AAR/WR 2014 Program - American Academy of Religion, Western


AAR/WR 2014 Program - American Academy of Religion, Western
MARCH 7-9, 2014
AAR/WR would like to express its thanks to the groups and persons who came together
to make this year’s meeting possible. We begin with Loyola Marymount University,
which has shown such great generosity, not only through sharing its campus, but also
by making other appreciated contributions.
Loyola Marymount University
Michael O’Sullivan, Interim Dean, Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Michael Horan, Associate Dean, Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Jonathan Rothchild, Chair of Theological Studies
Jennifer Iacuaniello, Events Specialist, Conference Services
Ashley Wilson, Events Specialist, Conference Services
The Staff of Loyola Marymount University
And all the folks in Campus Safety, Sodexo, Facilities, and Housekeeping for providing
support during spring break!
American Academy of Religion, Western Region Officers
Dirk von der Horst, Regional Coordinator
Philip Boo Riley, President
Souad T. Ali, Past-President
Emily Silverman, Vice-President and Program Chair
Special thanks to Deborah Minor and Susan Snider at the national office of the
American Academy of Religion. Without their skills and assistance, AAR/WR’s 2014
conference would not have been possible.
We also thank all our presenters, unit chairs and attendees for supporting AAR/WR,
each other, and the advancement of scholarship on religion.
Conference Information
Founded in 1911, Loyola Marymount University is a premier Catholic university rooted
in the Jesuit and Marymount traditions. Our enrollment includes 6,087 undergraduate,
2,220 graduate and 1,236 law school students. Our 142-acre bluff-top campus is
located in West Los Angeles and is among the nation's most beautiful and green
campuses. LMU offers rigorous undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs to
academically ambitious students committed to lives of meaning and purpose. We
benefit from our location in Los Angeles, a dynamic city that brings into sharp focus the
issues of our time and provides an ideal context for study, research, creative work, and
active engagement. By intention and philosophy, we invite men and women diverse in
talents, interests, and cultural backgrounds to enrich our educational community and
advance our mission: the encouragement of learning; the education of the whole
person; and the service of faith and the promotion of justice.
Registration and most AAR/WR events will be held at University Hall, conveniently
located near the main entrance to the college. Conference attendees may park in the
garage directly below University Hall on floors P2 and P3. Elevator access to University
Hall is available in the garage. Parking over the weekend is free. However, parking on
Friday will involve a time-based fee of up to $10.00.
For a printable map of the LMU campus, please visit:
For more information about travel, accommodations, directions and visiting the Los
Angeles area, please visit our website at: http://www.aarwr.com/2014-annualmeeting.html
Greening our conference is a continuing goal for AAR/WR. As a first step, we see the
program you are now reading as primarily digital. We encourage all participants to
download it and keep it electronic. We understand this may be impossible for you, so
we have made it printer-friendly and will have copies available at the registration desk
for your perusal. Additionally, there will be a limited supply of printed copies you may
purchase and keep for an additional $5.00 charge. But, again, we encourage you to
download the program to your computer or smart phone to keep with you and not print.
To further reduce paper waste, we encourage participants to bring their own mugs/cups
for water and for the coffee and tea that AAR/WR will provide in the mornings.
Friday 7 March 2014
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Registration opens; UNH Foyer
8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.
