Volume 1 | Issue 2 Jopa Journal of Orthopedics for Physician Assistants Review Articles Meniscal Tears: Repair or Resect? Direct Anterior Approach Total Hip Arthroplasty Case Studies Cervical Total Disc Replacement Common Meniscal Tears Anatomy and Image Review with a Surgical Perspective The First Orthopedic Journal for Physician Assistants JOPA 1 Journal of Orthopedics for Physcian Assistants Journal Mission The Journal of Orthopedics for Physician Assistants (JOPA) is an academic resource created to deliver ongoing orthopedic education for physician assistants. The journal is a unique forum to share our knowledge and experiences with colleagues in the profession. JOPA strives to publish timely and practical articles covering all subspecialties. Each article is peer reviewed to ensure accuracy, clinical relevance, and readability. Contents 4 6 Information for Authors 7 11 Physician Assistant Review Board 2 JOPA Jennifer Hartman Peoria, AZ Michael Harvey Fishers, IN Sean Hazzard Boston, MA Matt Henry Rapid City, SD Tim Holmstrom Pullman, WA Mike Houle Hartford, CT Alan Johnston Nashua, NH Stuart Jones Brentwood, TN Jason Katz Philadelphia, PA Jill Knight Seattle, WA Stanley Kotara Lubbock, TX Kathleen Martinelli Durham, NC Sean Metz Buffalo, VA Patrick McCarthy Manchester, NH Terry Mize Atlanta, Georgia Randall Pape USAF Academy, CO Keith Paul Greensboro, NC Robert Rogan Poughkeepsie, NY Scott Walton Caribou, ME Todd Rudy Wellsboro, PA Bradford Salzmann Ware, MA Jeffrey Sommers Marietta, OH Steve Steiner Manchester, NH Wendi Martin Stewart Houston, TX Lori Tappen Dallas, TX Timothy Thompson Naples, FL Mary Vacala Savannah, GA Courtney Van Arsdale Boston, MA Marcos Vargas Flushing, MI Common Meniscal Tears Anatomy and Image Review 21 22 26 NCCPA Orthopedic CAQ Sample Exam Question Of Powder Plaster, Overhead Traction, and Broomstick Prosthesis Direct Anterior Approach THA A comparative review of surgical approaches to the hip 33 Marlon Alexander Rosharon, TX Brian Barry Portsmouth, NH Ryan Brainard Savannah, GA Afton Branton Geneva, NY Molly Buerk Aurora, CO Mark Carbo Alexandria, LA Ray Carlson San Diego, CA Jeff Chambers Athens, Georgia Larry Collins Tampa, FL Greg DeConciliis Boston, MA Charles Dowell Vancouver, WA Caitlyn Eagen Boston, MA Erich Fogg York, ME Bruce Gallio Reno, NV Angela Grochowski Horsham, PA Cervical Total Disc Replacement Meniscus Tears Repair or Resct 16 Dagan Cloutier, PA-C, Editor in Chief Ryan Ouellette, Webmaster, Spectrum Marketing, Journal Design Orthopedic Publishing Resources, LLC, Publisher Message from the Editor Writing for JOPA Message from the NCCPA Orthopedic CAQ Exam Disclaimer: Statements and opinions expressed in articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. The publisher disclaims any responsibility or liability for any material published herein. Acceptance of advertising does not imply the publisher guarantees, warrants, or endorses any product or service. Message from the Editor Publishing the first issue of JOPA was a challenging yet rewarding experience. My efforts have been rewarded by hearing the positive responses from many of you. Several have expressed interest in writing and peer reviewing, while others have emailed me with appreciation for creating the only orthopedic journal dedicated to PAs. JOPA proudly provides an orthopedic focused educational resource and professional forum for PAs at no cost. The steady growth of subscribers is an encouraging sign that PAs appreciate the value of an orthopedic focused journal for our profession. Being editor in chief of JOPA has motivated me to continually read and learn more about orthopedics. The experience has also made me realize how much more I can still learn. I hope the journal will also be a motivator for all of you to read, write, and continually learn. Our dedication to reach and maintain a high level of orthopedic knowledge correlates with the quality of patient care we deliver. As PAs, the privilege of making patient care decisions independently is earned by confidently and accurately treating patients. Our supervising physicians, clinical staff, and patients all recognize and appreciate the level of orthopedic knowledge we possess. JOPA will continue to promote a comprehensive orthopedic review across all subspecialties. Please consider getting involved by sharing your knowledge and experiences with your colleagues. The quality and Dagan Cloutier, PA-C JOPA Editor in Chief sustainability of JOPA will be a collective effort. Join the JOPA Editorial Board All articles submitted to JOPA are reviewed by the Editor in Chief, who is responsible for deciding whether an article is accepted, rejected, or in need of revision before publication. JOPA will be forming an editorial board by subspecialty. Each subspecialty section will be represented by a physician assistant or section editor whose knowledge and experience lies within the chosen subspecialty. Each section editor will review submitted articles within their subspecialty prior to publication and send articles to a group of peer reviewers who share knowledge and experience in the subspecialty. Once peer reviewed, authors will have the opportunity to revise their article and re-submit for publication. This will ensure that all articles published in JOPA are accurate, clinically relevant, and readable. Anyone interested in joining the editorial board should email, Dagan Cloutier, Editor in Chief, at [email protected]. Subspeciality Sections • • • • • • • • Hand Spine Trauma Arthroplasty Sports Foot and Ankle Pediatrics Tumor JOPA 3 We’ve captured patient satisfaction on film. EUFLEXXA®— with 81% patient satisfaction,1 your choice of HA is clear. Now, even more reasons to choose EUFLEXXA: t0"LOFFQBJOSFMJFGBOETZNQUPNGSFFGVODUJPO NBJOUBJOFEBUNPOUITP P=0.019)2 tZero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events. 5IFTBGFUZBOEFGGFDUJWFOFTTPGJOKFDUJPOJODPOKVODUJPOXJUIPUIFS JOUSBBSUJDVMBSJOKFDUBCMFTPSJOUPKPJOUTPUIFSUIBOUIFLOFFIBWFOPU CFFOTUVEJFE3FNPWFBOZKPJOUFGGVTJPOQSJPSUPJOKFDUJOH5SBOTJFOU QBJOPSTXFMMJOHPGUIFJOKFDUFEKPJOUNBZPDDVSBGUFSJOUSBBSUJDVMBS JOKFDUJPOXJUI&6'-&99" EUFLEXXA®JTBSFHJTUFSFEUSBEFNBSLPG'FSSJOH#7 ©2013 Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc. 4 JOPA 01/13 EUF-C21717 5IFNPTUDPNNPOBEWFSTFFWFOUTSFMBUFEUP&6'-&99"JOKFDUJPOT SFQPSUFEJOBOEXFFLDMJOJDBMTUVEJFTXFSFBSUISBMHJBCBDL QBJOQBJOJOFYUSFNJUZNVTDVMPTLFMFUBMQBJOBOEKPJOUTXFMMJOH*O BOPQFOMBCFMFYUFOTJPOPGUIFXFFLDMJOJDBMTUVEZXJUISFQFBU TFSJFTPGJOKFDUJPOTUIFNPTUDPNNPOBEWFSTFFWFOUTSFMBUFEUP &6'-&99"BU8FFLXFSFBSUISBMHJBBOEKPJOUTXFMMJOH *O UIF XFFL USJBM UIFSF XBT KPJOU FGGVTJPO SFQPSUFE JO UIF &6'-&99" HSPVQ O WT KPJOUFGGVTJPOTJOUIF4ZOWJTDHSPVQO 1 References: 1.,JSDIOFS..BSTIBMM%"EPVCMFCMJOESBOEPNJ[FEDPOUSPMMFEUSJBMDPNQBSJOH BMUFSOBUFGPSNTPGIJHINPMFDVMBSXFJHIUIZBMVSPOBOGPSUIFUSFBUNFOUPGPTUFPBSUISJUJTPGUIF LOFFOsteoarthritis Cartilage2.&6'-&99"<QBDLBHFJOTFSU>1BSTJQQBOZ /+'FSSJOH1IBSNBDFVUJDBMT*OD Please see brief summary of Prescribing Information on the next page. BRIEF SUMMARY Please consult package insert for full Prescribing Information. CONTRAINDICATIONS Do not use EUFLEXXA to treat patients who have a known hypersensitivity to hyaluronan preparations; Do not use EUFLEXXA to treat patients with knee joint infections, infections or skin disease in the area of the injection site. WARNINGS Mixing of quaternary ammonium salts such as benzalkonium chloride with hyaluronan solutions results in formation of a precipitate. EUFLEXXA should not be administered through a needle previously used with medical solutions containing benzalkonium chloride. Do not use disinfectants for skin preparation that contain quaternary ammonium salts; Do not inject intravascularly because intravascular injection may cause systemic adverse events. PRECAUTIONS GENERAL Patients having repeated exposure to EUFLEXXA have the potential for an immune response; however, this has not been assessed in humans; Safety and effectiveness of injection in conjunction with other intra-articular injectables, or into joints other than the knee has not been established; Remove any joint effusion before injecting; Transient pain or swelling of the injected joint may occur after intra-articular injection with EUFLEXXA; Do not use after expiration date; Protect from light; Do not re-use—dispose of the syringe after use; Do not use if the blister package is opened or damaged. Information for Patients Provide patients with a copy of the Patient Information prior to use; Transient pain and/or swelling of the injected joint may occur after intra-articular injection of EUFLEXXA; As with any invasive joint procedure, it is recommended that the patient avoid any strenuous activities or prolonged (i.e., more than 1 hour) weight-bearing activities such as jogging or tennis within 48 hours following intra-articular injection; The safety of repeated treatment cycles of EUFLEXXA has been established up to 1 year. Use in Specific Populations Pregnancy: The safety and effectiveness of EUFLEXXA have not been established in pregnant women. Nursing Mothers: It is not known if EUFLEXXA is excreted in human milk. The safety and effectiveness of EUFLEXXA have not been established in lactating women. Children: The safety and effectiveness of EUFLEXXA have not been demonstrated in children. ADVERSE REACTIONS Adverse event information regarding the use of EUFLEXXA as a treatment for pain in OA of the knee was available from two sources; a 12 week multicenter clinical trial conducted in Germany, and a 26 week multicenter clinical trial conducted in the US. Reported Device-Related Adverse Events The most common adverse event related to EUFLEXXA injections reported in the clinical studies are the following: Arthralgia; Back pain; Pain in extremity; Musculoskeletal pain; Joint swelling. All adverse events related to EUFLEXXA injections reported in Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4. Potential Adverse Events The following adverse events are among those that may occur in association with intra-articular injections: Arthralgia; Joint swelling; Joint effusion; Injection site pain; Arthritis 12 Week Multicenter Clinical Study This clinical investigation was a prospective randomized, double-blinded, active control (commercially available hyaluronan product) study conducted at 10 centers. Three hundred twenty-one patients were randomized into groups of equal size to receive either EUFLEXXA (n=160) or the active control (n=161). A total of 119 patients reported 196 adverse events; this number represents 54 (33.8%) of the EUFLEXXA group and 65 (44.4%) of the active control group. There were no deaths reported during the study. Incidences of each event were similar for both groups, except for knee joint effusion, which was reported by 9 patients in the active control group and one patient in the EUFLEXXA treatment group. Fifty-two adverse events were considered device-related. Table 1 lists the adverse events reported during this investigation. Table 1. Incidence of Adverse Events Reported by >1% of Patients Patients, n (%) Body System ADE EUFLEXXA Active Control (n = 160) (n = 161) Gastrointestinal Nausea 3 (1.88) 0 disorders General disorders and Fatigue 2 (1.25) 0 administration site Infections and Bronchitis 1 (0.63) 2 (1.24) infestations Infection 2 (1.25) 0 Investigations Blood pressure 6 (3.75) 1 (0.62) increased Arthralgia 14 (8.75) 17 (10.6) Arthrosis 2 (1.25) 0 Musculoskeletal, Back pain 8 (5.00) 11 (6.83) connective tissue Joint disorder 2 (1.25) 2 (1.24) and bone Joint effusion 1 (0.63) 13 (8.07) Joint swelling 3 (1.88) 3 (1.86) Pain in limb 2 (1.25) 0 Tendonitis 3 (1.88) 2 (1.24) Nervous system Headache 1 (0.63) 3 (1.86) disorders Paresthesia 2 (1.25) 1 (0.62) Respiratory, thoracic Rhinitis 5 (3.13) 7 (4.35) and mediastinal Skin and subcutaneous Erythema 0 2 (1.24) tissue disorders Pruritus 0 3 (1.86) Vascular disorders Phlebitis 0 2 (1.24) . A total of 160 patients received 478 injections of EUFLEXXA. There were 27 reported adverse events considered to be related to EUFLEXXA injections: arthralgia – 11 (6.9%); back pain – 1 (0.63%); blood pressure increase – 3 (1.88%); joint effusion – 1 (0.63%); joint swelling – 3 (1.88%); nausea – 1 (0.63%); paresthesia – 2 (1.25%); feeling of sickness of injection – 3 (1.88%); skin irritation – 1 (0.63%); tenderness in study knee – 1 (0.63%). Four adverse events were reported for the EUFLEXXA group that the relationship to treatment was considered to be unknown: fatigue – 3 (1.88%); nausea – 1 (0.63%). Table 2. Relationship of Adverse Effects to Treatment Groups That Were Considered to Be Treatment Related (EUFLEXXA) Commercially Available Hyaluronan Product Adverse Event (Number of Reports) (Number of Reports) n = 160 n = 161 Arthralgia 11 9 Back pain 1 0 Baker’s cyst 0 1 Blood pressure increase 3 0 Erythema 0 1 Inflammation localized 0 1 Joint effusion 1 9 