Groupe-Pont - Université de Moncton
Groupe-Pont - Université de Moncton
Quick Facts about Université de Moncton Université de Moncton offers the best setting for French Immersion students who wish to become fully bilingual while getting a post-secondary education. Below are only a few of the advantages we have to offer: You’ve probably heard the expression “Here you won’t be a number”. At U de M, it’s more than a slogan, it’s a reality that you’ll live every day. The teacher-student ratio is one to fifteen, which compares very favourably with any other Canadian university. Here’s another ratio that should be of interest: One of every four students receives a scholarship. With an average of 84.5% or more in grade 11 and the first semester of grade 12, you’ll receive a scholarship up to $15,000. Furthermore, a $16,000 to $20,000 scholarship is offered to the student with the highest average coming from an English school within the Atlantic Provinces. Average Scholarship awarded Amount per year 84.5% to 87.9% $4,000 or $5,000 $1,000 per year for 4 or 5 years 88% to 88.9% $6,000 or $7,500 $1,500 per year for 4 or 5 years 90% to 93.9% $8,000 or $10,000 $2,000 per year for 4 or 5 years 94% or higher $12,000 or $15,000 $3,000 per year for 4 or 5 years Excellent Job Market Perspectives A recent study by the Centre de Recherche et de Développement en Éducation (made in June of 2009) found that 95% of the students who obtained a Bachelor’s degree from Université de Moncton in 2008 had found a job within a year of getting their degree. Moreover, 97% of them had a full-time job at the time of the survey and each graduate had received, on average, 2.2 job offers. The average annual salary was $46,895. Guaranteed Housing for Every Immersion Student If you’re coming from outside the Greater Moncton area, you’ll be pleased to know that you won’t have to worry about finding a place to live while attending U de M since guaranteed housing is offered to every new student who applies before February 28. And Most Importantly: You Won’t Be Alone We care about your success and we will make sure you are not alone during your stay at Université de Moncton. The program tailored for students coming from the French Immersion Program, called Groupe-Pont, not only guarantees every student close supervision during his or her first year at U de M, but also provides help in French to you throughout the entire duration of your program. Cultural activities also play an integral part of the program so you’ll be able to learn while having fun and making new friends. See for Yourself! One of the Best Teacher-Student Ratios in the Country A Very Generous Scholarship program Come Visit Us and Seeing is believing. Give us a call and we’ll set up a visit through our Student-For-A-Day program. You’ll be welcomed by a Student Ambassador and you’ll be able to attend a class, meet Groupe-Pont teacher, Isabelle Bujold, and other Anglophone (and Francophone) students, meet with the Faculty and visit the facilities that interest you. Not only will you get answers to any question you may have, it’ll also be a day that you won’t forget. It’s EASY. Call us today! (506) 858-4443 or 1-800-363-8336, ext. 2 (Moncton Campus) press 3 to reach Juliette Belliveau - [email protected] Ce livret a été réalisé pour répondre aux besoins des conseillers en orientation des écoles anglophones offrant des programmes d’immersion en français ainsi qu’aux parents unilingues anglophones des élèves qui sont inscrits à l’un de ces programmes. Le livret contenant l’information complète sur les programmes et les services offerts à l’Université de Moncton : Renseignements généraux 2010- 2011, peut être obtenu en communiquant avec votre conseiller en orientation ou au Bureau du recrutement étudiant du Campus de Moncton, à l’adresse ci-contre. This brochure is intended for school counsellors and parents of non-Francophone students enrolled in a French Immersion Program at the high school level. The booklet containing complete information on the programs and services offered at Université de Moncton is available in French only. Please contact your school counsellor or U de M Recrutement Office at the address below to get a copy. Université de Moncton Campus de Moncton Bureau du recrutement étudiant 18, avenue Antonine-Maillet Moncton, NB E1A 3E9 Canada Tel.: (506) 858-4443 [email protected] Fax: (506) 858-4544 1-800-363-8336, ext. 2 (Moncton Campus) Ashley Frizzell, 4th year Physical Education Program 2006 Graduate – Bernice MacNaughton High School, Moncton, N.B. It’s Easier Than You Think! Université de Moncton for Immersion Students We make it EASY for you to study at Université de Moncton. All it takes is ONE PHONE CALL to get things in motion! If you are interested in enrolling at U de M, your first step is to call Isabelle Bujold, our French as a Second Language Coordinator and Teacher. After a brief conversation, she will evaluate your French oral skills and tell you if you are a suitable candidate for U de M. This is the case for most students who follow French Immersion Programs in English schools. Contact Isabelle by telephone at (506) 858-4305 or 1-800-363-8336, ext. 2 (Moncton Campus) or by email at [email protected]. She will address all of your questions concerning the program. A standardised written evaluation is also available for students who wish to know more about their French skills. The written evaluation is mandatory for those who would like to by-pass our Immersion Program, called Groupe-Pont, or for those who wish to enrol in programs that require a high proficiency in French, such as Translation, French Studies, Journalism (InformationCommunication) and Primary Education. These programs are open to non-Francophones, providing they meet certain specific criteria. For those who live outside of the Moncton area, the written test can be forwarded to and monitored by your school or by appointment (see back cover for campus visit details). Isabelle Bujold French as a Second Language Coordinator/Teacher Here’s how it works: As an non-Francophone student, you will apply for admission into the undergraduate program of your choice at Université de Moncton (Education, Science, Business, Arts Programs, etc.), as would a Francophone student. During the first year of your bachelor’s degree, concurrently with your other courses, you will follow an integrated set of four French language courses (two per semester), specifically tailored for Anglophones, and known as Groupe-Pont or “Bridge Program”. The courses offered within the Groupe-Pont program will help you improve your written skills. You will have the opportunity to experience the French language and culture first hand through many campus activities. This will facilitate your transition to campus life, help you become fluently bilingual as well as increase your overall confidence in French. After the first year, once you’ve finished the Groupe-Pont program, you will not need any additional French language courses, unless you choose to specialize in French Studies, Translation, Journalism (InformationCommunication) or Primary Education. 