complimentary meal before the sale
complimentary meal before the sale
Fellow Cattlemen, What a difference a year makes! A great winter, super calving conditions and a bright outlook for extended good cattle prices. We have a lot to be thankful for right now. You cowboys know what you want and need in your breeding programs. It is our earnest desire to offer quality bulls and breeding stock that have a true balance of traits that make your cattle operation more enjoyable and profitable. We don’t try to breed to the extreme on any one trait that diminishes the productivity or ability of cattle to perform and thrive in each segment of the cattle industry. All of us at some point may focus more on one area – such as maternal, carcass, performance or any trait. By using various AI sires we can offer lines that do have an extra strength in some areas, but we try to keep a strong foundation in the basics that pay the bills. As usual we feel that the bulls are out of milky, good doing females that are several generations deep in the kind of genetics that you want in your herd sires. So if we can help you with a top notch black or red herd sire, give us a call or be with us on sale day. Keith & Brandon COMPLIMENTARY MEAL BEFORE THE SALE 1 1 PRAIRIE PRIDE BROADCAST 1007 Bull DOB: 2-23-11 Reg: 17032053 Tattoo: 1007 GAR GRID MAKER SAV BISMARCK 5682 SAV ABIGALE 0451 FAF RESOLVE 167 PRAIRIE PRIDE ANNIE 083 PRAIRIE PRIDE SHAMROCK ANNIE 125 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 88# 892# 1500# BW +1.9 EPD WW MILK +54 +20 YW +99 Broadcast is a Bismarck son that certainly has the extraordinary phenotype that stamps the good ones along with the tremendous performance. He was a standout at birth and has continued to develop the rib, muscle, volume and extension that mark him as a tremendous herd sire prospect. His “old” line pedigree dam is a very milky female that is exceptionally correct and sound. The Bismarck females are gaining high marks as brood cows and this certainly enhances the maternal prospects for Broadcast’s daughters. The clean lines, super front end and style that this bull possesses are hard to find with the top end performance he has achieved. 2 Lot 1 - Prairie Pride Broadcast 1007 PRAIRIE PRIDE SHOWDOWN 1036 Bull DOB: 3-20-11 Reg: 17032054 Tattoo: 1036 CONNEALY ONWARD SITZ UPWARD 307R SITZ HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M BOYD NEW DAY 8005 FLYING V MISS PRIDE 426 FLYING V PRIDE 1290 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 72# 907# 1491# BW -.1 EPD WW MILK +67 +34 YW +127 Showdown has tremendous muscle, width, depth and natural volume. A wonderful addition to this is that it all started in a 72# birth weight. If you want tremendous weaning and yearling weights, outstanding maternal, legitimate calving ease and in a correct and balanced package, you need to analyze this bull. His dam is a good one, from a great cow family and only adds to his value. Upward has sired some really good ones and showndown will walk with the top end. Lot 2 - Prairie Pride Showdown 1036 SAV BISMARCK 5682 GDAR TRAVELER 044 GAR GRID MAKER GAR PRECISION 2536 SAV BISMARCK 5682 SCHOENES FIX IT 826 SAV ABIGALE 0451 SAV ABIGALE 6062 Birth Wean Milk Yrling Scrtl +.1 +58 +27 +99 +.94 %IMF RE $ W $ F $ G $B +.15 +.66 +40.25 +36.86 +24.26 +49.17 Certainly one of the most popular A.I. sires in the Angus breed. Breeders like his moderate birth, great muscle design, style and great producing daughters. His ability to produce such quality progeny will keep him in a great position for some time to come. He was the No. 1 bull for registrations in the Angus breed for 2011. 2 3 PRAIRIE PRIDE 044 jury 1006 Bull DOB: 2-21-11 Reg: 17169046 Tattoo: 1006 GAR TRAVELER 044 CONNEALY 044 062 HALLIE OF CONANGA 6940 BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 208 PRAIRIE PRIDE SINCERETY 5133 PRAIRIE PRIDE SINCERETY 217 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 89# 820# 1322# BW +2.9 EPD WW MILK +57 +18 YW +99 This Connealy 044 062 son has had herd sire written all over him since birth. He is full of red meat, clean made, generous rib and volume in a very athletic and attractive package. His New Design 208 dam is a real world good - nice udder, angular, right size, easy going and productive. 4 Lot 3 - Prairie Pride 044 Jury 1006 PRAIRIE PRIDE BISMARCK 1016 Bull DOB: 3-02-11 Reg: 17175451 Tattoo: 1016 GAR GRID MAKER SAV BISMARCK 5682 SAV ABIGALE 0451 PRAIRIE PRIDE COPYRIGHT PRAIRIE PRIDE JOANNE 568 PRAIRIE PRIDE SUPREME JOANNE IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 84# 843# 1165# BW +2.3 EPD WW MILK +55 +22 YW +99 This Bismarck son is a moderate birth weight bull that is stout made with plenty of rib and body. His dam is very feminine with extra volume and easy fleshing. Good solid genetics that will perform. 5 PRAIRIE PRIDE UPWARD 1015 Bull DOB: 3-1-11 Reg: 17174227 Tattoo: 1015 CONNEALY ONWARD SITZ UPWARD 307R SITZ HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M 21AR COAL BANK C014 LH PROUD LASSIE 3978 AJC HAF PROUD LASSIE W1397G IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 72# 822# 1265# BW +.6 EPD WW MILK +59 +33 YW +112 connealy 044 062 A light birth weight Upward son that developed extra muscle, mass and performance. You will like his growth in a very nice frame size. He will work well on a wide range of cows or heifers. 