the vintage car - Sunshine Coast Antique Car Club


the vintage car - Sunshine Coast Antique Car Club
The Vintage Car Club of Queensland Inc.
Issue No. 343
July 2013
ALSO IN JUNE: VCCQ Annual Concours June 30
AND SEE WHAT'S TO COME UNDER EVENTS: Christmas in July and the Coffs Harbour Rally.
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Meetings are held at 8pm on the third Friday of each month at the VCCAQ Clubrooms,
1376 Old Cleveland Rd., Carindale QLD 4152. The Club’s well-stocked Library is open
before and after the meeting and a pre-meeting BYO everything BBQ is usually enjoyed
by a number of our members.
Doug Young
Katrina Monckton
David Fletcher
Greg Berkman
Ronnie Brown
Jak Guyomar
Mike Hawthorne
Brian McMillan
David Monckton
Chris Pike
Ronnie Brown
0418 719 430
[email protected]
3366 7743
[email protected]
3376 1361
[email protected]
3378 5030
0419 702 329
3390 3354
3358 4367
3366 7743
3821 1631
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
0419 702 329
[email protected]
Chris Pike
3821 1631
[email protected]
Chris Pike
3821 1631
[email protected]
Brian McMillan
[email protected]
Duncan McPhee
3374 1404
Rob Gabb
3286 4417
[email protected]
VEHICLE DATING - Contact the Secretary
Unless otherwise
correspondence to:
The Secretary
The Vintage Car Club of Queensland Inc.
1376 Old Cleveland Road
Carindale QLD 4152
You can also email the club:
[email protected]
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July 2013
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Cheques should be made out to The Vintage Car Club of Queensland Inc., and posted to
the Treasurer at the Club’s postal address (above), unless otherwise
Direct Deposit: Payments are easier and faster using Internet direct deposit.
Our details are:
Account Name: Vintage Car Club of Queensland Inc.
484-799 Account No: 001424831
It is MOST important that you include your surname and a brief description of the nature
of the payment (e.g. Smith subscription, or Jones Xmas lunch).
Here’s an update on things you should know about the Club. We now have:
A Website
- Access via or Shannons/Car
Clubs/VCCQ/more info. See under “Club News” for latest updates.
An email address - [email protected] All committee members have access
to the mailbox.
A Gmail Calendar - The Calendar lists all interesting motoring events not just VCCQ
events. Full access can be given to anyone with a gmail address and a gmail calendar.
For a quick link to view the Calendar see:
A list of all books in the Club Library - Send the Club an email requesting a copy of
this list. - Members only.
A Members Directory - Listing all financial Members as of August 31 2012. See Secretary
for a copy. A Members Register is also maintained detailing members vehicles. A copy is
kept for viewing in the Club Library. Lapel Name Badges - These are given free to all new
members. Existing members can get new ones from the Secretary at a cost of $5.
David McPhee made it in the La Salle with help from his son who came from Nebo for the day.
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Club & Invitation Events
14 July
3-7 Aug
RACQ Motorfest - Eagle Farm
Coffs Harbour – via Tenterfield, Guyra, Dorrigo.
Stay at Opal Cove Resort
Ekka Day run to Roadvale. Motorcycle museum
and Pub for lunch
AGM and Pasta night
Vintage and Vet eran swap at clubrooms
Presidential Dinner
All British Day at St Joseph's Tennyson ground
3 day Outing to Mt Mee, Maleny, Montville
1932 Play – Design for Living QTC
Please note in diary. Booking later
Wed 14 Aug
16 Aug
17 Aug
31 Aug
22 Sept
27-29 Sept
19 Oct-10
Doug Young and
Ronnie Brown
Ronnie Brown
Greg Berkman 0428822330
Ronnie Brown and Brian
Events in Italics are for other Clubs
Held in the Veteran Car Club’s Rooms at Carindale
Minutes of General Meeting No. 685
21st June 2013
The meeting opened at 8:10 pm
Present: Chaired by President Doug Young, Secretary Katrina Monckton, Treasurer David
Fletcher, members as per attendance book.
