- County of Lennox and Addington
- County of Lennox and Addington
1flennox nttb f\bbingtnn Clinunt\Z ~useum ve s 97 Thomas St. E., Postal Bag 1000, Napanee. Ontario K7R 3S9 MAPS, POSTERS, PICTURES AND HANDBILLS ch i IN THE LENNOX AND ADDINGTON COUNTY MUSEUM Ar Finding Aide prepared by Jennifer Bunting ou nt y under a Canadian Council of Archives Backlog Reduction Grant L& A C December, 1987 In the former County jail, built 1864, Opened as a Museum 1976 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Pictures (unframed prints), by date 7 ve ch i Calendars (by date) Posters (non-military), by date s Maps, by subject ou nt Advertisements y Ar War Posters, by date World War 1 World War 1, American World War 2 10 12 26 26 32 34 36 38 Han dbills, text of 65 L& A Index C Maps, Pictures and Posters by Accession Number (p ink) MAP AND POSTER LOCATIONS MAP CABINET Maps, local, before 1867 Drawer 2 Maps, local, 1867-1900 Drawer 3 Maps, local, 1900 on Drawer 4a Maps, regional and national Drawer 4b Maps, foreign and research copies Drawer 5 Posters, non-military Drawer 6 Pictures, unframed ve ch i Ar y War Posters, not encapsulated L& A Drawer 9 ou nt Drawer 8 War Posters, encapsulated Election Posters C Drawer 7 s Drawer 1 BOXES: On top of filing cabinet Box 10 Small Maps, small posters, small handbills BOXES: On top of shelves above photographs Box 1 Posters and handbills Box 2 Posters and handbills Box 3 Posters and handbills es iv Ar ch y C ou nt MAPS IN THE COLLECTIONS OF L& A THE LENNOX AND ADDINGTON COUNTY MUSUEM Maker Date Cond Accession No. Locati on Adolphustown - Long Reach [torn from a book] Adolphustown - School Sections [badly torn] Ameliasburg - Bald Head and Wellers Bay [from book] America, ~of 1695 original America, ~reproduced from 1639 original American 1vil War, march on Atlanta American Civil War, seige of Richmond Bay of Quinte Railway Plan Canada as Nouvelle France,~ of 1656 original Canada West, from Canadian Almanac of 1861 Canada West, part- proposed railways Canada West, Post Offices Canada West, post offices and mail routes [large] Canada West, showing roads, proposed railway Canada, 31st Parliament, election results Canada, ~ of map of 1761 Canada, copy reproduced from 1834 original Canada, Dominion, 1885 Canada, from essay by J.C. Tache Canada, from Lake Superior to Gulf of St. Lawrence Canada, from Red River to Gulf of St. Lawrence Canada, Ottawa Canal Survey [includes most Ontario] Canada, Railway Map Canada, Railway Map, Northern Colonization Rrd. Canada, Reduced copy of Government Map Canada, Territorial Evolution of Canadian Pacific Railway and Great Circle Route Canadian Pacific Railway, profile maps sheets 1-4 Deseronto - Deseronto, Ont. Pop. 3,500 [pen & ink] Ernestown - Road Closing Plan [for 401 highway] Ernestown - School Sections [ink, hand-coloured] Europe, Bradshaw•s Map of Railways of Central Eur. Europe, showing boundaries after Paris Peace Conf. Unknown Unknown Unknown Energy, Mines & Res. Energy, Mines & Res. Unknown newspaper Unknown newspaper Canada - Surveys Branch Energy, Mines & Res. Canadian Almanac Scobie's Almanack Canada Almanac Post Master General Scabies• Almanack At 1as of Canada Energy, Mi nes & Res. Energy, Mines & Res. Dept. of Interior Tache Crown Lands Crown Lands [3 parts] Public Works, Quebec Unknown Unknown Crown Lands Energy, Mines & Res. Montreal Board of Trade Dept . of Interior Unknown Ont. Dept. of Highways Mabee, Peter A. Bradshaw & Blacklock National Geographic n.d. 1915 n.d. l969c 1969c 1865c 1865c 1902 1969c 1861 1853 1860 1858 1853 1979 1969c 1969c 1885 n.d . 1867 1859 1860 1890? n.d. 1861 1969 1877 1908 1893 1958 n.d. 1850 1920 poor poor poor good fair fair fai r good good fair fair good poor poor good good good poor good fair poor poor good fair fa ir good fair good poor fair fair fair excel Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maps National Natio nal Sm. Map s Sm. Maps Regional National Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Reg ion al Sm. Maps National Sm. Maps Natio nal National Sm. Maps Region National Regional Sm. Maps Reg ion Region National Nat i onal Natio nal Local -2 Sm . Maps Local -2 Foreign Fore ign L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Subject of Map 978.P 156 .1 978.P 165 978.P 156.2 978.P 227 978.P 230 978.P 316 978.P 316.1 no number (rolled) 978 .P 228 979.P 25 978.P 175.2 978.P 263 978.P 199 978.P 205 Vankoughnet 978.P 225 978.P 232 978.P 290 978.P 200.2 978. p 277 978.P 260.1-.3 975.P 30 978.P 273 978.P 264 978.P 272 978.P 231 978.P 301 975.P 35 978.P 149 . 1- .6 978.P 155 978.P 163 978.P0334 978.P 311 Page 1 Maker Date Cond Accession No. Location Europe, World War 1, Map of Europe Europe, World War 1, Passchendaele [hand-drawn] Europe, World War 2, 3rd Canadian Infantry Division Europe, World War 2, bomber's map, raid on Breman Fort Frontenac, The First Century 1663-1763 Franco-Prussian War, seat of the War Franco-Prussian War, seat of the War Franklin, Search for, Grinnel Expedition Frontenac - Road Map [shows part of L&A] Hastings - Plan of [showing small villages] Hastings- Recent map showing small villages Hast ing s -Topographical Map, Belleville Sheet Hastings-Frontenac, electoral District Hay Bay - Welcome to Hay Bay [place mat] Italy, war in L&A - Cummins' Map showing occupants of lots L&A - Cummins' Rural Directory [Sheffield & south] L&A - Hastings & Land O'Lakes Tourist Reg i on 11 L&A - Land Tenure, Ashby south to Sheffield L&A- Napanee River Watershed ... land use L&A- Napanee River Watershed ... woodland L&A - Proposed east-west County Road n of hwy 33 L&A - Road Map of the County L&A - Road Map of the County L&A- Road Map· of the County L&A - Road Map of the County L&A - South Portion [stressing transportatin] L&A - Topographical Map, Bath Sheet [lakeshore] L&A - [Businesses] L&A- [stressing roads, cone., lots - large map] Lennox, Electoral District, 1891 No. 42 Livingstone, exploration of Africa Manitoba, lands surveyed and entered Scarborough Company Babcock af. Nicholson Babcock & Mason Royal Air Force (c) Graham MacDonald Weekly Mail Weekly Intelligencer Unknown Ont . Dept. of Highways Innes for Hastings Dir. Unknown Canada, D. of Interior Canada, Energy, Mines .. Hay Bay Tourist Assoc. Montreal Transcript Cummins' Rural Direc'ry Cummins Map Company H&L Tour ist Reg Council Ont. Natural Resources Ont., Planning & Dev. Ont., Planning & Dev. Totten, Sims, Hubicki Ont. Dept. of Highways Ont. Dept. of Highways Ont. Dept. of Highways Ont. Transport & Com. Ont. Transport & Com. Canada, D.N.D. Croydon Publishing Ont., Pub. Roads & Hwys Unknown Arrowsmith Dominion Lands Branch 1914 1965 1945 1945 1973 1870 1870 n.d. 1935 1860 1958c 1923 1976 1965 1859 n.d. 1924 1965c 1976 n.d. n.d. 1975 1950 1966 1966 1972 1972 1939 1930c 1914 1891 1857 1880 fair fair good fair good fair fair poor poor fair good fair excl fair fair fair poor fair fair fair fair good good good good excl fair good fair fair fair poor fair Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Regional Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Local-3 Local-1 Sm. Maps Local-3 Local-3 Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Rolled Local - 3 Sm. Maps Local-3 Local-3 Local-3 Local-3 Sm. Maps Ro 11 ed Local-3 Local-3 Local-3 Local-3 Local-3 Local-3 Sm. Maps Sm. Maps National L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Subject of Map 978.P 307 981.23.351 981.23.352 978.P 308 978.P 229 978.P 331 978.P 332 978.P 328 976.P1579 978.P 180 979.P 23 978.P 158 no number 978.P 152 978 . P 333 978.P 387 975.P 041 978.P 184 979.P 028 978.P 151 978.P 186 978.P 181.4 978.P 173.1 978.P 173 978.P 170 978.P 189 978.P 341 978.P 166.1 976.P1580 978.P 169 978.P 309 974.P 318 Page 2 Maker Date Cond Accession No. Location Manitoba, shewing the Townships Surveyed Manitoba, showing small villages, railways Marysburgh- showing saw mills [torn from a book] Mexico Midland and Prince Edward Districts [fragile] Midland District Napanee - Aitken Estate Sale lots to be auctioned Napanee - Benson Survey (ink, coloured by hand) Napanee - Bird's Eye View of Napanee Napanee - Bird's Eye View of Napanee Napanee- Bird's Eye View of Napanee Napanee - Campbell House - see verso 978.P179 Napanee - Collegiate Institute, blueprints Napanee - directory, cut from United Counties Map Napanee - Plan of Lots [in Mill Reserve] Napanee - Plan of, showing factories Napanee -Street Outline with advertisements Napanee, Amouries, blueprints for (9 sheets) Napanee, Harshaw Block, architect's elevations North America [small, easy to use for display] Ontario -Travel, Napanee Heart of Cheese Area Ontario, Belleville Sheet [shows L&A] Ontario, electoral divisions, railways etc. Ontario, highway map Ontario, Kingston Sheet [shows L&A] Ontario, lithographed in colour for emigrants Ontario, Pembroke Sheet [shows L&A] Ontario, postal delivery map [huge, in sections] Ontario, postal map [11 sheets, L&A sheet 4, our B] Ontario, Railways Ontario, road map Prince Edward County- Quinte's Isle Vacationland Prince-Edward Lennox, Electoral District Dept. of Interior Dept. of Interior Unknown New York Sun Elmore, P.V., Hallowell Crown Lands Unknown Benson, Samuel Chicago Lithograph Co. Chicago Lithograph Co. Chicago Lithograph Co. 1874 1904 n.d. 1913 1836 1822 1864 1831 1874 1874 1874 good good poor fair poor fair good good good good good 978.P 973.P 978.P 978.P 978.P 978.P 978.P 973.P 973 .P 973.P 174.1 174.2 270 National National Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Region Sm. Maps Local- 1 Local-1 Local- 2 Local -2 Local -2 Burden & Gouinlock Napanee Directory Hughes, Thomas, PLS Perry, A.B., PLS Napanee Printing Ser. Canada- G.S. Maunsell Bartlett, F. Canadian Almanac Napanee Chamber of Com Dept. of the Interior Post Office Dept. Shell Dept. of the Interior Canada West Land Agency Dept. of the Interior Postmaster General Postmaster General Copp Clark Imperial Oil Q.I. Tourist Assoc. Canada, Surveyor Gen. 1925 1860 1881 1859 1967 1913 1886 1898 1950c 1908 1898 1932c 1911 1880c 1915 1908 1898 1871 1966 n.d. 1953 fa i r poor good poor good fair fair good good fair good good fair fair fair fair f ai r fair good fair poor 977 . P 656 978.P 160 973.P 156 973.P 267 978.P 171.1 973 .P0335 973 .P0012 978.P 305 979.P 21 973.P 271E 973.P 317 979.P 84 973.P 271G 972.P 428.2 973.P 271J 973.P 273 973.P 316 978.P 274 978.P 221 978.P 183 978.P 157 Local-3 Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Loca 1-1 Sm. Maps Loca l -3 Local-2 Sm. Maps Local - 3 Regional Regiona l Regional Regional Regional Regi onal Regional Regional Sm. Maps Regional Sm. Maps Local-3 L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Subject of Map 288.2 277 156.3 330 148 211 179 Page 3 Maker Date Cond Accession No. Location Protestant Map of Britain [anti-Catholic] Quebec, from French Surveys and Capt. Carver Red River, proposed route to settlement Richmond - Road Closing Plan [for 401 highway] Sandhurst, Proposed Layout, R.C.A.F. Aerodrome Sheffield, with advertisements and directory South Central Ontario Vacationlands South Fredericksburgh - School Sections Spanish-American War, Cuba, West Indies, World St. Albans - Plan of the Village [Hastings] Topographical map, Bath sheet Topographical map, Belleville sheet Topographical map, Sydenham Sheet Topographical map, Tweed sheet United Nations, to further World Understanding Upper Canada, shewing proposed Land Agency Divisions World, Map of [tiny, easy to use for display] World, Map of [tiny, easy to use for display] Yukon, sheets 2-10, from time of Gold Rush Protestant Truth Soc. Sayer and Bennett Crown Lands Ont. Dept. of Highways General Engineering Dp. Map & Advert. Co. Lake Ont. Reg. Dev. c. Unknown Rand, McNally Peterson, J.S. PLS Dept. of National Def. Dept. of National Def. Dept. of National Def. Dept. of National Def. Confederation Life Crown 1ands Colonial Life Mercators Surveyor-General 1929 1763 1858 1958 1940 1918 1960c 1915c 1892 1854 1923 1933 1933 1933 1962 1857 1859 n.d. 1898 fair good good fair good fair good poor good fair good excel excel good good poor good good good Foreign Region National Sm. Maps Local-3 Local-3 Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Fore ign Loca 1- 1 Loca 1 3 Local 3 Local 3 Loca 1 3 Forei gn Reg ional Sm. Maps Sm. Maps National 978.P 979.P 978.P 978.P 304 24 259 154 978.P 185 978.P 164 978.P 306 975.P 028 976.P1576C 976.P1576A 976.P1576D 976.P1576B 976.P1572 978.P 244 978.P 319 978.P 322 976.P 36 L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Subject of Map Page 4 Subject of Map Maker Date Cond Accession No. Location COPIES OF MAPS TAKEN FROM OTHER REPOSITORIES, FOR RESEARCH ONLY: 1784 1807 1789 1857 1857 poor good 978 . P good poor 978 . P poor 984.P 984.P poor 978.P good 978.P good 978.P es poor poor poor poor 1860 1799 1787 978.P 978.P 978.P 978.P 172 188.2 008 - 012 159.1 - .12 187 .6 - .8 342 . 