File - Congregation Beth El


File - Congregation Beth El
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The Publication of Congregation Beth El of Bucks County
September/October 2016
Av/Elul/Tishri 5776 - 5777
By the time you read this, summer will be fading, kids will be back in school and on college
campuses and we will be turning our attention to getting ready for the Yamim Noraim, the Days of
Awe or the Days of Repentance. Previously, I wrote how the change of season was a comforting
feeling that led to our new year, a natural progression that prepares us for a time of introspection
and self-reflection. This year, many have already commented how late the holidays are and, per
usual, they are either early or late, never on time. Our Rabbis tell us they are always on time, just as
we finish reading the Torah we start the cycle over.
But as we begin the new year of 5777, the sanctuary will have a different feel and look. If you have
not had the opportunity thus far, stop by and see the changes that have been made. I hope you’ll
agree with me that we have taken a wonderful space and turned it into a beautiful and inspirational
gathering. The stained glass windows that now adorn our sanctuary were designed by David Ascalon
of Cherry Hill (Ascalon Studios was responsible for the design of our original sanctuary, now our
Chapel, including the mosaic tiles on the doors of the ark). According to Rabbi Gruenberg, the
windows reflect every Jewish Holiday, and have transformed our sanctuary into a treat for the eye
and spirit. While allowing light to filter through, the windows give us a beauty that we have not had
in our synagogue. Obviously an undertaking of this scale could not have happened without the
generous support of many congregants, and especially Mark and Alexis Fried for spearheading the
design and making it a reality. I also want to thank Randy Flager and Phil Freidenreich for their
continuing efforts in the capital campaign. If you would like to sponsor a window, please reach out
to Randy or Phil.
As you walk into the building you will find another beautiful piece of art, our donor recognition wall.
This unique artwork was designed by Bonnie Cohen, an artist who creates one of a kind pieces for
synagogues. The design above the name plaques is a theme of the seven days of creation. As with
the stained glass windows in the sanctuary, this will be a central element of the lobby and foyer as
you enter the synagogue. Combined, these two pieces of art will elevate our shul and help carry us
into the next sixty years.
It has been said that every leader stands on the shoulders of those who have come before them. As
I complete my first year as President of Beth El, I believe this is not only true but it gives me greater
appreciation for those who have walked a mile or two or three in those shoes. Several years ago I
had the privilege of being the President of the Robert M. Beren Academy in Houston, TX, a K-12
modern orthodox day school with close to 300 students. We faced similar issues that affect Beth El
today: finances, security, building maintenance, enrollment, staffing. Jewish institutions exist
because we believe in them and need them. We cannot withhold our support when we don’t feel we
need them and suddenly want them to magically appear because we have a loss to mourn or a
simcha to celebrate. We are fortunate to have a community that believed in Beth El sixty years ago
and that belief continues today. G-d willing at the end of my term the baton will be passed and the
next President will have the privilege of continuing our great tradition and charting new paths to
May we continue to go from strength to strength.
Morning Minyan
Sunday ............................................... 8:00am
Monday - Friday................................. 7:00am
Evening Minyan
Monday - Thursday .......................... 7:30pm
Shabbat Services
Friday .................................................. 6:00pm
Saturday ........................................... 9:30am
Monday - Thursday ............ 8:30am - 4:30pm
Friday .................................. 8:30am - 2:00pm
Sunday ................................... 9:00 am - noon
Wednesday .......................... 10:00 am - noon
Friday.................................... 10:00 am - noon
To schedule an appointment, please
contact Michelle Flash at
[email protected]
Check out Our Event Calendar
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Fo r t h e H i g h H o l i d a y s
Adult Educat ion
Presented by The Schwarz-Kurz-Zeller
Adult Education Institute
Teshuva/Repentance with Rabbi Gruenberg
Tuesdays, September 6 and 20
7:45pm - 9:00pm
Come and learn about true repentance through the
generations. Together we will look at some of the
most famous rabbinic voices (Heschel,
Maimonides, Rav Kook and Hartman) when it
comes to the topic of repenting during the holiday
season and throughout the year.
The Liturgical Themes, Musical Motifs, and
History of Beloved High Holy Day Prayers
and Music with Cantor Florence Friedman
Tuesdays, September 13 and 27
7:45pm - 9:00pm
Come learn about the unique themes and music of
The High Holidays. Through discussion,
recordings, and singing we will also explore the history of such prayers as
Kol Nidre and Avinu Malkeinu
Family Education Program
Sunday, September 25
10:30am - 12noon
For parents of children below college age. Join Rabbi Gruenberg as we explore the aspects of the holidays that relate to parenting and try to connect the
difficult holiday themes to a level that all of our
children can appreciate.
All classes at
Congregation Beth El
375 Stony Hill Road
Yardley, PA 19067
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Education & Youth
I am looking forward to another wonderful year of meaningful Jewish learning with both the Fierverker Jewish Learning
Community and our HaMoadon Hebrew High program. The beginning of the school year will see the building bustling with
kids and teens actively engaged in experiential learning, discussion, activities and building community together.
We have spent the summer preparing for the year and getting ready to welcome your family back from what I hope was a
great summerr. The teachers and I look forward to greeting your children and to embarking on a year of learning,
discovering, questioning, exploring, and of course socializing!
The first day of the Fierverker Jewish Learning Community (FJLC) will be on Sunday, September 11th. FJLC participants will
meet in their groups from 9am to 11am. At 11am everyone, parents, teachers and children, is invited to the chapel for our
opening assembly. We will dismiss from the chapel at 11:45am on that day so that new families can get used to dismissal
The first evening of HaMoadon will be on Wednesday, September 21st beginning at 6:30pm and ending at 8:45pm. We
will have a special program planned for the first day of HaMoadon with dinner and teens will have the opportunity to
choose their sessions for the first thrid of the year. HaMoadon is open to all 8th-12th graders.
If you have not done so yet, please register your child(ren) for our education programs. Register online by going to and you will find the link to register on our home page.
