Contents UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE MADRID Facultad de Ciencias Departamento de Biología Molecular Tesis Doctoral FUNCIONES ESPECÍFICAS DEL TRÁFICO ENDOLISOSOMAL EN LA PROGRESIÓN Y RESPUESTA A TERAPIA DEL MELANOMA DIRENA ALONSO CURBELO Madrid, 2013 Contents 4 Contents AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF MADRID Faculty of Science Department of Molecular Biology SPECIFIC ROLES OF ENDOLYSOSOMAL TRAFFICKING IN MELANOMA PROGRESSION AND DRUG RESPONSE A doctoral thesis submitted to the Autonomous University of Madrid for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Molecular Biology Direna Alonso Curbelo Thesis Director Dr. María S. Soengas Melanoma Group (Molecular Pathology Program) Spanish National Cancer Research Center Contents 6 Contents Dr. María S. Soengas, Director of the Molecular Pathology Program and Head of the Melanoma group at the Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO) CERTIFIES: That the Doctoral Thesis “Specific roles of endolysosomal trafficking in melanoma progression and drug response” developed by Ms Direna Alonso Curbelo meets the necessary requirements to obtain the PhD Degree in Molecular Biology and, to this purpose, will be presented at the Autonomous University of Madrid. The thesis has been carried out under my direction and hereby I authorize it to be defended to the appropriate Thesis Tribunal. I hereby issue this certification in Madrid on April 30st 2013. María S. Soengas PhD Thesis Director Contents 8 Contents Dr. Jaime Millán Martínez, Head of group of Cell Biology of Inflammation at the Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa (CBMSO) CERTIFIES: That the Doctoral Thesis “Specific roles of endolysosomal trafficking in melanoma progression and drug response” developed by Ms Direna Alonso Curbelo meets the necessary requirements to obtain the PhD Degree in Molecular Biology and, to this purpose, will be presented at the Autonomous University of Madrid. The thesis has been carried out under my direction and hereby I authorize it to be defended to the appropriate Thesis Tribunal. I hereby issue this certification in Madrid on April 30st 2013. Jaime Millán Martínez PhD Thesis Tutor Contents 10 Contents The work presented in this doctoral thesis was carried out in the Melanoma Group at the Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO) from June 2008 to June 2013 under the supervision of María S. Soengas. This work has been supported by the following fellowships and grants: “Formación de Profesorado Universitario” (FPU) PhD Fellowship, awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education. Direna Alonso Curbelo (2008 – 2012) INNPACTO program. María S. Soengas (2012 – 2013) Contents 12 Contents “Lo imposible es posible intentarlo” José Miguel Alonso Fernández-Aceytuno “The impossible is always possible to be pursued” José Miguel Alonso Fernández-Aceytuno (1951 – 2004) Contents 14 Contents A mi padre del que tanto aprendí Contents 16 Contents Acknowledgements Contents 18 Contents Esta tesis representa el final de una etapa que he vivido intensamente y en la que he aprendido muchísimo, tanto a nivel científico como a nivel personal. Y si hoy me encuentro ante esta página en blanco que llenar con mis más sinceros sentimientos de gratitud es gracias al apoyo, a la inspiración, a la energía positiva y a la ayuda incondicional que me habéis dado todos a lo largo de estos años. A todos vosotros, GRACIAS. GRACIAS Marisol por haber confiado en mis ganas de aprender aquel agosto de 2008 en el que hablamos por primera vez, dándome la gran oportunidad de embarcarme en este apasionante mundo de la ciencia a través de tu laboratorio y del CNIO. Gracias muy especialmente por haber reconocido también las ganas del resto de mis compañeros y construir este grupo de investigación tan estupendo. Y gracias de corazón por tu gran apoyo que no sólo ha hecho posible esta tesis, sino que además me ha abierto las puertas de la siguiente etapa, que espero con muchísima ilusión. THANKS MELANOMA GROUP! I have no words to express all the gratitude and love I feel for you guys. It has been a real privilege to work with and learn from you all along these years. You have been the best travel companions and my seat belts on this PhD roller coaster. You are the definitely the faces of these last years and one of the most valuable things I take from them. I am sure that in a distant future, when my memories of western blotting and cell line #9 have vanished away, I´ll always remember the awesome time we had together, in and outside the lab. Estela, eres la mejor lab manager, compañera, y “writing consultant” que se puede tener, pero sobre todo, eres una gran persona y una excelente amiga. GRACIAS por todo tu cariño, por cuidar siempre de mí. No sabes lo que voy a echar de menos tu risa y la energía positiva que desprendes… Damià, “pseudo-jefe”, contigo di mis primeros pasitos del doctorado y desde entonces no he parado de aprender de ti. Tu capacidad para transformar las ideas en hechos, tu ilusión por mejorar lo que nos rodea, y tu forma de hacerlo, siempre con sonrisa puesta, admirables. Eva, no te imaginas lo importante que ha sido para mí tenerte a mi lado todos estos años. Tu paciencia, tu forma de hacer, de estar y de ser siempre han sido un gran ejemplo para mí. Gracias también por tu disposición para escuchar y ayudar a los demás, que además creo que son fundamentales para el laboratorio en general. Erica, muchas gracias por tus siempre sabias palabras, capaces de devolver la necesaria dosis de perspectiva a los momentos difíciles. He aprendido muchísimo de ti; de tu fortaleza, de tu optimismo y de tu sinceridad. Lisa, my lab “big sister”, my german “Other Self”, thanks so much for being such a good friend and filling the lab atmosphere with your incombustible inner glow. Your big smile is very small compared to your huge heart. And many THANKS too for the English editing of the thesis! Metehan, I want to thank you very much for all your support, for having so much patience with my incessant questions, for so many great conversations and for always seeking and coming up with an original idea, solution, or strategy to make our lives a lot easier. Takis, today, here, I am not going to emphasize my admiration to your pipetting muscles. I really want to thank you for always having that friendly “yes” sitting at the tip of your tongue. Thanks also for your constant willingness to help me and others whenever you can. DOC, el flautista de Hamelín más majo y coqueto del CNIO y una pieza clave del laboratorio, muchas gracias por haberme enseñado tanto sobre metástasis, ¡y los mejores lugares de tapas del centro! Tonan, gracias de verdad, no sólo por tu siempre excelente ayuda técnica, que además ha sido FUNDAMENTAL para este trabajo, sino también por todo tu cariño. Eres la gasolina que mantiene rodando el laboratorio (y mi entropía en cierto orden!). He aprendido muchísimo de ti. Gracias! David Sáenz, ¡cómo te he echado de menos estos últimos años en el laboratorio! Existen pocos como tú, con esa entrega incondicional hacia los demás y hacia su trabajo, y con todo eso de buena persona que tienes y que tanto te caracteriza. Lionel y Agi, thanks a lot for everything you taught me and for showing me what persistence in science means. María, ¡eres una crack! Me ha encantado conocerte y descubrir cómo si se quiere, se puede. Si vuelvo del postdoc en Nueva York pareciéndome un poquito más a ti, ya me puedo dar más que por satisfecha. Alicia, Contents muchísimas gracias por tu compresión y por todo tu apoyo ;) ¡Estoy segura de que el futuro del pICPEI está en excelentes manos! ¡Suerte con todo! Ángel, el pichichi en geles del labo, muchas gracias por tu excelente ayuda técnica y, sobre todo por encargarte, aún sin hacerlo a conciencia, de mantener el buen rollo en el laboratorio. Raúl, no sabes la penita que me da que no poder coincidir más tiempo contigo en el laboratorio. ¡¿Por qué no llegaste antes?! Bueno, no sé si ya lo sabes, pero es tradición en el laboratorio que los doctorandos de más de 1.90m de altura mantengan SIEMPRE la curiosidad y la ilusión. Daniela, te dejo encargada de que la gente del labo acabe diciendo “SENIO” en lugar de CNIO jeje. Muchísimas suerte con el doctorado, aunque sé que no te hará falta, porque eres buenísima. Napala, thanks SO MUCH for your constant smile and for the English editing of this thesis in record time. Carla, Renata y Carol, thanks for bringing a little closer to the lab the best energy of Brazil (and the brigadeiros!). By the way Marisol, perhaps we should include “cachaça” in the lab´s reagents list! Y a todos los demás que, en algún momento habéis formado parte de este equipo (Iván, Marco, Elisa, Joe, Bobby, Elena, Silvia, Marta…), gracias también por vuestra apoyo. MUCHAS GRACIAS también a los miembros de mi Comité de Tesis en el CNIO: Xosé Bustelo, Mirna Pérez-Moreno y Manuel Serrano por haber compartido conmigo toda vuestra experiencia, que ha sido fundamental para el desarrollo de este proyecto así como para mi aprendizaje a nivel científico y personal. MANY THANKS to the Epithelial Carcinogenesis Group (CNIO) for their support and input during the Monday lab meetings, as well as for being SUCH COOL LAB NEIGHBOURS. THANKS as well to the Lymphoma Group (CNIO), and very especially to Elena Rodriguez, for “adopting” me when I was just about to start the PhD and the Michigan Melanoma group was still moving to the CNIO. MUCHAS GRACIAS también a nuestros colaboradores del Hospital 12 de Octubre de Madrid: los doctores José Luis Peralto, Pablo Ortiz, y Erica Riveiro por haber hecho posible el estudio de RAB7 en muestras humanas. Ha sido emocionante ver como un proyecto que se inició y se desarrolló en la poyata adquiere una dimensión de realidad, haciendo que esta experiencia sea más enriquecedora y merecedora de todo este esfuerzo. De la misma manera, quiero dar las gracias a Damià y a su equipo de Bioncotech Therapeutics por intentar que los frutos de la investigación se traduzcan finalmente en una mejora real en la expectativa de vida de pacientes. ¡No existe mejor motivación que ésta para hacer ciencia! I really want to thank all of my colleagues who actively participated in the RAB7 project. Hopefully, all the effort will soon be rewarded! THANKS to Gonzalo Gómez and Osvaldo Graña (Bioinformatics Groups, CNIO) for your important contribution to this work. In addition, I would also like to thank all the people working at the CNIO Flow Cytometry, Histopathology, Genomics, and Animal Facility Units; the CNIO Tumor Bank; and to José Manuel (from CNIO Information Technologies) for their excellent technical support. VERY VERY SPECIAL THANKS to Diego Megías and his great Confocal Microscopy Unit team, Ximo Soriano and Manu Pérez for their unconditional help and for being the coolest microscopy guys ever. Without you guys this thesis would not have been possible! THANKS to Dr. Reuven Agami (NKI, Amsterdam) and to Dr. Johanna Joyce (MSKCC, NY) for giving me the enriching opportunity of joining their labs as a visiting PhD student. During those months I met great scientists and friends that made my stays in Amsterdam and NY an unforgettable experience: Arnold 20 Contents Bos, Carlos Melo, Maritt Terweij, Dominika Bijos, Hayley Moore, Nicolas Leveillé, Carlos Le Sage, and, of course David Ontoso, in Amsterdam; and Sonia Mulero, Chema Carvajal, Alberto Schuhmacher, Joni Van Der Meulen, Silvia Domcke, Lisa Sevenich, Leila Akkari, Hao-Wei Wang, Oakley Olson, Bobby Bowman, Carlos Carmona, Richard Stein, Neils Weinhold, and Nick Gauthier in New York. THANKS SO MUCH FOR MAKING FEEL AT HOME! Gracias también a los chicos de Mantenimiento de CNIO por ser tan simpáticos y eficaces; así como a Emma y al resto del equipo de la Cafetería del CNIO por alimentarme casi como una madre y por, como no, las tapas de los viernes! Quiero darle las GRACIAS también a muchos compañeros del CNIO que, con su amistad, con su ayuda, o tan sólo mediante un cruce de sonrisas cómplices por los pasillos, han hecho que mi estancia aquí haya sido tan agradable. GRACIAS muy especialmente a Eva Sánchez, Juanlu, Alba, Ana del Río, Eva Briso, Lina, Laia, Sara Mainardi, Carolina Navas, Dani Martín, Bea H, Daniela, Martina, Javier Leandro, Lara, Marta Shahbazi, Miguel Foronda, Patricia Nieto, y muchos otros (porque sería imposible nombraros a todos) por ser tan majos y los protagonistas de muchos de los recuerdos que me llevo del CNIO. Laura y Bárbara, a vosotras muy en especial, MUCHÍSIMAS GRACIAS por vuestro apoyo incondicional y por regalarme vuestra amistad. Haberme embarcado en el doctorado ya mereció la pena el día que os conocí. También quiero agradecer el apoyo que he recibido de viejos y nuevos amigos que me han acompañado a lo largo de esta etapa de tesis. Habéis sido mis “gatorades” en esta maratón. MUCHÍSIMAS GRACIAS Marty, Mer y Auro; porque vuestra amistad siempre me ha hecho más feliz, mejor persona y más fuerte. Sois mi mejor equipo. GRACIAS Tere. Me siento muy afortunada por haber compartid carrera, hospital, tesis y casa con una gran persona y amiga como tú. Eres muy grande, que lo sepas! GRACIAS Daniel Movilla por tantos buenos momentos en los que hemos arreglado el mundo y nuestras vidas. “Redescubrirte” ha sido el mejor regalo del 2012 (Birdybirdybirdy). GRACIAS David Ontoso por ser un amigo sin igual. Hasta la “Dire muerta de hambre” sólo tendría buenas palabras para ti ;). GRACIAS Carlos Gordo y Marc por todo vuestro cariño. GRACIAS también a Helena, Carmen, y a Ángela por ser tan buenas amigas y las mejores compañeras de piso. MUCHAS gracias también a “La Cuadrilla” de Madrid por hacerme sentir como si fuera del “Jesús Maestro”. MUCHAS GRACIAS a Mari Mar y a Paco, por haber formado una familia tan estupenda y por todo esos buenos ratos y ratitos de mesa y sobremesa (y por los tápers de carne picada! jeje). MUCHAS GRACIAS a mis amigos de Las Palmas, muy especialmente a Lidu, Alfredo, Héctor, Aday, Laura, Nolo, Juan, Laura Merino, y Cris Santana por el día a día y los largos veranos de ayer, y por los “Encuentros” revitalizadores de hoy. Con vosotros, la distancia no existe. Y por último quisiera dedicar los últimos agradecimientos a las personas más importantes de mi vida, mis grandes pilares, mis norte-sur-este-y-oeste. ¡MUCHÍSIMAS GRACIAS A MI MARAVILLOSA FAMILIA! Sois muchos y sólo tengo buenas palabras para cada uno de vosotros. GRACIAS muy especialmente a mis abuelas, por todo vuestro amor y por enseñarme las claves para ser feliz; a Ana Mari, porque para mí eres un gran referente, y a Margarita Curbelo, Cristina Curbelo, Nano y Marina, por haber creído tanto en mí y demostrármelo siempre. MUCHISÍSISISISIMAS GRACIAS a Jorge y Ana, ¡por ser los mejores hermanos del mundo! No paro de aprender de vosotros, a pesar de ser yo la hermana mayor. ¡Os quiero muchísimo! Contents Javi, MUCHAS GRACIAS por haber hecho que estos años hayan sido inolvidables, por dibujarme una sonrisa cada mañana y hacer de la tesis un “paraíso con gastos pagados”. Recuerdo las ganas de empezar el día en Galileo 25 y los trayectos en la “olivita” hacia el CNIO del principio… qué rápido ha pasado el tiempo la verdad, aunque no me extraña, porque estos años no los he medido en días, sino en fines de semana. Muchas gracias por tu enorme apoyo, por hacerme reír tantísimo, por subir el “phD de mi piel”, por tantos buenos momentos y viajes juntos, por creer tanto en mí, por todo tu amor. TANGO QUÉBEC. PARA MIS PADRES NUNCA TENDRÉ SUFICIENTES PALABRAS DE AGRADECIMIENTO… Papi, te llevo en el corazón, muy cerquita, siempre, a todas partes. Y, aunque mientras escribo estas líneas las lágrimas evidencien la tremenda nostalgia y el vacío irremplazable que siento (porque te echo muchísimo de menos y deseo que pudieras estar aquí con nosotros), el recuerdo de tu incombustible ilusión, de tu siempre optimista mirada hacia el futuro, y de la entereza que te caracterizó hasta el final me da la fuerza para seguir siendo una persona muy feliz. Gracias por enseñarme tanto y por ser una grandísima persona. Mami, a ti te dedico las últimas palabras porque, si en la vida dicen que uno va eligiendo su propio camino, tú eres mi brújula, mi mapa, mi gasolina, mi “airbag” cuando tropiezo, y sobre todo, la mejor compañera y guía de viaje. Un millón de gracias por tu enorme corazón, por tu fuerza, por tu apoyo incondicional, y por tu bien criterio. Gracias también por tus zumos revitalizadores de papaya con naranja y tus palabras sanadoras, y por cuidar tan bien de mí y de Jorge y Ana. ¡Sin duda tus hijos somos los más afortunados del mundo! Gracias por último a J.S. Bach, y a todos los que desde chiquitita me inculcaron el amor por la MÚSICA, que me ha dado tantos momentos de placer y es mi mejor anestesia. ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS A TODOS POR ACOMPAÑARME EN ESTA ETAPA! Sólo puedo terminar esta etapa de tesis y estos agradecimientos, como diría Sabina: añadiendo al punto final, dos puntos suspensivos… 22 Contents Contents 24 Contents "En este proceso mental, precursor del descubrimiento, nada es inútil: los primeros grosos errores, así como las falsas rutas donde la imaginación se aventura, son necesarios, pues acaban por conducirnos al verdadero camino, y entran, por tanto, en el éxito final, como entran en el acabado cuadro del artista los primeros informes bocetos." Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852-1934) Contents Contents 26 Contents 7 ABBREVIATIONS SUMMARY 19 RESUMEN 23 INTRODUCTION 27 1. THE MELANOMA CHALLENGE: WHERE ARE WE NOW? 29 2. THE CELLULAR ORIGIN OF MELANOMA: THE MELANOCYTE 30 3. CLASSIFICATION OF CUTANEOUS MELANOCYTIC LESIONS 31 3.1 BENIGN MELANOCYTIC LESIONS: NEVI 32 3.2. MALIGNANT MELANOCYTIC LESIONS: MELANOMA 32 4. DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESSION OF MELANOCYTIC TUMORS 4.1 HISTOLOGIC, BIOLOGIC AND GENETIC FEATURES 34 ASSOCIATED WITH 34 MELANOMA PROGRESSION 4.2. INTRATUMOR HETEROGENEITY AND MELANOMA-CELL PLASTICITY 5. MELANOMA ONCOGENES AND “NON-ONCOGENE” DEPENDENCIES 39 41 5.1. MELANOMA ONCOGENES: “CLASSICAL” VERSUS “LINEAGE-SPECIFIC” FACTORS 41 5.2. NON-ONCOGENE DEPENDENCIES IN MELANOMA: AUTOPHAGY AND BEYOND 44 6. TREATMENT OF CUTANEOUS MELANOMA 48 OBJECTIVES 51 OBJETIVOS 55 MATERIALS AND METHODS 59 1 Contents 1. CELLS 61 2. GENE SET ENRICHMENT ANALYSIS (GSEA) IN MULTITUMOR DATASETS 61 3. OLIGONUCLEOTIDE ARRAY CGH (COMPARATIVE GENOMIC HYBRIDIZATION) 62 4. TISSUE MICROARRAYS (TMAS) AND IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY (IHC) 62 5. KAPLAN-MEIER SURVIVAL ANALYSES 62 6. PROTEIN IMMUNOBLOTTING 63 7. IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE AND CONFOCAL-BASED SINGLE-CELL QUANTIFICATION IN 63 TISSUES 8. IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE IN FIXED CELLS 64 9. RAB7 EXPRESSION IN MELANOMA “INVASIVE” OR “PROLIFERATIVE” GENE 65 SIGNATURES 10. STABLE INHIBITION OF RAB7 FUNCTION 65 11. SITE-DIRECTED MUTAGENESIS AND RAB7 shRNA- RESCUE ASSAYS 66 12. siRNA-MEDIATED GENE SILENCING OF ATG7, RAB7, VPS34, SOX10 AND MITF 66 13. BECLIN1 STABLE RNA INTERFERENCE 67 14. CELL PROLIFERATION AND COLONY FORMATION ASSAYS 67 15. ANIMAL EXPERIMENTS: XENOGRAFT ASSAYS AND MELANOMA MODELS 68 16. MATRIGEL INVASION ASSAYS 68 17. ASSESSMENT OF LYSOSOMAL FUNCTION 69 18. GENERATION OF PEI-COMPLEXED PIC GENERATION OF PEI-COMPLEXED PIC 69 19. DRUG TREATMENTS AND VIABILITY ASSAYS 69 20. FLUID PHASE ENDOCYTOSIS ASSAYS 70 2 Contents 21. RNA EXTRACTION, RT-PCR AND HIGH THROUGHPUT RNA SEQUENCING 71 22. VISUALIZATION AND QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF CYTOSKELETAL ALTERATIONS 72 (CYTOOCHIPS) 23. VIDEO AND FIXED-CELL FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPY OF ENDOCYTIC AND 73 AUTOPHAGIC TRAFFICKING 24. TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY 73 25. PROTEIN SECRETION ASSAYS 74 26. ONCOGENE-INDUCED SENESCENCE ASSAYS IN PRIMARY HUMAN MELANOCYTES 74 27. STATISTICAL ANALYSES 75 RESULTS 77 1. LINEAGE-RESTRICTED TRAITS ASSOCIATED WITH THE LYSOSOME IN MELANOMA 79 2. LINEAGE-RESTRICTED OVEREXPRESSION OF RAB7 IN MELANOMA 81 3. MITF-INDEPENDENT OVEREXPRESSION OF RAB7 IN MELANOMA 83 4. LINEAGE-ADDICTION OF MELANOMA CELLS TO RAB7 84 5. MELANOMA CELL MORPHOLOGY AND INVASIVE POTENTIAL CONTROLLED BY RAB7 87 6. RAB7 IS AN EARLY-INDUCED MELANOMA DRIVER TUNED DOWN AT INVASIVE 89 STAGES OF TUMOR PROGRESSION IN VIVO 7. HALTED DEGRADATION OF NON-CANONICAL AUTOPHAGOSOMES AND 91 MACROENDOSOMES IN RAB7-DEPLETED MELANOMA CELLS 8. DERAILED VESICLE TRAFFIC BY RAB7 DOWNREGULATION PROMOTES THE SECRETION 93 OF LYSOSOMAL PROTEASES 9. GLOBAL CHANGES IN GENE EXPRESSION AND PROTEIN SECRETION PROGRAMS BY MODULATION OF RAB7 LEVELS 3 95 Contents 10. UPSTREAM REGULATION OF RAB7 BY MELANOCYTE DEVELOPMENTAL PATHWAYS 97 11. REGULATION OF RAB7 EXPRESSION AND FUNCTION BY ONCOGENIC SIGNALING 98 PATHWAYS IN MELANOMA CELLS 12. ACTIVATION OF ONCOGENIC SIGNALING IN NORMAL MELANOCYTES DEREGULATES 100 RAB7 AND ITS ASSOCIATED VESICLE TRAFFICKING PATHWAYS 13. ONCOGEN-DRIVEN ACTIVATION OF RAB7 IN VIVO 102 14. MODULATION OF RAB7-ASSOCIATED ENDOLYSOSOMAL VESICLE TRAFFICKING BY 103 TREATMENT WITH ds-RNA-BASED NANOCOMPLEXES 15. RAB7-MEDIATED VESICLE TRAFFICKING IS ACTIVELY INVOLVED IN THE ANTI- 104 MELANOMA ACTIVITY OF ds-RNA-BASED NANOCOMPLEXES DISCUSSION 109 1. LESSONS FROM MULTITUMOR GSEA IN MELANOMA GENE DISCOVERY 111 2. BIOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS OF MELANOMA-ASSOCIATED TRAITS IDENTIFIED BY GSEA 113 3. CELL LINEAGE AS A DETERMINANT OF RAB7 EXPRESSION AND FUNCTION IN CANCER 115 4. RAB7 EXPRESSION AND FUNCTION IN MELANOMA PROGRESSION 116 5. RAB7 VERSUS MITF AND OTHER LINEAGE-SPECIFIC MELANOMA DRIVERS 119 6. DOWNSTREAM EFFECTOR PATHWAYS OF RAB7 IN MELANOMA CELLS 119 7. ANTITUMOR THERAPEUTIC OPPORTUNITIES TARGETING ENDOLYSOSOMAL 122 PATHWAYS 8. PERSPECTIVES 125 CONCLUSIONS 127 CONCLUSIONES 131 4 Contents REFERENCES 135 APPENDIX 161 1. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES 163 2. SUPPLEMENTARY FIGURE 171 3. SUPPLEMENTARY VIDEO LEGENDS 172 4. PUBLICATIONS 173 5. PRESENTATIONS 173 5 Contents 6 Abbreviations Abbreviations “Lo bueno, si breve, dos veces bueno” Baltasar Gracián (1601-1658) 7 Contents 8 Abbreviations AJCC - American Joint Committee on Cancer AFU - Arbitrary Fluorescence Units AKT - v-Akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog ATG - Autophagy-related gene ATP - Adenosine triphosphate AURKB - Aurora kinase B BCL2 - B-cell lymphoma 2 BECN1- Beclin1 BRAF - v-Raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1 BRN2 - PUO class 3 homeobox 2 (POU3F2) BSA - Bovine serum albumin CCND1 - Cyclin D1 CCLE - Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia CDC - Cell division cycle CDK - Cyclin-dependent kinase CDKN2A - Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A cDNA - Complementary DNA CEACAM1 - Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 CGH - Comparative genomic hybridization CI - Confidence intervals CM - Conditioned media CMT2B - Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2B 9 Abbreviations CNIO - Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas CSC - Cancer stem cell CQ - Chloroquine CTLA-4 - Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 CTRL - Control CTS - Cathepsin DAPI - 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole DFS- Disease Free Survival DMBA - 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene DMEM - Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium DMSO - Dimethyl sulfoxide DN - Dominant negative DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid dsRNA - Double-stranded RNA E2F1 - E2F transcription factor 1 EDNRB - Endothelin receptor type B EDTA - Ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid EGFR - Epidermal growth factor receptor EIPA - 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl) amiloride EMT - Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition ER - Endoplasmic reticulum 10 Abbreviations ERK - ERK, extracellular signal-regulated kinase ETV1 - Ets variant 1 FACS - Fluorescence-activated cell sorting FBS - Fetal Bovine Serum FDA - US Food and Drug Administration FDR - False discovery rate FGF - Fibroblast growth factor FGM - Fibroblast growth medium FYCO1 - FYVE and coiledcoil domain containing 1 GAP - GTPase-activating protein GAPDH - Glyceraldehydes‐3‐phosphate dehydrogenase GDP - Guanosine diphosphate GEF - Guanine nucleotide exchange factor GFP - Green fluorescent protein GLI2 - Glioma-associated oncogene family member-2 GO - Gene ontology GNAQ - Guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), q polypeptide GSEA - Gene Set Enrichment Analysis GTP - Guanosine 5'-triphosphate GTPase - Guanine nucleotide triphosphatase H&E - Hematoxylin and eosin 11 Abbreviations HOPs - Homotypic fusion and protein sorting complex HR - Hazard ratio HRAS - v-Ha-ras harvey rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog HRP – Horseradish peroxidase HSP70 - 70-kDa heat shock protein IF- Immunofluorescence IFNα – Interferon-alpha IgG – Immunoglobulin G IHC - Immunohistochemistry IL - Interleukin INH - Inhibitor kDa - Kilodalton KEGG - Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes KGM - Keratinocyte growth medium KIT - v‐kit Hardy‐Zuckerman 4 feline sarcoma viral oncogene homologue LAMP - Lysosomal membrane protein LC3 - Microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 LDH - Lactate dehydrogenase LTR - Lysotracker 3-MA - 3-Methyladenine MAPK - Mitogen-activated protein kinase MC1R - Melanocortin-1 receptor 12 Abbreviations MDA-5 - Melanoma differentiation-associated protein 5 MEF - Mouse embryonic fibroblasts MEK - mitogen-activated protein/extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase MET - met proto-oncogene (hepatocyte growth factor receptor) MGM -Melanocyte growth medium miRNA - microRNA MITF - Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor MMP - Matrix metalloproteinase mRNA - Messenger RNA MSRC - Matrix screening remote control mTOR - Mammalian target of rapamycin MUT - Mutated/mutant MVB - Multivesicular bodies MYC - v-Myc myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog NCCN - National Comprehensive Cancer Network NCI - National Cancer Institute NEDD9 -Neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally down-regulated 9 NF1 - Neurofibromatosis Type 1 NRAS - v-Ras neuroblastoma viral oncogene homolog NT - Non treated OIS - Oncogene Induced Senescence 13 Abbreviations ORP1L - OSBP (oxysterol-binding protein) related protein OS - Overall Survival P - Probability values PAX3 -Paired box-3 PBS - Phosphate-Buffered Saline PBS-T Phosphate-Buffered Saline with Tween PCR - Polymerase chain reaction PD1 - Programmed death 1 PDL1 - Programmed cell death 1 ligand PEI - Polyethyleneimine PET-CT -Positron emission tomography - computed tomography PFA - Paraformaldehyde PGC1α - PPARGC1A PI3K - phosphoinositide-3 kinase PI3KC3 - Class III type phosphoinositide 3-kinase pIC - Polyinosine-polycytidylic acid [pIC]PEI - Polyinosine-polycytidylic acid complexed with polyethyleneimine PKC - Protein kinase C PTEN - Phosphatase and tensin homolog qRT- PCR - Real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction RAB - Ras-related in brain 14 Abbreviations Rabring7 - Rab7-interacting ring-finger protein RAC1 - Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 RAS - at sarcoma viral oncogene homolog RB - Retinoblastoma RILP - Rab7-interacting lysosomal protein RGP - Radial-growth Phase RNA - Ribonucleic acid RNAi - RNA interference RECIST - Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors RT - Room Temperature RTK - Receptor tyrosine kinase SA-β-Gal - Senescence-associated β-galactosidase SAHF - Senescence-associated Heterochromatin Foci SD - Standard deviation SDS - Sodium dodecyl sulfate SEM - Standard error of estimate of mean value shRAB7 - RAB7 shRNA shCtrl - Control shRNA shRNA - Short hairpin RNA siRNA - Small interfering RNAs SMO - Smoothened 15 Abbreviations SNARE - Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor SOX10 - SRY-box-containing gene 10 TBC1D15 - TBC1 domain family, member 15 TBC1D16 - TBC1 domain family, member 16 TF - Transcription factor TFDP1 - Transcription factor Dp-1 TGFα - transforming growth factor-alpha TGFβ - transforming growth factor-beta TGN - Trans-Golgi network TNM - Tumor-Node-Metastasis TMA -Tissue Microarrays TP53 - tumor protein 53 TRP2 - Tyrosinase-related protein 2 TYR - Tyrosinase UV - Ultraviolet UVRAG - UV radiation resistance-associated gene; Vps, vacuolar protein sorting VEGF - vascular endothelial growth factor VGP - Vertical-growth Phase VPS34 - Vacuolar protein sorting 34 WB - Western blotting WHO - World Health Organization 16 Abbreviations WNT - Wingless‐type MMTV integration site family WT - Wild Type 17 Summary 18 Abbreviations Summary 19 Summary 20 Summary Melanoma was first described as a tumor entity in 1806, and it has since remained a prime example of a heterogeneous, aggressive and treatment-resistant malignancy. Despite great progress made in the understanding of the molecular basis underlying melanoma initiation and progression, the field still lacks clinically relevant biomarkers, consensus on metastatic progression mechanisms and effective treatments for the management of advanced stages. Consequently, this PhD thesis was set to: (1) identify new genes driving melanoma pathogenesis, (2) characterize their role in tumor initiation and progression, and (3) use this information for the development of novel therapeutic strategies. We focused on the study of lineage-specific traits as a strategy to identify novel factors that might be inherently and distinctively altered in melanoma. Mining of multi-tumor gene expression data sets identified a cluster of lysosomal genes that is uniquely enriched in melanoma cells and that distinguishes this tumor type from over 35 malignancies. Within this cluster, we demonstrated a dependency of melanoma cells on the GTPase RAB7, which was observed to maintain cell proliferation in a tumor typeselective manner. In contrast to classical melanoma-associated oncogenes such as BRAF, whose depletion blocks both cell proliferation and invasion, tuning down RAB7 favored the transition to metastatic stages. RAB7 levels were found to affect melanoma cell phenotype by modulating the fate of PI3K-driven vesicles, which instead of being directed towards the lysosome for degradation, accumulated and were diverted into secretory pathways when RAB7 expression was tuned-down. The outcome of derailed RAB7-regulated vesicle traffic translated into melanoma-cell selective changes in gene expression profiles, cytoskeletal reorganization, and secretion modulators of extracellular proteolysis and matrix remodeling. Importantly, we found RAB7 to be expressed independently of MITF, the best known lineage-specific melanoma oncogene known to date. Instead, we identified that, in melanoma cells, RAB7 levels are controlled by both SOX10, an early driver of the melanocytic lineage, and PI3K signaling, which is frequently activated during tumor initiation. These results were revealed by computational methods, live microscopy, histological and functional analyses of human biopsies, cell lines and mouse models. Moreover, the clinical relevance of these results was demonstrated in followup studies of patient prognosis. Finally, here we demonstrated that tumor-cell specific features of RAB7dependent vesicle traffic have the potential to be exploited therapeutically. Specifically, we found a novel strategy (based on dsRNA-based nanocomplexes) to promote an efficient self killing of melanoma cells by inducing a massive mobilization of autophagosomes, endosomes, and lysosomes, and the subsequent activation of apoptotic caspases. Together, the results of this PhD thesis underscore a unique lineage-restricted wiring of endolysosomal pathways that actively contributes to melanoma progression and serves as a tractable vulnerability that can be pursued for drug development. 21 Summary 22 Summary Resumen 23 Resumen 24 Resumen El melanoma se describió por primera vez como una entidad tumoral en 1806, y desde entonces, se mantiene como ejemplo de neoplasia agresiva, heterogénea y quimiorresistente. A pesar de avances notables en la compresión de las bases moleculares de la progresión del melanoma, no se dispone de biomarcadores con suficiente valor pronóstico. Del mismo modo, no existe un consenso sobre los mecanismos que subyacen al proceso de metástasis, ni se han desarrollado tratamientos eficaces para las fases avanzadas de la enfermedad. Por todo ello, esta tesis doctoral se ha centrado en: (1) identificar nuevos genes esenciales para el desarrollo del melanoma, (2) definir su regulación y su función en la progresión tumoral, y (3) utilizar esta información para el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias terapéuticas. En particular, nos centramos en el estudio de características específicas de linaje celular con el fin de identificar nuevos factores pro-oncogénicos inherentes al melanoma. El análisis de perfiles de expresión génica de diversos tipos tumorales reveló que las muestras de melanoma presentan un enriquecimiento selectivo de genes codificantes de proteínas lisosomales, que distingue a este tipo de cáncer de más de otros 35 tipos tumorales distintos. Dentro de esta huella genética, identificamos la GTPasa RAB7 como un nuevo gen esencial para el mantenimiento de la capacidad proliferativa de estas células tumorales. A diferencia de “oncogenes” clásicos como BRAF, cuya inactivación inhibe tanto la proliferación como la invasión tumoral, la reducción en los niveles de RAB7 favorece la transición a estadios metastásicos. Encontramos que esta doble función oncogénica de RAB7 se debe a su capacidad para regular el destino final (degradación o reciclaje) de vesículas citoplasmáticas inducidas por rutas oncogénicas que activan PI3K. La desregulación de tráfico vesicular controlado por RAB7 produce cambios globales en los perfiles de expresión génica de las células de melanoma, afectando a genes implicados en rutas de señalización clave en cáncer. Además, afecta al citoesqueleto y la secreción de factores involucrados en la remodelación de la matriz extracelular. Por otro lado, determinamos que RAB7 se expresa y actúa de manera independiente de MITF, el oncogén específico de melanoma mejor conocido hasta el momento. En cambio, demostramos que la expresión selectiva de RAB7 en las células de melanoma está controlada específicamente por SOX10, el factor más apical en la diferenciación melanocítica, y por la vía de señalización de PI3K, activada frecuentemente durante la iniciación tumoral. El papel de RAB7 en la progresión del melanoma se determinó mediante estudios en líneas celulares humanas, biopsias clínicas y modelos animales. Además, la relevancia clínica de estos datos se determinó en estudios de seguimiento a 10 años, en los que se demostró que los niveles de expresión de RAB7 determinan el riesgo de desarrollo de metástasis en pacientes. Finalmente, demostramos que las rutas de tráfico vesicular dependientes de RAB7 que están específicamente activadas en células tumorales pueden constituir nuevas dianas terapéuticas. En concreto, desarrollamos una estrategia (basada en 25 Resumen nanopartículas de ARN de doble cadena) para inducir la autodestrucción de las células tumorales a través de la movilización de macroendosomas, autofagosomas y lisoaomas, y la posterior activación de caspasas apoptóticas. En conjunto, los resultados de esta tesis doctoral han revelado una regulación y activación de la maquinaria endolisosomal que se establece de forma específica en el melanoma, contribuyendo a la progresión de esta enfermedad y que, por otro lado, también confiere una vulnerabilidad a las células tumorales que puede ser explotada con fines terapéuticos. 