Friends` Endowment - Friends of the Moncton Hospital Foundation
Friends` Endowment - Friends of the Moncton Hospital Foundation
Friends of The Moncton Hospital Foundation Annual Report to the Community April 1 2013 to March 31 2014 st st Transforming healthcare with the help of our generous donors Our Mission: T ANK YOU The Friends of The Moncton Hospital Foundation raises funds to help The Moncton Hospital deliver excellent healthcare and promote wellness to meet the needs of our communities. Did you know? The Foundation raised over $38 million in the past 10 years to enhance patient care. Bobbie Kervin, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Nurse Your hospital. Embrace it. Friends of The Moncton Hospital Foundation Transforming healthcare with the help of our generous donors Annual Report to the Community Grateful Parents Share Personal Stories Leaving Gala Attendees Touched and Inspired April 1st 2013 to March 31st 2014 A Message to the Community from the Chair of the Friends of The Moncton Hospital Foundation “Hit It Fore Health” golf tournament at Fox Creek Golf Club in September was another outstanding success. In fact, this sold-out event raised a record $62,000 for the Annual Campaign. Another highlight was that we partnered once again with the CHU Dumont Foundation for the Hand in Hand Dream Lottery. $456,000 has been invested in the quality of patient care at both the Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre and The Moncton Hospital. Paul Arseneault, Chair The annual Gifts for Life luncheon was held in August to honour those donors who have made a special planned gift commitment to the Friends. The guest speaker was Dr. Michelle Conrad, Gerontologist. We were pleased to welcome Terry Gauvin and Cheryl & Don McCabe as new Friends’ Gifts for Life Society members. At the Friends of The Moncton Hospital Foundation, we are incredibly proud to help support our Hospital but we couldn’t do it without you, our donors. You can be assured that your gifts are being used wisely and to the greatest effect possible - benefitting patients and their families in our region. A new Monthly Donor Program was launched in September. The “Faithful Friends Club” was established to better acknowledge existing monthly donors and to encourage others to contribute monthly. All Faithful Friends Club members receive a “Moncton H Club” pin and are invited to an annual reception and tour of the Hospital. Your donations allow the Foundation to inspire and empower compassionate, innovative patient care by providing leading edge tools, education and facility enhancements. Let’s take the time to celebrate our many accomplishments this past year including realizing over $3.7 million through various fund raising methods and resource management. Throughout the year numerous community based events were held which generated over $370,000 for the Foundation, including our two signature events. The RBC “Swing into Spring” gala was held on April 27th , 2013 which drew a large crowd and raised $52,000. The 13th annual Taylor Ford There wasn’t a “dry eye in the house” at the 9th Annual Swing Into Spring Gala after hearing the emotional journey of a family who expressed how grateful they were for the top notch equipment purchased by the Friends of The Moncton Hospital Foundation. The 20th Annual Donor Dinner, held on December 4th, gave the Foundation the opportunity to recognize 23 donors who had reached new milestones in cumulative giving, starting at $10,000. Through a partnership between the Friends, Horizon Health Network and the Province, construction began on the new Oncology Clinic which will open in late summer, providing a spacious, comfortable and soothing atmosphere where patients can receive their treatments. We have had very impressive results through our Planned Giving Program this year. We have been most fortunate in having received seven bequests ranging from $1,000-$200,000 for a total of $287,589. In addition, there were seven gifts of securities totalling $53,588 and life insurance premium payments totalling $13,530. As always, we are committed to financial accountability and transparency. Advanced technology to enhance patient care has been made possible for the Surgery Program, Post Anesthesia Care