I look forward to greeting you soon. Please don't hesitate to contact me with questions, ideas... and if you are in the
neighborhood, stop by and say hello!
Wising you a Shana Tova U'Metukah, a good and sweet new year!
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Education & Youth
Bucks County Jewish Youth has grown to now include 5 area
Conservative synagogues; Adath Israel in Lawrenceville,
Brothers of Israel in Newtown, Tifereth Israel in Bensalem, Ohev
Shalom in Richboro, and of course Beth El.
This year we are pleased to offer 3 terrific youth groups for
children in 3rd through 12th grades. Chaverim is our youngest
youth group for 3rd and 4th graders; Kadima is for 5th-7th
graders, and our USY chapter, known as BUSY, is for 8th-12th
graders. Any Jewish child can join Bucks County Jewish Youth's
groups; they do not have to be a member of one of the
sponsoring synagogues.
Meet our advisors below, take a look at the next page to see all
of our upcoming events, and join the fun! Youth group activities
are a great way to connect with old friends, meet new
friends ,and feel part of a wonderful community.
Please note that all youth membership registrations and event
sign ups will be completed online beginning this year. Visit our
website, to find event
information, membership registration, and how to submit
payments. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to
contact me, 215-493-1707 x3 or [email protected]
Karen Lewin
Shalom Chaverim! I hope you are all
having an enjoyable summer! I’d like to
take this opportunity to introduce
myself. My name is Shara Katlin. In
May 2016, I graduated from Rider
University with a Bachelor of Arts in
Elementary Education and Psychology
with additional certifications in both
Early Childhood Education and Special
Education. I plan to become an
elementary and special education
teacher. Personally, I come from an
observant conservative family. Growing up within the Jewish
community, going through Gratz Jewish Community High
School and USY, have allowed me to express and solidify my
love for Judaism, a love that I wish to share with those in
Chaverim. Professionally, I teach 5th grade at Har Sinai Temple
in Pennington, NJ. In addition, I had the opportunity to act as AI
Law’s USY Advisor for 2 years and was welcomed as the
Chaverim/Kadima Advisor for BUSY & AI Law this past year. I
am extremely excited to embark on yet another wonderful year
of Chaverim events and social programming. Please feel free
to contact me with any questions, concerns or suggestions via
email at [email protected] I look forward to meeting
you and having an amazing year!!
Shalom! I am Michael Washerstein and
am excited to be the new Kadima advisor
for Bucks County Jewish Youth. I hail from
Bucks County, Pennsylvania. A
Philadelphia sports enthusiast, I can
almost always be found supporting one of
my favorite Philly teams. Throughout my
youth, I participated in services and youth
events at Ohev Shalom. I quickly became
active as a member of the Ohev USY
Chapter board, serving as the
Membership/Kadima Vice President. At the age of 12, I had
the opportunity to travel to Israel as a member of the
everlasting Ohev Shalom “Mishpacha” bus. This adventure
would be the spark that ignited my love for Israel. In 2015, I
graduated from the Pennsylvania State University (We Are!)
with a degree in Secondary Education. Upon graduation from
university, I decided to embark upon a life-changing journey. I
spent the last 10 months living, teaching, eating, traveling and
experiencing Israeli life in Ashdod, Israel. As a MASA Israel
Teaching Fellow, I taught English to rambunctious Israeli
students. I studied Hebrew at Ulpan, celebrated Shabbat and
holidays, and truly embraced Israeli culture each and every
day. I am extremely excited to return to the United States with
the opportunity to share my love and passion for Israel as our
next Kadima advisor. I have already begun planning events and
brainstorming new ideas to kick off the new year and make it
the best one yet! If you have any ideas or thoughts you’d
like to share, don’t hesitate to contact me,
[email protected] .
Hi, I am Corey Bass and am pleased to
return as the Bucks USY (BUSY) advisor. I
grew up in Northeast Philadelphia where I
was a USYer at Tzafon Mizarch USY, a joint
chapter between Temple Sholom and
OCJCC BI before both Synagogues merged
out to Old York Road where I finished off
my USY career at Beth Shalom. After high
school I went on Nativ, USYs gap year
leadership program in Israel, where I was able to learn and
grow as I started to find myself as a Jewish person. Upon
returning to the states I attended Temple University where I
earned a Bachelor’s degree in Jewish Studies/Hebrew
language. While attending college I spent my summers in the
same place I did when I was a child, Camp Ramah in the
Poconos. Growing up at camp I always knew one day I would be
a counselor and a Rosh Edah (unit head). It is these
experiences which have made me passionate about the Jewish
community and brought me to where I am today. In addition to
being your BUSY advisor and working for our incredible
community, I am the Youth Coordinator for the Hagesher/EPA
USY and Kadima Regions. Our BUSY Chapter Board is starting
to put together a great calendar of events. If you’d like to
suggest an event or have other ideas, you can always reach me
at [email protected] I look forward to a wonderful year, to
continue to grow and learn with our teens, and to watching our
chapter flourish.
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Education & Youth
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Dear Congregants,
Many of you know us, but there may be a few of you out there
that haven’t heard of us, who we are and what we do, so, we
would like to introduce you to BEKL (Beth El Kitchen Ladies).
We are a group of volunteer women and men, yes the men
help as well, who are an alternative catering service to our
congregants. We are different than other caterers because
all our proceeds get funneled right back into Congregation
Beth El. We offer several different brunch/lunch menus
which you can view in our brochure (in the synagogue lobby)
or if one of our menus does not tickle your taste buds, we will
be more than happy to work something out with you as
individuals. We are extremely easy to work with and will try
and accommodate you. We have catered such functions as:
B’Nei Mitzvahs, Auf Rufs, Baby Namings and Special Birthdays. This past year, we are proud to report that, the BEKL
volunteers raised $17,529.16 for Congregation Beth El. We hope that you will consider meeting with us before you decide
on a caterer for your next mitzvah.
