Moments of Grace Media Kit


Moments of Grace Media Kit
Media Kit
Table of Contents
Contact Information
Product Specs and Sales Copy for Moments of Grace and Spiritual Warfare in The Lord of the Rings
About Anne Marie Gazzolo
Interviewer Resources
Ten Things to Know About Anne Marie Gazzolo
Seven Things You Will Read About in Moments of Grace and Spiritual Warfare in The Lord of the Rings
Interview Topics
Interview Questions
Contact Info
Review Copy Requests: Marketing Services, WestBow Press, 866-928-1240, fax: 812-961-3133, email
Anne Marie’s email
Product Specs and Sales Copy
TITLE: Moments of Grace and Spiritual Warfare in The Lord of the Rings AUTHOR: Anne Marie Gazzolo
PUBLISHER: WestBow Press
PUBLISHED: 10/11/2012
RETAIL PRICE: $17.99 (paperback), $3.99 (ebook)
PAGES: 224
ISBN: 978-1-44976-968-0 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-1-44976-967-3 (ebook)
COVER ART: Jef Murray
COVER DESIGN: Margaret Watkins
Sales copy short form:
In J. R. R. Tolkien’s desire to create a mythology for his homeland, he actually made one for everyone.
The Lord of the Rings is a catechism of spiritual warfare cleverly disguised as a fantasy. Its struggle against
evil occurs even now within each person. As we cannot leave the battlefield until death, we should learn
from those who have labored before us and benefit from the wise counsels of Gandalf, Aragorn,
and Faramir; the perseverance of Frodo; and the height of hope and the depth of devotion of Sam.
Everyone, good and evil, has something to teach us. Get your copy today!
Sales copy long form:
In J. R. R. Tolkien’s desire to create a mythology for his homeland, he actually made one for every
person, every land, and every age. The Lord of the Rings is a catechism of spiritual warfare cleverly
disguised as a fantasy. The struggle against evil that takes place inside its pages is the same one that
occurs even now within the soul of each person. As we cannot leave the field of battle until death takes
us from it, we should learn as much as we can about how to fight from those who have labored before
us. Certainly the Red Book of Westmarch is one source to use. We may not have to sacrifice ourselves as
does Gandalf, but we can learn from him and his wise counsels and from the others who he taught.
Frodo guides us as well, as he makes his torturous journey to Mount Doom and endures the Ring’s
unceasing temptations. With him, we see that sometimes we overcome our temptations, and at other
times they overwhelm us. We also learn, as he and Boromir do, to get back up and start the struggle
anew. Sam shows us the height of hope and the depth of devotion. In fact, everyone in the tale, good as
well as evil, has something to teach us. It is Anne Marie’s hope that you will inspiration within to apply
to your life. Get your copy today!
About Anne Marie Gazzolo
Long version – 501 words
Anne Marie Gazzolo came out of the womb writing. She is the proud aunt of 11 (8
here, all LOTR fans with their parents, 3 in heaven). She is the author of Moments
of Grace and Spiritual Warfare in The Lord of the Rings, (WestBow Press, 2012). Her
work also appears in Beyond Bree, Silver Leaves, Amon Hen, StAR (St. Austin Review),
Mythic,, and Use.well.the.days. She contributed papers to the 2008, 2009,
and 2010 Tolkien Society Seminars, as well as to Mythcon 41 held in Dallas, TX in
2010. In 2012, she began her Master’s Degree in Literature and Language at the
Mythgard Institute, which is part of an online university founded in September
2011 by the Tolkien Professor, Corey Olsen. She co-moderates the J. R. R. Tolkien
discussion group on GoodReads. An ebook, Pathways through Middle-earth: A
Guide for the Heart, which concerns how to apply to one’s life the lessons taught by
those in Middle-earth, is available as a gift for signing up for her mailing list at her
website ( She is at work on a fantasy series, has another
series anxious for her to get to, and other trips back to Middle-earth planned also.