Unit, the Neurosurgery Program and Respiratory Services (which includes the intensive care units) at The Moncton Hospital. This, all thanks to the generosity of donors who not only helped reach the Annual Campaign 2012-2013 goal of $825,000, but exceed it by $25,000! This allowed The Moncton Hospital to improve its role as a leader in cancer care in New Brunswick by purchasing technology to provide liver resection surgery. A neuro microscope, which is used in the majority of neurosurgical procedures, was also funded along with monitors for the Post Anesthesia Care Unit and ventilators for the ICUs. Sandra & Richie Moore with son Colton We were very pleased to have been able to award more than $37,000 in education grants to over 83 hospital staff. Education funds are made available through three endowed funds, one of which is a named fund- The Ronald E and Marguerite (Peg) MacBeath Endowment. In October, the Friends launched its Annual Campaign 2013-2014 to raise $850,000 for equipment including a bone densitometer for measuring the calcium content of bones to enable the early detection of osteoporosis; an endoscopic ultrasound for diagnosing and staging cancers of the lung, esophagus, stomach, rectum and pancreas; an electromyography system (EMG) to assess the function of muscles and nerves and a new Holter monitor analysis system to analyze an individual’s recorded heart rhythms. We were very pleased that The Moncton Hospital Nurses Health Care Auxiliary donated $98,000, the entire amount needed to purchase the bone densitometer. In 2014, Friends endowments continued to grow. $277,853 in contributions were added to the fund including a new named endowment created for Nursing Education - The Johannes Notten and Olive and Jean Furlotte Endowment. $168,380 was drawn out of endowment to support The Moncton Hospital and by year end, the market value of all endowed funds totalled $4,911,258. We bid farewell to board members Larry Nelson and Robert Horton Desprès. Both made a significant contribution to the Friends. New to the board this year are Rob Robichaud and Kent Robinson. There is not an area in the hospital that has not been touched by the generosity of our many donors. With deep respect and gratitude, we dedicate this report to our donors, volunteers and partners who allow us to procure the most advanced technology offering extraordinary healthcare for our patients, which in turn supports the recruitment and retention of medical staff. Thank you all for your continued dedication to improving health care and patient comfort at The Moncton Hospital. You, our donors, are giving us the power to improve lives. For that we are eternally grateful. Paul Arsenault, Chair Friends of The Moncton Hospital Foundation Moira Lawrence, Auxiliary member (left) and Gerene Gautreau, Vice President of TMH Nurses Health Care Auxiliary (right) present Les Parrott, representing the Friends with a $98,000 cheque. The funds will cover the entire purchase of a new Bone Densitometer. Thanks to our donors! New Ventilators Making Every Breath Count As long as there is a need to support a patient’s ability to continue to breathe and exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide, sophisticated ventilators will be required for a wide range of diseases and illnesses at TMH. For that reason, ventilators, better known as life support, were on the wish list in the Friends’ Annual Campaign 2012-2013. Five new ventilators, two of which were purchased by the Friends, arrived in February. These units, at a cost of $50,000 each, replaced some of those that were almost 30 years old and were in critical need of replacement. All age groups in respiratory distress to full respiratory arrest can require the use of these ventilators. Examples include trauma victims, overdose cases, cardiac arrests, and severe blood infections to name a few. Another instance can occur with newborns - if meconium, a thick, green, tar-like substance that lines a baby’s intestines during pregnancy, is inadvertently inhaled during labour and birth, the infant will be watched more closely for signs of respiratory distress. This new technology will allow for a safer and more gentle form of ventilation over a shorter period of time, reducing risks to ill babies from