The accompanying picture is many of our volunteers. Unfortunately some of the women and men volunteers were unable
to assemble for the picture. We never turn any volunteers away. The more the merrier. So, if you find that you have some
time in your busy days and would like to help us in the kitchen preparing, for set up and/or cleanup for Mitzvahs in our
synagogue, please don’t hesitate to contact Janet Marinoff or Margie Wellerstein. We hope to meet everyone in one
capacity or another. Email us at: [email protected]
Join Congregation Beth El
on Friday, September 9th at
6pm for an awesome Shabbat
a Prayerful, Joyful,
Musical, Moving, Spiritual
Shabbat Experience!
Following services we will
have a Pot Luck Dinner.
Potluck Dinner Help is needed:
If your last name begins with…
A-G: bring an Appetizer or Salad
H-R: bring a Main Dish
S-Z: bring a Dessert
Dairy or vegetarian dish to serve at least
8-10 people to enjoy!
Please RSVP [email protected] or call
the office 215-493-1707 by September 6th
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Plan to Join Us for the
Sunday, September 18
$8/Child (3-12 years old)
We invite new & prospective
members to be our guests.
Go to
or call the office to make a reservation.
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Please join us for these fun 2016-2017 events
Join us for a night of camaraderie, food and great conversation!
Monday, September 12, 2016:
Take the Journey Toward Health
See the program flyer on the next page and join us for this free event!
Marriage of Opposites by Alice Hoffman
Tuesday, September 20 @ 7:30pm
A forbidden love story set on a tropical island about
the extraordinary woman who gave birth to painter
Camille Pissarro—the Father of Impressionism.
Growing up on idyllic St. Thomas in the early
1800s, Rachel dreams of life in faraway Paris.
Rachel’s mother, a pillar of their small refugee
community of Jews who escaped the Inquisition,
has never forgiven her daughter for being a difficult
girl who refuses to live by the rules. Growing up,
Rachel’s salvation is their maid Adelle’s belief in
her strengths, and her deep, life-long friendship with Jestine, Adelle’s
daughter. But Rachel’s life is not her own. She is married off to a
widower with three children to save her father’s business. When
her older husband dies suddenly and his handsome, much
younger nephew, Frédérick, arrives from France to settle the
estate, Rachel seizes her own life story, beginning a defiant,
passionate love affair that sparks a scandal that affects all of her
family, including her favorite son, who will become one of the
greatest artists of France.
Future Book Discussion dates: 11/15, 1/17, 3/21, 5/16
Sunday, November 13, 2016:
Annual Paid-Up Membership Brunch.
This year’s speaker will be James Beard nominated baking cookbook
author of The New Sugar & Spice: A Recipe for Bolder Baking, Samantha
Seneviratne. When she isn’t writing award winning cookbooks, Sam
develops recipes for Martha Stewart and works on her award winning blog, Signed copies of Sam’s book will be available
for purchase along with samples of her goodies to taste.
Sunday, December 4, 2016:
Hanukkah Bazaar.
Volunteers need to shop for and sell chachkes to Hebrew School children in
this “secret shop.” It’s a lot of fun!
Saturday, January 21, 2017:
Sisterhood “Meditation” Shabbat.
Join us for a relaxing and contemplative Shabbat service led by Cantor
Florence Friedman. We will hold our annual Torah Fund program in
conjunction with this event.
Saturday, February 4, 2017:
Warm Up With Wine.
Back due to popular demand is Robert Cohen, French wine connoisseur
extraordinaire. $18 per person to sample and learn about many kosher
and Israeli wines! This event is not to be missed! Limited seating so sign up
Sunday, April 2, 2017:
Shmooze, Shop and Schmear!
Come enjoy bagels and coffee while you shop at the Sisterhood Gift Shop in
advance of Passover. Special Discounts and Door Prizes. And lots of
shmoozing with the ladies of Sisterhood!
Thursday, May 11, 2017:
Designer Bag Bingo.
Need we say more? Bring your mothers, sisters and girlfriends for this fun
event in celebration of Mother’s Day!
Tuesday, June 6, 2017:
Closing Event: Word Mavens.
Entertaining and informative-- the Word Mavens never disappoint! Learn
more about their schtick at and join us for this
fun closing event!
Beth El Sisterhood has been working hard to reinvigorate our
membership, plan fun events, perform crucial fundraising for
Beth El and connect the women of all ages within the
We look forward to seeing you!
Sincerely, Co-Presidents,
Arleen Barisa [email protected] 267-288-5876
Jill Cohen [email protected] 917-570-7399
Gloria Feldman [email protected] 215-968-5114
Immediate Past President
Faye Laveson [email protected] 267-312-6230
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Join Beth El Men's Club
on Sunday, October 9th
at 9am to help fulfill the
important mitzvah
of building the
Beth El Sukkah.
Enjoy delicious
refreshments &
great camaraderie!
All are welcome!
Do you have a child in COLLEGE or GRADUATE SCHOOL?
Whether living away or at home, please complete the online form for
your child to receive holiday packages from Beth El throughout the
school year. Simply go to:
Sponsored by Congregation Beth El’s Eric J. Marinoff
Memorial College Outreach Program.
Questions? Email Janet Marinoff at
[email protected]
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Cook for a Friend
Cook for a Friend is a special Social Action project where
members come together in the Beth El kitchen.
Sharim v’Sharot Holds Auditions for
its 17th Season with a Performance
at the Kimmel Center!
Come spend an hour or two and help prepare nutritious, kosher
meals for homebound seniors.
No experience required.
Upcoming cooking date:
Thursday, September 8th @ 6:00pm
Questions? Contact Beth Sadoff at
[email protected] or 215-208-8006
Dr. Elayne Robinson Grossman, Music
Director of Sharim v’Sharot, will hold
auditions for all voice parts, SATB,
during late August through
The choir performs
throughout Central New Jersey and the
Delaware Valley with its expansive
repertoire of Jewish music of many
eras, styles and languages. The theme
for the year-end concert on May 21,
2017 is “Songs to Inspire Peace:
Shalom, Saalam,.” Rehearsals are on
Tuesday evenings from September
through June in Ewing, except for
major holidays. The choir will perform
at the Kimmel Center in November.
