Spring 2014
Spring 2014
Journal of Orthopedics for Physician Assistants Journal Mission The Journal of Orthopedics for Physician Assistants (JOPA) is an academic resource created to deliver ongoing orthopedic education for physician assistants. The journal is a unique forum to share our knowledge and experiences with colleagues in the profession. JOPA strives to publish timely and practical articles covering all subspecialties. Each article is peer reviewed to ensure accuracy, clinical relevance, and readability. Dagan Cloutier, PA-C, Editor in Chief Ryan Ouellette, Webmaster, thejopa.org Charles D. Frost, DHSc, PA-C Content Editor Spectrum Marketing, Journal Design Orthopedic Publishing Resources, LLC, Publisher Contents 4 6 14 16 19 Message from the Editor History of ACL Reconstruction Creating Your CV When you Assist You Assist! Writing for JOPA Information for Authors Monthly Image Quiz Follow-up 22 23 24 Anterior Inferior Illiac Spine Avulsion Fracture Erythema migrans Slipped Capital Femoral Ephiphysis 25 Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis Physician Assistant Review Board Marlon Alexander Rosharon, TX Corey Anderson Harrisburg, SD Brian Barry Portsmouth, NH David Beck Pittsburgh, PA Heidi Bolgren Edina, MN Ryan Brainard Savannah, GA Afton Branton Geneva, NY Molly Buerk Aurora, CO Mark Carbo Alexandria, LA Ray Carlson San Diego, CA Jeff Chambers Athens, Georgia Larry Collins Tampa, FL Michael Cremins Hartford, CT Greg DeConciliis Boston, MA Charles Dowell Vancouver, WA Caitlin Eagen Boston, MA Sophie Ellis Vancouver, WA Marcie Fitzgerald Erie, PA 2 JOPA Erich Fogg York, ME Charles D. Frost Norfolk, VA Bruce Gallio Reno, NV Angela Grochowski Horsham, PA Michael Hollopeter Houston, TX Jennifer Hartman Peoria, AZ Michael Harvey Fishers, IN Sean Hazzard Boston, MA Matt Henry Rapid City, SD Tim Holmstrom Pullman, WA Mike Houle Hartford, CT Alan Johnston Nashua, NH Stuart Jones Brentwood, TN Jason Katz Philadelphia, PA Jill Knight Seattle, WA Stanley Kotara Lubbock, TX Kathleen Martinelli Durham, NC Sean Metz Buffalo, VA Ronald McCall Springfield, MO Patrick McCarthy Manchester, NH Randall Pape USAF Academy, CO Keith Paul Greensboro, NC Jason Rand Boston, MA Robert Rogan Poughkeepsie, NY Scott Walton Caribou, ME Todd Rudy Wellsboro, PA Bradford Salzmann Ware, MA Jeffrey Sommers Marietta, OH Steve Steiner Manchester, NH Wendi Martin Stewart Houston, TX Lori Tappen Dallas, TX Timothy Thompson Naples, FL Mary Vacala Savannah, GA Courtney Van Arsdale Boston, MA Marcos Vargas Flushing, MI Help Grow JOPA Share This Issue With Your Colleagues Disclaimer: Statements and opinions expressed in articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. The publisher disclaims any responsibility or liability for any material published herein. Acceptance of advertising does not imply the publisher guarantees, warrants, or endorses any product or service. THE TOTAL CORPECTOMY SOLUTION Anterior Column Fixation Provides additional stabilization to supplemental fixation Continuous Expansion Optimizes fit Modular Endplates Accommodate individual patient anatomy Automatic Locking For height stability Confident Blocking Helps prevent screw backout FORTIFY I ® Integrated Corpectomy Spacer System FORTIFY® I also available in PEEK and Static PEEK designs Building on the success of the FORTIFY® Corpectomy Spacer System www.globusmedical.com 866.456.2871 Life moves us is a registered trademark of Globus Medical, Inc. Message from the Editor This issue, Volume 2, Issue 2, represents the fourth issue of the journal to date. JOPA continues to have a strong following with nearly 2,300 subscribers and growing. The average open rate for JOPA emails is an impressive 45% compared to the average industry rate of 20%. This shows that our colleagues are interested in maintaining a high competency level in orthopedics by reading JOPA. Our level of knowledge is recognized by our supervising physicians who trust us to make patient care decisions independently. We have worked hard, gained their trust, and now the profession is thriving. The resources have been put in place to continue offering free quarterly journal issues and monthly image quizzes to all orthopedic PAs. A collective effort from all contributors is truly what makes JOPA a success though. I hope more orthopedic PAs recognize the value of JOPA and the effort being put forth by everyone involved. JOPA provides a unifying voice for all PAs who practice in orthopedics. Sharing your knowledge and experience with colleagues will help advance our profession. Dagan Cloutier, PA-C JOPA Editor in Chief Join the JOPA Editorial Board All articles submitted to JOPA are reviewed by the Editor in Chief, who is responsible for deciding whether an article is accepted, rejected, or in need of revision before publication. JOPA will be forming an editorial board by subspecialty. Each subspecialty section will be represented by a physician assistant or section editor whose knowledge and experience lies within the chosen subspecialty. Each section editor will review submitted articles within their subspecialty prior to publication and send articles to a group of peer reviewers who share knowledge and experience in the subspecialty. Once peer reviewed, authors will have the opportunity to revise their article and re-submit for publication. This will ensure that all articles published in JOPA are accurate, clinically relevant, and readable. Anyone interested in joining the editorial board should email, Dagan Cloutier, Editor in Chief, at [email protected]. 4 JOPA Subspeciality Sections • • • • • • • • Hand Spine Trauma Arthroplasty Sports Foot andAnkle Pediatrics Tumor Committed to Safety and Quality BEFORE AFTER 3 WEEKS* *Actual patient case. Results may vary. Specializing in Surgical Care We specialize in providing patients with customized and innovative prescription formulations for patients undergoing orthopedic surgery. PCAB Accredited | Leader in Clinical Research | State-of-the-Art Facility Superior Quality Standards | Free Delivery and Counseling 6820 Southpoint Parkway, Suite 9 | Jacksonville, FL 32216 | Toll-Free: (855) 538-6334 | Fax: (866) 745-6334 www.medimixpharmacy.com ACL Reconstruction History and Current Concepts Sean Hazzard, PA-C Massachusetts General Hospital Boston, MA Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) ligament injuries of the knee are a common injury in sports medicine. Before advances in arthroscopy and surgical techniques an ACL tear was considered a career ending injury for many athletes. Since the 1990’s there has been a surge in arthroscopic ACL surgery and improved techniques. Today’s athletes can expect a pre-injury level of stability and function after ACL reconstruction. Procedures have come a long way by learning from both the success and failures of prior surgical options. This article will review the evolution of treatments and provide an important historical perspective. Early 20th Century During the early 20th century, orthopedic surgeons generally treated ACL tears with primary repair or extraarticular reconstruction. Attempts to treat ACL injuries by primary repair focused on re-attaching the ACL to its native femoral attachment. In 1895, the first ACL repair was performed by A.W. Mayo Robson1, but was not formally documented until 1903. The first described repair was in 1900 by W.H. Battle2 of Britain. In 1903, German physician F. Lange described the first ‘replacement’ of the ACL3 utilizing silk attached to a hamstring (semitendinosus). This procedure, however, was not successful. Primary repair was the main treatment option when the injury was actually recognized until 1917 when Ernest Hey Groves performed and described the first ACL reconstruction using the iliotibial (IT) band4. Groves felt that direct repair with suture would “have been utterly impossible” with a torn ACL. He used a large U-shaped anterior incision and harvested a strip of IT band while leaving the tibial insertion intact. A lateral femoral condyle tunnel was made, and the IT band was passed through the condyle into the notch. The graft was then passed through an anteromedial tibial tunnel extraarticuarly and re-routed up to attach to the medial condyle using an ivory nail. His results were published in 1920 which described the first 14 cases of his reconstruction5. Four patients returned to all activities, four had ‘some improvement’, four had no benefit, and no patients were made worse. Two others were still in rehabilitation at the time of the publication. Groves also documented his findings of forward displacement of the tibia with ACL injuries in his report. The first time the patella tendon was described as a graft choice was in 1936 by Willis C. Campbell6. He described using the medial one-third of the patella tendon (left attached distally) and a portion of the quadriceps tendon that would be passed through both a tibial and 6 JOPA Figure 1: Harry B. Macey 1939 Semitendinosus ACL reconstruction femoral tunnel. The graft was fixated at the femoral tunnel exit by suturing it to periosteum. This technique did not become popular until nearly 40-50 years later when it was modified and used for intraarticular techniques. In 1939, Harry B. Macey described using the semitendinosus tendon for ACL reconstruction7 where he left the distal hamstring attached and then routed it through a tibial and femoral tunnel (Figure 1). Late 20th Century Despite the number of advances with ACL treatments in the first half of the century, some questioned whether the ACL needed to be repaired or reconstructed at all. Some surgeons felt the ACL did not need to be treated if the meniscal and capsular pathology were appropriately addressed8. The long term implication of the ACL function was not well known at that time, but despite this, surgeons continued to improve ACL treatments. In 1963, Kenneth G. Jones described the central one-third patella tendon graft with a patella bone block leaving the distal end attached. The free end was then passed over the tibial plateau and into a femoral socket in the anterior aspect of the intercondylar notch and fixed on the periosteum on the lateral femur. Eleven cases using this method were reported and deemed successful9,10. In the article, Don H. O’Donoghue pointed out that the femoral tunnel was in the wrong place and not at the anatomic insertion site on the femur. However, the technique was simple, caused