6 Simple Steps - The Esthetician Mentor


6 Simple Steps - The Esthetician Mentor
6 Simple Steps
to Dramatically Increase Your Income and FILL
Your Appointment Book with Amazing Clients!
Dear Beauty Biz Practitioner,
The beauty industry is growing at an
astonishing rate. People are living longer and
they want to look and feel beautiful all along
the way.
Lucky for usJOUIFCFBVUZCJ[ we can play a big
part in helping them do just that.
And one of the best parts is that when we’re
great at what we do, our clients will come
back to us month after month…maybe even
week after week.
However, even though statistics show our
industry is growing, the average CFBVUZCJ[
QSBDUJUJPOFSGallT short of UIFJS full financial potential.
On average, most QSBDUJUJPOFSs can expect to make just $40,000/yr, according to
job postings on www.indeed.com.
I’m not okay with that, which is why I’ve made it my mission to help QSBDUJUJPOFSs
all over the world finally create the financially lucrative business they’ve always
wanted while having a great time in the process.
Hi. I am Lori Crete “The Esthetician Mentor™” Skin Care Therapist, Licensed
Esthetician and founder and president of The Spa 10™ in Encino, CA.
I am devoted to helping CFBVUZCJ[QSBDUJUJPOFSs all over the world increase their
SFWFOVFBnd make the income that they deserve…a 6 figure income
© 2016 The Esthetician Mentor
My love for all things beauty started in the sixth grade when I’d watch my best
friend’s mom do leg lifts to Jane Fonda videos with a fresh avocado mask on her
face, mayonnaise in her hair and a cigarette in her hand (hey, it was the 70s). She
looked amazingbetter than anyone else’s mom in the neighborhood! I was
But before launching a career in the skin care industry, I spent 10 years working
as a flight attendant for American Airlines. When 9/11 happened I was inspired
to make the career change I had long put off and I dove head first into the world
of skin care.
Now, I own, operate AND practice as a Licensed Esthetician at The Spa 10™
in Encino, California. I am a frequent expert on various beauty related news
segments, Guthy-Renker infomercials and on The Style Network makeover shows.
Changing careers was the best move I ever made.
Still, I know how frustrating it can be when you’re trying to build a lucrative
business JOUIJTJOEVTUSZ! I know how competitive UIF industry is and that there
will always be someone undercutting your prices or a Groupon ad offering a
TFSWJDFfor a third of what you charge!
But none of this means that you can’t be booked solid. I’ve learned how to fill my
book and now you can too!
6 Simple Steps to Dramatically Increase Your Income and
Fill Your Appointment Book with Amazing Clients!
© 2016 The Esthetician Mentor
1) Create Demand for Your Work through Specializing
When I first started out, I didn’t know of any JOEVTUSZ networking groups or
coaching programs. I learned through trial and error what worked to increase
sales and unfortunately what didn’t UPP(a sometimes costly expense for me).
Through a stroke of good luck, I realized how important it was to have a special
service niche. My income tripled once I figured this out!
What’s something special you could offer to your clients? What solution are they
constantly asking for that you could package in a compelling way? Is there a
group of people you would love to serve and is there a way for you to get in front
of them easily?
Take Action
Brainstorm the different groups you’d like to serve. Then, make a list of all of the
services you could provide and the problems you could solve for each group.
Then, identify how you could get in front of these groups (on and offline) to let
them know about your services. You can use this table to make notes.
© 2016 The Esthetician Mentor
Where do they hangout?
2) Get Lucrative Repeat Business
Did you know that you’re 10 times more likely to get
an existing client back in your door than a new one?
And, it takes a lot fewer marketing dollars to get
repeat business than new business.
The most profitable appointment on ZPVS book is a repeat visit fromBSFQFBU
client. Once you make a connection, the client will begin to trust you andUVSO
to you for more services and products.
Do you collect your clientsh email and mailing addressFT? Have you reached out to
your client list lately?
Did you know that there is an average time frame when your clients run out of
their retail products and that you can make thousands of dollars just by giving
them a call or sending them a quick message reminding them that they may
need to restock soon? This type of communication is a must to succeed in “the
new economy.”
Take Action
1. Identify a method for getting in touch with former
clients. (i.e. weekly newsletters, phone calls, emails)
2. Choose the method that is the most sustainable and fun for you. Meaning,
if you hate picking up the phone, maybe choose email. If you don’t enjoy it on
some level, then you’ll never sustain it long enough for it to make a difference.
3. Create a plan for implementation. Map your follow up on a calendar and hold
yourself to it. If you have an assistant, you can delegate this but someone has to
do it.
Remember – the fortune is in the follow up!
© 2016 The Esthetician Mentor
3) Become a Walking Billboard for Your Business
*GZPVBSFBO&TUIZVTe your face and your skin as free
BEWFSUJTJOHGPSZPVSbusiness. Use your own products
POZPVSTLJOTPZPVcan provide your clients with a
UFTUJNPOJBMUIBUDPNFTfrom real experience!
They’ll ask why your skin is glowing and the sale will be
as good as made.
Take Action
1. Make an appointment for a QBNQFSJOH treatment that will make youMPPLBOE
feel fabulous.
2. Stock up on BOZproducts you have run out of.
3. Fill in your calendar with “self-care dates” for the next 6 months and don’t put
them off. 5hese are marketing appointments that will help youBUUSBDUNPSFPG
ZPVSJEFBMclients. That’s the kind of marketing I LOVE!
