Summer 2012 - ASCE OC YMF
Summer 2012 - ASCE OC YMF
Summer 2012 Editor: Omar A. Sanchez YMF Newsletter Los Angeles • San Bernardino/Riverside • Orange County • Santa Barbara/Ventura • Southern San Joaquin Published Quarterly by the ASCE Los Angeles Section Younger Member Forums From LA to the Bay: San-Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Tour Weekend In This Issue: By: Paul Choy, PE— Los Angeles YMF Presidents’ Message P.2 - P.5 Membership has its Privileges P.6 YMF Engineering History & Arts P.7 - P.8 YMF Social Events P.9 -12 YMF Connections Above & Beyond P.13-14 Technical Tour Update & Your Ad. Here/Email Lists P.15 & 16 Upcoming YMF Events P.17-22 Upcoming YMF EventsAt A Glance, P.23-24 Editor’s Note P.25 Monthly YMF Board Meetings In this corner, weighing in at $1.8 billion with a span of 625 meters long, managed by the American Bridge/Fluor Joint Venture (ABFJV) and Caltrans, is the East Span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge! And in this corner, rolling in at over 20 members deep, at a combined height of over 100 feet, weighing in at a respectable healthy but nondisclosed weight, are the combined members of the Los Angeles and San Bernardino/Riverside Younger Member Forums! Thanks to the coordination efforts of SB/R YMF’s Julianna Gonzalez, the LA YMF joined the SB/R YMF as they ventured up north to meet Fresno’s YMF Members toured the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. YMF and tour the construction of the replacement span of the San-Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge on September 7th, 2012. By speedboat, these engineers got to witness first-hand this massive project that has been featured on ―6 0 Minutes‖ and the Science Channel’s ―BuildIt Bigger‖ as they wove through the legs of this single-tower, self-anchored suspension (SAS) bridge, which is considered the largest public infrastructure project in California’s history. These visitors were afforded a rare up-close glimpse of the bridge’s cable saddle (considered to be the world’s largest), its nearly 500 feet tall steel support tower, and its intricate but majestic cable support system. CON’T. on Page 6 SB/R YMF groups spent an evening of excitement watching the L.A. Dodgers at San Francisco Giants’ AT&T Park. Every first Thursday SB/V Every second Tuesday LA Every second Tuesday OC Every third Wednesday SSJ Every other third Tuesday For locations, please contact any board member. Fisherman’s Wharf has stunning attractions and is a well-known District in San Francisco, CA. LA YMF member, Laura Rockett, poses for a picture in front of California’s largest public works project. San Bernardino and Riverside County YMF President’s Message Hello Younger Members! Board Members Julianna Gonzalez President RCFC & WCD Helio Takano, PE Past President RCFC & WCD Melissa Barbosa, PE President Elect Azusa Light & Water Mark Swanson, PE Vice President AEI-CASC Michael Andersen, PE Treasurer Nikki Duran-Aubrecht Secretary J.F. Shea Construction, Inc. Andrea Martinez, PE Historian VA Loma Linda David Cortese Activities Chair RCFC & WCD Anthony Donohoo Recruiting Officer RCFC & WCD Sarah Watrous, PE Practitioner Advisor Cal Poly Pomona Riverside County Waste Management Department Rafael Contreras, PE Practitioner Advisor Cal Baptist City of Vernon Mai Son, PE Community Service Coordinator RCFC & WCD Anthony Mistretta K-12 Student Outreach Coordinator AEI-CASC My name is Julianna Gonzalez and I am a Design Engineer at Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, and your incoming San BernardinoRiverside Younger Member Forum (SB/R YMF) President. I am excited and honored to be serving as your President and to be working with a motivated group of leaders. This upcoming year, the American Society of Civil Engineers, Los Angeles Section, will be celebrating its 100th Anniversary so in celebration of this momentous occasion, the younger member groups are planning to make this year extraordinary! Some of my personal goals for SB/R YMF this upcoming year are: To have a successful Centennial celebration by having a variety of events such as K-12 outreach, community service, general meetings, technical tours, and help plan the end of the year Centennial celebration. Increase our membership by inviting professional engineers from the local community to our activities which not only benefits our new members, but allows for great networking opportunities. Increase our Community Service program by supporting the upgrades to the historic Riverside Art Museum, both financially and through hands-on opportunities. The building serves as a cultural, collaborative and education focal point for the community. This is a great example of Civil Engineering since it was designed by Julia Morgan, California’s first female architect and engineer. Increase Civil Engineering public awareness by increasing the number of engineering presentations. SB/R YMF plans to present to many local high