Joint swelling 3 2 Nausea 1 0 Edema lower limb 0 1 Paresthesia 2 0 Pruritus 0 1 Sickness 3 0 Skin irritation 1 0 Tenderness 1 0 TOTAL 27 25 ©2013 Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc. 26 Week Multicenter Study This was a multicenter, randomized, double-blind trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of EUFLEXXA, as compared with saline, in subjects with chronic osteoarthritis of the knee followed by an open labeled safety extension study. The intervention consisted of three (3) weekly injections of study device into the target knee, with scheduled follow-up evaluations during the 26 weeks following the first injection. In the extension phase subjects received three (3) weekly injections of EUFLEXXA into the target knee with follow-up evaluation up to 52 weeks. Table 3 shows the treatment-emergent adverse events by preferred term with an incidence of ≥ 2% among treatment groups. Table 3: Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events (TEAEs) by Preferred Term with an Incidence of > 2% among the Treatment Groups (Safety Population) Extension Study Repeat Injection for 26 Week FLEXX Study (Core) 52 Weeks* All Treatments Saline EUFLEXXA EUFLEXXA System Organ Class N = 588 N = 295 N = 293 N = 219 Preferred Term n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) Any TEAE 326 (55.4) 169 (57.3) 157 (53.6) 96 (43.8) Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders Arthralgia 62 (10.5) 35 (11.9) 27 (9.2) 19 (8.7) Back pain 23 (3.9) 11 (3.7) 12 (4.1) 6 (2.7) Pain in extremity 13 (2.2) 10 (3.4) 3 (1.0) 3 (1.4) Musculoskeletal pain 10 (1.7) 4 (1.4) 6 (2.0) 2 (0.9) Osteoarthritis 9 (1.5) 7 (2.4) 2 (0.7) 0 Joint swelling 8 (1.4) 4 (1.4) 4 (1.4) 6 (2.7) Infections and infestations Upper respiratory 23 (3.9) 11 (3.7) 12 (4.1) 6 (2.7) tract infection Nasopharyngitis 17 (2.9) 13 (4.4) 4 (1.4) 10 (4.6) Sinusitis 16 (2.7) 10 (3.4) 6 (2.0) 5 (2.3) Urinary tract infection 12 (2.0) 6 (2.0) 6 (2.0) 3 (1.4) Injury, poisoning, and procedural complications Injury 17 (2.9) 9 (3.1) 8 (2.7) 9 (4.1) Nervous system disorders Headache 17 (2.9) 11 (3.7) 6 (2.0) 3 (1.4) Gastrointestinal disorders Diarrhea 14 (2.4) 2 (0.7) 12 (4.1) 3 (1.4) Nausea 12 (2.0) 7 (2.4) 5 (1.7) 4 (1.8) Respiratory, thoracic, and mediastinal disorders Cough 10 (1.7) 3 (1.0) 7 (2.4) 3 (1.4) Vascular disorders Hypertension 18 (3.1) 5 (1.7) 13 (4.4) 1 (0.5) *Treatment group for repeat study are for subjects who received EUFLEXXA in both the core and extension (219 out of 433). N = number of subjects in a given treatment group for the population analyzed; n = number of subjects reporting at least one adverse event within system organ class/preferred term; (%) = percentage of subjects based on N; TEAE = treatment-emergent adverse event. Note: An adverse event was counted as a TEAE if it was either not present at baseline (prior to the first dose of double-blind study device) or present at baseline but increased in severity during the treatment period. During the initial randomization/treatment phase, 326 (55.4%) subjects in the safety population experienced 742 TEAEs. The proportion of subjects reporting TEAEs was generally similar in the EUFLEXXA and saline groups (53.6% and 57.3%, respectively). The most common preferred term of TEAE was arthralgia (10.5% of all subjects). Thirty (5.1%) subjects experienced severe TEAEs, and the proportion with severe events was larger in the saline group (6.4%) than the EUFLEXXA group (3.8%). Overall, 10.4% of subjects had TEAEs considered related to study device, with comparable proportions in each treatment group (9.9% and 10.8% for EUFLEXXA and saline, respectively). During the extension phase, 43.4% (188/433) of subjects reported 377 TEAEs. Of these 43.8% (96/219) subjects receiving repeated EUFLEXXAreported 199 TEAEs. The most frequently reported preferred term in subjects formerly assigned to the core study EUFLEXXA group were arthralgia (8.7%), nasopharyngitis (4.6%), injury (4.1%), upper respiratory tract infections (2.7%), joint swelling (2.7%), back pain (2.7%), and sinusitis (2.3%). Of these TEAEs 9 (4.1%) subjects had study device related AEs classified as “Certain,” “Probable,” “Possible” or “Un-assessable.” The most common related TEAEs were arthralgia (2.3%) and joint swelling (1.4%). Table 4 shows the Study Device Related Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events by Preferred Term with an Incidence of > 1 among Treatment Groups (Safety Population). Table 4: Study Device Related Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events by Preferred Term with an Incidence of > 1 among Treatment Groups (Safety Population) Extension Study Repeat Injection for 26 Week FLEXX Study (Core) 52 Weeks* All Treatments Saline EUFLEXXA EUFLEXXA System Organ Class N = 588 N = 295 N = 293 N = 219 Preferred Term n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) Any related TEAEs 61 (10.4) 32 (10.8) 29 (9.9) 9 (4.1) Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders Arthralgia 23 (3.9) 13 (4.4) 10 (3.4) 5 (2.3) Joint swelling 3 (0.5) 2 (0.7) 1 (0.3) 3 (1.4) Pain in extremity 3 (0.5) 3 (1) 0 0 Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders Erythema 5 (0.9) 3 (1) 2 (0.7) 0 *TEAEs are for subjects who received EUFLEXXA in both the core and extension (219 out of 433). N = number of subjects in a given treatment group for the population analyzed; n = number of subjects reporting at least 1 AE within system organ class/preferred term; (%) = percentage of subjects based on N; TEAE = treatmentemergent adverse event. Note: Related AEs are AEs with study device relationship classified as “Certain,” “Probable,” “Possible” or “Un-assessable.” Twenty-three serious TEAEs were reported in 19 (3.2%) subjects during the study: 10 (3.4%) subjects in the EUFLEXXA group and 9 (3.1%) subjects in the saline group. One of these events was considered related to the study device (increased redness of the left knee joint in the EUFLEXXA group). Eight (1.4%) subjects had 9 TEAEs leading to discontinuation: 3 (1.0%) subjects in the EUFLEXXA group and 5 (1.7%) subjects in the saline group. Twelve (2.8%) subjects reported 20 serious TEAEs during the extension phase. Six of these subjects had received EUFLEXXAduring the core study. None of the serious TEAEs was considered related to study device, and all resolved. Two (0.5%) subjects had TEAEs leading to discontinuation from the study, one of whom received EUFLEXXA during the core study; both subjects had events that were considered unrelated to study device. Two subjects on saline experienced joint effusion. There were no reports of joint effusion among subjects receiving EUFLEXXA during the core and extension phase. Toll free number for providers and patients to call with questions: 1-(888)-FERRING (1-(888)-337-7464). Or visit MANUFACTURED FOR: FERRING PHARMACEUTICALS INC. PARSIPPANY, NJ 07054 MANUFACTURED BY: Bio-Technology General (Israel) Ltd. Be’er Tuvia, Kiryat Malachi 83104, Israel 6122-10 9/2011 EUFLEXXA® is a registered trademark of Ferring B.V. 1/13 EUF-08264 Writing for JOPA: Information for Authors The Journal of Orthopedics for Physician Assistants (JOPA) is a peer-reviewed publication that delivers a broad range of orthopedic content across all subspecialties. Authors can contribute any original article that promotes an orthopedic education for physician assistants (several examples are listed below). JOPA avoids publishing original research and industry-sponsored articles, as well as articles previously published or being considered for publication in other journals. Articles are peer reviewed by a panel of orthopedic physicians and PAs to ensure accuracy, clinical relevance, and readability. References should be cited using the AMA Manual of Style, 10th edition. References should be recent and predominately drawn from peer reviewed journals. Textbook and website references should be avoided if possible. Article content, including the manuscript body and any tables, should be submitted in Microsoft Word format to facilitate editing. Please use a standard font, such as Times New Roman, and a 12-point font size. Use appropriate headings and subheadings in feature articles to organize paragraphs. JOPA reserves the right to edit content for space and/or grammar issues. Any images that accompany an article must be sent as separate downloadable files from the manuscript text for publishing. Featured Review Articles Featured review articles should contain a comprehensive review of literature on an orthopedic topic of choice. These academic literature reviews should be heavily referenced and may be co-authored. Subspecialists should consider writing on topics in their fields of expertise. Featured review length should be 4-8 pages. When considering the appropriate length, keep in mind the clinical significance and readability of content. Review Articles Review articles should be 3-4 pages on an orthopedic topic of choice. Review articles should be selective and include few references. Authors may review a clinical condition, surgical procedure, or any other topic related to orthopedics. Preceptors may consider co-authoring a review article with a PA student interested in pursuing a career in orthopedics. Case Studies Case studies choose a case and provide a complete history of the clinical presentation, treatment, and outcome. Radiographs and other imaging should be included to follow the course of a diagnosis and treatment. Several learning points should be included at the end of the case study, with appropriate references. Please remove all patient identification information prior to submission. Case Reviews and Image Quizzes Case reviews present a unique case with several images and a brief description of the presentation, diagnosis, and treatment. Image quizzes include an image for 6 JOPA readers to interpret. Answers should be provided, with a brief explanation of the patient and correct diagnosis. Do not include literature review or references for case reviews or image quizzes. Be Creative! Consider submitting a description of how your practice uses PAs or the relationship you have with your supervising physicians. Consider writing on a patient’s experience and how it could be of value to PA colleagues. Write a detailed narrative of a typical day in your life as a PA. Personal experiences can be some of the most interesting and helpful articles for other PAs to read. If you have any other submission ideas, please contact the editor at [email protected]. Supervising Physicians and Allied Health Professionals Supervising physicians may submit articles on topics in their subspecialty or issues related to the PA profession. Physicians may also choose to write on a procedure or service unique to their practice. Co-authoring an article with a supervising physician is a great way to promote the physician-PA relationship. Nurse Practitioners practicing in orthopedics are encouraged to contribute, and may receive a free copy of JOPA by contacting the editor or subscribing online. Contributions from other allied health professionals, such as physical therapists and athletic trainers, give PAs an opportunity to learn from those with whom we share patient care responsibilities. Allied health professionals who wish to contribute to JOPA can contact the editor, Dagan Cloutier, at [email protected]. Cervical Total Disc Replacement Vladimir A. Sinkov, MD A 29-year-old, right hand-dominant female presented to the office with a 3-year history of pain and paraesthesia over the right deltoid area. The patient also noted that her deltoid muscle fatigued quickly. By the end of the day, the patient found it difficult to use her right arm, especially with overhead activities. She had no history of trauma; however, her symptoms began when she was performing military training, including heavy lifting and running with equipment for 10–14 h per day. The patient was initially diagnosed with an intercostal strain. With time, the pain began to travel to her right shoulder and the right side of her neck with occasional paraesthesias down the neck and into the shoulder. She was treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatories and multiple bouts of physical therapy, which would provide approximately 24–48 h of relief, although the pain always returned thereafter. The patient was later evaluated by an orthopedist, who obtained an MRI showing a right-sided C4–5 disc herniation. She was referred to a pain management center for epidural steroid injections. The first injection provided approximately 5 days of relief before symptoms returned. The second injection provided approximately 3 days of relief. Each injection provided approximately 50% relief of the pain, and the patient continued to use pain medication after the injections. The patient had multiple subacromial injections as well, which did not relieve any of