1 & . 4 14 14 162 182.1 & .4 182.2 & .3 Copies Copies Copies Copies Copies Copies Copies Copies Copies Copies Copies Copies Copies L& A Walling, H.F. Aitken, Alex Collins, John 1785 1828 1860 1860 iv Ar ch Tinling, Kotte, Peachey Unknown Kotte, Lewis Chiwett/Chambers Chiwett/Chambers C ou nt From the Ontario Archives: Bay of Quinte- North Side of Lake Ontario .. . Camden - in four parts, A-D Camden - Loyalist settlers Ernestown - amended copy of 1783 map in 2 parts Ernestown - amended copy of 1783 map in 2 parts Er nestown - amended copy of 1783 map [negative] L&A - Walling Map, photographed in 14 sections Richmond- ear ly survey, amended later, 2 parts Richmond - original survey with proprietors, 2 parts Unknown Unknown Walling, H. F. Walling, H.F. y From the Public Archives of Canada: Bay of Quinte Ernestown - ownership of lots L&A - Walling Map, illustrations and directories L&A - Walling Map, photographed i n 10 sections Page 5 es iv Ar ch nt y C ou PICTORAL PRINTS IN THE COLLECTIONS OF L& A THE LENNOX AND ADDINGTON COUNTY MUSUEM Maker Date Cond Accession No. Location The Rev. John Wesley [mezzotint by G. Zobel] Ice Bridge, Quebec [repro of Cockburn w.c. in PAC] The Examination of a Village School [after Harvey] Sparking [wood engraving afte r P.W. Edmonds, 1839] Susan . Disraeli and Gladstone [wood engravings] Quarterly Report of Ladies• Fashions, Spring Ballerinas [crud e lithograph] Mother and sleeping ch ildren [Chrom-lithograph] Village Recrutuits [sic][Lithograph after Nachdruck] Albert Edward, P of Wales [from "The Crown series] Albert Edward, P of Wales [from The Crown series] Soudan Heroes, courtesy Crompton Corset Co. Victoria [Litho from "The Crown series] Yes or No? [Lithograph after Millais] Queen Alexander and her children at Royal kennels The Wonderful Heroine [colour print] A High Sea. [Photo-process print] Liberal Cabinet of Canada, 1896 Home from the War !Boer War] [chromo-lith.] Ontario Provincial Governors 1792-1902 Forward Movement, Missionaries, Methodist Church The Pageant - Historical Procession, print af. Julien Naughty Boy! or "Compulsory Education" [Riviere] Butterflies [after W.S. Coleman] Over the Garden Wall [after Fred Morgan] Tempted by Shy [after G.G. Kilburne] Beauty cl910 Sharing the newspaper [eldery gentlemen], for Ogilve After the Ball. [seductive young lady] after Galate Where are you going to, my Pretty Maid? Canada's Rally to the Empire ... setting sail 1914 United States Fleet on Way to Tampico Tegg Montreal Standard 1908 Graves & Co. Alf red Jones Currier & Ives Bow Bells Supplement Butterick & Co. Donaldson Lith . Co. Unknown Eigenthum etc. Montreal Herald & Star Montreal Herald & Star Unknown Montreal Herald & Star J.H. Bufford 's Sons Montreal Herald & Star Montreal Herald & Star Richard Ecschke Toronto Lith. Co. Unknown Globe Pr inting Canada Methodist Photo Mont rea l Standard 1909 Pears Annua 1 Pears Annual Pears Annua 1 Pears Annua 1 Michael Maker Dry Goods Toronto Lithograph Co. Pears Annual Pears Annua 1 Montreal Star New York Sun 1820c 1831 1832c 1839? 1847 1869 1879 1880c 1880c 1880c 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885c 1889 ? 1889 ? 1891 1896 1901c 1902 1907 1908 1909 1910 1910 1910 1910c 1910c 1911 1911 1914 1914 good good good poor good poor fair good poor poor fair fair excl fai r fair good poor fair poor good poor fair good good good good good fair fair good poor fair good 6 F-3 6 F-3 L& A iv Ar ch C ou 11 nt y 11 es Title of Picture 977. P0982 973.P0249 978.P0397 977. P0975 .1 no number 978.P0400 978.P0408 973.P0262 969. POOll 973.P0016 973 .P0247B 973.P0247A 977 .P0542 973.P0246 973.P0196 978.P0402 978 .P0008 973.P0018 978.P? 973.P0017 977. P0983 973.P0004 973.P0248 975.P0013 975.P0015 975.P0018 975.P0019 no number 978.P0006 978.P0007 978.P0009 978.P0056.1 978.P0388 6 6 F-4 6 6 F-3 6 F-3 6 F-3 6 F-3 6 F-3 6 F-3 6 F-3 6 F-3 6 F-3 6 F-3 6 F-3 6 F-3 6 F-3 6 F- 3 6 F-3 6 F-3 6 F- 3 6 6 F-3 6 F-3 6 F-3 6 F-3 6 6 F-3 6 F-3 6 F-3 6 6 Page 7 Maker Date Cond Accession No. Locat ion The March to the Battlefield, Canada's Men 1914-15 Proof sheets, L&A citizens from a newspaper Proof sheets, L&A citizens from a newspaper Proof sheets, L&A citizens from a newspaper Proof sheets, L&A citizens from a newspaper Proof sheets, L&A citizens from a newspaper Proof sheets, L&A citizens from a newspaper George VI, from Bertam Par k photograph c1940 Maintenance on 6-inch Howitzer [W.A. Ogilvie] Prepare for Action •.• Petawawa [E.J. Hughes] Prime Ministers and Governors-General 1867-1967 Canada Steamship Lines Freighter Steamer Egypt, The National Line The Fathers of Confederation [after Harris] Mont rea 1 Star Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Canada War Art Canada War Art Canadian Centennial .. . Canada Steamship Lines Unknown Unknown 1915 1920b 1920b 1920b 1920b 1920b 1920b 1940c 1941 1941 1967 1970c n.d. n.d . fair good good good good good good good good good good good poor poor 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 977. P0621 978.P0015 978.P0012 978. POOll 978.P0013 978.P0014 978.P0016 978.P0382 971. P0012 97l.P0011 977. P0544 978.P0384 978 .P0118 977 .P0974.1 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 6 Sm. Maps Sm. Maps 6 6 F-3 6 F-6 6 F-5 L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Title of Picture Page 8 es iv Ar ch nt y CALENDARS C ou IN THE COllECTIONS OF L& A THE LENNOX AND ADDINGTON COUNTY MUSEUM Title of Picture Maker Date Cond Accession No. Location Calendars are interesting to the historian because they are designed to appeal to a broad public taste. Hence, calendar design can tell us much about ideals, social standards and common goals. They are a documentary source for popular culture and, as such, are an important part of any collection attempting to document the history of a community. nt y Distributor Rand, McNally Toronto Lithographing Robinson Co . Napanee Smith & Son, Napanee Madole Hdware, Napanee Robinson Co . Napanee S.C. Denison, Napanee Madole Hdware/ Int. Har Mutual Life Mutual Life Reid Press, Hamilton Webster's Groc. Napanee Napanee Cleaners Ellis & Howard Ltd. Bank of Montreal Ellis & Howard Ltd. Knight Industries Ki ngston Whig-Standard C ou L& A Title Northern Pacific Railroad "Royal Family" [Stroud Bros.] "Sweethearts" [child & pony] "Sunset" [cattle at stream] "Roses" [woman in C18 costume] "His Mountain Home" [stag] "Choice of the Herd" [fat cattle] "His Letter" [girl at mailbox] "Love, Cherish, Protect" [betrothal] copy 1 "Love, Cherish, Protect" [betrothal] copy 2 Chevrolet [transportation] "Peace and Plenty" [sheep] "Artist's Model" [pin- up or naughty print] "It • s Easy" [pin-up or naughty pr int] "Speech from the Throne, Ottawa '57 "Doggone Good" [pin-up or naughty print] "Aloha" [pin-up or naughty print] "Reading Proclamation" Centennial Ar ch Copyright should be considered in reproducing recent examples. iv es Calendars are usually produced in large numbers by printers specializing in popular items and marketed to local retailers, who then add their own business name or logo . The local merchant selects illustrations which he feels will be in demand in his community, and which he is comfortable about using to represent his business. Date 1882 1887 1904 1905 (c) 1909 (c) 1910 1914 1918c 1924 1924 1925c 1929c 1946 1957 1958 1961 1962 1967 Cond fair excl good good good fair fair good fair fair fair good good good good good good excl Accession 978.P0344 no number 978 . P03 .. 978.P0346 978.P0347 978.P0372 978.P0349 978.P0353 973.P0250 973.P0251 978.P0350 978.P0352 978.P0360 975.P0046 978.P0362 975.P0045 971. P0522 976 . P1560 Location 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Page 10 es iv Ar ch nt y POSTERS (NON-MILITARY) . C ou IN THE COLLECTIONS OF THE LENNOX AND ADDINGTON COUNTY MUSUEM L& A Sorted by Date Maker Date Cond Accession No. Daly Family Certificate To my very worthy friend, Tom the farmer Resolution of Court of Quarter Sessions re . Napanee Notice. [Sale of] Broad Cloths, &c John Benson Wool Wanted ... Ontario Mills, Cobourg Important to the Public. Spurious Coppers Napanee Half-Yearly Mart or Fair ... Notice. Napanee Half-Yearly Mart or Fair Notice. Cash paid for Wheat and Pot Ashes, Napanee Notice. Cash paid for Wheat. Napanee, 1841 & 1852 Scheme of a rich Lottery of town Lots, Deseronto Phrenology, or the Philosophy of Man. Fredericksburgh Agricultural Soceity Araby's Daughter [lithograph, hand-coloured] St. Michael [lithograph, hand-coloured] Auction Sale . .. Napanee Auction Sale, The Stone Building . . J . Benson Notice! For Sale, Stone building, Napanee Wool Wanted in exchange for Cobourg cloth Auction of real estate of Daniel Pringle, Napanee Auction! Several valuable Village Lots . .. [copy 1] Auction! Several valuable Village Lots . .• [copy 2] Wool Wanted in exchange for cloth, Tamworth Wool Wanted! S.S. Bellows, Tyendinaga Woo 1! Woo 1! [John Benson Store] Auction Sale! Building and Shoe Makers' Tools Napanee Club Library, Meeting Sale of Real Estate of John Benson, Napanee Notice! [election of Napanee councillors etc.] Notice. [Extension of call for tenders, Town Hall] Valuable Real Estate at Auction . .. Ol d Brewery Napanee Tin, Stove and Hardware Depot [Powell] Programme, Laying of Corner Stone, Napanee Town Hall Unknown Clerk of Peace Unknown Unknown Kingston Tourist, The Tourist Office Benson, John Benson, John Chronicle Star, Cobourg Atheneum, Kingston Currier, N. #648 Currier, N. #326 Unknown Unknown Chronicle Star, Cobourg Unknown, Belleville Benson, John Benson, John Unknown British Whig Unknown Standard Unknown Standard Unknown Benson, J. Unknown Unknown Napanee 1824 1835 1838c 1838c 1840 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1842 1845 1845c 1845c 1846 1847 1847 1850 1851 1851 1851 1851 1851 1851 1853 1853 1853 1855 1855 1855 1856 1856 poor fair good fai r fair fair poor poor poor poor good poor good good good fai r fair fair poor fair poor fair fair poor poor good good fair good good good fair iv Ar ch nt y C ou L& A es Title of Poster (abbreviated) 977. P0370 977.P0475 977. P0452 977.P0434 977.P0493 976.P0159 977. P0476 977. P0495 977. P0494 977 . P0502 977.P0501 977. P0468 973.P0180 973 . P0181 977. P0438 977 .P0435 977 .P0446 977 .P0470 977. P0500 977 .P0437 977.P0451 977 .P0426 977.P0425 977. P0427 977. P0436 977. P0380 977. P0453 977.P0486 977 .P0477 977. P0484 977. P0420 977.P0506 Location 10 Box Sm. Sm . Sm. Sm. Sm. Box Box Box Sm. Sm. Box Box Box Sm . Sm. Sm . Sm. 2 Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps 2 2 2 Maps Maps 2 1 1 Maps Maps Maps Maps 5- F.1 Box 2 Box 2 Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maps 5- F.1 Box 2 Box 2 Sm . Maps 5 Box 2 Page 12 Maker Date Cond Accession No. Location For Sale, a desirable property in ..• Napanee Mysterious! [disappearance of James F. Smith] New Clothing Establishment, Andrews & Co. Auctio n Sale of Real Estate, Napanee Auction Sale of Real Estate ... Lot 1, s.s. Dundas Tenders for School Housel Napanee Carrier Boys' Address, to patrons of Hastings Chron. Lands for Sale ... in Canada West, Canada East Concert for Mr. Holland's Benefit, Napanee County School Convention ... Hurrah for Morton! [Election results, Frontenac] Sacred to the Memory of a Defunct M.P.P. [Frontenac] To be Sold ... A Cocked Hat of a Defunct M.P.P. Roads, Roads ... repairs sold in sections Meeting [re.] new School Building To the Independent Electors .. A. Hooper Clear the Track! [Camden Municipal Election] Orange Order, Bath, in name of Alexander Johnston Tenders for a Brick School House Price Family Register (form 1864) Grand Conc'rt of Vocal & Instrumental Music . .. Great and Important Meeting .... Electors! [Lennox election, 1867] Insolvency, Christopher S. McKim dry goods Proclamation, election of Addington M.L.A. Insolvency, James Blakely, household furnishings Our Father ... [The Lord's Prayer] Here's a chance ... building in rear of White Church Insolvency, James McHenry, biscuit-maker Insolvency, James McHenry, biscuit-maker Insolvency, Joshua Anderson, farmer Emigration to Ontario, Free Grant of Land Proclamation, election of Addington M.L.A. Standard Reformer, Napanee Standard Benson, J. Benson, John Unknown Hastings Chronicle Lovell, Montreal Standard Unknown Morton Morton Unknown Standard Unknown Unknown Unknown Daily News, Kingston Standard Currier & Ives Standard Unknown Stevenson Express Unknown Express Hermann Claussen Standard Standard Standard Express Ontario, Agr iculture Standard 1857 1857 1857 1858 1858 1858 1859 1859 1860 1860 1861 1861 1861 1862 1863 1863 1864 1864 1864 1864c 1865 1866 1867 1867 1867 1868 1868 1869 1870 1870 1870 1871 1871 fair poor fair fair fair fair poor fair fair good poor fair fair fair fair good poor poor good poor good fair poor good fair good poor good good good fair fair poor Box 2 Box 2 5 Box 2 Box 2 Sm. Maps Box 1 Box 2 Sm. Maps 5 Box 2 Box 2 Sm. Maps Box 2 Sm. Maps Sm . Maps Box 2 10 5 10 5 Sm. Maps Box 2 5- F.1 5- F.1 Sm. Maps 5 [file] 5 Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Box 2 5 5- F.l iv Ar ch nt y C ou L& A es Tit 1e of Poster (abbreviated) 977. P0458 977.P0433 977. P0444 977. P0482 977. P0459 977 .P0422 977. P0979 977 .P0472 978. P0371. 