6 dhd traveler 6807 gdar traveler 044 GDAR BLACKCAP LADY 840 CONNEALY 044 062 CONNEALY VISION 63 HALLIE OF CONANGA 6940 CONNEALY MAX 940 Birth Wean Milk Yrling Scrtl +3.1 +75 +14 +127 +1.64 % IMF RE $ W $ F $ G $B +.10 +.25 +35.12 +61.82 +17.50 +55.91 PRAIRIE PRIDE wampum 1031 Bull DOB: 3-12-11 Reg: 17180485 Tattoo: 1031 CONNEALY ONWARD WERNER WAR PARTY 2417 BAAR USA LADY JAYE 489 LA DATELINE 49 PRAIRIE PRIDE SINCERETY 217 PRAIRIE PRIDE SINCERETY 469 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 86# 815# 1324# BW +2.5 EPD WW MILK +53 +21 YW +97 The 044 062 bull gained popularity because he earned great performance numbers on progeny in realistic ranch conditions. He offers some outcross pedigree for many breeders and certainly sires cattle that have been sought after for their growth, correctness and realistic birth weight. This Werner War Party Son is high volume, big topped, deep quartered with a nice muscle pattern. His dam is very milky and well made. If you are looking for an easy fleshing bull that is solid from end to end. Prairie Pride Wampum is a good candidate. 3 7 PRAIRIE PRIDE CONCRETE 1085 Bull DOB: 4-11-11 Reg: 17193927 Tattoo: 1085 SYDGEN CC & 7 HOOVER DAM ERICA OF ELLSTON C124 R & R DILLON 198G 025 PRAIRIE PRIDE ELEGANT 4100 PRAIRIE PRIDE ELEGANT 962 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 83# 773# 1341# BW +1.8 EPD WW MILK +48 +25 YW +94 hoover dam This bull has great muscle shape and it certainly appears he could sire as much end product value as most any. You have to admire his length, dense, clean red meat design and overall balance. His dam has produced exceptional bulls before, and this will be no exception. 8 saf connection sydgen Cc & 7 SYDGEN FOREVER LADY 4087 HOOVER DAM TC GRIDIRON 258 ERICA OF ELLSTON C124 ERICA OF ELLSTON V65 Birth Wean Milk Yrling Scrtl +0.0 +48 +40 +.98 +.87 %IMF RE $ W $ F $ G $B +.54 +.97 +30.30 +39.90 +67.89 PRAIRIE PRIDE HOOVER 1039 Bull DOB: 3-20-11 Reg: 17185841 Tattoo: 1039 SYDGEN CC & 7 HOOVER DAM ERICA OF ELLSTON C124 TC FOREMAN 016 PRAIRIE PRIDE PRIDE JANET 360 PRAIRIE PRIDE JANET 850 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 91# 743# 1298# BW +2.9 EPD WW MILK +40 +26 YW +83 Hoover Dam is a powerful CC & 7 son that has become one of the popular young sires available. He sires calving ease, muscle, and docility. You appreciate the clean design and thickness in his progeny. A Hoover Dam son with extra body mass, good gainability and backed by a TC Foreman dam that certainly helps his potential. Most breeders that used Foreman have said they developed into some of their best producers. Lots of reasons to like this stout bull. 9 PRAIRIE PRIDE WARRIOR 1017 Bull DOB: 3-03-11 Reg: 17175450 Tattoo: 1017 QLC FOUNDATION WAF LONE WOLF 904 WAF ESSIE 5102 PRAIRIE PRIDE COPYRIGHT PRAIRIE PRIDE QUEEDY 8047 PRAIRIE PRIDE QUEEDY 9120 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 84# 814# 1305# BW +4.1 EPD WW MILK +52 +15 WAF lone wolf 904 YW +94 sedGwicks powerstroke 7502 qlc foundation QLC B79A506 ENCHANTRESS 223N WAF LONE WOLF 904 LEACHMAN RIGHT TIME WAF ESSIE 5102 DD ESSIE 204 Birth Wean Milk Yrling Scrtl +5.5 +51 +15 +93 %IMF RE $ W $ F $ G $B +.21 -.06 +16.37 +33.26 +15.10 +47.18 Warrior is a true beef bull - big hip with extra width, deep flank, well muscled in a nice package. His dam is deep, broody and maintains easily. If you like a bull with some extra substance and thickness you should like this guy. He is sired by Lone Wolf out of a Copyright dam. Lone Wolf is out of the Foundation bull that has been very popular with ranchers in a wide area. The Powerstroke grandsire was an impressive, correct individual that added substance and power to his progency. Most breeders recognize Right Time daughters as some of the top females in the breed. This background certainly blended well for making Lone Wolf an exceptional individual and sire. This is his first set of calves and they have been extremely consistent in kind and quality. He was the high selling bull in the 2009 Weaver Angus Sale. Lot 9 - Prairie Pride Warrior 1017 4 10 14 PRAIRIE PRIDE LONE WOLF 1047 Bull DOB: 3-17-11 Reg: 17182618 Tattoo: 1047 QLC FOUNDATION WAF LONE WOLF 904 WAF ESSIE 5102 BC MARATHON 7022 PRAIRIE PRIDE QUEEN VIEW 865 21AR QUEEN VIEW A870 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 89# 798# 1307# BW +4.2 EPD WW MILK +51 +17 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 81# 838# 1340# YW +90 15 PRAIRIE PRIDE WINDY 0068 aar really windy 1205 HARB WINDY 702 JH HARB BLACK LADY 073 JH YW +81 PRAIRIE PRIDE DIPLOMAT 0133 WOODHILL ADMIRAL 77K MOGCK ADMIRAL 455 MOGCK JANE 23K BW +3.4 YW +84 PRAIRIE PRIDE ADMIRAL 0150 Bull DOB: 10-29-10 Reg: 17169843 Tattoo: 0150 WOODHILL ADMIRAL 77K MOGCK ADMIRAL 455 MOGCK JANE 23K SAV 8180 TRAVELER 004 PRAIRIE PRIDE PRIDE BOBBI 7012 CARLSON SPECIAL DESIGN 554 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 87# 748# 1090# BW +4.2 EPD WW MILK +53 +21 EPD WW MILK +58 +19 SAF FOCUS OF ER WOODHILL ADMIRAL 77K WOODHILL LASS 344-1178 MOGCK ADMIRAL 455 BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 878 MOGCK JANE 23K MOGCK JANE 790 A stout made Admiral son that has an angular, high volume dam. Virgin two year old that will add some mass and performance to his calves. 