minimal operative trauma and was a distinct improvement from other techniques. Therefore, the technique was widely accepted and used at the time. The Jones technique was modified in 1966 by Helmut Bruckner who took the middle one-third patella tendon with a patellar bone block leaving the distal end attached. He then passed it through a tibial tunnel, which provided more graft length, and placed the bone block in a femoral socket. It was fixed with sutures and a button over the lateral femoral condyle11. The techniques of Jones and Bruckner were taken one step further in 1969 when Kurt Franke of Germany described the novel of idea of a free graft without a native attachment12. He used a bone-patella tendon-bone graft which was fixed with wedge-like pieces of bone at the tibial and femoral attachments. He deemed this technique successful after nearly 100 cases, with the majority of the patients being soccer players. He was one of the first to recommend the procedure be done as soon as possible to avoid further cartilage damage to the unstable knee. He understood that pre-operative cartilage damage was associated with weight bearing post-operative pain. He also advised patients over the age of 50 years-old against having the procedure. The 1970’s began a period of extra-articular non-anatomic ACL reconstruction. In 1972, there was a renewed interest in primary ACL repair. J.A. Feagin13, MacIntosh14, and J.L. Marshall15 presented primary repair results, most notably being MacIntosh’s “over the top repair” that involved fixing the ACL stump over the posterior aspect of the lateral femoral condyle. This technique was later modified by Marshall and became the preferred repair technique. Procedures were concomitantly being developed to inhibit the anterior and external subluxation of the tibia while stabilizing the knee in an internally rotated position. Some of these procedures included a pes anserinus transfer, posterior medial capsular reefing, and an MCL transfer. The “Five-In-One” technique was The above images were submitted by Charles D. Frost, DHSc, PA-C “These images are from an open Jones technique, my first ACL reconstruction as a PA Fellow in Orthopedics in 1986.” JOPA 7 described by James Nicholas, MD in 1973 and became fairly popular. This involved the three prior procedures coupled with a medial meniscectomy and vastus medialis oblique advancement16. This procedure reduced rotational translation but did not provide anterior stability and often led to significant motion loss17,18. Dr. Nicholas was nationally known at the time for treating ligamentous knee injuries, including multiple operations on Joe Namath, famed quarterback for the New York Jets. Nicholas and his team at Lennox Hospital in New York City also developed a brace for Namath’s unstable knee. With surgery and bracing, Namath was able to return to play with injuries that were considered career ending at the time. The brace designed for Namath was called the Lenox Hill derotation brace and was later used by thousands of patients with unstable knees. In 1975, Lemaire described several extraarticular reconstruction techniques19. On the medial side the gracilis was used to treat MCL injuries. Laterally, the fascia lata was used to reconstruct the ACL by routing it around the LCL (three additional variations on the technique were developed describing ways to go around the LCL). Lemaire reported on 453 knees with a 12 month follow-up and reported a 91% success rate. He concluded that meniscal lesions tended to poorly affect the overall outcome of the ACL surgery. Later on, in 1983, Andrews described a novel extraarticular IT band graft ACL technique20 that focused on the importance of isometry. He created two slips of the IT band, passed them from distal to proximal in the joint, and then fixed them extraarticuarly on the lateral femoral condyle. This allowed two separate points of fixation so that the new ACL could provide stability in both flexion and extension. However, results were inconsistent and there was a high incidence of arthrofibrosis and occasionally varus instability due to violation of the lateral structures. The pivot shift was reduced initially, but was not dynamic and tended to stretch and subsequently fail. ACL surgery in the 1980’s began to drift away from extraarticular and more on intraarticular, largely due to the introduction of arthroscopy and the secondary understanding of native attachment points of the ACL. One of the first to pass the graft intraarticularly was Dr. Insall. The procedure involved detaching a portion of the distal IT band with a tibial bone block attached. The bone block was then passed posterior to the lateral femoral condyle, through the posterior capsule, and advance intra-articularly. The graft was then passed anteriorly through the joint, over the front of the tibia, and fixated with a single screw in a trough at the tibial tubercle. (Figure 2)21. This was considered a dynamic stabilization as the IT band remained attached proximally. As arthroscopy began to flourish in this decade, surgeons began to utilize the enhanced visualization to fix the ACL deficient knee focusing on transitioning from the ‘over-the-top’ fixation to an ‘outside-in’ (routing a graft into the joint through a femoral tunnel) as well as ‘inside-out’ (routing the graft from inside the joint and into a femoral socket). With the IT band technique being popular in the 1970’s, the 1980’s showed a renewed interest in patella tendon autograft. In 1982, the patella tendon graft became popular, most notably by WG Clancy22. While the patella tendon had been described as a graft choice in the past6, it was not until the late 1980’s that this became more mainstream. Alternatives to patella tendon grafts were also investigated further, particularly the use of the hamstring tendons (semitendonosus and gracilis). This was attributed mainly to a 1982 paper by A.B. Lipscomb23 and later the arthroscopic assisted four-stranded hamstring autograft technique by M. J. Friedman24. 8 JOPA Figure 2 The 1980’s also saw the introduction of synthetic grafts. The concept was that with less invasive techniques coupled with a potentially stronger graft, the success rates would be greater than what was traditional at that time. Dacron and Gore-Tex synthetic grafts became popular, particularly a polypropylene graft known as the Ligament Augmentation Device (LAD). However, towards the end of the 1980’s, these saw a high failure rate with sterile effusions, pain, and instability over time24,25. The synthetic graft trend diminished fairly quickly due to the high rate of failure. As the 1990’s began, the technology associated with arthroscopy coupled with the increase in ACL research saw a surge in ACL surgery, techniques, and subsequently, improved outcomes. One technique that became the favored procedure was the free bone-tendon-bone graft (central one third of the patella tendon) which was also known as the “Jones Procedure” after the procedure described in 1963 by Kenneth Jones9,10. This may be partly due to the paper written by Dr. Kurosaka of Japan in 1987 which showed that the weakest part of the ACL construct was the fixation and that cancellous screws were superior to other fixation systems26 (Figure 3A,3B). Particularly in the 1980’s, ACL reconstructions were performed via a two incision technique (one on the tibia, and one over the superolateral aspect of the femur that exposed the posterior aspect of the lateral femoral condyle). Figure 3A Figure 3B The 1990’s saw the use of guides and fixation techniques improve along with an increase use of arthroscopy. This led to intraarticular drilling, which eliminated the need for a second incision27,28. This was termed the transtibial technique due to the fact that once the tibial tunnel was drilled first, the drill was then advanced through the tibial tunnel and into the femoral tunnel. This angle made surgeons create the tibial tunnel slightly posterior to avoid anterior graft impingement in extension. The femoral tunnel was drilled at the roof of the femoral notch or at the anterior aspect of the lateral femoral condyle. Results of the technique were excellent compared to previous extraarticular techniques as well as the previous two incision techniques. The transtibial approach became the gold standard in the 1990’s, when nearly 150,000 ACL reconstructions were performed yearly. The “endoscopic/transtibial” technique was popularized when several free graft options were developed. Autograft options included bone tendon bone (BTB) and hamstring tendons (gracilis and semitendinosus). Allograft options included BTB, hamstring tendons, and posterior tibial tendon grafts. The early 1990’ also saw the introduction of interference screws, cross pins, and the Smith and Nephew Endo-Button to fixate the ACL graft in both the femoral and tibia tunnels. Compared to autograft options, allografts have shown a higher failure rate in young, active patients. BTB and hamstring autografts have become the gold standard in this population. Recently, quadriceps tendon autografts have started to be utilized and studied further. JOPA 9 Figure 4: Intraarticular pictures demonstrating a transtibial technique. Note the aperture of the femoral tunnel to be at the apex of the lateral wall and top of the notch (Proper femoral drill hole location in ACL reconstruction. Used with permission from James Smith, MD source: www.vumedi.com,). Figure 5: (Left) Circled is the native ACL attachment on the lateral femoral wall. (Right) Circled is where a transtibial approach attaches the ACL graft. (Proper femoral drill hole location in ACL reconstruction, Used with Permission from James Smith, MD source: www. vumedi.com,). Figure 6: Two femoral tunnels that will hold the graft for the AM and PL bundles of the ACL. 21st Century: In the early 2000’s, Dr. Freddie Fu began investigating attachment sites of the native ACL and the corresponding transtibial technique tunnels. He found that this technique did not reliably reproduce the native anatomic landmarks and subsequently altered kinematics compared to the native ACL29,30,31. He showed that the transtibial technique did improve the anterior stability but did a poor job of controlling rotation. An increase in anterior translation was also seen postoperatively. He showed that the meniscus would often take up some of the AP and rotatory stabilization, hence why patients who