Welcome to NETVIGATOR Email


Welcome to NETVIGATOR Email
Welcome to NETVIGATOR Email
NETVIGATOR Email service is a full-featured messaging and collaboration application offering reliable, high-performance email,
contact lists, calendaring, tasks, and web document authoring capabilities. You can access the following features from NETVIGATOR mailbox.
· Compose and send mail
· Read and reply to mail
· Track mail exchanges using the Conversation feature or optionally switch to a traditional message view
· Include attachments with your mail
· Forward mail to one or more recipients
· Search mails and attachments by particular characteristics or specified text
· Create your own folders to organize mail
· Create tags with which to organize your mail
· Set up different account identities and addresses to manage different roles in your job or personal life
· Configure your account to receive email from your POP3 or IMAP accounts directly into your NETVIGATOR mailbox
· Delegate permission to view or manage your mail folders
Contact List
· Create and manage multiple contact lists
· Import and export contact lists
· Share personal contact lists
· Create and manage multiple calendars
· Create appointments, meetings, and events
· Delegate permission to view or manage your calendars
· See attendee's free/busy schedules, show your free/busy schedule
· Import and export other calendar programs
· Create multiple tasks
· Create to-do tasks
· Add attachments to your tasks
· Manage a task, set the priority and track the progress
· Delegate permissions to view or manager your tasks
· Create multiple notebooks to organize your Web documents
· Design pages using an HTML editor, create tables and spreadsheets, add graphics, and create links to Web pages
· Delegate permissions to groups and individuals within your organization to create and edit your Documents notebooks
· Delegate permission to the public to view your Documents notebooks
· Upload any type of file to your briefcase so that you can access the file whenever you log on to NETVIGATOR Email
· Create folders to organize files that you upload
· Delegate permissions to view or manage your Briefcase folders
· Manage how your mailbox features work for Mail, Contact List and Calendar
· Manage your Share settings
· Import and Export items including mail folders, contact lists, calendars and more
· Manage your mobile devices from your account
Logging in and out
Logging in and logging out
You must log in and be authenticated in order to use the NETVIGATOR mailbox.
To log in
1. Open a browser window and enter http://email.netvigator.com/
2. On the login page, enter your Login ID and password.
3. Click LOGIN.
To log out:
To prevent others from logging in to your email account, you should always use the Log Out link to logout from NETVIGATOR
Changing your password
Changing your password
The first time login password by default is the first six digits of your HKID card. For example: If your HKID is A123456, your default
login password will be a12345. You may change to a desired password.
Please follow the steps below to change your password:
1. Go to http://cs.netvigator.com/
2. On the left menu, click Change Password under My Profile.
3. On the right panel, enter your Login ID and Password, then click Login.
4. Enter your current password, your new password, and retype your new password to confirm.
5. Click Submit. Your password has been changed.
If you forget your password
Forget your password?
If you forget your password, you can contact us by sending email or calling our hotline to reset it.
: [email protected]
: 1000
Service Hours : General Enquiry ( 0900 - 2100 )
Technical Support ( 0900 - 2400 )
If your session expires
If your session expires
The NETVIGATOR Email is configured with a session time-out that automatically logs you out if your session is inactive for a
configured period of time.
Therefore, you may periodically see the log in screen, even if you are already logged in.
If that happens, simply log in again and continue working.
Navigating NETVIGATOR Mailbox
Navigating NETVIGATOR Mailbox
When you log into the NETVIGATOR mailbox, you see a full screen view similar to the one shown below.
The NETVIGATOR Email page includes the following areas:
1. Search Bar. The Search, Advanced Search function are displayed in this area. The right area shows your Login ID,
English/Chinese selection, Help and Log Out.
2. Tabs. The available functions, including Mail, Contact List, Calendar, Tasks, Documents, Briefcase, Preferences, are listed in
the tabs.
3. Toolbar. Shows actions for the function you are currently using. In this example, the Mail toolbar is displayed.
4. Overview Pane. You can view your mailbox usage. Displays your Folders, including the system folders Inbox, Sent, Drafts,
Junk, and Trash, as well as any custom folders you may have created, Searches you may have saved, and Tags you created,
Application links that may have been created to integrate with third-party applications from within your mailbox. When you are in
Calendar, the Overview pane displays your calendar list and Applications.
5. A mini-calendar is displayed below the Overview pane. Displaying the mini-calendar is optional and can be enabled in
Preferences, Calendar tab.
6. Content Pane. The content of this area changes depending on which function is in use. In the Inbox view, it displays all
messages or conversations in your Inbox.
· You can change your view to a three-pane view that shows the Reading Pane on the right or you can turn off the Reading Pane
completely from View on the Mail toolbar.
Setting your general preferences
Setting your general preferences
The General tab on left menu includes the following settings that you can change.
· Theme is the background color for your mailbox interface. In the General tab, Themes displays a list of different
background color you can select.
· Default Timezone determines the date and time for messages that you send or receive and the time to display for
Calendar appointments. This can be different from your computer time zone configuration. If the time zone displayed on
this tab is not correct, change it here.
· In Search Settings, you can choose to automatically include the Junk and Trash folders in any search you perform. By
default these folders are not searched.
· In Search Language, you may check to Show advanced search language in search toolbar at the top of the window.
Customize your view
Customize your views
You can customize your account view by changing the background color displayed when you log on to your account, and
organizing the Content pane in your mailbox view, calendar view, and task view to display information in the order you would like.
Changing background color
You may have the option to change the background color of your mailbox from the Preferences, General Tab. In the Login
Options section, the Theme field lists the themes you can select.
Changing Mail view
By default your mailbox opens in the Inbox view. You can customize this view in any of the following ways:
· Change the folder that is viewed when you first log on. The default is the Inbox view, which shows all mail in your Inbox.
You can select any mail folder to be the initial view when you log on, your may want to select a specific search criteria,
such as unread messages. In this case, only your unread messages would be displayed when you log on.
See Customizing your initial email page.
· Choose whether to have the Reading Pane on or off and whether you want the Reading Pane displayed at the bottom or
on the right. These changes are made from the View link under the Mail toolbar.
· If your Reading Pane is off or at the bottom, you can select columns to display in the Content pane message list. You may
not want to see all the possible details about a email message on the Content pane. Right-click on the column header to
display a menu of the column headings. To remove a column from your Content pane view, click on the column name.
This is a toggle, so to add the column back, right click on the heading name again.
Changing Calendar view
You can change which view is displayed when Calendar is opened, Day, Work Week, 7-Day Week, Month, Schedule, or List view
and you can select which day of the week you want your calendar week to start with. See Calendar_Views.
Changing Tasks view
You can select the columns to display in the Content pane when you view your Tasks. Right-click on the Tasks column header to
display a menu of the column headings. To remove a column from the Content pane view, click on the column. This is a toggle,
so to add the column back, click on the heading name again.
User interface features
User interface features
The NETVIGATOR Email interface includes many convenient features.
· Down-arrow menus. Some command buttons have a small down-arrow icon next to them. Clicking on the button
performs one action, and clicking on the down-arrow icon displays additional menu choices.
· Drag and drop. Click on and drag messages or conversations between folders.
· Right-click menus. Right-click on items such as folders, conversations, messages, the "From" column in messages or
conversations, or items in mail headers to display a menu of functions that you can perform on that item.
· Movable sash. For split-pane windows such as the Conversation view, you can use the sash to increase or decrease the
relative sizes of the upper and lower panes. Click and drag on the bar separating the panes.
· Clickable items. Following standard browser conventions, the mouse cursor changes to a "hand" when it passes over an
active link.
· Tool-tips. Passing your mouse cursor over items, such as command buttons, conversations, or mail addresses in
message headers, displays a small text box of descriptive information about the item.
Right-click menus
Right-click menus
Many portions of the NETVIGATOR Email interface allow action menus that pop-up when you pass your cursor over an item (such
as a folder) and click your right mouse button. The exact menu choices that appear depend on the type of item.
Right clicking on the following displays right-click menus:
· Conversations. You can mark conversations as read or unread, apply tags to conversations, delete conversations, or
move conversations between folders.
· Messages. You can reply to or forward the message, edit the message as new, mark it as read or unread, apply tags to
the message, delete the message, move it to another folder, print, show original header information, and create a new
filter. The option to edit the message as new lets you resend a message without having to forward.
· Names in message headers. You can perform searches on the name, begin composing a new mail message addressed
to that person, or add the person to your personal Contacts list. If the name is an existing contact, you can edit the contact
· Folders. You can create a new folder, mark all items within the folder as read, delete or rename the folder, move the
folder, expand all folders, or search. You cannot delete system folders (Inbox, Sent, Trash, Junk, Drafts).
· Mail tab toolbar. You can select which columns to display in the mail Content pane.
See Customize your view
Applying actions to multiple selections
Applying actions to multiple selections
When you view a folder by clicking on the folder name on the left, the contents of the folder display with one item selected
(highlighted). You can select one or more items to perform actions as follows:
· Click to select one item at a time. Clicking on another item de-selects the previous one.
· Double-click to open an item.
· Right-click an item to display a menu of actions that can be applied to this item. You can also right-click after selecting
multiple items, to apply the same action to all of them at once.
· Control-click selects multiple items. Can also be used to de-select the current item, leaving nothing selected.
· Shift-click selects multiple items in sequence. Click on one item and then Shift-click another item further down the list
and all items between the two selected items are highlighted.
You can select multiple items, and with one right-click on the mouse choose to Mark as Unread, Tag, Delete, or Move all selected
Using browsers
Using browsers
The NETVIGATOR Email mailbox is designed to work within an Internet browser. Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and
Macintosh Safari are three of the most popular. Not all browsers are supported, so check with NETVIGATOR administrator if you
have questions.
Some general guidelines when using the NETVIGATOR Email within a browser:
· The browser's Back button takes you to the previous page you were viewing. You can also use the Forward button.
. If you browse to a different site without logging out first, your session may remain active until
· To log off, click
it times out. If you share a computer, other users can access your account while the session is still active.
· Do not use the browser's Reload (Refresh) button. Doing so will download the client and start your session over, which is
probably not what you meant to do.
Saving your work
When do you need to save your work?
The NETVIGATOR Email is a graphical user interface ( GUI) that includes windows, buttons, text entry, and mouse.
With a GUI that uses Internet browser technology to display and operate the user features, it is not always possible for the
application to detect when you have done something that you might want to save.
Within NETVIGATOR Email, the following rules apply:
· If you are in the middle of composing an email message and you click another portion of the screen, you will be prompted
to save your work. You can subsequently find the message in your Drafts folder.
· Reloading the page from the same browser window will continue your mail session, but you may lose any unsaved
Folders area
Viewing the Overview Pane
On the left-hand side of the NETVIGATOR Email interface are your Folders, Searches, Tags, and Applications.
· Inbox is where new mail is placed by default.
· Sent contains messages that you have sent.
· Drafts contains composed messages that have not yet been sent.
· Junk contains messages that have been marked as spam either by you or by the system.
· Trash contains items that are deleted.
· Folders that you have created follow. If your mail account was migrated from another mail system such as Microsoft ®
Outlook, you may see extra folders here that represent folders on the previous mail system.
Unread Message Count. The number in parentheses next to each folder is the number of unread messages contained in that
folder. Tags folders display unread message count as well. Any item with unread messages is bold.
To see the number of messages and the total size of the folder, hover the cursor over a folder.
This area contains search queries that you created and saved for future use.
This area shows the tags you have created. Click on a tag to quickly see all messages that are tagged with that tag. See Using
tags to classify mail messages for more information.
Applications are created as a mechanism to integrate third-party information and content with the NETVIGATOR Email features.
Applications let you interact with different content types in your email messages.
Mail System Folders
Mail system folders
The system folders are Inbox, Sent, Drafts, Junk, and Trash. You cannot move, rename, or delete these folders. System folders
are always displayed at the top of your folder list, followed by any folders you create.
If you hover the cursor over a folder, the number of messages in the folder and the size of the folder are displayed.
New mail arrives in the Inbox. By default, your Inbox is displayed after you log in.
A copy of each message you send is saved in the Sent folder.
Messages you have composed but have not sent can be saved in the Drafts folder. If you open a message in the Drafts folder, it
opens in the Compose view.
Most filtering of unsolicited automated mail (also known as "spam" or "junk mail") is handled by a spam filter before those mail
messages reach your Inbox. Mail that might possibly be junk mail, but isn't certain to be junk, may be placed in your Junk folder.
You can review these messages and either move them or delete them. If you don't delete them, they will be purged after a period
of time.
· If you find that you are receiving a large number of unwanted mail messages, contact the NETVIGATOR Email
administrator. Reporting mail as spam helps to fine-tune any spam filtering that may be in use.
If you find a message that is clearly not relevant, you can highlight it and click Junk on the toolbar. The mail is moved to your Junk
folder. Sometimes a message may be put in the Junk folder that is not really junk mail. Drag the message to another folder.
You can empty the Junk folder by right-clicking the folder from the left-hand pane and choosing Empty Junk.
Deleted items are placed in the Trash folder and remain there until you manually empty the trash or until the folder is purged
automatically. Mail is purged from this folder after a specified period of time, as specified by your administrator.
You can empty the trash by right-clicking the folder from the left-hand pane and choosing Empty Trash.
See also:
Setting your user preferences
Managing your email message view
Managing your email message view
You can view your email messages as single messages or as conversations, and you can view messages with the Reading Pane
displayed at the bottom, displayed on the right, or turn it off.
To change how messages are grouped in your mailbox, click View on the toolbar and select whether to view by conversation or by
message and where you want the Reading Pane to be displayed.
Message view
The traditional view displays a list of messages with the most recent message displayed first. Unread messages are shown in bold.
The information displayed on the one line includes flags, tags, from, attachment presence, subject, folder location, size of the
message, and the time the message was received.
Conversation view
Conversation view displays your messages grouped by subject. The number of messages in the conversation is displayed in
parentheses after the subject. Each conversation consists of the original message and all replies. Conversations containing unread
messages are shown in bold.
Double-click the conversation to display the messages within the conversation. Click on a message to display its contents. In the
View link you can choose to show the oldest message or to show the newest message first.
All messages related to the conversation are displayed even if the messages are stored in other folders. The Folder column shows
the location where the message is stored.
Navigating the Messages Content Pane
Each message, in message or conversation view, has a separate line that displays the following columns of information:
· Conversation indicator. Is this email part of a conversation?
· Flag indicator. Did the sender flag this message?
· Priority indicator. Did the sender mark this message as high priority?
· Tags. Did the message get marked by a Tag you defined?
Managing your email message view
· Status. Open or closed envelopes indicate whether a message has been read. Bold text also indicates that a message has
not been read.
· From. Name or email address of the sender.
· Attachment indicator. A paper clip indicates that a message has an attachment.
· Subject. Brief description of the email message. If Snippets is enabled in your account, the first line of an email message
is displayed.
· Folder. Shows the name of the folder where the message is located. For conversations, no folder name is displayed
because messages can span multiple folders.
· Size. Size of the message or number of messages in the conversation.
· Received. Date or time the message was received.
Sorting messages in the Content pane
When viewing the contents of your mailbox with the Reading Pane at the bottom or off, you can sort your messages by From,
Subject, Size or Received columns.
To sort by a particular column, click the column title. The column shows an arrow indicating whether the sort is in ascending order
(up arrow) or descending order (down arrow).
You can sort by one column at a time.
Setting your mail preferences
Setting your mail preferences
The Preference > Mail tab includes the following preferences you can change.
· Check for new mail every. Select the polling interval, which is how often your computer checks for new email. The
default is every 5 minutes. It is not good practice to change this to less than 5 minutes, as checking for email frequently
causes a heavy load on the mail server and slows down the performance. If you are expecting an email, you can click Get
Mail on the Mail tab any time to receive new email immediately. If you select Never, you must click Get Mail on the
toolbar to get new email.
· When I click Get Mail. This sets whether or not your mailbox view changes when you click Get Mail.
o If Run my default search is selected, when you click Get Mail, the mail search described in the Default Mail
Search field is run. If your default search is not the folder you are viewing, your view is automatically redirected to
the default folder view. In most cases, this is your Inbox.
o If Update my current view is selected, when you click Get Mail from a folder, the Get Mail request searches for
updates to your current folder view and for other new mail. Your current folder view does not change.
o If new mail is received to other folders, those folders are changed to bold and the number of unread messages is
· Display Mail. Select As HTML (when possible) to display messages with HTML formatting, for example bold, colored,
otherwise styled text. Select As Text to display messages in plain text format. In plain text format, HTML tags are
displayed, not applied as markup to the message.
· Message Preview options
· Display snippets of email messages. When on, the first line in the email is displayed when the cursor is over
the subject of a message. When off, only the first few words of the message are displayed.
· If Double-click opens messages in new window is enabled, when you double-click a message, it opens in a new
· Enable Images to download pictures automatically to your HTML email message. When this is enabled, you do not need to
click the display image message to see the image.
· When I read a message in the reading pane sets the behavior for marking messages that are viewed from the Reading
Pane as read or unread. You can configure to have messages marked as read immediately, marked as read after a
defined number of seconds of viewing a message in the Reading Pane, or to always leave messages that are viewed in
the Reading pane as unread.
· Default Mail Search defines the search to execute when you log in. The results of this search are displayed in the
Content pane when you log into your mailbox. The default search is your Inbox. Therefore, when you log in, the results of
your Inbox display. You can change this field to have another folder, tag, or a saved search displayed when you first open
the NETVIGATOR mailbox. See Query language description for the syntax.
· When a message arrives. When receiving a message you can set how you want to be notified: play a sound, flash the
Mail tab, flash the browser title. See Setting up desktop alerts.
· Forward a copy to. Specify an address to forward your email to. You can have the original email deleted from your
· Specify whether to send an auto-reply message to incoming mail and set the start and stop date. This is frequently used
as an away message or vacation message saying that you are out-of-office, and what the message should say. You can
also specify a start and stop date for using this message. See Vacation message.
· Read Receipt. Specify how to handle email messages you receive that are flagged to send a return read receipt message
to the originator.
· Configure the Messages from me section to handle messages you send that include your address as one of the recipients
of the message or that are included in an address, such as a mailing list that includes you.
· Junk Mail Options. You can identify up to 800 addresses that you always want to block messages from being added to
Setting your mail preferences
your Inbox and 800 addresses you want to make sure are always added to your Inbox and not sent to Junk.
· If you are set up to use a POP3 client, you can configure the POP access behavior when messages are downloaded to
your mailbox. The POP access options are
· Allow all mail, including old mail, to be downloaded.
· Allow only mail from now (today's date) to be downloaded
Categorizing your mail messages
Categorizing your email messages
Several methods for categorizing email messages are provided. You can use these along with the Search feature to quickly locate
and retrieve messages. Methods you can use are:
· Folders. You can create folders to organize your messages and you can move mail from one folder to another, for
example taking a mail out of a "To Do" folder and moving it to a "Done" folder.
· Tags. You can use tags as labels on email messages and then use the Search feature to show all mail with a certain tag.
· Conversations. You can have messages grouped by conversation. This built-in feature automatically groups all sent and
received email messages with the same subject into a single conversation
Customizing your initial email page
Customizing your initial email page
By default, your mailbox opens with the Inbox view. All messages in your Inbox are displayed in the Content pane. You can
change the initial view to be any of the folders, searches, or tags in the Overview pane. Make these changes from Preferences >
Mail > Default Mail Search.
Examples for how to display only specific messages when you open your mailbox:
· To display only your unread messages when you open your mailbox, type
is :unread in the Default Mail Search field.
· To display email messages that are tagged with specific tags, type tag:<tagname> in the Default Mail Search field. For
example, to display only messages marked with the ToDo tag, type
tag: ToDo.
· To display messages that you sent to a specific folder, type in:<foldername> in the Default Mail Search field. For
example, to display messages in the Work folder, type in:work.
