Issue 4, June 2010
Issue 4, June 2010
ISSUE 4 TRIVANTAGE TIMES JUNE 2010 DARWIN AWARDS EDITORS’ WELCOME A Tight Spot Welcome Everyone, (5 June 2000, Australia) We hope you all enjoyed your Easter Break, reading your copy of the last Trivantage Times while eating your Easter eggs and Easter cupcakes ....... with a good coffee. A 23-year-old man who dropped his keys down a lift shaft was killed when he tried to retrieve them. The man was entering a lift with two work mates when he accidentally dropped his key ring. He asked his mates to hold the lift while he climbed out to retrieve it. He exited via the ceiling trapdoor, and was scrambling down the side of the lift when an adjacent car began to move. It wedged him so firmly against the lift wall that it took police rescuers 3 hours to extract the crushed man, and additional two minutes to retrieve his keys. We have more great reading in this edition, with the inclusion of a new section showing much community spirit amongst our Group. We also introduce another section in which we ask you to send any photos that you may have that are funny, odd, strange etc. Just email one of us with your picture. We also have a great Kids Competition with a terrific prize. Autumn has flown by and we are now into winter, which if you are from Melbourne, is very cold. So to warm up on the cold, cold evenings, we have included some hearty winter dinner ideas. As always, we have our regular features. Again, we thank you for your support and ideas, please keep them coming. Happy Reading .......... Carmen, Gail and Jackie MESSAGE FROM THE GROUP MANAGING DIRECTOR INSIDE THIS ISSUE Editors’ Welcome Group Managing Director What’s Happening? 1 1 2-4 Staff News 5-7 Qualified Apprentices 5 New Apprentices 5 New Employees 5-6 Hot Off the Press 6 Spotlight on... 6,8 Recipes 7 Annual Business Networking Event 7 Announcements Community Service 8-9 10-11 Retirements 12 Employment 12 Book Review 12 Last Issue’s Competition Winners 12 As we move forward through to the last quarter of 2009/10 financial year - much has been achieved with the addition of Group CCTV and Affinity Electrical in Canberra. The Canberra based business gives us exposure to government projects/works and introduces us to the university/schools market. These new areas will expose our highly skilled labour force to new challenges and opportunities in emerging markets as the population continues to grow through immigration and natural growth within our society. Our family has now reached 670+ employees and our exposure stretches across Australia (north to south, east to west) to service our clients and provide security for staff, suppliers, stakeholders and shareholders alike. The commercial market continues to dominate our thoughts daily with a distinct lack of direction from government causing many projects to be delayed or withdrawn causing a brake effect to the economy growing now and in the future. With customers, new projects, redevelopments and expansion all but stalled by government regulation or lack thereof, we need to grow our business through change, that is, we need to increase training, project management efficiencies need to be captured and cross selling of products is pivotal between divisions and brands. The mergers and subsequent integration that follows continue to gain momentum with all business units being transformed onto a singular technological platform with software support and implementation to follow soon. I am without doubt that Trivantage will even through this difficult environment become Australia’s leading specialised electrical and security contracting company. It is through the continued support of our staff and Managers, coupled with a superior product and service offering to the marketplace that we make this possible. Angelo Muraca HOT OFF THE PRESS!! Affinity Electrical joins the Trivantage Group See page 6 for details Church Electrical Industries T RT IRVIAVN A TA N TA GE G E- -I SISSU SE U E4 4JUj N uE ne2 021001 0 [1] WHAT’S HAPPENING? Woodend Recycled Water Update Church Electrical Industries is now nearing completion of this project, with final commissioning in progress. The Principal, Western Water chose to implement a 0.85 megalitre per day IDAL