26 Summary Introduction 27 Resumen 28 Introduction 1. THE MELANOMA CHALLENGE: WHERE ARE WE NOW? Malignant melanoma is a cancer that arises from specialized pigment-producing cells, the melanocytes, which predominantly reside in the skin1. This tumor type is characterized by having an intrinsic capacity to metastasize2, 3 and an unyielding resistance to chemotherapy4. Thus, despite accounting for only a small proportion of skin cancer cases (less than 5%), melanomas are responsible for over 80% of skin cancer related deaths5, 6. During the last 30 years, the number of new melanoma cases has strikingly increased worldwide5, 7, 8, becoming an unsolved public health problem in many parts of the globe9. In the USA, 1 in 35 men and 1 in 54 women are expected to develop melanoma during their lifetime, a probability that places this tumor type as the fifth and seventh most frequently occurring cancers in males and females, respectively5. The increasing incidence and persistent resistance of melanoma to treatment has sparked many efforts aimed at elucidating the etiology and pathogenesis of this disease, as well as developing improved therapies. To date, these efforts have resulted in important scientific milestones (reviewed in 10). These range from comprehensive genomic analyses11-13 to the discovery of new promising antitumoral drugs1416 . In addition, early detection and prevention campaigns have effectively increased awareness about this disease, consequently improving patient survival in countries with high-incidence rates, such as Australia, the United States, and Northwestern Europe17-19. Despite this extensive scientific progress, melanoma is still a paradigm of aggressiveness in human cancer. So far, this tumor is only curable by surgical resection at very early stages5, and the median overall survival of patients with metastatic disease rarely surpasses one year16, 20-22. Genetic complexity12, histopathological and biological heterogeneity23, 24 , and the inherent ability of melanoma cells to circumvent emerging targeted therapy16, are some of the main challenges 25, 26 that complicate the attainment of a cure for Fig. 1 Age-adjusted Melanoma Death Rates per Sex, European Union, 1975 – 2006. Rates per 100,000 population. Source: Ref. 27 29 Introduction metastatic melanoma. Consequently, and in contrast to most cancer types (which have shown decreasing mortality rates during the last three decades), melanoma remains one of the few exceptions currently exhibiting an increasing trend in mortality (Fig. 1), especially among Caucasian individuals of 50 years of age and older5, 27. The challenge, therefore, persists. 2. THE CELL OF ORIGIN OF MELANOMA: THE MELANOCYTE Melanomas arise from the malignant transformation of melanocytes. These cells are located primarily in the skin1, the largest organ of the human body28 . As depicted in Fig. 2, the skin is comprised of three main layers: i) the outer layer, the epidermis, mostly composed of keratinocytes; ii) the middle layer, the Fig. 2. The skin architecture. At the top, the close-up shows melanocytes in the basal layer of the epidermis, surrounded by keratinocytes (basal cells) dermis, containing fibroblasts, immunocompetent mast cells and macrophages, and structures such as blood and lymph vessels, hair roots and sweat glands; and (iii) the most inner layer, the subcutaneous layer, mostly composed of fatty tissue29-31. Specifically, melanocytes reside along the basal layer of the Source: National Cancer Institute website (http://www.can epidermis and in the hair follicles32. Through dendritic projections, each melanocyte establishes contacts with about 36 keratinocytes, forming the so-called epidermal-melanin unit29, 33. Epidermal and follicular melanocytes derive from highly motile neural crest progenitors that migrate to the skin during early embryonic stage34. Once differentiated, melanocytes are the manufacturers of melanin pigment, which they transfer to neighbouring keratinocytes within specialized membranebound organelles termed melanosomes29, 35 . By producing and delivering melanin to keratinocytes, melanocytes provide photoprotection, thermoregulation, and the visible pigmentation of the skin and hair. More importantly, as melanin functions as an absorptive pigment, melanocytes provide protection against ultraviolet (UV) damage to the skin and the underlying tissues36, 37. The function and survival of melanocytes is highly dependent on neighbouring cells (such as epidermal keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts) as well as on external signals from the environment (such as UV irradiation)38, 39. Alterations 30 Introduction of these cutaneous melanocytes can give rise to benign and malignant proliferative disorders (nevi and malignant melanoma, respectively) as detailed in the following section. In addition to the skin, melanocytes can also be found in extracutaneous tissues of the body, such as pigmented tissues of the eye40, the leptomeninges41, the inner ear42, 44 respiratory, gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts , and the heart 45, 46 43 , mucosal surfaces from . Malignant transformation of these melanocytes results in noncutaneous forms of melanoma, which account for about 5% of all malignant melanocytic tumors47. These include ocular melanomas48, leptomeningeal melanomas49, and mucosal melanomas50, 51, among others. The anatomic location of melanocytes is emerging as a key factor that defines developmental patterns, morphology, function, and gene expression profile in these cells23, 32 . Consequently, the impact of the anatomic location on the epidemiological, clinical, histopathological, and genetic differences between cutaneous and noncutaneous melanomas is currently being studied23. 3. CLASSIFICATION OF CUTANEOUS MELANOCYTIC LESIONS Cutaneous melanocytic tumors encompass a variety of lesions that display a heterogeneous spectrum of clinical, histopathological and molecular presentations. As this heterogeneity can be observed even at the early onset of the lesions, melanocytic tumors have been classified into multiple subtypes23, 52, 53. 3.1. BENIGN MELANOCYTIC LESIONS: NEVI Nevi (commonly known as moles) are indolent clonal proliferations of melanocytes6, 52. Although there is still no universal consensus on a coherent classification scheme for nevi54-56, the conventional system grossly divides nevi according the time of onset (congenital or acquired) and histopathology (junctional, compound, or dermal)57. Congenital nevi are those present at birth, or that appear shortly thereafter58. Acquired nevi, in contrast, start to appear after 6th months of age, and increase in number until a peak during the third decade of life59. These can be subdivided into junctional, dermal, and compound nevi, according to the histologic location of the melanocytic nests within the skin: in the dermal-epidermal junction, in the dermis, or both in the epidermis and the dermis, respectively57, 59 . Junctional or compound acquired nevi exhibiting architectural and cytological atypia are termed dysplastic nevi52, and they often occur in a familial manner60. These and other clinical and histopathological criteria are the 31 Introduction basis of the current World Health Clinicopathologic subtype of nevi Organization (WHO) classification of benign Most commonly mutated oncogene nevi, which recognizes different categories, such as common acquired nevi, congenital nevi, spitz nevi and blue nevi, among others52 Common acquired BRAF Spitz HRAS Congenital NRAS (see examples in Fig. 3). Importantly, it has been demonstrated that the clinicopathologic heterogeneity of nevi correlates with the presence of activating mutations in specific oncogenes (Fig. 3)61-66. These activating mutations are also found in malignant Blue GNAQ melanoma. However, in the case of benign nevi, operant senescence pathways (see section 4) are thought to prevent malignant Fig. 3. Representative subtypes of nevi and their most frequently mutated oncogene. Sources: Refs. 61-66 transformation of melanocytes. The distinction of different types of nevi is clinically relevant for various reasons. First, most nevi remain benign for decades67. However, specific subtypes, such as dysplastic or large congenital nevi are considered to be potential precursors of melanoma68-72 and mark individuals with an increased risk of melanoma development73-77. Nevertheless, the extent to which melanocytic nevi can transform into melanoma cells is controversial60, 78. Secondly, nevi can be pathologically complex and mimic histological features of melanomas, therefore resulting in misdiagnosis. In fact, misdiagnosis of melanoma is the second most common reason for cancer malpractice claims in the United States79-82. Therefore, main efforts in the field are oriented to define and validate molecular biomarkers that accurately distinguish benign nevi from malignant melanomas83-85. 3.2. MALIGNANT MELANOCYTIC LESIONS: MELANOMA Melanomas are the result of malignant transformation of melanocytes1, 6. Since their first description as an independent disease entity by Dr. René Laennec in 180686, 87, it has become clear that melanomas are, in fact, markedly heterogeneous23, 53, 88. For decades, clinical and histological features have been the basis for melanoma classification23, 53. Currently, with the advent of molecular profiling techniques, 32 Introduction these classification schemes are being redefined89. An overview of different classifications of melanoma is presented below. Clinicopathological classification The site of presentation and histologic growth pattern have been traditionally used to classify cutaneous melanomas into four major subtypes: superficial spreading, lentigo malignant, acral-lentiginous, and nodular melanomas90-94. Table S1 (Appendix) shows the key defining clinical and histopathological features of these melanoma subtypes. The WHO classification52 includes these frequent melanomas and more uncommon ones: namely, desmoplastic melanoma95, naevoid melanoma96, melanomas arising from a blue naevus97, melanomas arising in a congenital nevi98, melanoma of the childhood99, and persistent melanoma100, all of which differ in their specific clinical and/or histological presentation. It was originally suggested that the major subtypes of cutaneous melanoma were associated with characteristic biologic behaviors and different patient outcomes91-93. However, more complex analyses of larger datasets demonstrated no significant difference in overall survival between subtypes when tumors of equivalent thickness were compared101, 102. Consequently, most, if not all, current guidelines for melanoma staging and treatment are formulated as if it were a single disease entity23, below, Clinicopathologic subtypes of melanoma 103, 104 . However, as detailed classification schemes for melanoma are currently being redefined and are expected to gain significant Superficial spreading melanoma BRAF 59-78% NRAS 3-22% Lentigo maligna melanoma BRAF 40-60% KIT 16-28% NRAS 15-29% Acral melanoma BRAF 12-23% KIT 9-36% NRAS 8-15% Nodular melanoma BRAF 43-68% NRAS 12-31% Uveal melanoma GNAQ 50% KIT 1-76% Mucosal melanoma KIT 15-39% NRAS 5-15% BRAF 3-11% clinical relevance in the coming years. Emerging clinicogenetic classifications Comprehensive genomic studies 11, 105-108 have revealed that distinct genomic profiles do in fact associate well with the classical clinicopathological features distinguished above; specifically, with the anatomical site of presentation and the Commonly mutated oncogenes Fig. 4. Melanoma clinicopathologic subtypes and their most 109 frequently mutated oncogenes. Adapted from Ref. 33 Introduction degree of sun damage. A brief summary of some of the most commonly mutated genes found in each melanoma subtype is depicted in Fig. 4109. These genomic studies have been highly relevant from a basic and translational point of view. They have provided molecular evidence supporting the long-suspected heterogeneity of the clinicopathological melanoma subtypes, setting the basis for the recognition of putative divergent routes for melanomagenesis thought to result from a complex relationship between melanoma and sun exposure23, 110, 111 . In addition, these studies have led to the redefinition of melanoma classification schemes, which are expected to gain significant relevance in the clinical management of future melanoma patients23, 88, 89, 112-114. The precise number of clinicogenetic melanoma subtypes and their definitive defining criteria are still, however, under determination23, 115, and will most likely evolve along with the development of additional technological advances and emerging concepts. 4. DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESSION OF MELANOCYTIC LESIONS Despite the great progress made in the clinicopathologic and molecular classification of malignant melanoma, it is clear that even within each subgroup, lesions can display notable intra- and inter-tumor heterogeneity116. As presented below, this additional level of melanoma heterogeneity has important biological and clinical implications as it derives from, but also fosters, cancer progression117-120. 4.1. HISTOLOGIC, BIOLOGIC AND GENETIC FEATURES ASSOCIATED WITH MELANOMA PROGRESSION Cancer progression has been conceptualized as a multistep process whereby normal cells accumulate genetic alterations that enable tumor growth and metastatic dissemination121. In the case of melanocytic neoplasia, different histologic lesions are thought to reflect different steps of this process6, 122, 123. This was first recognized by Dr. Clark and colleagues in the mid 1980´s, proposing a landmark model for melanoma progression comprised of five different clinicopathologic steps: i) benign nevus, characterized by an increased number of nested melanocytes; ii) dysplastic nevus, a benign lesion with random and discontinuous cytologic atypia; iii) radial-growth phase (RGP) melanoma, a malignant lesion in which tumor cells grow restricted to the epdiermis; iv) vertical-growth phase (VGP) melanoma, defined by the presence of nodular dermal invasion; and v) metastatic melanoma, distinguished by the presence of melanoma cells growing at sites different from the site of origin122. 34 Introduction The traditional multi-step model for melanoma progression Normal Skin implies a transition from a benign (nevi) to malignant (melanoma) lesion6, 122 . However, this concept has raised controversy60, 78, as up to 80% of melanomas lack histological signs of a pre-existing nevus69, 124-128. This has prompted the Dysplastic Nevus Bening Nevus definition of a revised model for melanoma progression (Fig. 5)129, 130, which theorizes melanoma as developing de novo, i.e. directly from normal melanocytes or precursor cells, ? RGP ? although the contribution of melanocyte stem cells or nonpigment producing melanoblasts to melanomagenesis remains poorly characterized131, 132. VGP Despite this controversy, and as detailed below, it has been widely demonstrated that nevi, RGP, VGP, and metastatic melanomas reflect distinct molecular and biologic characteristics associated with the malignant and metastatic potential of melanocytic tumors6, 123, 133. Metastatic Melanoma Fig. 5. Models for melanoma progression. Adapted from Ref. 130 Nevi and melanocyte oncogene-induced senescence (OIS) As mentioned above, nevi are the benign counterpart of melanomas6, 123, 130, 134. They harbor activating mutations in oncogenes such as BRAF, NRAS, or HRAS66, but their malignant degeneration is thought to be prevented by the activation of fail-safe mechanisms, the best characterized being oncogene-induced senescence (OIS)67, 135, 136. OIS was described and proposed as a barrier to tumorigenesis more than a decade ago, in a study in which the overexpression of oncogenic HRAS was found to trigger an irreversible arrest in primary human and rodent fibroblasts137. This premature form of senescence is mediated by tumor suppressor pathways, primarily p16(INK4a)/Rb and p19(ARF)/p53/p21 (reviewed in ref. 138 ). Not surprisingly, these pathways are commonly inactivated in many cancer types, including melanoma135, 139 . Dysplastic nevi, classically considered precursors of melanoma6, 60, 122 forms of melanoma67 also harbor genetic aberrations in these tumor suppressor pathways. 35 , and familial Introduction Ultimately, OIS induces phenotypic and molecular changes that have come to be regarded as “markers” of the process, and have been instrumental in identifying novel tumor suppressors and oncogenes135, 140, 141 . These changes include: senescence-associated β-galactosidase activity (SA-β-Gal); morphological changes; increased expression of p16, ARF, p21 or p53; senescence-associated heterochromatin foci (SAHF); DNA damage; decreased Ki-67 proliferation marker; and the absence of gross telomere shortening, among others67, 135, 142. Studies in human cells, and in mice and fish in vivo, have reinforced the concept of active OIS blunting the transformation of melanocytes143-145. 136, 144-149 . Curiously, the expression of oncogenic BRAF, HRAS, and NRAS in primary human melanocytes triggers distinct types of OIS143, 150. For example, OIS driven by HRAS (and not by BRAF) is associated with a massive cytosolic vacuolization (see Fig. 6) and an induction of the Unfolded Protein Response (UPR), an adaptive intracellular signaling pathway that responds to metabolic stress, oxidative stress, and inflammatory response pathways (reviewed in 151 143 ) . Moreover, different from other human and murine cells, p53, p21CIP/WAF, p16INK4A, and p14ARF are not essential drivers of OIS in melanocytic cells152. Normal HRASG12V BRAFV600E Fig. 6. Differential OIS programmes induced by HRASG12V and BRAFB600E in primary human melanocytes. Both oncogenes result in the induction of positive SA-β-Gal staining (bue), but BRAFV600E-expressing melancoytes do not exhibit the characteristic cytosolic vacuolization of their HRASG12V 143 counteraparts. Adapted from Ref. Importantly, human nevi can manifest features of OIS, such of SA-β-Gal, giant and multinucleate cells, decreased levels of the proliferative marker Ki67, and high levels of p16136, 144-149 . However, the specificity of the association of some of these OIS markers to benign, but not malignant, melanocytic tumors has been debated145, 153-156 . This raises the need to better define bona fide markers of senescence in vivo78. These definitions could hopefully serve as the gold standard for the correct distinction between nevi and melanomas. Moreover, the precise genetic determinants of the different subtypes of nevi have yet to be determined. 36 Introduction RGP melanoma and tumor initiation One of the early events in the pathogenesis of melanoma is the activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase (MAPK) and/or phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI3K) pathways (mainly by mutations in BRAF or NRAS but also in upstream receptor tyrosine kinases such as KIT or ERBB4)157, 158 . However, activation of these pathways is not sufficient to promote the malignant transformation of melanocytes159, 160. The development of radial growth phase (RGP) of melanoma requires the acquisition of additional genetic mutations by melanocytes, that prevent or bypass the OIS barrier, and/or cooperate in malignant transformation161. Via these additional genetic aberrations, RGP melanoma cells acquire the ability to actively proliferate; however, they do so within the epidermis because they are still keratinocyte-dependent for survival and are not yet tumorigenic nor invasive6. The identification of the genetic combinations that synergize with oncogenic BRAF or NRAS to successfully promote melanoma initiation has been the subject of active investigation in the last decade. Extensive research using in vitro and/or in vivo experimental models of melanomagenesis has yielded the identification of a handful of initiating genetic alterations, mainly the loss of tumor suppressors such as CDKN2A162, 163, PTEN164-166, TP53167, 168, RB1168 or NF1169, and the activation of additional oncogenes, such as AKT3170 and MITF171, shown to cooperate with oncogenic BRAF in the malignant transformation of melanocytic cells. Importantly, these driving genetic aberrations have been identified in human melanoma biopsies, albeit at different relative frequencies160 (see Table 1 in section 5). Still, the onset and underlying mechanisms driving these molecular changes are not yet completely understood172-175. For example, PTEN loss has been shown to promote both initiation and metastatic progression in experimental melanoma models164-166, 176, 177. However, it is not clear whether PTEN loss is an early or late event in human melanomas12, 175, 178, 179. Thus, there is a remaining need to better delineate the increasing list of melanoma tumor suppressors and oncogenes within the initiation and/or progression of the human disease. VGP melanoma and the acquisition of the competency to metastasize During the vertical growth phase (VGP), melanoma cells acquire the competency to invade. They become immortal and tumorigenic, can escape from the anchorage to surrounding keratinocytes, and 37 Introduction invade the basement membrane to grow intradermally. There, melanoma cells can induce angio- and lymphangiogenesis and intravasate into the lymphatic or blood circulation. The acquisition of these functional capabilities has been associated with decreased differentiation119, downregulation of proapoptotic genes180, or aberrant expression of miRNAs181, 182. Other events involve the deregulation of cell adhesion and matrix remodeling factors, such as loss of E-cadherin and overexpression of N-cadherin, matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2), cathepsins, integrin αVβ3, and the carcinoembryonic antigenrelated cell adhesion molecule 1 (CEACAM1), among others6, 183-185. VGP melanoma cells can also secrete angiogenic factors–mainly vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs), fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF2), Interleukin (IL) -8, and transforming growth factors α and β (TGF-α and β) –that function in cooperation with receptors for extracellular matrix, integrins, and MMPs186. In addition, VGP melanoma cells can also promote metastasis by interaction with stromal and immune cells (mainly fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells, and endothelial cells), directly through cell-cell contacts and also by secretion of soluble factors and extracellular matrix molecules187, 188 . Melanoma cells also promote cancer progression by blocking the anti-tumor immune response of immune cells residing in or recruited to the different stages progression transition of (Fig. 7) between Skin VGP RGP Nevus Primary (TMA) analyses performed along the Nevus gene expression and tissue microarray Skin Interestingly, several high-throughput Metatasis tumor microenvironment189, 190. melanoma highlight thin and the thick primary melanomas as the point of greatest molecular change180, These studies have also 191-195 . been fundamental to identify the epithelial-tomesenchymal (EMT) transition as a major determinant of melanoma progression196. However, the number of clinically validated biomarkers of disease progression is still limited 83, 197 . Fig. 7. Examples of high-throughput gene expression (left) and TMA (right) analyses at different stages of melanoma progression. Sources: Ref. 192 (left) and Ref. 195 (right) 38 Introduction Metastatic melanoma and the colonization of distal tissues In the last step of melanoma progression, termed metastatic melanoma, circulating tumor cells can successfully extravasate, survive, and colonize distal locations6, 198. The most common sites of regional metastasis are nearby skin, sub-cutaneous tissue, and lymph nodes, while distant metastases involve the skin, lung, brain, liver, bone, and intestine199. Recent evidence has demonstrated that primary melanoma tumors send signals (i.e. small vesicles named exosomes200, 201 or soluble factors like VEGFC202, 203 ) to optimize the conditions for tumor cell recruitment, extracellular matrix deposition, and vascular proliferation at distal sites, preparing the so-called “pre-metastatic niche”204. 4.2. INTRATUMOR HETEROGENEITY AND MELANOMA-CELL PLASTICITY Despite great advances in the histologic, biologic, and molecular characterization of the distinct steps of melanoma progression, the understanding of the mechanisms that ultimately drive this process forward remains incomplete. The fact is that neoplasms, and melanomas are no exception, are not static entities117. In the classical view, melanoma progression was understood as a one-way, linear process resulting from the irreversible accumulation of genomic, genetic, and epigenetic aberrations that conferred a survival advantage for tumor cells6, 123. This scenario has become more complex in light of an emerging body of evidence that uncovers tumor-cell plasticity and intratumor heterogeneity, two closely related phenomena that result from and drive cancer progression117. Thus, new models of melanoma progression recognizing this complexity are currently under discussion119, 205. The phenotype switch model suggests that melanoma progression –and its associated phenotypic heterogeneity– is driven by distinct gene expression programmes imposed by a changing microenvironment206-208. This model stemmed from various gene-expression studies performed in melanoma cell lines and tissue biopsies (reviewed in Ref191) that reported the existence of two distinct subpopulations of melanoma cells: one characterized by high expression of melanocytic lineagespecification genes and proliferation promoting factors (the so-called “proliferative” signature); and the other by a low expression of these genes and high expression of genes involved in invasion and microenvironment remodeling (the so-called “invasive” signature). In addition, functional studies showed that these two gene expression signatures correlate well with the metastatic209-211 and chemoresistant212 capacities of melanoma cells. Importantly, while melanoma cells seem to exhibit a characteristic transcriptional profile when cultured in vitro191, 209, it has been shown that, in vivo, they 39 Introduction can dynamically switch back-and-forth between these two differentiation or biologic states206, 208. This has been visualized in real time by intravital imaging of melanoma allografts in nude mice213. This phenotype switch model is consistent with EMT-like gene expression patterns that several molecular profiling studies have reported for genes involved in melanocyte differentiation (e.g. MITF, BRN2), proliferation (e.g. Cyclin D1), and invasiveness (e.g. GLI2, WNT5A)192, 195, 196, 214, 215. Specifically, during the RGP-to-VGP transition, pro-invasive genes were found to be increased and differentiation and proliferation genes decreased; these changes were found to be found reverted in distal metastases192, 195, 196, 214, 215 . Among the “oscillating” genes reported, the transcription factors MITF, GLI2, and BRN2 have been proposed as the mediators of the profound gene expression changes that accompany melanoma progression216-218. An alternative model for melanoma development involves cancer stem cells (CSCs). CSCs have been defined as a subpopulation with long-term survival, high self-renewal tumorigenic capacities, and, most notably, the ability to generate phenotypically diverse, non-tumorigenic progeny24, 206, 219 . Thus, according to the CSC model, intratumor heterogeneity is hierarchically organized and epigenetically controlled220. However, both the existence and exact nature of CSCs in melanomas have been controversial. While some studies have proposed a specific and rare subpopulation as the driver of melanoma growth and metastasis221-223, others have reported that, in fact, most melanoma cells have the ability to initiate tumors and recapitulate intratumor heterogeneity24, 224 . More reliable CSCs markers225 and experimental protocols117 might help to clarify the current understanding of CSCs in melanoma progression. In this context, an emerging concept is that stemness might not be a fixed property. Instead, dynamic and reversible changes in the expression of putative CSC melanoma markers have been demonstrated. For example, melanoma CSCs marked by JARID1B expression have been shown to be a dynamically changing subpopulation resulting from the phenotypic switching of more “differentiated” melanoma cells205, 226. In addition, the expression of OCT4, a stemness gene227 recently found to control melanoma progression, has been also shown to be dynamically regulated in a hypoxiadependent manner228. Despite the controversy regarding the source of intratumor heterogeneity and the drivers of melanoma cell plasticity, the hope remains that further understanding of these phenomena will result in improvements in melanoma patient care229. In addition, the recognition of the phenotypic complexity of melanoma tumors has opened new exciting avenues of research, such as the identification of its 40 Introduction molecular regulators, the understanding of the contribution of the tumor microenvironment, and its implications in the response to targeted chemotherapy207, 230, 231. However, a unifying model–one that reconciles the different views of melanoma progression and frames them within the currently accepted models of cancer evolution in general232–is pending. 5. ONCOGENES AND “NON-ONCOGENE” DEPENDENCIES IN MELANOMA In light of the genetic complexity and phenotypic plasticity of melanoma, one of the most challenging and active areas of research in the field involves identifying tumor dependencies (i.e. genes or pathways that are specifically required for tumor maintenance). Multiple melanoma oncogenes have been identified to date (see below in Table 1), and have set the basis for the emerging era of personalized medicine in melanoma. Additionally, deregulation of pathways related to cellular energetics and metabolism have been recently demonstrated as additional points of vulnerability for tumor cells that could also be exploited therapeutically233. These pathways are not inherently oncogenic themselves, but have been shown to be essential in supporting the oncogenic phenotype of tumor cells, an intriguing idea that has been recently termed “non-oncogene addiction”233. The next section summarizes the key melanoma oncogenes and “non-oncogene addictions” described in melanoma. 5.1. MELANOMA ONCOGENES: “CLASSICAL” VERSUS “LINEAGE-SPECIFIC” FACTORS As shown in Table 1, the majority of melanoma oncogenes function either by activating the MAPK and/or PI3K pathways (e.g. BRAF, NRAS, ERBB4 or AKT3), or by deregulating cell cycle check-points (e.g. CCND1 or CDK4). These factors suffer activating genetic aberrations which are frequently shared among different tumor types160 and have been termed “classical oncogenes”234. A less characterized type of tumor dependency in melanoma relates to lineage-specific genes. These genes are required for the survival and differentiation of normal precursor cells, but can be “hijacked” by tumor cells to favor cancer initiation and/or progression. This newly-recognized kind of dependency has been termed “lineage addiction/dependency“, and does not necessarily involve the acquisition of activating genetic mutations234, 235. 41 Introduction Gene Alterations Frequency Pathway affected BRAF Poi nt mutation 50% MAPK NRAS Poi nt mutation 20% MAPK, PI3K ERBB4 Poi nt mutation 15-20% MAPK, PI3K KIT Poi nt mutation 1% overa l l (10% a cra l l entigi nous , 10% mucos a l ) MAPK, PI3K AKT3 Ampl i fi ca tion 25% PI3K CCND1 Ampl i fi ca tion 10% Cel l cycl e NEDD9 Ampl i fi ca tion 50-60% Sca ffol d protei n (Integri n β3 a nd Src*) CDK4 Poi nt mutation or a mpl i fi ca tion 5% Cel l cycl e MITF Ampl i fi ca tion 20% Mel a nocyte l i nea ge ETV1 Ampl i fi ca tion 15% MITF PTEN Ampl i fi ca tion 50-60% PI3K TP53 Ampl i fi ca tion Poi nt mutation or del etion 5% Cel l cycl e 30% Cel l cycl e Ki na s es or s i gna l i ng fa ctors Tra ns cri ption fa ctors Tumor Suppres s ors CDKN2A/p16 Table 1. Melanoma Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressors. Adapted from Ref. 160, and from Ref. 235 The best characterized melanoma lineage-specific oncogene is the microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF). MITF acts as a master regulator of melanocyte development, function, and survival by inducing the transcription of differentiation and pigmentation genes (e.g. TYR, RAB27), and proliferation and anti- apoptotic factors (e.g. BCL2, CDK2)234, 236-239. The expression and activity of MITF is tightly controlled upstream by key regulatory pathways involved in melanocyte commitment from neural crest stem progenitors. Specifically, MITF is subjected to: i) transcriptional regulation by PAX3 and SOX10, and ii) signaling regulation predominantly by Wnt/β-Catenin, melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R), and KIT signaling pathways240, 241 (Fig. 8). Interestingly, many of the factors regulating MITF also contribute to melanoma maintenance or progression (i.e. WNT242, KIT243, NRAS106, BRAF244, PAX3245-247, and SOX10248, 249)160, 241, 250. Similarly, pro-oncogenic functions have been also been demonstrated for certain downstream targets of MITF, namely RAB27251 and BCL2A1252. 