· Use quotes if the folder or tag is more than one word. For example in:"Unread Email."
How conversations work
How Conversations work
The conversation view displays your messages grouped by subject. Because all messages in a conversation have the same
subject, the subject displays only once in the conversation view pane. All messages related to the conversation are displayed, even
if they are stored in different folders.
Grouping messages into Conversations
You can read messages grouped together in context and ordered by date, including replies and forwarded messages. In order for a
message to be grouped in a conversation, the subject of the message must be the same.
For example, the following subject lines would be considered part of the same conversation.
Who's in charge of the project?
Re: Who's in charge of the project?
Fwd: Who's in charge of the project?
However, if you change the title to "who's in charge of the project? - ask Mike," the message would not be included in the
conversation. It would be part of a different conversation.
Conversations do not continue indefinitely. If the last message in the conversation is 30 days old or older, messages sent with the
same subject begin a new conversation.
Conversations can span folders
If a conversation includes three mail messages, one of those messages could be in your Inbox, your reply (which is also part of
the conversation) will most likely be in your Sent folder, and another message could be in a custom folder.
What this means:
· If you search for mail messages and one message is found that matches your search, but that message is in a
conversation with several other messages that do not match your search, the entire conversation and all messages within
it are listed under the search results. When you open the conversation, only messages that match your search criteria are
· The same conversation may appear to exist in more than one folder. This can happen if the mail messages are in different
Because a conversation is a group of related messages, if you move a conversation from one folder to another, all messages within
that conversation are also moved to that folder.
Printing a conversation
Printing a conversation
To send all messages within a conversation to the printer:
1. In the Conversation view, right-click the conversation to be printed.
2. From the list, click Print
A separate window appears showing all the messages in the conversation in a single scrolling window
3. In the Print dialog, choose a printer and click OK, to send the conversation to the selected printer.
4. Close the message window.
To change the font size before printing and then send the conversation to the printer:
1. Open the conversation to be printed and on the message toolbar, click Print. The message is displayed with the Print
2. Click Cancel on the Print dialog.
3. On the message print page, click the Font size + or - links in the upper right-hand corner.
4. On the browser toolbar, click the Print icon.
5. In the Print dialog, choose a printer and click OK.
6. Close the message window.
Moving mail messages between folders
Moving email messages between folders
You can transfer email messages or entire conversations from one folder to another.
· Drag and drop the item over the desired folder in the left-hand pane
· Select the items, right-click, select Move. In the Move Message box, select a destination folder, and click OK.
If you are moving a few messages within a conversation, the conversation appears in both places. The Conversation Detail View
window shows the new location of the message that was moved.
Setting a forwarding address
Setting a forwarding address
You can identify an email address to forward your messages and choose to retain the message in your mailbox or automatically
delete the message when forwarded.
To forward your email
1. Open the Preferences tab and select the Mail tab.
2. Scroll down to the Receiving Messages section and in When a message arrives, Forward a copy to, add the complete
forwarding address.
3. If you want to automatically delete the email from your account, enable Don't keep a local copy of messages.
4. Click Save.
Subscribe to RSS/Atom feeds
Subscribe to RSS/Atom feeds
You can subscribe to Web sites that provide your favorite RSS (Really Simple Syndication) and podcast feeds to send updated
information directly to your mailbox.
You create a folder for each RSS feed.
Before proceeding, know the URL for the RSS.
1. Above the Folders heading in the Overview pane, click New Folder.
2. In the Name field, type the name of the RSS feed folder
3. Check Subscribe to RSS/ATOM feed.
4. From the folder menu select where to add the RSS feed folder. Choosing the root folder creates a folder that displays at
the highest level in your folder view, that is the same level as your Inbox folder.
5. In the URL field, enter the URL for the feed.
6. Click OK.
The RSS feed icon,
, displays as the folder in your Overview pane. Open the RSS folder to access the link.
Your RSS data feed is automatically updated every 12 hours. To update the content at any time, open there RSS folder and click
Load Feed.
Managing different identities
Managing your account identities
When you send new email, reply to, or forward an email message, one identity is always associated with the email. This is the
default identity created as the account name and is used unless you set up different identities. Creating different identities, called
personas, allows you to use multiple email addresses from your mailbox. You might want to do this to manage different roles in
your job and personal life from this single email account.
You can also add external account addresses to retrieve email from your other POP or IMAP accounts, and you can configure the
external account settings so that when you reply to those messages, the corresponding address is in the From field.
If you have set up more than one persona or added external accounts, when you open a new compose window, your identities are
listed in the From field in the header.
Personas, external accounts, and signatures are configured from the Preferences, Accounts tab and from the Signatures tab.
Managing your Junk Folder
Managing your Junk Folder
Netvigator Email utilizes a powerful spam filter to determine whether messages from specific addresses or domains should be
added to your Junk folder. Most filtering of unsolicited automated mail is handled by the spam filter before those mail messages
reach your Inbox.
If you find a message in your Inbox that is spam, you can highlight it and click Junk
your Junk folder.
on the toolbar. The mail is moved to
Sometimes a message may be put in the Junk folder that is not really junk mail. You should check your Junk folder periodically to
ensure that you are not missing any messages. Move messages that should not be marked as spam from your Junk folder.
You can empty the Junk folder by right-clicking the folder from the left-hand pane and choosing Empty Junk. In addition, the
contents of the Junk folder are automatically purged after an administration-configured number of days.
In addition to automatic spam filtering, you can setup your mail preferences to identify specific addresses to block or not block in
your Inbox.
Recovering deleted mail messages
Recovering deleted mail messages
When you delete messages and contacts, the file is moved to the Trash folder. You can recover files from the Trash by dragging
and dropping them into another folder.
Messages left in the Trash will be automatically purged after the configured number of days, and in this case you will not be able
to recover them.
purging messages
Purging email messages
To delete messages from Trash, right-click on the Trash folder and select Empty Trash. All messages are permanently deleted.
Reading mail
Reading mail
By default, all new messages are placed in your Inbox. If you have mail filter rules, new messages can appear in places other
than your Inbox. The number in parentheses next to each folder name indicates the number of unread messages within that folder.
If you are using the Conversation view, messages are grouped into conversations. When you pass the mouse over the
conversation, a tool tip displays the first line from the body of the newest message.
When you open your email, the message is displayed in the reading pane below the listed message.
To read a message in the Conversation view
1. Double-click the conversation containing the message.
2. The Content pane changes to show the individual messages in the conversation. The Fragment column shows the first
line of the message body. To open the message, click the line that contains the message you want to read.
If you have Reading Pane on, the message body appears in the Reading pane. Otherwise, double-lick the message in the
message list and it will open to fill the Content pane.
To read a message in Message view
· Double-click the message.
The message body appears in the lower pane. If it does not display, double-click the message in the message list.
See also
How to tell when you have new mail
Reading Mail from the Reading Pane
Viewing messages from the Reading Pane
You can use the Reading Pane to preview messages in your Inbox and other folders.
By default, viewing messages in the Reading Pane is on. You can turn it off on the toolbar View link. You can customize the
location of the reading pane.
Selecting the Reading pane view
The Reading Pane can be displayed either at the bottom of the Content pane or on the right of the Content pane.
1. Click View on the Mail toolbar
2. Select where to display the Reading Pane, either on the bottom or on the right. You can also turn off the Reading Pane.
Viewing messages in the Reading Pane
The Reading Pane is empty until you click on a message.
Adjust the size of the Reading Pane by placing your pointer on top of the line between the Content Pane and the Reading Pane.
The pointer turns into an up-arrow/down-arrow. Click on this to drag and change the size of the Reading Pane area.
When you click a message in the list, the message text displays in the Reading Pane.
Marking messages as read from the Reading Pane
In the Preferences Mail tab, you can configure whether you want messages you view in the Reading Pane to be marked as read or
not marked as read
· Mark it read immediately. As soon as you click a message in the Reading Pane it is marked as read.
· Mark it read after "x " seconds. The default is 5 seconds. If you click on a message and view it for 5 seconds, the
message is marked as read.
· Do not mark it read. Messages you read in the Reading Pane are never marked as read.
Setting up desktop alerts
Setting up desktop alerts and reminders
You can create desktop alerts for new email notification and appointment reminders. To receive alerts, your mailbox must be
· Email message alerts. You set your preferences in the Preferences > Mail folder. Following are the alert options:
o Play a sound. You are notified by a beep when a new email arrives in the Inbox. If you have your volume set to
mute, you will not hear a sound. You must have either QuickTime or Windows Media installed.
o Highlight the Mail tab. The email tab is highlighted when new email arrives in the Inbox if you are not working in
the Mail tab.
o Flash the browser title. When new email arrives in the Inbox, the browser flashes until you open the Mail folder.
o Show a popup notification. When new mail arrives, a message pops up. You must have Yahoo! BrowserPlus
· Appointment Reminder alerts. You set your preferences in the Preferences > Calendar folder. Before you can set an
alert, set the time to be reminded of your meeting. This can be up to 60 minutes before the meeting. A reminder dialog
appears at the designated time before the meeting. If you set reminders to Never, you are not reminded of the meeting
even if you have the reminder options enabled.
The reminder does not pop up on the top of the page if you are not inCalendar, enabling one of the following options helps
to alert you of the pop-up:
o Play a sound. You are notified by a beep when an appointment reminder pops up. If you have your volume set to
mute, you will not hear a sound.
o Flash the browser title. When an appointment reminder pops up, the browser flashes until you close the pop-up.
Marking mail as unread
Marking mail as unread
Messages that you have opened are marked as read. Conversations containing unread messages are shown in bold.
You can set preferences for whether or not to mark a message as read when you read the message in the Reading Pane. You
can set your preference to mark a message that you have reviewed in the reading pane as read or only mark a message as read if
you open it in the Content Pane (or in a separate window). These can be set in the Preferences > Mail tab.
You can change a message's status back from read to unread by right-clicking on the message and choosing Mark As Unread
from the menu that appears. You can also mark a conversation as unread.
· Marking a conversation as unread marks all messages within that conversation as unread.
· Marking a single message as unread marks the conversation that contains the message unread.
You can use the same method to mark unread mail as read.
See also
· How to tell when you've got new mail
How to tell when you've got new mail
Show Table of Contents How do I know when I receive a new message
New messages are received when you log on, at automatic intervals that you set, and on-demand when Get Mail is clicked.
You can set the new messages polling intervals from the Preferences > Mail tab to the how often you want new messages
delivered to your mailbox. The default is every 5 minutes.
You can enable desktop alerts for new mail notification. You set your preferences in the Preferences > Mail tab. Following are the
alert options:
· Play a sound. You are notified by a beep when a new email arrives in the Inbox. If you have your volume set to mute,
you will not hear a sound.
· Flash the Mail tab. The email tab is highlighted when new email arrives in the Inbox while you are not working in the Mail
· Flash the browser title. When new email arrives in the Inbox, the browser flashes until you open the Mail tab.
You can spot unread mail messages by looking for folders with a bold name and a number in parentheses next to the folder name.
For example, Inbox (22) indicates that there are a total of 22 unread messages that are contained within conversations that
appear in your Inbox.
See Also...
Setting your user preferences
Displaying HTML in email messages
Displaying HTML in email messages
You can view email messages in two formats.
· Plain text. Plain text messages are messages that contain no HTML formatting code. Messages sent in plain text can
always be read by other email clients. You can view messages in plain-text mode even if it contains HTML. The HTML
tags are displayed in the body of the message in the plain text view.
· HTML. HTML messages can have text formatting, numbering, bullets, colored background, and links which can make
messages easier to read. Some email clients may not accept messages formatted in HTML.
To always view your email messages in HTML, check the Display Mail: As HTML (when possible) option in the Preferences >
Mail tab. Messages will be displayed in formatted layout if they were sent in HTML.
See Also...
Setting your user preferences
Opening file attachments
Opening file attachments
Email messages can include attached files such as word processing documents, spreadsheets, text files, ZIP files, images,
executable applications, or any other type of computer file that resides on the sender's computer network. Messages that contain
attachments display a paper clip next to the subject.
Some types of files, such as JPEG images or text files, can be opened on almost any computer system. Others, such as Microsoft
Word documents, must be opened using the same application that created them.
When you receive a message containing file attachments, you can double-click on the item in the attachments section of the
message header. A dialog appears asking whether you want to open or save the file first.
· If you choose to view the attachment, you must have an application on your workstation that can read that type of file.
· If you choose to download the attachment, a browse dialog appears showing your current file system. Choose an
appropriate location and save the file. You can open the file at a later point outside of your email client.
· Attachments can be deleted from your email message. Clicking Remove all attachments deletes the files from your
mailbox. When you remove an attachment, it is immediately deleted from your mailbox.
Virus Safety
Computer viruses can spread through email attachments. Many of these viruses have been known to spread themselves using
entries in users' contact lists. Therefore, we recommend that you handle with care when opening file attachments, even when they
are sent from senders who appear to be known to you.
Printing a mail message
Printing individual mail message
You can select one or more messages to print and you can select an entire conversation for printing.
To send a message to the printer:
1. Select the message, and click Print.
The selected message appears in a separate window, along with a standard print dialog.
When you select multiple messages, they are printed as one printed message.
2. In the dialog, choose a printer and click Print to send the message to the selected printer.
· Do not use the browser's File > Print feature. The page will not be well-formatted, and your message may be difficult to
To change the font size before printing and then send the message to the printer:
1. Open the message to be printed and on the message toolbar, click Print. The message is displayed with the Print dialog.
2. Click Cancel on the Print dialog.
3. On the message print page, click the Font size + or - links in the upper right corner.
4. On the browser toolbar, click the Print icon.
5. In the Print dialog, choose a printer and click OK.
6. Close the message window.
Undeliverable mail
Undeliverable mail
Sometimes a message "bounces back", meaning it cannot be delivered for some reason, such as:
· Recipient is not a valid or existing email address. Verify that you have the correct email address.
· Recipient's mail system rejects the mail for one reason or another
· Recipient's mailbox is full
If a message is rejected, you will receive an "undeliverable mail" message, with at least part of the contents of your original
message plus some system-generated error messages that provide more information as to why the mail has bounced. Try to
correct the problem and re-send the email.
If the mail bounces back due to a bad email address, but you are certain that the address is valid, you will have to contact the
recipients using other means, and have the recipients resolve the issue with their system administrators.
Contact your system administrator if:
· Every mail message you try to send is rejected
· Mail bounces back with "user unknown" or "bad address" messages for addresses that you used from your corporate
address list
· You start receiving bounce back messages for mail you never sent
Accessing your external accounts
Accessing your External Accounts
Instead of logging on to each of your external email accounts, you can retrieve your accounts' email messages directly from the
NETVIGATOR Email. When you set up your external account on NETVIGATOR Email, you can specify where the messages will
be saved and create your persona to be used when you reply to or forward a message received from that external account.
Information you need to set up your external account
When you set up your external account you need to know the following details about this account. You may need to contact your
email provider for this information.
· Account type. This is the type of email your service provider uses, POP or IMAP.
· Username on the account. The username associated with this email account. Sometimes your username is the part of
your email address before the @ and other times it is your full email address.
· Email server. This is the server name for your external account.
· Advanced settings. Your provider should let you know if they do not use standard IMAP (143) or POP (110) port. Enable
Use an encrypted connection (SSL) when accessing this server when you need to connect securely to the external
server. The port numbers will be changed.
Receiving messages from your account
When you retrieve your external email messages, the messages and attachments are saved to the folder you specified when you
configured your account information.
Messages from your external account are not automatically received in your NETVIGATOR Email account.
· If you have configured the Inbox to be the folder to save the external account's messages, click Get Mail on the toolbar.
Your Inbox folder is updated with all new messages including messages from your external accounts.
· If you have configured another folder for your external accounts, select that folder and click the Get Mail button from the
toolbar. Messages are delivered to your folder. Click Refresh to see the latest messages.
Adding external accounts
Adding external accounts
Instead of logging on to each of your external email accounts, you can check these accounts for email messages directly from this
account. See Accessing your external accounts.
To add external accounts to your NETVIGATOR Email account
1. Open the Preferences > Accounts tab and click Add External Account. A new external account name is added to your
account. Now you need to set it up.
2. In the Email Address field enter the exact email address of the external account. (e.g. [email protected])
3. In External Account Settings section Account Name field enter a name to identify this account. You can select this
account name from the From address list when you compose new email messages.
4. Now you configure the account settings. You may need to get this information from your email provider.
· Check the account type, POP or IMAP.
· Username of Account. Enter the name of this email account. (e.g. username)
· Email server. Enter the email server host name.
· Password. Enter the password you use to log on to this external account. To see that the password you typed is
correct, check Show password.
· Advanced Settings. If your service provider uses a different port then the default, change it now. If you use a
secure connection, enable Use an encrypted connection (SSL) when accessing this server.
5. In the Download messages to section, select where the messages should be saved. The default is to create a new folder
and enable it to receive the messages. But if you want the messages to be sent to your Inbox, select Inbox.
6. Enable Delete messages on the server after downloading them if you want the message to be deleted from your
external account when it is sent to your NETVIGATOR Email account.
7. In the text box below From: type the name that should appear in the From field of your outgoing email messages (for
example, John). This is the name to be shown in front of your email address.
8. If you want the replies to be sent to a name and address that is different from the one you configured in the From field,
check Reply-to. Enter the name and address that should receive the replies for this identity. For example, replies to
training messages from John should be sent to Team Training at [email protected].
9. You can select a signature to be used for this persona. If you have not created the appropriate signature, you can come
back and edit this account information later. If you do not want the signature to be applied automatically, select Do Not
Attach Signature.
10. Click Save to save this external account.
If you need to create the signature, go to the Signature tab after you click Save. See Using a signature.
Creating a new mail message
Composing and sending email messages
You can compose and send your email messages as soon as you write them, or you can compose a draft and return to it later to
finish and send.
The first step to composing a new message is to click
on the toolbar to open a blank compose page. You can also rightclick the name in the FROM section of an email and select New Email, to open a blank compose page.
Depending on your Mail Preferences under the Setting tab, either a Compose tab appears in the Application toolbar and the
compose page opens or a separate compose window opens. You can have multiple Compose tabs open and you can move
between the different tabs on the toolbar.
On the Compose page, type the email address of the person or persons to whom you are sending the message in the To: field.
· You can click To to look up a person's email address in order to search through your contacts .
· To add BCC addresses, click Show BCC next to the Cc: text field in the message header.
You can either compose your message in HTML or in plain text. The default format is configured in your Preferences, General tab.
To quickly change the format for this message only, click Options on the compose toolbar and select either HTML or Plain Text.
· Format As HTML lets you format your message with different font styles, create tables, add color, and insert hyper links.
· Format As Plain Text produces text with no style or formatting. Any computer can read this type of message.
If you want a notification that the recipient of the message opened the message, click Options on the compose toolbar and select
Request Read Receipt.
You can attach files, including pictures, documents, spreadsheets, audio files to your message.
To compose a new mail message:
1. Click
from the toolbar. The compose page is displayed.
2. If you are not using the default identity, in the Account drop-down list, select the identity (also known as persona) to use.
3. Complete the address, subject line, and body text as needed.
1. If you supply a first and last name that is not in the form of a valid Internet address ( [email protected]), a
confirmation dialog appears advising you that the address does not appear to be valid. You can choose to send
the mail anyway, even though it may not be deliverable.
4. If you want a return read receipt, click Options and select Request Read Receipt.
5. Enter the body of the message in the text box below Subject.
To check the spelling in the message, click Spell Check.
To add an attachment, click
6. Add your signature. If you have different accounts set up, in the Accounts drop down, select the email address to use for
this email. If you have signatures style defined for the account, click Signature on the Compose toolbar to add that
7. Click Send to send the message.
If you don't want to send the message immediately, click Save Draft. The message is saved in the Drafts folder.
Setting your preferences for the email compose window
Setting your preferences for the email compose window
Use the options on the Preferences > Composing tab as follows:
· Compose. Select your default text editor, either HTML or plain text.