Women’s Caucus Continental Breakfast; UNH 1222
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Women’s Caucus Workshop; UNH 1222
“Inheriting Our Mother’s Gardens:” Trans/lating, Trans/planting and
Trans/forming Life
Moderator: Cristina Rose Smith, California Institute of Integral Studies
Robin Owens, Mount Saint Mary’s College
Sakena Young-Scaggs, Arizona State University
April Frykenberg, Claremont Graduate University
Jung Ja (Joy) Yu, Claremont School of Theology
Ann Hidalgo, Claremont School of Theology
12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
AAR/WR Board Meeting; Executive Conference Center 1857
3:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Queer Caucus Pre-Conference Event;
West Hollywood City Council Chambers, West Hollywood Park – 625
N. San Vicente Blvd., West Hollywood, CA 90069
A Night of Queery: GLBTQ Film Festival & Panel Discussion
3:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.: Meet N’ Greet, Film Shorts, Panel Discussion
and Reception
“24 Hitchhikers” directed by Paul Dewiler
“Chained!” directed by Betsy Kalin
7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.: Film Premier and Interactive Director and
Audience Q&A Session
"Homofiles," directed by Kimberly Esslinger
Moderator: Marie Cartier, California State University, Northridge
Saturday 8 March 2014
7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Registration open; UNH Foyer
Session 1:
8:00 - 9:30 a.m.
Islamic Studies 1; UNH 1218
Islam, Gender, and the Body
Moderator: Abdullahi Gallab, Arizona State University
Nayawiyya Mohammad, California State University, Long Beach
“Body Situations Mirroring Belief Attitudes: Adam and Eve, Female
Bodies and Hajj”
Bethany Elias Jenner, Arizona State University
“‘A Place Just for Us:’ Marginalization and Liberation in Women only
Christina Benson, University of California, Los Angeles
“Agency and Authority in U.S. Islamic Law: Muslim Women and the
Production of Religious Knowledge”
Jessica Lee Rehman, University of California, Riverside
“Inter-generational Mentalities of Violence: the Legacy of Genocide
and Mass Rape within the Pakistani Diaspora”
History of Christianity 1; UNH 1222
Christianity Encounters Asia
Moderator: Dyron Daughrity, Pepperdine University
Jonathan Homrighausen, Santa Clara University
“Issa of the East: ‘Jesus in Tibet’ Myths and Orientalism”
Jin-Keon Moon, California Institute of Integral Studies
“The Christian Influence on the Buddhist Society in Colonial Korea”
Lisa Woicik, Fuller Theological Seminary
“Pursuing Theological Authenticity and Relevance: Zhao Zichen’s
(T.C. Chao’s) Distinctively Chinese Ecclesiology”
Shane J. Barter, Soka University of America
“The Best Ye Breed: Explaining the Genetic Footprints of Catholic
and Protestant Colonizers”
Ethics; UNH 1226
Laws, Rights, and the Protection of the Religiously Marginalized in
the Public Sphere
Robert Overy-Brown, Claremont Graduate University
“Political Theology as Counterbalance to Civil Religion”
Chad Bogosian, Grand Canyon University
“How Natural Laws Ground Natural Rights and Give the Marginalized
A Voice”
Ron Sanders, Fuller Theological Seminary
“The Problems and Possibilities of Exile for Christian Social Ethics:
Misplaced Analogies and Freedom from the Constantinian
Buddhist Studies; UNH 1401
Buddhism and the Environment
Alberto Diaz, California State University, Long Beach
"Buddhism and Ecology: The Perception of Buddhism in the United
States and Its Influence on Ecological Causes"
Rachel Carpurso, California State University, Northridge
"Across the Universe: Indra's Net"
Kenneth Lee, California State University, Northridge
"Buddha and Nature: Eco-mindfulness via Tantra"
Respondent: Kenneth Lee, California State University, Northridge
Graduate Student and Professional Development 1; UNH 1402
I’m a Doctor, Now What?: A Panel Discussion on the Job Market and
Post-PhD Life
Jonathan H. X. Lee, San Francisco State University
Rico Monge, University of San Diego
Dirk von der Horst, Graduate Theological Union
A 6 Psychology, Culture and Religion 1; UNH 1403
New Age Answers for Marginalized Peoples and Psyches
Moderator: Tim Helton, Drew University
Erika Wilson, California State University, Los Angeles
“Energy Medicine and Spiritual Healing
Patric Farr, University of Arizona
“Essentialism, Intersectionality and Assemblage in the Study of
Domestic and Sexual violence against LGBTQH People”
Hester Oberman, University of Arizona
“The Postmodern Question: Mental Health, Spirituality and Religion”
Session 2 9:45 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
AAR/WR Plenary Address; Ahmanson Auditorium
Value-Free Education and the Teaching of Religion: A Contradiction?