Other concerts during the year will be
in synagogues, concert halls,
museums and community
centers. Visit
to learn more and schedule an
audition, or leave a clear message
at (609) 222-4647.
The Sharim v’Sharot Foundation was
created in 2000 as a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization dedicated to
performing and educating the public
about Jewish music. The Foundation’s
projects include the choir, the Young
People’s Jewish Songwriting Contest,
and the annual Sharim v’Sharot Jewish
Choral Festival.
Come and enjoy the pleasure of
singing the best Jewish music, in 4-6
part harmony. Good music! Good
fun! Good friends!
For more information,
contact [email protected]
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Siddur Lev Shalem
For Shabbat and Festivals
Our new prayer book for our synagogue and for your home
Honor or remember important people,
milestones and celebrations by donating
the new Lev Shalem Siddurim to
Congregation Beth El
We are excited that Beth El has begun to use Siddur Lev Shalem, the new publication from The Rabbinical Assembly, that reflects
the Conservative movement. The Siddur Lev Shalom has all the prayers and psalms from previous Siddurim with commentary,
spiritual reflections and historical background for some of the readings. The Siddur Lev Shalom can be used for personal use at
Please consider making a donation to honor or remember someone special in your life. Submit the form below to the office.
Please print legibly:
Donor’s name: _________________________________ (how you would want your name to appear on the bookplate)
Email address:_________________________________________________________
I wish to donate (to Beth El)_____ (# of Siddur) @ $54.00 each. Total amount: $_______
I wish to donate (for home purchase) _____ (# of Siddur) @ $54.00 each. Total amount: $______
In memory of (name)_______________________________________________________________________
In honor of (name/occasion for honor)_______________________________________________________
*Please use a separate piece of paper for additional book plate dedications.
Please mail your check with this form to: Congregation Beth El 375 Stony Hill Road Yardley, PA 19067
ATTN: Siddur Lev
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Congregation Beth El High Holidays Schedule 5777
The Religious Activities Committee announces the following schedule of worship for the upcoming High Holidays.
Services will be led by Rabbi Joshua Gruenberg and Hazzan Alan Rosenbaum.
Saturday, September 24
Selichot Services (Kehillat Hanahar New Hope, PA) ..................................................................................8:30pm
Sunday, October 2
Erev Rosh Hashanah Service ......................................................................................................................6:00pm
Monday, October 3
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service ............................................................................................................... 8:30am
Childcare (18 mos. - Pre K) ...................................................................................................... 10:30am - 1:00pm
Family Service (Parents and children up to Kindergarten) .................................................... 10:30am - 12:00pm
Mini Congo (1st – 3rd grade) ................................................................................................. 10:30am - 12:00pm
Junior Congregation (4th - 6th grade) ................................................................................... 10:30am - 12:00pm
Teen Discussion (7th - 12th grade) ........................................................................................ 10:30am - 12:00pm
Tashlich (Edgewood Road Overpass, Yardley) ...........................................................................................6:00pm
Rosh Hashanah Evening Service ................................................................................................................7:00pm
Tuesday, October 4
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service ............................................................................................................... 8:30am
Childcare (18 mos. - Pre K) ...................................................................................................... 10:30am - 1:00pm
Family Service (Parents and children up to 2nd grade) ......................................................... 10:30am - 12:00pm
Junior Congregation (3rd - 6th grade) ................................................................................... 10:30am - 12:00pm
Teen Service Project (7th - 12th grade) ................................................................................. 10:30am - 12:00pm
Tuesday, October 11
Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur Evening Service .............................................................................................. 6:00 pm
Child Care .......................................................................................................................................6:00 - 9:00 pm
Wednesday, October 12
Yom Kippur Morning Service Including Yizkor ........................................................................................... 8:30am
Childcare (18 months - Pre K) .................................................................................................. 10:30am - 1:00pm
Family Service (Parents and children up to Kindergarten) .................................................... 10:30am - 12:00pm
Mini Congo (1st – 3rd grade) ................................................................................................. 10:30am - 12:00pm
Junior Congregation (4th - 6th grade) ................................................................................... 10:30am - 12:00pm
Teen Discussion (7th - 12th grade) ........................................................................................ 11:00am - 12:00pm
Yizkor Service Open for the Community................................................................................................... 4:00 pm
Mincha and Neilah followed by Community Break Fast (RSVP required for Break Fast) ......................... 4:30 pm
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Beth El Children & Teen
5777 High Holidays Programming
Monday, October 3
1st Day Rosh HaShanah
Family Service:
Pre-Kindergarten - Kindergarten & Parents
Participants will enjoy the sights and sounds of the High Holy Days in an age appropriate service complete with movement, songs, games and stories.
Led by Marcia Kratz at 10:30am in the Chapel
Mini Congo: 1st - 3rd Graders
Participants will engage in a meaningful holiday service with age appropriate prayers, games, songs and activities. Parents are welcome to attend but not needed.
Led by TBA at 10:30am in Room 201
Junior Congregation: 4th - 6th Graders
Participants will help lead services and will engage in age appropriate discussions about the themes and meanings behind the holiday. Parents are welcome to attend but not needed.
Led by TBA at 10:30am in Room 209
Teen Discussion: 7th - 12th Graders
Participants will take part in a meaningful discussion revolving around the themes of the Jewish New Year.
Led by Corey Bass at 10:30am in the Teen Lounge
Tuesday, October 4
2nd Day Rosh HaShanah
Family Service:
Pre-Kindergarten - 2nd Graders & Parents
Join us for an enaging and meaningful family service filled with singing and family friendly activities.
Led by Marcia Kratz at 10:30am in the Chapel
Junior Congregation: 3rd - 6th Graders
Participants will help lead Rosh HaShanah services and will engage in age appropriate discussions about the themes and meanings behind the holiday. Parents are welcome to attend but not
Led by TBA at 10:30am in Room 209
Teen Tashlich: 7th -12th Graders
Participants will take part in a meaningful Tashlich service. We will be walking together to the Edgewood Creek overpass. Meet in the office lobby. Wear comfy shoes.