problems associated with ventilation. The Charitable Registration number is: 11893 3134 RR0001 KIRBY PAPIC, AREA DIRECTOR OF ELECTRODIAGNOSTICS AND RESPIRATORY SERVICES, HORIZON HEALTH NETWORK, MONCTON AREA. T ANK YOU To donate to the Friends, please call 506.857.5488, donate online at or send a gift to Friends of The Moncton Hospital Foundation, 135 MacBeath Avenue, Moncton, NB E1C 6Z8 CALL CLICK COME Respiratory Therapist Kim Ward proudly displays one of the new ventilators that have already proved useful for several patients. Most people take breathing for granted, but in the blink of an eye, your life can change. With state-of-the-art equipment, a machine called a ventilator, essentially life support, can breathe for you until you can breathe for yourself. SUPPORT INNOVATION. GET INVOLVED. DONATE TODAY. MAKE AN IMPACT ON PATIENT CARE. Your hospital. Embrace it. In the past year, 267 adult patients and a few children were on ventilators for a total of 1,507 days. In 2013, over 80 babies were ventilated for a total of 220 days. On average, 12% of the babies admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit require assisted ventilation. Your hospital. Embrace it. Hospital Staffer/ Our Fundraiser Benefits Memorial Giving – Board of New Technology We’ve got a Directors: from Minimally invasive spine surgery now available at TMH thanks to Friends purchase new look! The Friends of The Moncton Hospital Foundation is proud to introduce our volunteer Board of Directors. We are grateful for the time, dedication and expertise these individuals give to the Friends to make it the strong, successful organization it is today. Supported by Horizon Health Network, Moncton Area Development Department Director of Development: Linda Saunders, CFRE Senior Development Officers: Marianne Mepham-Newton, CFRE Julie Thebeau, CFRE This not only led him to support the Foundation as a financial donor, but serve as staff campaign cochair for the Friends Annual Campaign for the past 18 years. Celebrating his 57th birthday this past year, Steve had always been active and blessed with good health until last summer when he was hit with excruciating pain in his back. After weeks of agony, Steve was diagnosed with a pinched sciatic nerve which within weeks worsened to a herniated disc. with a subspecialty in minimally invasive spine surgery, was very pleased that he was afforded the necessary tools to work in his area of expertise. In fact, he has already performed close to 200 surgeries using the Metrx system. In their initial consultation, Dr. Fawaz pointed out that he would be using the equipment that Steve helped fundraise for to perform his surgery. Memorial giving is a thoughtful way to remember and honour a loved one who has passed away. If you would like a package of cards sent to you, please contact the Friends at 8575488. You can also choose to send a memorial on-line at Last year close to $200,000 was raised for the Foundation through memorial giving. Steve is now back at work and excited about his future, which he trusts will be active and pain-free. For many patients this issue can be resolved nonsurgically. Steve, however, fell into the 20% who required surgery. Planned Giving Officer: Hélène Ouellette, CFRE Major Gifts Officer: Les Parrott Community Development Coordinator: Geoff Hendry Support Systems Analyst: Pauline Thériault Two years ago, the Foundation purchased a Metrx System for minimally invasive spine surgery, which at the time was not being offered at TMH. Patients undergoing this type of surgery can often go home the same, or following day. Dr. Charbel Fawaz, a newly recruited Neurosurgeon Foundation Assistant: Claire Higgins Paul Arsenault, Chair When Steve Herc was struck with back problems in July 2013, he never thought that his fundraising role at The Moncton Hospital would be instrumental in changing his quality of life. Steve, Media Production Coordinator, has been an employee at The Moncton Hospital for over 25 years. He feels strongly about the role of the Foundation, which is to raise money to purchase technology to enhance patient care. Steven Fowler First Vice Chair My role in supporting the Friends as both a volunteer and donor, came about because of my desire to do my part to enhance health care at