13 BW +3.3 MOGCK ADMIRAL 455 GAR GRID MAKER PRAIRIE PRIDE BLACKCAP 540 PRAIRIE PRIDE BLACKCAP 793 EPD WW MILK +46 +17 GDAR TRAVELER 044 CONNEALY 044 062 HALLIE OF CONANGA 6940 YW +110 One of the longest bodied, heaviest muscled herd sires you will find. Bull DOB: 5-28-10 Reg: 16857940 Tattoo: 0133 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 86# 782# 1297# PRAIRIE PRIDE 044 VERN 1078 This Connealy 044 062 son has extra muscle density - he pushes the scale down more than he appears he would. His dam suffered an injury during the summer and was in very bad shape and her calf still weaned off good. Length and muscle where it matters. Big top, full deep quarter and flank. The Windy 702 cattle are covering the bases from good disposition to great females and solid performance. Virgin two year old. 12 YW +99 Bull DOB: 4-09-11 Reg: 17185116 Tattoo: 1078 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 90# 800# 1376# CONNEALLY FREIGHTLINER PRAIRIE PRIDE PRIDE SINCERETY 367 PRAIRIE PRIDE SINCERETY 825 EPD WW MILK +43 +23 EPD WW MILK +57 +20 GAR PREDESTINED PRAIRIE PRIDE HELEN 7069 HELEN BAR X 117 Bull DOB: 4-14-10 Reg: 16854160 Tattoo: 0068 BW +3.9 BW +.9 An interesting blend of maternal and growth. Solid made from end to end with plenty of length and muscle down his top. 2 YEAR OLD BULLS IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 89# 776# 1226# GDAR TRAVELER 044 CONNEALY 044 062 HALLIE OF CONANGA 6940 BAR EXT TRAVELER 205 PRAIRIE PRIDE 634 MILLIE 530 PRAIRIE PRIDE 634 MILLIE You will like the extra thickness and full body in this Lone Wolf son. The Marathon dam is solid made with impecable udder and is establishing herself as a great producer. You will like what this bull will do. 11 PRAIRIE PRIDE 044 VERN 1070 Bull DOB: 4-08-11 Reg: 17185122 Tattoo: 1070 YW +95 Super long bodied Admiral Son that has a little extra age for someone wanting a bull to cover a little more ground. Should sire both good heifers and males. No creep feed. 5 RED ANGUS & SIM/ANGUS BULLS - LOTS 16-33 16 PRAIRIE PRIDE RED ROCK 109 Bull DOB: 2-25-11 Tattoo: PPRD 109 HCF RED ROCK 212 NORTHLINE TRUEBLOOD 341T NORTHLINE GEM 341N BAKERS CENTURY TBS MS CENTURY TBS MS CILLA 5243 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 87# 704# 1337# BW +.7 EPD WW MILK +33 +13 YW +71 NORTHLINE TRUEBLOOD 341T The Trueblood calves have been favorites all year long. 109 is a high performance calf that has butt, guts and plenty of nuts. His dam is a good sized cow that still has plenty of style. Look for excellent bulls/steers and superior replacement females out of Red Rock. 17 LMAN KING ROB 8621 HCF RED ROCK 212 BJR MS STONY 4X-516 NORTHLINE TRUEBLOOD 341T NORTHLINE KING 305J NORTHLINE GEM 341N NORTHLINE QUEEN 240H Birth Wean Milk Yrling Scrtl +0.1 +36 +13 +.75 PRAIRIE PRIDE RED HOT 126 Bull DOB: 3-3-11 Tattoo: PPRD 126 Hcf red rock 212 NORTHLINE TRUEBLOOD 341T NORTHLINE GEM 341N LCC MAJOR LEAGUE A502M PRAIRIE PRIDE SANDY 51D PRAIRIE PRIDE SANDY 3136 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 89# 681# 1239# BW +1.5 EPD WW MILK +43 +13 Trueblood is the 2010 Denver Champion Bull. He is exceptionally sound footed and correct in his leg structure. Lots of testicles and rib shape to spare in this sire. His three sons will be a sale highlight. His daughters retained as replacements look awesome. YW +79 Red Hot has been a favorite from day one. He is a thick butted bull with nice clean lines. The Trueblood calves all came nice at birth and just kept on growing. If you need to add muscle and performance look here. The dam and granddam both have great udders and are very eye-appealing. 18 PRAIRIE PRIDE MULBERRY 103 Bull DOB: 2-16-11 Tattoo: PPRD 103 compass mulberry 449M FIRE LINE MULBERRY DUS FAYETTE 8G LARSON RED LIGHTNING DKK STARLETTE DKK STARLETTE K28 IND. PERFORMANCE EPD BW WW YW BW WW MILK 80# 676# 1187# -.5 +35 +22 YW +68 Lot 18 - Prairie Pride Mulberry 103 Heifer bull potential here. The Mulberry/Red Lightning combo should make some awesome females. 103 might be the nicest profiling bull in the sale. He has that nice straight topline and underline that is deep from heart girth to flank. 19 20 PRAIRIE PRIDE copper 138 Bull DOB: 3-11-11 Tattoo: PPRD 138 lchman copper rob 1204D OHRR DAKOTA COPPER 29K MESSMER OPHELIA 9502 BW +1.6 EPD WW MILK +37 +19 perks advance 121R PRAIRIE PRIDE FOREFRONT 712 SHHM JUNE 192K LLC CHEYENNE BZZIL DAMAR CHIKADEE U825 DFRA CHIKADEE 522L GLACIER CHATEAU 744 PRAIRIE PRIDE SANDY 3136 ALBERG SANDY 136 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 86# 650# 1302# PRAIRIE PRIDE FOREFRONT 155 Bull DOB: 3-31-11 Tattoo: PPRD 155 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 82# 755# 1374# YW +78 Here is one stout calf. In addition 138 is easy fleshing and is out of a big, feminine cow that has been consistent over the last 9 years. the dam of Lot 17 is out of 3136 showing some power in this cowline. Performance and maternal. BW +.5 EPD WW MILK +47 +13 YW +91 Potential for use on larger, English type heifers on this bull. Forefront 155 really blossomed into a stout, moderate bull that will be sure to catch your eye. the Forefront 712 calves have had very reasonable birthweights and excellent performance, his females have been producing well also. 6 21 25 PRAIRIE PRIDE MAKIN HAY 112 Bull DOB: 2-25-11 Tattoo: PPRD 112 BIEBER MAKE MIMI 7249 BIEBER MAKIN HAY 9913 BIEBER ADELLE 8958 FINE LINE MULBERRY 26P PRAIRIE PRIDE STORMY 955 TBS STORMY 139 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 73# 691# 1216# BW -.7 EPD WW MILK +46 +18 CNS DREAM ON L186 HS/HSF ULTIMATUM AJE-RCC LIZZYS PEARL P4 SHHM CHIEF JOSEPH 420 SHHM JUNE 151P SHHM JUNE 192K IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 88# 742# 1183# YW +91 True heifer bull here. 112 is out of a cow that barely tips the scale at 1000-1100 pounds yet she raised this excellent bull on her first try. Another bull to use if you keep females as both the Mulberrys and Making Hay females have been at the top of the heap. 22 PRAIRIE PRIDE ULTIMATE 148 Bull DOB: 3-25-11 Tattoo: PPRD 148 BW +.6 EPD WW MILK +28 +10 YW +50 * SimAngus Bull 148 is a moderate bull that weaned off as heavy as any of the red calves this year. His dam is a heavy milking soggy female. The simmental sire has no record with the Red Angus Assoc. so the EPDs here are low compared to what they should be. Heavy steers and excellent females will be sired by this bull. PRAIRIE PRIDE COPPER 127 Bull DOB: 3-4-11 Tattoo: PPRD 127 lchman copper rob 1204D OHRR DAKOTA COPPER 29K MESSMER OPHELIA 9502 PRAIRIE PRIDE FOREFRONT 712 PRAIRIE PRIDE TERA 958 PRAIRIE PRIDE TERA 540 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 72# 697# 1182# BW -.4 EPD WW MILK +41 +17 YW +72 Excellent heifer bull prospect in this calf. 127 is not only a heifer bull but is powerfully made as well. 127 is a moderate made bull that is out of a first calf heifer. The Tera line of cows is quickly becoming a favorite. 