42 Introduction MITF has long been known for its critical roles in melanocytic cell biology253, 254 . However, the recognition of MITF as a melanoma oncogene in melanoma stemmed, in fact, from a multi-tumor comparison of genomic aberrations across different cancer types171. MITF was found to be specifically amplified in melanoma cell lines and essential for melanoma proliferation. However, MITF amplification was found to occur in only 20% of melanoma biopsies, most of which were metastatic and lead to poor survival prognosis171. Moreover, it has been shown that MITF expression can be silenced by different inhibitory mechanisms216, melanomas 257 255, 256 , as it is commonly found to be downregulated in advanced (except in those in which MITF is amplified257, primary tumors 214, 257 and melanoma cell lines 216, 217 258 ). In fact, these low-MITF expressing are, surprisingly, highly invasive and metastatic. The recognition of these opposing roles for the lineage-specific transcription factor MITF (i.e. required for tumor cell survival/proliferation but promoting invasiveness when tuned-down) has expanded the prevailing notion–that oncogenes are typically hyperactivated and sustained along tumor progression– to a framework that includes not only the usurpation of developmental pathways in cancer2, 234 , but also their dynamic regulation to favor metastatic dissemination217, 259. Whether additional lineage-specific oncogenes exist, acting beyond the MITF transcriptional program and favoring melanoma progression, is unclear. Fig. 8. The MITF regulatory axis in melanocytic cells. Source: Ref. 43 160 Introduction 5.2. NON-ONCOGENE DEPENDENCIES IN MELANOMA: AUTOPHAGY AND BEYOND In addition to the aforementioned role of “classical” or “lineage”-specific oncogenes, melanoma cells have also been proposed to become addicted to “non-oncogene” mediators of tumorigenesis. Autophagy Macroautophagy (hereafter autophagy) or 'self-eating' has recently emerged as a “non-oncogene” dependency of melanoma cells. Autophagy is a highly conserved, lysosomal-mediated, catabolic process whereby damaged organelles and proteins are degraded within double-layered vesicles called autophagosomes. This process has essential roles in survival, development, and homeostasis260. Thus, autophagy is constitutively active in most, if not all, eukaryotic cells. Moreover, autophagy can be hyperactivated under situations of cellular stress including nutrient or growth factor deprivation, hypoxia, reactive oxygen species, DNA damage, protein aggregates, damaged organelles, or intracellular pathogens261. Rapamycin AUTOPHAGY mTOR Phagophore Autophagosome LC3 conjugation ATGs BECLIN1/VPS34 Class III PI3K PI3K Inhibitors Damaged organelles or proteins RAB7 SNAREs UVRAG LAMP1/2 Amphisome Autolysosome Chloroquine Bafilomycin A1 Lysosome Plasma membrane proteins LYSOSOMAL DEGRADATION Hydrolases Permeases RAB7 RAB5 Early Endosomes Extracellular material Late Endosomes ENDOCYTOSIS Plasma membrane Fig. 9. Overview of the autophagic pathway. Examples of factors regulating the early and late stages of autophagy and endocytosis are marked in blue; and of pharmacological agents modulating the process, in white. Sources: Refs.262 and 266. 44 Introduction Autophagy is a multi-step and tightly regulated process. Fig. 9 illustrates distinct steps of the process and its key regulatory factors (marked in blue). The initiation of autophagy involves the nucleation of an isolation membrane or phagophore. This structure then elongates and closes itself to form the doublemembrane autophagosome, sequestering the cytoplasmic cargo that will be subsequently degraded. These steps are dependent on so-called autophagy-specific genes (ATG) such as ATG7262, 263, BECLIN1, and the Class III PI3K (also known as VPS34264), among others, and require the lipidation and insertion of the LC3/ATG8 protein into the autophagosome8. Next, the formed autophagosome fuses with the lysosome to form autolysosomes. In most cases, this final step is preceded by a maturation step, during which the autophagosome receives input from the endocytic pathway (early endosomes, late endosomes, and multivesicular bodies (MVBs)) and forms the so-called amphisome265. Interestingly, this late stage of autophagy (maturation and fusion with the lysosomal compartment) depends on molecular actors that are also involved in the endocytic and/or lysosome biogenesis pathways, such as small GTPase RAB7266, 267, UVRAG268, and LAMP2269, among others8 (Fig. 9). Consequently, the lysosome is the major degradation site of eukaryotic cells, not only for cellular proteins via autophagy, but also for material internalized via the endocytic pathway and coming from the plasma membrane or the extracellular environment (Fig. 9)270. Mechanisms regulating autophagy are complex. A main modulator is the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), a bioenergetic sensor that limits the initiation of autophagy under normal physiological non-stressful cellular conditionns271. Thus, rapamycin can be used as an experimental tool to induce autophagosome formation272. Autophagy can also be pharmacologically blocked, both at early stages (by inhibitors of PI3KC3) or at late stages (by lysosomal inhibitors, such as Chloroquine or Bafilomycin1273) (Fig. 9). The status of autophagy can be detected experimentally using different Electron Microscopy GFP-LC3 aggregation LC3-I to LC3-II conversion + - - + LC3-I LC3-II β-Actin Fig. 10. Commonly used methods for the detection of autophagosomes: Left, electron microscopy imaging of autophagy induced by cysplatin treatment (source: Ref. 275); middle, fluorescence microscopy of rapamycin--induced GFP-LC3- foci (source: ref. 276); and right, western blot of LC3-I/II in bafilomycin1-treated cells (source: Ref. 277) 45 Introduction methods, such as, electron microscopy image analysis, fluorescence detection of GFP-LC3 dots, or western blot detection of LC3 lipidation, all of which indicate an accumulation of autophagosomes273-276 (Fig. 10). In cancer, autophagy can display complex and paradoxical roles: it can be pro-277 or anti-278, 279 tumorigenic, and, if modulated by chemotherapy, it can promote survival280 or cell death281, 282. Thus, the exact role of autophagy in cancer is context-dependent. In the case of melanoma, it has been proposed as an “Achilles’ heel”283 in light of an increasing body of evidence demonstrating that melanoma cells actively utilize and, more importantly, become addicted to autophagy for survival274. Specifically, inhibition of basal autophagic degradation –by either knock-down of the ATG5 gene or chloroquine treatment– induces melanoma cell death274. Moreover, the hyperactivation of autophagy by an acidic microenvironment284 or by arginine and leucine deprivation285288 is required for melanoma cells to survive under these stressful growth conditions. In addition to tumor maintenance, some studies in vitro are suggestive of a pro-tumorigenic role of autophagy in melanoma cell invasiveness289, 290 ; however, histopathological analyses along the distinct steps of progression in human samples are actually controversial291-293, and this matter requires further investigation291-293. Finally, in the context of melanoma treatment, preclinical models have unraveled autophagy as a chemoresistance mechanism that limits the efficacy of several anticancer drugs289, 294-298. Thus, targeting autophagy, which is mostly done by inhibiting lysosomal degradation, is emerging as a promising strategy in the fight against melanoma. It is also becoming clearer that autophagy is a highly dynamic process and that, under specific circumstances of cellular stress, melanoma cells can mount pro-survival adaptative responses that rely on the inhibition (not always the activation) of this pathway. Specifically, while being a protective mechanism in counteracting aminoacid deprivation287, 288, autophagy can also drive melanoma cell death in the context of glucose deprivation299. This type of death occuring by autophagy (not just with autophagy) has been termed “autophagic cell death”300, and has also been shown to participate in the mode of action of certain chemotherapies, such as bortezomib301 and metformin302. In addition, activation of autophagy has been proposed to increase the efficacy of immunotherapy, particularly at early stages of melanoma development303, 304. Given these multifaceted roles of autophagy in cancer, 46 Introduction there is a pending need to better understand the mechanisms that might underlie the contextdependency of this pathway. Beyond autophagy: an emerging role of vesicle trafficking regulators Autophagy is just one of the numerous vesicle-mediated pathways that transport proteins throughout the intracellular space of eukaryotic cells. Additional pathways, namely endocytosis and exocytosis, exert critical functions in organelle biogenesis and protein transport between intracellular compartments and to and from the extracellular environment270. Vesicle trafficking is receiving increasing attention in the cancer field due to its impact on intra-cellular and extra-cellular signaling305307 , yet its contribution to melanoma pathogenesis remains poorly characterized. Vesicle trafficking is finely orchestrated by the RAB proteins (as depicted in Fig. 11), the largest family of small GTPases, which function as molecular switches that alternate between two conformational states: the GTPbound 'on' form and the GDPbound 'off' form308. This switch is controlled by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs), which trigger the binding of GTP, and GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs), which accelerate hydrolysis of the bound GTP to GDP309, 310 . RAB proteins also undergo a membrane insertion and extraction cycle, which is partially coupled to the nucleotide cycle311. The ability to Fig. 11. Localization and function of Rab GTPases as coordinators of vesicle traffic. Each step of membrane traffic requires a specific RAB protein. 308 Source: Ref. cycle between GTP- and GDP-bound states and to specifically function at distinct intracellular 47 Introduction membranes, confer RAB proteins the capacity to temporally and spatially regulate membrane transport312. Specifically, RAB proteins control each of the four major steps in membrane traffic (namely vesicle budding, delivery, tethering, and fusion), functions that are carried out by a diverse collection of effector molecules that bind to specific RABs in their GTP-bound/membrane-bound state311. RAB proteins are emerging as critical players in cancer. An illustrative example is RAB25, an epithelialcell-specific RAB that has been implicated in various cancer types, yet with reports presenting it both as an oncogene313-318 and a tumour-suppressor gene319-323. Another example is RAB8, which has been shown to mediate invasiveness of adenocarcinoma cells through the exocytosis of MT1-matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) 324. Interestingly, recently developed bioinformatic algorithms aiming to predict putative drivers of tumorigenesis have suggested a promising, yet uncharacterized role, for vesicle trafficking regulators in melanoma251. In particular, this computational framework revealed frequent genetic aberrations in vesicle trafficking genes in cultured melanoma cells. Two of these genes (namely RAB27 ,an MITF target involved in melanosome and exosome transport236, 325; and TBC1D16, a Rab GAP involved in endocytic recycling326) were empirically demonstrated to be required for the in vitro proliferation of a subset of melanoma cell lines by mechanisms that need to be further elucidated251. Nevertheless, these results certainly encourage a more in-depth analysis of the role of vesicular trafficking in melanoma251, 327. 6. TREATMENT OF CUTANEOUS MELANOMA As with other malignancies, the clinical management of patients with cutaneous melanoma initially depends on the stage at the time of diagnosis. Breslow (mm) 5-year Survival Rates (%) The TNM classification (Table S2) and stage grouping of melanoma patients <1.0 95-100 (Table S3) is based on extensively revised clinical and histopathological prognostic factors, included in American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) 1.0-2.0 80-96 2.1-4 60-75% >4.0 37-50% 101 Melanoma Staging Database . The depth of primary tumor invasion (or Breslow Thickness328) is one of the most relevant histological prognostic factor for metastatic disease and poor overall survival (Fig. 12)5, 101. Other clinically relevant predictors of poor prognosis included in the AJCC TNM Fig. 12. Breslow thickness and patient prognosis. Source: Melanoma Research Foundation website: system include: presence of ulceration and mitotic figures in the primary tumor; presence of melanoma 48 Introduction cells in lymphatic vessels, sentinel lymph nodes or distant organs; and elevated serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDL) (Table S2)101. The standard of treatment of localized melanoma is surgical excision with adequate margins. Complete sentinel lymph node(s) dissection is recommended for patients with involved regional nodes, although at present, there is no clear survival benefit for this approach329. The only Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved effective adjuvant therapy for patients who have undergone a complete surgical resection, but are considered to be at high risk for relapse, is high dose of pegylated interferon alpha (IFNα)-2b, which has substantial side effects330. Once melanoma has spread to distant sites, this disease is rarely curable331. Since 1970 and until very recently, the only standard therapy for patients with metastatic disease had been dacarbazine. Response rates with this alkylating agent are usually less than 10% and are generally transient332. IL-2 was also approved by the FDA in 1998 on the basis of durable, long-term, and complete responses. However, this response was seen in only a small proportion (0-8%) of patients treated and was associated with significant secondary toxicities332. More recently, two new strategies have widened the therapeutic armamentarium for melanoma. These correspond to (i) a fully humanized immunoglobulin G1 monoclonal antibody that blocks cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4) to potentiate an antitumor T-cell response (Ipilibumab)14, 333 ; and (ii) a selective inhibitor of BRAF V600E kinase (Vemurafenib)15, indicated only for those patients with a demonstrated BRAF V600E mutation by an FDA-approved test331. In addition to these two approved drugs, other treatment options are under clinical evaluation331. Examples include vaccines against immunogenic melanoma antigens334-336; immunotherapy targeting PD1 or PDL1160; targeted therapy against KIT, MEK, PI3K, AKT, NRAS, mTOR, and CDK4160; and several combinatorial approaches160, among many other strategies. Radiotherapy is employed for symptomatic relief of brain and visceral metastases that cannot be resected; however, its optimal role in the treatment of melanoma is highly controversial332. Despite the strategies that have been developed to fight against metastatic melanoma, we have not attained a curative treatment for patients with metastatic disease and still face several challenges. First, melanoma cells are intrinsically death-resistant. The precise mechanisms accounting for this resistance are still unknown, but in part involve a high expression of anti-apoptotic factors (of the Bcl-2 family and others) inherited from their precursor cells, the melanocytes4, 252. Further rewiring of pro-apoptotic and survival pathways during tumor progression4, 121 results in increased resistance to cell death. In this line, the remarkable genetic heterogeneity, stemness properties, and differentiation plasticity associated with cancer progression have also been proposed to contribute to the therapeutic refractoriness of 49 Introduction melanoma cells337. Consequently, targeted therapy can only be applied to a fraction of patients who, unfortunately, eventually relapse due to the acquisition of an array of additional genetic alterations, at a median interval of 6 months on therapy16, 25. Finally, in the case of immunotherapy, relatively slow responses, serious side effects, and a lack of response biomarkers compromise its promising clinical benefits16, 338. With this scenario, new strategies for overcoming the intrinsic and acquired resistance of melanoma cells are urgently needed. 50 Objetives Objectives 51 Introduction 52 Objectives Melanoma encompasses a heterogeneous group of tumors that display an array of distinct histopathologic, biologic, and molecular features. Despite this variability, melanomas share an inherent aggressiveness, cell plasticity, and resistance to standard anticancer therapies. Thus, the ultimate goal of this PhD thesis was to identify novel molecular players involved in melanoma progression and drug response. As even highly unstable cancers retain features that trace back to the cell type of origin, the study of lineage-specific traits offers the potential of identifying new pro-oncogenic drivers that could be inherently and distinctively altered in melanomas. It is becoming clear that melanoma cells hijack transcription factors and signaling molecules involved in the development and function of melanocytes. In the case of melanoma, two tissue-specific oncogenes have been identified to date, namely MITF and its target BCL2A1. However, these oncogenes are amplified in only a subset (<30%) of tumors. Moreover, the transcriptional program controlled by MITF is sometimes shut off in advanced stages of the disease. The existence of additional lineage-dependent oncogenic drivers underlying the different spectrum of melanomas and acting beyond the control of MITF remains unclear. Therefore, the specific objectives of this PhD thesis were: 1. THE STUDY OF MELANOMA LINEAGE-RESTRICTED TRAITS FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF NOVEL CANDIDATE MELANOMA DRIVER GENES 2. FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERIZATION OF CANDIDATE DRIVER GENES IN MELANOMA PROGRESSION 3. THE IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF NOVEL THERAPEUTIC STRATEGIES FOR THE TREATMENT OF MELANOMA 53 Introduction 54 Objetives Objetivos 55 Introduction 56 Objetivos El melanoma abarca un grupo heterogéneo de tumores malignos que muestran una gran variabilidad histopatológica, biológica y molecular. A pesar de esta heterogeneidad, los melanomas comparten una inherente agresividad, plasticidad celular y resistencia a las terapias antitumorales convencionales. Por lo tanto, el objetivo último de esta tesis doctoral era identificar nuevos mecanismos implicados en la progresión del melanoma y en su respuesta a fármacos citotóxicos. En esta tesis nos centramos en el estudio de características específicas de linaje celular con el fin de identificar nuevos factores prooncogénicos inherentes al melanoma. En este sentido, se ha propuesto que las vías de señalización y factores de transcripción involucrados en la diferenciación y función de los melanocitos desempeñan un papel activo en la progresión del melanoma. Dos oncogenes específicos de tejido, MITF y su diana transcripcional BCL2A1, han sido identificados hasta la fecha en melanoma. No obstante, estos oncogenes sólo se encuentran amplificados en una fracción (<30%) de pacientes. Además, el programa transcripcional regulado por MITF puede inactivarse en estadios avanzados de la enfermedad. Se desconoce si existen mecanismos pro-oncogénicos alternativos asociados al linaje celular que actúen de forma independiente de la ruta de MITF en melanoma. Por lo tanto, los objetivos específicos de esta tesis doctoral fueron: 1. EL ESTUDIO COMPARATIVO DE LA EXPRESION GÉNICA EN DISTINTOS TIPOS TUMORALES PARA IDENTIFICAR NUEVOS GENES PRO-ONCOGÉNICOS ESPECÍFICOS DEL MELANOMA. 2. LA CARACTERIZACIÓN DEL PAPEL DE GENES CANDIDATOS EN LA PROGRESIÓN DEL MELANOMA 3. LA IDENTIFICACIÓN Y CARACTERIZACIÓN DE NUEVAS ESTRATEGIAS TERAPÉUTICAS PARA EL TRATAMIENTO DEL MELANOMA 57 Introduction 58 Objetives “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better”. Samuel Beckett (1906-1989) Materials and Methods 59 Introduction 60 Materials and Methods 1. CELLS The human melanoma cell lines (SK-Mel-5, SK-Mel-19, SK-Mel-28, SK-Mel-29, SK-Mel-103, SK-Mel-147, SK-Mel-173, G-361, UACC-62, Mel-1, WM-164, 1205Lu, WM-1366, Mel1, WM-88, WM-983B, WM-852, WM-209, WM-793B, WM-902B, WM-278, WM-115, WM-35) and the other human cell lines -T98G (glioblastoma), U251 (glioma), A549 (non-small cell lung cancer), MiaPaca-2 (pancreatic cancer), RWP1 (pancreatic cancer), PC3 (prostate cancer), SW1710 (bladder cancer), 639V (bladder cancer), HeLa (cervical cancer), HCT116 (colorectal cancer), HT29 (colorectal cancer), SW480 (colorectal cancer), SW620 (colorectal cancer), LoVo (colorectal cancer), BT549 (breast cancer), MCF7 (breast cancer), MBAMD-231 (breast cancer). FTC-133 (thyroid cancer), CAL-62 (thyroid cancer), 8505C (thyroid cancer), U20S (osteosarcoma) and 293FT (transformed human embryonic kidney cells) were cultured in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (Invitrogen; Carlsbad, CA, USA) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (Lonza, Basel, Switzerland). Primary human melanocytes, fibroblasts and keratinocytes were isolated from neonatal foreskins (obtained from the Hospital Niño Jesús, Madrid, Spain), and cultured as described339. Melanocytes were maintained in Medium 254 supplemented with melanocyte growth factors (HMG-1) containing 10ng/ml phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (Invitrogen); fibroblasts were maintained in 10% FBS DMEM Medium and keratinocytes in Epilife medium (Invitrogen), containing Human Keratinocyte Growth Supplement (Invitrogen). 2. GENE SET ENRICHMENT ANALYSIS (GSEA) IN MULTITUMOR DATASETS GSEA340 was performed using annotations from whole-genome Biocarta, KEGG, Reactome and GenMAPP pathway databases. Genes were ranked using the t statistic. After Kolmogorov-Smirnoff testing, those pathways showing false discovery rates (FDR) <0.25, were considered enriched between classes under comparison. Gene Ontology (GO) terms (Biological Process, Cellular Component and Molecular Function) from level 3 to 19 were also evaluated by GSEA. Additionally, we customized the data mining including trafficking gene sets annotated according to the InterPro database and published literature308. GSEA was applied to multi-cancer NCI-60 panel, spanning 60 different human cancer cell lines across 9 different tumor types using previously reported datasets341, 342. The GSEA findings were confirmed in the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE) dataset, spanning 807 samples from different tumor types343. The GSEA enrichment plots show the running enrichment score (ES, marked in green) for the indicated gene set as the analysis walks down the ranked list of genes. Also shown is the ranked gene set, where the members of the gene set appear in the ordered genome-wide dataset. 61 Materials and Methods 3. OLIGONUCLEOTIDE ARRAY CGH (COMPARATIVE GENOMIC HYBRIDIZATION) DNA samples from melanoma cell lines (SK-Mel-19, -28, -29, -103, -147, -173, UACC-62 and G-361) were hybridized against Human Genome CGH 44K microarrays (G4410B and G4426B) (Agilent Technologies, CA, USA), spanning the entire human genome at a median resolution of ~75Kb. Human genomic female DNA from Promega was used as reference. The hybridizations and data analyses were performed according to the manufacturer’s protocols. Slides were scanned with an Agilent Scanner, and data were analyzed with Agilent Feature Extraction and CGH Analytic software 3.5.14 (Agilent Technologies). 4. TISSUE MICROARRAYS (TMAS) AND IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY (IHC) Paraffin-embedded whole-tissue sections and TMAs comprising duplicate samples from common nevi (N=45), primary radial growth phase malignant melanomas (N=16), primary vertical growth phase malignant melanomas (N=97), and skin and visceral melanoma metastases (59), were stained with antibodies against RAB7A (Prestige Antibody, from Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA) and Cyclin D1 (FLEX, Clone SP4, from Dako, Glostrup, Denmark) following previously described protocols195. Additionally, RAB7 was stained in a multi-tumor tissue microarray (TMA) containing tissue samples (in duplicates) from the following cancer types: melanoma (N=23), lymphoma (N=11), sarcoma (N=15), basal cell carcinoma (N=2), ovarian (8), breast (N=4), colon (N=7), pancreatic (N=3), renal cell (N=7), lung (N=10), prostate (N=4), thyroid (N=9), neuroglial (N=7), liver (N=3), testicular (N=4), endometrial (N=2) and bladder (N=2) tumors. RAB7 protein expression was scored blinded according to staining intensity by two independent dermatopathologists. The percentage of CCND1-positive cells was determined using an automated scanning microscope and computerized image analysis system (Ariol SL-50; Genetix, Hampshire, UK). 5. KAPLAN-MEIER SURVIVAL ANALYSES Clinical data and immunohistochemistry scoring were performed blind by two pathologists, and data were compiled only after all analyses were completed. Complete follow-up survival data were available for 112 patients, including 15 cases of radial growth phase and 97 cases of vertical growth phase melanomas. The specimens were classified as low intensity or high intensity of RAB7 staining. The overall survival and disease-free survival curves were estimated with Kaplan-Meier and curves were 62 Materials and Methods compared using logrank test. The hazard ratio was calculated using Cox regression and adjusted with univariate and multivariate model adjusted by Breslow. 6. PROTEIN IMMUNOBLOTTING To determine relative differences in protein levels, 2x106 cells were harvested at the indicated time points. Protein samples extracted from total cell lysates using RIPA or Laemmli buffers were subjected to electrophoresis in 10%, 12% or 15% polyacrylamide SDS gels under reducing conditions, and subsequently transferred to Immobilon-P membranes (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA). Protein bands were detected using the ECL system (GE Healthcare, Buckighamshire, UK). Primary antibodies included: RAB7 (Clone RAB7-117), RAB27A (Prestige antibody), Fibronectin (clone IST-4), β-actin (clone AC-15) and α-Tubulin (clone DM1A) from Sigma (St Louis, MO, USA); Microphthalmia transcription factor (MITF; Ab1, Clone C5) from Thermo Scientific (Fremont, CA, USA); RAB5A, SOX10, CDC2 p34, CDC6 and Hsp70 from Santa Cruz Biotechnology Inc. (Santa Cruz, CA, USA); RAB8 and RAB11 from BD Transduction Laboratories (Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA); LC3B , phospho-AKT (Ser 473) and CEACAM1, from Cell Signaling (Danvers, MA, USA); Cathepsin –B, -D, -X, and –S from R&D Systems (Minneapolis, MN USA ); TFDP1 (DP1 Ab-6) from NeoMarkers (Fremont, CA, USA); GAPDH (hybridoma supernatant) from the CNIO Monoclonal Antibodies Core Unit; and Nucleolin and AURKB from Abcam (Cambridge, UK). HRPconjugated secondary antibodies were from GE Healthcare; and anti-goat-HRP, from Jackson Immunoresearch (West Grove, PA, USA). When indicated, image J software was used to quantify proteins levels. β-actin, α-Tubulin or Nucleolin were used as loading controls. 7. IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE AND CONFOCAL-BASED SINGLE-CELL QUANTIFICATION IN TISSUES Tissue sections were deparaffinized, incubated overnight with primary antibodies at 4 °C in a humidified chamber and then rinsed and incubated with fluorescent secondary antibodies for 1 hour at room temperature. Nuclei were counterstained with Prolong Gold (Invitrogen, concentration 5µg/mL) 20 minutes before imaging. The following primary antibodies were used: RAB7A (Prestige Antibody, powered by Atlas Antibodies) purchased from Sigma (St Louis, MO, USA); and S100 (Ab-1, Clone 4C4.9) and Microphthalmia transcription factor (MITF; Ab-1, Clone C5) from Thermo Scientific (Fremont, CA, USA). For detection, anti-rabbit Alexa Fluor 555 or anti-mouse Alexa Fluor 488 secondary antibodies 63 Materials and Methods from Invitrogen were used. In the case of immunofluorescence (IF) on mouse tissues, M.O.M Mouse IgG Blocking Reagent (purchased from Vector Laboratories; Burlingame, CA, USA); and Image-iT FX signal enhancer (from Invitrogen; Carlsbad, CA, USA) were used before the primary antibody incubation according to manufacturers´ protocols. The fluorescence emission was acquired using a confocal TCSSP5-WLL (AOBS-UV) spectral microscope (Leica Mycrosystems, Wetzlar, Germany). To quantify the intensity of RAB7 signal/cell in melanoma whole-tissue sections, tissues were stained with RAB7 and S100 antibodies, and image mosaics were acquired at 40x (HCX PL APO 1.2 N.A) with the matrix screener application from LAS AF software (Leica). Micrographs were subsequently analyzed with Definiens XD software, first segmenting all the nuclei to delimit single cells, and secondly assigning the different classes according to their IF intensity. The different IF intensity classes are indicated with the following coloring of single cells: green for < 35 arbitrary fluorescence units (AFU), yellow for 35-50 AFU, orange for 50-75 AFU and red for >75 AFU. Blue color represents stromal cells (negative for the melanocytic maker S100). For high-throughput confocal analyses of immunofluorence stainings in tissue-microarrays (TMA), image acquisition was performed using “matrix screening remote control” (MSRC), a new tool for intelligent screening, developed at the CNIO, which improves the quality and speed of image acquisition. In brief, the MSRC tool manages a first fast scan with low resolution settings to generate one image per slide. This fist image is subsequently analyzed by the MSRC software to localize and extract the coordinates of the regions of interest (i.e. tissue samples within the slide). With this spatial information, the MSRC application interacts with the microscope and loads high resolution settings to scan automatically the areas of interest. After image acquisition, TMA analysis was performed by Definiens XD software, first identifying single cells within every tissue and, then, measuring the fluorescence intensities of green (MITF staining) and red (RAB7 staining) channels per cell. 8. IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE IN FIXED CELLS Cells were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS at room temperature for 20 min. Cells were then washed twice with 0.1M glycine in PBS for 10min each, permeabilized with 0.2% Triton X-100 in PBS for 5 min, washed twice with PBS and incubated with 1% BSA in PBS at room temperature for 30 min. Fixed cells were incubated with primary antibody diluted in blocking buffer (1%BSA in PBS) at room temperature for 1 h. Cells were then washed three times with PBS and incubated with Invitrogen´s Alexa-conjugated secondary antibodies at room temperature for 1h. Following incubation cells were washed with PBS and mounted with ProLong® Gold Antifade Reagent with DAPI (Invitrogen). The 64 Materials and Methods following primary antibodies were used: RAB5 sc-309 antibody, from Santa Cruz Biotechnology Inc., (Santa Cruz, CA, USA); RAB7 HPA006964 Prestige antibody, from Sigma (St Louis, MO, USA); and Cathepsin B AF953 antibody, from R&D Systems (Minneapolis, MN USA). Alexa Fluor 555 anti-rabbit IgG and Alexa Fluor 488 anti-mouse IgG (Invitrogen) were used as secondary antibodies. In RNA interference experiments using RAB7 shRNA, cells were fixed and stained with the indicated antibodies at day 6 post lentiviral-infection. 9. RAB7 EXPRESSION IN MELANOMA “INVASIVE” OR “PROLIFERATIVE” GENE SIGNATURES RAB7 mRNA expression was analyzed, together with a total of 111 trafficking-related genes, in 6 independent melanoma gene expression datasets as previously described208, 344. Briefly, melanoma gene expression profiles of each dataset were classified into “Proliferative” (Pro) or “Invasive” (Inv) categories according to the relative expression of proliferation- and invasion- promoting factors. The “proliferative“ signature is associated high expression of proliferation promoting factors and lineage-specification genes (e.g. SOX10, EDNRB, MITF, CCDN1, etc.) while the “invasive” signature is associated with low expression of these genes and high expression of genes involved in invasion and microenvironment remodeling (e.g. WNT5A, INHBA, COL5A1, and SERPINE1)208, 211, 259. A Student’s t-test was conducted to examine the significance of the difference between Pro and Inv values for each of trafficking gene-probe (N=111) and melanoma-data set (N=6). A combined t-test value was calculated using Fisher’s combined probability analysis. Benjamini and Hochberg’s False Discovery Rate was used to correct for multiple testing error. Probe sets with a multiple testing adjusted combined p-value < 0.05 were considered significant. 10. STABLE INHIBITION OF RAB7 FUNCTION RAB7 function was stably inhibited by two independent approaches: (i) lentivirus-driven gene silencing using three previously validated shRNA (here in named as shRAB7 -1, 2 -and -3, targeting the sequences TAGGAGCTGACTTT, TTTCCTGAACCTAT, GATTGACCTCGAAA, respectively), purchased from Sigma (St Louis, MO, USA); and (ii) stable over-expression of the well-described RAB7 dominant negative mutant (eGFP-RAB7(T22N)345, cloned into the pLVO-puro lentiviral vector. pLKO scrambled-shRNA vector (Sigma), pLV empty vector and/or the pLV-GFP-RAB7 wild-type construct were used as controls. Lentiviral infections were performed as previously described143 and the potency and specificity of each construct was determined after puromycin selection (1µg/mL) by protein immunloboting or RT-PCR. 65 Materials and Methods Unless otherwise indicated, cells were plated for expression and functional assays at day 6 postinfection, after selection with puromycin (1µg/mL, 48h). 11. SITE-DIRECTED MUTAGENESIS AND RAB7 shRNA- RESCUE ASSAYS GFP-RAB7 coding sequence, cloned into the pLV-puro lentiviral vector, was made resistant to RAB7 shRNA (Sigma shRNA construct 3, used in all different functional experiments) by generating four silent mutations in the shRNA recognition sequence through site-directed mutagenesis using the QuickChange II XL Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit (Agilent Technologies, CA, USA), according to manufacturer´s protocols. The following mutagenesis primers were 5´GGGAAACAAGATCGATCTTGAGAACAGACAAGTGGCCACAAAGCGG 3´, used: and forward reverse primer primer 5`. CCGCTTTGTGGCCACTTGTCTGTTCTCAAGATCGATCTTGTTTCCC 3´. The mutated plasmid was verified by sequencing. For rescue experiments, SK-Mel-103 cells were infected at different dilutions with pLV-puro lentiviral vector encoding for wild-type GFP-RAB7 or shRNA-resistant GFP-RAB7 to obtain ectopic expression RAB7 levels comparable to endogenous RAB7, according to western blot analyses performed one week after infection. Cells expressing GFP-RAB7 wild-type (wt) and mutated forms were then infected with RAB7 shRNA (construct 3). The selective efficiency of RAB7shRNA depletion of endogenous and ectopic wt GFP-RAB7 vs the shRNA-resistant GFP-RAB7 mutant was verified western blot at day 6 post-shRNA infection. 