palmer seminary`s smith school of christian ministries
palmer seminary`s smith school of christian ministries
palmer seminary ’s smith school of christian ministries offering certificate to doctoral programs for men and women Palmer Seminary’s SMITH SCHOOL OF CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES Serving a global community ABOUT THE SMITH SCHOOL The Smith School of Christian Ministries is named for Palmer Seminary’s 12th president, Wallace Charles Smith, who serves as its Dean. The Smith School oversees the operation of four educational programs: the Doctor of Ministry in Leadership of Missional Church Renewal; MTS Openseminary™ Blended Online program; Eastern’s School of Christian Ministry (diploma and certificate program) and the Priscilla Institute for Women, a certificate program leading to a B.A. degree from Eastern University. It also coordinates the Mitchell and Costas lectureships and develops partnerships with various denominational and ministry entities. The Smith School also works to establish and build relationships with area churches for the purpose of equipping pastors, developing leadership skills, and transforming churches and communities. As part of this effort, the Smith School oversees Palmer’s two major annual guest lecture programs: the Orlando Costas Lecture (in the Fall) and the Frank B. Mitchell Lecture in February. In addition to serving as Smith School Dean, Dr. Smith serves as the Senior Minister at the historic Shiloh Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. His ministerial career includes pastorates at First Baptist Church, Capitol Hill, in Nashville, Tennessee (1985-1991); and Calvary Baptist Church in Chester, Pennsylvania (1974-1985). In addition to teaching at Palmer he has served as a professor (Practice of Ministry) at Vanderbilt University Divinity School in Nashville, Tennessee and as an adjunct faculty member at Howard Divinity School and Wesley Theological Seminary, both located in Washington, DC. Contact Dr. Wallace C. Smith Dean [email protected] 484.384.2950 Ms. Ruth McFarland Executive Assistant [email protected] 484.384.2950 Dr. Charles L. McNeil, Sr. Executive Director of Church Partnerships Doctor of Ministry Program Director [email protected] 484.384.2951 WALLACE C. SMITH DEAN DOCTOR OF MINISTRY IN LEADERSHIP OF MISSIONAL CHURCH RENEWAL Palmer Seminary’s pioneering Doctor of Ministry in Leadership of Missional Church Renewal focuses on helping Christian leaders grow as responsive agents of God’s transforming power. The program affirms a vital relationship with Jesus Christ as the source of renewal. It looks inward at the transformation of individuals and churches, and outward at the transformation of communities and the world. In short, it captures the essence of what it means to be the Church. Student-learners explore the dynamics of transformational leadership, examine the church’s missional role in light of demographic megatrends, and focus on how to assess congregations and communities for the purpose of leading in the effort to renew them. Contact Dr. Charles L. McNeil, Sr. Doctor of Ministry Program Director [email protected] 484.384.2951 As is the case with D.Min. programs in general, most of the work takes place in the student’s own setting. His or her church or ministry becomes a site for field education, and thus realizes benefits throughout. Over the course of its three years, the program requires four twoweek periods of residency at or near the Palmer campus. Requirements include the development of three professional papers of at least 40 pages in length. The final paper integrates theological instruction, field experience, quantitative research, and analytical insights as each student creates a missional strategy (strategic plan) in his or her ministry context. Prerequisites: This program is designed for pastors and others who have a Master of Divinity degree and at least three years of subsequent ministry experience. MTS OPENSEMINARYtm This blended online degree program enables students from across the country and around the world to earn a Master of Theological Studies degree (with a concentration in Ministry and Culture) in just three years without relocating. The program requires two week-long residencies per year at Palmer. The Openseminary™ model is built around the goal of strengthening local churches by increasing the theological knowledge and ministry effectiveness of men and women, including laypersons. Each of the program’s six, 21-week modules focuses on a particular local church practice: Module 1: Theologia Doing Theology in Context Module 2 : Koinonia Leading and Building Community Module 3: Kerygma Communicating the Gospel) Module 4: Leitourgia Leading