23 PRAIRIE PRIDE TRUEBLOOD 129 Bull DOB: 3-4-11 Tattoo: PPRD 129 hcf red rock NORTHLINE TRUEBLOOD 341T NORTHLINE GEM 341N LSF COMBINATION A301M C-T BLOCKANA 0766 CTDB BLOCKANA 810 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 89# 653# 1265# BW +1.3 EPD WW MILK +41 +9 YW +82 Val and Brandon Here is a bull that has really been popping as of late. 129 is like all the Trueblood bulls, powerful. Another pro to Trueblood is that the females look like they will be awesome. It can be hard to get a sire that does both sexes as well as Trueblood. 24 PRAIRIE PRIDE TOP GUN 102 TNT TOP GUN R244 Bull DOB: 2-16-11 Tattoo: PPRD 102 TNT GUNNER N208 TNT TOP GUN R244 TNT MISS SADIE M68 BROWN VACATION H7106 SUNR DINA DORA 769 SUNR DINA DORA 409 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 81# 638# 1200# BW +.1 EPD WW MILK +40 +16 YW +77 * SimAngus Bull 102 is what the Simangus deal is all about. 102 is long, clean made and carries plenty of thickness. 102 is out of a moderate female with a beautiful udder. The Top Gun cattle have had acceptance across the beef industry for the simple reason that he does all things well. TNT Top Gun is a powerhouse breeding bull. Probably the most popular red bull in the U.S. and Canada. He adds growth, muscle, mass and acceptable birth weight. 7 26 30 PRAIRIE PRIDE FOREFRONT 165 Bull DOB: 4-15-11 Tattoo: PPRD 165 perks advance 121R PRAIRIE PRIDE FOREFRONT 712 SHHM JUNE 192K PAR DUDE A384N PRAIRIE PRIDE GWEN 603 LARSON GWENDOLYN 434-259 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 80# 754# 1285# BW -.8 EPD WW MILK +46 +15 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 88# 633# 1124# YW +84 PRAIRIE PRIDE COPPER 135 31 LCHMAN COPPER ROB 1204D OHRR DAKOTA COPPER 29K MESSMER OPHELIA 9502 MLK CRK LIGHT 912 LIEN PET 418 SEEGER PET BW +1.3 EPD WW MILK +35 20 32 CNS DREAM ON L186 HS/HSF ULTIMATUM AJE-RCC LIZZY’S PEARL P4 BJR MONU 4X-303 SEEGER DAKOTA 126 BJR 4194 EPD WW MILK +22 +6 33 CNS dream on L186 HS/HSF ULTIMATUM AJE-RCC LIZZYS PEARL P4 HOLDEN HIGHLIGHT 807 LIEN MIMI 318N BIEBER MIMI 4716 EPD WW MILK +25 +9 EPD WW MILK +31 +24 YW +56 PRAIRIE PRIDE FORWARD 121 TRIPLE C INVASION R47K LMF MOVIN FORWARD LMF GODIVAS BEAUTY STROKE BW +2.1 DAM EPD WW MILK +40 +5 YW +61 SIRE EPD *SimAngus bull Here is a Simangus calf BW WW MILK YW that is full of eye appeal. +1.2 +23.1 +5 +54 121 has a very nice muscle pattern as did his paternal siblings. He is out of a nice moderate female with a perfect udder. The best of both worlds here. Sells without papers. PRAIRIE PRIDE ULTIMATE 149 BW +2.0 BW -.6 Bull DOB: 3-1-12 Tattoo: 121 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 90# 653# 1245# YW +42 Bull DOB: 3-26-11 Tattoo: PPRD 149 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 91# 724# 1212# LCHMAN COPPER ROB 1204 D OHRR DAKOTA COPPER 29K MESSMER OPHELIA 9502 R & R DILLON PRAIRIE PRIDE SKY LADY 411 PRAIRIE PRIDE SKY LADY 1417 *SimAngus Bull Here is a long bodied, larger framed bull. The Ultimatum sire here has done a nice job on his first calf crop. The dam here is ten years old and still looks great, nice uddered and deep ribbed. EPDs are not a true reflection of this bull as Ultimatum has no proven record with the Red Angus Assoc. 29 PRAIRIE PRIDE COPPER 142 Heifer bull potential for larger framed, english type heifers. Once again out of the proven 29K bull. The dam here, 192K, is also the dam of Forefront 712 and has done a really nice job over the years. PRAIRIE PRIDE ULTIMATE 153 BW +1.0 YW +55 Bull DOB: 3-16-11 Tattoo: PPRD 142 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 82# 653# 1152# YW +57 Bull DOB: 3-30-11 Tattoo: PPRD 153 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 82# 716# 1220# EPD WW MILK +33 +20 SHHM ROBIN HOOD 117 G SHHM JUNE 192K SHHM BONNEBELLE 90G Here is a bull for you guys who like those moderate, easy doing bulls. 135 has always been a wide bodied, eye appealing bull. His dam is a milky, big bodied cow. 28 BW +.3 Moderate bull here that still retains adequate performance. Very proven sire here in 29K, he does bulls and heifers both very well. The dam is a gorgeous female with extra rib shape and that feminine wedge shape that seems to go with productivity. Bull DOB: 3-9-11 Tattoo: PPRD 135 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 90# 657# 1154# LCHMAN COPPER ROB 8621 OHRR DAKOTA COPPER 29K MESSMER OPHELIA 9502 BUF CRK ROMEO L081 C-T VERDI 0506 CTDB VERDI 04 One of the top weaning weight bulls here. He would have potential on English type heifers. 165 is a clean made calf with extra growth. Forefront cattle have been consistent and the Gwen cowline has done a nice job too. 27 PRAIRIE PRIDE COPPER 139 Bull DOB: 3-11-11 Tattoo: PPRD 139 PRAIRIE PRIDE FORWARD 131 Bull DOB: 3-19-11 Tattoo: 131 TRIPLE C INVASION R47K LMF MOVIN FORWARD LMF GODIVAS BEAUTY STROKE BT ULTRAVOX 297E PRAIRIE PRIDE CASSIE 1024 EBAR 784 YW +44 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 85# 660# 1218# *SimAngus Bull Another growthy SimAngus bull. If your cows have lost some length and performance this bull will help change that in one generation. The dam here is another perfect uddered cow that you would like a whole herd of. EPDs are not an accurate reflection of this bulls potential as Ultimatium has to prove himself to the Red Angus Assoc. 