TMH. I never thought in a million years that I would be the beneficiary of technology that I had a hand in purchasing. I am so thankful for Dr. Fawaz and the life changing surgery he was able to perform. -Steve Herc. Dr. Charbel Fawaz, Neurosurgeon, with patient and TMH employee Steve Herc. David Savoie, Second Vice Chair Linda Saunders, Secretary David Holt, Past Chair Maria Cormie, Treasurer DIRECTORS Tom Badger Kent Robinson Lorne Mitton Anne Poirier Basque John McManaman What is the Metrx System? The Metrx is a unique muscle-splitting system which provides access to the spine with less tissue trauma than associated with traditional surgeries to relieve pressure on nerves. Posterior (from the back) procedures with this system offer significant potential benefits including: shorter hospital Revenue Analysis The chart represents the major categories of revenue as a percentage of total revenue for the year ending March 31, 2014. Karen Teed Nancy Parker, Executive Director of The Moncton Hospital Dr. Jeff Mowat to relieve pressure on an adjoining nerve. The Metrx System allows the surgeon to precisely locate, see and remove herniated discs in the spine through tunnels created by tubes that split back muscle, much like a sewing needle splits the weave of fabric, along natural divisions. Donations and Memorials $1,124,000 30% Annual Appeal $789,000 21% Employee Lottery Revenue $113,000 3% Investment Income $1,095,000 30% Total Revenue: $3,730,000 Planned Giving $335,000 9% Rob Robichaud Brent Scrimshaw stays, smaller scars–one inch vs. up to four inches, quicker return to work and normal activities, less post-operative pain– no muscle cutting The most common conditions treated with this technology are disc herniation, spinal decompressions and fusions. A discectomy is the removal of a herniated disc Donor Dollars Hand In Hand Lottery $273,000 7% Dr. Peter Lightfoot, Internist The Foundation is committed to leadership in transparency and accountability. To view our audited financial reports, please visit The Friends Foundation complies with Imagine Canada’s Ethical Code and Fundraising and Accountability Standards. Honorary Chair Reuben Cohen, Q.C. Friends of The Moncton Hospital Foundation Annual Report to the Community Transforming healthcare with the help of our generous donors April 1st 2013 to March 31st 2014 Friends of The Moncton Hospital Foundation Transforming healthcare with the help of our generous donors Annual Report to the Community April 1st 2013 to March 31st 2014 Our Valued Donors: Friends’ Endowment An endowment gift is a deeply caring way for our donors to reach into and positively shape future health care at The Moncton Hospital. It makes a profound, perpetual and visible statement about one’s affection for the community and those who live and work in it. Named Endowments The Alward Family Endowment Fund Elizabeth Bannon Endowment Fund J.J. Dunphy Family Endowment Fund Bud and Betty Fogarty Endowment Fund Ronald E. and Margurite (Peg) MacBeath Staff Education Endowment Fund Dr. Donald MacLellan Medical Education and Research Fund Johannes Notten and Jean & Olive Furlotte Endowment Fund Provincial Chapter of New Brunswick IODE Endowment Fund William (Bill) and Thyra Quartermain Endowment Fund Audrey and William Sawdon Endowment Fund St-Hubert Endowment Fund Dr. Fred and Mrs. Joyce Murphy Endowment Fund General Endowment Builders Mildred H. Ahearn Margaret Phyllis Atkinson Alphee Bourgeois Mary Beatrice Ferris Brown Eleanor Cameron Alice and Louis Cassidy Russell A. Cochrane Lillian A. Davidson Mary Edna Dysart Wynona Geldart Jean Groves Zelda Haley Joan Hollingum George and Leota Horsman Raymond L. Leblanc Ralph MacLeod Elspeth Ross McBeath Flora Mitchell Leo David Murphy Phyllis Oxley Joseph Perin Maria Rave Adelle Rubin Vaughn Scott Robert Beemer Thomas Norman Thornton Douglas H. Waneck Zelda West ElizabethWoodhouse Marielle Zinc Specified Endowments Staff Education Trust Fund Community Health Research Endowment Health Sciences Endowment Pastoral Care Education Endowment Friends Education Fund Gifts For Life Society The Board of Directors of the Friends of The Moncton Hospital welcomes individuals to the Gifts For Life Society. The purpose of the Society is to recognize and honour those who