the pain. The patient was seen by a neurologist and underwent nerve conduction studies, which did not reveal any evidence of radiculopathy or suprascapular nerve problems. The patient denied any trouble with balance or bowel or bladder control. At the time or presentation, she was working full time as an active duty military officer. The patient denied a history of smoking, drinking, and illicit drug use. Examination of the cervical spine showed mild tenderness to palpation over the right periscapular muscles. No cervical spine tenderness was noted. A positive Spurling’s test to the right and a negative L’hermitte’s test were noted. The patient had full range of motion of her neck with generalized pain in all directions. She had 5/5 strength in all muscle groups of the bilateral upper extremities, including the deltoids. Sensation was intact to light touch throughout the bilateral upper extremities in all dermatomes, C5–8. A negative Hoffman’s test was noted bilaterally. Brachioradialis and triceps reflexes were 2+ bilaterally, and the biceps reflex was 1+ on the right and 2+ on the left. The patient had palpable and equal radial pulses bilaterally, and 2+ deep tendon reflexes of the bilateral quads. Antero-posterior (AP) and lateral radiographs of the patient’s cervical spine showed no significant deformity. There was mild loss of disc height at C4–5 with focal straightening of cervical lordosis, as shown in Figure 1. MRI of the cervical spine revealed disc bulging at C4–5, creating central as well as right foraminal stenosis (Figures 2 and 3). There was no abnormal spinal cord signal; however, the spinal cord was mildly indented by the disc bulge at C4–5. Figure 1. Lateral radiograph showing C4-5 disc narrowing and focal loss of lordosis. JOPA 7 Figure 2. Saggital MRI showing C4-5 disc herniation. The patient’s predominant complaint was radiculopathy over the C5 dermatome on the right side caused by a right sided C4–5 disc herniation. Although short-lived, the patient had a good response to epidural steroid injections, which confirmed that her symptoms were due to radiculopathy. Nerve conduction studies were negative, but do not always reveal radiculopathy. The patient failed multiple non-operative options, including several years of waiting, medications, physical therapy, and injections. Her choice was to either live with the symptoms or undergo a surgical procedure. After a lengthy discussion, the patient chose to proceed with cervical total disc replacement. Discussion Intervertebral discs are composed of the inner nucleus pulposus and outer anulus fibrosus. The nucleus pulposus is very elastic and serves to cushion axial loads. The anulus fibrosus contains the nucleus and connects the vertebral bodies. Just posterior to the disc is the spinal cord centrally and nerve roots posterolaterally. The anulus fibrosus may become torn or weakened after a traumatic event or due to degenerative process, and a portion of the nucleus pulposus can protrude or herniate. This would put pressure on the spinal cord and/ or nerve roots, and may cause clinical symptoms. The most commonly affected disc is C5–6, followed by C6–7 and C4–5. Cervical disc 8 JOPA Figure 3. Axial MRI image at C4-5 showing right foraminal narrowing resulting in C5 nerve compression. herniations are most common in the fourth decade of life, and men are at a slightly higher risk than women. Factors that can precipitate disc degeneration and subsequent herniation include cigarette smoking, frequent heavy lifting, prolonged driving, or operating vibrating equipment.1 If the disc pushes on a specific nerve root, this may produce symptoms of radiculopathy, including neck pain, neck muscle stiffness, specific dermatomal and myotomal distribution of pain, numbness, paresthesias, weakness, and diminished reflexes. History and clinical exam provide an accurate diagnosis in the majority of cases. A full neurologic exam must be performed. Other causes of arm pain and weakness must be ruled out. The most common problems that may present as possible cervical radiculopathy include brachial plexopathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome, and rotator cuff pathology. Imaging modalities include AP and lateral radiographs to evaluate bony alignment, disc height loss, and osteophyte formation. Flexion/ extension lateral radiographs may reveal segmental instability. Computed tomography (CT) scans give better bony details, especially for evaluation of facet and uncovertebral joints. Addition of a myelogram provides an outline of the neural structures and may reveal cervical stenosis. The best modality for evaluation of the disc structure and nerve compression is MRI, which provides excellent soft tissue visualization without exposure to radiation or the need for contrast injection. Nerve conduction studies may be performed in difficult cases, but the results must be interpreted carefully. Negative nerve conduction studies do not rule out radiculopathy in milder cases. Most cervical disc herniations can be managed successfully without surgical intervention. Initial treatment includes nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications and physical therapy. For more severe symptoms, prednisone taper may be needed. If these treatments fail, epidural corticosteroid injections can be done and have been shown to be effective in a vast majority of cases.2 The injected steroid is a potent anti-inflammatory agent that lowers the expression of inflammatory cytokines in the area of stenosis. This in turn decreases swelling and compression around the nerves and lowers the transmission of pain signals though the nerves. Alternative medicine treatments, including chiropractic manipulations and acupuncture, are also frequently performed. If pressure on the nerves or spinal cord is significant, the patient must be cautioned against chiropractic manipulations. Several studies have shown rare but catastrophic cases of permanent nerve damage, paralysis, and death in patients with severe spinal stenosis undergoing chiropractic manipulations.3,4 When non-operative treatments fail over a period of at least 6 weeks and symptoms are still significant, or if there is evidence of severe compression that is unlikely to be amenable to non-operative interventions, surgery may be needed. The basic premise of such an intervention is to decompress the neural structures. In addition, there may be a need for stabilization or deformity correction. Traditional surgical techniques include anterior or posterior decompression with or without fusion. The most common operative intervention for cervical radiculopathy is anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF). Because the most common structure compressing the nerves or spinal cord is a herniated or bulging disc, anterior discectomy allows for direct decompression of the spinal canal and foramina. Fusion is required to regain stability and allows correction of deformity and restoration of disc height between the spinal segments. The procedure is very effective, with success rates of approximately 80–90%.5,6 The drawback of the ACDF procedure is that immobilization of one level transfers more stress to the adjacent levels. Biomechanical studies have shown higher intradicsal pressures and ranges of motion at the levels next to the fused one.7 Clinical studies have shown that this leads to a faster rate of degeneration of those discs that would be expected due to aging and wear and tear.8 A well-known study by Hillbrand and colleagues published in 1999 found that the rate of the symptomatic adjacent segment degeneration was approximately 2.9% per year, or 25.6% after 10 years. Two-thirds of these patients required additional surgery, most commonly additional fusion, for this problem.9 Cervical Total Disc Replacement Due to the relatively high rate of additional procedures after ACDF, extensive research has been done to find alternative treatments for cervical disc herniation causing radiculopathy or myelopathy. Because the main problem with ACDF is the lack of mobility at the operated level, cervical disc replacement devices were developed to maintain the disc space and alignment while recreating normal motion of the removed disc. Most of the devices available today involve two implants attached to vertebral endplates that articulate with each other through a metal-on-plastic interface, similar to current total joint replacement devices. Cervical total disc replacements (CTDRs) have been performed since 1999, with the latest studies showing either equivalent or superior results compared to ACDF.10 Five-year studies show lower rates of repeat surgery compared to fusion.11 Long-term outcome studies are still pending to show whether overall rates of repeat surgery for adjacent segment degeneration is lower than after fusion surgeries. A key issue that inhibits wide acceptance of CTDR for cervical radiculopathy is the lack of approval by insurance carriers. Despite the fact that these devices are FDA-approved, most private insurance carriers consider disc replacement an experimental procedure. A lengthy appeal process is usually required to achieve insurance carrier approval for the surgery. Case Outcome Our patient engaged in lengthy discussion about treatment options. The patient had degenerative disc disease and radiculopathy at C4–5, causing neck and right arm pain, and some deltoid weakness. Posterior decompression JOPA 9 would not have addressed the disc degeneration. Anterior discectomy was indicated. If the fusion were performed on this 29-year-old female, she would be at a significant risk of adjacent segment degeneration later in life. The most optimal treatment option for her was CTDR, which would address the mild deformity by restoring cervical lordosis and disc height and allow for complete decompression of the right C5 nerve root to alleviate the arm pain, numbness, and weakness. The operation went well, and the radiculopathy and neck pain resolved after proper postoperative rehabilitation. Postoperative images are shown in Figures 4 and 5 below. References 1. Kelsey J, Githens PB, Walter SD, et al. An epidemiology study of acute prolapsed cervical intervertebral discs. JBJS Am. 1984;66(6):907-914. Figure 4 2. Diwan S, Manchikanti L, Benyamin RM, et al. Effectiveness of cervical epidural injections in the management of chronic neck and upper extremity pain. Pain Physician. 2012;15(4): E405-34. 3. Hurwitz EL, Aker PD, Adams AH, et al. Manipulation and mobilization of the cervical spine. A systematic review of the literature. Spine. 1996;21(15):1746-59. 4. Murphy DR, Hurwitz EL, Gregory AA. Manipulation in the presence of cervical spinal cord compression: a case series. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2006;29(3):236-44. 5. Bohlman HH, Emery SE, Goodfellow DB, Jones PK. Robinson anterior cervical discectomy and arthrodesis for cervical radiculopathy.Long-term follow-up of one hundred and twenty-two patients. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1993;75(9):1298–1307. 6.Brodke DS, Zdeblick TA. Modified Smith-Robinson procedure for anterior cervical discectomy and fusion. Spine. 1992;17(10 suppl):S427–30. 7. Daniel K Park, Eric L Lin. Index and Adjacent Level Kinematics After Cervical Disc Replacement and Anterior Fusion: In Vivo Quantitative Radiographic Analysis. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2011;20;36(9):721-730. 8. Morio Matsumoto, Eijiro Okada, et al. Anterior cervical decompression and fusion accelerates adjacent segment degeneration: comparison with asymptomatic volunteers in a ten-year magnetic resonance imaging follow-up study. Spine (Phila Pa 1976.) 2010;35(1):36-43. 9.Hilibrand AS, Carlson GD, Palumbo MA, Jones PK, Bohlman HH. Radiculopathy and myelopathy at segments adjacent to the site of a previous anterior cervical arthrodesis. JBJS. 1999;81(4):519-528. 10. Moatz B, Tortollani J. Cervical disc arthroplasty: Pros and cons. Surg Neurol Int. 2012;3(Suppl 3): S216–S224. 11. Zigler JE, Delamarter R, Murrey D, et al. ProDisc-C and ACDF as Surgical Treatment for Single Level Cervical Symptomatic Degenerative Disc Disease: Five-Year Results of an FDA Study. Spine. 2012; Dec 5 [Epub ahead of print]. Figure 5 Figure 4. Flexion and Extension postoperative lateral radiographs showing restoration of disc height and alignment and proper motion at C4-5 with a Total Disc Replacement prosthesis. 