Led by Corey Bass at 10:30am
Wednesday, October 12
Yom Kippur
Family Service:
Pre-Kindergarten - Kindergarten & Parents
Participants will enjoy the sights and sounds of the High Holy Days in an age appropriate service complete with movement, songs, games and stories.
Led by Marcia Kratz at 10:30am in the Chapel
Mini Congo: 1st - 3rd Graders
Participants will engage in a meaningful holiday service with age appropriate prayers, games, songs and activities. Parents are welcome to attend but not needed.
Led by TBA at 10:30am in Room 201
Junior Congregation: 4th - 6th Graders
Participants will help lead services and will engage in age appropriate discussions about the themes and meanings behind the holiday. Parents are welcome to attend but not needed.
Led by TBA at 10:30am in Room 209
Teen Service Project: 7th -12th Graders
Participants will take part in a meaningful service project at Manor Care, where they will bring greetings and cheer to members of our greater Jewish community. Meet in the office lobby.
Wear comfy shoes.
Led by Corey Bass at 10:30am in the Teen Lounge
Childcare will be offered on both days of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur from 10:30am to 1:00pm in Rooms 204-205-206. In addition, this year we will be offering
childcare on Tuesday, September 22nd during Kol Nidre Service. Kol Nidre begins at 6:30pm. We ask that you
bring your child(ren) to childcare at 6:15pm so you can find your seats before Kol Nidre begins.
Snack will be offered to children on all three mornings of holiday. If your child has special food needs please feel free to bring a dairy/pareve alternative snack.
If you have questions about any of our services for children and teens, please do not hesitate to
contact our education and youth director, Karen Lewin, 215-493-1707 x3 or [email protected]
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Alan Rosenbaum
Hazzan (Cantor) Alan Rosenbaum graduated from Gratz College with honors in May 2008
where he received a Masters Degree in Cantorial Studies and Jewish Music, and was the recipient of
the Abramson Fellowship for the 2004-2005 academic year. He served as part-time cantor at
Congregation Beth El-Ner Tamid in Broomall, Pennsylvania, and in addition has served as the High
Holy Day cantor at The Congregations of Ner Zedek in Philadelphia; Congregation Ner Tamid in
Cherry Hill, New Jersey; Temple Beth Shalom in Livingston, New Jersey; Beth Hillel Synagogue in
Bloomfield, Connecticut; and Temple Torat Emet in Boynton Beach, Florida.
Before becoming a cantor, Mr. Rosenbaum served as a professional choir singer in a number
of synagogues in the Philadelphia area, including Temple Beth Zion-Beth Israel in Center City, Har
Zion Temple in Gladwyne, and Main Line Reform Temple in Wynnewood.
Mr. Rosenbaum also has performed with local opera companies in the metropolitan
Philadelphia area and in New York and New Jersey, including the Delaware Valley Opera Guild, the
Little Lyric Opera Theater, and the Rittenhouse Opera Society in Philadelphia; the Camerata Opera
Theater ofNew Jersey; Rose Valley Chorus and Orchestra in suburban Philadelphia; and the Amato
Opera Company in New York City. He also has performed in concert and recital programs throughout
the Metropolitan Philadelphia area, and in summer concert programs in Cape May, New Jersey.
During the summer of 2002, he appeared in the role of Nikolai in a U.S. premiere of the opera
“Golden Medina”, by composer David Finko, based on a true story about Russian emigration to the
US in 1913, and of course, a love interest that developed on board the boat between a Jewish girl
and a Russian nobleman.
In the operas of Giuseppe Verdi, some of the roles Mr. Rosenbaum has performed are:
Rigoletto, Conte di Luna in "Il Trovatore", Iago in "Otello", Germont in "La Traviata", and Amonasro in
“Aida”. In addition he has performed as Tonio in "I Pagliacci" by Leoncavallo; Michele in "Il Tabarro"
by Puccini; Sir Henry Ashton in "Lucia di Lammermoor" by Donizetti; and Valentin in "Faust" by
Gounod. In each of the summers of 2003 and 2004, he added a Figaro to his repertoire with
Delaware Valley Opera in Philadelphia; in "The Barber of Seville" by Rossini, and in “The Marriage of
Figaro” (in English) by Mozart. He performed the roles of the four villains in “Tales of Hoffman (in
English) by Jacques Offenbach in August 2007. His classical song repertoire includes music of
Schubert, Beethoven, Brahms, Mahler, Fauré, Ravel, D'Indy, and others.
In March 2004, Mr. Rosenbaum won third prize in a vocal competition sponsored by the New
Jersey Association of Verismo Opera, at the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall in New York, and was
selected as a finalist in a vocal competition for singers of the operas of Giuseppi Verdi.
Unfortunately, the finals in this competition were never held.
Page 17
Join Us for Holiday Services!
Sunday, October 16th
Erev Sukkot Service, 6pm
Monday, October 17th
Sukkot Service, 9:30am
Tuesday, October 18th
Sukkot Service, 9:30am
Sunday, October 23rd
Hoshana Rabbah Services, 8am
Erev Shemini Atzeret Service, 6pm
Monday, October 24th
Shemini Atzeret Service with Yizkor, 9:30am
Erev Simchat Torah Service for Families, 6:30pm
Erev Simchat Torah Service, 7pm
Tuesday, October 25th
Simchat Torah Service, 9:30am
Sloppy Joe lunch following services
Celebrate With Us At Beth El As
We Mark the Ending of the
Annual Torah Cycle &
the Beginning of the New Cycle!
Page 18
CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture
Min Haaretz, Beth El's CSA (Community Supported Agricultural) program is in full swing for our fourth season.
Many families are continuing to receive the freshest locally grown organic produce available in our area. Each
week, for 26 weeks, Blooming Glen Farm delivers box shares directly to the synagogue. This is an economical
way for our members to improve their health and support a local Bucks County farm.