school students which would bring more teams to this year’s Popsicle Stick Bridge Competition. I encourage you to join us in our many exciting events lined up for the 2012-2013 year. For more information, please check out our calendar of events on our website at and sign up for our Project Partners’ mailing list for event updates. Also ―Like ‖ ASCE SB/R YMF on Facebook for job announcements and upcoming events. While this year will be hard work, it will be a lot of fun and I just cannot wait to get started. Julianna Gonzalez 2012-2013 ASCE SB/R YMF President [email protected] ASCE LOS ANGELES SECTION YMFs NEWSLETTER - SUMMER 2012 Page 2 Orange County YMF President’s Message Board Members Ravi Shah, PE President HDR Tricia Maruki Espinoza, PE Past President AECOM Gidti Ludesirishoti Vice President HDR Daniel Kim Treasurer LACSD Mark Beltran Secretary KOA Corporation Remi Candaele, PE Programs Baker | RBF Andy Verdin Community Outreach Co-Chair Shimmick Construction Andrew Easterling Community Outreach Co-Chair URS Deborah Alvarado Internal Activities TRC Lucas Glauser External Activities Hall and Foreman Brianna Arth PSBC Chair Stantec Josue Vaglienty, PE Fundraising/ Centennial Liaison Baker | RBF Lucas Glauser Centennial Liaison Hall and Foreman It is with great pleasure that I write my first official message as the 2012-2013 OC-YMF President. As President, I am honored and excited to lead such a talented group of young individuals and the future leaders and rising stars of our civil engineering profession. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my predecessor, Tricia Maruki Espinoza for the wonderful job she did leading the group over the last year. The OC-YMF group has grown significantly in the last year and while confronted with the challenge of losing several seasoned officers, our newest members have risen up to the occasion and showed their commitment to our Younger Member Group. They have brought with them a renewed passion and momentum that will carry us well beyond my year as President. This next year will prove to have its own set of challenges just as past years have had. Amongst these challenges, are many common goals that are shared with both LA Section and OC Branch for the year ahead, and our group is dedicated to ensuring that these goals are met. OC-YMF is looking forward to assisting in the planning and success of two large celebrations: the LA Section Centennial Celebration and the OC Branch 60th Anniversary Celebration. Our goals for next year include raising public awareness of our profession through various public outreach events, increasing membership and member participation through increased collaboration with local universities, and the continuation of existing programs which help promote and encourage networking opportunities for our young professionals. Our K-12 Programs and Technical Programs will be put in overdrive this year as we prepare for the largest Popsicle Stick Bridge Competition (PSBC) since the inception of the event and provide new learning programs geared towards both the Technical and Professional sides of our business. Our committee officers are already hard at work planning many of the events that cater to the different needs of our members. This next year promises to bring you more events that will benefit our members and develop our future leaders. Additionally, we will be working heavily with the other LA Section YMFs for the planning of several milestone LA Section Centennial Events (PSBC, Centennial Celebration, etc.) and are looking forward to working with our partners for the continued success of LA Section and our fellow Younger Member Groups. Finally, we have made several changes to our website and the way we deliver new content to our members. Please be sure to check our website ( and subscribe to our events newsletter. On our website, you will also find useful links to add us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter! We are always looking for new board members, new ideas, and suggestions which will continually move our group forward and adapt to the continually changing professional environment. If you are interested in becoming involved, sharing your ideas and suggestions, please feel free to contact me to learn how you can find value in your participation with our OC-YMF group. Sincerely, Ravi Shah, P.E. 2012- 2013 ASCE OC YMF President [email protected] Philip Wang Communications City of Bellflower ASCE LOS ANGELES SECTION YMFs NEWSLETTER - SUMMER 2012 Jerome Terrell CSUF Student Chapter Liaison Daniela Nieto CSULB Student Chapter Liaison Page 3 Los Angeles YMF President’s Message ` Francisco Aragon, PE President Elect HNTB/LAUSD Jinny Huang, PE Past President MWH Chen-Minh (George) Huang, PE President Elect City of L.A. Bureau of Engineering Laura Rockett Vice President County of L.A. DPW Amy So, PE Treasurer City of L.A. Bureau of Engineering Kayvan Mahramzadeh, PE Secretary HNTB Michael J. Howie, EIT