12. siRNA-MEDIATED GENE SILENCING OF ATG7, RAB7, VPS34, SOX10 AND MITF Cells were transfected with specific short interfering RNA (siRNA) molecules using Lipofectamine 2000 Transfection Reagent (Invitrogen; Carlsbad, CA, USA) according to manufacturer´s protocol. Specifically, for downregulation of Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF), previously validated siRNAs were used346 at a final concentration of 100nM (for SK-Mel-2 and UACC-62 cells) or 250nM (for SK-Mel-28 and SK-Mel-29 cells). To deplete the classical autophagy regulatory gene ATG7, the following specific pair of matched RNA molecules (5’-AAACCUUUGAUCCAAACCCACUGGC-3’ and complement), purchased from Sigma (Carlsbad, CA) was used at a final concentration of 10nM. For VPS34 (PI3KC3), RAB7 and SOX10 silencing, ON-TARGETplus SMART pools from Dharmacon Thermo Scientific (Fremont, CA, USA) were used (Cat # L-005250-00-0005, # L-010388-00-0005 and # L-017192-00-0005, respectively). RAB7 and VPS34 siRNAs were used at a final concentration of 100nM; and SOX10 siRNAs were used at 100nM (for SK-Mel-2 and UACC-62 cells) or 250nM (for SK-Mel-28 and SK-Mel-29 cells).100nM final concentration siGENOME Non-Targeting siRNA #1 (# D-001210-01-20) was used as 66 Materials and Methods control siRNA. Expression analyses were performed at 72h post-transfection, by protein immunbloting and/or RT-PCR. 13. BECLIN1 STABLE RNA INTERFERENCE To stably downregulate the expression of Beclin1 by RNA interference (RNAi), oligonucleotides allowing for the generation of 19-bp short hairpin RNAs (shRNA) were designed following indications by the OligoRetriever Database (http://katahdin. BLAST search was done to ensure at least 4-nucleotide (nt) differences with annotated human genes. The corresponding oligonucleotides (shRNA1: CAGTTACAGATGGAGCTAA, and shRNA2: CGTGGAATGGAATGAGATT) were annealed and cloned under the control of the H1 promoter into a self-inactivating lentiviral vector. Lentiviral infections were performed as previously described143 and the potency and specificity of each construct was determined by RT-PCR. 14. CELL PROLIFERATION AND COLONY FORMATION ASSAYS For proliferation assays, 5000 cells were plated in 96-well optical bottom plates one week after lentiviral transduction. At the indicated time intervals, cells were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde and stained with DAPI. For each time point, total cell number was quantified by automated high-throughput confocal detection of DAPI-stained nuclei (Invitrogen; Carlsbad, CA, USA) using the OPERA HCS platform and the Acapella Analysis Software (Perkin Elmer). Analyses of cell cycle proliferation were performed by flow cytometry using a FACS Canto II flow cytometer and the FlowJo software (BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA, USA). For colony formation assays, 4000 cells per well were seeded onto 6-well plates and were allowed to grow for 15-20 days. The colonies were then stained with crystal violet (0.4g/L), purchased from Sigma (St Louis, MO, USA). When indicated, number of macroscopic colonies were quantified using ImageJ from cystal violet scan images. Blinded scoring of cell scattering was performed in a minimum of 75 colonies per replicate. Colonies were scored as ”compact”, “loose” or “scattered”, according to whether colonies maintained >90%, 30-90% or <30% of cells with cell–cell contacts, respectively. β-galactosidase staining at acidic pH was performed as previously described143. Unless otherwise indicated, proliferation, colony formation and β-galactosidease assays were plated 6 days after lentiviral infections. All experiments were done in triplicates and were repeated at least twice. Data are presented as means ± SEMs of two independent experiments performed with three replicates each. 67 Materials and Methods 15. ANIMAL EXPERIMENTS: XENOGRRAFT ASSAYS AND MELANOMA MODELS To assess tumor growth in mouse xenograft models, 2.0x106 UACC-62 cells, 1.0x106 SK-Mel-103, or 1.0x106 SK-Mel-147 melanoma cells, infected with scrambled shRNA or RAB7 shRNA1, were harvested at day 6 after infection and subcutaneously injected (suspended in 0.1 mL of PBS) bilaterally into the back region of nude mice (N=10 tumors per condition). Tumor growth was measured by an investigator blinded to the experimental conditions. At the indicated time intervals, two orthogonal external diameters were measured with a calliper. Tumor volume was calculated using the formula (a x b2 x 0,52), being“a” the bigger diameter and“b” the smaller diameter of the tumor. When tumours reached a size of 1.5 cm3 they were surgically excised and processed for histology. Endogenous melanomas were generated in the melanocyte-specific Tyr:CreERT2; BRAFV600E/PTENloxP/loxP and Tyr:NRASQ61K;INK4a/ARF-/mouse models as previously described165, 347, 348 . Tumors were surgically excised when reaching a diameter of 1cm, and were processed for histology. Melanoma was confirmed by TRP2 immunohistochemical staining and histological analysis by a pathologist. All experiments with mice met the Animal Welfare guidelines and were performed in accordance with protocols approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee of the CNIO. 16. MATRIGEL INVASION ASSAYS The invasive activity of melanoma cells was determined by matrigel transwell invasion assays using Boyden chambers (0.8 µm BD BioCoat™ Matrigel™ Invasion Chambers; from BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA, USA), according to the manufacturer guidelines. Briefly, cells were serum-starved overnight and were seeded in serum-free DMEM onto the upper chamber. DMEM containing 10% FBS was placed in the lower chamber. After incubation for the indicated time intervals, invading and non-invading cells were first fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde and then stained with DAPI. Single cells were visualized by confocal detection of DAPI-stained nuclei through the 20x objective of a TCS-SP5-WLL (AOBS-UV) spectral microscope (Leica Mycrosystems, Wetzlar, Germany). The transwell membrane was also visualized by laser reflection. LAS AF Matrix screening Software was used for an automated highthroughput acquisition across the total width of the matrigel membrane in 9 different fields per experimental condition. IMARIS 6.3 Software was used to quantify the % of invading cells (normalized to the total cell number per field). Data are presented as means ± SEMs of three independent experiments performed in duplicates. 68 Materials and Methods 17. ASSESSMENT OF LYSOSOMAL FUNCTION The proteolytic activity and acidity of the lysosomal cmpartment were determined by fluorescence detection of proteolyzed DQ-Green BSA (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA), and Lysotracker Red or Blue (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) stainings, respectively, as previously described348. Briefly, DQ™ Green BSA, Lysotracker Red and Lysotracker Blue were used at a final concentration of 10µg/mL, 50nM and 200nM, respectively, and were added to cultured cells 1h before confocal or FACS analyses. For confocal analyses, images were acquired with the TCS-SP5-WLL (AOBS-UV) spectral microscope (Leica Mycrosystems, Wetzlar, Germany) and MetaMorph software was used for co-localization analysis. Mean fluorescence intensities per cell were quantified using ImageJ software in a minimum of 50 randomly chosen cells per condition and pooled data are represented as means ± SEM. For live microscopy experiments, a Delta Vision RT microscope (Applied Precision, Washington, USA) coupled to a CO 2 and temperature-controlled incubation chamber was used. For FACS analysis, LTR-Red and DQ-BSA green fluorescence signals were acquired with a FACS Aria Cytometer, using constant voltages settings for all samples analyzed. 10 000 singlets and live cells (DAPI negatives) suspended in FACS buffer (PBS without Ca and Mg, 0.1-0.5% BSA, 3-5mM EDTA) were acquired per condition. When indicated, cells were infected with scrambled or RAB7 shRNA(3) lentivirus. 5h pre-treatment with the 20µM Chloroquine (purchased from Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA) served as control to monitor DQ-Green BSA emission in cells with blocked lysosomal activity. All experiments were performed in duplicates and were repeated at least twice. 18. GENERATION OF PEI-COMPLEXED PIC GENERATION OF PEI-COMPLEXED PIC The synthetic analog of dsRNA, pIC, was purchased from InvivoGen (San Diego, CA). jetPEI , jetPEI-FluoR and the formulation invivo-jetPEI were purchased to Polyplus-transfection (Ikirch, France). These reagents were used to complex pIC using an N/P ratio (nitrogen residues of JetPEI per RNA phosphate) of 1 to 5, according to the manufacturer’s indications. Unless otherwise indicated, the concentrations of pIC were 1 µg/ml in cultured cells. 19. DRUG TREATMENTS AND VIABILITY ASSAYS Bortezomib (used at 10nM) was obtained from Millenium Pharmaceuticals Inc (Cambridge, MA); doxorubicin (used at 0.2µg/mL) and SB202190 (used at 5µM), from Sigma Chemical (St.Louis, MO); U0126 (used at 5µM) and LY294002 (used at 10µM) from Calbiochem (Germany). Chloroquine (used at 69 Materials and Methods 20µM), bafilomycinA1, E64d and pepstatin A were from Sigma Chemical (St Louis, MO, USA). The percentage of cell death at the indicated times and drug concentrations was estimated by standard trypan blue exclusion assays. To quantify the sensitivity of tumor cell lines to lysosome inhibition by chloroquine treatment, cells were plated at equal cell numbers in duplicates and were incubated with 20µM chloroquine for 48h. After fixation, viable cells were stained with crystal violet. For quantitative viability assessment, cells were plated in 96-well glass bottom plates, were treated as indicated and viable cells were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde, were stained with DAPI (Invitrogen; Carlsbad, CA, USA) and were quantified by automated high-throughput confocal detection of DAPI-stained nuclei using the OPERA HCS platform and the Acapella Analysis Software (Perkin Elmer). Pooled quantification data are presented as means ± SEM of two independent experiments. To verify the efficiency of lysosomal inhibition by chloroquine, the accumulation the autophagosomal marker LC3-II was assessed by Western blot at 8h treatment. 20. FLUID PHASE ENDOCYTOSIS ASSAYS To visualize bulk fluid phase endocytosis, cells were incubated in pre-warmed growth medium containing 1mg/mL Lucifer Yellow (Sigma; St Louis, MO, USA) for 30 minutes. Alternatively, to specifically study macropinocytosis, cells were incubated for the indicated times with 2mg/mL 70000 Da rhodamine-labeled dextran (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA), a classical macropinocytic tracer349, 350. After incubation with fluid phase markers, cells were washed and fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde. When indicated, Alexa Fluor 568 Phalloidin (Invitrogen; Carlsbad, CA, USA) was added to stain cytoskeletal actin. The incorporation of Lucifer yellow and rhodamine-labeled dextran were visualized under a TCSSP5-WLL (AOBS-UV) spectral microscope (Leica Mycrosystems, Wetzlar, Germany), or a Nikon ECLIPSE TiE fluorescence microscope (Izasa, Barcelona, Spain). OPERA HCS platform and the Acapella Analysis Software were used for single-cell quantification of dextran uptake. For quantification of cytosolic vacuolization, cells were fixed with 4% PFA and a minimum of 200 cells per condition were scored according to the number and size of vacuoles. Experiments with RAB7-depleted cells were performed at day 6 after infection with shRNA-lentivirus, or at 72h after transient transfection with siRNA pool. When indicated, cells were either treated with 10µM LY294002, 0.5µM ETP-46992 (a pan-Class I PI3K inhibitor with Ki,app 2.4, 94.1, 8.0 and 62.9nM for p110α, β, δ and δ, respectively)351, or 0.5µM ETP-38 (a Class I PI3K α,δ inhibitor with Ki,app 2.38 and 2.42 nM for p110α and δ, respectively)352, to inhibit Class I PI3Kdriven signaling; were co-transfected with VPS34 siRNA or treated with 3-methyl adenine (1-5mM), to inhibit Class III-PI3K-dependent trafficking; or were co-transfected with ATG7 siRNA, to inhibit the 70 Materials and Methods formation classical autophagosomes. All experiments were done in triplicate and were repeated at least twice. Pooled quantification data are presented as means ± SEM of two independent experiments. 21. RNA EXTRACTION, qRT-PCR AND HIGH-THROUGHPUT RNA SEQUENCING Total RNA was extracted from cell pellets using QIAshredder and Rneasy Mini Kit from Qiagen (Valencia, CA, USA), according to manufacturer´s protocol. For real-time (RT) PCR and qRT-PCR, 2μg total RNA was reverse-transcribed using the high capacity cDNA reverse transcriptase kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA), following manufacturer´s instructions. Single stranded cDNA products were then analyzed using a G-storm termocicler (bioNova científica sl) or the 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR system (Applied Biosystems), and the following primers: for Beclin1, forward primer 5´ GTGGAAAAGAACCGCAAGATAGTG 3´ and reverse primer 5´TCCCAGAAAAACCGCAACCC 3´; for ATG7, forward primer 5´ ACCTGGCATCTGCTGACC 3´ and reverse primer 5´ GCGGGCTTGCTCCAGAGTG 3´; for RAB7, forward primer 5´CATCCTGGGAGATTCTGGAGTCGGG 3´ and reverse primer 5´CGAGAGACTGGAACCGTTCCTGTCCT 3´; for SOX10, forward primer 5´ GCAAGCTCTGGAGGCTGCTGAACG 3´ and reverse primer 5´ GGCGCTCTTGTAGTGGGCCTGG 3´; and for VPS34, forward primer 5´ CGGAAAAGCAGTGCCTGTAGGAGG 3´ and reverse primer 5´ GCTTTGGTGAGCTTGGCAAGACGG 3´. The following primers for 18S were used as loading controls: forward primer 5´ CTTTCGAGGCCCTGTAATTG 3´ and reverse primer 5´ GGCCTGCTTTGAACACTCTAA 3´. For high throughput RNA sequencing, total RNA from three independent experiments was extracted from tumor cell lines (SK-Mel-28, UACC-62, HCT116), stably expressing scrambled shRNA or RAB7 shRNA (shRNA 3) and harvested at day 3 after lentiviral infection. RNA Integrity Numbers were in the range 8.6 to 10 when assayed on an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies, CA, USA), PolyA+ RNA fraction was extracted and randomly fragmented, converted to double stranded cDNA and processed through subsequent enzymatic treatments of end-repair, dAtailing, and ligation to adapters as in Illumina's "TruSeq RNA Sample Preparation v2 Protocol" (Part # 15026494 Rev. C, Illumina, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA). Adapter-ligated library was completed by 8 cycles of PCR with Illumina PE primers. The resulting purified cDNA library was applied to an Illumina flow cell for cluster generation (TruSeq cluster generation kit v5) and sequenced on the Genome Analyzer IIx with SBS TruSeq v5 reagents following manufacturer's protocols. Read files were quality-checked with FastQC (Babraham Bioinformatics group, The 40-nt single-end reads that passed quality filters were aligned to the human genome (GRCh37/hg19) with TopHat-2.0.4353 (using Bowtie 0.12.7354 and Samtools 0.1.16355), allowing two mismatches and five multihits. Transcripts assembly, estimation of their abundances and differential expression were calculated with Cufflinks 71 Materials and Methods 1.3.0353, using as transcripts annotation set the human genome annotation data set from Ensembl (Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.65). Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA)340 was performed to test for relevant pathways in our data. The functional annotation of significantly deregulated genes (FDR<0.05) was analyzed using Panther database ( The expression of differentially induced / silenced genes (FDR < 0.05) was validated by protein immunoblotting and/or qRT-PCR. Data is available in the GEO repository with the accession number GSE42735. 22. VISUALIZATION AND QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF CYTOSKELETAL ALTERATIONS (CYTOOCHIPS) The indicated melanoma cells, infected with scrambled shRNA or RAB7 shRNA (shRNA 3), were seeded onto commercially available micropatterned coverslips (CYTOOChips) purchased from Cytoo Inc. (Boston, MA, USA). 5 hours after seeding, cells were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and were processed for immunofluorescence as previously described143. The paxillin antibody (clone 5H11) was purchased from Millipore (Bedford, MA, USA). Alexa Fluor 568 Phalloidin (Invitrogen; Carlsbad, CA, USA) was added to visualize F-actin. Preparations were mounted in ProLong Gold antifade reagent with DAPI (Invitrogen). Individual cells were imaged through a 40x/1.25 oil objective with a confocal TCS-SP5-WLL (AOBS-UV) spectral microscope (Leica Mycrosystems, Wetzlar, Germany). To obtain the “average cell” image, the spatial distribution of paxillin or phalloidin was calculated in a minimum of 20 pictures per condition as previously described356. In brief, individual cell images were aligned and stacked, and the average intensity of each pixel over stacked picture was quantified with Image J and Huygens software. A color-coded rainbow intensity range was be used to highlight the main sites of the distribution. This procedure has been previously used to quantitatively study the spatial organization of the actin network and focal adhesions356. 23. VIDEO AND FIXED-CELL FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPY OF ENDOCYTIC AND AUTOPHAGIC TRAFFICKING To visualize endosomes and autophagosomes, eGFP-RAB5, eGFP-RAB7, eGFP-LC3, and Cherry-LC3 were cloned into the pLVO-puro lentiviral vector and lentiviral-mediated gene transfer was performed as previously described143. Lysosomal-rich/acidic compartments were visualized with Lysotracker Red or Lysotracker Blue (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA), used at a final concentration of 50nM or 200nM, 72 Materials and Methods respectively. For time-lapse videomicroscopy, all microscopes used were coupled to a CO2 and temperature-controlled incubation chamber to allow for short- and long-term imaging of live cells, using a Delta Vision RT microscope (Applied Precision, Washington, USA). Differential interference contrast DIC videos and images were acquired in a TCS-SP5-WLL (AOBS-UV) spectral microscope (Leica Mycrosystems, Wetzlar, Germany). Bright filed videos for cell free movement were acquired in a DMI6000 B fluorescence microscope (Leica Mycrosystems, Wetzlar, Germany) or a Delta Vision RT microscope. Fluorescence emission of 4% paraformaldehide-fixed cells expressing these constructs was imaged using a TCS-SP5-WLL (AOBS-UV) spectral microscope or DMI6000 B fluorescence microscope (Leica Mycrosystems). When indicated, 25nM rapamycin treatment (6h) was used to induce and visualize (mTOR-dependent) autophagy dynamics in GFP-LC3 expressing melanoma cells. Experiments with shRNA RAB7-expressing cells were performed after puromycin selection, at day 6 after infection with shRNA (3) lentivirus vector, and including the corresponding scrambled shRNA control cells. To quantify GFP-LC3 rings in RAB7 and/or ATG7-depleted cells, the percentage of cells harbouring one or more GFP-LC3 rings of >2µm diameter was determined in a minimum of 200 cells, imaged under a DMI6000 B fluorescence microscope, at 72h after siRNA transduction. Pooled data are presented as means ± SEM of two independent experiments performed in duplicate. To screen for chemo and immunomodulators mobilizing the endolysosomal machinery, SK-Mel-103 melanoma cells stably expressing GF-RAB7 were plated at least 12 hours before drug treatment at equal cell numbers in confocal microscopy chambers, were treated as indicated and were fixed after 9h of treatment with 4% PFA. Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI and cells were imaged under a TCS-SP5-WLL (AOBS-UV) spectral microscope. 24. TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY For transmission electron microscopy (TEM), the indicated cell populations were rinsed with 0.1 Sorensen’s buffer (pH 7.5), fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde for 1.5 h, and subsequently dehydrated and embedded in Spurr’s resin. Then, the block was sectioned at 60-100 nm ultra thin sections and picked up on copper grids. For routine analysis ultrathin sections were stained with 2% uranyl acetate and lead citrate. Electron micrographs were acquired with a Philips CM-100 transmission electron microscope (FEI, Hillsbrough, OR) and a Kodak 1.6 Megaplus digital camera. 73 Materials and Methods 25. PROTEIN SECRETION ASSAYS Conditioned media were prepared by incubating the indicated number of cells, plated in 100mm dishes, for 18 hours in 10mL serum-free DMEM. Conditioned media were harvested, clarified by centrifugation, filtered through a 0.45μm filter and then concentrated in Amicon Ultra-15 centrifugal filter devices with Ultracel-3 membrane 3kDa NMWL (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA) by centrifugation at 4000g for 5h in a swinging bucket rotor. For active-site labeling of cysteine cathepsins using the biotinylated activitybased probe DCG-04357, 20µL of concentrated conditioned media were incubated with 1μM DCG-04 for 1h at room temperature. The samples were then boiled for 5 minutes, subsequently subjected to electrophoresis in 15% polyacrylamide gradient SDS gels under reducing conditions, and transferred to Immobilon-P membranes (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA). Blots were then blocked overnight, were incubated with Avidin-horse radish peroxidase (BD Pharmingen) and, after washing, the labeled cathepsins were detected using the ECL system (GE Healthcare, Buckighamshire, UK). Alternatively, to detect specific proteins, 10uL of DCG-04 unlabeled concentrated conditioned media were subjected to protein immunobloting as described above. All experiments with shRNA RAB7-expressing cells were performed after puromycin selection, at day 6 post-infection with shRNA (3) vector, and including the corresponding scrambled shRNA control. To avoid the effect of differential growth rates on the total number of cells from which the conditioned media is harvested, control and RAB7 shRNA-expressing cells were plated at equal numbers and were incubated with the serum-free DMEM 8h after plating. When indicated, LY294002 (10µM) was added to the serum-free DMEM to assess the impact of PI3K signaling on protein secretion. 26. ONCOGENE-INDUCED SENESCENCE ASSAYS IN PRIMARY HUMAN MELANOCYTES Primary human melanocytes were transduced with validated HRASG12V, BRAFV600E, NRASQ61R and NRASG12V-expressing vectors, as previously described143. To address the role of RAB7 in OIS, two sequential infections of 5h each were performed, first with GFP-RAB7 wild-type or T22N viral supernants and secondly with oncogenic-RAS or –BRAF–conding lentivirus. Non-infected and infected cells expressing the empty vector were also included as controls. Infection efficiencies were estimated at day 6 after infection by imaging of green fluorescence protein and by Western blot using the appropriate antibodies. To inhibit PI3K and MEK function, LY294002 (10µM) and U0126 (10µM) were added at day1 post-HRASG12V infection and were refreshed every 24h. To address macropinocytic trafficking, cells at day 6 post-HRASG12V infection were incubated with 70 kD Rhodamine(Rhd)-Dextran349, 350 (2mg/mL) for 74 Materials and Methods 2.5h. Cells were then washed, fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde and imaged under a Nikon ECLIPSE TiE fluorescence microscope or a TCS-SP5-WLL (AOBS-UV) spectral microscope. Visualization of actin-driven ruffling and macropinocytic vesicles through phalloidin and RAB7 immunofluorescence staining, respectively, was performed using a TCS-SP5-WLL (AOBS-UV) spectral confocal microscope. Senescenceassociated β-galactosidease staining was performed at day 6 post-infection, as previously described143. Cytosolic vacuolization was quantified by scoring the number of vacuolized cells and the size of vacuoles (≥ 1µm diameter) using a Nikon ECLIPSE TiE fluorescence microscope (Izasa, Barcelona, Spain) and the Nikon NIS-Elements BR software. Pooled quantification data of percentage -Galactosidase positive or vacuolized cells are presented as means ± SEM of two independent experiments. 27. STATISTICAL ANALYSES For proliferation curves in vitro and tumor growth in vivo, the nonparametric generalized Mann-Whitney test was used to compare the values of continuous variables between two groups and p <0.05 was considered significant. The differences between two groups were evaluated by the two-tailed Student´s t-test and p < 0.05 was considered significant. For GSEA, gene sets showing FDR <0.25 after KolmogorovSmirnoff testing were considered enriched between classes under comparison. RAB7A, RAB27A and RAB8A expression box plot using data from the CCLE project was obtained from A chi-square test was used to compare the expression of RAB7 among different melanocytic lesions. To compare primary melanoma Breslow depth across RAB7 expression categories, a non-parametric test of trend for the ranks of across ordered groups was performed. The overall survival (OS) and Disease free survival (DFS) predictive value of RAB7 expression were explored using Kaplan-Meier, log-rank test, and Cox regression analysis. p < 0.05 was considered significant. In general, for group comparisons, "*" stands for p< 0.05, "**" for p< 0.01, and "***" for p< 0.001. 75 Materials and Methods 76 Objetives “The experimenter who does not know what he is looking for will not understand what he finds” Claude Bernard (1813-1878) Results 77 Materials and Methods 78 Results 1. LINEAGE-RESTRICTED TRAITS ASSOCIATED WITH THE LYSOSOME IN MELANOMA To identify potential processes uniquely regulated in melanoma, Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) was performed on independent multicancer-type transcriptional datasets341, 342, including the recently reported Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE)358 . This allowed for a comprehensive evaluation of melanoma-restricted gene signatures compared to over 35 different tumor types. significantly enriched in melanoma (Table Salivary Gland Pancreas Intestine Oesophagous Auton. ganglia Prostate Pleura be Bone Ovary to Breast found Stomach were Hematopoietic and lymphoid (FDR=1.8x10 ) Component Kidney GO-Cellular -6 the Lung melanosome and MELANOMA (FDR<3.6x10-6) Processes a Central Nervous System Endometrium biosynthesis Gene Ontology (GO)-Biological Soft Tissue Urinary Tract Thyroid Aerodigestive Tract Liver As expected, pigmentation and melanin S4 and results not shown). Interestingly, gene sets scored even more significantly (FDR<1.0x10-8, Table S4). Within these gene sets, a cluster of lysosome-associated factors was found to be uniquely coregulated in melanoma cells (see heatmap for the CCLE dataset in Fig. 12a, separating 55 melanoma cell lines from LYSOSOME (GO:0005764) vacuole, lytic vacuoles, and lysosome GO >750 examples of other tumor types, and Fig. plot). These genes code for lytic enzymes (such as ACP5, cathepsins K, B and H, among others) as well as for regulatory proteins involved in lysosome biogenesis and function 359, 360 (such RAB7A) (Fig. S1). Lysosomes share as LAMP2 common b LYSOSOME (GO:0005764) Enrichment Score (ES) 12b for the corresponding enrichment Ranked gene list and precursor organelles and constitutive factors with melanosomes361-370. Therefore, although 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 “Melanoma” postively correlated “Melanoma” negatively correlated Fig 12. Lineage-specific enrichment of lysosomal factors in the transcriptome of melanoma cells. (a) GSEA heat map showing a selective enrichment of the Lysosome Gene Ontology cluster (GO:0005764) in melanoma cells compared to the rest of CCLE tumor cell lines. The corresponding enrichment plot for lysosomal genes (GSEA FDR<0.05) is depicted in (b). 79 Results they develop via divergent programmes (Fig. 13a) and have different biological functions, it was imperative to determine if the enrichment of the GO-lysosome cluster in melanoma cells reflected simply a high load of pigmentation-related genes, characteristic of this specific cell type. To this end, extensive proteomic datasets371 were mined for a systematic analysis of factors contained in lysosomes and melanosomes. GSEA was then ran across the CCLE dataset after removal of genes common to both a c Lysosome b Melanosome Lysosome 145 128 1246 LYSOSOME GENE SET (GO:0005764) WITHOUT MELANOSOMAL GENES Vable cells (%, relative to NT) Enrichment score (ES) e SK-Mel147 UACC62 100 80 60 40 20 0 f Non-melanoma cells SK-Mel19 639V Non-melanoma cells *** “Melanoma” negatively correlated Melanoma cells SK-Mel103 * d 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 Ranked gene list “Melanoma” postively correlated Melanoma cells 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 SK-Mel-5 SK-Mel-19 SK-Mel-28 SK-Mel-29 SK-Mel-103 SK-Mel-143 UACC-62 1205Lu MCF7 HCT116 CAL62 FTC-133 639V HeLa U2OS Lysosomes Bodipy-Green HeLa NT CAL-62 FTC-133 SK-Mel-5 SK-Mel-19 SK-Mel-28 SK-Mel-29 SK-Mel-103 SK-Mel-28 SK-Mel-147 UACC-62 SK-Mel-29 1205Lu MCF7 SK-Mel-103 HCT116 UACC-62 BT549 CAL62 HCT116 FTC-133 639V SW620 639V HeLa HeLa Late Endosomes DQ-BSA Green Median Intensity (AU) Melanosomes CQ: LC3-I + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - Early endosomes Chloroquine DQ-BSABodipy-Green LC3-II CQ β-Actin Fig. 13. Comparative analysis of activity and requirement of lysosomal function in different cancer cell lines. (a) Divergent pathways for melanosome and lysosome biogenesis (adapted from Ref. 371). (b) Enrichment plot for the GO:0005764lysosome cluster after removing genes whose products are also present in melanosomes (GSEA FDR =0.068). (c) Analysis of lysosomal proteolytic activity by FACS-driven quantification of the median fluorescence intensities of DQ-BSA Green (10µg/mL, 1h) in the indicated tumor cell lines. (d) Viability (relative to non-treated (NT) controls) of the indicated cell lines treated with 20µm Chloroquine for 48h. (e) Crystal violet staining of viable cells after treatment with vehicle (NT) or chloroquine (CQ) as described in (d). (f) Western blot showing the accumulation of the autophagosomal marker LC3-II in all CQ-treated populations from the indicated tumor lines. β-actin immunoblot is shown as loading control. Melanoma cell lines are marked in blue. 80 Results organelles. As shown in Fig 13b, “lysosome-only” genes were still found significantly enriched in melanoma. In addition to computational analyses, we experimentally investigated the (i) proteolytic activity and (ii) sensitivity to lysomotropic agents of a panel of representative melanoma and nonmelanoma tumor cell lines. Independent of their pigmentation status, melanoma cell lines showed an overall higher lysosomal-associated proteolytic activity compared to cells of other cancer types, as reflected by the cleavage of the fluorogenic substate DQ-Green-BSA, specific for lysosomal proteases372, 373 (Fig 13c). Moreover, inhibition of basal lysosomal activity by treatment with the lysosomotropic agent chloroquine374-376 revealed an enhanced sensitivity of melanoma cells to impaired lysosomal degradation (Fig. 13d,e). Of note, this was the case despite the fact that chloroquine inhibited global lysosomal function with a similar efficiency in all cell lines tested, as measured by the characteristic accumulation of the LC3-II autophagosome marker by western blot analysis (Fig. 13f). Together, these data support a melanoma-specific wiring of lysosomal-associated degradative pathways. 2. LINEAGE-RESTRICTED OVEREXPRESSION OF RAB7 IN MELANOMA The tissue-based traits identified above raised the possibility that the melanoma-restricted lysosome gene expression signature might harbor new lineage-specific cancer drivers. Among the top scoring lysosomal genes, RAB7A (hereafter referred to as RAB7 for simplicity) was selected as a candidate for histologic and functional validation based on the following criteria: (i) RAB7 maps to a genomic region frequently amplified in melanoma (see array CGH data in Fig. 14a and additional information in Table S5). This is consistent with elegant computational algorithms251 that were applied to independent melanoma-only datasets and underscored putative driver genetic aberrations affecting this gene. (ii) RAB7 mRNA showed the highest enrichment in melanoma, exceeding that of RAB27A (Fig. 14b and results not shown), an MITF target known to be required for the proliferation of a subset of melanoma cells251. While RAB7 and RAB27 regulate melanosome transport377, RAB7 has a variety of lysosomeassociated functions not shared with RAB27. (iii) In fact, RAB7 was the only factor from the lysosome cluster with pivotal roles in lysosome biogenesis360 and lysosome-mediated turnover of cytoplasmic vesicles378-380 (Fig. 11), that were also found to be overrepresented in melanoma cells according to GSEA (Table S4). (iv) Finally, RAB7 has been reported as a ubiquitous regulator of vesicle trafficking312, 360, 378380 , but was not noted as having tumor-type specific regulation and/or function(s). In this context, there is no clear consensus regarding the specific roles of RAB7 in cancer cells, as pro381, 382 and anti383-385 tumorigenic effects have been described in discrete cultured cell types upon RAB7 inactivation. Expression studies in vivo are limited to cDNA arrays in human mesotheliomas386, and to thyroid 81 Results hormone production in thyroid adenomas387, but the specific contribution of this factor to the initiation and progression of human tumors, including melanomas, has yet to be defined. b +1 0 -1 -2 Chromosome 3q21.3 11 10 9 SK-Mel-5 SK-Mel-19 SK-Mel-28 SK-Mel-29 SK-Mel-103 UACC-62 WM-164 T98G U251 A549 MIAPaca-2 RWP-1 PC3 SW1710 639V HeLa HCT116 HT29 BT549 Non-Melanoma RAB7 β-Actin d e N = 121 Proportion of samples RAB7A – EntrezID:7879 12 Melanoma (61) Mesothelioma (11) Esophagus (25) AML (34) Colorectal (61) Stomach (38) Pancreas (44) Bile Duct (8) Urinary tract(27) Breast (58) Upper Aerodigestive (32) Hodgkin Lymphoma (12) Thyroid (12) Other Leukemia(1) Ovary (51) Kidney (34) Chondrosarcoma (4) Meningioma (3) LungNSC (131) Glioma (62) CML (15) Prostate (7) T-cell –all- (16) Soft Tissue (21) Other (15) Endometrium (27) Osteosarcoma (10) Lymphoma DLBCL (18) Multiple Myeloma (30) Liver(28) Neuroblastoma (17) Lymphoma –other- (28) B-cell –all- (15) Lung Small Cell (53) Medulloblastoma (4) Ewings Sarcoma (12) Burkitt lymphoma (11) Melanoma c mRNA expression (RNA) +2 UACC-62 Normalized Log2 Ratio a 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% High Low Negative Melanoma Lymphoma Breast Cancer Colon Cancer Renal Cell Cancer Lung Cancer Prostate Cancer Thyroid Cancer Neuroglial Tumor Sarcoma Fig. 14. The lysosome-asociated RAB7 small GTPase as a candidate lineage-specific cancer gene in melanoma. (a) ArrayCGH profile of the 3q21.3 chromosomal region for the UACC-62 melanoma cell line showing mapping of RAB7A CGH probes (marked in blue) in an amplified genomic region. Displacements to the top or bottom of the horizontal line represent genomic gains or losses, respectively, and are colored in grey.. See Table S5 for additional cell lines. (b) Box plots showing the relative expression of RAB7 mRNA across the different tumor types in the CCLE dataset ( (c) Detection of RAB7 and β-actin (loading control) proteins by WB in total cell extracts. (d) Quantification of RAB7 expression levels, assessed by IHC, in the indicated human cancer types (e) Visualization of RAB7 by IHC (pink) in representative tissue biopsies. To validate GSEA findings, RAB7 protein levels were assessed by western blotting (WB) in a wide panel of melanoma and non-melanoma tumor cell lines. In addition, RAB7 expression was investigated in human biopsies by immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining on tissue microarrays (TMAs) of 17 different cancer types. These expression analyses confirmed a selective enrichment of RAB7 in melanoma cell lines (Fig. 14c) and tumors (Figs. 14d,e). Interestingly, this was the case even compared to mesotheliomas (Fig. 14b) and thyroid cancers (Figs. 14d,e). 