JB_Version#7_2012 nach Druckerei
JB_Version#7_2012 nach Druckerei
Annual Report 2010.2011 Publisher: NaMLab gGmbH (Nanoelectronic Materials Laboratory) Executives: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Mikolajick , Scientific Director Dr. rer. nat. Alexander Ruf, Financial Director Mail/Visitor address: Noethnitzer Str. 64 01187 Dresden, Germany Phone: +49.351.2124990-00 Fax: +49.351.47583900 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.namlab.com Front Page: Bonded CMOS transistor test chip for reliability measurements at elevated temperatures Photos: NaMLab Editor/Layout: Mandy Grobosch/Uwe Schröder © NaMLab gGmbH, Dresden 2012 All rights reserved. Contents Preface 1 NaMLab Profile 2 NaMLab Team 3 Dielectric Materials Capacitor Dielectrics 4 Diffusion Barriers 5 Re-configurable Devices HfO2-based Ferroelectric Field-Effect Transistor 7 Si-Nanowire based Devices 8 Resistive Memory and Memristor 9 Carbon-based Devices 10 Energy Efficiency Devices Gallium Nitride Material and Devices 12 Dye-based Solar Cells 13 Passivation Layers for Solar Cells 14 Si-Nanowire Anodes for Li-Ion Batteries 15 Photodiodes 16 Competences Electrical Characterization 18 Physical Characterization 19 Device Reliability 20 Optical Characterization 21 Facts & Figures NaMLab in Numbers 23 Cooperations 24 Projects 25 NaMLab goes public 26 NaMLab in the Press 27 Publications 2010/2011 28 Preface Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Mikolajick Excellence, flexibility & speed have always been key attributes of the nano- and microelectronic business. A research institute tied to this business should follow these attributes and envision changes as a chance. The semiconductor industry as well as the micro- and nanoelectronics cluster in Saxony experienced a steep downturn during the years 2008 and 2009. As a severe consequence of this downturn the industrial stack holder of NaMLab had to withdraw its ownership. Consequently the business model as well as the scientific focus of NaMLab had to be significantly changed in the second half of 2009. This process led to new scientific topics and projects as well as a number of excellent technical and scientific results in 2010 and 2011. This first biennial report covers this important re-orientation period of the NaMLab activities. Today NaMLab is a well-established research institute integrated into the world class micro- and nanoelectronics environment in Saxony, particularly in its capital Dresden. Based on key expertise in dielectric materials for semiconductor devices NaMLab now focuses on the integration and application of its materials expertise applied to re-configurable and energy efficiency devices. Electrical characterization with a focus on device reliability is an important NaMLab key competence of its own. Although mostly embedded into fundamental material or device research oriented projects, researchers at NaMLab advance existing electrical characterization techniques and contribute to significant developments for both sectors, industry and academia. Despite the challenging re-orientation in 2009, NaMLab enterprises have been very successfully accomplished within the last two years. The re-programmable nanowire Schottkybarrier field-effect-transistor, ferroelectric devices based on doped HfO2 and the promising start into the development of devices based on the wide band-gap compound Gallium Nitride are three of the important highlights of this period. Not just in these, also in topics like memristors and solar cells NaMLab results have attained national and international recognition in both, the industrial and scientific world. Very positive feedback from customers and partners as well as numerous scientific publications demonstrate the successful path NaMLab has taken in the past years. The NaMLab team will built on these merits and further extend successfully initiated ventures contributing to the exciting and challenging world of nano- and microelectronics. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Mikolajick 1 NaMLab Profile NaMLab gGmbH is a non-profit research organization and associated institute of the Technical University (TU) Dresden with focus on materials for electronic devices. Material development at NaMLab commonly proceeds under the constraints of the target electron device. The focus of the material development is therefore highly integration and application driven. Historically NaMLab was founded as a joint venture between Infineon Technologies AG memory products division (which later became Qimonda) and the Technical University Dresden. Therefore in the first years the research activities were focused on future high-k materials for capacitors in dynamic random access memories (DRAM) which was the main product of the industrial parent company. After the step-out of the industrial partner mid 2009 this key know-how was transformed to other devices and application fields. Today NaMLab employs these core competences to develop new device concepts in two central fields: Re-Configurable Devices and Energy Efficiency Devices The research activities of NaMLab are focused around three core topics. Building on its strength in dielectric materials, NaMLab’s research focuses on Re-Configurable Devices and Energy Efficiency Devices Dielectric Materials • Capacitor Dielectrics Re-Configurable Devices aim at electronic solutions beyond the possibilities of leading edge CMOS devices according to Moore´s Law. Re-programmable silicon-nanowire transistors, memristors and a new type of ferroelectric field-effect transistor based on doped hafnium oxide are the dominant topics in this field. In Energy Efficiency Devices NaMLab works at the frontier of research for solutions which reduce the power consumption of electronic devices and increase the overall energy conversion efficiency in entire electronic systems. • Diffusion Barriers While the first topic includes a number of device-advancing activities in traditional CMOS processes, the second addresses specific dielectrics-based solutions for solar cells and GaN-based devices and systems. Besides the two focus device areas the fundament of this research, namely dielectric materials, is a key topic of its own. Here NaMLab either strives to advance the material properties themselves or is applying its know-how to non-electrical properties of the materials relevant for electron devices. The development of advanced diffusion barriers for organic electronic devices is a prime example. Additionally the measurement of electrical properties is a key competence needed in all topics. • Resistive Memory and Memristor In most of its research activities in GaN-based devices, solar cells and ferroelectric field effect transistors NaMLab is closely working together with industrial partners. Basic research is done in close co-operation with the Technical University Dresden and other research centers like Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW) to continuously generate new innovative ideas and approaches. • Photodiodes Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Mikolajick 2 Re‐Configurable Devices • Si‐Nanowire based Devices • HfO2‐based Ferroelectric Devices • Carbon‐based Devices Energy Efficiency Devices • Gallium Nitride based Devices • Dielectrics for Solar Cells • Si‐Nanowire Anodes for Batteries Overview of Research Activities at NaMLab The NaMLab Team Capacitor Dielectrics Materials with high dielectric constants (high-k materials) play an increasingly important role in nano-electronic devices. For conventional semiconductors charge is stored in capacitors. New dielectric materials with higher dielectric constants have to be introduced in order to maintain the storage capacity of capacitors which are continuously being designed with smaller areas. Similar dielectric materials are needed for the next generation of high performance transistor devices as well as processors and logic products. A variety of research projects in the nano-scale regime are ongoing in order to gain an understanding of the influence of material properties with respect to leakage mechanisms, performance, speed and reliability. For capacitor applications (see Fig. 1) the main focus was on CaTiO3, ZrO2- and TiO2-based dielectrics. For crystalline layers aluminum and strontium doped ZrO2 with a dielectric constant of ~40 and a band gap of ~6 eV resulted in metalinsulator-metal capacitors with an equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) down to 0.9 nm at target leakage current (1x10-7 A/ cm² , see Fig. 2). Even better capacitance performance was reached for TiO2-based dielectrics like CaTiO3 and SrTiO3 (in collaboration with RWTH Aachen). Both materials show EOT values of 0.5-0.6 nm at target leakage condition when they are deposited on noble metal electrodes like platinum. If a bottom electrode with optimized lattice mismatch (e.g. SrRuO3) is introduced the EOT value can be further reduced to ~0.3 nm. ZrO2 dielectrics are already in DRAM production and TiO2-based materials are in discussion to be introduced in next generation products. Parallel to the development of new dielectric materials characterization techniques are evaluated to compare macroscopic with microscopic measurements. Conductive atomic force microscopy (cAFM) was adapted as a tool for localized leakage current characterization. For Al:ZrO2 and Sr:ZrO2 an increased leakage current at grain boundaries was detected (see Fig. 3). Variable temperature current vs. voltage measurements revealed a trap assisted leakage mechanism with a trap depth of ~0.8 eV which is typically related to oxygen vacancies in these materials. The lifetime of capacitors was determined to be longer than 10 years for 7 nm HfO2/ZrO2 or close to 10 years for 12 nm SrTiO3 dielectrics. Fig. 1: Cross-sectional HRTEM micrographs of CaTiO3 layer between Ru and Pt electrodes. Fig. 2: Leakage current density vs. equivalent oxide thickness for MIM capacitor stacks with different high-k materials characterized at NaMLab. In future, further candidate materials will be continuously screened and characterized for new device applications. The application of the materials to non-capacitor