Volvo Group Trucks


Volvo Group Trucks
KNEG - Resultatkonferens 2013
Samverkan mellan aktörer –
Effektiva & Hållbara intermodala transporter
Volvo Group Trucks
Does a manufacturer of commercial
vehicles develop intermodal
solutions and utilize different modes
of transport?
Volvo Group Trucks Operations
Logistics Purchasing, Commodity Sea & Rail, Anders Bergström
European challenge
“The transport sector is crucial to
the competitiveness of the EU.
We need a long-term plan about
how to develop sustainable and
efficient transport.
Volvo is in favour of
strengthening and combining all
the different modes of
Leif Johansson, Former CEO, Volvo Group
Volvo Group Trucks Operations
Logistics Purchasing, Commodity Sea & Rail, Anders Bergström
Strategical ”backbones” –
Intermodal highways
•  Background
Umeå –  Strategical decision within the Volvo Group to use
different modes of transport in order to secure
capacity, competitiveness and sustainability.
•  Eurobridge
Hallsberg –  Short Sea concept connecting Sweden<>
Göteborg Malmö •  Train 8
Stockholm Älmhult Olofström –  Rail concept connecting Sweden<>Belgium
•  Viking Rail
–  Rail concept connecting Sweden<>Germany
Hannover Gent = Volvo final assembly plants Kornwestheim Volvo Group Trucks Operations
Logistics Purchasing, Commodity Sea & Rail, Anders Bergström
= Volvo component plants = Consolida5on points [rail] Train 8 – Existing
logistics concept
•  Volvo Cars Olofström à Volvo Cars Gothenburg
10 trains/week to/from Gothenburg
50 SGNSS wagons, 150 containers per day
316 km, 6 hrs transport time
•  Volvo Cars Olofström à Volvo Cars Gent
12 trains/week to/from Gent (combined in Älmhult/VTC)
40 SGNSS wagons, 102 containers per day
1300 km, 24 hrs transport time
•  Volvo Trucks Umeå à Volvo Trucks Gothenburg
5 trains/week to/from Gothenburg
10 Multipurpose wagons, 120 cabins per day
983 km, 20 hrs transport time, sequence of cabins
Re-loading of finished vehicles Gothenburg à Umeå
•  Volvo Trucks Umeå à Volvo Trucks Gent
12 trains/week to/from Gent (combined in Älmhult/VCC)
12 Multipurpose wagons, 144 cabins per day
1 Mega-Twin wagon, 2 mega trailers per day
2500 km, 48 hrs (56 hrs) trp time, sequence of cabins
Volvo Group Trucks Operations
Logistics Purchasing, Commodity Sea & Rail, Anders Bergström
Viking Rail – Existing
logistics concept
•  Developed 2006-2008. Implemented October 2008
•  ~40% of Volvo Group & Volvo Cars volumes from
Germany to Sweden transferred from road to rail
•  Block train: Hannover <> Gothenburg
–  1 block train per day to/from Gothenburg
–  18 Mega-Twin wagons, 36 mega trailers/day
–  1074 km, 18 hrs transport time
•  Single wagons: Kornwestheim <> Hannover
–  1 train per day to/from Hannover
–  6 Mega-Twin wagons,12 mega trailers/day
–  498 km, 6 hrs transport time
–  Automotive RailNet used [combined with
production material for the Daimler Group]
Volvo Group Trucks Operations
Logistics Purchasing, Commodity Sea & Rail, Anders Bergström
CO2 savings - Train 8 & Viking Rail vs road
The annual CO2 saving in using
rail set ups Train8 and Viking
Rail equals driving around the
earth 74 times…
Total CO2 saving
103 606 771 kg
Road setup
110 146 989 kg CO2
Driving 30 km to work
17 921 946 times...
