May 19 – 21 2015
May 19 – 21 2015
Modular & Offsite Construction Summit May 19 – 21 Edmonton, Alberta 2015 1st International Conference on the Industrialization of Construction Message From the Chairs We welcome you to the 2015 Modular and Off-site Construction [MOC]Summit & 1st International Conference on the Industrialization of Construction [ICIC]: “An Odyssey to Industrialize Construction”, being held in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on May 19-21, 2015. This exciting event encourages networking between academics, practitioners, and industry stakeholders, and offers presentations encompassing leading edge research and best practices in the area of modular and off-site construction. Compared to traditional construction methods, the industrialized construction process reduces cost and construction time, generates higher quality products, and creates healthier and safer environments for workers and occupants. The 2015 MOC Summit & 1st ICIC brings together researchers and industry stakeholders to showcase the benefits and address the challenges of industrializing building construction through a series of interactive presentations, panel discussions, and information sessions. This year the organizers have expanded the scope to include an academic component that has drawn presentations and papers from leading experts. Topics for this year’s Summit include: ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· Industrialization of residential and commercial building construction Heavy industrial construction Construction material innovation (wood, steel, precast concrete) Simulation and optimization for industrialized construction Industrialized building systems and design Productivity and ergonomics Building information modeling (BIM)Lean manufacturing Socioeconomic aspects of modular and off-site construction Evidence-based and user-centric design Target cost and target scheduling Modular construction: Case studies and lessons learned Automation and robotics in construction Advancements in building manufacturing technologies Sustainable building design and operation Welcome to Edmonton and the 2015 MOC Summit & 1st ICIC. Best regards, Your Industry and Academic Co-Chairs 1 Academic Co-Chairs Industry Co-Chairs Dr. Osama Moselhi Professor Concordia University, Canada Laurie Robert Vice President Sales & Marketing, NRB Inc., Canada Dr. Sunkuk Kim Professor and Dean, Kyung Hee University, Korea Richard Scott President & COO, All Weather Windows, Canada Dr. Ryan E. Smith Associate Professor University of Utah, USA Steve Price Executive Director, Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions Canada Dr. Mohamed Al-Hussein Professor University of Alberta, Canada 2 On behalf of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Alberta, I am pleased to welcome you to the 2015 Modular and Offsite Construction (MOC) Summit and 1st International Conference on the Industrialization of Construction (ICIC) in beautiful Edmonton. The increasing demand for housing and infrastructure in Alberta is a reality we face every day. As we look for new ways to meet this challenge, modular and offsite construction can be a viable and efficient solution which reduces costs and construction time for suppliers and increases quality and affordability for consumers. Environmental impact is reduced while safety for both workers and occupants is enhanced. Modular and offsite construction also plays an important role in making our province and country more competitive on the global stage by creating jobs, supporting companies in bringing their technologies to market, and diversifying the provincial and national economies. The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Alberta is proud to lead North America in this emerging research area through initiatives such as the NSERC Industrial Research Chair program in the Industrialization of Building Construction and the Nasseri School of Building Science and Engineering. We take seriously our role in bringing knowledge and innovations to industry for implementation, and in educating the highly qualified personnel who will continue to advance this area in both research and practice. The 2015 MOC Summit and 1st ICIC provides the opportunity for networking, knowledge exchange and collaboration amongst professionals from industry and academia to promote continuing development of modular and offsite construction methods and technologies. Thank you to the NSERC Industrial Research Chair in the Industrialization of Building Construction and the Modular Building Institute for your outstanding commitment to building a strong Alberta and Canada, co-hosting an event which will further foster research advancement and industrial partnerships in the area of modular and offsite construction. Best wishes for a successful event! David T. Lynch, PhD, P.Eng. Dean of Engineering University of Alberta 3 On behalf of City Council and the people of Edmonton, Alberta’s Capital City, I welcome everyone to the 2015 Modular and Offsite Construction Summit. behalf of City Council and the people of Edmonton, Alberta’s Capital City, I welcome Edmonton’s construction an import Summit. role in our city’s success. With nearly $220 ryone to the 2015 Modular andindustry Offsite plays Construction billion in major projects under construction or planned in Alberta over the next decade, modular and offsite construction technologies are an effective way to help meet the challenges of this monton’s rapid construction industry an the import roleandinchallenges our city’sofsuccess. Withthe nearly $220 development. With aplays focus benefits industrializing building On behalf of City under Council and on the stimulate people of Edmonton, Alberta’s Capital City ion in major projectsprocess, construction planned in Alberta thebuild nextmore decade, modular construction this summit willor discussion, and over help us resilient and everyone to the 2015 Modular and Offsite Construction Summit. sustainable communities. offsite construction technologies are an effective way to help meet the challenges of this id development. With a focus on the benefits and challenges of industrializing the building I thank the organizers, sponsors and volunteers involved in hosting this summit. Your efforts Edmonton’s construction playsdiscussion, an importand role inusour city’s With structioncontribute process, this summitindustry will stimulate help build moresuccess. resilient and to Edmonton’s strong construction industry, and enhance our reputation as a globally tainable communities. billion incompetitive major projects under construction or planned in Alberta over the next dec city. and offsite construction technologies are an effective way to help meet the chall Enjoy the summit! hank organizers, sponsors volunteers hosting this summit. Your efforts apidthe development. With aand focus on the involved benefitsinand challenges of industrializing tribute to Edmonton’s strong construction industry, and enhance our reputation as a globally construction mpetitive city. process, this summit will stimulate discussion, and help us build more Yours truly, sustainable communities. oy the summit! thank the organizers, sponsors and volunteers involved in hosting this summit. contribute to Edmonton’s strong construction industry, and enhance our reputation Yours truly, competitive city. Don Iveson Enjoy the summit! Mayort Yours truly, Don Iveson Mayort 4 Program Overview - Pre-Conference Day, May 19, 2015 May 19, 2015: Time Event / Presentation 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM Factory Tours: (1) Landmark Building Solutions, and (2) All Weather Windows. (See page 36 for more details) 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Moc Charity Golf Invitational: Registration Lewis Estates Golf Course, (260 Suder Greens Dr NW, Edmonton) 2:00 PM - 6:30 PM Moc Charity Golf Invitational: Start 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM Reception - at Lewis Estates Golf Course Program Overview - Day 1, May 20, 2015 May 20, 2015: Time Event / Presentation 7:00 AM - 08:00 AM Registration / Information Desk Open 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Breakfast & Keynote Sessions Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Breakfast and Keynote Speakers. Introduction To Research At The University Of Alberta, Mohamed AlHussein (Professor, University Of Alberta, Canada) Kent Homes and UofA - Strategic Partnership - A Case Study, David Saucy (General Manager, Kent Homes, Canada) Physical Demand And Functional Ability Analysis, Estelle Carson (Health And Safety Manager, All Weather Windows, Canada) Blatchford - Redefining Urban Living, Mark Hall (Executive Director, Blatchford Redevelopment Project, City Of Edmonton, Canada) 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Networking Break in Exhibit Area & Poster Sessions Rooms 8-9 10:30 AM - 11:50 AM Parallel Sessions, lectures and paper presentations. Parallel Sessions Rooms 1, 2, 3, 5/6 (see following pages for details on each track) 11:50 AM - 12:10 PM Parallel Sessions Parallel Sessions: World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) 12:10 PM - 1:50 PM Lunch & Keynote Sessions Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Lunch and Keynote Speakers Demountable And Reconfigurable Industrialised Building Systems, Roger B. Richard (Professor, Université De Montréal, Canada) Advanced Construction And Building Technology – Automation, Robotics, Services, Thomas Bock (Professor, Technical University Of Munich, Germany) Alberta’s Bio Future, Accelerating Bioindustrial Development!, Christine Murray (Director, Agricultural Technologies, Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions, Canada) 1:50 PM - 3:10 PM Parallel Sessions Parallel Sessions, lectures and paper presentations. Rooms 1, 2, 3, 5/6 (see following pages for details on each track) 3:10 PM - 3:40 PM Parallel Sessions Parallel Sessions: World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) 5 May 20, 2015: Time Event / Presentation 3:40 PM - 4:00 PM Rooms 8-9 Networking Break in Exhibit Area & Poster Sessions 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Parallel Sessions Parallel Sessions, lectures and paper presentations. Rooms 1, 2, 3, 5/6 (see following pages for details on each track) 5:00 PM - 5:20 PM Parallel Sessions Parallel Sessions: World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) 5:20 PM - 5:50 PM Rooms 8-9 Networking Break in Exhibit Area & Poster Sessions 5:50 PM - 8:30 PM Banquet & Keynote Sessions Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Banquet And Keynote Speakers Remarks By His Worship Mayor Don Iveson (Mayor, City Of Edmonton, Canada) Awards Presentation Emerging Markets For Modular Construction, Tom Hardiman (Executive Director, Modular Building Institute, USA) Presentation By Ted Redmond (President And Ceo, Ncsg Crane & Heavy Haul Services, Canada) 6 Program Overview - Day 2, May 20, 2015 May 21, 2015: Time Event / Presentation 7:00 AM - 7:45 AM Registration / Information Desk Open Breakfast, Networking/Exhibits, and Opening Remarks Room (1012) 7:45 AM - 9:30 AM Breakfast & Keynote Sessions Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Breakfast And Keynote Speakers. Information Technologies And Automation For Sustainable Prefabrication And Modularization In Construction, Miroslaw J. Skibniewski (Professor, University Of Maryland, Usa) Research Roadmap Report:offsite Production And Manufacturing, Mohammed Arif (Professor, University Of Salford, Uk) Moc And Bim: Case Studies, Raymond Issa (Professor, University Of Florida, USA) 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Parallel Sessions Parallel Sessions, lectures and paper presentations. Rooms 1, 2, 3, 5/6 (see following pages for details on each track) 10:30 AM - 10:50 AM Parallel Sessions: World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) Parallel Sessions 10:50 AM - 11:20 AM Networking Break in Exhibit Area & Poster Sessions Rooms 8-9 11:20 AM - 12:20 AM Parallel Sessions, lectures and paper presentations. Parallel Sessions Rooms 1, 2, 3, 5/6 (see following pages for details on each track) 12:20 PM - 12:40 PM Parallel Sessions Parallel Sessions: World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) 12:40 PM - 2:00 PM Lunch & Keynote Sessions Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Lunch and Keynote Speakers Balancing Standardization And Flexibility In House Building, Helena Lidelöw (Assistant Professor, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden) Hybrid Composite Frames For Modular Construction Of Heavy Industrial Plants, Won-Kee Hong (Professor, Kyung Hee University, Korea)” 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Parallel Sessions, lectures and paper presentations. Rooms 1, 2, 3, 5/6 (see following pages for details on each track) 3:00 PM - 3:20 PM Parallel Sessions: World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) 3:20 PM - 3:40 PM Rooms 8-9 Networking Break in Exhibit Area & Poster Sessions 3:40 PM - 4:10 PM Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Closing Remarks / Raffle Draw 7 What is the “World Café” Q & A Session? The “World Café” discussion series allows presenters and delegates the opportunity to discuss and share ideas, ask questions, and dialogue in a casual setting. The “World Café” offers a less structured atmosphere for posing and responding to questions arising from the presented materials. Each table will have a host—in this case, a presenter at the conference—and there will be three pre-determined questions to guide the discussion. We would like to implement a speed-dating approach for each “World Café” Q&A session: there will be three 7-minute meetings per session. Delegates will have the opportunity to share in discussion with one of the presenters for approximately 7 minutes; a buzzer will conclude the session, and delegates will be asked to choose another table. The focus is not necessarily on in-depth discussion, but on providing an opportunity for further communication, to exchange ideas, and to make new connections between presenters and delegates. Suggested questions provided by the MOC Summit to facilitate conversation: 1. How would your topic impact the construction industry? 2. How might your topic be beneficial to advancement of modular and offsite construction methods and technologies? 3. Are there any current practices in the modular industry that you would like to see changed? Feel free to prepare some of your own additional questions or talking points that you may wish to discuss at your session as a table host. Table hosts are encouraged to bring any extra materials they would like to aid in the discussion process, for example: ·· printed materials ·· projects or case studies ·· brochures ·· an iPad or tablet with images to illustrate discussion topics ·· material samples or 3D models The MOC Summit will supply paper and pens at each table to facilitate interactive discussion. Feel free to jot down and keep any notes, drawings, or insights that you glean from the “World Café” session that you may wish to share with others in future discussions. 