Set the default font settings to be used when using HTML to compose in Mail, Documents and Calendar. You can define
the font style, size and color to use as your default style.
· Automatically save drafts of messages while you are composing. Messages you compose are automatically saved as
a draft every few minutes. If you would prefer not to have this automatically saved, disable the feature. You can manually
save a message as a draft.
· Reply/Forward using format of the original message. Even if your default text editor is different from the message
received, check this box to reply to the message in the same format as received. This is useful to make sure the recipient
can get the message in the best format they can read.
· Always compose in new window opens a new compose window, that is separate from your mailbox. The default is to
open a Compose tab on the toolbar to compose your messages. In both cases, you can view and navigate within your
mailbox while the compose window is open.
· Mandatory spell-check before sending a message. Check to have your mail spell-checked automatically before you
send it. If errors are found, a dialog displays the number of misspellings found and ask if you want to correct them before
· Sent Messages. By default, Save a copy to Sent folder is enabled. Copies of messages you send are saved to your
Sent folder. You can check Do not save sent messages if you do not want this.
· Reply/Reply All. Select whether to include the original text in the body of your reply message. You can choose to include
original text, not include it, include it as an attachment, include it in the body with a prefix that you choose, or include only
the most recent message. (In other words, it will quote only what was written by the person who sent the message, and
not previous text.) When Include headers is enabled, the original messages' To/From and Subject header details display
in your message.
· Forward. Select whether to include the original text in the body of when you forward a message. You can chose to include
the original message and headers with the prefix below or include original message as an attachment. When Include
headers is enabled, the original messages' To/From and Subject header details display in your message.
· Prefix. Specify whether to prefix each line with > or | for the previous email messages that are forwarded or replied to, if
you chose to quote original text.
Parts of an email message
Parts of an email message
An email message consists of the following general components:
The message headers contain information concerning the sender and recipients. The exact content of mail headers can vary
depending on the email system that generated the message. Generally, headers contain the following information:
· Subject. Subject is a description of the topic of the message and displays in most email systems that list email messages
individually. A subject line could be something like "2007 company mission statement" or, if your spam filtering application
is too lenient, "Lose weight fast!!! Ask me how."
· Sender (From). This is the senders Internet email address. It is usually presumed to be the same as the Reply-to address,
unless a different one is provided.
· Date and time received (On). The time the message was received.
· Reply-to. This is the Internet email address that will become the recipient of your reply if you click the Reply button.
· Recipient (To:). First/last name of email recipient, as configured by the sender.
· Recipient email address. The Internet mail address of the recipient, or where the message was actually sent.
The body of a message contains text that is the actual content, such as "Employees who are eligible for the new health care
program should contact their supervisors by next Friday if they want to switch." The message body also may include signatures or
automatically generated text that is inserted by the sender's email system.
Attachments are optional and include any separate files that may be part of the message.
Using a signature
Automatically add your signature
You can create different signatures and assign them to a specific address you have created. See Mail Identities.
If you use HTML to format your signature, you can link your company name to the web site and you can add images, such as a
logo, to your signature.
Example of a signature
John Smith
Vice President of Engineering
Widgets Division
Acme Corporation, Inc.
303-555-1212 x111
[email protected]
To create a signature:
1. Open Preferences and select Signatures.
2. Click Add Signature and type the name for this signature in the Signature Name field.
3. Click Format As HTML to customize your signature if you want to create a signature style.
4. In the Signature text box, type the signature information exactly as you want it to appear in your messages. If you use
HTML, you can select from fonts, size and color for text and add links and images to your signature. Images can either be
downloaded or you can link to an image URL. Linking to an image URL.
5. In the Using Signatures section, select where the signature should be placed in your messages. Select Above included
messages to add your signature at the end of the your composed, replied to, or forwarded text. Select Below included
messages to add the signature at the end of the message.
6. Click Save.
7. To apply this signature to your account name, go to the Accounts tab, select the account persona name and in the
Signature field, select the signature name from the drop down.
Automatic address completion
Automatic address completion
The autocomplete feature suggests names as you type directly into the To, CC, and BCC boxes for a new message. A list of
possible addresses from your contacts list that start with the text you typed is displayed.
As you continue to type into the To: field, the list of matching addresses will become smaller, as fewer matches are available. The
list disappears if there are no more matches.
For example, suppose you wanted to send an email message to David Brinks, whose email address happens to be
[email protected]. As soon as you typed the first "d" into the address field, a list appears showing all possible matches, with the
matching portions highlighted. In this case, it might display:
Dale Edwards <[email protected]>
David Brinks <[email protected]>
Erica Dodd <[email protected]>
As you type more characters into the To: field, the corresponding list of matches grows smaller.
The autocomplete feature matches the text you type against the following parts of a contact:
· First name
· Last name
· Email address
Matching is always done against the beginning of the field. The text "bob" will match "bob smith" but not "billybob smith".
Using autocomplete
Once your text matches one or more of your contacts, the matches will be displayed in a list below the field you are currently
editing. By default, the first match will be highlighted.
Several keys you can type trigger special behavior. The mouse may also be used to select a match.
· The comma, semicolon, Return/Enter, and Tab keys all trigger completion. The text you have typed will be replaced by the
currently selected match.
· Click the ESC key hides the list.
· The up and down arrow keys change the selection in the list. Moving the mouse cursor over the list also changes the
· Clicking the mouse on a match selects it for completion.
The fact that a single key (such as semicolon) causes completion can be used to quickly enter addresses. If you know a few
characters that will cause a certain contact to be the first match, you can type those and then a semicolon, and that contact’s
address will appear. For example, if I know that "db" results in a first match of David Brinks, I can type "db;" and the full address
"David Brinks < [email protected]>" will appear in the address box.
Autocomplete is available in other applications (for example, in adding attendees to a calendar appointment), and behaves in the
same manner.
Requesting a Return Receipt
Requesting a Return Receipt
You can flag a message that you write to have a return receipt message sent back to you when the recipient opens your message.
When you compose a message you select Return Read Receipt from the Options menu. The recipient can choose to return the
read receipt or not.
Users set their Read Receipt Mail Preferences for messages that are flagged with a return receipt request. The following options
can be set:
· Never send a read receipt. This is the default. When a message is received with a return read receipt request, the
request is ignored. The recipient is not aware of the request.
· Always send a read receipt message. A return read receipt message is automatically sent when the message flagged for
return read receipt is opened.
· Ask me. Recipients are asked if they want to send the return receipt.
A return read receipt message is not sent if a recipient selects more than one message and right-clicks and selects Mark As
· The return read receipt flag does not work for messages that are sent to users on systems other than Netvigator Email.
Attaching files to a mail message
Attaching files to your message
Email messages can include attachments. You can attach documents, spreadsheets, pictures, slide shows and other types of files
from your computer and from your Briefcase.
· Note: Recipients of your mail message must have the appropriate software to open and read the file. For files created in
commonly used packages such as Microsoft Office, other users on a typical desktop system will be able to open them.
Common file formats such as text files, HTML files, and images such as .GIF or .JPG files can be opened in a variety of
programs. However, it depends on what type of system the user is on.
To attach a file from your computer to a message
1. Compose the message as described in Composing a new mail message.
2. Click
. The Attach File(s) dialog appears.
3. On the My Computer tab, click Browse... to locate the file.
4. Select the file and click Open. The file name appears in the first Attach field.
5. To attach another file, click Browse... again.
6. When all attachments are selected, click Attach. The files are added to the email message and listed under the subject.
7. When the message is ready to be sent, click Send to send the message and the attachments.
To attach a file from your Briefcase folder to a message
1. Compose the message as described in Composing a new mail message.
2. Click
. The Attach File(s) dialog appears.
3. Select the Briefcase tab. Your Briefcase folders are displayed.
4. Select the Briefcase folder and check the boxes to select the files
5. When all attachments are selected, click Attach. The files are added to the email message and listed under the subject.
6. When the message is ready to be sent, click Send to send the message and the attachments.
Attachment file types supported
Attachment file types supported
You can attach any file on your file system that you can find using the browse button.
You can open any file attachment directly from the Netvigator Email mailbox, provided that your workstation has the right
application and the extension is not blocked by your system administrator. For example, to open a document created using
Microsoft Word, you need to be able to run Microsoft Word on your computer.
On most computers, the file type is indicated by the extension, which is usually a period followed by a three-letter code. Examples
could include files such as expenses.xls or New-Items.doc. If the file type is one that is supported by the installed software on
your computer, you can typically double-click the file and your computer will automatically launch the right application for reading
that file.
Many types of files can be opened directly from your browser using various plug-ins. Usually, if you click a file link on a page, your
browser automatically detects whether or not you have the right plug-in, and prompts you to download it. Note that your system
administration policies may not permit end users to download and install any sort of software.
· Notes:
On Windows computers, the computer assumes that the file type in the filename matches the actual format. Even if the file is
correctly formatted internally, if it does not have the right file type extension in the filename, your computer may not be able to
recognize it and open the right application for you.
An increasing number of computer viruses have been designed to spread via file attachments. Therefore, in some
environments, system administrators have opted to block incoming mail containing certain types of attachments, most notably
files with the extension . EXE or .ZIP as part of their filename. If you send an email message to someone whose email system
has been configured to block certain types of attachments, you may or may not receive any notification that was blocked.
For your reference, here are some widely used file extensions.
· . TXT - indicates a text file, which is a file containing only text information. Text files can be opened and read using a wide
variety of text editors, including Notepad, WordPad, Word, command-line editors, browsers, and even spreadsheet
· . HTM - Indicates an HTML file, a special type of text file that is usually opened using a Web browser.
· .ZIP - Indicates a file that has been compressed using ZIP compression. You will need WinZip or another compression
program that can read and expand the ZIP file.
· . EXE - Indicates an executable or program file. Double-clicking such a file usually launches the application.
· .DOC - Indicates a Microsoft Word document file.
· .JPG - Indicates a graphical image in the JPEG format. You can open JPEGs in a browser or by using one of a variety of
graphics programs such as Paint or Adobe Photoshop.
· .GIF - Indicates a graphical image in the GIF format. You can open GIFs in a browser or with a graphics program.
· .MPG - Indicates a movie clip or animation in the MPEG format. Often playable with a browser plug-in or a player such as
Windows media Player.
· . WMV - Indicates a movie clip in the WMV format, which is a Windows-only format.
· . PDF - Indicates a document in Acrobat Reader format. You can typically open it from within your browser using a plug-in.
Using CC: and BCC: addresses
Adding Cc: and Bcc: addresses
The abbreviations Cc: and Bcc: stand for carbon copy and blind carbon copy, respectively.
· Cc: lets you send a copy of a message to someone who's interested, but is not the primary recipient. All Cc'ed recipients
see the entire list of addressees when they read the message.
· Bcc: lets you send a copy of a mail message to someone without their address appearing in the copies of the message
sent to other recipients
To enter Bcc: addresses for a new mail message:
1. In the compose window, select Show BCC .
2. Click the To:, Cc: or Bcc: button that appears next to the address fields to bring up the address selection dialog if desired.
Otherwise, enter your addresses directly in to the desired fields.
You can send a mail message without any addresses in the To: field, as long as there is at least one address in either the CC: or
BCC: fields.
Using HTML editor
Using HTML Editor
You can compose your messages using HTML as the rich-text editor. Messages created using HTML can have text formatting,
numbering, bullets, colored background, tables, and links which can make messages easier to read.
· Some email clients may not accept messages formatted in HTML.
You can set the HTML editor as your default editor and set the default font settings, including style, size and color from the
Preferences, Composing tab.
Using spell check
Using Spell Check
You can check the spelling of your email before you send it out. Click Spell Check on the compose toolbar
If you want all messages to be spell checked automatically before they are sent, enable Mandatory spell check before sending a
message on your Preference > Composing page.
Words that are unknown to the spell checker are highlighted.
1. Click Spell Check. Words that are not spelled correctly are highlighted.
2. Click on a highlighted word. A pop-up displays suggested corrections.
3. Select the correct word. The word is highlighted in another color.
4. To accept your changes and close the spell checker, click on Resume editing.
· Before you close the spell checker you can change a corrected word back to the original spelling. Click on the highlighted
word and select the initial spelling from the top of the pop-up.
Adding words to your spell-check dictionary
You can add words to your spell-check dictionary.
1. Click Spell Check. Words that are not spelled correctly are highlighted.
2. Click on a highlighted word. A pop-up displays suggested corrections.
3. If a word spelled correctly is highlighted, click on the word and click Add. That word is added to your dictionary.
You cannot remove words from your dictionary once they have been added..
Saving a draft message
Saving messages as drafts
You can save your message as a draft to be completed and sent at a later time. Draft messages are saved in your Draft folder
until you send them or delete them from the folder.
You can enable a preference to automatically save your email as a draft while you are composing the message. You can also click
Save Draft while composing to save the message as a draft
Setting your Preferences to automatically save drafts
Go to the Preferences>Composing tab and enable Automatically save drafts of messages while you are composing.
Messages you compose are automatically saved as a draft every few minutes.
To save a message manually:
1. Compose your message as described in Creating a new mail message .
2. Click Save Draft.
The draft message is saved to your Drafts folder.
To retrieve a draft message
· Open the Drafts folder, click on the message, or select the message and click Edit in the toolbar.
You can compose and send the completed message as normal. When sent, the message is removed from the Drafts folder.
Replying to mail messages
Replying to mail messages
You can reply to the sender of a message or you can reply to the sender and all recipients of the message.
· Reply replies only to the sender of the original message. It does not include any other addresses that might be in the To:
or Cc: fields. Clicking Reply opens a new mail compose page and populates the To: field with the name of the person who
sent you the message.
· Reply to All includes all recipients from the previous message. You can use this option if you want everyone who saw the
previous message to also see your response.
Using Reply only preserves the body text. Attachments from the original message are not included in the reply.
Clicking Reply or Reply to All opens the Compose page, with the text from the old message preserved.
To reply to a message:
1. With the message open, click Reply or click the arrow to select Reply to All . A new message window is
displayed with the addresses in the header and the original message in the body.
2. Type your reply.
3. If you add your signature automatically to your messages, your signature is automatically placed in the message
according to the preference you enabled, either at the end of all messages in the compose window or at the end of
the message you compose, above the quoted text.
3. If you want to change which part of the original message should be included in the reply, click Options on the
compose toolbar. Your default option is marked but you can change it for this email only.
4. Click Send.
Forwarding a mail message
Forwarding a mail message
You can use Forward to send a mail message on to someone else. Forwarding a message includes all file attachments, whereas
using Reply preserves the body text and does not include the attachments.
How your message is forwarded can be set up in your Preferences>Mail>Compose page. You can select whether to include the
original text of the message and message header To/From and Subject header details in your forwarded message, or you can
select to include the original message as an attachment to your email.
To forward a message:
1. Open the message to be forwarded.
. A compose window opens. The text of the forwarded message appears in the
2. On the toolbar, click
body unless you have chosen to forward messages as attachments in the Mail Composing preferences .
3. Enter addressees in the To:, CC:, or BCC: fields.
4. Optionally, add a few lines of new text at the top such so that the recipient knows why you decided to forward it.
5. Click Send.
Your Contact List
Your Contact List
Contact List is where you can store contact details. By default a Default and an Emailed Contacts are created in Contact List.
You can create additional contact lists and share them with others.
You can add contacts to any of your contact lists. Only a name is required to create a contact, or you can create detailed contact
forms that include full name, multiple email addresses, work, home, and other addresses, phone numbers, and an image. You can
also create group contact lists.
The Emailed Contacts address book is populated when you send an email to a new address that is not in one of your other
contact lists. You can disable this feature from Preferences, Contact List. Remove the check from Settings, Add new contacts to
"Emailed Contacts".
There is a maximum limit for the number of entries you can have in all of your contact lists. When you reach this maximum, you
cannot add any more contacts. However, you can delete unused contacts to free up space.
When you compose an email, the auto-complete feature displays a list of names from your contact lists that match the text you are
Sharing your contact lists
You can share any of your contact lists. This is useful if your contact lists are for specific categories of contacts and what other
users to have access to the names. Depending on the role you assign to the grantee, the shared contacts list can be view-only or
can have full access privileges to edit, add, and delete names.
Additional contact list features
Other features include the ability to:
Apply tags to contacts
Import and export contact lists
Setting your contact list preferences
Setting your contact list preferences
Use the options on the Preferences > Contact List folder as follows:
Select Add new contacts to “Emailed Contacts” to automatically add addresses to your address book when you
send email. If this is enabled, addresses are saved to your Email Contacts folder.
Enable either of these if you want to be able to see addresses from either the company's contact list (Global Address List) or
contact lists that are being shared with you when you type an email address. Note that if you enable these features, when
you type in an address, you may get many false addresses listed if these contactlists are very large.
Creating a new contact
Adding new contacts
You can add new contacts from the toolbar by clicking the arrow in the
header and choosing Contacts.
button, or by right-clicking a name in a message
To create a contact, you can just add a name or you can add detailed information about your contacts, including multiple email
addresses, phone numbers, mailing addresses and a picture.
To add a new contact
1. From the toolbar, click the arrow next to New and select Contact. The contact form opens.
2. Enter the contact name. Click
to add additional names such as the middle name or department name.
3. Enter other contact information and upload a photo of this contact. The image file must be accessible from your computer.
sign represents fields that can have more than one entry, and the entry can be identified with a specific
label. For instance the phone number can be labeled as Mobile, Work, Home, or Fax.
The field labeled Other allows you to enter custom fields. Two custom fields are identified, Birthday and Anniversary.
You can create additional custom fields.
Where "Birthday" is displayed, click the menu and select Custom to add a custom field.
Change "Custom" to a title for this field and enter the information in the Enter text box.
4. In File As, (on the right) select how you want the name to display in your address book. The default is to file the contact by
last name, first name, but you can file by First, Last; or by Company.
5. In Location, (on the right) select the contact list to store the name.
6. Click Save.
To add a new contact from an existing mail message:
1. Open the mail message, the header is displayed in gray, at top of message detail pane. You can add email addresses in the
From:, To:, Cc:, and Bcc: fields.
2. Right-click the name to add to your contact list and choose Add to Contacts.
3. The contact form opens pre-populated with whatever information was available from the email header. Add additional
information and check the pre-populated fields for correctness as well.
4. In File As, select how you want to file the name. The default is to file the contact by last name, first name.
5. In Location, select the contact list to store the name.
6. Click Save.
You can also create group contact lists.
Using the corporate contact list
Using Company Contact Lists
Within your organization, you may not always know the correct mail address to use. For example Joe Smith at Acme could
variously be [email protected], or [email protected], or even [email protected].
Two types of contact lists are usually available for use when composing mail: a company contact list (referred to as the Global
Address List), and your personal contact lists. The corporate contact list is available to everyone, whereas your personal contact
lists are available to you and to those you share the contact list with.
To add names from an contact list to a new email message:
1. Open a new message by clicking
from the menu.
2. Click To:. An address selection dialog appears.
3. From the Show names from list on the right, select either Contacts, Personal and Shared Contacts or Global Address
List to search.
4. Enter a name or portion of a name in the Search box on the left, and then click Search. A list of names and email
addresses appears on the left.
5. Double-click a name to add it to the recipients list on the right. Use the To, Cc, and Bcc buttons to determine where the
name will appear when the message is addressed. Click the desired button before moving the name across.
Use the Remove button to remove a name from the recipients list on the right.
6. Repeat the search as needed until all names have been added.
7. Click OK when done.
Creating Group Contact Lists
Creating Contact Group Lists
The Contact Group List feature allows you to create contact lists that contain multiple mailing addresses. When you select a group
contact name, everyone whose address is included in the group list is automatically added to the address field of the message.
To create contact group lists
You can select addresses from your company directory (GAL) and from your contact lists, and you can type in addresses. Note:
email addresses you type are not verified.