82 Results 3. MITF-INDEPENDENT OVEREXPRESSION OF RAB7 IN MELANOMA We next sought to determine whether the overexpression of RAB7 in melanoma cells was dependent on the melanocyte lineage transcription factor MITF. This was relevant because MITF is the bona fide lineage-restricted oncogene in melanoma251 and can regulate other RAB proteins, such as RAB27236. However, its expression can be shut down completely during melanoma progression216, 255, 256. Western blot analysis revealed that, different from RAB27, RAB7 was still expressed in MITF-negative melanoma cells (Fig. 15a). In addition, genetic depletion of MITF by siRNA in representative melanoma cell lines did not compromise RAB7 expression (Fig. 15b,c). The independency of RAB7 and MITF expression in melanoma cells was also confirmed in vivo by double immunofluorescence and single-cell confocalbased quantification of both proteins in human biopsies (Fig. 15e). These results demonstrate that RAB7 is not placed within the transcriptional program of MITF, indicating that this small GTPase could represent an independent lineage-restricted oncogene in melanoma. MITF RAB27 RAB27 RAB7 β-Actin β-Actin d Merge MITF LN melanoma met Case #90671 Primary melanoma Case #90601 83 Control MITF Control MITF Control MITF Control MITF Control MITF Mean RAB7 signal / cell (A.F.U) RAB7 Melanoma specimens Control MITF siRNA: MITF RAB7 Fig. 15. MITF-independent expression of RAB7. (a) 24h 48h 72h Relative levels of RAB7, MITF, and RAB27, assessed by WB in siRNA: the indicated melanoma cell lines (b) Downregulation of MITF RAB27 but not RAB7 upon siRNA-mediated depletion of MITF in melanoma cells. (c) RAB27 Kinetics of the downregulation RAB7 of RAB27 but not RAB7 upon MITF siRNA-mediated α-Tubulin depletion in UACC-62 cells. (d) IF staining of RAB7 e Single-cell quantification Double (red) and MITF (green) in a human melanoma specimens. Case # 90671 Nuclei are counterstained with DAPI. The cases #90671 and #90601 exemplify melanomas with high RAB7 and MITF Case #90601 expression (compare to low levels of both proteins in the stroma), whereas the case #90603 shows positive RAB7 staining in a melanoma Case # 90603 expressing negligible levels of MITF. (e) Confocal-based quantification of the relative expression per cell of RAB7 and Primary melanoma MITF (in Arbitrary Fluorescence Case #90603 Mean MITF signal / cell (A.F.U) Units, A.F.U) of specimens shown in (d) c Control MITF b SK-Mel-5 SK-Mel-19 SK-Mel-28 SK-Mel-29 SK-Mel-103 G-361 SK-Mel-147 UACC-62 Mel1 WM-1366 WM-164 a Results 4. LINEAGE-ADDICTION OF MELANOMA CELLS TO RAB7 Melanoma-restricted roles of RAB7 were investigated by stable transduction of three independent short hairpin interfering RNAs (shRNAs) in a panel of melanoma cell lines (N=8) and in representative examples of cell lines (N= 8) from frequent solid tumors. Melanoma cells responded to RAB7 downregulation with a significant inhibition of cell proliferation (Figs. 16a-c). These effects were associated with the acquisition of senescence-like features such as lysosomal β-galactosidase activity (βGal) at acidic pH (see below in Figs. 18e,f). In contrast, under the same conditions, reduction of RAB7 levels had negligible effects on the proliferative capacity of pancreatic cancer (MiaPaca-2), colon cancer (HCT116), bladder cancer (639V), and thyroid carcinoma (FTC-133, CAL-62) cell lines, or promoted moderate delays in the proliferation of U251 (Glioma), A549 (lung adenocarcinoma) and cervical cancer (HeLa) cells, respectively (Fig. 16a-c and results not shown). a Non infected Ctrl - RAB7 (1) RAB7 (2) shRNA: - RAB7 (1) RAB7 (2) Ctrl a shRAB7 (1) shControl shRAB7 (2) UACC-62 RAB7 HCT116 β-Actin HCT116 UACC-62 bb Melanoma HCT116 16 12 8 4 0 UACC-62 SK-Mel-28 HCT116 FTC-133 CAL-62 HeLa UACC-62 SK-Mel-28 0 4 1 8 6 4 2 0 2 3 0 4 1 MiaPaca-2 15 2 3 639V 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Days 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 4 A549 10 8 6 4 2 0 * 1 Days * *** 2 3 5 Days 7 HCT116 3 SK-Mel-28 2,5 2 ** 1,5 1 0,5 0 4 1 FTC-133 2 Days SK-Mel-103 8 ** *** 4 CAL-62 * *** *** 0 SK-Mel-103 12 2 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ctrl RAB7 Ctrl RAB7 Ctrl RAB7 Ctrl RAB7 Ctrl RAB7 Ctrl RAB7 Ctrl RAB7 shRNA (3): 4 WM-164 4 HeLa Cell number (fold) - β-Actin c c UACC-62 shControl shRAB7 SK-Mel-103 Cell number (fold) Ctrl A549 Ctrl - Ctrl - 6 1 RAB7 - Ctrl RAB7 shRNA (3): RAB7 Ctrl RAB7 Non-melanoma HCT116 MiaPaca-2 639V RAB7 - RAB7 Ctrl - RAB7 - Ctrl RAB7 Ctrl shRNA (3): RAB7 β-Actin RAB7 UACC-62 WM-164 SK-Mel-103 SK-Mel-28 shControl RAB7 β-Actin shRAB7 Fig. 16. Lineage-dependent effects of RAB7 depletion on tumor cell proliferation. (a-c) Downregulation of RAB7 by different lentiviral shRNA constructs in the indicated melanoma (blue) and non-melanoma (black) cell lines. Left panels show RAB7 and β-actin WBs of total cell lysates, and right panels show the effect of control or RAB7 shRNA on cell proliferation, reflected by (a) micrographs (at day 6 after shRNA transduction), (b) proliferation curves (relative cell numbers expressed as means ± SEM of two independent experiments), or (c) crystal violet staining of viable cells from the indicated populations plated at equal cell numbers. Proliferation assays were plated at day 6 after shRNA transduction. 84 Results Colony formation assays were next performed to assess the effect of RAB7 depletion on the tumorigenic potential of melanoma and non-melanoma tumor cells. As shown in Fig. 17a, transduction of RAB7 shRNA significantly abrogated the clonogenic growth of melanoma cells, but did not exert major detrimental effects on the tumorigenicity of non-melanoma tumor cell lines. Conversely, overexpression of wild-type RAB7 increased the colony formation ability of melanoma cells (Fig. 17b). Functional experiments with the well-characterized RAB7 (T22N) dominant negative mutant345 (Fig 17a,b), and with a shRNA-resistant RAB7 mutant (Fig. 17c) were performed to validate the specificity of RAB7 shRNA. Importantly, the inhibitory effects of RAB7 shRNA and dominant negative RAB7 mutant translated into a significantly reduced tumorigenic potential in vivo of melanoma cells subcutaneously injected into nude mice (Fig 17d). a Non-melanoma A549 639V SK-Mel-147 HCT116 RAB7 T22N Vector UACC-62 SK-Mel-147 WM-164SK-Mel-28 SK-Mel-103 HCT116 MiaPaca2 U251 shRAB7 shControl Melanoma c d Empty GFP-RAB7 GFP-RAB7 T22N vector WT β-Actin Tumor vol (mm3) shRAB7 shControl - Ctrl RAB7 - Ctrl RAB7 Ctrl RAB7 - GFP- GFPRAB7- RAB7WT MUT SK-Mel-103 SK-Mel-147 1000 500 ** SK-Mel-103 *** *** 500 0 0 2500 10 20 30 40 Days shControl shRAB7 (3) 2000 1500 0 2000 10 20 Days 30 Vector GFP-RAB7 T22N 1500 * 1000 500 500 0 β-Actin shControl (3) shRAB7 1500 1000 1000 GFP-RAB7 RAB7endog 2000 shControl shRAB7 2000 1500 SK-Mel-147 (NRAS Q61R) Tumor vol (mm 3) RAB7endog shRNA: 2500 0 Empty vector GFP-RAB7 UACC-62 (BRAFV600E) SK-Mel-103 (NRAS Q61R) Empty GFP-RAB7 GFP-RAB7 vector WT MUT Empty vector GFP-RAB7 WT GFP-RAB7 T22N Empty vector GFP-RAB7 WT GFP-RAB7 T22N SK-Mel-143 SK-Mel-103 b ** *** 0 0 10 20 30 40 Days 0 10 20 30 40 Days Fig. 17. Lineage-dependent effects of RAB7 depletion on tumorigenicity and tumor growth in vivo. (a) Colony formation ability of the indicated tumor cells expressing RAB7 shRNA (3), T22N dominant negative mutant, or their respective vector controls. (b) Impact of the overexpression of wild-type (WT) or dominant negative (T22N) GFP-RAB7 on the clonogenic capacity of the indicated melanoma cell lines. Empty vector is shown as control and the corresponding immunoblots of total cell extracts probed for RAB7 and β-actin are shown in the bottom panels. (c) Expression of a mutated (MUT) version of GFP-RAB7, resistant to RAB7 shRNA (construct 3), rescues shRNA(3)-driven effects on the clonogenic capacity of SK-Mel-103 melanoma cells. (d) Growth of xenografts generated with the indicated melanoma cell populations after subcutaneous implantation into nude mice (means ± SEM). 85 T22N downregulation or RAB7 T22N dominant negative expression in the context of cell proliferation (b); colony formation, numbers represent mean number of colonies per 35mm plate ± SEM (c); and growth after subcutaneous implantation in nude mice (d). Downregulation of RAB7 expression by two different lentiviral shRNA constructs in the indicated melanoma Results Of note, abrogation of melanoma cell proliferation by inhibition of RAB7 in vitro and in vivo was independent of basal MITF levels and effective in BRAF or NRAS mutated melanoma cells (Figs. 17a,d and Table S5). Together, these data demonstrate that RAB7 is broadly required to sustain the proliferation of melanoma cells, a function which is exerted in a lineage-selective manner. Given the lineage-dependent requirement of RAB7 for melanoma cell proliferation, we next determined whether the “addiction” of melanoma cells to RAB7 was an intrinsic feature of the melanocytic lineage (i.e. whether it was already present in normal melanocytes). To this end, we first performed immunoblot analysis to assess the basal expression levels of RAB7 in preparations of genetically matched human normal skin cells (i.e. melanocytes, keratinocytes and fibroblasts from the same donor). This revealed intrinsically higher levels of RAB7 in melanocytes compared to their non-melanocytic normal counterparts (Fig. 18a). b 3 1 2 shRNA: - 3 β-Actin d 1.2 shControl 0.8 - Fibroblasts Melanocytes UACC-62 shControl 1 shRAB7 0.6 shRAB7 0.4 0.2 0 Fibroblasts Melanocytes UACC-62 f 100 80 shControl shRAB7 60 Melanocytes Fibroblasts UACC-62 shControl Cell number increase (fold relative to shControls) RAB7 β-Actin - RAB7 2 Ctrl 1 RAB7 3 40 shRAB7 e 2 RAB7 β-Gal positive cells (%) c 1 Ctrl Melanocytes Fibroblasts Keratinocytes Skin biopsy: RAB7 Fibroblasts Melanocytes UACC-62 Ctrl a 20 0 Fibroblasts Melanocytes UACC-62 Fig. 18. Lineage-dependent expression and function of RAB7 in normal skin cells. (a) Expression of RAB7 and βActin WB in three sets of human primary skin cells isolated from the same donor. (b) Depletion of RAB7 by shRNA (3) in genetically matched primary normal skin melanocytes and fibroblasts, and in the melanoma cell line UACC-62. (c) Relative increase in cell number (means ± SEM) for the indicated populations plated at equal cell numbers at day 6-post infection and cultured for four days. (d) Crystal violet staining of the indicated cell populations plated at equal cell numbers at day 6-post infection and cultured for ten days. (e) Percentage of cells positive for lysosomal stress βGalactosidase assay at acidic pH (means ± SEM). Representative micrographs of the indicated cell populations are shown in (f). To investigate the functional role of RAB7 in normal cells, we expressed control or RAB7 shRNAs in genetically matched melanocytes and fibroblasts (the latter as controls for non-melanocytic normal cells). UACC-62 melanoma cells were included as a reference control (Fig. 18b). As shown in Figs. 18c and d, fibroblasts were unaffected by complete depletion of RAB7, whereas the proliferation of melanocytes was reduced. Nevertheless, melanocytes were affected to a lesser extent than melanoma 86 Results cells by RAB7 dowregulation and showed no induction of lysosomal β-Gal staining (Figs. 18b-f). Overall, these results suggest that melanoma cells may exploit (and depend on) proliferative roles of RAB7 already present in normal precursors, but acquire additional signals that impose an increased dependence on this GTPase. 5. MELANOMA CELL MORPHOLOGY AND INVASIVE POTENTIAL CONTROLLED BY RAB7 Further analyses of RAB7-depleted cells revealed that RAB7 function did not only affect the proliferative capacity of melanoma cells. Specifically, video-microscopy showed marked morphological changes in RAB7-depleted melanoma cells, most frequently leading to increased filopodia or to prominent cytosolic vacuolization (Fig 19a, and see Videos S1 and S2 showing the dynamic behaviour of representative melanoma cell lines expressing mutant BRAF or NRAS, respectively). Morphological changes induced by RAB7 downregulation in melanoma cells translated into an increased motility, which resulted in a scattered growth pattern (see representative melanoma cell colonies in Figs. 19b,c). Interestingly, these marked phenotypic changes were not observed in RAB7-depleted normal melanocytes, fibroblasts and other tumor cells from 7 different cancer types (Figs. 19a-c). Given the marked morphological changes and scattered growth pattern induced by RAB7 downregulation in melanoma cells, we next questioned whether RAB7 would control the invasive capacity of these cells. Matrigel invasion assays revealed that RAB7 downregulation significantly enhanced the invasive potential of moderately metastatic melanoma cell lines, yet this alone could not confer de novo invasive capacities to non-invasive melanoma cell lines (Fig. 19d and results not shown). Moreover, we found that the melanoma cell lines showing the highest metastatic potential were those in which the basal RAB7 levels were constitutively lower compared to non-metastatic counterparts (Fig. 19e). Interestingly, this was not the case for other RAB GTPases, such as RAB-5, RAB-8 or RAB-11 (which have roles in endocytosis, exocytosis, and endosome recycling, respectively, but are not directly linked to lysosomal function312) (Fig. 19f). These results suggested that RAB7 may represent a new class of melanoma “rheostats” that while being required for tumor cell proliferation, can favor metastatic dissemination when downmodulated. To extend the relationship between RAB7 expression and melanoma cell phenotypes, mRNA levels of RAB7 (along with the mRNA levels of other vesicle trafficking modulators) were analyzed across six independently generated melanoma expression datasets344 in relation to two previously identified 87 Results expression signatures associated with melanoma “proliferative” or “invasive” phenotypes208. As depicted in Fig. 19g, RAB7 levels were found to be positively correlated with the “proliferative” signature and inversely correlated with the “invasive” gene set (p < 1.5 x10-8). Together, these results show that RAB7 exerts opposing roles in melanoma cell proliferation and invasiveness. a b Melanoma tumor cells Mel1* UACC-62 SK-Mel-28 WM-164 SK-Mel-29 SK-Mel-19 Melanocytes CAL-62 Fibroblasts SK-Mel-103 HCT116 shRAB7 shRAB7 shControl shControl SK-Mel-103* SK-Mel-147* Non-melanoma tumor cells A549 HCT116 U251 MiaPaca2 639V HeLa FTC-133 c SK-Mel-103 shControl Compact *** shRAB7 Colonies (%) 100 HCT116 Loose 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 shCtrl shRAB7 Mel-1 SK-Mel-103 RAB11 RAB8 Adjusted combined p-value 0 0 RAB5 Melanoma Signatures Mel-1 20 SK-Mel-103 SK-Mel-147 UACC-62 2 RAB7 SK-Mel-28 40 SK-Mel-29 4 shCtrl shRAB7 g Melanoma cells SK-Mel-19 60 SK-Mel-28 shRAB7(3) shRAB7(2) 0 80 6 SK-Mel-147 0.5 8 UACC-62 1 RAB7 levels (Western Blot) Invasiveness (Matrigel Boyden Chambers) SK-Mel-29 1.5 shControl Invading cells (fold) 2 Relative protein levels ** ** f Invasive cells in 24h (%) e SK-Mel-19 d Scattered 100 1E-23 “Invasive” “Proliferative” 1E-18 1E-13 RAB7 1E-08 0.001 RAB27 β-Actin -2.5 -1.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5 Log2 Average ratio Fig. 19. Reduced RAB7 levels enhance melanoma cell invasiveness. (a) Representative micrographs showing morphological changes induced by RAB7 shRNA(3) in melanocytic (top) and non-melanocytic (bottom) cells. NRAS-mutated melanoma cell lines are marked with an asterisk. (b) Representative micrographs of colonies formed by the indicated cell populations of melanoma (blue) and non-melanoma (black) cell lines. The quantification of cell scattering of three independent experiments is shown in (c) (mean ± SEM). (d) Invasiveness of SK-Mel-28 melanoma cells expressing shControl or shRAB7 (constructs 2 and 3), evaluated by 48h matrigel invasion assay. (e) Inverse correlation of RAB7 protein levels and melanoma cell invasiveness. (f) Relative expression of RAB7, RAB5, RAB11, RAB8, and RAB27 in the indicated melanoma cells, determined by WB. Highly invasive melanoma cell lines (identified by matrigel invasion assay) are marked in green. β-actin immunoblot is shown as loading control. (g) Volcano plot showing the expression of 110 vesicle trafficking gene probes (including RAB7, marked in red) queried in parallel on six independent melanoma gene expression data sets. Shown is the average Log2 fold change (ratio of gene probe expression in “proliferative”/“invasive” signatures, x axis) plotted against the adjusted combined p-value (Fisher's combined probability analysis, y axis). High RAB7 mRNA levels significantly correlate with the proliferative signature (adjusted combined p values p=4.9x10-11 and p=1.5x10-8, for RAB7 probes 211961_s_at and 211960_s_at, respectively). 88 Results 6. RAB7 IS AN EARLY-INDUCED MELANOMA DRIVER TUNED DOWN AT INVASIVE STAGES OF TUMOR PROGRESSION IN VIVO A corollary from the functional studies shown above was that the regulation of RAB7 along human melanoma progression would differ from that of “classical” oncogenes, whose expression is either sustained (i.e. BRAF388) or progressively increased (i.e., Myc389 or DEK390, 391). Instead, our data predicted EMT-like expression patterns, such as those reported for MITF or CYCLIN D1 (CCND1). These are melanoma oncogenes, but have been found to be downregulated at invasive stages195, 208, 214. To address these possible scenarios and validate in vivo the roles for RAB7 identified herein using human melanoma cell lines, we investigated RAB7 expression along the progression of human melanoma by immunohistochemical analyses using TMAs containing biopsies from benign nevi and radial growth phase (RGP), vertical growth phase (VGP) and metastatic melanomas (N=152 cases). Consistent with a pro-oncogenic role for RAB7 in melanoma, this GTPase was found to be overexpressed in melanoma specimens compared to benign nevi, being already induced in early-stage RGP specimens (Figs. 20a,b, p < 0.001). However, RAB7 expression was not homogeneously expressed at all stages of melanoma progression; it was seen to be significantly reduced at the RGP-to-VGP transition (Fig. 20b). This was further confirmed by single cell analyses in whole-tissue primary sections of primary melanomas which revealed a decreasing gradient of RAB7 expression towards the dermal-invading front of the tumor (Fig. 20c). Nonetheless, consistent with a lineage-addiction of melanoma to this factor, no RAB7-negative melanoma tumor was identified, and those classified as “low-expressors” still expressed higher levels of RAB7 than the surrounding stroma (marked with asterisks in Fig. 20a). Of note, the RAB7 levels were found to correlate with CCDN1 (p < 0.001, N=88; see representative example in Fig. 20d), further supporting an association between RAB7 and the proliferative potential of melanoma cells. As the acquisition of metastatic properties by melanoma cells is associated with the RGP-to-VGP transition180, 191-194, we further characterized the expression of RAB7 in primary melanoma in relation to the best prognostic indicator of metastasis development, namely the depth of primary tumor invasion or Breslow depth101. As shown in Fig. 20e, an inverse correlation between RAB7 expression and depth of invasion was confirmed in an independent cohort of melanomas (p < 1.0 x 10-3, N=116). This prompted a retrospective 10-year follow-up analysis to determine whether the levels of RAB7 expression in primary melanomas could predict metastatic potential. This analysis demonstrated that patients with low expression of RAB7 in the primary tumor have an increased risk for metastasis development and a 89 Results poorer overall survival (Fig. 20f; and Tables S6; N=112). Importantly, the value of RAB7 as an independent prognostic indicator in melanoma was underscored by Breslow-adjusted analyses (Tables S6). These results provide physiological relevance supporting the enhanced pro-invasive features identified in vitro upon inactivation of RAB7 in melanoma cell lines. d e * * RAB7 * 80µm * a* ’ * c ’ b ’ d ’ 50 0 * 80 µm e RAB7 signal / cell Maximum Medium Low Minimum S100 negative cells (stroma) Proportion of cases c 500 µm d 100% Low 100 e ’ * Medium *** *** Viscelral Mets (22) Visceral Metastasis VGP (29) * High Skin Metastasis Skin Mets (37) a RGP VGP (Non-invasive) (Invasive) b c RGP (16) Dermal Nevus b MALIGNANT MELANOMAS Dermal Nevi (48) BENIGN LESIONS TMA samples (%) a Low expression High expression N = (7) (40) (7) (22) (30) 75% 50% 25% 0% RAB7 Breslow Depth f 1.00 Kaplan-Meier survival estimates 0.75 0.50 0.50 0.25 Low RAB7 expression P = 0.001 0.00 CCND1 High RAB7 expression 0.75 0.25 Disease Free Survival 1.00 0.00 F 0 2 0 Number at risk rab7 = No 64 rab7 = Si 48 RAB7 High RAB7 Low 500 µm 2 64 48 4 6 4analysis time6 52 42 Years36 35 22 15 52 42 36 rab7 = No 35 22 15 8 10 8 10 29 12 26 9 29 12 rab7 = Si 26 9 Fig. 20. RAB7 is an early-induced melanoma driver undergoing dynamic modulation in vivo. (a) RAB7 IHC (pink) in TMAs representing the indicated human benign (a) and malignant melanocytic lesions (b-e). Asterisks mark stromal cells. Quantification of RAB7 protein levels is shown in (b). The number of biopsies analyzed for each clinicopathologic stage is indicated in parenthesis below the bar graph. (c) Confocal microscopy-based single cell analysis of mean RAB7 protein expression in melanoma cells from a representative whole tissue VGP melanoma. Blue color represents stromal cells. (d) Staining of RAB7 and CyclinD1 by IHC in consecutive sections of same tissue shown in (c). (e) Inverse correlation between RAB7 levels and primary tumor thickness (Breslow Depth, in millimeters, mm). N indicates the total number of cases analyzed in each group (p<0.001). (f) Kaplan–Meier curves showing 10-year disease-free survival (left) and 10-year overall survival (right) following resection of primary melanomas, analyzed as a function of high vs low RAB7 protein levels. 90 Results 7. HALTED DEGRADATION OF NON-CANONICAL AUTOPHAGOSOMES AND MACROENDOSOMES IN RAB7-DEPLETED MELANOMA CELLS Next, we sought to understand the molecular basis underlying the melanoma-restricted and leveldependent roles of RAB7 in tumor cell proliferation and invasion. Given the pleiotropic functions of lysosomal-related factors in the biology of cancer cells392, we investigated both the downstream consequences and upstream regulators of RAB7 levels, as detailed in this and the following sections. RAB7 is the RAB family member that regulates the biogenesis of lysosomes360 and the fusion of these organelles to mature autophagosomes and late endosomes378-380 (see diagram in Fig. 9). As it was selected from the melanoma-enriched lysosome cluster, we first assessed whether RAB7 inactivation disrupted lysosomal function. Lysotracker (LTR) and DQ-BSA probes indicated that RAB7-depleted melanoma cells were, in fact, not defective in the number and activity of lysosomes, respectively (Fig. 21a). Therefore, we next investigated the impact of RAB7 downregulation on autophagy and endocytosis, as vesicles from these pathways are known to depend on this GTPase for their fusion to lysosomes378-380. Immunoblot analysis of the autophagy marker LC3-II confirmed an accumulation of autophagosomes in RAB7-depleted melanoma cells (Fig 21b). This was of relevance because melanoma cells rely on active autophagy to sustain their proliferation274. However, downregulation of canonical autophagy genes like BECLIN1265, 393, 394 did not recapitulate the phenotypic changes of RAB7-depleted melanoma cells (Fig. 21c), suggesting the involvement of additional pathways. Consistent with this hypothesis, microscopy imaging of a GFP-tagged LC3 revealed that it accumulated in unusually large ring-shaped vesicles in RAB7-depleted melanoma cells, clearly distinct from the “classical” compact LC3 foci that are induced by treatment with rapamycin, a standard autophagy inducer (Fig. 21d). Moreover, the accumulation of these large LC3-rings was not reverted by depletion of ATG7, a critical factor for the formation of “classical” double-membrane autophagosomes (Fig. 21e). To define the nature of the “non-canonical” large LC3-vesicles that accumulated upon RAB7 depletion in melanoma cells, we considered three possible origins: (i) deregulated Golgi-derived endomembranes (ii) homotypic fusions of smaller endosomes and/or (ii) large endocytic vesicles arising from the plasma membrane395. Fluorescent videomicroscopy performed to investigate the dynamics of fluorescentlytagged LC3 and RAB7 on control (i.e. RAB7-expressing) melanoma cells unveiled that a large fraction of LC3 is constitutively loaded into large (>1µm) pre-existing RAB7-positive vesicles originating from the 91 Results b Lysotracker-Red c b c shRNA: shControl shBECLIN1 shControl shRAB7 RAB7 DQ-Green-BSA Ctrl a shControl a RAB7 shRAB7 LC3-I c LC3-II α-Tubulin 20µm GFP-LC3 siRNA: shRAB7 Non infected Ctrl RAB7 e e dd GFP-LC3 siATG7 siCtrl RAB7 siRAB7 + siAtg7 shControl shControl + Rapamycin siRNA: Ctrl ATG7 ATG7+ RAB7 18S siATG7+ siRAB7 siRAB7 ATG7 RAB7 7.5 µm 7.5 µm 18S ff g g +15´ hh GFP-RAB5 +20´ Lucifer Yellow shCtrl h shRAB7 +10´ shCtrl GFPRAB7 +5´ shRAB7 +0´ CherryLC3 LTR blue Merge 2 µm Fig. 21. RAB7-dependent non-canonical autophagy in melanoma cells. (a-h) Representative examples in SK-Mel-103 untransduced or expressing control or RAB7 shRNA3 as indicated. (a) Confocal visualization of the acid-dependent Lysotracker (red) and the proteolysis-dependent DQ-Green-BSA (green) fluorescent probes. (b) Changes in the electrophoretic mobility of endogenous LC3 protein upon RAB7 downregulation. (c) Micrographs of cells expressing RAB7 or BECLIN1 shRNA , and their corresponding scrambled shRNA controls. (d) Fluorescence imaging of GFP-LC3 in the indicated cell populations. (e, left) RT-PCR verification of siRNA-mediated downregulation of RAB7 and/or ATG7. (e, right) Fluorescence imaging of GFP-LC3 in the indicated cell populations. Arrow mark non-canonical GFP-LC3 rings. (f) Snapshots of live videomicroscopy of GFP-RAB7 (green), Cherry-LC3 (red) and Lysotracker (LTR) Blue (blue) in control SK-Mel-103 cells. Arrows point to the initial images where the corresponding markers are recruited to pre-existing RAB7-positive macroendocytic vesicles. Numbers indicate time-point intervals of 5 minutes. (g) Confocal visualization of the early endosomal marker GFP-RAB5 (green) in the indicated cell populations. (h) Visualization of the fluid-phase endocytic marker Lucifer Yellow (green) incorporated in control or RAB7-downregulated melanoma cells. 92 Results plasma membrane (Video S3). The recruitment of LC3 to large RAB7-positive vesicles occurred prior to internalization and fusion to lysosomes, as shown by visualization of lysosomes using the LTR blue probe (Fig. 21f). These large vesicles into which LC3 was loaded were suggestive of macroendocytic vesicles, as they derived from originally large vesicles generated from plasma membrane ruffling (Video S3 and results not shown). LC3-recruiting macroendosomes were confirmed by direct imaging of i) the early endosomal maker, GFP-RAB5396, 397 , and ii) fluid phase tracers, such as Lucifer Yellow398 or 70kD- Rhodamine-labeled dextrans, which also were found to massively accumulate in the cytosol of RAB7depleted melanoma cells (Figs. 21g,h and results not shown). Together, these data reveal that melanoma cells exhibit a constitutively active “non-canonical” macroendocytic pathway which serves a novel non-canonical autophagy route (i.e. not mediated by classical autophagy genes such as ATG7) and is dependent on RAB7 for efficient lysosomal turnover. 8. DERAILED VESICLE TRAFFIC BY RAB7 DOWNREGULATION PROMOTES THE SECRETION OF LYSOSOMAL PROTEASES The role of the endolysosomal pathway in melanoma remains poorly characterized despite the fact that its deregulation can impact diverse cellular processes (such as signal transduction, cytoskelal organization, and motility, among others)399, 400 and is an emerging hallmark of cancer cells306. Therefore, we next investigated cellular factors that could be deregulated by halted macroendocytosis in RAB7depleted melanoma cells. Cathepsins (CTS) are lysosomal proteases known to be sorted to the lysosome via endosomes401, and were of interest because they were found herein to be enriched in the melanoma lineage (Figs. 12a and S1) and are key effectors of tumor-cell invasion402. IF staining of CTS (shown for CTS-B) revealed that RAB7 downregulation induced a change in their cellular distribution: control cells exhibited a low and perinuclear staining for CTS, while cells lacking RAB7 showed CTS an accumulation of CTS towards the cell periphery within the RAB5-positive macroendosomes (Figs. 22a,b). Lysosomal CTS can also be detected extracellularly403, 404, where they degrade the extracellular matrix to promote metastatic dissemination405, 406 . Thus, we next investigated whether the mislocalization of CTS upon RAB7 downregulation could be coupled to their enhanced secretion. To this end, we incubated the conditioned media from control and RAB7-depleted melanoma cells with the biotinylated activity-based probe DCG-04, which binds a large fraction of active cathepsins and can be subsequently detected by WB analysis357. This assay revealed increased levels of active extracellular CTS in the conditioned media from RAB7-downregulated melanoma cells (Fig. 22c), which we additionally confirmed by WB analysis 93 Results for all individual CTS analyzed (see CTS-B, -D, -K, and –S in Fig. 22d). RAB7-depletion exerted these roles independently of, and without affecting, basal MITF levels (Fig. 22d). Comparison of melanoma and non-melanoma tumor cell lines showed that the particular macroendocytic activity and the quantity of cathepsins in the intracellular and extracellular compartments varied for each specific cell type (Fig. 22c-e and results not shown). However, nonmelanoma cell lines did not respond to RAB7 downregulation with the same burst of CTS secretion that was identified in melanoma cells (see HCT116 in Figs 22c-e and two thyroid carcinoma cell lines and HeLa cells in Fig 22e). This further supports a lineage-dependent wiring of endolysosomal pathways in cancer and a particular dependence of melanoma cells on RAB7. RAB5 CTS-B b Merge RAB7 β-Actin CTS-DCM CTS-XCM shRNA: Ponceau CM HCT116 FTC-133 CAL-62 HeLa UCC-62 e Ctrl RAB7 Ctrl RAB7 Ctrl RAB7 Ctrl RAB7 Ctrl RAB7 Ctrl RAB7 SK-Mel-28 CTS-SCM CTS-B CTS-D CTS-BCM CTS-B CTS-X CTS-S RAB7 RAB7 MITF α-Tubulin β-Actin 94 Ctrl - RAB7 UACC-62 SK-Mel-28 - RAB7 - Ctrl RAB7 HCT116 CTS-BCM Ctrl shRNA: - DCG-04CM Ponceau CM Intracellular SK-Mel-103 shRAB7 RAB7 - Ctrl RAB7 - d SK-Mel-28 Extracellular Extracellular shRNA: Ctrl HCT116 Extracellular UACC-62 shControl shControl shRAB7 c Intracellular SK-Mel-28 CTS-B Intracellular a Fig.22. Mislocalization of lysosomal proteases upon RAB7 downregulation. (a) RAB5 (green) and cathepsin (CTS)-B (red) double-IF in shControl and shRAB7 SK-Mel28 melanoma cells. (b) IF staining of CTS-B in the indicated melanoma cell populations. Arrows mark the enriched distribution of cathepsin B-positive large vesicles towards the cell periphery in RAB7-depleted cells. (c-e) Immunoblot analyses in conditioned media (CM) or total cell extracts from the indicated non-melanoma (black) and melanoma (blue) cell lines, expressing control or RAB7 shRNA, and probed with biotinylated DCG-04 or the indicated antibodies. Results 9. GLOBAL CHANGES IN GENE EXPRESSION AND PROTEIN SECRETION PROGRAMS BY MODULATION OF RAB7 LEVELS Vesicle trafficking can impact multiple cellular processes, including signaling cascades306, 399, 400 . Therefore, RNA sequencing (RNA seq) and GSEA was performed in control and RAB7-downregulated melanoma cells to identify potential processes affected by RAB7. The cell line HCT116 was used as a non-melanoma reference to further assess tumor type-specific responses to RAB7 depletion in cancer. The rationale for this approach was to avoid oversimplifications that would necessarily result from single-gene studies, as membrane trafficking factors are inherently pleiotropic and have the potential of interfering with multiple signaling cascades 306, 407 . Moreover, as transcriptomic profiling has not been reported before upon interfering with RAB7 expression, we expected to provide new insights on the pathways that depend on the action of this GTPase. Transcriptomic changes were analyzed at early time points (day 3 after shRNA transduction) in order to search for deregulated pathways with a likely driver role in shRAB7-driven phenotypes (instead of byproducts of altered cell cycle arrest and morphological alterations). Numerous genes and pathways with key roles in tumor cell proliferation and invasiveness were found to be deregulated by RAB7 downregulation in melanoma cells. Consistent with the functions of RAB7 identified by functional assays, a large fraction of the significantly inhibited genes (FDR<0.05) by RAB7 downregulation clustered in proliferation-related GO-categories (e.g. cell cycle progression, mitosis, and cytokinesis). In turn, significantly up-regulated genes were found to be involved in invasion-related pathways (e.g. cell-adhesion, motility, and extracellular matrix remodeling) (see Fig.23a for the GOcategorization of the significantly deregulated genes found in the UACC-62 melanoma cell line, and Table S7 for GSEA results in all three cell lines analyzed). Notably, RAB7 depletion also lead to alterations in the transcriptome of HCT116, but these changes were either less significant or even opposite to the effects in melanoma cells (see GSEA results in Table S7), perhaps reflecting compensatory responses. To validate the RNA sequencing data, we specifically selected deregulated genes or pathways that are known to be critical for melanoma maintenance or metastatic progression. The downregulation of the E2F1 cascade (Fig. 23b), which is essential for melanoma proliferation408, was confirmed by immunoblot analyses that showed a reduced expression of the E2F1 cofactor, TFDP1409, and the downstream cell cycle effectors, CDC2, CDC6 and AURKB, in RAB7-depleted melanoma cells (Fig. 23c, left panels). In 95 Results addition, we showed the induction of CEACAM1, a clinically relevant pro-metastatic melanoma gene410413 , in RAB7-downregulated melanoma cells (Fig 23c, right panel). Of note, CEACAM1 has also been found to be upregulated in thick VGP melanomas of poor prognosis183, 413. Downregulated Upregulated shRNA: cell cycle cytokinesis chromosome segregation cellular component organization cell communication cell motion cell adhesion RAB7 shRNA: CEACAM1 β-Actin TDFP1 Fibronectin CM CDC2 CDC6 Hsp70CM AURKB GAPDH CM Nucleolin Ponceau CM b Ctrl RAB7 Ctrl RAB7 Ctrl RAB7 c Ctrl RAB7 Ctrl RAB7 Ctrl RAB7 a d 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.7 Ranked gene list RAB7 KD Negatively correlated Paxillin shRAB7 shControl Example 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 RAB7 KD Positively correlated Phalloidin shControl shRAB7 MEMBRANE TRAFFICKING RAB7 KD Positively correlated RAB7 KD Negatively correlated Average Enrichment score (ES) E2F PATHWAY 10 µm N = 20 Fig. 23. Molecular consequences of RAB7 downregulation in melanoma (vs non-melanoma) cell lines. (a) Pie chart representing the distribution of the significantly down- and up-regulated genes (FDR<0.05) upon RAB7 downregulation in UACC-62 melanoma cells, according to GO-cellular process categorization. (b) Enrichment plots showing representative examples of significantly downregulated (left panel, FDR = 5.48E-04) and upregulated (right panel, FDR = 0.016) pathways in shRAB7 UACC-62 melanoma cells, identified by GSEA. (c) Immunoblot analyses in cell lysates to validate the opposing effect of shRAB7 on the levels of cell cycle regulators (TFDP1, CDC2, CDC6); left) and of the pro-invasive factor CEACAM1 (right) in melanoma cells (labeled in blue). HCT116 colon cancer cells (labeled in black) are included as non-melanoma controls. Also shown are the immunoblot analyses in CM showing an enhanced secretion of the indicated proteins in shRAB7 melanoma cells (right). Ponceau S staining of proteins from the CM and nucleolin blot of cell lysates are shown as loading controls. (d) Representative examples (upper panels) and average stainings from 20 randomly-selected cells per condition (lower panels) of SK-Mel-103 shControl and shRAB7 cells plated on crossbow-shaped fibronectin micropatterns (CYTOO-chips) and stained for actin (phalloidin) and focal adhesions (paxillin). The polarized cortical actin organization and large focal adhesions visualized in control but not in shRAB7 cells are marked with dashed lines and arrows, respectively. RNA sequencing also predicted an upregulation of several pathways involved in membrane trafficking, protein secretion, and extracellular matrix remodeling upon RAB7 downregulation in melanoma cells (Figs 23a,b and Table S7). Thus, we performed additional proteomic analyses in the conditioned media (CM) from RAB7-expressing and RAB7-downregulated melanoma cells. This revealed that reduction of RAB7 levels enhances the secretion of a series of factors involved in tumor-cell invasiveness and immune modulation, namely fibronectin414, 415 , HSP70200, 416 , and GAPDH (exosome maker200) (Fig. 23c, right 96 Results panels), broadening the secretory phenotype from the initially identified lysosomal cathepsins. Finally, cytoskeletal reorganizations induced by RAB7 downregulation were visualized by direct assessment of cortical actin and focal adhesions (by means of staining with phalloidin and paxillin, respectively) using bow-shaped CYTOOchip assays356 (Fig. 23d). Together, these data provide molecular evidence to further support the lineage-dependent impact of RAB7 function in cancer and reveal novel specific downstream effects of RAB7 on the transcriptome and the proteome of melanoma cells. 