K-12 Outreach Co-Chair IDG Structural Engineering Julian Garcia, PE K-12 Outreach Co-Chair County of L.A. DPW Kaitlin Hannon, EIT University Outreach Kennedy/Jenks Consultants Katie Hickey, EIT PSBC Coordinator AECOM Cindy Huang Community Service Co-Chair ARUP Dana Wall Community Service Co-Chair Southern California Edison Darwin Vargas Student Night & Job Fair CoChair Caltrans Per Bernhard Tvedt Student Night & Job Fair CoChair Jane Tran, EIT PERC Co-Chair Hatch Mott MacDonald One of the great privileges of serving as President of ASCE LA YMF is the opportunity to focus our group’s efforts into meeting the needs of our local members and communities. The goals our new Board have set up for the year intend to do just that; so I ask that you support us, that you take pride in our group, and that you help us grow even stronger as we celebrate our LA Section Centennial this year. LA YMF has a long history of giving back to our communities through our student outreach efforts and our volunteering programs; our goal this year is to continue building on that. Year after year, we have inspired young kids to learn about science and math, to understand what engineers do, and we’ve served as role models for our inner-city kids by visiting schools and participating in local outreach events. We have also volunteered at shelters, at community kitchens, beach cleanups and help build homes for low income families. This year with your support, we have a chance to continue that tradition; but we need your participation. I ask that you join our volunteering efforts, no experience is ever required, and with just a couple of hours a month, you make an amazing difference. This year we have also set out with additional goals for the year. We want to make ASCE more visible in our communities and increase our professional development. We will be hosting our general meetings and networking nights with topics that can interest people outside of our field and can help us become better acquainted with other professionals in our area. By the same token, we hope that this will help our communities become better acquainted with ASCE and the great things we are working on. We will also continue to host our biannual PE review course to help our members obtain their professional licensure, and we will continue our regular social networking events. The examples above are but a sampling of things to come this year. LA YMF is gaining a solid reputation and being recognized for great events, and this Centennial year, I strongly encourage you to take pride in all the things we are doing. As part of ASCE LA YMF, you are helping us achieve great things! If you are new or haven’t been very active, you are in luck. With our Centennial Celebration, we will have even more opportunities to celebrate our profession and participate in great events, I strongly encourage you to attend as many as you can. I also encourage you to use social media such as Facebook and Twitter to communicate with your board, gain ideas from other members, share any of your experiences at our events, and let’s start letting the public know of the great group we have. And as always, let’s think of other ways to help LA YMF grow even stronger in this festive year; we’re always eager to hear from you, so join our events, visit us on and join our newsletter. Sincerely, Francisco Aragon, P.E. 2012-2013 ASCE LA YMF President [email protected] Rocio Duran, EIT PERC Co-Chair Jose Cruz, EIT Sports Co-Chair Hall & Foremen, Inc. Phil Davies Membership Chair/ Government Affairs Hatch Mott MacDonald Zsolt Horvath PERC Co-Chair Hatch Mott MacDonald Emi Fujii, EIT Social Chair MWH Omar A. Sanchez Scholarship Chair/NL Editor Onward Engineering ASCE LOS ANGELES SECTION YMFs NEWSLETTER - SUMMER 2012 Page 4 Southern San Joaquin YMF President’s Message Board Members Alkan Bektur, PE Past President Kern County Waste Management Brian Nelson, PE Past President AECOM Pelin Bektur, PE Vice President Kern County Roads Department Michael Collins, EIT Treasurer BSK Associates Engineers & Laboratories Pelin Bektur, PE Secretary Kern County Roads Department Welcome to the American Society of Civil Engineers Southern San Joaquin Section Younger Member Forum. Our mission as ASCE members is to serve as a resource for young engineers and engineering students. We started the year with great ideas for activities to interest all. Our members have been doing an excellent job contacting the local students. Just a few days ago, we had a great start to the year with a social event and a geotechnical laboratory tour where our members demonstrated various geotechnical laboratory tests to the local engineering students. We are planning to put on a host of interesting and rewarding activities to foster positive student engagement as well as promote fellowship amongst the local young civil engineers. I encourage you to attend one of our social events, get involved in the scholarship committee, volunteer