By Dr. Rosemary Radford Ruether, Claremont Graduate University
Session 3 11:15 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
A 7 Religion and the Arts 1; UNH1218
Contesting Genre, Race, and Religion in Popular Music
Moderator: Roy Whitaker, Claremont Graduate University
Michael A. L. Broyles, Arizona State University
“Finding Rupture and Reparation ‘Down by the Riverside’: Memphis
Minnie, Sister Rosetta Tharpe, and the Blues-Gospel Challenges to
Binary Classification”
James Lopez, California State University, Northridge
“Distant Voices Heard Underground”
Matthew Tinken, Fuller Theological Seminary
“Death, Time, and Jesus in a Balaclava: Religion and Multiculturalism
in the Songs of Vampire Weekend”
Ecology and Religion 1; UNH 1222
Diverse Christian Roots for Ecological Thinking
Moderator: Joel Stoker, Arizona State University
Ron S. Sanders and Nicholas T. Bott, Fuller Theological Seminary,
Stanford University Medical Center, and Palo Alto University
“Muir Christianity: An Accidental Prophet in Christian Ecological
Laura Schmidt Roberts, Fresno Pacific University
“Watershed Discipleship as Anabaptist Eco-Theological Paradigm”
Michael Haycock, Claremont Graduate University
“The Righteous Man Regardeth the Life of His Beast: The History and
Decline of Mormon Animal Consciousness”
Ryan Smith, University of California, Riverside
“The Second Coming of Christ and Climate Change Denial”
Respondent: Rosemary Radford Ruether, Claremont Graduate
Religion, Literature, and Film 1; UNH 1226
The Lion, the Witch(blade), and the Wādorōbu
Moderator: Jon R. Stone, California State University, Long Beach
Emmanuelle Patrice, Pacifica Graduate Institute
“Coercion of the Warrior-Goddess Anima in the Series Witchblade”
Andrew Matson, California State University, Long Beach
“The Zone: The Transcendent Other in Andrei Tarkovsky’s Sci-Fi Film
Stalker (1979)”
Jon R. Stone, California State University, Long Beach
“‘You Talkin’ to Me?’: Sin and Atonement in the Films of Martin
A 10 Pagan Studies; UNH 1401
Subjugated Voices
Lasara Allen, Independent Scholar
“Initiation and Transformation: The Living Mysteries of Eleusis”
Marie Cartier, California State University, Northridge
“Exploring the Use of Catholic Saints within Vodou, and Liberation
Theology especially in terms of Mary and Guadalupe”
Jeffrey Albaugh, Cherry Hill University
“Hidden Voices: Experiences of the Numinous within Contemporary
American Paganisms”
Jennifer Rycenga, San Jose State University
"Plenipotentiaries: Animals, Powers, Polytheism and Monism"
A 11 Asian American Religions 1; UNH 1402
Subjectivities, Sites, and Voices among Asian Americans and
Moderator: Jonathan H. X. Lee
Jung Ja (Joy) Yu, Claremont School of Theology/ Fuller Theological
“Breaking the Glass Box: Korean Women’s Experiences of
Conscientization and Spiritual Formation”
Dean Ryuta Adachi, Claremont Graduate University
“Growing Japanese American Christianity: From San Francisco to
Honolulu and Beyond”
Lalruatkima, Claremont Graduate University
“Hyphenated Narratives: Between the Chin Hills and Los Angeles”
A 12 Women in Religion; UNH 1403
Women’s Power, Transformation, and Liberation
Moderator: Alka Arora, California Institute of Integral Studies
Kathryn Julyan, Eastern Washington University
“Women and the Vision of Advaita Vedanta: An Inquiry into
Empowerment and Equality”
Michaela Haas, Independent Scholar
“Queens, Nuns, and Yoginis – How Tibetan Buddhist Women Are
Shaping the Transmission of Buddhism in the West”
A 13 Philosophy of Religion; UNH 1775
Culture and Life in Wittgenstein and Kierkegaard
James Rogers
“Wittgenstein's Critique of Culture”
Paul Rodriguez
“Decolonizing the East-West Dialogue: A Wittgensteinian Approach”
Stephen R. Munzer
“Kierkegaard on Commitment and Purity of Heart”
Respondent: Joshua Kira, The Master’s College
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Queer Caucus Business Meeting/ Luncheon; UNH 1218
AAR Section Chairs Luncheon; UNH 1222
Session 4 2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.