10. UPSTREAM REGULATION OF RAB7 BY MELANOCYTE DEVELOPMENTAL PATHWAYS Characterization of the pathways deregulated upon RAB7 knockdown provided molecular evidence supporting the dual (and opposing) roles of RAB7 in melanoma cell proliferation and invasiveness, as well as its lineage-dependent impact on cancer cell phenotype. Still, an unanswered question remained why RAB7, which is ubiquitously expressed in different normal and tumor cells, was specifically enriched and dynamically regulated in melanoma cells. We were intrigued by the fact that RAB7 expression was not controlled by MITF (Fig. 15), the best characterized melanocyte-lineage transcription factor241, 254 and a key regulator of melanoma cell phenotype171, 417, described to have oscillatory expression patterns along melanoma progression207, 208, 214 . The expression analyses of RAB7 and MITF presented above showed that, although RAB7 is expressed in MITF-negative cells, high MITF-expressing melanoma lines invariably expressed high levels of RAB7, suggesting that both factors could share a common upstream regulator. Thus, we next studied whether additional melanocytic transcription factors functioning upstream of MITF, namely PAX3 and SOX10241, 418, 419, could be regulating RAB7 expression levels in an MITF-independent manner. SiRNAmediated inactivation of PAX3 or SOX10 revealed that RAB7 expression was minimally affected by PAX3 siRNA (Fig. 24a and results not shown). In contrast, SOX10 siRNA effectively reduced RAB7 mRNA as efficiently as its inhibition of MITF (Figs. 24a,b). SOX10-mediated regulation of RAB7 was confirmed at the protein level in all melanoma cell lines tested (Fig. 24c). Interestingly, SOX10 expression mimicked that of RAB7, as it was also retained in MITF-negative melanoma cells (Fig. 24d) and was found expressed at lower levels in highly invasive cell lines (Fig. 24d). Whether SOX10 controls RAB7 mRNA directly or indirectly needs further analysis as no consensus binding sites were identified for this transcription factor in the RAB7 promoter. Nevertheless, these data illustrate a novel lineage-dependent regulation of RAB7 and uncover a novel branching of developmental pathways in melanoma, whereby 97 Results tumor type-dependent drivers can be expressed and act in an MITF-independent manner. Moreover, these results suggest that the decreased levels of RAB7 found in highly invasive stages of tumor progression might stem from the acquisition of a more dedifferentiated status by melanoma cells. 1 0.8 siSOX10 siControl RAB7 SOX10 PAX3 SOX10 0.6 0.4 RAB7 0.2 MITF 0 siControl siPAX3 18S siSOX10 SOX10 RAB7 RAB7 SOX10 MITF MITF β-Actin α-Tubulin Mel-1 SK-Mel-147 SK-Mel-103 SK-Mel-28 UACC-62 siSOX10 siControl siSOX10 siControl siSOX10 siControl siSOX10 siControl SK-Mel-19 d c Sk-Mel-29 Relative mRNA levels (fold to siControl) 1.2 siControl b siSOX10 a Fig. 24. SOX10-dependent regulation of RAB7 in melanoma cells. (a) qRT-PCR analyses of RAB7, SOX10 and PAX3 mRNA levels in UACC-62 melanoma cells expressing (siControl), SOX10 (siSOX10), or PAX3 (siPAX3) siRNAs. (b) RT-PCR analyses of SOX10, RAB7 and MITF mRNA levels in the indicated melanoma cell lines expressing control (siControl) or SOX10 (siSOX10) siRNAs. (c) Impact of SOX10 siRNA (siSOX10) on SOX10, RAB7 and MITF protein levels analyzed by western blot in the indicated melanoma cell lines. α-Tubulin is shown as loading control. (d) Immunoblots of total cell extracts isolated from indicated melanoma cell lines and probed for basal RAB7, SOX10, and MITF. α-Tubulin is shown as loading control. Highly invasive melanoma cell lines are highlighted in green. 11. REGULATION OF RAB7 EXPRESSION AND FUNCTION BY ONCOGENIC SIGNALING PATHWAYS IN MELANOMA CELLS The identification of RAB7 as a new functional target of SOX10 revealed an unexpected interplay between lineage-specification and the endolysosomal machinery of melanoma cells. However, this could not explain the enriched levels of RAB7, and increased dependence to this factor, observed in malignant melanocytic cells (Figs. 18 and 19a). This suggested that oncogenic pathways may additionally modulate this GTPase in melanoma. To address this possibility, we assessed whether oncogenic signaling frequently activated during melanomagenesis contributed to RAB7 regulation and function. Using pharmacologic inhibitors of the most frequently activated oncogenic signaling pathways in melanoma, we found that the Class I phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor LY294002 significantly inhibited RAB7 protein levels (Fig. 25a). This was not the case for inhibitors of the MAPK pathway (data not shown). Class I PI3K inhibitors were also found to efficiently revert the accumulation of cytosolic 98 Results vacuoles and enhanced cathepsin secretion observed in RAB7-downregulated melanoma cells (Figs. 25b,c), indicating that PI3K signaling regulates both the expression and function of this vesicle trafficking regulator. Consistently, Class I PI3K inhibitors also abrogated melanoma-cell basal macroendocytic uptake (Fig. 25d). In addition, pharmacologic (by 3-MA treatment) and genetic (by VPS34 siRNA) inhibition of PI3KC3, a critical effector of macroendocytosis420, also reverted shRAB7-driven phenotypes in melanoma cells (Figs. 25e,f and results not shown). Although PI3KC3 also regulates classical autophagy, ATG7 siRNA did not affect shRAB7-driven vacuolization, further supporting a major contribution of non-canonical autophagy to the phenotypic changes induced by RAB7 downregulation in melanoma cells (Figs. 25e,f). c SK-Mel-28 UACC-62 SK-Mel-103 α-Tubulin ETP-46992 shRNA: LY294002: RAB7 β-Actin - - + + - - + + - - + + CTS-B shRAB7 SK-Mel-103 ETP-38 Ctrl RAB7 Ctrl RAB7 RAB7 LY294002 Ctrl RAB7 Ctrl RAB7 Ctrl RAB7 Ctrl RAB7 Non Treated shControl NT b LY294002 a CTS-D Ponceau SK-Mel-28 ** 70kD-Rhd-Dextran f * 4 *** 2.0 0 1.0 0 1.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 *** 3 2 siCtrl siRAB7 2.0 0 Vacuolized cells (fold increase) Uptake / cell (AFU) Lucifer Yellow ns 5 1 0 siCtrl siVPS34 siVPS34 + siRAB7 e siCtrl SIATG7 SIATG7 + SIRAB7 d ATG7 VPS34 RAB7 RAB7 RAB7 18S 18S 18S Fig. 25. Class I/III PI3K-dependent regulation of RAB7 in melanoma cells. (a) Immunoblots of total cell extracts isolated from the indicated melanoma cell line treated with LY294002, 3-MA or vehicle control (NT) for 24h, and probed for RAB7. α-Tubulin and β-Actin are included as loading controls. (b) Bright field micrographs of shControl and shRAB7 SK-Mel-103 cells in the presence and absence of three different Class I PI3K inhibitors (LY294002 and ETP-46992 are pan- Class I PI3K inhibitors, whereas ETP-38 is a specific Class I PI3K α,δ inhibitor). (c) Immunoblot analyses of CTS-B and –D in conditioned media from the indicated melanoma populations in the presence and absence of LY294002. (d) Confocal-based quantification of the uptake of Lucifer Yellow (left) and 70kD Rhodamine-Dextran (right) by SK-Mel-103 melanoma cells treated with LY294002 vehicle control (NT). (e) Impact of control- (siCtrl), VPS34- (siVPS34) and ATG- (siATG) siRNAs, on siRAB7-induced cytosolic vacuolization. (f) RT-PCR verification of siRNA-mediated knock-down of VPS34 (C3PI3K), ATG7 and RAB7 for the same cell populations shown in (e). 99 Results Together, these results demonstrate an additional level of regulation of RAB7 by oncogenic signaling, and a critical contribution of PI3K-driven macroendocytosis to RAB7-dependent phenotypes in melanoma. This is important because normal melanocytes, positive expressors of both SOX10 and RAB7, were not found to exhibit constitutively active macroendocytic trafficking (Fig. 26a). 12. ACTIVATION OF ONCOGENIC SIGNALING IN NORMAL MELANOCYTES DEREGULATES RAB7 AND ITS ASSOCIATED VESICLE TRAFFICKING PATHWAYS Once determined that PI3K induces RAB7 and its associated vesicle trafficking pathways in melanoma cells, we set to determine whether this is an early trait in tumor development. To this end, primary human melanocytes were transduced with oncogenes frequently activated in melanocytic lesions (HRASG12V, NRASQ61R, NRASG12V and BRAFV600E)160. Oncogenic H/N-RAS mutants, direct triggers of PI3K activation, were found to activate RAB7-dependent macroendocytosis and recapitulate the trafficking features identified in melanoma cells. This was demonstrated by i) activation of uptake of macroendocytic tracers, like 70kD-Rhodamine Dextran (Fig. 26b); ii) mobilization of RAB7 to large macroendosomes (Fig. 26c) and iii) time-lapse videomicroscopy, which clearly showed an active generation of macropinosomes from actin-driven membrane ruffling in RAS-expressing melanocytes (Video S4). Importantly, modulation of MEK/ERK signaling alone activated endocytosis, although it was not sufficient to mimic PI3K-driven macropinocytosis (results not shown). Interestingly, primary human melanocytes expressing the oncogenic forms of RAS failed to upregulate RAB7 levels and, as reported85, activated premature oncogene-induced senescence (OIS), driven by PI3K and associated with massive cytosolic vacuolization (Fig. 26d,e). Therefore, we proceeded to ectopically overexpress and inhibit RAB7 function in order to assess whether this factor could be participating in melanocyte OIS. Overexpression of wild-type RAB7 (Fig. 26e) significantly abrogated SA-β-Gal staining and resolved the massive cytosolic vacuolization observed in control cells (Fig. 26f-h). Conversely, overexpression of the dominant negative mutant of RAB7 strikingly induced the number and size of RASdriven macropinosomes (Fig 26g and results not shown), recapitulating the morphological phenotypes observed in RAB7-inhibited NRAS-mutated melanoma cells. Together, these results show that increased RAB7 levels prevent aberrant accumulation of PI3K-driven macroendosomes, which suggests a possible additional, pro-oncogenic role for this trafficking regulator in tumor initiation, particularly by counteracting oncogenic stress acquired during malignant transformation of melanocytes. 100 Results a a SK-Mel-103 (NRASQ61R ) UACC-62 (BRAFV600E) HRASG12V Empty vector 70K Rdh-Dextran SK-Mel-103 Bright Field Melanocytes b b dd Vacuolized cells (%) RAB7 30 20 10 3.36 µm RAB7 WT RAB7 T22N NRASQ61R Vector GFP-RAB7 WT GFP-RAB7 T22N Vector GFP-RAB7 WT GFP-RAB7 T22N Vector GFP-RAB7 WT GFP-RAB7 T22N Vector GFP-RAB7 WT GFP-RAB7 T22N Vector BRAFV660E HRASG12V NRASQ61R NRASG12V Vector GFP-RAB7 WT GFP-RAB7 T22N Vector BRAFV600E SA-β-Gal positive cells (%) 0 80 60 40 20 0 3µm ee ef DMSO LY294002 U0126 Vector HRASG12V HRASG12V cc NRASG12V BRAF Pan-RASectopic Pan-RASendogenous GFP-RAB7ectopic RAB7endogenous α-Tubulin hh pLV Vector GFP-RAB7 WT 20 15 10 5 NRASG12V NRASQ61R 0 HRASG12V *** GFP-RAB7 T22N 25 BRAFV600E *** > 12 Diametr of vacuoles (µm) 30 Vector SA-Β-Gal positive celss (%) g g 10 8 6 4 2 0 Vector RAB7 RAB7 WT T22N 101 Fig. 26. Activation of RAB7dependent vesicle trafficking driven by PI3K signaling in primary human melanocytes expressing RAS oncogenes. (a) Uptake of 70 kD RhodamineDextran in melanocytes and representative melanoma cell lines of the indicated genetic backgrounds. (b) Bright field and fluorescence micrographs showing the activation of 70kD Rhodamine(Rhd)-Dextran uptake in control and oncogenic RASexpressing melanocytes. (c) Confocal immunofluorescence microscopy of RAB7-positive macropinocytic vesicles in oncogenic RAS-expressing melanocytes. (d) β-Gal-positive and vacuolized cells in vector- or HRASG12V- expressing melanocytes treated as indicated (see details in Materials and Methods). (e) Immunoblot analyses of total cell extracts isolated from melanocytes co-expressing the indicated oncogenes and wildtype (WT) or dominant negative (T22N) GFP-RAB7, or their corresponding empty vector controls, and probed for the indicated antibodies. (f) Representative micrographs showing the effect of RAB7 wildtype (WT) or dominant negative (T22N) overexpression on senescence associated βgalactosidase staining and cytoplasmic vacuolization in primary melanocytes expressing oncogenic mutants of BRAF, HRAS and NRAS. The quantification of βgalactosidase positive cells is summarized in (g). (h) Dot plot showing the impact of RAB7 wildtype (WT) or dominant negative (T22N) overexpression in the size of HRASG12V-induced vacuoles (vacuoles of ≥1µm in diameter were individually measured). Results 13. ONCOGEN-DRIVEN ACTIVATION OF RAB7 IN VIVO To validate in vivo the activation of RAB7 and macroendocytosis by oncogenic signaling, both events were studied in two different genetically-modified melanoma mice models that involve the activation of PI3K signaling: (i) the transgenic system Tyr:NrasQ61K; Ink4a/Arf-/-, expressing NrasQ61K in the melanocytic lineage in the context of Ink4a/Arf deficiency421; and (ii) the inducible Tyr::CreERT2;BrafCA;PTENfl/fl), a knock in model driving active BrafV600E expression and Pten deletion also in melanocytic cells165, 421. High magnification confocal imaging of RAB7 IF staining confirmed large macroendocytic vesicles in early malignant melanomas generated in both melanoma models, but not in the surrounding non-melanocytic stroma (Fig. 27a, compare RAB7 staining in S100/melanocytic marker-positive and -negative cells). Tyr:NrasQ61K; Ink4a/Arf-/- Tyr::CreERT2;BrafCA;Ptenfl/fl RAB7 a S100 - 1µm 1µm S100+ S100 - 1µm 1µm Merge S100 S100+ 5µm 5µm PRIMARY MELANOMA NORMALSKIN RAB7 bb 1.59µm 0.84µm Merge S100 1.28µm 25µm 7.5µm 25µm SPITZ NEVUS (HRASG12V) 7.5µm COMPOUND NEVUS (BRAFV600E) 1.50µm RAB7 1.80µm Merge S100 1.33µm 25µm 7.5µm 25µm 7.5µm 102 Fig. 27. Confocal visualization of putative oncogene-driven RAB7positive macropinosomes in vivo. (a,b) Co-staining of RAB7 (red) and S100 (green) in paraffin-embedded sections of the indicated melanoma mouse models (a) of human melanocytic lesions (b). Melanocytic cells are marked by positive S100 staining. Note in (a) the differential levels and cytosolic distribution of RAB7 in melanocytic lesions (S100 positive, S100+) versus stromal cells (S00 negative. S100-). In (b), dotted lines separate melanocytic lesions from the stroma, negative for the melanocytic marker S100. The size of representative RAB7-coated macroendocytic vesicles visualized in lesions harbouring active PI3K signaling (i.e. melanomas and HRASG12V-Spitz nevus) is also indicated. Results Importantly, RAB7-positive macroendosomes were not just a feature of mouse melanomas. Putative RAB7-positive macropinosomes were also detected in human melanoma biopsies but not in normal skin melanocytes or in compound nevi (harbouring oncogenic BRAF) (Fig. 27b). In contrast, they were found to be massively accumulated in melanocytic cells from Spitz nevi (linked to mutated HRAS), confirming evidence obtained in vitro with RAS-induced senescent melanocytes (Fig. 27b). These results provide physiological evidence of the direct involvement of this GTPase in the active turnover of macroendocytic vesicles generated by the activation of PI3K signaling during melanoma development. 14. MODULATION OF RAB7-ASSOCIATED ENDOLYSOSOMAL VESICLE TRAFFICKING BY TREATMENT WITH dsRNA-BASED NANOCOMPLEXES The results presented above demonstrated RAB7 as a novel downstream effector of melanocytic lineage commitment (SOX10) and oncogenic signaling pathways (PI3K), which melanoma cells deploy in order to favor cancer progression. In addition, we showed that melanoma cells exhibit an enhanced influx of RAB7-driven macropinocytosis, which is not found in normal cells. Therefore, we next questioned whether the differential wiring of RAB7-dependent endolysosomal pathways in melanoma could represent a novel window for therapeutic intervention. To explore the potential therapeutic implications of RAB7-mediated vesicle trafficking, we next used SKMel-103 melanoma cells stably expressing constitutive levels of GFP-tagged RAB7 to screen for anticancer agents with different modes of action that could be targeting the endolysosomal machinery. Multiple drugs were found to deregulate RAB7-associated vesicle trafficking, without significantly affecting cell viability (i.e. cyclopamine, a specific Hedgehog signaling pathway antagonist of Smoothened, Smo)422) (Fig 28a). However, death inducers were also found. In particular, dsRNA mimic polyinosine-polycytidylic acid423 complexed with the cytosolic carrier polyethyleneimine (PEI)424 ([pIC]PEI) was found to induce a potent mobilization of RAB7 (Fig. 28a) and was associated with large vesicular structures visualized by electron microscopy (Fig. 28b). These results were intriguing as pIC had been linked to the activation of autophagy in immune cells425, but not in the context of tumor cell death. Therefore, we next investigated the cellular machinery responsible for sensing [pIC]PEI and executing the cytotoxic response of melanoma cells to [pIC]PEI. 103 Results a a NT [pIC]PEI (dsRNA mimmic) U0126 (MEK inh) TW-37 (Mcl-1 inh) bb Control [pIC]PEI 20 µm [pIC]PEI Bortezomib (Proteasome inh) Cyclopamine (Smo inhibitor) Doxorubicin (DNA damaging) SB202190 (p38 inh) 500 nm Fig. 28. Drug-induced mobilization of melanoma cell RAB7-dependent trafficking (a) Confocal microscopy images showing the deregulation of GFP-RAB7 upon treatment with the indicated agents for 8h (see additional details in Materials and Methods section) (b) Representative bright field (top panels) and electron microscope (bottom panel) micrographs of SK-Mel-103 treated with 1µg/mL [pIC]PEI for 30 h. 15. RAB7-MEDIATED VESICLE TRAFFICKING IS ACTIVELY INVOLVED IN THE ANTI-MELANOMA ACTIVITY OF dsRNA-BASED NANOCOMPLEXES Enlarged RAB7-positive vesicles could result either from an increased generation (influx) of RAB7dependent trafficking, or by abrogation of lysosomal function. In the second scenario, vesicles would grow in size as a consequence of accumulation of improperly degraded material. This was ruled out by confirmation of i) an effective recruitment of lysosomes to the large RAB7-positve vesicles, by videomicroscopy of fluorescently tagged RAB7 and lysotracker-stained lysosomes (Fig. 29a), and ii) functional lysosomal proteolytic activity, using the DQ-BSA probe (Fig. 29b). Time-lapse videomicroscopy consistently revealed a massive hyperactivation of RAB7-positive macroendosomes in tumor cells treated with [pIC]PEI (Fig. 29c). The mobilization of the endolysosomal machinery by [pIC]PEI occurred along with activation of the classical and the “non-canonical” endosome-mediated autophagy (Fig 29d and results not shown). 104 Results Lysotracker b Merge DQ-BSA Merged Chloroquine [pIC]PEI [pIC]PEI 5s 9s 27s NT +95’ +90’ +130’ +100’ +95’ +140’ +100’ +145’ +110’ +105’ +150’ +115 ’ +110’ +155’ +120’ +115’ +160’ +125’ +120’ +170’ 5 µm 10 µm 97s d 60+95’ [pIC]PEI GFPRAB7 +125’ 94s +105’ Cherry-LC3 +85’ 5 µm 81s [pIC]PEI 60+90’ +105’ 54s +130’ LTR-blue 0s +150’ +5´ Merge [pIC]PEI c Lysotracker Control GFP-RAB7 WT NT a +25´ +45´ 5 µm Fig. 29. [pIC]PEI enhances RAB7-mediated macroendocytic trafficking. (a) SK-Mel-103 cells stably transfected with GFPRAB7 WT treated with [pIC]PEI (1µg/mL,8h) were incubated with Lysotracker-Red for visualization of RAB7 (green) and lysosomes (red). The lower sequence of confocal microphotographs taken at the indicated time intervals (in seconds) illustrates the incorporation of lysosomes to RAB7-positive vesicles. (b) DQ-BSA (Green) emission in control, [pIC]PEI (1µg/mL,8h) or Chloroquine (20µM,5h) treated SK-Mel-103 cells. Lysotracker-Red stains the lysosomal compartment. (c) Sequential images of control or [pIC]PEI-treated SK-Mel-103 melanoma cells expressing GFP-RAB7, captured at indicated time intervals (in minutes). Cells were imaged 1h after treatment with [pIC]PEI (1µg/mL) or control vehicle. (d) Fluorescence visualization of non-canonical autophagy in [pIC]PEI-treated SK-Mel-103 cells expressing Cherry-LC3 (red), GFP-RAB7 (green) and incubated in the presence of Lysotracker (LTR) (blue) to detect autophagosomes, endosomes and lysosomes, respectively (arrows mark the first images where the corresponding markers can be visualized). 105 Results To demonstrate a lysosomal-dependent mode of action of [pIC]PEI, we pre-incubated melanoma cells with several agents that block lysosomal function: the lysomotropic agent, chloroquine; broad spectrum protease inhibitors, E64d and pepstatin A; and the vacuolar ATPase blocker, bafilomycin. Surprisingly, all of these agents protected melanoma cells against [pIC]PEI-driven cell death (Fig. 30a). In addition, we tested and confirmed a protective effect of pre-treatment with pharmacological blockers of the early stages of the endocytic, macroendocytic and autophagic pathways, namely Class I PI3K and Class III PI3K inhibitors (LY294003 and 3-MA, respectively) and EIPA, an inhibitor of the Na+/H+ exchanger that specifically inhibits macropinocytosis426 (Fig. 30b). Together, these results show that the mobilization of endolysosomal compartments is actively involved in the anti-melanoma activity of [pIC]PEI. Importantly, [pIC]PEI was found to act in a tumor-cell selective manner, as it resulted innocuous for normal melanocytes (Fig. 30e). Preliminary results support that the differential activity of endolysosomal trafficking between normal and tumor cells might underlie this selectivity. Consistent with an endolysosomal attenuated activity in normal melanocytes compared to melanoma cells (shown in Fig. 27), normal cells exhibited negligible uptake of fluorescently labeled- [pIC]PEI (Fig. 30d). Interestingly, preliminary data showed that activation of oncogenes in normal melanocytes can activate the uptake of [pIC]PEI (Fig. 30d) and make them responsive to this agent (Fig. 30e). Finally, other members of the laboratory demonstrated that, in addition to the mobilization of vesicle trafficking pathways, [pIC]PEI induced: i) a subsequent activation of apoptotic cell death triggered by the dsRNA sensor MDA5, NOXA, and caspases, and ii) a potent antitumor activity in vivo (see Fig. 35 in the discussion section). Together, these results served as the proof-of-principle for the ability of [pIC]PEI to drive tumor-cell selective cell death by coordinated targeting of lysosomal and apoptotic mechanisms. Moreover, they demonstrate that re-wired endolysosomal pathways represent a point of vulnerability of tumor cells that could be exploited therapeutically to enable selective drug uptake and cell death. 106 Results a c 75 SK-Mel-103 UACC-62 Melanocytes UACC-62 SK-Mel-28 NT NT [pIC]PEI Melanocytes 50 25 [pIC]PEI Dead Cells (%) 100 Ctrl Bafil Chlor NT b PEP [pIC]PEI d FG12 vectortransduced melanocytes HRASG12Vexpressing melanocytes Merge DMSO [pIC]PEI-Rhd-labeled LY294002 EIPA e FG12 vector HRASG12V BRAFV600E NRASQ61R NRASG12V [pIC]PEI NT Non infected Fig. 30. Endolysosomal trafficking can be targeted by [pIC]PEI to induce tumor-cell selective cell death (a) Inhibitory effect of 1h-pretreatment with 100 µM Bafilomycin (Bafil), 20 µM Chloroquine (Chlor) or 10µg/ml Pepstatin (PEP) on cell death estimated by trypan blue 20h after treatment with vehicle (white bars) or 1µg/mL [pIC]PEI (black bars). (b) Inhibitory effect of 5h-pretreatment with 10µm LY294402 and 10µM EIPA (on cell death estimated by crystal violet staining of viable cells 48h after treatment with vehicle or 1µg/mL [pIC]PEI. (c) Representative bright field images of normal melancoytes and the indicated melanoma cell lines after 48h after treatment with vehicle or 0.5µg/mL [pIC]PEI. (d) Analysis of the uptake of [pIC]PEI by confocal visualization of pIC complexed with a rhodamine (Rhd)-labeled PEI in UACC-62 melanoma cells, normal melanocytes, and melanocytes expressing FG12 empty vector or oncogenic HRAS (at day 5 post-infection). Cells were incubated with 0.5ug/mL labeled-[pIC]PEI for 18h, washed and fixed with 4% PFA. Nuclei are counterstained in blue. (e) Representative bright field images of normal melancoytes, or melanocytes expressing FG12 vector, empty or coding for the indicated oncogenes 48h after treatment with vehicle or 0.5µg/mL [pIC]PEI 107 Results 108 Objetives “Never lose sight of the big picture” (Anonymous) Discussion 109 Results 110 Discussion Here we have identified a lineage-specific wiring of the endolysomal pathway that melanoma cells exploit to favor tumor maintenance and progression. Importantly, we have also shown that the endolysosomal pathway of melanoma cells can be harnessed for therapeutic intervention. In brief, we have shown that (i) RAB7 is selectively upregulated in melanoma, as part of a lysosomalassociated signature that distinguishes this malignancy from over 35 different cancer types. (ii) This induction occurs at early stages of melanoma development, and is predictive of patient outcome. (iii) RAB7 is intrinsically required for melanoma cell proliferation, but expression studies in clinical biopsies combined with functional studies in cultured cells indicate that this GTPase is partially tuned-down by highly invasive melanoma cells to favor metastatic dissemination. At the cellular level (iv) RAB7 governs the fate of oncogene-driven cytoplasmic vesicles which are funneled towards the lysosome for degradation but accumulate and are diverted into secretory pathways when RAB7 is tuned-down. (v) The ultimate balance of RAB7-dependent traffic determines melanoma-cell phenotype by, at least, relocalizing lysosomal proteases, tuning gene expression programs, and altering cytoskeleton and membrane dynamics. (vi) We have also assessed the upstream regulators of RAB7 that define the lineage-specific enrichment of this protein in melanoma cells. Specifically, we showed that RAB7 is modulated at two levels, driven respectively by the melanocyte lineage specifier SOX10, and by melanoma-associated oncogenic activation of PI3K pathways. (vii) Together, our data demonstrate that the expression, regulation and function of RAB7 is distinct from MITF, the best known lineage-specific driver of melanoma progression known to date, and thus, opens new avenues of research in this field. (viii) Finally, we have identified dsRNA-nanocomplexes as a novel strategy against melanoma, demonstrating that tumor-cell specific wiring of endolysosomal pathways can be therapeutically exploited. 1. LESSONS FROM MULTITUMOR GSEA IN MELANOMA GENE DISCOVERY Most of the genome-wide gene expression or genomic studies aimed at identifying novel drivers of melanoma (i) have focused on genes that, individually, suffer frequent activating genetic alterations in datasets generated using metastatic melanomas 12, 13, 106, 244, 251, 427, or (ii) have compared different stages of melanoma progression180, 192, 194, 428. Here we have investigated pathways and lineage-specific traits in melanoma by performing GSEA on multitumor transcriptomic datasets. Together, we analyzed over 800 tumor cells and 35 cancer types. GSEA identified unexpected melanoma-enriched gene sets not 111 Discussion previously anticipated to be regulated or to act in a lineage-dependent manner, and led to the identification of: i) a melanoma-specific lysosome gene expression signature, ii) an intrinsic sensitivity of melanoma cells to the lysomotropic agent chloroquine, and iii) RAB7 as a novel melanoma-lineage dependency with implications in patient prognosis. Two other previous reports have used a multitumor-comparison strategy to identify lineage-restricted genes contributing to the particular features of melanoma. The first study was directed at identifying molecular signatures that could account for the characteristic immune responsiveness of melanoma, and analyzed gene expression data from tissues of different cancer types429. This approach led to the identification of several functional signatures descriptive of melanoma-specific immune functions, yet no validation of the differentially expressed genes was performed. Although not analyzed in this study, it is interesting that RAB7 and several other lysosome-associated genes appeared as significantly enriched in melanoma tissues, supporting our data. Without functional data mining by GSEA a lineage-dependent wiring of lysosome-associated trafficking genes was missed. This underscores the power of multitumor genome-wide GSEA, combined with mechanistic analyses of gene expression and function, to identify novel lineage-restricted pathways (rather than individual genes) in melanoma. A second very important study used a multitumor-comparison approach to identify melanomarestricted oncogenes171. Specifically, this study performed an integrated analysis of genomic and gene expression data from tumor cell lines included in the NCI-60 panel. Different from our GSEA, this analysis was restricted to genes within amplified genomic regions, which excluded the analysis of functional gene expression clusters. However, it yielded the identification of the first melanoma-lineage specific oncogene, MITF171. Interestingly, the second melanoma-lineage oncogene reported to date, BCL2A1, was identified by comparing tumor versus normal tissues, not by a multitumor comparison approach252. Of note, BCL2A1 was found to be a target of MITF and, as this transcription factor, it was found to be expressed and required just in a subset of melanomas252. Similarly, other MITF targets, such as RAB27236, 251 and PGC1α430, 431, are not expressed in all melanomas (see below). Finding that RAB7 is expressed and required in melanomas, independently of MITF, broadens the spectrum of lineage-specific drivers in melanoma. Importantly, our multitumor GESA demonstrated that, although lysosomes are essential to all mammalian cells, lysosomal-related vesicle trafficking can be rewired in a lineage specific manner in cancer. 112 Discussion 2. BIOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS OF MELANOMA-ASSOCIATED TRAITS IDENTIFIED BY GSEA Melanoma tumors are known for their intrinsic genetic complexity358, 432 and histological heterogeneity24. Therefore, one of the most intriguing results of this study is the identification of a uniform clustering of lysosomal-associated genes in a large panel of melanoma cell lines. Importantly, the melanoma-enriched lysosomal cluster that we identified includes genes that, individually, had been previously shown to have pro-tumorigenic role in melanoma and other tumor types, such as ACP53, 433, cathepsin-K434, 435, or cathepsin-B185, 436. Therefore, finding that lysosomal-associated genes could be coderegulated in a lineage-dependent manner was highly unexpected. An attractive scenario that may account for the simultaneous co-expression of a cluster of lysosomal genes in melanoma cells is that these factors are coordinately involved in functions that are unique to this tumor type. In this context, it is interesting to note that some lysosomal factors can also be present in melanosomes362, 437, the best known lineage-dependent organelle of melanocytic cells. In addition, melanosome maturation, transport and transfer to surrounding keratinocytes involve the participation of various RAB proteins, some of which (i.e. RAB38, RAB27 and RAB17) are direct transcriptional targets of MITF438. RAB7 itself is also well known for participating in melanosome maturation439. Therefore, it is certainly plausible that melanoma cells exploit genes with shared functions in melanosome and lysosome biology, thus “priming” their degradative features. However, while melanoma cells can completely shut-down pigmentation programs (i.e. MITF and its downstream targets), they invariably retain RAB7 levels and depend on active lysosomal-associated functions to counteract hyperactivated vesicle trafficking. The biological relevance of the lysosome cluster is further reinforced by two additional groups of results: First, we have uncovered for the first time that lysosomal factors that are not shared with melanosomes (e.g. cathepsins, peptidases, lipases, acid ceramidases and acid phosphatases, among others enzymes with lytic activities) are particularly overexpressed in a lineage-dependent manner in melanoma. Curiously, and different from RAB7, not all factors involved in melanosome biology are overexpressed in all melanoma cells and tumors. This second situation can be exemplified by RAB27 or RAB8377, 440-442 (Fig. 31). 