previously had a large meniscectomy during their reconstruction often had poor results compared to isolated ACL reconstructions. He made the point that with this increase in translation both in the AP and rotational directions, that non-anatomic graft placement could not be discarded as a risk factor for degenerative disease, graft rupture, and further morbidity. Fu reviewed CT scans of patients who had prior transtibial reconstructions and correlated it to the landmarks of the native ACL and found these frequently did not match. He advocated for anatomic reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament and popularized the notion of anatomic double bundle ACL reconstruction32,33. This involved drilling four independent tunnels (two in the femur and two in the tibia) and tensioning each bundle independently (Figure 6). The reason for this independent tensioning is because 10 JOPA the AM and PL bundles are tense at different points in motion (The AM is tight in flexion while the PL is tight in extension) to ideally control anterior translation as well as rotation43. These produced similar subjective results at short-term follow-up compared to traditional procedures, but did produce better objective/ kinematic results34,35,36. Shortly thereafter, Fu began focusing on customized ACL surgery by measuring the footprints of the native ACL and determining if an anatomic double bundle or anatomic single bundle reconstruction would most closely reproduce native anatomy. The technical complexity of the double bundle reconstruction remained a challenge and did not catch on in significant popularity, but the concept of better reproducing the ACL anatomy during the reconstruction was welcomed. To meet the concept of reproducing native anatomy with the ease of traditional transtibial techniques, anatomic single bundle ACL reconstruction became popular around 2008-2010 with different techniques involving drilling through the anteromedial portal using flexible and rigid reamers (Figure 7A&B), as well as retrograde reamers. These allowed for use of both bone and soft tissue grafts as well as different configurations such as hybrid double bundle reconstructions (two femoral tunnels, one tibial tunnel)37-40. These techniques produced a more reproducible way to create anatomic tunnels and a more objectively stable reconstruction compared to the previously ‘gold standard’ transtibial technique. As transtibial reconstruction began to fade out of favor to the anatomic reconstructions and anterior medial portal drilling, studies shifted to compare the anatomic single bundle techniques to the double bundle reconstruction. Both techniques showed similar and often improved anterior-posterior stability. The double bundle technique showed better rotatory control of the knee compared to the transtibial technique. Short and mid-term follow-up show significant success, however long term results are not yet published. Recently, studies have shown no significant clinical, subjective, or objective differences between anatomic single bundle and double bundle reconstruction41. 7A Discussion: ACL reconstruction has seen a development in the ideals and principles of creating a stable knee, both in the short term as well as the long term. Each technique has noted varying results with each evolution building on the next. Learning from prior techniques (both the successful and poor) is important to develop the next generation of treatments for this injury. 7B Figure 7A&B: A flexible reamer is placed through an anteromedial approach and is reamed to creat a femoral tunnel. JOPA 11 References 24. Friedman MJ, Arthroscopic semitendinosus (gracilis) reconstruction for anterior cruciate ligament deficiency, Techniques in Orthopaedics (1988); 2: 74-80 1. Mayo Robson A.W., Ruptured cruciate ligaments and their repair by operation, Ann. Surg (1903), 716-718 25. 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A report of 36 cases. Presented at: AAOS annual meeting, 2/1/72, Washington DC 14. MacIntosh DL, Tregonning RJ, A follow-up study and evaluation of ‘over the top’ repair of acute tears of the ACL, JBJS Br (1977); 59:505 32. Buoncristiani AM, Tjoumakaris FP, Starman JS, Ferretti M, Fu FH, Anatomic double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction., Arthroscopy. 2006 Sep;22(9):1000-6 33. Kaz R, Starman JS, Fu FH, Anatomic double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament revision surgery, Arthroscopy. 2007 Nov;23(11):1250 34. K. Yasuda, E. Kondo, H. Ichiyama, Y. Tanabe, H. Tohyama, Clinical evaluation of anatomic double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction procedure using hamstring tendon grafts: Comparisons among 3 different procedures, Arthroscopy, 22 (2006), pp. 240–251 35. T. Muneta, I. Sekiya, K. Yagishita, T. Ogiuchi, H. Yamamoto, K. 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Noyes FR, DeLucas JL, Torvik PJ, Biomechanics of anterior cruciate ligament failure: an analysis of strain-rate sensitivity and mechanisms of failure in primates, JBJS Am (1974); 56: 236-253 38. Lubowitz JH, No-tunnel anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: the transtibial all-inside technique.,Arthroscopy. 2006 Aug;22(8):900. e1-11. 18. Perry J, Fox JM, Boitano MA, Skinner SR, Barnes LA, Cerny K, Functional evaluation of the pes anserinus transfer by electromyography and gait analysis, JBJS Am (1980); 62: 973-980 39. Harner CD, Honkamp NJ, Ranawat AS, Anteromedial portal technique for creating the anterior cruciate ligament femoral tunnel, Arthroscopy. 2008 Jan;24(1):113-5. 19. Lemaire M, Instabilite chronique du genou: technique et resultats des plasties ligamentaires en traumatologie sportive, J; Chir (Paris) (1975); 110: 281-294 40. Hazzard SM, Pearle AD, Anatomic Double-Bundle ACL reconstruction using the “footprint”/Flexible reamer method, Techniques in Knee Surgery (2012), Sept Volume 11, Number 3, 161167 20. Andrews JR, Sanders R, A “mini-reconstruction” technique in treating anterolateral rotary instability (ALRI), Clin Orthop Relat Res (1983); 172: 93-96 41. Ahlden et al, A Prospective Randomized Study Comparing Double- and Single-Bundle Techniques for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. AJSM, November 2013; 41, 2484-2491 21. Insall J, Joseph D, Aglietti P, Campbell R, Bone-block iliotibial-band transfer for anterior cruciate ligament insufficiency, JBJS Am (1981); 63: 560-569 42. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/17/sports/17nicholas.html?_ r=0. 11/21/13 22. Clancy WG, Nelson DA, Reider B, Narechania RG, Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using one-third of the patella ligament, augmented by extraarticular tendon transfers, JBJS Am (1982); 64: 352-359 43. Iriuchishima T, et al, In vitro and in vivo AM and PL tunnel positioning in anatomical double bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, Arch Orthop Trauma Surg, August 131 (8): 1085-90, 2011 23. Lipscomb AB, Johnson RK, Synder RB, et al, Evaluation of hamstring strength following use of semitendinosus and gracilis tendons to reconstruct the anterior cruciate ligament, AJSM (1982);10, 340-342 12 JOPA There is a distinction between one qualified PA and another. It’s called a CAQ. Now is the time to plan for the 2014 exam! Sign into your record to register for the CAQ program today. !"#$%&'%(!)%&*&+%*,%-&./&0!"-&1%+,2& !"#$%&3!/%,&0!"-&45.++42& !"#$%&6*./%,&5/!7+%,6%& */,&%89%-:.4%2& !"#$%&,!/%&%$%-0:3./6&:!&'%&*/& *((!)9+.43%,&!-:3!9*%,.(&4"-6%-0&;<2& =3%&>%-:.1(*:%&!?&<,,%,&@"*+.1(*:.!/4&A><@B&./& C-:3!9*%,.(&D"-6%-0&.4&0!"-&(3*/(%&:!&9-!$%&.:2& Register Now! D.6/&./:!&0!"-&-%(!-,& :!&-%6.4:%-&?!-&:3%& ><@&9-!6-*)2 7772/((9*2/%:K;<L!6./ =3%&><@&.4&!??%-%,&'0&E>>;<F:3%&!/+0&(%-:.?0./6& !-6*/.G*:.!/&?!-&;<4&./&:3%&H2D2&<+-%*,0&:-"4:%,& '0&3%*+:3&(*-%&%)9+!0%-4I&E>>;<&3%+94&0!"& ,!(")%/:&0!"-&*,$*/(%,&J"*+.1(*:.!/42& !"&*+-%*,0&3*$%&73*:&.:&:*5%42& Visit www.nccpa.net/orthopaedicsurgery or call 678-417-8100I&*/,&4:*-:&%*-/./6&0!"-& ><@&./&C-:3!9*%,.(&D"-6%-0&:!,*02& Creating Your Curriculum Vitae (CV) Marcos A. Vargas, MSHA, PA-C Your Resume or CV is your best “calling card”. It’s paramount that it communicates your expertise (unique skill set) and professional qualifications succinctly by using descriptive category headings and other standard industry requirements. In other words, by avoiding typos, using bulleted items list, and 1” margins all around ( minimum ) will not only set you apart, but will give you the best chances if you implement or incorporate a user-friendly comprehensive format as depicted in the CV sample provided. Bring to life your outdated resume/CV by using and highlighting your relevant information. Curriculum Vitae Outline Marcos A. Vargas, MSHA, PA-C 2251 Woods West Dr, Flushing, MI 48433 • (810) 659-0435 • [email protected] CURRENT POSITIONS EDUCATION Cross-trained Physician Assistant with 20+ years with strong varied clinical background and proven clinical & non-clinical competencies. A self-directed, patient centric professional with demonstrated strong analytical & superb work ethic history. Areas of interests, knowledge & expertise include, but are not limited to the following: ACADEMIC HONORS Core competencies: • Strong leadership skills & statistical literacy ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS • Published Author in various media: journals /newsletters, • Excellent Staff / Patient interpersonal Skills • Excellent Written & Oral Communication Skills • Consulting Experience • Great Organization Skills―detail oriented professional • Seasoned Event /Conference Speaker / Presenter • Professional Teaching background (college level ) • In-depth knowledge of Clinical Risk Management Techniques and Methodologies BOARD CERTIFICATION HOSPITAL AFFILIATIONS Career Highlights & Accomplishments: Sub-investigator in the Research Study: EMINENCE ( Evaluation of M118 In Percutaneous Coronary intervention ) @ GRMC, 3/28/08. ( completed ) CURRENT MEDICAL LICENSURE Created in-house intra-departmental Newsletter: “The ED Courier” ( Sept. 2005 ). Developed/created ED rotational ( Physician Assistant students ) manual. Learned/performed cardiac stress testing post cardiologists’ ED consultations . PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS/ OFFICES Provided first surgical assistance to general & specialty surgeons as a Surgical PA. Mastered assistive laparascopic skills quickly (i.e. general / Gyn