9 977. P0440 977. P0410 977. P0411 977. P0371 977. P0379 977. P0439 977. P0417 977. P0412 X 977. P0478 X 977. P0386 977 .P0445 977. P0409 977. P0387 977. P0408 970.P0262 * 977 .P0496 970.P0384 970.P0193 977. P0383 978.P00117 977. P0504 Page 13 Title of Poster (abbreviated) Maker To the Electors of Lennox, John Stevenson Grip cartoon, Miss Canada's School Grip cartoon, The Irrepressible Jack Grip cartoon, The Political Mother Hubbard Grip cartoon, Will he Get Through Insolvency, G.M. Woods, tobacco and fancy goods To the Returning Officers .... Charles James, Mayor Burnam's Horse Clipppers Found at Last! .. . [Star Washing Machine advert.] Proclamation, change in Addington polling places 'Prentice Boys Certificate, John Schemerhorn Auction of Real Estate of John Menor, Storms' Crns. Centre Street Skating Arena Insolvency, John H. Robinson, groceries etc. Skates Ground . .. Charles Ham, Napanee Napanee Skating Rink, Rules, Jasper Snider, Prop. Forgery! Mr. Cartwright's friends .... Number your Houses! A. McNeill, Mayor of Napanee Address To the Electors of Lennox, E. Hooper Requisition, Napanee meeting re. railway to Tamworth Requisition, to W.S. Detlor Esq. [nomination, mayor] Fashion plate, New York Fashion Bazar Fashion Plate, Weldon's Ladies' Journal of Dress Conservative Opinion of Catholics [also temperance] Conservative Opin ion of Catholics [also temperance] Conservative Opinion of Catholics [also temperance] Conservative Opinion of Catholics [also temperance] Conservative Opinion of Catholics [also temperance] Conservative Opinion of Catholics [also temperance] Conservative Opinion of Catholics [also temperance] Conservative Opinion of Catholics [also temperance] Conservative Opinion of Catholics [also temperance] Conservative Opinion of Cathol ics [also temperance] Unknown 1872 1873 Grip, No. 24 1873 Grip, No. 26 Grip, No. 25 1873 Grip, No. 21 1873 Standard 1873 1873 Unknown Unknown 1874 Express 1874 1874 Express Unknown 1875 Unknown 1875 Express 1875 Standard 1875 1875 Unknown Beaver 1875c 1878 Unknown Napanee 1878 1878c Unknown Express 1879 Detlor, W.S. 1879 New York Fashion Bazar 187? 1880 Bayard Reform Party 1882 Reform Party 1882 Reform Party 1882 Reform Party 1882 Reform Party 1882 Reform Party 1882 Reform Party 1882 Reform Party 1882 Reform Party 1882 Reform Party 1882 es iv Ar ch nt y C ou L& A Date Cond Accession No. Location poor good good good good excl fair poor fair poo r poor good fair good good poor fair poor fair poor fair good good fair fair fair fair poor fair poor good fair poor Sm. Sm . Sm. Sm. Sm. 5Sm. 10 Box 510 5Sm . Box Box Box Sm. Box Sm. 5 Box Sm. Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 977. P0414 977. P0828 977 . P0825 977 .P0826 977. P0827 977 .P0385 977.P0413 979.246 977.P0487 977 . P0479 X 977 .P0519 no number 977. P0382 977. P0483 977. P0492 977.P0415 977 .P0489 977. P0418 977.P03 .. 977. P0402 no number 979.P0054 977 .P0397 .06 977.P0397.05 977. P0397 .04 977 .P0397 .08 977.P0397.14 977 . P0397 .12 977 .P0397 .15 977.P0397.16 977.P0397.01 977 . P0397 .13 Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps F.1 Maps 2 F.1 F. 1 Maps 2 2 2 Maps 2 Maps F.1 2 Maps 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Page 14 Maker Date Cond Accession No. Location Conservative Opinion of Catholics [also temperance] Conservative Opinion of Catholics [also temperance] Conservative Opinion of Catholics [also temperance] Conservative Opinion of Catholics [also temperance] Conservative Opinion of Catholics [also temperance] Conservative Opinion of Catholics [also temperance] Conservative Opinion of Farmers! Hayseeds & Hawbucks Conservative Opinion of Farmers! Hayseeds & Hawbucks Conservative Opin ion of Farmers! Hayseeds & Hawbucks Conservative Opinion of Farmers! Hayseeds & Hawbucks Conservative Opinion of Farmers! Hayseeds & Hawbucks Conservative Opinion of Farmers! Hayseeds & Hawbucks Conservative Opinion of Farmers! Hayseeds & Hawbucks Found! On Dundas Street, a Pocket Book. D. Roblin Liberal Policy -Tory Policy [Blake vs John A. ] Toys, Ontario Toy Company, for Fall Trade Another Election Lie! [A.H. Roe ] Waiting for the Call Boy, Cincinnati Drama• Festival British America Assurance, R. Easton, Agent Anniversary Pic-Nic and Concert, Centreville Perry•s Woolen Mill, Napanee, For Sale Spring Stock of Dry Goods at Waldron•s Selling off, at cost and charges. Executor•s Sale, farm stock James Frink, Hay Bay Oddfellows Certificate, Will Boyle, Napanee To the Farmers of Ontario To the Farmers of Ontario To the Farmers of Ontario To the Farmers of Ontario To the Farmers of Ontario Annual Masonic Excursion ... Annual Masonic Excursion ... [not encapsulated] Auction of land of John Herring, Napanee Reform Party Reform Party Reform Party Reform Party Reform Party Reform Party Reform Party Reform Party Reform Party Reform Party Reform Party Reform Party Reform Party Unknown Kelly (cartoon) Ont. Toy Company Standard Burlington Railraod Hatch Lith. Co. Beaver Beaver Bailie Bros. Unknown Beaver Unknown Liberal Party Liberal Party Liberal Party Liberal Party Liberal Party Beaver Beaver Caxton Pr ess 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1883 1883 1883c 1884 1884 1884 1884c 1885 1885 1885c 1885c 1885c 1885c 1885c 1886 1886 1886 fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fai r poor poor fair fair poor fair good poor good good poor poor good Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Sm. Box Box Box 5Sm. 5 Box Box 5 - iv Ar ch y C ou nt L& A es Title of Poster (abb reviated) 977.P0397.03 977.?0397.02 977. P0397 .11 977.P0397.10 977 .P0397 .07 977.?0397.09 977 . P0398.04 977 .P0398.02 977.P0398.06 977 .P0398.05 977 .P0398.03 977 .P0398.01 977 .P0398.01 977 .P0457 977 .P0419 978.P0409 977. P0491 977 .P0658 977. P0980 978.P0400 972.490 977. P0481 977. P0442 977. P0381 ? X good good good good good good poor poor 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Maps 1 2 1 F.1 Maps F-1 2 2 F.1 977.P0505.2 977. P0 50S .1 977.P0505.5 977 .P0505.4 977. P0505. 3 977.P0462.2 977.P0462.1 977. P0447 Box Box Box Box Box 5 5 Sm. 2 2 2 2 2 Maps Page 15 Maker Date Cond Accession No . Location Orange Or der Certificate, William P. Magee Choice Seed Oats fo r Sale, Symington•s Commercial Union, Grand Mass Meeting Marriage certificate, M.J. Magee &Maggie Price Curling: 11 The Roari n • Game .. , after Notman & Son A Big Thing on Ice, The Hobby Horse Tournament A Big Thing on Ice, The Hobby Horse Tournament Canadian Winter Idyl [children] Fancy Carnival Drive Two large stor es in one. Robinson &company Domi nion Day, 1890, Napanee Romantic West brought East ... in glowi ng colours Treatment of the Drowned Facts About the Lennox Election Protest Bengough•s Unique Sketching Entertainment, Napanee Notice .... to tho roughly cleanse yar ds, street s Organ Recital, E. M. Church [Eastern Meth- Trinity?] Programme, Pualine Johnson and George Fox, Napanee Napanee Municipal Nominations and Plebisciete Act Oddfellows Certificate, Loyal Rose Lodge 183 Opera House, Canatata, Months & Seasons Town of Napanee. Sale of Market Tolls Napanee Express Extras: Bowell-Stevenson affai r Nomination Meet i ng, Centre Ward, Napanee Abel Yates will talk or lecture ... at Opera House Lake Ontario Harvest Home Excursion ... Napanee Municipal Nominations Nomi nation Meeting, Napanee Presentation and Opening, Shibley Memorial Organ Masonic Order, certificate Union Lodge No. 9 Music for sale f r om Rober t Guy, Camden East Canadian Order of Foresters, E. Stanley certificate Masonic Order, cer t i ficate Royal Arch Masons Unknown Beaver Express Eilers & Company Carnal Star Montreal Star Montreal Star Montreal Star Montreal Star Express Unknown Hill &Weir, Toronto Ontario Board of Health Conser vative Par ty Grip Napanee Unknown Unknown Express Oddfe llows Beaver Express Napanee Express Express Star Print Whig Express Unknown Newburgh Method i st Unknown Guy, Robert Foresters Unknown 1886 1886c 1887 1887 1888-9 1889 1889 1889 1889 1889 1890 1890c 1890c 1891 1892 1892 1893 1893? 1894 1894 1894 1894 1895 1896 1897 1897 1898 1898 1899 1900 1900b 1900c 1901 good poor good fair poor poor poor poor poor fair good poor good good good fair good good good poor good good fair good fa i r fair poor poor good excl. fai r poor excl. 10 Box Sm. 10 Box Box Box Box Box Box Sm. Box Sm. Box Sm . Box Sm . Sm. L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Title of Poster (abbreviated) x 977 . P0474 978.P0111 x 978.P0395 978.P0390 .1 978.P0390.2 978.P0389 978.P0396 977.P0045 977.P0467 977.P0582 * 977. P0407 978.P0384 977 . P0488 976.P0367.4 978.P0382 979.P0079 981.22.349 978.P0374.4 979.P0041 979.P0124 979.P0080 978 . P0374 . 5 977.P0430 979.P0043 979.P0043 976.P0375.2 975.P0009 977. P0498 * 975 . P0009 2 Maps 1 1 1 1 1 2 Maps 2 Maps 2 Maps 2 Maps Maps 5- F. 1 5 Box Sm. Box Box Sm. 5 2 Maps 2 2 Maps 5 - F.1 5 Sm. Sm. Box F.1 Maps Maps 2 5 Sm. Maps Page 16 Maker Date Cond Accession No . Orange County Celebration, Napanee Proclamation! [Day of Mourning for Q. Victoria] To My People Beyond the Seas, from Edward VIi Tenders Wanted, Town of Napanee . • . Lennox County Fair ... Canada 1 s Tercentenary Celebration, Quebec, 1908 Organ Recital by George Phelps, at St. Mary Mag. $500 Reward! .... finding of B.F. Rapley Horse Races, Napanee Moonlight Excursion, Steamer Brockville, Western Meth Proclamation! Day of Mourning, King Edward VII To-night at the Opera House, The Slave Girlu, Marks Trinity Church, Supper and Concert, Napanee Beauty - ideal of feminine beauty Brisco Opera House, uThe Old Homestead Thompson Misleading the Public [Reciprocity] Misleading the Public [Reciprocity] Napanee Amateur Opera Club .... H.M.S . Pinafore Reciprocity, A Public Meeting Reciprocity, A Public Meeting - Geo. P. Graham Temple of Fame, Ladies Aid of St. Andrew 1 s Church To Farmers . Are You Going to Be Deceived? United Empire Loyalist Chapter, Geisha entertainment $2000.00 Celebrations ..• Curtis Flying Machines Hockey Match, Adolphustown vs Napanee Plantation Concert, Brisco Opera House Horses Wanted! ... for mi 1itary purposes Odessa - Grand Dress Carnival Public Meeting, Canada Peace Centenary, Napanee Public Meeting, Patriotic Fund, Napanee Fashion plate, sweaters Grace Methodist, Rev . C.E. Cragg, pastor A Lecture on Roman Catalicism [sic] Rev. B. Clearmont Unknown Unknown Montreal Star Express Express George Murray Pub. Express Napanee Police Dept . Beaver Express Beaver Express Trinity Unkown Unknown Express Express Express Express Unknown Beaver Templeton & Son I .O.D.E. Beaver Express Unknown Beaver Snider Press Express Express Monarch Knitting Co. Unknown Unknown 1901 1901 1901 1904 1907 1908 1908 1909 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910c 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1912 1912 1912 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914c 1914c 1915 poor poor good good good good good fair good fair fair good good fair good fair good fair fair fair good fair good good fair good good excl good good poor good poor , L& A iv Ar ch C ou 11 nt y 11 es Title of Poster {abbreviated) 977 .P0499 979.P0044 979 . P0079 979.P0078 977 . P0429 973 . P0334 976.P0360.13 977 . P0461 977. P0450 976.P0354.24 977 .P0377 978.P0374 . 7 976 . P0371.24 978.P0002 978 . P0374.6 977.P0405.1 977.P0405 . 