applications is becoming more and more important. Cooperation: München RWTH Aachen, Fraunhofer CNT, Hochschule Publications: J3, J6, J7, J11, J13, J14, J15, J17, J21, J29, T2, T3, T4, T8, T11, T12, T17, T19, T25, T31, C1, C2 Contact: Dr. Uwe Schröder 4 Fig. 3: (a) AFM image of an Al:ZrO2 sample confirms grain size of about 100 nm. (b) CAFM of the same sample shows that leakage current flows mainly along grain boundaries. Diffusion Barriers Fig. 1: AFM micrograph shows 100 nm Al2O3 structures within the Al2O3 layer on foil substrates. Fig. 2: As extracted further from XRR, density of Al2O3 layers increases and the growth per cycle decreases with increasing cycle times, indicating reduced incorporation of -C and -OH groups. Organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) are getting increasingly common in electronic device applications due to their high power efficiency and low cost of manufacturing. However, the organic materials in the OLEDs are very sensitive to atmospheric moisture and oxygen. Contacts with moisture or oxygen affect the device operation and performance. State-of-the -art encapsulation for OLEDs is a glass-glass encapsulation, resulting in a device that is bulky, brittle and fragile. An alternative to this standard encapsulation would be a thin film structure deposited using atomic layer deposition (ALD). ALD is a self-limiting growth method that results in highly conformal layers at low deposition temperatures which are ideal for avoiding H2O vapor and oxygen diffusion. Low growth temperatures would further allow protection of OLED devices on technologically advantageous flexible plastics substrates by ALD diffusion barriers. Research on OLED encapsulation at NaMLab has begun with thin Al2O3 layers (10-50 nm thick) deposited in the temperature range between 50°C and 100°C on flexible PET (Polyethylenterephthalat), PEN (Polyethylennaphthalat) foils, control Si substrates and direct barriers layers on OLEDs by means of atomic layer deposition using TMA and Ozone as precursors. The ALD parameters at each deposition temperature were optimized to get the best barrier properties at this temperature by varying the precursors pulse and purge lengths. Film thickness, density, and microstructure were evaluated using X-Ray reflectometry (XRR) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) measurements respectively. In Fig. 1 an AFM micrograph of deposited films is depicted showing sub100 nm sized Al2O3 structures within the Al2O3 layer. Samples produced with varying O3 pulse times show a reduction in surface roughness (calculated from AFM images) with increasing O3 pulse times. The barrier properties of these samples were tested with the help of a calcium layer structure, which consisted of a thin layer of metallic calcium on a glass substrate protected by an Al2O3 layer whose barrier properties need to be investigated. Water vapor escaping through the Al2O3 layer decomposes metallic calcium into transparent Ca(OH)2, which can be observed optically or electrically by recording conductivity of metallic calcium. From the slope of the conductivity vs. time curve, water vapor transmission rates (WVTR) of the Al2O3 layer can be calculated (Fig. 3). The WVTR reduces with increasing thickness indicating better encapsulation. In addition to pure Al2O3 diffusion barrier layers in future also nanolaminate film stacks of different materials will be evaluated. Al2O3 layers will be interchanged with other organic or inorganic materials. Fig. 3: WVTR values decrease with increasing Al2O3 film thickness due to better coverage of the Ca test structures by the Al2O3 diffusion layer. Cooperation: Technische Universität Dresden (IHM, IAPP), FILK, Novaled, Contact: Dr. Aarti Singh 5 Re-Configurable Devices HRSEM picture of a single nanowire inverter HfO2 based Ferroelectric FieldEffect Transistor Fig. 1: Schematic representation of the noncentrosymmetric orthorhombic phase for a certain Si:HfO2 composition. Fig. 2: Polarization vs. voltage loops for 10 nm Si:HfO2 clearly exhibit ferroelectric nature. The project aims towards the development of a new fast and power efficient Non-Volatile Memory concept, the HfO2 based ferroelectric transistor (FeFET). The FeFET is a long-term contender for an ultra-fast, low-power and Non-Volatile Memory technology. In these devices the information is stored as a polarization state of the gate dielectric and can be read nondestructively as a shift of the threshold voltage. The advantage of a FeFET memory compared to the Flash memory is its faster access times, much lower power consumption at high data rates, and the easy integration of the device with common CMOS high-k metal gate transistors. The project is covering all aspects from material development, concept proof towards prototype demonstration, including process and capacitor development for device integration, modeling of the material properties, design of cell architecture, and analysis of cell performance. During the last years the electrical and material properties of ferroelectric Si:HfO2 were studied. The polarization curve shows a remnant polarization of ~25 μC/cm² (Fig. 2). These ferroelectric properties are caused for a certain Si:HfO2 composition by the appearance of a non-centrosymmetric orthorhombic phase (Fig. 1) under mechanical confinement at the boundary between the monoclinic and the tetragonal phase. Varying the dopant content from 0-10 cat% Si is causing the formation of different HfO2 phases: a mainly monoclinic lattice for pure HfO2, appearance of the orthorhombic phase for ~6 cat% Si and the formation of the tetragonal HfO2 phase for higher Si contents. Parallel to the geometrical transformation a change of the ferroelectric properties from paraelectric to ferroelectric then anti-ferroelectric back to paraelectric is visible (Fig. 2). Implementing this material in a FeFET transistor is resulting in a memory device which shows a threshold voltage shift of ~1.2 V depending on the polarization state of the ferroelectric material (Fig. 3) . Extrapolation of the measured memory window over time indicates that after 10 years still a window of 0.7 V is visible. Non-volatile memory cell concepts are being assessed. In the framework of a project funded by the Free State of Saxony, the concept is currently integrated into 28 nm CMOS technology together with GLOBALFOUNDRIES and Fraunhofer CNT. The first results indicate that the excellent ferroelectric properties remain after integration and at small feature sizes. Cooperation: GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Fraunhofer CNT, RWTH Aachen, Hochschule München, IMEC, University of Helsinki Fig. 3: Memory window of a FeFET transistor. Publications: J22, J25, J26, J28, T32, T33 Contact: Dr. Uwe Schröder 7 Si-Nanowire based Devices The research on silicon nanowire electronic devices at NaMLab addresses the NaMLab core strategy with substantial contributions in the fields of re-configurable electronics and energy efficient devices. Future electronic devices targeted for the post-CMOS generation are expected to provide added functionality compared to conventional field-effect transistors (FETs). The investigation of silicon nanowires is a promising route towards multifunctionality as it takes advantage of the unique combination of one-dimensional semiconductors with state-of-the-art silicon technology. At NaMLab we have developed a silicon nanowire based approach (Fig. 1) that enables the dynamic reconfiguration of the basic FET characteristics by external electric signals (Fig. 2). We have expanded the concept in order to conceive the world´s first complementary logic circuit fabricated without the use of dopants. Recently, we have developed a scanning gate microscopy technique that elucidates the transport mechanism of our re-configurable FETs and further demonstrates the possibility for non-volatile operation. In addition to the work on re-configurable nanowire transistors NaMLab is currently developing selective nanowire based biosensors in cooperation with the Chair of Nanotechnology at the TU Dresden. A high current nanowire field-effect transistor required for its implementation was developed. Currently, NaMLab is extending its nanowire growth capabilities for the controlled formation of silicon / germanium nanowire heterostructures with p- and n- type doping to enable the investigation of high-performance and multi-functional electronic devices. With respect to re-configurable devices more complex functions like inverters and two re-configurable NOR-NAND gates will be realized in the next step. These structures will allow to evaluate the potential of the re-configurable devices for next generation logic circuits. Fig. 1: Reconfigurable silicon nanowire transistor invented at NaMLab. One gate programs the device polarity, the other controls the transistor´s conductance. Fig. 2: Measured transfer characteristics of the reconfigurable silicon nanowire transistor showing programmed p- and n- type transport in the same device. Cooperation: Lund University, University of Cambridge, NASA AMES Research Center, CEA, Postech University South Korea, Universidade de Pisa, HZDR, TU Dresden, IFW, PDI Berlin Publications: J4, J18, J19, J27, J30, T5, T9, T13, T14, T15, T22, T23, T24, T30, C5 Contact: Dr. Walter M. Weber 8 Fig. 3: Scanning gate microscopy reveals the basic transport mechanisms of nanowire FETs. The mobile gate locally enhances electron tunneling into the nanowire. Resistive Memory and Memristor Fig. 1: Typical material stack forming a memristor device. A Memristor is a two terminal device with behavior similar to that of an ohmic resistor but with variable resistance. In its simplest form, the Memristor consists of a dielectric material sandwiched in between two metal electrodes. The current research on Memristors aims towards the development for application in fast and non-volatile memory devices, as well as in reconfigurable and neuromimetic nano-circuits. Indeed, it combines all aspects of the NaMLab strategy - the development of energy efficient and re-configurable devices based on dielectric materials. The central aim of our research is the development of