A 14 Religion in America 1; UNH 1218
Hybrid Spaces
Donald Westbrook, Claremont Graduate University
“Scientology and the Study of Post-War American Religion”
Tad DeLay, Claremont Graduate University
"Schism and Heterosexism: the Anglican Realignment and the Future
of American Christianity"
Michelle Hayes, California State University, Long Beach
"Women in Alternative and Mainstream Religious Tradition"
A 15 Womanist/ Pan African 1; UNH 1222
Womanism and Her Sisters
Moderator: Sakena Young-Scaggs, Arizona State University
Ann Hidalgo, Claremont Lincoln University
“Gioconda Belli and Shirley Campbell Barr: Redefining Latin
American Womanhood in Verse”
Hyoju Lee, Claremont School of Theology
"Feminist Critique of Wesleyan Quadrilateral"
Angela Sells, Pacifica Graduate Institute
“Demonizing Blackness: American Vodou and the Roots of Fear”
A 16 Queer Studies in Religion 1; UNH 1226
Retrieving Sacred Voices: The Act of Reading and Reclaiming
Moderator/Respondent: John Erickson, Claremont Graduate
Anjeanette LeBoeuf, Claremont Graduate Univerity
“Reclaiming Queer Hinduism”
Leigh Ann Hildebrand, Harvard Divinity School
“‘A Silver Cup Where Sun Meets Shade:’ Genderqueering Queer
Readings of Rabbi Yohanan”
Michelle Mueller, Graduate Theological Union
“Gender and the Gods in Contemporary Paganism”
A 17 Latino/Latina Religion(s) 1; UNH 1401
U.S. Latino Religiosity: Land, Labor, and Language
Lloyd Barba, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
"Fields Brown unto Harvest: Mexican Migration and Religion in
California Valleys"
Daisy Vargas, University of California, Riverside
"'I don’t complicate my life' -- Negotiating Racial and Cultural
Boundaries in a Botanica"
Daniel A. Rodriguez, Pepperdine University
"Between Two Worlds: Multigenerational and Multilingual Hispanic
Youth Ministry in the USA"
Theresa Yugar, Claremont Graduate University
"The Past, Present, and Future State of the Academic Study of Latino
A 18 Education and Workshops 1; UNH 1402
Teaching Food Justice: Innovative approaches to engaging students
at the intersection of food justice and religious studies
Elizabeth Russell, Untied for Economic Justice (CLUE), Los Angles
"Best Practices for Engaging Students with Community-Based Food
Justice Movements"
Sam Thomas, Ph.D., California Lutheran University
"Engaging Students Through Campus Sustainable Edible Education
(SEEd) programs"
Melissa James, Farm to Faith, San Diego
"Farm to Classroom Approaches to Teaching Food Justice in
Religious Studies"
A 19 Special Session; UNH 1403
Voices of Feminist Liberation: Writings in Celebration of Rosemary
Radford Ruether
Emily Leah Silverman, Graduate Theological Union
Dirk von der Horst, Graduate Theological Union
Jennifer Hughes, University of California, Riverside
Sarah E. Robinson, Claremont Graduate University
Repondent: Rosemary Radford Ruether, Claremont Graduate
A 20 Catholic Studies 1; UNH 1775
Catholic Saints and Subjugated Voices
Moderator: Rico G. Monge, University of San Diego
Kolby Knight, University of California, Santa Barbara
“Sanctioned Objects, Unsanctioned Rituals: Material Catholicism and
the Power of Popular Symbolic Representation”
Joel Stoker, Arizona State University
“The Renegade’s Saint: St. Expédit and the Peripheral Believer ”
Thomas Davis, California State University, San Bernardino
“Saint Louise de Marillac and Helen Gates Starr: Restoring
Subjugated Voices of the Dead in American Social Work”
Session 5 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
A 21 Indigenous Religion; UNH 1218