surgical procedures). Performed a Post-mortem organ procurement cardiectomy @ Sacred Heart Medical Center, Spokane, WA, ( May 25th, 1990 ) for a regional Organ Procurement Agency. PROFESSIONAL HONORS CURRENT AFFILIATIONS/ Memberships PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Employment History: • Orthopedic Physician Assistant, Hurley Medical Center, from 10/08/09 to • Cardiology Physician Assistant, Regional Cardiology Associates, Genesys Regional Medical Center, from 9/11/06 to 9/2/09 • Emergency Department Physician Assistant, Hurley Medical Center, from 12/95 to 8/9/06 • General Surgery Physician Assistant, McLaren Regional Med Center, From 11/90 to 12/95 Cardiothoracic Surgical Physician Assistant, Cardiothoracic Assoc. From 1/90 to 8/90 • 14 JOPA Cardiothoracic Surgical Physician Assistant, Thoracic Surgeons Assoc. From 9/88 to 12/89 HOSPITAL COMMITTEES Published Works / Non-Clinical Articles: COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES PUBLICATIONS - BOOKS/ MANUALS/PUBLICATIONS SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES Over 56 published credits in various media & 2 unpublished Research Papers since 2008 Professional CV available if needed _____________________________ Education / Academic Training __________________________ Master in Science Administration (major: Healthcare Administration ) Central Michigan University, MI. PUBLICATIONS - BOOK CHAPTERS / BOOK REVIEWS Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences University of Alabama – Birmingham ( UAB ) Bachelor of Arts in Biology Saint Thomas University, Miami, Fl ARTICLES IN PRESS OR SUBMITTED - Certificates - Healthcare Risk Management ( 120 hr graduate certificate) - Certified Professional Utilization Reviewer ( CPUR / twice ) - Basic Cardiac Life Support ( B.C.L.S.) -- 2014 INVESTIGATIONAL STUDIES - Advanced Cardiac Life Support ( A.C.L.S.) --2014 - Pediatric Advanced Life Support Systems ( P.A.L.S. )- former INVITED ORAL PRESENTATIONS - Advanced Pneumatic Instrumentations Operative Techniques( Midas-Rex Institute) - Physician’s/Surgeon’s Assistant Professional Certificate ( UAB) - The Medico-legal Death Investigator Training Course (Saint Louis University,1996) _____________________________ Awards / Honors Received:_______________________________ • Received “The Bone Pin” honorably awarded to staff members for their demonstrated clinical excellence to a patient/family as part of a team for The Center of Joint Replacement @ Hurley Medical Center ( Spring 2013 ). Designated honoree selected by in-house patients themselves. • Three-time Apple Award Honoree for clinical excellence and corporate role model employee @ Hurley Medical Center ( `96,`98,`2004 ) • Recognized consecutively for two years (’93-’94 ) for perfect work attendance @ McLaren Regional Medical Center by HR dept. Currently with over a 48 month perfect work attendance record too. • Twice (`96,`97 ) recognized for perfect work attendance @ Hurley Medical Center by HR dept. • Listed with biographical citation in (’92-’93) in Who’s who Among Young Professionals Directory • Awarded Weck Scholarship for best qualified upcoming representative of the PA profession among classmates ( ’87 @ UAB). ________________ Key Qualifications /Auxiliary Skills/ Community Service:___________ - Editor/Designer ( logo creator ) & Publisher of AAPA-LM’s Newsletter & brochure - JAAPA Peer Review Advisory Board Member(provided blinded manuscripts critiques) - Bilingual ( dual fluency: English & Spanish – orally & written/Portuguese-reading ). - MSO Applications Literacy ( 2003 - Excel / Power Point /Word ). - Basic Project Planning/Management literacy & experiences - Self-taught basic Desktop Publishing Techniques ( personal hobby ). - Intermediate Statistical Literacy / Outcomes-research oriented clinician. - Board of Directors Member for Michigan Academy of Physician Assistants ( 2011-13 ) - Co-organized a local food drive with (local) charitable organization for the needy in commemoration of National Physician Assistant Day (October 6th, 1994 ). - Volunteered & performed pre-summer camp screening physical exams for abused & socio-economically disadvantaged children in Spokane, WA, 1990. JOPA 15 When You Assist, Assist Fully! Reza Ghadimi, PA Albuquerque, NM “I like it when you help me, Reza” Al Rosen use to say “you don’t talk a lot and you don’t suck a lot.” Al Rosen was a legendary doctor and an avid skier in Taos, NM. An all around country doctor and surgeon, he practiced the old way. He made house calls, held patient’s hands when he talked to them, and knew everyone by their first name. He first came to Taos in the late 1930’s. Dr. Rosen, along with Dr. Pond and Dr. DeVeaux, became the corner stone of medicine in Taos and Northern New Mexico. Although Al Rosen was not a board certified surgeon of any kind, he did most of the surgical cases and obstetrics in Taos in those days. Before I arrived in Northern New Mexico in the early 1970s no other PA had assisted him. Many young residents from UNM School of Medicine rotated through Taos and often helped Dr. Rosen in surgery. I met Dr. Rosen soon after arriving in the area. When he learned of my surgical and orthopaedic background he asked me to work with him. My knowledge of traction setup also helped keep patients at our local hospital and prevented them from being transferred away from home. Shortly after however, Steve Halmstad, PA, joined his practice and became his primary surgical assistant. Steve Halmstad was a great PA and a good friend. A graduate of the Medex program and an Ex Special Forces Medics. Steve died in 2001 from cancer. I miss him - even today. Al’s surgical room was always quiet. He did not like anyone to turn on the radio, listen to music, or talk loud in his operating suite. “The auditory nerve is not anesthetized!” he used to say. “Un-necessary noises can cause subconscious anxiety and the patient will dislike the surgical experience. By keeping quiet and paying attention to our work, the surgery will have a more positive and rewarding outcome.” FIGURE 1. OVERHEAD TRACTION SET UP PER ARMY/AIR FORCE MANUAL CIRCA 1960’S. 16 JOPA Al Rosen was of the opinion that most of the younger doctors who assisted him wanted to constantly do something, thus they ended up hindering rather than helping him. “They pull the wound toward themselves so that they can see better” Al used to say “and in the zeal of doing something they constantly use the suction tube even when there is nothing to suck and block my view. I have to almost fight them to do the surgery.” On the ski slopes of Taos Mountain however, Al was a daredevil. Flying down black diamond runs and around hairpin turns, made him a different kind of a legend. Hard to believe that such a mild mannered doctor was such a risk taker. He was such a regular presence on the ski slopes that they named one of the black diamond runs after him. “Al’s run” challenges many expert skiers, even today. In his later years, he was often seen skiing down the slopes wearing an oxygen tank and mask. Al Rosen died in October of 1982 but his legacy lives on. I learned a lot from Al Rosen and others like him. When I first entered the operating room at the ripe age of fourteen, I was shaking with excitement and fear. Excitement for entering such a sacred realm and fear of screwing something up. I was given the job by Dr. Azïm, a friend of my father who was a part owner of a private hospital in our town. (See my article; “Of powder plaster, overhead traction, and broomstick prosthesis in the October 2013 issue of JOPA.) He became my benefactor and like Al Rosen, his devotion to his work, strong regard for his patients, and love of teaching was the greatest gift I received during the early days of my medical career. He often told me, “it is harder to assist than to do the surgery because the assistant must think twice. First he must realize what the surgeon is doing and then act accordingly to help him accomplish it.” “Don’t watch me,” he would start “watch my hand, watch where I put the instrument, the needle, the suture. What is the purpose of my action and what can you do to improve it’s outcome.” So it was then I got introduced to Dr. Azïm’s assistant; Ibrahïm. He was a burley, kind looking middle aged and stoutly religious gentleman who had been working with Dr. Azïm ever since he opened his private hospital. Ibrahïm was - for all practical purposes illiterate. He read very poorly and could not write to save his life. But he knew and could identify every part of the intestines and abdominal tissue. Over the years he had watched intently his operating surgeon’s every move and had seen his share of successes and failures. Watching the two of them was a treat, as though only one brain moved those four hands in concert. Ibrahïm started every procedure with a prayer - quietly, under his breath, he would pray for the safety of the patient and his/her rapid recovery. I learned so much from him that helped me cope with many challenges of ever day medicine through the rest of my career. “The human body is sacred,” he use to say “the very breath of God has given it life, treat it with reverence and respect and it will repay you by healing well.” Years later and halfway around the world, I had an opportunity to be involved in the FDA clinical trials of the Osteonics (cement-less) porous coated press-fit stem hip implants. I moved to Lubbock, Texas in the late 80s to assist with the process by helping an Osteonics recruited orthopaedic surgeon there. While living and working there, I got to work with several orthopaedic surgeons. I came to know and highly respect one particular physician (not the one in the trials.) He was a doctor from India named; Gurdev Gill. He used very few instruments to do his surgeries, was very fast and accurate and had remarkable results. He was of the philosophy that instruments injured the tissue and one should be cognizant of their use - a strange thing to hear from an orthopaedic surgeon who cut bone and tissue and replaced them with metal and plastic. Yet there it was. His patients recovered faster and better than many other surgeons I worked with. In that job, I also was trained and acted as a salesman for Osteonics, thus got a good understanding of the mentality of the world of medical device sales and business. One reward of assisting many doctors is that you appreciate the difference between good surgeons and the