10 JOPA Meniscal Tears: Repair or Resect? Jeffrey Sommers, PA-C, Miranda Collins MEd, MPAS, PA-C Marietta College Physician Assistant Program The normal knee is equipped with a lateral and a medial fibrocartilaginous disc within the joint space, known as the menisci. The menisci may be overlooked by many when discussing the major functioning components of the knee; however, meniscal tears are among the most common knee injuries, accounting for 850,000 orthopaedic surgeries per year in the United States.1 Even more concerning is the drastic increase in meniscal tears in the adolescent population within the past decade. An increase in sports participation in combination with increasing pediatric musculoskeletal knowledge and diagnostic capabilities have attributed to a 400% increase of diagnosed meniscus tears in adolescent patients at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia from 1999 to 2012.2 The menisci serve multiple functions, with shock absorption and load distribution being most important. By decreasing direct contact pressure and stress load at the tibio-femoral joint, they act to preserve articular cartilage and more importantly bone integrity.3 The menisci are positioned in such a way that they reduce the contact area between the femoral condyles and the tibial plateau by 60%, which in turn absorbs 50% of the axial load that would otherwise be placed on the articulating surfaces of the underlying bone.4 Meniscus tears are common injuries encountered by orthopaedic surgeons and often require surgical intervention. Original treatment for a meniscal tear, regardless of size or location, was a total meniscectomy until 1948 when Fairbanks introduced a study revealing the negative long term degenerative effects associated with complete resection of the meniscus, thus leading to a demand for more conservative surgical alternatives.5 With the incidence of meniscal tears in adolescents on the rise and the development of arthroscopy, partial meniscal debridement along with various meniscal repair methods have been adopted as preferred surgical treatment options in order to preserve as much normal meniscal tissue as possible. However, controversy still exists today regarding which option, partial meniscectomy versus tissue sparing meniscal repair, is the best treatment for meniscal injuries. This paper will review the challenges, benefits, and long-term outcomes for both partial meniscectomy and meniscal repair. Anatomy The main obstacle that orthopedic surgeons encounter when deciding upon a surgical approach is the location and type of the meniscal tear. The meniscus is divided into two regions based on local blood supply. The peripheral one third of the meniscus is referred to as the red zone and the central portion is referred to as the white zone. The two zones merge at the red-white junction. The red zone is supplied by branches of the popliteal artery, collectively known as the geniculate arteries. Therefore, this region is composed of highly vascularized tissue. Central to the red-white junction is the white zone. This region received its name due to its lack of arterial blood supply.4 The white zone was thought to be completely avascular receiving absolutely no contact with oxygenated blood. However, studies have proven that this theory is not entirely true. Although the white zone has no arterial supply, it is believed that it does absorb a rather limited amount of blood from the circulating synovial fluid.5 Because proper vascularization promotes tissue healing, simple meniscal tears located within the red zone have been deemed prime candidates for repair.4 Such lesions carry a surgical success rate of 90% percent. Whereas, lesions located greater than 4 mm from the vascularized peripheral ridge have a success rate of only 50% percent.6 JOPA 11 Historically, when a lesion is located within the avascular central two thirds of the meniscus, or greater than 3 mm from the peripheral rim, surgical repair is contraindicated and arthroscopic partial debridement becomes the treatment of choice.7 In addition to the vascular characteristics of a meniscal lesion, clinicians must also formulate the appropriate surgical approach based on the tear pattern. Meniscal tears are classified as vertical, horizontal, oblique, or complex; some being more amendable to repair than others. Vertical tears are defined as meniscal lesions that run in a perpendicular plane to the tibial plateau. Vertical tears can be further subdivided into vertical longitudinal, vertical radial, and bucket handle tears. A vertical longitudinal tear, which is the most commonly encountered tear pattern in adolescents, is a vertical tear that runs circumferentially with the long axis of meniscal fiber arrangement. Vertical radial tears originate from the central avascular zone and travel toward the periphery in a perpendicular plane relative to the tibial plateau. A bucket handle tear is defined as a complete vertical longitudinal tear with displacement into the tibiofemoral joint, often causing complete mechanical obstruction and requiring urgent surgical intervention. Vertical longitudinal tears, especially those complete in nature and located in the vascular periphery carry the greatest repair potential. However, as long as complexity and white-white zone involvement is minimal, all vertical meniscal tears have some degree of repair potential. Horizontal tears are seen more commonly in later adulthood and are classified as lesions running along the transverse plane, parallel to the tibial plateau. Oblique tears are simply meniscal flaps that are not confined to a particular plane (vertical or horizontal). Lastly, complex tears are intricate lesions containing at least two different tear patterns. Complex tears are often the result of long term degenerative changes and are the least amendable to repair of all tear patterns.8 Partial Meniscectomy Partial meniscectomies have shown excellent results on a short term basis. However, it is the long term effects that are of great concern. As previously discussed, the main function of the meniscus is load distribution. If partial meniscectomy is performed, the normal biomechanical nature of the knee joint becomes compromised. By decreasing contact area between the meniscus and the femoral condyle or tibial plateau pressure placed on the bony surfaces of the joint itself increases, ultimately leading to joint space degradation.9 An inverse relationship exists between amount of viable meniscal tissue remaining post resection and potential to develop osteoarthritis. Noyes reported that a meniscal debridement of as little as 15-34% increases the direct contact area between the femur and tibia so much as to cause a 350% increase in axial load on the articular cartilage.4 Using a three dimensional model of the knee and finite element analysis, E. Pena set out to discover contact area and stress load alterations following various zones of meniscal resection. The study showed that after longitudinal partial resection there was as much as 100% increase of compression load on the knee joint. Interestingly, data revealed that the location of the meniscal debridement was just as influential as the amount of tissue resected. The meniscus is positioned in such a way that designated portions serve as maximum load absorbing areas; one such area is the posterior horn of the medial meniscus. Although the full biomechanical nature of the knee joint becomes compromised with resection of any portion of the meniscus, the load redistribution following a resection of the anterior horn of the medial meniscus would be minimal and easily compensated for by the remainder of the intact meniscal tissue, especially the posterior horn. A resection of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus, however, would cause greater deleterious effects because it is a maximum load bearing area. Resection of a high stress zone such as the posterior horn would cause a large dispersion of axial load that cannot otherwise be compensated for, leading to a much greater compression load directly onto the underlying articular surfaces.10 Therefore, resection of even a minimal portion of the meniscus can result in a major increased contact area of the deep articular cartilage, which is the final defense for the underlying bony surfaces of the joint. Meniscal Sparing Techniques Based on the biomechanical understanding of the knee joint and the crucial role the menisci play in preserving bony architecture, it seems logical that meniscal repair better maintains full physiological function within the joint space and prevents the alterations in axial load distribution seen with partial meniscectomies. Multiple radiographic studies have been conducted to observe the long term osteoarthritic effects associated with partial meniscectomy in comparison to meniscal repair. Using cartilage sensitive MRI, R.J. Williams proved that radiographic changes following partial meniscectomy can be detected as early 12 JOPA as 5 years post-operatively. The study showed that 64% of partial medial meniscectomies and 33% of partial lateral meniscectomies revealed articular cartilage abnormalities on MRI.11 Stein et al conducted a study comparing meniscal repair and partial meniscectomy outcomes using radiographic analysis at an average of 3.4 years and again at 8.8 years. Although no significant difference was noted between the two surgical techniques at 3.4 years, long term follow up at 8.8 years revealed a great deal of radiographic disparity. The later analysis showed 80.79% of the repair subjects had joint space preservation and no signs of osteoarthritic changes as compared to only 40% of partial meniscectomy subjects.12 Further support of this finding was shown in a systematic review conducted by Paxton revealing no radiographic degenerative changes in 78% of the sample population 10 years following meniscal repair.13 Brucker proved longevity benefits of meniscal repair, studying full weight bearing radiographic analysis 20 years post-operatively by comparing surgically repaired knees with their intact contralateral knee and found no significant osteoarthritic differences.14 Surgical Advancements for White-white Meniscal Tears With the amount of evidence in the literature regarding the notion of increased knee osteoarthritic progression associated with fibrocartilaginous tissue loss and increasing meniscus injuries occurring at younger ages, an increasing number of surgeons with extensive fellowship and training in meniscal sparing techniques have been attempting meniscus repairs within the red zone as well as of those extending beyond the red-white junction and into the white zone. Noyes and Barber-Westin conducted a prospective study examining whether tears extending into the avascular white zone can in fact be repaired. Their results showed that 75% of complex tears located within the “irreparable” white zone showed no signs of repair failure on follow up arthroscopic evaluation as well as no joint line pain at a mean follow up period of 51 months.15 P.D. Gallacher found 68% of 87 meniscal tears located in the central avascular zone required no further surgical procedure and were ultimately ruled a successful repair at 49 month follow up.9 Although meniscal repair within the poorly vascularized central portion of the meniscus has been proven feasible, success rates are still less favorable than ultimately desired. Therefore, additional surgical advances have been recently introduced, all of FIGURE 2. Vertical Meniscus Tear FIGURE 4. Probe pulling in the Vertical Tear FIGURE 1. Meniscal Repair of the Vertical Tear JOPA 13 which share the common goal of meniscal preservation to assure maximum shock absorption within the knee joint. Such advances include abrasion therapy and fibrin clot injection.16 Abrasion therapy, or rasping, is performed by creating a small radial incision within the healthy peripheral meniscus surrounding the centralized tear. The rasping technique creates a means of vascular communication from the healthy red-red zone to the lesion located within the poorly vascularized white-white zone. In doing so, the vascular area within the meniscus is expanded, allowing for increased amounts of growth factors and blood products to reach the injured tissue.16 Injection of fibrin clots into the repaired lesion also functions by increasing the vascular environment surrounding the repair. It has been recorded that infusion of a fibrin clot during repair reduces failure rates from 41% to 8%.6 Surgical techniques including allograft meniscal transplantation and collagen meniscal implantation have developed to provide symptomatic relief, functional improvement, and joint preservation for postmeniscectomy (both partial and total) patients. Allograft meniscal transplantation is a technique indicated for patients, particularly under the age of 50 with the absence of severe osteoarthritic condition, that are experiencing symptoms associated with early degenerative changes following previous meniscus resection. This technique utilizes precisely measured and preserved cadaveric meniscal tissue implanted and fixed directly into the meniscal deficient joint space using open or arthroscopic technique.17 Verdonk et al not only examined the degree of functional improvement