Announce post meeting presentation: Jak Guyomar is unwell but he arranged for a
video of 1990 VCCQ Avocado Hill Climb to be played after the meeting.
Apologies: Mike Hawthorne, Jeff Jones, Tony Cicchiello, Angelo Frangiosa, Jak Guyomar,
Joe and Bev Wilson, Monty and Rita Schofield
Visitors: Brittney Rea
New Members: Andrew Torti
Minutes: The minutes for the 684th meeting on 17 th May were read, and accepted as
correct or substantially correct record of the meeting. Moved by Duncan McPhee,
seconded by Rob Gabb, vote carried by all.
Magazines – VSSC of Australia, A7 Club, VSSC (VIC), VSCC (S.A.), VCCA (Q)”Veteran
Application for membership from Mark Whitehead
Insurance statement from OAMPS
Invitation to Great Goondiwindi Train Race from Gold Coast MG Club
Invitation from Club Glass House to use their venue
Thank you from Alison Kenward for attending her birthday celebration
Request from Brian Arundale to list items for sale in next newsletter
Suncorp financial statement
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QHMC-several newsletters and reports, with particular reference to letter containing
details of proposed affiliations with 2 other organisations (tabled)
Thank you to clubs who participated in VCCQ America Day
Letter of welcome to new member Andrew Torti
Doug Young moved that inwards correspondence be accepted and that the outwards
correspondence be endorsed. Seconded by Duncan McPhee, all in favour.
Treasurer’s Report/Financial:
David Fletcher reported $3615.33 in main operating account, with $25,000 in investment
account. Cash in bank at 21 st June was $3,692.33. Membership fees due at the end of
the month. Brian will publish a reminder in the next newsletter. David moved that the
report be accepted as a correct record of the accounts, and that the outwards accounts
be endorsed for payment. This was seconded by Derek Dixon, and adopted by the
There was some discussion initiated by Rob Gabb regarding payment at Concours. At the
time of meeting, the stated belief was that the club had agreed to pay for members’
entrance fees. (Please note that this was not correct and email will be sent out to advise
of entry costs)
Ronnie stated that our new event, the America Day, was a great success, well attended
by VCCQ members and other clubs and enjoyed by everyone. Jak’s Pierce-Arrow was a
star attraction.
Ronnie has been organising the Concours with Meg Driscoll of Ormiston House who has
been very helpful. Brian Carson advised that Meg is retiring next year and we should
book Ormiston for 2014 as other organisations are already doing so. The Jazz band is
playing from 10.00 to 1.00; all are encouraged to participate in the People’s Choice
award and also to dress in the period of your car.
Christmas in July dates have changed; now 6-7 th July. We now have 10-12 starters and
will be based at Vines Motel. Duncan will meet and direct everyone from Rafting Ground
Park, Moggill Road. Ronnie is preparing a flyer to be published in the next newsletter that
will detail all this.
On 16th August which is a General Meeting night and our AGM, we will be holding a Pasta
Night. Price will be $10 per person. Jennie Ransom is organising this event and will
publish all details in a flyer to be printed in next Newsletter.
Doug spoke about Coffs Harbour Rally which commences on 3 rd August. He has prepared
a 7 page document which includes all details and maps and this will be emailed to
everyone soon. Doug has already made a bulk booking but it is up to individuals to ring
and book their own personal accommodation.
Mt. Mee Rally – Ronnie is talking through details of this with Greg Berkman, and they
would like suggestions for a good restaurant in the area. Derek offered to make inquiries
with the Sunshine Coast Antique Car Club members who know the area well.
Newsletter Editor’s Report:
Brian has been interviewed by Quest Newspapers for an article promoting our Concours
which will feature a photo of his car. He pointed out the new improved format of the
Newsletter reflecting his increasingly brilliant IT skills. He reminded everyone to please
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pay their fees on time to obviate the risk of having their magazine subscription cut off.
Doug has offered to contribute a “Brush with Fame” article for the next newsletter.
Duncan was very happy to report 6 new acquisitions for the Duncan McPhee Library. They
“Lakeside; the Early Years” by Richard Croston. This book was kindly
donated to the library by Jon Voller. It is a well documented history of
Lakeside, including a record of VCCQ participation, written by an old
VCCQ member.