for Engineering Day at CSUB, or attend one of our technical tours. There truly is something for everyone! I am excited to be serving as your YMF President this year, thank you for your involvement. Alkan Bektur, PE 2012-2013 ASCE Southern San Joaquin YMF President [email protected] Santa Barbara and Ventura County President’s Message Board Members Peter Silvia, PE First Officer Penfield & Smith Ryan Gallagher, PE Past President AECOM Ben Fischetti Vice President Brad Rahrer Treasurer OPEN Secretary Greetings Younger Members, My name is Pete Silvia and I am a Project Engineer at Penfield & Smith in Santa Barbara. I am looking forward to being the Santa Barbara-Ventura Younger Member Forum (SB/VEN YMF) President for this coming year. This upcoming year, the American Society of Civil Engineers, Los Angeles Section, will be celebrating its 100th Anniversary. With that in mind our, branch will be trying to achieve the goals set forth by the Section to increase our total membership count, community service outreach, and quality events held. I encourage everyone to get more involved and attend the many social events, technical tours, and professional development activities that we will schedule this coming year. I look forward to meeting new and old members at our events and having an excellent year. Pete Silvia, P.E. 2012-13 ASCE Santa Barbara/Ventura YMF President [email protected] ASCE LOS ANGELES SECTION YMFs NEWSLETTER - SUMMER 2012 Page 5 From LA to the Bay: San-Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Tour Con’t. from Front Page After the bridge tour, the YMFs enjoyed an evening at AT&T Park as they watched then newly acquired Josh Beckett and Adrian Gonzalez of the Dodgers take on their heated rivals, the Giants. Although it can definitely be debated as to whether the ―be tter‖ team won, it can not be argued that everyone had a good time, even the fans of the better team that may have come up a little short that night. For the LA YMF, the rest of the weekend was filled with samplings of food, shopping, and sightseeing offerings of the Bay Area, all done with enough style to make a K-Pop star proud. When all was said and done, and the score card was tallied, the members of the LA YMF definitely felt like they were lucky winners to be invited on this amazing experience. This weekend easily surpassed Rice-A-Roni as the real San Francisco treat. Membership has its Privileges Complimentary subscription to Civil Engineering magazine and ASCE News Access to ASCE’s Online Research Library Access to The Civil Engineering Database Professional Books available at a significant member discount ASCE Membership Information; Join Today! National Membership Rates (Please verify rates and grades at Student: Free Associate Member: $50 year of baccalaureate degree and first year after, then incremental increase to $210 over five years Member: $210 annually Affiliate Member: $210 annually Fellow: $245 annually Section (Branch) Dues: $45/year National ASCE Student Membership is FREE! Contact your Student Chapter leaders or Faculty Advisor for additional information. For membership information, go to ASCE LOS ANGELES SECTION YMFs NEWSLETTER - SUMMER 2012 Page 6 YMF Engineering—History & Arts LA YMF’s Vintage Railcar Excursion San Diego, CA By: Kaitlin Hannon All aboard! On Saturday, September 22, LA YMF took a ride down to San Diego via the Railcar Montana. The Railcar Montana is a private railcar from the 1940s. The Montana was originally designed for passengers to enjoy light dining and bar-service when traveling between Chicago and Seattle. In the mid-1950s, this car was converted to a business car with spacious lounge and overnight accommodations. In the early 1960s, the open back platform was added. Today, the Montana is owned by a rail-enthusiast family who was brought up on the Milwaukee Road, and now provides private charters along the west coast. LA YMF enjoyed taking a step back in time as they travelled in style from Los Angeles’ Union Station to Downtown San Diego and back. While aboard, they toured the vintage car, hung out on the open back platform, ate a wonderful breakfast served by the Montana’s private chef, and more. Once in San Diego, LA YMF checked out a few of the local restaurants and breweries. After a fun day of touring San Diego, the group hopped back on the railcar and headed back up the coast to Los Angeles. They all agreed that it was a once in a lifetime experience and a successful daytrip. To learn more about the Railcar Montana, check out the website: ASCE LOS ANGELES SECTION YMFs NEWSLETTER - SUMMER 2012 Page 7 YMF Engineering—History & Arts ―Julia Morgan: Foundation and Transition‖ Exhibit Installation at Riverside Art Museum Riverside, CA By: Mai Son, PE Although the arts and engineering may appear to be on opposite ends of the spectrum, both have one thing in common—both require a sense of creativity, ―ou tside the box‖ thinking and intuition, to create