of the augmented knee, but also the longevity of the allograft meniscal implant. Using the modified Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) scoring system which examines various functional parameters including range of motion, flexion, instability, and even pain, examiners revealed a significant increase of mean functionality score from 60.1 (out of 100) pre-operatively to 88.6 at final post-operative follow up (mean 7.75 years). Of the 100 test subjects enrolled in the study, only 21 allograft meniscus implants at mean follow up of 7.75 years were unstable and deemed a failure based on the rigid criteria of knee functionality measures and second look arthroscopy outlined in the Kaplan Meier Analysis model.18 LaPrade et al examined functionality of the affected knee at a minimum of 2.5 years following allograft meniscus transplantation. According to pre-operative and post-operative results of the Modified Cincinnati Subjective Survey, 91% of transplant subjects professed greater functionality with decreased pain symptoms as well as a significant increase in objective improvement based on the IKDC objective test results.19 In the absence of cadaveric meniscal tissue, collagen meniscal implantation technique is evolving as a possible alternative. Collagen meniscal implantation consists of a type I collagen fiber graft derived from bovine Achilles tendons that is surgically placed within a resected meniscal zone. Collagen meniscal implantation has shown significant advancements in joint space preservation when compared to knees that have undergone partial meniscectomy. This treatment was studied by Zaffagnini et al who detected significant joint space narrowing of the affected knee in the partial meniscectomy group, as compared to the collagen meniscal implanted knee that revealed no significant narrowing at 10 years post-operative.20 Conclusion Meniscal injuries are a common occurrence in the United States with an increased incidence in the adolescence population. As a result, it is imperative that orthopaedic clinicians be familiar with the most beneficial (short term and long term) surgical techniques available to patients. Although meniscal debridement (partial meniscectomy) has been a viable treatment option for injuries, long term studies showing the development of degenerative disease prove otherwise, which is a significant consideration when determining surgical options for younger patients. Instead, clinicians should consider a meniscal sparing technique regardless of the location or complexity of the lesion. Advanced repair techniques for lesions within the avascular zone, such a rasping and fibrin clot injection, have promising results that promote healing and decrease failure rates. For complex tears in which repair is not an option, meniscal implantation devices provide a sufficient alternative. References 1. Green III J.R. Arthroscopic Meniscus Repair: A minimally invasive method to repair torn knee cartilage. UW Medicine: Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine. 2013. 2.Contemporary Pediatric Staff. Pediatric knee injuries: What to do about a 400% increase in 12 years. Contemporary Pediatric: expert clinical advice for todays pediatricians. 2011. 14 JOPA 3.Bae J.Y., Park K.S, Seon J.K, Kwak D.S., Jeon I., Song E.K. Biomechanical analysis of the effects of medial meniscectomy on degenerative osteoarthritis. Med boil engcomput. 2012; 50: 33-60. 4.Noyes F.R. , Barber-Westin S.D. Management of meniscus tears that extend into the avascular region. Clinics in sports Medicine. 2012; 31: 65-90. 5.Fox A.J.S, Bedi A., Rodeo S.A. The basic science of human knee menisci structure, composition, and function. Sports Health: a multidisciplinary approach. 2012; 4: 340- 351. 6.Shybut T., Strauss E.J.. Surgical Management of Meniscal Tears. Bulletin of the NYU Hospital for Joint Disease. 2011: 69 (1): 56-52. 7.Krych A.J. et al. Arthroscopic repair of isolated meniscal tears in patients 18 years and younger. The American journal of sports medicine. 2008; 36 (7) 1283-1289. 8.Maffulli N., Giuseppe Longo U., Campi S., Denaro V. Meniscal Tears. Dove Press Journal: open access journal of sports medicine. 2010; 4554. 9.Gallacher, P. D. White on white meniscal tears to fix or not to fix?. The Knee . 2010; 17: 270-273. 10.Pena E. et al. Finite element analysis of the effect of meniscal tears. Clinical Biomechanics 20. 2005; 20: 498-507. Retrieved from http:// 0i0005&article=498_feaoteamohkb 11.Williams III R.J. et al. Mri evaluation of isolated arthroscopic partial meniscectomy patients at a minimum five-year follow-up. HSS journal : the musculoskeletal journal of Hospital for Special Surgery . 2006; 3(1): 35-41. Retrieved from PMC2504089/pdf/11420_2006_Article_9031.pdf 12.Stein et al. Long term outcomes after arthroscopic meniscal repair versus arthroscopic partial meniscectomy for traumatic meniscal tears. The American journal of sports medicine. 2010; 38 (8): 15421548. 13.Paxton E Scott, Stock M.V., Brophy R.H. Meniscal repair versus partial meniscectomy: a systematic review comparing reoperation rates and clinical outcomes. Arthroscopy: the journal of arthroscopic and related surgery.2011; 27 (9): 1275-1288. 14.Brucker P. U., Arndt von Campe,P.U., Meyer D. C., Arbab D., Stanek L., & Koch P. P. Clinical and radiological results 21 years following successful, isolated, open meniscal. The Knee. 2011; 18: 396-401. Retrieved from df?issn=09680160&issue=v18i0006&article=396_carr2fmriskj 15.Noyes FR, Barber-Westin SD. Arthroscopic repair of meniscal tears extending into the avascular zone in patients younger than twenty years of age. Am J Sports Med 2002; 30:589-600. http://journals. 0i0004&article=589_aromteyttyoa 16.Longo Biological strategies to enhance healing of the avascular area of the meniscus. Stem Cells International. 2012;1-7. 17.Zaffagnini S, Muccioli GM; Marcheggiani, Muccioli GM; Lopomo N, Muccioli GM. Prospective long-term outcomes of the medial collagen meniscus implant versus partial medial meniscectomy: a minimum 10-year follow-up study. Am J Sports Med. 2011; 39: 977–985. http:// 65&issue=v39i0005&article=977_plootmmam1fs Share JOPA with your coleagues A free Orthopedic Resource for The PA Profession PAs can subscribe online to receive future journal issues and monthly image quizzes. Visit to subscribe! What to look for from JOPA: - PA Surveys Job listings CME Calender Clinical “pearls” Orthopedic CAQ sample exam questions More articles focused on PAs JOPA 15 Common Meniscal Tears Surgical perspective by Daniel P. Bouvier, MD FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 Figure 1 is a illustration of a complex or degenerative tear. Figure 2 is a saggital MRI image showing a tear of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus. The complex tear involves meniscal disruption in both vertical and horizontal planes. FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4 Figure 3 is an intraoperative arthroscopic image of a degenerative medial meniscal tear. Figure 4 shows the meniscus after meniscectomy. Surgical perspective: preoperative considerations in degenerative tears such as this involve careful assessment of symptoms (arthritic vs. mechanical), onset of symptoms (acute in a previously asymptomatic knee vs. progressive), and localization of symptoms (joint line vs. global). Negative prognosticators for success may include articular cartilage loss in the same compartment, and meniscal extrusion. Preoperative corticosteroid injection may play a role in evaluating/ delineating symptoms (arthritic vs. meniscal) by duration and/or completeness of relief with the injection. 16 JOPA FIGURE 5 FIGURE 6 Figure 5 is an illustration of a horizontal meniscal tear. Figure 6 is a saggital MRI image showing a horizontal cleavage tear of the lateral meniscus. FIGURE 7 FIGURE 8 Figure 7 is an intraoperative arthroscopic image of a complex medial meniscus tear with a displaced flap as well as a horizontal cleavage component. Figure 8 shows the meniscal resection back to a stable rim. Surgical perspective: in this case, surgical considerations follow the principles of meniscal resection, which is to remove enough meniscus to leave a stable rim that is not susceptible to retear. That means here, choosing the smaller of the two leaflets (usually the inferior one) and not leaving any abrupt transition zones that may be a leading edge to retear. Then one should balance the anterior portion of the resection by switching portals and tapering the anterior portion of the resection. JOPA 17 FIGURE 9 FIGURE 10 Figure 9 is an illustration of a transverse or radial meniscal tear. Figure 10 is a coronal MRI image showing a free edge tear of the medial meniscus with marked truncation of the free edge. FIGURE 11 FIGURE 12 Figure 11 intraoperative arthroscopic image of a radial tear. Figure 12 shows resection of the tear. Surgical perspective: radial tears are troublesome because they often in younger patients, are not amenable to repair, and if traverse the entire meniscus, destroy the meniscal biomechanics. In those cases, the ability of the meniscus to resist hoop stresses is gone and large meniscal resections are necessary. Even when the radial tear is halfway through the meniscus, resection must taper to the apex of the tear from anterior and posterior to it, which requires more tissue removal. 18 JOPA FIGURE 13 FIGURE 14 Figure 13 is an illustration of a detached buckle-handle meniscal tear. Figure 14 is a saggital MRI image of a medial meniscus bucket-handle tear with a flipped fragment in the intercondylar notch resulting in a double PCL sign. FIGURE 15 FIGURE 16 Figure 15 is an intraoperative arthroscopic photo of a displaced buckle handle tear. Figure 16 is an intraoperative photo showing the meniscus reduced and repaired. Surgical perspective: these are often seen in traumatic knee injuries and in conjunction with ligament injury. Considerations here are to determine which zone of the meniscus is torn and whether it’s a true vertical tear in the red zone. This may make it repairable, especially in a younger patient who is also having a concomitant ACL reconstruction. This setting offers higher healing rates with repair of the meniscus. Meniscal preservation in this population is preferable and one might consider repair in that setting whereas they may not in an isolated bucket-handle tear in a middle aged patient with some chondral surface wear. JOPA 19 FIGURE 17 FIGURE 18 Figure 17 illustrates a vertical or longitudinal meniscal tear. Figure 18 is a saggital MRI image showing a vertical tear of the posterior lateral meniscus in the red/white junction. FIGURE 19 FIGURE 20 Figure 19 is an athroscopic photo of a vertical tear. Figure 20 shows the stable repair of the vertical tear. Surgical perspective: considerations here involve the location of the vertical tear, it’s length, and the condition of the meniscal body. Tears in the periphery, greater than a centimeter in length (unstable), and in which the body of the meniscus is not extensively damaged (can be coapted well) should be considered for repair. 20 JOPA NCCPA Orthopedic CAQ Sample Exam Question A 20-year-old man who plays baseball on his college team comes to the clinic because he has had pain in the right elbow for the past three weeks. The pain began approximately one week after the beginning of the baseball season. Physical examination of the elbow shows full range of motion in flexion, extension, supination, and pronation. No pain is elicited on varus or valgus stress of the elbow. Dorsiflexion of the right hand against resistance immediately elicits pain that is localized to the lateral aspect of the elbow. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? (A) Biceps tendinitis (B) Fracture of the radial head (C) Lateral epicondylitis (D) Olecranon bursitis (E) Sprain of the lateral collateral ligament Content Area: Sprains and Soft-Tissue Pathology (23%) Critique This question tests the examinee’s ability to recognize signs and symptoms of a musculoskeletal disorder to determine the most likely diagnosis. The correct answer is Option (C), lateral epicondylitis. Overuse or repetitive motion activities involving wrist extension and/or supination are common causes of lateral epicondylitis. Clinical manifestations usually include pain in the lateral aspect of the elbow and the dorsal aspect of the forearm that is exacerbated by use. Physical examination usually shows maximal point tenderness over the lateral epicondyle and/or the area overlying the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle. Extension or supination of the wrist against resistance typically elicits pain. Option (A), biceps tendinitis, is incorrect because this condition involves inflammation of the long head of the biceps tendon, which causes pain in the anterior aspect of the shoulder. Option (B), fracture of the radial head, is incorrect because the patient has no history of substantive trauma. In addition, the physical examination findings of full range of motion in all planes and provocation of pain on dorsiflexion of the wrist against resistance point away from this diagnosis as a possibility. Option (D), olecranon bursitis, is incorrect because this condition involves inflammation of the bursa overlying the olecranon process and none of the physical examination findings in the patient described are suggestive of this condition. Option (E), sprain of the lateral collateral ligament, is incorrect because the physical examination finding of no pain elicited on varus or valgus stress of the elbow excludes this condition as the most likely diagnosis. Additionally, activities that involve overhead throwing, such as baseball in the patient described, are more likely to involve the medial collateral ligament rather than the lateral collateral ligament. JOPA 21 Of Powder Plaster, Overhead Traction and Broomstick Prosthesis Reza Ghadimi, PA Albuquerque, NM When I entered into the world of medicine back in the middle of the last century the world was just entering a new era in healthcare. It was an old world with new ideas. We were just recovering from World War II and like all wars, although the fighting was over, the casualties lived on. No profession continues to deal with victims of war more than medicine. I was a fourteen year old teenager with a big head when a doctor friend of my father offered me a summer job at his hospital in Tehran. Soon after the start of that job I became interested in orthopaedics and have worked in that field ever since. My grandmother was a medicine woman who had an immense knowledge of folk remedies with a great following. I grew up in her care and watched and learned much of her hands-on way of patient care. As an acolyte of my grandmother, I had many experiences assisting her in dealing with injuries. Orthopaedics requires a real handson care of the patient, so it was just natural for me to gravitate toward the field. Much has changed in the world of healthcare in the last fifty years and orthopaedics has contributed plenty to that change. These are the stories of my observations and experiences that have taken me through all these years of practicing medicine in seven countries on three continents. The year was 1958 in Tehran when I started my first job in medicine washing instruments, sterilizing and packaging them. The hospital was a small private twenty bed institution for chronic diseases with only one surgical suite. It was not long after when I was introduced to the field of orthopaedics and became fascinated by it. It started one day as I was passing the ER and heard the cry of a young boy. I stuck my head in to investigate and saw my doctor friend attending to the boy’s arm. He saw me and beckoned me to enter. He explained that the boy had broken his arm and he was going to cast it. He then showed me how to wrap the arm with muslin, which is a cotton fabric that was used extensively as wound dressings or undercast padding in those days. He opened a bucket 22 JOPA FIGURE 1. Reza Ghadimi in front of Tehran Hospital - Circa 1959 full of white powder and explained that it was special fast setting plaster. He took a handful and mixed it with water, turning it into a paste and then applied it unto the muslin wrap on the boy’s arm and let it dry. It soon became hard. I was fascinated by the process and from then on volunteered to apply the cast to those who needed it. Earlier that summer my father had a room added to our house and I had watched the construction worker plaster the room. They applied the plaster with a trawl, working it back and forth, while explaining that the process created heat that cured and harden it into a smooth luster. I applied the same technique and quickly learned that the heat produced by the plaster can burn the patient, but the use of cold water keeps the process in check. I began to master the art of applying casts to injured parts of the body and my casts were not only technically done well, they also looked good. The hospital was staffed mainly by internists. We had an emergency department, which really wasn’t suited for acute care. There were no orthopaedic doctors on our staff, but they did come to the hospital to visit patients who needed ortho consults. On one such move into the surgical side of orthopaedic medicine so that by the time I moved to New York City in 1962, I had a good bit of experience for a seventeen year old from the foothills of the Alborz Mountains, Iran. The first few years were very tough in America. My lack of knowledge of english made it difficult to get a job anywhere. But once I found my way around, I was able to land a job working nights as an orderly in the ER at a city hospital. The opportunity was all I needed to propel myself back into the world of medicine. The hospital supported a large residency program and the young orthopaedic residents who covered the ER at night soon came to depend on me to teach them casting. There I discovered plaster bandages. It was nice FIGURE 1. Reza Ghadimi (on the left) in the surgery to avoid mixing plaster from a bucket and suite of Princess Margaret Hospital on the Island of spreading it over muslin. Dominica after hurricane David, several decades ago. Soon after the Vietnam War started, which put America in a tailspin. Along occasion, the visiting orthopaedic doctor needed with millions of others, I was drafted. To avoid a cast applied to a man’s arm and I was asked to the Army, I joined the Air Force and got myself apply it. He became enthralled by my talent and into the medical corps and succeeded in getting made several comments on how beautiful my cast a position at Wilford Hall USAF Hospital in San looked. This further enticed me to make my cast Antonio, Texas. work as appealing as possible and I used every Military orthopaedics was a new challenge opportunity to improve my techniques at work. and an exciting place to be. Vietnam supplied In those days there were no such things as us with a multitude of war injuries. My surgical plaster bandages. Plaster came in a bucket. knowledge got me into the operating suites and You wrapped the part of the body needing my good looking casts were demanded by many immobilization with muslin, applied wet plaster patients. I learned new applications for plaster; over it, and smoothed it as you went. It was a body casts for spine injuries, PTB casts, Minerva messy, difficult and often inaccurate work. The jackets, shoulder spica’s, single and double hip patient was often in pain and would not keep still spica casts were among a few new ones I learned for the plaster to set, causing cracks and breaks to apply. Many of our patients were victims of in the plaster. These required repair with more land mines and other explosive type devices and plaster, which often resulted in a very heavy cast. had lost all or part of their limbs. Removing a bulky cast was also difficult. With Wilford Hall had a brace shop and building experience, I became good in allowing the plaster prosthesis was another art I was introduced to. to half dry before applying it and by rubbing it Original prostheses were literally made of sticks as I smoothed it, helped it to cure and set faster. and leather. They were heavy, uncomfortable and This reduced the application time and kept the difficult to apply, and patients hated them. I had a cast lighter thus lessening the discomfort of the veracious appetite for learning and trained many patient. This talent got me the reputation as the different providers including doctors, physical “cast man.” Years later, while serving in the US therapists, prosthetists, and other ortho techs. Air Force, I received a commendation medal for I learned numerous ways of putting an injured my work as a “cast technician”. To my knowledge, person in traction including bucks traction, the only one ever given! overhead traction, skin traction, skeletal traction My work sterilizing instruments and many more ways of stringing a human being familiarized me with needles, hemostats, in a contraption. syringes, curettes, ring forceps, and many other Thousands of surgical cases later and instruments. This knowledge further helped me JOPA 23 many thousands of casts behind me I look back on all the changes and wonder if they have improved patient care. We have come a long way from the days of ether for anesthesia, re-usable syringes and needles, rusted instruments and powder plaster. Today synthetic casting tapes have replaced old heavy plaster. IM rods, hip and knee prosthesis, and arthroscopic surgery have done away with long immobilization. Diagnostic tools such as MRI and CT scan identify problems more accurately. Traction is all but forgotten and advances in prosthetics design and state of the art materials get patients back on their feet much faster. Amputees and handicapped people participate in sports and even partake in the Olympics. I have seen many changes, yet we are still struggling to bring needed healthcare to many people of our country and the world. Today medicine has become more technical than an art. Patients fill their history and make their appointments online. Smart phones and computers take their vital signs and relay it to their electronic records. Medical software identify possible medication conflict and suggest differential diagnosis. Internet, robotics, nano-technology and wireless communication are helping us be in many places at once and treat patients near and far. Providers spend little to no time with patients and depend on this technical information to diagnose and treat patients. Good or bad, here we are. Yet we have a long way to go to what medicine should be in the twenty first century. Still the experiences of today will be the memories of tomorrow. What tales of the past will these new doctors tell fifty years from now, I wonder. Share your Experiences with JOPA The Journal of Orthopedics for Physician Assistants (JOPA) provides a unique forum for sharing ideas and experiences with your colleagues. JOPA is the first journal representing the physician assistant orthopedic specialty and unique voice for all in the profession. We can all learn and grow from our shared experiences. 24 JOPA JOPA 25 Direct Anterior Approach Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Comparative Review of Surgical Approaches to the Hip Mark Carbo, M.S., PA-C Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Specialists, Alexandria, LA Osteoarthritis (OA), one of the most common forms of joint disease, creates a high economic burden secondary to the effects of disability and medical cost. Comorbidity diseases add to this economic burden and may prolong rehabilitation in some patient populations. Osteoarthritis disables approximately 10% of people who are 60 years and older, compromises the quality of life of more than 20 million Americans, and costs the United States economy more than $60 billion per year in health care dollars.1 Economic cost secondary to work-related losses adds to the indirect costs of OA with the growing numbers of younger, working adults suffering with OA. The current trends in surgical approaches to the hip have centered on less invasive methods and specifically designed instrumentation that result in an early recovery and return to the workforce. A current search of PubMed with “minimally invasive surgery” (MIS) retrieves over 12,000 articles, however, there seems to be a wide variety of definitions of what is meant by “minimally invasive”. Lovell describes minimally invasive surgery as the least damaging procedure to the surrounding structures and tissue.4 The direct anterior approach (DAA) to the hip is a MIS technique that takes advantage of a true intermuscular and internervous plane allowing rapid, direct and wide exposure to the hip joint, while minimizing soft tissue disruption. This approach is discussed as it benefits the patient’s recovery with a muscle sparring dissection, which yields faster post-op recovery, with a decreased post-op dislocation risk. 3,4 This article will compare the DAA hip to the mini posterior approach (MPA), which is also considered as minimally invasive by many authors. Rapid recovery of hip function and restoration of gait ability following total hip arthroplasty will save health care dollars by shortening rehabilitation and allow rapid return of working adults back to the workforce. HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE The approach to the surgical hip has been performed through various procedures including anteriorly as first described by Carl Hueter, a German physician, in his publication of Der Grundriss der Chirurgie (The compendium of Surgery) in 1881.5 Throughout the years, the popularity of the anterior approach moved to the English-speaking world with Marius N. Smith-Petersen. This technique is commonly referred to as the “Smith-Petersen approach”.5 Many other surgeons have continued to teach this approach and have contributed to the advancement in instrumentation to improving exposure and reducing tissue damage. Kristaps Keggi demonstrated the first presentation of the approach to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) in the early 1970’s, Keggi continues to teach the DAA to orthopaedic residents at Yale University today. This anterior approach remains a standard approach to the hip in pediatric orthopedic surgery for developmental hip dysplasia. In the adult patient, it is used for exposure of the anterolateral aspect of the femoral head, neck, and acetabulum. The exposure also lends itself for the treatment of femoroacetabular impingement and minimally invasive total hip arthroplasty.5 With advancements in instrumentation and better designs of femoral stems, the anterior approach has regained popularity as a versatile approach to the hip in the adult patient. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE There are many options with tables and attachments to the standard OR bed that are available to aid in positioning the patient and serve to increase exposure in direct anterior approach to the hip. The standard OR table has been used in DAA hips with reproducible and successful outcomes for many years. More recently, Dr. Joel Matta popularized the procedure through the use of OSI PROfx table that places both ankles in a boot support configuration that can add axial traction and rotation of the hip to aid in the 26 JOPA procedure. Other variations include the arch table, which attaches to the standard OR bed for femoral rotation and distraction. For the purpose of this article, the standard OR table will be discussed for utilization and exposure. The direct anterior hip approach can be performed on a standard operating room table in the supine position to obtain full hip extension and adduction to approach the acetabulum and femoral canal. The head attachment of the operating room table is moved to the end of the bed to allow the patients perineum to be placed at the table break. This will allow for extension of the hip during the femoral preparation (Figure 1). An arm board is placed on the foot of the table on the nonoperative leg, allowing added abduction of the nonoperative limb and added adduction of the operative limb that is essential for femoral preparation. The operative hip and lower limb is prepped and draped in the sterile fashion.3,4 The incision begins 2 cm distal and lateral to the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and continues distal along a line parallel the ASIS and the fibula head at the knee. The total incision is approximately 8-10 cm (Figure 2). Dissection is then carried down to the fascia covering the tensor fasciae latae, and then incised along the fibers. A finger dissection is continued under the fascia medially and then down through the intermuscular plane between the tensor and the sartorius muscle, separating the two muscle bellies. A blunt cobra retractor is then placed in the saddle region along the superior lateral femoral neck. A cob elevator may be required to tease the rectus off the superior-anterior edge of the neck. This allows dissection in the interval between the tensor and the rectus. A second blunt cobra retractor is placed at the inferior medial neck to maintain this interval. At this point, the circumflex vessels should be in view at the distal incision, and care must be taken to cauterize or ligate these vessels. 3,4 The anterior capsule is excised with an “H” incision to reveal the anterior femoral neck. Two cobra retractors can be placed directly around the superior and inferior femoral neck inside the remaining capsule. The inferior medial capsule is released from the medial calcar using subtle figure-of-four position; a mark can be placed at this time to prepare for the femoral neck cut with one “finger breadth” above the lesser trochanter. The neck cut is made in-situ and the femoral head is removed with a cob elevator or corkscrew. Figure 1 Figure 2 JOPA 27 The labrum is then excised to aid in visualization of the acetabulum and acetabular retractors are placed. Reaming of the acetabulum is carried out with a double offset reamer to protect the tissue and allows anatomic placement of the reamer in the obese patients.4 Once the proper acetabulum sizing has been accomplished with reaming, the femur is positioned for broaching. A bone hook is placed in the femoral canal and distal / upward retraction is used to elevate the femur and assess for release of residual capsule that may require releasing which will aid in elevation for broaching. Next, while maintaining elevation of the femur, a pointed Hohmann retractor is placed proximally behind the greater trochanter and an acetabular or cobra retractor is placed medially. Specifically designed retractors and broach handles facilitate adequate exposure and can be seen in figure 3. The foot of the bed is lowered to extend the hip and abduction of the non-operative leg with adduction and external rotation of the operative leg provides the visibility for broaching of the femur. Placing the bed in slight Trendelenburg will allow for further lowering of the foot of the bed while maintain sterility. Broaching is then carried out with a double “off-set” broach handle (Figure 4). Once the final broach has been seated and trialed, the implants are placed in the same manner and reduction of the hip with range of motion can be performed to check stability. The non-operative leg can now be placed in neutral position to allow an accurate assessment of leg lengths. Fluoroscopy can be used to check cup placement and stem alignment at this point. 3,4 The fascia of the tensor fascia lata muscle is closed with absorbable suture followed by closure of the subcutaneous layer. The skin is closed in the usual fashion of the surgeons’ preference. NAVIGATION The use of a small incision does not necessarily mean it is minimally invasive. The amount of manipulation and compromise to the surrounding tissue beneath the incision is what classifies as “minimally invasive”. With more minimally invasive surgeries through various approaches, skeptics worry about the addition of new risks due to poor visualization and increased difficulty in positioning of the prosthesis. With malpositioning of the component, increased risk of dislocations and early wear of poly liners have been documented. To help eliminate malpositioning of the acetabular cup in MIS-THAs, the use of computer navigation has been useful.6,7 Sugano reviewed the navigational procedures performed by a single surgeon on both the posterior approach and the direct anterior approach to assess cup placement. They looked for variations in cup placement in the two groups with 400 degrees of inclination and 150 degrees of anteversion as being the target placement.6 They noted no significant differences in the recorded cup inclination or anteversion Figure 3 28 JOPA Figure 4 between the two groups. They concluded that the anterior approach resulted in a faster recovery time, but no difference in hip scores were seen after 6 months.6 LEARNING CURVE Safe, accurate and reproducible results are what every surgeon desires with each procedure they perform. As with every surgical procedure, there is a learning curve to achieve reproducible results. A surgeon interested in learning the direct anterior approach for THA should attend a cadaver workshop and visit with a surgeon already performing the procedure to help minimize this curve.4 Current literature regarding the learning curve of the anterior approach by John Masonis8 looks at a single surgeons outcomes on the initial 300 consecutive cases. These cases were grouped in chronologic order (1-100 = group 1; 101-200 = group 2; and 201-300 = group 3). The procedures were performed through a single incision with the DAA. Fluoroscopy was utilized to assess cup placement and stem alignment in all 300 cases. A retrospective review looked at operative time, blood loss, complications, dislocations, infection, and neurologic injury. Radiographic assessment of cup abduction angle was measured and leg length discrepancy was noted. Results showed improvement with the increase number of surgeries performed. There was only one dislocation and this was noted with group 3 which occurred 9 months post-op while the patient was putting on shoes with the operative leg on the stairs. Three calcar fractures occurred with group 1 and were treated with cables. There were no neurologic injury demonstrated and one deep infection that was treated aggressively with irrigation, debridement and intravenous therapy.8 The learning curve continued through the first 100 cases and continued to show significant improvement with reduction of fluoroscopy, decreased surgery times, and improved leg length equalization. Masonis found the learning curve for accuracy and patient outcomes to be somewhat flat and attributed this to the use of intraoperative fluoroscopy and a true intermuscular approach.8 Other complications that have been documented include lateral femoral cutaneous nerve damage, damage to the circumflex vessels, femoral neurovascular bundle injury, muscle damage, femoral perforation, stem malpositioning, cup malpositioning, and traction table-related injuries.9, 10, 11 Improper placement and utilization of retractors have added to some of the complications listed. Utilizing specialized retractors, dual off-set reamers and broach handles, these complications can be avoided thereby limiting risk to patients. Meneghini described muscle damage to the tensor fasciae latae and the gluteus medius and minimus during a cadaveric study in the lab.11 However, review of the methods and approach in this study was limited by incomplete acetabular retractor placement, the inability to extend the hip to aid in femoral preparation, and the resulting disproportionate releasing of the short external rotators.11 The sample size of this study was greatly limited with only 6 cadavers (12 hips). COMPARISON OF THE DAA TO THE MPA A search of current literature reveals numerous studies examining minimally invasive hip surgeries comparing patient outcomes. Measurements of patient outcome scores are generally assessed at 6 weeks, 3 months, and 2 years. Nakata3 published the first comparative study on DAA and MPA in consecutive patients by a single surgeon looking at objective functional outcome measures as early as 3 weeks. He examined 182 consecutive patients (195 hips) from May 2003 to December 2006. Nakata changed his approach from MPA in March 2005 and initiated the muscle-preserving MIS-THA by DAA. The groups were equal in all demographic categories (i.e. age, body mass index, pain index, and mobility). The DAA group consisted of 99 hips and the MPA category contained 96 hips.3 In the posterior approach group, the patients were placed in the lateral position on a standard table, and had a reverse U-shape incision of the short rotators and capsule in one bulk flap. After preparation of the acetabulum and femur, the gluteus minimus and the muscle-capsular flap were reattached. This was implemented utilizing a modified Kessler method with a pullout suture technique through the trochanter to prevent post-op dislocations.3 Patients in the anterior approach group were placed on a standard orthopedic table in the supine position. The approach was through the intermuscular and internervous planes of the tensor fascia lata and sartorius muscle belly superficially and the tensor and rectus deep. The use of fluoroscopy or intraoperative x-ray was not utilized during or after cup impaction for inclination and anteversion. Following JOPA 29 placement of the prosthesis, the fascia was closed. Epidural analgesia was administered for 36 hours after surgery and patients were placed on oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory for 7 days. Patients began physical therapy on the first postoperative day with full weight-bearing. Discharge from the hospital was allowed once a patient was able to perform a single-leg stance for more than 5 seconds. The rehabilitation protocol was identical for both the MPA and the DAA group.3 All aspects of the procedure were evaluated from incision to closure of the wound for operative time, blood loss, and drain outputs postoperatively. Radiographic imaging of the pelvis and femur were obtained with assessment of the cup inclination and anteversion angle, and positioning of the cup within the safe zone of Lewinnek method.3, 13 The stem was evaluated on lateral x-rays with 30 degrees anterior to posterior being considered netural.3 Time to ambulation with the assistance of a single-point cane greater than 200 meters, time necessary