others. This can teach you a lot of medicine. The process of assisting many surgeons with different ideologies and techniques can make the job of a PA difficult. However, seeing different approaches to a problem is a powerful learning tool. The PA’s knowledge of the different approaches becomes very helpful when problems arise and can make the PA a valuable member of the surgical team. However, the job of the PA is not, and should not be, just assisting the surgeon in the procedure. First and for most, the PA must be mindful of the patient’s well-being. A good assistant should familiarize him/ herself with the patient’s health status like allergies, medications, other medical and social issues, etc. It is the responsibility of the assistant to make sure that the patient has been prepped and readied for the surgery properly. JOPA 17 I was once called to replace an assistant who did not show for a case. The surgical procedure was a laminectomy on an elderly lady. I got there a bit late and hastily scrubbed and entered the OR. I had assisted that particular surgeon before and I knew him to be a competent spine surgeon. When I joined him, he had already made the incision and was placing the microscope over the incision site to proceed with the laminectomy. I dutifully joined him and we proceeded with the surgery. When the laminae was exposed, it did not look particularly injured but I said nothing since many such tissues do not necessarily look damaged. We were at the correct level but still something bothered me throughout the procedure. The surgery went well and we closed the wound and the patient was awoken. As she was being rolled out of the room, the surgeon stopped everyone and made some expletive comments that we had operated on the wrong side. The patient was rolled back in, put back under anesthesia and we proceeded to remove the lamina on the other side. Although the surgery was successful, the surgeon accepted all responsibility and the patient was gracious enough not press any charges. I felt that somehow I neglected my duty and let the patient and the surgeon down. Had I taken a moment to note the procedure for which I was assisting as I was scrubbing for it, I could have noticed the error. Since then, I make it a point to always familiarize myself with the case I am about to assist on. Especially if I am in an unfamiliar, unusual, unscheduled, or unknown situation. I strongly feel that the PA should be completely familiar with the case he or she is about to assist in. Especially if he/ she is helping a surgeon in a different practice. That includes making sure the lab work is done, the patient has been cleared by the medical team, and that the anesthesiologist is fully aware of the patient’s condition - good or otherwise. A particular gripe of mine is the freedom given to orthopaedic salesmen who are allowed or even invited into the surgical suites. As I mentioned above I actually worked as an Orthopaedic salesman for a while and have a first hand knowledge of their mind set. I have seen some of these sales people go in and out of the surgical suites at will, flirt with people in the room, even hand instruments and move around the surgical room freely. It is true that many of them are previous scrub techs, nurses, PAs, or doctors. But at their present position they are salesmen and may not be mindful of their doings. If the surgeon is lax or unaware of these people’s activities, it is the responsibility of the assisting PA to bring it to his or her attention. If you are like me and assist many surgeons, I strongly recommend that you keep an assistant’s version of an op-report. If for whatever reason, a particular case goes sour and problems arise you may be called to testify in front of the hospital board, Medical Board, malpractice board, or jury. You would look very professional and blameless if you show up prepared with clear and concise documents. When a case runs into trouble, it may not go to a hearing or a trial for months or even years after the day of incident. Not much credit is placed on testimonies given from memory. By having your own report, you can best help your case, the surgeon’s and the patient’s. I have served on the “Medical Board” and “Medical Review Commission” of my state for many years. I have served as a hearing officer, expert witness, judge and jury on many such cases. The plaintiff lawyers do not care or often even allow circumstantial evidence contributing to the outcome. As far as they are concerned the surgeon is responsible for everything that happens in that room - end of story! Over the years I have precepted many PA student. I try to impart this knowledge that was taught to me over the years. To my students I say; “when you assist, assist fully and be cognizant of the patient’s well-being.” Be gentle to the tissue you are working on, especially if the doctor you are assisting is rough in his work.” “Be kind to the tissue and the tissue will be kind to you and heal well.” Also be aware of your work environment and do not hesitate to point out conflicts, discrepancies or problems, even if you make others uncomfortable. This is especially hard when those you reprimand are your friends. But do not ever forget that your primary role as an assistant is the well-being of the patient not your co-workers. Be good to your patients and they will like you. People who like you won’t sue you! 18 JOPA Writing for JOPA: Information for Authors The Journal of Orthopedics for Physician Assistants (JOPA) is a peer-reviewed publication that delivers a broad range of orthopedic content across all subspecialties. Authors can contribute any original article that promotes an orthopedic education for physician assistants (several examples are listed below). JOPA avoids publishing original research articles, as well as articles previously published or being considered for publication in other journals. Articles are peer reviewed by a panel of orthopedic physicians and PAs to ensure accuracy, clinical relevance, and readability. References should be cited using the AMA Manual of Style, 10th edition. References should be recent and predominately drawn from peer reviewed journals. Textbook and website references should be avoided if possible. Article content, including the manuscript body and any tables, should be submitted in Microsoft Word format to facilitate editing. Please use a standard font, such as Times New Roman, and a 12-point font size. Use appropriate headings and subheadings in feature articles to organize paragraphs. JOPA reserves the right to edit content for space and/or grammar issues. Any images that accompany an article must be sent as separate downloadable files from the manuscript text for publishing. Featured Review Articles Featured review articles should contain a comprehensive review of literature on an orthopedic topic of choice. These academic literature reviews should be heavily referenced and may be co-authored. Subspecialists should consider writing on topics in their fields of expertise. Featured review length should be 4-8 pages. When considering the appropriate length, keep in mind the clinical significance and readability of content. Review Articles Review articles should be 3-4 pages on an orthopedic topic of choice. Review articles should be selective and include few references. Authors may review a clinical condition, surgical procedure, or any other topic related to orthopedics. Preceptors may consider co-authoring a review article with a PA student interested in pursuing a career in orthopedics. Case Studies Case studies choose a case and provide a complete history of the clinical presentation, treatment, and outcome. Radiographs and other imaging should be included to follow the course of a diagnosis and treatment. Several learning points should be included at the end of the case study, with appropriate references. Please remove all patient identification information prior to submission. Case Reviews and Image Quizzes Case reviews present a unique case with several images and a brief description of the presentation, diagnosis, and treatment. Image quizzes include an image for readers to interpret. Answers should be provided, with a brief explanation of the patient and correct diagnosis. Do not include literature review or references for case reviews or image quizzes. Be Creative! Consider submitting a description of how your practice uses PAs or the relationship you have with your supervising physicians. Consider writing on a patient’s experience and how it could be of value to PA colleagues. Write a detailed narrative of a typical day in your life as a PA. Personal experiences can be some of the most interesting and helpful articles for other PAs to read. If you have any other submission ideas, please contact the editor at [email protected]. Supervising Physicians and Allied Health Professionals Supervising physicians may submit articles on topics in their subspecialty or issues related to the PA profession. Physicians may also choose to write on a procedure or service unique to their practice. Co-authoring an article with a supervising physician is a great way to promote the physician-PA relationship. Nurse Practitioners practicing in orthopedics are encouraged to contribute, and may receive a free copy of JOPA by contacting the editor or subscribing online. Contributions from other allied health professionals, such as physical therapists and athletic trainers, give PAs an opportunity to learn from those with whom we share patient care responsibilities. Allied health professionals who wish to contribute to JOPA can contact the editor, Dagan Cloutier, at [email protected]. JOPA 19 We’ve captured patient satisfaction on film. EUFLEXXA®— with 81% patient satisfaction,1 your choice of HA is clear. Now, even more reasons to choose EUFLEXXA: t0"LOFFQBJOSFMJFGBOETZNQUPNGSFFGVODUJPO NBJOUBJOFEBUNPOUITP P=0.019)2 tZeroKPJOUFGGVTJPOTSFQPSUFEEVSJOHUIFNPOUI '-&995SJBMBOEUIFNPOUIGPMMPXVQ2* 4PPQUGPS&6'-&99"BDMFBSDIPJDFGPSZPV BOEZPVSQBUJFOUT &6'-&99"TPEJVNIZBMVSPOBUF JTJOEJDBUFEGPSUIFUSFBUNFOUPG QBJOJOPTUFPBSUISJUJT0" PGUIFLOFFJOQBUJFOUTXIPIBWFGBJMFEUP SFTQPOEBEFRVBUFMZUPDPOTFSWBUJWFOPOQIBSNBDPMPHJDUIFSBQZBOE TJNQMFBOBMHFTJDTFHBDFUBNJOPQIFO IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION &6'-&99" JT DPOUSBJOEJDBUFE JO QBUJFOUT XIP IBWF B LOPXO IZQFSTFOTJUJWJUZUPIZBMVSPOBUFQSFQBSBUJPOTPSXIPIBWFLOFFKPJOU JOGFDUJPOTJOGFDUJPOTPSTLJOEJTFBTFJOUIFBSFBPGUIFJOKFDUJPOTJUF &6'-&99"TIPVMEOPUCFBENJOJTUFSFEUISPVHIBOFFEMFQSFWJPVTMZ VTFEXJUINFEJDBMTPMVUJPOTDPOUBJOJOHCFO[BMLPOJVNDIMPSJEF%P OPUVTFTLJOEJTJOGFDUBOUTGPSTLJOQSFQBSBUJPOUIBUDPOUBJORVBUFSOBSZ BNNPOJVNTBMUT %POPUJOKFDUJOUSBWBTDVMBSMZEVFUPQPUFOUJBMGPSTZTUFNJDBEWFSTF events. 