resistive memories – the so called RRAM, which is believed to be one of the possible candidates for the realization of the universal memory, characterized by very fast access times, nonvolatility, and very low power consumption. In this context, the digital switching behavior, endurance, retention and reliability is of utmost relevance. A further interest is the application of Memristor devices in neuromimetic circuits, exhibiting the united functionality of logic and memory in one device. Main focus is the analog switching behavior between several resistive states for elements in a dense arrangement. Fig. 2: SEM picture of a nanometer-scale cross-point MIM test structure. Main part of our activities is so far the deposition of dielectric thin films, the physical and electrical characterization as well as the tuning of the resistive switching properties. Different dielectric materials (i.e. TiO2 and Nb2O5) are explored. In Fig. 1 the schematic of a typical material stack is illustrated. Another central building block is the design of metal-insulatormetal (MIM) test structures on micro- and nanometer scale. Fig. 2 shows the SEM image of our cross-point MIM test structures, allowing for characterization of real passive arrays. A further important part of our activities is the development of electrical characterization techniques for the different devices. C-V, I-V and pulsed measurements are used to analyze electrical characteristics. In Fig. 3 the switching behavior of Nb2O5 is shown. After the typically required initial electroforming process bipolar switching was successfully demonstrated for both, amorphous and crystalline phase. Our results motivate further research into Nb2O5 phase optimization for memory devices. Further research will be also include the modification of resistive switching layers by ion implantation in close cooperation with the Helmholtz-Center Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR). Cooperation: HZDR, Technische Universität Dresden, FZ Jülich Fig. 3: Bipolar switching cycle for amorphous and crystalline Nb2O5. The arrows display the sweeping direction. Publications: J16, T18, C8, D4 Contact: Dr. Stefan Slesazeck 9 Carbon-based Devices Nano-crystalline carbon is a versatile metallic electrode material for micro- and nanoelectronic applications. The results of this research contribute to the core NaMLab goals by providing novel electrodes for high-k dielectric MIM and MIS stacks as well as innovative electrodes for energy efficient devices in energy storage batteries. Carbon has emerged as an active material in micro- and nanoelectronics devices in the form of graphene layers and nanotubes. One of the key issues in implementing these materials for future applications is their compatibility with established Si processing technology. NaMLab is investigating novel nano-crystalline carbon layers as metallic electrode materials in microelectronics in order to integrate carbon nanotubes, graphene and biomolecules into a silicon platform (Fig. 1). Fig. 1: Raman spectra indicating the degree of graphitization. G- band peak shift of +20 cm-1 indicates crystallite range order of ~ 2 nm. The layers are deposited conformally in a silicon compatible low pressure vapor deposition (LPCVD) tool. The films were found to be composed of nanometer size sp2 hybridized carbon flakes embedded in an amorphous carbon matrix. Our investigations showed that the robust scaling behavior of carbon nanowires and vertical vias is superior to that of copper interconnects (Fig. 2). The compatibility with SiO2 and Al2O3 dielectrics and the capability of implementing this material as a capacitor electrode was studied systematically. Recently, we proved the capability to make interface-free Schottky contacts between n- and p- doped silicon and carbon layers. (Fig. 3) The results enable the integration of biomolecular species, graphene and carbon nanotubes onto silicon compatible carbon electrodes. Current work focuses on the doping of carbon layers (e.g. by nitrogen) to tune the work function. Fig. 2: Measured carbon four-point via resistance vs. via diameter. Cooperation: Lund University, University of Cambridge, NASA AMES Research Center, CEA, Postech University South Korea, Universidade de Pisa, HZDR, TU Dresden, IFW, PDI Berlin Fig. 3: Carbon – SiO2 – p-type Si / metal – insulator – metal capacitor. Current voltage characteristics showing Fowler-Nordheim tunneling at voltages above 5 V. Publications: J5, J9 Contact: Dr. Walter M. Weber 10 Energy Efficiency Devices Electrical characterization of photodiodes Gallium Nitride Materials and Devices The III-V compound semiconductor, GaN, with an extremely wide bandgap and high electron mobility compared to other semiconductor materials, is almost perfect for devices for high power operation. A large energy saving potential is seen for the replacement of Silicon-devices by GaN-devices in power application of the renewable energy sector and in electric vehicles. Moreover, GaN can be used to fabricate high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs), in which a buried two dimensional electron gas of a planar heterostructure between a source and drain contact can be populated or depleted under the gate contact to switch the device current ON and OFF, respectively. This particular device type enables much faster switching compared to standard Si-MOSFET technology, but causes an even stronger link between GaN material quality and final device performance. The NaMLab development on GaN-devices focuses on the technical challenges for building reliable and cost-efficient products. Fig. 1: Schematic representation: MISHFET or MISHEMT structure. MISHEMT = MetalInsulator-Semiconductor- High-Electron- Mobility-Transistor. A strong cooperation has started in 2010 between NaMLab, with its device and dielectric material background, and Freiberger Compound Materials as potential GaN substrate supplier. On the one hand NaMLab supports and accelerates the GaN substrate development at FCM by giving fast feedback from device performance; on the other hand NaMLab will study new device concepts with an additional high-k dielectric underneath the gate (MISHEMT) or later with 3D geometry. A widespread network from this core cell to other research institutes and industrial partners builds up and is envisioned for the future. Several key tools for GaN device technology have been purchased in already approved subprojects. For example, a Hydrogen-Vapor-Pressure-Epitaxy (HVPE) system and a Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) system with in-situ high-k deposition will be available for versatile substrate and heterostructure growth. Power devices can be electrically characterized with a suitable high-voltage probe station. Fig. 2: Testchip layout (Sample size 2.6 x 2.6 cm2). Different test-structures enable the optimization of process steps and the overall device integration/performance. NaMLab has defined a front-up process flow for planar MISHEMT devices starting with a high-k coated GaN heterostructure (Fig. 1). The flow contains four lithographic steps and all process steps are available at NaMLab or the Institute of Semiconductors and Microsystems of TU Dresden (Fig. 2 and 3). Having access to flexible, in-house GaN heterostructure growth and external high quality substrate material give excellent preconditions for a detailed evaluation of the link between device performance and material properties. Cooperation: Technische Universität Dresden (IHM), Freiberger Compound Materials, Fraunhofer IAF, Ferdinand Braun Institute, Universität Ulm (IOE), Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg (Physics), Azzurro, Aixtron Contact: Dr. Andre Wachowiak 12 Fig. 3: I– V characteristics of test structures for the ohmic metal contacts reveal promising results of low contact resistance to the two dimensional electron gas. Dye-based Solar Cells Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) are one of the most promising candidate of third generation solar cells. The main advantages are the low-cost production process at low temperatures and the use of non-toxic materials. This concept has a high potential to significantly reduce the costs for solar energy generation. However, the efficiency of today’s cells is still too low to compete with conventional silicon solar cells. Fig. 1: TiO2 surface conditioning with ALD. Fig. 2: Raman measurement on a stack of ALD-TiO2 on top of a rutile TiO2 substrate. The TiO2 phase depends on the thickness of the intermediate Al2O3 buffer (1 cycle = 0.1 nm). The key process within the DSSC is the charge separation between the dye and the porous TiO2 electrode (see Fig. 1). The electrode is about 20 µm thick and consists of TiO2 nanoparticles smaller than 50 nm. To achieve highest cell efficiencies, the surface of the nano-particles needs to be well controlled. This project focuses on TiO2 surface conditioning using the atomic layer deposition (ALD) technique. ALD is a powerful method for homogeneous film deposition onto extremely large inner surfaces due to its self-limiting growth. The ALD layer on top of the as-deposited TiO2 nano-particles allows defining a uniform high-quality surface. This surface will be optimized for the solar cell performance, the key parameters are: phase (anatase/rutile), stoichiometry, impurities, crystallinity (amorphous/crystalline) and surface roughness. The principle of TiO2 surface phase conditioning was demonstrated using a planar TiO2 substrate in the pure rutile phase (Fig. 2). The best photovoltaic results were achieved with anatase TiO2 electrodes. Pure rutile TiO2 represents the “worst case” crystal structure. On top of this substrate a thin (~15 nm) TiO2 layer was deposited with the target phase being anatase. In a straight-forward deposition the structure of the substrate acts as seed crystal for the further growth, i.e. the top layer also grows in the rutile phase. Different strategies were evaluated to overcome this undesired interaction with the substrate. Most successful was the introduction of an ultra-thin (~0.5 nm) Al2O3 buffer layer. This interface enables the growth in anatase phase, which is