Brian Clearwater, University of California, Santa Barbara
“Retrieving Native Voices in the Urban Diaspora”
Roy Whitaker, Claremont Graduate University
“Indigenous Religions in the Age of Pluralism: Caleb Oladipo’s
Centering of Subjugated Voices in the Study of the History of
Kevin Whitesides, University of California, Santa Barbara
“The Pizza Effect: Hermeneutical Feedback Loops and
Representations of Indigeneity”
A 22 Religions of Asia 1; UNH 1222
Re-presentations of Yoga, Tantra, and Sikh Women
Moderator: Charles M. Townsend, University of California, Riverside
Rebecca Polack, California Institute of Integral Studies
“The Politics of Modern Yoga: Swami Kuvalayananda and the Indian
Nationalist Movement”
Sean K. MacCracken, California Institute of Integral Studies
“Pratibhopāya: The Heuristics of Liberation in Gilles Deleuze and
Jackson Stephenson, Humboldt State University
“'Devoid of Dharma': Tantric Occultism in the Music of a Bangladeshi
Death Metal Band”
Cori Knight, University of California, Riverside
“Seeking Balance: Gender, Doctrine, & Culture in the Faith and
Fiction of Baldwin and Atwood”
Respondent: Christopher K. Chapple, Loyola Marymount University
A 23 Religion and Social Science; UNH 1226
Religion as a Resource: Engaging Liminal Spaces and the
Development of Identity
Moderator: Krista Wuertz, Claremont School of Theology
Jaime Wright, Graduate Theological Union
“Giving it to God: Religion as a Resource for Strength and Stability
During the Unsettling Time of Breast Cancer”
Thomas J Joseph, Grand Canyon University
“Inviting Hispanics and Perhaps other Ethnic Minorities Mainstream”
Sara Kamali, University of California, Santa Barbara
“Understanding the Enemy: Sociotheology and the Study of Religious
Activism in the United States.”
A 24 Nineteenth Century; UNH 1401
Subjugated Voices in the Nineteenth Century
Moderator: Christina Littlefield, Pepperdine University
Chase Kirkham, Claremont Graduate University
“From Cyclical Security to Faithful Assurance: The Temporal
Conversion of William Miller”
Adam Morrison, University of California, Santa Barbara
“Muhammad the Pretender: Muhammad and Muslims in Hannah
Adams’s Alphabetical Compendium (1784) and Dictionary of All
Religions (1817)”
A 25 Islamic Studies 2; UNH 1402
Islam, Modernity and the State
Moderator: Sophia Pandya, University of California, Long Beach
Souad T. Ali, Arizona State University
“Sufism and Democracy: Deep Roots of Modern Practices in
Kyle Pasha, Arizona State University
“Post-mortem Pieties: Investigating the Life of Muslim Graveyard”
Hatice Yildiz, Graduate Theological Union
“The Changing Attitude of Turkish Political/Religious Authority
Toward Alevi-Bektashi Texts”
Joseph Thomason, Arizona State University
“Islam, Ethnicity, and Nation-state: Ethnic Conservatism and Soviet
Legacy in the Republic of Tajikistan”
Sarah Risha, Arizona State University
“Education and Curricular Perspectives in the Quran”
A 26 Catholic Studies 2; UNH 1403
Hagiography as Historiography
Moderator: Lauren Horn Griffin, University of California, Santa
Tom Evans, Claremont Graduate University
“Lord, Deliver Us From The Border Patrol: The Rise and Significance
of Santo Toribio Romo”
Nicholas Denysenko, Loyola Marymount University
“A Global Intercessor: Triumphalism and Reconciliation in the
Services of St. John Maximovich”
Todd French, Rollins College
“Origen's Impact on the Early Byzantine Hagiographies of Cyril of
Scythopolis and John of Ephesus”
Session 6 5:45 p.m. – 6:45 p.m.