8 Day 1 Track: Modular Construction & Prefab Architecture (Room 1) Moderated by: Sang-Sup Lee, Basem Eid Mohamed, and Mohammad Kamali May 20, 2015: Time Event / Presentation 7:00 AM - 08:00 AM Registration / Information Desk Open 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Breakfast & Keynote Sessions Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Breakfast and Keynote Speakers 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Networking Break in Exhibit Area & Poster Sessions Rooms 8-9 10:30 AM - 10:50 AM Modular Instant Building System (Mibs): For Post-Disaster Parallel Sessions Emergency Shelters And Housing In The Less Developing Regions, Room 1 Pei Lin Tse (Sumart New-Tech Limited, Hong Kong) 10:50 AM - 11:10 AM Social Network Analysis Of Stakeholder Relationships During The Parallel Sessions Construction Industrialization In China, Yingbo Ji, Xiaotong Li, Room 1 Shiguo Sun (North China University of Technology), Mohamed Al-Hussein, Hong Xian Li, Limao Zhang (University of Alberta) 11:10 AM - 11:30 AM Modelling International Project Feasibility Of Sustainable Parallel Sessions Construction Management: Case Study Of Tele-Communication Room 1 Towers, Samad M. E. Sepasgozar, Khalegh Barati and Renard Y. J. Siew (University of New South Wales, Australia) 11:30 AM - 11:50 AM Estimation Formulas For Embedded-Length Of Connection Parallel Sessions Embedded-Type Foundation Unit Modular System, Keum-Sung Park, Room 1 Sang-Sup Lee, Kyu-Woong Bae and Sung-Yub Hong (KICT, Korea) 11:50 AM - 12:10 PM Parallel Sessions Room 1 World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) 12:10 PM - 1:50 PM Lunch & Keynote Sessions Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Lunch and Keynote Speakers 1:50 PM - 2:10 PM Parallel Sessions Room 1 Key Considerations Before Integrating Modular Construction: Adaptation To Traditional Construction Processes, Zakaria Dakhli and Zoubeir Lafhaj (Ecole Centrale de Lille, France), and Marc Bernard (Rabot Dutilleul, France) 2:10 PM - 2:30 PM Parallel Sessions Room 1 A Case Study On Micro Social Network Structure Of Building Industrialization: Based On Structural Hole Theory, Guiwen Liu, Hongjuan Wu and Jian Lu (Chongqing University, China) 9 May 20, 2015: Time Event / Presentation 2:30 PM - 2:50 PM Parallel Sessions Room 1 Behavior Of Double Fish Plate Connector Between Steel Plate Shear Wall Structure And Steel Frame, Guo C. Li, Zeng M. Qiu and Zhi J. Yang (School of Civil Engineering Shenyang Jianzhu University, China) 2:50 PM - 3:10 PM Parallel Sessions Room 1 From Digital To Physical: Advancing Industrialized Construction Through Digital Prototyping Processes, Basem Eid Mohamed, Aaron Sprecher (McGill University School of Architecture, Canada) and Frederic Gemme (BONE Structure | Simple Concept, Canada) 3:10 PM - 3:40 PM Parallel Sessions Room 1 World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) 3:40 PM - 4:00 PM Rooms 8-9 Networking Break in Exhibit Area & Poster Sessions Track: Modular Construction & Prefab Architecture Moderated by: Mohamed Al-Hussein 4:00 PM - 4:20 PM Parallel Sessions Room 1 Productivity-Based Management System (PBMS) for Industrialization Construction, Aladdin Alwisy, Samer Bu Hamdan, Ziad Ajweh and Mohamed Al-Hussein 4:20 PM - 4:40 PM Parallel Sessions Room 1 Energy Performance Monitoring and Analysis of NetZero Energy Homes (NZEHs), Hong Xian Li, Haitao Yu, Mustafa Gul, Mohamed Al-Hussein and Ahmad Alrifai 4:40 PM - 5:00 PM Parallel Sessions Room 1 Automation of Quantity Takeoff for Modular Construction, Hongru Zhao, Hexu Liu and Mohamed Al-Hussein 5:00 PM - 5:20 PM Parallel Sessions Room 1 World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) 5:20 PM - 5:50 PM Rooms 8-9 Networking Break in Exhibit Area & Poster Sessions 5:50 PM - 8:30 PM Banquet & Keynote Sessions Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Banquet And Keynote Speakers 10 Day 1 Track: Advancements In Building Technologies (Room 2) Moderated by: Osama Moselhi, Christopher Rausch, and Mohammad Kamali May 20, 2015: Time Event / Presentation 7:00 AM - 08:00 AM Registration / Information Desk Open 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Breakfast & Keynote Sessions Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Breakfast and Keynote Speakers 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Networking Break in Exhibit Area & Poster Sessions Rooms 8-9 10:30 AM - 10:50 AM Off-Site Solutions For General Contractors – Exploring The Options, Parallel Sessions Mark Taylor (PCL, Canada) and Randy Ludwar (Cormode & Dickson, Room 2 Canada) 10:50 AM - 11:10 AM Hi-Velocity HVAC & IAQ Solutions For The Modular Construction Parallel Sessions Industry, Timothy Prevost (Energy Saving Products, Canada) Room 2 11:10 AM - 11:30 AM The Stone Paradigm Shift: Ultra-Thin Veneer Stone And Its Parallel Sessions Applications For The Modular Construction Industry, Room 2 Mike Nickel, Councillor, City Of Edmonton, Canada 11:30 AM - 11:50 AM Near Optimum Selection Of Module Configuration For Efficient Parallel Sessions Modular Construction Room 2 Osama Moselhi, Tarek Salama (Concordia University, Canada) 11:50 AM - 12:10 PM Parallel Sessions Room 2 World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) 12:10 PM - 1:50 PM Lunch & Keynote Sessions Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Lunch and Keynote Speakers 1:50 PM - 2:10 PM Parallel Sessions Room 2 Harness The Devil In The Details: Discover How Data-Rich 3D Technology Minimizes Overhead And Errors, Mark Greffen (Co-Founder) and Julie Pithers (DIRTT Environmental Solutions, Canada) 2:10 PM - 2:30 PM Parallel Sessions Room 2 Offsite Business And Organizational Development: A Guide To Planning And Implementation, Kevin Grosskopf (University of Nebraska, USA), Christine Piper (Clemson University, USA) and Ryan E. Smith (University of Utah, USA) 2:30 PM - 2:50 PM Parallel Sessions Room 2 Permanent Modular Construction: Best Practices Ryan E. Smith and Talbot Rice (University of Utah, USA) 11 May 20, 2015: Time Event / Presentation 2:50 PM - 3:10 PM Parallel Sessions Room 2 Risk Mitigation Using Tolerance Strategies For Design In Modularization, Yasaman Shahtaheri, Christopher Rausch, Jeffrey West, Carl Haas, and Mohammad Nahangi (University Of Waterloo, Canada) 3:10 PM - 3:40 PM Parallel Sessions Room 2 World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) 3:40 PM - 4:00 PM Rooms 8-9 Networking Break in Exhibit Area & Poster Sessions 4:00 PM - 4:20 PM Parallel Sessions Room 2 Cavo Condominiums-Yellowknife, Nt. Lowering Cost In The High North- Cast Study, R. Wayne Guy (Owner, Guy Architects Ltd., Canada) 4:20 PM - 4:40 PM Parallel Sessions Room 2 Assessment Of User Comfort Aspects Of Industrialized Building Systems Using Promethee And Delphi, Siamak Shahbazi (Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran), Samad Sepasgozar and Babak Shahbazi (The University of New South Wales, Australia) 4:40 PM - 5:00 PM Parallel Sessions Room 2 A Framework For Comparative Evaluation Of The Life Cycle Sustainability Of Modular And Conventional Buildings, Mohammad Kamali and Kasun Hewage (University of British Columbia, Canada) 5:00 PM - 5:20 PM Parallel Sessions Room 2 World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) 5:20 PM - 5:50 PM Rooms 8-9 Networking Break in Exhibit Area & Poster Sessions 5:50 PM - 8:30 PM Banquet & Keynote Sessions Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Banquet And Keynote Speakers 12 Day 1 Track: Productivity And Lean Construction (Room 3) Moderated by: Mark Greffen, Vivian Manasc, and Matt Knight May 20, 2015: Time Event / Presentation 7:00 AM - 08:00 AM Registration / Information Desk Open 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Breakfast & Keynote Sessions Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Breakfast and Keynote Speakers 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Networking Break in Exhibit Area & Poster Sessions Rooms 8-9 10:30 AM - 10:50 AM Ipd & Collaborative Construction: Value Down Stream: How Parallel Sessions Innovation And Operational Efficiency “Rolls Up” - The Supplier’s Room 3 Perspective, Mark Greffen (Co-Founder, DIRTT Environmental Solutions, Canada) 10:50 AM - 11:10 AM Toward A Simulation-Based Approach For Emergency EvacuaParallel Sessions tion Route Planning In Metro Stations, Xianguo Wu, Mengjie Liu Room 3 (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China) and Limao Zhang (University of Alberta, Canada) 11:10 AM - 11:30 AM Design Break-Down In Industrialized Construction: Supporting Lean Parallel Sessions Manufacturing And Automation, Helena Lidelöw, Gustav Jansson, Room 3 and Emma Viklund (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden) 11:30 AM - 11:50 AM Lookahead, Planning Within The Last Planner System, Farook Parallel Sessions Hamzeh (Assistant Professor, American University of Beirut, Room 3 Lebanon) 11:50 AM - 12:10 PM Parallel Sessions Room 3 World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) 12:10 PM - 1:50 PM Lunch & Keynote Sessions Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Lunch and Keynote Speakers 1:50 PM - 2:10 PM Parallel Sessions Room 3 Ipd & Collaborative