February - ASCE Fresno


February - ASCE Fresno
February 2012
Monthly YMF Meetings 1st Wednesday of each month at BC’s Pizza in Clovis @ 6:00 PM Monthly ASCE Parent Branch Luncheon 3rd Thursday of each month at Old Spaghetti Factory Up-coming Events:
Bass Lake Dam Project Piazza Del Pane February 16, 2012 5:30 Socializing 6:00 Presentation YMF Ski Trip China Peak March 3, 2012 Exam
Next Exam th
, 2012 April 13th & 14
Ashleigh Love, P.E. Mark Weaver, P.E. February has arrived and YMF has a slew of upcoming events to whet your social appetite, so make sure you stay connected by visiting our website or Facebook page. As always we hope to see you at an event soon! FEBRUARY EVENTS
BASS LAKE DAM SEISMIC RETROFIT PRESENTATION: FEBRUARY 16TH, 2012 On Thursday February 16th, Ken Frank and Nathan Shwiyhat with BSK Associates will be making a presentation on the Bass Lake Crane Valley Dam – Seismic Retrofit Project. The Piazza Del Pane on Palmdon Drive, just south of Palm and Herndon Avenues, will play host to what promises a captivating evening of enlightenment. 5:30pm signals the beginning of the event with the presentation starting at 6:00pm. For more information contact [email protected] or [email protected].
YMF ANNUAL SKI TRIP AT CHINA PEAK: MARCH 3RD, 2012 Fast approaching is the annual YMF Ski Trip to the always exciting China Peak. We had a great turnout at last years’ event and this year promises to be just as fun if not more so, especially now that we’re finally starting to see some rain in the forecast! For more information on this upcoming event please contact [email protected]. COMING DOWN THE PIPELINE (HYPE)
ENGINEERING OLYMPICS: MARCH/APRIL 2012 Speculation has been rampant for months on the inaugural Engineering Olympics. At this time, it is believed coordination efforts are underway for a March/April event between the ASCE Parent Branch, YMF, and the CSUF Student Chapter. Sources close to the joint committee say that the cumulative engineering expertise and principles amassed in our Fresno community will amount to nothing as the contenders take to the courts, fields, and arenas so uncommonly associated with our discipline.
SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY TRAIL RESTORATION: APRIL/MAY 2012 Mandatory volunteering events are something everyone is required to enjoy, and cleaning up our own San Joaquin Valley trails should provide the perfect opportunity to fulfill that obligation! Stay tuned for the dates and times to commit yourself to this strictly fun endeavor! For comments or suggestion please contact Benjamin Holton at [email protected] Page 4
February 2012
The following is a YMF Presidential Address
President Ken Frank, E.I.T. President‐Elect Greg Gross, P.E. Secretary Jonathan Jensen, E.I.T. Treasurer Ashleigh Love P.E. Membership Chair Nathan Shwiyhat, P.E. Newsletter Chair Benjamin Holton, P.E. Website Chair Mark Weaver, P.E. Student Liaison Lacey Payne, Student
Event Coordinators Jeremy Yager, P.E. & Brad Kooiman, E.I.T.
In January seven young engineers from Fresno’s Younger Member Forum (YMF) of ASCE, including myself, attended the Western Region Younger Member Council (WRYMC) in Portland, Oregon. WRYMC is a part of the Multi Region Leadership Conference (MRLC), which is held annually in conjunction with the Workshop for Section and Branch Leaders (WSBL) & Workshop for Student Chapter Leaders (WSCL). They also head the National Foundation for Awareness of the Overuse of Acronyms (NFAOA). Are you confused yet? This is the second WRYMC that Fresno’s new YMF has attended as a recognized group in our short existence and we are happy to say that is was a success. At WRYMC younger members are provided exposure to professional development, networking, operations within ASCE, and a variety of technical tours. Our younger engineers networked and interacted on both a professional and social level to obtain valuable information which will assist us in growing our younger member group in Fresno. Having a strong younger member base deep rooted in our community is vital to our branch’s success. Volunteering time to lead ASCE at a local, regional, or national level is a commitment from both the young engineer and his or her employer. We realize that nothing in this world is free and that our participation in this year’s conference would not have been made possible without the generous backing from our sponsors. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the following firms for their support of the conference attendees as well as their continued support of Fresno YMF. Sincerely, Kenneth Frank, EIT, A.M.ASCE President, Fresno Younger Member Forum (YMF) For comments or suggestion please contact Benjamin Holton at [email protected] Page 5