11/25/2015 Greensheet - Woodbury Jewish Center
11/25/2015 Greensheet - Woodbury Jewish Center
Mah Jongg PlayersOrder Your 2016 Playing Cards Cost: Standard size card: $8.00 Large size card: $9.00 Return the coupon below with your check payable to: Woodbury Jewish Center Sisterhood Mail to: Susan Schuster, 43 Bucknell Drive, Plainview, NY 11803 Deadline: January 25, 2016 Questions?? Call 516-367-8708 ----------------------------------Name:_______________________________ Address:________________________________________ # of Cards: ____x $8.00 = $________ ____x $9.00 = $________ **Note: If you are ordering for more than one person please provide all names and addresses on a separate sheet of paper. (cards will be mailed directly to each person by the end of March) YAHRZEIT ANNOUNCEMENT FROM OUR RABBI AND RITUAL COMMITTEE Rabbi Tow will be announcing the names of all loved ones whose Yahrzeit (Jewish date of death) occurs during the week to come. This will take place before the Mourner’s Kaddish prayer is recited each Friday evening and Sabbath morning. We encourage all family members who are commemorating a Yahrzeit to make an extra effort to attend Shabbat Services at least once either Friday night or Saturday morning to hear their loved one’s name recalled in our memorial prayer. THE WOODBURY JEWISH CENTER 200 SOUTH WOODS ROAD WOODBURY, NY 11797 Join with us for Woodbury Jewish Center ’s Annual Chanukah Celebration Wednesday, December 9th at 5:45pm We’ll Light the Chanukah Candles Enjoy Lots of Fun , Food , and Games for All Ages Many thanks to: Regal Caterers Victor Hatami and Great Neck Games & Productions THE WOODBURY JEWISH CENTER 200 SOUTH WOODS ROAD WOODBURY, NY 11797 Phone: (516)496-9100 Fax: (516)496-9245 Rabbi Neil A. Tow Cantor Aaron Cohen Jeffrey Fachler, President Rabbi Emeritus: Arthur D. Rulnick web site: www.thewjc.org e-mail: [email protected] Sisterhood Judaica/Gift Shop Do you need Kippot, or Head Coverings Please contact for an appointment: Cindy Matte by e-mail at: [email protected] TWO – WEEK SERVICE SCHEDULE WJC Senior Group– SAGE Join us for our next meeting on Thursday, December 10, 2015, at 10:30 am in the WJC Kiddush Room Our program will feature our own, Rabbi Neil Tow who will present “Behind The Scenes: The Chanukah Story” Latkes & Sufganiyot will be served Roberta Weinstein-Cohen, SAGE Director WJC’s Successful Food Drive is ONGOING Remember, the need continues Please drop off non-perishable 26 food items at the synagogue and (no glass jars please) place in the collection boxes in Cantor Cohen by e-mail at: [email protected] Thurs., Nov. 26 Minyan- Thanksgiving Day Fri., Nov. 27 Minyan Candle lighting Shabbat Evening Service Sat., Nov. 28 Shabbat Morning Service Sun., Nov. 29 Minyan Mon., Nov. 30 Evening Minyan Wed., Dec. 2 Evening Minyan Thurs., Dec. 3 Minyan Fri., Dec. 4 Minyan Candle lighting Shabbat Evening Service Sat., Dec. 5 Shabbat Morning Service Bat Mitzvah of Sophie Weissman, daughter of Ian Weissman and Diane Weissman Family Service Sun., Dec. 6 Minyan Chanukah Begins at sundown, light 1st Chanukah Candle Mon., Dec. 7 Minyan Wed., Dec. 9 Evening Minyan Thurs., Dec. 10 Minyan Fri., Dec. 11 Minyan Candle lighting Shabbat Evening Service Sat., Dec. 12 Shabbat Morning Service Family Service 9:00am 7:00am 4:10pm 6:30pm 9:00am 9:00am 7:30pm 7:30pm 6:15am 7:00am 4:08pm 6:30pm 9:00am 10:00am 9:00am 7:00am 7:30pm 6:15am 7:00am 4:08pm 6:30pm 9:00am 10:00am The congregation extends sincere condolences to: Akiva Shmuelov and Mimi Kaplan on the loss of their beloved father, Samuel Shmuelov Mark Heyligers on the loss of his beloved mother, Selma Heyligers the school wing Ushering Schedule Dec. 5 Wendy & Michael Levitt Erika & Jason Flicker
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