Construction: Executing The Dream And ‘Building Better’, Jen Hancock (Director Innovative Construction, Chandos Construction, Canada) 2:10 PM - 2:30 PM Parallel Sessions Room 3 13 May 20, 2015: Time Event / Presentation 2:30 PM - 2:50 PM Parallel Sessions Room 3 Lean Design And Modular Construction: The Role Of Design And Modular To Building Performance And Legacy, Vivian Manasc, (Principal, Manasc Isaac Architects and PCL Construction) 2:50 PM - 3:10 PM Parallel Sessions Room 3 3:10 PM - 3:40 PM Parallel Sessions Room 3 World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) 3:40 PM - 4:00 PM Rooms 8-9 Networking Break in Exhibit Area & Poster Sessions 4:00 PM - 4:20 PM Parallel Sessions Room 3 Introduction To Lean Construction, Matt Knight (Managing Director, GO Productivity, Canada) 4:20 PM - 4:40 PM Parallel Sessions Room 3 IPD & Collaborative Construction Simulation And Workshop, Matt Knight (Managing Director, GO Productivity, Canada) 4:40 PM - 5:00 PM Parallel Sessions Room 3 5:00 PM - 5:20 PM Parallel Sessions Room 3 World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) 5:20 PM - 5:50 PM Rooms 8-9 Networking Break in Exhibit Area & Poster Sessions 5:50 PM - 8:30 PM Banquet & Keynote Sessions Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Banquet And Keynote Speakers 14 Day 1 Track: Wood Products (Rooms 5/6) Moderated by: Brock Mulligan, Christine Murray, and Cagri Ayranci May 20, 2015: Time Event / Presentation 7:00 AM - 08:00 AM Registration / Information Desk Open 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Breakfast & Keynote Sessions Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Breakfast and Keynote Speakers 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Networking Break in Exhibit Area & Poster Sessions Rooms 8-9 10:30 AM - 10:50 AM Cross-Laminated Timber Tornado Safe Room As A StandParallel Sessions Alone Module, Jose Daniel Candelario and Sylvain Gagnon Room 5/6 (FPInnovations, Canada) 10:50 AM - 11:10 AM Evolution Of Timber Engineering In Canada, Frank Lam (Professor, Parallel Sessions University of British Columbia, Canada) Room 5/6 11:10 AM - 11:30 AM History Of The American Plywood Association Now Engineered Parallel Sessions Wood Products/Assemblies Association With Strong Support To The Room 5/6 Forest Products And Wood Construction Industries, Steve Zylkowski (Director of Quality Services, American Plywood Association, USA) 11:30 AM - 11:50 AM The Wood Construction Horizon: Market And Technical Trends Parallel Sessions That Will Affect The Off-Site Sector, David Fell and Mark Kaustinen Room 5/6 (FPInnovations, Canada) 11:50 AM - 12:10 PM Parallel Sessions Room 5/6 World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) 12:10 PM - 1:50 PM Lunch & Keynote Sessions Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Lunch and Keynote Speakers 1:50 PM - 2:10 PM Parallel Sessions Room 5/6 Evolving New Nanocellulose Based Materials For The Construction Industry, Ron Crotogino (President and Chief Executive Officer, ArboraNano Network, Canada) 2:10 PM - 2:30 PM Parallel Sessions Room 5/6 The Role Of CCMC In The Development Of Products For The Construction Industry, Jon Makar (National Research Council, Canada) 2:30 PM - 2:50 PM Parallel Sessions Room 5/6 Qualifying New Wood Products For National Building Code Compliance – A Structural Insulated Panel Case Study, Bruno di Lenardo and Jon Makar (National Research Council, Canada) 15 May 20, 2015: Time Event / Presentation 2:50 PM - 3:10 PM Parallel Sessions Room 5/6 The Importance Of Sustainability For The Modular Off-Site Construction, Getachew Assefa (Associate Professor, University of Calgary, Canada) 3:10 PM - 3:40 PM Parallel Sessions Room 5/6 World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) 3:40 PM - 4:00 PM Rooms 8-9 Networking Break in Exhibit Area & Poster Sessions 4:00 PM - 4:20 PM Parallel Sessions Room 5/6 Checker Building: A Tall Wood Building Design Project, Mohamad Nadim Adi and Mohamed Al-Hussein (University of Alberta, Canada), Robert Drew (Perkins and Will, Canada) and Ying Hei Chui (University of New Brunswick, Canada) 4:20 PM - 4:40 PM Parallel Sessions Room 5/6 Wood Skyscrapers – Technical Challenges, Ying Hei Chui (Professor, University of New Brunswick, Canada) 4:40 PM - 5:00 PM Parallel Sessions Room 5/6 Potential Benefits Of Nanocellulose Crystal Reinforced Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Foams In The Construction Industry, Greg Kaufman (University of Alberta, Canada), Rongbing Du (National Research Council, Canada), Mahsa Kalantari, Mark T. McDermott, Yaman Boluk and Cagri Ayranci (University of Alberta, Canada) 5:00 PM - 5:20 PM Parallel Sessions Room 5/6 World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) 5:20 PM - 5:50 PM Rooms 8-9 Networking Break in Exhibit Area & Poster Sessions 5:50 PM - 8:30 PM Banquet & Keynote Sessions Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Banquet And Keynote Speakers 16 Day 2 Track: Modular Construction: Case Studies & Lessons Learned (Room 1) Moderated by: Sunkuk Kim, Won-Kee Hong, and SangUk Han May 21, 2015: Time Event / Presentation 7:00 AM - 7:45 AM Registration / Information Desk Open / Breakfast 7:45 AM - 9:30 AM Breakfast & Keynote Sessions Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Breakfast and Keynote Speakers 9:30 AM - 9:50 AM Room 1 A New Rotary Viscoelastic Damper For Industrialized Buildings, Zhiwei Jiang (Beijing University of Technology, China) 9:50 AM - 10:10 AM Parallel Sessions Room 1 Development Of Conceptual Modular Building Unit Design Framework For Inexperienced Designers At The Pre-Design Stage, Jeong Hoon Lee, Moonseo Park, Hyun-Soo Lee, Minjung Kim and Hosang Hyun (Seoul National University, Korea) 10:10 AM - 10:30 AM Steel Beam-Column Joint With Discontinuous Vertical Reinforcing Parallel Sessions Bars, Ju-Yun Hu, Won-Kee Hong, Seon-Chee Park and Sunkuk Kim Room 1 (Kyung Hee University, Korea) 10:30 AM - 10:50 AM World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) Parallel Sessions Room 1 10:50 AM - 11:20 AM Networking Break in Exhibit Area & Poster Sessions Rooms 8-9 11:20 - 11:40 AM Parallel Sessions Room 1 Design And Specification Compiling Of Modularized Prefabricated High-Rise Steel Frame Structure With Inclined Braces Part I: Integral Structural Design, Ailin Zhang, Xuechun Liu, Chen Tian, Xun Zhang and Yongqiang Tan (Beijing University of Technology, China) 11:40 AM - 12:00 PM Parallel Sessions Room 1 Experimental Research On Joint Mechanical Behavior Of Container Structures, Ye Lu and Guo-Qiang Li (Tongji University, China) 12:00 PM - 12:20 PM Parallel Sessions Room 1 Automatic Estimation Algorithms Of Building Frames Integrated With Structural Design Information (Autoest), Chaeyeon Lim, WonKee Hong and Sunkuk Kim (Kyung Hee University, Korea) 12:20 PM - 12:40 PM Parallel Sessions Room 1 World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) 12:40 PM - 2:00 PM Lunch & Keynote Sessions Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Lunch and Keynote Speakers 17 May 21, 2015: Time Event / Presentation 2:00 PM - 2:20 PM Parallel Sessions Room 1 An Innovated Integrated Prefab Quarter System For The On-Site Construction Workers Of China, Tao Wang, Guijun Li, and Yulong Li (Central University of Finance and Economics, China) 2:20 PM - 2:40 PM Parallel Sessions Room 1 Design And Specification Compiling Of Modularized Prefabricated High-Rise Steel Frame Structure With Inclined Braces Part Ii: Elastic-Plastic Time-History Analysis And Joint Design, Xuechun Liu, Ailin Zhang, Chen Tian, Xun Zhang and Yongqiang Tan (Beijing University of Technology, China) 2:40 PM - 3:00 PM Parallel Sessions Room 1 An Application Of Fuzzy Ergonomic Assessment For Human Motion Analysis In Modular Construction, Alireza Golabchi, SangUk Han, and Aminah Robinson Fayek (University of Alberta, Canada) 3:00 PM - 3:20 PM Parallel Sessions Room 1 World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) 3:20 PM - 3:40 PM Rooms 8-9 Networking Break in Exhibit Area & Poster Sessions 3:40 PM - 4:10 PM Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Closing