Short version - 146 words
Anne Marie Gazzolo came out of the womb writing. She
is the author of Moments of Grace and Spiritual Warfare in
The Lord of the Rings, (WestBow Press, 2012). Her work
also appears in Beyond Bree, Silver Leaves, Amon Hen, StAR
(St. Austin Review), Mythic, and
Use.well.the.days. She contributed papers to the 2008,
2009, and 2010 Tolkien Society Seminars, as well as to
Mythcon 41 held in Dallas, TX in 2010. An ebook,
Pathways Through Middle-earth: A Guide for the Heart,
which concerns how to apply to one’s life the lessons
taught by those in Middle-earth, is available as a gift for
signing up for her mailing list at her website
( She is at work on a fantasy
series, has another series anxious for her to get to, and
other trips back to Middle-earth planned also.
Anne Marie’s first exposure to The Lord of the Rings, although she did not know it
at the time, was in 1980, when a beloved high school French teacher was leaving.
She said, “May the Force be with you!” to which the teacher fervently responded
“Frodo lives!” She has wondered more than once why she still remembers those
words so vividly, as they meant nothing to her at the time. She did not realize after
she encountered Frodo Baggins in a theatre in December 2001, and with him the
tale contained in the Red Book of Westmarch, how much he would grow on her.
She was at the time a completely obsessed Star Wars fan and had been for over 20
years. It certainly did not occur to her that anything or anyone could tear her away
from that! But this story and the people in it changed her life, imperceptibly at first
and then radically, as slowly Mr. Underhill took up residence in her heart and
helped transform her into who she is today. Frodo is her favorite, partly because
he is a scribe like her but for many other reasons as well. Sam is a close second.
The depiction of their blessed bond is her favorite part of the tale.
Anne Marie has always loved to read, write, and research, and she loves Middleearth, so learning more about it and writing of it is a wonderful combination of all
these things. She wants to be, as Blessed Teresa of Calcutta said, “a pencil in God’s
hand,” just as Professor Tolkien was, so she can pass along some of the things
which she has learned in the hope her fellow travelers on the Road may be helped
as she has been.
Ten Things to Know About Anne Marie Gazzolo
1. Anne Marie loves being a proud aunt of 11! The company of her nieces and nephews brings her much joy and love, and she
considers being an aunt the greatest thing in the world.
2. For many years before she wandered into Middle-earth, Anne Marie was a huge Star Wars fan. Her favorite was Luke Skywalker,
who has much in common with her favorite from a long time ago in this galaxy. Both reach out to those who had fallen into
darkness in a wish to rescue them and place their life and soul in peril in their efforts to save those they loved. Return of the Jedi is
her favorite SW film because of its lessons of love and forgiveness. She is also a nearly life-long Trekkie. Her favorite Star Trek
movies are The Wrath of Khan, Into Darkness, and The Voyage Home. Of the TV series, she loves the classic Trek, The Next Generation,
and Voyager.
3. Anne Marie’s favorite from Middle-earth is Frodo. Among the many reasons she loves him is the sacrificial offering he makes of
himself in his fearful but complete embrace of his vocation as Ring-bearer; the inspiration that his endurance, courage, and
perseverance give, as he struggles through horrific physical, mental, and spiritual conflict to fulfill his calling; and that he is a scribe
and scholar like herself. A very close second favorite is Sam, who is Love Incarnate.
4. Reading and writing has always been part of Anne Marie’s life. Most of this is fiction. Moments of Grace and Spiritual Warfare in The
Lord of the Rings is her first published book and her first non-fiction one. Several more are in the works, including an original
5. Anne Marie was one of those weird people who loved to research and write term papers in school. She started her Master’s
Degree in 2012 at the Mythgard Institute, just so she could write more papers!
6. Anne Marie loves British history, especially medieval times, and British accents. She also greatly admires the English people
during World War II. She believes in the innocence of Richard III, wonders what really happened to the Princes in the Tower and
who or what caused the death of Amy Robsart, and believes Mary, Queen of Scots had no involvement in the murder of her second
husband. Anne Marie would love to travel back into time to this period. She has a long-held thought of writing a series that would
allow her to do this, at least in mind and heart, and so combine, as she has with Moments of Grace, her passion for reading, writing,
and researching things she loves. She also believes in the Loch Ness monster.
7. Anne Marie’s favorite place to read and write is on her balcony. “It’s like being at home and on holiday at the same time,” as Sam
said of the Golden Wood. But anytime and anyplace she can do this is fine with her.