1. A study of French grammar (FRLS 3512 and FRLS 3522); Your Groupe-Pont courses will be credited as electives. As a result, the time required to obtain your bachelor’s degree at U de M (and become fully bilingual) is the same as for Francophone students. For more information on the Groupe-Pont program, visit: The Groupe-Pont program includes two mandatory courses each semester, and one optional course: 2. A study of the written structure (FRLS 3542 and FRLS 4512); 3. The development of French vocabulary (FRLS 3532 and FRLS 4522) is an optional course, offered on the Web. In addition to the program’s entrance requirements, the only condition necessary to be accepted in an undergraduate degree at U de M, and in the Groupe-Pont program, is that your French speaking and comprehension skills are adequate (see left page and call Isabelle Bujold). Undergraduate Programs arts and social sciences Drama Economics English French Literature French Studies * Geography History Human Odyssey Interior Design (portfolio optional) Journalism * (Information-Communication) Linguistics Multidisciplinary B.A. Music (Entrance examination required) Philosophy Political Science Qualifying years for Social Work Social Work Sociology Translation * Translation - Intensive curriculum * Visual Arts (portfolio required) Visual Arts - Education oriented (portfolio required) education Elementary * Secondary: Biology Chemistry English Family Studies French Studies Geography History Mathematics At U de M, does it take longer for a non-Francophone student to get a degree than for a Francophone student? Not anymore. In the past, the Groupe-Pont students could not always use their French credits because of changes that had been made in their program. They also had to take at least two French courses with Francophone students after terminating the six courses in Groupe-Pont. However, since September 2004, non-Francophone Groupe-Pont students are not required to take additional French language courses and the Groupe-Pont program now has four courses instead of six. Francophone students in all programs must take at least two French language courses, and often more depending of their program, so the time needed to earn a degree is usually the same for both groups. As a non-Francophone, do I have to take more French courses than a Francophone? No. Since September 2004, non-Francophone students have not been required to take French language courses other than the four required in the Groupe-Pont program. You are exempt from the mandatory course FRAN 1903 and all other French courses. If you wish to earn a degree in Translation, Journalism (Information-Communication) or Primary Education, or if you intend to major in French, you may expect, like most students, to take more French language courses because of the nature of these programs and their specific language requirements. Could I get low marks because of my level of French? During your first year, while you are taking Groupe-Pont courses, and during your second year, when you become involved in your program full-time, you will have the special status of “NonFrancophone student”. This status allows you to write your essays and exams in English (Regulation 6.2.5). This regulation ensures that you will not fail or be penalized because of a lack of written skills in French. Some professors prefer that you write all your papers in French but, because of your special status, they cannot give you a lower mark for a lack of written skills in French. In the Groupe-Pont, am I just going to repeat what I studied in school? Absolutely not. The Groupe-Pont curriculum is completely different from the curriculum of French courses in a public school. The composition course is totally original and deals with both improving your own writing style and learning self-correction techniques. The grammar course will review fundamental structure that you studied in high school but will go much further. Expect to be amazed every day. Conditions: administration Accounting Business Administration (general) Corporate Information Systems Finance International Management Management Marketing Operations Management Frequently Asked Questions Courses: Study Medicine at Université de Moncton A total of 24 students from New Brunswick are enrolled in Université de Moncton’s new Medicine Program, which is beginning its fourth year and French Immersion candidates are eligible for this program. The diploma will be issued by Université de Sherbrooke in Québec, through its delocalization program. A two year Pre-Med Program is offered at U de M for those who wish to apply for admission in the Medicine Program. Music Physical Education Physics ENGINEERING Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering health science and community services Applied Bachelor of Tourism Management Family Studies Kinesiology Science Nursing Nutrition Studies Physical Education (See Faculty of Education) Psychology Recreation and Sport Studies LAW Bachelor in Common Law (LLB) science Applied Bachelor in Diagnostic Radiologic Technology Applied Bachelor in Medical Laboratory Technology Applied Bachelor in Respiratory Therapy Applied Computer Science Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Computer Science Health Sciences Mathematics Multidisciplinary B.Sc. Physics * To finish these programs, you will need to follow all French courses outlined in the Répertoire du premier cycle In courses for Francophone students, the content is not presented in the same way as in Groupe-Pont because your questions and challenges are different from theirs. Experience shows that non-Francophone students taking the Groupe-Pont program generally do better in French than those who insist on taking courses with the Francophones. Groupe-Pont is tailored to your specific linguistic needs. Can I count on help with my French during my studies at U de M? Yes. Not only can you count on the help of your professors in the French courses, you will also be able to get their help in writing papers, and this, until you acquire your bachelor’s degree. A LOOK AT THE COST OF AN ACADEMIC YEAR AT U DE M 2009-2010 academic year (8 months) Tuition fees Student association fees Technological fees $ 4,920 $ 134 $ 75 to $ 300 1 Cultural and sports facilities and activities $ 60 Health Insurance Housing 2 Meal plans Textbooks and school supplies Telephone Personal expenses Total $ 277 $ 2,202 to $ 5,073 $ 1,800 to $ 2,450 $ 1,250 $ 320 $ 1,280 $ 12,318 to $ 16,064 1. Technological fees of $ 300 are for engineering students only. All engineering students must also buy a laptop computer amongst the make and models authorized by the Engineering Faculty (see 2. Housing on campus (garanteed for 1st year students)
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