tide patterm in Tarakan waters (Lingkas Station) on 30 November 2012 (www., 2012). There was relation between tide and shrimp trawl catches (Figure 13 and Figure 14) that showed the increasing catches was associate to high tide period. It was estimated that when high tide the trawl net could not reach shrimp and fish in deeper water. Time of towing also effect the number of catch. List if water level showed on Error! Reference source not found.. 4 4000 3 3000 2 2000 1 1000 0 Tangkapan (gr) Ketinggian air (m) Cruise 1 0 0.00 4.00 8.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 24.00 Waktu Ketinggian air (m) Figure 13. Pelagis Demersal Udang Hubungan pasang-surut terhadap tangkapan pukat udang cruise 1. The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 26 4000 4 3000 2 2000 1 1000 0 Tangkapan (gr) Ketinggian air (m) Cruise 2 3 0 0.00 4.00 8.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 24.00 Waktu Ketinggian air (m) Figure 14. Pelagis Demersal Udang Hubungan pasang-surut terhadap tangkapan pukat udang cruise 2. Ayodhyoa (1981) dan Sadhori (1985) menambahkan bahwa daerah penangkapan yang cocok untuk operasi penangkapan udang dengan trawl adalah perairan yang mempunyai dasar laut datar atau rata, tidak terdapat karang atau tonggak-tonggak, bersubstrat lumpur atau lumpur bercampur pasir, kecepatan arus pasang dan pada midwater tidak besar dan perairan mempunyai daya produktivitas yang besar, serta tempat berkumpulnya ikan atau udang yang merupakan daerah sasaran setiap penangkapan. The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 27 CHAPTER IV. - - - - CONCLUSION There were several point of conclusion from these activities, namely: Mostly shrimp was caught near the coastal waters 60%; The highest catch rate from the first cruise was 6.89 kg/h and the lowest was 1.22 kg/h. While, the highest catch rate from the second cruise was 6.39 kg/h and the lowest was 1.56 kg/h. Relating to stock density, the highest stock density from the first cruise was 4,751.42 kg/km2 (station 6) and the lowest was 901.05 kg/km2 (station 2). While, the highest catch rate from the second cruise was 1,739.13 kg/km2 (station 8) and the lowest was 962.83 kg/km2 (station 2). Analyzing on estimation biomass (Sparre & Venema, 1999) based on each estimation parameters for each cruise (Table 10 and 11) showed value of catch per area (Cw/a); average biomass per swept area (bbar); and total estimated biomass (B) was 2,029.21 kg/km2; 4,058.43 kg/km2; and 9.98 kg/km2 respectively; Tarakan fisheries was dominated by demersal fisheries, likely bombay duck trawl, shrimp trawl and “kuro” gill net. There was also found tide trap likely “sero” and “jermal/tugu”; The peak season for shrimp fisheries was on November-February; Catch ratio was depending on fishing ground; Fishers of shrimp trawl only caught a big size (± 8cmCL). The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 28 CHAPTER V. ACKNOWLEGMENT We would like say thank you for UNOPS. This report is an output as responsibility to UNOPS, The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP. This project was coordinated by National Coordinator of Indonesia to address Component 4. The demonstration of best practices in fisheries management within the context of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries management (EAF). REFERENCE AFMA. 2012. Trawl. pada 9 December 2012. Ayodhyoa AU. 1981. Metode Penangkapan Ikan. Yayasan Dewi Sri. Bogor.Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan (DKP) Tarakan. 2010. Statitik Perikanan Tahun 2009. Tarakan: Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Kota Tarakan. 121 hal FAO 2003. Fisheries management 2. The ecosystem approach to fisheries. FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries 4 (Supplement 2). 