8. Anne Marie is addicted to Pinterest.
9. Anne Marie would love to make a pilgrimage to the Eagle and Child pub in Oxford and see where the Inklings once sat. She
would also love to travel back to Middle-earth around the time of the War of the Ring and laments there is no TARDIS around
when you need one.
10. Anne Marie likes to listen to music while writing. Besides Howard Shore’s magnificent soundtracks for The Lord of the Rings
films, she also enjoys the LOTR musical, Celtic Woman, James Newton Howard, Rachel Portman, Loreena McKennitt, and many
others she has found on Pandora and
Seven Things You Will Read About in
Moments of Grace and Spiritual Warfare in
The Lord of the Rings
1. How to embrace your inner Took and go on an adventure
2. How to be willing to offer yourself up in self-sacrifice for the good of all, even if that means falling in battle, going on the Paths of
the Dead, or simply walking into Mordor
3. How to love so deeply and faithfully that nothing will turn you away from devoting yourself completely to someone
4. How to have unquenchable hope, even in the most desperate of situations
5. How to have firm faith that as you were chosen for a task, you will receive the means to fulfill it, which will give you the strength to
push through fear, doubt, despair, exhaustion, and all else
6. How to recognize the good, even in apparent disasters
7. How to realize that God is alive and well and looking after you, even in the worst night
Interview Topics
There is Always Hope
One of the themes of The Hobbit and even more so of The Lord of the Rings is that of the enduring hope of those in Middle-earth, even in the most
seemingly hopeless situations. Anne Marie Gazzolo guides the reader through both tales to show how the light of these beacons can help us
through the darkness of the present times.
What Does Love Have to Do with It?
Love has everything to do with the success of the Quest to destroy the Ring, and it takes many forms. Among them, Anne Marie Gazzolo guides
the reader to the pure and selfless love of Merry, Pippin, and especially Sam for Frodo; the sacrificial love of Frodo, who offers himself up for all
Middle-earth; the pity, compassion, and mercy of Bilbo, Frodo, and ultimately Sam for Gollum, and the pity and mercy of Frodo for Saruman.
You Are Chosen Too
After Frodo learns of the history and horror of the Ring and realizes he is chosen to be one of its Bearers, he wonders why he was selected. Anne
Marie Gazzolo helps the reader realize that God chooses each person whether in the Third Age or the present one for a particular task. It need
not be a terrifying one such as Bilbo or Frodo’s. It could be the achievement of a long-held but buried dream.
How to Keep Going Through Any Difficulty
One of the greatest things The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings teach us is how to preserve in the fulfillment of our callings, despite whatever fear,
grief, despair, physical or mental torment we may experience on the way. Anne Marie Gazzolo shows the reader that what helps keep Frodo
going is his faith that as he was chosen for a particular task, he will be given the means to achieve it. Aragorn demonstrates trust that God guides
his steps. Faramir and Sam also know there are paths they are to follow. Anne Marie challenges the reader to have the same faith.
Interview Questions
1. Moments of Grace and Spiritual Warfare in The Lord of the Rings speaks of the Presence of God in Middle-earth from the time of Isildur to
the end of the Third Age and how those there respond to God’s call. It also shows everything you need to know about how to live a gracefilled life, you can learn from those in Middle-earth. What do you think are the greatest lessons we can draw from them, as they struggle
against fear, despair, and apparent catastrophe in their battle against evil?
2. You mention throughout Moments of Grace and Spiritual Warfare in The Lord of the Rings how those in Middle-earth can inspire us in how
we conduct our lives. You show, for example, how our lives would be enriched if we could approach all that is thrown at us through the
lens of hope which Sam, Aragorn, Faramir see through. What are some of the ways we can do this, as we confront the darkness and evil of
our own time?
3. You place a good amount of emphasis in Moments of Grace and Spiritual Warfare in The Lord of the Rings on the spiritual trials that the
hobbits, especially Frodo, face. What can we learn from them about confronting the temptations that seek to ensnare us?
4. You make it obvious throughout Moments of Grace and Spiritual Warfare in The Lord of the Rings that even though the War of the Ring
takes place in a pre-Christian time, God is very much a part of Middle-earth, and He uses all that happens, good and evil, to bring about
the defeat of Sauron. How can seeing the pattern of grace in the Red Book help us to see such patterns in our own lives and know that
God is in charge of bringing about good for us? How can we learn to trust Him and His plan for us, as much as those in Middle-earth did?