5IFTBGFUZBOEFGGFDUJWFOFTTPGJOKFDUJPOJODPOKVODUJPOXJUIPUIFS JOUSBBSUJDVMBSJOKFDUBCMFTPSJOUPKPJOUTPUIFSUIBOUIFLOFFIBWFOPU CFFOTUVEJFE3FNPWFBOZKPJOUFGGVTJPOQSJPSUPJOKFDUJOH5SBOTJFOU QBJOPSTXFMMJOHPGUIFJOKFDUFEKPJOUNBZPDDVSBGUFSJOUSBBSUJDVMBS JOKFDUJPOXJUI&6'-&99" EUFLEXXA®JTBSFHJTUFSFEUSBEFNBSLPG'FSSJOH#7 ©2013 Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc. 20 JOPA 01/13 EUF-C21717 5IFNPTUDPNNPOBEWFSTFFWFOUTSFMBUFEUP&6'-&99"JOKFDUJPOT SFQPSUFEJOBOEXFFLDMJOJDBMTUVEJFTXFSFBSUISBMHJBCBDL QBJOQBJOJOFYUSFNJUZNVTDVMPTLFMFUBMQBJOBOEKPJOUTXFMMJOH*O BOPQFOMBCFMFYUFOTJPOPGUIFXFFLDMJOJDBMTUVEZXJUISFQFBU TFSJFTPGJOKFDUJPOTUIFNPTUDPNNPOBEWFSTFFWFOUTSFMBUFEUP &6'-&99"BU8FFLXFSFBSUISBMHJBBOEKPJOUTXFMMJOH *O UIF XFFL USJBM UIFSF XBT KPJOU FGGVTJPO SFQPSUFE JO UIF &6'-&99" HSPVQ O WT KPJOUFGGVTJPOTJOUIF4ZOWJTDHSPVQO 1 References: 1.,JSDIOFS..BSTIBMM%"EPVCMFCMJOESBOEPNJ[FEDPOUSPMMFEUSJBMDPNQBSJOH BMUFSOBUFGPSNTPGIJHINPMFDVMBSXFJHIUIZBMVSPOBOGPSUIFUSFBUNFOUPGPTUFPBSUISJUJTPGUIF LOFFOsteoarthritis Cartilage2.&6'-&99"<QBDLBHFJOTFSU>1BSTJQQBOZ /+'FSSJOH1IBSNBDFVUJDBMT*OD Please see brief summary of Prescribing Information on the next page. BRIEF SUMMARY Please consult package insert for full Prescribing Information. CONTRAINDICATIONS Do not use EUFLEXXA to treat patients who have a known hypersensitivity to hyaluronan preparations; Do not use EUFLEXXA to treat patients with knee joint infections, infections or skin disease in the area of the injection site. WARNINGS Mixing of quaternary ammonium salts such as benzalkonium chloride with hyaluronan solutions results in formation of a precipitate. EUFLEXXA should not be administered through a needle previously used with medical solutions containing benzalkonium chloride. Do not use disinfectants for skin preparation that contain quaternary ammonium salts; Do not inject intravascularly because intravascular injection may cause systemic adverse events. PRECAUTIONS GENERAL Patients having repeated exposure to EUFLEXXA have the potential for an immune response; however, this has not been assessed in humans; Safety and effectiveness of injection in conjunction with other intra-articular injectables, or into joints other than the knee has not been established; Remove any joint effusion before injecting; Transient pain or swelling of the injected joint may occur after intra-articular injection with EUFLEXXA; Do not use after expiration date; Protect from light; Do not re-use—dispose of the syringe after use; Do not use if the blister package is opened or damaged. Information for Patients Provide patients with a copy of the Patient Information prior to use; Transient pain and/or swelling of the injected joint may occur after intra-articular injection of EUFLEXXA; As with any invasive joint procedure, it is recommended that the patient avoid any strenuous activities or prolonged (i.e., more than 1 hour) weight-bearing activities such as jogging or tennis within 48 hours following intra-articular injection; The safety of repeated treatment cycles of EUFLEXXA has been established up to 1 year. Use in Specific Populations Pregnancy: The safety and effectiveness of EUFLEXXA have not been established in pregnant women. Nursing Mothers: It is not known if EUFLEXXA is excreted in human milk. The safety and effectiveness of EUFLEXXA have not been established in lactating women. Children: The safety and effectiveness of EUFLEXXA have not been demonstrated in children. ADVERSE REACTIONS Adverse event information regarding the use of EUFLEXXA as a treatment for pain in OA of the knee was available from two sources; a 12 week multicenter clinical trial conducted in Germany, and a 26 week multicenter clinical trial conducted in the US. Reported Device-Related Adverse Events The most common adverse event related to EUFLEXXA injections reported in the clinical studies are the following: Arthralgia; Back pain; Pain in extremity; Musculoskeletal pain; Joint swelling. All adverse events related to EUFLEXXA injections reported in Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4. Potential Adverse Events The following adverse events are among those that may occur in association with intra-articular injections: Arthralgia; Joint swelling; Joint effusion; Injection site pain; Arthritis 12 Week Multicenter Clinical Study This clinical investigation was a prospective randomized, double-blinded, active control (commercially available hyaluronan product) study conducted at 10 centers. Three hundred twenty-one patients were randomized into groups of equal size to receive either EUFLEXXA (n=160) or the active control (n=161). A total of 119 patients reported 196 adverse events; this number represents 54 (33.8%) of the EUFLEXXA group and 65 (44.4%) of the active control group. There were no deaths reported during the study. Incidences of each event were similar for both groups, except for knee joint effusion, which was reported by 9 patients in the active control group and one patient in the EUFLEXXA treatment group. Fifty-two adverse events were considered device-related. Table 1 lists the adverse events reported during this investigation. Table 1. Incidence of Adverse Events Reported by >1% of Patients Patients, n (%) Body System ADE EUFLEXXA Active Control (n = 160) (n = 161) Gastrointestinal Nausea 3 (1.88) 0 disorders General disorders and Fatigue 2 (1.25) 0 administration site Infections and Bronchitis 1 (0.63) 2 (1.24) infestations Infection 2 (1.25) 0 Investigations Blood pressure 6 (3.75) 1 (0.62) increased Arthralgia 14 (8.75) 17 (10.6) Arthrosis 2 (1.25) 0 Musculoskeletal, Back pain 8 (5.00) 11 (6.83) connective tissue Joint disorder 2 (1.25) 2 (1.24) and bone Joint effusion 1 (0.63) 13 (8.07) Joint swelling 3 (1.88) 3 (1.86) Pain in limb 2 (1.25) 0 Tendonitis 3 (1.88) 2 (1.24) Nervous system Headache 1 (0.63) 3 (1.86) disorders Paresthesia 2 (1.25) 1 (0.62) Respiratory, thoracic Rhinitis 5 (3.13) 7 (4.35) and mediastinal Skin and subcutaneous Erythema 0 2 (1.24) tissue disorders Pruritus 0 3 (1.86) Vascular disorders Phlebitis 0 2 (1.24) . A total of 160 patients received 478 injections of EUFLEXXA. There were 27 reported adverse events considered to be related to EUFLEXXA injections: arthralgia – 11 (6.9%); back pain – 1 (0.63%); blood pressure increase – 3 (1.88%); joint effusion – 1 (0.63%); joint swelling – 3 (1.88%); nausea – 1 (0.63%); paresthesia – 2 (1.25%); feeling of sickness of injection – 3 (1.88%); skin irritation – 1 (0.63%); tenderness in study knee – 1 (0.63%). Four adverse events were reported for the EUFLEXXA group that the relationship to treatment was considered to be unknown: fatigue – 3 (1.88%); nausea – 1 (0.63%). Table 2. Relationship of Adverse Effects to Treatment Groups That Were Considered to Be Treatment Related (EUFLEXXA) Commercially Available Hyaluronan Product Adverse Event (Number of Reports) (Number of Reports) n = 160 n = 161 Arthralgia 11 9 Back pain 1 0 Baker’s cyst 0 1 Blood pressure increase 3 0 Erythema 0 1 Inflammation localized 0 1 Joint effusion 1 9 Joint swelling 3 2 Nausea 1 0 Edema lower limb 0 1 Paresthesia 2 0 Pruritus 0 1 Sickness 3 0 Skin irritation 1 0 Tenderness 1 0 TOTAL 27 25 ©2013 Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc. 26 Week Multicenter Study This was a multicenter, randomized, double-blind trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of EUFLEXXA, as compared with saline, in subjects with chronic osteoarthritis of the knee followed by an open labeled safety extension study. The intervention consisted of three (3) weekly injections of study device into the target knee, with scheduled follow-up evaluations during the 26 weeks following the first injection. In the extension phase subjects received three (3) weekly injections of EUFLEXXA into the target knee with follow-up evaluation up to 52 weeks. Table 3 shows the treatment-emergent adverse events by preferred term with an incidence of ≥ 2% among treatment groups. Table 3: Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events (TEAEs) by Preferred Term with an Incidence of > 2% among the Treatment Groups (Safety Population) Extension Study Repeat Injection for 26 Week FLEXX Study (Core) 52 Weeks* All Treatments Saline EUFLEXXA EUFLEXXA System Organ Class N = 588 N = 295 N = 293 N = 219 Preferred Term n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) Any TEAE 326 (55.4) 169 (57.3) 157 (53.6) 96 (43.8) Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders Arthralgia 62 (10.5) 35 (11.9) 27 (9.2) 19 (8.7) Back pain 23 (3.9) 11 (3.7) 12 (4.1) 6 (2.7) Pain in extremity 13 (2.2) 10 (3.4) 3 (1.0) 3 (1.4) Musculoskeletal pain 10 (1.7) 4 (1.4) 6 (2.0) 2 (0.9) Osteoarthritis 9 (1.5) 7 (2.4) 2 (0.7) 0 Joint swelling 8 (1.4) 4 (1.4) 4 (1.4) 6 (2.7) Infections and infestations Upper respiratory 23 (3.9) 11 (3.7) 12 (4.1) 6 (2.7) tract infection Nasopharyngitis 17 (2.9) 13 (4.4) 4 (1.4) 10 (4.6) Sinusitis 16 (2.7) 10 (3.4) 6 (2.0) 5 (2.3) Urinary tract infection 12 (2.0) 6 (2.0) 6 (2.0) 3 (1.4) Injury, poisoning, and procedural complications Injury 17 (2.9) 9 (3.1) 8 (2.7) 9 (4.1) Nervous system disorders Headache 17 (2.9) 11 (3.7) 6 (2.0) 3 (1.4) Gastrointestinal disorders Diarrhea 14 (2.4) 2 (0.7) 12 (4.1) 3 (1.4) Nausea 12 (2.0) 7 (2.4) 5 (1.7) 4 (1.8) Respiratory, thoracic, and mediastinal disorders Cough 10 (1.7) 3 (1.0) 7 (2.4) 3 (1.4) Vascular disorders Hypertension 18 (3.1) 5 (1.7) 13 (4.4) 1 (0.5) *Treatment group for repeat study are for subjects who received EUFLEXXA in both the core and extension (219 out of 433). N = number of subjects in a given treatment group for the population analyzed; n = number of subjects reporting at least one adverse event within system organ class/preferred term; (%) = percentage of subjects based on N; TEAE = treatment-emergent adverse event. Note: An adverse event was counted as a TEAE if it was either not present at baseline (prior to the first dose of double-blind study device) or present at baseline but increased in severity during the treatment period. During the initial randomization/treatment phase, 326 (55.4%) subjects in the safety population experienced 742 TEAEs. The proportion of subjects reporting TEAEs