2 977 .P0391 977.P0403 977.P0404 978.P0374.8 977 . P0399 978.P0371.13 977 . P0378 977.P0497 978.P0374.12 977. P0528 979.P0107 * * 978.P0004 973 . P0204 977. P0395 Location 5- F.3 5- F.1 Box 1 5 5 5 Sm. Maps Box 2 5 Sm. 5 Sm. Box Box Sm . Box Box Maps F.l Maps 2 1 Maps 2 2 5 Box Box Box Box Sm. 2 2 2 2 Maps 5 Sm. Sm. Sm. Box Sm. Sm. Box Box Box Maps Maps Maps 3 Maps Maps 1 3 2 Page 17 Maker Date Cond Accession No. Location Base Ball Match, Napanee Driving Park, for Red Cross Base Ball Match, Napanee Driving Park, for Red Cross Baseball Match, 1890 Team vs 1915 Team Grace Methodist Sunday School Diploma, H. Vanalstine Instructions for fixing Wood Bottoms [on Shells] Patriotism and Production Agricultural Conference Proclamation, election of Mayor, Napanee, June 1915 Soldiers• Separation Allowances, increased Grace Methodist Sunday School Diploma, G.F. Smith Brown Family Register Ontario Historical Society Exhibition Orange Order Certificate, Samuel Colville Canadian Department Stores, Sale Flyer, Napanee Orange Order Certificate, John Diamant Auction sale, Pyke Farm, Chambers• Farm, Moon Farm Maclean•s, Coronation Number (cover), May 1st, 1937 Thanksgiving Service, V-E Day, Napanee Names of Men Enlisted for Active Service Napanee By-Law No. 10 [to regulate proceedings] Opening Show, Napanee Memorial Centre International Campaign for Museums Hail the Champs! Napanee Comets Hockey Team A Hospital for L&A- Public Meeting to Discuss Exhibition Hockey, Detroit Red Wings vs Nap. Comets Public Meeting, Restoration of Old Cemeteries Swing into Spring Election poster, Ray McEwen, Municipal-Napanee Election poster, Ray McEwen, Municipal-Napanee Rate of Tolls, Belleville, 1856 [Reproduction] Donnybrook Sale Donnybrook Sale [ annotated with date and etc.] Follies 1963- Hospital Variety Show Shake Hands with History, Dominion Day Celebration Unknown Unknown Unknown Lawrence, L., Detroit Great Britain Unknown Beaver Parl. Recruiting Ctte Lawrence, L., Detroit Vanalstine Ont. His. Soc. Unknown Express Unknown Unknown Maclean•s Unknown Beaver Napanee Beaver Unesco Napanee L&A Hospital Cttee Beaver [Minor Hockey] Group Napanee Collegiate Beaver Beaver Hastings His. Soc. Centennial Ctte/LAHS Centenn i al Ctte/LAHS L&A Hospital Cttee L&A Historical Society 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1916 1919b 1920c 1924 1925c 1926 1936 1937 1945 1945c 1950 1955 1956 1958 1959 1959 1959 1960 1961 1961 1962 1963 1963 1963 1963 good good good fair poor fair good poor fair fair poor good poor fair poor poor poor poor fair fair good good good fai r fair excl excl excl good good good excl excl Sm. Box Sm. 10 Box 555 10 10 Box 10 L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Title of Poster (abbreviated) 977.P0373.1 977.P0373.2 977 .P0373.3 977. P0372 977 .P0653.2 977. P0392 977. P0522 977. P0994 X 977 .P0449 X 977 .P0471 978.P0005 977. P0394 .1 983.22.348 977. P0541 975.P0135 978.P0094 975.P0140 975.P0148 975.P0150 979.P0069 975.P0141 977 .P0552.1 977.P0552.2 977. P0374 975.P0142 975.P0144E 975.P0149 973.P0261 Maps 2 Maps 1 F.1 F.1 F. l 1 5- F.1 10 5- F.1 Box 1 Sm. Maps 5 Box 2 Sm. Maps 5 F-1 Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Box 3 Sm. Maps 9 9 Box Sm. Sm. Sm. Sm. 3 Maps Maps Maps Maps Page 18 Maker Date Cond Accession No. Location Shake Hands with History, Dominion Day Celebration Adolphustown-South Fredericksburgh Centennial Day Antique Show and Art Exhibition at Macpherson House Centennial [very large poster] Lennox & Addington Napanee Lions Club Jamboree & Car Draw [re Hospital] Napanee, Lennox and Addington Centennial Napanee, Lennox and Addington Centennial place mat Retrospectacle, L&A Centennial Antique Show and Sale, Napanee Curling Club Proclamation, National Flag of Canada Centennial Fun Fair! Confederation Caravan at Napanee High School Money and How it is Made, at Museum of Science & Tech Auction Sale, contents Church Rectory Erinsville Election poster, Clayton Woodcock, Municipal-Napanee Napanee 11 Wonder land Theatre 11 , painted by Jack Bush Election poster, Bill Davis, P.C . (provincial) Election poster, Mary Kaiser, N.D.P. Election poster, Robert Nixon (provincial) L&A Historical Society's Harvest Supper Community, Requiem or Recovery? Census Day - June the 1st is Census Day Election poster, James Taylor, P.E.-Lennox Napanee Juveniles hockey Team Napa-Can a-Days [for Hospital Fund] Election poster, James Taylor, Elect Election poster, James Taylor, Min. of Energy Election poster, James Taylor, Min. of Energy Election poster, P.E. Trudeau Election poster, Pierre E. Trudeau Election poster, Ray Beazer, NDP (federal) 0 Canada A Charter for Ontario, by Bill Davis L&A Hi storica 1 Society Beaver L&A Historial Soc. Wakeling & Sons Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Canada L&A Historical Society Canada, Confed. Ctte Canada - Nat. Museums Unknown Unknown Bush, Jack Conservative Party New Democratic Party Liberal Party L&A Historical Soc. Community Planning Assc Canada, Statistics Conservative Party Webster, Geoff, Napanee Napanee Rotary Club Conservative Party Conservative Party Conservative Party Liberal Party Liberal Party New Democratic Party Mika Conservative Party 1963 1964 1964 1964 1964 1964 1964 1964 1965 1965 1967 1967 1969 1970 1970c 1970c 1971 1971 1971 1971 1972 1973 1975 1975 1975c 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1977 excl fair good fair good fair good good good excl excl good good fair poor good good good good good fair fair good good excl fair good good good fair good good fair Sm. Maps Box 3 Box 3 5 Box 3 Box 3 Box 3 Box 3 Sm. Maps 5 Sm. Maps Sm. Maps 5 F-1 5 - F.1 9 6 9 9 9 Box 3 Box 3 Box 3 9 10 Sm. Maps 9 9 9 9 9 9 Box 3 Box 3 L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Title of Poster (abbreviated) 975.P0143A 979.P0073 979.P0071 * 977. P0376 979.P0072 979.P0067 979.P0070 975. P0134 * 975.P0146 975.P0145 977. P0099 977 .P0997 973.P0150 979.P0193 977. P0558 977.P0566.1 977. P0561 977 .P0431 977 .P0549 978.P0930 977. P0563 X * 977 .P0555.3 977. P0565 .1 977 .P0565.2 977. P0560 977. P0559 977. P0556 977. P0547 .1 977.P0557.3 Page 19 Maker Date Cond Accession No. Election poster, A Charter for Ontario, Bill Davis Election poster, Bill Davis, P. C. {provincial) Election poster, Bill Dav i s, P.C. {provincial) Election poster, Bill Davis, P. C. {provincial) Election poster, Buchanan, NDP (Provincial) Election poster, Cousins, Fr ontenanc-Addington Election poster, Dave Hobson, Li beral, Hast i ngs Election poster, Gottfried, NDP, P. E. - Hast i ngs Election poster, James Taylor, P. C. {provincial) Election poster, Jan Nicol, NDP (Provincial) Election poster, Keith Norton, Re-elect Election poster, Liberal Leader (provincial) Election poster, Mary Kaiser, Liberal {provincial) Election poster, Vote Today - Vote P.C. Election poster, Vote Today - Vote P. C. Harvest Tea, St. John's Bath Play, A Night on the Town Talent doesn't Retire. Ontario Senior Citizens Week The Canadian Monarchy, special documentary Doorway [door c1830], print from photograph Repro , Plan of Fort York in 1816 Rideau Crafts Market, Crosby Centr ev i lle Fair (125th) 1853-1978 County Festival of the Pioneers, Napanee Election poster, Jan Nicol, Ontario NDP Election poster, Progressive Conservative, 1978 Heritage Day Indian Burial, north shore, Hay Bay [photograph] Lead i ng Ladies, Canada, by Jean Bannerman Macpherson House, Christmas at the Laird's Philoxia Fanastasia [gypsy festival] Places in Ontar io, by Nick and Helma Mika Royal Ontario Museum Museumobile Conservative Party Conservative Party Conservative Party Conservative Party New Democratic Party Conservative Party Liberal Party New Democratic Party Conservative Party New Democratic Party Conservative Party Liberal Party Liberal Party Conservative Party Conservative Party L&A Historical Soc. Lennox Theatre Guild Ontario, Comm & Social C.B.C . Television McCallum, Don Ont. His . Soc . Moore, Ross Centreville L&A Historical Soc. New Democratic Party Conservative Party Heritage Canada A1kenbrack Mika L&A Hi storical Soc. Ph i loxians Mika ROM 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977c 1977c 1977c 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 excl good good good fair good fair fair good good good good good good good good excl fair good good fair good good good fair good excl good good good good good good L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Title of Poster (abbreviated) 977.P0557.1 977 .P0574 . 3 977.P0574.1 977 . P0574 .2 977 .P0572 977 . P0568 977 . P0570 977. P0573 977. P0564. 2 977 . P0571.2 977 . P0569 977 . P0577 977 .P0567 977 .P0562 .2 977 . P0562 . 1 977 . P0838 977 .P0761 977 . P0578 977 . P0837 977.P0839 977 .P0652 977 . P0991 * 978 . P0561 978 . P0026 . 1 979.P0181 979.P0123 978.P0449 978.P0542 979.P0175 979.P0038 978 . P0543 978 . P0562 Location 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Sm. Box 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Maps 3 9 9 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Page 20 Maker Date Cond Accession No. Location Steam and Antique Show, Norwood Welcome to 5th Annual Old Time Fiddlers• Picnic Election poster, Keith MacDonald, P.E.-Lennox Election poster, Nuttall, Frontenac-Addington Napanee High School Re-Union Artists of the County, L&A County Museum [original] Benefit Concert by the NDSS Concert Band Election poster, Joe Clark (portrait) Election poster, Ron Vastokas, Hastings-Frontenac Election poster, Vankoughnet, Hastings-Frontenac Grand Opening, Evangel Temple Penticostal Church Heritage Day Napanee Kinsmen Kinsfest Odessa Fair Odessa Winter Carnival Odessa Winter Carnival Pioneer Festival Show & Dance starring The Carlton Show Band Spring Stock Reduction Auction, Warehouse, Napanee The Sun Kingdoms, Peruvian Handicrafts Welcome to 6th Annual Old Time Fiddlers• Picnic Addington Fall Fair, Centreville Baker's Valley Cross Country Skiiing, Arden Mammoth Book and Craft Sale Tribute to Bobby Hull, Hockey Dinner Truck & Tractor Pull, Napanee Fair Grounds Workshop for Kids, Adolphustown UEL Museum Discover the ROM, at the L&A County Museum Election poster, Bill Vankoughnet, P. C. (federal) Election poster, I'm for Flora, P.C. (federal) Election poster, Kevin Arseneault, NDP (federal) Election poster, Ron Vastokas, (federal) [small] Election poster, Ron Vastokas, Liberal (federal) Norwood Centennial Cloyne Libera 1 Party Unknown NDSS Madsen, Susan 7/16 Napanee D.S.S. Conservative Party Liberal Party Conservative Party Napanee Evangel Temple Heritage Canada Napanee Kinsmen Odessa Odessa Ernestown S.S. L&A Historical Society Tamworth Murphy, Bi 11 L&A Guild of Fine Art Cloyne Beaver Baker, Ross Napanee Band Boosters Belleville Lennox Ag. Society Quinte Ed. Museum L&A County Museum Conservative Party Conservative Party New Democratic Party Liberal Party Liberal Party 1978 1978 1978c 1978c 1978c 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979c 1979c 1979c 1979c 1979c 1979c 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 good excl fair fair fair excl good good good good good excl good excl good good excl excl good excl excl good good good good good excl excl good good good good good Box 3 Sm. Maps 9 9 Box 3 To Art Box 3 9 9 9 Box 3 Box 3 Box 3 Sm. Maps Box 3 5 Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Box 3 Sm . Maps Sm. Maps 5 Box 3 Box 3 Box 3 Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maps 9 9 9 9 9 L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Title of Poster (abbreviated) 978.P0541 * 978.P0021.2 978.P0025 978 . P0405 * 979.P0174 979.P0178 979.P0177 979.P0179 979.P0172 979.P0103 979.P0045 * 979.P0126 979 . P0104 * * 979.P0173 * * * 979.P0105 979.P0127 979.P0125 * * * 980.P0009.4 980.P0009.5 980.P0009.3 980.P0009.1 980 . P0009.1 Page 21 Maker Date Cond Accession No. Location Election poster, Ron Vastokas, Liberal (federal) Election poster, Ron Vastokas, Liberal (federal) Election poster, Ross Baker, Independent David Trumble, 11 When I Was A Boy 11 David Trumb 1e, 11 When I Was A Boy11 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Canadian National Midget Boys Fastball Championships Canadian National Midget Boys Fastball Championships Canadian National Midget Boys Fastball Championships Canadian National Midget Boys Fastball Championships A Tall Order, Put New Life in Old Spaces Canada North Museumobile at Napanee Mall Building Rehabilitation and Improvement Campaign Governor Simcoe Day, 3rd Annual Ontario Provincial Police Golden Helments U.E.L. Bicentennial, Adolphustown Election poster, Gordon Mylks 11 Mylks good for you 11 Election poster, James Taylor, P.E.-Lennox Election poster, Larry South, Frontenac-Addington Election poster, Ron Vastokas and John Turner A Mechanic's Home ... [Reciprocity] A Mechanic's Home ... [Reciprocity] Band Tournament, Sports and Games, Napanee Books are the windows ... Booster & Pusher Club [amateur poster] Boyle & son, Dealers in First-class Stoves ... Election poster, Alkenbrack, P.C. [federal] Election poster, Bill Vankoughnet, get Canada working Election poster, Ed. Broadbent Election poster, James Taylor, re-elect (provincial) Election poster, Joe Clark (federal) Election poster, Joe Clark, get Canada working Election poster, Joe Clark, get Canada working Liber al Party Liberal Party Baker, Ross Dent Dent Canada Napanee Napanee Napanee Napanee Ontario Historical Soc. Canada National Museums Ontario, Citizenship &c Yarker Unknown Bicentennia l Ctte Liberal Party Conservative Party Liberal Party Liberal Party Industrial League Industrial League Standard Napanee Library L&A Historical Society Unknown Conservative Party Conservative Party New Democratic Party Conservative Party Conservative Party Conservative Party Conservative Party 1980 1980 1980 1980c 1980c 1981 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982c 1982c 1983c 1983c 1984 1984 1985 1985 1985 1985 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d . good good good excl excl exc 1 excl exc 1 excl excl excl excl excl good good excl good good good good good fair poor good fair fair fair good good good good good good 980.P0009.1 980.P0009.1 980.P0009.2 9 9 * * 5 [F-1] 5 [F-1 ] Sm. Maps 5 5 5 L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Title of Poster (abbreviated) * * * * * * * * * 985.P0058.1 985.P0058 985.P ... 