Rabbi Gruenberg has supported this program by purchasing a share each year from his discretionary fund. All
this food as well as weekly food donations from other CSA members has been donated weekly to the Loaves
and Fishes Food Pantry in Fairless Hills which serves our local at risk neighbors.
Joy Finkel has been the CSA Coordinator for the past 5 years, introducing our community to the wonderful CSA
concept. She is stepping down from this position and would love to pass the baton to another person. This is not
a large time commitment, just the need to take responsibility. Joy is happy to mentor the new CSA
Coordinator. She can be reached at [email protected] or 215 341 1392 if you are interested in seeing this
program continue.
Our Community Resource for Caring and Sharing
Each member of Congregation Beth El is a vital part of our caring community. We gladly share in each other's simchas and
should also be supportive of one another when we are experiencing difficult times.
But we can't reach out unless we are informed!
* is temporarily homebound
*would like help with occasional food shopping
*is in need of another service
If you are in need of any temporary assistance or know someone who is, email: [email protected] or call
Marian in the office at (215) 493-1707 confidentiality will be assured.
Committee Chairs: Barbara Fineman, Faye Laveson, Charlotte Denenberg Synagogue Liaison: Marian Berger
Committee Members: Sara Organic, Joan Kritz, Carol Benderson-Lighter, Carole Garini
Andy Flager (rides), Jack Wellerstein (rides), Gloria Mittleman, Karen Shoemaker
There is no more important function of a community than supporting our families in time of need. Our Beth El Hesed Committee quietly and
efficiently helps Beth El families upon the birth of a baby, during hospitalization and following a death.
The Oring Family Hesed Committee’s volunteers assist our families with visits, meals,
home minyans and emotional support.
Support the Oring Family Hesed Committee’s efforts through donations in honor or in memory of our loved
ones, through the Oring Family Hesed Fund. Donations to this fund will provide meals for new parents
and for shiva houses as well as other needs as they arise.
Page 19
Share Shabbat Dinner
Friday, November 4th
Share Shabbat Dinners are a time when congregants open up their
homes to host other Beth El families for a Shabbat dinner. The
host family prepares the main entree while their guests bring the
accompaniments they and the host family agree on. The Share
Shabbat committee members assign guests to hosts, making an
effort to introduce Beth El families/couples to each other. This
helps to create a better sense of community for all members
whether attending services, a social event, adult education
classes, or a Sisterhood or Men’s Club event. There are typically three dinners like this, and then a
culminating Pot Luck dinner where everyone gathers at one home concluding our season. Our
participation for this program is tremendous and the positive feedback is great.
The dates for the Share Shabbat Dinners for 2016 - 2017 are November 4, January 27, and March
31, with the Pot Luck Dinner on June 9.
RSVP by October 23 for the November 4th Share Shabbat Dinner
Email – [email protected] or Call – Susan Strouse – 215-355-8999
We hope you will join us and be part of this wonderful experience.
The Share Shabbat Committee
Carol Garini
Susan Strouse
Barbara Melmed
Cara Weissman
We are looking for a few good Minyaneers
Congregation Beth El holds both morning and evening minyan services open to our members and friends in
the community. We invite you to join us and become a regular volunteer. Take some time from your busy day
or week, come to our chapel and pray with friends and neighbors, and be there to
support a person saying kaddish or yarhzeit.
It’s a mitzvah… It’s good for you and it’s good for our community.
Morning services: Monday through Friday at 7:00 AM
Evening Services: Monday through Thursday at 7:30 PM
Sunday Services: 8:00 AM
Please give Brian Levey, our Minyan committee
leader a call.
He’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Brian’s Contact Information:
Home: 215-321-8670
Cell: 267-250-7526
Page 20
375 Stony Hill Road Yardley, Pa 19067
215-493-1707 • [email protected]
Web site:
Page 21
The Jewish Federation's food pantry at KleinLife in
Northeast Philadelphia is currently seeking
volunteers on select Fridays from 10am -1pm as it
expands its hours to serve more clients. The Choice
Food Pantry at KleinLife features an innovative
model where the clients get to choose what food
they receive (rather than a pre-packaged box) and
use a touchscreen to make their selection. Anyone
interested in volunteering can email Jeremy Heller
directly at [email protected].
Milano French Cleaners in
Monmouth Junction, NJ
performs a Mitzvah!
Thank you for the complimentary
cleaning of our tallit for the
High Holidays!
Milano French Cleaners 4095 US Hwy 1 Suite #1 Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852
Pick Up and Delivery Available in Yardley and Newtown
Call 732-329-1100
Cemetery Plots
No one really expects the need of
having to buy cemetery plots. It is
a wonderful benefit of belonging
to Congregation Beth El of
Yardley. There is no better time
to buy than the present time,
before you have the need. We
want to help you make the
choice before the
time after a death. Many Funeral
directors encourage the pre-need
arrangements of all of the aspects of the funeral, burial,
and monuments.
The Cemetery Committee can offer you the time to select
a plot at the cemetery or just by reviewing our plot maps
and photographs. King David Memorial Park is located in
Bensalem, PA. Beth El has over 400 plots in section R.
Effective September 1, 2016 the Board of Directors
approved a price increase to $1800 per plot. This is far
below the price for the general public making a request at
King David. A Family Gravesite includes four plots and
costs $7200. Sign up now for the reduced prices. These
charges are transacted with the synagogue only and you
may not deal with King David or other congregants
directly for the purchase or sale of any plots in Section R.
When a plot is paid in full the owner is granted the rights
of sepulcher and these rights are shared with their heirs
even if they are not members. Beth El does not sell plots
to non-members of the congregation. In the event of an
owner moving or not needing their plots, they may return
their papers for a refund less 10% of the purchase price.
The price of the plot does not include any services,
openings, burial, vault, or monument charges.