112 p Firdaus, M. 2005. Kajian Keberlanjutan Perikanan Pukat Tarik (Dragged Gear on Shrimp) di Kota Tarakan Kalimantan Timur. Tesis [tidak dipublikasikan. Sekolah Pascasarjana – Institut Pertanian Bogor. 131 hal Fletcher. Rick. 2008. A Guide to Implementing an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) for the tuna fisheries of the Western and Central Pacific Region. Solomon Islands: Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency. Friedman. 1986. Calculation for Fishing Gear Design Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nation - Roma. Heileman, S. 2009. VIII-16 Sulu-Celebes Sea: LME #37. [digital version] a2.pdf Sadhori N. 1985. Tehnik Penangkapan Ikan. Bandung: Penerbit Angkasa. hal 13-23. The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 29 SEAFDEC. 2004. Standard Operating Procedurs for M. V. SEAFDEC 2. Southeast Asian fisheries Development Center. Training Department. Sparre, P ., & S. C. V enema. 1999. Introduction to tropical fish stock assessment. Part 1 Manual. Rome FAO. Fisheries T echnical Paper (306/1). Subani,W. dan Barus, H.R. 1989. Alat Penangkapan Ikan dan Udang laut di Indonesia. Jurnal Penelitian Perkanan Laut. ISSN0216-7727 Sumiono. 2012. Sampling dengan Trawl untuk Pengkajian Stok Ikan. Bahan Pelatihan [tidak dipublikasikan]. Peningkatan Kemampuan SDM: ketrampilan khusus pengkajian stok lanjutan. Jakarta, 19-21 November 2012. 16 hal von Brandt, A. 1984. Fish catching methods of the world. Fishing News Books Ltd., England The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 30 DOCUMENTATION The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 31 The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 32 APPENDIX Appendix 1. Land use of Tarakan The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 33 Appendix 2. Detail chart of fishing activities during observation ' 4 3 ° 7 1 1 ' 2 3 ° 7 1 1 ' 0 3 ° 7 1 1 ' 8 2 ° 7 1 1 ' 2 3 ° 3 N S # # S W U% % U S # E S ' 0 3 ° 3 U % % U ' 0 3 ° 3 # Awal Cruise1 #S Akhir Cruise1 Awal Cruise2 #S Akhir Cruise2 Sungai Pantai Kota Jalan ' 2 3 ° 3 % U U % ' 6 3 ° 7 1 1 LEGENDA S # U % S # ' 6 3 ° 7 1 1 ' 0 4 ° 7 1 1 ' 0 3 ° 7 1 1 ' 0 2 ° 7 1 1 ' 4 3 ° 7 1 1 ' 2 3 ° 7 1 1 ' 0 3 ° 7 1 1 ' 8 2 ° 7 1 1 ' 2 4 ° 7 1 1 # ' 2 2 ° 3 ' 2 2 ° 3 Andh ika P. Prasetyo P4KSI - Balit ba ng KP - K 2012 ' 4 2 ° 3 ' 0 2 ° 3 ' 0 2 ° 3 S% # % U U % U# S U % S # U % U % S # U % U % S # ' 4 2 ° 3 % U U % U % U % U % U % ' 6 2 ° 3 ' 2 4 ° 7 1 1 ' 0 4 ° 7 1 1 ' 6 2 ° 3 ' 0 4 ° 7 1 1 ' 8 3 ° 7 1 1 ' 6 3 ° 7 1 1 ' 0 3 ° 3 ' 0 3 ° 3 % U U % U % U % Litang Utara Daratan ' 8 3 ° 7 1 1 ' 6 3 ° 7 1 1 20 Kilometers ' 0 2 ° 3 ' 0 2 ° 3 10 ' 0 4 ° 7 1 1 0 ' 0 3 ° 7 1 1 ' 0 2 ° 7 1 1 10 Bujur Timur The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 34 Appendix 3. Observation station of tide in Lingkas, Tarakan (www., 2012). The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 35 Appendix 4. List of tide in Tarakan waters during November 2012 (Lingkas Station ) (www., 2012). The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 36 Appendix 5. Captain bridge sheet CAPTAIN BRIDGE SHEET Cruise no. Stat no. Waktu penangkapan Lintang (local time ) Tanggal: Area: Alat tangkap: Bujur Kedalaman perairan (m) Kedalaman alat tangkap (m) Arah angin Kondisi laut Awal: Akhir Wire out (m) Towing direction (°) Kecepatan Kecepatan putaran mesin kapal (knot) (RPM) The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 37 Appendix 6. Fishing-log FISHING LOG Station no. 1 Position. Cruise no. 1 Latitude Longitude Fishing time. Start (local) Stop Time / Distance TOTAL CATCH ( kg ) Large fish (kg) Small fish: boxes No. Sorted boxes No. Sorted boxes (Kg) SPECIES Date Ship Gear o Towing dir ( ) Sea state Speed Sub area SUBSTRATE NOTES sorted w n separate sample w n TOTAL CATCH w n Catch per hour w n Stolephorus commersonnii Sardinella gibbosa Setipinna tenuifilis Atule mate Plotosus lineatus Arius