to complete a 50 meter walk, time required to perform a single-leg stance greater than 5 seconds, and the presence of a Trendelenburg sign were the measurement endpoints of the study. Hip function was also assessed clinically with scores for categories of pain, mobility, and gait.3 These measurements were recorded preoperatively, and at 5 days, and 3 weeks after surgery. The direct anterior group required less time for these categories than the posterior group in all areas. At 3 weeks post-op, 34% (34) of the DAA group required no assistive walking aid as compared to 19% (18) of the MPA.3 In addition, significant difference was found in the 50-meter walk times between the two groups. Ninety-nine percent (98) of the cups in the DAA group had been implanted within the safe zone of Lewinnek method, but only 91% of the cups in the MPA group were positioned in the safe zone.13 Proper alignment within the safe zone reduces early eccentric wear within the poly, early poly fracture, and the risk of dislocation. Nakata concluded that the muscle-preserving MIS-DAA THA is a more useful and effective procedure for rapid functional recovery than THA performed by MPA.3 Both approaches were performed through mini incisions; however, the management of the soft tissues (muscles and tendons) more accurately defines a procedure as minimally invasive because it is the function of these structures that affects the early recovery. OTHER USES FOR THE ANTERIOR APPROACH The Smith-Petersen approach to the hip has been utilized for various procedures to gain access to the anterior hip. The approach has been modified to fit the procedure being performed and has continued to gain popularity in primary THA. A revision THA is very challenging through any approach, but the anterior approach incision can be modified to accommodate a revision also. The mini incision can be extended proximal and distal to allow for exposure in more complicated revisions.10 Bilateral THA can be performed through the anterior approach using a standard operating table by a single surgeon without re-draping the patient. Patients requiring bilateral hip replacements benefit with only one hospitalization, rehabilitation, and one time under anesthesia. The time for rehabilitation of bilateral hips is approximately the same for a single hip in a patient that has advanced degenerative changes of the non surgical hip. Simultaneous bilateral hips were reported by Mast et al12 using the special tables and two surgeons performing the procedures. Mast et al reported on safety and early recovery with this study. In this series, no complications could be directly attributed to this technique.12 However, with a 50% reduction for bilateral procedures, the economic disadvantage to the surgeon for reimbursement of the second hip may be a deterring factor. CONCLUSION In conclusion, current literature outlines several important factors that affect patient outcomes with minimally invasive approaches to the hip. These factors influence the stability and functionality of the hip following surgery. There is a learning curve with the DAA that improved significantly within the 3 hip groups as seen with Masosnis8 in regards to operative time in surgery, blood loss during surgery, cup placement within the target area, and complications. The use of specialized retractors, reamers, and broaches have aided in visualization and tissue protection to reduce complications and help with the learning curve4. 30 JOPA Hip precautions are a part of patient education that starts with the first postoperative day following THA for every patient. With DAA THA, the traditional hip precautions are not required. The patient is able to resume full motion of the operative hip under the surgeon’s guidance and progress to normal activities3. Preserving the abductors and short external rotators, and obtaining excellent acetabular position to ensure accurate cup placement, greatly reduces the likelihood of a dislocation in a tissue-balanced hip. Minimally invasive surgery is defined as the least damaging procedure to the surrounding tissue4. Exposure during surgery is critical for patient safety and allows for reproducible outcomes with every procedure. By using the intermuscular and internervous plan between the tensor fascia lata and the sartorius muscle, and by not releasing the short external rotators of the hip, the DAA has shown to benefit the patients with an earlier return of hip function. This was documented by Nakata with improvement in mobility and in stability of the hip as early as 3 weeks post operatively3. Several other authors have documented that both the DAA and MPA THA functional outcomes are very comparable at 3, 6 and 12 months out from surgery. The strength of Nakata study can be viewed as procedures being performed by a single surgeon, with a history of successful MPA-THA and then changing to DAA-THA, in a consecutive similar patient population, with a retrospective data comparison. The two groups were equivalent in age, BMI, hip scores and mobility pre-operatively. Further studies of the DAA-THA with focus on hip functioning from the first day post-op to six weeks and beyond surgery are needed. These additional findings will increase individual patient understanding of the available procedures and recovery expectations. With a more active population undergoing hip replacement the anterior approach adds benefits to patient safety and return to early recovery. REFERENCES Buckwalter JA, Saltzman C, Brown T. The impact of osteoarthritis: implications for research, Clin Orthop Relat Res 2004;427(Suppl):S6-15. 2 Bhandari M, Jatta JM, et al. Outcomes following the single-incision anterior approach total hip arthroplasty:a multicenter observational study. Orthop Clin N Am. Jul 2009;40(3):329-42. 3 Nakata K, Nishikawa M, et al. A clinical comparative study of the direct anterior with mini-posterior approach. The Journal of Arthroplasty. 2009; 24(5):698-704. 4 Lovell T. Single-incision direct anterior approach for total hip arthroplasty using a standard operating table. The Journal of Arthroplasty. 2008;23(7):64-68. 5 Rachbauer F, Kain MS, Leunig M. The history of the anterior approach to the hip. Orthop Clin N Am. Jul 2009;40(3):311-20. 6 Sugano N, Takao M, Sakai T, et al. The comparison of mini-incision total hip arthroplasty through an anterior approach and a posterior approach using navigation. Orthop Clin N Am. 2009;40:365-370. 7 Nogler M, Mayr E, Krismer M, Thaler M. Reduced variability in cup positioning: the direct anterior surgical approach using navigation. Acta Orthopaedica, 2008;79(6):789-793. 8 Masonis J, Thompson C, Odum S. Safe and accurate: learning the direct anterior total hip arthroplasty. Orthopedics. Dec 2008;31(12 Suppl2). 9 Barton C, Kim P. Complications of the direct anterior approach for total hip arthroplasty. Orthop Clin N Am, 2009;40:371-375. 10 Kennon R, Keggi J, Zatorski L, Keggi KJ., Anterior approach for total hip arthroplasty: beyond the minimally invasive technique. The Jour Bone Joint Surgery, 2004; 86-A Suppl 2:91-7. 11 Meneghini RM, Pagnano MW, Trousdale RT, et al. Muscle damage during MIS total hip arthroplasty. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2006 Dec;453:293-8. 12 Mast N, Munoz M, Matta J. Simultaneous bilateral supine anterior approach total hip arthroplasty: evaluation of early complications and short-term rehabilitation. Orthop Clin N Am. 2009 Jul:40(3):3566.13 Lewinnek GE, Lewis JL, Tarr R, et al. Dislocations after total hip-replacement arthroplasties. J Bone Joint Surg 1978;60A:217. Clinical Pearl A common intra-operative test to rule out a periprosthetic joint infection is a frozen section. The procedure involves sending intraoperative tissue samples to the lab where the tissue is rapidly frozen, sliced into sections, and microscopically analyzed. A pathologist can quickly review the slides and determine if inflammatory markers are present. Biopsied material that contains more than 5-10 WBC’s per high power field (40X) is suggestive of infection. JOPA 31 There is a distinction between one qualified PA and another. It’s called a CAQ. !"#$%&'%(!)%&*&+%*,%-&./&0!"-&1%+,2 !"#$%&3!/%,&0!"-&45.++42& !"#$%&6*./%,& 5/!7+%,6%&*/,&%89%-:.4%2& !"#$%&,!/%& %$%-0:3./6&:!&'%&*/&*((!)9+.43%,& !-:3!9*%,.(&4"-6%-0&;<2 =3%&>%-:.1(*:%&!?&<,,%,&@"*+.1(*:.!/4&A><@B& ./&C-:3!9*%,.(&D"-6%-0&.4&0!"-&(3*/(%&:!& 9-!$%&.:2& Register Now! D.6/&./:!&0!"-&-%(!-,& :!&-%6.4:%-&?!-&:3%& ><@&9-!6-*)2 7772/((9*2/%:L;<T!6./ =3%&><@&.4&!??%-%,&'0&E>>;<F:3%&!/+0& (%-:.?0./6&!-6*/.G*:.!/&?!-&;<4&./&:3%&H2D2& <+-%*,0&:-"4:%,&'0&3%*+:3&(*-%&%)9+!0%-4I& E>>;<&3%+94&0!"&,!(")%/:&0!"-&*,$*/(%,& J"*+.1(*:.!/42 !"&*+-%*,0&3*$%&73*:&.:&:*5%42&K.4.:& 7772/((9*2/%:L!-:3!9*%,.(4"-6%-0&!-&(*++& MNOPQRNPORSSI&*/,&4:*-:&%*-/./6&0!"-&><@& ./&C-:3!9*%,.(&D"-6%-0&:!,*02 NCCPA’s Certificate of Added Qualifications Signals PAs’ ExpertiseTo Employers and Patients PAs committed to specializing in orthopaedic surgery are among those in only seven specialties with the opportunity to earn a Certificate of Added Qualifications (CAQ), administered by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA). Earning the CAQ in Orthopaedic Surgery allows PAs to document their specialty-focused experience, CME, knowledge and skills. This credential signals their commitment to the specialty and is a career milestone that can garner recognition. “A CAQ validates a PA’s higher level of medical practice, ability, training, and experience,” says Adam Mays, PA-C, an Orthopaedic Surgery CAQ recipient. “Broadening our scope of practice within our respective specialties is a duty we should honorably pursue to offer the highest level of consultation possible to our patients. From a quality of care standpoint, a CAQ brings the PA one step closer to objectively demonstrating that PAs achieve quality outcomes.” Recently, more than 200 CAQ recipients responded to an NCCPA survey. Those who were seeking benefits in the following four areas reported these tangible results: • Role expansion: For those wanting a new job, over 75% have found one or anticipate finding one; over 40% successfully sought a promotion; and 60% achieved or expect increased responsibilities or expansion of clinical privileges. • Remuneration: For those who sought financial reward, over half have been granted or anticipate a pay increase, and almost 1/3 received a one-time cash bonus. • Reimbursements: Over 75% found the CAQ useful in documenting qualifications required for external accreditation or evaluation (i.e., Joint Commission), and over 1/3 achieved or anticipated a broadening of their eligibility for reimbursement. • Recognition: Almost 75% have received greater recognition or regard from physicians or other health care professionals, with 2/3 reporting greater respect or acceptance from patients. Mark Wright, PA-C, one of the first PAs to earn a CAQ in Orthopaedic Surgery in 2011, has experienced these results first hand. “I have been promoted, given higher pay and more responsibility since earning a CAQ.” The CAQ exam consists of 120 multiple-choice questions related to orthopaedic surgery. Even for those PAs in a subspecialty, the CAQ can mean job flexibility and security. Adds Wright: “As an employer hiring PAs who would you prefer--someone who took the exam or not? Employers want people with initiative, and earning the CAQ shows initiative.” According to data reported to NCCPA, the number of PAs working in orthopaedic surgery is estimated to exceed 8800. Many of these certified PAs have a head start on their way to attaining a CAQ because they have completed the experience requirement of 4000 hours in the specialty, the equivalent of two years of full-time practice. In addition to experience, there are three other requirements to earn the CAQ: • 150 credits of Category 1 CME focused on orthopaedic surgery within six years of registering for the program. (The same credits may be used to maintain the PA-C credential.) • Attestation from a supervising physician in the specialty that the PA has performed or understands how to perform the relevant procedures and patient management • Passing the Orthopaedic Surgery CAQ Exam (offered nationwide in September). For more information and to register for the CAQ program, visit JOPA 33 We do DME better! Stop losing money over DME. Partner with OrthoCare and put an expert DME Resource in your corner. t$PNQSFIFOTJWF$PTU.JUJHBUJPO t4ZTUFNXJEF4PMVUJPOT t$VTUPNJ[FE1SPHSBNT t.BYJNVN$PNQMJBODF t6OQBSBMMFMFE&YQFSUJTF t7FOEPS/FVUSBM4VQQPSU t$PNQMFUF5SBJOJOH&EVDBUJPO Solutions Tailor-made for your practice and your patients. 34 JOPA 1-866-225-8839 | [email protected]
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Tim Holmstrom
Pullman, WA
Mike Houle
Hartford, CT
Alan Johnston
Nashua, NH
Stuart Jones
Brentwood, TN
Jason Katz
Philadelphia, PA
Jill Knight
Seattle, WA
Stanley Kotara