“Francis Birtles - Australian Adventurer” by Warren Brown
“S.U. Carburettors – High Performance Manual” by Des Hamill
“Bugatti” by A.B. Price & Jean Louis Arbey
“Octane – Classic and Performance Cars” Alfa GTA
“Fast Lady” by Jean Francois Bouzanquet
Duncan is especially pleased that now he has new shelves in the library, he can be more
Rob stated that after a few uneventful months, he now has one new application to
process. We now have about 85 members with their car/cars on register.
We have no fleece jackets left, but do have 2 large and 6 medium sized polo shirts
Combined Council:
QHMC have issued more information about the proposed relationship with 2 other car
organisations. VCCQ has been asked to give our opinion on this proposal next month.
Derek Dixon and Brian Carson advised that the opinions of other clubs of which they
were members, was that such an association was of no advantage to those under the
QHMC umbrella. Brian and Derek stated that these clubs were of the opinion that such an
affiliation should be strongly rejected. Doug advised that this would be discussed and
decided at Committee and members would be advised of that decision.
Cars, Parts and Services:
Peter Ransom spoke about a 1934 3.3 litre Sunbeam that had been on the market for a
while, but recently became part of a deceased estate and was offered “for free”. Gavin
Mutton quickly moved to snap up this offer and is now the owner of a Sunbeam with a
fascinating history attached to it. This car was part of a fleet owned by the ANZ bank;
they were all painted black and not identifiable by serial numbers and were used to
transport money for the federal government. They were equipped with security and firing
devices to further protect their cargo. This scheme continued from the early 1930’s to the
war years when fuel prices curtailed mileage of these cars. Doug asked Gavin if he would
talk to us again about this very interesting history, and also give us a progress report on
the restoration of his Sunbeam.
We also have a list of parts that Brian Arundale asked us to publish.
As the phone number given was never answered after many attempts and no prices were
given the Editor decided to save everyone the time and frustration of trying to make
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One new member, Andrew Torti, and one new application.
General Business:
Doug asked for a show of hands to determine who would be interested in purchasing an
original David Fryer designed VCCQ Concours 2013 poster. About 20 people indicated
interest. These will be available for sale on Concours Day.
Next Meeting: Friday 19th July (Max Stephenson will be doing presentation of his South
American run)
Thanks for supper: Thanks to Rob and Jan Gabb
Raffle: No raffle tonight
Meeting closed at 9.29 p.m.
June has been a HUGE month for the Club. Firstly there was Angelhurst Concours raising
finance for Camp Quality and then the Sunshine Coast Antique Car Club's 50 th
Anniversary and QHMC Rally followed by our American Day which went off very well and
was supported by the VVTE Club who attended with 8 cars. The weather was perfect.
On June 30 we had our Annual VCCQ Concours. Your Committee put in a big effort to
make sure all went well. This time however the weather was not kind to us though there
was still a good turnout considering this. Thanks to all those who made the effort to
support us especially Alison Kenward who came along two wheel mounted and with the
full family in the Vauxhall and the Hornet.
We were very fortunate in not being heavily rained upon. The trophys were presented
before any real rain hit us and we were able to head for home.
It is apparent that few members use our website as I received a number of calls asking if
the Concours was still on. I try to keep this up to date on such occasions so if possible
please check the website first.
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In my haste to get last months Mag out I only put half the stamps on the envelope. Sorry
for any inconvenience.
After losing Grim's two Vauxhalls to the UK last month I now hear that Colin Barnett's E
Type is on the market. Let's hope this stays in Australia, preferably in Queensland.
I also received the
following card from
Alison thanking all
those who called on
the day as she did at
the Concours where
she picked up the
Trophy for the best
finished in time for
the day. It looked
thoughts are with
you Alison.
Jak Guyomar sent the committee the following email after the very successful American
Hallo all of ya--------Ginny & me (incorrect language) want to thank all of you (correct language) for your
generosity & support by putting on yesterdays Yankee Day to welcome our Pierce-Arrow.