For more information please call Michael Weinberg,
Cemetery Committee Chairman @215-321-1312
Shop at AmazonSmile
and Amazon will make a donation to:
Congregation Beth El
Simply Go to:
Page 22
Welcome New Members
to Our Beth El Family
Michelle and Alan Flash in honor of their daughter,
Cara’s, engagement to Marshal Davis
Esther Herzfeld, Lois Levey’s mother,
mother-in-law to Brian & grandmother of
Aaron and David
Thank you…
Juliette Harvey for the countless hours of
chairing and volunteering for The Oring
Family Hesed Committee. We appreciated your
commitment to the committee.
Debbie Wachspress for taking on the
responsibilities of chairing The Oring
Family Hesed Committee.
Keep In Touch!
We welcome your ideas and submissions to:
The Shofar. Email feedback, articles and
pictures to: [email protected]
We make every effort to ensure our
information is accurate and up-to-date. If you
find that we have made an error or if you
have any new contact information, please
contact the synagogue office
215-493-1707 x4 or email
[email protected]
If you would like to receive a hard copy of
The Shofar via regular U.S. mail,
do not hesitate to request an issue to be
delivered to your door.
Simply call the synagogue office.
Marc & Gretchen Merchiore and
their children Sydney and Jared
Eric & Randy Rothstein
Dr. Lewis Rose & Galina Saknovich
Andrew & Jennifer Braverman and
their children Ethan & Jonathan
Aron Galonsky & Ella Goldmacher and
their children Gregory & Rebecca
Page 23
Thank You For These Generous Donations
Building Fund
Eric J. Marinoff College Outreach Fund
Irma Horowitz in Honor of Karen & Joe Lewin's
10th wedding anniversary
Alan Weisgold & Arlene Spevak in Honor of
Beth Godett's law school graduation
Irma Horowitz in Honor of the birth of
Ruth & Jack Laks’ grandson, William
Harold & Charlotte Denenberg in Honor of
Natan & Eli Weinberger's graduations
Irma Horowitz in Honor of the birth of
Mickey & Marvin Dickler's great grandson, Ilan
Harold & Charlotte Denenberg in Honor of
Lynsie Lightman's Bat Mitzvah
Irma Horowitz in Honor of the birth of
Gloria Feldman's grandson, Jacob
Harold & Charlotte Denenberg in Honor of
Jason Schachter’s Bar Mitzvah
Irma Horowitz in Honor of Jason Schachter's Bar Mitzvah
Harold & Charlotte Denenberg in Honor of
Maya Young's Bat Mitzvah
Jack & Ruth Laks in Honor of Cara Flash's
engagement to Marshal Davis
Phil & Harriet Freidenreich in Honor of Cara Flash's
engagement to Marshal Davis
Bill & Arleen Barisa in Memory of Ruth Godett,
mother of Fred Godett
Craig & Barbara Martin in Memory of Hilda Keffler
Gil & Lois Goldstein in Memory of Ralph Mezrow
Gil & Lois Goldstein in Memory of Mark Fineman
Gloria Rosenberg in Memory of Sid Goldberg,
husband of Sylvia Goldberg
Harvey & Eva Samachson in Memory of Esther Herzfeld,
mother of Lois Levey
Irma Horowitz in Memory of Ruth Godett, mother of Fred Godett
Michael & Rose Koretsky in Memory of Esther Herzfeld,
mother of Lois Levey
Michael & Rose Koretsky in Memory of Steven Safran's parents,
Honey & Marty Safran
Randy Flager & Sherry Brooks in Memory of Dorothy Flax,
mother of Neil Flax
Tina & Michael Rettig in Honor of
Maya Young’s Bat Mitzvah
Tina & Michael Rettig in Honor of
Jason Schachter’s Bar Mitzvah
Lois & Jerry Barsky in Honor of
Don & Bobbi Lapinson's 50th wedding anniversary
Norman & Janet Marinoff in Honor of
Cara Flash's engagement to Marshal Davis
Ken & Linda Greenberg in Memory of
Esther Herzfeld, mother of Lois Levey
Lois & Jerry Barsky in Memory of
Bonnie Keen's mother, Eleanor Rubin
Norman & Janet Marinoff in Memory of
Esther Herzfeld, mother of Lois Levey
Norman & Janet Marinoff in Memory of
Ruth Godett, mother of Fred Godett
Norman & Janet Marinoff in Memory of
Dorothy DiMarcangelo
Norman & Janet Marinoff for the yahrzeit of Edwin Liss
Sylvia Goldberg in Memory of Joe Weiss
Randy Flager & Sherry Brooks in Memory of Henry Ostro,
father of Marc Ostro
Sylvia Goldberg in Memory of
Dorothy Flax, mother of Neil Flax
Randy Flager & Sherry Brooks in Memory of Esther Herzfeld,
mother of Lois Levey
Tina & Michael Rettig in Memory of
Sid Goldberg, husband of Sylvia Goldberg
Shelly & Phyllis Forman in Memory of Al Lieberman
Tina & Michael Rettig in Memory of
Henry Ostro, father of Marc Ostro
Irma Horowitz for the Speedy Recovery of John Pashak
Cook for a Friend Fund
Marc & Joy Finkel in Memory of Henry Ostro, father of Marc Ostro
Tina & Michael Rettig in Memory of
Ruth Godett, mother of Fred Godett
Andy & Renee Flager in Memory of
Ruth Godett, mother of Fred Godett
Sylvia Goldberg for the Speedy Recovery
of Elinor Pressel
Sylvia Goldberg for the Speedy Recovery of Toby Joseph
Page 24
Thank You For These Generous Donations
Fierverker Education Fund
Perez Fund
Faye Laveson in Memory of Nelly Cohen,
beloved grandmother of Jill & Raphael Cohen
Jean Snyder & John Paolini in Honor of
Ellen Epstein's birthday
Justine Fierra in Memory of Leslie Sherry's mother
Judith Buch in Memory of Ruth Godett,
mother of Fred Godett
Heidi Mittleman Library Memorial Fund
Ronald & Juliette Harvey in Honor of Gloria & Ed Mittleman's
granddaughter Simi's engagement
Prayer Book Fund
Marni, Bill & Brooke Stahl in Honor of
Renee Flager's birthday
Oring Family Hesed Fund
Ed & Gloria Mittleman in Honor of
Bonnie Abrams move to her new home
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Marc & Karen Shoemaker in Honor of the upcoming
marriage of Judy Nussbaum & Marvin Gelblat's
son Matthew to Michelle
Bev Rothstein in Appreciation of Rabbi Gruenberg officiating at Abe Rothstein's unveiling