5. Because you wrote Moments of Grace and Spiritual Warfare in The Lord of the Rings, and plan several other books, encountering the people
in Middle-earth has certainly changed your life! Can you tell us more about that journey?
6. What is your next book about? I understand you also have an ebook out. What is that about?
7. In Moments of Grace and Spiritual Warfare in The Lord of the Rings, you write in depth about what those in Middle-earth can teach us.
Who are your favorites and why? What makes them so worthy of emulation?
Five Star Reviews for Moments of Grace and Spiritual Warfare in The Lord of the Rings from the publisher’s website:
More than ever before, we of today each need a reminder of our worth and of the fact that each of us was placed on earth deliberately by Almighty God for His Plan. This enlightening book
presents a detailed summary of a certain tale brought to light by J.R.R. Tolkien which stands as a perfect aid for such a reminder for us. Going through the stages of the tale, Anne Marie
Gazzolo illustrates with analyses and sentiments by her and others, the many "moments of grace" throughout the story: the many examples where we are privileged to see how God allows
everything to occur according to His Will and the Plan He has set for the course of our brief history on earth. The old saying "Everything happens for a reason" is no understatement as we
realize through the events of Middle-earth's tales how amazingly God's intersession works. From the mercy of Bilbo in sparing the life of Gollum, to the seemingly hopeless events in Frodo
& Sam's journey through Mordor, and everything in between, the realization of the presence of God on every page of the story makes us aware that the coincidences in the salvation of
Middle-earth are no coincidences at all. God's grace touches the characters in the story, and shapes them for their respective roles: Aragorn as the honorable yet humble Ranger-to-be-King,
Sam as the undaunted, devoted servant/brother, Frodo as '"the Lamb whose only real strength is his capacity to make an offering of himself"' (quoted in book, The
book lovingly illustrates the processes of these shapings, and helps on reflect on our own spiritual shapings for our own roles in God's plan for us.
With her book, Anne Marie Gazzolo has re-confirmed that Tolkien's stories are not only Christian works, but that they are very much a part of history: just like in every other part of history,
God has played no small role in this one; neither must we fail to learn from it.
Margaret Watkins
Moments of Grace and Spiritual Warfare in The Lord of the Rings by Anne Marie Gazzolo is a wonderful book. I have read almost every book out there that explores the Christianity and
spirituality of Tolkien’s work and this is both one of the best in my opinion and also one of my favorites. What makes it so appealing are both its depth and its style. Ms. Gazzolo writes in
very knowledgeable way that shows her depth of understanding but also in warm way constantly reminding the reader of the life applicability of Christianity as demonstrated through
Tolkien’s story and characters. She does a wonderful job of showing the Christianity of Tolkien’s work in all aspects and how it applies to us in our own faith journey. I highly recommend
this to any reader striving daily to live their Christian faith and who has a passion for Tolkien’s works.
Michael Haldas
Anne Marie Gazzolo's book is an amazing trip through Tolkien's world through the eyes of a Christian. She leads you step by step through The Lord of the Rings, describing all the ways that
God influenced the events in the War of the Ring. It contains wonderful quotes by other Tolkien enthusiasts; she wraps her own ideas together with already published works and makes the
whole experience of reading The Lord of the Rings even more magical. She explains how every event affected Frodo's journey, how even the bad experiences were meant to happen or things
would not have turned out the way they did. I highly recommend this to anyone who has read The Lord of the Rings. It gives you such a deep look into the story that you will never look at it
the same way again.
Mandy Martindale
Praise from Tolkien Library:
While I'm not a believer, like Anne Marie Gazzolo (a Christian), the fluent writing style and the logic explanation of complex themes makes it a book worth-while to read. Non Christians
will at several times disagree with some of the interpretations of the author, but it will however explain the topics from a perspective that Tolkien probably would have understood (or even
held). While the target public is obviously spiritual, the book is attractive to read for all. It reads extremely well and is a very interesting read!