AAR/WR Reception; UNH Third Floor Skyway
Session 7 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
AAR/WR Presidential Address; MachIntosh, UNH 3999
Sunday 9 March 2014
7:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Registration open; UNH Foyer
8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
Women’s Caucus Breakfast and Business Meeting; UNH 1218
Session 8
9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
A 27 Queer Studies in Religion 2; UNH 1218
Liberation, Schism, and Conflict: Futurity, Identity, and Religious
Moderator/Respondent: Marie Cartier, California State University,
Suzette Zazueta, California State University, Long Beach
“LGBTIQ Identity as a Transcendent Force Amidst the
Palestinian/Israeli Conflict”
Tim Murphy, Claremont Lincoln University
“Marcella Althaus-Reid’s Radically Indecent Church”
Tim Delay, Claremont Graduate University
“Schism and Heterosexism: the Anglican Realignment and the Future
of American Christianity”
A 28 Religion in America 2; UNH 1222
Beverly Lucas, Arizona State University
“Blogging My Religion: Reconsidering ‘Religious Literacy’ in a Digital
Jeremy Guida, University of California, Riverside
"Metaphysical Entanglement: Ritual Practice in Making and Viewing
Midnight Movies"
A 29 Womanist/ Pan African 2; UNH 1226
Womanist and Pan African Voices of the African Diaspora
Paula L. McGee, Ph.D., University of Southern California
“Preachers of LA: The Wal-Martization of African American Religion"
Sakena Young-Scaggs, Arizona State University
"Womanist Intergenerational Wisdom: AME Women in Mission and
Moses Moore, Arizona State University
"Blyden and the Black Atlantic"
A 30 Jewish Studies 1; UNH 1401
Surviving Salvation
Moderator: Roberta Sabbath, University of Las Vegas
Miri Hunter Haruach, St. Mary's College
“Ethiopian Jewry: Surviving Salvation 30 Years Later “
A 31 Religion and the Arts 2; UNH 1402
Cosmological, Theological and Philosophical Themes in (Visual) Art
Moderator: Dirk von der Horst, Graduate Theological Union
Jacob King, Claremont Graduate University
“The Cosmological Significance of the Jonah Motif in an Early
Christian Catacomb Fresco”
Jessica Knippel, Fuller Theological Seminary
“And It Was Very Good: Imago Dei and Mediated Standards of
Matt Crabb, Graduate Theological Union
“The Transfiguration of Suffering in Hegel’s Aesthetics”
A 32 Graduate Student and Professional Development 2; UNH 1403
A Guided Discussion
Rose T. Caraway, Northern Arizona University
“Navigating Which Field? The Future of Religious Studies and its
Impact on Graduate Training”
A 33 Latino/Latina Religion(s) 2; UNH 1404
Latino Religion, Latino Art
Vincent D. Cervantes, University of Southern California
"La Malinche’s Jotería Are Speaking: Queer Interventions of the
'Put@' Subject in the Study of Latin@ Theology"
Maria Ruiz, Loyola Marymount
"Chicana Feminist Perspective: You Must First Invent The Universe"
Lauren F. Guerra, Graduate Theological Union
"The Cuy of Christ: Visual Culture and the Articulation of AndeanChristian Religious Identity in the New World"
Session 9
10:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
AAR/WR Plenary Address; Ahmanson Auditorium
“Trends in the Study of Religion, Scholarly Publishing, and the
Journal of the American Academy of Religion” by Dr. Amir Hussain
Dr. Amir Hussain is a Professor of Theological Studies at Loyola
Marymount University and editor of the Journal of the American
Academy of Religion.