have thoughtfully made provision for The Moncton Hospital through a bequest or created a gift of life insurance or have made arrangements for other types of future gifts. Significant support has been fostered through these gifts which will ensure that The Moncton Hospital will provide quality care for future generations. We are very pleased to recognize the following members of the Gifts For Life Society. Mark and Linda Beaumont Eleanor Bourque Dr. Ronald and Nicole Bourgeois Dr. Amy Brennan Jean and Dorothy Caron Gerald and Frances Chaulk Reuben Cohen Bill and Joanne Comeau George and Roberta Fawcett Isadore Fine Terry Gauvin Wayne and Edith Gillcash Marie Hayman Gladys Hollis Laura Leighton Donna Lockhart Retus and Mary MacFadyen Alan and Debbie MacLellan Alberta MacLellan Robert and Margaret MacQuade Diane (Horsman) and Leigh Manning Cheryl and Don McCabe Lorna and Blair McConnell Angus and Gloria McDonald Edna G. Mitton John and Jean Neilson Milton A. Palmer Hélène Ouellette and Bill Porter Calvin and Rose-Ann Quinn Ken and Linda Saunders Harris and Barbara Tait Julie Thebeau Kaming Wong Friends for Life All donations recognized in the “Friends for Life”donor recognition program are cumulative over the lifetime of the donor beginning January 1, 1990. Dream Builders / Bâtisseur de rêves $150,000 + Aliant Assomption Vie / Assumption Life Estate of Ruth and Murray Caines Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation-Atlantic Chapter City of Moncton CN In Loving Memory of Esther Fine - Isadore and Family FMH Management Ltd. Bud and Betty Fogarty Harrison Trimble High School Students Association Hillsborough Fashions Irving Group Kinsmen Club of Moncton Estate of Marion E. Kirk Len and Peggy Lockhart Lounsbury Company Ltd. Estate of Cecilia M. & Walter J. Lutes Ronald E. MacBeath Jon and Leslie Manship Freda and William Marr Estate of Elspeth Ross McBeath Modern Enterprises Moncton Lions Club Inc. NB Children’s Foundation In Memory of William (Bill) and Thyra Quartermain RBC Personal and Commercial, RBC DS, RBC Private Banking Estate of William and Audrey Sawdon Scotiabank Jim and Sandy Steeves In Loving Memory of Winston A. Steeves Audrey and Family Cy and Nancy Stein and Family Taylor Ford Lincoln The Moncton Hospital Nurses Auxiliary The Moncton Hospital Auxiliary The Moncton Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae The Moncton Hospital Staff United Commercial Travellers Moncton Council #758 President’s Circle / Cercle du Président / Cercle de la Présidente $100,000 – 149,999 Abbvie Corporation Armour Transport Inc. Bank of Montreal Betty Bannon Bennett and Albert County Health Care Foundation C-103 / XLCountry 96.9 CIBC Estate of Lillian Davidson In Memory of Arnelia and Ivan Davis Eastern Fence Ltd. David and Nancy Holt Sandra Macdonald Estate of Ralph MacLeod Stephen MacNaughton Moncton Fire Fighters Burn Fund Moncton Loyal Orange Lodge No. 62 In Memory of Charlotte Jennifer Doreen Pollard PolyCello - Amherst N.S. Scotiabank SERHA Board Trust Fund The Sobey Foundation The Great-West Life Assurance Company We Care for Kids Par Amour Pour Nos Enfants Estate of Marielle Zink Benefactor / Bienfaiteur / Bienfaitrice $50,000 – 99,999 In Memory of J.M.A. Armstrong Assurance Goguen Champlain Insurance Inc. Atlantic Commercial Properties and the Lahanky Family The Bannon Family Canadian Pacific In Memory of Louis P. and Alice Cassidy Estate of Marieta Chapman Community Foundation of Greater Moncton Greg and Cindy Donald Armand Doucet - Fighting Cancer with IronWill Howard and Barbara Easton H. A. Fawcett and Son Ltd. Hip Hip Hooray Joan Hollingum Leota and George Horsman In Memory of David R. Howard Pauline and Ralph Jeffrey Les Ailes du papillon / Butterfly Wings Estate of Freeze and Dorothy Lewis Marks and Donna Lockhart Alberta MacLellan Estate of Marion B. MacLeod Major Drilling Group International Inc. Estate of Gerald and Rena Michahelles Barbara Miller Moncton Elks Lodge #229 Moncton Kinsmen House Inc. Dr. Fredrick and Joyce Murphy In Memory of J. Edward Murphy Q.C. National Bank of Canada In Memory of Lena and David Palmer In Memory of Sylvia Phinney H. J. Stultz Family Foundation T. R. Meighan Foundation The McCain Foundation The Windsor Foundation In Loving Memory of Margaret Dorothy