From The Midwest Book Review:
The Lord of the Rings tale is known quite well to all. ‘Moments of Grace and Spiritual Warfare in The Lord of the Rings’ discusses the themes of the novel and how they can be carried to the
nature of spirituality and be used to inspire readers well and through their lives, telling the stories of the characters, their personal struggles, and what we can learn from them. ‘Moments of
Grace and Spiritual Warfare in The Lord of the Rings’ is a choice pick for fans of the novels seeking a spiritual perspective on the series.
From Hollywood
Moments of Grace and Spiritual Warfare in The Lord of the Rings
Providence and Free Will on the Journey
An excellent addition to your Tolkien library
Mark Sommer | 05/01/14 | Books, Reviews | Email This Post
The longer I live my life, the more I am amazed at the things which God has dropped into my lap. The book Moments of Grace and Spiritual Warfare in The Lord of the Rings is one of those things.
It would take way too much space to delineate all the circumstances which aligned to bring this book to my attention and ultimately bring it into my possession so I would be sitting at my computer
composing this review. And if I tried to list them all, I would certainly miss something, including details of which I am unaware. But here are a few of which I am aware:
My decision to become a writer for Hollywood Jesus.
HJ’s decision to put me in charge of coverage of the Hobbit films.
Anne Marie’s decision to write the book.
Her decision to comment on a book review of mine, making me aware of her book’s website.
My decision to pursue obtaining a copy of the book – and to read it.
Theologians might say that our use of Free Will was directed by God to bring this all together. How Free Will and Providence work together is a mystery, but almost all Christian theologians
acknowledge, to at least some degree, the validity of both. Charles Haddon Spurgeon is credited with this response to a question about reconciling God’s Sovereignty and the Free Will of man:
I never try to reconcile friends—they are both in the Bible.
Tolkien scholars have often commented on the themes of Providence and Free Will in The Lord of the Rings. For example, as Gandalf put it, Bilbo and Frodo were meant to have the Ring. The
implication is that Middle-earth’s God was somehow involved. It was essential the hobbits cooperate in fulfilling their part, but Providence was also able to use the free acts of Gollum to accomplish
the final purpose.
As a devout Roman Catholic, JRR Tolkien understood the truth of both Free Will and Sovereignty, and it is no surprise to find these themes in his book. There are other Catholic themes in Tolkien’s
works, and we are fortunate to have commentators who understand Tolkien’s beliefs write with that religion in mind. Anne Marie Gazzolo is one such writer.
It quickly becomes obvious Gazzolo is just as devout as Tolkien was, and this devotion serves her well in creating Moments of Grace.
Her devotion… and her scholarship.
The Bibliography of Moments lists close to one hundred books, and it seems certain Anne Marie is familiar with each one. Her depth of knowledge concerning her subject is impressive. As she leads
us on our journey through The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, she is able to draw from disparate sources without boring her audience. And she shares the insight and wisdom she has gained
through her own personal journey with the text, without being condescending.
I find this volume a welcome and excellent addition to my Tolkien library. But, it must be asked, do we really need another book about The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings? From a particular point of
view, the answer is “No.” But, if all this talk about Providence is true, God must have some reason for the book existing, and for me sitting at my computer on a Thursday night typing away. Perhaps
God has in mind one certain person who will read this review and be interested enough to give the book a read. Perhaps something unique in its pages will strike a chord and make a difference for
that person, which in turn will affect other people’s lives. We may never know in this life what lasting effect our simple decisions will produce.
In her discussion of Aargorn’s decision of whether to pursue the orcs who have captured Merry and Pippin, or to follow Frodo and Sam, Gazzolo quotes a prayer of Fr. Jacques Philippe from
his Searching for and Maintaining Inner Peace.
Lord, I have thought about it and prayed to know Your will. I do not see it clearly, but I am not going to trouble myself any further. I am not going to spend hours racking my brain. I have decided such and such a
thing because, all things carefully considered, it seems to me the best thing to do. And I leave everything in Your hands. I know well that, even if I am mistaken, You will not be displeased with me, for I have acted with
good intentions. And if I have made a mistake, I know that You are able to draw good from this error. It will be for me a source of humility and I will learn something from it!
What a relief it is when we, after doing the best we can, leave the results in God’s hands. Just one of the lessons to be learned on our journey with Bilbo, Frodo, and the others. There are more lessons
waiting for you to discover in this book.
As reviewed in Amon Hen,
the Bulletin of the Tolkien Society,
May 2013