Perfected control systems for your ware- housing needs
Perfected control systems for your ware- housing needs
Control systems / Software > Perfected control systems for your warehousing needs. Advanced micro-processors and a well-engineered software solution interact with the INTERTEX storage systems to deliver even more speed and reliability. 02 INT-EC1 > 2-line display > CallEnd > Confirmation key > Step mode / dead man > Ten-digit block INT-EC1 machine control > INT-EC1 stands for "INTERTEX - Economic Control 1". The control is designed for a simple application with carrier selection. It offers the functions of a single operating station for an INTERTEX storage system. Function scope > Carrier selection with the current position (ACTUAL) and the selected position (SET) permanently displayed > Simple input of position to be selected using 10-digit keypad > Automatic operation with path optimisation > Error messages displayed with number and plain text > Jog mode (step mode or dead man) > Activation of a soft run-up/run-down device or a simple frequency converter > PC link via serial interface 03 INT-DSC1 > Display: Graphic-capable display for detailed display of all control functions > Cursor block: Arrows keys and other keys. Selectable keys are illuminated > Numerical block: Numerical keypad, Enter and other keys, e.g. for entering the desired carrier block. Selectable keys are illuminated > Hotkeyblock: Function keys with icons in the display for intuitive menu guidance. Selectable keys are illuminated INT-DSC1 machine control > INT-DSC1 stands for "INTERTEX - Dynamic Storage Control 1". The control is designed for various applications with carrier selection. Up to 8 operating stations possible with one INTERTEX storage system. Additionally, product management can be realised by various options via PC link. 04 INT-DSC1 > Password configuration > Signal monitor > Carrier select > Main menu INT-DSC1 machine control Function scope > Carrier selection with the current position (ACTUAL) and the selected position (SET) > Simple input of position to be selected using 10-digit keypad > Automatic operation with path optimisation > Jog mode (step mode or dead man) > Error messages displayed with number and plain text > Convenient operation through graphic-capable display with hotkeys and icons > > > > > Up to 8 operating stations per machine possible PC link via serial interface Efficient telephone support through extensive monitor functions Password protection possible Logout times possible > Various languages possible > Activation of a soft run-up/run-down device or a frequency converter > Width / depth indication lights > Hardware upgrades possible 05 Software INTERTEX software solutions > Both, an independent product storage system or a host link for an ERP system INTERTEX offers seamless, perfected solutions. In combination with the INT-EC1 or the INT-DSC1 machine control, the ''INTERTEX Warehouse Management'' software can be used as convenient, user-friendly standalone product management. If an ERP system with integrated Warehouse Management is in use, a link from the storage system to the superordinate host system can be realised by our ''INTERTEX Query Server''. 06 INT-WML / INT-WM INTERTEX – Warehouse Management > The INT-WM is a warehouse management software that enables the customer to conveniently upgrade their dynamic warehouse system by an expandable and configurable product management system. In combination with the INT-EC1 or the INTDSC1 machine control, the INT-WM can be adapted to the customer's specific needs. Linking a PC or a netbook to your warehouse system enables the integration of a customer-friendly and simple operation product management system. You can choose between the INT-WML and the INT-WM with expanded function scope - in line with your specific requirements. The exact differences between the versions are shown in the table below. 07 INT-WML / INT-WM Function scope of the INT-WML / INT-WM > 08 IQS INTERTEX Query Server > IQS software is a protocol converter with queue function, which simplifies use of a machine with an INTERTEX controller for the customer. The IQS software is configurable and easy to control. It listens to a configurable TCP port on the PC on which the software is installed and then communicates via the serial interface with the corresponding INTERTEX control. This is how the IQS is able to communicate with superordinate host systems.