system (intermittently decanted aerated lagoon). The current lagoon will be used for winter storm water storage. Installed into the system are instruments such as Flow Sensors, Hydrostatic Level Sensors, Pressure Sensors, Ultrasonic Level Sensors, Dissolved Oxygen Probes, PH Probes and a number of level and pressure switches. There is now a new inlet pump station that replaces the old works. Installed is a new package inlet screen and grit removal system. Included in a separate Switchboard is the Master PLC, fully programmed, installed and commissioned by Church Electrical Software Engineers. [2] Four new blower units were also installed as part of the upgrade. The current aerator in existing Lagoon. Church Electrical designed, manufactured and installed an outdoor aluminium Motor Control Centre. Included in the project was the installation of Variable Speed Drives, PLC, Human Interface and Harmonic Distortion Correction. T R I V A N TA G E - I S S U E 4 JU N E 2 0 1 0 WHAT’S HAPPENING? Ladd Electrical has been awarded two major building contracts in Western Australia, both as Head Contractor. The first is a green field site in Yanchep WA (50km north of Perth) for Bovis Lend Lease. Ladd will construct a new 20m by 12m double brick structure, complete with all required services, inground telecommunications conduits, air conditioning, HVAC control system, mains power upgrade and the construction of the Main and Mechanical Services Switchboards. The project will have its challenges with regards to the very tight construction schedule and keeping the onsite Telstra hut operational during the works. Once completed it will provide 180 square metres of air conditioned telecommunications space for our client Bovis Lend Lease (Telstra). The second contract is a brown field site for Transfield Services at Ellenbrook WA. Ladd will extend the existing Telstra Exchange from 9.4m by 10.7m to 16.2m by 19.2m. The nature of this job poses many challenges as it is a live Telstra exchange. The extension will be built over the old building, with the installation of a new roof, demolishing and extension of walls, mains power upgrade, two new main switchboard installations, as well as structural, mechanical and fire works. All the required works will be completed within close proximity to vital telephone equipment in a live exchange environment while keeping interruptions to a minimum. In both jobs we will be working closely with other group companies such as SEME and SJE WA as well as other trades, highlighting the capabilities of Ladd Electrical to design, manage and complete complex turnkey total projects. For further information or possible resource sharing, please contact Rick Nicholls, Project Manager at Ladd VIC. SEME has won the contract for the newest remote prison, the East Kimberley Prison which is situated in Derby, two hours out of Broome. He was sent for two weeks to Africa to do a mine site and ended up being there for six weeks and catching Cholera even though he was immunised against it. I cannot speak highly enough of this young man. He is a credit to the company and we thank him for the past projects he has completed satisfactorily and we will help him make this project a success also. John Separovich It is a huge project which will run for nearly two years. SEME will be undertaking all the security services including but not limited to, under car surveillance, X ray machines, perimeter detection, the first electric fence to be installed in a Western Australian prison, CCTV, mobile duress, intercoms, cell intercoms, in-ground early detection and microwave detection. All these technologies will be integrated into one head end. cantilever gates, CCTV and access control. GROUP CCTV is currently undertaking a site security project for Xstrata Coal which includes three of their mine sites in the Bowen Basin. The project, under the Project Management of Peter Ricardi (GROUP CCTV), involves the installation of turnstiles, A major prison like this has its own challenges let alone that it is in a small remote town with delivery of goods and housing a constant problem. Getting “volunteers” to work there is an issue. Daniel Freeman who has completed Bunbury Prison and is just finishing