.. or a yearly consumption
of household electricity
for 167 108 villas
Viking Rail and Train8
6 540 218 kg CO2
Note: CO2 savings are on an annual level and calculated on volume base for 2013
Compiled by Eva Kristoffersen, Quality & Environment Improvement Manager
Volvo Group Trucks Operations
Logistics Purchasing, Commodity Sea & Rail, Anders Bergström
Collaboration; Viking Rail
Develop an intermodal solution between Germany<>Sweden
•  Challenge/Opportunity
Volvo Group’s objective: Develop an intermodal solution
between Germany and Sweden in 2006
Solve imbalance in Volvo Group’s flow (15% in return
flows) in order to create positive business case
•  Solution
Volvo Group invited potential road carriers for pre- and
on-carriage to a partnership
Volvo Group is selling trailer slots SB to Ewals & Rhenus
Northbound: 100% Volvo cargo
Southbound: 15% Volvo cargo and 75% 3rd party cargo
•  Result
Annual CO2 saving: 15 182 ton per year
Intermodal solution implemented 2008
Volvo Group transferred ~40% of the total Inbound
volume from Germany to Sweden from road to rail
Nominated road carriers could develop an intermodal
strategy/product for third party customers
Volvo Group Trucks Operations
Logistics Purchasing, Commodity Sea & Rail, Anders Bergström
Collaboration; Train 8
Reduce imbalances in the domestic transport corridor
•  Challenge/Opportunity
Volvo Group; Empty transportation Gothenburg à Umeå
Autolink; Empty transportation Umeå à Gothenburg
Same wagon type used by both parties
•  Solution
Cooperation established 2013 between Volvo Group,
Autolink and Green Cargo
Re-loading of finished vehicles from Gotheburg to Umeå
Volvo Groups Multipurpose wagons used
•  Result
Annual CO2 saving: 357 ton per year
Increased wagon utilization northbound by +20%
Reduced transportation costs
Increased utilization at Volvo Groups combi terminal
Reduced lead-time [Autolink/OEMs]
Increased punctuality [Autolink/OEMs]
Reduced financial risk [Autolink/OEMs]
Volvo Group Trucks Operations
Logistics Purchasing, Commodity Sea & Rail, Anders Bergström
Collaboration; Train 8 and Viking Rail
Securing high quality, punctuality and deviation handling
•  Challenge/Opportunities
Keep Volvo cargo on rail by securing high quality,
punctuality and deviation handling in the international
transport corridor
•  Solution
Partner meetings are held 2-3 times per year
Agenda topics (exampels):
Punctuality follow-up
Deviation process, Back-up solutions
Volvo Desk, Information flow, Quality handbook
Web based track & trace, GPS & RFID
Root cause analysis for delays & improvement areas
•  Result
Keep annual CO2 saving: 103 607 ton per year
Improved quality & punctuality
Improved collaboration & communication
Improved deviation process & internal processes
Creates responsibility and commitment
Volvo Group Trucks Operations
Logistics Purchasing, Commodity Sea & Rail, Anders Bergström
Success factors [Volvo Group experience]
Collaboration à Efficient & Sustainable intermodal solutions
•  Develop a long term sourcing strategy, i.e contract length, size of carrier company, asset owner,
forwarder etc
•  Involve carriers early in the development of your supply chain - commercial and operational
•  Create an open, honest and transparent dialogue with carriers & collaboration partners
•  Collaborate with OEMs, forwarders or carriers in order to find the necessary volumes, balances and
frequencies that secure your needs and mimimize empty running
•  Collaborate with partners/customers with different leadtime demands which can be combined in the
same set-up
•  Create business models where all parties share opportunities and risks
•  Explain the background and reasons for your needs/demands for all involved parties – it creates
commitment, responsibility and understanding of effects in case of deviations
à OEMs and carriers need to work together in order to secure high filling degree, share filling
degree risks and achieve daily frequency.
Volvo Group Trucks Operations
Logistics Purchasing, Commodity Sea & Rail, Anders Bergström
The EIA Intermodal Award, 2005 “Best integration of intermodalism
into a shippers’ logistics
chain” [Eurobridge & Train 8]
The Big Transport & Logistics
Award, 2009 - “Innovation of the
year - Railfreight”
[Viking Rail]
Bra-Miljöval, 2006
Klimatintyg, 2007-2013
[Volvo domestic rail set-ups]
Thank you for your attention!
Volvo Group Trucks Operations
Logistics Purchasing, Commodity Sea & Rail, Anders Bergström