Remarks and Raffle Draw *note: program subject to change without prior notice 18 Day 2 Track: Advancements In Building Technologies (Room 2) Moderated by: Mohammed Arif, Mark Hall, and Gustav Jansson May 21, 2015: Time Event / Presentation 7:00 AM - 7:45 AM Registration / Information Desk Open / Breakfast 7:45 AM - 9:30 AM Breakfast & Keynote Sessions Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Breakfast and Keynote Speakers 9:30 AM - 9:50 AM Room 2 Modular Building R&D Lab: Benefits Of Collaboration Between The University And The Industry, Ewelina Wozniak-Szpakiewicz (Diamond Module / Cracow University of Technology, Poland) 9:50 AM - 10:10 AM Parallel Sessions Room 2 Types And Evaluation Of Each Type Of Cold Formed Prefabricated Steel Buildings, Ferzat Mercan (DORCE Prefabricated Building & Construction Industry Trade Inc., Turkey) 10:10 AM - 10:30 AM Facilitating Technology Transfer In Offsite Construction Between Parallel Sessions India And The Uk: Challenges And Opportunities, Mohammed Arif Room 2 and Isabela De Oliveira (University of Salford, UK) and Aman Gupta (Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide, USA) 10:30 AM - 10:50 AM World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) Parallel Sessions Room 2 10:50 AM - 11:20 AM Networking Break in Exhibit Area & Poster Sessions Rooms 8-9 11:20 - 11:40 AM Parallel Sessions Room 2 Modularization Business Case Flowchart And Major Considerations, William O’Brien, James O’Connor (University of Texas at Austin, USA) and Jin Ouk Choi (Iowa State University, USA) 11:40 AM - 12:00 PM Parallel Sessions Room 2 Modularization Business Case Analysis Tool: Learning From Industry Practices, Jin Ouk Choi (Iowa State University, USA) and James O’Connor (University of Texas at Austin, USA) 12:00 PM - 12:20 PM Parallel Sessions Room 2 Asset And Tool Tracking For The Modular Industry And Beyond, Mark Hall (President, JS2 System Solutions, USA) 12:20 PM - 12:40 PM Parallel Sessions Room 2 World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) 12:40 PM - 2:00 PM Lunch & Keynote Sessions Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Lunch and Keynote Speakers 19 May 21, 2015: Time Event / Presentation 2:00 PM - 2:20 PM Parallel Sessions Room 2 Chassis-Based Modular Structural Steel, Bob Simmons and Claire Matthews (ConXtech, USA) 2:20 PM - 2:40 PM Parallel Sessions Room 2 Defined Variables For Modular Construction Multi Project Scheduling, Minjung Kim, Moonseo Park, Hyunsoo Lee, Hosang Hyun and Jeonghoon Lee (Seoul National University, Korea) 2:40 PM - 3:00 PM Parallel Sessions Room 2 Robotic Assembly System For Steel Structures, Ci-Jyun Liang and Shih-Chung Kang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan) 3:00 PM - 3:20 PM Parallel Sessions Room 2 World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) 3:20 PM - 3:40 PM Rooms 8-9 Networking Break in Exhibit Area & Poster Sessions 3:40 PM - 4:10 PM Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Closing Remarks and Raffle Draw *note: program subject to change without prior notice 20 Day 2 Track: BIM (Room 3) Moderated by: Farook Hamzeh, Tochukwu Moses, and Hosang Hyun May 21, 2015: Time Event / Presentation 7:00 AM - 7:45 AM Registration / Information Desk Open / Breakfast 7:45 AM - 9:30 AM Breakfast & Keynote Sessions Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Breakfast and Keynote Speakers 9:30 AM - 9:50 AM Room 5/6 Oscillation Reduction Method For Fast Crane Operation, Thomas Kuo, Yu-Chou Chiang, Sheng-Yung Cheng and Shih-Chung Jessy Kang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan) 9:50 AM - 10:10 AM Parallel Sessions Room 5/6 Development Of Novel Connections For Pre-Cast Composite And Pre-Cast Concrete Frames, Seon-Chee Park, Won-Kee Hong and Nzabonimpa Jean De Dieu (Kyung Hee University, Korea) 10:10 AM - 10:30 AM Feasibility Of Integrating Building Information Modeling With Parallel Sessions Crane Operation Time Calculation For Full Automation Of Site Room 5/6 Optimization, Azadeh Abbasiangenaveh, Seongki Lee, and Thomas Bock (Technical University Munich, Germany) 10:30 AM - 10:50 AM World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) Parallel Sessions Room 5/6 10:50 AM - 11:20 AM Networking Break in Exhibit Area & Poster Sessions Rooms 8-9 11:20 - 11:40 AM Parallel Sessions Room 5/6 Experimental And Numerical Study Of Seismic Performance Of Precast Prestressed Concrete Frame Internal Connection, Liao Xiandong (Tongji University, China) 11:40 AM - 12:00 PM Parallel Sessions Room 5/6 A National Research Agenda To Support Integrated Construction Supply Chains For Offsite Housing Systems, Kerry London (RMIT University, Australia) 12:00 PM - 12:20 PM Parallel Sessions Room 5/6 An Analytical Investigation Of Concrete-Filled Square Steel Tubes Based On The Strain Compatibility, Seon-Chee Park, Won-Kee Hong and Hyo-Jin Ko (Kyung Hee University, Korea) 12:0 PM - 12:40 PM Parallel Sessions Room 5/6 World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) 12:40 PM - 2:00 PM Lunch & Keynote Sessions Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Lunch and Keynote Speakers 21 May 21, 2015: Time Event / Presentation Track: Modular Construction & Prefab Architecture Moderated by: Mohamed Al-Hussein 2:00 PM - 2:20 PM Parallel Sessions Room 5/6 An Evaluation Method of Assessing the Low Back Muscle Fatigue in Manual Material Handling, Amin Komeili, Xinming Li, Mohamed Al-Hussein, Mustafa Gul and Marwan El-Rich (University of Alberta, Canada) 2:20 PM - 2:40 PM Parallel Sessions Room 5/6 Application of Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) system in prefabrication of panelized home for the purpose of real time production control, Mohammed Sadiq Altaf and Mohamed AlHussein (University of Alberta, Canada) 2:40 PM - 3:00 PM Parallel Sessions Room 5/6 Older Adult-Centred Design, Mona Afifi, Mohamed Al-Hussein and Ahmed Bouferguene (University of Alberta, Canada) 3:00 PM - 3:20 PM Parallel Sessions Room 5/6 World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) 3:20 PM - 3:40 PM Rooms 8-9 Networking Break in Exhibit Area & Poster Sessions 3:40 PM - 4:10 PM Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Closing Remarks and Raffle Draw *note: program subject to change without prior notice 22 Day 2 Track: Heavy Industrial (Room (5/6) Moderated by: , Tochukwu Moses, and Hosang Hyun May 21, 2015: Time Event / Presentation 7:00 AM - 7:45 AM Registration / Information Desk Open / Breakfast 7:45 AM - 9:30 AM Breakfast & Keynote Sessions Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Breakfast and Keynote Speakers Modularization Business Case Flowchart And Major Considerations, William O’Brien, James O’Connor (University of Texas at Austin, USA) and Jin Ouk Choi (Iowa State University, USA) 9:30 AM - 9:50 AM Room 5/6 Oscillation Reduction Method For Fast Crane Operation, Thomas Kuo, Yu-Chou Chiang, Sheng-Yung Cheng and Shih-Chung Jessy Kang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan) 9:50 AM - 10:10 AM Parallel Sessions Room 3 Learning From Previous Bim-Based Modular Construction Cases: Qualitative Comparative Analysis Approach, Tae Wan Kim (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) and Jung-Ho Yu (Kwangwoon University, Korea) 10:10 AM - 10:30 AM Analyzing Obstacles And Exploring Opportunities To Improve Parallel Sessions Modular Industrialized Construction In Lebanon, Farook Hamzeh, Room 3 Omar Abdul Ghani and Hisham Abou Ibrahim (American University of Beirut, Lebanon) 10:30 AM - 10:50 AM World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) Parallel Sessions Room 3 10:50 AM - 11:20 AM Networking Break in Exhibit Area & Poster Sessions Rooms 8-9 11:20 - 11:40 AM Parallel Sessions Room 3 Bim-Enabled Modular And Industrialized Construction In China, Peining Hu (Tianjin University, China) and Jinyue Zhang (Tianjin University, China) 11:40 AM - 12:00 PM Parallel Sessions Room 3 Framework For Implementation Of Prefabrication And Offsite Construction Using Building Information Modeling And Lean Construction Techniques, Michael Robey and Raja R. A. Issa (University of Florida, USA) 12:00 PM - 12:20 PM Parallel Sessions Room 3 The Impact Of Building Information Modelling (Bim) For Contractor Costing In Offsite Construction Projects, Tochukwu Moses and Dr David Heesom (University of Wolverhampton, UK) 12:20 PM - 12:40 PM Parallel Sessions Room 3 World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) 23 May 21, 2015: Time Event / Presentation 12:40 PM - 2:00 PM Lunch & Keynote Sessions Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Lunch and Keynote Speakers 2:00 PM - 2:20 PM Parallel Sessions Room 3 A Study On Freeform Optimization Using Bim Technology, Jin Woo Kim and Tae Il Choi (Hyundai E&C, Korea) 2:20 PM - 2:40 PM Parallel Sessions Room 3 Experimental Studies On The Seismic Performance Of Precast Steel Reinforced Concrete Frame And Connections, Xiang Hu, Weichen Xue (Tongji University, China), Yanbo Sun and Chenguang Li (Beijing Building Construction Research Institute Co. Ltd., China) 2:40 PM - 3:00 PM Parallel Sessions Room 3 Workspace Optimization For Modular Off-Site Assembly, Hosang Hyun, Hyun-Soo Lee, Moonseo Park, Jeonghoon Lee and Minjung Kim (Seoul National University, Korea) 3:00 PM - 3:20 PM Parallel Sessions Room 3 World Cafe Q & A Session (“speed dating” format) 3:20 PM - 3:40 PM Rooms 8-9 Networking Break in Exhibit Area & Poster Sessions 3:40 PM - 4:10 PM Rooms 10-12 (Banquet Space) Closing Remarks and Raffle Draw *note: program subject to change without prior notice 24 Speakers include: Mayor Don Iveson (Canada) Mayor of Edmonton, AB, since 2013 Mike Nickel (Canada) Edmonton City Councillor Ward 11 Dr. Helena Lidelöw (Sweden) Assistant Professor, Luleå University of Technology Sr. Technical Platform Manager, Lindbäcks Dr. Roger B. Richard (Canada ) Professor, Université de Montréal Dr. Christine Murray (Canada) Director of Agricultural Technologies Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions Raymond Issa (U.S.A.) Professor, University of Florida Won-Kee Hong (South Korea) Professor of Department of Architectural Engineering, College of Engineering, Kyung Hee University Tom Hardiman (U.S.A.) Executive Director, Modular Building Institute Ted Redmond (Canada) President & CEO NCSG Crane & Heavy Hauler 25 Dr. Thomas Bock (Germany) Professor, Technical University of Munich Dr. Miroslaw J. Skibniewski (U.S.A.) Professor, University of Maryland David Saucy (Canada) (MBA CPA, CMA) General Manager, Kent Homes Dr. Farook Hamzeh (Lebanon) Assistant Professor, American University of Beirut Mark Hall (Canada) Executive Director, Blatchford Redevelopment Project Sustainable Development City of Edmonton Dr. Ying Hei Chui (Canada) Professor, University of New Brunswick Mohammed Arif (U.K.) Associate Dean International College of Science and Technology, University of Salford Mark Taylor (Canada) Vice President, Permanent Modular Construction PCL Daniel Candelario (Canada) Researcher, Advanced Building Systems, FPInnovations, Canada 26 Speakers include: Randy Ludwar (Canada) Vice President Operations Cormode & Dickson David Fell (Canada) Research Leader for Market Research, FPInnovations Thank you to the MOC Summit and 1st International Conference on the Industrialization of Construction Organizational Committee Dr. Mohamad Nadim Adi, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering , University of Alberta Jonathan Tomalty, Project Management Administrator, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering , University of Alberta Hamida Mokhtari, Administrative Assistant, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering , University of Alberta Claire Kelly, Technical Writer, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering , University of Alberta Christy Gonis, Project Manager, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering , University of Alberta Gurjeet Singh, Research Assistant, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering , University of Alberta Ahmad Alrifai, Research Engineer, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering , University of Alberta Hamid Zaman, PhD Candidate, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering , University of Alberta Xinming (Sherry) Li, PhD Candidate, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering , University of Alberta Dawid Chmiel, MSc Student, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering , University of Alberta Riphay Al-Hussein, Logistics Coordinator, University of Alberta 27 1st International Conference on the Industrialization of Construction The organizers of the MOC Summit are pleased to announce the inception of the International Conference on the Industrialization of Construction (ICIC). The vision for the ICIC is to bring together academic experts in fields related to modular and off-site construction from all over the world, and invite them to submit and present their cutting-edge research in conjunction with the 2015 MOC Summit. Innovative research related to industrialized construction methods and technologies will be presented and discussed by international experts, and will be published in conference proceedings. Presentations, posters, and networking opportunities will lay the groundwork for potential collaboration among academic researchers, the public sector, and industry. 28 Session Track: Advancements in Building Technologies This Track will be moderated by: Dr. Osama Moselhi, Concordia University; Christopher Rausch; Mohammad Kamali Speakers in this track include: -Mark Taylor (PCL, Canada) and Randy Ludwar (Cormode & Dickson, Canada) -Timothy Prevost (Energy Saving Products, Canada) -Mike Nickel, (Councillor, City of Edmonton, Canada) -Osama Moselhi, Tarek Salama (Concordia University, Canada) -Timothy Prevost (Energy Saving Products, Canada) -Mark Greffen (Co-Founder) and Julie Pithers (DIRTT Environmental Solutions, Canada) -Kevin Grosskopf (University of Nebraska, USA), Christine Piper (Clemson University, USA) and Ryan E. Smith (University of Utah, USA) -Ryan E. Smith and Talbot Rice (University of Utah, USA) -Yasaman Shahtaheri, Christopher Rausch, Jeffrey West, Carl Haas, and Mohammad Nahangi (University of Waterloo, Canada) -Ewelina Wozniak-Szpakiewicz (Diamond Module / Cracow University of Technology, Poland) -Ferzat Mercan (DORCE Prefabricated Building & Construction Industry Trade Inc., Turkey) -Mohammed Arif and Isabela De Oliveira (University of Salford, UK) and Aman Gupta (Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide, USA) 29 Since the industrial revolution efforts to improve efficiency have served as a catalyst for innovation, with engineers inventing new processes or improving existing ones by means of new technologies and managerial approaches. In this respect, the quest for efficiency in the field of building construction has led to the emergence of modularization, which in turn has bolstered the advancement of off-site construction technologies. This has improved quality and reduced cycle time, and allowed for higher safety standards to be implemented since work is performed within a controlled environment. These benefits have also introduced new challenges, most notably the necessity to rely on enhanced design and drafting for manufacturing (i.e., building information modelling) and automation or semiautomation. In the North American construction market, however, the existing culture is characterized by the use of primitive CAD tools for design, and utilization of antiquated construction technologies in an approach best described as stick-built under a roof. This session track examines the existing practice and culture of the North American construction market and opportunities for technological advancement, considering: (1) offsite prefabrication and industrialization of construction practice in North America; (2) technological innovations in prefabrication of construction: the move from stick-built under a roof to true manufacturing; and (3) prefabricated systems and manufacturing technologies. Session Track: Modular Construction & Prefab Architecture In modular construction projects, components are prefabricated off site under controlled plant conditions. Using modular