Dear customer We are proud to announce Winner Design version
Dear customer We are proud to announce Winner Design version
i i WINNER DESIGN HAS NEW ICONS After installing Winner Design v. 11.0 you will find the following new icons on your desktop : Dear customer We are proud to announce Winner Design version 11.0. In this brochure you can read about the major news we have implemented for you since last version 10.5. We hope you enjoy this new version. CLICK ON THE ICONS Even easier to create amazing photorealistic images Now it’s faster and easier to find the products you are looking for! A lot of new standard objects have been added 200 new materials available Add your own logo in Winner Design Show sloping ceilings with objects and installations in plan drawing Easier and faster way to change models and properties Add multiple arrows from same comment Show measurements on installations from ceiling/ top Delete several catalogues in one operation Download of catalogues are now handled per database Allow printing on illegal margin Improved auto calculation of corner fillers Define different plinths, light screens, cornices, ceiling fillers, coving and skirting in the same drawing Distinguishing between exterior walls and interior walls New advanced functionality when using several project databases New shortcuts available Other features we want you to be aware of A lot of effort has been made to help you to create photorealistic images even faster and more realistic than ever. Just press CTRL +R inside the perspective drawing and you create your photorealistic image on screen. The new Tone mapper settings dialogue has three different white balance settings and Auto is the default setting. EVEN EASIER TO CREATE AMAZING PHOTOREALISTIC IMAGES One of the most important news is the Automatic white balance. The reason why many white kitchens looked coloured in Winner Design 10.5 is that large, coloured surfaces created a coloured light in the room. The Automatic white balance tool in Winner 11 will in 95% of the cases, solve this problem. Winner Design 10.5 default settings COMPUSOFT WINNER DESIGN 11.0 INDEX Winner Design 11.0 default settings In a few cases, the auto white balance tool may not give you the result that you expect. In these cases, try to use the colour picker (Select neutral colour) and click in an area where you expect a white colour. The ceiling is often a good candidate for this. Example before using the colour picker Example after using the colour picker Winner 11.0 EVEN EASIER TO CREATE AMAZING PHOTOREALISTIC IMAGES Winner 10.5 In Winner Design 11.0, the colour of the sun automatically adjusts to the sun height and makes it easy to get those warm afternoon renderings. New in Winner Design 11.0 is also that the sunlight shadows are soft and natural: High sun Low sun You get a preview of your choice as shown below in the dialog Define light profile available from menu Lighting>Define profile : COMPUSOFT WINNER DESIGN 11.0 INDEX We also advise you to take advantage of the redefined default light profiles available from the menu Lighting. You have probably been in a situation searching for a code in a huge catalogue with thousands of items. You know it is there but you cannot find it. Now we give you the solution, a fast and efficient tool to search for the right products. NOW IT’S FASTER AND EASIER TO FIND THE PRODUCTS YOU ARE LOOKING FOR! • It’s possible to toggle between the radio buttons by clicking the description text in front of it. Just press Enter in the Code field and the advanced Select product dialog appears: • For a quick reset of all selections, simply double-click on the text Ignored. • The Hinge/direction radio button will assist in finding for example cabinets with a separate item code for the left and right hinged cabinet or also for asymmetrical corner cabinets with different item codes for each placing direction. Select the combinations you are looking for and Winner Design will show you the result, based on your choices. Some tips and tricks to navigate smarter and faster in the dialog : • With the cursor located in the Code field, a quick way to change to another catalogue is to press CTRL while typing the catalogue name (using the characters A to Z). Once you release CTRL the catalogue will change. For a catalogue containing special characters like e.g. ‘Häcker Classic’, the best option would be to press CTRL and type CLASSIC. • CTRL+SPACEBAR will always take you back to the main supplier for current alternative. COMPUSOFT WINNER DESIGN 11.0 INDEX • The Search text field offers you a free text search in the complete item descriptions, throughout planning advices and even EDV/EAN numbers. This gives you the option to select the correct supplier catalogue, enter the EAN number of an appliance in the search text field and find the appliance even without knowing the precise item code. • Double-clicking the 3D-preview in the top right corner or the picture preview below (if exists) will open a fullscreen preview. • When adding appliances to an appliance cabinet the suggested supplier will automatically be the last appliance catalogue used. • When searching for special width, height and depth you can use the following options: -600: means up to 600 mm 600 : means exactly 600 mm 600-: means from 600 mm 600-900: means between 600 mm and 900 mm • works directly in the item list, unless you are currently in another list. • "Ctrl + / CTRL + toggles between the tabs. • ALT + 1 take you directly to the first tab. ALT + 2 takes you to the second tab and so on. A LOT OF NEW STANDARD OBJECTS HAVE BEEN ADDED 200 NEW MATERIALS