Pardalup Prison upgrade will be running this project. Daniel is a terrific young man who takes on challenges and excels. The system GROUP CCTV have designed uses distributed CCTV and access control architecture with multiple points of redundancy to ensure that system downtime is kept to a minimum. The project value is $2.3M. Part of the system that GROUP CCTV is installing consists of a Contractor T R I V A N TA G E - I S S U E 4 j u ne 2 0 1 0 Management Package (Scenario) which monitors and reports on functions integrated with the access control. This system enables Xstrata to monitor inductions and qualifications to ensure that the personnel onsite are authorised and certified to be there. The project began in August 2009 and is expected to be completed in September 2010. [3] WHAT’S HAPPENING? Officeworks Store Refurbishments As part of Officeworks’ re-launch into the marketplace with a complete new look in their stores, SJ Electric has been working closely with Officeworks in design and development of the Electrical and Data systems for new concept stores. SJ Electric has now been involved with the fit-out of over twenty Officeworks store refurbishments nationally. With the new concepts, SJ Electric has been appointed to carry out the electrical and data works as the refurbishments are ‘rolled out’, based on the Highett (VIC) store model. The new concept stores require extreme co-ordination between store staff, shopfitters and our own staff. The stores must remain trading at all times with stock on shelves for sale with electronic items such as laptops, computers etc, operating. This presents a huge challenge logistically and requires working around the clock to add power and data services to gondolas and display benches as they are constructed by the shopfitting crews. SJ Electric, as part of this national roll out, is also heavily involved with the assessment of existing infrastructure and design and recommendation of upgrades to infrastructure, based on the refurbishment models, with the investigation and reporting taking place well before actual commencement on site. PRINCESS ALEXANDRA HOSPITAL BRISBANE In 2009 SJ Electric Queensland was awarded a $1M switchboard contract for the supply of MSB12 and MSB13 for installation at Queensland Health’s Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane. MSB12 was manufactured using SJ Electrics’ “plug in” type test design. SJ Electric has developed and supplied this design in the industrial and commercial sectors over the last four years, in applications as diverse as hospitals and water treatment plants. This type test board is designed to accommodate the switchgear of most of the major suppliers in Australia. MSB12 is rated for 3000A and a fault rating of 50kA for 1 second. It is a single sided, rear connect board and is 18.5m in length. It was manufactured in four shipping breaks and had a total weight of approximately 14T. It has multiple automatic transfer switches which are operated by SJ Electrics designed ATS logic. SJ Electric has received favourable feedback from the end user regarding the design of this board, in particular the ease in which either a replacement or a new “plug in” feeder can be added to the board. SJ Electric is currently manufacturing MSB13 for supply to Queensland Health. This board will be manufactured using the same design criteria as MSB12 in a backto-back configuration. [4] T R I V A N TA G E - I S S U E 4 JU N E 2 0 1 0 STAFF NEWS NEW APPRENTICES QUALIFIED APPRENTICES Congratulations to ROBERT CAPERNA who completed his apprenticeship on 18/04/10. Rob works in the SJE QLD Service Department. SJ Electric – QLD KIERAN REEVE 1st Year Apprentice May THOMAS MCGRATH 1st Year Apprentice May SJ Electric – VIC MATTHEW MAZZEO 1st Year Apprentice Apr SJ Electric – WA MICHAEL ABBOTT 1st Year Apprentice Apr VAUGHAN DICK 4th Year Apprentice Apr LADD – VIC MATTHEW HARLEY 3rd Year Apprentice Apr NEW EMPLOYEES... WELCOME TO SJ Electric – WA Congratulations to RYAN HORNSBY who completed his apprenticeship on 28/03/10. Ryan works in the SJE QLD Woolworths Installation Department. Site TIM GRUBB Electrician – Contracting Feb MICHAEL WEYNTON Electrician – Contracting Feb PAUL MANCINI Electrician – Service Mar