Thomas (Battley) In Loving Memory of Grace Marie Thomas (Coleman) Tim Horton’s Partner / Partenaire $25,000 – 49,999 Ville de Dieppe - City of Dieppe Acadian Construction (1991) Ltd. Estate of Mildred Ahearn The Alward Family Assurance Goguen Champlain Insurance Inc. Margaret P. (Reid) Atkinson Benefit of Hope John and Judy Bragg In Memory of Pauline and Lloyd Branscombe Estate of Harry Breakspear In memory of Anna L. Brewster In memory of James W. Brewster IMO Elaine M. Burke-Gauvin - Husband Terry Gauvin Robert K. Buzzell C.N.R. War Veterans Cadillac Fairview Corporation Gerald and Frances Chaulk Cooperators Ditech Testing Elodie and Nicholas d’Ombrain The J.J. Dunphy Family Endowment General Electric Canada Ltd. General Motors of Canada Glaxo Wellcome Inc. Dr. Peter and Mrs. Sheila Gorman Estate of Albert Gray Greater Moncton Home Builders Association In Memory of Roy and Jean Groves Gyro Club of Moncton Estate of L.H. Higgins Honourable D.R.C.H. Blakeny Chapter IODE Jean Coutu K94.5 / Max FM 103.9 Bob and Sandy Kay Jim and Marie Kelly KPMG Peat Marwick Thorne Dr. Claude and Laura Leighton Jean and Keith Leighton Doug and Gloria MacDonald MacDonald Paving & Construction (1991) Ltd. MacDonald Pontiac Buick Dave and Cathy MacFadyen Retus and Mary MacFayden Vaughn MacLellan and Tiffany Jay Robert and Margaret MacQuade Maple Leaf Foods Inc. Ingram McKnight Medavie Blue Cross In Memory of Jean McOuat Melanson Bessie A. Mitton Moncton Lionettes Moncton West and Riverview Rotary Club Linda and Earl Murray Orthopedic Walk-a-thon Provincial Chapter of the New Brunswick IODE Dr. Paul and Mrs. Joyce Pugh Rigel Shipping Canada Inc. River Glade Speedway Ltd. Riverview Lions Club Royal Bank Sandra Schmirler Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Frank Schweiger Shoppers Drug Mart - Main Street Shoppers Drug Mart Tree of Life Heritage Court St-Hubert Stewart McKelvey Stirling Scales The Toogood Family Tri Province Enterprises (1984) Ltd. Wal-Mart 3056 A. Elizabeth and Willard Warren George and Ruby Watling Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company Wee Care/Petits Soins In Memory of Avery Whitney Estate of Milliage George Wilbur Estate of Marion Murray Wiley Companion / Compagnon / Compagne $10,000 – 24,999 Vaughan and Ruth Adair Dr. Robert Adams Air Force Veterans Club of Moncton Limited In Memory of Zainab Bibi Ali and Hashmat Ali Therese Allain Will Allanach Allsco Building Supplies Allstar Communications Ltd. Architecture 2000 Inc. Argus Hearing Aid Center Paul and Shelley Arsenault Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency Atlantic Compressed Air Atlantic Refreshments Ltd. Atlantic Roofers Limited Atlantic Superstores - Greater Moncton Area Atlantic Underground Services Ltd. Betty and Owen Audain Carol Austen Tony and Tish Austen Norma and Trueman Babcock Marilyn Babineau Dr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Baird Bank of Montreal Employees Bank of Montreal Jean and Ed Barks Bastarache Auto Salvage Helen and Jim Bateman Bingham Macaulay Ehrhardt Teed Georgie and Bill Black Irene Black Lon and Gladys Blackmore BNH Home Health Boutique Limited - Nancy Hanscom Boston Scientific Ltd. Dr. Ronald Bourgeois Broadleaf Guest Ranch - Kathy & Darrell Weir Dr. Doug Brown and Mary Vibert C. Buskard Holdings Ltd. Dr. Robert and Irene Caddick Jim Callaghan Marie Callaghan Ken and Paula Cameron Canada Trust Canadian Tire Foundation for Families Mary Anne Carlos Jean-Jaques and Dorothy Caron Trudy & Ray Carson In Memory of Janette and Vincent Carter Central Insurance Agency Ltd. Champlain Nissan In Memory of Vic Chapman Dr. Dhany Charest Chrysler Canada Church of St. Martin’s-in-the-Wood CIBC Atlantic Region Co-op Atlantic H. Reuben Cohen Bill and Joanne Comeau Mona and Gerry Comeau Russell and Susan Coates In Memory of William Oren Cook Paul and Sandra Creaghan Margaret Daigle Dale Snowdon Memorial Golf Tournament Fred and Jeanette Davis Dr. Raymonde de Grace Desai Family Design Workshop Ltd. Robert and Norma Després Dr. and Mrs. Kim DeWare Dr. Ralph and Mabel DeWare Boyd and Carole Dixon Dr. P. S. Docherty Dooly’s George A. and Alexis S. Douglas Gordon and Lynn Dow In Loving Memory of Edwin Drayson From His Wife & Children Ruth Duffey Dr. Elizabeth C. Eaton Economy Glass