AVAILABLE COMPUSOFT WINNER DESIGN 11.0 INDEX We are continuously updating your standard library with state of the art objects. The newest ones are marked with a New label. You may also tick to select only our newest objects available. We want to remind you about our huge gallery of people that might give your drawings an extra dimension. Here you see some of the people waiting to be a part of your future design: In Winner you can add materials to all kind of surfaces in the drawings. To be able to choose from a wide range of real materials gives you the possibility to create the ultimate drawing. Start playing with hundreds of different materials to create photorealistic images that draw your customer’s attention. All materials are available from the button found at several places in the program. Here you see some of the new materials available in the granite sub folder: You may now yourself install your own logo in Winner Design. Choose the menu option Global settings / Company information and choose the tab Settings. ADD YOUR OWN LOGO IN WINNER DESIGN Drag and drop your logo into the logo area or search for your logo by pressing Select. Your logo will then appear in the top right-hand corner of the Winner Design start up screen. Your logo will also appear on printouts if you choose a layout that is designed to use this kind of logo. SHOW SLOPING CEILINGS WITH OBJECTS AND INSTALLATIONS IN PLAN DRAWING From Plan drawing start the menu option Visible layers / Define profile. Tick the fields shown below: BENEFITS FOR YOU COMPUSOFT WINNER DESIGN 11.0 INDEX Easier to place objects and see consequences when a sloping ceiling is defined. EASIER AND FASTER WAY TO CHANGE MODELS AND PROPERTIES A new fast way to change models or properties from inside Drawings settings (F7), has been developed. In the preview in the top right corner, just double click on the item you want to change. If you double click on a wall, floor or ceiling you get directly into the room properties. If you double click on a cabinet you get into the change model of the kitchen cabinets. If you double click on the worktop, plinth, light screen and so on, you get inside the change model for that type of object. First you create your comment with arrow as usual. Then you just select the comment, right click and choose the menu Add comment arrow. ADD MULTIPLE ARROWS FROM SAME COMMENT BENEFITS FOR YOU Sometimes the comment is related to several objects/installations. Now you do not need to create two or more identical comments any more. COMPUSOFT WINNER DESIGN 11.0 INDEX When placing an installation you have now the possibility to choose Distance from top. SHOW MEASUREMENTS ON INSTALLATIONS FROM CEILING/ TOP BENEFITS FOR YOU In the past you could only register distance on installations from left/right and bottom. In some situations it is more convenient to register the measurement from top. Now you can quickly delete several catalogues in one single operation. In the past you had to delete catalogues one by one. Open the dialog Registered catalogues and the menu option Catalogue / Multiple delete. DELETE SEVERAL CATALOGUES IN ONE OPERATION We advise you not to delete catalogues that have been used in alternatives you may later want to adapt. When changing such alternatives, you might need to update to the latest catalogue version in order to get the model and price information available as you expect. When you download catalogues, the list of suggested catalogues to be downloaded is now connected to your database. In the past the list of suggested catalogues to be downloaded was connected to the customer account regardless of the number of databases used. That caused a problem when a user downloaded catalogues and then a second user also downloaded catalogues using another database (e.g. on a laptop). The second user did not get any suggested catalogues to be downloaded. DOWNLOAD OF CATALOGUES ARE NOW HANDLED PER DATABASE COMPUSOFT WINNER DESIGN 11.0 INDEX BENEFITS FOR YOU Now you can be sure that you have the latest updated catalogues available on your computer after using the function download catalogues with the suggested (ticked) catalogues. In the past you were not able to print documents if your margin on a certain alternative was beyond the minimum margin defined. Now you can tick Allow printing on illegal margin in the Profit margin settings and force the printout to be done. ALLOW PRINTING ON ILLEGAL MARGIN BENEFITS FOR YOU By ticking Allow printing on illegal margin the margin definition acts as a visual control and is not blocking your workflow. In the past placing cabinets in a corner often gave some challenges when defining the size of the fillers. In this new version we have done a lot of work to simplify this calculation. IMPROVED AUTO CALCULATION OF CORNER FILLERS COMPUSOFT WINNER DESIGN 11.0 INDEX BENEFITS FOR YOU ou will now discover that the calculation of fillers is done automatically give you extra time to spend on other tasks. Finally you can define different definitions for the edges in the same drawing. It is for instance quite common to use a different plinth for an island solution compared to the cabinets that are placed at the wall. It is now possible to draw this automatically in Winner Design. DEFINE DIFFERENT PLINTHS, LIGHT SCREENS, CORNICES, CEILING FILLERS, COVING AND SKIRTING IN THE SAME DRAWING In version 11.0 it is now possible to define as many edge definitions as you like. The definition for these new options is done in the Drawing settings dialog (F7). Example 1 : In this example we create two plinth definitions: 1. First create your standard plinth as before. 