artistic and engineering masterpieces. To bridge the gap between the arts and engineering, I coordinated the Julia Morgan Exhibit Installation community service event with the Riverside Art Museum to encourage the collaboration of artists and engineers. The ―Jul ia Morgan: Foundation and Transition‖ exhibit commemorates Julia Morgan, the first licensed female architect, and her architectural legacy, as part of Riverside’s Long Night of Arts and Innovation event. Riverside’s Long Night of Arts and Innovation event celebrates Riverside’s recognition as the ―MostIntelligent Community‖ by showcasing innovation, technologies, performing and visual arts, individual exhibits and presentations, demonstrations and artistic performances in numerous downtown venues. The concept of the exhibit was designed by DLR Group and the installation was completed with the help of generous volunteers from Engineers without Borders, UCR Student Chapter, members of ASCE San Bernardino/ Riverside YMF and local engineers. The th installation took place on September 29 and 30th and involved the fabrication of the prototypical wooden panel, staining, and wall installation. Together with the architect’s conceptual vision of innovative exhibition space and the engineer’s thoughtful and creative installation methods, the exhibit was successfully installed and serves as an outstanding example of creative collaboration of artists and engineering minds. ASCE LOS ANGELES SECTION YMFs NEWSLETTER - SUMMER 2012 Page 8 YMF Social Events LA YMF Takes on the Summer of Mud – Irvine Lake Mud Run Irvine, CA By: Kaitlin Hannon On June 23, 2012, a group of eight LA YMF members got down and dirty at the Summer of Mud – Irvine Lake Mud Run. The LA YMF team, named the ASCE Mud πs, dressed in full nerd-tastic outfits and had a fun time during the run. The race was approximately four miles and was full of obstacles including ponds full of muddy water, slides leading to muddy lakes, mud so thick it could suck off shoes, walls to climb over, hills, and more! The ASCE Mud πs took on these obstacles like champs, and were covered in mud at the end of the race to prove it. Check out the before and after photos (courtesy of Paul Choy). After the mud run, the team hung out and enjoyed the live music and food vendors before heading back to Los Angeles. They can’t wait to do it all over again next year. Hope to see you there! ASCE LOS ANGELES SECTION YMFs NEWSLETTER - SUMMER 2012 Page 9 YMF Social Events Brew Haha Event Oak Canyon Park—Silverado, CA By: Lucas Glauser ASCE YMF OC Branch was at Oak Canyon Park on September 8th for the 3rd Annual OC Brew HaHa benefiting the Fallen Firefighters Fund. More than 60 breweries were represented and over 150 beers were on tap. It was an excellent opportunity to find a favorite brew. With live entertainment, good food, and friendly people, there was something for everyone. We hope to make this an annual event. See you next year! General Meeting Happy Hour Costa Mesa, CA By: Brianna Arth On Tuesday, August 7, OC YMF held the August General Meeting Happy Hour at Karl Strauss in Costa Mesa. Approximately 10 younger members attended this month’s Happy Hour, two of which were ―firs ttimers‖ to an OC YMF event. Members enjoyed appetizers and the variety of beers available on tap. Some of the topics of the evening included spicy food, new phone apps, and the Olympics. OC YMF September General Meeting Irvine, CA By: Deborah Alvarado On September 18, 2012, a group of 10 Orange County YMF members met at Dave and Busters in Irvine. We shared appetizers, drinks and great conversations. At the end of the event, two Dave and Busters game cards were raffled off to the members that attended the meeting. Before we could end our night, the game cards were put to use on a few games of 4-person air hockey and basketball shootouts. The 4-person air hockey was pure madness but was a great way to end a fun night at Dave and Busters. In the future, be sure to come out and join in the fun and great company. ASCE LOS ANGELES SECTION YMFs NEWSLETTER - SUMMER 2012 Page 10 YMF Social Events Stone Brewery Tour Escondido, CA By: Gidti Ludesirishoti On August 24th, Orange County (OC) and San Diego (SD) YMF organized a joint tour of the Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens in Escondido, CA. The event brought out 26 members of OC and SD to tour the brewing process and waste treatment system of the facility. After the event, there was a tasting of their popular brews and additional mingling at the World Bistro and Gardens just outside the brewing facility. It was an informative and fascinating tour into the world of brewing that stimulated our minds and palette. Many thanks go to our Stone tour guide Phil who studied up on the waste treatment process just for our group. OC-YMF is looking forward to this becoming one of our annual events with our friends in the San Diego YMF. A Tour through Santa Ynez Wine Country with LA YMF Santa Ynez, CA By: Dana Wall Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, was smiling on the morning of August 18th, 2012 as more than thirty LA YMF members, friends and family traveled north to tour Santa Ynez wine country. Our private bus first whisked us off to Solvang where we picked up tri-tip sandwiches for what would soon be a feast. Rocio Duran, our hostess, prepared a banquet of salad, cheeses, sandwiches and sweets which we enjoyed at the first winery, ―ZacaMesa Winery.