8 BW +2.8 DAM EPD WW MILK +44 +14 YW +76 SIRE EPD *SimAngus bull Here is another son of the BW WW MILK YW powerful Movin Forward. I +1.2 +23.1 +5 +54 really liked both the bulls and heifers out of Movin Forward. The dam of 131 is eleven years old this spring and calved out on time once again. Longevity is a big key to profitability. 34 38 PRAIRIE x game day 1010 Bull DOB: 2-28-11 Tattoo: 1010 boyd new day gdar game day 449 GDAR MISS WIX 474 DDM MR SHERMAN TANK PPA HYBRID BALANCER 345X PRAIRIE PRIDE BLACKBIRD 9115 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 93# 885# 1385# BW -0.5 SIRE EPD WW MILK +51 +23 SYDGEN CC & 7 HOOVER DAM ERICA OF ELLSTON C124 VERMILION DATELINE 7078 PRAIRIE PRIDE BLACKBIRD 206 PRAIRIE PRIDE BLACKBIRD 8110 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 86# 693# 1184# YW +99 *Angus/Gelvieh hybrid This Game Day son is massive in volume with exceptional growth and still correct and sound. A blend of the sought after Game Day traits and a big bodied, milky, easy fleshing, Sherman Tank dam. This should be a high growth bull that sires wonderful replacement females. 35 PRAIRIE PRIDE HOOVER 1022 Bull DOB: 3-17-11 Reg. 17182617 Tattoo: 1022 BW +3.0 EPD WW MILK +40 +25 YW +86 This Hoover Dam son is out of a massively made VRD daughter. She has some very good daughters in our herd as well as having produced some excellent sons. PRAIRIE PRIDE STOUT 1079 Bull DOB: 3-09-11 Reg: 17180486 Tattoo: 1079 NICHOLS COMMITMENT M380 nichols stout T152 NICHOLS LULA N77 PRAIRIE PRIDE COPYRIGHT PRAIRIE PRIDE QUEEDY 7031 PRAIRIE PRIDE QUEEDY 310 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 90# 807# 1327# BW +5.0 EPD WW MILK +54 +22 YW +110 This bull will add extra pounds to a calf crop. Enough performance and growth without over done frame size. Plenty of volume and substance in an outcross pedigree for most breeders. 36 NICHOLS STOUT T152 NICHOLS COMMITMENT K111 NICHOLS COMMITMENT M380 NICHOLS BLACK HEIRESS H 295 NICHOLS STOUT T152 NICHOLS BUSHWACKER K161 NICHOLS LULA N77 NICHOLS LULA K387 Birth Wean Milk Yrling Scrtl +6.2 +60 +23 +124 -.78 %IMF RE $ W $ F $ G $B +.34 +.05 +13.87 +61.10 +14.84 +55.94 PRAIRIE PRIDE STOUT 1073 Bull DOB: 4-8-11 Reg: 17195818 Tattoo: 1073 nichols commitment M380 nichols stout T152 NICHOLS LULA N77 BALDRIDGE NEBRASKA 901 PRAIRIE PRIDE SINCERITY 323 PRAIRIE PRIDE SINCERETY 1006 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 94# 780# 1276# BW +5.1 EPD WW MILK +54 +16 YW +109 We used the Nichols Stout bull because he offers excellent growth in an outcross pedigree. Despite his extra birth EPD we had no calving issues with him. He comes from a strong cow family at Nichols and his heifers are growthy and stout. Good pedigree to use if you want to keep or increase performance. Outcross genetics with the ability to add extra pounds to his calves. Dam is a Nebraska daughter that has extra milk but still holds condition very well. If you sell them over the scale, this kind will work. 37 PRAIRIE PRIDE FRONTIER 132 Bull DOB: 3-21-11 Tattoo: 132 B/R NEW FRONTIER 095 OPP NEW FRONTIER 530 OPP’S BARBS BESSIE 0188 C&M MASTER MAN 342 BLACKCAP LADY ROSE 582 BLACK CAP ROGUE 182 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 91# 712# 1277# BW +4.8 EPD WW MILK +63 +17 YW +96 Here is a high performing calf that is out of a big bodied, stout young female. 132 is full of ribshape, being very capacious. Look for heavy steers and “keeper” females out of this bull. 9 39 PRAIRIE PRIDE LONE WOLF 1071 Bull DOB: 3-21-11 Reg. 17185114 Tattoo: 1071 qlc foundation waf lone wolf 904 waf essie 5102 BALDRIDGE NEBRASKA 901 PRAIRIE PRIDE EILEEN 311 PRAIRIE PRIDE EILEEN 1013 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 90# 717# 1226# BW +4.3 EPD WW MILK +39 +13 YW +78 The Lone Wolf bull sired very consistently on a variation of pedigrees. His daughters look very impressive as a group. Eileen 311 is a moderate framed cow that brings in a good calf every year. Extra performance and gain here. 40 gdar game day 449 AAR MEW TREND BOYD NEW DAY 8005 SVF FOREVER LADY 57D GDAR GAME DAY 449 TEHAMA BAND 207 GDAR MISS WIX 474 GDAR MISS WIX 749 Birth Wean Milk Yrling Scrtl -0.5 +51 +23 +99 +.46 %IMF RE $ W $ F $ G $B +.42 +.64 +55.16 +39.88 +33.79 +45.34 PRAIRIE PRIDE GAME DAY 1041 Bull DOB: 3-22-11 Reg. 17185842 Tattoo: 1041 boyd new day 8005 gdar game day 449 GDAR MISS WIX 474 GT SHEAR FORCE PRAIRIE PRIDE PAGE 664 CARLSON LEADTIME 9157 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 79# 733# 1183# BW +.8 EPD WW MILK +43 +22 YW +87 Game Day has proven he has a distinct ability to add value to his progeny in critical areas. He is low birth weight, good performance with excellent muscle and sires great maternal in easy keeping females. This ability to sire multi-trait improvement, along with good carcass traits, make him an attractive addition to many lines of cattle. Light birth weight Game Day son that really developed into a nicely muscled, well put together bull. GT Shear Force is a bull that has set the standard for tenderness and has also had exceptional adjusted daily gain and effiiency index in the Angus Sire Alliance. 