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
AAR/WR Business Meeting/ Lunch; McIntosh, UNH 3999
Session 10
1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
A 34 Joint Session: Queer Studies in Religion and Religions in America;
UNH 1218
Mormons and Queers and Buddhists, Oh My!
Moderator: John Erickson, Claremont Graduate University
Alexandria Griffin, Claremont Graduate University
“Queer Mormons and the Politics of Usable Pasts”
Melanie Camero, California State University, Northridge
“The Gay Buddhist Fellowship”
Respondent(s): Doe Daughtrey, Arizona State University and John
Erickson, Claremont Graduate University
A 35 Psychology, Culture and Religion 2; UNH 1222
Ministering to the Marginalized: Immigrants, Elderly, and Veterans
Moderator: Tim Helton, Drew University
John Leech, Independent Scholar
“Elderhood in Religious Congregations: the elder among the
Jeney Park-Hearn, Claremont School of Theology
“Disenfranchised Grief and Racial Subjectivity: Korean American
Christians and Loss”
Elizabeth Kerr, University of California, Santa Barbara
“A Community of Forgiveness: Moral Injury and Treatment in
A 36 Religions of Asia 2; UNH 1226
Categorization, Art and Ideology, and 'Othering' in the context of
Chinese Religions
Moderator: Shou Jen Kuo, University of California, Riverside
Harrison B. Carter, University of California, San Diego
“Belief, Practice and Religious ‘Othering’: Narratives of NonReligious Chinese College Students”
Anna M. Hennessey, California State University, East Bay
“Alchemical Representation and the Externalization of Internal
Alchemy in Song Daoism
Jayne Bittner, University of California, Riverside
“Religion and the 'Othering' of Chinese-Americans in Los Angeles’
Old Chinatown”
Respondent: Mayumi Kodani, University of California, Santa Barbara
A 37 Ecology and Religion 2; UNH 1401
Religion and Ecology from Marginal Locations
Moderator: Joel Stoker, Arizona State University
Elizabeth McDuffie, Claremont School of Theology
“Cattle or Criminal?: The Subjugated Bodies of the Farming and
Prison Industries”
Rose T. Caraway, Northern Arizona University
“We are the Solution: Religion and Environmental Ethics in Cuba”
Amanda Baugh, California State University, Northridge
“When People Talk About Terrorism, Change the Subject to Water”
Respondent: Sarah Robinson, Claremont Graduate University
A 38 History of Christianity 2; UNH 1402
Christianity Encounters the Marginalized
Moderator: Marianne Delaporte, Notre Dame de Namur University
Brooke Nelson, Claremont Graduate University
“Birth and Bondage: Slave Mothers in Early Christian Narratives”
Dan Salyers, Fuller Theological Seminary
“Chrysostom’s Instruction on Women: How Oppressive Rhetoric
Served His Pastoral Purposes”
Jason S. Sexton, University of Southern California
“Remember Those in Prison’: Toward a Theology of the Incarcerated
Melisa Ortiz Williamson, Claremont Graduate University
“Choosing Second Place: The Self- Subjugation of Evangelical
A 39 Islamic Studies 3; UNH 1403
Inter and Intra-religious Relations
Moderator: Abdullahi Gallab, Arizona State University
Brian Thomas Lee, Fuller Theological Seminary
“Al-Gahazali's Syntheses of Sufi Epistemology and Sunni Piety”
Farooq Hassan, Georgetown University
"Islam in Dialogue with Pluralism: A Brief Study of this Reflection in
the Writings of Esposito”
Mustafa Rutzgar, California State University, Northridge
“Subjugated Theologies: Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Doctrine of
Creation Out of Nothing”
Hafsa Oubou, University of Arizona
“Moroccan Shi'tes, Social Media, and Virtual Asylum”
Nathan Schick, Arizona State University
“Schlock and Awe: Aleister Crowley and Appropriation of Islam”
A 40 Religion, Literature, and Film 2; UNH 1404
Moderator: Jon R. Stone, California State University, Long Beach
Kathleen Hanson, California State University, Long Beach
“The Doctor and the Doctor: Steven Moffat's Doctor Who and the
Freudian Hermeneutics of Suspicion”
Veronica Wilson, California State University, Bakersfield
“Catholic Nuns in 18th Century Literature: The Historical Context for
the use of Nuns in the Works of Aphra Behn and Eliza Haywood”
Rebecca Moore, San Diego State University
“Literature as Funerary Rite: Re-membering the Dead in Two
Vietnam War Novels”
Session 11
3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
A 41 Joint Session: Queer Studies in Religion and Pan African Studies;
UNH 1218
“The New Black” – A Conversation about the Black Church and
LGBTQ Identity
This panel session will show the documentary film, “The New Black,”
and be a space for constructive and open discussion about issues
pertaining to the black church, LGBTQ identity, and their
nationwide. The panel will conclude with a conversation with the
Chairs of each caucus.