‖ After we got our fill of food, the wine tasting commenced. We began the tastings with two white wines; the 2011 Estate Z Gris followed by the 2009 Viognier. After seven unique samples at Zaca Mesa, we were well versed in the floral bouquets and aromas of the winery. The next stop on our tour was Cambria Estate Winery which is known for their Chardonnays and Pinot Noirs. We sampled an assortment of wines and enjoyed the warm afternoon sun with good company. Next, we took a short trip down the Foxen Canyon Wine Trail to Koehler Winery where we partook in assorted cheeses, dried meats, fruits, and of course wine. A representative from Koehler educated us on the different subtleties of their libations as we sampled the variety. We ended the wine tasting with a great 2010 Riesling and a wine glass as a keepsake. As the sun set on our adventure, we made our way back to Los Angeles, merry and full of excitement. ASCE LOS ANGELES SECTION YMFs NEWSLETTER - SUMMER 2012 Page 11 YMF Social Events Joint YMF Angels vs. Dodgers Baseball Event Anaheim, CA By: Brianna Arth On June 22, OC YMF hosted a joint event with LA YMF and SB/R YMF at the Angels vs. Dodgers game at Angel Stadium. The event started with tailgating under the ―B ig A‖, which allowed for members to gather before the game for some chips and tacos. After eating and mingling with the combined YMFs, all 50 members in attendance (approximately 20 members from OC, 20 from LA and 10 from SB/R) headed to their seats in the upper deck between home plate and first base. Everyone represented their teams well with red and blue! The game was a lot of fun and ended with a lit up halo for the Angel’s victory over the Dodgers, 8 to 5. As a bonus, since the event was on a Friday, Angel stadium finished the evening after the game with a firework display to some classic tunes. ASCE LOS ANGELES SECTION YMFs NEWSLETTER - SUMMER 2012 Page 12 YMF Connections Above & Beyond Building Connections and a Castle at OC-YMF Annual Beach Day Corona del Mar, CA By: Eric Walker The OC-YMF Annual Beach Day was held on Saturday July 28th at Corona Del Mar State Beach. This seemed to be the day everyone else in Orange County wanted to hit the beach as well because the place was completely packed. We did manage to carve out a spot for our canopy and food on a spot by the water to hang out, though. We had a great turn out of people that came out at various times while we were there. We worked on a sandcastle and hung out by the water for a few hours. Overall, everyone who came out had a good time hanging out and working on the sandcastle. If you’d like to participate in our future events, such as these and many others, please join our mailing list at Cal State Long Beach – Student Chapter Presentation Long Beach, CA By: Ravi Shah, PE On September 26th, 2012, OC-YMF was invited to present at the first speaker meeting for the ASCE Long Beach State Student Chapter. The room was filled with room just left to stand as Ravi Shah, OC-YMF President, took this opportunity to speak to the student chapter about a few topics which affect their lives as students. The presentation focused on the ASCE governing structure, involvement after graduation, and finally the transition from student life to young professional life. At the end of the presentation, the students while shy at first, quickly started asking questions ranging from seeking internships to soliciting job offers. OCYMF was happy to speak to such a young energetic group of future engineers. If your ASCE Orange County student chapter is interested in getting presenters, please feel free to contact our Student Activities Chair, Eric Walker at [email protected]. ASCE LOS ANGELES SECTION YMFs NEWSLETTER - SUMMER 2012 Page 13 YMF Connections Above & Beyond Keeping Up with the California Professional Licensure Process Los Angeles, CA By: Laura Rockett The first LA YMF General Meeting of the 2012-2013 year featured a presentation on ―Keepi ng up with the California Licensure Process.