It was a great day!!! What a beaut venue!
Monty THE Mcmillan REALLY excelled himself!! And what about the vocalist? She even
provoked Ransom to get up and play with his instrument!!!It was MAGIC how everyone
entered into the THING. Lots of new enthusiasm. Plus some members we have not seen
for years, along with the supporting Yankee car owners from other clubs.
Having David McPhee & his LaSalle out & about did my old heart a power of good.
I guess there were a few "Across the Pond" ring ins but in the vernacular of today "Hey"
Plus all the enthusiastic effort put in by the Great American Picnic creators!
It AGAIN reminds us just how much our VCCQ lot are FAMILY!!!
I have often bored people by saying that in the VCCQ I have more dear friends per cubic
meter than anywhere else on this planet.
Again yesterday was proof positive!
Again our heartfelt thanks, Ginny & Jak.
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Ginny (Cultural Attache to the USA) was in full flight after arriving from
Washington just in time to judge the magnificent food on offer. There was some
bribery and coersion evident at some of the tables.
Bud Smith from VVTE in the 1929 Dodge DA
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This was the American food on Jennie Ransom's table.
Next time I went past the locusts had been on the job so I had to settle with Pecan Pie at
the Monckton table and Apple pie with cheese slices on top.
Ginny was very Diplomatic and despite Jennie's magnificent display there were also very
American dishes on three other tables so the carton of Bud was shared with Jacqui Pike,
Katrina Monckton and Sheila McMillan. Roll on the Pasta night.
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August 16th 2013
The team that brought you the recent curry night is putting on a Pasta Night along the same lines. Our club’s
Italian connections have reviewed and approved the menu. Dinner will be served at 6:30pm so there’s plenty of
time for relaxation before the regular General Meeting and AGM starts at 8pm. Of course you can bring your
own dinner or BBQ – that’s up to you. The raffle won’t be run on this evening and the supper will be perhaps
more modest than usual.
Cost is $10 per person. You can pay at July club meeting or on the night.
BYO plates, cutlery and drinks, as usual.
Please make your booking on or before the advertised closing date. If you
need to cancel your booking and do so before the closing date, we are able
to adjust our catering expenses accordingly. But if for some reason you are
not able to attend the function and you haven’t cancelled by the closing
date, we ask you to pay at the next meeting.
Cut-off date for bookings and cancellations is Tuesday August 13th.
Advise of any special dietary requirements by the cut-off date, even if you
think we know about them already.
Bookings. As we need to know numbers for catering purposes, please RSVP ASAP AND DEFINITELY BY 13
AUGUST to Jennie Ransom on 3359 2671 or [email protected]
Remember - no booking – no dinner!
NOTE: This is also our AGM. Don't let that stop you coming as ALL positions
have been filled. You can still put your name up for election if you want to be
on our excellent and fun Committee.
I thoroughly enjoyed David Monckton’s story about the Lorraine, and the Bogle/Chandler
connection really caught my attention. Around Christmas 1962 I had driven my ’27
Buick from Melbourne to Sydney for the Australian Jazz Convention, which was held in a
grotty hall behind Central Station. It concluded on New Year’s Eve and I left Sydney next
morning at more or less the very time the bodies were discovered in Lane Cove, not far
at all from where I’d been staying in Lindfield. I was never questioned…
Some years earlier I was a pimply schoolboy always looking for a way to earn some
pocket money. How it came about I can’t recall, but I had a job selling programs outside
the new West Melbourne Stadium, which doubled as a concert hall for the big pop shows
of the day.
Television hadn’t long been available and the programming was pretty
ordinary, but we took what we could get. The Mickey Mouse Club was aired each week
with a regular cast of characters including the pneumatic Annette Funicello and the adult
link man, Jimmie Dodd. Well, the Mickey Mouse Club came to town and in those days
you got the real characters, not just a mystery cast inside Donald Duck suits.
sang, they danced and they entertained. And this one time the kids selling programs
were invited to come into the stadium, see the show and meet the stars! We had the
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opportunity to chat briefly with them and of course ogle (no brushing) Annette, but for
me the big buzz was standing in a hallway under the stage with Jimmie while he sang for
us and played a 4-string (tenor) guitar, making that thing really talk! I was already just,
only just, playing guitar and this was probably the experience that provided the impetus
for me to keep at it.