independent of the substrate. To demonstrate the benefit of the surface conditioning complete devices were assembled and photo-electrically characterized. The additional ALD-TiO2 layer improves the incident photon conversion efficiency (IPCE) up to 10 times. Cooperation: Technische Universität Dresden (IHM), FILK, FSU Jena Publications: C10 Contact: Dr. Ingo Dirnstorfer 13 Passivation Layers for Solar Cells NaMLab investigates different strategies for the Al2O3 deposition including the Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) and the Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) using H2O and O3 as oxidizer. Furthermore, different doping strategies were evaluated to further optimize the passivation layers in terms of recombination rate and high-temperature stability. NaMLab focus on photo-carrier lifetime (MDP) and electrical (CV) measurements to characterize the passivation layers. The applied electrical methodology is very similar to that applied in microelectronics e.g. for MOSFET structures. This allows the use of a broad expertise and specialized equipment, which is set up for microelectronic research at NaMLab. The excellent passivation of Al2O3 could be linked to a combination of a low density of interface traps (Dit) and high density of negative fixed charges (Qfix). The latter generate an electrical field to repel electrons from the surface. Systematical Ti and Si doping of Al2O3 passivation layers is a relatively new research field. Doping in the percent-range influences the chemical coordination within the crystal and creates new defects types, which potentially carry the targeted negative charge. It could be shown that the Al2O3 passivation improves with 3 at% Si-doping, resulting in a slightly enhanced effective carrier lifetime (Fig. 2). Al2O3 passivation layers were also doped with Ti. However, no improvement in the effective carrier lifetime was observed for this material. The process window for the doping concentration was limited by 10 at% and 0.5 at% for Si and Ti, respectively. The electrical evaluation of these critical concentrations reveals the formation of interface traps at the silicon surface. These traps act as recombination centre for photo-generated carriers and significantly reduce the effective carrier lifetime. The understanding of the doping limitations is a key input for the ongoing investigations on doped Al2O3 passivation layers. Above measurements were performed on double side ALD coated Czochralski type Si-wafers. Currently, these processes are repeated on Flow Zone substrates where charge carrier lifetimes of more than 5ms are achieved for wafers passivated with 10nm undoped Al2O3 (Fig. 3). Fig. 1: PERC (Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell) solar cell concept presented by the ISFH (Adopted from J. Schmidt). Fig. 2: Effective carrier lifetime measured on silicon wafers passivated with 20 nm Sidoped Al2O3. A moderate Si-doping (3 at%) slightly improves the passivation performance. 10000 Effective Lifetime τ eff (μs) Future generations of high-efficiency solar cells rely on excellent passivation of the silicon back surface to ensure minimal surface recombination losses. Considerable R&D effort is currently being pursued to develop an alternative to the back surface field, which is today’s industrial standard for silicon solar cells. Recently, it was shown that Al2O3 films synthesized by ALD reached an excellent level of surface passivation. On high-quality float-zone wafers, excellent minority carrier lifetimes were demonstrated, corresponding to very low surface recombination rates of less than 10 cm/s. 1000 100 250 Cooperation: Technische Universität Dresden (IHM), FhG IKTS, FhG CNT Publications: T21, T26, C4, C9, D1 Contact: Dr. Ingo Dirnstorfer 14 350 450 Temperature of N2 anneal (°C) Fig. 3: Effective carrier lifetime measured on flow zone wafers passivated with 30 nm undoped Al2O3. Si-Nanowire Anodes for Li-Ion Batteries Novel electrode materials for charge storage batteries are being developed at NaMLab. They contribute to the core aims for energy efficient devices at NaMLab. Fig. 1: SEM images of silicon nanowires. Dense growth of nanowires with 20 nm diameters. NaMLab has developed a stable and cyclable anode assembly for lithium-ion batteries by the integration of silicon nanowires. The high theoretical charge capacity (~4200 mAh/g) of Si, comparatively low discharge potential and availability have made silicon a desirable battery anode material. However, induced stress upon lithiation has led to the pulverization of bulk and layered silicon making it inappropriate for use in batteries. Nanostructured silicon has the property to relax the strain built during charge / discharge cycles. Among various nanostructure silicon embodiments, silicon nanowires are currently the scope of extensive international research, since their relaxation properties are good and sufficient electric conductance to the current collector is being provided. NaMLab developed scalable bottom-up assembly strategies to build cyclable anodes. These encompass the grown silicon nanowires via chemical vapor deposition (Fig. 1) and their integration into current collectors via an innovative electroless nickel plating (Fig. 2). The developed method allows great flexibility with various substrates and nanowires in both short and long term testing. After testing a variety of potential substrates, copper was found to provide good electrical conductance and minimal electrochemical side reactions with the electrolyte and lithium. Testing of silicon nanowires attached to the copper mesh also yielded promising results over 120 cycles. Lithiation (0.0 V) and de-lithiation (0.33 V and 0.46 V) of the nanowire anodes were clear and reproducible (Fig. 3). Fig. 2: SEM image of silicon nanowires integrates onto copper collectors via bottom up assembly with electroless nickel plating. However, before silicon nanowire anodes become integrated into a commercial product, there are still major challenges to overcome. These include optimizing growth conditions, understanding morphological changes during lithiation and improving cycling performance. Successful implementation of silicon nanowire anode assemblies is expected to increase charge capacity, specific energy density, lifetime, reliability and safety. This would strongly contribute to electromobility with higher reach distances, enhanced energy storage within smart-grid matrices and longer lasting medical and portable electronic devices. Cooperation: FhG IWS, FhG IKTS, IFW Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden Fig. 3: Cyclic voltamogram of silicon nanowires attached to Cu mesh through electroless cycles 4-128, scan rate of 1mV/s, with electrolyte LiClO4 PC. Publications: C3 Contact: Dr. Walter M. Weber 15 Photodiodes One target of the NaMLab photodiode project is the development of new photodiode structures, which enable to adjust the functionality of the diode in a sensor system post manufacturing. Hence, the overall system, e.g. a color sensor, can be re-configured only by software changes related to the data processing and not by the pricy photodiode technology. A testchip vehicle with multiple layout variations of photodiodes was designed. Fully processed chips of the tunable color sensor have been characterized in our optical laboratory. The new principle is based on the capability to tune the photodiode depletion area from very shallow, surface-near extension for small reverse bias voltage to very deep areas for large reverse bias; basically over the entire absorption depth of visible light. An additional, build-in competing sink for diffusion charge carriers ensures, that almost exclusively charge carriers generated within the depletion area contribute to the photocurrent. Hence, this photodiode is mainly blue sensitive for small reverse bias. In contrast, charge carriers generated by the full spectrum, but especially of the red region, contribute to the photocurrent for large reverse voltage. Fig. 2 shows the wavelength dependent sensitivity of the photodiode as measured under different reverse voltages. The color-sensing performance of the device corresponds to the response of a hypothetical, emulated human eye with best-fit receptor functions. Fig. 3 presents a very good example of fitted receptor functions (dashed) from a linear combination of the sensitivity curves compared to the real receptor functions (solid) of the human eye. In sensor operation the true color is calculated from the ratios of the three response values e.g. blue=none, green=red=high results in yellow. One major advantage of the novel device stems from the adaptive adjustment on different tasks by simple software changes of the data processing, instead of costly technology development e.g. for filter layers. Fig. 1: Modular demonstrator for proving functionality of sensor systems. Left: Zoom on photodiode element. Right: Electronic circuit in shielded metal box with USB connection to PC. Fig. 2: Series of sensitivity curves for different operational reverse voltage of photodiode. Blue curves: without competing sink; red curves: with active competing sink. At last, an automated measurement environment for the photodiode was build-up out of commercial electronic modules. Control measurements with this fully functional sensor prototype should reveal the necessary information for the future design of a System-On-Chip Sensor. A photograph of the sensor system is shown in Fig. 1. Cooperation: Technische Universität Dresden , Infineon Technologies Dresden, X-FAB Semiconductor Foundries Publications: D2, I1 Contact: Dr. Andre Wachowiak 16 Fig. 3: Example of best fit emulation (dashed) of true eye receptor functions (solid) from linear combination of series of sensitivity curves shown in previous figure. Competences 300mm electrical probe station Electrical Characterisation The characterization of materials, devices and circuits is unthinkable without electrical measurement techniques and methods. NaMLab has a broad spectrum of electrical measurement methods for device analysis (Fig. 1). This includes capacity measurements, such as C(U), C(T) and C(f), current