‖ Four representatives from the Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists (BPELSG) joined us to present on this hot topic during the meeting. BPELSG Executive Officer, Ric Moore, gave the presentation opening with the history and importance of professional licensure and moving into the difference between the national and state organizations. The National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) being the national organization and BPELSG being the state organization in California. Along with Ric was Nany Eissler, Enforcement Officer; Carl Josephson, Structural Engineer Member; and Kathy Jones-Irish, Public Board Member. Ric explained how NCEES is not the governing body but rather the administrator of national exams. Attendees of the meeting included both ASCE and nonASCE members with a variety of background and experience. Students, licensed and unlicensed engineers, and even some professor with backgrounds in civil engineering, land surveying, and geology gathered to hear what BPELSG had to tell us about the exam and to have some of their questions answered. Although the presentation covered the differences in licensure for three different fields, ASCE members focused most on the civil engineering and structural engineering changes. Some of the biggest changes have to do with the exams. Examinees no longer pay BPELSG directly for all of the exams but rather pay the BPELSG an application and exam fee, NCEES the national exam fees (both FE and PE), and Prometric for the state specific exams. Additionally, the state specific PE exams are administered through computer-basedtesting (CBT) centers. By 2014, the FE exam will also be administered at CBT centers. Costs have risen greatly, too. It is now just over $800 for the PE exam. BPELSG explained that they had been losing money every year due to exam fees. This new fee structure remedies that. There was a lot of information and a lot of great questions throughout the night. To find out about all the changes, check out the presentation from the meeting on the LA YMF website: You will also find a summary of the Q&A from the meeting. Visit the BPELSG website to get even more information and find contact information to ask questions related to the licensure process: ASCE LOS ANGELES SECTION YMFs NEWSLETTER - SUMMER 2012 Page 14 Technical Tour Update An excellent geotechnical engineering tour coordinated by Southern San Joaquin Branch YMF Group had many attendees. Southern San Joaquin YMF members observe the engineer as he discusses one of many types of soil strata testing. Observing a Century of Leadership... Be a part of the celebration as ASCE Los Angeles Section completes 100 years of Civil Engineering Excellence! Contact your local YMF President for details as this will be a big year filled with many events. ASCE LOS ANGELES SECTION YMFs NEWSLETTER - SUMMER 2012 Page 15 Attention: Your Advertisement Here! Business Cards: Job Listings: $20 per Individual Issue $60 for Annual Subscription (Quarterly Publication - 4 Issues/Year) Contact your local YMF for rates & promotions. Advertisements: 1/4 Page: 1/2 Page: Full Page: $150/Issue $175/Issue $200/Issue -Sponsorship forms are available upon request. Please contact the Newsletter Editor at: [email protected] -Scanned business cards may be e-mailed to the Newsletter Editor at: [email protected] Los Angeles Section YMF Newsletter is a quarterly e-publication circulated to over 3,000 professionals. Advertise with us! Your support helps fund the many activities and outreach events highlighted in this publication. All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Join Our Email Lists! Keep up to date with all the latest YMF events and important announcements. To join our e-mail lists please contact: Ravi Shah for OC at [email protected], Francisco Aragon for LA at [email protected], Julianna Gonzalez for SB/R at [email protected], Alkan Bektur for SSJ at [email protected], AND Ryan Gallagher for SB/V at [email protected] For more information about YMF, check out our Websites: For extended calendar of events, please visit the ASCE Los Angeles Section website at: ASCE LOS ANGELES SECTION YMFs NEWSLETTER - SUMMER 2012 Page 16 Upcoming YMF Events ASCE LOS ANGELES SECTION YMFs NEWSLETTER - SUMMER 2012 Page 17 Upcoming YMF Events ASCE LOS ANGELES SECTION YMFs NEWSLETTER - SUMMER 2012 Page 18 Upcoming YMF Events ASCE LOS ANGELES SECTION YMFs NEWSLETTER - SUMMER 2012 Page 19 Upcoming YMF Events: Saturday, 11-17-2012 (Contact: Deborah Alvarado at [email protected]) ASCE LOS ANGELES SECTION YMFs NEWSLETTER - SUMMER 2012 Page 20 Upcoming YMF Events: Friday, 10-26-2012 (Contact Melissa Barbosa at [email protected] or Leaders shown Below) ASCE LOS ANGELES SECTION YMFs NEWSLETTER - SUMMER 2012 Page 21 Click Here for Details: Upcoming YMF Events: Saturday, 11-3-2012 ASCE LOS ANGELES SECTION YMFs NEWSLETTER - SUMMER 2012 Page 22 Upcoming YMF Events - At a Glance (Page 1 of 2) Date Event October YMF Happy hour & Mini Golf 10/25/2012 Mulligan Family Fun Center Contact: Katie Hickey at [email protected] Time Location 6:00 PM Torrance, CA 10/26/2012 PE Booth and Happy Hour Contact: Melissa Barbosa at [email protected] 12PM & 6PM+ Pomona, CA 11/1/2012 November General Meeting/Happy Hour Contact: Deborah Alvarado at [email protected] 5:30 PM TBD 11/3/2012 Joint YMF Soccer Tournament Contact Your Nearest YMF Officer 9:00 AM Yorba Linda, CA 11/13/2012 OC YMF Board