Barbara Gottfried in Memory of Esther Herzfeld,
mother of Lois Levey
Harvey & Eva Samachson in Appreciation of
Rabbi Gruenberg’s help in planning the Israel trip
Dan & Deb Wachspress in Memory of Ruth Godett,
mother of Fred Godett
Nate & Caren Bosk in Appreciation of Rabbi Gruenberg for
conducting a wonderful
ceremony for our daughter's wedding
Jack & Ruth Laks in Memory of Esther Herzfeld,
mother of Lois Levey
Jack & Ruth Laks in Honor of
Andy Flager's improving health
Jason & Lisa Waksman in Memory of Esther Herzfeld,
mother of Lois Levey
Michael & Tina Rettig in Memory of Esther Herzfeld, mother of Lois Levey
Karen, Marc & Matt Shoemaker in Memory of
Esther Herzfeld, mother of Lois Levey
The Rappaport Family in Memory of Dorothy Dickstein
Mark & Barbara Melmed in Memory of Sadie Dolnick,
mother of Gene Dolnick
Stuart Lighter & Carol Benderson‑Lighter in Memory of
Esther Herzfeld, mother of Lois Levey
Karen, Marc & Matt Shoemaker for the Speedy
Recovery of Rabbi Howard Hersch
Rhoda & Morris Volk Memorial Fund
Lynne & Fred Poritsky in Honor of Caren & Nat
Bosk's daughter Katie's marriage to Marc
Sid & Eva Moszer in Memory of Charlotte Hirsch,
mother of Peter Hirsch
Ronald & Juliette Harvey for the
Speedy Recovery of Andy Flager
Jane Schwartz, RD, CLT
Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist
email: [email protected]
601 Ewing Street Suite C-3
Princeton, NJ 08540
Page 25
Tree of Life Honor a birthday, anniversary, wedding, Bar/Bat Mitzvah or any other happy occasion with an
engraved leaf on our tree of life for $180 or a boulder for $750.
Donation Cards Our donation cards are a wonderful way to recognize important life-cycle events, extend
wishes for speedy recovery or show your appreciation for someone’s kindness and helps fulfill the
mitzvah of tzedakah. There are two different cards to choose from - a beautiful Menorah card ($7) and a
colorful picture of three of our Torot ($18). Your gift can also be designated to one of the following funds:
Building Fund
Eric J. Marinoff College Outreach Fund
Golda Meir Religious Books & Articles Fund
Oring Family Hesed Fund
(meals for ill & in mourning)
Rabbi Gruenberg's Discretionary Fund
Cook for a Friend Project
Fierverker Education Fund
Heidi Mittleman Memorial Library Fund
Perez Youth Scholarship Fund
(for Jewish camp & USY programs)
Rhoda & Morris Volk Memorial Fund
Book Dedications There are also opportunities to have a bookplate placed on the back of the front cover
of a Siddur (Prayer Book), or Mahzor (High Holiday Prayer Book) - any time someone opens the book, they
will learn of your donation: Prayer Book: $54 High Holiday Mahzor: $54
Yahrzeit Plaques Among the customs to help us with loss and bereavement is the commemoration of a
loved one on a Yahrzeit plaque. These plaques, which are affixed to a special memorial board in our
Chapel, are an expression of love and devotion. The plaque will be mounted on our Yahrzeit board in
perpetuity. Each year you will receive a notice of the date of the yahrzeit, it will be announced during
Shabbat services, and the plaque will be lit in memory of your loved one for a full month. The cost is
$750 for members and $900 for non-members.
Cemetery Plots - Beth El owns cemetery plots at King David Memorial Park in Bensalem. Call the office
for further details and pricing information.
Enclosed is my gift of $_____________________ (Menorah card $7-$17, Torot card $18+)
□ Building Fund
□ Eric J. Marinoff College Outreach Fund
□ Golda Meir Religious Books & Articles Fund
□ Oring Family Hesed Fund
□ Rabbi Gruenberg's Discretionary Fund
□ High Holiday Mahzor ($54)
□ Cook for a Friend Project
□ Fierverker Education Fund
□ Heidi Mittleman Memorial Library Fund
□ Perez Youth Scholarship Fund
□ Rhoda & Morris Volk Memorial Fund
□ Prayer Book ($54)
Recipient _______________________________ Occasion_____________________________
Recipient Address ________________________________________________________________
Donor Name(s)___________________________________________________________________
Donor Address___________________________________________________________________
I would like more information on:
□ Tree of Life
□ Yahrzeit Plaques
□ Cemetery Plots □ Other Ways I Can Give
Page 26
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Page 28
Congregation Beth El
375 Stony Hill Road
Yardley, PA 19067
Shofar Editorial Committee
Charlotte Denenberg, Barbara Fineman, Sara Pollock
Main Office .......................................... 215-493-1707
Fax ........................................................ 215-493-7717
E-mail .................................. [email protected]
FJLC ............................................................................ x2
Gift Shop .................................................................... x6
Professional Staff
Joshua Z. Gruenberg, Rabbi ..................................... x5
Karen Lewin, Education & Youth Director ............... x3
Barbara Schwartz, Office Manager……..……………….x4
Marian Berger, Bookkeeper ..................................... x4
Congregation Beth El Officers
Leon Weissman............................................. President
Larry Schachter …………………………..1st Vice President
Rob Lightman …………………………….2nd Vice President
Sheryl Fruithandler……………………...3rd Vice President
Wendy Winokur ............. Co-Education Vice President
Rachel Oring ................... Co-Education Vice President
Beth Sadoff .................................................. Secretary
Steve Lubin ................................................... Treasurer