August 2015 - Alwoodley Community Association
August 2015 - Alwoodley Community Association
T H E A LW O O D L E Y C O M M U N I T Y A S S O C I AT I O N announcer 60 ACA yrs A l w o o d l e y C o m m u n i t y H a l l , T h e Av e n u e , A l w o o d l e y, L e e d s L S 1 7 7 N Z Te l e p h o n e : 0 11 3 2 6 7 1 3 3 1 Registered Charity No. 523749 Issue: August 2015 w w w. a l w o o d l e y c o m m u n i t y a s s o c i a t i o n . c o . u k Tel: 225 7412 C C ACA President - Mrs Sally Harris O ACA Chairman - Mr Chris Hatton Mob: 07841 428 930 O N ACA Secretary - Mr Brian Wilkinson Tel: 267 2627 N T ACA Treasurer - Mr Simon Taylor Tel: 267 9751 T A A Tel: 267 3951 C C ACA Membership Secretary - Mrs Sara Hamilton Mob: 07580 148 832 T T ACA Hall Bookings Secretary - Mrs Alison Taylor Mob: 07581 426 570 S S Social Club Chairman - Mrs Charli Marshall FORTHCOMING EVENTS August 1st - Yorkshire Day August 16th - South African Food Festival Sept 5th - Beer Festival 2 pm 4 pm MOT £45 BODYWORK REPAIR & SERVICE MEANWOOD GARAGE 3 MEANWOOD CLOSE LEEDS LS7 2JL 0113 2626267 SAPHERSON CARPETS Bringing Samples To You Tel: 0113 230 1301 Mobile: 07821 176 102 CAROL AND CLIVE WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO THANK ALL OUR CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR SUPPORT OVER THE LAST 19 YEARS Chairman’s Notes Well, summer is finally upon us and the ACA is continuing to thrive! It has been lovely to see so many people enjoying a drink in the sun. Long may it continue... With the opening of the brand new Family Room/Sports Bar, we now have a fantastic venue for watching sports on the big screen and also for more energetic partying. If you haven’t seen it yet, go take a look - it really is amazing. Many of you came down to the official opening, so a big thanks to all of you too: it was lovely to see people sharing in the moment... A huge thanks to Charli Marshall for her enthusiasm and vision and in particular to Simon Marshall for all his hard work. We would never have done it without you. Also... a huge thanks to all of you who donated time and money to making it happen. It is that community approach that makes the ACA so unique. The Family Fun Day was a success, with both adults and children enjoying a fair few games of rounders and a beautiful sunny day... thank you to those who attended and hopefully we will see you all again on Yorkshire Day (1st August) - we will have a hog roast and live music for all to enjoy!!! All welcome... Right. I am off to watch Federer vs Djokovic in the Wimbledon Mens Final. Until next time. Chris Hatton Chairman ACA GOLF TOURNAMENT A game of two shirts. On the one hand we had Jeremy Lea, resplendent in bright orange Yorkshire Tea Shirt, tailored shorts and a natty titfer. And on the other we had Nad Shah, looking as if he’d just arrived from a night’s clubbing, in an Armani Innit polo shirt and faded jeans. Now the romantic version of this report would have Nad upsetting all the odds, sinking outrageous putts and storming to victory. It wasn’t like that. On a hot and sunny Friday in early July, Jeremy kept his cool and swept to an impressive 42 points to take the guest’s prize in the annual ACA golf tournament at Wike. But then Jeremy has been playing for some while and knows what he’s doing. As for Nad, well he has only just taken up the game and made full use of the whole course. There again, we’ve all been there and he showed enough flashes of good play to suggest he’ll get better. He took it all in good spirit, including his award of the booby prize. Runner up for the guests was Ron Walker with Tony McKenna the ACA member winner, just pipping Dave Colley. The team prize was won by a strong line up of Jeremy Lea, Dave Colley. Phil Abbiss and Richard Smith. Nearest the pin for the par threes went to Adam Tomlinson, Geoff Rhodes, Richard Smith and Jeremy Lea. Next year we might just forget to invite Jeremy. The big hitter’s award went to Laurie Bailey in three shots nearest the pin on the second. Many thanks go to Michael Bell for once again organising the event so efficiently. It was suitably celebrated back at the ACA afterwards. DA TAKE TWO TAKE TWO CHANGING ROOMS The last few weeks have seen a steady but ultimately remarkable transformation of the Family Room. It must be at least two years ago that Paul Townend conceived the idea of refurbishing the room and initial plans were drawn up. Then the project stalled, partly because we weren’t sure where the financing was going to come from. A year ago the funding thermometer was put up and gradually money started to come in through fund raising events and some generous donations. Finally, earlier this year work started. Down came the photos of every team to have represented Alwoodley FC, ever. Down came the ceiling and out went the furniture. A team of volunteers scraped walls and rubbed down and with the impetus of Charli Marshall’s determination to get the job done and husband Simon’s expertise and design skills the project took shape. Before, it looked like this: And now we have a modern, state of the art room that members and guests will want to O be in, catering for a range of interests. TW O E TW K Congratulations should go to all who were TA AKE T involved in the project and thanks to all who contributed and to the ACA for their moral and financial support. On the evening of July 4th a number of members, young and old witnessed the re-opening of the room and all were impressed by what had been achieved. SUPPER CLUB Watch this space. The supper club resumes on 13th October with details of speakers in September’s Announcer PARISH COUNCIL Over the last few weeks we have had three suggestions for community projects, none of which can go ahead without involvement from residents, so over to you! 1) FREE VEG! A resident has asked whether it would be possible to have an "incredible edible" scheme in Alwoodley where members of the community can grow vegetables for all to use. Several of these schemes have been set up in Leeds - there is one you may have seen near the Clock Tower in Oakwood. Leeds City Council encourages these schemes and the Parish Council would be willing to provide support if there is enough interest in the area. So contact us if you would like to be involved. 