thalassinus Johnius sp Upeneus cf. sulphureus Lactarius lactarius Boleophthalmus boddarti Cynoglossus sp Psettodes erumei Harpodon nehereus Leiognatus sp Mugil cephalus Atelomyctreus macleayi Sorsogona tuberculata Tetraodon sp Orheochromis niloticus Trichiurus lepturus Lutjanus russelli Drepane punctata Scatophagus argus Sillago sihama Eleutheronema tetradactylum Pisodonophis sp. A SHRIMP Penaeus merguiensis Penaeus monodon Penaeus semisulcatus Penaeus indicus Metapenaeus endevouri Metapenaeus ensis Harpiosquilla raphidea Portunus pelagicus Scylla serrata Loligo edulis Sepia sp. Octopus sp The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 38 Appendix 7. Local, international and latin name of shrimp trawl catch Local name Teri Sardin Pupu/bulan2 Selar Como Sembilang Manyung Gulamah Kuniran Susu / lemak Tempakul / Belodok Lidah Sebelah Nomei Petek Belanak Hiu cicak Flat fish Buntal Nila Layur Kakap Ketang-ketang Bidang Besot/Kisu2 Kurau/Senangin Rembang Udang Udang putih/jerbung Udang windu Mantis Rajungan Kepiting bakau Cumi-cumi Sotong Gurita International name Anchovy Goldstipe sardine Longfin anchovy Yellowtail scad Striped eel catfish Giant seacatfish Croackers Yellowbelly goatfsh False trevally Mudskipper Groups Pelagis Pelagis Pelagis Pelagis Demersal Demersal Demersal Demersal Demersal Demersal Latin name Stolephorus commersonnii Sardinella gibbosa Setipinna tenuifilis Atule mate Plotosus lineatus Arius thalassinus Johnius sp Upeneus cf. sulphureus Lactarius lactarius Boleophthalmus boddarti Tongue soles Indian halibut Bombay duck Ponyfish Mangrove mullets Marbled catshark Tuberculate flathead Pufferfish Nile tilapia Hairtail Moses perch Spotted sicklefsh Spotted scat Northern whiting Fourfnger threadfn Indonesian snake eel Demersal Demersal Demersal Demersal Demersal Demersal Demersal Demersal Demersal Demersal Demersal Demersal Demersal Demersal Demersal Demersal Banana prawn Krustasea Cynoglossus sp Psettodes erumei Harpodon nehereus Leiognatus sp Mugil cephalus Atelomyctreus macleayi Sorsogona tuberculata Tetraodon sp Orheochromis niloticus Trichiurus lepturus Lutjanus russelli Drepane punctata Scatophagus argus Sillago sihama Eleutheronema tetradactylum Pisodonophis sp SHRIMP Penaeus merguiensis Giant tiger prawn Giant harpiosquillid mantis Blue swimming crab Mud crab Squid Cuttlefish Octopus Krustasea Krustasea Penaeus monodon Harpiosquilla raphidea Krustasea Krustasea Moluska Moluska Moluska Portunus pelagicus Scylla serrata Loligo edulis Sepia sp Octopus sp The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 39 Appendix 8. Tangkapan pukat udang PELAGIC Stolephorus commersonnii Sardinella gibbosa Setipinna tenuifilis Atule mate DEMERSAL Plotosus lineatus Arius thalassinus Johnius sp Upeneus cf. sulphureus The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 40 Lactarius lactarius Boleophthalmus boddarti Cynoglossus sp Psettodes erumei Harpodon nehereus Leiognatus sp Mugil cephalus Atelomyctreus macleayi The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 41 Sorsogona tuberculata Tetraodon sp Orheochromis niloticus Trichiurus lepturus Lutjanus russelli Drepane punctata Scatophagus argus Sillago sihama The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 42 Eleutheronema tetradactylum Pisodonophis sp CRUSTACEA Penaeus merguiensis The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 43 Penaeus monodon Portunus pelagicus Harpiosquilla raphidea Scylla serrata MOLUSCA The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 44 Loligo edulis Sepia sp Octopus sp SHELL UNIDENTIFIED The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 45 The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 46 Appendix 9. Data cruise The Implementation of Tarakan East Kalimantan Demonstration Site of The SCS-SFMP | 47
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