41 PRAIRIE PRIDE DAY BREAK 1061 Bull DOB: 3-22-11 Reg. 17185121 Tattoo: 1061 BOYD NEW DAY 8005 gdar game day 449 GDAR MISS WIX 474 TC TOTAL 410 MAR LUCY 920 MAR LUCY 352 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 69# 800# 1349# BW +.5 EPD WW MILK +56 +22 YW +105 WERNER WAR PARTY 2417 A very light weight Game Day son that had great vigor at birth. Dam is a nice two year old that is big bodied and correct. Lots of power in a moderate frame. 42 connealy lead on connealy onward ALTUNE OF CONANGA 6104 WERNER WAR PARTY 2417 BAR EXT TRAVELER 205 BAAR USA LADY JAYE 489 CRA LADY JAYE 608 498 S EASY Birth Wean Milk Yrling Scrtl +1.7 +65 +29 +121 +1.13 %IMF RE $ W $ F $ G $B +.52 +.76 +40.09 +59.22 +33.77 +78.41 PRAIRIE PRIDE WAR PARTY 1037 Bull DOB: 3-14-11 Reg. 17182616 Tattoo: 1037 CONNEALY ONWARD WERNER WAR PARTY 2417 BAAR USA LADY JAYC 489 SAV HERITAGE 6295 PRAIRIE PRIDE SINCERETY 9078 PRAIRIE PRIDE SINCERETY 1006 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 77# 775# 1300# BW +3.3 EPD WW MILK +59 +25 War Party has certainly been a sire that has bred-up to the high expectations he entered stud with. Calves are sound, correct and growthy with great carcass potential. His dam is a powerhouse and his daughters are really broody and look like excellent replacements. His progeny should contribute to the Angus breed. YW +113 A moderate birth weight WAR Party son out of a two year old dam. An interesting pedigree that should add performance and enhance carcass traits. 10 43 47 PPA WHISPERING WIND 0152 Bull DOB: 11-27-10 Reg. 17172839 Tattoo: 0152 mogck whispering wind 584 dh whispering wind 825 carlson grid topper 620 SAV FINAL ANSWER 0035 PRAIRIE PRIDE BLACKBIRD 9083 PRAIRIE PRIDE BLACKBIRD 8110 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 64# 729# 1076# BW -.1 EPD WW MILK +44 +19 PRAIRIE PRIDE HOOVER 1060 Bull DOB: 3-29-11 Reg. 17185120 Tattoo: 1060 sydgen CC & 7 HOOVER DAM ERICA OF ELLSTON C124 WOODHILL SUPREME PRAIRIE PRIDE ELBENA 0010 CURTIS ELBENA SUPREME 27E IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 85# 752# 1221# YW +85 BW +3.1 EPD WW MILK +44 +24 YW +82 Light birth weight bull out of a two year old Final Answer daughter. Should provide calving ease along with some extra body and fleshing ease. A Hoover Dam out of one of our really good Supreme daughters. The Hoover Dam progeny are all long bodied and very clean sheathed and nice fronted. Heifer calves should be keepers. 44 48 PRAIRIE PRIDE 044 VERN 1049 Bull DOB: 3-24-11 Reg. 17185123 Tattoo: 1049 GDAR TRAVELER 044 connealy 044 062 hallie of conanga 6940 SAV 8180 TRAVELER 004 PRAIRIE PRIDE BIRDIE 8040 PRAIRIE PRIDE BIRDIE 1088 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 80# 828# 1297# BW +3.1 EPD WW MILK +67 +17 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 73# 749# 1327# YW +114 PRAIRIE PRIDE UPWARD 1088 49 CONNEALY ONWARD SITZ UPWARD 307R SITZ HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M GAR RETAIL PRODUCT PRAIRIE PRIDE PHOEBE 723 CARLSON ALLIANCE 71567 BW +2.5 EPD WW MILK +55 +31 EPD WW MILK +41 +25 PRAIRIE PRIDE HOOVER 1005 Bull DOB: 2-20-11 Reg. 17191756 Tattoo: 1005 SYDGEN CC & 7 HOOVER DAM ERICA OF ELLSTON C124 YW +109 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 68# 722# 1218# BW +1.6 EPD WW MILK +41 +25 PRAIRIE PRIDE HOOVER 1035 sydgen CC & 7 HOOVER DAM ERICA OF ELLSTON C124 WOODHILL SUPREME PRAIRIE PRIDE SUPREME JOANNE PRAIRIE PRIDE JOANNE 336 BW +2.0 EPD WW MILK +37 +22 YW +78 Out of a powerful producing LA Dateline dam, this Hoover Dam is a twin with Tatoo 1004. She raised them on normal pasture conditions and proved her milking capability. Should have the ability to pass on performance and good disposition. Bull DOB: 3-22-11 Reg. 17185113 Tattoo: 1035 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 79# 748# 1098# YW +78 LA DATELINE 49 PRAIRIE PRIDE EILEEN 4004 PRAIRIE PRIDE L EILEEN 41 Lots of extension in this clean made Upward son. Moderate birth weight and bred for excellent carcass traits. Feminine, long bodied dam. 46 BW +1.6 This bull and his twin brother were raised together by their dam with no extra care, and she brought in 1460 lbs. of calf this fall. This cow line is deep in producing several generations. The Hoover Dam progeny are noted for calving ease, good muscle and docility. Bull DOB: 4-12-11 Reg. 17185117 Tattoo: 1088 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 81# 744# 1293# SYDGEN CC & 7 HOOVER DAM ERICA OF ELLSTON C124 LA DATELINE 49 PRAIRIE PRIDE EILEEN 4004 PRAIRIE PRIDE L EILEEN 41 Really thick made Connealy 044 062 son that will add some body depth, width and extra muscle. Super cow family that consistently adds pounds. 45 PRAIRIE PRIDE HOOVER 1004 Bull DOB: 2-20-11 Reg. 17191755 Tattoo: 1004 YW +67 Long bodied, clean made Hoover Dam son that has a very moderate birth weight. Hoover Dam progeny are noted for docility. Sale Day 2011 11 50 PRAIRIE PRIDE LONE WOLF 1077 54 Bull DOB: 4-09-11 Reg. 17185115 Tattoo: 1077 QLC FOUNDATION waf lone wolf 904 WAF ESSIE 5102 sav 8180 TRAVELER 004 PRAIRIE PRIDE EILEEN 7112 PRAIRIE PRIDE EILEEN 663 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 84# 795# 1357# BW +2.6 EPD WW MILK +52 +20 QLC FOUNDATION waf lone wolf 904 WAF ESSIE 5102 PRAIRIE PRIDE COPYRIGHT PRAIRIE PRIDE QUEEDY 816 PRAIRIE PRIDE QUEEDY 1132 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 85# 684# 1180# YW +96 Plenty of substance and pounds in this Lone Wolf son. The cow family is a moderate birth weight line that is very productive. Will add the ability to gain to his calves. 