MICHAEL HEENEY Electrician – Contracting Mar BRIAN PORTER Electrician – Service Apr PETER SCOTT Switchboard Fitter Apr MARVIN WILEY Trades Assistant May CHRIS MCGIVERN Electrician – Industrial Project May Office Congratulations to LAURENCE ROSS who completed his apprenticeship on 28/02/10. Laurence works in the SJE QLD Coles Installation Department. Congratulations to DANIEL MORRIS who completed his apprenticeship on 28/02/10. Daniel works in the SJE QLD Refrigeration Department. Congratulations to MATTHEW WAIN who completed his apprenticeship on 04/04/10. Matthew works in the SJE QLD Service Department. Well done guys!! PETER GREGORY Project Supervisor April JOANNE SAUNDERS Administration Assistant April ADAM WARD Purchasing Officer April LADD ELECTRICAL - VIC Site LEN GAMBLE Electrician Apr Office RAYMOND CHEW Electrical Engineer Apr GRAHAM MILLAR Design Engineer May NICK HANNA Software Integrator Mar LADD ELECTRICAL - NSW Site SAMUEL SZALBOT Electrician May Office GRACE CORNELIUS Receptionist May Site LOUIS JOHNSON Woolworths Installation Feb MICHAEL LASSEN Coles Installation Apr DALE MCCLURG Water Treatment May DUSTIN SMITH Woolworths Installation May Office PAUL GARDNER Draftsperson Apr SJ Electric – QLD T R I V A N TA G E - I S S U E 4 j u ne 2 0 1 0 [5] SPOTLIGHT ON ... STAFF NEWS NEW EMPLOYEES... CONTINUED SJ Electric – VIC Site PETER BANTOS A Grade Electrician Mar CAMERON SCHOLES A Grade Electrician Mar STEVEN KIPROV A Grade Electrician Mar ROBERT LOEBERT A Grade Electrician Mar JACK FROST Electrician - Data Apr JIM D RICHARDSON A Grade Electrician Apr Office KELLY ANN MILLER Book-Keeper Apr SJ Electric – TAS Site SCOTT LUTTRELL Peter Shepherd A Grade Electrician Service Apr CCS - VIC Group CCTV Pty Ltd - Apprentice Electrician How long have you worked for Group CCTV and what are your CHARLES GIPP Trainee Welder Mar AHAMED NAZEER-BASHEER Turrett Punch Operator Mar the industry for 7 years. I worked in a lot of government owned main responsibilities? 1 year. Currently working as a 1st Year Electrician. I’m also a Trade Qualified Locksmith and was in RAMAN KUMAR C8 Welder Apr facilities, banks and prisons installing electronic locks. CAROLYN URBANO Assembler Apr I’m now looking to further my career skills in the electrical side of the security industry. GROUP CCTV - QLD SHANE O’GRADY Hobbies & interests? Sport and travel. Technician May Europe. sj electric - nsw Office PAUL ROBINSON Assistant Purchasing Officer Apr Draftsman May DAVID O’GORMAN Highlight of your life? Living in London and travelling through Winter, love it or hate it and why? In Canada I love it because it snows and still has an Aussie summer. Also I can still speak English there. HOT OFF THE PRESS!! Affinity Electrical joins the Trivantage Group After venturing north in the last newsletter and welcoming on board Group CCTV to the Trivantage family, we are now filling in some other areas around Australia as we incorporate Affinity Electrical Technologies based in Canberra. Affinity Electrical has a proud tradition of offering electrical maintenance services across the ACT and surrounding area for numerous and valued clients over the past 10 years. With 35 staff, Affinity Electrical has a broad and diverse customer base and complements the Trivantage family with its exposure to federal and local government, contracts with major service providers to federal government, locally based educational institutions and various local businesses. General Manager Brendan Read says he is delighted to become part of such a highly skilled organisation and he hopes that this is a stepping stone for Trivantage nationally to take advantage of an ACT presence. Brendan is quoted as saying “hopefully the coming together of like minded people with a common goal of [6] achieving electrical excellence can satisfy all of us in our working and extended lives. I look forward to meeting as many people in our group and if I can offer any assistance, my team and I are always willing to help.” Management and staff of Affinity Electrical, welcome to the Trivantage Group! T R I V A N TA G E - I S S U E 4 JU N E 2 0 1 0 RECIPES Kahlua and Chocolate Mousse with Cinnamon Cream Mousse • 3 large mixing bowls • 1 whisk •4 x 100-125ml capacity