was generally similar in the EUFLEXXA and saline groups (53.6% and 57.3%, respectively). The most common preferred term of TEAE was arthralgia (10.5% of all subjects). Thirty (5.1%) subjects experienced severe TEAEs, and the proportion with severe events was larger in the saline group (6.4%) than the EUFLEXXA group (3.8%). Overall, 10.4% of subjects had TEAEs considered related to study device, with comparable proportions in each treatment group (9.9% and 10.8% for EUFLEXXA and saline, respectively). During the extension phase, 43.4% (188/433) of subjects reported 377 TEAEs. Of these 43.8% (96/219) subjects receiving repeated EUFLEXXAreported 199 TEAEs. The most frequently reported preferred term in subjects formerly assigned to the core study EUFLEXXA group were arthralgia (8.7%), nasopharyngitis (4.6%), injury (4.1%), upper respiratory tract infections (2.7%), joint swelling (2.7%), back pain (2.7%), and sinusitis (2.3%). Of these TEAEs 9 (4.1%) subjects had study device related AEs classified as “Certain,” “Probable,” “Possible” or “Un-assessable.” The most common related TEAEs were arthralgia (2.3%) and joint swelling (1.4%). Table 4 shows the Study Device Related Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events by Preferred Term with an Incidence of > 1 among Treatment Groups (Safety Population). Table 4: Study Device Related Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events by Preferred Term with an Incidence of > 1 among Treatment Groups (Safety Population) Extension Study Repeat Injection for 26 Week FLEXX Study (Core) 52 Weeks* All Treatments Saline EUFLEXXA EUFLEXXA System Organ Class N = 588 N = 295 N = 293 N = 219 Preferred Term n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) Any related TEAEs 61 (10.4) 32 (10.8) 29 (9.9) 9 (4.1) Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders Arthralgia 23 (3.9) 13 (4.4) 10 (3.4) 5 (2.3) Joint swelling 3 (0.5) 2 (0.7) 1 (0.3) 3 (1.4) Pain in extremity 3 (0.5) 3 (1) 0 0 Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders Erythema 5 (0.9) 3 (1) 2 (0.7) 0 *TEAEs are for subjects who received EUFLEXXA in both the core and extension (219 out of 433). N = number of subjects in a given treatment group for the population analyzed; n = number of subjects reporting at least 1 AE within system organ class/preferred term; (%) = percentage of subjects based on N; TEAE = treatmentemergent adverse event. Note: Related AEs are AEs with study device relationship classified as “Certain,” “Probable,” “Possible” or “Un-assessable.” Twenty-three serious TEAEs were reported in 19 (3.2%) subjects during the study: 10 (3.4%) subjects in the EUFLEXXA group and 9 (3.1%) subjects in the saline group. One of these events was considered related to the study device (increased redness of the left knee joint in the EUFLEXXA group). Eight (1.4%) subjects had 9 TEAEs leading to discontinuation: 3 (1.0%) subjects in the EUFLEXXA group and 5 (1.7%) subjects in the saline group. Twelve (2.8%) subjects reported 20 serious TEAEs during the extension phase. Six of these subjects had received EUFLEXXAduring the core study. None of the serious TEAEs was considered related to study device, and all resolved. Two (0.5%) subjects had TEAEs leading to discontinuation from the study, one of whom received EUFLEXXA during the core study; both subjects had events that were considered unrelated to study device. Two subjects on saline experienced joint effusion. There were no reports of joint effusion among subjects receiving EUFLEXXA during the core and extension phase. Toll free number for providers and patients to call with questions: 1-(888)-FERRING (1-(888)-337-7464). Or visit www.euflexxa.com. MANUFACTURED FOR: FERRING PHARMACEUTICALS INC. PARSIPPANY, NJ 07054 MANUFACTURED BY: Bio-Technology General (Israel) Ltd. Be’er Tuvia, Kiryat Malachi 83104, Israel 6122-10 9/2011 EUFLEXXA® is a registered trademark of Ferring B.V. 1/13 EUF-08264 March Image Quiz: AIIS Avulsion Fracture Figure 1 Figure 2 AP and lateral x-rays (Figures 1 and 2 above) show an anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS) avulsion fracture. An AIIS avulsion fracture represents an apophyseal injury at the insertion site of the rectus femoris. This injury generally occurs with a sudden forceful extension of the hip causing a pull of the rectus femoris. Patients often complain of feeling a “pop” during the injury and increased pain with hip flexion. Exam findings may include localized pain and tenderness over the AIIS. Increased pain is elicited with resistive hip flexion and knee extension. An AP pelvis x-ray should be obtained to confirm an avulsion fracture vs. a normal adolescent variant. Treatment consists of partial weight bearing for 2-3 weeks on crutches then weight bearing as tolerated thereafter. The patient is instructed to avoid active hip flexion and passive hip extension for 2-3 weeks. Physical therapy is initiated at 3 weeks with a focus on a gradual increase in strength training. Return to sports without restrictions can begin at 8 weeks if the patient is back to full strength. Open reduction and internal fixation is rarely indicated with AIIS avulsion fractures; surgical indications may include displacement > 2 cm, painful nonunion, and exostosis formation. Readers Comments: PM: “I usually have them on crutches and NWB for the 1st week then progress to WBAT. No kicking for at least 2 weeks. Then some light jogging and progress to sprints and kicking after that. Only pearl is that the point of maximum tenderness is over the insertion as well as pain in that area with resistive hip flexion in a seated position. The only other comment I would make is that this is a common soccer injury. I have seen several of these in high school soccer players and they do respond to conservative treatment. ” CF: “I usually keep them NWB until pain free, gentle ROM and stretches, and return to sports after the fracture is healed.” One reader suggested a posterior wall avulsion fracture. In the opinion of one trauma surgeon: “the fracture line doesn’t extend far enough distally to be considered a posterior wall fracture and the line may just involve the postior lip. This results from the avulsion fracture extending a little further down and pulling some of the lip off. Given the patient is 13-years old I would hesitate to get a CT scan for radiation exposure, especially given the classic history of a kicking injury. Judet views (Internal/ External Oblique views would be helpful in this case”. 22 JOPA May Image Quiz: Erythema migrans This is a case of a 14-year-old boy who presented with a concerning rash on his lower right abdomen (Figure 1). He did not recall any insect bites at the time and believed the rash started 2 days prior to being examined. The boy described the rash as nonpainful and nonpruritic. He denied any symptoms of fever or body aches, but did admit to mild right-sided grown pain. Figure 1 This classic “bull’s eye rash” or erythema migrans is diagnostic for Lyme disease. The patients groin pain was likely related to inguinal lymphadenopathy. He was treated successfully with a 14-day course of doxycycline 100 mg po bid. The rash resolved after the first week of treatment. No prolonged symptoms were reported through 8 months after treatment. Lyme Disease Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burdorferi and is spread by the bite of an infected tick. Most infected humans are bitten by immature ticks called nymphs that can be less than 2 mm long. These ticks are very difficult to see and many patients never recall being bitten. The presence of a “bull’s eye rash” or erythema migrans is diagnostic of Lyme disease regardless of symptoms or questionable history of a known tick bite. Erythema migrans occurs at approximately day 7 after a tick bite (range 3-30 days) in 70-80% of infected persons. Early symptoms of Lyme disease may also include headache, fever, muscle aches, and swollen glands. Treatment of early Lyme disease and erythema migrans includes doxycycline 100 mg po bid, amoxicillin 500 mg po tid, or cefuroxime axetil 500 mg po bid for 14 days (range 10-21 days). The infection may spread to the joints, the heart, and the nervous system if left untreated. Symptoms may progress to neck stiffness, joint swelling, facial palsy, and heart palpitations. Approximately 60% of untreated patients will have intermittent bouts of arthritis, with severe joint swelling and pain most commonly occurring in the knees. Patients presenting with a joint effusion and suspicion of Lyme disease should have Lyme titers drawn as well as a PCR from a joint fluid aspirate. Lyme arthritis is usually treated successfully with a 28-day course of oral antibiotics including doxycycline, amoxicillin, and cefuroxime axetil (see doses above). Arthroscopic synovectomy is rarely necessary but may be used in the presence of antibiotic refractory Lyme arthritis. Prevent tick bites and Lyme disease this summer! Use insect repellents with 20 to 30% DEET. Check yourself and your family when returning from tick infested outdoor areas. Use treatments for pets so they don’t bring ticks in your house. Several other helpful tips can be found on the CDC website along with further information on Lyme disease. Visit http://www.cdc.gov/lyme/ JOPA 23 April Image Quiz: Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis Figure 1 Figure 2 AP pelvis and frog leg lateral x-rays (Figures 1 & 2) show a subtle slipped capital femoral epiphysis. Figure 3 Figure 4 The patient underwent urgent in-situ cannulated screw fixation. She was placed on crutches and remained non-weight bearing for 4-6 weeks. Labs were ordered, including thyroid and renal function tests, as well as a vitamin D level. She resumed weight bearing as tolerated and started physical therapy at 6 weeks. Athletics were resumed when her strength returned at 10 weeks postoperatively. 