113 that a blunt these lysosome-associated identified functionally cancer chloroquine compared to cells of other cancer types. Chloroquine is a lysosomotropic agent that, although it exerts various effects on lysosomal function and on apoptosis 295, it is widely used autophagic “metabolic” traits could associated with the and cells genes, melanoma-enriched be relevant endocytic degradation288, 443, 444. The increased sensitivity of melanoma cells to chloroquine might reflect are especially “degradative”. This is consistent with the GSEA gene lysosomal sets pathways446. In agreement with our GSEA data, mitochondrial Melanoma (61) Mesothelioma (11) Esophagus (25) AML (34) Colorectal (61) Stomach (38) Pancreas (44) Bile Duct (8) Urinary tract(27) Breast (58) Upper Aerodigestive (32) Hodgkin Lymphoma (12) Thyroid (12) Other Leukemia(1) Ovary (51) Kidney (34) Chondrosarcoma (4) Meningioma (3) LungNSC (131) Glioma (62) CML (15) Prostate (7) T-cell –all- (16) Soft Tissue (21) Other (15) Endometrium (27) Osteosarcoma (10) Lymphoma DLBCL (18) Multiple Myeloma (30) Liver(28) Neuroblastoma (17) Lymphoma –other- (28) B-cell –all- (15) Lung Small Cell (53) Medulloblastoma (4) Ewings Sarcoma (12) Burkitt lymphoma (11) to “gluttonous” behavior previously reported for melanoma cells274, 445. Finally, although this study focused on AML (34) Multiple Myeloma (30) Melanoma (61) Lymphoma –other- (28) B-cell –all- (15) CML (15) Glioma (62) Thyroid (12) Hodgkin Lymphoma (12( T-cell –all- (16) Other Leukemia (1) Chondrosarcoma (4) Mesothelioma (11) Lung NSC (131) Kidney (34) Liver (28) Other (15) Osteosarcoma (10) Soft Tissue (21) Pancreas (44) Urinary tract (27) Upper Aerodigestive (32) Bile Duct (8) Prostate (7) Lung Small Cell (53) Meningioma (3) Endometrium (27) Breast (58) Esophagus (25) Ovary (51) Colorectal (61) Lymphoma DLBCL (18) Stomach (38) Neuroblastoma (17) Medulloblastoma (4) Burkitt lymphoma (11) Ewings Sarcoma (12) to cells traits investigated herein, as it is known that the constituent parts of the cargo degraded at the lysosome can be further metabolised to Other Leuke mia (1) B-cell –all- (15) AML (34) Thyroid (12) CML (15) Lymphoma DLBCL (18) Lymphoma –other- (28) Multiple Myeloma (30) Meningioma (3) T-cell –all- (16) Burkitt lymphoma (11) Prostate (7) Soft Tissue (21) Mesothelioma (11) Bile Duct (8) Kidney (34) Colorectal (61) Stomach (38) Urinary tract (27) Hodgkin Lymphoma (12) Glioma (62) Breast (58) Osteosarcoma (10) Other (15) Upper Aerodigestive (32) Ovary (51) Pancreas (44) Chondrosarcoma (4) Lung Small Cell (53) Endometrium (27) Liver (28) Melanoma (61) Lung NSC (131) Medulloblastoma (4) Esophagus (25) Neuroblastoma (17) melanoma mRNA expression (RNA) Discussion Secondly, an interesting finding that further supported that the lysosome signature found 12 here by GSEA in melanoma cells was not a 11 mere reflection of a high load of melanosome10 related genes was the increased sensitivity of 12 also 12 related to mitochondrial metabolism and to 11 Golgi-associated trafficking (Table S4). These 10 functionally metabolism gene expression signature has 114 RAB7A – EntrezID:7879 when 9 RAB27A – EntrezID:5873 10 8 6 RAB8A – EntrezID:4218 9 generate ATP or utilised for biosynthetic Fig. 31. Relative mRNA expression of RAB7, RAB27 and RAB8 across different cancer types. Source: Discussion been very recently reported in a subset of melanoma cells expressing MITF via its target PGC1α430, 431. Thus, additional lineage-restricted signatures identified by GSEA in this study may represent novel mediators of melanoma pathogenesis. 3. CELL LINEAGE AS A DETERMINANT OF RAB7 EXPRESSION AND FUNCTION IN CANCER Perhaps one of the most unexpected findings of this PhD thesis was the identification of melanomaspecific functions of RAB7. This was surprising because RAB7 is a paradigm of trafficking modulators that regulate different aspects of lysosome biogenesis and function in a variety of cell types266, 267, 360, 397, 447450 . Why, then the comparatively stronger dependency of melanoma cells on RAB7 for proliferation and control of cell shape and motility? As indicated above, melanoma cells seem to be particularly dependent on lysosomal activity. Secondly, they intrinsically express high levels of RAB7 via SOX10, a key driver of melanocyte differentiation241, 249 and, consequently, not expressed by other tumor types. Whether other networks linking developmental and vesicle trafficking pathways exist in non-melanoma cells, making them dependent on alternative endolysosomal regulators (i.e. CUL3451), deserves further investigation. In cancer, studies on RAB7 expression are scarce, being limited to roles in thyroid hormone production in thyroid cancer or to still unclear roles in mesothelioma386, 387. Studies on RAB7 function have involved transient inactivation of this gene by siRNA or dominant negative mutants and/or have been limited to very few cultured cell lines per tumor type analyzed. In fact, seemingly opposing functions have been described for RAB7 in these studies. For example, RAB7 inactivation was seen to increase cellular dendricity in neuronal cells452, whereas no morphological changes were reported in the case of A431 and MCF7 (breast cancer), HeLa (cervical carcinoma), or CHO (chicken hamster ovary) cells360, 450, 453. Moreover, invasion and migration were found to be inhibited by RAB7 inactivation in HeLa and HT-1080 fibrosarcoma cells381, but favored in the DU145 prostate cell line383. Similarly, a pro-survival role has been described for RAB7 in breast cancer cells grown in soft agar or treated with HSP90 inhibitor geldanamycin382, in contrast to the tumor suppressor functions described for this GTPase in a murine pro-B-cell lymphoid cell line and mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs)385. Following this last study, a Rab7 (flox/flox) CD4-Cre (+) mouse model lacking the RAB7 protein in both CD4 and CD8 T cells was published. Curiously, different from the pro-death roles of RAB7 identified in murine pro-B-cell lymphoid cell line and MEFs cultured in vitro385, these mice showed a defect in T cell proliferation that, according to the authors, was not severe considering an efficient deletion of rab7 and inhibition of the autophagic 115 Discussion flux. This lack of consensus on the specific roles reported for RAB7 in different studies might reflect highly context-dependent functions of this GTPase. In addition, our data emphasize the importance of performing expression and functional studies at early, intermediate and late stages of tumor progression to assign pro- or anti-tumorigenic roles to RAB7 in particular tumor types. The fact that equivalent studies have not been performed in other tumor types may therefore add to the confounding results previously obtained in limited sets of cell lines. 4. RAB7 EXPRESSION AND FUNCTION IN MELANOMA PROGRESSION This study has uncovered pro-oncogenic roles for RAB7 in melanoma. Interestingly, RAB7 had been previously studied in melanocytic cells in the context of melanosome maturation and transport. In an initial study, RAB7 was found to participate in melanosome maturation when antisense oligonucleotides against this factor impaired the transport of melanosomes to the cell periphery in B16 melanoma cells439. In a later study, GFP-RAB7 and GFP-RAB27 were transiently expressed in human epidermal melanocytes in order to map the specific stage of the melanosome maturation process in which they participated377. Finally, a third study further characterized the molecular mechanism by which RAB7 controls melanosome maturation, by inactivating RAB7 in MMAc human melanoma cell line440. Curiously, none of these studies anticipated pro-oncogenic roles for RAB7 in melanoma (nor for RAB27, which was later demonstrated to be required for melanoma cell proliferation251 and exosome secretion200, 325). All three studies involved a transient inactivation of RAB function in culture, different from our stable inactivation, long-term culture assays and the comprehensive studies in human melanoma specimens and in mouse models. With this approach we have identified new roles and mechanisms of regulation of RAB7, as described below. 1. Melanocytic lineage 2. Oncogenic transformation SOX10 PI3K RAB7 Dependency Other lineages Pluripotent Neural Crest Progenitor Melanocytes Melanoma Cells Fig. 32 Specific regulation of RAB7 in melanoma cells: a new link between melanocyte developmental pathways, oncogenic signaling and vesicle trafficking via RAB7. 116 Discussion We have found a dual action of SOX10 (a lineage-specifier) and PI3K-driven signaling cascades (a classical event in tumor development) in the control of RAB7 (see model in Fig. 32), broadening the spectrum of early drivers of melanoma initiation. However, a main conclusion of this thesis is that RAB7 is expressed in a distinct manner than “classical oncogenes” such as BRAF, MYC or DEK which are sustained or progressively activated as melanoma progresses388, 390, 391. Instead, we found that RAB7 can be partially tuned-down in invasive melanomas, and favoring metastatic progression. High RAB7 expression was found again in metastases, likely reflecting highly “proliferative” stages at these late stages of the disease (Fig. 33). This is the first example of a RAB GTPase with this behavior in cancer. Fig. 33. Model summarizing the multitumor GSEA, and histological and functional studies that led to the identification of RAB7 as a novel lineage-dependent driver of melanoma progression. RAB7 is transactivated downstream the melanocyte lineage specifier SOX10 (1) and hyperactivated in melanoma as an active response of these cells to counteract a massive influx of vesicles resulting from oncogenic stress engaged already at early stages of tumor progression (2). The oncogenic triggers involve, at least in part, PI3K Class I and Class III signals. In melanoma, RAB7 levels are, therefore, higher than non-melanoma cells (and benign nevi) and are required to sustain high proliferative rates. Nevertheless RAB7 levels were not constant along progression. This protein can be downmodulated to favor the transition to invasive phenotypes (3). Importantly, although RAB7 depletion compromises the survival of normal melanocytes, melanoma cells become significantly more dependent on this protein for tumor maintenance. Moreover, macroendo-lysosomal trafficking cascades are activated in melanoma but not in normal cells, representing a point of vulnerability that can be exploited for therapeutic intervention (4). A retrospective 10 year-follow up analysis of RAB7 expression in clinically-annotated primary melanomas demonstrated RAB7 as an independent prognostic indicator of patient outcome, 117 Discussion underscoring the physiological relevance of our findings. The molecular mechanisms underlying this “oscillating” expression pattern of RAB7 in vivo needs further evaluation. However, it is tempting to speculate that RAB7 may also be controlled by modulators of EMT-like transitions that have been demonstrated to occur during melanoma progression194-196 . This hypothesis is supported by the parallel regulation of RAB7 and CCDN1 (an EMT-like associated factor195), which we also studied by TMA. It is also plausible that the dynamic modulation of RAB7 levels along the course of melanoma progression is associated with its regulation by SOX10. SOX10 is required for terminal differentiation of melanocytes454, and, in melanoma, de-differentiation has long been associated with increased aggressiveness6, melanoma248, 119 . However, while it is clear that SOX10 is required for the maintenance of 455 , its role in metastasis is unclear. Studies in cultured cells place SOX10 as a positive regulator of pro-invasive genes246, 456, in contrast to expression studies of SOX10 in vivo showing that this transcription factor is tuned-down in thick primary melanomas457. In agreement with this in vivo study, here we have demonstrated that highly invasive (and dedifferentiated) melanoma cell lines express low levels of RAB7 and SOX10. Further analyses are needed to fully understand the spatio-temporal regulation of RAB7 and SOX10 in vivo. In this context, it would be interesting to explore whether microenvironmental triggers217, 458, 459, EMT-inducing factors like TGF-β417, 460, 461 and/or epigenetics462 coordinately regulate these developmental and cancer biology pathways along melanoma progression. Finally, this study suggests a possible pro-oncogenic role for RAB7 in melanoma initiation. We provided in vitro and in vivo evidence that demonstrate the activation of RAB7-dependent macroendocytosis in early stage melanomas. Moreover, we show that the characteristic cytosolic vacuoles that are induced and accumulate in senescent RAS-expressing primary melanocytes143, 150 are, in fact, RAB7-positive macroendosomes. This is consistent with the known roles of PI3K in macropinocytosis463-468. In addition, we demonstrate that modulation of PI3K-associated macropinosomes, by upregulating or by inhibiting RAB7 in normal primary melanocytes, is sufficient to delay or accelerate PI3K-driven OIS, respectively. Of note, in other cell types, OIS is classically modulated by MAPK/ERK, not by PI3K137, and RAB7 blockade has been shown to favor, not block, oncogenic transformation of mouse embryonic fibroblasts385. Further analyses are needed to fully elucidate the specific mechanisms by which RAB7 might regulate OIS and whether it does so in a cell-type dependent-manner. Similarly, it would be interesting to explore putative cooperative interactions between RAB7 and frequently mutated melanomas drivers (e.g. BRAF, NRAS, cKIT, etc.432). 118 Discussion Finally, the pro-tumorigenic roles of RAB7 in melanoma may be relevant to the Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2B (CMT2B) disease, a hereditary neuropathy with axonal degeneration that has been linked to activating mutations in the RAB7 gene469-471. Interestingly, a subset of patients with this disease has been shown to develop cutaneous melanomas472-474, but it was unclear whether and how these mutations could favor or mediate melanoma development. Our data offer a mechanistic framework to close the gap from RAB7 to melanoma development in this CTM2B disease. 5. RAB7 VERSUS MITF AND OTHER LINEAGE-SPECIFIC MELANOMA DRIVERS As mentioned before, MITF has been proposed as a master regulator of melanoma gene expression profiles and tumor-cell phenotypic plasticity207, 214, 217. Therefore, one of the most interesting finding of this study was that RAB7 is not another target or effector of the MITF program. This is different from BCL2A1252, PGC1α430, 431, or RAB27236, 251, and places RAB7 as the first example of a non-transcriptional regulator that, despite being overexpressed and acting in a melanocyte lineage-dependent manner, is not controlled by MITF. The regulation of RAB7 by SOX10 (independent of MITF and PAX3, both key in melanocyte differentiation) illustrate that divergent routes exist within the hierarchy of melanocyte-lineage transcription factors and, in contrast to the prevailing notion241, 418 , do not always lead to MITF. Moreover, the fact that MITF-negative cells were still found to express SOX10 and RAB7, demonstrates that even highly aggressive and poorly differentiated tumor cells can preserve a lineage memory that reflects their developmental history. This is relevant because pigmented and amelanotic metastatic melanomas both have an extremely poor prognosis, despite great progress in the implementation of targeted therapies475. 6. DOWNSTREAM EFFECTOR PATHWAYS OF RAB7 IN MELANOMA CELLS The ability of RAB7 to counteract the influx of both autophagosomes and endosomes via lysosomemediated degradation is a unique feature of this protein266, 267, 378, 380, 450 . Therefore, the impaired autophaghic and endocytic flux found when downregulating RAB7 in melanocytic cells was consistent with the literature. This defective autophagy could account for defects in melanoma cell proliferation as previously described274, 288, 289. However, what was not obvious was that the autophagic vesicles that 119 Discussion required RAB7 for degradation were generated independently of ATG7 and involved a recruitment of LC3 into large macroendosomes instead of the standard double membrane autophagosomes476, 477 (Fig. 34). These results therefore point to non-canonical autophagy in melanoma cells, and broaden the knowledge of self-degradative processes in cancer. How, then, can derailed vesicle traffic impact on melanoma-cell phenotype? Here we have shown that a trafficking regulator like RAB7 can impact a variety of cellular processes that are relevant in tumorigenesis: localization of lysosomal proteases, gene expression programs, and cytoskeleton and membrane dynamics. The key findings in this regard are discussed below. LC3-II RAB7 Class I PI3K Class III PI3K Class I PI3K Class III PI3K Late Endosomes Golgi Early Endosomes ? Late Endosomes Golgi Early Endosomes LYSOSOME DEGRADATION ↑ RAB7 RAB5 Cathepsins ↓ RAB7 Lysosome ER Lysosome ER Phagophore Autophagosome (LC3) Phagophore ACTIVE LYSOSOMAL DEGRADATION OF AUTOPHAGOSOMES AND ENDOSOMES Autophagosome (LC3) ENDOSOME-MEDIATED SECRETION HALTED AUTOPHAGY LOW RAB7 HIGH RAB7 Fig. 34. Proposed model illustrating RAB7-dependent vesicle traffic in melanoma cells and the impact of RAB7 downregulation on the fate of oncogene-driven cytoplasmic vesicles. Upon RAB7 downregulation, vesicles that were being trafficked towards the lysosome for degradation accumulate and are redirected into secretory pathways. The finding that lowering RAB7 levels induces the secretion of cathepsins has important implications. Previous studies in melanoma had reported the presence of extracellular cathepsins in highly invasive melanoma cell lines478 and, importantly, in the sera of melanoma patients with poor prognosis479. Switching down RAB7 might therefore be a plausible way by which invasive melanomas secrete cathepsins. Importantly, although RAB7 has been reported to favor the release of pro-cathepsin D in HeLa cells480, our data showed that this feature is more extensive in melanoma cells (affecting more 120 Discussion cathepsins, and promoting a selective enrichment in the extracellular compartment). Additional differences with other systems refer to the distribution of lysosomes in RAB7 depleted cells. In prostate tumor cells, lysosomes were found to be mispositioned towards the cell periphery383, but the release of their cargo to the extracellular media was not investigated. This was not the case for melanoma cells, as we visualized lysosomes still localized in the perinuclear area in RAB7-depleted cells. Instead, our results demonstrated that “lysosomal proteins” (but not lysosomes themselves) are mislocalized towards the cell periphery within endosomes prior to secretion to the extracellular space (Fig. 34). Regarding the global consequences that RAB7 downregulation exerted on melanoma gene expression profiles, we identified numerous genes and pathways to be modulated by this GTPase in a melanomaspecific manner. Proliferation promoting factors were found to be downregulated upon RAB7 knockdown, whereas genes and pathways involved in tumor cell invasiveness, membrane trafficking, protein secretion and extracellular matrix remodelling were induced. We are particularly excited by these results as they represent the first unbiased transcriptomic analysis of RAB7-controlled pathways in cancer. A particularly relevant finding that stemmed from this analysis was the identification of RAB7 as a negative regulator of CEACAM1, a pro-invasive factor412 with important clinical implications as a marker of melanomas of poor prognosis183, 411, 413, 481, 482. The means by which RAB7 might impact gene expression could be very complex and diverse, ranging from the direct deregulation of signaling factors that shuttle from the plasma membrane to endosomes399, 483-486 to the alteration of nutrient sensing and metabolic cascades385, 487. For example, RAS is known to signal not only from the plasma membrane, but also from late endosomes enroute to lysosomes486. MAPK signaling is also spatio-temporally regulated by late endocytic trafficking484 and RAB7485. Finally, we also demonstrated that RAB7 function determines the cytoskeleton architecture, probably reflecting the tight control that endocytic pathways exert on integrins and/or cadherins400, 488-493. In this context, deregulated non-canonical macroendocytic pathways, herein shown to be critically controlled by RAB7 in melanoma cells, are expected to have a large impact on signaling and cytoskeleton dynamics463, 494 . Feedback loops may also be involved in RAB7-mediated cellular functions. Particularly, RAB7 can regulate the activity of PI3K by complexing with hVPS34495, which is important for endosomal trafficking and is shown here to regulate RAB7 levels. These pleiotropic activities of RAB7, exerted without direct binding to DNA, distinguish this protein from MITF and from other transcription factors like BRN2 and GLI2, which are proposed to modulate melanoma-cell plasticity along tumor progression213, 216, 417. Thus, this study expands the horizon of the 121 Discussion molecular switches that control melanoma-cell phenotype, placing the vesicle trafficking machinery within this poorly understood aspect of melanoma pathogenesis. 7. ANTITUMOR THERAPEUTIC OPPORTUNITIES TARGETING ENDOLYSOSOMAL PATHWAYS Melanomas accumulate a plethora of genetic and epigenetic alterations that contribute to the limited efficacy of current anticancer treatments1, 496. However, here we show that melanoma cells retain a particular wiring of endolysosomal pathways, independently of the mutational status of oncogenes (BRAF or NRAS) and tumor suppressors (PTEN or p53), and that this feature can be exploited therapeutically. In this context, we showed that mimetics of viral dsRNA (pIC-PEI complex [pIC]PEI) can target endolysosomal pathways and engage tumor-cell selective cell death. The antitumoral activity of [pIC]PEI and most importantly, its mode of action, were rather unanticipated. pIC is a classical immunomodulator whose anticancer action has been primarily linked to IFN-driven activation of immune effectors (e.g. dendritic cells, cytotoxic T cells, NK cells)497. However, in melanoma, monotherapies based on pIC had failed in clinical trials498. Poor cellular uptake, degradation by cytosolic RNases and/or various mechanisms of immunotolerance were thought to account for this lack of response in vivo499. Interestingly, these pitfalls could be overcome (at least in animal models) in the presence of PEI. Moreover, [pIC]PEI was sufficient to inhibit melanoma growth in surrogate models of lung metastasis, even in severely immunocompromised mice (in which signaling to NK, T or B cells is defective) (results not shown). Specifically, we demonstrated a complex of pIC and the polycationic carrier PEI as an unexpected strategy that effectively promotes a marked mobilization of endosomal compartments in tumor cells. This was visualized as large multivesicular structures by electron microscopy, and time-lapse imaging of the distribution of RAB7. RAB7-decorated vesicles recruiting LC3 protein and lysosomes were found to be mobilized as early as 2 hours upon treatment. However, the cellular collapse was significantly delayed (>15h). It is therefore conceivable that autophagy is activated in response to [pIC]PEI as an initial mechanism of protection, which is later shifted into a pro-death program (see model in Fig. 35500). Thus, lysosomal degradation could be activated in order to resolve an exacerbated endocytosis driven by pIC complexed to PEI501, 502. PEI can also induce fusion of late endosomes503, 504, and in this manner, it may account, at least in part, for the large endocytic vesicles that can be visualized at early time points after [pIC]PEI treatment. Importantly, the use of caspase inhibitors and visualization of caspase processing by 122 Discussion immunoblotting, indicated a second death machinery activated by [pIC]PEI that involves classical apoptotic programs, depending, at least in part, on activation of the pro-apoptotic factor NOXA via the MDA-5 helicase (see model Fig. 35). Sustained waves of endosome generation, maturation and resolution could lower the threshold for the activation of death programs (i.e. by depleting ATP and/or key proteins or organelles required for cell maintenance) as described in other systems505. Given the ability of melanoma cells to deactivate death programs506, it is interesting that lysosomal activities can be harnessed for tumor-cell selective killing. This is particularly relevant because autophagy has been abundantly linked to cytoprotection in innate and acquired immune responses 507509 , and this study has demonstrated the endolysosomal regulator RAB7 as a novel dependency in melanoma. Thus, transforming trafficking pathways actively involved in tumor maintenance into an Achilles’ heel is a possible and efficient strategy to fight against melanoma. Inhibition of macroendocytosis significantly abrogated [pIC]PEI-induced melanoma cell death; its activation by oncogenic signalling in melanocytes enhanced drug uptake. This is in agreement with studies showing that PEI complexes can be uptaken by macropinocytosis510, although more than one uptake mechanism might be involved511-513. From a translational prospective, it is also relevant that the cell autonomous activity of [pIC] PEI can bypass the dependency of classical IFN-activating immunomodulators on professional immune cells (i.e. T cells, NK cells or B cells) for antitumoral activity in vivo. Thus, although the inhibition of localized and disseminated melanoma growth by [pIC]PEI can be favored in the presence of an active immune system (results not shown), [pIC]PEI is also highly efficient in severely immunocompromised mice . The response to [pIC]PEI of autochthonous cutaneous melanomas generated in the NrasQ61K; Ink4a/Arf-/- model (recapitulating the frequent melanoma-associated defects in the MAPK pathway and the p14ARF and p16INK4a tumor suppressors), further emphasized the physiological relevance of our data. Altogether, these results emphasize the potential of dsRNA mimics to overcome the traditional chemoand immuno-resistance of melanoma cells and reveal tractable points of crosstalk between innate sensors of dsRNA, endo/lysosomal compartments and tumor cell death. 123 Discussion a mimic of viral dsRNA (pIC) b Carrierfor (PEI) Carrier cytosolic delivery (polycationic or lipidic) Control [pIC]PEI 1 Endosomal Amphisomes Autophagosomes 2 Lysosomes Uptake, cytosolic delivery and activation of immune sensors Sustained endosome mediated autophagy MDA-5 (inactive) Lower threshold for apoptosis induction? MDA-5 (active) Melanoma lung metastases (xenograft models) Time course Macroendosomes Late ( macroe )endosomes Control [pIC]PEI NOXA Caspases Progressive destruction of cellular organelles? TUMOR CELL DEATH 3 4 Activation of apoptosis Final cellular collapse (by autophagic and apoptotic cell death) PET-CT Tyr::Nras Q61K; Ink4a/Arf -/- Fig. 35. Proposed model and efficacy in vivo of [pIC]PEI-induced antimelanoma activity. (a) dsRNA pIC complexed to the carrier PEI is efficiently uptaked by the endosomal compartment of tumor cells for subsequent delivery to the cytosol (1). The uptake of [pIC]PEI alters endosomal dynamics and induces sustained cycles of endosomes-autophaghosome-lysosome fusions (2). Additionally, cytosolic pIC activates the helicase MDA-5 which favors the activation of the proapoptotic factor NOXA with subsequent processing of apoptotic caspases (3). The convergence of sustained autophagy and the activation of caspases synergizes in an efficient tumor self killing. Active MDA-5 can facilitate autophagosome formation, while persistent endosome-mediated autophagy and the consequent autophagic damage may be lowering the threshold for the entry to the apoptotic programme. Adapted from Ref. 500. (b) Representative examples illustrating the potent antitumor activity of [pIC]PEI in vivo. The top panels show lungs of mice 14 days after intravenous inoculation of B16 melanoma cells and treated as indicated. The bottom panels show coronal sections of PCT-CT fused images to assess metabolic activity (18F-fluorodeoxyglucose incorporation) of representative examples of mice treated as indicated. The asterisk mark animal hearts. 124 Discussion 8. PERSPECTIVES This thesis has shed light on how melanoma cells exploit a lineage-specific wiring of the endolysomal pathway to sustain and acquire cancer hallmarks. It has also demonstrated that the endolysosomal pathway can be effectively targeted by dsRNA-based nanocomplexes, inducing tumor-cell selective cell death. Still, future work directed at better understanding the mechanisms involved in the regulation and function of the endolysosomal trafficking will extend our knowledge of the contribution of vesicle trafficking regulators to human disease. Regarding the upstream regulation of RAB7 expression by SOX10 and PI3K/PI3KC3, chromatin immunoprecipitation and promoter activity assays are still necessary to distinguish between direct versus indirect mechanisms. Computational analyses of the promoter of RAB7 anticipate binding sites for additional transcriptional regulators, such as MYC, other melanoma-enriched transcription factors, and EGR2, which is a SOX10-interacting partner514 (results not shown). In this manner we expect to better characterize the cell- and context-dependent roles of this GTPase. Additionally, it would be also interesting to address whether cell-intrinsic (EMT-inducers) and/or microenvironmental factors (e.g. hypoxia, nutrient deprivation) that might impact on RAB7 independently or in cooperation with SOX10. It should be noted that SOX10 is not only involved in melanocyte terminal differentiation from the neural crest, but also in Schwann-cell development in the peripheral nervous system418; therefore, the SOX10-RAB7 axis might have important basic and translational implications in demyelinating peripheral neuropathies. Supporting this concept, SOX10 mutations have been associated with a number of neuralcrest-related phenotypes, including demyelinating peripheral neuropathy (CMT1), central dysmyelinating leukodystrophy, Waardenburg syndrome and Hirschsprung disease514. Similarly, and as mentioned above, activating mutations in RAB7 are associated with the neuropathy CMT2B469-471. Some of these patients develop melanoma472-474, although the underlying mechanisms are unknown. It would be interesting to explore whether these RAB7 mutants favor malignant transformation of melanocytes and/or play a driver role in the progression of melanoma in CMT2B patients. Finally, it would be also interesting to check whether the treatments that are currently being investigated for CMT2B patients with RAB7 mutations (i.e. the mood stabilizer valproic acid452) would have an effect on melanoma cells. 125 Discussion Another area of research that deserves attention is to define whether the regulation of RAB7 activity by GEFs and GAPs, or its interacting effector partners, could be a critical determinant of the functions of this GTPase in melanoma development. HOPs515 and the mammalian TBC1D15516 have been characterized as the GEF (in yeast) and GAP, respectively, for RAB7. Once activated, GTP-bound RAB7 is known to interact with numerous partners to exert its particular molecular functions in vesicle trafficking. These interacting partners include RILP, ORP1L, FYCO1, the retromer complex (VPS26– VPS29–VPS35), Rabring7 and RAC1379. Interestingly, RAC1 has is found to be activated by somatic mutations in melanoma13. Therefore, further analyses are needed to elucidate how these complex functional networks, that have been associated with the activity of RAB7 in other cell types, are interwired with developmental and oncogenic pathways in melanoma cells. Regarding the cellular roles of RAB7 in vesicle trafficking, it would be very interesting to explore if RAB7 regulates exosome secretion, as these small vesicles are emerging as critical players in melanoma metastasis200, 201 and are known to derive from RAB7-regulated late endosomes517450. Finally, a better understanding of the variables that determine pro-death or pro-survival roles of the endolysosomal pathways in the response of tumor cells to anti-cancer agents will aid in defining more effective treatment strategies and circumventing mechanisms of chemoresistance. In conclusion, we anticipate that untangling vesicle trafficking routes will be key to better understand the mechanisms underlying human diseases, such as cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, in which trafficking regulators are emerging as frequently altered drivers. 126 Objetives "Anyone who has not made a mistake, has not tried anything new." Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Conclusions 127 Discussion 128 Conclusions In light of the results presented here, the conclusions drawn from the study are: Gene Set Enrichment Analyses (GSEA) of multi-tumor gene expression datasets can be used to identify lineage-specific cancer drivers. This strategy revealed a cluster of lysosome-associated genes that distinguishes melanoma from over 35 different tumor types. This enrichment was particularly significant for the small GTPase RAB7, and was found to reflect an intrinsic dependency of melanomas on this protein, and ultimately, on lytic activities of lysosomes. Despite the striking inter- and intra-tumor heterogeneity, even highly unstable and dedifferentiated melanomas retain a particular wiring of vesicle trafficking pathways that trace back to the cell of origin, the melanocytes. Consequently, melanoma specimens express RAB7 at significantly higher levels than other tumor types and non-melanocytic surrounding stroma. Downregulation of RAB7 compromises melanoma cell proliferation but increases the metastatic potential of these tumor cells. This supports that conserved endolysosomal regulators can be hijacked by melanoma cells in order to sustain tumor growth and cell plasticity in a tumor-type dependent manner. Functional roles of RAB7 in melanoma cells reflect the expression pattern of this protein in clinical specimens. RAB7 levels are dynamically modulated during melanoma progression, being induced at early stage radial growth phase melanomas, but undergoing partial downregulation in invading melanomas. The levels of RAB7 in primary tumors are an independent predictive factor of disease-free- and overall-survival of melanoma patients. RAB7 is a critical mediator of the lysosomal turnover of autophagosomes, macroendosomes and a newly identified class of non-canonical autophagosome-endosome hybrids. Deregulated vesicle trafficking by downregulation of RAB7 has pleiotropic and melanoma-specific consequences which involve, at least, (i) the relocalization of key mediators of intracellular proteolysis and extracellular matrix remodeling, (ii) modulation of gene expression profiles, and (iii) alteration of cytoskeleton dynamics. Thus, although RAB7 was considered a ubiquitous endosomal trafficking mediator, this GTPase has specific roles in melanoma which are not shared with other tumor types. RAB7 expression is not controlled by MITF, the best characterized melanocyte lineage-specific oncogene to date. Instead, RAB7 expression is driven by SOX10, a transcription factor known to 129 Conclusions act in the earliest stage of differentiation of the melanocytic lineage, from neural crest precursors. In addition, RAB7 expression and function is regulated by PI3K signaling. Therefore, RAB7 links vesicle trafficking to oncogenic signals and developmental processes that are specific for melanocytes. Tumor cell-selective vesicle traffic controlled by RAB7 can be deregulated or exacerbated by chemo- and immunomodulators. Nanoparticles constituted by the dsRNA mimic polyinosine-polycytidylic acid (pIC) and the carrier polyethyleneimine (PEI) promote tumor cell-selective cell death by a coordinated activation of endolysosomal pathways and apoptotic cascades. This strategy may represent an alternative to the current treatment of otherwise aggressive and chemoresistant melanomas. 