Fast forward about five years and I’m playing banjo in folk groups and a jazz band when
out of the blue came an invitation to join a little outfit with some blokes I knew named
Athol Guy and Bruce Woodley. They also had a girl singer lined up; one I had dated a
couple of times. But I declined, and you know the rest.
The picture shows
The Moonshine Five,
group in Melbourne
c. 1963 with yours
Bruce Woodley is
washboard is Mike
of jazz pianist Paul
who dropped out
and went to Nimbin.
decorations for the
happens that the
What you
American Day
June 15th dawned bright &
sunny and the day only got
better from then on. The
Qld. Maritime Museum was
the venue for our Special
Event to welcome Jak &
Ginny’s Pierce-Arrow to our
Club. Recently imported
from the States, Jak has
worked so hard that it is
compare the car I saw at
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his house earlier this year to the shiny, elegant motorcar we welcomed. Placed between
the two enormous cannons, the Pierce- Arrow had pride of place and there was a large
turn-out of Club vehicles. The number & type of cars will be reported elsewhere in the
magazine but I was delighted to see several Hudson motorcars from their Club. For me, it
was a chance to meet some of our older members who do not come to regular VCCQ
events or meetings but just happen to have a very special American vehicle in their
The lawn & BBQ area were bedecked with bunting in the colours of the USA whilst two
large American Flags flew next to the dry dock, once the repair area for US submarines
during WW2. Most members had gone to a great deal of trouble to come up with
creative American food – some even having menus, tablecloths all in bright colours of the
USA. Ginny, with Brian’s help, picked 4 winners for the best presentation of “nosh” for
the day.
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A list of who attended and their cars from VVTE (Vintage Vehicle Touring Enthusiasts)
and HETNR (Hudson Essex Terraplane Nash Rambler) yesterday.
Gerry & Janet Smith - 1926 Vauxhall LM
Bud Smith -1929 Dodge DA
Grant & Diane Smith - 1924 Buick Master 6
Alex Allum - 1928 Ford Model A
Spencer & Wendy Yarrow - 1930 Hudson Super 8 Brougham
David & Elaine Pakeman - 1934 Hudson Terraplane
Peter & Glenys Wilkinson - 1928 Essex Roadster
Geoffrey & Sandra Price - Hudson Super 6
It was a most enjoyable day,
Regards, Gerry & Janet Smith
Thanks to all those above for your support in helping make the day so enjoyable. Ed
June 30th VCCQ Concours at Ormiston House
In spite of the weather, VCCQ members
determined to have FUN & show off their
vehicles at our annual big event.
Slow to
arrive, as was the sun, eventually there were
too many vehicles for me to count – I was too
busy enjoying the company, admiring the
costumes, outfits which matched the age of our
vehicles- not to mention the bottle of Moet,
which Katrina kindly shared as all the months
of her meticulous preparation & planning came
together. The Jazz band received the biggest
round of applause at the Awards ceremony, as
they kept the lively beat of traditional jazz
going all afternoon whilst VCCQ members & our
visitors tapped their feet & enjoyed the
hospitality of Ormiston House. The new People’s
Choice Award was hugely successful with Alison
Kenward’s Vauxhall being the winner. Alison
also won the Malcolm McDonald Trophy for the
best Vintage, her Vauxhall D Type. Well done,
Alison – the Award could not have gone to a
lovelier person. Alison & her husband made
John & I most welcome when we first joined
VCCQ in 2009. I am sure the Winners will be
reported elsewhere in the newsletter; however
I would like to thank all those who did dress in
Period Costume, some going to great effort as did the winners of the Best Dressed
Competition, our visitors Greg & Irene Hill, in their Model T Ford. Stylish & elegant but I
doubt the ability for ladies to drive in all those long skirts!!! Trish Hanley, in her 1913,
Saxon, showed us with determination & a ready needle & thread that it is possible!!!