51 PPA POWERSTROKE 1018 Bull DOB: 3-10-11 Reg. 17180487 Tattoo: 1018 BW +3.8 EPD WW MILK +43 +12 YW +84 A long bodied, clean made bull that comes from a productive cow family. Dam is tidy uddered with ample milk. PRAIRIE PRIDE LONE WOLF 1112 Bull DOB: 4-29-11 Reg. 17185837 Tattoo: 1112 QLC FOUNDATION waf lone wolf 904 WAF ESSIE 5102 GAR GRID MAKER PRAIRIE PRIDE JANET 3142 ANKONY JANET 368T IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 83# 715# 1265# BW +4.1 EPD WW MILK +46 +15 YW +82 WAF lone Wolf 904 A young Lone Wolf son that is very well balanced and thick from end to end. His dam is a super Grid Maker daughter that goes back to a high producing 9M9 daughter we purchased in the Ankony dispersion. You’ll like him. 52 PRAIRIE PRIDE LONE WOLF 1050 Bull DOB: 3-23-11 Reg. 17185119 Tattoo: 1050 QLC FOUNDATION waf lone wolf 904 WAF ESSIE 5102 PRAIRIE PRIDE COPYRIGHT PRAIRIE PRIDE ENVITA 8094 PRAIRIE CLASSY ENVITA 839 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 88# 762# 1184# BW +4.6 EPD WW MILK +48 +17 YW +86 Bon View New Design - Sire of SIK Design 7259 A Lone Wolf son that has a nice muscle pattern, long hip and pleasing style. He will sire steers that will stand out and heifers that you’ll want to keep. 53 SIK DESIGN 7259 B/R NEW DESIGN 036 bon view new design 878 BON VIEW GAMMER 85 SIK DESIGN 7259 TC ADVANTAGE SIKS ADVANTAGE 17259 TOA HOPE 1725 Birth Wean Milk Yrling Scrtl +3.1 +41 +29 +75 +.66 %IMF RE $ W $ F $ G $B +.47 -.20 +25.16 +18.50 +19.06 +45.52 PRAIRIE PRIDE DESIGN 1108 Bull DOB: 5-12-11 Reg. 17191758 Tattoo: 1108 bon view new design 878 sik design 7259 SIKS ADVANTAGE 17259 GAR GRID MAKER PRAIRIE PRIDE BONNIE 415 PRAIRIE PRIDE BONNIE 645 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 86# 796# 1245# BW +3.5 EPD WW MILK +51 +25 YW +91 This extra long bodied, good breeding son of New Design 878 had sired a number of excellent progeny in some top herds. He is really correct and complete in his structure and passes it on to his calves. SIK New Design 7259 is an outstanding individual that adds quality to most any female. Daughters are excellent. This bulls only detraction could be his age. He is as complete, good moving, solid made and attractive as they need to be. Keep an eye on him. 12 55 PRAIRIE PRIDE LONE WOLF 1098 Replacement Heifers Bull DOB: 4-22-11 Reg. 17185843 Tattoo: 1098 QLC FOUNDATION waf lone wolf 904 WAF ESSIE 5102 This group of heifers represents several excellent cow family lines and some of the top sires in the Angus breed. They are developed in a practical manner and ready to breed. With their entire productive lives ahead of them and some of the best cattle economics in years to fill in that time span, you certainly have a wonderful time to own quality, registered Angus females. mogck admiral 455 PRAIRIE PRIDE MILLIE 9135 PRAIRIE PRIDE MILLIE 523 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 94# 800# 1235# BW +5.7 EPD WW MILK +51 +20 YW +93 This Lone Wolf son is out of a two year old Admiral daughter. There will be grow and performance in his calves. Consider his age when you look him over. 56 PPA NEW FRONTIER 1014 Bull DOB: 4-07-11 Reg. 17185118 Tattoo: 1014 B/R NEW FRONTIER 095 OPP NEW FRONTIER 530 OPP BARBS BESSIE 0188 HYLINE ROGUE 23 BLACKCAP ESTER 29 BLACKCAP ESTER 294 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 90# 727# 1183# BW +5.0 EPD WW MILK +51 +16 YW +80 Sired by an impressive top seller in a past Opp Brothers sale. His dam was purchased in the Miller dispersion and is an impressive young female. 57 SITZ UPWARD 307R CONNEALY LEAD ON connealy onward ALTUNE OF CONANGA 6104 SITZ UPWARD 307R SITZ VALUE 7097 sitz henrietta pride 81 M SITZ HENRIETTA PRIDE 1370 Birth Wean Milk Yrling Scrtl +2.4 +72 +44 +137 +1.39 %IMF RE $ W $ F $ G $B +.39 +.65 +40.33 +75.86 +24.31 +79.72 PPA NEW DESIGN 1106 Bull DOB: 5-06-11 Reg. 17185840 Tattoo: 1106 Bon view new design 878 sik desIGn 7259 siks advantage 17259 gf northern pioneer 9000 GF EMPRESS 742 GR EMPRESS 220 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 82# 720# 1255# BW +2.6 EPD WW MILK +38 +23 YW +69 A really clean made New Design bred bull that has exceptional length and good muscle down his top and quarter. He is young, and you need to analyze that - but his moderate birth and good mother will always be a plus. 58 What a truly great breeding sire! He is one of the most popular sires in the Angus breed for a host of traits he passes on consistenty. Moderate birth, explosive weaning and yearling, milky females and power in nearly every aspect. Without question he is forging a reputation as one of the top sires of all time. PPA GUNNER HYBRID 136 Bull DOB: 5-17-11 Tattoo: 1136 tnt gunner N208 TNT U207 TNT sadie M68 59 woodhill supreme PRAIRIE PRIDE MISS LASS 155 ANKONY LASS T276 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 83# 715# 1230# BW +0.8 SIRE EPD WW MILK +26.5 +0.8 YW +52.2 PRAIRIE PRIDE BETTY 1023 Cow DOB: 3-15-11 Reg. 17182620 Tattoo: 1023 CONNEALY ONWARD SITZ UPWARD 307R SITZ HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M saf connection PETRY’S PRIDE 401 PETRY’S PRIDE 208 This young SimAngus bull is out of a full brother to TNT Top Gun. Top Gun, of course, is the most popular red bull in the U.S. and Canada. This bull’s age must be considered, but he will develope into a bull with honest muscle and should sire moderate birth weight. IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 76# 598# 953# 13 BW +.4 EPD WW MILK +51 +30 YW +101 60 64 PRAIRIE PRIDE EILEEN 1105 Cow DOB: 4-09-11 Reg: 17187157 Tattoo: 1105 CONNEALY ONWARD SITZ UPWARD 307R SITZ HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M 61 BW +3.1 EPD WW MILK +59 +29 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 81# 604# 995# YW +111 PRAIRIE PRIDE BARB 1081 65 Cow DOB: 4-01-11 Reg: 17187154 Tattoo: 1081 qlc foundation waf lone wolf 904 WAF