985.P .•. * 985.P ... 977.P0465.2 977.P0465.1 977. P0581 978 .P0093 975.P1562 977. P0441 977 .P0617 979.P ... 979.P •.. * 979.P ... 979.P0180.1 979.P0180 9 5 5 [F-1] 5 [F-1] 5 Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maps 9 9 9 9 5 5 Box 2 Box 3 5 Box 2 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Page 22 Maker Date Cond Accession No . Locat i on Election poster , P. E. Trudeau Election poster, Peter MacKinnon Elect i on poster, Rober t Nixon for Ontario Election poster, Rober t Ni xon, Liberal Leader (prov) El ect i on poster, Rober t Stanf i eld, P. C. (federal) Elect i on poster , Ron Vastokas (portrait) (federal ) Elect i on poster, The Land is Strong, Liberal Election poster , Thompson, NDP Electors ! [Posters to continue Prohibition] Electors! [Posters to continue Prohibition] Electors, for the Honor of our Flag . .. [prohibition] Electors, for the Honor of our Flag . .. [pr ohibition] Electors, for the Hono r of our Flag .. . [prohibit i on] Electors, for the Honor of our Flag . . . [proh i bition] Even i ng Prayer [choromolithograph] For m 1. To b·e put up at Pol l ing Places . Frank A Robb i ns• Big Twelve New Shows [poster] God commendeth ... [Rel i gious poster] Grip cartoon, A Meeting of the Cabinet H. W. Perr y Hardwar e, Hen r y Spencer, Clothing Homes t eads House Tour Intolerance ... [ant i -Catholic cartoons] J . B. Richar dson, Mer chant Tai lor Keep Out the Wolves. [Reciprocity] New Firm But Old Faces ! Robinson & Co. Ontari o Par liament Buildings [reproduct i on] Opera House, "The Wanderer" Robert Easton, Agent, at Napanee, C.W. Si gn: W.N . McKim, Carr iage Builder, Newburgh [ink] Synopsis of Phrenology, published by Thayer The Wounded Dove, Madill Bros . , Napanee To Let! Apply to Robert Easton, Town Hall , Napanee Liberal Party Liberal Party Liberal Party Liberal Party Conser vative Par ty Liberal Party Liberal Par ty New Democratic Party Ont . Ref . Ct tee Ont. Ref. Cttee Ontario Ref . Ctte . Ontario Ref . Ctte . Ontario Ref. Ctte . Ontari o Ref . Ctte . Unknown Ontar io Election Act Fr ee Press, Ottawa Unknown Gr ip Unknown U. of T. Press L&A Histor ical Society Unknown Wi lson & Co . , Mont r eal Industrial League Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Kellogg, Lithograph Unknown Unknown n.d . n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n. d. n.d . n. d. good good good good good good good good fai r good fai r fair fair fai r poor fair fair poor good poo r excl excl poor poor good good good poor fa i r poor fair poor fair 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Title of Poster (abbr eviated) n .d . n. d. n.d . n.d. n.d . n.d . n.d . n.d. n.d. n.d . n.d. n.d . n.d . n.d. n.d. n.d . n.d. 979 . P... 977 .P0615 978.P0019 978 . P0018 977.P0618 979 . P. .• 977. P0616 978 . P0027 979 . P0076 979 . P0077 * * * * 978. P0116 977 . P0432 977 . P0421 973 . P0151 979 . P0055 977 .P0993 * * 978 . P0028 977 . P0992 977. P0463 977. P0448 979 . P0046 973.P0202 977 . P0469 977 . P.. . 977.P0503 978.P0383 977 . P0443 5- F.1 5 - F. 1 5 F-1 5 F-1 5 F-1 5 F- 1 Box 1 Box 2 Box 1 5 - F.2 Box 1 5 Sm. Sm . Box Sm . Maps Maps 1 Maps 5 5 Box Sm . Box Box Sm . Box Box 3 Maps 2 1 Maps 1 2 Page 23 Maker Date Cond Accession No. Locat ion Under the National Policy .... [Reciprocity] We can't undo the Lock ... [Reciprocity] Industrial League Industrial League n.d . n.d. good 977. P0466 good 977.P0464 5 5. L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Title of Poster (abbreviated) Page 24 es iv Ar ch nt y WAR POSTERS C ou IN THE COLLECTIONS OF THE LENNOX AND ADDINGTON COUNTY MUSUEM L& A Sorted by Date Title of Poster (abbreviated) Maker Cond Accession No. 1914 1914 1914 1914c 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915? 1915? 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c good good good good good good good good good fair good fair good poor good excl good good good good good excl poor good good good good good good good good good L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es WORLD WAR I POSTERS Food Sale, for Benefit of Red Cross Fund Napanee Express The Gr eat War, Help the Wounded Napanee Beaver Volunteers for 47th Regiment .... [notes by hand] Kingston Whig Men of the Empire ... 47th Regiment Napanee Beaver Belgium and the European War, lecture at Bath Snider Press Boys, come over here, you•re wanted [#82] very large Parl. Recru i ting Ctte Come Along, Boys! Enlist To-day [#22] Parl. Recruiting Ctte England expects .. . . 1805-1915 [#101] Parl. Recruiting Ctte If you cannot join the Army .. . Parl. Recruiting Ctte [#54] Parl. Recruiting Ctte Line up, Boys! Enlist To-Day Lord Kitchener says ... [#117] very large Parl. Recruiting Ctte Make us as proud of you as we are of Him! [#119] Parl. Recruiting Ctte Patriotism and Production Agric ultural Conference Napanee - unknown Remember Scarborough! · [#41 ] very large Parl. Recruiting Ctte Step into your Place... [#104] Parl. Recruiting Ctte Take Up the Sword of Justice [#105] Parl. Recruiting Ctte The Empire Needs Men. [#58] Parl. Recruiting Ctte There are Three Types of Men [#103] Parl. Recruiting Ctte [#85] we•re Both Needed to Serve the Guns Parl. Recruiting Ctte What will your answer be ... Enl ist Now. Parl . Recruiting Ctte Men of Britain! Will you stand this? [bombing civ.] Parl. Recruiting Ctte Rally round the Flag Parl. Recruiting Cttee Beaver 47th Regiment, Volunteers Wanted Are You Breaking the Law? [hoarding food] Canada Food Board Are You Breaking the Law? [hoarding food] Canada Food Board Are You Breaking the Law? [hoarding food] Canada Food Board Are You Breaking the Law? [hoarding food] Canada Food Board Britain is Fighting for the Freedom of Europe ... [#49] Parl. Recruiting Ctte Buy Fresh Fish - Save the Meat Canada Food Board Buy Fresh Fish - Save the Meat Canada Food Board Buy Fresh Fish - Save the Meat Canada Food Board Buy Fresh Fish - Save the Meat Canada Food Board Date 977.P0526 977 . P0521 977.P0530 977. P0512 977 .P0525 977. P0635 977 .P0643 977. P0631 977.P0647 977. P0641 977. P0636 977. P0632 977 .P0653.1 977. P0623 977 .P0626 977. P0622 977.P0638 977. P0625 977. P0629 977. P0648 977. P0634 977. P0637 977 .P0393 978.P0136.3 978.P0136.2 978. P0136 .1 978.P0136 . 4 977.P0649.1 978.P0137.2 978.P0137 .4 978.P0137.1 978.P0137 .3 Location en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap Sm. Maps 7 7 7 Sm. Maps 8 [FlO ] 7 7 7 7 8 [FlO] 7 7 8 [FlO] 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Sm. Maps en cap encap en cap 8 7 8 8 7 8 8 8 7 [F11] [F11] [F11] [F11] [F11 J [F11] Page 26 Maker Date Cond Accession No. [#48] Fight for Freedom ... Fish and Vegetable Meals [English version] Fish and Vegetable Meals [French version] Fish and Vegetable Meals [French version] Fish and Vegetable Meals [French version] Halt ! Go into Training and Help ... [#45] Help to End the War by enlisting . .. [#42] Help to End the War by enlisting ... [#42] Help to End the War by enlisting ... [#42] Help to End the War by enlisting ... [#42] If the Cap Fits YOU ... Save the Food [F.C. #53] Save the Food [F.C. #53] Save the Food [F.C. #53] Save the Food [F.C. #53] Save the Food [F .C. #53] Stand not upon the Order of Your Going [#52] The Key to the Situation ... [#116] The Kitchen is the Key [F.C. #22] The Kitchen is the Key [F.C. #22] The Kitchen is the Key [F.C. #22] The Kitchen is the Key [F.C. #22] Thousands have answered the Nation's Call [#94] To the Women of Britain. [#55] Waste Not - Want Not, Prepare for Winter Waste Not - Want Not, Prepare for Winter We are saving you: you save the food. We are saving you: you save the food. We are saving you: you save the food. What in the end will settle this War? [#34] What in the end will settle this War? [#47] What in the end will settle this War? [#56] You're Proud of your Pals in the Army [#43] Parl. Recruiting Ctte Canada Food Board Canada Food Board Canada Food Board Canada Food Board Parl. Recruiting Ctte parl. Recruiting Ctte Parl. Recruiting Ctte Parl. Recruiting Ctte Parl. Recruiting Ctte Parl. Recruiting Ctte Great Britain, Food C. Great Britain, Food C. Great Britain, Food C. Great Britain, Food C. Great Britain, Food C. Parl. Recruiting Ctte Parl. Recruiting Ctte Great Britain, Food C. Great Britain, Food C. Great Britain, Food C. Great Britain, Food C. Parl. Recruiting Ctte Parl. Recruiting Ctte Canada Food Board Canada Food Board Canada Food Board Canada Food Board Canada Food Board Parl. Recruiting Ctte Parl . Recruiting Ctte Parl. Recruiting Ctte Parl. Recruiting Ctte 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c l915c 1915c 1915c 1915c l915c 1915c 1915c good good good good good fair good good good good fair good good good good poor good good good fair fair poor excl good good good good good fair fair good good fair L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Title of Poster (abbreviated) 977. P0628 978. P0135 .4 978.P0135.2 978.P0135.1 978.P0135.3 977 .P0633 977. P0640 .1 977.P0640.4 977 .P0640.3 977. P0640. 2 977. P0651 978.P0040 .1 978.P0040.2 978.P0040.3 978.P0040.4 978.P0040.1 977. P0645 977 .P0624 978.P0042.2 978.P0042.3 978.P0042.4 978.P0042.1 977. P0630 977. P0646 978 . P0138.1 978.P0138.2 978. P0139. 2 978.P0139.1 978.P0139.3 977.P0642 977. P0627 977 .P0650 977 .P0644 Location en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap encap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap 7 7 8 [Fll] 7 8 [Fll] 7 Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maps 7 7 8 [Fll ] 8 [Fll] 8 [Fll J 8 [Fll] 7 7 7 8 [Fll ] 8 [Fll] 8 [Fll] 7 7 8 [Fll ] 7 8 [ Fll ] 7 8 [Fl l J 7 7 7 7 Page 27 Maker Date Cond Accession No. Your County Needs Men. Are you a Man? St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Honour Roll Cheer up Bi 11. .. Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle Fund Chee r up Bi 11. .. Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle Fund Cheer up Bill . . . Y.M .C.A. Red Triangle Fund Cheer up Bill ... Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle Fund Cheer up Bi 11 ..• Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle Fund Cheer up Bi 11 ••• Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle Fund Cheer up Bi 11. .• Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle Fund Cheer up Bill. .. Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle Fund Cheer up Bi 11. .. Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle Fund Cheer up Bi 11 ... Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle Fund Cheer up Bi 11. .. Y.M.C. A. Red Triangle Fund Cheer up Bill ... Y. M.C.A. Red Triangle Fund Cheer up Bill. .. Y. M.C.A. Red Triangle Fund Cheer up Bi 11 ... Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle Fund Cheer up Bi 11 ... Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle Fund Cheer up Bill ... Y. M.C.A. Red Triangle Fund Cheer up Bill ... Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle Fund From a Soldier's Letter .•.. Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle From a Sold ier 's Lett er . ... Y. M.C.A. Red Triangle From a Soldier's Letter .... Y.M. C. A. Red Triangle From a Soldier's Letter . ... Y.M.C.A. Red Triang le From a Soldier's Letter .... Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle From a Soldier's Letter . ... Y.M.C.A. Red Tri angle From a Soldier ' s Letter .... Y.M.C.A. Red Tri angle From a Soldier's Letter .... Y.M .C. A. Red Triangle From a Soldier's Letter .... Y.M .C .A. Red Triangle From a Soldier's Letter .... Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle From a Soldier's Letter .... Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle From a Soldier's Letter .... Y.M .C. A. Red Tr iangl e From a Soldier's Letter .... Y.M .C.A . Red Triangle From a Soldier's Letter . . . . Y.M.C.A. Red Tr iangle Napanee Beaver Madden - water-co lour YMCA McC /F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F 1915c 1916 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c l916c 1916c fa ir good good poor good good good good good good good good good poor good good good good good good good good fair good fair good good good good good good fair good L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Title of Poster (abbreviated) 977. P0529 977 .P0583 977.P0532.03 977.P0532.01 978.P0038.2 977.P0532.07 977. P0532 977. P0532 . 