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“Some Say” the STIG was in Qld to watch the Lions smash the Wallabies but “Some
Say” he was here to attend the VCCQ Concours and to Mark 100 years of Aston Martin.
Other famous visitors were Aust Champion Aston Martin peddler “Phil White” in his
legendary V8 all the way from Jindabine and Lance Brazier and his wife (also V8) all the
way from Batemans Bay. Fantastic and welcome.
Best Veteran - the Saxon of Trish Hanley. Best Vintage - the D Type of Alison Kenward
The Vintage Car
Best PVT – MG of Debbie Slattery
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Debbie had the car painted to match her outfit
Not satisfied with winning the Test Series the
Stig had to take home one of our trophies as
Best dressed – Greg and
Irene Hill
Alison enjoyed the day.
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Wow! Gaye looks stunning and even managed to get Derek into long trousers.
Frame this pic for posterity. The Alvis looked pretty good as well.
Concours 2013 held at Ormiston House on June 30 2013 – Chris Pike
What a shambles! The day started out drizzling and
generally inclement, but the weather gods were kind
enough to spare us the howling southerly and
horizontal rain which is sometimes provided free of
I arrived at 10 am and found about a dozen eager
souls were already there; the shade tent had been
erected and the gleaming shiny trophies were on
We had been asked to come in ‘20s period clothing or
similar appropriate attire.
Duncan McPhee wore a full-length leather raincoat,
which he kept buttoned up, so no one would know
what else he was wearing – if anything.
contribution was a tatty tweed coat and moth eaten
wool tie as well as the usual “silly” hat to keep the rain
out of my thinning hair.
Duncan enjoyed the sun but prepared for the rain.
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Car numbers were down from last year, as apparently some members were afraid of
getting their vintage museum pieces wet. Well poor cess to them;
cars are meant to be driven…
The quatre d’Alvis looked very smart, being the 12/50s of Corbetti, Berkman, Dixon and
Wolf brought a 30s Dodge belonging to one of his clients; alas “sans hood” and wrapped
in a blue ground sheet - but very smart none the less. There were MGs, including a
smart airline styled TA Coupe, a couple of Vauxhalls, including the Kenward D type which
has been upholstered since I last saw it; Aston Martins, Wolseley Hornets, and Austin 7s
to mention a few.
Several of our women members and visitors really excelled in the costume department.
Gaye Dixon looked very fetching in a yellow ensemble, Jan Gabb in period dress, which I
didn’t get a good look at as she was sheltering in the back of Rob’s Rolls. Jacqui and
Ronnie Brown both wore red and black or black and red depending on how you look at it.
Derek Dixon made a very good effort with a peaked cap, light brown checked jacket,
matching tie and cream slacks and matching gumboots.
The prize for best costume went to Kathy Clayton and Irene Hill who brought a brass
radiatored model T Ford and period dressed chauffeur to go with their outfits.
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Our sartorial president resplendent in a navy jacket, red tartan kilt of a previously
unknown Pakistani clan with matching sash and hairy knees presented the prizes with his
usual flair.
I am deliberately not saying too much about the participating cars as I am sure that
someone, much more knowledgeable than I, will report on that aspect of the concours …
in the fullness of time.
What you have to look forward to:
July 5-7
Christmas In July at Stanthorpe
You missed it. Full Report next month.
August 3-7
Coffs Harbour
Arrangements for this fantastic adventure are being finalised but we need you to diarise
these dates. There is so much on offer that you do not want to miss this one!!
Our route takes us down the New England Highway to Guyra where we spend the first
night. Book Guyra Motor Inn 0267791022. $80db. Guyra boasts Museums, both Historical
& Antique Machinery to visit.
On Sunday August 4, drive Guyra to Dorrigo to Coffs Harbour along Waterfall Way. This
is one of the world’s most scenic roads. Dangar Falls, Dorrigo World Heritage Nat.
Park and it's famous skywalk plus the Dorrigo Steam Museum is to be opened
especially for us. The world’s best antique/junk shop and the world’s smallest motor cycle
museum in Juan’s cafe are things to do & see. An optional stop includes Coffs Harbour
Butterfly House.