2) CRICKET Boxing Day cricket matches were regularly held in Alwoodley in the past. Maybe some of you remember them - either as players or spectators. It has been suggested to us that this tradition be revived and if you feel you are able to organise or play in this event please get in touch. 3) FAMOUS ALWOODLEIANS? Another recent suggestion put to the Parish Council is to install blue plaques to recognise notable people who lived in the Alwoodley Parish area. We are aware that there are strict criteria that must be met but before we can even start to get this PARISH COUNCIL (cont) project off the ground we would like to hear from you. Is there a famous person you know of who you feel deserves to be nominated for a blue plaque in Alwoodley Parish? If so, let us know! PARISH COUNCIL VACANCIES Yes, there are still places to be filled on the Parish Council and we will be discussing applications at our September meeting, so if you want to apply please get in touch by the end of August. If you're happy with the work we're doing and want to be part of it, come and join us, and if you're not happy and think there are things that could be improved, don't sit there grumbling, come and join us, too. Our long-awaited new Village Green sign has finally been installed and we hope you like it as much as we do! The Village Green is the only piece of public green space within the Parish and the sign symbolises its value to our community, both now and long into the future. The first six mini flower beds have now been planted up and are looking very colourful. We have already received some positive comments and are now considering other suitable sites. Your Parish Councillors PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR CLUB Tennis Section On 17 May we ran a successful Open Day as part of the Great British Tennis Weekend. The event ran from 10am – 4pm and the courts were busy throughout the whole six hours. Approximately 60 people attended and as a result we have been pleased to welcome several new members to the club. Thanks to all club members who helped with the event and to our coach, Danny, who was very busy all day. The day before we also had an informal fun family tournament sponsored by Quorn. This was a doubles format with one adult member and one mini red junior on each team. Congratulations to the winners Richard and Declan Mc Manus, who were invited to play other winners in the area at a tournament in Ilkley, which they very much enjoyed. Social tennis continues every Wednesday evening from 6.30pm onwards. On Fridays we start at 6.15pm with an hour session of cardio tennis as a warm up. Adult coaching for beginners and improvers takes place on Sunday mornings at 9.45am and you do not need to be a member to participate in this or the cardio session. There is a small charge for these sessions, but you do not need to book - just turn up. Junior tennis Junior coaching for children aged 9 and over takes place on Saturdays. There are 4 different sessions based on age and ability between 12.30am and 4.30pm. Mini tennis for children aged 4 - 8 continues on Friday afternoons at 4.30pm and 5.15pm and on Sundays at 9am. For further information about junior tennis, please contact our junior coordinator, Diane Corscadden, on 267 5252. For further details about any of the above please check out our website HAPPY HOUR Fancy a drink on the way home from work or after a spot of gardening or a walk? £2.50 a pint. 5 - 7 pm Thursdays and Fridays The Social Club will be open. Bar Staff Interested BIRKDALE in a spot of bar work? If so the Social Club would like to hear from you. A C C Contact Charli on 07581426570. GARAGE DOOR SPECIALISTS ALL TYPES OF GARAGE DOORS MANUAL OR REMOTE NEW DOORS FITTED OLD DOORS REPAIRED EXISTING DOORS SERVICED We can also automate your existing door if you are having trouble lifting it Call James 07599 081 266 0113 2670074 SUPPORT YOUR CLUB ACA Website if any section of the ACA would like an item putting on our website please contact Jackie Brown on 07814005262 or [email protected] PLEASE NOTE Copy for the next issue should be sent by 10th August: [email protected] or David Atkins, 72 Winding Way, Leeds, LS17 7RQ Tel: 01138050281 or 07707632011 PLEASE NOTE @AlwoodleySocial PRINTER OF YOUR Search for the ACA in groups link announcer Airedale Print & Supplies Ltd, Farsley 0113 256 8415 designed by Severley Design To Book the Hall for Parties or Events, contact: Mrs Alison Taylor [email protected] or 07580 148 832 Do You Need a Helping Hand ? No Job too Small All types of:- Plumbing, Joinery, Fencing, Decking, Decorating, Gardening, Household Repairs & DIY Jobs. Everything from Putting up Shelves & Curtain Rails, Moving Furniture & Heavy Objects, Fixing Doors & Windows. Honest, Reliable, Hardworking, Odd Job Man with a Van Reasonable Rates, References Available. Contact James 0113 267 0074 or 07729 35 88 40