measurements in the femtoampere range for temperatures between 5K and 450K and voltages up to 3000V. Samples can be analyzed by probe card measurements or package level testing. In addition, carrier lifetime measurements are available on substrates with Microwave Detected Photoconductivity. The established methods at NaMLab include: Analytical measurements of single memory cells for the determination of lifetime, storage and deletion windows as well as switch time. Determination of transistor and capacitor characteristics. Analysis of Polarization behavior for ferro-dielectrics Impedance spectroscopy Measurement of charge carrier mobility with Hall and split-C(V) on in-organic and organic semiconductors. Determination of layer resistance. Scanning spreading resistance and Scanning Gate Microscopy Conductive atomic force microscopy. Reliability measurements of dielectric and transistors, starting with time dependent dielectric breakdown and stress induced leakage current all the way to bias temperature instability, dielectric relaxation and hot carrier injection. Charge pumping and charge trapping analysis. Cyclovoltametry. The available methods can be applied to wafers up to 300 mm or to package mounted devices. Fig. 1: Electrical characterization of test structures on a 300 mm wafer, in a semiautomatic probe station. Fig. 2: Schematic of the SGM setup. The NiSi2 electrodes act as the source and drain. The Si substrate is the back gate, and the conductive AFM Tip is the scanning top gate. Two typical case studies for the leverage of our technique are highlighted: A Scanning Spreading Resistance Microscopy Analysis of a silicon solar cell with a highly doped selective emitter. The locally enhanced doping is clearly measurable by SSRM (Fig. 3) . A Scanning Gate Microscopy Analysis (SGM — Fig. 2) together with an IV measurement of a silicon nano wire Schottky barrier FET. While the SGM measurement depicts the location of the Schottky barrier, the IV measurement reveals the gate controllability of the device (see also page 8). Publications: J1, J12, J20, J23, J24, T1, T7, T10, T20, T28, T29, C6, P1 Contact: Dr. Stefan Slesazeck 18 Fig. 3: Scanning Spreading Resistance Microscopy showing a 2D doping profile of Laser Doped Selective Emitter Structures in Solar Cells Physical Characterisation Fig. 1: HRSEM picture of a single nanowire transistor. Fig. 2: C-AFM measurement on ZrSrO3: Grain boundaries visible on the topography map on the left hand side clearly correlate with dark areas on the current map on the right. Fig. 3: X-ray diffraction in grazing incidence setup on a series of SrZrO films with varying angle of incidence provides information on depth resolved layer structure. NaMLab engages in state-of-the-art research in the field of materials development for nanoscale application relevant to the semiconductor industry in strong co-operation with its industry partners as well as with other laboratories and universities throughout Germany and Europe to foster strong scientific ties with other universities for progress in industryoriented as well as basic research. The physical characterization focus at NaMLab can be summarized as follows: The available high-resolution scanning electron microscope (HRSEM) is capable of providing high magnification images down to 10 nm resolution (Fig. 1). Besides top-view images, cross-sectional SEM imaging showing the entire layer architecture (in case of multilayer thin films structures) can be imaged easily by a switch of sample holders. Furthermore, the SEM in equipped with an EDX (energy dispersive analysis) gun. A very accurate and trustworthy chemical composition determination of the samples is possible covering almost the entire periodic table. Another equally fascinating feature of HRSEM is the high resolution electron beam lithography (EBeam) for developing photoresist. With the HRSEM a programmable e-beam scanning of the samples in the 100 nm accuracy regime is possible. The atomic force microscope (AFM) is equipped with the nanoscope user interface for measurement and data analysis. Resolution in the order of 10 nm in the scanning direction and down to 1 nm perpendicular to the scanning direction is reported routinely. Besides regular tapping mode and contact mode AFM for topography imaging with Si tips or diamond coated Si tips, conducting AFM (c-AFM) and surface spreading resistance microscopy (SSRM) allows local I-V curve measurements or correlation of electrical properties to sample microstructure. Current resolution in the order of a few pA is detectable with the TUNA amplifier (Fig. 2). SSRM module on the other hand allows current magnification in the mA range along with very good spatial correlation. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD): The multifunctional tool allows for Xray diffraction in the Bragg-Brentano set-up, Grazing incidence diffraction and X-ray reflectivity in the same apparatus. A quick change of source geometry permits also pole figure measurements for in-plane texture information. The tool with its newly introduced snap-lock and DaVinci features allows easy change and recognition of parameters in the primary and secondary beam paths. A line detector with a line width of 14 mm or 200 parallel Si strips makes the measurement accordingly faster in comparison to a single scintillation detector without compromising resolution (see Fig. 3). Contact: Dr. Andre Wachowiak 19 Device Reliability Today, scaling of microelectronic devices is tightly linked to the availability of mature and reliable integration of new materials. Those materials applied on a nanometer scale act as gate insulator, high conductivity metals, stress or strain layers or memory dielectrics. Nevertheless, beside the increasing complexity of devices any compromise in reliability is not acceptable. Therefore, NaMLab performs stress measurements at high performance transistors with elevated temperatures and voltages to analyze their stability behavior. Especially for high dielectric constant gate insulators the fundamental understanding of bias temperature instability, hot carrier injection, stress induced leakage currents, and time dependent breakdown are of major interest. Reliability investigation of ZrO2/Al2O3/ZrO2 structures for DRAM capacitors were performed to correlate the lifetime of the sandwich to the crystal structure of the zirconium. Fig. 1: SRAM setup and important stress mechanism under operation (HCI: hot carrier injection, P/NBTI: positive and negative bias temperature instability). Though, it is widely accepted to live with variations of device parameter over time, the lethal change of device parameter to circuit operation is still an open question. For example, even if some transistors exhibit an increased power consumption after hundreds of operation hours the functionality of the entire chip could still be ensured. NaMLab therefore focuses on the change of circuit performance parameters caused by the single device degradation. Based on the investigations, models for life time prediction will be developed, for instance for static-random-access-memory (SRAM) cells (Fig.1). Throughout the SRAM investigations defined stress conditions to selected transistors within the cell are applied. The measurement setup allows the observation of performance degradation of a single transistor 10 µs after stress. This way relaxation effects can be eliminated or analyzed separately. The degradation of the nFET turned out to be most significant for SRAM lifetime. Hot carrier injection leads to a high threshold voltage degradation and reduced current through the nFET. But it occurs only very short time during operation. The positive bias temperature instability (PBTI) has come up the first priority reliability issue. A model for the threshold voltage drift due to PBTI under hold conditions was developed (Fig. 2) and correlated to the measured SRAM circuit parameters (Fig. 3). Fig. 2: Model and measurement of the threshold voltage shift of the SRAM nFET after PBTI stress. Cooperation: Fraunhofer IIS EAS, GLOBALFOUNDRIES Publications: J6, T16, C11, D3 Contact: Dr. Stefan Slesazeck 20 Fig. 3: Measured butterfly curve before and after PBTI stress under read conditions (supply voltage at wordline and bitline). Optical Characterisation Fig. 1: Set-up for Low-temperature Photoluminescence measurements Optical characterization is a powerful method for understanding the properties of semiconductor materials and devices. On the one hand, this method is applied to determine defect types and their energy levels in semiconductor materials and interfaces. On the other hand, this method is applied to evaluate the functionality and performance of photoactive devices. The optical laboratory at NamLab is equipped with highresolution spectrometers and sensitive detectors for the UV to NIR range. For excitation different laser sources from UV (325 nm) to VIS are available as well as broad band high-power light sources (Xenon lamps). This allows measuring the photoluminescence and excitation spectra of a large number of semiconductors. In addition, the spectral response of photodiodes and solar cells can be investigated. The established methods at NaMLab include: Fig. 2: Photoluminescence spectra of GaN. Low-temperature Photoluminescence (15 – 300 K) for the UV – NIR range (325nm – 1700 nm) with UV (325 nm) or VIS laser excitation (Fig. 1-3) Low-temperature Excitation spectroscopy (PLE) using a high power Xe-source for the UV – VIS range Photodiode spectral response with calibrated reference sensor µRaman with different excitation lasers (spatial resolution: 1 µm) External Quantum Efficiency setup including bias illumination µ-spot IR Ellipsometry UV-VIS Ellipsometry as well as VIS-NIR Reflectometry. Two typical case studies for the leverage of the techniques are highlighted: In the last year NaMLab has developed a new principle for color detection with special photodiodes. The spectral response of this novel photodiode technology has been measured and compared to calibrated commercial sensors. Porous TiO2 electrodes for dye-sensitized solar cells could be significantly improved by adding a thin ALDlayer with well defined properties. The spatial resolved µRaman measurement applied to TiO2 cross-sections confirmed that the ALD process homogeneously covers the 20 µm thick electrode from top to bottom side Publications: C7 Fig. 3: Set-up for Low-temperature Photoluminescence measurements Contact: Dr. Ingo Dirnstorfer 21 Facts & Figures Budget (Financing) 3000 Budget in TEUR 2500 2000 Others Contract research Public funding Basic financial support 1500 1000 500 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Fig. 1: Annual Budgets Budget in TEUR Budget (Investment) 5000 2000 1000 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Fig. 2: Investment Budgets Employee Development 35 Employees 30 Non-Scientific Scientific 25 20 15 10 5 0 NaMLab in Numbers 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Annual Budget The annual budget over the last 5 years shows the expected increase rate for a newly founded institute achieving full operation within 5 to 6 years. 