Overnight at the Opal Cove Resort. Book 0266510510. $158db. $20 extra for Ocean front
room. Most are booking for 2 nights. Several options for return journey. For more
details contact Ronnie Brown on 0419 702 329 or email [email protected]
EKKA HOLIDAY Wednesday August 14 2013
We plan to travel in convoy from Brisbane to Roadvale near Boonah, hopefully meeting
VCCQ members from North & South. Depart Caltex Blacksoil at 9am. Contact has been
made with the Motorcycle Museum to open especially for us, followed by a pub lunch at
what a friend calls a genuine Qld. pub!! They make fresh pizzas all at good prices. For
those wishing to bring a picnic, we are exploring your options in the locality.
Please indicate your preferences to Brian McMillan or Ronnie Brown on
0419702329 or email [email protected]
September 27t-29t
Greg Berkman has put together 3 days of food, fun & frivolity heading off on Friday 27 th,
via Mt Mee, then on to a motel for Saturday night, Sept 28. & Sunday night, Sept. 29.
The Kenilworth area is well worth an explore & I wish I could join you for a visit to the
cheese factory – their Vintage Cheddar is to die for!!!
Details of suitable Motel & prices will be given as soon as possible.
Your contact for this event is Greg Berkman on 3378 5030
Cleaning the Aston for the Concours I noticed that the oil cover
for my Bosch ZU4 has gone missing. Does anyone have a spare
for sale. Contact Editor 0412303477
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July 2013
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First; thanks to the committee
Concours the success it was,
despite the inclement weather.
There were a number of new
initiatives this year, and it was
pleasing to see how well they
were embraced. They included
the period dress, having a jazz
band, rosettes for the winning
cars and inviting some more
clubs along.
Particular thanks to Katrina –
Clubwoman of the Year – for her
organisation, with lists of who
was to do what and by when, and Ronnie for her liaison with Ormiston House, and
getting the event into various local newspapers.
Brian McMillan deserves a special mention for getting the trophies back under control.
With Joe’s assistance, he has got the correct names for each, photographed them, and
listed the criteria for awarding each one. And not to mention attending a while ago and
measuring everything up so the car location plan could be done. It was for these, and
other reasons, I felt he deserved a special mention (and some wine) as runner-up to
Katrina Klubwoman.
Last but not least is Brian Carson, the happiest snapper one could ask for – and less of a
menace with the camera than you-know-who, with his excruciating candid shots.
Nice to see some post war Alvises there, proudly showing off 2 of the famous 50 shades
of grey.
All in all, I was very happy with how the day went, as, despite the weather, lots of cars
came out – including a number of those without windscreens. It was also good to see so
many Veterans, and Astons and Bentleys, as our invited club guests.
And if you didn’t come in period dress, there will be lots on sale at the Veteran Car Club
of Australia (Qld) Veteran and Vintage Swap at the club rooms on 17 August 2013.
While on the subject of period dress, the American Day at the Maritime Museum to
celebrate the arrival of the Guyomar Pierce-Arrow was another success. Everyone got
into the spirit of the event and the American Meal spreads were sensational and mouth
In Praise of Older Cars
One of the good things about belonging to clubs like ours is that you never have to
explain why you like old cars. It can never be justified on rational grounds, but everyone
who is in just knows, and gets it.
A month ago, I was in Croatia, in my 1938 SS Jaguar 2.5 litre drop head coupe, towards
the end of the Croatian Crawl, organised by Country Lane Tours (Ian Glass).
It seems we lucked in with them, as other participants on the tour had been on similar
events with other tour companies and they were a shambles. It is probably why about
half of owners of the 34 cars on tour had done other tours with Ian.
I will give a presentation on the tour at a meeting soon, but thought I would share the
final day’s events with you. The itinerary for the day was easy – drive from Ljubljana in
Slovenia to Villach in Austria (60 miles), to put the cars on the train to Dusseldorf –
about 1000kms.
The Vintage Car
July 2013
Page 21
Only problem was, there was flooding in Germany. The train couldn’t get past Munich.