and offsite construction methods, projects are completed using the same materials and designed to the same codes and standards as conventionally built facilities, in a manner which reduces cycle time and waste. Modular building generally permits improved quality control and construction management, using high quality materials, advanced technologies, and efficient production methods which leverage the benefits of a manufacturing environment. Beyond quality management and reduced completion time, modular construction also entails: (1) reduced waste and carbon footprint; (2) reduced site disruptions; (3) a solution for projects with limited site accessibility; and (4) cost savings related to crew and material transportation. Based on the many benefits described above, modular construction has been widely used in various sectors such as industrial, commercial, office, retail, medical, and educational. The MOC Summit & 1st ICIC provides opportunities for discussion and knowledge exchange among builders, designers, architects, and engineers with respect to modular construction and prefabrication. Expect presentations in this session track to encompass a wide range of topics, including: ·· Modular construction guidelines and strategies ·· Innovative modular solutions ·· Architectural, scientific and structural design for modular construction ·· Modular construction: Case studies and lessons learned. This Track will be moderated by: Ryan E. Smith, University of Utah; Dr. Basem Eid Mohamed, McGill University; & Dr. SangUk Han, University of Alberta Speakers in this track include: -Pei Lin Tse (Sumart New-Tech Limited, Hong Kong) -Yingbo Ji, Xiaotong Li, Shiguo Sun (North China University of Technology), Mohamed AlHussein, Hong Xian Li, Limao Zhang (University of Alberta) -Samad M. E. Sepasgozar, Khalegh Barati and Renard Y. J. Siew (University of New South Wales, Australia) -Keum-Sung Park, Sang-Sup Lee, Kyu-Woong Bae and Sung-Yub Hong (KICT, Korea) -Zakaria Dakhli and Zoubeir Lafhaj (Ecole Centrale de Lille, France), and Marc Bernard (Rabot Dutilleul, France) -Guiwen Liu, Hongjuan Wu and Jian Lu (Chongqing University, China) -Guo C. Li, Zeng M. Qiu and Zhi J. Yang (School of Civil Engineering Shenyang Jianzhu University, China) -Basem Eid Mohamed, Aaron Sprecher (McGill University School of Architecture, Canada) and Frederic Gemme (BONE Structure | Simple Concept, Canada) 30 Session Track: Wood Products This Track will be moderated by: Brock Mulligan, Alberta Forest Products; Christine Murray, Director of Agricultural Technologies, Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions; Cagri Ayranci, University of Alberta Speakers in this track include: -Jose Daniel Candelario and Sylvain Gagnon (FPInnovations, Canada) -Frank Lam (Professor, University of British Columbia, Canada) -Steve Zylkowski (Director of Quality Services, American Plywood Association, USA) -David Fell and Mark Kaustinen (FPInnovations, Canada) -Ron Crotogino (President and Chief Executive Officer, ArboraNano Network, Canada) -Jon Makar (National Research Council, Canada) -Bruno di Lenardo and Jon Makar (National Research Council, Canada) -Getachew Assefa (Associate Professor, University of Calgary, Canada) -Mohamad Nadim Adi and Mohamed Al-Hussein (University of Alberta, Canada), Robert Drew (Perkins and Will, Canada) and Ying Hei Chui (University of New Brunswick, Canada) -Greg Kaufman (University of Alberta, Canada), Rongbing Du (National Research Council, Canada), Mahsa Kalantari, Mark T. McDermott, Yaman Boluk and Cagri Ayranci (University of Alberta, Canada) 31 Wood as a building material is a greener alternative to conventional concrete or steel buildings. Wood is a renewable resource with less associated greenhouse gas emissions than concrete and steel. Wood buildings are also economical in terms of construction, maintenance, and operation. Although wood-frame construction has been standard-practice for decades for most single-story residential applications, architects and builders continue to seek innovative wood materials and technologies for various construction applications, such as multi-storey buildings. With recent advancements in technologies, methods, and material science, wood-framing is now increasingly implemented in taller buildings. Although building code requirements vary by jurisdiction, industry practice has the potential to advance through knowledge exchange among leading international experts in this area. The 2015 MOC Summit & 1st ICIC provides the opportunity for builders, designers, architects, and structural experts to come together to discuss these challenges and opportunities related to wood building technology and practice. Expect presentations on a wide range of topics, including: ·· Green wood-frame building practices ·· Innovative wood products ·· Architectural and structural design challenges and solutions ·· Wood building systems Session Track: Productivity And Lean Construction With declining productivity rates in developed countries and an aging workforce population within the construction industry, the investigation and analysis of these two phenomena are critical to the future of the construction industry. Meanwhile, safety is increasingly prioritized within industry in recent decades, with serious and fatal injuries at their lowest historical levels. However, work injuries from repetitive stress and poor physical techniques has motivated research on the ergonomics of dayto-day construction activities and how they are performed. In many industries a skilled labour force is becoming a scarce assets,, and the construction industry, given its complexities and physical demands, is no exception to this trend. Improving the productivity of labour within the organization is paramount to the successful delivery of projects. Improving the ergonomics of workers upholds safety and enhances productivity, increasing the return on investment spent training the workforce. Lean techniques help workers to identify waste and inefficiencies, and increase productivity. Case studies have also demonstrated that ergonomics is closely tied to safety, productivity, and reduction of waste. Productivity, ergonomics, and lean techniques are of particular relevance to modular and off-site construction, given the large-scale, factory-based, and controlled nature of the associated construction methods. Presentations in this session track will include a wide range of topics, such as: ·· Ergonomics-related considerations for modular and offsite construction ·· Utilizing lean manufacturing processes on and off site ·· Innovative technology use in ergonomic studies ·· Practical case studies and recommendations This Track will be moderated by: Matt Knight, Go Productivity; Vivian Manasc, Manasc Isaac Architects; Mark Greffen, DIRTT Speakers in this track include: -Matt Knight (Managing Director, GO Productivity, Canada) -Xianguo Wu, Mengjie Liu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China) and Limao Zhang (University of Alberta, Canada) -Helena Lidelöw, Gustav Jansson, and Emma Viklund (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden) -Farook Hamzeh (Assistant Professor, American University of Beirut, Lebanon) -Jen Hancock (Director Innovative Construction, Chandos, Canada) -Vivian Manasc, Principal, Manasc Isaac Architects and PCL Construction -Mark Greffen (Co-Founder, DIRTT Environmental Solutions, Canada) 32 Session Track: Building Information Modelling This Track will be moderated by: Farook Hamzeh, University of Beirut; Tchukwu Moses, University of Wolverham; Hosang Hyun, Seoul National University Speakers in this track include: -Soowon Chang, Jeongwook Son, Woonseong Jeong and June-Seong Yi (Ewha Womans University, Korea) -Tae Wan Kim (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) and JungHo Yu (Kwangwoon University, Korea) -Farook Hamzeh, Omar Abdul Ghani and Hisham Abou Ibrahim (American University of Beirut, Lebanon) -Peining Hu (Tianjin University, China) and Jinyue Zhang (Tianjin University, China) -Michael Robey and Raja R. A. Issa (University of Florida, USA) -Tochukwu Moses