ESSIE 5102 PRAIRIE PRIDE COPYRIGHT PRAIRIE PRIDE BARB 876 PRAIRIE PRIDE BARB 714 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 83# 664# 1058# 62 BW +4.5 EPD WW MILK +51 +18 gar grid maker SAV BISMARCK 5682 SAV ABIGALE 0451 BT TOP SECRET 40J PRAIRIE PRIDE GYPSY GAL 1484 RONJOS CRUZ GAL 4841 SAV 8180 TRAVELER 004 PRAIRIE PRIDE EILEEN 7071 PRAIRIE PRIDE EILEEN 2001 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 82# 632# 1038# PRAIRIE PRIDE GYPSY GAL 1038 Cow DOB: 3-12-11 Reg: 17180488 Tattoo: 1038 BW +2.5 EPD WW MILK +48 +16 YW +82 PRAIRIE PRIDE RENAE 1027 Cow DOB: 2-27-11 Reg: 17188724 Tattoo: 1027 gar grid maker SAV BISMARCK 5682 SAV ABIGALE 0451 PAPA RAZZI 7914 CARLSON RAZZI 5B83 CARLSON NORTHLANDER B183 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 75# 627# 982# YW +96 BW +1.0 EPD WW MILK +48 +20 YW +86 PRAIRIE PRIDE PRINCESS 1075 Cow DOB: 4-11-11 Reg: 17187152 Tattoo: 1075 qlc foundation waf lone wolf 904 WAF ESSIE 5102 BOYD NEW DAY 8005 PRAIRIE PRIDE PRINCESS 8056 PRAIRIE PRIDE PRINCESS 2008 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 82# 658# 1052# 63 BW +5.1 EPD WW MILK +49 +21 YW +94 PRAIRIE PRIDE SKY 1046 Cow DOB: 3-29-11 Reg: 17187777 Tattoo: 1046 GDAR TRAVELER 044 CONNEALY 044 062 HALLIE OF CONANGA 6940 SAV Bismarck 5682 R&R DILLION 198G 025 PRAIRIE PRIDE SKY 4057 RONJOS PRAIRIE SKY 7731 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 83# 635# 1115# BW +4.2 EPD WW MILK +57 +15 YW +106 66 PRAIRIE PRIDE MILLIE 1009 Cow DOB: 3-01-11 Reg: 17174228 Tattoo: 1009 SYDGEN CC & 7 hoover dam ERICA OF ELLSTON C124 rally new frontier 5233 PRAIRIE PRIDE MILLIE 7052 PRAIRIE PRIDE MILLIE 531 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 78# 650# 994# 14 BW +1.6 EPD WW MILK +44 +27 YW +85 67 70 PRAIRIE PRIDE MILLIE 1053 Cow DOB: 3-07-11 Reg: 17179234 Tattoo: 1053 NICHOLS COMMITMENT M380 NICHOLS STOUT T152 NICHOLS LULA N77 CONNEALY LEAD ON PRAIRIE PRIDE MILLIE 523 PRAIRIE PRIDE MILLIE 1046 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 87# 633# 1065# 68 BW +4.8 EPD WW MILK +51 +24 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 70# 600# 995# YW +105 71 PRAIRIE PRIDE K SINCERE 1089 NICHOLS COMMITMENT M380 NICHOLS STOUT T152 NICHOLS LULA N77 prairie pride copyright PRAIRIE PRIDE K SINCERE 592 RIV SINCERITY KAY 028K BW +5.6 EPD WW MILK +54 +19 bon view NEW DESIGN 878 SIK DESIGN 7259 SIKS ADVANTAGE 17259 PRAIRIE PRIDE COPYRIGHT PRAIRIE PRIDE LASS 6058 PRAIRIE PRIDE LASS 955 Cow DOB: 4-19-11 Reg: 17187155 Tattoo: 1089 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 88# 615# 1028# PRAIRIE PRIDE lass 1109 Cow DOB: 5-03-11 Reg: 17187158 Tattoo: 1109 BW +1.7 EPD WW MILK +44 +23 YW +83 PRAIRIE PRIDE SARATOGA 1002 Cow DOB: 2-07-11 Reg: 17187151 Tattoo: 1002 sydgen CC & 7 hoover dam ERIC OF ELLSTON C124 GAR RETAIL PRODUCT RIVER HILLS SARATOGA U150 RIVER HILLS SARATOGA R546 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 71# 643# 805# YW +112 72 BW +.3 EPD WW MILK +44 +30 YW +75 PRAIRIE PRIDE new lass 1076 Cow DOB: 4-12-11 Reg: 17187153 Tattoo: 1076 sydgen CC & 7 hoover dam ERICA OF ELLSTON C124 LEACHMAN NEW ERA PRAIRIE PRIDE NEW LASS 3094 ANKONY LASS T276 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 75# 606# 910# 73 Nichols Stout T152 69 PRAIRIE PRIDE SINCERETY 1097 Cow DOB: 4-24-11 Reg: 17187162 Tattoo: 1097 EPD WW MILK +47 +25 YW +80 PRAIRIE PRIDE EILEEN 1042 Cow DOB: 3-18-11 Reg: 17182619 Tattoo: 1042 qlc foundation waf lone wolf 904 WAF ESSIE 5102 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 79# 642# 946# PRAIRIE PRIDE COPYRIGHT PRAIRIE PRIDE SINCERETY 687 PRAIRIE PRIDE SINCERETY 082 BW +3.7 EPD WW MILK +41 +23 BC MARATHON 7022 PRAIRIE PRIDE EILEEN 8132 PRAIRIE PRIDE EILEEN 4004 bon View new design 878 sik design 7259 SIKS ADVANTAGE 17259 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 84# 631# 1069# BW +.9 YW +94 15 BW +4.1 EPD WW MILK +51 +16 YW +87 74 78 PRAIRIE PRIDE janet 1087 Cow DOB: 3-25-11 Reg: 17188716 Tattoo: 1087 cra bextor 872 5205 608 TC ABERDEEN 759 TC BLACKBIRD 4034 WOODHILLSUPREME PRAIRIE PRIDE JANET 028 ANKONY JANET 368T IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 82# 609# 867# 75 BW +3.3 EPD WW MILK +44 +31 PRAIRIE PRIDE millie 1101 Cow DOB: 5-05-11 Reg: 17187156 Tattoo: 1101 BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 878 sik design 7259 SIKS ADVANTAGE 17259 WOODHILL CHARGE ON 14 PRAIRIE PRIDE MILLIE 7038 PRAIRIE PRIDE MILLIE 1098 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 79# 609# 960# YW +82 BW +2.4 EPD WW MILK +41 +24 PPA VELVET LADY 1118 Cow DOB: 5-12-11 Reg: 17187159 Tattoo: 1118 BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 878 SIK DESIGN 7259 SIKS ADVANTAGE 17259 R&R dillon 198G 025 PPA VELVET LADY 4122 RONJOS PRAIRIE SKY 7173 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 80# 610# 985# 76 BW +3.6 EPD WW MILK +43 +22 YW +75 PRAIRIE PRIDE millie 1100 Cow DOB: 4-30-11 Reg: 17187161 Tattoo: 1100 BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 878 sik design 7259 SIKS ADVANTAGE 17259 Would you believe the one in the middle is the brand inspector. WOODHILLSUPREME PRAIRIE PRIDE MILLIE 045 PRAIRIE PRIDE MILLIE 382 IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 79# 592# 950# 77 BW +3.2 EPD WW MILK +39 +17 YW +77 PRAIRIE PRIDE millie 1103 Cow DOB: 4-25-11 Reg: 17187160 Tattoo: 1103 BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 878 sik design 7259 SIKS ADVANTAGE 17259 rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 PRAIRIE PRIDE MILLIE 1098 PRAIRIE PRIDE 634 MILLIE IND. PERFORMANCE BW WW YW 78# 587# 968# BW +1.3 EPD WW MILK +32 +23 YW +68 Let’s have a sale! 16 YW +79