So late in the day we set off up the autobahn to Munich, about 400kms. Then, the
autobahn also got washed away. The first 200kms took a bit over 2 hours; the second,
around 6 hours. On country roads, narrow, with large trucks etc .
But the SS with its narrow 18” radials never once looked like slipping. It didn’t fog up
inside, you sit high so visibility is good, and while demanding to drive, it coped admirably.
I felt sorry for those in cars like TR3s, MGBs etc as I know what they are like in warm
rainy conditions.
A few pictures of the trip
are attached, starting
with a visit to Bletchley
park in the UK, where
the German codes were
War2, with Alan Turing’s
“Bombe” code breaking
machine becoming the
computer we use today.
(Oops, I think I just
I thought it interesting recently to read that Robert Coucher, Editor of Octane Magazine
says he is drawn more and more to pre-war cars.
Some interesting events coming up – Stanthorpe this weekend, and then Coffs at the
beginning of August.
Until then, please reflect on this. With our interest in historical things, I was reminded
recently that things are more like they are now than they’ve ever been. KBO
The Vintage Car
July 2013
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Membership Fees Due
VCCQ membership fees were due at the end of June. Fees are $50 for a single
membership and $51 for a family membership. If you decide to receive your newsletter
by email, you can deduct $10 from these fees, that is, $40 for a single member and $41
for a family. Family generally is confined to those who live under the same roof as you.
Membership fees may be paid in cash, by cheque or through on-line banking. VCCQ
account details are as follows:
Account Name: The Vintage Car Club of QLD Inc
BSB: 484-799
Account No: 001424831
If you are paying on-line, please remember to include in your payment description, your
name and reason for payment, e.g. “Jones Membership”
Ex Grodd La France on this years Peking to Paris Rally.
Thanks again to all those who have sent me articles and pics, especially Brian Carson.
I encourage all members to submit articles on any interesting subject. As well as “My
Brush with Fame” I would like histories of other Clubs, Cars I have owned, technical
articles and car histories. Also love good pics. I have had huge response to David's story.
Will publish a couple when I have the space.
The Vintage Car
July 2013
Page 23
Please keep the supply line flowing for August. Thanks to everyone who provided this
month's stories and to Jennie for the proof reading. Some articles have had to be held
over because June has been such a busy month.
AUGUST MAGAZINE DEADLINE: Thursday August 1. As I will be away on Coffs Rally until
Aug 7 I will not get much done until then. But it's a start.
Check the VCCQ website for the latest Club News.
The President's Dinner looks like being on Saturday evening August 31. Keep that date
Thanks again Jennie for the proof read.
The system has worked a treat in 2012 and at the July meeting Jennie will be looking for
volunteers to fill out the roster for 2013. Many hands make light work.
January 18
Jo Lord
Jo L & Peter B
February 15
Peter R
March 15
Joe & Bev
Ian Hayward
April 19
May 17
June 21
Jan Gabb
July 19
Derek and Gaye
August 16
Pete R
September 20
Italian “Gentlemen”
Italian “Gentlemen”
October 18
November 15
Ian Hayward
December 20
Christmas Dinner
Brian Schuster is Auctioning his collection at Pimpama on October 26
Harvey Hose (Purple Pig) are now at Unit 1 / 76 Postle St., Coopers Plains.
Called Powell Industrial P/L
Vast range and friendly service. Joe
The Vintage Car
July 2013
Page 24
Thanks for being members for this year and we hope you will join us again for 2013/2014
Have been contacted by the VSCC and VMC in Sydney. Both are having big events next
year and would welcome our involvement. The VSCC is 70 and the VMC is 60 years old.
Duncan McPhee's granddaughter Miranda was one of the first to enjoy the new
Nationalised seat belt laws on our Christmas in July run in the back seat of
granddads Minerva – Luxury and common sense at last. Duncan can be seen
adding some petrol while mother Diana supervises.
Vintage owners won't be the only group to benefit from the new rules. Motels
and Caravan Parks should enjoy a boost from Vintage family travel.
Chandler 23/60
Warwick Farm 1964.
Stuart's description of the
car in the next edition of
“The Vintage Car.”