1. On the toolbar, click New and select New Contact Group. The New Contact Group form is displayed.
If you want to create the group list in an contact list other than Contacts, before you start, select the contact list and then
click New > Contact Group.
You can move a contact group to another list after it is created.
2. In the Group Name field, type the name of this group list.
3. To add members to this group, in the Find field, type a name and then select whether to search in the GAL or in your
personal and shared contacts. Click Search.
4. Names that match your entry are listed in the box below. Select the names to enter and click Add, the names are added to
the Group Members list.
You can also add email addresses directly in the Group Members list box. Typed address can be separated by a comma
(,), semicolon (;) or Return to start the address on a new line.
5. Click Save on the toolbar. The new group contact is added to your contact list.
The icon
shows that the contact name is a group contact.
Importing Contacts
Importing Contact Lists
You can import contact lists that are saved in a comma-separated (. csv) text file format. Import is available from your Preferences
> Import/Export folder.
To import a contact list:
1. Select Preferences and click Import / Export.
2. In the Import File field, browse to locate the .csv file to import.
3. In the Type field, click Auto-Detect to select the type of contact file that is being imported:
Account contacts
Yahoo! contacts
Outlook 2000 contacts
Outlook 2003 contacts
Outlook contacts
Thunderbird contacts
Contact lists from different accounts may not display contact information in the same order. Picking the correct type of
contact file that is being imported identifies the order of the fields so that the information displays correctly in your Contact
4. Click Import. In the Choose Contact List dialog either select an existing contact list to add the contacts or create a new
contact list to import the file.
5. Click OK. The content of the contacts file is imported.
Exporting Contact Lists
Exporting Contact Lists
Your contact lists are exported and saved in a comma-separated (. csv) text file format.
To export your contact list:
1. Select Preferences and click the Import / Export folder.
2. In the Export section, select the type as Contacts.
3. In the File field, browse to select the contact list folder to export.
4. In the Type drop-down, select the contact format you want to export the contact file as:
Account contacts. This exports the file as it displays in your account.
Yahoo! contacts
GMail contacts
Outlook 2000 contacts
Outlook 2003 contacts
Outlook contacts
Thunderbird contacts
This formats the contact information in the proper order for that type of contact list.
4. Click Export.
5. Select where to save the exported file and click OK. To import them into another contact manager program, see
documentation for that program.
Printing Contacts
Printing contact names or contact lists
You can print a complete contact list or print the information for selected contacts.
1. Select an contact list and check the boxes next to contact names to print.
2. Click the Print icon,
Printing the contact list:
1. Select the contact list to print.
2. Click the arrow next to the print icon and select Print Contact List.
For Group Contact lists, if the list is long, only the first few names on the list are printed and More... displays, to let you know that
there are additional names that were not printed.
Editing a contact
Editing contact information
To search for and open a contact form:
1. Open your Contact List tab. The search field displays in:contacts.
2. In the Search box, enter search criteria, such as a first or last name or group name.
To search by email address, the complete address must be entered. First or last name must be a whole-word match. For
example, you could enter something like Smith or [email protected].
3. From the drop-down list next to the search field, select Contacts to search your contact lists or select Global Address List
to search the company contact list.
4. In the Edit Contact form, double-click the name to open the contact form for editing.
5. Make the changes and click Save to commit your changes.
To open a contact form for editing:
1. From a Contact List, right click on the contact to be edited and choose Edit Contact.
2. Make the changes and click Save to commit your changes.
To move a contact to another contact list:
You can move a contact by one of the following:
From the Contact form
1. Select the contact and click Edit to open the contact form.
2. In the Contact List pull-down menu, select the contact list where you want to move the contact.
3. Click Save.
From the contact name
1. Right-click on the contact to move.
2. Select Move. In the Move Contact dialog, select the contact list.
3. Click OK.
Deleting a contact
Deleting contacts
Contacts can be deleted in one of three ways:
From a contact list, select the contact to be removed, and click
on the toolbar.
Drag the contact name to the Trash folder.
Right-click on the contact and select Delete.
If you delete a contact that was automatically added to your contact list, the contact is moved to the Trash folder. You
cannot add the name back to your contact lists until you delete the contact from the Trash folder.
Any contact lists you create can be deleted.
Right-click on the contact list you created and select Delete.
When contact names are deleted, they no longer appear in your contact list and information is not available from the name tool tips
for the address auto-completion or from the address search dialog in the mail compose window.
About calendar
About Calendar
The Calendar lets you track and schedule your appointments, meetings, and events.
Calendar includes the following features:
Create different personal calendars
Create appointments and schedule meetings and mark them as private or public.
Create all-day events
Use the QuickAdd dialog to quickly create an appointment
Display your free/busy status
View other peoples free/busy schedules to facilitate group scheduling
Create recurring appointments
View your calendars by various views, including day, 5-day work week, 7-day week, list, month, and schedule views
Quickly view your calendar schedule for the day from email messages or from the mini-calendar
Accept/Tentative/Reject an invitation with one click
Set meeting reminders
Delegate manager access to your calendars
Share your calendars with others
Print your calendars
Import or export your calendar
To open the Calendar view, select the Calendar tab. The Work Week view is the default and is displayed when Calendar is opened
the first time.
You can change which view is displayed when Calendar is opened from either the Preferences > Calendar folder or from the
Calendar toolbar.
Create calendars
Creating calendars
One calendar is created for you, and you can create additional calendars to keep track of different type of functions. For example,
you can create a calendar for work, for personal, and for company activities. You can select the Schedule view to see the
calendars side-by-side.
To create a calendar
1. Select the Calendar tab.
2. Right-click Calendars in the Overview pane, or on the toolbar click
and select Calendar.
3. In the Create New Calendar dialog, type the name of the calendar and select a color to display the Calendar activities.
4. If you do not want the calendar activities to be viewed by others, check Exclude this calendar when reporting free/busy
5. Click OK. The new calendar displays in the Calendar list.
To create a calendar and synchronize appointments from a remote calendar
1. Select the Calendar tab.
2. Right-click Calendars in the Overview pane, or on the toolbar, click
and select Calendar.
3. In the Create New Calendar dialog, type the name of the calendar and select a color to display the Calendar activities.
4. If you do not want the calendar activities to be viewed by others, check Exclude this calendar when reporting free/busy
5. Check Synchronize appointments from remote calendar. Enter a valid iCal file URL for the remote calendar.
6. Click OK.
Remote calendars are updated periodically according to the remote calendar polling intervals set by the system administrator.
Adding background color to calendars
Color coding your calendars
You color-code calendars in your mailbox and activities on that calendar display in the chosen color. When you are looking at all
activities in one of the views, the color signifies activities on different calendars. Eight colors are available, and you can use a color
more than once.
The above shows that blue, green, and yellow calendars have activities on November 7 and the yellow calendar has an all-day
You can select a color when you create a calendar and accept a calendar to share . You can edit the calendar's properties to
changes the color.
When you print a Calendar view, the calendar is printed in the selected color.
Setting your Calendar preferences
Setting your Calendar preferences
You can set the following options from the Preferences>Calendar folder. Remember to click Save to save any changes you make
to your preferences.
Default View. Select how you would like to view your calendar. The default is by work week. The view options include: Day,
Work Week, 7 Day Week, Month, List, and Schedule.
Start Week On. Specify which day of the week should be the first day of the week in your calendar.
Default appointment visibility . This can be set to either Public or Private. The default is Public, all incoming calendar
invites are marked as Public unless the creator marked the meeting notification as private. When this is set to Private, all
incoming calendar invites are marked as Private. Details about events that are marked private do not display.
Always show the mini-calendar. Specify whether the mini-calendar is displayed at the bottom of the Overview pane.
Show Calendar with week numbers. When this is enabled, the week numbers are displayed on the mini-calendar.
Automatically add received appointments to calendar. When this is checked, email invitations sent to your Inbox are
automatically added to your calendar. You can accept or decline the invite from either the Inbox or Calendar. When this is
not checked, the appointment is added to your calendar when you click Accept or Tentative.
Enable delegation for Apple iCal CalDav client. When this is enabled, shared calendars are displayed in the account's
Delegation tab on the Mac. When this is disabled, all shared calendars display in the Calendars list. Available for iCal 4.0
or later.
After responding to an invitation delete invite. When this is checked, invitations are automatically moved to your Trash
folder after you respond to the invite.
Forward my invites to. You can forward invite emails you receive to one or more users that you have shared your calendar
Show reminders. Set the number of minutes before an appointment to be reminded. The default is five minutes. In addition,
you can set the type of alert to receive.
Use the QuickAdd dialog when creating new appointments. Specify whether to create new appointments using the
QuickAdd dialog. This is often helpful if you create many appointments without attendees.
Show time zone list in appointment view. Select if you often schedule meetings with other in different time zones.
Permissions. You can specify the type of users who can see your Free/Busy information and who can invite you to
meetings. The default is to allow all users to see your free/busy and to invite you to meetings.
Viewing Calendar Week Numbers
Viewing Calendar Week Numbers
You can add the week number to your mini-calendar from the Preferences, Calendar folder. When this is enabled, the week
number displays in the first column, labeled W.
Calendar view options
Calendar view options
The Work Week View is displayed when Calendar is opened the first time. You can change your view at any time from the
Calendar toolbar. Changing the Calendar view from the toolbar only changes the view for that session. You can change which view
opens in Calendar from the Preferences, Calendar folder
The views are as follows:
Day view is one day's activities
Work Week view displays Monday through Friday activities
Week view displays seven days of activities. From the Preferences, Calendar tab, you can select which day is the first day
of the week.
Month view displays a month's activities
List view displays each activity for a two-week period on a vertical line in the Content pane for the selected calendars. In
List view, multiple appointments can be selected at once. You can delete or move appointments and tag appointments on
local calendars.
Schedule view is used when you have more than one calendar. Each calendar is displayed in a separate column.
Calendar List View
Calendar List View
The List view in Calendar gives you the following details that are not available in the other Calendar view.
Calendar appointments for a two week period are listed.
Meetings from all selected calendars are listed in a vertical line by date and time, showing:
Subject of the meeting
Location of the meeting
Status, whether the meeting is New, Accepted, Tentative
Which calendar the meeting is saved to
Whether it is recurring or not
Date and time of the meeting
You can change the columns that are displayed by right-clicking the header and deselecting the columns you do not want to
You can sort by subject, status, calendar or date columns
You can select multiple local appointment to act upon at once, actions include deleting appointments, moving appointments
to a new calendar, or tagging appointments. You can drag and drop selected appointments into other calendars or to a tag.
You can search for meetings by subject or location within the two-week list view
You cannot print the List view.
Viewing multiple calendars
Viewing multiple calendars
The Schedule View lets you see multiple calendars selected from your Calendar list. The day-view shows a time bar, a free/busy
indicator, and the calendars side-by-side. The calendar name is in the header.
In the Calendar list in the Overview Pane, check the boxes for the calendars you want to view.
The All column is a color-coded free/busy indicator for the viewed calendars. White means that no activity is schedule at that time
on any of the shown calendars. As more calendars have activities scheduled at the same time, the color in the Add columns
become deeper. When the color is deep red, most calendars have activity during that time.
Move the mouse over the All column to see which calendars have activity scheduled within a time period.
Deleting calendars
Deleting calendars
You can delete any calendar in your Calendars list, except your default calendar.
1. Right-click on the calendar to be deleted.
2. Click Delete.
3. On the Confirmation page, click Yes.
The calendar is immediately deleted. There is no undo.
The meetings that were created from this calendar are not automatically deleted from invited attendee's calendars.
Importing your iCal calendar
Importing your iCal calendar
You can import iCalendars (iCal) calendars that are saved in the .ics format. iCalendars are the standard for calendar data
exchange over the Internet, and .ics is the standard format for iCalendar information. Import is available from your Preferences >
Import/Export tab.
You can import your iCal calendar to an existing calendar or create a new calendar and import the .ics file to it.
To import an iCal calendar:
1. Select Preferences and click the Import / Export Folder.
2. In the File field, browse to locate the .ics file to import.
3. In the Destination field, click Calendars and select the folder to import the calendar, either select one of your existing
calendars or click New to create a new calendar.
4. Click Import.
5. Click OK.
iCal calendars are updated periodically according to the remote calendar polling intervals set by the system administrator.
Exporting your iCal calendar
Exporting your iCal calendar
You can export your calendars and save the file in the ICalendar .ics format. iCalendars are the standard for calendar data
exchange over the Internet, and .ics is the standard format for iCalendar information.
Export is available from your Preferences >Import/Export folder.
To export an iCal calendar:
1. Select Preferences and click the Import / Export Folder.
2. In the Export section, select the type as Calendar and in the File field, browse to the calendar folder to export.
3. Click Export.
4. Select where to save the . ics file and click OK.
Printing a calendar
Printing a calendar
You can print individual calendars in any of the views except the List view.
If you view more than one calendar and then print that view, all schedules are combined on one calendar and the meetings are
displayed on the page in the calendar's folder color. A color key with the calendar name displays at the top of the page.
How to Print a Calendar
1. Select the calendar view to print.
2. Click
on the toolbar. Your printer dialog appears and the Calendar view to be printed displays.
3. Click OK on your printer dialog. Close the calendar print view.
About appointments, meetings and events
About scheduling appointments
Activities you schedule are appointments, meetings or events.
Appointments. An appointment is an activity without other people. When you schedule an appointment, no email is sent to
confirm the appointment. You can set recurring appointments. QuickAdd can be used to quickly create an appointment.
Meetings. Meetings are appointments that include other people. When you create a meeting, you select attendees and send
an email invitation to them. You can reschedule meetings and set up recurring meetings.
Events. An event is an activity that lasts all day. Events do not display as time on the calendar, they appear as banner at
the top of the calendar schedule.
All three types of activities can be entered in several ways. You can schedule an appointment from any view except Preferences.
To create an appointment you can do one of the following:
On the toolbar, click the arrow on
and select Appointment. This is available in any view, except the Preferences
Enter appointments directly on the calendar. In any view, except Month, select the date and a start time, double-click or
drag through the time and the QuickAdd Appointment dialog opens.
Right-click on either the mini-calendar or the start time in one of the calendar views. You can select to create a New
appointment or a New all day appointment.
Within an email message, certain text is interpreted as a date and triggers the ability to right-click to create an appointment.
Text such as today, tomorrow, and a day of the week or an exact date are highlighted in messages. Hover the mouse over
this type of text to see if you have an appointment scheduled. Click on the highlighted text to open your calendar.
About the appointment page
Planning an appointment
You can create single or recurring appointments, meetings or events, see if attendees are free before inviting them, reserve a room
and equipment, and write a message from within the Appointment view. When you click Save, an email is sent inviting the
attendees and reserving the resources you requested.
The Appointment view consists of five tabs so you can quickly find attendees, locations, and resources (equipment) and see their
free/busy schedule before finalizing the appointment.
On the Appointment page, you enter information about the appointment as follows:
Subject of the meeting. The text added here becomes the description in the calendar.
Location of the meeting. You can use this field to describe the location of the meeting, such as an address, building
number, floor number. Use the Find Location tab to find and reserve a room that is listed in your company directory. This
information is listed as a Resource under the Attendees field.
Show As is used to determine your Free/Busy options for the time. You can select, Busy, Free, Tentative, and Out-ofOffice. This information displays on the Schedule Attendees page.
Calendar drop-down list shows all calendars in your Calendar List. The first calendar displayed is your original Calendar.
When you have multiple-calendars, you can create an appointment and select the calendar. The appointment is added to
whichever calendar is selected.
Mark as lets you mark an appointment as private or public. Details about events that are marked private do not display in a
grantee's shared calendar. Only the start and end time, duration, reoccurrence information, and the organizer's identity are
Time is to define when the appointment will occur, day, hours, all day events and recurring appointment parameters. You
can set a meeting reminder notification time. All attendees will be notified in advance of the meeting time.
Attendees. Add attendees either by typing a name in the Attendees field, going to the Find Attendees tab to search for
names or use the Schedule tab to see attendees' free/busy schedule.
If Request Responses is checked, when the invitee accepts, marks the invite as tentative, or declines the invitation, a
status message is sent to you.
If Send Notification Mail is not checked, attendees do not receive notification of the meeting or of changes you make to
the meeting. Uncheck this box when you make minor changes to the meeting that attendees do not need to know about.
Resources. Use the Find Resources tab to find and reserve a resource, such as a projector. This information is listed as a
resource under the Attendees field.
In the Text area compose a message that will be sent with the email invitation to the attendees.
Scheduling meetings
Scheduling an appointment
You can schedule meetings and appointments from any view except Preferences. You can schedule an appointment for yourself,
or you can schedule a meeting and invite attendees.
Scheduling a single meeting from the Appointment page
1. In any view except Preferences, on the toolbar click the arrow on
and select Appointment.
2. For other ways to start an appointment click here.
2. In the Details sections, enter the following:.
The Subject field is required. This becomes the description in the calendar.
The Location field can be used to describe the location of the meeting, such as giving an address, building number, floor
number. Use the Find Location tab to find and reserve a room that is listed in your company directory. These locations
have been created as resource accounts by your system administrator and can be reserved. The location you select in the
Find Location tab is listed as a Resource under the Attendees field and is reserved.
The Show as selection determines if this appointment displays as free, tentative, busy, or out of office on the Schedule
Attendees page.
Mark as lets you mark the message as private or public.
If you have multiple calendars, select which calendar is setting up the event from the Calendar menu
3. In the Time section, set the meeting date and time. Enter the Start date or click the down arrow to display a calendar and
pick a date. Select the End date. Select the reminder notification. Attendees will be reminded of this meeting based on the
time you set here.
4. Note: If the time zone is displayed (Preferences>Calendar), it reflects the time zone that you are in. You usually do not
need to change this. When you schedule meetings with attendees in different time zones, the invitation is sent reflecting the
meeting time in their time zone. For example, if you create a meeting with attendees in California and New York, the
invitation displays Pacific time for attendees in California and Eastern time (three hours later) for attendees in New York.
4. Add resources. Use the Find Resources tab to find and reserve a resource, such as a projector. This information is listed
as a Resource under the Attendees field.
5. Enter the names of the attendees. You can enter attendee names in any of the following ways:
Go to the Find Attendees tab. In the Find field type a name and select which list to use, either Contacts or Global
Address List . Select the names and click Add. When all names have been added, click OK.
In the Attendees text field, type the email addresses, separating addresses by a semicolon (;). Names in your
Contact list matching what you type are displayed as you type.
To see the free/busy schedules for attendees, click the Schedule tab. As you enter attendees' names and email
addresses, if attendees' schedules are known, availability appears in horizontal bars next to the names. Return to the
Appointment tab when the attendee's list is complete.
When Request Responses is checked, you will receive email notification when attendees accept or decline your meeting
request. If you do not want to receive the responses, click the checkbox to remove the check.
When Send Notification Mail is checked, when you click save, an email is sent to the attendees list. Send Notification Mail
gives you the option to make changes to a meeting without notifying all the attendees of the change.
4. Use the Text field to add additional information to include in the email. To add attachments, click Add Attachments on the
tool bar.
5. Click Save. An email invitation is sent to all attendees and the appointment is displayed in their calendars.
If you are adding an appointment to a shared calendar, you may need to refresh the screen to see the appointment.
Seeing free/busy times
Seeing free/busy times
When you schedule meetings, you can view attendees, location and resource schedules as you set up the meeting. To see the
free/busy schedules, open an Appointment and click the Schedule tab.
In the first column, select the type of object to schedule - attendee, location, or resource. In the next column enter names and
email addresses. Availability appears in horizontal bars next to the names, if the schedule is known.
The free/busy information shows whether the attendee is busy, out of office, tentatively busy, or free.
Sending your free/ busy status to others
You can email a link of your free/busy status that shows appointments in your personal and shared calendars. Right-click on the
Calendar heading in the Overview Pane and select Mail Free Busy link.