2010 was still driven by the rampup of the institute. Research revenue nearly doubled from 2009 to 2010. 2011 being the first year with stable revenue demonstrates the successful start of operation. About 37% in 2010 and 40% in 2011 of the annual budget are related to the basic financial funding of the Free State of Saxony. Project funding by the European Commission, the Germany Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, and the Saxony State Ministry of Science and Arts reached about 1.5 Mio. Euro in 2010 and about 1.7 Mio in 2011. Contract research was stable from 2009 to 2011. In parallel the investment in new equipment was significant in 2010 and 2011. Investment Budget The clean room facilities at the NaMLab conform to the highest standards. 250 m² (DIN ISO 5) and 50 m² (DIN ISO 4) are available for experimental work. NaMLab runs seven deposition technologies based on different concepts and nine processing tools. Two state-of-the-art electrical characterization labs for material and device characterization are equipment with 200 and 300 mm probe stations. For optical and physical characterization labs are available. 2010 NaMLab invested mainly in a new electrical characterization set-up and a lifetime measurement system financed by a project of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and a project of the Saxony State Ministry of Higher Education, Research and the Arts. 2011 had significant investment into deposition technology, a new PVD system, an ALD deposition tool and two clustertools. In addition, an XRD measurement system and a probe station had been installed. The research equipment had been financed by a project co-financed by the Saxony State Ministry of Higher Education, Research and the Arts and the European Commission (ERDF), a project of the Business Activities Support Programs co-financed of the Free State of Saxony and the German Federal Government and the basic financial funding of the Free State of Saxony. Human Resource Development Since the start in 2006 the NaMLab staff has grown continuously. In 2010 number of employee increased by about 20%. 2011 showed a stable employment with 34 staff members. This includes 3 employees for administration, 3 employees for technical support, and 3 student assistance. The number of PhD students increased to 14. The stable employment in numbers in 2011 is masking the changes behind. Young talents joint NaMLab and some of the experienced employees left NaMLab overall in the normal range of a research institute. Fig. 3: Human Resource Development Contact: Dr. Alexander Ruf 23 Cooperations NaMLab uses a broad cooperation network in order to close the experimental chain. NaMLab has extensive cooperations with leading international, European and German research organizations and industrial partners. In particular, it has a very close cooperation with the Institute of Semiconductor & Microsystems Technologies (IHM) of the Technical University Dresden, the Fraunhofer Society (especially with the Fraunhofer Center Nanoelectronic Materials (CNT)), the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Material Research (IFW Dresden) and the Helmholtz-Center Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR). Via the IHM facilities NaMLab has access to further 700 m² clean room infrastructure (DIN ISO 4 - ISO 7 standard) in two buildings on the campus of the TU Dresden. Contact: Dr. Uwe Schröder 24 Projects Project overview of approved research projects In 2010/2011, NaMLab participated in research projects funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), the Saxony State Ministry of Higher Education, Research and the Arts (SMWK) as well as by the European Commission (EU). Kondor Materialforschung und Charakterisierung für Speicheranwendungen BMBF MegaEpos Metal-Gate Elektroden und epitaktische Oxide als Gate Stacks für zukünftige CMOS-Logik und Speichergenerationen GOSSAMER Gigascaled Oriented Solid State Flash Memory for Europe BMBF Merlin ALD Abscheidetechnik für neue Materialien und wenige Atomlagen dicke Schichtsysteme Cool Silicon Technologien für energieeffiziente Computing Platformen Multifunktionale Speicherkonzepte Multifunktionale Speicherkonzepte SMWK Hansel Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Niobpentoxid Schichten mit schaltbarem elektrischen Widerstand DFG Heiko Entwicklung zukünftiger High-k Gate-Dielektrik Transistoren einschließlich einer Machbarkeitsstudie für HfO-basierte ferroelektrische Speicher SMWK Farbstoffsolarzellen Entwicklung und Optimierung von Halbleiterschichten und Farbstoffen für Farbstoffzellen BMWi/ AiF Enhance European Research Training Network of “New Materials: Innovative concepts for Fabrication“ EU GaNFET Entwicklung einer wettbewerbsfähigen GaNTechnologie SMWK Diffussionsbarrieren Herstellung von Gasdiffusionsbarrieren für organische Leuchtdioden oder Solarzellen BMWi/ AiF S-PAC Automatisierte modulare Kompaktanlage zum Laserabtragen von Si-basierten Solarzellen Contact: Dr. Alexander Ruf SMWK 25 EU BMBF BMBF NaMLab goes public NaMLab promotes the continuous exchange and dialogue with business partners, customers, students as well as the general public. NaMLab supports the very close contact between research, industry and education. In 2010 and 2011 NaMLab attended various international events, conferences & meetings, and trade fairs all around the world. NaMLab participation at conferences & meetings in 2010/ 2011: DPG Spring Meeting 2010 March 21-26, 2010, Dresden (Germany) 217th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society April 25-30, 2010, Vancouver (Canada) 5th Fraunhofer-IMS Workshop „CMOS Imaging—Low Light Imaging“ May 04-05, 2010, Duisburg (Germany) 16th Workshop on Dielectrics in Microelectronics June 28-30, 2010, Bratislava (Slovakia) 8th International Nanotechnology Symposium July 6-7, 2010, Dresden (Germany) 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference & Exhibition (PVSEC) September 05-08, 2010, Valencia (Spain) 40th European Solid-State Device Research September 1317, 2010, Sevilla (Spain) BALTIC Atomic Layer Deposition Conference September 16-17, 2010, Hamburg (Germany) DPG Spring Meeting 2011 March 13-18, 2011, Dresden (Germany) MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit April 25-29, 2011, San Fransisco (USA) 219th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society May 1-6, 2011, Montreal (Canada) 7th Chemnitzer Seminar for Nanotechnology and Nanoreliability May 24, 2011, Chemnitz (Germany) 17th Conference on „Insulating Films on Semiconductors“ June 21-24, 2011, Grenoble (France) 11th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition June 26-29, 2011, Boston (USA) 26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference & Exhibition September 05-09, 2011, Hamburg (Germany) 41th European Solid-State Device Research September 12-16, 2011, Helsinki (Finland) VII. Internation Conference on Microelectronics, Optoelectronics and Nanoelectronics November 28-30, 2011, Venice (Italy) 26 NaMLab goes public Childrens Day In 2010 and 2011, NaMLab continued its attempts to make scientific and research work more accessible for the public in general. In particular, it kept its efforts to inspire young people to study science or engineering. NaMLab took part in many joined activities like the “Long Night of Science” in 2010 and 2011, the summer school “Dresdner Microelectronics Academy”, and the “University Day” of the Technical University Dresden in 2011. NaMLab organized a “Children Day” for primary-school pupil in the 2nd class. The children gained insight in the work of researchers under clean room condition. In 2011, the researchers of the NaMLab participated as supervisor of the work experience in 7th and 8th school class of the Martin-Andersen-Nexö secondary school Dresden. SEMICON 2009/2010/2011 in Dresden The largest and most important semiconductor event in Europe, the SEMICON, took place in the capital of Saxony. Together with 350 exhibitors from 20 countries NaMLab presented its manifold activities in development of material solutions for tomorrow’s electronic devices. The researchers of NaMLab showed new innovations, e.g. in the fields of micro & nanowire devices, energy harvesting, and non-volatile memories. Long Night of Science, 2010/2011 SEMICON Long Night of Science In 2010, 32 research institutes, companies, and four universities opened their laboratories, lecture halls and offered a comprehensive program for the 8th Long Night of Science according to the motto “Forsch, Forscher, Am Forschen” in Dresden. At NaMLab the people got acquainted with material research for future electronics. The program offered visiting tours through the laboratories and presented in experimental shows the characterization methods for nano-scaled electronic devices and measurements with modern microscopes. In the exhibition “From the raw material to the micro chip” NaMLab presented scientific research in micro– and nanoelectronics. Also in 2011, NaMLab participates with lab tours and experimental shows at the 9th Long Night of Science according to this year motto “Weck den Forscher in dir”. 400 people uses again the opportunity to gain insight in the work at NaMLab. Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Mikolajick 27 NaMLab goes public Novel High-k Application Workshop Dresden 2010/2011 NaMLab invited to the Novel High-k Application Workshops in winter 2010 and 2011 to Dresden. New challenges offered by the application of high-k dielectric materials in micro– and nanoelectronics have been discussed by more than 70 participants from industry, research institutes and universities. NaMLab created with the workshop a stimulating European platform for application-oriented scientist to exchange ideas and discuss latest experimental results on MIM-capacitors, process technology, leakage & reliability as well as characterization of high-k dielectrics integrated in silicon based micro– and nanoelectronics. Novel High k Applications Workshop Working Group on Materials for Nonvolatile Memories The working group „Materials for Nonvolatile Memories“ exists since 2005. With the move of Prof. Thomas Mikolajick from TU Bergakademie Freiberg to NaMLab, the organization of this working group moved to the responsibility of NaMLab. In 2010 a meeting was hosted and organized by X-FAB Semiconductor Foundries in Dresden. In 2011 the meeting was hosted by the Leibnitz Institute of high performance microelectronics (IHP) in Frankfurt/Oder. The upcoming meeting in April 2012 will be hosted by TU Munich. Visit of the Saxonian Minister for Higher Education, Research and the Art at NaMLab, 10. November 2011 The project release for the GaN infrastructure project was handed over by the Saxonian Minister for Higher Education, Research and the Arts Prof. von Schorlemer. For the research on the semiconductor material Galliumnitride NaMLab will be funded by the SMWK with a funding volume of 1.9 Mio. Euro. The research on the development of future electronic devices including GaN will be strongly interlocked with the substrate development. In a strong cooperation with the Freiberger Compound Materials GmbH NaMLab will establish a research laboratory for Galliumnitride wafers in Freiberg. Visit of the Saxonian Minister for Higher Education, Research and the Arts: Prof. von Schorlemer 12th AVS-ALD conference 2012 in Dresden NaMLab and nanoGUNE (San Sebastian, Spain) will be the cochairs for the ALD conference 2012 of the American Vacuum Society in Dresden on June 17-20, 2012. The American Vacuum Society (AVS) Topical Conference will be a three-day meeting dedicated to the science and technology of atomic layer deposition (ALD) of thin films. American Vacuum Society — ALD conference 2012 in Dresden Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Mikolajick 28 NaMLab in the Press Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Mikolajick 29 Publications 2010/2011 Journal Papers - 2010/2011 J1 K. Bernert, C. Oestreich, J. Bollmann, and T. Mikolajick The influence of bottom oxide thickness on the extraction of the trap energy in SONOS structure Appl. Phys. A 100, 249 (2010) J2 J. Heitmann and T. Mikolajick Nanocrystalline materials: Optimization of thin film properties ECS Trans. 28, 451 (2010) J3 G. Jeggert, A. Kersch, W. Weinreich, U. Schröder, and P. Lugli Modeling of leakage currents in high-k dielectrics: Three-dimensional approach via kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 062113 (2010) J4 C. Chéze, L. Geelhaar, O. Brandt, W. M. Weber, H. Riechert, S. Münch, R. Rothemund, S. Reitzenstein, A. Forschel, T. Kehagias, P. Komninou, G. P. Dimitrakopolous, and T. Karakostas Direct comparison of catalyst-free and catalyst-induced GaN nanowires Nano Res. 3, 528 (2010) A. P. Graham, G. Schindler, G. S. Duesberg, T. Lutz, and W. M. Weber An investigation of the electrical properties of pyrolytic carbon in reduced dimensions; vias and wires J. Appl. Phys. 107, 114316 (2010) J5 J6 D. Zhou, U. Schröder, J. Xu, J. Heitmann, G. Jegert, W. Weinreich, M. Kerber, S. Knebel, E. Erben, and T. Mikolajick Reliability of Al2O3-doped ZrO2 high-k dielectrics in 3-dimensional stacked metal-insulator-metal capacitor J. Appl. Phys. 108, 124104 (2010) J7 S. Schmelzer, D. Bräuhaus, U. Böttger, S. Hoffmann-Eifert, P. Meuffels, R. Waser, P. Reinig, L. Oberbeck, and U: Schröder SrTiO3 thin film capacitors on silicon substrates free from interfacial passive layers Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 132907 (2010) J. Paul, V. Beyer, M. Czernohorsky, M. F. Beug, K. Biedermann, M. Mildner, P. Michalowski, E. Schütze, T. Melde, S. Wege, R. Knöfler, and T. Mikolajick Improved high-temperature etch processing of high-k metal gate stacks in scaled TANOS memory devices Microelectron. Eng. 87, 1629 (2010) A. P. Graham, K. Richter, T. Jay, W. M. Weber, S. Knebel, U. Schröder, and T. Mikolajick An investigation of the electrical properties of MIS capacitors with pyrolytic carbon electrodes J. Appl. Phys. 108, 104508 (2010) J8 J9 J10 M. F. Beug, T. Melde, M. Czernohorsky, R. Hoffmann, J. Paul, R. Knöfler, and A. T. Tilke Analysis of TANOS memory cells with sealing oxide containing blocking dielectric IEEE T Electron. Dev. 57, 1590 (2010) J11 D. Martin, M. Grube, W. Weinreich, J. Müller, L. Wilde, E. Erben, W. M. Weber, U. Schröder, T. Mikolajick, and H. Riechert Macroscopic and microscopic electrical characterization of high-k ZrO2 and ZrO2/Al2O3/ZrO2 metal-insulator-metal structures J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 29, 01AC02 (2011) G. Roll, S. Jakschik, M. Goldbach, A. Wochowiak, T. Mikolajick, and L. Frey Analysis of the effect of germanium preamorphisation on interface defects and leakage current for high-k metaloxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 29, 01AA05 (2011) A. Krause, W. M. Weber, A. Jahn, K. Richter, D. Pohl, B. Rellinghaus, U. Schröder, J. Heitmann, and T. Mikolajick Evaluation of electrical and physical properties of thin calcium titanate high-k insulators for capacitor applications J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 29, 01AC07 (2011) J12 J13 J14 M. Grube, D. Martin, W. M. Weber, T. Mikolajick, O. Bierwagen, L. Geelhaar, and H. Richert The applicability of molecular beam deposition for the growth of high-k oxides J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 29, 01AC05 (2011) Publications 2010/2011 Journal Papers - 2010/2011 J15 D. Martin, M. Grube, P. Rienig, L. Oberbeck, J. Heitmann, W. M. Weber, T. Mikolajick, and H. Riechert Influence of composition and bottom electrode properties on the local conductivity of TiN/HfTiO2 and TiN/Ru/ HfTiO2 stacks Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 012901 (2011) J16 H. Mähne, S. Slesazeck, S. Jakschik, I. Dirnstorfer, and T. Mikolajick Influence of the crystallinity on the resistive switching behavior of TiO2 Microelectron. Eng. 88, 1148 (2011) J17 S. Riedel, J. Neidhardt, S. Jansen, L. Wilde, J. Sundqvist, E. Erben, S. Teichert, and A, Michaelis Synthesis of SrTiO3 by crystallization of SrO/TiO2 superlattices prepared by atomic layer deposition J. Appl. Phys. 109, 094101 (2011) J18 D. Nozaki, J., Kunstmann, F. Zörgibel, W. M. Weber, T. Mikolajick, and G. Cuniberti Multiscale modeling of nanowire-based Schottky-barrier field-effect transistors for sensor applications Nanotechnology 35, 325703 (2011) J19 W. M. Weber, A. Heinzig, and T. Mikolajick Polarity behavior and adjustment in silicon nanowire Schottky junction transistors ECS Trans. 35, 93 (2011) J20 Y. Shua, S. Zhou, S. Streit, H. Reuther, D. Bürger, S. Slesazeck, T. Mikolajick, M. Helm, and H. Schmidt Reduced leakage current in BiFeO3 thin films with rectifying contacts Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 232901 (2011) J21 M. Grube, D. Martin, W. M. Weber, T. Mikolajick, and H. Riechert Phase stabilization of sputtered strontium zirconate Microelectron. Eng. 88, 1326 (2011) J22 J. Müller, T. S. Böscke, D. Bräuhaus, U. Schröder, U. Böttger, J. Sundqvist, P. Kücher, T. Mikolajick, and L. Frey Ferroelectric Zr0.5Hf0.5O2 thin films for nonvolatile memory applications Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 112901 (2011) J23 M. Czernohorsky, T. Melde, V. Beyer, M. F. Beug, J. Paul, R. Hoffmann, R. Knöfler, and A. T. Tilke Influence of metal gate and capping film stress on TANOS cell performance Mircoelectron. Eng. 88, 1178 (2011) J24 M. F. Beug, T. Melde, M. Czernohorsky, R. Hoffmann, J. Paul, R. Knöfler, and A. T. Tilke Analysis of TANOS memory cells with sealing oxide containing blocking dielectrics IEEE T. Electron. Dev. 58, 1728 (2011) J25 T. S. Böscke, J. Müller, D. Bräuhaus, U. Schröder, and U. Böttger Ferroelectricity in hafnium oxide thin films Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 102903 (2011) J26 T. S. Böscke, S. Teichert, D. BräuhausJ. Sundqvist, P. Kücher, T. Mikolajick, and L. Frey Phase transition in ferroelectric silicon doped hafnium oxide Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 112904 (2011) J27 D. Martin, A. Heinzig, M. Grube, L. Geelhaar, T. Mikolajick, H. Riechert, and W. M. Weber Direct probing of Schottky barriers in Si nanowire Schottky barrier field effect transistors Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 216807 (2011) J28 J. Müller, U. Schröder, T. S. Böscke, I. Müller, U. Böttger, L. Wilde, J. Sundqvist, M. Lemberger, P. Kücher, T. Mikolajick, and L. Frey Ferroelectricity in yttrium-doped hafnium oxide J. Appl. Phys. 110, 114113 (2011) Publications 2010/2011 Journal Papers - 2010/2011 J29 A. Krause, W. M. Weber, U. Schröder, D. Pohl, B. Rellinghaus, J. Heitmann, and T. Mikolajick Reduction of leakage currents in nanocrystals embedded in an amorphous matrix in metal-insulator-metal capacitor stacks Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 222905 (2011) J30 A. Heinzig, S. Slesazeck, F. Kreupl, T. Mikolajick, and W. M. Weber Reconfigurable silicon nanowire transistors Nano Lett. 12, 119 (2011) PhD and Diploma Theses, Internship Report P1 Thomas Melde Modellierung und Charakterisierung des elektrischen Verhaltens von haftstellen-basierten Flash-Speicherzellen Technical University Dresden, PhD Thesis (2010) D1 Maria Tarasova Analyse von zukünftigen Rückseitenpassivierungen für Solarzellen Technical University Dresden, Diploma Thesis (2010) D2 Paul Jordan Entwicklung einer automatischen Messeinheit für Fotodioden mit durchstimmbarer Empfindlichkeit University of Applied Sciences Dresden, Diploma Thesis (2011) D3 André Günther Messeinheit zur schnellen Erfassung zuverlässigkeitsrelevanter Transistoreigenschaften University of Applied Sciences Dresden, Diploma Thesis (2011) D4 Helge Wylezich Untersuchung von Schaltzuständen resistiver Speicher in Nb2O5 Technical University Dresden, Diploma Thesis (2011) I1 Paul Jordan Aufbau eines Messplatzes zur Charakterisierung von optischen Halbleitereigenschaften mittels Photolumineszenzspektroskopie Technical University Dresden, Internship Report (2011) Issues of Patent and Patent Applications 2010/2011 Integrated Circuit with Dielectric Layer US 7.709.359 B (granted May 2010) Fotodioden und Fotodiodenfeld DE 10 2010 043 822.7 –33 (Patent Application) Publications 2010/2011 Talks - 2010/2011 T1 T2 T3 T4 G. Roll, S. Jakschik, M. Goldbach, A. Wachowiak, T. Mikolajick, and L. Frey Interface defect study by GIDL current and charge pumping measurements on MOSFET devices DPG - Frühjahrstagung, Dresden, 21.