Dr. Ralph & Mrs. Fay Ellis SUPPORT INNOVATION. GET INVOLVED. DONATE TODAY. MAKE AN IMPACT ON PATIENT CARE. To donate to the Friends', please call 506.857.5488, donate online at or send a gift to Friends of The Moncton Hospital Foundation, 135 MacBeath Avenue, Moncton, NB E1C 6Z8 Your hospital. Embrace it. CALL CLICK Entre Nous Fenety Marketing Services Ferguson Knowles Funeral Home Forbes Roth Basque Peter Ford and Anne Marie Picone Ford Susan Fortin Dr. Frank and Lois Fowlie Nicole Violette and Luc Francoeur Fundy Line Motels Ltd. Dr. Louis C. Gaudet Don and Heather Gautreau Gentlemen of Harmony Richard and Debra Hawker German New Brunswick Association Sandy Gillis Glendaval Holdings Ltd. Dr. Paul Goobie and Family Grant Thornton Greater Moncton Street Rod Atlantic Nationals Ruth Gulliver Dr. Suzanne Hall-Losier Dr. Byrne Harper Hawk Bill and Franca Hennessey Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hicks Susan Hicks Hudson Design Hum Lew Sun Lions Club In Memory of Betty-Lou Innes IWK Foundation J. A. Austin Assoc. Ltd. J.J. The Happy Wanderer Dr. Shani Jones Dewar and June Judson Dr. Kam and Mrs. Fonda Kazi Brendan and Denise Kenny Knights of Columbus Moncton Council 1310 Dr. Magdalena Kuhn Ladies Auxiliary Knights of Columbus Council 1310 Lancor Concrete Earle H. Lane Karl and Judith Larsen Family Tom and Diane Laughlin Charles and Vicki Lawson Guy, Carol, Remi and Alexandra LeBlanc Marjorie Letterick In Memory of Paul C. Levesque Dr. Peter Lightfoot Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lilly Helen Lockhart Marks and Donna Lockhart Jack and Susan Low David P. Lund, C.A. Anne MacBeath Donald MacKenzie Mrs. Malcolm MacLeod Marion MacLeod Jack Madden Manulife Financial - Head Office Manulife Financial - Moncton Office Jeannette Marcotte Maritime Orthopedic Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCaughey McDonalds Restaurants of Canada Ltd. Jean E. McKay Frank and Julie McKenna Dr. John McManaman Estate of Margeret Elizabeth McQuinn In Memory of Aldore & Mabel Melanson Merck Frosst Canada Ltd. Edna G. Mitton Dr. Ken Mitton Lorne and Carolyn Mitton Moncton Dragon Boat Festival Moncton Hawks Booster Club Alan R. Mongraw Dr. Jeff and Kim Mowat Dr. Karen Murphy Dr. Lynn Murphy-Kaulbeck N. B. Antique Auto Club Inc. Jean and John Neilson Newco Construction Dr. and Mrs. James and Barbara Noonan Thomas J. Nowlan and Family Rita and Murray O’Regan Dr. W. Arthur Oatway Owens MacFadyen Group Inc. Estate of Phyllis Oxley Les & Eleanor Parrott Estate of Joseph Perin Personnel Search Petro-Canada Physiotherapy Services Vikash and Monique Prasad Carol D. Proctor Quality Concrete Dr. Gilbert Quartey R.E. LeBlanc Consultants Inc. Estate of Maria Rave RBC Dominion Securities Religieuses Notre Dame de Sacre Coeur Remax Moncton Inc. Joe and Ruby Rinzler Riverview Lioness Club Roger and Mary Roberge Jack and Elaine Robinson Ronald McDonald Children’s Charities of Canada Phyllis K. L. Ross Rotary Club of Moncton Royal Canadian Legion Moncton Branch #6 Dr. Sheldon and Mrs. Sharon Rubin Ruth C. Sabourin Sackville Memorial Hospital Foundation Inc. Salisbury Lions Club Linda Saunders Shediac Rotary Club Gordon and Doris Sherrard Dr. Karen Silver Sir James Dunn Foundation South Easthern NB Blue Grass & Old Tyme Music Association Southeastern Mutual Insurance Company In Memory of Catherine Elizabeth Spencer Sport Rock Dieppe Staff of Central Portering Standard Life Star Industries Ltd. Steve’s Watch and Jewellery Ltd. H. Thad and Evelyn Stevens David and Maureen Stevenson Dr. P. C. Stoddard Sue and Bruce Stultz Harris and Barbara Tait Frederick and Nadine Taylor The Economical Ins. Group The John Labatt Foundation The Moncton Hospital Volunteers Estate of Norman and Margaret Thornton Joyce and Rupert Tingley Toronto Dominion Bank - Main St. Toronto-Dominion Bank Town of Riverview Lucie and Frank Tracy In Memory of Irene Trainor In Memory of Irene E. Trainor United Parcel Service Canada Ltd. The Upjohn Company of Canada Valron Engineers Inc. Vito’s Pizza & Restaurant Vogue Optical Donald E. Williams Murray Wood Estate of Elizabeth Margaret Woodhouse Dr. and Mrs. J. Sidney Wright In Memory of Katherine Wright Kim Sears, Registered Nurse K N A T OU Y
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