The compose email window opens with the link in the text area. Finish the message and send the email. The recipient can click
on the link to view your schedule.
Setting permissions to see your free/busy information
Setting permissions to see your free/busy information
Free/busy is a feature that allow others to see your meeting scheduled on your calendars. In Calendar preferences, you can define
who can see your free/busy information on all of your calendars.
Calendars you created and configured to be excluded from reporting free/busy time are not affected by these settings. No
one can see the free/busy time on that calendar.
Allow both internal and external users to see my free/busy information. This is the default. Anyone can see your
free/busy times.
Allow only internal users to see my free/busy information. Only internal users can see your free/busy time on your
Don't let anyone see my free/busy time. Your free/busy time cannot be seen.
Allow only the following internal users to see my free/busy information. Only internal user addresses you list on this
page can see your free/busy times.
Sending your free/busy status to others
Sending your free/busy status to others
You can send an email with a link of your free/busy status that shows appointments in your personal and shared calendars.
1. In Calendar, right-click on the Calendars heading in the Overview pane and select the Mail Free Busy link.
The compose email window opens with the link in the text area.
2. Complete the message and send the email.
The recipient can click on the link to view your schedule.
Marking an appointment as private
Marking an appointment as private
You can mark appointments as private to hide details of the appointment on your calendar. A small lock icon,
, appears next to
the message on your calendar to show that this is a private appointment. Calendars that are shared with others show the
appointment on your calendar but do not see any details.
By default when you create or receive an appointment it is marked as Public. If you always want appointments you create to be
marked as Private, you can modify your Calendar preferences, Default appointment visibility to Private.
If you set the default to Private, all incoming calendar invites are marked as private on your calendar.
If your default is Public and you receive an invite that is marked private by the organizer, the appointment is marked as private on
your calendar.
Turning a message into a meeting request
Turning messages and contacts into a meeting request
You can quickly create a meeting request by simply dragging and dropping a message, conversation, or contact to a date on the
mini-calendar. When you drag and drop a message or conversation, the information in the message is used to populate many of
the fields on the Appointment page.
The Subject of the appointment is the subject of the message.
The attendees are the email addresses in the To: and Cc: fields of the message or for conversations, the most recent
message in a conversation. When you drag a contact from your Contacts list to the mini-calendar, the contact's first email
address is added to the attendee field.
The text of a message or the text of all messages in a conversation thread becomes the text of the invitation. Message
attachments are not attached to the appointment request.
Turning messages and conversations into meeting requests
1. Click on a specific message or conversation and drag it to a date on the mini-calendar. The appointment page opens.
2. Review the meeting request details and make any necessary changes.
3. Set the time for the meeting, and, if this meeting recurs, set any recurrence.
4. Click OK to send the invitation.
Turning contacts into meeting requests
1. Click on a name from your Contact list and drag the name to a date on the mini-calendar. The appointment page opens
with the contact name in the Attendees field.
2. Complete the Appointment information and click OK to send the invitation.
Using QuickAdd to create an appointment
Using QuickAdd to create an appointment
The QuickAdd dialog makes it easy to quickly create an appointment. On your calendar, you select a start time, double-click or
drag through the time and the QuickAdd Appointment dialog opens.
QuickAdd is an option. If you would prefer to always open the Appointment page when you double-click or drag on the calendar,
disable this feature from your Preferences>Calendar folder.
To create a quick appointment
1. Select the Calendar for the appointment. Click the time for the appointment or click and drag from the start time to the end
time for the appointment. The QuickAdd Appointment dialog appears.
2. To create an all-day appointment, from the Day or Week view, at the top of the calendar, click and drag over one or more
2. Enter the subject, location, and if this is a repeat appointment, select a repeat mode.
3. Set the reminder notice for when to be reminded of the meeting start time.
4. Click OK. The appointment displays on the calendar.
If you need to invite attendees or change repeat options, click More Details to open the Appointment page.
Scheduling all-day events
Scheduling all-day events
You can create an all day or multi-day event such as a conference. The event displays at the top of the calendar for the day of the
Scheduling an all day appointment
1. In any of the views except from Preferences, click the arrow on
and select Appointment.
2. Enter the Subject. The subject becomes the description in the calendar and is required.
3. Enter a location. You can use this field to describe the location of the meeting, such as giving an address, building number,
floor number. Use the Find Location tab to find and reserve a room that is listed in your company directory. These
locations have been created as resource accounts by your system administrator and can be reserved. The location you
select in the Find Location tab is listed as a Resource under the Attendees field and is reserved.
4. Select the Start and End date. Check All day event, on the right of the time.
5. If you have multiple calendars, from the Calendar drop down, select which calendar is setting up the event.
6. Add resources. Use the Find Resources tab to find and reserve a resource, such as a projector. This information is listed
as a Resource under the Attendees field.
7. Enter the names of the attendees. You can enter attendee names in any of the following ways:
Go to the Find Attendees tab. Type a name and select which list to use, either Contacts or Global Address List.
Select the names and press Add. When complete, click OK.
In the Attendees text field, type the email addresses, separating addresses by a semicolon (;). As you type, names in
your Contact list that match are displayed.
To see the free/busy schedules for attendees, click the Schedule tab. As you enter attendees' names and email
addresses, if attendees' schedules are known, availability appears in horizontal bars next to the names. Return to the
Appointment Details tab when the attendee's list is complete.
When Request Responses is checked, you will receive email notification when attendees accept or decline your
meeting request. If you do not want to receive the responses, click the checkbox to remove the check.
When Send Notification Mail is checked, when you click save, an email is sent to the attendees list. Send
Notification Mail gives you the option to make changes to a meeting without notifying all the attendees of the change.
8. Enter any additional information about the meeting in the text area. To add attachments, click Add Attachments on the
toolbar above the Calendar tabs. The attachment is included in the email that is sent.
9. Click Save. An email invitation is sent to all attendees. The event displays as a banner at the top of the Calendar.
10. Skip step 7 to schedule an appointment for yourself on your calendar, without attendees.
Creating recurring appointments
Creating recurring appointments
Recurring appointments are appointments that repeat on some sort of schedule. You can schedule recurring meetings to repeat
daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. In addition, you can customize recurring appointment schedules.
1. In any view except the Preferences view, click the arrow on
and select Appointment.
2. Enter the subject of the meeting. The Subject field is required. The subject becomes the description in the calendar.
3. Enter a location. You can use this field to describe the location of the meeting, such as giving a street address, building
number, floor number. Use the Find Location tab to find and reserve a room that is listed in your company directory. These
locations have been created as resource accounts by your system administrator and can be reserved. The location you
select in the Find Location tab is listed as a Resource under the Attendees field and is reserved..
4. Select the date and time. Enter the date or click the down arrow to display a calendar and pick a date. Select the End date.
Note: If the time zone is displayed, it reflects the time zone that you are in. You usually do not need to change this. When
you schedule meetings with attendees in different time zones, the invitation is sent reflecting the meeting time in their time
zone. For example, if you create a meeting with attendees in California and New York, the invitation displays Pacific time for
attendees in California and Eastern time (three hours later) for attendees in New York.
5. Click Repeat to view the recurrence patterns: daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or custom. The meeting will be scheduled in
the recurring pattern from the specified start date and time. Custom repeat lets you schedule more specific patterns.
If your recurring meeting has an end date, click the link next to the Repeat field.
Select a recurrence pattern and, if necessary, to customize the pattern further, click the link that appears next to it.
Every Day. Customize daily repeats to choose whether it is every day or some other sequence such as every two
days or four days.
Every Week. Customize weekly repeats to select whether it is a weekly recurring appointment or some other weekly
pattern such as every two weeks. You can select which day of the week you want the meeting.
Every Month. Customize monthly repeats to select whether it is a monthly recurring appointment or some other
monthly pattern such as every two months. A calendar displays and you can select which day or days you want the
meeting scheduled.
Every Year. Customize yearly repeats to select the month and date.
6. In Reminder, you can select how many minutes before the meeting that attendees will be notified about the meeting.
7. If you need audio/video equipment, use the Find Resources tab to find and reserve the equipment. This equipment
resource is listed as a Resource under the Attendees field.
8. Enter the names of the attendees. You can enter attendee names in any of the following ways:
Go to the Find Attendees tab. Type a name and select which list to use, either Contacts or Global Address List .
Select the names and press Add. When complete, click OK.
In the Attendees text field next, type the email addresses, separating addresses by a semicolon (;). As you type,
names in your Contact list that match are displayed.
To see the free/busy schedules for attendees, click the Schedule tab. As you enter attendees' names and email
addresses, if attendees' schedules are known, availability appears in horizontal bars next to the names. Return to the
Appointment tab when the attendee's list is complete.
When Request Responses is checked, you will receive email notification when attendees accept or decline your meeting
request. If you do not want to receive the responses, click the checkbox to remove the check.
When Send Notification Mail is checked, when you click save, an email is sent to the attendees list. Send Notification Mail
gives you the option to make changes to a meeting without notifying all the attendees of the change.
9. Use the Text field to add additional information to include in the email. To add attachments, click Add Attachments on the
tool bar.
10. Click Save. An email invitation is sent to all attendees and the
89 appointment is displayed in their calendars.
Change meeting details on your calendar
Change meeting details on your calendar
You can change meeting information that are on your Calendar even if you are not the organizer. For example, you can more the
meeting to another calendar, mark the message as private/public, add some notes to the text field, or change the reminder time.
1. Right-click on the meeting to edit and select Open.
2. The meeting details are displayed. Click Edit.
3. The Appointment Details page opens. Make your changes to the meeting information.
4. Uncheck Send Notification Mail so that your changes are not sent to the other attendees.
5. Click Save to save your changes.
6. If the organizer updates the meeting after you edit it, your changes are overwritten. Edits made to change the reminder time
and move the meeting to another calendar are not overwritten.
Identifying who can invite you to meetings
Identifying who can invite you to meetings
In Calendar preferences you can define who can invite you to meetings. The following are the invite options:
Allow both internal and external users to invite me to meetings. This is the default. Anyone can send you an meeting
Allow only internal users to invite me to meetings. Only internal users can send you an meeting invitation. Meeting
invitations from external users are rejected.
Don't let anyone invite me to meetings. You can send meeting invitations and keep your own appointment schedule, but
you do not receive any invitation messages from other users.
Allow only the following internal users to invite me to meetings. You list the internal users who can send you meeting
invitations. Only those internal user addresses listed have permission to send you a meeting invitation. Meeting invitations
from all other users are rejected.
If you limit who can invite you to meetings, you may want to select to send an auto-reply message to those users denied
permission to let them know they do not have permission to invite you. Otherwise the person sending an invitation does not know
that they do not have permission to send you an invitation.
Receiving a permission denied message
Receiving a permission denied message
If you send out an invitation to a meeting and you receive an email message that says "You do not have permission to invite this
user to a meeting" from an attendee, the attendee has set up their Calendar Permissions preferences to limit who can invite them
to a meeting.
See Identifying who can invite you to meetings
Responding to an invitation
Responding to a meeting invitation
When you are receive a meeting invitation, you receive an email notification in your Inbox and if you have the Calendar preferences
Automatically add received appointments to calendar enabled, the meeting is also added to your default Calendar and marked
New. You can quickly respond to the invitation either from the email Inbox or from the Calendar List pane.
When you receive an email invitation as an .ics attachment, click Add to Calendar in the header to save the invitation to
your Calendar. Select the calendar where the invitation should be saved.
To respond to an invite
1. Open the message that contains the meeting request in either the Inbox or right-click the appointment in the Calendar.
2. To respond to the meeting invitation, click Accept, Tentative, or Decline. A reply is automatically sent if the creator
requested one. You can add comments before you send your response. Before you send your response, you can select the
calendar that this meeting should be scheduled on. If you do not select a specific calendar, your meeting is saved to the
default Calendar.
To add comments to a reply when in accepting an invitation from the Calendar View, right-click the invitation and select Edit
After you make your choice, the email message is moved to the Trash.
By default the message is marked as public. If the creator marked the message as private, the invite is received as private, or if
your preferences is set to mark all messages as private, the message will be marked as private on the calendar.
In your calendar, click the meeting notice to review invitations or to see any attachments that may have been sent.
You can move an invitation to another calendar if you do not want it on your default Calendar. Double-click on the meeting
notice in the Calendar to open it. The last line in the header is the Calendar field. Select the calendar from the drop-down.
If the creator changes or cancels a meetings that you have accepted or tentatively accepted, the change is automatically
made to your calendar. The creator can choose to notify or not notify you of these changes.
Modify your Calendar Preferences for meeting invitations
If you do not want meetings that you have not accepted automatically added to your calendar, you can disable Automatically add
received appointments to calendar from the Calendar preferences page. Meetings are added to your calendar only if you click
Accept or Tentative to the email invitation. Clicking Decline does not add the appointment to your calendar.
If Automatically add received appointments to calendar is enabled, declined appointments display on your calendar in a faded
view, as a reminder of the meeting you declined. You can delete declined message any time.
By default meeting invite messages in your Inbox are moved to the Trash folder when you reply to the invite. If you want the
message to remain in your Inbox, in your Calendar preferences, disable After responding to an invitation,,,Delete invite on
Changing a meeting
Changing a meeting you organized
You can change and delete meetings you organized. You can send an email to attendees to notify them of the changes or select
not to notify attendees of the changes.
1. Right-click on the meeting to change and select Open. The Appointment Details page is displayed.
2. Make your changes. You can change the schedule, add and remove attendees, add notes in the Text field and add
If the changes you made do not require notifying users, uncheck Send Notification Mail. Send Notification Mail gives you
the option to make changes to a meeting without notifying all the attendees of the change.
If you are sending an email to attendees of the changes but do not need them to respond to the message, uncheck
Request Responses.
4. Click Save.
Deleting an appointment
Deleting an appointment
Appointments can be cancelled by the organizer and the attendee can delete a meeting from their calendar.
Organizer cancels meeting
As the organizer of an meeting invitation, to cancel a meeting :
1. Click on the appointment to cancel.
2. Right-click and select Cancel. If the appointment is a recurring series, you can delete an instance of the series or the
complete series.
3. A confirmation dialog asks if you want to edit the appointment cancelation message.
If you click No, an automatically generated email is sent to the attendees and the appointment is deleted from their
If you click Yes, the compose window opens and you can modify the message before sending.
If you click Cancel, the meeting is not deleted.
Attendee deletes meeting
As an meeting attendee, you can delete meetings from your calendar. When you do so you are given the option to notify the
1. Click on the meeting to delete.
2. In the confirmation dialog, select whether or not to notify the organizer and click Yes to delete the meeting.
Deleting recurring appointments
Changing recurring appointments
If you created the recurring meetings, you can change and delete one occurrence or the series of meetings. An email is sent to
To change a meeting
1. Right-click on the meeting to change.
2. Select whether to open only the selected date, Instance, or to open the series. The Appointment Details page opens.
3. Make your changes. You can change the schedule, the attendees, add an explanation in the Text field and add an
If the changes you made do not require notifying users, uncheck Send Notification Mail. Send Notification Mail gives you
the option to make changes to a meeting without notifying all the attendees of the change.
4. Click OK. An email is sent to the attendees.
To delete one meeting in a series
1. Right-click on the appointment to delete and select Instance>Delete Instance to delete this meeting only.
2. Click OK.
To delete recurring meetings in a series
1. Right-click on the appointment to delete and select Series>Delete Series to delete the recurring meeting.
2. Select either:
Cancel the entire series to remove all references to the meeting both past dates and future dates.
Cancel only the selected instance and everything after to delete all references to the meeting from this date to
the recurring meeting end date. Prior meetings in this recurring series are still on your calendar.
3. Click OK.
4. An email is sent to the attendees and the recurring appointment is deleted from their calendars.
About Tasks
About Tasks
The Tasks feature lets you create to-do lists and manage tasks through to completion. You can add tasks to the default Tasks list,
and you can create other task lists to organize your to-do lists by more specific activities, such as by work or personal projects.
For simple task all you may need to do is create a task from the Content pane. If a task needs to be managed, you can add more
details, define a start and due date, set the priority to the task - high, normal, or low, and keep track of the progress and
percentage complete.
In the screen shot that follows, three task lists have been created. The tasks listed in the Content pane show the status,
percentage of the work completed, and the date the task should be finished.
Share Task Lists
You can share your task lists with other NETVIGATOR users, external guests, and with the public. When you share your task lists
with other NETVIGATOR users, you can select the type of access the users can have, either manager or admin which gives full
access to view and modify a task, or viewer, which gives read-only access. External guests and the public can only have read-only
Create tasks lists
Create Tasks Lists
You can create new task list and you can configure it to sync with iCal's To do list.
To create a task list
1. To open tasks, select the Tasks tab.
2. Right-click on the Tasks heading on Overview pane and select New Task List.
3. In the Create New Task List dialog, type the task list name and select the color to display the list.
4. Check Synchronize tasks from the remote service to sync the new list to an iCal To Do list. Enter the iCal URL.
5. Click OK. The new list is added to Tasks in the Overview pane.
Add a task
Add a Task
Create a new task by simply typing the task name in your task list or you can open the task page and add detailed information
about the task, including notes and attachments.
To quickly add a task
1. Select the task list from the Overview pane.
2. In the Content pane, click on the top line that reads Click here to add a new Task.
3. A text field displays. Type the name of the task.
4. Press Enter. The task is added to your task list.
5. If you have created a task in the wrong list, double click to open the task and select the correct list from the Task List
drop-down or you can drag and drop the task on the Content pane to the correct list.
To add a task with details
You can use your task lists to create and track the progress of a task. In addition, you can write notes within your task and attach
files for easy access from within the task. Having all the relevant information with your task is useful when you share your task list
with others.
You can estimate the length of the project by entering the start date and the due date and set the priority. When you start the task
you can select the status such as Not Started or In Progress , and select the percentage complete.
1. Select the task list from the Overview pane.
2. In the Tasks toolbar, click New. An untitled task page is displayed.
3. In the Subject field, type the task name.
4. (Optional) In the Progress section, select the Priority, Start Date, Due Date, and Status.
5. If you have clicked New before you open the task list you wanted, you can select the correct task list from the Task List
drop-down list.
5. Add any notes in the text field and click Add Attachments on the toolbar to add attachments.
6. Click Save to save the task. The new task is added to your task list.
Change a task
Change a Task
To update your task
1. Open the task list that has your task.
2. In the Content pane, click on the task that you want to change, or select the task and click Edit on the toolbar. The task
page will be opened.
3. Make the changes to the task information.
4. Click Save when your changes are complete.
To mark a task complete
When you finish a task, go to the content pane and check the box next to the task to quickly mark it as completed. The %
Complete will be changed to 100%.
Moving tasks
Moving Tasks
You can move a task to another list in one of the following ways:
· Right-click the task and in the Move Task dialog, select the task list to move to or create a new list. Click OK.
· Select the task to move, hold down the left mouse button to drag the task and drop it at the lists in the Overview pane.
· Open the task page and in the Task List field, select the task list.
Delete a task
Delete a Task
You can delete a task from a task list in the following ways. Click the task list to see the tasks in the Content pane.
· Select the task to delete and click the trash icon on the toolbar.
· Right-click on the task and select Delete. Click Yes.
The task will be removed from the list.
Sorting tasks
Sorting Tasks
You can sort tasks in a task list by subject, status, percentage complete and due date.
In Overview pane select a task list, and in the Content pane click the heading under toolbar to sort by that column.
Working in Netvigator Documents
Working in Documents
The Documents application is a document sharing and collaboration application that gives you a central place in your email
account to develop, organize, and share information. Images, spreadsheets, and other rich web content objects can be embedded
into Document pages. External documents can also be uploaded. The pages display in your mailbox Content pane.
The Documents application is made up of notebooks with individual pages that are organized in a table of contents. One notebook,
called Notebook, is created for you. You can create other notebooks and you can create notebooks within a notebook to organize
your information. You create pages within a notebook and develop the content using a rich-text editor or using HTML formatting.