Sakena Young-Scaggs, Arizona State University
John Erickson, Claremont Graduate University
Marie Cartier, California State University, Northridge
A 42 Wildcard Session; UNH 1222
The Other Other’s Other
Moderator: Eunice Villaneda, California State University, Long Beach
Yi Shen Ma, Claremont Lincoln University
“The Political Suspension of Identity and the Possibility of
Kimberly Carfore, California Institute of Integral Studies
“Of Strange Strangers: Interconnected Others in Religion and
Jay Atkinson, Star King School of Ministry
"Poland as an Early Humanist Crucible for East-West Encounter”
A 43 Joint Session: Psychology, Culture and Religion & Philosophy;
UNH 1226
Passions and Evils in Modern Thought
Joshua Kulmac Butler, Loyola Marymount University
“Passion and Polemics: Religious Dialogue in an Age of Partisanship”
Nelson J. Smith, University of Arizona
“Defining Evil”
Respondent: Hester Oberman, University of Arizona
A 44 Islamic Studies 4; UNH 1401
Islam and Diaspora: Negotiating New Centers
Moderator: Souad T. Ali, Arizona State University
Daniel Azim Pschaida, University of California, Riverside
“The Bounds of Transcendence: Establishing Normativities of Transcultural Islam among Muslim Students in American Universities”
Brenda Oliden, California State University, Long Beach
“The Syrian Refugees: Recreating Sacred Spaces in Diaspora”
Youssef Chouhound, University of Southern California
“Salivation and Civil Liberties: Political Tolerance in American Muslim
Keri Hughes, California Sate University, Long Beach
“Conversations with Arabs: The Experiences of Muslims from the Gulf
Region in the United States”
A 45 Asian American Religions 2; UNH 1403
Dis-Placements and Re-Placements: Asian American Religiosities
and Subjectivities
Moderator, Dean Ryuta Adachi
Kim Ngoc Nguyen, San Francisco State University
“Vietnamese Americans and Mental Health: Buddhist Approaches to
Healing and Wellness”
Marimas Hosan Mostiller, San Francisco State University
“Cham Muslim American Identities: Ethnicity, Religiosity, and
Jonathan H. X. Lee, San Francisco State University
“Thai American Buddhists Encounters with White Privilege and
Christian Supremacy”
A 46 Jewish Studies 2; UNH 1403
Women, Mysticism and Rabbinic Authority
Moderator: Miri Hunter Haruach, St Mary's College
Roberta Sabbath, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
“A Study of Talmudic Scholar Tal Ilan on the Jewish Woman in
Greco-Roman Palestine and the Second Temple Period: A story of
Exclusionary Legislation, Practice and Censorship”
Sophia Avants, Claremont Lincoln University
“Heaven On Earth: Jewish Configurations of the Holy in Late