11 977.P0532.05 977.P0532.02 977 . P0532 .09 977 . P0532 .14 977. P0532 . 13 977 . P0532.04 977 . P0532 .15 977 .P0532.06 977 .P0532. 12 977.P0532.08 977. P0532 .10 978.P0037.15 978.P0037.1 978.P0037.13 978 . P0037 .11 978.P0037.14 978.P0037.07 978.P0037.05 978.P0037.12 978.P0037.02 978.P0037 .03 978 . P0037.04 978.P0037.09 978.P0037.06 978 .P0037.10 Loc ation en cap encap en cap en cap encap 7 7 8 8 7 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 [Fll ] [Fll] [Fll] [Fll] [Fll] [Fll] [Fll] [Fll] [Fll] [Fll] [F11 ] [Fll] [Fl1] [F ll] [F11] [Fll] 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 [Fll ] [Fll J [F11 ] [Fl l ] [ Fll] [Fll ] [F11] [F11] [F11 ] [F ll] [Fll ] [Fll] Page 28 Maker Date Cond Accession No. From a Soldier 1 S Letter .. . . Y.M .C.A. Red Triangle Help! If we had 1 nt the y Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle If we had 1 nt the y Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle If we had 1 nt the y Y.M.C .A. Red Triangle If we had 1 nt the y Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle If we had 1 nt the y Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle If we had 1 nt the y Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle If we had 1 nt the y Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle If we had 1 nt the y Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle If we had 1 nt the y Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle If we had 1 nt the y Y.M .C.A. Red Triangle If we had 1 nt the y Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle If we had 1 nt the y Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle If we had 1 nt the 1 Y1 • • • Y.M .C. A. Red Triangle The Greatest Mother in the World Till the Boys come Home ... Y.M.C .A. Red Triangle Till the Boys come Home ... Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle Till the Boys come Home ... Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle Till the Boys come Home ... Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle Till the Boys come Home ... Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle Till the Boys come Home ... Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle Till the Boys come Home ... Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle Till the Boys come Home ... Y.M.C.A . Red Triangle Till the Boys come Home ... Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle Till the Boys come Home . . . Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle Carey Cartoon~ Peace in the Air Canada Food Board Recipe Books Canada Food Board Recipe Books Canada Food Board Recipe Books Canada Food Board Recipe Books Carey Cartoon~ They Shall Not Pass Untitled - American Recruiting Poster YMCA McC/F Atlantis Press~ Boston YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F YMCA McC/F N.Y.~ Second War Fund YMCA YMCA YMCA YMCA YMCA YMCA YMCA YMCA YMCA YMCA Carey Cartoon Service Canada Food Board Canada Food Board Canada Food Board Canada Food Board Carey Cartoon Service Harrison 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c l916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1916c 1917 1917c 1917c 1917c 1917c 1917c 1917c good fair good good good fair poor good good good good good good good fair fair good good good good fair good good good good good fair fair fai r fair fair fair fa ir • 0 0 0 0 0 I I I • • • I I • • • I I I I • • • I I • I I I I • • • I I • • • J I • • 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 • C ou nt 0 L& A I • 0 0 iv I Ar ch I I y I es Title of Poster (abbreviated) 978.P0037.08 977 .P0981 977. P0533 978.P0036.04 978.P0036.01 978.P0036.08 978.P0036 .09 978.P0036.05 978.P0036.03 978.P0036.10 978.P0036.06 978. P0036 .11 978.P0036.02 978.P0036.12 978.P0036.07 978.P0120 978.P0039.2 978.P0039.1 978.P0134.2 978.P0039.4 978.P0134.4 978.P0039.3 978.P0134.3 978.P0039.5 978.P0134.5 978.P0134.1 978.P0133 978.P0119.3 978.P0119.2 978.P0119.1 978.P0119.4 978.P0121 977. P0531 Location en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap 8 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 7 7 [Fll] [Fll] [Fll J [F11] [Fll] [Fll] [Fll J [Fl l] [Fll] [Fll] [Fll] [Fll] [Fll] [ Fll] [Fll J [Fll] [Fll] [Fll] [Fl1 ] [Fll] [F11] [Fll] [FlO] [FlO] [ FlO] [FlO] Page 29 Maker Date Cond Accession No. Carey Cartoon, Kaiser Bill goes Shopping Carey Cartoon, Scrapping an Acquaintance Carey Cartoon, The Cards on the Table Carey Cartoon, The Spring Drive Carey Cartoon, The Undertaker's Undertaking Help Our District Win This Flag, Victory Loan, 1918 Hono r Button... Victory Loan, 1918 Hono r Button... Victory Loan, 1918 Keep All Canadians Busy ... Buy Victory Bonds Remember we must feed Daddy too. [Saturday Night] Remember we must feed Daddy too. [Saturday Night] Yours not to do and die .... All Canada, your security All Canada, your security Back Him Up, Buy Victory Bonds Be yours to hold it high! Buy Victory Bonds Be yours to hold it high! Buy Victory Bonds Buy Your Victory Bonds! [very large] Canada's Grain .. . Canada's Grain .. . Cash - Quick! Cash - Quick! Come On! Let's Finish the Job! Come On! Let's Finish the Job! Doing My Bit, Four Years ... Do Yours Doing My Bit, Four Years .. . Do Yours Doing Nothing, without Victory Bonds Doing Nothing, without Victory Bonds Every Dol lar Spent in Canada. Victory Loan Eve ry Dollar Spent in Canada. Victory Loan Faith in Canada, use it all for Victory Bonds Faith in Canada, use it all for Victory Bonds For Industrial Expansion, Buy Victory Bonds Carey Cartoon Service Carey Cartoon Service Carey Cartoon Service Carey Cartoon Service Carey Cartoon Service Canada W.P. 9 Canada Canada Canada W.P. 11 Canada Food Board Canada Food Board Canada W.P. 8 Canada W.P. 12 Canada W.P. 12 Canada W.P. 6 Canada W. P. 1 Canada W.P. 1 Canada D-1 Canada W.P. 2 Canada W.P. 2 Canada W.P. 15 Canada W.P. 15 Canada W.P. 5 Canada W.P. 5 Canada W.P. 4 Canada W.P. 4 Canada W.P. 4 Canada W.P. 4 Canada W.P. 6 Canada W.P. 6 Canada W.P. 3 Canada W.P. 3 Canada W.P. 8 1918 1918 1918 1918 1918 1918 1918 1918 1918 1918 1918 1918 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c fair fair fair fair fair good good good good good good fair good good fair fair fair fair good good good good good good fair fair fair good good good good fair excl L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Title of Poster (abbreviated) 978.P0132 978.P0131 978.P0129 978.P0130 978.P0128 978.P0049 978.P0047.2 978.P0047.1 978.P0052 978.P0041.1 978 .P0041.2 978.P0050 978.P0064.1 978.P0064.2 978.P0054 977.P0539 978.P0059 977.P0524 978.P0062.2 978.P0062.1 978.P0068.2 978.P0068.1 978.P0063 .2 978.P0063 .1 978.P0046.2 978.P0046.1 978.P0061.2 978.P0061.1 978.P0072 .2 978.P0072.1 978.P0044.1 978.P0044.2 978.P0581.1 Location en cap en cap en cap en cap encap en cap 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 [F11] en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap 7 7 Sm. Maps Sm. Maps 8 [FlO] 8 [FlO] 8 [FlO] 8 [FlO] 7 8 [FlO] 8 [FlO] 8 [FlO] 8 [FlO] 8 8 8 8 8 [FlO] [FlO] [FlO] [FlO] [FlO] 8 [FlO] 8 [FlO] 8 [FlO] en cap 8 [F11] 7 8 [FlO] 8 [FlO] 8 [F11] Page 30 Canada W.P. Canada W.P. Canada W.P. Canada W. P. Canada W.P. Canada W.P. Canada W.P. Canada W. P. Canada W.P. Canada W.P. Canada W.P. Canada W. P. Canada W.P. Canada W.P. Canada W.P. Canada W.P. Canada W.P. Canada W. P. Canada W.P. Canada W.P. Canada W.P. Canada W.P. Canada W.P . Canada W.P. Canada W.P. Unknown Canada W.P. ? 1 3 3 7 7 5 7? 2 5 17 17 16 16 9 9 9 10 10 18 18 y C ou nt L& A 8 2 1 ? 10 Cond Accession No. 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919? 1919? 1919c 1919c 1919c 1919c excl fair fa i r fair good poor good good good good poor good good poor good good good good excl excl excl good good excl excl fair good es For Industrial Expansion ... Buy Victory Bonds Have You Bought Your Victory Bonds? [Howe 11 Lith.] If ye break faith ... Buy Victory Bonds Increase Your Income Increase Your Income Now! Victory Bonds ! Our Best Customer, but .... Buy Victory Bonds Our Best Customer, but .... Buy Victory Bonds Our Export Trade is Vital. Buy Victory Bonds Our Export Trade is Vital. Buy Victory Bonds Pave the Way to Victory They Serve France ... Buy Victory Bonds Victory Bonds will Help Stop This Victory Bonds, 5 1/2% Investor, 1919 ... [Button] Victory Loan, 1919 Investor, 1919 . . . [Button] Victory Loan, 1919 Organize for the 100% Class .. .. Organize fo r the 100% Class .... Prince of Wales Flag- Victory Loan of 1919 Prince of Wales Flag - Victory Loan of 1919 Prince of Wales Flag- Victory Loan of 1919 Re-Establish Him ... Buy Victory Bonds Re-Establish Him ... Buy Victory Bonds Do it again, Daddy, Please . .. Victory Bonds Do it again, Daddy, Please . . . Victory Bonds Now, More than Ever ... Buy Victory Bonds To Maintain the Prosper ity of Canada .. Vic. Bonds Date iv Maker Ar ch Title of Poster (abbreviated) 978.P0058.2 977. P0389 977.P0540 978.P0067.1 978 . P0067.2 977 .P0513 978.P0066.2 978.P0066.1 978.P0065.2 978.P0065.1 977 .P03 . . 978.P0053.1 978.P0048 977 .P0388 978.P0057.1 978.P0057.1 978.P0069.1 978.P0069.2 978.P0070.3 978.P0070.1 978.P0070.2 978. P0071.1 978.P0071.2 977. P0060 .1 977.P0060.2 982.P0094.1 978.P0045 Location en cap en cap en cap en cap encap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap en cap 7 7 7 8 8 8 7 8 7 8 8 7 8 8 7 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 7 8 7 8 7 [FlO] [FlO ] [FlO] [ Fll] tF11j FlO [FlO] [FlO] t FlO Fll j [FlO] [Fll] [Fl1] [ Fl1] [Fll] [FlO] Page 31 Title of Poster (abbreviated) Maker Date Cond Accession No. Location FIRST WORLD WAR POSTERS FROM THE UNITED STATES nt y Ar ch British & Can. Recr. British & Can. Recr. British & Can. Recr. Stanfords, London Stanfords, London U.S. Navy U. S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Li berty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Navy U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Marine Corp U.S. Marine Corp U.S. Marine Corp U.S. Treasury Dept. U.S . Navy U.S. Liberty Bonds United War Work Camp'n U.S. Navy L& A C ou Britishers, Enlist To-day, 44 Bromfield St., N. Y. Britishers, You're Needed. Come across now. Britishers, You're Needed. Come across now . What Germany Wants. Her Claims . .. [British] What Germany Wants . Her Claims . .. [British] Altogether: Enlist in the Navy! [very large] Before Sunset, buy a U.S. Government Bond Fight, or Buy Bonds Third Liberty Loan Fight, or Buy Bonds Third Liberty Loan Fight, or Buy Bonds Third Liberty Loan [small] Good Bye, Dad. I'm Off to Fight for Old Glory Halt the Hun! Third Liberty Loan Help our Town Win ... th is Flag: Third Liberty Loan Help win the Right to Fly this Flag : 3rd Lib. Loan I want You, for the Navy Remember the Flag of Liberty. Support it . Ring it Again! [Liberty Bell] Third Liberty Loan Books Wanted for our men in camp and "over there" Books Wanted for our men in camp and "over there" Books Wanted for our men in camp and "over there" Joan of Arc Saved France. Join the Navy, the Service for Fighting Men Make the World a Decent Place to Live in .. [huge] One of the Thousand YMCA Girls in France Gee, I wish I were a Man! I'd join the Navy iv es On May 13, 1919, Clarance Warner, former Pres i dent of the Lennox and Addington Society, mailed to W.S. Herrington, who had succeded him as President, a large roll of War posters which he had collected in the United States. Warner was at that time occupying a position at Harvard, and most of the posters were collected in New York or Boston. Some were still wrapped in a mailer from R.H. Stearns & Co., Boston . The posters were mostly American and mostly 1917-18. Many of the posters are still in fine condition today. The largest was damaged in 1919 during the postal journey. l915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1915c 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917c 1917c 1917c 1917c 1917c 1917c 1917c 1918 good good good fair fair fair good fair fa ir fair good good good good good good good good good poor poor fair fair good good 987.P0033 987.P0028.1 987.P0028.2 987.P0026.1 987 .P0026.2 987.P0037 987.P0005 987.P0018.2 987 . P0018.1 987.P0018.3 987.P0020 987.P0019 987 . P0031 987.P0032 987.P0035 987.P0021 987.P0023 987.P0040.3 987.P0040.2 987.P0040.1 987.P0039 987.P0038 987.P0041 987 . P0034 987.P0036 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] Ro 11 ed. 8 [F12] 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] 7 8 [Fl2] Rolled . 