bowls or ramekins •90g quality dark chocolate bits or chopped whole (milk Cinnamon Cream chocolate can used for a less indulgent version) • 3 eggs separated •45ml kahlua or other coffee liqueur •½ cup cream (at room temperature) • 4 tsps sugar >Whisk the cream kahlua, sugar and yolks to soft but stable. • ½ cup cream • 2 tsps ground cinnamon >In a third bowl whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt until soft peaks form. >Place a saucepan with about 2cms water on high heat to boil and reduce to a rapid simmer. >Remove the chocolate bowl from the boiler, fold the cream and yolks into it until smooth. >In a large mixing bowl place the chocolate and set it on the saucepan. >Gently fold the egg whites into that until no streaks or white spots are visible. • 1 tsp icing sugar (powered) >Using a wooden spoon or a heat resistant rubber spatula slowly stir chocolate as it melts. >Once mousse has set, whip remaining cream, cinnamon and sugar until soft but stable. >In another blow whisk the cream and yolks. >Serve mousse with either cream dolloped on top or served to the side. Lamb Shanks in Red Wine • 2 lamb shanks • 1 large potato • 2 carrots •Olive oil to cook shanks in • ½ Leeks or Onions •300ml lamb or veggie stock • ½ cup bottle red wine •2 cloves garlic, finely chopped >Heat the olive oil in a frypan and seal the outside of the lamb shanks. Place into the slow cooker. Then add the finely chopped garlic to the pan, with the onions, carrots and potatoes, and heat them until starting to soften. Transfer the vegetables to the slow cooker with the lamb shanks. Ladd Electrical (VIC) held its Annual Business Networking event at the Cranbourne Harness Club Race Meeting Saturday 15 May 2010. Ninety guests enjoyed the evening of networking and racing, with the highlight being Race 8 the “Trivantage 2YO Pace”, won by Jefferson City. Other races named after Trivantage Group Companies included Race 2 “SJ Electric Pace”, Race 3 “Ladd Electrical Pace” and Race 5 “Church Electrical Pace”. The evening was a great success and with all races being broadcast live on Sky Channel around Australia, it proved to also be a great marketing exercise. >Pour mixture into serving bowls and place in fridge for 4 hours to set. >When chocolate has just melted, leave the bowl on the pot but remove both from heat. >Chop all the vegetables into small cubes / slices. Annual Business Networking event Rick Nicholls, (Project Manager Ladd Electrical VIC) presenting the trophy to the winning driver, Kate Gath of Race 8, the Trivantage 2yo Pace. • 1 Bay leaf •1 tspn dried rosemary • 1 tbspn cornflour >Whilst the pan is still hot, throw in the red wine to evaporate some of the alcohol and then add to the slow cooker. Mix the cornflour with some cold water, and add with the herbs and season to taste. >Leave at medium for at least 4 hours, then turn it up to high for the last hour. You can leave it for several hours cooking slowly. T R I V A N TA G E - I S S U E 4 j u ne 2 0 1 0 Angelo Muraca, (Trivantage Group Managing Director) presenting the trophy to the owner of “Silent Predator” winner of the SJ Electric Pace. [7] ANNOUNCEMENTS SPOTLIGHT ON ... ROD’S MILESTONE Rod Powell (Workshop – Design SEME WA) had his 70th birthday on 28 May but celebrated on 22 May. A party was held at Guildford Hotel for family and closest friends. I wish to thank Rod for his many years of continued loyal service to us and hope his health will remain good so he is with us for at least another 10 years. Rod has had more than his fair share of ailments, but the number of sick days taken by Rod in over 20 years would amount to less than 20. Rod has been involved in patented items such as the patented cyclonic air filter, the floating shroud for angle grinders which allows dustless chasing of brick walls for plumbers and electricians as well as a fireproof fold around shroud for recessed down lights. He has also been involved (and still is) in developing new products out of metal work. He is an excellent craftsman who can do anything with metal. He designs and makes all sorts of equipment for URGENT jobs all the time. Project Manager’s expect Rod to be a mind reader, somehow he manages to design and manufacture their thoughts. They