and Dr David Heesom (University of Wolverhampton, UK) -Jin Woo Kim and Tae Il Choi (Hyundai E&C, Korea) -Xiang Hu, Weichen Xue (Tongji University, China), Yanbo Sun and Chenguang Li (Beijing Building Construction Research Institute Co. Ltd., China) -Hosang Hyun, Hyun-Soo Lee, Moonseo Park, Jeonghoon Lee and Minjung Kim (Seoul National University, Korea) 33 Building Information Modelling (BIM) is an intelligent 3D model-based process for construction projects that helps in creating and managing projects faster and more economically. BIM allows collaborators and stakeholders on a project to visualize design ideas, simulate multiple alternatives, identify clashes, communicate with one another, and improve productivity. The BIM approach to projects is a holistic one that begins during the concept phase and encompasses the entire life cycle of the project from construction to demolition. When effectively implemented BIM allows better communication among owners, builders, designers, and engineers. This in turn leads to fewer clashes, better understanding, and quicker execution. All this translates to a more efficient project that reduces costs, increases quality, and mitigates environmental impact. BIM is being adopted increasingly by designers, builders, and manufacturers. Discussing innovations and challenges will help to further advance this emerging field. Presentations in this session track will address a range of topics related to building information modeling, including: ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· Software advancement Innovation in the application of BIM Challenges in adopting and implementing BIM Case studies and lessons learned The future of BIM Session Track: Heavy Industrial In North America, modular construction of industrial plants may involve lifting several hundreds of prefabricated modules and equipment weighing up to 1,000 tons. This entails high construction equipment and labour costs that exert a strong influence on the success of the project. Various other factors, such as transport, lift sequence, crane relocation, and rigging modifications must also be considered in order to provide an efficient and cost-effective plan. In this context, specialized engineering knowledge is for equipment selection and planning. Given the complexity and volume of operations involved in heavy industrial construction projects, traditional planning methods are tedious, time-consuming, and error-prone, and can have significant negative impacts on cost and safety. Using computer-aided systems, construction planning for large-scale industrial projects can be carried out automatically and efficiently, thereby reducing cost and cycle time. Advanced automated planning of on-site operations is the key to leveraging the benefits of offsite modular prefabrication for industrial construction. This session track will target topics related to the state-of-the-art in this area, and will encompass current collaborative efforts between industry and academia to enhance heavy industrial construction planning. Expect presentations in this track to address such topics as: ·· ·· ·· ·· Automated heavy lift planning systems and software State-of-the-art in technologies and methods for heavy lifting Rigging planning and execution and crane support analysis Lessons learned from oil sands projects in Alberta, Canada This Track will be moderated by: Thomas Bock, Technische Universität München; Kerry London, RMIT University; GuiWen Liu, Chongqing University Speakers in this track include: -Thomas Kuo, Yu-Chou Chiang, Sheng-Yung Cheng and ShihChung Jessy Kang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan) -Seon-Chee Park, Won-Kee Hong and Nzabonimpa Jean De Dieu (Kyung Hee University, Korea) -Azadeh Abbasiangenaveh, Seongki Lee, and Thomas Bock (Technical University Munich, Germany) -Liao Xiandong (Tongji University, China) -Kaijian Li and Gui-Wen Liu (Chongqing University, China) -Kerry London (RMIT University, Australia) -Seon-Chee Park, Won-Kee Hong and Hyo-Jin Ko (Kyung Hee University, Korea) -Xianguo Wu, Mengjie Liu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China) and Limao Zhang (University of Alberta, Canada) -Gui-Wen Liu, Kaijian Li and Yue Teng (Chongqing University, China) 34 Factory Tours - May 19, 2015 Route No. 1 Fairmont Hotel Macdonald Landmark Building Solutions All Weather Windows Fairmont Hotel Macdonald 8:30 am 9:00am - 10:00am 10:30am - 11:30am 12:00pm Chateau Lacombe Hotel All Weather Windows Landmark Building Solutions Chateau Lacombe Hotel 8:30 am 9:00am - 10:00am 10:30am - 11:30am 12:00pm Route No. 2 Landmark Building Solutions (Address: 4403 55 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6B 3N7) Landmark Building Solutions is a pre-panelized manufacturing plant operated by Landmark Group of Builders. Landmark has been serving the Alberta housing market for over 30 years, having built well over 8,000 homes during that time. With operations in Edmonton, Red Deer, and Calgary carrying out high-volume construction of both single- and multi-family dwellings, Landmark has also become a leader in sustainable living. The Landmark Green initiative has led to the utilization of greener materials with longer lifecycles; the installation of more energy-efficient devices, appliances, and HVAC units; and innovative measures to improve indoor air quality. Through further research into the NetZero concept, Landmark hopes to achieve a net zero energy standard that encompasses not only the occupancy phase of a home, but the entire life cycle: from construction, to occupancy, to demolition. All Weather Windows (Address: 18550 118A Ave, Edmonton, AB T5S 2K7) All Weather Windows is Canada’s largest privately owned window and door manufacturer. Today, All Weather Windows has two state-of-the-art manufacturing plants with a combined capacity of almost 400,000 sq ft. After years of research and development, in 2009 All Weather Windows was proud to become one of the first manufacturers in North America to introduce a revolutionary technology called V-weld. The loyalty, hard work, and dedication of All Weather Windows’ staff, combined with the commitment of their customers, continues to make them Canada’s window and door provider of choice. 35 Accommodations Chateau Lacombe Hotel, 10111 Bellamy Hill Road Northwest, Edmonton, AB T5J 1N7 Phone: (780) 428-6611 Web: The Fairmont Hotel Macdonald, 10065 100 Street Northwest, Edmonton, AB T5J 0N6 Phone: (780) 424-5181 Web: 36 37 Shaw Conference Centre Information 9797 Jasper Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T5J 1N9 (780) 421-9797 38 Exhibition Space ......................................................Rms (8 & 9) Banquet Space..............................................Rms (10, 11 & 12) Day 1 & 2 Track: Advancements in Building Technologies.....................................................Rm (2) Day 1 Track: Modular Construction & Prefab Architecture........................................................Rm (1) Meeting Room Level Day 1 Track: Productivity And Lean Construction...........Rm (3) Day 1 Track: Wood Products.......................................Rm (5/6) Day 2 Track: Modular Construction: Case Studies & Lessons Learned.............................................................Rm (2) Day 2 Track: BIM.............................................................Rm (3) Day 2 Track: Heavy Industrial......................................Rm (5/6) 39 Exhibition Room Layout Edmonton Tourism Information MOC Summit 2015 -Speaker and conference information, archives, collaborators information, etc. Shaw Conference Centre Information -Location, Accessibility, Parking, etc. Explore Edmonton Tourism Information -Accommodation, food & drink, local events, etc. Transit Information Edmonton Transit edmonton-transit-system-ets.aspx Taxi Information Prestige Cabs: (780) 462-4444 Yellow Cab: (780) 462-3456 Airport Taxi Service: (587) 409-9424 40 Upcoming Event: Notes: 42 Notes: 43 Notes: 44 Notes: 45 Notes: 46 Modular & Offsite Construction Summit 1st International Conference on the Industrialization of Construction