Documents notebooks can be shared with others in your organization and outside of your organization. You can give permissions to
others to create and edit pages in a notebook or just view the pages.
What you can do in Documents
Create notebooks
Create notebooks within notebooks
Create and design pages using a rich-text editor or using HTML
Upload and link files and images to different pages
Share notebooks, giving either view only or view, add, edit, and delete permissions
Notify users whom you share with when you make changes to a page
Search through all notebooks, pages, and attachments
Send a notebook link via email quickly from the table of contents
Create new notebooks
Create New Notebooks
1. Click the Documents tab.
2. Right-click on the Notebooks bar, select New Notebook.
3. The Create New Notebook dialog displays. Type the name for the new notebook.
This name must be unique within the hierarchy of your mailbox folders. Notebooks created under the Notebooks bar cannot
have the same name as any top-level folder in your email, calendar, or address book. For example, if you have a calendar
named Holidays, you cannot name a top-level notebook Holidays. Holidays could be a name of a notebook within another
4. Select the folder hierarchy. You can create a new top-level notebook, or you can place it under an existing notebook.
5. Click OK. The new notebook displays in the Overview pane.
Create a new page
Create a New Page
You can create a page, design the content layout using either the rich-text format tools or entering HTML tags. You can check the
spelling on the page and use keywords to easily create links to other pages.
Each page includes a footer that shows the location of the page, the version that is open, the author and the last date modified.
1. Click on the notebook you want to work in. The table of contents page displays in the Content pane.
2. Click New on the toolbar. A blank page opens. In the Page field in the header, enter the name for the new page. This
name displays in the table of contents.
3. Compose the content of the page. You can use the default rich text editor to add styles, color, tables, and spreadsheets to
your page.
If you are familiar with HTML and would prefer to use HTML tags, click Format on the toolbar and select HTML Source. The
page changes to a blank field and you can use standard HTML tag syntax to create the page.
4. Click Save to save the file. You can now proceed to add details to the page or you can click Close to return to the table of
contents page. Note: You can quickly save a file by entering Ctrl+S.
Using the rich text editor
Using the Rich-text Editor
You can compose your email messages and Documents pages using either the rich-text editor to format the content on the page
or HTML Source to format your page using HTML tags. You can switch between the two formats to take advantage of the rich-text
editor features and to insert tables and spreadsheets.
When you edit using the rich-text editor, the two-row toolbar lets you easily format your page layout. Select font sizes, font faces,
text styles, font colors, and background colors. These formatting tools work the same as many word processing tools.
In addition, you can click to add tables, spreadsheets, attachments, and images to your page.
Adding Paragraph Styles
The icon on the toolbar displays the available paragraph styles. These paragraph styles make it easy to format text and
maintain a consistent style within notebook pages. The styles include Normal for most paragraphs, six levels of Headings to identify
section titles, Address to make the text italic, and Preformatted to use when you want to display text in Courier font. These styles
cannot be modified, but you can use the editing options to format a style differently -change the font, size, color, etc.
Adding tables to your page
Adding tables to your page is a three-part process. You add a table, configure the table properties and then add content to the
table. To add a table, click the table icon,
should be in the table.
on the toolbar, select Insert Table and then select how many rows and columns
Adding a spreadsheet to your page To add a spreadsheet, click the spreadsheet icon,
on the toolbar. A six-column spreadsheet is added to the page.
Spreadsheets can be used to create databases to keep track of lists of activities, schedules, tasks to do, etc. The spreadsheet
includes basic spreadsheet functionality and a set of predefined functions.
Adding attachments and images to your page
You can upload files that link from the Documents page. Click the paper clip,
, or images,
icon and browse to find the file to
be uploaded. You are notified if you upload a file that already exists in your Documents or Briefcase.
Linking to a notebook page or to a web pages
You can link to other Documents notebook pages or to an external web URL and give the link a descriptive title instead of
icon and enter the page or web URL to link to. If you link to a notebook page, to easily find the
displaying the URL. Click the
correct page you can select from the list that displays your notebooks and pages.
Creating new pages "on-the-fly" and linking to them
You can create a link to a page that does not yet exist in your notebook by typing a page name as a compound word with no
The page name must include an initial capital letter and a second capitalized letter within the compound. After you type this
keyword format, highlight the word and click the
Using the rich text editor
For example, if you type TrainingReport on the page and applied the
TrainingReport link, a new page opens called TrainingReport.
icon, when you save the page and then click on the
Note: A common name for this behavior is CamelCase words.
Find and Replace
You can quickly find and replace text in your page.
and in the Find what field enter the text to find. In the Replace with field enter the replacement text.
file:///C|/...ilyC/Help%20Menu%20Oct%202011%20HTML2/English/10%20Working%20in%20Documents/4_Using_the_rich_text_editor htm[20/10/2011 11:32:07]
Using HTML for format Documents pages
Using HTML Source for Format Documents Pages
If you know HTML, you can use HTML tags to create your content. All basic HTML elements can be used. To create pages in
HTML, click Format on the toolbar and select HTML Source.
When you are editing a page, you can toggle between Rich Text and HTML Source. In the upper right corner click Format to select
what editor to use.
Adding a table to a notebook page
Adding a Table to a Notebook Page
Adding tables to your page is a three-part process. You add a table, configure the table properties and then add content to the
1. To add a table, click the table icon on the toolbar, select Insert Table and then select how many rows and columns should
be in the table.
2. To set the table properties, click the table icon on the toolbar and select Table Properties. You can define table alignment
and width, text style, including font color and table background, border style, including cell padding.
3. To set the Cell properties, select the cell(s) and click the table icon on the toolbar to select Cell Properties. You can
define border style for the cell, layout and text styles, including font and background color for a cell.
You can also inserting more rows and columns and merging or splitting cells after you created the table.
After the table properties are set, click on a cell to begin to type text.
Working in Briefcase
Working in Briefcase
Briefcase lets you save files in your account so that you can access these files whenever you log in to your account from any
You can upload documents, spreadsheets, presentations, images, pdf files from your computer or your computer network and you
can save attachments sent with your email messages to a Briefcase folder. You can create different briefcase folders to organize
the files and you can share the briefcase folder with others .
Files in Briefcase are copies of the original file. Changes you make to files in your briefcase do not change the original file.
Creating briefcase folders
Click the Briefcase tab.
Click New Briefcase on the toolbar.
The Create New Briefcase dialog displays. Type a name for the new briefcase folder
This name must be unique within the hierarchy of your mailbox folders. Briefcase folders cannot have the same name as
any top-level folder in your Mail, Calendar, or Contact List. For example, if you have a calendar named Holidays, you cannot
name a top-level briefcase Holidays. Holidays could be a name of a briefcase within another briefcase.
Select the folder hierarchy. You can create a new top-level briefcase, or you can place it under an existing briefcase.
Click OK. The new briefcase displays in the Overview pane.
Uploading Files
Uploading a file transfers a file from your personal computer to your email account. This makes the file available any time you log
in to your account. Your account quota determines how many files can be uploaded to your Briefcase.
To upload files
Open Briefcase and click Upload file on the toolbar.
In the Upload dialog click browse to find the file to upload. To add another file click Add.
You cannot upload a file with the same name to the same briefcase. You can specify on the Upload dialog how to files with
the same name should be treated when you attempt to upload the file. When you change this option, the change is saved in
the dialog.
If you want to be notified that you are uploading a file with the same name, select Ask Me. If a file has the same
name as an existing upload, the Upload Conflict dialog displays. You can either keep your existing file or replace
it with the uploaded file. You can also view the new file. This is the default.
If you always want the file you upload to replace the existing file with the same name, select Replace With My
File. The new file is uploaded and replaces the existing file. You are not notified of this.
If you do not want the files in your Briefcase to be replaced, select Keep Existing File. The file is not uploaded
and you are not notified.
When all files are uploaded, click OK. The file is displayed in the Briefcase.
Working in Briefcase
Select View to set how you want the files displayed in your briefcase.
Explorer View. Files are displayed by type (PDF, Word, PowerPoint, etc.)
Detail View. Files are displayed as a list, showing name, type of file, size of file, date, and owner. In Detail View,
click the header title to sort the files by Name, Size, or Date.
Column Browser View. File names are displayed in a columns.
Your account may have a maximum size for upload files. If the file is too large, a warning is displayed.
Files that you upload impact your account quota .
Adding email attachments to Briefcase
Email attachments can quickly be added to your briefcase.
To add the attachment, click on the add to briefcase link that is in the message header next to the attachment link.
In the Add to Briefcase dialog, select the destination folder or create a new briefcase folder.
Click OK.
Viewing files in Briefcase
You can select how to view your files in your Briefcase folders. On the Briefcase toolbar select one of these options from the View
Explorer View. Files are displayed as thumbnails.
Detail View. Files are displayed in a horizontal line with the file size, date uploaded, owner, if a shared file this may not be
you, and which folder the file is in.
Column Browser View. Files are displayed vertically. In this view you can click on a file to see information about the file,
including size, create date, creator, modified date and modifier.
Sharing your Briefcase
Briefcase folders can be shared with others in your organization and outside of your organization . You can give permissions to
others to create and edit the content of a briefcase or just view the pages.
To share your briefcase see Sharing your Briefcase
Working with files in Briefcase
Working with Files in Briefcase
Opening files in Briefcase
You can open files in your Briefcase from any computer. You must have the appropriate software application to open and read or
update the file. Common file formats such as text files, HTML files, and images such as .gif or .jpg files can be opened in a variety
of programs.
· To open a file, right-click on the file and select Open. If the type is unknown, a dialog displays asking what to do with the
file, save to disk or open with a specific application.
Moving files
You can move files from one briefcase to another.
1. On the toolbar, click
2. Select the destination folder or create a new briefcase folder.
3. Click OK.
Tag files
You can tag files.
1. Click on the file and on the toolbar, click
2. Select the tag. You can see tags in Detail view only.
3. Click OK.
Sorting files
When you are in the Detail View, you can sort files in your briefcase by name, size or date.
Creating Slide Presentations in Briefcase
Creating Slide Presentations in Briefcase (Beta)
You can create a slide presentation while working in Briefcase. No other software is required. When you set up the presentation
you can
Select a color from the Themes menu
Insert images that are on your computer
Use the insert text box option to design the layout of the slide
Configure the slide, choosing from several fonts and styles.
1. In Briefcase, select New Presentation. Enter the name of the presentation in the box above the Overview pane. Click Save.
You can start with the slide that is displayed in the Content pane.
2. You can add more dramatic appearance to your slide by selecting one of the themes. Click the Themes drop-down arrow to
select a different theme.
3. In the slide add the content. Click on the title text box to add a title and the content text box add text to the default text box.
You can
Resize the text box and insert additional text boxes.
Change the font, style and size from the grey toolbar over the slide.
Click Insert Images to add images. The images are saved to your Briefcase folder.
Click Insert Slide to add another slide
4. Click Save to save the slide. To close the slide click the X in the browser tab.
Creating Spreadsheets in Briefcase
Creating Spreadsheets in Briefcase (Beta)
You can create spreadsheets while working in Briefcase. No other software is required.
1. In Briefcase, select New Spreadsheet.
2. Replace the text "untitled in the field on the toolbar with the name of your spreadsheet.
3. Add your details to the cells. From the toolbar you can format the spreadsheet, create graphs, charts, and insert functions.
4. Click Save to save the slide. To close the slide, click the X in the Spreadsheet tab.
Send Files from your Briefcase
Sending Files from Your Briefcase
While working in Briefcase folders, you can send a link to files in your Briefcase and you can send the actual file as an attachment
to email messages. The recipients must have the appropriate software to open the files.
Email the link to a file
You can send an email that has links to files in a Briefcase folder. The recipient must have appropriate share permission to work
with these file. Any modifications they make to a file are reflected in the file in your Briefcase folder.
1. Open the Briefcase folder and right-click on the files that you want to send as links.
2. Select Send link(s). A confirmation message displays asking that you confirm. Click Yes. The email compose page opens
with the browser address for each link displayed in the body.
3. Add the recipient's email address and complete the email message.
4. Click Send.
Email a file from Briefcase
You can send Briefcase items as email attachments directly from Briefcase. 1. Open the Briefcase folder and right-click on the files to be sent. Select Send as attachment(s).
The email compose page opens with the file attached.
2. Add the recipient's email address and complete the email message.
4. Click Send.
Sharing a folder
Sharing Folders
You can share your email, address book, calendar, tasks, notebooks and briefcase folders with other NETVIGATOR users, external
guests, or the public. You right-click a folder and in the dialog that appears specify the type of access permissions to give the
Grantee. You can share with internal users who can be given complete manager access to the folder, external guests that must
use a password to view the folder content, and public access so that anyone who has the URL can view the content of the folder.
When internal users share a folder, a copy of the shared folder is put in the Grantee's Folder list on the Overview pane. When the
folder is selected, the content displays in the Content pane.
Go to the Preferences Sharing folder to see a list of folders you shared with others and find folders that are shared with you.
Granting access to your folders
You can share folders with internal users or groups, external guests and the public.
· Email folders can be shared only with internal users or groups
NETVIGATOR Users (Internal users or groups)
You can share with others in your group or company. When you share with internal users or groups, you enter the email addresses
and select the type of access to grant, either:
· Viewer. The Grantee can view the content in the folder but cannot change the content.
· Manager. The Grantee has permissions to view, edit, remove content, accept and decline calendar invitations or requests
to share other folders.
· Admin. The Grantee has full permission to manage the folder, including view, edit, and remove content; accept and decline
invitations, share your folder with other people or groups, or revoke access to a shared folder.
· None. This is an option to temporarily disable access to a grantor's shared folder without revoking the share privileges.
The Grantee still has the folder in their list but cannot view or manage activities in the folder.
External guests
You can share external guests that must use a password to view the folder content. External guides cannot make changes to your
folder. You create the password
Public URL
Anyone who knows the URL to the folder can view the folder content. The public cannot make any changes to the folder. When
you select to share with Public, the URL for that displays in the Share Properties dialog is made accessible to the public.
Revoking access to shared folders
You can edit the access rights and revoke permissions at any time from the folder's Edit Properties page or from the Preferences,
Sharing folder.
Accessing a folder shared with you
When a folder is shared with you, you receive an email notification. When you select Accept in the email, the folder link is added to
the Overview pane in your mailbox. When you click on the folder, you can see the contents of the Grantor's folder.
Managing items you share
Managing Items You Share
You can share your email, address book, calendar, tasks, notebooks and briefcase folders with others either in your organization,
external guests, or the public. You can share with internal users who can be given complete manager access to the folder,
external guests that must use a password to view the folder content, and public access so that anyone who has the URL can view
the content of the folder.
You can view and manage your shared items from the Preferences Sharing folder. On this page you can do the following:
· View folders that are shared with you, including those you have not accepted
· View folders that you have shared with others, and take action such as edit, revoke or resend
· Share folders with others
Folders shared with me but not yet accepted
In this section, folders that have been shared with you but you have not yet accepted the share are listed. You toggle between two
· Show folders shared with me through a distribution list. This option is selected by default.
· Show folders shared with me by the following user. When you select this option, enter a name of a user that has
shared an item with you. You can view information from one user at a time. The details are not saved.
Folders shared with me that I have accepted
This section lists the folders where you have accepted the share. A description of the shared folder, including your role, type of
folder and with whom the folder is shared, including the distribution list name.
Folders shared by me
In this section, your shared folders are listed, showing the address of the users you shared your folder with, the location of the
shared item, the type of item shared (Mail, Address book, Calendar, Notebook, Task list, or Briefcase), and the role you assigned
to the user.
You can edit the share properties, revoke permissions to your share, or resend the invitation.
Share a Folder
You can share your email, address book, calendar, tasks, notebooks, and briefcase folders directly from this Preferences folder.
1. Select the folder type.
2. Click Share.
3. Select the item to share and click OK. The Share Properties dialog displays.
4. On the Share Properties dialog select whom to share with.
Internal Users or Groups
External guests
Sharing mail folders
Sharing Mail Folders
You can share any of your mail folders, including the Inbox folder and sub-folders. You select the folder(s) and specify the type of
access permissions to give the Grantee. You can share with internal users who can be given complete manager access to the
folder, external guests that must use a password to view the folder content, and public access so that anyone who has the URL
can view the content of the folder.
When internal users share a mail folder, a copy of the shared folder is put in the Grantee's Folder list on the Overview pane. When
the folder is selected, the content displays in the Content pane. The Grantee does not need to log on to the Grantor's mailbox. If
the Grantee is given manager or admin permission, the Grantee can open the Grantor's folder, create items, and respond to
requests for that person.
Scenarios for sharing a mail folder
· Your sales department wants one central mailbox for all email messages requesting information about your product, and
everyone in sales should be able to view email messages immediately when they come in. You can give everyone in the
department permission to view the mail folder and they can copy the messages to their mailbox, or you can give them
permission to manage the mail folder and they can reply on behalf of this address.
· A manager is often out of the office and does not have time to respond to her email messages. When the manager
delegates access to her Inbox mail folder, her assistant (grantee) can manage the content of her mail, respond to
messages on her behalf, create folders to organize message in that mail folder, and delete messages.
· Instead of sending email messages to dozens of addresses every time you have an announcement, you can identify one of
your folders as a public folder that contains the email announcements. You can create shared access to only specific
email addresses and set a password that must be entered to view the content, or you can make it a public URL for anyone
who has the URL can view the content.
Sharing your mailbox
Sharing Your Mail Folder
You can share any of your mail folders with the following:
· NETVIGATOR users (Internal users or groups). You select the type of access privileges to grant to other NETVIGATOR
· Viewer. The Grantee can read the contents of the mail folder, but cannot make changes to the content.
· Manager. The Grantee has permission to view, edit the contents of a mail folder, create new sub folders, send
email on your behalf, and delete email messages.
· Admin. The Grantee has full permission to view, edit the content of the mail folder, create new sub folders, send
email on your behalf, delete email messages, and share your mail folder with others.
· None is an option to temporarily disable access to a mail folder without revoking the share privileges. The Grantee
still has the mail folder in his mailbox but cannot view or manage activities on the grantor's mail folder.
· External guests. You create a password for the mail folder that guests must enter to view the email messages. They
cannot make any changes to the information they view.
· Public. Anyone that knows the URL to the mail folder can view the email messages. They cannot make any changes to
the information.
To share your folders
You can select any mail folder level to share. If you select to share the top-level mail folder, all mail folders within that mail folder
are also shared.
1. Right-click on the mail folder you want to share. Note: You cannot share the Trash or Junk folders.
2. Click Share Folder. The Shared Properties dialog displays. Select whom to share with, NETVIGATOR users (Internal
user or groups), External guests, or Public.
3. Depending on with whom you share, you do the following:
· For NETVIGATOR users, enter the email addresses and in the Role area select the access privileges.
· For External quests, enter quest's addresses and the password to enter to view your mail folder.
· For the Public, direct the public to the URL that display in the URL area. For example, you could copy and email
this URL to those you want to view the page.
4. In the Message area select which type of message to send. This message can be sent to internal users and to external
quests. The options are as follows:
· Do not send mail about this share. No message is sent.
· Send standard message. The standard share notification message is sent to the email address. This message
includes the name of the mail folder that is being shared, your address, the grantee's address and the role
assigned with a list of the allowed actions.
· Add a note to standard message. You can add additional information to the standard message.
· Compose email in new window. Create and send a new email message.
5. Click OK.
6. Remember, if you selected Public, you will need to notify the public of the URL.
Revoking access to a shared folder
Editing Access to a Shared Folder
You can change the permissions or revoke the share at any time.
1. Right-click a folder you shared and click Edit Properties. In the Sharing for this folder section on the dialog, users
sharing the folder are listed.