2. Create a new plinth edge definition by choosing New. 3. You must then register code/model/colour for this new definition. The definition is saved as option 1. A new height layer is also added called Plinth: option 1. 4. Place some cabinets as usual at height level on plinths. 5. C hoose height layer Plinth: option 1. You find this field in the top right corner of the screen. COMPUSOFT WINNER DESIGN 11.0 INDEX 6. Place some more cabinets and you see that these cabinets are now placed on the new plinth you have defined as option 1. Exemple 2 : In this example we create two light screen definitions: (The same can be done with cornices and ceiling fillers) Exemple 3 : In this example we create two skirting definitions: (The same can be done with coving) 1. Choose the tab Coving/Skirting 1. First create your standard light screen as before. DEFINE DIFFERENT PLINTHS, LIGHT SCREENS, CORNICES, CEILING FILLERS, COVING AND SKIRTING IN THE SAME DRAWING COMPUSOFT WINNER DESIGN 11.0 INDEX 2. Create a new light screen definition by choosing New. 3. You must then register code/model/colour for this new definition. The definition is saved as option 1. 4. Create your kitchen as normal. 5. Select the cabinets where you want to use light screen option1. 2. Create your standard skirting as before. 3. Create a new skirting definition by choosing New. 6. Choose Properties. 4. You must then register skirting profile and material. The definition is then saved as option 1. 7. Change parameter Light screen from Auto to Option 1 and save changes. 5. To use your new type of skirting, enter wall properties. Notice : By clicking on the icon found in the last row for each new edge you create, you are able to change the indent and indent at end on each edge separately. 6. Change parameter Skirting to Option 1 and save changes. The new skirting is now visible on the selected wall. We have now given you the possibility to distinguish between exterior walls and interior walls. In the System settings we have predefined the thickness of these two kinds of walls. You may change these values by choosing the menu System settings. Then choose the tab Measurement and click DISTINGUISHING BETWEEN EXTERIOR WALLS AND INTERIOR WALLS You may now change the measurements Default exterior wall thickness and Default interior wall thickness. You may also change the thicknesses for one particular alternative from Room properties. COMPUSOFT WINNER DESIGN 11.0 INDEX When you draw a room, all the walls are initially considered as exterior walls. You may change an exterior wall to interior wall by selecting a wall, right click and tick the menu Is interior wall. Then the thickness of this wall is changed according to the Interior wall thickness. If you repeat this process and untick the menu Is interior wall the wall is changed back to exterior wall. When you free draw a false wall, these walls are always considered as interior walls. If you complete the shape of a free drawn wall by choosing the icon or by pressing Ctrl+3 (close figure with indicated thickness), the predefined Interior wall thickness is proposed. NEW ADVANCED FUNCTIONALITY WHEN USING SEVERAL PROJECT DATABASES NEW SHORTCUTS AVAILABLE To split your project database into several smaller databases has been available in Winner Design for years. This function can speed up your work essentially. You may for instance create one project database for each year of work. It is also possible to define that the customer database shall be kept as one global database. Until now the customer database has always been created locally together with each project database available. We have now added possibilities to work with several project databases even more smoothly. We advise you to contact your local Compusoft support team for more information regarding these new configuration possibilities. It is now possible to define that your product database (catalogues) can be saved locally together with your project database. In this way you can keep only the catalogues used in a particular project database and you can avoid that one global catalogue database is constantly growing. • By holding down the SHIFT key while pressing CTRL+HOME /CTRL+END, the cursor moves between walls, false walls and sectional views. an object giving light, you will go directly into the Light source properties dialogue. • By holding down the CTRL key while double clicking on an object or surface, you will go directly into the Assign material to surface dialogue. (goes for everything: room, walls, floor, ceiling, wall objects, furniture, décor items etc.). • By holding down the ALT key while moving an object you may place the object into a wall (for instance to place a decoration in a window or in a niche). • By holding down the ALT key while double clicking on • A new field Show all revisions is implemented in the Register/catalogue function. Now you can choose to see all catalogues installed or only the last version of each catalogue installed. OTHER FEATURES WE WANT YOU TO BE AWARE OF COMPUSOFT WINNER DESIGN 11.0 INDEX • A batch print consists of several documents that are printed automatically. Defining a batch print may save you a lot of time in your daily work. We have now made working with batch prints even easier by adding the possibility to change the order of documents inside the batch print. • If you want to take a closer look, you may now enlarge previews everywhere in the program by double clicking on them. • If you double click on an object you will get direct into object properties.
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