-26.03.2010 A. Krause, D. Martin, M. Grube, and W. M. Weber CaTiO3 as a high-k dielectric in thin MIM capacitor stacks DPG - Frühjahrstagung, Dresden, 21.-26.03.2010 M. Grube, D. Martin, W. M. Weber, T. Mikolajick, L. Geelhaar, and H. Riechert A comparison of SrxZr1-xOy and ZrO2 as potential high-k dielectric for future memory applications DPG - Frühjahrstagung, Dresden, 21.-26.03.2010 D. Martin, M. Grube, E. Erben, W. Weinreich, U. Schröder, L. Geelhaar, W. M. Weber, H. Riechert, and T. Mikolajick Nanoscale analysis of the dielectric properties of ultra thin ZrO2-, (ZrO2)(Al2O3)-, ZAZ– films DPG - Frühjahrstagung, Dresden, 21.-26.03.2010 T5 A. Heinzig, W. M. Weber, T. Rössler, D. Grimm, M. Emmerling, M. Kamp, and T. Mikolajick First Complementary Field Effect Transistor and Dopant Free Logic MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, 08.04.2010 T6 J. Heitmann and T. Mikolajick Nanocrystalline materials: Optimization of thin film properties ECS 2010, Vancouver, 28.04.2010 T7 G. Roll, S. Jakschik, M. Goldbach, A. Wachowiak, T. Mikolajick, and L. Frey Analysis of the effect of germanium preamorphisation on interface defects and leakage current for high-k MOSFET WODIM 2010, Bratislava, 29.06.2010 T8 D. Martin, M. Grube, W. Weinreich, J. Müller, L. Wilde, E. Erben, W. M. Weber, U. Schröder, T. Mikolajick, and H. Riechert Macroscopic and microscopic electrical characterization of high-k ZrO2 and ZrO2/Al2O3/ZrO2 metal-insulator-metal structure WODIM 2010, Bratislava, 30.06.2010 T. Mikolajick Polarity controllable silicon nanowire Schottky barrier field-effect transistors - a building block for reconfigurable systems Nanofair 2010, Dresden, 07.07.2010 T9 T10 G. Roll, S. Jakschik, M. Goldbach, A. Wachowiak, T. Mikolajick, and L. Frey Carbon junction implant: Effect of leakage currents and defect distribution ESSDERC 2010, Sevillia, 01.09.2010 T11 U. Schröder, E. Erben, S. Knebel, J. Heitmann, D. Zhou, and T. Mikolajick Correlation of the electrical characteristics to the structural properties of ALD grown high-k dielectrics BALD 2010, Hamburg, 16.09.2010 T12 E. Erben, M. Stadtmüller, J. Heitmann, A. Kersch, and T. Mikolajick Non-conformal growth modes for ZrO2 based dielectrics ALD in high surface area structures BALD 2010, Hamburg, 16.09.2010 T13 W. M. Weber Silicon nanowire: Synthesis and electronic devices Postech, ITCE Pohang (Korea), 22.10.2010 (Invited lecture) T14 W. M. Weber, A. Heinzig, and T. Mikolajick Reconfigurable electronics: Enhanced circuit functionality enabled nanotechnology Postech, World Class University (Pohang, Korea), 23.11.2010 T15 A. Heinzig, W. M. Weber, S. Slesazeck, and T. Mikolajick Silicon Nanowire Electronics: Growth and Preparation Neuromimetic Nanocircuits Workshop, Dresden, 14.01.2011 T16 S. Kupke, U. Schröder, S. Knebel, S. Schmelzer, U. Böttger, and T. Mikolajick PVD grown high-k SrTiO3 for capacitor applications: Reliability leakage current behavior DPG - Frühjahrstagung, Dresden, 13.-18.03.2011 Publications 2010/2011 Talks - 2010/2011 T17 T18 D. Martin, M. Grube, E. Erben, J. Müller, W. Weinreich, U. Schröder, L. Geelhaar, W. M. Weber, T. Mikolajick, and H. Riechert Local I-V characteristics of high-k ultra-thin ZrO2 and ZrO2/Al2O3/ZrO2– films DPG - Frühjahrstagung, Dresden, 13.-18.03.2011 H. Mähne, S. Slesazeck, S. Jakschik, and T. Mikolajick The influence of the crystallinity of TiO2 on the resistive switching behavior of memristor devices DPG - Frühjahrstagung, Dresden, 13.-18.03.2011 T19 A. Krause, W. M. Weber, U. Schröder, J. Heitmann, and T. Mikolajick Electrical properties of ultrathin CaTiO3 layers in MIM capacitor stacks DPG - Frühjahrstagung, Dresden, 13.-18.03.2011 T20 S. Döring, S. Jakschik, T. Mikolajick, J. Krause, R. Böhme, and M. Petri Scanning spreading resistance microscopy for characterization of laser doped selective emitter structures in solar cells DPG - Frühjahrstagung, Dresden, 13.-18.03.2011 F. Benner, M. Tarasova, S. Kupke, S. Jakschik, and T. Mikolajick Comparison of annealing treatments of PVD and ALD Al2O3 passivated silicon for solar cell applications DPG - Frühjahrstagung, Dresden, 13.-18.03.2011 T21 T22 D. Martin, A. Heinzig, M. Grube, W. M. Weber, L. Geelhaar, H. Riechert, and T. Mikolajick Direct imaging of nanowire Schottky junctions by scanning gate microscopy MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, 26.04.2011 T23 W. M. Weber, A. Heinzig, D. Martin, S. Slesazeck, and T. Mikolajick Reconfigurable Nanowire Electronics M219th ECS Meeting, 01.- 06.05.2011 T24 W. M. Weber, A. Heinzig, D. Martin, S. Slesazeck, and T. Mikolajick Reconfigurable silicon nanowire circuits, A novel approach for future electronics 7th Chemnitzer Seminar for Nanotechnology and Nanoreliability, Fraunhofer ENAS, 24.05.2011 T25 M. Grube, D. Martin, W. M. Weber, T. Mikolajick, and H. Riechert Phase stabilization of sputtered strontium zirconate INFOS, Grenoble, 21.- 24.06.2011 T26 F. Benner, S. Kupke, S. Jakschik, E. Erben, M. Knaut, J. Müller, M. Rose, U. Schröder, and T. Mikolajick Dielectric backside passivation improvements by Si-doped Al2O3 dielectrics ALD 2011, Boston, 30.06.2011 T27 W. M. Weber Silicon to metal silicide nanowire heterostructures: Synthesis and electrical characterization HZDR Seminar, Dresden, 13.07.2011 T28 J. Beister Transport in advanced semiconductor devices HZDR Seminar, Dresden, 02.09.2011 T29 S. Döring, S. Jakschik, T. Mikolajick, P. Eyben, T. Hantschel, and W. Vandervorst Scanning spreading resistance microscopy as a technique for silicon solar cell emitter structure characterization 26th PVSEC, Hamburg, 05. - 09.2011 T30 W. M. Weber Thermal treatment on silicon nanowires with Ni-silicide contacts Subtherm 2011, Dresden, 25.-27.10.2011 Publications 2010/2011 Talks - 2010/2011 T31 A. Krause, W. M. Weber, U. Schröder, and T. Mikolajick Comparison of electrical properties of thin calcium titanate high-k insulators on RuO2, Pt, and C electrodes ICMON 2011,, Venice, 28.- 30.11.2011 T32 U. Schröder, J. Müller, K. Yurchuk, S. Slesazeck, D. Martin, S. Müller, D. Bräuhaus, T. Mikolajick, and U. Böttger Polarization in HfO2 based ALD dielectrics IMEC ALD Workshop, Leuven, 29.11.2011 T33 T. S. Böscke, J. Müller, D. Bräuhaus, U. Schröder, U. Böttger Ferroelectricity in Hafnium Oxide: CMOS compatible Ferroelectric Field Effect Transistors VLSI 2011, Washington, 07.12.2011 Conference contributions - 2010/2011 C1 M. Grube, D. Martin, W. M. Weber, T. Mikolajick, L. Geelhaar and H. Riechert Improvement of dielectric properties of SrxZr(1-x)Oy grown by molecular beam deposition and sputtering WODIM 2010, Bratislava, 28.06.2010 C2 A. Krause, W. M. Weber, A. Jahn, D. Pohl, J. Heitmann, U. Schröder, and T. Mikolajick Deposition, electrical and physical properties of thin calcium titanate high-k insulators WODIM 2010, Bratislava, 28.06.2010 C3 S. Jakschik, W. M. Weber, A. Ispas, A. Bund, and T. Mikolajick Silicon and nickel silicide nanowires as anode materials for lithium ion batteries 61th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 29.07.2010 C4 E. Erben, H.P. Sperlich, P. Moll, F. Benner, S. Jakschik, J. Bartha, and T. Mikolajick Effect of ALD process parameters on fixed charges and carrier lifetime - a comparison between ALD, PECVD, and PVD BALD 2010, Hamburg, 16.09.2010 W. M. Weber, A. Heinzig, D. Martin, S. Slesazeck, and T. Mikolajick Reprogrammable nanowire transistors and circuits ELECMOL’2010, Grenoble, 06.-12.2010 C5 C6 G. Roll, S. Jakschik, M. Goldbach, T. Mikolajick, and L. Frey Carbon Junction Implant: Effect on Leakage Currents and Defect Distribution IEEE Conf. Proc. ESSDERC (2010), 329 C7 M. Krupinski, A. Kasic, T. Hecht, M. Klude, J. Heitmann, E. Erben, and T. Mikolajick Optical characterization of three-dimensional within a DRAM capacitor SPIE Optical Metrology, Munich, 23.-26.05.2011 Proc. of SPIE vol. 8082, 80823Y (2011) Hannes Mähne, Stefan Slesazeck, Stefan Jakschik, and Thomas Mikolajick The influence of crystallinity on the resistive switching behavior of TiO2 INFOS 2011, Grenoble, 21.-24.06.2011 C8 C9 S. Jakschik, E. Erben, F. Benner, S. Kupke, I. Dirnstorfer, M. Rose, I. Endler, T. Mikolajick Dielectric Backside Passivation – Improvements by Dipole Optimization Proc. 26th PVSEC p.2252 – 2255 (2011) C10 M. Knaut, M. Albert, J. W. Bartha, I. Dirnstorfer, T. Hingst, H. Mähne, T. Mikolajick, F. Schlott, K. Dubnack, and G. Kreisel Surface conditioning of the TiO2 electrode in dye-sensitized solar cells 26th PVSEC, Hamburg, 05.-09.09.2011 C11 S. Knebel, S. Kupke, G. Roll, S. Jakschik, and T. Mikolajick Impact of high-k metal gate device reliability on 6T-SRAM cell function ESSDERC 2011, Helsinki, 12.-16.09.2011 Contacts Executives (Management) Scientific director: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Mikolajick Administrative director: Dr. Alexander Ruf Research Areas Competences Dielectric materials: Dr. Uwe Schröder Electrical characterization: Dr. Stefan Slesazeck Re-Configurable devices: Dr. Walter M. Weber Dr. Stefan Slesazeck Dr. Uwe Schröder Optical Characterization: Dr. Ingo Dirnstorfer Energy Efficiency Devices Dr. Andre Wachowiak Physical Characterization: Dr. Andre Wachowiak © NaMLab gGmbH, Dresden 2012