130 Objetives Conclusiones 131 Conclusions 132 Conclusiones A la luz de los resultados que aquí se presentan, las conclusiones del estudio son: El análisis de enriquecimiento de grupos de genes (GSEA) aplicado sobre bases de datos de expresión génica de múltiples tipos de cáncer, es una estrategia eficaz para descubrir nuevos mecanismos de iniciación y progresión específicos de tumores concretos. En particular, hemos identificado un grupo de genes relacionados con la función lisosomal que distingue al melanoma de entre más de 35 tipos tumorales. Mientras estudios genéticos de alta densidad reflejan una extraordinaria variabilidad inter e intratumoral en el melanoma, demostramos que incluso tumores altamente inestables y desdiferenciados retienen una particular organización de las rutas endolisosomales que se remontan a la célula de origen (los melanocitos). Estos estudios resultaron en la identificación de un enriquecimiento y función específicos de RAB7 en melanoma. Estos datos son relevantes porque describiendo un nuevo espectro de actividades pro-oncogénicas específicas de tumor de esta proteína considerada hasta el momento como un factor ubicuo en células de mamífero. Los melanomas dependen específicamente de RAB7 para mantener su capacidad proliferativa. Sin embargo la reducción en la expresión de RAB7 favorece fenotipos pro-metastásicos. Estos resultados revelan cómo las células de melanoma aprovechan factores intrínsecos de su linaje celular para mantener la plasticidad y agresividad características de esta enfermedad. Estudios de los niveles de RAB7 en biopsias clínicas aisladas de melanomas en distintos estadíos de progresión permitieron determinar que ésta es una proteína que se activa de forma temprana en este tumor. Sin embargo, los niveles de RAB7 no son constantes, si no que se reducen en las fases invasivas del tumor. Este punto se demostró clínicamente relevante al representar esta proteína un nuevo factor que determina un pronóstico desfavorable asociado a un aumento del riesgo de desarrollo de metástasis. RAB7 es esencial para la degradación lisosomal de endosomas, autofagosomas clásicos y un nuevo tipo de autofagosomas no canónicos descritos aquí. La desregulación del tráfico vesicular inducida tras la reducción en los niveles de RAB7 se traduce en efectos pleiotrópicos (pero específicos de melanoma) que incluyen, al menos, cambios en los perfiles de expresión génica, 133 Conclusiones reorganización de la arquitectura del citoesqueleto, y relocalización de factores prometastásicos implicados en degradación intracelular y de la matriz extracelular. En enriquecimiento específico en la expresión de RAB7 en melanoma está determinado, al menos en parte, por el factor transcripcional SOX10 (pero no por otros modulatores del linaje melanocítico como MITF o PAX3). Un segundo nivel de regulación está mediado por la ruta PI3K, clásicamente asociada a la transformación oncogénica de los melanocitos. Desde un punto de vista terapéutico, se ha determinado que fármacos con distinto modo de acción (desde inhibidores de proteínas apoptóticas hasta moduladores de MEK, entre otros) son capaces de movilizar la maquinaria endolysosomal modulada por RAB7, generalmente (aunque no necesariamente) para el favorecimiento de supervivencia celular. Nanopartículas constituidas por ARNs de doble cadena miméticos de ácido polyinosinepolicitidílico y el portador catiónico polietilenimina (PEI), promueven la muerte de células tumorales mediante una movilización masiva del tráfico endolisosomal y la posterior activación de cascadas apoptóticas. 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Nat Cell Biol 14, 654-655 (2012). 160 References Appendix 161 References 162 Appendix Degree of sun damage Common anatomic site Superficial spreanding melanoma 70% of all melanomas in light-skinned individuals. Frequently diagnosed in middle-aged people Acute intermittent sun exposure Trunk of men and legs of women Lentigo maligna melanoma <1 % of cutaneous melanomas. Frequently diagnosed in the seventh decade of life Chronic sun exposure Head and neck Not related to sun damage Palms, soles, nails Intermittent sun exposure Trunk, head, neck and lower legs Subtypes Epidemiology and age of patient Acrallentiginous melanoma Nodular melanoma 2% and 80% of cutaneous melanomas in Caucasian and dark-skinned individuals respectively. Frequently diagnosed in the seventh decade of life 10-15% of all melanomas in Caucasian individuals. Frequently diagnosed in the sixth decade of life Key histophatological features RGP in which enlarged atypical melanocytes display a marked upward scatter within the epidermis ("pagetoid" spread). At later stages, dermal invasion (VGP) can be observed RGP characterized by linear or nested proliferation of atypical melanocytes along the basal epidermis ("lentiginous" hyperplasia, or Lentigo Maligna). When dermal invasion (VGP) is observed, the term lentigo maligna melanoma is used RGP in which atypical melanocytes exhibit a "lentiginous" proliferation along the basal epidermis. At later stages, dermal invasion (VGP) can be observed VGP in which atypical melancoytes form one or more solid nodules within the dermis. No significant RGP Table S1. Major Clinicopathological Subtypes of Cutaneous Melanomas. Information extracted from ref. 52 163 Appendix T Tis Thickness (mm) in situ Ulceration Status/Mitoses Not applicable T1 ≤ 1.00 a: Without ulceration and mitosis < 1/mm 2 T2 T3 T4 N N0 N1 N2 N3 M M0 M1a M1b M1c b: With ulceration and mitosis ≥ 1/mm2 1.01-2.00 a: Without ulceration b: With ulceration 2.01-4.00 a: Without ulceration b: With ulceration > 4.00 a: Without ulceration b: With ulceration Number of Metastatic Nodes Nodal Metastatic 0 Not applicable 1 a: Micrometastasis b: Macrometastasis 2 a: Micrometastasis b: Macrometastasis c: In transit metastases/satellites without metatatic nodes 4 + metastatic nodes, or matted nodes, or in transit metastases/satellites with metastatic nodes Site Serum LDH No distant metatases Not applicable Distant skin, subcutaneous, Normal or nodal metastases Lung metastases Normal All other visceral metastases Normal Any distant metastasis Elevated Table S2. TNM Staging Categories for Cutaneous Melanoma. AJCC Melanoma Staging and Classification. Adapted from ref. 101 Stage 0 IA IB IIA IIB IIC III Clinical Staging T N Tis N0 T1a N0 T1b N0 T2a N0 T2b N0 T3a N0 T3b N0 T4a N0 T4b N0 Any T N>N0 M M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 Stage 0 IA IB IIA IIB IIC IIIA IIIB IIIC IV Any T Any N M1 IV Pathologic Staging T N Tis N0 T1a N0 T1b N0 T2a N0 T2b N0 T3a N0 T3b N0 T4a N0 T4b N0 T1-4a N1a or N2a T1-4b N1a or N2a T1-4a Nib or N2b or N2c T1-4b Nib or N2b or N2c Any T N3 Any T Any N M M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M0 M1 Table S3. Anatomic Stage Grouping for Cutaneous Melanoma. AJCC Melanoma Staging and Classification Adapted from ref. 101 164 Appendix GO Term and Description term_size adj_pvalue GO:0005773 vacuole 212 6,66344E-10 GO:0000323 GO:0005764 GO:0005739 GO:0044429 GO:0031090 GO:0042470 GO:0031966 GO:0005740 GO:0031988 GO:0016023 GO:0043218 GO:0031410 GO:0031982 GO:0043209 GO:0005743 GO:0019866 GO:0042613 GO:0030529 GO:0005770 GO:0005794 GO:0045177 GO:0044433 GO:0005741 GO:0030173 GO:0031228 GO:0030424 GO:0016471 GO:0005774 GO:0019867 GO:0034045 GO:0005594 GO:0000307 lytic vacuole lysosome mitochondrion mitochondrial part organelle membrane melanosome mitochondrial membrane mitochondrial envelope membrane-bounded vesicle cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle compact myelin cytoplasmic vesicle vesicle myelin sheath mitochondrial inner membrane organelle inner membrane MHC class II protein complex ribonucleoprotein complex late endosome Golgi apparatus apical part of cell cytoplasmic vesicle part mitochondrial outer membrane integral to Golgi membrane intrinsic to Golgi membrane axon vacuolar proton-transporting V-type ATPase complex vacuolar membrane outer membrane pre-autophagosomal structure membrane collagen type IX cyclin-dependent protein kinase holoenzyme complex 179 1,00219E-08 179 1,00219E-08 813 1,44277E-06 468 4,75902E-06 825 5,36687E-06 105 8,17296E-06 324 4,88567E-05 341 4,88567E-05 469 8,02254E-05 450 8,07733E-05 10 0,000124617 535 0,000365405 565 0,000365405 23 0,000455941 266 0,000467785 282 0,00105986 23 0,00161817 431 0,00655529 57 0,00716068 694 0,0113744 172 0,0146773 160 0,0152588 82 0,0154928 48 0,0258355 51 0,0297121 167 0,0301226 13 0,0412011 52 0,0412011 104 0,0412011 10 0,042695 10 0,042695 19 0,0469011 Table S4. Gene-Ontology Gene Sets (Cellular component) significantly enriched in melanoma cells (GSEA FDR < 0.05). Genome-wide analysis using “Cellular Component” Gene Ontology (GO) terms were evaluated by GSEA in the multi-cancer NCI-60 cell line dataset (GSE5720GO)2. Shown are the statistically significant GO terms (FDR<0.05) selectively enriched in the melanoma samples. Lysosomal-related gene sets are marked in red. The expected melanoma-specific term “melanosome” is marked in brown. 165 Appendix CELL LINE BRAF (EXON 15) NRAS (EXON 3) PTEN (PROTEIN) p53 MITF (PROTEIN / LEVELS) RAB7A GENE IN GAINED 3q21.3 REGION (CGH) SK-Mel-103 wt mutant (Q61R) + wt R No Yes wt - wt Yes / High Yes wt + mutant Yes / High Yes wt - wt Yes / High Yes mutant (Q61R) + wt R No No wt - wt Yes / Low Yes wt + wt R Yes / Low ND wt - wt R Yes / High No SK-Mel-19 SK-Mel-28 SK-Mel-29 SK-Mel-147 mutant (V600E) mutant (V600E) mutant (V600E) wt mutant (V600E) mutant (V600E) wt/mutant (V600E) UACC-62 SK-Mel-5 G-361 SK-Mel-173 wt NRAS (Q61K) -/+ wt R ND No WM-164 mutant (V600E) wt + mutant Yes / High ND Mel-1 wt mutant (Q61R) ND ND No ND Table S5. Characterization of the human melanoma cell lines used for functional assays in this study 166 Appendix DISEASE FREE SURVIVAL OVERALL SURVIVAL 5 YEARS FOLLOW UP 5 YEARS FOLLOW UP HR 95%CI p RAB7 Expression 2.52 1.39 - 4.60 0.002 Adjusted by Breslow (mm) 2.17 1.18 - 4.00 0.013 10 YEARS FOLLOW UP HR 95%CI p RAB7 Expression 2.98 1.35 - 6.59 0.007 Adjusted by Breslow (mm) 2.36 1.06 - 5.26 0.036 10 YEARS FOLLOW UP HR 95%CI p RAB7 Expression 2.43 1.41 - 4.19 0.001 Adjusted by Breslow (mm) 2.06 1.19 - 3.59 0.010 HR 95%CI p RAB7 Expression 2.01 1.07 - 3.76 0.030 Adjusted by Breslow (mm) 1.53 0.81 - 2.90 0.193 Table S6. RAB7 and patient prognosis. Kaplan-Meier, log-rank test (P), and Cox regression univariate and Breswlowadjusted analyses of Disease Free Survival (DSF) (left) and Overall survival (OS) (right) following resection of primary melanomas, analyzed as a function of high vs low RAB7 protein levels. Hazard ratios (HR); 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). 167 Appendix TABLE S7. Significantly up- or down-regulated pathways identified by GSEA upon RAB7 downregulation in representative melanoma and non-melanoma cell lines. GSEA was performed using annotations from whole-genome KEGG, Reactome and NCI pathway databases in RNA sequencing data (GSE42735) from melanoma (UACC-62) and non-melanoma (HCT116) cells stably SIGNIFICANTLY UP- OR DOWN-REGULATED PATHWAYS IDENTIFIED BY GSEA UPON RAB7 expressing scrambled shRNA or RAB7 shRNA (shRNA 3) and harvested at day 3 after lentiviral infection. Shown are the pathways DOWNREGULATION IN REPRESENTATIVE MELANOMA AND NON-MELANOMA CELL LINES significantly enriched in RAB7-downregulated cells (FDR<0.25). Top scoring pathways (FDR<0.05) are marked in bold. 1. DOWNREGULATED PATHWAYS (UACC-62 MELANOMA CELL LINE) NCI KEGG REACTOME DATABASE NAME REACTOME__M PHASE REACTOME__CELL CYCLE, MITOTIC REACTOME__MITOTIC PROMETAPHASE REACTOME__G2/M CHECKPOINTS REACTOME__DNA STRAND ELONGATION REACTOME__ACTIVATION OF ATR IN RESPONSE TO REPLICATION STRESS REACTOME__CELL CYCLE CHECKPOINTS REACTOME__DNA REPLICATION REACTOME__G1/S TRANSITION REACTOME__ACTIVATION OF THE PRE-REPLICATIVE COMPLEX REACTOME__DNA REPLICATION PRE-INITIATION REACTOME__ELONGATION OF INTRON-CONTAINING TRANSCRIPTS AND CO-TRANSCRIPTIONAL MRNA SPLICING REACTOME__ELONGATION AND PROCESSING OF CAPPED TRANSCRIPTS REACTOME__DNA REPAIR REACTOME__EXTENSION OF TELOMERES REACTOME__FORMATION AND MATURATION OF MRNA TRANSCRIPT REACTOME__E2F MEDIATED REGULATION OF DNA REPLICATION REACTOME__INTERACTIONS OF REV WITH HOST CELLULAR PROTEINS REACTOME__LAGGING STRAND SYNTHESIS REACTOME__METABOLISM OF NON-CODING RNA REACTOME__ASSEMBLY OF THE PRE-REPLICATIVE COMPLEX REACTOME__HIV LIFE CYCLE REACTOME__M/G1 TRANSITION REACTOME__APC/C-MEDIATED DEGRADATION OF CELL CYCLE PROTEINS REACTOME__INTERACTIONS OF VPR WITH HOST CELLULAR PROTEINS REACTOME__NUCLEAR IMPORT OF REV PROTEIN REACTOME__DOUBLE-STRAND BREAK REPAIR REACTOME__GAP-FILLING DNA REPAIR SYNTHESIS AND LIGATION IN GG-NER REACTOME__APC-CDC20 MEDIATED DEGRADATION OF NEK2A REACTOME__LATE PHASE OF HIV LIFE CYCLE REACTOME__GAP-FILLING DNA REPAIR SYNTHESIS AND LIGATION IN TC-NER DNA_REPLICATION_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) CELL_CYCLE_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) PYRIMIDINE_METABOLISM_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) FANCONI_PATHWAY:FANCONI ANEMIA PATHWAY AURORA_B_PATHWAY:AURORA B SIGNALING PLK1_PATHWAY:PLK1 SIGNALING EVENTS ATR_PATHWAY:ATR SIGNALING PATHWAY E2F_PATHWAY:E2F TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR NETWORK BARD1PATHWAY:BARD1 SIGNALING EVENTS FOXM1PATHWAY:FOXM1 TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR NETWORK AURORA_A_PATHWAY:AURORA A SIGNALING ATM_PATHWAY:ATM PATHWAY MYC_ACTIVPATHWAY:VALIDATED TARGETS OF C-MYC TRANSCRIPTIONAL ACTIVATION TOLL_ENDOGENOUS_PATHWAY:ENDOGENOUS TLR SIGNALING SIZE FDR q-val 86 <0.0001 277 <0.0001 82 <0.0001 34 <0.0001 30 <0.0001 30 <0.0001 101 <0.0001 85 <0.0001 88 <0.0001 23 <0.0001 66 <0.0001 121 <0.0001 121 <0.0001 95 <0.0001 23 <0.0001 139 0.003 21 0.005 30 0.016 19 0.025 20 0.028 52 0.035 99 0.035 52 0.048 72 0.046 33 0.055 28 0.087 18 0.087 15 0.125 22 0.137 88 0.153 15 0.191 34 <0.0001 104 0.007 88 0.186 44 <0.0001 38 <0.0001 42 <0.0001 38 1.01E-04 71 5.48E-04 29 6.60E-04 38 0.0109909 30 0.01218575 34 0.01694113 79 0.04611067 24 0.08515701 2. UPREGULATED PATHWAYS (UACC-62 MELANOMA CELL LINE) REACTOME DATABASE NAME REACTOME__CLASSICAL ANTIBODY-MEDIATED COMPLEMENT ACTIVATION REACTOME__FORMATION OF PLATELET PLUG REACTOME__INTEGRIN CELL SURFACE INTERACTIONS REACTOME__NEF-MEDIATES DOWN MODULATION OF CELL SURFACE RECEPTORS BY RECRUITING THEM TO CLATHRIN ADAPTERS REACTOME__HEMOSTASIS REACTOME__GLYCOLYSIS REACTOME__MEMBRANE TRAFFICKING REACTOME__INTEGRIN ALPHAIIBBETA3 SIGNALING REACTOME__EXOCYTOSIS OF ALPHA GRANULE REACTOME__IMMUNOREGULATORY INTERACTIONS BETWEEN A LYMPHOID AND A NON-LYMPHOID CELL REACTOME__CELL SURFACE INTERACTIONS AT THE VASCULAR WALL REACTOME__INTRINSIC PATHWAY REACTOME__BASIGIN INTERACTIONS REACTOME__PI3K/AKT SIGNALLING REACTOME__NCAM1 INTERACTIONS REACTOME__FORMATION OF FIBRIN CLOT (CLOTTING CASCADE) REACTOME__CLASS B/2 (SECRETIN FAMILY RECEPTORS) REACTOME__CREATION OF C4 AND C2 ACTIVATORS REACTOME__OLFACTORY SIGNALING PATHWAY REACTOME__PEPTIDE CHAIN ELONGATION REACTOME__NEURORANSMITTER RECEPTOR BINDING AND DOWNSTREAM TRANSMISSION IN THE POSTSYNAPTIC CELL REACTOME__GLUTAMATE BINDING, ACTIVATION OF AMPA RECEPTORS AND SYNAPTIC PLASTICITY REACTOME__PI3K CASCADE REACTOME__DIABETES PATHWAYS REACTOME__ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAIN REACTOME__METABOLISM OF BILE ACIDS AND BILE SALTS REACTOME__GLUCOSE REGULATION OF INSULIN SECRETION REACTOME__NCAM SIGNALING FOR NEURITE OUT-GROWTH REACTOME__G(S)-ALPHA MEDIATED EVENTS IN GLUCAGON SIGNALLING REACTOME__INTEGRATION OF ENERGY METABOLISM REACTOME__AXON GUIDANCE REACTOME__COMPLEMENT CASCADE REACTOME__APOPTOTIC CLEAVAGE OF CELLULAR PROTEINS 168 SIZE FDR q-val 15 0.00838841 103 0.01967726 76 0.01936138 20 0.01901494 210 0.01646517 20 0.01851544 40 0.01608925 21 0.0253362 56 0.02482065 73 0.02508278 84 0.03821398 15 0.03860102 23 0.11686838 29 0.10913188 25 0.11578983 24 0.1443846 28 0.15163149 18 0.18257278 253 0.19473417 100 0.19209401 27 0.19213723 27 0.1851637 21 0.18657506 251 0.21221207 74 0.20692673 23 0.20272683 146 46 24 204 46 29 33 0.1970926 0.20521082 0.20030124 0.20510356 0.21086268 0.23172796 0.23814444 Appendix 2. UPREGULATED PATHWAYS (UACC-62 MELANOMA CELL LINE) NCI KEGG DATABASE NAME GLYCAN_STRUCTURES_-_BIOSYNTHESIS_1_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) CELL_ADHESION_MOLECULES_(CAMS)_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) GLYCAN_STRUCTURES_-_DEGRADATION_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) LEUKOCYTE_TRANSENDOTHELIAL_MIGRATION_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) ECM-RECEPTOR_INTERACTION_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) ANTIGEN_PROCESSING_AND_PRESENTATION_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) FOCAL_ADHESION_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) AMINOSUGARS_METABOLISM_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) CHONDROITIN_SULFATE_BIOSYNTHESIS_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) HEMATOPOIETIC_CELL_LINEAGE_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) GLYCAN_STRUCTURES_-_BIOSYNTHESIS_2_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) JAK-STAT_SIGNALING_PATHWAY_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) AUTOIMMUNE_THYROID_DISEASE_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) TYPE_I_DIABETES_MELLITUS_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) KERATAN_SULFATE_BIOSYNTHESIS_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) GALACTOSE_METABOLISM_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) FRUCTOSE_AND_MANNOSE_METABOLISM_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) TIGHT_JUNCTION_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) REGULATION_OF_ACTIN_CYTOSKELETON_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) GAP_JUNCTION_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) OXIDATIVE_PHOSPHORYLATION_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) N-GLYCAN_BIOSYNTHESIS_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) GLYCOSPHINGOLIPID_BIOSYNTHESIS_-_GANGLIOSERIES_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) ALZHEIMER'S_DISEASE_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) APOPTOSIS_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) CHRONIC_MYELOID_LEUKEMIA_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) NATURAL_KILLER_CELL_MEDIATED_CYTOTOXICITY_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) SMALL_CELL_LUNG_CANCER_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) INSULIN_SIGNALING_PATHWAY_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) AXON_GUIDANCE_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) GLYCOLYSIS_/_GLUCONEOGENESIS_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) INOSITOL_PHOSPHATE_METABOLISM_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) O-GLYCAN_BIOSYNTHESIS_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) EPITHELIAL_CELL_SIGNALING_IN_HELICOBACTER_PYLORI_INFECTION_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) COMPLEMENT_AND_COAGULATION_CASCADES_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) ERBB_SIGNALING_PATHWAY_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) GLYCEROLIPID_METABOLISM_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) CYTOKINE-CYTOKINE_RECEPTOR_INTERACTION_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) MELANOMA_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) SIZE FDR 113 115 27 102 85 76 186 27 20 71 58 138 46 37 17 31 37 122 197 85 117 40 15 27 81 74 116 86 128 124 57 47 29 64 62 85 45 225 67 q-val <0.0001 0.01128041 0.04056513 0.04269259 0.0432842 0.04394831 0.04950933 0.07179534 0.07282304 0.07333832 0.07801138 0.07842021 0.08743946 0.0880243 0.08975697 0.08988976 0.09018355 0.09094558 0.09114642 0.09158529 0.09356262 0.09765068 0.10406436 0.12694243 0.12932102 0.13115391 0.16281699 0.16349994 0.16410345 0.16636552 0.17005293 0.19285673 0.19408289 0.20235842 0.22344443 0.22548513 0.22696957 0.22995618 0.23285107 PPAR_SIGNALING_PATHWAY_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) 60 0.23577489 INTEGRIN_CS_PATHWAY:INTEGRIN FAMILY CELL SURFACE INTERACTIONS 24 0.01262245 ARF6_TRAFFICKINGPATHWAY:ARF6 TRAFFICKING EVENTS 48 0.01976676 LYSOPHOSPHOLIPID_PATHWAY:LPA RECEPTOR MEDIATED EVENTS 64 0.03868764 IGF1_PATHWAY:IGF1 PATHWAY 28 0.04400015 IL6_7PATHWAY:IL6-MEDIATED SIGNALING EVENTS 45 0.04896526 A6B1_A6B4_INTEGRIN_PATHWAY:A6B1 AND A6B4 INTEGRIN SIGNALING 43 0.05006161 CXCR4_PATHWAY:CXCR4-MEDIATED SIGNALING EVENTS 97 0.05018903 ECADHERIN_NASCENTAJ_PATHWAY:E-CADHERIN SIGNALING IN THE NASCENT ADHERENS JUNCTION 38 0.05030787 46 49 42 60 34 63 54 25 21 66 48 72 51 124 31 63 44 57 25 35 46 24 51 50 39 49 76 24 19 40 17 25 58 24 26 59 37 103 17 43 43 30 0.05168133 0.0524029 0.05249197 0.05251113 0.05502375 0.09599881 0.1002318 0.10785396 0.12341514 0.12517372 0.12831745 0.1296601 0.13114354 0.13248943 0.14232591 0.14390154 0.14599414 0.14841408 0.1512948 0.15236078 0.15469341 0.15510428 0.15837726 0.16307765 0.1635841 0.16704606 0.17017573 0.17049243 0.17246254 0.17291948 0.18491796 0.1972177 0.19961236 0.19996001 0.20215957 0.21128222 0.21195725 0.21226509 0.2123452 0.2371342 0.24791914 0.24983431 HEDGEHOG_GLIPATHWAY:HEDGEHOG SIGNALING EVENTS MEDIATED BY GLI PROTEINS TAP63PATHWAY:VALIDATED TRANSCRIPTIONAL TARGETS OF TAP63 ISOFORMS THROMBIN_PAR1_PATHWAY:PAR1-MEDIATED THROMBIN SIGNALING EVENTS MYC_REPRESSPATHWAY:VALIDATED TARGETS OF C-MYC TRANSCRIPTIONAL REPRESSION UPA_UPAR_PATHWAY:UROKINASE-TYPE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR (UPA) AND UPAR-MEDIATED SIGNALING HIF1_TFPATHWAY:HIF-1-ALPHA TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR NETWORK TGFBRPATHWAY:TGF-BETA RECEPTOR SIGNALING WNT_SIGNALING_PATHWAY:WNT SIGNALING NETWORK RXR_VDR_PATHWAY:RXR AND RAR HETERODIMERIZATION WITH OTHER NUCLEAR RECEPTOR P75NTRPATHWAY:P75(NTR)-MEDIATED SIGNALING ANGIOPOIETINRECEPTOR_PATHWAY:ANGIOPOIETIN RECEPTOR TIE2-MEDIATED SIGNALING AVB3_INTEGRIN_PATHWAY:INTEGRINS IN ANGIOGENESIS NFAT_3PATHWAY:ROLE OF CALCINEURIN-DEPENDENT NFAT SIGNALING IN LYMPHOCYTES PDGFRBPATHWAY:PDGFR-BETA SIGNALING PATHWAY SYNDECAN_4_PATHWAY:SYNDECAN-4-MEDIATED SIGNALING EVENTS INTEGRIN1_PATHWAY:BETA1 INTEGRIN CELL SURFACE INTERACTIONS CERAMIDE_PATHWAY:CERAMIDE SIGNALING PATHWAY FAK_PATHWAY:SIGNALING EVENTS MEDIATED BY FOCAL ADHESION KINASE IL27PATHWAY:IL27-MEDIATED SIGNALING EVENTS PI3KPLCTRKPATHWAY:TRK RECEPTOR SIGNALING MEDIATED BY PI3K AND PLC-GAMMA SYNDECAN_1_PATHWAY:SYNDECAN-1-MEDIATED SIGNALING EVENTS HDAC_CLASSIII_PATHWAY:SIGNALING EVENTS MEDIATED BY HDAC CLASS III KITPATHWAY:SIGNALING EVENTS MEDIATED BY STEM CELL FACTOR RECEPTOR (C-KIT) TXA2PATHWAY:THROMBOXANE A2 RECEPTOR SIGNALING TCPTP_PATHWAY:SIGNALING EVENTS MEDIATED BY TCPTP PTP1BPATHWAY:SIGNALING EVENTS MEDIATED BY PTP1B MET_PATHWAY:SIGNALING EVENTS MEDIATED BY HEPATOCYTE GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR (C-MET) INTEGRIN_A9B1_PATHWAY:ALPHA9 BETA1 INTEGRIN SIGNALING EVENTS ARF_3PATHWAY:ARF1 PATHWAY ECADHERIN_STABILIZATION_PATHWAY:STABILIZATION AND EXPANSION OF THE E-CADHERIN ADHERENS JUNCTION EPHA2_FWDPATHWAY:EPHA2 FORWARD SIGNALING ALK1PATHWAY:ALK1 SIGNALING EVENTS ENDOTHELINPATHWAY:ENDOTHELINS LYMPHANGIOGENESIS_PATHWAY:VEGFR3 SIGNALING IN LYMPHATIC ENDOTHELIUM NECTIN_PATHWAY:NECTIN ADHESION PATHWAY IL4_2PATHWAY:IL4-MEDIATED SIGNALING EVENTS RET_PATHWAY:SIGNALING EVENTS REGULATED BY RET TYROSINE KINASE ERBB1_DOWNSTREAM_PATHWAY:ERBB1 DOWNSTREAM SIGNALING BETACATENIN_DEG_PATHWAY:DEGRADATION OF BETA CATENIN INSULIN_PATHWAY:INSULIN PATHWAY ERBB2ERBB3PATHWAY:ERBB2/ERBB3 SIGNALING EVENTS INTEGRIN_A4B1_PATHWAY:ALPHA4 BETA1 INTEGRIN SIGNALING EVENTS 169 Appendix 3. DOWNREGULATED PATHWAYS (HCT116 COLON CANCER CELL LINE) KEGG REACTOME DATABASE NAME REACTOME__EXOCYTOSIS OF ALPHA GRANULE REACTOME__FORMATION OF PLATELET PLUG REACTOME__HEMOSTASIS REACTOME__INTEGRIN CELL SURFACE INTERACTIONS REACTOME__APOPTOTIC CLEAVAGE OF CELLULAR PROTEINS REACTOME__NCAM SIGNALING FOR NEURITE OUT-GROWTH REACTOME__AXON GUIDANCE REACTOME__APC/C:CDC20 MEDIATED DEGRADATION OF MITOTIC PROTEINS REACTOME__FURTHER PLATELET RELEASATE REACTOME__G1/S DNA DAMAGE CHECKPOINTS REACTOME__NCAM1 INTERACTIONS REACTOME__APOPTOTIC EXECUTION PHASE REACTOME__MUSCLE CONTRACTION REACTOME__CDC20:PHOSPHO-APC/C MEDIATED DEGRADATION OF CYCLIN A REACTOME__ACTIVATION OF APC/C AND APC/C:CDC20 MEDIATED DEGRADATION OF MITOTIC PROTEINS REACTOME__APC/C:CDC20 MEDIATED DEGRADATION OF SECURIN REACTOME__AUTODEGRADATION OF CDH1 BY CDH1:APC/C REACTOME__CELL SURFACE INTERACTIONS AT THE VASCULAR WALL REACTOME__GLUCOSE METABOLISM REACTOME__CDK-MEDIATED PHOSPHORYLATION AND REMOVAL OF CDC6 REACTOME__GLYCOLYSIS REACTOME__PHASE 1 - FUNCTIONALIZATION OF COMPOUNDS REACTOME__CELL DEATH SIGNALLING VIA NRAGE, NRIF AND NADE REACTOME__GLUCONEOGENESIS REACTOME__BASIGIN INTERACTIONS REACTOME__G(S)-ALPHA MEDIATED EVENTS IN GLUCAGON SIGNALLING ECM-RECEPTOR_INTERACTION_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) ALZHEIMER'S_DISEASE_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) PPAR_SIGNALING_PATHWAY_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) SPHINGOLIPID_METABOLISM_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) GLUTATHIONE_METABOLISM_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) PROTEASOME_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) CELL_ADHESION_MOLECULES_(CAMS)_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) ANTIGEN_PROCESSING_AND_PRESENTATION_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) AXON_GUIDANCE_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) CARBON_FIXATION_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) POLYUNSATURATED_FATTY_ACID_BIOSYNTHESIS_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) PYRUVATE_METABOLISM_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) SIZE 51 97 207 77 32 44 44 63 20 50 23 38 27 61 64 59 58 86 74 44 20 57 23 31 25 24 85 27 60 35 37 21 114 78 120 21 15 39 FDR q-val 0.00539583 0.01474072 0.04375368 0.10112921 0.14367585 0.1724425 0.1871709 0.19323502 0.19445132 0.19954892 0.20022282 0.2021108 0.20359442 0.204563 0.21012999 0.21391934 0.21625 0.21701321 0.22160994 0.22272432 0.23832981 0.24262054 0.24464706 0.24813245 0.2486531 0.24909715 0.06163346 0.09436793 0.19583198 0.19969407 0.20419754 0.20671786 0.21696399 0.21856105 0.23966669 0.24837023 0.24879314 0.2495452 4. UPREGULATED PATHWAYS (HCT116 COLON CANCER CELL LINE) REACTOME DATABASE KEGG NCI NAME REACTOME__EUKARYOTIC TRANSLATION ELONGATION REACTOME__3 -UTR-MEDIATED TRANSLATIONAL REGULATION REACTOME__PEPTIDE CHAIN ELONGATION REACTOME__FORMATION OF A POOL OF FREE 40S SUBUNITS REACTOME__GTP HYDROLYSIS AND JOINING OF THE 60S RIBOSOMAL SUBUNIT REACTOME__L13A-MEDIATED TRANSLATIONAL SILENCING OF CERULOPLASMIN EXPRESSION REACTOME__EUKARYOTIC TRANSLATION TERMINATION REACTOME__INFLUENZA VIRAL RNA TRANSCRIPTION AND REPLICATION REACTOME__CAP-DEPENDENT TRANSLATION INITIATION REACTOME__EUKARYOTIC TRANSLATION INITIATION REACTOME__ACTIVATION OF THE MRNA UPON BINDING OF THE CAP-BINDING COMPLEX AND EIFS, AND SUBSEQUENT BINDING TO 43S REACTOME__INFLUENZA LIFE CYCLE REACTOME__INFLUENZA INFECTION REACTOME__FORMATION OF THE TERNARY COMPLEX, AND SUBSEQUENTLY, THE 43S COMPLEX REACTOME__METABOLISM OF PROTEINS REACTOME__G2/M CHECKPOINTS REACTOME__M PHASE REACTOME__ELONGATION OF INTRON-CONTAINING TRANSCRIPTS AND CO-TRANSCRIPTIONAL MRNA SPLICING REACTOME__GENE EXPRESSION REACTOME__ELONGATION AND PROCESSING OF CAPPED TRANSCRIPTS REACTOME__MITOTIC PROMETAPHASE REACTOME__ACTIVATION OF THE PRE-REPLICATIVE COMPLEX REACTOME__ACTIVATION OF ATR IN RESPONSE TO REPLICATION STRESS REACTOME__CLEAVAGE OF GROWING TRANSCRIPT IN THE TERMINATION REGION REACTOME__FORMATION AND MATURATION OF MRNA TRANSCRIPT RIBOSOME_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) NAPHTHALENE_AND_ANTHRACENE_DEGRADATION_-_HOMO_SAPIENS_(HUMAN) PLK1_PATHWAY:PLK1 SIGNALING EVENTS 170 SIZE FDR q-val 104 <0.0001 121 <0.0001 100 <0.0001 110 <0.0001 122 <0.0001 121 <0.0001 100 <0.0001 152 <0.0001 129 <0.0001 129 1.18E-04 64 2.92E-04 156 3.16E-04 161 3.45E-04 55 0.00134256 207 0.09879488 34 0.10528342 86 0.13186814 121 0.13790113 346 0.14086446 121 0.14316013 82 0.14367956 23 0.1830022 30 0.1976846 23 0.20171253 139 0.20955685 66 <0.0001 18 0.19851044 42 0.1614753 Renal Prostate Ovarian NSLC Leukemia Colon CNS Breast MELANOMA Appendix LYSOSOME * Figure S1. The melanoma-enriched lysosome cluster. GSEA heat map showing the relative enrichment of genes from the Gene Ontology – Lysosome gene set in melanoma cells compared to the rest of the NCI-60 cell lines. Dataset (GSE5720GO)2 171 Appendix SUPPLEMENTARY VIDEO LEGENDS Video S1. Time-lapse imaging of control and RAB7-depleted SK-Mel-28 melanoma cells to show the impact of this GTPase on cellular morphology and motility. Imaging by optical microscopy (bright field images) of SK-Mel-28 cells (BRAF-mutated) stably expressing scrambled shRNA (left) or RAB7 shRNA2 (right). Images were captured at 10 min intervals in a Leica DMI6000 B fluorescence microscope coupled to a CO2 and temperature-controlled incubation chamber. Note the active emission and retraction of cellular extensions in highly dendritic SK-Mel-28 cells expressing RAB7 shRNA. Video S2. Dynamic morphological changes in RAB7-depleted melanoma cells. Time lapse bright field imaging of SK-Mel-103 cells (NRAS-mutated, MITF negative) stably expressing dominant-negative RAB7 (T22N). Images were captured at 10 min intervals in a Delta Vision RT microscope coupled to a CO2 and temperature-controlled incubation chamber. Note the prominent cytosolic vacuolization and the dynamic assembly and disassembly of cell-cell contacts. Video S3. Real time imaging of the recruitment of LC3 to large single-membrane RAB7-positive endosomes generated from the plasma membrane. Real-time imaging of control SK-Mel-103 melanoma cells stably expressing GFP-RAB7 (green) and the autophagy protein LC3 labeled in red by fusion to the cherry protein. Images were captured at 10-minute intervals in a Delta Vision RT fluorescence microscope, coupled to a CO2 and temperaturecontrolled incubation chamber. Note the recruitment of the autophagosomal marker LC3 to RAB7-coated endocytic vesicles (>1µm diameter) once they reach the perinuclear region. Video S4. Activation of macropinocytosis in melanocytes expressing oncogenic RAS. Time lapse bright field imaging of primary foreskin melanocytes expressing HRASG12V (right) or empty vector (left). Cells were imaged at day 3 after lentiviral-mediated transduction, after the acquisition of features of oncogene-induced senescence in HRASG12V-expressing melanocytes. Images were captured at 10 min intervals in a Delta Vision RT microscope coupled to a CO2 and temperature-controlled incubation chamber. Note active generation of macropinosomes and a dynamic motile behaviour in senescent HRASG12V-expressing melanocytes. 172 Appendix PUBLICATIONS Alonso-Curbelo D, Riveiro-Falkenbach E, Pérez-Guijarro E, Megías D, Gómez-López G, Olmeda D, Calvo TG, Osterloh L, Cifdaloz M, Cañón E, Pisano DG, Ortíz-Romero P, Tormo D, Hoek K, RodríguezPeralto JL and Soengas MS (2013). RAB7 controls melanoma progression by exploiting a lineagespecific wiring of the endolysomal pathway. (Submitted to Cancer Cell) Alonso-Curbelo D, Soengas MS (2010). Self-killing of melanoma cells by cytosolic delivery of dsRNA: Wiring innate immunity for a coordinated mobilization of endosomes, autophagosomes and the apoptotic machinery in tumor cells. Autophagy 6, 148-150. Review Tormo D, Alonso-Curbelo D, Soengas MS (2009). Cytosolic delivery of dsRNA triggers MDA-5 mediated autonomous cell death in aggressive melanomas. Clin Transl Oncol 11, 39-41. Review Tormo D, Checinska A, Alonso-Curbelo D, Pérez-Guijarro E, Cañón E, Riveiro-Falkenbach E, Calvo TG, Larribere L, Megías D, Mulero F, Piris MA, Dash R, Barral PM, Rodríguez-Peralto JL, Ortíz-Romero P, Tüting T, Fisher PB, Soengas MS (2009). Targeted activation of innate immunity for therapeutic induction of autophagy and apoptosis in melanoma cells. Cancer Cell 16, 103-114. PRESENTATIONS Alonso-Curbelo D, Riveiro-Fakenbach E, Pérez-Guijarro E, Gómez-López G, Megías D, Olmeda D, Pisano D, Joyce J, Rodríguez-Peralto JL, Soengas MS. Oral presentation: Addiction of melanoma cells to the GTPase RAB7 imposed by a lineage dependent wiring of endolysosomal pathways. Cell Symposia: Hallmarks of Cancer (San Francisco, USA), 2012. Alonso-Curbelo D, Pérez-Guijarro E, Olmeda D, Riveiro-Falkenbach E, Osterloh L and Soengas MS. Poster presentation: RAB7-dependent endo/lysosomal vesicle trafficking in melanoma progression. CHSL Meeting on Cell Death (Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA), 2011. Alonso-Curbelo D, Olmeda D, Pérez-Guijarro E, Calvo TG and Soengas MS. Poster presentation: RABdependent endo/lysosomal vesicle trafficking in melanoma progression. IDIBELL Cancer Conferences on Metastasis and Angiogenesis (Barcelona, Spain), 2011. Alonso-Curbelo D, Olmeda D, Pérez-Guijarro E, Calvo TG and Soengas MS. Poster presentation: RAB7dependent endo/lysosomal vesicle trafficking in melanoma. 1st Prize Award. “CNIO PhD Student Lab Day” (Madrid, Spain), 2011. Alonso-Curbelo D, Riveiro-Falkenbach E, Rodríguez-Peralto JL and Soengas MS. Poster presentation: Intracellular protein degradation pathways in melanoma progression and drug response. 7th Annual International Melanoma Congress of the Society for Melanoma Research (Sydney, Australia), 2010. Alonso-Curbelo D, Tormo D, Megías D and Soengas MS. Poster presentation: Membrane trafficking in melanoma progression and chemoresistance. 6th Annual International Melanoma Congress of the Society for Melanoma Research (Boston, USA), 2009. 173 Appendix 174