2. Click Edit to change permissions, or click Revoke to remove permissions.
3. Select whether a message describing the change should be sent.
4. Click OK.
Accepting access to the shared mailbox folder
Accepting Access to a Shared Mailbox Folder
If you receive an email notice that you have been granted access to share another person's mail folder, you can accept or decline
the share.
When you accept the share, the shared mail folder displays in your Folders list in the Overview pane.
To accept
1. Click Accept Share in the email. The Accept Share dialog opens and describes the role granted to you.
2. Before you accept, you can change the mail folder name and select a color to high-light the folder.
3. (Optional) Select to send a confirmation back to the Grantor.
4. Click Yes. The mail folder is added to your folder list. The message is moved to your Trash folder.
Working within a shared mail folder
Working Within a Shared Mail Folder
When you accept to share a Grantor's mail folder, the mail folder is displayed in your Overview pane. When you open the folder,
you see the content of the folder. This information is not actually saved in your mailbox.
You can open the email and if you were granted permissions of Manager or Admin, you can reply to, forward, or delete the
message. Copies of the messages you send are saved in the Grantor's mailbox and if you delete something from the Grantor's
mailbox or mark it as spam, it is moved to the Grantor's Trash folder or Junk folder.
If you have access to more than one of the Grantor's folders, you can move the contents from one folder to another folder in the
Grantor's mailbox. You can copy an email message from the Grantor's folders to your mail folders, and the Grantor's mail folder
also retains a copy.
You can create folders within the shared mail folder and the new folder you created appears in the Grantor's mailbox.
Delegating calendar access
Sharing Your Calendar with Others
You can share your calendar information with other people and give them one of the following access privileges:
· NETVIGATOR users (Internal users or groups). You select the type of privileges to grant, either:
· Viewer. The Grantee can see the activities posted to your calendar and the status of meeting requests, but cannot
make any changes to your calendar.
· Manager. The Grantee has permission to create meetings, accept or decline invitations, and edit and delete
activities from your calendar.
· Admin. The Grantee has permission to create meetings, accept or decline invitations, edit and delete activities
from your calendar, share your calendar with others and remove other Grantees from your shared calendar.
· None is an option to temporarily disable access to a grantor's shared calendar without revoking the share
privileges. The Grantee still has the calendar in their calendar list but cannot view or manage activities on the
grantor's shared calendar.
· External guests. You create a password to access your shared calendar. Guests must enter this password to view the
calendar. They cannot make changes to the calendar.
· Public. Anyone that knows the URL to the shared calendar can view it. They cannot make changes to the calendar.
Sharing Private Appointment Details
When you share your calendar you can select the check box Allow user(s) to see my private appointments to allow internal users or
groups and external guests to see your private appointments. They will be able to see details of appointments that are marked
private. If you do not check the box, the calendar shows only that your are busy during a private appointment time.
To share your Calendar
1. Right-click on the calendar to share and select Share Calendar.
2. On the Share Properties dialog select whom to share with.
Internal Users or Groups
External guests
You can edit or revoke permissions to access your calendar at any time.
1. Right-click on the shared calendar.
2. Click Edit Properties. Users sharing the folder are listed.
3. Click Edit to change permissions, or
Click Revoke to remove permissions.
4. Select whether a message describing the change should be sent.
5. Click OK.
Alternately, you can edit or revoke permissions from your Preferences>Sharing page.
Giving admin rights for shared calendars
Giving Admin Rights for Shared Calendars
When you share a Calendar with a Grantee who has admin permissions, the Grantee can manage your calendar for you, including
doing the following:
· Create meeting invitations and send them out on your behalf
· Accept and decline meeting invitations on the your behalf.
· Change meeting details
· Delete activities from the your calendar
· Share your calendar with others
· Revoke other Grantees' permissions to share your calendar
The Grantee can respond to meeting invitations on your behalf. When the Grantee sends an email response to a meeting on your
calendar, the return message header shows the From as the admin's address and an On Behalf Of address as your address.
Giving manager rights for shared calendars
Giving Manager Rights for Shared Calendars
When you share a Calendar with a Grantee who has manager permissions, the Grantee can manage your calendar for you,
including doing the following:
· Create meeting invitations and send them out on your behalf
· Accept and decline meeting invitations on the your behalf.
· Change meeting details
· Delete activities from the your calendar
When the Grantee sends an email message in response to a meeting on your calendar, the return message header shows the
From as the admin's address and an On Behalf Of address as your address.
Accepting access to shared calendar
Accepting Access to Shared Calendar
If you receive an email notice that you have been granted access to share another person's calendar, you can accept or reject the
When you accept the share, the shared calendar displays in your Calendar list.
To accept access to a shared calendar
1. Click Accept Share in the email. The Accept Share dialog opens and describes the role granted to you.
2. Before you accept you can customize the calendar name and select a color for messages to be displayed.
3. Check the Send mail about this share, to send a confirmation back to the Grantor. (optional)
4. Click Yes. The new shared calendar is added to your Calendar list. The message is moved to your Trash folder.
Declining a calendar share request
Declining a Calendar Share Request
When you get an invitation to a shared calendar, the email messages gives you the option to decline the share invitation.
A Decline Share dialog displays. You can either decline and not send a message to the grantor, or you can send a reply and
explain why you are declining.
Sharing your Contact List
Sharing Your Contact List
You can share your contact lists with the following:
· NETVIGATOR users (Internal users or groups). You select the type of privileges to grant to internal users, either:
· · Viewer. The Grantee can read but cannot change the contact list content
· Manager. The Grantee has full permission to view, edit the contacts, add new contacts to the contact list and
delete contacts.
· Admin. The Grantee has full permission to view, edit the contacts, add new contacts to the contact list, delete
contacts and share your contact lists with others.
· None is an option to temporarily disable access to a grantor's shared contact list without revoking the share
privileges. The Grantee still has the contact list listed but cannot view or manage the content of the contact list.
· External guests. You create a password for the contact list that guests must enter to view the contacts. The contact list
displays in a . csv file. They cannot make any changes to the contact list in your account.
· Public. Anyone that knows the URL to the contact list can view the contact list. The contact list displays in a . csv file.
They cannot make any changes to the contact list in your account.
To share your Contact List
1. Right-click on the contact list to share and select Share Contact List.
2. On the Share Properties dialog select whom to share with.
Internal Users or Groups
External guests
You can revoke permissions at any time.
1. Right-click a shared contact list.
2. Click Edit Properties. Users sharing the folder are listed.
3. Click Edit to change permissions, or
Click Revoke to remove permissions.
4. Select whether a message describing the change should be sent.
5. Click OK.
Share your Task list
Share Your Task List
You can share your task lists with others and you can define the permissions for the shared list as follows:
· NETVIGATOR users (Internal users or groups). You select the type of privileges to grant, either:
· Viewer. The Grantee can see the content of the task list, but cannot make any changes to the contents of the task
· Manager. The Grantee has permission to create tasks and edit and delete tasks from your task list.
· Admin. The Grantee has permission to create tasks and edit and delete tasks from your task list and to share your
task list with others.
· None is an option to temporarily disable access to a grantor's without revoking the share privileges. The Grantee
still has the task list in their task list view but cannot view or manage tasks.
· External guests. You create a password to access the shared task list. Guests must enter this password to view the task
list. They cannot make changes to any of the tasks.
· Public. Anyone that knows the URL to the shared task list can view it. They cannot make any changes.
To share your Task list
Right-click on the task list to share and select Share Task List.
On the Shared Properties dialog, enter the select whom to share with and configure the appropriate information.
Sharing with Internal Users or Groups
Sharing with external guests
Sharing with the public
You can revoke permissions at any time.
1. Right-click a shared task list.
2. Click Edit Properties. Users sharing the folder are listed.
3. Click Edit to change permissions, or
Click Revoke to remove permissions.
Select whether a message describing the change should be sent.
Click OK.
Accepting access to a shared task list
Accepting Access to Another's Task List
If you receive an email notice that you have been granted access to share another person's task list, you can accept or decline the
When you accept the share, the shared task list displays in your Tasks list in the Overview pane.
To accept
1. Click Accept Share in the email. The Accept Share dialog opens and describes the role granted to you.
2. Before you accept, you can customize the task list name and select a color to display the list in your Overview pane.
3. (Optional) Select to send a confirmation back to the Grantor.
4. Click Yes. The shared task list is added to your task list on the Overview pane. The message is moved to your Trash
Sharing Documents notebooks
Sharing Documents Notebooks
You can share your notebooks with the following:
· NETVIGATOR users (Internal users or groups). You select the type of privileges to grant to internal users, either
· Viewer. The Grantee can read the contents of the notebook folder, but cannot change it.
· Manager. The Grantee has permission to view, edit the contents of a notebook folder, add new pages and remove
· Admin. The Grantee has permission to view, edit, add new information to the notebook, delete notebooks and
share your notebook with others.
· External guests. You create a password for the notebook folder that guests must enter to view the pages. They cannot
make any changes to the information.
· Public. Anyone that knows the URL to the notebook can view the pages. They cannot make any changes to the
To share your notebook
You can select any notebook level to share. If you select to share the top-level notebook, all notebooks within that notebook are
1. Right-click on the notebook you want to share.
2. Click Share Notebook. The Shared Properties dialog displays. Select whom to share with, Internal user or groups,
External guests, or Public.
3. Depending on with whom you share, you do the following:
· · For NETVIGATOR users, enter the email address and in the Role area select the access privileges.
· For External guests, enter the quest's address and the password to enter to view your notebook.
· For the Public, direct the public to the URL that display in the URL area. For example, you could copy and email
this URL to those you want to view the page.
4. In the Message area, select which type of message to send. This message can be sent to internal users and to external
quests. The options are as follows:
· Do not send mail about this share. No message is sent.
· Send standard message. The standard share notification message is sent to the email address. This message
includes the name of the notebook that is being shared, your address, the grantee's address and the role assigned
with a list of the allowed actions.
· Add a note to standard message. You can add additional information to the standard message.
· Compose email in new window. Create and send a new email message.
5. Click OK.
6. Remember, if you selected Public, you will need to notify the public of the URL.
Accepting access to a Documents notebook
Accepting Access to a Document Notebook
If you receive an email notice that you have been granted access to share another person's Documents notebook, you can accept
or reject the share.
To accept
1. Click Accept Share in the email. The Accept Share dialog opens and describes the role granted to you.
2. Before you accept you can customize the notebook name.
3. Check Send mail about this share, to send a confirmation back to the Grantor. (optional)
4. Click Yes. The notebook is added to your Notebooks list. The message is moved to your Trash folder.
When you accept the share, the shared notebook displays in your Notebooks list and you have one of the following permissions to
access to notebook:
· Viewer. You can view the pages and save them to your computer but cannot change them.
· Manager. You can view, edit, and delete pages.
· Admin. You can view, edit, delete, and administer the notebook pages.
Linking to a shared notebook
Linking to a Shared Notebook
In addition to accepting email notification that you have been granted access to a notebook, you can also establish links to shared
notebooks from the Link to Shared Notebook dialog. This may be the case when your organization has public notebooks that you
want to view.
Note: The access privileges you have are set by the grantor.
1. In Documents, right-click on the Notebooks header and select Link to Shared Notebook. The Link to Shared
Notebook dialog opens.
2. To add the shared notebook link, you must know the email address of the owner and the name of the notebook. For
example, [email protected] created a notebook called Projects with second notebook under Projects called Project 1.
Jdoe then shares Project 1 with you. In order to access Project 1, enter the information as follows:
Email: [email protected]
Path: projects/project1
Name: The name auto-completes with the email name and the path. You can change this.
Color: Select a color from the list (optional)
3. Click OK. The notebook is added to your Notebooks list.
Cancelling access to your Document notebook
Changing or Canceling Access to Your Documents Notebook
You can cancel the share privileges and edit the grantee's role from the Share Properties dialog.
To change access permissions
1. From Documents Notebooks, right-click on the shared Notebook to change.
2. Select Edit Properties. The Folder Properties dialog opens. This dialog displays the names that share the notebook
3. In the Sharing for this folder section, click Edit by the name to change. The Share Properties dialog opens. Change the
· Viewer. The Grantee can read the contents of the notebook, but cannot change it.
· Manager. The Grantee has permission to view, edit the contents of a notebook, add new pages and remove
· Admin. The Grantee has permission to view, edit, add new information to the notebook, delete notebooks and
share your notebook with others.
· None. This is an option to temporarily disable access to a grantor's shared notebook without revoking the share
privileges. The Grantee still has the notebook in their list but cannot view or manage activities in the notebook.
4. An email message will be sent to notify the user or you can select to either not send an email message or to send a
standard or composed message.
5. Click OK.
To cancel access
1. From Documents Notebooks, right-click on the shared notebook.
2. Select Edit Properties. The Folder Properties dialog opens. This dialog displays the names that share the notebook.
3. Click Revoke. A Revoke Share dialog opens. An email message will be sent to notify the user or you can select to either
not send an email message or to send a customized message.
4. Click OK. The user can no longer access your notebook. The user can delete the notebook from their list.
Sharing your Briefcase
Sharing Your Briefcase with Others
You can share your Briefcases with the following:
· NETVIGATOR users (Internal users or groups). You select the type of privileges to grant, either:
· Viewer. The Grantee can see the files in the briefcase but cannot make any changes to them.
· Manager. The Grantee has full permission to edit and delete files in your briefcase.
· Admin. The Grantee has full permission to administer the shared item with the same rights as the owner.
· None is an option to temporarily disable access to a grantor's briefcase without revoking the share privileges. The
Grantee still has the folder in their list but cannot view or manage files.
· External guests. You create a password to access the shared briefcase. Guests must enter this password to view the files.
They cannot make changes to files.
· Public. Anyone that knows the URL to the shared briefcase can view the contents. They cannot make any changes.
To share your Briefcase
Right-click on the briefcase folder to share and select Share Folder.
On the Share Properties dialog select whom to share with.
Internal Users or Groups
External guests
You can edit or revoke permissions at any time.
1. Right-click a shared Briefcase folder.
2. Click Edit Properties. Users sharing the folder are listed.
3. Click Edit to change permissions, or
Click Revoke to remove permissions.
4. Select whether a message describing the change should be sent.
5. Click OK.
Using the search feature
Using the Search Feature
Searching lets you find messages, contacts appointments, Documents pages and files. You can search by specific words, by
dates, time, URL, size, tag, whether or not a message has been read, whether it has file attachments or attachments of a particular
file type and more.
Thre are wo search tools:
· Search. This is a quick search that executes whatever search query is currently displayed in the search text box. You can
enter one of the search key words in the search field and a list of possible search arguments is automatically displayed. In
addition, the drop-down arrow at the left of the search box allows you to select which type of items to search for. You can
select to search within messages, your contacts, including company contact lists, tasks, appointments and pages and files.
This is an aid to quick searches as described in Quick-search settings.
· Advanced search opens a new pane and makes it easier to execute more complex searches. You can save your
advanced search queries and re-execute them at a later date.
Searching with key words
If you know where to search for your item, you can enter one of the following keywords followed by a colon in the Search field and
a list of possible options to select is displayed.
· tag:
· in:
· under:
· is:
· has:
· type:
· attachment:
Searching for messages
If you are familiar with text-match searches or word-processing features such as the Find/Change in Microsoft Word, note that the
content search in the NETVIGATOR mailbox is slightly different from performing a literal string match.
Search syntax works as follows:
· You can search for phrases, but each word within that phrase is matched literally by whole-word only. Spelling variants are
not allowed. For example, if you search for bananas, messages with banana are not a match. You can search by domain
name including the "." (period)
· Search is not case sensitive; "South", "south", and "SOUTH" are all the same thing.
· These special characters cannot be used in your search text. ~ ' ! @ # $ % ^ & * () _- + ? / { }[ ] ; : "
· The asterisk * as a wildcard after a prefix is supported. That is search for do* returns items with the word dog, door, etc.
· Searching for content will search the body of a message plus any (system-readable) file attachments it may have. A
system-readable file attachment is a type of file that can be converted to HTML-viewable text. These include Microsoft
Office documents (Word, PowerPoint, or Excel), as well as text files, but not image or audio files.
Learn how to create queries
Go to the following topics for descriptions of how to create complex queries.
Query language description. This describes a list of keywords to use in your search.
AND versus OR Searches. Explains how to use And and Or in your search.
Quick search
A quick shortcut to searching is to simply type in a name or word, without any keywords. For example, to find all mail containing
the word " tim" anywhere in the subject line, to: from: cc: or bcc: lines, message body, or file attachment, you could simply type
tim into the search box and click Search.
You can enter any value, such as a word, first name, last name, phone number, or domain name. For contacts in your Contact
Lists, the field must be a whole word. For example, to search contacts by phone number you would have to enter the full phone
number as it appears in the contact entry; you could not search just by the area code alone.
Before you can use the quick search feature, make sure that you have selected the type of item you want to search for. The dropdown arrow on the left of the search box allows you to select which type of items to search for. You can search for messages,
personal contacts, personal and shared contacts, the Global Address List contacts , pages and documents in Documents, or for all
types. When you search for more than one type, the icon displayed in the list lets you know which type of items is included.
To quick-search for contacts:
1. Click the search menu arrow,
, choose Contacts.
2. Enter a name or other contact data item in the Search text box.
3. Click Search, to execute the search.
To quick search for email messages:
1. Click the search menu arrow,
, choose Email.
2. Enter a word, name or other mail-related data item in the Search text box.
3. Click Search, to execute the search.
Using advanced search
Using Advanced Search
The Advanced search features opens separate mini-panes to perform different types of searches. You can open multiple instances
of each mini-pane. You might want to do this if you are doing AND type searches.
Advanced search allows you to search by the following criteria:
· Attachment. No Attachment, Any Attachment, or Specific Attachment. If you select specific attachment, a list of attachment
types is displayed.
· Basic. Uses header information such as From, To, Subject, and Content of the email body.
· Date. Search for messages received after, on, or before a selected date. Open two Date panes to search between dates.
· Domain. Search for messages where the address headers (From/To/Cc) contain addresses from certain domains. The
domains are pre-defined with check boxes.
· Folder. Limit search to selected folders only.
· Saved Search. Open a search query you have saved previously.
· Size. Search for messages that are larger or smaller than a specified size (bytes, KB, or MB).
· Status. Search for messages or contacts that are flagged or unflagged. Search for messages that are read, unread,
forwarded, or replied to.
· Tag. Search for messages or contacts that have a specific tag or a specified set of tags.
· Time. Search for messages that arrived within a time-frame, such as the last hour, this week, last month, etc.
Searching for messsages
Searching for Messages
You can search for messages, conversations, or contacts
· Using the Search text box to enter your query, as described in Quick-search settings.
· Using the Advanced search to specify more detailed search criteria.
To search for messages using the Search text box:
1. Enter search criteria in the Search box such as has:attachment or perhaps the sender's name.
2. Click the Search arrow,
and select the type of search from the list.
3. Click Search.
To search for a message using detailed criteria:
1. Click Advanced to open the Advanced search area.
2. Click icons in the toolbar to open the pane for the type of criteria you want to use for your search.
3. Enter the search criteria.
As soon as you enter criteria in a search pane, or as soon as you have made any selection change in any other search
pane, such as changing a radio button or a drop-down search option, the search executes.
Items matching the search criteria are listed in the lower right. If the Conversation feature is enabled, conversations
containing messages that match the search criteria are listed.
· To refresh the search results area, click Search.
Using * as a wildcard in Search
Using * as a Wildcard in Search
The asterisk * can be used as a wildcard in a search to find content that contains words that have similar spellings. Use the asterisk * as a wildcard after a prefix. That is search for do* returns items with the word dog, door, etc.
Saving search queries
Saving Search queries
If you create a search that you think you will want to use again, you can save it.
1. Create the search query, either by entering text in the Search bar or by creating a query with Advanced search.
2. To save the search click
on the Search bar. The Save Search dialog opens.
3. Type the name for your saved search. Searches are saved as a search folder in the Searches section of the Overview
pane by default, but you can select another folder.