24 JOPA Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis A Case Study Marlon J. Alexander, MPAS, PA-C UT Health Science Center Houston, TX An 11-year old female presents to the children’s emergency department with a 9-day history of right hip pain. She reports the pain to be 5/10 on a numerical scale and localized to the right hip without any proximal or distal radiation. The pain is aggravated with activity and relieved with pain medications and rest. Her mechanism of injury was running during a school party with a slip and fall onto the right hip. She is uncertain of the extent of the fall. There was no loss of consciousness. Initially she was transported to an outside ED for evaluation. X-rays at the outside ED were negative for a right hip fracture. The patient was discharged on Tylenol #3 and informed to follow-up with her pediatrician within a week. The following week she presented to the office with worsening right hip pain. She denied fever, night sweats, headaches, abdominal pain, back pain, numbness and tingling in the right lower extremity. Her development is age appropriate. Her past medical history was unremarkable. Past surgical history included in situ screw fixation of left slipped capital femoral epiphysis 8 months ago. Figure 1 Physical Exam The patients vital signs in clinic included a BP of 105/49, respiration rate of 20, heart rate of 74 beats per minute, Temperature of 97.4°F with a 24 hr. Tmax 98.4°F, and a SaO2 100% RA. The patient is well developed, well-nourished young female appropriate for her age. The patient guards her right hip and she is unable to bear weight without assistance. Exam of the bilateral upper extremities does not reveal gross asymmetry on inspection. There is no pain with palpation and full range of motion in all joints of the upper extremities is noted. Exam of the left lower extremity reveals full range of motion in all planes at left hip, left knee, left foot and ankle. Dorsalis pedis, anterior tibial and Figure 2 posterior tibial pulses are 2+ bilaterally. Pain is elicited with logrolling of the right hip and with palpation near the groin. Limited flexion of right hip is noted with active range of motion. Full range of motion is noted of the right knee, right foot and ankle. There is no erythema, warmth, nor edema present. Muscle strength is 5/5 in the LLE and 3/5 RLE. A negative straight leg raise and negative FABER is noted bilaterally. Spinal exam shows normal alignment, no asymmetry, and iliac crest heights are symmetrical. No pain is elicited with palpation of spinal column and there is no paraspinal muscle tenderness. Lab tests were ordered including a CBC with differential, a Chem 7, a thyroid panel, PTT, INR, and a type and screen; results were pending at the time of this paper. An AP pelvis and hip x-rays of the right hip were taken (Figures 1 and 2). JOPA 25 Differential Diagnosis: 1. Legg-Perthes Disease 2. Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE) 3. Toxic Synovitis 4. ASIS Avulsion Fracture 5. Neoplasm Impression: A right slipped capital femoral epiphysis with valgus orientation is demonstrated. There is an abnormal line of Klein. The femoral head ossification center demonstrates normal contour without sclerosis. Surgical Intervention: In situ cannulated screw fixation of right slipped capital femoral epiphysis. Findings included a valgus type slipped capital femoral epiphysis, stable after fixation with 2 fully threaded 6.5 mm cannulated screws (Figures 3 & 4). Discussion Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) should always be considered when adolescent patients present with hip pain and difficulty bearing weight. Early detection and treatment is essential to avoid long-term complications such as avascular necrosis and early degenerative joint disease. Exam and radiographic findings for SCFE may be subtle so a thorough evaluation is necessary. SCFE typically occurs in adolescent males aged 13 to 15 years old with a 2:1 male to female ratio.1 This age group is associated with the period of maximal skeletal growth (peak height velocity).2 Rapid growth during puberty results in a period of decreased physeal strength. Physiological loading on a weaken physis results in an increased risk of developing SCFE.2 Obese patients are at an increased risk secondary to addition physiological loading on the physis. The hips may be affected unilaterally or bilaterally. SCFE occurs bilaterally over 25% of the time with both slips generally occurring within the same 6 month period. The most common presentations for SCFE include: hip or groin pain, thigh pain, knee pain, limp, and decreased range of motion of the affected hip, often with no history of trauma. In patients who present with SCFE, 60% of children are in the 95th percentile for body mass. A high index of suspicion must be maintained in patients with Down Syndrome, a history of endocrine abnormalities, or a slip under the age of 10 years.2. Endocrinopathies 26 JOPA Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5. Kline’s Line. Used with permission from Houghton Pediatric Rheumatology 2009 7:10 doi:10.1186/1546-0096-7-10 Figure 6. Frog leg lateral x-ray showing a displaced slip. Submitted by Charles D. Frost, DHSc, PA-C account for 5-8% of all slips with the most common being hypothyroidsim, panhypopituitarism, growth hormone abnormalities, and hypogonadism. An endocrine work-up should be done when SCFE occurs in patients younger than 10 years of age and older than 15 years of age. Patients with renal osteodystrophy have a higher rate of SCFE due to secondary hyperparathyroidism. Classification Clinical classification of SCFE is dependent on the duration of symptoms when the patient presents to clinic. Acute slips are characterized by duration of symptoms for less than 3 weeks. Chronic slips are classifed by symptoms for greater than 3 weeks. Acute-on-chronic slips have had symptoms for at least 3 weeks with a new shorter duration of increased pain. Most slips show slow progressive displacement, but if left untreated, can cause significant disability. Another classification system is based on physeal stability and the predictability of developing osteonecrosis. Patients are determined to have unstable SCFE if they cannot bear weight on the affected extremity, with or without crutches, and stable SCFE if they can bear weight. Osteonecrosis was found to develop in nearly 50% of patients with unstable SCFE and in no patients classified as having stable SCFE.1 Describing displacement in a SCFE requires understanding that the head does not move, the Salter I fracture of the physis allows the femoral neck to rotate from under the capital epiphysis. Understanding the extra-osseous and intra-osseous blood supply to the proximal femur is critical to help minimize the frequency of complications. The extra-osseous blood supply consists of the medial and lateral femoral circumflex arteries which penetrate the hip capsule and supply the femoral head, neck and trochanter. Epiphyseal branches of these vessels cross the physis into the epiphysis. When a SCFE occurs these vessels may be violated which puts the affected hip at risk for osteonecrosis.1 Plain anteroposterior and frog leg lateral radiographs of both hips are the gold standard to confirm the diagnosis of SCFE. SCFE is best seen on frog leg lateral radiograph. In most cases SCFE can be diagnosed on plain films. A paralell line draw along the lateral femoral neck (Klein’s Line) should intersect a small amount of the epiphysis. When Klein’s line doesn’t intersect some of the physis, SCFE should be suspected. Radiographic appearance of SCFE may show the femoral epiphysis slipped slightly medially, inferiorly, and posteriorly. Patients with chronic SCFE may have new bone formation on the inferior medial femoral neck. A slip may not be seen on initial x-rays and an MRI can help diagnose SCFE in the pre-slip period. MRI findings may include physeal widening and edema. Techntium-99 Bone scan and MRI can be used to detect avascular necrosis (AVN) with MRI remaining highly specific for AVN.4 MRI can also be helpful to rule out other conditions in the differential including tumors, infections, subtle fractures, or JOPA 27 surrounding soft tissue injuries. Ultrasound is seldom used for diagnosing SCFE. Initial laboratory workup may include labs to rule out septic joint, chemistry panel to rule out renal failure, thyroid panel for endocrine abnormalities, and lyme titers to rule out lyme disease. Treatment In situ cannulated hip screw fixation is the preferred treatment for SCFE. Previous treatment with hip spica casting has largely been discontinued due its associated high complication rates and to the success of in situ screw fixation. The goal of treatments is to prevent OA by maintaining femoral head/acetabulum positioning, maintain blood supply of the femoral head preventing osteonecrosis, and eliminating pain acutely. Patients with stable slips may begin to use a walker or crutches with partial weight bearing restrictions for 6 weeks postoperatively. At 6 weeks the pain should resolve completely. Athletic activities are resumed after 3 months. Physeal closure occurs 6-12 months after surgery. Screw removal is not routinely performed or recommended. A postoperative CT scan is useful in the assessment of persistant pain. CT can show whether screw or pin fixation has penetrated the hip joint after fixation. It also confirms closure of the physis if recurrent pain is an issue in a previously treated hip. The risk of developing AVN and early chondrolysis is signifcantly greater in patients who presented with unstable SCFE preoperatively. For severe forms of SCFE, treatment options may include primary femoral osteotomy, bone graft epiphysiodesis, femoral neck osteoplasty, valgus derotational osteotomy and propylactic fixation of the contralateral hip.2 Conclusion: Children between the ages of 10 and 16-years old who present to your clinic with a limp and pain in the groin, hip, thigh, or knee should be considered to have a SCFE until proven otherwise. Remember, pulled groin muscles are rarely correct in children, although this common misdiagnosis is still made. Clinicians should be aware of the endocrine abnormalities associated with SCFE and the need to manage comorbidities or seek consultation when appropriate. References 1. Weber E, Naujoks R, Smith BG. Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis: Orthopedic Knowledge Online Journal 2008. 2. Kay, R.M. (2006). Slipped capital femoral epiphysis. In R.T. Morrissy & S.L. Weinstein (Eds.), Lovell and Winter’s pediatric orthopaedics (pp. 1085-1116). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 3. Aronsson DD, Loder RT, Breur GJ, Weinstein SL. Slipped Capital Femoral Ephiphysis: Current concepts. JAAOS. 2006; 14: 666-679 4. Herring, J. A. (2008). Tachdjian’s pediatric orthopaedics. Retrieved from http://www.expertconsultbook. com. 28 JOPA
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