© 2016 The Esthetician Mentor
4) Attend an industry trade show
This sounds so simple but many QSBDUJUJPOFST never go to UIFJS trade shows! I
attend at least one per year, often many more. These shows will keep you current
and when you return, youhll be able to answer questions from your clients and
wow them with the new tools and techniques you can use to make them look
and feel better than they ever have before.
Trade shows are fun!
Grab a few friends and make a GVO weekendPVU
of it! Every year, I meet up with my best friend at
UIF-as Vegas International Esthetics, Cosmetics
BOE4QBConference and we have a blast!
Take Action
1. Look for a show that would work with your calendar. Here are a couple of resources to help you.
2. Contact a friend or colleague and see if anyone would like to join you. I always
find that going with someone you know makes it easier to network and enjoy the
entire experience.
3. Create a list of goals you have before you attend. Perhaps you want to meet 3
new valuable contacts, learn about a new microdermabrasion machine, or identify a new specialty service you could present to your community. The more clear
you are on what you want to get from it, the more likely you’ll get it.
© 2016 The Esthetician Mentor
5) Join a Charity
Joining a charity not only helped me improve my
business financially, but it also made me realize
how many things I had to be thankful for. Working
with charities has made me a more thoughtful and
compassionate person and I bring that into my
treatment room, which allows me to be an even
better esthetician for my clients.
I started airbrush spray tanning women with cancer because it made them look
and feel so much better while they were going through chemotherapy. I would
do it in my spa or, if they were too sick to come in, I would visit them in their
It felt good to make them look healthy and feel attractive after all they were
going through. When they shared the experience with family and friends and
they saw how much better it made them feel, they began lining up at my door.
So, find a charity that means something to you and give back. It will not only
make you feel good on the inside but it might even help you grow your business.
(Hint: I’ve seen a lot of people create a lucrative niche after volunteering first!)
© 2016 The Esthetician Mentor
Take Action
1. Create a list of charities in your community that you’re interested in.
2. Contact your friends and family in the area and see if anyone has a connection at any of the charities that they would be willing to introduce you
If not, no worries. It’s just always nice to have a little in.
3. Identify a service you could provide.
4. Write a pitch you could put in an email about the service you could provide, how you could deliver it and why you believe it would be valuable to
5. In the email explain how you plan to follow up.
6. Make it happen as soon as you get the go ahead!
© 2016 The Esthetician Mentor
6) Get Mentoring from an Industry Expert
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”
~ Benjamin Franklin
Every time my income increases, it’s because I’ve invested in guidance from
someone who is more successful than I am.
I have invested in business coaches, marketing coaches, mindset coaches
and even a public relations specialist – though not all at the same time! Their
guidance has given me the confidence to make decisions that have pushed me
towards a higher income - decisions I was too scared to make on my own.
In fact, last year when I was experiencing a low at the end of summer and I was
stressing out about not having enough clients, I used a tool a former coach
taught me and not only did I book myself solid for the week, but I also booked
my other estheticians full of facials they weren’t expecting!
Having said that, even though I have had some
great coaches, none of them fully understood
what it’s like to be aCFBVUZCJ[QSBDUJUJPOFS.
That’s why I develop business building USBJOJOH
SPECIFICALLY for UIJTJOEVTUSZ that works to help
you fill your appointment book and increase your
© 2016 The Esthetician Mentor
Hey Beauty Biz Practitioner,
Meet the 60-Day Beauty Biz Success Challenge...
© 2016 The Esthetician Mentor
Since the start of the challenge, I'm just over $5,600 and
my week isn't over... I have another $700 - $800 coming in
over the next two days. I know these aren't big numbers
(yet) but I started with zero clients,this is nothing short of a
miracle. Thank you! ~ Lorraine
Each week during the challenge, you will receive:
• An MP3 Downloadable Recording - Designed to help you become
the busiest beauty biz practitioner in town!
• A Beautiful Action-Inspiring Printout - Designed to keep you
focused on, and immersed in, your challenge for the week.
You’ll discover:
• How To Stop Sabotaging Your Success And OVERCOME YOUR
• 10 Insanely Cool Tips For Creating Instant Cash In Your Beauty Biz
• How To Develop ROCK STAR RITUALS For Success And Watch Your
Income Increase Dramatically
• The Top 5 Things Beauty Biz Practitioners Waste Their $$$$ On So
You'll Be Able To Avoid These Mistakes Entirely
• The #1 Gotta-Have Business Building Tool That Money Can't Buy
(Hint: It's FREE... And It Will Make You Unstoppable!)
• How To Turn Those Uncomfortable Sales Conversations Into An
Exchange That Has Your Clients Begging For The Right Retail
Product Home Care Regimes
• “You Can't Sell If You Don't Tell!” - Totally Doable 3-Step Process
That Makes Sharing Your Marketing Message Easy, Fun, And Most
Importantly... PROFITABLE!
Take Action
Sign Up For The 60-Day Beauty Biz Success Challenge
Find out more at: www.Esthetician60.com
Live Beautifully,
Legal Disclaimer
Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. Any claims made of actual
earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results,
don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar
results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.
Copyright Information
WARNING: This eBook is for your personal use only.
You may NOT Give Away, Share Or Resell This
Intellectual Property In Any Way.
© Skin Care by Lori, Inc. 201 - All Rights Reserved
You may not distribute this report in any way. You may not sell it, or reprint any part of it without written consent from the author,
except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.
© 2016 The Esthetician Mentor