don’t know how it will be done, but they need it to be done and almost always yesterday. Thank you again Rod. I sincerely value you as a staff member and a good friend. My best wishes for many years to come. John Separovich SANDRA LOY Receptionist/Clerk How long have you worked for SJE SA? 20 years 6 months – I worked for the business when it was called Caperna Electrical. Hobbies & interests? Reading, watching movies, cross-stitch, knitting and trying to play golf. Proudest moment? The recent birth of my first grandchild, Zoe Grace. Most embarrassing moment? The day I had to give a speech at my husband Lyle’s Memorial Presentation at his workplace. Winter, love it or hate it and why? I love winter because I can curl up in bed with a book listening to the rain and be all cosy and warm. EMMA’S MILESTONE Emma Fowler (Service Coordinator SJE QLD) celebrated her 21st Birthday on Thursday 22 April 2010. Congratulations Emma! [8] T R I V A N TA G E - I S S U E 4 JU N E 2 0 1 0 ENGAGEMENT Andrew Paplinski (2nd Year Apprentice SJE WA) and Rachel Scott announced their engagement on 10 April 2010. They are planning their wedding in Bali for some time next year. ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTH Martin (Electrician Ladd NSW) and Sharon Campbell are the proud parents of their beautiful baby boy, Eoin (above left), born 7 April 2010, brother to 2 year old Clodagh (above right). BIRTH Frank Portelli (Refrigeration Supervisor SJE NSW) and his wife Miranda are the proud new parents of their beautiful baby girl, Meika Rose, 3.5kgs and 53cms long, born 23 May 2010. BIRTH Koby )left) and Zach (right), at 4 days old Gavin (Purchasing Officer SJE NSW) and Melanie Morgan (Service Co-ordinator SJE NSW) are the proud parents of twin boys Koby Hamilton - 3.015kg, 47cm and Zach Thomas – 2.635kg, 50cm. The boys were born two minutes apart on 25 April 2010. WEDDING Jackie (Personal Assistant SJE VIC) and Kade Passeri celebrated their marriage on 17 April 2010 at Mary Mackillop Church, followed with a reception at the Windmill Gardens in Rockbank. With 120 family and friends, they were lucky enough to have an unusually warm 27 degree April day. They then honeymooned in Phuket and Kuala Lumpur for 10 days. BIRTH Mandy Cox (Accounts SJE VIC) and partner Duncan are proud to announce the arrival of Maddison Lee, born 9 May 2010 weighing a tiny 2lb 13oz. Born 11 weeks premature and already a little fighter, Maddy is sister to Andrew, Chloe and Hamish. BIRTH Shiloh (Electrician Ladd VIC) and Ellen Phillips would like to introduce William and Adaya Phillips, born on 26 March 2010 at Mercy Hospital Melbourne. WEDDING Scott (Electrician Contracting & Refrigeration SJE WA) and Kristy Healey were married on 17 April 2010. The reception took place at Bridgeleigh Reception Centre. T R I V A N TA G E - I S S U E 4 j u ne 2 0 1 0 [9] COMMUNITY SERVICE Trivantage gives back to the Community! Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea - Vic The Trivantage Group prides itself on a national commitment made towards assisting various community groups, clubs, charities, appeals and sponsorships. Each year, the Cancer Council sets aside a day in May where businesses and individuals are encouraged to provide morning tea in exchange for a donation. This year, SJE Victoria and CCS decided to take part and raise money for this worthy cause. Samantha (Receptionist), Jackie (Personal Assistant) and Sandra (Receptionist) spent many hours over the weekend preparing a selection of treats and goodies for all staff who wished to participate. Morning tea was held in the office meeting room, with full tummies all round! It was a great effort with over $300 being raised. Thank you to all those who donated and we look forward to next year’s event. Being able to help those that are in need, less fortunate or simply requiring a helping hand provides much satisfaction to management and employees alike. Some of the organisations we have been able to assist recently include The Smith Family, Salvation Army, Lions clubs, various sporting clubs, Leukaemia Foundation, Police & Community Youth Centres, National Breast Cancer Foundation, Royal Institute for Deaf & Blind Children, Kokoda Challenge, various primary