Meeting Contact: Ravi Shah at [email protected] 6:00 PM HDR Inc. Irvine, CA 11/9/2012 SB/R YMF Technical Tour Contact: Mark Swanson at [email protected] TBD TBD 6:30 PM TBD TBD TBD All Day Temecula, CA TBD Los Angeles, CA PSBC Planning Committee Meeting 11/14/2012 Contact: Brianna Arth at [email protected] or Katie Hickey at [email protected] 11/15/2012 LA YMF November Happy Hour Contact: Katie Hickey at [email protected] 11/17/2012 OC YMF Temecula Wine Tasting Tour Contact: Deborah Alvarado at [email protected] Volunteer at West Adams High School Engineering After School Program 11/28/2012 Contact: Michael Howie at [email protected] or Julian Garcia at [email protected] 11/29/2012 SB/R YMF Happy Hour Contact: David Cortese at [email protected] 6:00 PM Claremont, CA 11/30/2012 AVID Presentation Contact: David Cortese at [email protected] TBD TBD 12/4/2012 Bay Bridge Presentation Contact: Laura Rockett at [email protected] TBD Los Angeles, CA ASCE LOS ANGELES SECTION YMFs NEWSLETTER - SUMMER 2012 Page 23 Upcoming YMF Events - At a Glance (Page 2 of 2) Date Event Time Location Cover Elementary School Visit - "Building Cities: Los Angeles Then and Now 12/7/2012 Contact: Michael Howie at [email protected] or Julian Garcia at [email protected] TBD Pasadena, CA Isaiah House 12/8/2012 Contact: Andrew Easterling at [email protected] or Andy Verdin at [email protected] 9:30 AM Santa Ana, CA 12/8/2012 Rock Climbing Event Contact: David Cortese at [email protected] All Day TBD 12/12/2012 PSBC Planning Committee Meeting Contact: Brianna Arth at [email protected] 6:30 PM HDR Inc. Irvine, CA 12/13/2012 Joint Bowling Event with SB/R Branch Contact: David Cortese at [email protected] 6:00 PM TBD Community Service Event Contact: Mai Son at [email protected] 8:00 AM TBD 10:00 AM Rancho Cucamonga, CA All Day Sacramento, CA 7:00 AM Redlands, CA 1/5/2013 YMF - Cal Poly Pomona/Cal Baptist University Softball 1/19/2013 Contact: Rafael Contreras at [email protected] or Sarah Watrous at [email protected] 1/241/27/13 1/30/2012 2013 WRYMC Contact Your YMF Group for Details on this Excellent Conference Redlands High School K-12 Outreach Contact: Anthony Mistretta at [email protected] ASCE LOS ANGELES SECTION YMFs NEWSLETTER - SUMMER 2012 Page 24 Editor’s Note Howdy, It has been great pleasure working and serving as a Newsletter Editor this past ASCE year and still putting into practice the feedback collected from young engineers like you. On top of it all, it was the training collected from our previous Newsletter Editor with the best advice on editing: ―It’ s your canvas to fill. Do whatever you want.‖ Yes, this is very accurate. In reflection of my ~2.6 years of ASCE YMF involvement, I assure you that every position carries an opportunity to try new ideas within any role. A desire of mine during the winter 2011 was to try having an indoor basketball tournament followed by a feast. With a budget and the collaboration with Cal State LA (Jose Sanchez), we were able to witness some of many joys with ASCE: sports, networking with friendly-yet-competitive-but-fun engineers, and food. It was great! Have you ever tried taking on a role? Do it. Whether it is leading or following, you chisel your skill set as well as connect with other engineers all in an arena where everyone practices excellence. ASCE LA Section groups have had a long history of roles, outreach events, programs, conferences, and have impacted society in California. It’s a movement. A movement of coming 100 years! As ASCE Los Angeles Section’s 2013 Centennial Year approaches, be sure to not only get involved with your local YMF group, but mark your calendars down for the following events: ASCE Region 9 Infrastructure Symposium and Awards Ceremony; March 6, 2013, at the Union Station of Los Angeles, CA. There will be lots of great presenters and recognition of some of the finest projects built. Listen in on the challenges that were tackled as this information can take you to the next level. 2013 Popsicle Stick Bridge Competition. The details are in the works, however, be in touch with Brianna Arth and Katie Hickey to be part of this high school outreach event. High school students mainly from the LA & Orange County areas work hard on their presentations and bridges. You do not want to miss out on giving back to our next generation. Everyone is welcome to participate. These are just some of the many events. Join in on any of the forthcoming events throughout the YMF groups. Be sure to browse for further information on ASCE LA Section Centennial Celebration and see the Centennial video online It’s our Centennial Year. Let’s fill the year up with excellent events (and articles). -Omar A. Sanchez Summer 2012 Editor: Omar A. Sanchez YMF Newsletter Los Angeles • San Bernardino/Riverside • Orange County • Santa Barbara/Ventura • Southern San Joaquin ASCE LOS ANGELES SECTION YMFs NEWSLETTER - SUMMER 2012 Page 25
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