Ziton migration path brochure
Ziton migration path brochure
The only Ziton migration path EST3 is the most affordable way to migrate your existing Ziton technology to a world-leading fire and life safety system. S E S T e e w h a t 's B R A N D p o s s ib le L I F E . . . n o w S A F E T Y & C O M M U N I C A T I O N S Eliminate 80% of the initial outlay cost of moving to a new fire system No need to replace cabling No need to replace Ziton field devices Ability to migrate to Signature detectors over time and as your budget allows Ziton AS2 migration to an EST3 system Your existing Ziton AS2 system is easily upgraded IR Graphics Event Management Software Ziton AS2 Panel 1 Change the AS2 panel to a world-leading EST3 FireWorks Event Management Software EST3 Panel 127 devices per Ziton loop 127 devices per Ziton loop Conventional detector circuit 127 devices per Ziton loop Don’t discard your existing investment in Ziton. Now you can easily and economically upgrade your aging Ziton technology to a worldleading EST3 fire and life safety system. EST3 is now compatible with Ziton field devices so that you can upgrade your panels without replacing all of your detectors, manual call points, and I/O modules. Depending on the configuration, you could save up to 80% of the cost of purchasing and installing a completely new system. And with your new EST3 system, you can replace Ziton detectors with Signature detectors over time and benefit from the latest technology. Signature detectors can significantly reduce your false alarm rates and provide a lower cost of service and maintenance. Our non-proprietary Strategic Partner Program will ensure you can confidently choose from a range of trained and certified EST system installers within your geographic region. FireWorks Event Management Software No need to replace cabling No need to replace all of your field devices including detectors, manual call points or I/O modules 250 devices per Signature loop Conventional detector circuit 127 devices per Ziton loop 127 devices per Ziton loop Existing EWIS connection System advantages Migration cost advantages EST3 Panel Conventional detector circuit Existing EWIS connection Existing EWIS connection Protect your investment. 2 Reduce false alarms and maintenance costs with Signature detectors System advantages Migration cost advantages Greater scalability: up to 64 panels and 10 loops per panel Ability to migrate to Signature devices over time and as your budget allows False alarm reduction as Signature detectors introduced Global proven product, modern technology Replace a single loop at a time Distributed intelligence provides faster alarm response times No need to change cabling Modular flexible ‘plug in’ hardware platform Wider range of devices for your system Replace as devices need changing, or for system expansion or refurbishment Remote fault diagnostics and easy trouble shooting for maintenance Panel firmware upgradable via PC software FireWorks event management software with graphical map interface Greater capacity per loop (from 127 to 250 devices) Product Comparison Edwards Fire Solutions National Sales Enquiries 1300 361 479 Head Office Victoria 271-273 Wellington Road Mulgrave Vic 3170 T 61 3 9239 1200 F 61 3 9239 1299 ABN 84 086 771 404 © All Rights Reserved Features Existing Ziton AS2 system EST3 with Ziton devices EST3 with Signature devices Networking capacity 20 Nodes 64 Nodes 64 Nodes Loops per panel 8 per processor 10 per processor 10 per processor Devices per loop 127 127 250 Addressable devices per system 20,320 81,280 160,000 False alarm reduction No No Yes Networking distance 30km 90km 90km Fibre optic module Yes Yes Yes Complies with AS7240 No Yes Yes Integrated audio No Yes Yes Management software with graphical maps Basic Advanced Advanced HLI to UTC EWIS system Yes Yes Yes AS1668 fan controls Yes Yes Yes Modular cabinet design No Yes Yes LCD character display size 80 characters 168 characters 168 characters Detector mapping No No Yes Panel firmware update via PC software No Yes Yes Detector firmware updates through panel network No No Yes Remote detector diagnostics No Basic Advanced CCTV integration No Yes Yes Distributed intelligence detectors No No Yes Access control integration No Yes Yes The future of your fire and life safety system is EST. In 1872, when Robert Edwards installed the world’s first electric fire alarm bell in a New York City church, he began a tradition of innovation that would chart the course of building safety and security for the next 130 years. Today, the Edwards Systems Technology (EST) brand is a world leader in innovative life safety solutions for commercial, institutional and industrial applications with an extensive product range. Global technology - local standards. ZITON_UPGRD-BR-110321-2