and secondary schools and many, many more. As we continue to grow, we will continue to honour our commitment to provide and give back to all our communities throughout Australia. With this in mind, Trivantage would like to invite all children of management and staff to take part in the following competition to win a $500 donation towards your school. Simply tell us in 100 words or less: Why school sport is important to you? Please email all entries to Jackie (SJE VIC) [email protected] Angelo Muraca will be judging all entries with the winner announced in the next newsletter issue. Good luck kids! Victorian Bushfire Appeal In 2009, Victoria suffered its largest natural disaster, resulting in the loss of many lives and 1000’s of people left homeless. With some of our own employees directly affected by this devastating fire, the Trivantage Group pulled together and raised over $41,000 nationally from staff and business contributions. A raffle was held, the holiday prize was donated by the Group, and all proceeds went directly to the Salvation Army Appeal. Staff nationally also donated large amounts of clothing, food and toiletries in a drive run via Carmen at Ladd. To everyone who contributed through the raffle and donations, your generosity was no doubt appreciated by those in need. World’s Greatest Shave - NSW Having had long hair for the past 8 years of his life, Geoff Buckley (Service Supervisor SJE NSW), decided it was time for a change, and why not try and raise some money to donate to a wonderful cause at the same time. Setting up an online account with the World’s Greatest Shave & Leukemia Foundation, Geoff was able to raise over $1,100 through friends and various businesses. Once all donations had been pledged, it was March 29, 2 weeks before his 30th birthday, that he took the plunge whilst at a friend’s house and shaved off his long locks to reveal a short and tidy No 2. Before [10] After Geoff, congratulations on your contribution to such a worthy cause. T R I V A N TA G E - I S S U E 4 JU N E 2 0 1 0 Run for the Kids – Vic For the last three years Woolworths and SJE Vic have joined forces to Run for the Kids as a combined team called the Woolies Mammoths. The Run for the Kids is one of the largest fun runs in Australia, has 30,000 entrants and is a fund raiser for the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne. To keep up some healthy competition, the company with two of the top three runners within the team, wins the annual trophy and the other company holds it for the year. Woolworths have been lucky enough to win the trophy the first two years, but this time, they were no competition for the mighty SJE runners! Emer Casey Foundation Fun Run Joanne Miller’s (Drafting Ladd VIC) sister, Kathy, was diagnosed in September 2008 with cancer. Joanne ran in the Fun Run for Ovarian Cancer along with her brother Gary to raise money for the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, eager to support this charity with the hope that Peter MacCallum will continue to make further breakthroughs in its quest to find cures for cancer. Just to let the ladies know: a smear test does not detect ovarian cancer… if you have concerns please act on it… Joanne will be running every year and will be looking for donations and participants .... hopefully for the Kathy Charnely Foundation. It was the dark horse Sanjay Rai (Switchboard Manager), who brought the team home, followed by Jonno Caddy (Electrician) in second place. Matthew Steer and his runners from Woolworths have promised to return with vengeance next year and win the title back. After the run, all participants get together for refreshments, trophy presentation and tall stories. If you would like to join in next year, please contact Jackie Passeri in the SJE VIC office. The more entrants we have the more money we can raise and donate to this valuable cause. With family and friends cheering them on, together, Joanne and Gary ran across the finish line. After the run Joanne and Gary went to Kathy and told her of their success. Kathy was very excited and grateful to all who participated and donated to this worthy cause ..... Joanne raised over $8,000. In total the Fun Run raised well over $17,000. Sanjay