People in the Presence of God Module 5: Diakonia Missional Service Module 6: Paideia Spiritual Formation Contact Dr. Rodney Ragwan OpenSeminary Program Director [email protected] 484.384.2941 Each module is divided into three phases: Reading (online, 12 weeks); Residential (one week, full-time) and Research (online, eight weeks). Prerequisites include a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university and at least 12 months experience in church or ministry leadership. WYNAND DE KOCK FOUNDER OF OPENSEMINARY eastern’s school of christian ministry Palmer’s School of Christian Ministry (ESCM) certificate and diploma program equips men and women for effective Christian leadership and service by providing academically challenging, practical, and faith-affirming theological education. In essence, Eastern’s School of Christian Ministry makes high quality theological education accessible to those who are not eligible for—or who choose not to pursue— a graduate theological degree. For more than three decades, ESCM has equipped men and women—including lay leaders, bi-vocational pastors, chaplains, church-based community development leaders, Bible teachers, neighborhood evangelists, and church administrators—for leadership and service in a variety of urban, suburban, and rural ministry settings. Many over the years have valued ESCM simply for its contribution to their own spiritual and intellectual growth. ESCM offers two diploma programs (in Pastoral Studies and Biblical and Theological Studies) and four certificate programs (Biblical Studies, Christian Leadership, Christian Studies, and Youth Ministry.) Students typically complete the diploma program in two years and the certificate program in one. Courses are offered at various times and locations in the Philadelphia area. Contact Cheryl S. Hargrave [email protected] 484.384.2970 PRISCILLA INSTITUTE The Priscilla Institute (PI) at the Hestenes Center for Christian Women in Leadership is uniquely designed for women who serve on the front lines in various ministry capacities in churches and other organizations. The program, which leads to a Bachelor of Arts degree in Organizational Leadership from Eastern University, exemplifies koinonia in practice. The PI program combines courses from various schools within Eastern University to produce a comprehensive, outcomes-based, learnercentered education. It affords women with little or no college education the opportunity to earn a degree and, in the process, enhance their skills as leaders, including as pastors and ministers. The program combines pastoral and Biblical education with courses (offered in six-week modules) in organizational leadership. Priscilla Institute students begin their journey towards the B.A. degree as part of a group, or cohort, the members of which move through the program together. In Phase One of the program, students earn the Diploma of Pastoral Studies, which is one of the tracks offered through Palmer Seminary’s Eastern’s School of Christian Ministry (ESCM). Students complete 24 credits in Bible, ministry, and theology. Contact Dr. Gail Randolph-Williams Director [email protected] 484.384.2985 For Phase Two, students move on to Eastern University’s School of Management Studies, where they take courses in the Associate of Arts (AA) degree program. In Phase Three students take courses in organizational leadership from Eastern University’s School of Management Studies in order to complete the B.A. (Organizational Leadership) degree, awarded by Eastern University. Annual women’s fair The Priscilla Institute celebrates its Anniversary and Annual Women’s Fair each year on the first Saturday in May. The theme of the Fair each year explores some aspect of “Women Living in the Promise.” The purposes of the Fair are to: •H eighten women’s awareness of the opportunities that exist for them to realize their highest level of leadership potential. •P resent plenary sessions and workshops. •R aise scholarship funds for the women studying in the Priscilla Institute. The Women’s Fair is a free event. The Fair begins with a Continental Breakfast followed by a plenary session and workshops. A sit down lunch is served at each table and during the day women have the opportunity to interact with wise and seasoned women leaders, get information about the programs at Palmer Seminary and Eastern University and visit the various vendors. A free will offering is received to support the women studying in the Priscilla Institute. serving a global community FOR Full details on SMITH SCHOOL OF CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES Programs VISIT Updated: 4/1/13 588 North Gulph Road, King of Prussia, PA 19406 Admissions Office: 800.220.3287