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] Page 32 Maker Date Cond Accession No. Location That Liberty shall not Perish ... Third Liberty Loan starts Ap ri l 6th And now, The Fighting Fourth Beat back the Hun with Liberty Bonds Beat back the Hun with Liberty Bonds Buy Liberty Bonds (Abraham Lincoln) Buy To-day at any Bank Clear the Way! Buy Bonds Come on! Buy more Liberty Bonds Hun or Home? Buy more Liberty Bonds I Pledge Allegiance to my Flag ... [U.S.] Must Children die and Mothers Plead in Vain? My Soldier Over the Top for You, Buy U.S . Gov't Bonds Over the Top for You, Buy U. S. Gov't Bonds Pres ident Wilson to the People of the Uni ted States Put this flag in your house ... Remember Belgium The Hun - His Mark. Blot it Out. They Si gnal, Send Books What are You doing to Help? What Can You Do? Join our Red Cross . What the Navy is Doing [U.S .A.] What the Navy is Doing [U.S.A.] 2. U.S . Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S ., WLLCNE U.S. Liberty Bonds U. S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S . Liberty Bonds Prudential Insurance U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S., WLLCNE U.S . Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds 1918 1918 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c fair good good good good fair good good good good good good good good good good good good good good fair fair good good 8 [Fl2] Sm. Maps Sm. Maps 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] 8 [F12] 8 [ Fl2] 8 [Fl2] 8 [F12] 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] 8 [F12] 8 [Fl2] 8 [F12] 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] Sm. Maps 8 [Fl2 J 8 [F12] 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] Sm. Maps Sm. Maps iv Ar ch nt y C ou L& A es Title of Poster (abbreviated) u.s. u.s. u.s. u.s. u.s. Red Cross Red Cross Navy Navy 987.P0030 987.P0017 987.P0006 987 . P0015 . 1 987.P0015.2 987 .P0004 987.P0022 987.P0009 987. POOll 987.P0014 987.P0008 987.P0029 987 . P0010 987.P0016.2 987 . P0016 .1 987.P0003 987.P0007 987.P0013 987.P0012 987.P0027 987.P0025 987 . P0024 987 . P0001 987.P0002 Page 33 Maker Title of Poster (abbreviated) Date Cond Accession No. Locat ion WORLD WAR II POSTERS Ar ch iv es Great Britain 1940c Great Britain 1940c Great Britain 1940c Central Recruiting Dep. 1940c Central Recruiting Dep. 1940c Great Britain 1940c Great Britian 1940c Great Britain 1940c Lennox & Addington 1941 Napanee 1945 good good good good good fair good good good poor 975.P0054 977. P0517 975.P0050 977.P0639.2 977. P0639 .1 977. P0516 975.P0053 977. P0514 983.P0060.1 977. P0394. 2 en cap encap en cap en cap en cap en cap 8 [FlO] 7 Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maps 7 Sm. Mpas Sm. Maps 8 [FlO] Sm. Maps L& A C ou nt y He's in the Silent Service - Are You? [ 1arge] He's in the Silent Service - Are You? [large] He's in the Silent Service - Are You? [ sma 11] Men of London! Rememeber! Men of London! Rememeber! Spot at Sight Chart 1, Enemy Uniforms Spot at Sight Chart 1, Enemy Uniforms Spot at Sight Chart 2, Enemy Uniforms Dominion of Canada Victoy Loan, L&A Organization Thanksgiving Service, Declaration of "V-E Day" Page 34 es iv Ar ch nt y ADVERTISEMENTS C ou IN THE COLLECTIONS OF THE LENNOX AND ADDINGTON COUNTY MUSUEM L& A Sorted by Date Maker Subject of Advertisement Date Cond Access i on No . Location fair good good good good good fa ir good good Sm. Sm. Sm . Sm. Sm. Sm. Sm . Sm . Sm. 1880c 1885 1890c 1890c 1890c 1890c l890c n.d. n.d. Ar ch iv Unknown J.H. Buffords' Sons Unknown J.M . W. Jones, Chicago Calvert Co. Detroit Unknown Unknown Grip Rolph, Smith & Co. no no no no no no no no no number number number number number number number number number Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps L& A C ou nt y A Barrel of Fun Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum [Kerry Watson] Harry Webber, in 11 Nip & Tuck .. Detectives Harry Webber, in 11 Nip & Tuck 11 Detectives John W. Nichol's Continental Brand Oysers, Baltimore Harry Webber, in 11 Nip & Tuck 11 Detectives Radway•s Ready Relief Pills Toronto Light Binder, Massey Manufacturing Toronto Light Binder, Massey Mfg. Co. es ADVERT! SEMENTS Page 36 es iv Ar ch nt y C ou LISTING OF MAPS, PICTURES AND POSTERS L& A BY ACCESSION NUMBER Maker Date Cond Accession No. Location Mother and sleeping children [Chrom-lithograph] Insolvency, James McHenry, biscuit-maker Insolvency, James Blakely, household furnishings Insolvency, James McHenry, biscuit-maker Prepare for Action ... Petawawa [E.J. Hughes] Maintenance on 6-inch Howitzer [W.A. Ogilvie] Calendar print, 11 Aloha 11 [naughty] Perry's Woolen Mill, Napanee, For Sale Ontario, lithographed in colour for emigrants Napanee- Plan of Lots [in Mill Reserve] Napanee - Bird's Eye View of Napanee Napanee - Bird's Eye View of Napanee Napanee - Plan of, showing factories Napanee - Bird 's Eye View of Napanee Ontario, Belleville Sheet [shows L&A] Ontario, Kingston Sheet [shows L&A] Ontario, Pembroke Sheet [shows L&A] Ontario, postal delivery map [huge, in sections] Manitoba, showing small villages, railways Ontario, postal map [11 sheets, L&A sheet 4, our B] Ontario, electoral divisions, railways etc. Forward Movement, Missionaries, Methodist Church Napanee, Harshaw Block, architect's elevations Village Recrutuits [sic][Lithograph after Nachdruck] Home from the War [Boer War] [chromo-lith.] A High Sea. [Photo-process print] Election poster, Clayton Woodcock, Municipal-Napanee God commendeth ... [Religious poster] Araby's Daughter [lithograph, hand-coloured] St. Michael [lithograph, hand-coloured] Yes or No? [Lithograph after Mill ais] Opera House, 11 The Wanderer .. Unknown Standard Express Standard Canada War Art Canada War Art Knight Industries Beaver Canada West Land Agency Hughes, Thomas, PLS Chicago Lithograph Co. Chicago Lithograph Co. Perry, A.B., PLS Chicago Lithograph Co. Dept. of the Interior Dept. of the Interior Dept. of the Interior Postmaster General Dept. of Interior Postmaster General Post Office Dept. Canada Methodist Photo Bartlett, F. Eigenthum etc. Unknown Richard Ecschke Unknown Unknown Currier, N. #648 Currier, N. #326 J.H. Bufford's Sons Unknown 1880c 1870 1868 1870 1941 1941 1962 1884 1880c 1881 1874 1874 1859 1874 1908 1911 1915 1908 1904 1898 1898 1907 1886 1880c l901c 1891 1970c n.d. 1845c 1845c 1885c n.d. poor good good good good good good good fair good good good poor good fair fair fair fair good fair good fair fair poor good fair poor poor good good fai r poor 6 F-3 Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maps 6 5 - F-1 Regional Sm. Maps Local-2 Loca 1-2 Local -1 Local-2 Regional Regional Regiona l Regional National Regional Regional 6 F-3 Local-2 6 F-3 6 F-3 6 F-3 9 5- F.2 Box 1 Box 1 6 F-3 Sm. Maps L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Subject/Tit 1e 969. P0011 970.P0193 970 . P0262 970.P0384 971. P0011 97l.P0012 971. P0522 972 .490 972.P 428.2 973.P 156 973.P 174.1 973.P 174 .2 973.P 267 973.P 270 973 . P 271E 973.P 271G 973. p 271J 973.P 273 973.P 277 973.P 316 973.P 317 973.P0004 973.P0012 973 . P0016 973. P0017 973.P0018 973.P0150 973.P0151 973.P0180 973.P0181 973.P0196 973.P0202 Page 38 Maker Date Cond Accession No. Locat ion Grace Methodist, Rev. C.E. Cragg, pastor Victoria [Litho from "The Crown" series] Albert Edward, P of Wales [from "The Crown series] Albert Edward, P of Wales [from "The Crown series] The Pageant - Historical Procession, print af. Julien Ice Bridge, Quebec [repro of Cockburn w.c. in PAC] Calendar print, "Love, Cherish, Protect" [betrothal] Calendar print, "Love, Cherish, Protect" [betrothal] Shake Hands with History, Dominion Day Celebration Ballerinas [crude lithograph] Canada's Tercentenary Celebration, Quebec, 1908 Napanee, Amouries, blueprints for (9 sheets) Manitoba, lands surveyed and entered Canada, Ottawa Canal Survey [includes most Ontario] Canadian Pacific Railway, profile maps sheets 1-4 St . Albans - Plan of the Village [Hastings] L&A - Cummins• Rural Directory [Sheffield & south] Masonic Order, certificate Royal Arch Masons Masonic Order, certificate Union Lodge No. 9 Naughty Boy! or "Compulsory Education" [Riviere] Butt erflies [after W.S. Coleman] Over the Garden Wall [after Fred Morgan] Tempted by Shy [after G.G. Kilburne] Calendar print, "Doggone Good" [naughty] Calendar print, "It's Easy" [naughty] He's i n the Silent Service- Are You? [small] Spot at Sight Chart 1, Enemy Uniforms He's in the Silent Service- Are You? [large] Antique Show and Sale, Napanee Curling Club Opening Show, Napanee Memorial Centre Hail the Champs! Napanee Comets Hockey Team Swing into Spring Unknown Montreal Herald & Star Montreal Herald & Star Montreal Herald & Star Montreal Standar d 1909 Montreal Standard 1908 Mutual Life Mutual Life L&A Historical Society Donaldson Lith. Co. George Murray Pub. Canada- G.S. Maunsell Dominion Lands Branch Public Works, Quebec Dept. of Interior Peterson, J .S . PLS Cummins Map Company Unknown Unknown Pears Annua 1 Pears Annual Pears Annua 1 Pears Annual Ellis & Howard Ltd. Ellis & Howard Lt d. Great Britain Great Brit ian Great Britain Unknown Beaver Napanee Napanee Collegiate 1914c 1885 1885 1885 1908 1831 1924 1924 1963 1880c 1908 1913 1880 1860 1908 1854 1924 1901 1900 1909 1910 1910 1910 1961 1957 1940c 1940c 1940c 1965 1955 1958 1960 good fair fair fa ir good good fa ir fa ir excl good good fai r fair poor good fair poor exc 1. excl. good good good good good good good good good good fair good excl Box 3 6 F-3 6 F-3 6 F-3 L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Subject/Title 973.P0204 973.P0246 973 .P0247A 973.P0247B 973.P0248 973.P0249 973.P0250 973.P0251 973.P0261 973.P0262 973.P0334 973.P0335 974.P 318 975.P 30 975.P 35 975.P 028 975.P 041 975.P0009 975.P0009 975.P0013 975.P0015 975.P0018 975.P0019 975.P0045 975.P0046 975.P0050 975.P0053 975.P0054 975. P0134 975.P0135 975.P0140 975.P0141 6 6 F-3 6 6 Sm. Maps 6 F-3 5 Local-3 Na tio nal Regional National Local-1 Local -3 Sm. Maps Sm. Maps 6 F-3 6 F-3 6 F-3 6 F-3 6 6 encap en cap Sm. Maps Sm. Mpas 8 [FlO] Sm. Sm. Sm. Sm. Maps Maps Maps Maps Page 39 Maker Date Cond Accession No. Location Donnybrook Sale Shake Hands with History, Dominion Day Celebration Donnybrook Sale [annotated with date and etc.] Confederation Caravan at Napanee High School Centennial Fun Fair! A Hospital for L&A - Public Meeting to Discuss Follies 1963- Hospital Variety Show Exhibition Hockey, Detroit Red Wings vs Nap . Comets Booster & Pusher Club [amateur poster] Yukon, sheets 2-10, from time of Gold Rush Napanee Half-Year ly Mart or Fair... Moonlight Excursion, Steamer Brockville, Western Meth Organ Recital by George Phelps, at St. Mary Mag. Organ Recital, E. M. Church [Eastern Meth- Trinity?] Trinity Church, Supper and Concert, Napanee Presentat ion and Opening, Shibley Memor ial Organ Calendar print, 11 Reading Proclamation 11 Centennial United Nations, to further World Understanding Topographical map, Belleville sheet Topographical map, Tweed sheet Topographical map, Bath sheet Topographical map, Sydenham Sheet Frontenac - Road Map [shows part of L&A] L&A- [stressing roads, cone., lots- large map] Napanee - Collegiate Inst i tute, blueprints Sign: W.N. McKim, Carriage Builder, Newburgh [ink] Two large stores in one. Robinson & company Do it again, Daddy, Please. ..Victory Bonds Do it again, Daddy, Please . . . Victory Bonds Money and How it is Made, at Museum of Science & Tech Requi sition, Napanee meeting re. railway to Tamworth Pav e the Way to Victory Centennial Ctte/LAHS L&A Historical Society Centennial Ctte/LAHS Canada, Confed. Ctte L&A Historical Society L&A Hospital Cttee L&A Hospital Cttee Beaver [Minor Hockey] L&A Historica l Society Surveyor- General Tourist, The Express Express Unknown Trinity Newburgh Methodist Kingston Whig-Standard Confederation Life Dept. of National Def. Dept. of National Def. Dept. of National Def. Dept. of National Def. Ont. Dept . of Highways Ont., Pub. Roads & Hwys Burden & Gouinlock Unknown Express Canada W.P. 18 Canada W.P. 18 Canada - Nat. Museums Express Canada W.P. 5 1963 1963 1963 1967 1967 1959 1963 1959 n.d. 1898 1841 1910 1908 1893 1910 1899 1967 1962 1933 1933 1923 1933 1935 1914 1925 n.d. 1889 1919c 1919c 1969 1879 1918c good excl good good excl good excl fair fair good fair fair good good good good excl good excel good good excel poor fair fair poor fair excl excl good poor poor Sm . Sm. Sm . Sm. Sm. Sm. Sm. Sm. L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Subject/Tit 1e 975.P0142 975.P0143A 975.P0144E 975.P0145 975.P0146 975.P0148 975.P0149 975.P0150 975.P1562 976.P 36 976.P0159 976.P0354.24 976 . P0360.13 976.P0367.4 976. P0371. 24 976.P0375.2 976.P1560 976.P1572 976 . P1576A 976.P1576B 976.P1576C 976.P1576D 976.P1579 976.P1580 977 .P 656 977. p... 977. P0045 977 .P0060.1 977. P0060. 2 en cap 977 .P0099 977 . P03 .. 977.P03 .. Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps 5 National Sm . Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Box 2 Sm. Maps 6 Foreign Local 3 Loca 1 3 Local 3 Local 3 Local-3 Local-3 Local-3 Box 1 Box 2 8 [Fll] 7 5 F-1 5- F.1 8 [FlO] Page 40 Maker Date Cond Access ion No. Location Election poster, Joe Clark, get Canada working Election poster, Progressive Conservative, 1978 Napanee "Wonderland Theatre", painted by Jack Bush Election poster, Ron Vastokas, Liberal (federal) Election poster, Ron Vastokas, (federal) [small] Election poster, Ron Vastokas, Liberal (federal) Election poster, Ron Vastokas , Liberal (federal) Election poster, Ross Baker, Independent Election poster, Kevin Arseneault, NDP (federal) Election poster, Bill Vankoughnet, P. C. (federal) Election poster, I'm for Flora, P. C. (federal) Oddfellows Certificate, Loyal Rose Lodge 183 Europe, World War 1, Passchendaele [hand-drawn] Europe, World War 2, 3rd Canadian Infantry Division Now, More than Ever •.. Buy Victory Bonds Names of Men Enlisted for Active Service Dominion of Canada Victoy Loan, L&A Organization Ernestown - amended copy of 1783 map in 2 parts Ernestown - amended copy of 1783 map [negative] Election poster, Ron Vastokas and John Turner Election poster, James Taylor, P.E.-Lennox Election poster, Gordon Mylks "Mylks good for you" U.E. L. Bicentennial, Adolphustown Ontario Provincial Police Golden Helments What the Navy is Doing [U . S.A.] What the Navy is Doing [U .S. A.] 2. President Wilson to the People of the United States Buy Liberty Bonds (Abraham Lincoln) Before Sunset, buy a U.S . Government Bond And now, The Fighting Fourth Put this flag in your house .. . I Pledge Allegiance to my Flag ... [ U.S.] Conservative Party Conservative Party Bush, Jack Liberal Party Liberal Party Liberal Party Liberal Party Baker, Ross New Democratic Party Conservative Party Conservative Party Oddfe llows Babcock af. Nicholson Babcock & Mason Unknown Beaver Lennox & Addington Chiwett/Chambers good good good good good good good good good good good poor fair good fair poor good poor 9 nt y n.d. 1978 l970c 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1894 1965 1945 1919c 1945c 1941 1857 Liberal Party Conservative Party Liberal Party Bicentennial Ctte Unknown U.S . Navy U.S. Navy U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U. S. Liberty Bonds U.S., WLLCNE U.S. , WLLCNE Prudential Insurance 1985 1985 1985 1984 1984 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1917 1918c 1918c 1918c good good good excl good good good good fair good good good good iv Ar ch C ou L& A es Subject/Title 979.P0180.1 979 . P0181 979.P0193 980.P0009.1 980.P0009.1 980 . P0009.1 980.P0009 . 1 980.P0009 . 2 980.P0009.3 980.P0009.4 980.P0009.5 981.22 . 349 981 . 23.351 981.23.352 982.P0094 . 1 983.22.348 983.P0060.1 984 . P 14 984.P 14 985 . p.. . 985 p .. . 985 p 985 . P0058 985.P0058.1 987.P0001 987 . P0002 987.P0003 987. P0004 987.P0005 987.P0006 987.P0007 987.P0008 0 0 0 0 • 9 6 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 5 Foreign Foreign 8 [FlO] 5 8 [FlO] Copies Copies 9 9 9 Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maes 8 [Fl2j 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] Sm . Maps Sm. Maps 8 [Fl2] Page 60 Maker Date Cond Accession No. Locati on Clear the Way! Buy Bonds My Soldier Come on! Buy more Liberty Bonds The Hun - His Mark. Blot it Out. Remember Belgium Hun or Home? Buy more Liberty Bonds Beat back the Hun with Liberty Bonds Beat back the Hun with Liberty Bonds Over the Top for You, Buy U.S. Gov't Bonds Over the Top for You, Buy U.S. Gov't Bonds Third Liberty Loan starts April 6th Fight, or Buy Bonds Third Liberty Loan Fight, or Buy Bonds Third Liberty Loan Fight, or Buy Bonds Third Liberty Loan [small] Halt the Hun! Third Liberty Loan Good Bye, Dad. I'm Off to Fight for Old Glory Remember the Flag of Liberty. Support it. Buy To-day at any Bank Ring it Again! [Liberty Bell] Third Liberty Loan What Can You Do? Join our Red Cross. What are You doing to Help? What Germany Wants. Her Claims ... [British] What Germany Wants. Her Clai ms.. . [British] They Signal, Send Books Britishers, You're Needed. Come across now. Britishers, You're Needed. Come across now. Must Children die and Mothers Plead in Vain? That Liberty shall not Perish ... Help our Town Win ..• this Flag: Third Liberty Loan Help win the Right to Fly this Flag: 3rd Lib. Loan Britishers, Enlist To-day, 44 Bromfield St., N.Y. One of the Thousand YMCA Girls in France U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Li berty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U. S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Red Cross U.S. Red Cross Stanfords, London Stanfords, London 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918c 1918 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1918c 1917 1918c 1918c 1915c 1915c 1918c 1915c 1915c 1918c 1918 1917 1917 1915c 1917c good good good good good good good good good good good fair fair fair good good good good good fair fair fair fair good good good good fair good good good good 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Subject/Title u.s. British &Can. Recr. British & Can. Recr. U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds U.S. Liberty Bonds British & Can. Recr. United War Work Camp'n 987.P0009 987.P0010 987. P0011 987.P0012 987.P0013 987.P0014 987.P0015.1 987.P0015.2 987.P0016.1 987.P0016.2 987.P0017 987.P0018.1 987.P0018.2 987.P0018.3 987.P0019 987.P0020 987.P0021 987.P0022 987.P0023 987.P0024 987.P0025 987.P0026.1 987.P0026.2 987.P0027 987.P0028.1 987.P0028.2 987.P0029 987.P0030 987.P0031 987. P0032 987.P0033 987.P0034 [Fl2] [Fl2] [Fl2] [Fl2 ] [Fl2] [Fl2 J [Fl2] [Fl2] [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] Sm. Maps 8 [Fl2 ] 8 [Fl2] 8 [F12] 8 8 8 8 8 [ Fl2] [Fl2] [Fl2] [Fl2] [Fl2 ] 8 [ Fl2 ] 8 [ F1 2] 8 8 8 8 [Fl2] [Fl2] [Fl2] [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] 8 8 8 8 [Fl2] [F12] [Fl2] [Fl2] Page 61 Maker Date Cond Accession No. Location I want You, for the Navy Gee, I wish I were a Man! I'd join the Navy Altogether: Enlist in the Navy! [very large] Join the Navy, the Service for Fighting Men Joan of Arc Saved France. Books Wanted for our men in camp and "over there" Books Wanted for our men in camp and "over there" Books Wanted for our men in camp and "over there" Make the World a Decent Place to Live in .. [huge] Camden - Loyalist settlers Hastings-Frontenac, electoral District Centre Street Skating Arena Bay of Quinte- North Side of Lake Ontario ... A Barrel of Fun Fashion plate, New York Fashion Bazar Beauty cl910 Harry Webber, in "Nip & Tuck" Detectives Susan Daly Family Certificate Calendar print, "Royal Family" [Stroud Bros.] Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum [Kerry Watson] John W. Nichol's Continental Brand Oysers, Baltimore Harry Webber, in "Nip & Tuck" Detectives Radway's Ready Relief Pills Harry Webber, in "Nip & Tuck" Detectives Toronto Light Binder, Massey Mfg. Co. Toronto Light Binder, Massey Manufacturing Bay of Quinte Railway Plan Canada, 31st Parliament, election results Orange Order Certificate, Samuel Colville Napanee Juveniles hockey Team Orange Order Certificate, John Diamant U.S. Navy U.S. Navy U.S. Navy U.S. Navy U.S. Treasury Dept. U.S. Marine Corp U.S. Marine Corp U.S. Marine Corp U.S. Liberty Bonds Kotte, Lewis Canada, Energy, Mines .. Express Tinling, Kotte, Peachey Unknown New York Fashion Bazar Michael Maker Dry Goods Unknown Currier & Ives good good fair fair poor poor good good fair good excl fair poor fair good fair good good 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] Ro 11 ed. nt y 1917 1918 1917 1917c 1917c 1917c l917c 1917c 1917c 1789 1976 1875 1784 1880c 187? 1910c l890c 1847 Toronto Lithographing J.H. Buffords' Sons Calvert Co. Detroit J.M.W. Jones, Chicago Unknown Unknown Rolph, Smith & Co. Grip Canada - Surveys Branch At 1as of Canada Unknown Webster, Geoff, Napanee Unknown 1887 1885 1890c 1890c 1890c 1890c n.d. n.d. 1902 1979 1924 1975 1926 excl good good good fair good good good good good good good fair L& A C ou Ar ch iv es Subject/Title 987.P0035 987.P0036 987.P0037 987.P0038 987.P0039 987.P0040 . 1 987.P0040.2 987.P0040.3 987.P0041 no number no number no number no number no number no number no number no number no number no number no number no number no number no number no number no number no number no number no number (rolled) Vankoughnet no number no number no number 8 [F12] 7 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] 8 [Fl2] Rolled. Copies Local-3 Sm. Maps Copies Sm. Maps Sm. Maps 6 Sm. Maps 6 10 6 Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Regional Nat ion a1 10 10 10 Page 62 Make r Date Cond Accession No. Location Orange Order Certificate, William P. Magee Orange Order, Bath, in name of Alexander Johnston Marriage certificate, M.J. Magee & Maggie Price Price Family Register (form 1864) 'Prentice Boys Certificate, John Schemerhorn Sheffield, with advertisements and directory Sandhurst, Proposed Layout, R.C.A.F. Aerodrome Napanee - Campbell House - see verso 978.P179 Oddfellows Certificate, Will Boyle, Napanee L&A - Proposed east-west County Road n of hwy 33 Grace Methodist Sunday School Diploma, H. Vanalstine Grace Methodist Sunday School Diploma, G.F. Smith Brown Family Register Canadian Order of Fore sters, E. Stanley certificate Our Father ... [The Lord's Prayer] Public Meeting, Canada Peace Centenary, Napanee Treatment of the Drowned Centennial [very large poster] Lennox & Addington Public Meeting, Patriotic Fund, Napanee Centreville Fair (125th) 1853-1978 Welcome to 5th Annual Old Time Fiddlers' Picnic Napa-Cana-Days [for Hospital Fund] Artists of the County, L&A County Museum [original] Proclamation, National Flag of Canada David Trumble, "When I Was A Boy" Pioneer Festival Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms The Sun Kingdoms, Peruvian Handicrafts Canadian National Midget Boys Fastball Championships Show & Dance starring The Carlton Show Band David Trumble, "When I Was A Boy" Odessa Fair Unknown Daily News, Kingston Eilers & Company Currier & Ives Unknown Map & Advert. Co. General Engineering Dp. 1886 1864 1887 1864c 1875 1918 1940 good poor fair poor poor fair good 10 10 10 10 10 Loca l-3 Local-3 iv es Subject/Title L& A C ou nt y Ar ch Unknown Totten, Sims, Hubicki Lawrence, L., Detroit Lawrence, L. , Detroit Vanalsti ne Foresters Hermann Claussen Express Ontar io Board of Health Wakeling & Sons Express Cent rev i 11 e Cloyne Napanee Rotary Club Madsen, Susan 7/16 Canada Dent L&A Historical Society Canada L&A Guild of Fine Art Napanee Tamworth Dent Odessa 1885 1975 1915 1916 1919b 1900c 1868 1914 1890c 1964 1914 1978 1978 1975c 1979 1965 1980c 1979 1981 1979 1982 1979 1980c 1979 no no no no no no no number number number number number number number X ? good fair fair fair poor poor good good fair good good exc 1 excl excl exc 1 excl exc 1 excl excl excl excl excl exc 1 Loca 1-3 10 10 10 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5 5 [file ] Sm. Maps Sm. Maps 5 Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm. Maps To Art 5 5 [F-1 ] Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm . Maps 5 Sm. Maes 5 [F-1j Sm. Maps Page 63 Maker Date Cond Accession No. Location Canadian National Midget Boys Fastball Championships Truck & Tractor Pull, Napanee Fair Grounds Canadian National Midget Boys Fastball Championships Workshop for Kids, Adolphustown UEL Museum Canada North Museumobile at Napanee Mall Discover the ROM, at the L&A County Museum Election poster, Larry South, Frontenac-Addington Addington Fall Fair, Centreville Governor Simcoe Day, 3rd Annual Welcome to 6th Annu al Old Time Fiddlers ' Picnic Homesteads A Tall Order, Put New Life in Old Spaces Electors, for the Honor of our Flag .. . [ prohibition] Canadian National Midget Boys Fastball Championships Electors, for the Honor of our Flag . .. [prohibition] Building Rehabilitation and Improvement Campaign House Tour Election poster, James Taylor, re-elect (provincial) Electors, for the Honor of our Flag ... [prohibition] Electors, for the Honor of our Flag ... [prohibition] Napanee - Benson Survey (ink, coloured by hand) Napanee Lennox Ag . Society Napanee Quinte Ed. Museum Canada National Museums L&A County Museum Liberal Party Beaver Yarker Cloyne U. ofT. Press Ontario Historical Soc. Ontario Ref. Ctte. Napanee Ontario Ref. Ctte. On t ari o, Citizenship &c L&A Historical Society Conservative Party Ontario Ref . Ctte . Ontario Ref . Ctte. Benson, Samuel 1982 1979c 1982 1979c 1982c 1980 1985 1979c 1983c 1979 n.d. 1982c n.d. 1982 n.d. 1983c n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 1831 excl good excl excl excl excl good good good excl excl excl fair excl fair excl excl good fair fair good 5 Sm. Maps 5 Sm. MaJs 5 [F-1 Sm. Maps 9 5 Sm. Maps Sm. Maps Sm . Maps 5 [ F-1] 5 F-1 5 5 F-1 5 Sm . Maps 9 5 F-1 5 F-1 Local - 1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Subject/Title Page 64
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