Rai (2nd from left) & Wayne Gatt (centre) Kathy fought a great battle but finally succumbed to her illness the following morning at 3am 24 May 2010. She was not in pain and was very peaceful. She is now pain free and will always be in our thoughts. Joanne and Gary, you are both inspirational. Matthew Steer (Woolworths) & Wayne Gatt (SJE) Can Too - Ghost Tour Fun Run A recent encounter with the ghosts of Picton past......Three of our esteemed office members, Cathy Clarke (Drafting SJE NSW), Toni Foley (Accounts SJE NSW) and Karen Lonsdale (Receptionist SJE NSW), joined in on a ghost tour to raise money for a Can Too 9km fun run. As three, somewhat sceptics, but willing to entertain the idea, they walked at night, along the streets of Picton (Australia’s most haunted town), through the infamous graveyard and a ghouly walk though the bush to the “Mushroom Tunnel” (an old railway tunnel). Frozen to their core, unable to feel their extremities, they took photos left, right and centre in hope of snapping orbs and ghostly haze figures, anything to make the icy torture worthwhile, and guess what??? They did snap plenty of orbs and also some surprisingly creepy hazes... So what do you think? Are you a believer??? Can Too provides professional training in either running or swimming and in return you fund raise for the Cure Cancer Australia Foundation. T R I V A N TA G E - I S S U E 4 j u ne 2 0 1 0 [11] RETIREMENTS EMPLOYMENT Electrical Estimator to join our Water Division. Electrical Fitter to join our Switchboard Division. Please contact Gail Kemp from SJ Electric QLD for a copy of these job descriptions. SPORTing achievement Peter Shepherd, (Group CCTV Apprentice W Cumming & Co who, as Dennis points out, held the first Contractors Licence – No 1. Dennis stayed there until 1967. Dennis Owen Senior Design Engineer On Friday 26 March Ladd Electrical (VIC) bid farewell to Dennis Owen (Senior Design Manager) who was retiring to “life on the farm”. Clients joined Ladd staff for dinner and drinks in the factory to farewell Dennis. Rod Ladd presented Dennis with a “Gold Watch” for his many years of service with Ladd Electrical. Dennis commenced his career as an Electrical Fitter with Tramways in 1960. A year later he started with team called North’s, won the Mackay Cricket A Grade Championship (after a rain soaked season). His team also finished second in the Mackay 20/20 Cricket. Well done to Peter and his team! The same year after leaving Cummings, Dennis then commenced with Ray Ladd as a Site Electrician. He moved to the Service Department a year later and then in 1970 moved into the office in the Design Department. BOOK REVIEW With a property of 20 acres in Panton Hill, Dennis will be kept busy looking after chooks, sheep, dogs, kangaroos, rabbits, birds .... For those who wish to escape reality, I highly He also plans to build a glass house and shade house to commence propagating plants. And then further down the track, he will look into growing saffron. Dennis’s “wicked sense of humour” is missed in the office – Good Luck ... Dennis!! We also presented Dennis with some useful items for “life on the farm”. A pair of very stylish gum boots, a straw hat, a pitch fork, wheel barrow were amongst these items. LAST ISSUE’S COMPETITION WINNERS Q: How many apprentices (1st to 4th year) are currently employed within the Trivantage Group? A: 123 WINNER DETAILS Congratulations to ..... Joanne Miller (Ladd VIC) and Andrew Ward (SJE VIC) . Well done, you have both won a $100 JB HI FI voucher. Thank you to all who entered and good luck with the next competition. [12] Electrician) Wicket Keeper for the A Grade cricket T R I V A N TA G E - I S S U E 4 JU N E 2 0 1 0 THE AXIS TRILOGY by Sara Douglass recommend The Axis Trilogy by Sara Douglass. These books include – BattleAxe, Enchanter and StarMan. The Axis Trilogy is set in the fantasy world of Tencendor and Escator and follows the story of Axis and his evil half-brother Gorgrael. All three books were nominated for “Best Fantasy Novel” in the Aurealis Awards – Enchanter & StarMan both won the award in their respective year. If you enjoy reading fantasy novels, Sara Douglass’s The Axis Trilogy is definitely worth a read! - Gail Kemp – SJ Electric QLD