4. Click OK. Your search is saved.
To use a saved search, click the search folder. The search results immediately display in the Content pane.
Query language description
Query Language Description
This advanced topic describes in detail the search grammar used for the search feature. Some type of query is always applied to
produce the view that you see in the interface.
Search Language Structure
Simple searches can be done by just entering a word into the search field. Bare words (words without a search operator) are
interpreted to search in the 'content:' operator -- this matches any text in the message.
More advanced searches can be done by specifying a search operator. A search operator is a special keyword followed by a colon,
followed by some other parameter specific to that operator. For example:
in: inbox the operator is "in" and the parameter is " inbox" - this returns messages which are in the folder named " inbox"
from:someone the operator is "from" and the parameter is "someone" - this returns messages which have the word
"someone" in their email address
You can prefix any keyword with the word "not" to specify items that do not have that criterion, for example not in: inbox. Search is
not case sensitive, meaning that "in:inbox" is the same as "in:Inbox". The minus sign (-) is a synonym for NOT So: not in:inbox is
the same as -in:inbox
In most cases, it is not necessary to include punctuation-type characters in your search string, as these are ignored by the search
code. There are certain times where this is not true (for example, searching for a time '9:30' in a message) and in those cases you
should enclose the search parameter in quotation marks. For example: subject:"9:30" will return messages which have the string
9:30 in the subject.
Allowable characters in the search parameter:
The following characters cannot be anywhere in a search parameter unless it is enclosed by quotes: ~ ' ! # $ % ^ & * ( )
_ ? / { }[ ] ; :
The following characters are allowed in a search parameter as long as they are not the first character: - + < >
Multiple Search Terms
If multiple search terms are entered (separated by spaces), they are " ANDed" together by default. in:inbox tim means "return me
messages which are in the inbox AND which have the word tim in them". For searches using multiple criteria, you can either find
items that match one of the specified criteria or all of them. You can perform both types of searches using the Advanced search
For all search panes other than the Basic search, the rules are:
Searching for messages that match any of the specified criteria is called an 'OR' search, because if the message contains
either X or Y, then it is considered a match. For Advanced search panes with multiple check boxes, making multiple
selections within a single pane creates an 'OR 'search for those items.
Searching for messages that contain both X and Y is called an 'AND' search, because the message must meet all the
specified criteria in order to be considered a match. For Advanced server panes with check boxes, opening multiple
instances of the same pane and making different check box selections in each one causes the criteria to be specified as an
'AND' search.
Only "OR" appears in a query. If you selected as an option to show the search query in the Search bar as you make selections in
the Advanced search, the Search text box updates to show the resulting query. With the 'AND' type of search, the word 'AND'
does not appear.
Tip: Using parenthesis with AND and OR. Words within parentheses are considered as a unit. For example from: (john thomas) is
equivalent to from:john AND from: thomas. If you use OR in the parenthesis, from:(john or smith), the search is for results
from:john OR from: thomas.
Query language description
Using * as a wildcard in Search
The asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard in a search to find content that contains words that have similar spellings.
Use the asterisk * as a wildcard after a prefix. For example, the search string do* returns items such as do , dog, door , etc.
Keyword Descriptions and Examples
Specifies text that the message must contain. For example,
word "bananas".
content:bananas finds all items containing the
Specifies a sender name or email address that is in the From header. This can be text, as in "John Smith III",
an email address such as " [email protected]", or a domain such as " netvigator.com".
Same as from: except that it specifies one of the people to whom the email was addressed in the To: header.
Same as from: except that it specifies a recipient in the Cc: header of the message.
Specifies text that must appear in the subject header of the message. An example might be subject:"new
vacation policy". Use quotes to search for an exact match.
Specifies a folder. For example, in:sent would show all items in your Sent folder.
Specifies an attribute that the message must have. The types of object you can specify are "attachment",
"phone", or " url". For example, has:attachment would find all messages which contain one or more
attachments of any type.
Specifies an attachment file name. For example, filename: query.txt would find messages with a file
attachment named " query.txt".
Specifies a search within attachments of a specified type. The types of attachment you can specify are "text",
"word", "excel", and " pdf". For example, type:word "hello" finds messages with attachments that are Microsoft
Word documents and searches within those attachments for the word "hello".
Specifies any item with a certain type of attachment. For example, attachment:word would find all messages
with Word attachments.
Searches for messages with a certain status. Allowable values are "unread", "read", "flagged", " unflagged",
"sent", "draft", "received", "replied", " unreplied", "forwarded", unforwarded", "anywhere", "remote" (in a shared
folder), "local", "sent". For example, is: unread will find all unread messages.
Use this keyword to specify a date, using the format that is default for your browser's locale (for US English
the format is mm/ dd/ yyyy). For example, date:2/1/2007 would find messages dated February 1, 2007. The
greater than (>) or less than (<) symbols can be used instead of after or before. >= and <= are also allowed.
Specifies mail sent after a certain date. For example, after:2/1/2007 specify mail sent after February 1, 2007.
Same as after: except specifies mail sent before the specified date.
Specifies messages whose total size, including attachments, is a specified number of bytes, kilobytes, or
megabytes For example, size:12 kb would find messages that are exactly 12K in size. The greater than (>)
or less than (<) symbols can be used instead of bigger or smaller.
Similar to size: except specifies greater than the specified size.
Similar to size: except specifies smaller than the specified size.
Finds email messages that do not have a reply to them yet.
Finds messages which have been tagged with a specified tag. For example, tag:amber will find message that
have a tag called "amber" applied.
AND vs OR Searches
And vs Or Type Searches
For searches using multiple criteria, you can either find items that match one of the specified criteria or all of them. You can
perform both types of searches using the Advanced search.
For all search panes other than the Basic search, the rules are:
· Searching for messages that match any of the specified criteria is called an OR search, because if the message contains
either X or Y, then it is considered a match. For Advanced search panes with multiple check boxes, making multiple
selections within a single pane creates an OR search for those items.
· Searching for messages that contain both X and Y is called an AND search, because the message must meet all the
specified criteria in order to be considered a match. For Advanced server panes with check boxes, opening multiple
instances of the same pane and making different check box selections in each one causes the criteria to be specified as an
AND search.
For example, suppose you are searching for messages that contain either Adobe PDF files or JPEG images. You would select both
these check boxes within the same Attachments pane.
· Only "OR" appears in a query. If you selected as an option to show the search query in the Search bar as you make
selections in the Advanced search, the Search text box updates to show the resulting query. With the AND type of search,
the word AND does not appear. The following example shows a search specifying that the From: line must contain
"martin", and in addition to this, the name " boxman" must appear in either the To: or the Cc: line.
Search examples
Search Examples
The different panes in the Advanced search area can be used to search by different criteria. The following examples include which
Advanced search panes you would use.
Here are a few possible search examples:
· To search for a specific type of attachment file. A message with next year's budget spreadsheet attached. You don't
remember who it's from or what date it was sent, but the filename has an . XLS extension.
Open just the Attachments pane and choose "Specific Attachment." A list of check boxes appears beneath the radio button.
Scroll down and check the box next to "Microsoft Excel."
· To search for a contact within a specific company. A contact who works at a company called " Rivendell".
Use the down-arrow to select Search Contacts. In the Advanced search area, open the Basic search pane and enter "
Rivendell" under the Content field. (You could also do this search without using Search Builder.)
· To search for an attachment that may be one type or another. Messages with either PDF attachments or JPEG
In the Attachments pane, choose "Specific Attachment" and then check both "Adobe PDF" and " JPEG Image".
· To search for an item that was tagged. Description of the new procedures for your workgroup, which you had tagged as
"High Priority".
Open the Tags pane and select the check box for the High Priority tag. Note that tags are user-defined, so this assumes
that you have previously 1) created the tag definition, and 2) applied it to the mail message.
· To search by a date range. A message someone claims to have sent you "in early December", which you think was never
To set a date range, open two instances of the Date pane. In the first one, set the Date drop-down to "is before" and select
an end date. Use the other Date pane to specify "is after" and a start date. You can also search by sender.
· To search for a specific type of attachment that included a specific phrase. A message with a PDF file that contains
the phrase "Mixed Nuts"
In the Basic search pane under "Content", enter "Mixed nuts". In the Attachments pane, choose "Specific Attachments" and
check "Adobe PDF". Note that the search does not distinguish between content found in the body of an email message
versus content found in a file attachment.
Using tags to classify mail messages
Using Tags to Classify Messages and Contacts
Tags are your personal classification system for mail messages, contacts, tasks, and appointments. Using tags is an aid to finding
those items. For example, you might have one tag for Immediate Turnaround and another for Medium Priority . The mail messages
that are tagged can be in different folders. You can search for a tag and all messages with that tag are displayed, no matter which
folder they are in.
· You can create as many tags as you want.
· You can apply multiple tags to the same mail message and contacts.
Creating new tag definitions
You can access the New Tag feature in any of the following ways:
· From toolbar, click the down arrow next to New and choose Tag.
· Select Tag from the toolbar.
· Right-click an item in a list view and choose Tag Conversation.
· Right-click on Tags or a tag in the Overview pane and choose New Tag.
When the New Tag dialog appears. Enter a name and click OK. Tag names can have any character except the following
: (colon)
/ (forward slash)
" (double quotes)
The new tag is listed under Tags in the Overview pane and can be applied to any mail messages or contacts.
Assigning tags to messages
Assigning Tags to Messages and Other Items
Tagging is similar to flagging, except that you can create and apply multiple tags to a single item in order to classify it under several
categories simultaneously. After creating a tag, you can apply it to conversations, messages, or contacts.
To tag an item using drag and drop:
Drag and drop the tag from the left-hand Overview pane onto the item on the Content pane.
To apply a tag to an item using menus:
1. Right-click the item from the Content pane.
2. Choose Tag Message (or Tag Conversation or Tag Contact, etc.).
3. Choose the tag name from the list that appears. Only tags not already applied to the selected item are listed.
To create a new tag and apply it to an item:
1. Right-click the item from the list and choose the Tag menu option that appears.
2. Choose New Tag.
3. Enter a name for the tag and click OK.
To remove a tag from an item:
1. Right-click the item from the list and choose the Tag menu option that appears.
2. Choose Remove Tag. If the item has multiple tags, you can choose to remove one or all tags.
To apply/remove a tag to multiple items at once:
1. Select all the items to be tagged using Control-Click or Shift-Click.
2. Right-click over any one of the selected items and choose the Tag menu option that appears.
3. Choose the tag to add or remove.
To find tagged messages quickly:
Click a tag in the Overview pane.
Alternatively, you can search for tags. In the Search field enter the query as
tag:Purple would show all items that had a tag named Purple applied.
tag: <"tag name"> and click Search. A query of
Deleting tags
Deleting Tags
To delete a tag, right-click the tag name on the Overview Pane and click Delete. Deleting a tag also removes the tag from any
item that had that tag. The items themselves are not deleted.
Flagging an email message
Flagging an Email Message
The flag icon in the message list is a yes/no indicator that denotes whether the mail message has been flagged. This can be used
to indicate an action-needed item or to otherwise distinguish the message or conversation from a large number of other items of
lesser importance.
To turn the flag on or off, click once directly over the flag icon for the message or conversation.
About folders
Using folders
Folders can be used to store your mail messages. You can move items from one folder to another by dragging and dropping or by
clicking Move from the right-click button on the mouse. You can move items from one folder to another by selecting the message
or contact and then select the folder from the Move to... list.
Two types of folder exist:
System folders. System folders cannot be moved, renamed, or deleted. Examples include your Inbox, Sent, and Trash
User-defined folders. You can create folders to organize your mail. Folders you create are displayed in the Folders list in
the Overview pane. Top level folder names must be unique. The name cannot be the same as any other top-level folder in
your mail, calendar, or address book folders.
Folder names are not case sensitive, meaning "Global" and "global" would be considered the same name. Note: A name
with an accent mark is not recognized as a different name from one with no accent mark. You could not create a folder
named "opéra" and another folder named "opera" in the same folder structure.
Renaming folders
Renaming folders
You can rename user-defined folders by right-clicking on the folder and choosing Rename Folder . Folder names can have any
character except : (colon), / (forward slash), or " (double quotes).
Deleting folders
Deleting folders
You can delete custom folders. You cannot delete system folders.
When you delete a folder, its contents are moved to the Trash. You can recover contents from the Trash by dragging and dropping
them to another folder.
The Trash folder is purged on a regular basis, so items in the Trash do not stay there forever.
To delete a folder:
1. If there are messages in the folder that you want to save, move them to another folder.
2. Either drag the folder to the Trash or right-click the folder and choose Delete.
Creating custom folders
Creating custom folders
In addition to the pre-defined system folders such as Inbox, Sent, and Trash, you can create custom folders. Custom folders can be
created inside other folders, including the system folders.
You cannot create two folders with the same name within the same parent folder. For example, you cannot have two folders
named "Shopping" under your Inbox folder, but you could have one folder named "Shopping" under your Inbox folder, and another
one with the same name under the Sent folder.
To create a new folder:
1. Right-click in the Overview pane in the Folders list and select New Folder. A Create New Folder dialog opens.
2. Type a folder name.
3. Select where to place the new folder. Click Folders to have the folder at the top level or choose a location from the list of
existing folders. Your new folder is placed within the selected folder.
4. Click OK.
To create a folder tied to an RSS or ATOM feed, check Subscribe to RSS/ATOM feed, then enter a URL.
Setting your user preferences
Setting your user preferences
Your default user preferences are configured when your account is created. These preferences define how your NETVIGATOR
Email features work.
You can change these settings from the Preferences tab. The preference folders display in the Overview pane. If an option
described here is not visible in your view, it is not available for your account. You can also set up your personal email identities
and POP accounts and select a theme for your mailbox.
You can set preferences in the following folders. Click the folder name for a description of the content.
· General
In the General folder you can
· Select your mailbox theme, language and default time zone.
· Define Search settings to include searching Junk and Trash Folders in your searches.
· Displaying check boxes in the Content pane
See Setting your general preferences
· Mail
In the Mail folder you can:
· Configure how often to check for new mail. The default is 5 minutes.
· Select the behavior of the Get Mail button to either run your default search or to update your current view.
· Select how messages are displayed, as HTML or as plain text.
· Set up how your mailbox handles messages that are received, including message preview options, reading pane
and move options.
· Set up message alerts.
· Create an auto-reply message that can be used when you are away.
· Turn on Read Receipt reply.
· If you are set up to use a POP3 client, you can configure the POP access behavior when messages are
downloaded to NETVIGATOR mailbox .
· Set Junk Mail Options to block messages to block and to allow messages from addresses you specify.
See Setting your mail preferences
· Composing
In the Compose folder you can
· Select the text editor you want as the default, either HTML or plain text.
· Select whether to include the original text in the body of your reply message.
· Make spell check mandatory.
· Specify how to mark forwarded or replied to messages.
· By default, the Save copies of messages to Sent folder is enabled. You can change this.
· Signatures
You can create signatures for your email messages. If you create multiple identities, you can create different signatures
and assign them to specific addresses.
Setting your user preferences
The accounts folder is used to create and manage your personas. Persona is the mail identity used in the From field of
email messages you send.
· Contact List
In the Contact List folder you can
· Enable the feature to automatically add addresses to your Emailed Contacts contact list when you send mail.
· Enable to use the Global Address List when viewing contacts in the Contact Picker.
· Include the Global Address List when autocompleting addresses.
· Include addresses in shared contact lists when auto completing addresses.
· Calendar
In the Calendar folder you can
· Define your default view of the calendars.
· Set parameters to use when creating an appointment.
· Select to show the mini-calendar.
· Enter an address to forward your invites from a shared Calendar.
· Set the reminder notice for meetings.
· Set permissions for free/busy views and who can invite you to meetings.
· Sharing
The Sharing folder shows items that are shared with you and items that are shared by you. See Managing items you share
· Import / Export
The Import/Export folder can be used to import or export your complete account data, specific folders, calendars, and
contact lists. This is useful if you want to backup your account or a specific folder locally.
Changing Your Preferences
Changing Your User Preferences
Your default user preferences are configured when your account is created. These options define how your mailbox, contact lists,
and calendar applications work.
You can change the settings from the Preferences tab. If an option described here is not visible in your view, it is not available for
your account. The general direction for changing your preferences is as follows:
1. Click Preferences.
2. In the Overview pane, click the folder containing the preference you want to change. See the Help topic for each of
these folders for specific details.
3. Change the settings.
4. Click Save.
Also see Setting Your User Preferences
New mail notifications
Email Notification to Another Address
You can configure your mail options to be notified at another email address when you receive mail to your NETVIGATOR mailbox.
This feature may be useful if you do not receive a lot of mail to your NETVIGATOR account, but when you do receive mail, it's
important enough to require a timely response.
To set notification:
1. Click the Preferences tab.
2. Click the Mail folder.
3. In the Receiving Messages section, check Send a notification message to and enter the email address.
4. Click Save. The notification feature is enabled immediately.
Vacation message
Creating Away Messages
This feature is also known as an out-of-office auto-reply message. You can set a vacation message that automatically replies to
people who send you messages when you are out of the office for an extended period of time. That message is sent to each
recipient only once, regardless of how many messages that person sends you during the designated vacation period.
To set a vacation message:
1. Click the Preferences > Mail folder.
2. In the Receiving Messages section, check Send auto-reply message.
3. In the text box, enter the message to be sent, such as "I am currently out of the office and am checking voice mail but not
email. I will return on June 1, 2009."
4. Set the start and end dates for using this message.
5. Click Save. The away message feature is enabled immediately.
Sent folder
Saving Messages You Send
The Sent folder contains copies of mail messages that you have sent. You can delete your copies at any time.
By default, Save to Sent is enabled. You can change this from the Preferences > Compose tab.
Creating Personas
Creating Personas
Persona is the mail identity used in the From field of email messages you send. Creating different mail identities allows you to use
multiple email addresses from your mailbox. You might want to do this to manage different roles in your job and personal life from
this single email account. The default account name is defined in the primary identity.
The Add External Account button lets you identify your external POP/IMAP accounts so that this web client can retrieve email
from your other accounts. You can also set up so that replies to those messages use the corresponding POP/IMAP address.
To create a persona configure the following:
1. In the Preferences Accounts folder, click Add Persona.
2. In the Persona Settings section enter a name for this persona. This name is used to identify the persona in the From list
when composing an email. It does not appear in the email message.
3. In the text box below From: type the name that should appear in the From field of your outgoing email messages (for
example, John). This is the friendly name that is shown before your email address. In the second box, select the email
address to send messages from. Depending on your account configuration you may be able create another address. Do this
4. If replies should be sent to a name and address different from that which you configured in From, check Reply-to. Enter the
name and address that should receive replies for this identity. For example, replies to training messages John sends should
be sent to Team Training at [email protected].
5. You can select a signature to use for this persona. If you have not created the signature, you can come back and edit this
persona later. If you do not want the signature to be applied automatically, select Do Not Attach Signature.
6. If you want messages in specific folders to automatically use this persona, check Replying to or forwarding messages in
folder(s). Click the folder icon to select one or more folders from the list of existing folders or to create a new folder. Type a
comma or semi-colon to separate folders entered in the box.
7. Click Save to save this persona.
If you need to create the signature, go to the Signature tab after you click Save. See Using a signature.
Changing your default timezone
Changing your default time zone
The default time zone setting that is displayed in the Preferences > General folder is used to localize the time for received
messages and calendar activities in the standard web client.
Managing your mobile devices
Managing your mobile devices
· The Mobile feature is available with NETVIGATOR Email mobile version only
If you have the NETVIGATOR Email mobile feature enabled, the Mobile Device folder is available from the Preferences tab. This
folder shows mobile devices you configured to sync with your NETVIGATOR Email account.
From this folder, you can
· Initiate a sync from NETVIGATOR account to your device.
· Suspend a sync.
· Delete mobile devices you no longer use.